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Love CAN bloom edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
Did you ever doubt it?
Bad TQ. Better one:
>What's a unit you include in your army the most? Why?
>Hardmode: no battleline
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Went to my local car boot sale today, in Hull in Yorkshire, UK.

Was looking around the people selling their crap and saw this very dusty box. It was heavy and clanked.

Without even looking inside, or looking like I was too interested, I said "how much for the box, love?" to the lady leant against her van.

£2 was the answer.

So for two whole quids I brought this box home.
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Remember my words, when Rogal Dorn returns his appearance and personality will be almost identical to HUlk Hogan.

>"Brother, Whatcha gonna do when Dornmania runs wild on you?"
Everyone stood up and clapped after right?
Let's see inside then faggot
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Brother, the black legion may have broke cadia, but let's see them get through this hulk sized waffle crafted by these 48inch pythons brother
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So inside, I washed everything off it was so dusty.

Four basically complete Leman Russ battle tanks. One of which is a Demolisher with a metal cannon and sponsons.

They're the original version of the chassis, they slightly changed it around 6th edition iirc along with the Chimera. All the dozer blades are there, two from the original upgrade sprue and one from the later one which might still be in use today.

50 pence per tank
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>dust inside the box
At least make it somewhat believable
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No you didn't

wasn't worth the repost either
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>tiny ass #8, 9 , 59 tubes and 32/33 27/28


no they're not lol
Didn't get the replies you wanted last time huh?
Skill issue. This isn't a great hobby for those with fine motor skills issues
Hey slowpoke, ONE of us gets to do this and you sure as shit weren't first
Nigga I hadn't refreshed the thread yet chill. If I had seen you posted it I wouldn't have bothered
it's someone else posting it you dumbass, look at the filename
You are like a little baby, watch this
>glue these absolutely tiny pieces on
> now glue something that completely covers them
Por que
Am I reading that right;
>place tiny pieces in sockets
>immedately cover them up
That'll be $80 plus tip please
you don't have to glue the cover, look at the fucking picture
"imperium are bad guys" is reddit
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those are so the cover clicks in im assuming
not sure why theyre not just part of the chassis already though
No they're not, it sits on the outer rim.
only robot whores run around with their floppy discs out
>everything I don't agree with is reddit
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why the fuck would I care who is the bad guy here? I want to see wars
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I worry sometimes that someone at my LGS might post here and the thought that they might go up to me and be like "hello fellow 4channer how about that warhammer thread haha!" puts a deep anxiety in my soul.
At the very least I know at least 3 regulars can't be on this board because they have normal jobs and social lives outside of 40k
It's literally the "worst regime imaginable." Full stop. It's in the games fucking tagline. It just so happens that the worst human regime imaginable is still better than the alternatives with are all varieties of torture, slavery, insanity, or utter obliteration. The imperium ARE the bad guys, but they're OUR bad guys.
So it's possible for trans custodes now, right?
For kino where you model a tech priest or enginseer inserting the little drives in.
Pretty on-brand Admech sculpt, leagues ahead of Da Vinci slop.
The T'au are the least evil faction to the point that the imperial characters are bemused that the T'au make big deals about stuff that the Imperium takes for granted as necessary evils.
Was the new Kroot lore from sept Wd posted here yet?
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Two things can be true, the imperium can be bad, but what’s outside is also terrible. It’s what your guys can do in the space between that matters.
I like the T'au, but they are hopelessly naive, and the Idea that humanity could join with the T'au is incredibly misguided. The T'au are still an empire, with the T'au on top and all their allies beneath them. If even a single hive world were to surrender to the greater good, they alone would outnumber all the T'au in the empire. How could the empire possibly administrate such a mass of aliens that don't fit into their caste system? Even the relatively small number of Gue'vesa they've managed to integrate have been a headache.
You've posted these before. Didn't count on an autist like me, did you?
I like these goofy robots I wish there were more
Almost as illiterate to scale as GW is. Good job
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>the thought that they might go up to me and be like "hello fellow 4channer how about that warhammer thread haha!" puts a deep anxiety in my soul.
Had this happen once and told him to stop being a retard and it was never acknowledged again
>Woman calls me a retard in public
I'd just kill myself right there
let me ask you something. if these are your models, why do the images have 4chan filenames as if you saved them from a previous thread?
and judging by the number sequences these were saved a quite a while ago and not "today"
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>scarlet macaw lord of change
I've had someone in the thread say "nice to see a store regular here, it's always fun playing against you"
I still don't know who at the LGS it was.
I am tired, anon. I am tired of you being outdated and vomiting wrong shit that was wrong almost a decade ago.
The T'au already conquered a dozen hive worlds in this edition alone.

The recent T'au codex even says that the T'au are not impressed with their worlds seeing them as evidence of Imperial inferiority since T'au cities can support trillions of T'au and non-T'au (you read it correct the text says trillions) without suffering the filth and horror of Imperial hive cities. All the civilians are living in comfort and peace.

It amazes me that people are so far behind in the lore they don't know that GW scaled up the T'au a couple of times if not more.
Nice to have a detective in the thread, nothing is getting past you
Now that you mention it, it was the last time I saw him...
I’ve had it happen a few times. I just talk to them politely and not about 4chan but the other things in their lives. 4chan is just a forum, a place where you go to discuss things and insult people.
Damn Sherlock Holmes got here right on time
the tau have already annexed hive worlds' worth of humans
but not even the tau are dumb enough to apply modern ideals of having a mix of all people in every city or something
vassal races are governed, not integrated
same kind of person who puts every model posted here into google lens lmao
Or man with a sex doll, same difference
Continued....the T'au are currently relocating the population of conquered hive worlds into their core sept worlds.
According to Phil Kelly, there are hundreds of billions of Gue'vesa living in the T'au Empire and that number is increasing. There are so many humans in the empire that they are a prime driving factor behind the gestation of the Greater Good Goddess.
>60 seconds between
stop pretending
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Painted a tank for my catgirls, next up is going to be some chimeras to transport cata-nyans.
Are you the sisters of nyattle guy? Branching out?
>Let's see the felinids
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Played my first game after the codex release today and took the land raider out for it's first spin. On his first ever activation it one shot a predator and it exploded doing 8 wounds to surrounding blightcrawlers. Later when it finally died after ramming into an objective and getting charged by Typhus and his crew of terminators and a full squad of plague marines it also exploded, killing 3 marines, a terminator and one plaguecaster that had survived the tank shock. Won 78 to 55 at the end.

Renegade raiders detachment is pretty fun. No exploding 5s anymore but helbrutes and obliterators can actually move around the board and get some decent shots in.

Also post models and games.
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He literally called it Iago.
Uwot, what would even be the point of samefagging that post
Actually, T'au cities, especially those of the sept of Dal'yth, are diverse with alien populations integrated and living side by side with the T'au.

Only in the Sept of T'au is it forbidden for aliens to settle in for whatever reason.
To be honest this is ridiculous and stupid, the T'au are supposed to be a small, efficient, technologically advanced empire. Just casually increasing the size of the T'au empire by over 100X makes me question why the Damocles Crusade wasn't just shitstomped.
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No, my catgirls are 3d prints. I do have some sisters but those I paint normally, the cat girls are a speed painting project that gets worked on when I'm sick of painting reflections on black armor.
did your opponent mind the coomer freehand?
>for whatever reason
it's almost like t'au society was created around a caste system where the lower caste can live how they want as long as they don't dirty up the upper caste's living space
Do the T'au have indoor plumbing?
the shit is teleported away to a secret compartment underneath the emperor's throne
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The reason is obvious. T'au is for Tau.
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Got absolutely curbstomped by Custodes last night. Only killed 4 models while I was reduced to a unit of Boyz and a Trukk by turn 3. First time I've called a game early in 10th.
>makes me question why the Damocles Crusade wasn't just shitstomped.
It was. The T'au baited the Crusade deeper into their empire with easy victories and then surrounded it from all sides and beat it with superior numbers and technology.

