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Pyroclasm is back in Standard edition


The Week That Was: Where Dreams Become Reality

Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


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If you could reprint any card into Standard, what would you pick?
>If you could reprint any card into Standard, what would you pick?
Lich's Mastery
Mana Crypt
Though I don't care for Standard. I want it for Pioneer.
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>according to edhrec, an edh aggregate site, there was approximately $198m in docksides, crypts, and lotus in decks they've accumulated
>even if you assume 3/4ths of the decks aren't actually real, that's still $50m in player equity that is erased from existence
>this does not count players who never uploaded their decks anywhere or to where edhrec wouldn't grab it
>this also doesn't the vendor equity lost on both singles and sealed
Is this the biggest financial hit of any card game ever?
Lmao even
Assuming even 1/4 of decks on edhrec were actually built in paper seems like a stretch in of itself
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*is a 5-of in every deck playing forests forever*
EDHrec is actually at least somewhat rigorous about which decks it takes into its database. It's probably closer, I'd estimate, to 1/16th or 1/10th of their lists have paper counterparts.

That's still ~15-20mn dollars. Deleted.
I like that you don't even need to do anything to get this shit into the yard.
You can literally just accidentally vomit three copies of it into the 'yard for ANY. REASON. and POOF it's a free 9/9.

>graveyard, hand, and/or library
>onto the battlefield
>no cost, they just have to get into your 'yard by any means at all

>"We did not playtest the final version of Altanak."
>were actually built in paper
Have you not seen the fucking suitcases people use to carry around their EDH decks and "EDH Cube". These motherfuckers are carrying around a hundred grand in untraceable product. Is it so hard to believe that people this (stupidly) dedicated to this game have some huge overlap with the people who would bother to post their shit online?

Criminals fucking rob players attending Magic events. It's quite possible this is one of the unspoken reasons why big open events don't happen anymore because nobody can make a fucking profit if they had to provide the necessary security to screen the venue for attendees only.
It's like Dread Return, except you don't even have to get creatures on the battlefield to play it!
i like that altanak can just be anywhere and you can find him
its not like the heralds from alara where the godsire has to be in your deck, alty can come back from the yard or your library or your frickin hand and thats epic so even if you channeled him or drew him it still works
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>i like that altanak can just be anywhere and you can find him
My favorite part is how Altanak has a VERY good "Channel" ability meaning that if you do draw him early, you don't get any hurt fee fees for having a 7-mana dude sitting in your hand.
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Why yes, I do start the game at 27 life with double Glorious Anthem out.
Why yes, that is a 1-mana 3/3 lifelink+vigilance that shits out a 6/6 angel every turn.
Why yes, I am based. How could you tell?
If you're looking for a budget Standard deck with a bunch of upgrade potential, consider Boros Toys
I just threw a list together in like 2 minutes and this shit has 4 Rares and 4 Mythics, all of which could easily be cut, and of course there's plenty of opportunity to jam more expensive removal and shit in there.
>1,227 videos
>Pretends to throw into the trash 13 cards worth approximately $1000 not taking into account whatever the promo price is
Kinda makes the point doesn't it that this is obviously the sort of guy who'd post their lists online given they also think their stupid meaningless gesture of throwing the card into the trash has any value besides shitting up the Internet for eternity.
Anyone experienced with buying fake cards in Europe around? I've been wanting to play irl but fuck playing 20-30 euros per copy of some shit
I heard makeplayingcards does ship here but that it takes ages. Can anyone confirm or give an alternative?
I've bought fake cards before for other games on etsy, but none of the sellers fo mtg
>why yes I’m going to put 4 copies of at least 3 unplayable life gain cards into my deck only for my entire game plan to fold to a single removal spell
Let us know how it goes, anon. Really rooting for you
Does Etrata work with Manifest?
>curves knight of dusk's shadow into rampaging ferocichad
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Mana Crypt. Then "emergency" ban it after a two weeks.
I think so, she very specifically says "face-down creatures"
the two sets were printed in the same year so i imagine so, yea
>you don't even need to do anything to get this shit into the yard
I generally agree with your sentiment but I do feel like it's actually difficult to self-mill enough of your deck to put 3 of this into the yard. If you draw one of these copies you have to spend T2 casting a spell that amounts to cycling at Sorcery for 2, which more or less is the equivalent to slitting your wrists in any recent format where you will bleed out on T4 with maybe a stupid 9/9 that needs two more turns to kill your opponent at which point they will certainly have killed you.

Yes Dredge, but I suspect that formats where Dredge goes hard enough to do what Altanak wants to do has long not been something Wizards cares about or tests.
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I'm shocked both by how not awful it is, and also how little mono white life gain there is in Pioneer.

Turns out starting with double Glorious Anthem is pretty fucking great though.
reminder: all magic the gathering is played with a single unified rule set
incoming instant WUBRG "the next creature spell you cast is your commander" accompanied by printing all the commander cards into modern
>I generally agree with your sentiment but I do feel like it's actually difficult to self-mill enough of your deck to put 3 of this into the yard.
So what?
They're all perfectly playable cards on their own, it's not like you're sacrificing much to ge random lottery high rolls of a FREE 9/9
>They're all perfectly playable cards on their own
Listen man, if you think it's so easy produce a decklist in Standard, Pioneer, or Modern. You're on a T4 Goldfish and you're casting Mulch on T2.
>He posts this in a thread with a list going 5-0 with these cards included
I need cool blue Water monsters.
Sure, living the dream is cool and maybe it’ll win half the games it happens in, but what are the odds of having 3 specific nonlands in your opening hand? Id be shocked if it wasn’t significantly less than 1%. Then, your master plan is to… play a 3/3?
Post 5-0 mtgo league proof or gtfo
I mean bro your plan is to dump 3 cards into a 3/3 that can be killed by a number of 1-cmc removal spells
What you actually want is probably Dark Depths, Kiora Bests the Sea God, or (sigh) Sharknado
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r8 my deck for modern. idk I played historic on arena with the nerfed ocelot and still made it to top tier. the Japanese text creature is leonin vanguard
I would recommend getting solitude
Rhystic Study
that's a water monster, if you squint
Sorry thought I was in /edhg/
Jace the Mind Sculptor
what makes solitude good? I looked it up and it seems mid for a 5 cost removal. my deck is focused more around building up counters either on cats or life gain instances on the spirit guy.
>I looked it up and it seems mid for a 5 cost removal.
it doesn't cost 5 mana
it costs 0 mana + another white card, something your deck has a lot of
inb4 "oh but that's two cards" getting shit for 0 mana in this game is really, really good
>No card with "while ~ is in your graveyard it counts as if it was named "Say its name""
Literal shit and a trap of a card. Good luck getting 3 copies of this in your graveyard when it could be impactiful.
Eddymurk Crab
That's not really a monster it's just a regular sized giant crab that happens to be extra antagonistic
>Try to build deck in standard
>All the dual lands i want are sold out everywhere
>Every other card no matter the rarity is plentiful

Why does this happen no matter the set?
Retards and investors buy out duals and rare lands before anything else in sets, even if they aren't using them they hold on the lands until rotation.
>If you could reprint any card into Standard, what would you pick?
Jace, the mind sculptor
This looks absurd.
>fills the yard
>pick whatever card you need from the yard
>can reanimate a 9/9 trampler that draws for free
Yugioh player here, just found out about Bloomburrow cards, how would I go about making a deck? I know your cards get phased out but I should no have problems using the cards for like 2 years right?
>how would I go about making a deck?
look up standard bloomburrow decks, I recommend lizards or rabbits but frogs and bats are cool too
>I know your cards get phased out but I should no have problems using the cards for like 2 years right?
yeah, bloomburrow came out like 2 months ago, it's going to be standard legal until late 2027
you can find more info about standard sets here https://whatsinstandard.com/
tutor and cheat, too. Just in case reanimating wasn't enough.
I thought the fox mage looked cool, so I was gonna look into buying this and playing that deck.
what the fuck is this
Yeah never fucking mind, it's $400. Jesus.
What are the girlboss/diversity planeswalkers they keep trying to push that no one likes?
>The Unknown Event is a regular surprise event run during MagicCons and hosted by Gavin Verhey.[1] Each event has a unique theme and set up with a few recurring elements.
>Decks are constructed using a unique chaos sealed deck that includes packs from the latest set release but may also include non-draft booster packs (e.g. Set Boosters), Mystery Booster boosters, and/or boosters from other sets. All card pools also include a selection of playtest cards designed specifically for the Unknown Event.[2]
>Players use a "rolling pairing" system to reduce waiting times. Player pairings occur on an ad hoc basis as players approach the judge after deck construction, after a round, or after they've taken a break.[2] By pairing players as they are ready to play, attendees are free to move between convention events and the Unknown Event. Each event consists of three rounds.
>The event is run twice during the MagicCon (one event per day over two days) with the Saturday event usually run in support of a charity.

