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Powering up Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>93979655

▶ Thread Task: prompt the acquisition of new power

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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Power to make frosting roses with a fork, CHECK!
Easy. Identify people who have the power you want, send your roving pack of murderhoboes to eliminate them under charges that may or may not be true. Acquire the assets of the recently-deceased, add them to your own.
Rinse, repeat until said murderhoboes catch on. Then increase their pay so they continue working in your favor. Until new murderhoboes can deal with the last for cheaper.
This kid looks evil somehow
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I have newly acquired a pumpkin dragon
I'm pretty sure OP meant acquiring magical power not mob power.
Thread Task
Bingbing has received a powerful blessing!
"There's a new Dreamer on the throne, so there will be no more of this sandy nonsense! Wet dreams for everyone!"
>You're TOO late, anon
>I just activated MAXIMUM OVERPOWER
Absolutely beautiful. This should be a poster or a bookcover.(if the hands were fixed but thata minor)

BRB trying to stop my new pet
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Which ai generator is the dog, sars
Power is power is power. What could be more magical than the ability to sway people to do what you want?
No! Not the castle!
I like how you think. Stealing it for a campaign idea
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Sef Nor hid herself away from the captors in the Lair of Forgotten Deaths. While staying locked in the ancient laboratory, she read the book she had come to steal. It was a Tome of Vivimancy. Upon her attempts to cast the spells, she discovered that perhaps she had found her unhallowed calling.
>I am going to have to get a more detailed artstyle for her. I'm really into the theme.
Swaying them without the threat of death?
I wonder if your players will pick up on the fact that they're working for a mob boss faster than mine. They were nearly 6 months into the campaign before it clicked for them. And they knew they were working for a drow the entire time.
Where's the fun in that?
It wasn't the favorite of my results, but it was one of the few that had the Dreaming King proportional and reasonably accurate...unlike this one.
Good looks & perky tits are nothing compared to the power of the Force
Thanks for the "extra wet" dreams, Aure.
You really think you've got what it takes, flyboy?
What's your prompt for the dress? Aure looks fantastic in it

Putting people in bottles can be hard cause you'll break the plane a lot cause Bing doesn't understand the physics of the things it gens. I had similar issues when making the story with the sword & snakery witch-priest anon or whatever their name is
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Another day another dimension to go play in. Its the simple joys in life
I didn't ask for this.
Yes but I did
Nice saber, I'm something of a sabersmith, so I rather fascinated at the colorways resonance you've got going on.
Simply "iridescent rainbow lightsaber"
I particularly like how the steampunk version came out.
Star of the next Disney+ Star Wars show.
>does wacky hair colors
Seems to check all the boxes until they see how racist she is towards anyone that isn't drow. And even then she's pretty racist against drow. Spreading memes like "despite being just 1.3% of the population..."
>implying 'drow' will survive the show's committee meetings, sensitivity consultants, and test audiences
Something along the lines of
>blue and gold galaxy dress, nebulous
I've used similar prompts in the past for her more cosmic thread tasks
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Ahh, there we go. Spooki.
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AI experts, is this artwork AI, or just not very good digital art?
I've always wondered how you got that look. Even with that help I feel I'm still not quite there.
Really love that one, the way she's pulling the firmament of space around herself. Fantastic.
It's got the squigliness unnecessary detail I see in AI stuff, but I don't know shit about nothing
Looks like a combination of AI with the artist adding to it.
The squiggly bits in the moon itself are one hint of AI but not conclusive. What looks more AI are the squiggles outside the moon how the bottom half seem to appropriately radiate outward, the ones above seem to have no direction.
Then the tower below it not seeming to have support on the left, and then having a river of lava spewing out of it, again looks like AI; most humans know even an evil lair wouldn't just have a river of lava pouring of them randomly.
Also the source of the red light appears to be something behind the top floor of the tower and not the moon, that's why the clouds in back are all lit up but the ones in front are barely tinged red.
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You're on the right track!
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All of the light stuff I can see being a choice to direct the eye towards the centre of the frame but it is suspicious.
Here's the art with the card frame Wizards slaps on it, if that makes anything clearer.
(I'm not using the image count of your thread more than necessary.)
What's the prompt for this it looks like a book
it was midjourney "heavy shadows, chiaroscuro, tenebrism technique, high contrast. hypperealistic closeup painting. war camp with massive green orc army, tiny green goblins, pale ogres, torches, flags, tents, bonfires"
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Pathfinder already removed Drow from their setting, and DnD makes them all light-gray/blue now.
A few more cool ones; didn't want to spam the thread:
I can acquire magical power, too! It's easy, look... oh, the book's on fire again.
Seventh time this week...
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Apparently "facial tattoos" includes the Brand of Sacrifice
I've heard tales that in the Dream, anyone can be almost anything they want.
To be honest, that concept terrifies me.
Mostly because who can really say that they exactly know what their heart truly wants?
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Such wonders to be found in a world where heart and soul are given form. What horrors there must be as well.
My heart desires big tiddied elf girls.
But that damnable dog just keeps getting in my way.
I would have thought that wotc "owned" the drow term. But when looking slightly into it, they can't use place names and such.
I've got a feeling DarkSun won't see anything new in a while.
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>As the multiverse opened before her, the only thought to go through Margrethe's mind was an uncharacteristic "Oh fuck.".
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>*Insert epic cover of "White Rabbit" here*
Those are gorgeous. I hope to one day be able to make slop half as good as that.
WotC tried to claim the term "drow" and that's why Paizo backed off from Pathfinder. Fans found prior usage of the term from before D&D, but as yet, WotC's claim is unchallenged in court and I can't think of anyone who wants to pony up the cash to attempt to challenge that. So everyone has just agreed to let WotC claim "drow" as their own. For now.
That sounds exactly like how I would have guessed it played out.
>What does this spell do?
>It let's you make sweet glowing runes to decorate your home
Oh no, how the turntables

