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Excuse me /tg/ but why don't the Grey Knights recruit like the Deathwatch does by selecting the best librarians from other chapters? Then the attrition rate for aspirants would be zero and so many psykers wouldn't die uselessly training on Titan when they could be joining the astropath choir or getting sanctioned.
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There are as many aspirants as there needs to be.
Because that would be sensible and the best parts of 40K are the bits that just aren't sensible. The entire setting is ridiculous, that is really part of the appeal.
First GK were created by Emperor himself, you don't want to go against Emperor's wishes don't you?
Also because librarians abre not up to grey knights standards. This is why entire marine chapters fall to chaos including librarians becaming sorcerers and yet not single grey knight have fallen so far. Not to mention GK have super special gene-seed that other chapters don't have, other chapters don't borrow gene-seed and GK will not be any diferent.
As for aspirant attrition, there is plenty psykers in the Imperium so only issue is to find good aspirants and kill those not good enough.
Robs all the other chapters of their already very scarce librarians.
Didn't it actually work this way before the Matt Ward retcons
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I see your point anon but the point of the Deathwatch is to be the best pof the best xeno killers working together. An organisation built around personal experince of the astartes.
Grey Knights are not built around the personal experince of members, but around them being modeled from beofrethey were astartes into uncorruptable psyker knights.
>the attrition rate for aspirants would be zero
When you have infinite people like the Imperium has, even of 'rare' psyker mutants, a huge attrition rate and an attrition rate of 0 are identical
because then you've have an awkward amalgamation of a thousand chapters, all with different cultures, traditions, and geneseed stock. Deathwatch benefits from it being a temporary posting where the members are supposed to return to their parent chapter eventually and use the knowledge they gain to better strengthen their chapter and to build bonds of fellowship among chapters that ordinarily wouldn't ever meet. Grey Knights possess secrets that should never leave their halls, and are a permanent collection built to serve as an impervious bulwark against the Great Enemy.

all this doesn't matter though, because you're just a dumb faggot who's asking a stupid question for no other reason than to bait (you)s
Maybe librarians wouldn't be so scare if the Grey Knights weren't taking all the good prospects from the black ships before anyone else got dibs on them. They'd probably be orders of magnitude more likely to survive regular space marine training.
Anon Grey Knights were super special anti daemonic chapter serving under ordo malleus since 1st edition. 3rd ed just made them all into psykers. Ward only wanked them into oblivion but he didn't changed them that much.
Apart from Khal Drogo did he wank them that much thoughever? They were always the creme de la creme of space marines. Before the Custodes became an army too that is.

Also didn't Ward write that stupid bit about the GK killing sisters of battle and using their blood to write runes or some shit on their armour? To protect against chaos somehow. Because apparently chaos doesn't like it when you betray and murder your allies and use their blood to write magic runes on their armour.
It's an interesting question if black ship tithes are allowed to harvest from marine recruitment worlds. Likely varies.
They would still necessarily be scarce, you're thinking of it backwards.
A primitive violence preteen gets recruited to be a space marine, some of the become psychic. They don't recruit psychers, that generally manifests later.
Because the Grey Knights are a stupid idea written exclusively by stupid people for the purposes of selling to stupid customers.
your a stupid idea

Why is this forced shit spamming retard back, and why is anyone replying to him?

Is everyone here just that much of a newfag?
OP always, and I mean always, replies to himself.
>Also didn't Ward....
Yes, her did. He is a complete twat.
actual schizophrenia
I dunno ma'am I'm pretty sure the grey knights were supposed to be secret it might be hard to explain where all the librarians keep going.
When Grey Knights were orignally introduced, they were be just another chapter. No better or wor
se or really any different than any other. Their unique trait was simply being Ordo Malleus' errand boys, like Minotaurs are errand boys for the High Lords.
Then fucking Matt Ward came in with his shitty lore and made them into the specialest and uniquest precious little boys, who are so much better than everyone else
My advice? Just fucking ignore it
Because other librarians are already mentally conditioned by their chapters to follow/act around warp in a different way to grey knights
>Then fucking Matt Ward came in with his shitty lore and made them into the specialest and uniquest precious little boys, who are so much better than everyone else
This is absolute shite. Matt Ward wasn't there during 3rd Ed, and that's the edition where Grey Knights essentially took on their modern form in Codex Daemonhunters- a highly secret Chapter of incorruptible Space Marines of unknown provenance, every one of whom is a psyker and who have access to specialised daemon hunting lore and equipment that's available to nobody else.
That said, even the original Realms of Chaos book is very explicit that while Grey Knights were basically equipped as regular Marines, they were the only troops permitted to serve the Ordo Malleus and not be mind-wiped (in the case of allied Marines) or liquidated (in the case of non-Marine allies). They were always special.
>many psykers wouldn't die
Total Psyker Death.
Almost all named GK characters are Ward's creation, but core of their identity as best of the best anti daemonic psyker marines in terminators from titan was always there.
Anon GK were super special anti daemonic marines from Titan as early as 2nd ed, they were even special in 1st ed. They always were incorruptable, their first company was terminator psykers and GK had only the strongest psykers in imperium. They were always super specia boys, then 3rd ed that Ward had nothing to do with made them what you mostly know today and only after that Ward just added named characters outside Stern and fluff that they have 8 companies and stuff.
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>and yet not single grey knight have fallen so far.
well, technically kaldor draigo fell into chaos.
any named space marine can do the same or more, so... meh.
Wasted GET.
check these dubs
Don't they have their own geneseed? I don't think that would mesh well with yanking librarians out of other chapters with thwir own traits and traditions.
>well, technically kaldor draigo fell into chaos.
Yeah, he fell into it like you trip and fall into a pond.
He's fine, slaying daemons and all that and being a general nuisance to daemons.

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