if you're not going to magiccon, don't worry about it
It's also not Standard legal, it's a reprint of this with no legality changes.
The wanderer
Moreso kaya and wanderer but since Vivian is coming back she’s on the list. I don’t know of anyone (shills don’t count as people) who actually likes any one of them
If you have to ask you need to lurk moar
Yeah he's cool, but the fox guy is cooler. If I can play the human, why would people give me shit for playing the fox? Just legality reasons?
The human also isnt legal is what he didnt explain so well in that post.
The other two are valid but the Wanderer is pretty popular.
So what are planeswalkers that people liked that they got rid of?
>Building new black-green delirium bug deck for duskmourn
>Need one dual land
>Its markov manor
>Check, didnt buy many boosters for it at all
>Have every dual land but the one i need
>Minimum £10 each online

Most people won't care if you use the fox version or not, just letting you know before you try building a deck with Jace The Mind Sculptor in it. It's not legal to use in Standard, if you were looking at building a deck for Standard. Its reprint didn't make it Standard legal again.
Moral of the story kids: is a set coming out even if you dont like it? buy 4 of every colour pie dual land you play and sit on it. Don't want to be running black nowadays and not owning the dross pits and the usual bullshit.
>Watching video for Arena of guy playing some deck he made
>Unlock door
This is some Unstable shit right here isn't it?
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Standard is such a silly format now
Yugioh doesn't have formats so there's no real analogy I can pull here so it has to be explained the long way.
Standard, which is where most newfags end up, is only sets within the last 3 years. Bloomburrow is a part of this and will be until 2027.
Modern and Pioneer both start at a fixed point (2003 and 2012 respectively) and go up to the latest set.
Legacy is Yugioh, every card from set 1 is legal except for the limited and forbidden list.
There are others and caveats here but you can worry about them later.

To get more sales, wizards started making bonus sheets in standard legal sets with non-Standard legal cards as a bonus incentive for pack cracking, Jace The Mind Sculptor is one of them, being a card printed in 2010, he is not legal in Standard, even though you can pull him from a standard pack if you're super lucky.
>people actually like wanderer
News to me. Is it cause there’s a cute anime card of her?
Wanderer is cool and people like her, even though she really is the most quintessential bullshit girlboss.
Kaya is entertaining if you squint, you have to understand that she's woke Shaft, she's there to hog spotlight and to be a dick on a meta level.
Niko also goes here, "they" aren't the worst but they're the most forced.
good luck putting 3 copies of it in your grave before turn 4 (after that it is not good)
No its just adventures but you can't cheat in the effect for free.
Worst mechanic MtG tried to create and failed?
bros the stormsplitter list is so fucking fun
I'm a casual player are none basic lands that big a deal?
command- I mean companion
>plays 100 otters in one turn and you fucking die
suffer suffer suffer suffer
It's like eating a healthy diet vs eating like an absolute fucking slob who consooms fast food 4 times a day. Sure, you'll live, but it's going to be way worse for you and you'll be miserable
Yes. They could add some mechanic your strategy values e.g a dual land that lets you surveil or scry lets you know if you are about to start setting up your combo and need a counter-counter ready.

Or in some cases just add an alternative win condition in slow formats. E.g Mirrex was really big multiple sets after its release because it gens a colourless mana and can be used to make a phyrexian mite token creature that can inflict toxic as well as being a cheap oh shit blocker.

Theres some like the legendary kamigawa lands that will be around till they rotate out but the dual lands tend to just fit what the color meta is. Right now the Karlov Manor and Eldraine ones are very good but on release people thought they were dogshit.
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She's a cute girl in 2024 that's also a samurai from one of the best recent sets, nta but first time I see someone not liking her
They're a big deal. Consistency in mana is one of the most important things in this game because if you need to cast R on T1 and RB on T2, only having basics can make that very painful.
post it
A face-down creature doesn't care how it was turned face down to qualify as a face-down creature, so yes.
I can't really think of any. Jace isn't a face character for Foundations but he's still clearly a major character. Garruk, I guess? People liked Gideon but they only 'got rid of him' by killing him, Garruk just sort of stopped showing up.
this is my izzet control deck and I'm on like a 75% winrate so far

>4 Torch the Tower
>3 Fires of Victory
>3 Pyroclasm
>2 Abrade
>2 Brotherhood's End
>3 Temporal Firestorm
>4 Negate
>2 Long River's Pull
>4 Roaring Furnace // Steaming Sauna
>3 Central Elevator // Promising Stairs
>1 Bottomless Pool // Locker Room
>1 Meat Locker // Drowned Diner
>1 Painter's Studio // Defaced Gallery
>1 Glassworks // Shattered Yard
>1 Charred Foyer // Warped Space
>25 lands

Been debating what other cards are ever worth using in this meta. Fires of victory and roaring furnace usually mean I'm not desperate for a scorching shot to kill sheoldred / etc but I do have some weakness to decks popping out a 20/20 lumra, I wonder if its worth using blue removal auras like the new Unable to Scream, what should I cut
Vivien is just really hard to have any actual opinions on because WotC adamantly refuses to give her any sort of actual characterisation or personality, or even use her at all.
*popular among mexicans
She's just
>teehee look at me
>oops, did I planeswalk away? teehee how silly of me
>I have amnesia uwu
>oops, did I just randomly planeswalk into this dangerous situation and marysue my way out of it? teehee how silly of me
>uwu no ways am I actually teh queen
such a non-character whose entire personality is built around NOT being in the story, yet she's been in the story pretty consistently
More like a 2% winrate lmao.
For investor faggots, for players who like to have boxes under $100 this is a victory.

They only got away with it for as long as they did because wizards knew short printing would sell boxes and they could say the its the RC's job to regulate the format not theirs.
Those cards should have only been $20 a pop if they had not been intentionally manipulating it and actually printing to match demand.
You also need to understand how modern design favors multiplayer, the most game-warpingly powerful cards tend to (usually, lol) be spread out between the five colors, and the decks that run 3 colors with all the goodstuff in those colors tend to overpower single-colored decks.
>you need 75 game pieces to play the game
>some game pieces being over $100 is okay
I see
>tfw I hit you in the face with 150 otters on turn 5
I don't think she ever had amnesia?
You don't need to do that, you just play your game and if it happens it happens.
I have 30 pieces of interaction in my deck, I'm racking up wins like a champ
I doubt it.
I cannot stress to you guys enough, stormsplitter is going to be banned within 30 days, play it now while it's still fun
Read it again, shitskin.
You know what? No, I won't read it again. Fuck you
>verification not required
Paper niggs whats the colour balance looking like in your area? personally i've noticed since Phyrexia it feels like the game is a Yin/Yang of White and Black and then people just pick which colour to run with those e.g red-white equipment or green-black insects but multi colour decks -outside commander of course- using anything but white or black as one of its colors has gotten increasingly rare.

