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Previous Thread: >>93985360
I LOST cyoag. What is my name?
Dollanon (rip)
All of these authors won.
Continuing this cause I want an answer while I make a build.

Ok but that's not necessarily a bad thing if you can steer your own growth, or if you're already a lich or something with a drawback (which also would increase your potential level cap, since we already know of a lich at least level 180, and demons can go up to 200 at least.)

Couple this with one of the powers that already makes you stronger the more corrupted you are, and I don't really see a downside in this?
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Flopsta lost. Look how hard they have to spam his cyoa to keep discussion barely going.
Aro lost. Look how hard she has to spam her WIP to keep discussion barely going.
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Aro, Italics, and Tankista won. Look at how much people still talk about them.
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They can't even come up with their own insults anymore. They burned their mind out just trying to get through the mind numbing shitshow that is magocrap. Lmao.
/mcyoag/ author whose works never gain glory or infamy in /cyoag/ despite his output.
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>Ok but that's not necessarily a bad thing if you can steer your own growth, or if you're already a lich or something with a drawback (which also would increase your potential level cap, since we already know of a lich at least level 180, and demons can go up to 200 at least.)
I don't mean making you a monster boy, I mean making normal wildlife into regular monsters.
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Ok but what about myself being corrupted, that was the entire point of the question.
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Well first, it will cause people to stigmatize and lose relatability with you. Is this prejudiced behavior? Definitely. However, one shouldn't unnecessarily allow himself to become a victim of theft or murder either, even though those would most likely be worse than whatever spurred
Corruption exaggerates negative personality traits or creates new traits entirely, which is a deal breaker without question for most anons.
You will also spread corruption which is hazardous to both safety and free will for reasons that I've discussed.
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You can't hold me here forever!
After taking into account the opinion of the thread.
I will work on the magical girls CYOA.
So you actually just want to take at least one of the classes that just allows you to become immune to corruption entirely, even if you're a monster then. Ok.
I love you for this
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CYOA Afterlife. You can't escape even in death.
So no edgy isekai, you serious?
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gatofagot... I trusted you were better than this. Do you really have to lower yourself to that?
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What the fuck even is corruption, and where is any of this said?
>Well first, it will cause people to stigmatize and lose relatability with you. Is this prejudiced behavior? Definitely. However, one shouldn't unnecessarily allow himself to become a victim of theft or murder either, even though those would most likely be worse than whatever spurred
What the does this even mean?
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Are you threatening me bro?
No, I actually agree with your choice.
>School shit
Why do people like this???
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No edgy isekai is a declaration of war!
Schoolshitters don't like adventure, they just want to make erotic fanfiction about their ideal childhoods.
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i want that hoe
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Here she is
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good cyoa with a very interesting concept but it misses something that could make it great, and i don't know what.
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My beloved is so cute...
i pray that the spear design is good.
anyone without a durability boost is built to be killed by mortal assassins
We also have a spear? I know we have a trident and we already know the design of that one.
Yeah I hope she's a loli
Is there any famous spear wielding female characters?
a lot, both loli and non
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Which loner is the best?
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The core
A blade
A spear
A hammer
A bow
A belt
A gauntlet
An axe
A trident
A hoe
And a hat.

the axe, the hat, the belt and the hammer are not lolis.
that confirms that everyone else is a loli. also the axe is Edelgard from fire emblem.
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So 7/11 are lolis...
But he also previewed a cyborg using Eva so another non loli
For me really its customization. You're locked to nothing but edgy classes and that's really a bummer if you wanted something else. Example being if you want to be a mage you HAVE to be a necromancer or curse caster.
Indisputably Legion because she can conform to whatever you want at any given time. I'm still a little assmad that necromancy is gated behind the vampire twink tranny.
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This is indisputably the optimal CYOA. Just like popcorn in the oven, it's a blast!
is the belt going to be leona?
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Do not be decieved, that is FCP (false catposter).
The gate is being removed in the update and replaced with a discount if you have the femboy, same for the other powers.
Also what do you have against sin lmao
I don't want a gay vampire twink companion whose going to be trying to get in my pants.
>discount if you are gay or a woman
real life simulator...
Ahh, you want a demure, innocent femboy you can corrupt, i understand.
not gonna play until update
I ain't wastin ma time playin an inferior version of a subpar cyoa you dig
I give this a 4/10, you have used it way too much by now.
husanon also revealed that the spear is among the most bloodthirsty of the artefacts (together with the bow and belt)
any idea of who might be?
the character from league? why?
>the character from league? why?
Because he is tok
A-Snake is really cute.
She beats Boa in every way possible.
I have to add her to my WIP.
Maybe as a demigod or something.
>the character from league?
i don't play league so i don't know who that is, i meant an anime character that takes power from a belt
i am not good at remembering names on the spot so no
Yes, you should. I completely agree.
>She beats Boa in every way possible.
Not that hard. Fucking jobber.
Nah 100% S-snake every time no diff.
one of the best if not the best female design in one piece. also its S-snake
oh, you mean Leone from akame ga kill, yes, probably
>Leone from akame ga kill
yes, the only non loli belt character that comes to mind, unless he wants to pull out a random jrpg character from a kingdom hearts like franchise with belts everywhere on them for no reason
I'm working on the hoe also.
I'm thinking that it might be a good idea to create a companion pdf to Luminary.
answering questions, clarifying powers and maybe adding extra content that would be hard to implement in the CYOA itself like what each artifact is likely to think about the others.
I'm not sure if it'll be funnier if the hoe is a virgin or not.
All of them need to be virgins, otherwise they are not an option.
How would a hoe lose her virginity?
By being a hoe.
How old is this one?
That's racist...