The only thing that allowed the Imperials to hang on was the use of psychic powers. The T'au struggled against it and it turned a one-sided curbstomp into a stalemate for a time before reinforcements from other septs overwhelmed the Imperials.

The T'au were supposed to be small in early editions when they had like 75 worlds. Now they control 100+ systems and going up. The T'au thing is rapid evolution and expansion after all.
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No, everyone that came by the table thought it was pretty rad. I don't think it's that coomery either, I'd say it's pretty tasteful nudity.
>Fallout's Chinese assault lasgun with the RPD handguard and a folding wire stock
I... don't hate it. Seen many fan worse designs.
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Also shout out to my boy finally getting some good shots in and finishing off Typhus with a lascannon shot to the face.
Nah it's stupid tau bullshit, the imperium literally strip-mines entire worlds to the core and turns entire planets into irradiated wastelands supporting a single hive world but the T'au can support dozens of hive worlds across a relatively small sector of space with decent standards of living through magical weeb bullshit tech .
Love all the different missiles on this dude. Really fun detail
Did you consider that the T'au are not wasteful or retarded?
Ultramar features hive worlds and industrial worlds that are ordered and clean, unlike the rest of the Imperium.
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oh that's just catgirls. that's just regular ass catgirls.
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At a certain point, we have to take a step back
Nah the T'au are just bullshit Mary sue space weebs with no weaknesses. The only thing the Imperium had on them was sheer scale
what the fuck did you expect faggot
The regular infantry wear boots.
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A lil more sauce y'know?
>No weakness
Why does it seem that Dark Angels players seek out to have their minis commission painted more so than any other chapter? What is it about players drawn to the sons of the lion that makes them think "I don't want to paint these myself?"

I've been doing commissions for a long while and during that time the largest group of commissions done were for Dark Angel armies, while when I see Space Marine armies in played in local stores or tournaments I see roughly the same amount of Blood Angels, about half as many Black Templars (second most commonly commissioned SM army for me) and then quite a few of the other chapters/successors, usually quite a few Imperial Fists or Ultramarines. Like I would think the commissions would be proportional to the factions played but not so much, D. Angels get over represented. Any theories? Care to discuss?
Are you the anon that posted that catgirl that looks like she's shitting an enormous oily turd?
they're the gay legion, gays don't like to work
simple as
>better TQ
Avatar of Khaine.

The first game I fielded him I lost, but he soloed three whole squads of Tactical Marines until weight of Las-Plas from the remaining Tactical Marines brought him down. This was 11 or so years ago in 6th and 7th Edition, Avatar's been a mainstay in my force ever since.
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fucking what
Dark angels and black templars were both starter box armies. So those that are trying to rekindle their childhood armies but are lazy or too retarded to paint will commission them
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I don't have it saved but I remember that too. The tail looked more like it was coming out of her ass than the bottom of her back and he painted it in turd colors. Kinda hard to arrive at any other conclusion
DA is very popular so you will see more of it, the faction attracts people with protagonist mentalities without the skills to support it, the lore wanks them pretty heavily in that they're "good at everything" with terminator spam, bikes spam, elite melee fighters, hooded school shooter energy combined with wannabe jedi aesthetic
I'm not sure if there are any ranges of actual furry catgirls, closest I saw was skaven guardsmen
can I see some of your commission work?
The new WD about the Kroot says that most of the Kroot embrace the Greater Good and some of them see it as a spiritual doctrine.

This is a retcon or what?
>inb4 ebay pro painted
The Greater Good saved them from being destroyed by Orks, gave them allies who will throw down everything to protect Pest shall it happen again and gave them a employer for their mercenary work wich wont betray them. It would be utterly bizarre if most Kroot didnt agree with the Greater Good.
>wich wont betray them.
About that....from a summary on Reddit

>-Due to the trauma suffered by the Fourth Sphere T'au, they have subjected their alien allies and human enemies to unwarranted acts of violence. In the early stages of the Fifth Sphere Expansion, they threw their human, Kroot, and Vespid allies into suicidal battles or launched purges against them on the flimsiest of justifications such as restoring harmony or culling insane warriors. Even though those responsible for these atrocities were subjected to the Malk'la or were sent back to T'au to be re-educated, the damage was done. Some Kroot Kindreds fought their way out of the purges or fled when the T'au turned on them for no apparent reason. These Kroot would never fight again alongside the T'au. Their shapers named the T'au Quill-Eaters. A term of disgust for the Kroot. It comes from the practice of forcing Kroot who have eaten forbidden meat to eat their own quills before exiling them. It's an ironic use of the term since it's the kindreds themselves who have become the exiles thanks to the madness in the T'au military. These wronged Kroot now view all T'au with fear and anger. They fled deeper into the Chalnath Expanse risking hostile conditions and dangers to escape their persecutors. Some of these Kindreds offered their services to the Imperials swearing vengeance on the T'au and revealing the T'au secrets to their new Imperial paymasters.
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Been in a bit of slump lately so I was thinking about building another command squad to maybe get back some motivation and get the creative juices flowing. Should I go for terminators or jump packs?
>lovingly painted army getting bullied by greytide custodes
I know that pain anon.
Smoke that jump pack u feel me bro hahahahahahaha
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These Kroot will be slain by their 5th sphere brothers and eaten so the dna can be returned to Pech where it belongs.
Termies hands down
not even glue'd too lmao
afaik the Tau always deployed troops and alien species that were ideologically secure enough to trust them for military deployment.
So it wouldn't be too surprising if a large portion of the Kroot embrace the Greater Good despite being mercenaries
You should bring a perfume bottle of acetone and give unpainted models a cheeky spritz when your opponent isn't looking. Seems like the people at your shop are too comfortable running unpainted shit
Who are the most chilled out astartes? Raven Guard or Salamanders? Space Wolves with the partying? Basically the least regularly going berserk with the most downtime?
Salamanders are down to earth. Space Wolves are mostly chill (get it) since they are the most human of Space Marines.
Old forge world models are cheating but putting the feet together on a warhound is hell. This step alone took me four hours
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Maybe Death Spectres just chilling on guard duty outside the Halo Stars?
My painting skills may not be great, but at least I paint my minis.
Greystodes make me sad.
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Yes, mostly because you rolled my lucky number. Nothing too impressive, most of these are just Tabletop Plus and I so wish to redo the sword of the Lion here.

Fair enough, but hasn't it been like ten years since the DA vs CSM starter box? It's been mostly the Ultramarines who are the poster boys. But I guess that tracks with the timeline of having an army a long while ago and trying to rekindle it now-ish.

I'm not denying they're popular, but it's more a question of like ... why not Blood Angels or Space Wolves? Or the particularly harder to paint chapters. But I think you're probably right, D. Angels have that "main character" syndrome.