Time was everyone always ran red with blue for example but i just dont see it as much as red white anymore.
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Better than
>tee hee I teleport behind white man
>heh nothing personnel
>I wuz a noble before
fuck I meant multicolor.
Multiplayer (noncommander cards designed for commander) is a different issue.
That's better than 99% of wizards writing
Except she's a cute girl instead of a random ogre looking monstrosity
What enables this anyways?
What got added that makes it good?
Same. You pick White or Black and then your secondary support color nowadays. Are you a white tokenigger or a black graveyardnigger.
>opponent turn 1 leyline mountain scamp
>me turn 1 torch the tower their scamp

Believe it.
>plays another Broodspinner.
haha im da kind of da bugs!
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Mostly it's say its name, it's so fucking good
say its name is gonna get banned, the card is gonna be fucking retarded in every format
Seems fine in commander
Actually I lied, it's enduring vitality, the haste otters tapping for mana is really what makes it work
Arena is not /tg/.
Kill self
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Excuse me you were saying
Any Legacy enjoyers here? Just getting back into the meta after two years. Seems like reanimator merged with blue tempo to become a purer form of cancer? Wondering if any of you play DnT/MonoW.
everything about the deck is trash

I can win with less graveyard setup by just casting turn 3 squirming emergence for rakdos joins up into etali/gishath and win on the spot. You've got just a linear combo with pieces that can be easily interacted with
yeah, no
>worse vintage
no thanks
I'm 20 wins in a row, anon, you can claim it's bad but the results speak for themselves
Yes, mostly to improve your chance of having the mana colors you need. Some lands like this have other uses like killing your opponent's creature lands.
My favorite Boshnroll video is him trying pauper (actual skill testing format instead of lucksack vinty), being given a dogshit list, not fixing it, then getting his head caved in, cope it is because the list was shit just to get an okay list and missplay into a 2-3/1-4 finish kek.
If you can't 5-0 in pauper you are basically a shitter.
you can't play 2+ color decks without nonbasic lands because you'll get screwed on colors too often otherwise
only monocolor decks can get away with high basic counts and they still want some utility lands
I like kaya on a meta level because some fat bitch gaslit wotc into putting her self insert into the game.
I'd say that's less a "fat bitch did a cool thing" thing and more of a "wotc did a suyboy cuck thing" thing
I see your reasoning. I disagree, but I understand the thought process
Didn't say it was cool, she is cringe as fuck, but I just respect the grift and hustle, i would've done the same.
>if you can't 5-0 a pauper league you suck at magic
hard fucking disagree. I'm not going to spent a thousand plus hours to master a meme format like those grinders have. Does that make me bad? No
>I am not going to spend hours becoming good at something!
>That doesn't mean I am bad tho!!
I am the best formula 1 driver in the world according to your logic lol
Is this really what magic has come to

30 removal spells vs 30x 1 drops?
what even this set meant to be? it's like they had 7 different ideas for sets and mashed them all into this mess. if they wanted to do the moth cult/house of leaves set they should have done that. if they wanted the analog horror/creepypasta/stranger things set they should of done that (if they had to at all). if they wanted the 80s horror pastiche they should have done that. if it was just a set based around the Moth and the strange house, it might be yet another lovecraftian or gothic MTG set but it could also have been great. instead it's just garbage
>Instant admission of being a shitter
Red is to efficient to not either play, or play 30 removal spells so you don't die to it.

You either win the coinflip in the RvR mirror, or pray they don't have more threats than you draw removal.
Limited wise it feels like they wanted to emulate kamigawa but failed
>I am the best formula 1 driver in the world
my logic does not track that lmao. You're a fucking idiot. Pauper is completely different than any other format. How many pauper grinders have ever gotten onto the pro tour that already weren't there?
Literally zero.
20 wins in a row?
fucking low mmr casual?
I'm actually a high mmr mythic slugger, so do with that what you will
Arena bo1 is not /tg/ and it is not Magic.
Then why are you posting screenshots of casual?
In terms of what, mechanics? I'm talking mainly about the theme and flavor. With Kamigawa you can just say "japan" "cyberpunk Japan" and that's the theme. How would you even summarize the concept of Duskmourn lol
im gay
im gay
>I watched a few horror movies and now I'm an expert on all things scary
>believe me, please!
Duskmourn is
>We wanted to make a kino horror themed set but we're a bunch of out of touch dumb boomers so we had to default to the 80s because it's the last time we were happy
>So here's your "horror" but it's actually stranger things set bro
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tfw standard
I have no idea how you're winning with this trash I've lost every game
It's so fucking slow and clunky, not enough early power and not enough late game power, it's basically praying for a miracle
I don't understand, what's in the sideboard?
>it's like they had 7 different ideas for sets and mashed them all into this mess
That's pretty much what it is. Duskmourn has no identity of its own. It's just an amalgamated mass of pop culture horror references.
It's just a combo deck, anon, you ignore interaction and let them do their thing and then you win explosively in one turn. It's not complex in the slightest.
>decklistfag says "25 lands" as though the information about the manabase is useless
>what's in the sideboard
holy shit you're dumb for assuming he's got a sideboard, and the other anon is dumb for playing bo1
more like DuskBoren lmfao

pls no bully

Also vintage dredge looks like a cheap and good deck, anyone grind that?
I think that the writers and artists of the past could have done all of these things in one set and made it look good.
>you ignore interaction
... In a format where you fucking lose turn 2 and theres an unholy amount of removal?
And then you have to hit a good stride with the otter mana
Trust me, try it. You'll see. You have theory, I have practice.
You have a different board you need to go back to
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I'm literally better at the game than you, so I'll stay.
i literally invented the game stfu
I guarantee Garfield fucking sucks at MTG
I am fucking trying it, what part of "Ive lost every game" did you not read
I either die before I even have a chance or I die late on turn 6 or 7 because even late decks go online fast this format
My one win was due to sacking the shit out of someone with say its name
Maybe you're just keeping bad hands, anon, I dunno. I'm winning almost every single game I play with this deck. Are you used to playing combo decks?
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Are you... are you a drug addict? What is wrong with you? People are just trying to discuss the game after the release of a new set.
>he fell for it
I hope you didn't blow wildcards on that shit lmao
Nta but you must be retarded
I haven't even played the deck bur you obviously just go t3 enduring vitality, untap t4 otter cantrip cantrip and you're already infinite, though you go lethal at LMAO storm 5
Thank you jesus fucking christ. I don't know how anyone who's played this game for more than a year couldn't get how retarded this deck is
>turn 3 enduring
Again, in meta where you die turn 2 and/or theyll handrip key pieces?
In a meta where the over abundance of aggro means everyone gonna have 20 pieces of early removal?
Enlighten me then, for what a I supposed to be mulliganing for, what do I want early?
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>think about getting back into legacy
>r prison rotated the entire threat package + chalices
jesus fucking christ i swear to god legacy is about as bad as modern if you play stompy or blue decks. i should've just bought into lands back when mox diamonds were ~$100
>In a meta where the over abundance of aggro means everyone gonna have 20 pieces of early removal
I don't care about removal, because it sticks as an enchantment
>Enlighten me then, for what a I supposed to be mulliganing for, what do I want early?
Try to keep Say Its Name/Cache Grab if you don't have your combo pieces, easy. It's a braindead deck and I PROMISE it's going to be gutted within a month.
I mean, you're right, it does sorta die to discard, but so does every other deck, and say its name mitigates that significantly.
leyline of hope gives me hope that soul sisters could be back
not big on the other cards but i guess speaker could be neat too
Not if its exiled, but thats what Im doing, so far I keep losing because even if I get the turn 3 deer it either gets exiled, bounced back or they rip a key card like the otters
And yes I actually mostly play izzet believe it or not, I cant tell if im being gaslit or Ive been insanely unlucky
I promise I'm not messing with you anon, I think you're just getting unlucky. It's a really consistent really strong combo.

etc etc
>leyline of hope gives me hope that soul sisters could be back
As far as I can tell, the Special Guest slots have reprinted Soul Warden into Pioneer.
My niglodi

you are playing a 2 card combo deck that loses to removal, loses to aggro running over it, has deck building restrictions, can't win before turn 5
you NEED to have ways to tutor out your combo pieces or else you simply lack one or both of your two cards. Anyone who has ever played a 2 card combo deck already knows this. You don't have the benefit of redundancy and interchangeable pieces like better combos have. And at best the only tutor is analyze the pollen AFTER a 2 mana do-nothing durdle spell just to enable pollen

There's a better combo deck in standard right now, Vesuvan Duplimancy + Outcaster Trailblazer. It can combo off through mass creature removal, it can store its piece in with a plot cast paid the turn before. It can find its combo pieces with pillage the bog + insatiable avarice.
and the only thing that really holds it back is the prevalence of Get Lost, since instant speed enchantment removal can fizzle it. But enchantment removal also gets rid of your glimmer on its 2nd life so that's not a great selling point either
Play it, anon, see how it goes. Trust me, maybe. I have your best interests at heart.
i'd say they're kind of a big deal.
Mana consistency and easier multicoloring, but at the cost of health points(for fetchlands and shocklands), speed(all multicolors that etb tapped), or being vulnerable to nonbasic land hate like Blood Moon and Wasteland (older cards not in Standard but i can see something less powerful with the same anti-nonbasic design happen soon)
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I cannot stress enough I'm like 36/40 so far with this retarded stormsplitter deck, sure it's a retarded BO1 arena deck, but I want you guys to have fun too.
>I cannot stress enough I'm like 36/40 so far with this retarded stormsplitter deck, sure it's a retarded BO1 arena deck, but I want you guys to have fun too.
Bo1 is not MTG and not /tg/.
Best of one standard constructed is the direct definition of real magic, closely shadowed by best of one vintage.
Most people playing normally just rotate to a completely different deck after a match rather than gay sideboard shit.
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Is this true?
Never have I seen a mane cope and seethe this much.
Let me check, whats the multiverse ID # of that card
>to efficient to not either play, or play 30 removal spells so you don't die to it.
is this just darksteel all over again?
I never ended games of darksteel with 25 cards in hand and 5 enchantments on the battlefield
stop fucking posting this retard
Balanced by other cards like Vault accruing value.
make a sideboard for it and play it in bo3 matches
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>Balanced by other cards like Vault accruing value.