>Shard of Divinity & Heart of Nature

>Gateway Builder, Lighthouse Keeper, Shroud of Night, Eyes of Reality, Strength of Bonds & Break of Mortality

>Nirvana & The Cocoon

>Tav the Hero, Legion the Everlasting & Kleidi the Flame Within

>Samsara, Genetic History & Soul Weaver

>Heroes of Ragnarok

>The Gjallarhorn


>Treasure Planet & Containment Breach

>The God-Hunter, The Blue Moon Witch, The Steel Seraphim & The Sins
Against hoes?
Ah I see the S-snake poster was actually husanon...

I'm not sure how to feel about this...
Sounds fun to me. I always enjoy extra lore. I do recommend focusing on finishing the main CYOA first though. Just adding quick cliffnotes to the pdf as you think of them to fully fluff out later, so you won't forget in the meantime.
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good idea, i also suggest to update it once the cyoa comes out and other anons ask questions. by the way did you finish to write the worlds section or that part is still a work in progress?
It's my first time posting her.
I was actually inspired by a post the other day to look up a bit of what's going on in One Piece.
I lost interest in it years ago.
I don't like haki.
or the surprise Luffy is the chosen one!
It is pretty shit and generic. The haki shit turned everything into dragon ball and the anime just went with it and made it worse.
The way Cloning Laws is handled is kind of dumb. They hate it because it's too close to Blood Magic for the normalfags in the Convention, and it costs so much mana to do because Conventional Magic sucks at it compared to Blood Magic. So If I've already fully legalized Blood Magic than it really shouldn't as many points from the Puresta and Reformists “It's too close to Blood Magic!” Nigger, everone is using real Blood Magic now anyway.”, and/or be cheaper since we can do the revivals with actual Blood Magic instead.
You were right, asafag. She won.
>Luffy is the chosen one!
agreed, One of the appeals of One Piece for me was seeing Luffy become stronger despite having a shitty Devil Fruit.
that said i still like one piece
The pdf would come a while after the CYOA as a repository for common questions and clarifications.
For example the question of if you can soul mark artifacts.
would be the kind of stuff I'm trying to save for it.

the world section it's still a work in progress.
I still love one piece, its peak.
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Purists hate it because they're scared about agents having political and financial arguments between different versions of each other, which is why the different self-insertion sorceries aren't locked behind the policy even if it makes a disposable copy of the original.
Or Tankista had another oopsie.
Yeah that's how I feel.