I've once bought some models that were "Semi-pro painted" and they had a horrid five layers of paint under them that I had to strip off.
>halo stars
fuck that noise
not a single good thing out of that place
Either Salamanders, Ultramarines are also pretty chill but not as much as Salamanders.
Sallies when not deployed instead of living in chapter monastery live in cities alongside mortals.
>Space Wolves
>the least regularly going berserk
Their entire point is being furry berserks, when normal chapter have initiate working as scout mastering craft of war wolves give them power armor chainsword and send them in first wave of attack.
That's why it's fun. I put /mydudes/ out there
This is why you have entire chapter of marines just chilling at the entry instead of doing marine things, so nothing gets out.
>hasn't it been like ten years since the DA vs CSM starter box?
yeah so people who were children and teenagers when it dropped are now sad adults with too much money, and not enough time
Space wolves would maul anyone who kills innocent civilians. They beat up the Flesh Tearers for going zerker on civilians and guards.
I've only recognized one person from my LGS on here, and I'm sure by now he's recognized me. We've never mentioned it
Ships passing in the night
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The Votann Kin to /your dudes/ and say this.
How would /your dudes/ react?
Open fire and kill abhumans.
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>How would /your dudes/ react?
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We unholster our own means of "nee-goshie-ayshuns" or whatever you stunties call it
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I know one of our worst shitposters, edgecoc, has been to my LGS because of pics he has uploaded from the store. I have no idea who he is but the thought of having breathed the same air as that cunt makes me wanna vomit
Counter-board and sabotage their ship
Do you really think the guy who posts edgecoc's models is the man himself? Or just a guy who stole someone's pictures from reddit
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D e a t h b y b o l t g u n
Just wait until you hear someone glazing emperors children or arbites and then you've found him
anon, the one seething over edgecoc is the same dude scraping his models off his reddit and posting them here
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>I was hoping you'd say that, abhuman scum.
who the fuck is edgecoc, I'm fairly new here
How do you like the Joy Toy Space Wolves designs
Interesting take.
Some reddit guy the resident schizo is obsessed with
Hold whatever it is they want over my head and throw it to my bro while they impotently jump at me to try and reach it.
I dunno ask /toy/
I have no clue honestly. I'm just a novice ben/edgecoc lore scholar.
guy with poorly painted models that posted here once and somebody found his reddit, second dude began scraping pics every time he'd post them and spamming them here trying to get people to shit on them more an blaming every shitpost in the thread on it
the reddit mobile filenames give it away
If this is real, there's at least an 85% chance that the op is a femboy now.
captcha: THX2TV
Saw this on Twitter, there's a bunch of spastics saying shit like "This is so raw!" or "Goes hard!" when in fact it's just fucking boring.
"I want your stuff, look at how big and threatening my gun is." Yeah, real nuanced, very deep.
why does this place attract so many schizos lmao
Wolves and Russ are well known to be hypocrites. Wolves aften get in berserk mode, especially young ones but for example Ragnar is also well known to go full retard berserk losing control, only diference from BA and FT is fact they don't crave blood to drink.
So you can model the datasmith swapping the cards out. The device on his chest holds more of the cards he swaps in and out to program the machines on the fly.

Same way various tanks have internals no one sees if you glue the hatches shut or LR having a whole tool cabiner that gets covered by a door. Shit like this been going on forever.
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Urge to WAAAGH!!! intensifies.

>anon still absolutely ass mad about space dad lore

Usually possessed. Love my little mutant boys.
Post it again.
Hol up, is purple necronanon one of the blueorkanons. That table seems familiar
Damn that's a lotta warriors
>but for example Ragnar is also well known to go full retard berserk losing control
Ragnar received character development since then. He apologized to the Flesh Tearers and Dark Angels for being a raging tard and vowed to do better. It's part of Ragnar's novel by ADB.
Did you expect Shakespearean writing in a shake-down?
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Nigga is a walking gameshark
He's not me. My table isn't circular.
but if I had necrons there definitely would be some purple in there
Who is this for? I don't understand the concept of making space dwarfs for people who don't like anything about dwarfs. "Unholster our means of negotiation" is such a snooty elven threat. "You misunderstand, human. I am not here to debate." This does not sound like a dwarf.
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>Human, you fail to understand. Allow me to elucidate: that which you have deignt yours is not so. It is the writ of my kinfolk that we shall have it, and if you will not concede it, by force of blood and steel, we will take it from you.
>Brothers, to arms.
So much wasted potential.
>stopped playing space marines because i got turbo butthurt over primaris dunking on my manlet marines
>play space marine 2
>kind of want to get some space marines again
feels bad man
L+manlet+hairline+no bitches+filthy abhuman+faithless cur+heretic+manlet+ratio
He fell for it!
>teleports back to his ship
>leaves a vortex grenade behind
Tachyon Arrow!
What are skitarii? What separates them from a regular guardsman or combat servitor?
Well he also went full retard during Santcus Reach and got beaten by Grimnar for being retard. It was something like 998.M41 dunno when Ragnar's novel take place.
Functioning brain and gear. Also robot legs
i actually can't express how much i was seething because you get to play a manlet marine in the tutorial
then you cross the rubicon and you never see manlets again
Why do you play vydia with primaris in it? Shame on you anon SHAME.
Are you sure you are not confusing him with
Krom Dragongaze?
i was planning on refunding but you get to be a manlet marine in the tutorial and it's actually pretty good
i'd love the game if they just let you remain a manlet
as it should be
stay mad that your squatty darth vader marines are mogged by decent designs
>What are skitarii?
Adeptus Mechanicus standing army.
>What separates them from a regular guardsman
Being part of Adeptus Mechanicus instead of Imperial Guard, heavy augmentations, better equipment and "training"
>or combat servitor
Not being lobotomised.
SM 2 isn't that bad with friends honestly. Gonna meet up with two of my best buds and play coop this weekend
>Choose to remain firstborn
>permanent health, armor, speed and weapon-choice debuff
>Can carry 3 weapons instead of one because you don't have locked Primaris loadouts

what else do you really need, just give frowny face helmets to the tacticus models. Or play BT or something
That brick is 40 immortals, 10 deathmarks and 60 warriors.
My other army is salamanders, but I haven't posted my full army of them in a long time.
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i hate you so much

>cross the rubicon
>around 20% of the time the game just ends because you didn't survive the conversion process
you can play as a manlet if you play chaos in the PvP

or if you download the mod that replaces titus and friends' 3d models with deathwatch marines
my dudes have been manlets for like twenty year
i ain't going chaos now
or crossing the rubicon
god now i'm just being reminded how much i fucking hate how they came out with primaris reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
You have to choose a marine aspect if you cross and you're not allowed to use any other gun
Nah, they both fucked up there. Ragnar deserted his post to charge into battle and Grimnar had to rescue him. Dragongaze decided to ignore his orders and go after Grukk and it ended badly. It wasn't good day for Grimnar.
How do I paint tau
With a brush
1) Pick colour scheme
2) Acquire relevant paints
3) ???
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>spend like 10 mins getting my CSM the way I wanted them color-wise (the fact that they have no armor unlocks yet is fucking criminal)
>hop into quickplay
>get loyalists
>next round
>loyalists again
>rinse and repeat for 15 rounds
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[Sniggering in Tzeench]
As intended.
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Hasn't directly happened to me, but I know a few dudes browse /wip/ and I've posted some models there that ended up in a store contest.

>people I hobby/work with browse this shit-hole
>we'll all guilty
>we ignore those facts and roll dice
Phobos marines are cool and I'm tired of pretending they're not.
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For the Ochre color:
Skrag Brown as an undercoat, then the base coat is Heavy Ochre. I then shade with Skrag Brown and Doombull Brown, with pure doombull brown in the deep recesses, then I mix Heavvy Ochre with Buff for the first highlight, Then Buff, then some vertex highlights with either ivory or ice yellow.

The browns tend to be Charred Brown with a black wash, Doombull Brown Highlight and Skrag Brown highlight.

Black armor is usually painted by progressively lighter mixes of black up to a light grey.

I usually use Hull Red for the Brown-Red Markings because I'm too lazy to mix a Dark Red with Charred Brown.

I usually do the white markings with Deck Tan and White.