>"Shiiiit bro we got BURNED!"
>"Yeah man, I'm holding all these heavy bags. That shit cost me thousands!"
>"It cost me tens of thousands!"
>"So anyways, now that we lost all our money, I heard about this new speculative asset, have you heard of Mana Vault?"
These people are fucking UNFATHOMABLE retards.
right, usually affinity vomited the hand directly onto the table and its all artifacts
sorry for forgetting the history of the game
>playing a playset of not so good cards for that chance of sometimes them being good
>Killing a ghost council that never leaves the chambers that makes them invincible (remember that Ravnica was full of ghosts and for the inhabitants of the plane "killing" them was not impossible)(and even so the ghost council was feared by all...)
>Killing a god made of the same fabric as a the meta plane it is on, said gods were stated to be invincible against everything except weapons specially designed to kill them or by losing believers or by multiversal things that could destroy the fabric of reality
>Attempt to kill a "the thing" copy, fail
>Attempt to kill vampires, not part of her abilities but succeed
What a shit written character. The only good time she was used was in Conspiracy 2 where she killed Brago, every other time she appeared she was a forced character.
The Symbol of the absolute shit state of modern mtg.
>just pulled out a pen and paper to help be build my deck
Is this what it was like back in the ancient times? Shit, man

back in the day you just had a three foot long cardboard box that you carried around with you everywhere and which contained your entire collection
I leant a pen to a guy at prerelease so he could math out his mana base, that's just how it is when you're decent at the game (I stress, decent, once you're good it's all based on vibes)
>back in the day you just had a three foot long cardboard box that you carried around with you everywhere and which contained your entire collection
For me?
It was the 3 foot long cardboard box wrapped in three layers of duct tape for EXTRA protection.
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one of the crc members had a meltie over not being consulted about the recent bans or something and he resigned as a result.
if this is the kind of shitshow that happens after a crc banning, why not just hand over the format to wizards? apparently these guys were getting doxxed and threatened cuz a bunch of mana crypt hoarding goblins got mad
>if this is the kind of shitshow that happens after a crc banning, why not just hand over the format to wizards?
WotC enjoys keeping legal distance from the CRC as it protects them from lawsuits for shit like, you know
Pump'n'dumping an asset in premium products, then further dumping your last remaining stock of that asset in a super speshul Mystery Buster 2 promotion, immediately prior to banning the chase cards.
mtg cards aren't a security and wizards already does this shit with their other formats. Fury went from $50 to $10 literally overnight as a result of the bans.
The EDH RC delegitimized themselves when they put a woman on the group
I can't help but laugh at the guys protesting against the stormsplitter deck because it's splinter twin in standard and that's STILL not good enough
>Pump'n'dumping an asset in premium products, then further dumping your last remaining stock of that asset [...] immediately prior to banning the chase cards.

Sorry, are we talking about EDH or Modern/Legacy?
>$50m in player equity
>investing in cardboard
I sure hope you guys don't actually do this, just proxy the expensive cards.
>Major card sellers taking Jeweled Lotus and others off their buylist weeks before the ban announcement.

This kind of insider bullshit would get people thrown in jail if it were stocks.

Actually, any lawyers here (real lawyers, not youtube lawyers) want to start up a class action lawsuit against wizards and the commander committee for all the money people lost due to all the shady dealings? I mean the bans were being talked about with wizards for a year, apparently, but delayed at wizards' command so wizards could squeeze more money out of printing those cards before the ban hit. That basically amounts to intentionally screwing people out of money. It may not be criminal, but I feel like there's definitely some civil liability there

And even if you lose the case, you could subpoena all the communications that happened between the rules committee and wizards over the past year, and make them public. That'd be an amazing thing for us all to see
That's an amazing point. Discovery would be devastating.
In GR with a combo that needs you to stick two permanents on two turns at sorcery speed? and dies to any exile effect?

As said the real splinter twin of standard is
>Turn 1 removal/dig
>Turn 2 removal/dig
>Turn 3 plot trailblazer
>Turn 4 vesuvan duplimancy, cast spells, win (or keep holding to turn 5+ to protect it from instant speed interaction)

You don't lose to a single bargained torch the tower lmao
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Were Phyrexians a cool monster type?
Trading hobby items like cards is generally not regulated by specific laws.However, if you're involved in large-scale transactions or selling items that are considered securities (e.g., rare cards with a high market value), you might need to comply with certain financial regulations.
Insider trading is a serious offense, regardless of the item being traded. It involves using non-public information about a company to profit from buying or selling its securities. Even if you're trading hobby items that aren't securities, if you have non-public information that could significantly affect their value (e.g., a rare card being featured in a popular TV show), using that information for personal gain could be considered insider trading.
Key points to remember:
Small-scale trading: Typically, trading hobby items as a casual collector is not subject to specific regulations.
Large-scale transactions: If you're dealing with large sums of money or rare items, you might need to consider tax implications and other financial regulations.
Insider trading: Avoid using non-public information to profit from trading hobby items. This can lead to legal consequences.
If you're unsure about the specific regulations that apply to your trading activities, it's always a good idea to consult with a legal professional. They can provide tailored advice based on your circumstances.

Everyone can be a lawyer these days, anon.
archon of cruelty at home
FUCK no. The best Phyrexians are Minions, Horrors or just colorless Artifacts.
60 format chads seem more reasonable when it comes to losing money. Like I don't think anyone was mad about losing money on grief or fury
If your role was to be consulted on decisions, decisions that are made like only 3 fucking times a year, and they don't bother asking you, but you still catch all the shit that stems from those decisions, I wouldn't really call that a meltdown. That's being blamed for your boss's mistake when your boss failed to consult you and your job is to consult your boss.

Seriously, the Sol Ring paragraph discredits everyone who was involved with this decision. Kwai should count himself lucky he had nothing to do with it because he is enough of a dickrider to have approved such stupid bullshit.
What did old Phyrexians look like? I really like the white and red color scheme.
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God your post just turned half my hair gray. We really have players who don't recognize real Phyrexians? Has it truly been so long?
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Am I reading this correctly, If I cast this with 6 mana I can have 5 3/3?
>Posting Ai Slop
>If I cast this with 6 mana I can have 5 3/3?
you can't cast it for 6 mana, the mana cost is (X)(X)B, if you want to make 5 3/3s, you need to pay 10B, that's 11 mana total
Would this be a crossover set that people would both like and fit MtG?
That's just a generic 2000AD robot.
The only crossover event I wanna see is Magic x Fromsoft
Ok so If I pay two 2 mana, and 1 black I can cast one of those twice
The only crossover set I want to see is Mtg x Hololive
They would make Gwynevere a negress.
Unlikely. The Japanese actually give a shit unlike the cucks at the Tolkien estate
If you pay 5 mana you can have 2 3/3s.
the spell's cost is not (X)B, it's (X)(X)B
if you want X to be 2, it's gonna be (2)(2)B which is 5 mana
if you want X to be 3, it's gonna be (3)(3)B which is 7 mana
and so on

it's not an efficient card, you need to put a lot of mana into it and even then it's not even that good
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just for funsies I tossed the otter into my jank ass historic storm deck

first time out I got matched against a discardshitter who saw Mizzix's Mastery and Mind's Desire in my opening hand and apparently thought it was fine for them to be in my graveyard. game was near crashing when I stopped making tokens, as happens
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another overcosted two card combo to add to the pile
>you cast marina vendrell's grimoire
>enter the battlefield draw 5 cards trigger goes on the stack
>In response I hit you with lightning strike
>you discard your hand and lose the game
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>playing magic
Whats the Mr Beast style deck
That's not how the stack works
Go the fuck back go the edh thread because that's exactly how the stack works
double nigger
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You are incorrect, actually.
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>JLK is a huge nepo baby who is basically on the Disney gravy train
>I'm expected to think they have been some sort of "ambassador" for EDH for 10+ years now and they represent the "average" EDH player in any meaningful capacity