It is ok to like it.
I just feel that it's soul is gone and that Oda will unironically end it with a "The true treasure is the friends we made along the way."
Early One pieceis still peak tho.
why do so many cyoas focus heavy on magic? There so many that revolves around building a wizard.
Because being a wizard is the coolest thing.
Also there are 175464784837 ways to do magic, but there is only a handful of ways to do a martial build.
>there is only a handful of ways to do a martial build.
Have you tried punching, but like, harder?
I'm more of a "punching faster" kind of guy, sorry
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I like punching with magic
all gay wizard fags are gay and got shoved into lockers by based punch chads
Actual clones and sort of hiveminded additional bodies are different, I guess.
That's more like dark capeshit.
>he doesn't have any special techniques
Good thing i'm just a wizard, and not a gay wizard fag.
when I get you with フェムボーイの拳 (femboy fist) you wont be straight anymore.
Any martial special technique can be summed up as "strike but faster or harder".
Based Jian enjoyer
not true. Femboy fist is a powerful technique that can transform all testosterone into estrogen through the shear willpower and strength of heart of the user and character of the user.
Letting a little gayness almost kill the thread. I'm ashamed of you all /cyoag/
what beef does the arosimp even have with tankista that he can't stop whining about him every thread
aro herself was only cordial with him
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I need a bit of help with cool names for the 3 tiers of geomancy.
Any suggestions are welcomed.
Right now I only have the place holder name they share.
Tank creates power systems that are interesting enough for people to be contrarian against the META. Aromage just makes tiered stat systems or elemental capeshit, and then acts surprised when everyone chooses Mind of Machine.
I haven't visited this general since around January. Is anyone willing to post several of the best CYOAs that have come out this year? The more, the better
Generic waifu slop is also fine by me so long as it's not a build-your-own-waifu cyoa (EG choose her appearance, her personality, etc)
This but with flopstasimp.
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They were all made by our KING surinical. don't listen to anyone else
>tfw when no cyoa where I can Black Flash a cocky wizard to death with a 1 2 combo.
God I want to have sex with Ammit so bad
The obvious ai and fuckups makes detracts so hard from this cyoa.
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Pick one. I want to be an Ork.
If I had to isekai into one of the roles, it would be Emperor of Mankind.
If it were a video game or something I could easily retry any number of times, I'd pick One Last Hope, but if I had to isekai into the role once and for all, the odds are too heavily stacked against me for me to consider it.
Reunited Shards. Plenty of power and next to no responsibility.
The Great Devourer. I've always wanted to be multiple people
One Last Hope for me, as I started expanding the Web Way to bring all Craft worlds into it, as I plot the Death of Nurgle next to get Isha and make her my wife, to massively boost the fertility of the Eldar to get those numbers pumped up.
It's got to be the Fifth Chaos God for me, I've always wanted to have extra appendages.
Ork seems great, although the loss of a dick and stuff kinda sucks. So Da greatezt warboss for me.
Beri released 3 new cyoas and added a new branch to Royal Revival, you could start there.
How do you know that the person complaining about tank is an arosimp? I havent seen anything that indicates that.
How do I make a magic system in a cyoa that won't piss the shitter off?
follow the gil method
Don't care about him and block him out. No one gives a fuck about the shitposter, make what you eant. and if he rants just keep reporting him for spamming and being off topic you stupid fat fuck kys.
You don't. He doesn't know what he's talking about so no matter what you do he won't understand it. He makes no OC or builds so he's worthless.
Making OC > Talking about an actual CYOA > Talking about an actual WIP CYOA > Discussing builds > Making a builds >,Physics/Cat/Tok/etc posting
>Discussing builds > Making a builds
very strange but I can kind of see the logic
Making OC > Discussing builds > Making builds > Talking about an actual CYOA > Talking about an actual WIP CYOA > Physics/Cat/Tok/etc posting
>Entropist fan dlc waifus never ever
It's over
>The Gate
Where’s The Key?
Anon, you’re already The Gate AND The Key.
Best units:
1. Evokers
2. Eclipse Adepts
3. Sorcery Engineers
He was always an attentionwhore...
This is proof that Eclipse and Pragmatic are the best factions.
>tfw non-authors realize how difficult it actually is to make OC.
I tried to make my own oc... but did not had enough motivation. Now I see why arobitch, shitalics, and huspedo spam their WIP.
You forgot the Manastream Custodians. I would also say Shock Troops, but who doesn’t Revoke Non-Mage Membership lmao.
>The seethefag is a failed author
Makes sense.
Italics finishes his CYOAs sweetie
>The seethefag is a failed author
You are a failed author?
Reading comprehension, sweetie.
No you, sweetie. Italics doesn't spam WIP because he finishes his CYOAs. Now um kill yourself.
I miss Yog, those where fun cyoas.
>Unironic failed author is a shitposter.
Like pottery
0. Magicians
Costs too much and you need moralism.
Anyone who doesn’t come up with their own ideology is not a real omniarch.
>the guy crying every thread saying arobitch, entropiss, shitalics etc is a failed author
Fucking kek.
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fuck yes
But fututre omniarchs will eventually run out of ideologies to pick from.
>future omniarchs
>he expects there will be omniarchs after him
Not a true omniarch confirmed.
>How do we fuck up a guy made up of sand?
>We need water!
>But we are in a desert we better don't fuck up