Bonus for footfags
Serena acquires new power the same way the British Museum acquires everything, by calling her acquisitions "archaeology"
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Cute elf.
Aurè only ever understood one school of magic. The rest were beyond her comprehension.
At least you got the "for Dummies" font and yellow to work.
Do people ever have a problem with her "discovering" their family members' prized possessions?
Yes. But she comes from a "use EVERY part of the buffalo" tribe. And that extends to the remains of tribe members. Which is how she got her start in necromancy. She doesn't understand why peope would bury perfectly good gems with old skeletons that are too withered to hold up in a fight. She thinks the living are better off keeping items of power amongst the living.
As it should, remember that dreams can fade... So don't get lost.

Would you serve me if such visions were gifted to you?
Are you a big tiddied elf girl?
Then no.
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She is one of those racial ambiguous elves.
I should have just closed the tab to the old thread. Instead I saw your whining about cheesecake and that just made me hungry.
Who is more autistic, the fags arguing about cheesecake (lewdness) or the one who sees said argument and gets hungry for literal cheesecake?
These are pretty neat
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Gooners leave
I just like cheesecake (both kinds). I will not apologize.
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Has anyone noticed that the collections resolution has changed
You mean the images that you've saved in Bing often get tiny? It's been like that for a long time
Yeah, all my old gens are stored at half their resolution. Been that way for a while. Luckily I just used the "collections" as a way to save prompts and not the images themselves (I keep those on my computer).
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Almost looks pantoran
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You have about 8 weeks before they get downgraded
Am I the only one who finds it deliciously ironic that she's technically a CAT who likes digging up bones?
>"Are you a big tiddie elf girl?"
I'm sure ol' DK could take such a form if they truly wanted but exactly why would he?
Damn kobolds
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>prompt the acquisition of new power
Ogre learned martial arts. And, being a single-minded creature, now he cannot stop smashing brick walls.
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I love these
Man I should real 1) clean up my phone and 2) revisit some old prompts and check how they work today half a year later
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Must be nice to be so carefree. Me? I got responsibilities

I only have two pics, but here's a Pantoran
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Can anyone do button devil horns?
Like this. I can never get them to come out this way
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I am not, but I can provide a variety
I am male, a man can never become a woman.
>he hasn't seen Ranma
You uncultured swine.
What is so hard about
>small red stub horns?
Fiction & fantasy. It is not truth, even dreams have truth.
You not being a worthless faggot on the internet is even more of a fantasy. Yet here you are.
I know, pretty late, but the previous thread filled up before I was able to post it
I dunno, I've used every prompt I can think of
Ah, got it. Duely noted, your kinglyness.
Imagine getting offended by some silly anon larping as interdimentional fantasy demigod stating an opinion you disagree with...
What kind of brainrot do you have going on?