Yeah, nah.
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>Triggered ability goes on the stack
>Priority passes to me
>I put a spell on the stack
>My spell resolves
>You have no cards in hand
>State based actions are checked
>You lose the game
>The triggered ability never resolves
Here's how the stack works
>unzips dick
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Ever seen Bedlam Reveler, anon?
Am I a dick for being bothered that my friend isn't taking magic seriously? We are two days away from drafting dusk and he's still on the fence about what arch type to draft. This is not a game its a hobby and I don't want him still deciding what to play going into draft itll affect his play and losing will lead to early burnout.
ideally you would only play the grimoire if you're sure it's safe to do so, both cards cost a lot of mana but you are in control colors, you can do it later in the game

but I'm not pretending this is a good deck idea, I know it's pretty janky and vulnerable
Am I retarded? Why the fuck are you deciding what to Draft BEFORE you start drafting? You don't know what you're gonna open
If you're trying to pick an archetype ahead of time, you're going to end up losing out on p1p1 gold. I let the first 5 picks determine what archetype I'm going for after memorizing the best cards for each one.
>23% of Standard
>20% of Pioneer
0% of my cube :^)
100% of my dick in your brother's ass
Magical Christmas- Legendary Land
Tap: Add one many of any color.
If Magical Christmas is in your opening hand, you may mulligan that hand and search for 7 cards and add them to your new starting hand. You gain an emblem with 7 Doomsday counters. At the beginning of your end step, remove one Doomsday counter from your emblem. If you can’t or the count becomes zero, you lose the game. Other effects cannot prevent this effect.
the game loss effect isn't a state based effect, it's part of the ability that triggers from life loss
But you do to an extent there are only five colors and 10 combinations the only real independent variable is what other players hand you
>EDH troons made a petition to "p-please unban the cards PPLEASE"
Holy kek.
it helps to learn draft archetypes before sitting down to the table but if you're good you'll figure it out on the fly
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I just got advertised a Duskmourn themed stream.
>no gangstalker card
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>you're going to play magic when you sit down to draft booster packs of magic cards
holy shit, who would have fucking guessed? If you sit down with sealed product already knowing what colors your deck is going to be, you are fucking retarded and need to go back to /edhg/
You're right, I forgot that it wasn't it's own line
Just telling anon its not as random as you think it is all the packs should have a good ratio to build whatever you want before you sit down.
Sure dude, build a deck with all the cards in your two favorite colors that nobody else wanted. I'm sure you'll win plenty of games like that
>Going from a meta where every deck that can't deal with Vein Ripper is deleted
>to a meta where every deck that can't stop SSS is deleted
boy do I love how GREAT these designers are at balancing their game
If you don't start talking about stormsplitter I will kill myself
It's just not a very good card.
I do like it though, it's a cute effect.
Can't even pump Amalia anymore
What is this bullshit
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The Devil
ayy lmao
Is arena the best platform to practice modern on? I know it doesn't have modern, but i guess historic is close enough
Sick b8
im being serious, im new
Is playing this on Steam/digitally going to be cock and ball torture?
If you’re actually new don’t play modern. Don’t play pioneer, don’t play standard. Play “pile of cards I own vs pile of cards I own.” Do NOT play commander. You will NOT learn the rules, you will NOT learn the intricacies of the turn cycle, sequencing your plays, mulligans, anything if you play commander. Once you’re familiar with the rules enough, then try simple modern decks
You get 42 cards from your packs and that means 9 picks should be really good picks plus whatever is being passed around if you cant build what you want with that many cards floating around andbe competitive its really a skill issue
>my draft deck is 9 good cards plus whatever is being passed around
>out of 23
you imbecile, power creep is so insane right now that your draft decks should have 23 good cards. Not playable cards. 23 good fucking cards that you'd be first-pick windmill slamming ten years ago. You're telling me that in current year drafts where I have 35+ cards in my "playable" pile by the end of it that I should just force my two favorite colors and reduce that number to NINE?
Okay, moron
You've either never played a draft in your life or you've sustained serious brain damage
this card is everything doomers said and more. if you don't have removal turn 1 on the draw or exile removal/bounce turn 2 on the play, you lose. your best case scenario is not instantly dying and instead leaving your opponent with 2-4 creatures on board from turn inside out or felonious rage.
this is catastrophic.
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I played a webcam FNM with this and went 1-0-2 with all matches going almost to time. The main things I noticed were that my mana was somewhat unstable, especially when trying to access black so I think I should swap Otawara and maybe a Tropical island for another fetch or Snow Swamp, and that Atraxa would often get removed as soon I NO'd her into play. For the latter I think I should try and shoehorn in another big NO target, but I'm unsure what that should be. Any suggestions?

Yeah I know I need to cut down to 80
the fucking retards at R&D only play EDH, they think red is balanced because for all they know players start at 40 life
>the fucking retards at R&D only play EDH
judging by Nadu, it's more accurate to assume they don't play the game at all.
Have you considered going wide to avoid removal?
They changed it newfag
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This is a fucking nightmare of a board state to deal with
jesus it feels like alchemy garbage in a real paper set

I know what my cards do. I understand them in a vacuum. I am pretty sure about which to use at which times. But I can't tell which of them is which without mousing over them because the room border and similar artwork is such a fucking mush I cannot see shit. Just keeping track of which doors are open and closed is tough even with mtga automating it, let alone if you needed counters to indicate it
then holy FUCK how is my opponent supposed to keep track of any of this?
I don't think in the entire history of Magic have we ever seen someone in a leadership role, like Maro or Forsythe, gunsling or play a top-level game of Magic. I want to be proven wrong about this.

But the thing that fucking actually baffles me is that Wizards doesn't hire people based on their technical expertise in some field like data science. They hire people based on some proven passion for Magic, like hiring players and judges. And the fucked up thing about hiring for passion is that they don't actually get good players, they just get a bunch of fucking retards who've put a lot of time into a podcast or something. So you can't hire people who can maintain consistent documentation and wording (like a programmer can) and you can't hire people who are good at the game, you can't hire an art director who likes awesome fantasy, what the fuck is going on here.
Where is the open/closed indicator, and why did they make the bottom margin thick? Each room looks like a stack of cards.
It's well documented that WotC gets away with underpaying its employees by fluffing them up with "The prestige of crafting the game you love". Anybody who is smart enough to do a good job isn't going to work for minimum wage
there's a big keyhole symbol covering up locked sides only
its also ambiguous since it colors the entire card frame with only the color currently active, so the card with 2x copies on that pic is actually a red/blue split furnace / sauna but its currently monoblue because only the sauna side is active on both copies, so there's 2 locked furnaces that can be used but only a single lock symbols above them because the cards are stacked

so its got this utterly insane display where:
>no rules text or typeline is visible at all
>name line is visible, but completely illegible even at high resolution because its so fucking tiny
>full art covers both sides of the frame, but you can't recognize cards because their colors aren't even identifiable
>card frames actually change color permutations and make it more confusing which is which

just at a glance in a 2 color deck I can have red/red, blue/blue or red/blue rooms (there's no blue/red). But all the red/blue rooms can be red/red or blue/blue before they're unlocked, and the red/red rooms are almost identical to the red/blue rooms until fully unlocked

its garbage its so fucking garbage
MTG is discriminatory and excludes poor people. Why can't you play UNO or Monopoly and save thousands of dollars?
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Maybe if they didn't insist on cluttering the screen with crap they could make the cards bigger
>magic arena is a license to print money and bring in new players
>banner format for arena is Bo1 standard
>make Bo1 standard unplayable by pushing mono red/“rakdos” aggro to the fucking moon
>turn 3 wins the norm, with potential for turn 2 wins
>normies quit the game in droves
How did they fuck up so bad, and how can they fix it? Ban the Leyline in standard? Ban heart fire hero and cacophony scamp? If ever there was a need for emergency bans, this is it.
reverse FIRE and bring back blocks
not possible to fix, cardgames are a meme. The same thing happened to Hearthstone
join the singleplayer card battler master race
You realize when wizards does finally jump the shark and starts printing the reserve this, the stunt they pulled to earn good boy points and remove these cards from the game will make them the single most valuable cards.
Ironically probably leading them to being the biggest legacy they have years after the game is long gone.