>Lol armament haki
Skill issue, I'm still working on my oc and I'm not struggling with motivation.
I wish motivation was my problem, where do you even find original ideas?
Nice comeback.
Yeah and then the cope from fans that don't want to admit that it was a downgrade.
>Do you imagine waiting for Luffy to figure out the weakness of each bid bad guy in every arc?
I'm like yeah that would be interesting.
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If you're not struggling with motivation, how come your OC isn't complete already? Checkmate.
If I understood correctly by picking wizard I get 7 spellcrafts, which is enough to fill 1 whole tree, but basically all other omnarch have enough to fill 2, why is that so?
You're a jobber
You are not taking bonuses from agents and units into account.
Look at the agent abilities.
It's easy, you blend stale ideas together and tweak some things until they're fresh.
but that's not a jobber.
Jobber is someone hyped up to be super strong only to lose to another character to make them look even cooler.
So basically Vegeta.
While you are more likely an underdog someone that is portrayed as facing insurmountable opposition yet manages to win.
Basically Shirou Emiya
You can unlock every spellcrafts and blood magic aspects by combining specific agents
Ok I missed the agents parts, fuck
Dido did nothing wrong, the advisors are just jealous they didn't create their own multiversal organization that can rival the Convention.
Least obvious Eclipse plant.
>yet manages to win
you have a lot of faith in anon
You can't lose in a CYOA.
you havent played gilslop
Skill issue. You are mentally too fragile to contemplate being someone that loses in your daydreams, thus being unable to plan to prevent or mitigate loss in real life.
...Is it really an adventure if the whole journey is a victory lap?
That's a weird way to say you have a netorare fetish.
Why do you associate losing with something sexual?
Because throught history losing means the victor took everything from the loser including their women.
What about classic tragedies, Hamlet getting poisoned and Oedipus blinding himself? Are they cuck fiction for cucks?
Anon, you're expecting too much out of a coomer whose brain has rotted from porn
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Hey guys, heres the first two minions for the Gateway update, how do they look?
>classic tragedies
Looks at Oedipus, Odysseus, Heracles, etc.
Anons those stories are bathed in sexual themes.
Oedipus literally kills his father and marries his wife that turns out to be his mom.
Odysseus whole motive is to go back home to his wife before getting cucked.
Heracles died because he killed a centaur for trying to cuck him
No you idiot. Know what is actually interesting? Seeing him scream loudly his named attack and then punching the guy in a nuclear explosion or bright lights while the literal same sound effects from dragon ball are heard.
>bad with advanced tech
>naturally stupid
The Yaoguai looks weird I dunno why
So you were a furry too? That explains some stuff.
Stop waffling and answer the question. Are they cuck fiction for cucks? Are you a cuck if those stories appeal to you? Yes or no?
It's literally Tigress from Kung Fu Panda, dog.
That is kind of the problem 'dog'
You are retarded.
Your questions have nothing to do with my point.
It was if you imagine yourself losing and therefore losing your women to other men then you have a NTR fetish.
she is cute so whatever
Answer the question. Are they cuck fiction for cucks? Are you a cuck if those stories appeal to you? Yes or no?
They agree with me that losing makes you a cuck.
Therefore if you lose in your own fantasies you are a cuck.
That is not an answer to the question. Are they cuck fiction for cucks? Are you a cuck if those stories appeal to you? Yes or no?
So, if Terminus destroy the Observable Multiverse or whatever, the real problem is the lack of intercourse?
yes as it cucked everyone everywhere anywhen
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Phew. I thought you were serious for a second.
Those questions are disingenious because they don't matter to my point if anon make a story in his head about how he loses he is a cuck.
That doesn't mean that liking tragedies not of your own making makes you a cuck.
Specially when those stories reinfoce the message of losing= getting cucked.

You are getting cucked on a metaphysical level,
As a man that could not protect his family.
You must be a real big cuck then since you lost in life.
Are you a cuck for not being able to prevent air from leaving your lungs when you breathe?
The authors of tragedies made stories in their heads about how the main character lost. Are the authors of historic tragedies cucks?
I accept your surrender and therefore I just cucked you metaphorically.

I already fucked that air in my lungs absorbing what I wanting and leaving it's remains that don't interest me to the world.