Anyways, back to fun posting!
Pic related
>A Sleepy Student was Reborn in Another World as the Prince of Dreams!
Hey, you, fetch me some more gemstones so I, The Short King may spend even more time counting them.
Imagine not larping and having fun with your creations. Part of the joy of this is larping as a cosmic deity hamster who dimension hops and bends reality for fun. Gotta learn to enjoy those little things in life.
Loss of identity in a dream will cause one to unravel & fade, it is only through strength of conviction that one retains form
Well Dream King you and I have alot of conviction since we tend to handle everything thrown our way. I suppose once one has reached a certain level of power and ability one hits a point where things that might have once been dangerous or deadly are now just a quaint distraction for a few seconds. These days I spend it dabbling in cosmic and dimensional energy. Creating a universe? Did that recently. Always new experiences to have as one ascends higher and higher in Godhood or Demigodhood.
ps ignore that he has 6 fingers I didnt notice and thats a huge oops on my part lol.
>Talks about how what he is doing isn't dangerous
>Grows extra fingers
Hamsteranon! You're coming apart at the seams!
Yes Dream King this cosmic diety stuff is a bit difficult at times. I'm still learning my limits and restrictions as I go with this. These new levels obtained are very recent. Still adjusting to it and the new tier I am currently playing at.
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Nah I get it, some people just can't keep up with m--Oh no my hubris!
Whoo... almost lost my cool there
Yeah, I ate those tasty lil' bitches. Not sorry.
Careful Dream King. Dont lose focus.
I really am going to enjoy the timeline when I can finally make comic books about this hamsters adventures. Here's when he briefly ruled over america in one dimension. 12 issue mini-series telling the story
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>when you find the magic item that you *know* the DM placed there specifically for you
You got to make the next thread Mr. President
Nvm I'm retarded, I saw replies instead of images
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>Gauntlets of Ogre Power?
>in my favorite colors?
[maniacal glee intensifies]
I like making bespoke enchantmented gear for my party members. I want the DM to just shower me in gold to fund my projects
>when the dm typecast you
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>this is how you get Aurè's villain arc
>The thief of Gauntlets of Ogre Power suddenly sees a big foot moving fast towards her head
To pet or to eat, that is the question.
>You find the perfect pair of shoes with very useful enchantments
>It is 5 numbers too small
>infinite ammunition trick
Good night.
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Sometimes you get pretty good ones.
Pantorans usually have gold face tattoos don’t they?
I'd read that just to figure out EXACTLY how he became CoHamster in chief. 'Cause right now, I be stumped.
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I might be able to cobblestone something together, just send me some feet pics so I get it right
I heard he stuffed his cheeks with ballots
...It's times like this that make me ashamed to be an artificer.
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Thankfully, Aurè's power trip was nothing more than delusions of grandeur, brought on by a combination of total exhaustion, an unpaid (and overdue) bar tab, and WAY too many beers.
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thanks brah
I was going to get drinks for both fo us, but I think you've had enough already.
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The Indescribable Ones promised dark and horrible powers for those willing to sacrifice everything.
Any prompt engineers able to make a more fitting gork and mork from 40k? I was only able to get this and then the same in red.
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"It'sh cool...jusht...jusht gimme a minute. I jusht need a little...p...por..."<splurt>
Oh no!!!
Here ya go, Gork & Mork not sure which is which.
what more are you looking for?
Is there a way to reliably gen preexisting characters?
Your use of light is awesome
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Yeah, what are you expecting?
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DALL-E knows a lot of them but you can on SD using LoRAs.
Which character are you trying to do? If it's too obscure, it might be difficult.
Best to do it locally using stable diffusion or one of the systems built on it eg flux. You can give it samples of the character you want for it to learn from. /g/ will know more, they have several generals.
Oh, I was wanting to plug in art of one of my PCs and get some more without breaking the bank, but that sounds hard to accomplish
It's not hard at all, and it's completely free.
This link is a fair bit out of date, but if anything it's even easier now:
Quite a few people ITT are using stable diffusion
Is SD the dog?
The dog?
No that's Dall-E, which is what Bing uses
SD is a different platform, free for home use. Most people run it locally
Ty for the elucidation
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Who's baking next one?
You are supposed to cause you posted the last image.
Never mind, I made a thread

(You), buddy.

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