My way is the one and only answer to this broad question.
Eliminators, my beloved
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“Brother L’ahlo, the meltagun.”
im scared to post models because i already know im dogshit at painting and dont want to embarrass myself
Do it anyway
You're embarrassing yourself anyway by being here, so you might as well.
i want to pick up some phobos to kitbash and make them alpha legion
Won't know unless you try. Here's a very shitty model I painted to make you feel better.
Holy fuck as long as it’s not some gay ass green power armour I don’t give a shit. Just post it.
dude look at sallyanons models, he's not afraid to post those. Stop being a pussy
And if it is, Anon? What then?
but that looks really good to me
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>when the kitbash goes perfectly to what you had in your head
Lord Inquisitor Millina Corvich, Ordo Malleus Master #148/169
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i get to paint tomorrow
Damn you a bitch fr
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>being scared of the opinions of nomodels sheep
By posting models you elevate yourself over 90% of this general bare minimum.
Then I’ll call you a faggot and move on.
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I haven't played in a store since 6th edition when I got into the hobby and then shortly after quit. A number of reasons mainly emotionally unstable spergs being everywhere, but the final straw was a dark skinned mexican who played at the store flooding me with gay thirst texts after playing a game against his guard. Got back into the game at 8th at a friend's behest and have only played in my own house since, collecting terrain for the sole purpose of not needing to go out.
Checked all the LGS discords recently and Mexi dude is still around. One day when at the shop for commander night a couple years back I struck up a conversation with necromunda players and they immediately knew who I was talking about. One of the stores has as new guy behind the register and he also keeps following me around every-time I'm trying pick up paints which is making be suspicious. How do I stop gay men from liking me
I'm sorry anon, it doesn't read as a malleus inquistor at all. If I saw this I wouldn't think it was an inquisitor, maybe some agent if I'm generous. If I squint maaybe I could see this being a radical inquisitor.
>How do I stop gay men from liking me
Simple, stop acting like faggot.
Stop being such a cocktease
Based. Suck that man off!
Wow, you must be pretty cute if they're hounding you like that~
What area are you in?
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I love wolfdawg's stuff
I guarantee it's a matter of time before GW starts to openly court the furry market.
You might say 'but Skaven exist' and I would agree, but I honestly think that Furries have more of an overlap with Sci-Fi than fantasy.

>Destiny 2 Warlock

Very cool regardless.
Other than thet are they still "regular" people under the masks, with hopes and dreams and feelings?
I remember when I was reading the hellsreach book the skitarii on the titans all spoke in unison so I wasn't sure if they were all more akin to combat automata
And how are they recruited? Can anybody on a forge world sign up like they could a guard regiment, are they grown in jars for immediate skitarii-fication?
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mostly inspired by this passage from Eisenhorn re: hidden behind personal void shields and the depiction of the Rosarius from Dark Heresy basically being a miniature Iron Halo. In my head she's robed by psionic energy more than cloth, with her facemask acting as both Aegis Armor of a sort and psychic hood.
>Other than thet are they still "regular" people under the masks, with hopes and dreams and feelings?
Skitari lore is fucky because they were mechanicus imperial guard until they got codex. But after codex it boils down to "depends on magos who created them", some are vat gron flesh some are devotees of machine god with their personalites intact and some get possessed by tech priest mid battle. Officers have their personalities and mind intact tho. So for your question, depends, depends and depends. But yes.
Something like that is probably a result of the techpriest in charge of the skitarii switching off their personhood for some reason. They can switch it on and off as the situation dictates. Sometimes they need more unity, sometimes they need more independent thought
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Day 15 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released.

I also made a small financial sacrifice in return for some Slaaneshi paraphernalia
Anon is doing explosive hip thrusts. He will be able to shatter his boyfriend's pelvis before the EC codex
Just don't use the same photo you use for social media or schizos WILL track you down and doxx you. It has happened before, more than once
Question for some of the hobbyists here. When using a wash over a broad facade such as a side facing of this leman russ here, do you hit the whole thing with wash or do you use a smaller brush to painstakingly wash only the nooks and crevices? The latter seems kind of loathsome but I guess it makes sense to maintain the base colour.
>Walls of Light
>Animated Statues
>Rampant teleportation
>Evil Wolf People
Face it, the Burning of Prospero was just the Battle of Hogwarts.
I got my reddit "doxxed" and I still post here because I don't give a fuck. No, I'm not lamentits
I just use an enamel or oil wash on something like that so I don't have to worry about it.
are airbrushes worth the investment
Yes but they're not worth the hassle
I got a cheapo one just for priming and basing. I reckon it's saved me dozens of hobbying hours.

I'd say so even if you only used it for priming.

Airbrushing models outside of flat shit like Tau is extra as fuck.
The latter.
I paint tonight
Relax after a long day
Only go all over if you want it to be dirty/worn
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Imperial Guard with augmentations and tanks crews were wired into their tanks and couldn't leave. Troops could also be upgraded to Praetorians with even more augments, acting as test beds for all sorts of technologies. So it's not like Skitarii before the current codexes were just IG in red robes. 4e rulebook depiction of them is what they used as the basis for the current models (minus the gun arm).
Yo so I know nobody at GW remembers the Iron Hands aren’t dead but aren’t they like ultra fucked by the existence of Vashtor? They’re like 99% machines
dunk them in an acetone bath overnight to clean first :)
Get comfy gamer
Anon every marine have advanced power armor and boltgun that is also full of technology.
Everyone should be fucked by Vashtor, but they won't since he's a cuck and can't do shit unless GW allow him.
You're just going to ignore whatever outcome you don't want so who cares
This guy is my favorite
Any developments on the lamenters? Did they arrive at baal a little too late?
The true purpose of a coinflip is to discover which outcome you actually wanted
Every marine released in shadow spear was kino
Nah they declined the call stating that they were still too fucked up from their last fight and they'd be wiped out if they came.
What's the deal with 40k these days? I haven't played since 8th Ed. What's the general feel of the game like? Does it run better than it did in 8th (which felt quite bloated to me compared to my usual experience of 3.5 and 4e). I have a bunch of unpainted stuff from the indomitus crusade box set (marines) from whenever that was released.
>pic not related
I remember people saying these are CoD marines, skull masks and tacticool shit thats become popular amongst 'operators'. And is a sign that marines are going to be designed to the lowest common demoniator. Then we got an actuall 40k CoD tie in.
On the other hand they do kinda look cool >>93996627
IH are the mosy cowardly, insecure and pathetic of the first founding legions. Hard to make heroic so they just get sidelined and ignored
A friend shaped little creature
In forges of mars they were depicted as individuals with some of them originally having been in the guard.
Thunder Warrior vidja james?
I guess like lots of mechanicus stuff it depends on the particular forgeworld/magos. I'm sure many prefer to slave their skitarii entirely to their will and allow minimal independent action. I'm sure many others prefer the tactical flexibility of allowing them autonomous action and initiative
It may also depend heavily on the secutor that marshals them, in FoM it was mostly just a bunch of priests from the Martian priesthood and not any other forgeworld as far as I remember.
Anyone got a location for the Blood Angels codex in pdf format? Couldn't see it in the rules mega.
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hey so my boyfriend recently got me into Warhammer 40k and i'm putting together a 1000 pt harlequin list, here's what i've got painted so far
Of course, Blood Angels codex might be found in Games Workshop HQ in UK, otherwise it wasn't yet released to public.
What is the tactical advantage of the commanding officer becoming an infantryman mid-battle?
Lol thanks, I'm a retard. Thought it'd been released already for some reason. Might be time for a nap.
Love you guys :3