*chefs kiss*
Are the room cards already combined or can you combine 2 different room cards into 1?
Ban SSS and Scamp (or Heartfire Hero) to start. The deck will be much less consistent.
Is Kaito hitting that now or are stories about heterosexual non-mixed race couples still forbidden?
they're not going to ban 3 cards instead of just 1 (leyline) lmao, you need to play more magic before you post your retard takes here
Banning only Leyline would be a half-measure. The deck would still be fucking busted like it was before Leyline.
there is way too much redundancy in the deck to hit with a few targeted bans
it was already top tier and consistent before leyline

the issues are now ALL the cards doing the same thing:
>monstrous rage
>turn inside out
>cacophony scamp
>heartfire hero
>monastery swiftspear

that's 7 cards, you can't ban them all. Even if you take out 2-3 of them the deck still consistently kills you on turn 3, they have a whole host of backup creatures that are all pushed and just at the point of shitting all over the meta
I mean holy fuck they just printed a 2 mana 3/2 haste
they already have
>emberheart challenger
>break out
>charming scoundrel
>fugitive codebreaker
>wildfire wickerfolk

all doing the same thing in the 2 drop slot
might as well put tolarian academy and stroke in standard
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That's not a card I would have considered before but I do happen to own a copy. Thank you, I might try it in place of the Knight of Autumn. Some other ideas, although I think Craterhoof is worse in this deck than in cradle control because I go less wide.
SSS and the death flingers are the biggest issues imo. Leyline is a problem too because of all the ultra efficient pump spells. Yes, RDW would still be obscene bullshit even after bans, but it would be at a considerably more manageable level.
>trample over planeswalkers
Why don't they print this more often? Say, I don't know, every other fucking set?
It should just be how trample normally works
Return to Shandalar when?
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nothin personnel, kid
there's no problem with a deck being top tier. the only issue is if player outcry forces WOTC to accept that people don't want standard to be a turn 2 format.
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Yes, but Toxic is a shitty mechanic
>Oh no I just slapped you once and cast fifty spells that proliferate guess u lose again :^)

Fuck Toxic. Whenever anyone in my pod breaks out a Toxic deck I focus entirely on taking them out, even at my own expense.
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Any man who is ashamed to be bald isn't a real man.
>and how can they fix it?
Anon, there is no fixing FIRE design. The turn 2 format is the inevitable conclusion of power creep. Let's have a look:
>Ban problem cards
RDW, like >>93998148 pointed out, would still be insanely consistent even if you took away SSS or Leyline or Cacophony Scamp, and WOTC wouldn't ban seven cards in a single sweep.
>Drop the power level of new sets
If the power level of new sets dramatically decreased, it would still be dominated by cards from the previous sets until they rotated out.
>Accelerate the power creep
The most likely solution WOTC will implement by printing more broken stuff to deal with the broken stuff they have already printed and drive the game even further down into the pit.

There is no turning back from the course WOTC has set. Death is their destination.
I know we've wanted Magic to eat shit for any number of reasons and it's just never happened. But the EDH bans are actually making people quit if you're going to trust Twitter and Reddit. They are basically the only thing holding up the singles market and the local store market - competent players are already out of the marketplace.

This move exclusively fucks the whales, which probably is a first. Everyone else proxied their shit or just don't own the $300 total value of cards.
>I know we've wanted Magic to eat shit
Who the fuck is this "we" you're referring to?
100% this
And Deathtouch destroying planeswalkers should just be default behavior as well.
Planeswalkers simply never should have been printed
Should be a new keyword to replace deathtouch, and apply to red removal spells so they don't get cucked by every 9/9 creature that black/white are allowed to kill for 1-2 mana

>Jagged Bolt {1R}
>Deadly (Any damage dealt by this source destroys creatures and planeswalkers)
>Jagged Bolt deals 2 damage to any target
the best way to practice modern is by playing modern, which is not on arena
Arena has MH3 on it, so it basically has Modern.
Funny how banning a few cards from commander caused the biggest shitshow in a while. And the cherry on top is the other formats being a complete garbage fire, but the players are just used to it at this point that they don't complain as much as commanderfags
Just because WotC tried to hide their history does not mean it didn't happen.
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It's... not?????
Its a combo piece with beseech the mirror, that's all
Except you can’t even accelerate power creep to balance red because it’s direct opposite is white (lifegain) which this company will never power creep. Ever.
>inb4 muh Boros Convoke
Take away Gleeful Demo and Recruiter haste and that deck folds like an origami gymnast.
You invented Magic The Gathering, in 2024 we're playing Heads or Tails who has the better starting hand and kills their opponent turn 2. Get with the times old man
Watching Seth play a White control deck and completely dumpster aggro decks was pretty funny. People really underrate the tools White has for these sort of matches. You lose to the midrange value piles or other control decks, but it's great seeing the RDW fags have no choice but to slam into the wall and die because their deck can't do anything else.
We know that for a fact.

The original Deckmaster boxset was two decks, one made by Garfield and the other by Finkel (world champ) out of the Ice Age + Alliances card pool. In the articles about it, Garfield admitted he tried to color cheese deckbuilding: make a deck full of color-hozers, and if R&D says no, it's because he picked the colors Finkel wasn't using (which would make the decks shit to play against each other). Their match was recorded and broadcast on ESPN2 with live commentary. In game 2, Garfield swung into a first strike blocker, making the commentator say something like "uh oh, looks like the creator of the game forgot how first strike works."

>TL;DR: Garfield sucks as a deckbuilder AND as a player
White is okay but black is very clearly better matched against this crop of RDW.
White has only elspeth's smite as a 1 mana removal at instant speed and it doesn't even blow out precombat targeted spells, and only lay down arms as an otherwise unconditional sorcery speed removal for 1 mana.

You can't reliably win with just 4 cards to hose them.
Meanwhile black has both Cut Down and Disfigure for total blowouts, Whisper of the Dross / Rat Out are too conditional but Dead Weight is basically Lay Down Arms, then at 2 mana they get removal with upsides instead of white's removal with conditions/downsides. Go for the throat >>> get lost, besides Savor, Virtue of Persistence, etc. Handing your opponent 2 map tokens when they have heartfire hero is brutal
Then you hit 3-5 mana and stabilize with your choice of Preacher of the Schism, Unstoppable Slasher, Sheoldred, Aclazotz
There's very blatant subtext that he's into her, but her own feelings about him are, I think, intentionally obfuscated. Clearly cares for him, but beyond that it's unclear.
It’s times like these that make me want to strangle every JOTC shill who perpetuated the meme of white being the color of removal. Saying that white CAN remove almost anything doesn’t admit to the fact it can’t also do it efficiently like black can for improved cost, speed, and upside.
Black is the colour of creature removal, so it can do that more efficiently. White's strength with removal is that it has the widest scope of things it can hit for cheap. And its "temporary" removal is just not temporary against certain decks.
goddamn I hate mh3, absolutely homoginized legacy. frog tamyio as far as the eye can see
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Alright time to send the red men back to their hills
What was the thought process WOTC had when they completely annihilated every eternal format with these products?
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eternal format players probably didnt buy that much standard product, so they decided to make new product entirely targeted at eternal format players
>27 removal
>my gruul deck has only 12 creatures and possible 6 sources of hexproof with sideboarding
Guess I need to find another 3 urabrask's forges somewhere...
They were thinking something like
>holy fuck that's there's like 1000 commander players for every player of any given eternal format, start cooking up slop that they'll buy ASAP!
"If we power creep the format, people will HAVE to buy the new product"
I count 29 removal
Given how many people complain on Twitter about MH sets corrupting both Modern and Legacy, it confuses me as to why noone has made a proper initiative for a horizonless or pure playerbase of these formats. I think one Modern Youtuber has run a couple of tournaments and that's it. People whine but noone is really willing to do anything.