They were teaching lessons on how not to be a cuck.
Anon enjoys creating stories of how he loses in his head for his own enjoyment.
There is a big difference.
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Thanks for the laugh Anon.
So the ancient authors of tragedies did not enjoy their own work, they wrote it while hating it?
I would gladly take Mom, please!
I miss her too much.
There should be a chance to fail for victory to have meaning.
If you decide off the bat I WIN EVERYTHING FOREVER AND EVERYONE LOVES ME AND NO AUCTOR SHOULD EVER BE STONGER THAN ME before you even read the cyoa then there's no victory to be had.
Don't you feel yourself that's lame?
I dunno some might have been cucks projecting their fantasies.
But they are morality tales that agree that losing means getting cucked so at least they had their hearths in the correct place.
i hate reruns
change the channel
>losing means getting cucked
Your examples were Hamlet and Oidipus? Ophelia doesn't cuck Hamlet, Oidipus's mommywaifu doesn't cuck him, both kill themselves instead so it's extra sure the main character doesn't get cucked.
There was a poster here who insisted that including a dog companion in a CYOA means it is presented to you sexually, was that you too?
Not everything is coom!
If you think everything is coom it speaks more of you than anything else!
Life outside coom is possible!
>I wish motivation was my problem, where do you even find original ideas?
I find them in the raging tempest that is my mind, my biggest problem is that I have so many ideas I need to filter them out
What are you smoking? Oedipus literaly kills and cucks his dad.
I do enjoy my Dwarves. Gonna be kinda pain in the ass that they only enjoy steam punk technology though.
Does anybody have extra content for Outer Reincarnation, like timeline and the world map? I need it for something.
They can use more advanced technologies, they'll just be huge boomers about it.
I have a CYOA set in a nuclear apocalyptic world similar to Fallout. I need one more race idea. So far I have
>Lab mutants (made in a lab)
>Feral mutants (from mutagens leaching into water)

I'm not sure what would be a good choice for a last race. I was thinking a sort of psion race but I'm not certain if that suits an irradiated apocalyptic world.
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>Increased strength, defense, and speed
>Plus Enhanced senses

>+Rangers + Magical Girl team + Dark Hero +RAPE

>Boss perks: Enhanced strength, defense, and speed
>Plus Regen, Gigantism, Nighmare

>Final Boss Tier Everything.

>Look like a really Buff out, really tall human most of the time that uses weapons and wears even more armor.
>Look like a massive armor-cover humanoid when Gigantism
Have psionic powers, but no specific psionic race.
Why are ghouls not just a type of mutant? Also, psionic race would also be a type of mutant.
Ghouls I put separate because the other mutants are created by mutagens created by corporations, either by intentional experiments or by people eating the animals that had mutagens tested on them. Ghouls are solely caused by radiation.

I think Fallout 1 had Dwarfs and Swampfolk. I might add something similar.
It is.
It isn't.
>intentional mutagen mutants
>unintentional mutagen mutants
>radiation mutants
When you open the mutant classification rabbit hole, suddenly everything is a mutant.
Anon said Oidipus's downfall means his mommywaifu also cucked him.
But she didn't cuck him, and she extra certainly couldn't have cucked him, because she killed herself.
Then we get into the minutia.
He didn't lose to another man but to his own weakness.
He cucked himself.
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>fucking your mom
Luminary.... by Italics
>Type: Arthropod
>Special Abilities: Increased Strength, Increased Defense, Increased Speed, Natural Weaponry
>Drawbacks: Dark Hero, Budget Rangers, Magical Girl Team
>Boss Perks: Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Defense, Enhanced Speed, Vibration Blade, Enhanced Regeneration

>Very High Strength, Final Boss Defense, Extremely High Speed

I'll betray the organization I am working for because I feel like it, and I will enter into a final battle against >>94003113, even though we're one and the same. It has to be this way!
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Monstrous Mutated Animal Hybrids
Not furry or kemonomimi. Psychological terror shit.
Anon why did you post a cute monster if you didn't want cute monsters?
>Never Ever...by failed author
More like delayed, lmao
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Can't help yourselves against Italicskino and seething huh? It's understandable, you are probably Huspedo cultists with that inferior CYOA.

You can cope and rope soon.
Anons, which advisor do you choose to replace yourself in the distant yet inevitable event that your reign ends?
One day, someone will respond to this accusation with
>No, I'm a proud Tokling!
where is the fucking updated hoe page husanon.
Normalfags wouldn't think it's cute, anons just have much stronger wills.
Anons would make for the perfect strike force to wage war against the horrors of the universe, with the right training and equipment of course.
most anons are big fat babies.
Does Italics hate Husanon for stealing his CYOA name and concept and popularity?
Those would be the feral mutants. I intended their DNA to be mixed up with the mutated animals their ancestors ate.