Hope you're having a wonderful day
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Don't play eldar so I don't know what this is but I like this guy
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>no basing
The Tech-priest in charge has full situational awareness of the entire battlefield, receiving data in troop movements from the entire formation. Sometimes the difference of a few seconds might stand between victory and defeat, and they must assume direct control of a certain formation, or even an individual, to ensure they take the most efficient and effective action to resolve the battle, even if that means throwing them into a headlong suicidal charge.
Roadmap implies bangels standalone release for the holiday season
I like your clussy and its very clean work. Good job anon.
Not commanding officer, that would be Marshal/princeps/alpha or whatever skitarii is highest rank, we are talking tech-priest who "owns" them possessing them. What advantage? Magos can collect data, tech-priests love data and are prepared to sacrafice entire cohort just to get data what enemy weapon do to maritan equipment. Remember that mechanicus are religious nutjobs who most of the time consider those under them as expendable puppets.
The commanding officer is probably the one feeding them data in the first place.
Didn't see the Space Marine codex in the mega. Is is hiding somewhere else?
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>Commanding officer becomes all infantrymen in an area
>Mass Coordinated small arms-fire from all directions destroys enemies distraction carnifex/flanking units
>give infantry back independant thought after about 30 seconds or so.
It would be very useful to cut out all delay between orders given and time taken to react to
Unironically? I kinda like it. Maybe not rawdogging it but a straight, smooth black coat goes pretty well with most minis
No it fucking doesn't.
What's the deal with the Charnel Guard?
>3rd Founding
>Founded by Dominion Zephon
>Not acknowledged ass successors by the Blood Angels
Is there any information about WHY the Blood Angels don't acknowledge them?
It definitely doesn't, you just have shit taste or you're blind
Anon, basing is there to:
1. Compliment your minis visually
2. Allow them to tell a story
Bare bases do neither and make you look like a lazy retard.
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>3rd Founding chapter
>One of the 5 astarte chapters that wiped out 11 other astarte chapters in the War of the False Primarch
>Part of the Malestrom Warders but not apart of the Badab War at all when all the other Malestrom Warder chapters joined Huron
>Were at Baal to fight the nids despite not being recognised as BAs
How fucking bizzare
>wants a man to take him seriously in a relationship
>doesn't base his minis
what did anon mean by this?
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>first the deldar baselet
>now the harlequin baselet
All we need is a craftworld player to complete the Triumvirate of Shit Taste
It's dogshit and literally what 40k would be if you stripped all the roleplaying aspects away for a very mediocre """""""competitive"""""""" wargame. Unironically it lacks all soul, is gamified to the lowest common denominator, and the points squish has made 2k games that would be 3.5k games in older editions.
The designer was having a chuckle when he made that.
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Gang Beasts 40k?
Please paint these I love them
Hey it's that one artwork of the marine holding down the tau's gun, looking disappointed at the tau.
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Same energy
it's from a Japanese xitter account
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>Horus Heresy is the name of the foundational creation myth of the Imperium where Horus rebelled aganist the Emperor and slew him but died himself
>Age of Horus in western occultism is an age of self-realization, true will, personal freedom,breaking away from authoritarian structures
>Named after (the god) Horus, a child god representing innocence, new beginnings, and the potential for growth
The Imperium in the name of the Emperor is the opposite of all these things, there is no self-realisation for an imperial serf worker slave, no true will or personal freedom. The Imperium is the single more authoritarian structure to ever exist in human history.
Did the early GW staff know about all this, or least some of them.
How the fuck can I convince my opponent to allow a Big Mek on Warbike datasheet onto the battlefield?
>4++ against ranged attacks for 6 warbikers
>Gives reroll 1s to hit to those warbikers
>Can repair and give +1 to hit to a nearby vehicle as well
>Can hold a power klaw or killsaw
>All of that on top of a fucking Shokk Attack Gun for some reason
It seems utterly retarded how much it can do. Is this the power of legends?
basing is not based
it's a waste
I'm writing a book about my dudes. One page a day, 4 days a week. I introduced an Admiral recently. She is the one of the only ones in the Chapter's navy to not be a failed neophyte. She was a cattle slave from an ork world. Her arm and ear were eaten when she was young. Her face was scarred similar to a cow branding. She was rescued and raised by the chapter as a serf and eventually given to the fleet where she went up in rank. She is heavily arm(ed) at all times now.

That is all.
If you're not playing a tournament then legends models are fine. I really hate the competitive slide of this game, even casuals get butthurt if you bring out firstborn or old kits.
Shadowseer, really nice model. I've got one primed and ready to sit in a box for 2 years. Maybe there'll be a Harlequins detachment and he'll only be in there for 1 year.
I know the army is kinda busted right now, but If I wanted to just build deathwing with normal terminators, a couple squads of Deathwing Knights, 1-2 dreadnoughts, maybe a blade guard squad with the lion, would that be ok for casual games, or are terminators right now so good it would be toxic?
What's the name of your chapter
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This but grey so you can just say your dude is standing on a gravel driveway
Can a chapters navy even have admirals, thats a Imperial Navy rank a seperate group. She can be a captain but admiral implies she has supreme control over all ships the chapter has, which I'm sure the astartes chapter leadership would oppose. Serfs are better fed and treated slaves, but are still slaves in the feudal structure that is the Imperium.
>Did the early GW staff know about all this, or least some of them.
It's been a constant theme all throughout 40k's history.
It plays on the old human idea that you can have authority and security, or freedom and risk, but not both at the same time.
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We need bigger fuck off guns for the Ordinatus Minoris.
I want to see a minoris mounting a Hellstorm cannon or better yet a Vengeance cannon.
We're never going to see an Imperator Titan produced for skirmish anytime soon, so at the very least I want to see the actual Imperator guns show up in skirmish.
>can tell immediately that this is brittle FW sloppa
Yeah true. Admittedly it's the rules for the model that make me want one more than the thought of having a mek on a bike, but still even balance-wise I figure Kult of Speed is doing so poorly right now that it might just be fine.
god damn, I thought of all the DAOT societies that survived and didn't degenerate into hedonism, that the Votann would be an enlightened bunch of people.
turns out that all DAOT humans are actually assholes.
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Do you think they'll ever update the turdwater tank base every astra militarum vehicle uses or were they like "we did this once and we don't feel like updating 10 models at once"
Just have the Admiral be someone hand appointed by the chapter's Master of the Watch, so she can run the ships while he fights on world. She serves at his pleasure, and seeing how she doesn't suck at the job, they are comfortable giving her more responsibility.

Not every chapter treats their human servants like shit, a chapter could totally have their serfs actually serve important roles as part of its chapter's divergence from the codex.
I get that idea, but using the Name Horus for the arch traitor, unless GW just thought it was a call god name that was also an alliteration of heresy.
Age of Horus is also irl meant to be the rise atheistic views and anti catholic church specifically. The Emperors Imperium is one huge Catholic-like dominated empire so the Age of Horus being aganist the Imperium also works on that front. Pity the HH books were made, we can't really seriously explore idea like Horus and his traitors being the optimistic new age types that were bought low by the dogmatic conservative loyalists. Who only turned to chaos after the scouring and being driven into the Eye. Them having daemons on Terra and during the heresy being imperail historical revisionism and propoganda.
Storms hitting here, I can't paint my dudes and my firestrike turret isn't arriving until Saturday now. At least I don't have work tomorrow now.
>Warhound titan can mount 4 turbo-lasers and then some.
>Ordinatus Minoris super-heavy vehicle can mount an extended long-range volcano cannon
>Baneblade and Fellblade super-heavy tanks can mount 1 or even 2 volcano cannons.
>Questoris Knight super-heavy walkers can't even mount a single turbo-laser.

what the hell? why do knights get left out of all the turbo-laser fun? that makes no sense.
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for me it's goblin green + flock
What storm? A fucking hurricane?
Because back when Knights originally came out, a turbo laser was WAY more damaging then they are now, so they settled on making them have battle cannons and the like.