Obvious exception for Shardless Agent and Baleful Strix, and probably some other cards I'm forgetting. Someone please post the Notion Thief screenshot
Sorry, missed the discard one.
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because being non sanctioned means online play is entirely for peanuts (as opposed to leagues, challenges and showcases which give tangible monetary rewards). So then if you want competitive games you're entirely relying on having a local scene, which you probably won't because you're playing some obscure unsanctioned MTG format.
And that's why I hate competitive Magic. I will never understand RCQ grinders and other meta slaves, MTGO I can get because people can actually make a living off it.
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I don't see how grinding paper events like RCQ or other tournaments is much different from grinding MTGO, you probably won't make a living but you can definitely make enough to go infinite and build a collection on top of it. The latest promo for winning standard events was like a 200€ urza's saga (which looks ugly as fuck imo)
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He's right. And that's a good thing.
Can confirm. I play Magic and I am EXTREMELY racist.
Prepare to be matched against boros tokens and atraxa shit the moment you queue with that.
metroplex lookin ass dood
I had a dream once that they made a bloodborne set I was getting my ass beat by a rom that functioned like it of the horrid swarm
I want to play Haughty Djinn's mono blue deck in Standard BO3. Is there a single card in Duskmourn that should be on my radar?

Recent decklists suggest no, but I want to ask here. This is a decklist I was going to use for context.
The blue overlord is decent carddraw combined with a creature but idk if you wanna cut stuff that goes into your graveyard and helps Djin for it
Other than that, I don't think so
>how can they fix it?
>basic plains being playable will improve magic

>"Bolt is too strong for Standard."
>"Wins faster than any Modern burn deck with Bolt in it ever? SHIP IT!"
What we need is

How the fuck is Bo1 even a thing? Sideboards are meant to help you fight degenerate strategies that try to goldfish T1-T2.
Won't help.
You only have 4x Swords, and they have ~26 redundant threats.
The deck is so fast and redundant that Push doesn't even do a fucking thing.
I think they should reprint Bolt and then never print 1 or 2 mana creatures for red except for limited chaff. Make red a control color for a few years.
>Make red a control color for a few years.
It's very fun as a control color. Flamtongue Kavu is a classic.
The red deck is extremely strong in Bo3. They just splash green for protection spells. Its 90% the same shit.
Because Arena is also on mobile, and nobody will sit for 20+ minutes on their phone playing a single match.

> BIG RED and red prison/control aren't the best versions of red

Aggro/burn red is boring shit and I hate that it's been reds identity for a very long time, despite red having many interesting and flavourful on color mechanics.
Anon it's tfhe top deck in Bo3 in both Pioneer and Standard.
The top deck in competitive Pioneer is THE SAME DECK as the one at the top of Standard. It's fucking INSANE.

Yeah I haven't played standard in 12 years so IDK what the format looks like. Just took a quick look at the deck, looks like aids.

Lol. Lmao even. Last time I think that happened was when they fucking printed JTMS and Cawblade was running the show.
Fuck prison decks everyone who ever played them was the turbo-autist of the playgroup everyone secretly hoped never showed up for games
But you're right give me back my dragons, Wizards!
It's even crazier this time. Cawblade was at least a weird, moderately unpredictable setup.

This shit is literally just "Let's print a machine gun of broken red cards." It's literally just the result of balls to the wall blatant aggro power creep and NOTHING else.
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can't wait to wait another few months for them to not ban anything from aggro in any format...
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How do I get into this game? Where do I start? What do I buy? Help would be greatly appreciated.
>How do I get into this game?

Where do I start?
About ~9 years ago before it turned to a flaming pile of shit.

>What do I buy?
A different game. Scythe comes highly recommended.

>Help would be greatly appreciated.
Leave this place and never return. Hope that helps.
Any good aquatic monster decks?
Find a local game store and ask the owner about mtg.
I believe they just started doing the free "welcome decks" for new players again which should help get you started.
Someone answer me?
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They are 1 card, already combined.
Explain why you should use this without a lot of health or some shit.
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That it is is NOT Legal to have your Room cards oriented sideways on the battlefield unless they are tapped.
They are ENCHANTMENTS, which enter untapped, and are permanents, and you MUST clearly indicate whether a permanent is tapped or untapped at ALL TIMES.
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Wizards did NOT update the Comprehensive Rules to allow for Rooms to be sideways on the battlefield, like they did for Battles.
It is NOT tournament legal to have your Rooms appear tapped while they are untapped.
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>LGS doesn't have players play standard anymore as commander took over
>Get told by the employee to play MTG Arena
Commander goes back to being a side game when?
>Pay an extra mana to get 2 enchantments in a single card
>the EDH bans are actually making people quit if you're going to trust Twitter and Reddit
Good, now all the EDHfags will be gone and Magic will retvrn to the glorivs 1v1 60card formats
It's literally just Monstrous for enchantments but implemented in the ugliest, most clunky and miserable way possible.
A permanent with a different orientation is likely considered untapped when its orientation itself vertical. The card itself is not the issue. Literally nobody would think a horizontal Room is tapped unless they're an angle-shooting dickhead.
The psychic damage of winging and crying and throwing tantrums over not playing against people who proxy, fusing your ego to the cardboard you own, only to get PUMPED. and DUMPED....

Must be painful.
I don't know, never felt it.
>4 mana to copy another spell you play
eh kinda combos with plotting but magic games don't last 4 turns nowadays without something going horribly wrong
plus the restriction to only 6 spells or you die is a big one.
>A permanent with a different orientation is likely considered untapped when its orientation itself vertical.
It is not.
Nowhere in the rules is this suggested except for a specific exception for Battles.
They did NOT add a new exception for cards with the Room subtype. It is NOT legal, according to the rules, to orient Rooms sideways on the battlefield unless they are tapped.

>Literally nobody would think a horizontal Room is tapped unless they're an angle-shooting dickhead.
Okay. Show me where it says that tapping MUST be that way. In fact, show me where it says that for Battles. I've only briefly scoured the comp rules, but nothing specifically mentions verticality/horizontality that I can find.
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when wotc stops shitting up all the 60 card formats and stops shoving commander decks down our throats
>2-5 commander decks every month
>somehow several obviously made for commander cards make it into the standard sets
>9001 legendary creatures every set
not even the commander players like this and its shitting up that format too soon pauper is going to be the only refuge from wotc
>Okay. Show me where it says that tapping MUST be that way.
>"Heh, I'm so genius. He'll NEVER be able to do that!"

701.21. Tap and Untap
701.21a To tap a permanent, turn it sideways from an upright position. Only untapped permanents can be tapped.
701.21b To untap a permanent, rotate it back to the upright position from a sideways position. Only tapped permanents can be untapped.

Judge Resources
MTR 4.7 - Each untapped permanent should face its controller.
Ah, finally found the rules on 'how to tap/untap'.
>701.21a To tap a permanent, turn it sideways from an upright position. Only untapped permanents can be tapped.
>701.21b To untap a permanent, rotate it back to the upright position from a sideways position. Only
tapped permanents can be untapped.
"Upright position" means "such that the card's orientation is facing up" to me. Note there's nothing there about Battles having an exception.
>"Upright position" means "such that the card's orientation is facing up" to me. Note there's nothing there about Battles having an exception.
It's part of the Judge Resources not Comprehensive Rules, but that document is less public than the CR and extremely annoying to dig through so fuck that for now.
Oh, found it the same time as you. And it proves literally nothing you said true.
dear God, I fuckign hate Kaya!
>"Upright position" means "such that the card's orientation is facing up" to me
How does a man not know what "upright" means?

It means erect, Captain Illiterate. As in, where the primary axis is perpendicular to the observer. As in, taller than it is wide. As in, UPRIGHT.
>the "I-I-I-I-ITS NOT TOURNAMENT LEGALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!" retard is back
Animate a Room and ask a Judge how you are supposed to orient it.
Go ahead.