I think I'll go with Dwarfs as a race, there's too many races atm that are gross looking to most.
Melted up flesh goo people
>posts italicspedo
Mr.Feather, the saviour of the Convention.
Why is this retard trying so hard to generate animosity between Italics and Husanon?
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Yes. He's been crying since Husanon started to post his WIPs.
Then Tok (wearing only an apron 'Kiss the Tok') came from the kitchen to comfort him by calling his good friends Aromage the Strong, Tankista the Wise and Hyena the Redditor.
Then they hugged it out.
I'm at work I'll try to finish it tonight.
I'm having trouble coming up with names for the earth magic powers
>160 Pragmatist relations
Looks like it will be Nudor.
BROTHER! We can finally have a REAL fight!

Gems and minerals as inspiration? Too cliche?
The dwargon seem fine, they're going to always be uplifted I imagine so they make good engineers and stuff. The yaogai are a bit weird, in if they werent demons I would have no problem with them and they'd be an auto-take for me since beastmen are based and I want them for my space empire. On the other hand, them being demons kinda muddies the water and makes me hesitant to take them. Frankly, i'll still probably try to take both. I want as many species for my empire as possible, and kemonos and stuff are hot.
Could work maybe something like:
Earth shaping
Stone carving
Jade cutting
Ele, a balance between the morally bankrupt Pragmatists and the spineless Reformists
Italics isn't a pedo. He even admitted to not being a lolifag and hating lolilovers.
No idea. The pragmatists like me but not that much and the purists and reformists sorta don't like me but not too much.
wtf I love Italics now
his cyoas are still boring tho
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Yeah i'll remove that, i was trying to say that they are considered demons on their world, but that doesnt really add anything to them lmao.
Nudor. He will continue my legacy of exmanaficating as many planes as Conventionally possible. All that matters is manamanamanamanamanamanamanamana…
>italics defenders are even willing to stoop to actively lying about their own authors favorite themes
A new low.
He was just parading the fact that his new WIP has lolis as a huge positive.
These are... interesting. They have all of the qualities of what people would want out of slimes plus some other uses like compound synthesis, but they're also dumb as hell. Slimefuckers may or may not be conflicted, I think they're fine.
>subhuman intellect
I'm just trying to make minions that directly reflect the player.
I thought it was a small slime. The scale really is hard to get until you look at the bird. Just seems like human size slime walking lmao.
Unironic lying.
The slimes are near human sized. 10 feet is only a little more than 3 meters, not that tall, and that’s only for the oldest slimes, so most are shorter.
>his new WIP
Do you have proof?
Italics is a moralchad. He would never defend lolifags
>he couldn't think of an actual comeback
Shitposter quality has gone down notably.
Who made this?
He can't win at sex/relationships so of course he associates that with losing.
So you're a cuck. Got it. That one anon really pegged you... and you liked it.
>the axe, the hat, the belt and the hammer are not lolis.
Alright, know what I am taking
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>picked used goods
The author is unknown. This was released back before CYOAs were consistently attached to author identities.
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Mana manipulation, it starts with a spell for healing my broken bones.
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This CYOA is really strong for World Walker. Units and a few policies are the only options that depend on mana reserve, which can be restored by manastream custodians and the loan policies. Manastream Custodians are normally a pittance unless you're mana draining worlds, and obviously you must have the intention to mana drain the other CYOA if you're crossing it over with this one.
Do you have proof?
It's by UC 17 who once posted on reddit under the name of Velharu, well after it was made, bitching about someone either ripping him off or modifying one of his works. Can't really remember offhand and for all I know it wasn't actually the author.
>World Walker
Is Magocracy Convention winning against Witch Awakening?
I will make it win. How much mana do you think you can get from draining that rapey shitheap cluster?
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NTA, but given that map you could just siphon the syntropic realms for a steady flux of mana.
>Not a hagmaxxer
I don't want mana, I want to kill witches for being closeted blood magi that use (((consensus reality))) as their excuse to keep the Human race as rapecattle.
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Shit, just like the series ending.
I wonder what each one does
Oh, that's easy!
>holds up pants
>protects hand
>cuts wood
>stabs fish
>protects head
It's all quite self-explanatory.
Gojo is easily the saddest character in the manga but Gege is too much of a retard to take advantage of his tragedy.
Not even a fucking funeral. The stupid non-character that was the sister got a scene with her tomb.
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Here's a more up to date version.
>Empire: The Echelons [30% Pop Hap] [+35 Provisions]