Knights with turbo lasers would have been hilariously busted if they came out back when Str D just removed models.
>double-barrelled volcano cannon
what kind of psycho fields a falchion?
true, sounds cool anon, whats their name and colour scheme and their history. writing a page is day is good but sometimes its better to not over describe and details every little aspect of how they operate. Look at how GW talks about minor chapters like the Dark Wings, very little information about them but you get a real sense of their character
Love the old school bases. This is what I'm going with. Very much still a WIP on this elf.
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40k's lore isn't that complicated.
Horus et al. were rebelling against the rule of the Imperium because they realized they were tools of an institution that would eventually throw them to the wayside.
But, as history has borne out, breaking away from established institutions is a great way to get yourself thrown out into the proverbial wilderness. Horus's actions were more or less done as a matter of survival, not because he had any real choice in the matter.
Hello guys :3 I am new to this hobby and after playing Space Marine 2 I decided that maybe painting minis and playing with little figurines could be fun. Where do I start? I've heard it's super expensive. I do have some disposeable funds for stuff like that, but I'd prefer not to spend over 500 bucks for a hobby I'm not sure yet I will yet enjoy. How do I start with game rules, armies and stuff?
Fuck, meant for >>93997530
buy the following:
>cheap set of synthetic brushes
>hobby knife
>box of basic units
build and paint them. see if you still like it, and then go from there. reasonably, it should be $100-200 to try it out.
generally it's recommended you start with 40k's smaller (and honestly better but don't tell anyone) cousin Kill Team.
The new Kill team set for example includes all you need to play and just released.
From then, buy nail clippers, some brushes, a spray on primer, acrylic paints (GW ones are expensive, try Vallejo) and follow basic painting tutorials on youtube (pro tip, if they whip out an airbrush, it's not a basic tutorial).
Have fun.
First, decide what dudes look coolest and what army you like the look of the most. It IS expensive, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. A good part of it is the startup cost of buying brushes and paints and hobby tools like a knife and clippers, though. Do some research on how you’d like your dudes to look and watch a ton of painting guides to get a feel for the gist of what you want to do. Lexicanum is your best friend to try and read up on the lore since 40kwiki is bad and 1d4chan or 1d6whatever are full of really bad and outdated memes and headcanons. What dudes look coolest to you so far anon?
Cyberdaemons wheeeeen
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fair enough.
start selling regular crack if you want to easily afford plastic crack
thank you anons
I am not sure yet. I see that there is this 10th edition thing, is that what everyone is playing? I think emperors children, worldeaters and astra militarum look cool
Did you immediately drop 1k on this hobby when starting out? I'm just asking for reasonable entry.
Weather is awful now in Mexico, my inquisitors got delayed too
On a somewhat related note I should buy a pair of turrets they look fun to paint
Redamant Throne when they were loyalists. Then Redamant Corpse for a few months. Than they were actual corpses.

My chapter took the codex astartes and chucked it into the void. They rely heavily on serfs and allied guardsmen. They lack techmarines, tanks, and have only one Librarian.

Technically she is a vice admiral. She commands one of those old BFG Annihilator class battleships, while those under her have cruisers and corvettes.
>emperors children
Not released yet, they have teaser a year of chaos with them getting a new detachment next year
May or may not get more stuff soon, some of their units have weird sizes you may want to wait a bit for them and the EC
>Astra militarum
Kinda expensive to collect, troops can be hard to paint for a beginner so they to not buy too much or the pile of shame will cause some burnout

You should start small, if you have a games workshop in your area you could ask for a model of the month, it's free. Fuck it they may even offer a painting lesson, don't buy anything yet figure out a paint scheme you like, buy some primer, cheap paints and a cheap brush then try to paint one of the free modes or something that catches your fancy

I learnt that buying a big box from the start can kill your interest when you realize how long it can take to paint some stuff, start small and have fun
10th is the current edition, yeah. Emperor’s Children are looking to maybe be their own faction in a future release similar to the World Eaters who are a minor faction at the moment. Astra Militarum are cool, but definitely on the very expensive end because of how many bodies they can field. World Eaters are super melee focused because GW flanderize every army they can, Emperor’s Children will likely also be melee focused with a speed tilt to them to slightly differentiate them to the World Eaters. Astra Militarum are usually a horde army that can also field a parking lot full of tanks or other vehicles, though keep in mind that, again, they can be prohibitively expensive because of this. Not to mention unfun for your opponents if you go with the parking lot angle and they don’t have decent anti-tank.
Buy a box of basic infantry for the army whose aesthetics you like the most. Build and paint them using your favorite colours. If you enjoyed painting them Buy a combat patrol for that army, if you didn't enjoy painting them then quit, or alternatively try another armies basic troops
I just got the one, they're neat little dudes. Wish they could move faster though
Finally started reading The infinite and the divine. This shit is REALLY making me want to start a necron army
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Here is edited ai slop about their color scheme.

The have no means of maintaining their vehicles and rely heavily on others for armoured support. They guard over a large area of space and many guard regiments are close allies. They also have some techpriests that the local forgeworld is suspicious of. Their history starts in Aurorous, but have been around a lot longer. They settled in the string of fortress worlds and stood guard against a warp phenomenon and ork raiders.

They only have one Librarian at a time. As soon as a new psyker shows up and is trained enough, the previous one dies in a Final Destination type death. Psykers from allied guard regiments have an unnatural death rates also.

They cut out and salvage ships from a space hulk near their system. It's a very resource intensive task for the chapter and they call upon some very totally good techpriests to help.

Tzeentch is fucking with them and they all die in the end. The loyal inquisitor they fought against went rogue because of the battle. Just As Planned.
Their rules kinda suck, but they just look too cool to ignore
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I concur. I especially like that Phobos models provide an option without Buzz Lightyear boots... wait, is Buzz's design just a cross between an Astartes and the Space Kook from Scooby-Doo?
Imagine being between a repentia and jakhal hahaha
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Map of the war. The chapter leaves Aurorous and assaults some agriworlds to establish food supply. The local forgeworld sends their fleet to attack Aurorous in response, but they have to get by a Fortress world named Bastio first. Half of the chapter fleet comes out of hiding and assaults their rear The other half of Chapter takes over their weakened forgeworld, hands it off to their allies, and chases to rejoin the other half. Stuck between Bastio and the entire Chapter fleet, the Mechanicus assaults the ocean planet of floating hives. Turns out the hive spires are orbital cannons. The mechanicus fails to take them out and they fire on the fleet. They retreat and are picked off by the chapter fleet. Some stragglers end up going to Hailindale, where an inquisitor has been guarding a chaos artifact. The planet has tens of trillions of civilians that the inquisitor drugs and tries drowning the assaulting astartes/guard/dark mechanicum forces in bodies. They do surprisingly well, but the Chapter ends up winning. In order to save the day, the Inquisitor uses the chaos artifact and destroys the planet, barely escaping death. Everyone else dies.

Super quick summary of their entire renegade timeline.
Why do I not see models that use fabric on it?
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This is the most fucking bizzare alien posts I've seen. I don't know if its an ESL, a bot or an ESL bot.
The google doc is further madness
>Do you believe in the existence of the missing Chapter of the Travelling Bee?
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I literally post pics of my LGS and memes of the staff sitting on piles of AoS boxes. Nothing ever happens. Relax lil chuddie
Do it, anon. Probably one of the easiest armies to get a good starting base out in the second hand market still. The Necron half of the indomitus box (if you can still find it for a decent price ~$150 USD), it’s pretty great
Don't encourage it, just report and move on.
>Didn't see the Space Marine codex in the mega. Is is hiding somewhere else?
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GW/BL comes to you and allows you to canonize one of /yourdudes/ into 40k
Which one of /yourdudes/ is it?
What are their notable achievements in the setting?
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I don't enjoy painting because all of my brushes are unsalvageable shit-heaps.
I love you too, anon. <3
Unironically love 40kg more than other places because the chat feels more organic and users aren't beholden to a username's reputation or digital points.
>ferrule jammed up with old metallic paint
>is surprised his shits is splitting and terrible
You did this to yourself. Maybe you should stop using the ferrule like a shovel for paint when you load your palette
None of my dudes are worth canonizing.
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>not so fast
you can see his world eaters emblem on the butt cape thing
This is the list I have in mind now. Although it'll probably be a long time before I actually get them, I still need to financially recover from my first army
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What's with Fortifications? Are they absolutely "do not take them even if you're a casual" bad or just overpriced for what they do bad? Can I use them as terrain pieces if they ARE that bad?
You could use anything as a terrain piece if you felt like it.
I feel like half the reason anyone likes /theirdudes/ is that they get to make up the story for them. The second gw touches something it's no longer yours and kinda loses the magic. I legitimately feel a little bad for those who have had /theirdudes/ posted in white dwarf cause once you get random hobbyists building your army that they saw in white dwarf it's no longer yours anymore.
The hammerfall is a funny meme at least. that can actually be pretty good if you run more than one
>Purple tufts
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A weapon to surpass Metal Gear...
I don't think the Severan Dominate would be made canon even if I wanted them to be made canon again as a dominant Ultramar sized entity in the Calixis Sector.
I'm thinking of just taking the Dominate miniatures I have assembled and making a little diorama of them posing together now that Kill Team has abandoned the compendium.
Then going back to my main guard army.
General Oliver. Notable for not dying for 2 turns.
you know how those old star wars figures with the real felt robes n shit always looked terrible because the felt would just stick out and look like a stiff sheet instead of a robe draped over a body?
It's the same problem, at that scale it's too light to look like it does normally so your only option would be to do something like sealing it with a modpodge type putty in a flowing draped way, which basically makes working with real fabric redundant
same thing for why people don't use real/faux hair for fur cloaks n shit on minis
Hammerfall would only be remotely useful if it could Deep Strike and/or house a squad of marines in it who can shoot out with a Firing Deck like a Starcraft bunker.
You wouldn't let your pile of shame get this bad would you /40kg/? Surely most people here would have the common sense to not hoard things to this extent right?
Can I surround a Basilisk or two with an aegis to make it invincible
>tfw its cold and raining outside