Yeah turbo depths


They stopped printing sideboard cards around the time they printed Fae of Wishes because a sideboard card good enough to put into your sideboard basically has to just say, "your opponent can't play anything" to deal with the raw value of threats in the current year
Upright also means "in its proper orientation", so your argument at this point is with the English language.
sucks ass and isn't even a cardgame
If you wanna torture yourself daily, MTGArena
If you just wanna slam cards, Xmage or Forge or MTGO but avoid the Commander format
If you wanna have fun with a card game, Sakura Arms and Wixoss are pretty good (though the former is more boardgame-like with prebuilt card piles for each character so you pick 2 characters and take half of their cards to make a 7 card deck, this means you can only buy one box and play with a friend as opposed to the TCG way of each player brings their own deck.)
The same way you'd orient a (somehow) animated Battle.
>Upright also means "in its proper orientation",
Yes, and the proper orientation of an untapped Magic card is UPRIGHT. As in, where the card's back face is vertical to the viewer.
Back in the day Merfolk was a good tribal control-ish deck, nowadays it's probably too slow and it didn't get much update in the standard sets
Where do the rules say that?
I will never ask a judge how I'm supposed to orient it because I don't fucking care and it literally doesn't fucking matter
How about you actually sit down and play the game instead of pretending to care about tournaments you don't watch or participate in for once in your life you incorrigible faggot
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>People are actually trying to defend the abomination that is Rooms.

What the fuck is wrong with WotC cockgobbers, man?
How is it even possible to be so stupid that you defend a concept as shit, over-complicated and
repulsive as Rooms?
Like, where does your mindspace have to be to even begin to consider such a position reasonable?
Have you actually played with them or did you decide you hated them and made every argument you could to support a completely unsubstantiated position?
If i can read the card, it's upright.
If i gotta tilt my head, it's tapped.
Non sequitur. Ignored.
Answer the fucking question.
Ask a relevant question or talk to the hand.
rooms are not complicated, they're just a double card like Fire//Ice but for enchants.
>rooms are not complicated,
709.5. Some split cards are permanent cards with a single shared type line. A shared type line on such an object represents two static abilities that function on the battlefield. These are “As long as this permanent doesn’t have the ‘left half unlocked’ designation, it doesn’t have the name, mana cost, or rules text of this object’s left half” and “As long as this permanent doesn’t have the ‘right half unlocked’ designation, it doesn’t have the name, mana cost, or rules text of this object’s right half.” These abilities, as well as which half of that permanent a characteristic is in, are part of that object’s copiable values.

709.5a Each half of a split card with a shared type line shares the types and subtypes listed on that card’s shared type line.

709.5b The existence of each half of an object with a shared type line is part of that object’s copiable values, even if that object is a spell on the stack. This is an exception to rule 709.3b.

709.5c “Left half unlocked” and “right half unlocked” are designations that a permanent on the battlefield can have. Together, they are called the unlocked designations. A particular half of a permanent is said to be “unlocked” if it has the appropriate unlocked designation. Otherwise, that half is said to be “locked.”

709.5d A permanent with a shared type line is given the “left half unlocked” designation as it enters the battlefield if its left half was cast as a spell. It is given the “right half unlocked” designation as it enters the battlefield if its right half was a cast as a spell. If it’s entering the battlefield and neither half was cast as a spell, it enters with neither unlocked designation.

This is the fan base that looked the other way when they printed planeswalkers

There is no limit to what they will swallow , never mind what they slurp off the floor with a smile
>rooms are not complicated
709.5e A player who controls a permanent that has one or more locked halves may pay the mana cost of a locked half of that permanent to give that permanent the appropriate unlocked designation. This cost is referred to as an “unlock cost.” This is a special action (see rule 116). A player can take this action any time they have priority and the stack is empty during a main phase of their turn.

709.5f Some spells and abilities instruct a player to “unlock” half of a permanent. To unlock half of a permanent, a player chooses a locked half of that permanent, and that permanent is given the appropriate unlocked designation.

709.5g Some spells and abilities instruct a player to “lock” half of a permanent. To lock half of a permanent, a player chooses an unlocked half of that permanent, and that permanent loses the appropriate unlocked designation.

709.5h Some abilities trigger when a player unlocks a particular half of a permanent. These abilities trigger when that permanent is given the appropriate unlocked designation, regardless of whether it was given that designation while entering the battlefield or after entering the battlefield.

709.5i Some abilities trigger when a player “fully unlocks” a permanent with a shared type line. Such an ability triggers when that permanent has one of the two unlocked designations and gets the other, or when it has neither designation and gains both.

709.5j Some cards refer to a “door” of a Room permanent. A door is a half of that permanent.

Please ignore the fact that "Room" now has a dual-use conflict with the Rooms of Dungeon venturing, too.
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Please ALSO ignore the fact that "Room" now has a dual-use conflict with the Rooms of Dungeon venturing.
>The comprehensive rules are complicated
Yes. Actually playing Rooms is not.
>Yes. Actually playing Rooms is not.
It's literally the most complicated card type in MTG history. They are more complex than both Planeswalekrs and Battles, by orders of magnitude.
Sweet holy FUCK I can't believe the shit shills have to say lmfao. "Rooms aren't complicated" holy FUCK lmfao imagine having to say that and not feeling like the most pathetic, snivelling retard in the universe.
You haven't played with them, have you.
Irrelevant non sequitur.
Get better material.
Please ALSO also ignore the fact that "counter", "level", "flip", and multiple other words have a dual-use conflict.
Legacy systems exist and sometimes have problems.
This is not an excuse to introduce more problems into current systems.
>I’m bad at magic and can’t understand that these are functionally just split cards with mostly the same rules that are permanents now
Stop playing coomander and maybe you’ll pick up some rules/reading comprehension from real players
none of that is complicated
play either half, then get the other at sorcery speed, this is called unlocking the room. while locked the half is treated as it didn't exist, so multicolor rooms only have the color of the unlocked half. if you cheat it into play both halves are locked because fuck you cheatyface looking ass

>nomenclature conflict
ok now this is the stuff i can back you up in complaining about. Seems like WotC just ran out of creative juices, or some older policy of being as general as possible so you can reprint the same card again has been lost to the aether of corporate bullshit.
I don't think he plays Magic at all.
Irrelevant non sequitur. Ignored.
Until you start advocating for the fixing of those existing issues, I can't take your complaints about rooms seriously. Rooms in 10 years would be a legacy system, does that make them ok?
But it is relevant. Your perception of difficulty comes from lack of expertise. It is very much a sequitur.
>Until you start advocating for the fixing of those existing issues, I can't take your complaints about rooms seriously.
I fully and totally advocate for the fixing of dual-use conflicts contained within the legacy wording of MTG effects.
I personally would advise changing "counter" target spell to something like "negate" target spell, while leaving "counters" on permanents in tact. As, in gaming, "Counter' generally refers to glass or plastic beads to be placed on game objects for the use of counting, so this name sticks as opposed to the other.

However, if you're in charge of a project with a lot of legacy baggage, even if you know fixing that baggage would be for the better, it is often a good decision to simply leave it be. We saw this recently with the "first" and "second" main phase debacle, obliterating almost a dozen cards and requiring an emergency retcon and reworking of the rules change.to not break several aspects of the game, alongside the emergency errata of several older cards once it was pointed out that the rules change breaks their function too.

As much as fixing jank legacy systems is an admirable goal, it is often not for the best. But that IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO MAKE THE SAME OLD MISTAKES AGAIN, TODAY..
This has nothing to do with "difficulty", nor with the perception of it.
To elaborate,
A front-end system being user friendly dos NOT mean the back-end architecture is inherently acceptable.
You did not reply to >>94001005
Yet you reply to things you say you're ignoring. Stop being a two faced bitch.
I reply to what I want to reply to.
Go cry about it.
the concept is fine, but the card frame is kind of ugly
Your scrub ass is the only one crying about "muh new card difficult" and "muh words seem similar even though contextual differences should help me differentiate them".
Cry me a river, cryboy
>"muh new card difficult"
Never said this.
I did, however, say,
>A front-end system being user friendly dos NOT mean the back-end architecture is inherently acceptable.

> "muh words seem similar even though contextual differences should help me differentiate them".
Are you saying that dual-use conflicts are somehow not a bad thing? What the fuck are you retarded?
>he's still going
Play the fucking game, faggot
No, hellboy doesn't deserve to be in this slop.
I assume the problem is the extended standard rotation.
RDW will always be a deck in every standard that exists because that's just how red works, but because standard card pool is just longer, red will just be that more optimized.
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Hearthstone... jesus christ what happened with that game?
Watch Gadgetzan Auctioneer go from 5 to 6 mana because it's too good in Rogue
Years later I see them print Field Contact and I'm told "this card is completely unplayable. Even if you wanted this effect, it's on a 2-drop that you also wouldn't play".

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