>Colony Ship: Gungnir [-22 Provisions]

Luxury Recreation
Drone Dispersal
Covert Ops Enhancements
Self-Destruct Override

Berezina Stanislavona
Maev, or The Vitilus [+5% Pop Hap]
Dhanya Udayan [+5% Pop Hap]

>Nides S9 [+2 Provisions]:
Sign Treaties Of Cooperation [+30% Pop Hap]
Luxury Complex [Free]
Cultural Exchange [-5 Provisions] [+10% Pop Hap]
Sharecropping Initiave [-5 Provisions] [+5% Pop Hap]
Opulent Arcologies [-12 Provisions] [+30% Pop Hap]
Free Modern Healthcare System [-5 Provisions] [+15% Pop Hap]
Cultural Reeducation Centers [-3 Provisions] [+5% Pop Hap]
Rebel Ironworks [Free] [+54 Provisions]
Reverse Engineered M.E.C. [x10] [-20 Provisions]
Total Happiness: 135%

>Familia Prime [+4 Provisions]:
Sign Treaties Of Cooperation [+30% Pop Hap]
Luxury Complex [Free]
Cultural Exchange [-5 Provisions] [+10% Pop Hap]
Sharecropping Initiave [-5 Provisions] [+5% Pop Hap]
Opulent Arcologies [-12 Provisions] [+30% Pop Hap]
Free Modern Healthcare System [-5 Provisions] [+15% Pop Hap]
Cultural Reeducation Centers [-3 Provisions] [+5% Pop Hap]
Rebel Ironworks [-4 Provisions] [+54 Provisions]
Reverse Engineered M.E.C. [x10] [-20 Provisions]
Total Happiness: 135%

>Mi-Ki 2B [+6 Provisions]:
Luxury Complex [Free]
Cultural Exchange [-5 Provisions] [+25% Pop Hap]
Rebel Supply Lines [-4 Provisions] [+54 Provisions]
Reverse Engineered M.E.C. [x3] [-12 Provisions]
Total Happiness: 85%

>Malathuse EPQ0 [+8 Provisions]:
Sign Treaties Of Cooperation [+30% Pop Hap]
Luxury Complex [Free]
Cultural Exchange [-5 Provisions] [+10% Pop Hap]
Opulent Arcologies [-12 Provisions] [+30% Pop Hap]
Free Modern Healthcare System [-5 Provisions] [+15% Pop Hap]
Cultural Reeducation Centers [-3 Provisions] [+5% Pop Hap]
Rebel Supply Lines [-4 Provisions] [+71 Provisions]
Reverse Engineered M.E.C. [x10] [-20 Provisions]
Total Happiness: 130%
>Hallanel [+10 Provisions]:
Sign Treaties Of Cooperation [+30% Pop Hap]
Declare Secession [+10% Pop Hap]
Luxury Complex [Free]
Cultural Exchange [-5 Provisions] [+10% Pop Hap]
Pirate Radio [x15] [-30 Provisions] [+60% Pop Hap]
Sharecropping Initiative [-5 Provisions] [+5% Pop Hap]
Rebel Ironworks [-4 Provisions] [+84 Provisions]
Opulent Arcologies [-12 Provisions] [+30% Pop Hap]
Free Modern Healthcare System [-5 Provisions] [+15% Pop Hap]
Cultural Reeducation Centers [-3 Provisions] [+5% Pop Hap]
Rebel Supply Lines [-4 Provisions] [+97 Provisions]
Planetary Defenses [+5% Pop Hap]
Reverse Engineered M.E.C. [x200] [-200 Provisions]
Total Happiness: 210%

>Offers: None

>Settling: Hero Of The Revolution

Am I doing provision calculations wrong? This seems really stupid.
Give me option one. I've never needed anybody else to start with, and ostracization is nothing I haven't already overcome. Strife is the crucible that forges strength.
Left's appearance is pure cringe (you'll understand when you're older), right is fine
no one of any age should be playing WoW.
Nu-lore is cringe. Anything after warcraft 3 is just fanfiction.
option 2. I want to be happy.
That implies that Darius was wrong.
Dido was a traitor and a failure.
thank you guys for reading.
Thank you for posting. I like text OCs and most CYOAs don't need to be huge.
I liked some of the new lore, video realted
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To everyone here who still plays CYOAs instead of just shitposting, I am requesting your Omniarch builds.
You do not need to be finished. Simply post your candidate build before adding the bonuses from agent missions.