is there a way i can prime my models with a spray can without getting that shitty grainy look on them in cold conditions?
Does it count as /yourdudes/ if one of them is a Dung Eater clone?
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>tfw theres 3rd edition boxes in that pile
For a moment I thought that was a Destroy Gundam.
I would never let it get that big, but I do have a pile of shame.
I have 50ish marines and about 5 vehicles/dreads to paint that I bought all secondhand from a dude who gave up after assembling 20 of them, and then an assortment of other small boxes of stuff like skaven and admech and orks
all in all 90ish models waiting for full assembly and paint
Sure absolutely, you can warm your can in a hot water bath and it'll help it spray more consistently and limit nozzle drying. Live in Southern Canada and have sprayed all through winter in Temps around -30C with no issues
Not really, humidity will fuck your shit no matter what. Better to wait till a dry day
Its not hoarding, its collecting. And those 3rd edition stuff is worth a lot by now.
This is probably 25-30k in plastic. Just these three boxes are 400 a piece. This would make me legitimately upset to have all in one place where I could see how much money I had wasted on things just taking up space
Is it really collecting to just have a pile of shit you never interact with piled on your floor in the corner

How the conditions around it are while it dries seems to matter more, but I wouldn't fuck with that kind of humidity.

>primed in 110+f (43c) weather
>walk back inside LGS and let it dry in the backroom that is, like the store itself, air-conditioned
>no issues
Found the hoarder lmao
Iirc the area the Calixis sector was in was destroyed to softsquat the FFG areas.

Its an investment.
god no. I don't even let my unpainted stuff get to more than 2-3 squads at a time.
>unless you count bits..
>I've got a lot of bits
I assume he dragged it together onto this pile to make a picture with everything in one place.
"Investments" via toys and games are bad.
>This is probably 25-30k in plastic.

That is honestly not that much money. Even my kia did cost more than 30k. And i considered it a cheap car.
Only for people who want to actually buy the stuff, and have to compete with collectors.
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What are some good ways to buy bits? I've used bitzstore to get a bunch of devastator helmets, but I really want to get more different helmets and stuff for decorations.
Any good pages? I've had shit luck inquiring in local second hand places and I hate eBay.
Right but you use your Kia for something. You drive it. It allows you to do things that you otherwise wouldnt be able to do without a car. This sits in your room taking up space and doing nothing
>30k cheap car
Holy fuck what is this fucking market?
Got a brand new Hyundai for 19k 3 years ago
Print them.. or let someone print them for you.
Dont pay some bits store $1,5 for a single space marine helmet.
These helmets I got them for 0.75€ a piece.
Expensive but not as much as I dreaded.
And I can't find good Mk7 stls, they all look like shit
you haven't looked very hard

>comparing a car (necessity) to Warhammer (luxury)
>all kill teams got included in the game, either as a new unit or folded into an existing one
>except these guys
Oh come on, at least add the claws guy to the legionaries
If they add any more options to legionaries they'd need their data cards to be fold-outs like old playboy mags.
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>Its not hoarding
>33 actual totes filled with plastic from 3rd edition
There's more shit in that room than a single person could complete in a lifetime.
>And those 3rd edition stuff is worth a lot by now.
Yeah have fun trying to hawk old plastic on ebay for a 10x what you bought it for to sell to some other dumbass "collector".
Just kidding, the "this garbage is worth a lot!" is the most classic hoarder cope in existence, man. Get help.
If it could deep strike it would arguably be better than the repulser. It's stats are really good for what it is. Being able to drop a what is basically a tank with both anti vehicle, anti infantry, and free overwatch, anywhere on the table would be pretty crazy.
This is just mental illness at this point
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Holy shit, thanks anon, I had indeed never crossed that cults profile. Maybe some keyword fuckery prevented me from finding them
My eternal gratitude to you
alrighty, sounds like i need to wait until its not shit outside. ill just build some models today instead
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Someone was selling off their pile of shame/sealed space marine collection on ebay and I bought probably 75% of it and made it my own, so I'm getting there.
>kitbashed my new inquisitor
>and 12/20 of my lil fanatics are at least built if not finished
productive day, hope everyone else had good hobbying
The point of the Tau is that they are better than the Imperium in everyway.
Humanity and Imperiul both are a net negative for the galaxy, that's the point.
I have 2 and a half tubs
Have you seen the price for the Octarius terrain on ebay?
The Tau are massive fuck ups who spent the past few centuries playing on easy mode
>mail order boxes
Imagine the goodies in those.
Furfag shit.
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Felinids are canon and furry enough to be classified as "hirsutus" meaning:
1. rough, shaggy, bristly, prickly
2. hairy, hirsute
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>"Sounds cool, stunty. But we will be declining your offer."
they're canonically covered in fur to some degree
cope nekofag
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Here's your Felinid mini bro
>Horus et al. were rebelling against the rule of the Imperium because they realized they were tools of an institution that would eventually throw them to the wayside.
This is nulore retardation made up by Abnett and Co.
I'm ready for execution commissar. Hurry please.
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>they're canonically covered in fur
All humans are you faggot, it comes with being a mammal.
>Felinids are canon and furry enough to be classified as "hirsutus"
If this was the case felinids would've just be classified as abhumans.
The realistic one would have her tail and ears amputated either at birth or before conscription. Munitorum ain't gonna adjust the uniforms just for the comfort of abhumans.
Has GW ever said anything as to actually WHY they signed off on the current UI of the webstore?
They are classified as abhumans, dummy. Read the text from the 6th ed rulebook there. Their particular subset of of abhuman is "homo sapiens hirsutus"
No official statements as far as I'm aware. We can guess from the end result that it was to better handle mobile users.
not to the point that our subspecies of sapiens would be classified as hirsutus
keep coping though
they are abhumans, retard
Nah, the ears would fit under the standard issue helmet and they'd be issued standard guard trousers and be expected to deal with the tail issue themselves. I.e., modify their issued equipment with a slit for the tail to come out or amputate the tail themselves.
don't need to
helmet goes over ears
tail sticks out above belt line
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What are some models you like that people do not tend to?
I know this guy is comically edge but I'm too much of a sucker for executioner swords.
judiciar is my favorite model unironically and 90% of it is the executioner's sword
>The only war setting.
>Trade and diplomatics are like the 0,001% percent of the setting
>Trying to be cool with redditsh catchy sentences.
OK, poor 40k dwarfs, they are the joke of a joke trying to be toke serious.
yeah they look ridiculous but their rule of cool factor wins me over.
I hate this head with all my heart.
No you doin't
SoS are such a missed opportunity to make cool female models...
If this is your fav you should probably swap to AoS stormcasts, not even kidding.
Yes, its especially ugly.
doesn't look anything like a stormcast no matter how much you stamp your feet and repeat this
It probably was soft squatted by the Great Rift along with a lot of other areas.
In a way it does fill the grimdark aspect of all actions never mattering in the end as it all got destroyed.
I wish marines would expose thier muscles more, I fucking love ripped half naked dudes so much bwos....
In a gay way?
I don't really like half armoured + half naked.
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Aos blood warrior arms fit pretty well if you want to show off some biceps a bit
You think THAT'S ugly? You should try looking in a mirror
>Ahah gottem
Implying they'd spend the time on the surgery
Helmets and pants for them, but it's their responsibility to conform to munitorum standards, so it would be up to them and their commissars
That was the only primaris model I played with regularly in my Space Woofs army. Then 10th hit and I would have had to bring more primaris and so he's been sitting in storage all edtion.
I don't HATE hate the head, but I did do a headswap to a bare head. Because Spess Woofs.
Ew nigga you gay
How the hell do vehicle movement rules work in 10th edition? Say I have an Armiger on a round base and I want it to go forward 5 inches then to the right by three inches. Do I need to pivot and waste the extra movement or can I just do it? The example images they had in the core rules really don't help on this.
You have to pivot yes
anyone here buy a model and while putting it together, have said "this is going to be an absolute cunt to paint"?
Yeah that's why you sub assemble.
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Swap to a mk7 angry head and it's a perfect model
Would also think a chaplain skull helm, especially the hooded skull helm, would work well with it.
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not that loaded at least, but right now in my backlog I have
>1k points of necrons (I paint them in nmm so it's going slowly)
>1k of word bearers
>round 500pts of Night lords
>forge world great unclean one that I'm scared to start on