Here is mine. A full image build is on the way, and I want someone from here to fulfill the role of Other the Candidate.
I don't see a point in these new units that just seem like worse legions. They're not as strong and don't give any special gifts. From a utility perspective, why would anyone pick them?
Leftover points?
Do you have a burner mail or something for the distant future when I finish inventing a selfinsert?
That's just admitting that they're bottom of the barrel garbage that are only picked as a last resort. And safe havens cost 1 point anyway, so they can't even serve that purpose.
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...why can you not just post?
He will be a sequel to my Blood Magic selfinsert that I haven't made.
People wanted more flexibility to their builds and minion setups. I'm also boosting the point pool and adding more drawbacks and pursuers
Tankflopsta cyoas are dogshit so no.
>he doesn't want to expand his harem options
Jesus, your bonuses are so shit. I'm not asking for Espa or Shwitz level bonuses, but come on.
Shitalics is done for, huh.
>everyone here who still playus cyoas instead of just shitposting
The magocucks have been shitting up the general for the last week, I know you aren't talking about them.
You can post it in a future thread when it's done. I may even still find and read it, but it will be too late for me to add to my own build.
Most agent bonuses are pretty weak, and I'm just aiming for above average.
I think that getting 40% from minds eye and a shaman for a mana cost of 5 is decent. Replacing minds eye with a good sorcery can increase that to 75% with a sorcery slot remaining. That said, I meant for the top bonus to be 15 not 10, so I'll be fixing that later.
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>Espa or Shwitz
Holy shit, what if Espa AND Shwitz are in the same team? What if Espa, Shwitz, (You), AND the Other are in the same team? What if (You) and the Other have Espa AND Shwitz as bonuses?
>all missions are completed by the Omniarch, the candidate, Espa, and Shwitz
I love that its the same 3 anons that have taken upon themselves to spam magocratic and shitpost at everyone else and its killed the threads.
>The missions keep degenerating in the mission queue because you only have one agent team active.
>Doesn't matter because you have over 1000% effectiveness on each one.
If you don't talk in the thread they WILL samefag and spam it with shit nobody cares about. Its a smaller OR situation, tank really is the worst author.
They've driven away most of the people who post OC.
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>mission queue
There is no queue because all are being done at the same time!
You can blame catnigger and the other image spamming shitposters too. Why should anyone post OC in the craphole /cyoag/ has become?
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SaveStateAnon is the superior troon author to Aromage.
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Flopsta is more trannier than both of them.
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>this can exmanaficate all planes
You can call Tankista many things, but a flop salesman he is not. His CYOAs were so powerful they broke the /cyoag/ into two separate generals.
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>his cyoa attracted so many trannies we had to cordon them off in a different general
That's not an achievement. His legacy is my hero erp.
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Am I being gaslighted?
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Don't let the flopstafags tell you fagsta was ever actually popular or that anyone actually likes his cyoas.
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No, I was referring to you.
See, don't let them gaslight you.
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The best cyoa to come out in the last few months desu.
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Excluding UwU cutie shit and 1 page shit, Dragonfall is in the Top 5 CYOAs of all time on Reddit.

Christ, what is wrong with them?
Complaining about CYOA discussion, while drowning it out by spamming exhausted CYOAs at the very tail end of a thread? What do you think?
Magocuck retardation was exhausted the day it came out, yet they still spam it every thread. Funny double standard.
Anyone got the pages for Luminary by Hus?
I was looking forward to the AI and Hound gifts. At least the three we got were pretty decent.
Correct, but the new version has fucked up the feasibility of the ideology from my original build. That, and the cost of picking your own one has now gone up from -15 in each to -30 in each.
Which, can I also say, the balancing for the different role models is all over the fucking place. Sargon is a net positive while all of the others are a net negative, and Aeneas gives less Purist loyalty than Saul which is fucking bizzare.

Darius. This is his chance for redemption.

I'll do it in the next thread, but I am hesitant because the CYOA seems unfinished. There are still some spelling errors and visual mistakes here and there.

Lastly, can someone remind me of where Necromancy is situated under the Conventional magic/sorceries?
tldr, Reformists only care whether I accept the exmanafication policy, not how many worlds I exmanaficate? Exmanafying 1 or 17 worlds is the same to them?
To be fair, politics are always retarded and you're trying to push through a lot of radical changes very quickly if you take both

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