I'm autistic about my paintjobs and it usually takes me several hours for a single model, so I tend to paint obsessively for like a month and then take a few months breaks
If you would paint the flesh bits black, nobody would notice anyway.
>hooded skull helm
Like a penis
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Everything is like a penis to you, anon.
although all of my shit is put together (apart from a kommandos squad from the kill team box i havent opened yet), i have a lot of unpainted orks. very embarrassing since all of the ork bros in these generals buy something and paint it within a week
Come hither
You don't need to face where you're going, so no "waste" needed.

If you mean Pivot as in -2" movement, you've got a round base so you don't need to pay for that even if you decided to spin like a princess the entire way
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finished decorating a dark angels redemptor dread, my ballistus has a book theme so i decided to just cover this fucker in purity seals. then i got bored and wrote a 2.5k word short story about him waking up for the first time.

notepad link/gNLYz
>What are some models you like that people do not tend to?
Nundams. They're like miniature knights to me.
you only have to pivot if you need to do so for it to fit through a gap or some shit, you can shoot all your guns while showing your ass so who cares
I mean yeah prolly, but that would defeat the purpose of putting arms with sculpted biceps on him.
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the book decorations for the ballistus dread. I'm gonna glue the giant book to his left shoulder and hang the book chain on the right one, prolly gonna put one book the base like it fell off and idk what to do with the other one. anyone got any good ideas?
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Dark Eldar in general
Pretty much everyone recognizes that deldar have a sick model range.
If they did, more people would buy them
In truth they are the least popular range in the game
>Pretty much everyone recognizes that deldar have a sick model range.
I don't.
It's boring and ugly.
Put it in the eyeslot like someone tried to return a library book to the wrong place
I think the only thing that actually excites me about deldar are their planes and their jetbikes. Everything else does not spark joy for me
Kastellan Robot
Based nundam chad
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Anyone else ever fantasize about knocking off a GW store?

I mean especially those big stores that have giant forge world/titan boxes and heaps of starter sets. One robbery and you'd have enough models for life....

I'm honestly surprised they're not robbed more often given how much value is packed into small boxes. Steel a 2/3 box warlord titan and you've got $5k worth of stuff.

How would you go about it?

For me?
>wait till closed
>mask + gloves
>acquire shopping trolley
>find out if store has a back area, otherwise just smash into the front
>rapidly filly trolley with biggest boxes and heaps of character models
>get the fuck out of dodge to getaway car

Also for the coppas reading:
>Obviously I'm not actually going to do it, settle down glowies - if I was going to I'd have done it already.
Flash Gitz. Because we need more dakka.
its a great hobby for those with fine motor control issues, if youre willing to work on it.
its also a great hobby for impatient people, as long as they know they have a problem and are willing to use this hobby as therapy
I'm white, so no.
Determinationlet take. You can paint with terminal Parkinson's.
Cucked by GW
And that's bad how?
No. I don't want to go to prison for grand theft miniatures.
How is the 10th ed GSC Codex STILL not anywhere?
And no the shitty photographed one doesn't count
>Fantasizes about what he never has the balls to do
>Calls other people a cuck

Its on waha? Not sure what you're expecting. One of the 10 players to scan it for you?
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thats funny as fuck but sadly not the tone I'm going for
>Not sure what you're expecting. One of the 10 players to scan it for you?
>those feet
Anon, please tell me you prime your minis before painting them.
the roots of space marines are embroiled in man love.
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>"Out in the wild, this is how we talk."
also, check the "Codex" link yourself :^)

Wow! What a great code.. errata?
I wish. They're less gay than they ought to be.
>Captured, tortured and experimented on by Dark Eldar this Fire Warrior was blended with the living metals of the Necrons. Now a master in the art of warfare having escaped his torturers, he stalks the webway...
Not sure if cool or really lame
5 detachments is plenty, what are you whining about now
wow tau guns look lame.
>Tau trying to reverse Engineer Necron tech
They would if they fucking could
When I was a kid I stole one Basilisk from the shop on the GW gaming table that they had to teach how to play. I just took it and walked off with it when no one was looking.
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i do, just had some left over in the airbrush and wanted to see what it looked like on big ass panels. still thinking about doing them in deathwing colors even tho their 5th company.
The second.
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Bros how do I stop daydreaming about new models and army sections when I already have a giant pile of shame and too amny models already?
>a 10 man brick of chaos termies and a sorcerer sure would be cool
>I should get lictors and leapers for a sneaky tyranid detachment
>maybe I should start a little space marine force of blood ravens I bet they'd be easy to airbrush
>Bros how do I stop daydreaming
Get a gf or go get your shitter destroyed
Protip - Get a little blu-tac, stick it to the outside of your water pot and stick the brushes to that BRISTLES DOWN to drip dry when you're done with them.
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when we were kids, my friends and i used to steal 40k related shit from an lgs and toy stores all the time, mostly boring stuff like paints etc but a few metal models every so often. boxes were hard to steal of course but someone managed to get a raider or rhino, cant remember which one. the worst feeling was just as we were walking out the door, almost shit myself every time thinking we are gonna get caught here for sure. not long after that the shop started putting metal chains through the blister packs or whatever they were called, had to go up to the counter to ask them to take it off if you wanted one

fuck, i havent talked to those boys in close to 10 years. i miss my bros
>Anyone else ever fantasize about knocking off a GW store?
Melanin enriched hands typed this post.
Remove this shit
Nah, it's just fags trying to push their faggotry into something where it doesn't belong.
>inb4 some fag posts that space marines dancing picture
That picture is from an unofficial magazine that had nothing to do with GW and it was made by Jim Holloway that never worked with GW, it is quite literally gay fanfiction.
You are scum.
It was litterally just sitting there
Love me Ravagers
Love me Fire Prisms
Love me Predators
Love me Exorcists

Simple as
>ravagers in eldar lists
Post your models
If they arent red ynaari painted its cringe
>It was litterally just sitting there
And in a civilized society people can be trusted to not just steal shit. People like you are why so much shit has to be locked up in stores.
You are scum.

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