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>Previously: >>93993371

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

What set are you looking forward to in 2025?
the world's premiere miscegenation-themed Ponzi scheme
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cope mald seethe mono B dominates
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Straight Bolas
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trans rights for CEDH players!
its almost time for bed, have you had your sleepy time tea yet?
This is a bad post, and I love mono b.
I'm having a pint
Nah I just popped two melatonin and a pbr. Should be out like a light in about an hour.
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a pint of celestial sleepy time tea i hope
Im going back to my wagey cagey
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Brother! What are you drinking and who is your favorite commander?
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
>What set are you looking forward to in 2025?
Return to Lorwyn. Death Race and Space Opera sets will be Thunder Junction-tier garbage, and Return to Tarkir doesn't excite me much. While they'll probably fuck up Lorwyn, there's a miniscule chance they might not.
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Just got out of bed
>How's that one played out for you?
So Coram kinda outs itself pretty quickly, and I've probably made a mess of any type of optimization it could have (given the blend of creatures, equipment without support, self-mill, etc just all over the place)
but I've never had a game where I could cast him and I wasn't an immediate threat. It wins here and there, but mostly you play him (at least with a mess of a deck like mine) for that feeling of slapping down a hasted, trample-having 20/5 and going to town throwing it at people. People sure do remember how much they hate Trailblazer's Boots when they realize I'm on my way to fuck up their shit. I'm not sure how I'd rebuild this deck if I had to start over, I can't really get myself into the niche of a really proper theme, but it all makes Coram hit good so that's all I figure it's there for. Ward of Bones and Torpor Orb are there explicitly just to slow down the game since my board tends to max at like... 3 creatures?
Looking it over, literally just Urza and Sai it seems, which doesn't really make for much to copy lmao
I had a little bit of room for funny cards like Rimefeather Owl and Dark Depths, but I figure now more than ever I just need another little dude to throw in.
I probably need more draw, since occasionally i start to lose steam
Fun and means Extraplanar Lens only helps me
A use for Snow-Covered islands, also turning every landdrop into a free scry for 2 mana (and demanding removal just in case)
Dark Depths got removed because I found I was never making 30 mana to use it, so it'd just sit there
I used to rawdog my artifact deck when I was a little kid
more snow permanents, cheap artifacts, and one even provides a draw
Copies urza
Based card
Countering is one of my main forms of interaction, I may put a Mindbreak trap in sometime though
My favorite commander is Volrath the Fallen
Tarkir, its where I started
Morbidly curious how they'll fuck up returns to Takir and Lorwyn.
Since the ban hurt Slicer and I can't trigger the cedhfags trying to pubstomp at my lgs what do I play now that will make them mald and regret Necroing for 30 life?
Let's get a class action lawsuit going against wotc and the rules committee for swindling people out of $180mil

Even if we lose the case, we can subpoena the last few years' worth of communication between wotc and the rules committee, and make them public.
I'm on some weird shit bros
While I disagree on your taste in brews, Volrath was one of my favorite decks ever. I'm playing Seizan right now.
totally not based on real politics rebellion against the dragon

and make all the tribes peacful and united against an outer threat
Give it a rest. This is a comfy thread during comfy hours.

You too, keep it in your pants till morning.
You paying? Because I'm pretty sure lawyers don't do pro-bono class action suits
Huh, I can't think of any Naya commanders to play then since they all want to go wide or tall and get blown out by removal
Hazezon MLD
Fuck off.
Take up the fat cat and turn your dorks and hatebears into 4/1 double strike tramplers
Naya is bad. Real bad. What are you trying to accomplish?
There's bound to be some lawyers around here who are willing to do it on contingency, out of love of the game and a desire to see the bad actors face retribution
>What set are you looking forward to in 2025?
Tarkir i want more comfy temur snow themed cards
>the seething continues to burn
Based RC
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>>Money to spend on Crypts and Lotuses
>>Can't afford a lawyer
Naya dinos is good. real good.
you wont do shit except consoom your slop, wotc will print something to compensate for it in the next few sets to make it sell and you'll eat it up you stupid fat piggy piggy
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You had two days to bitch about it. We've been dealing with spamming tourists all day and this is real nigga hours.

No. Go post it in the RC discord to rattle their cages if you must talk about it.
biggest waste of time ever
You have access to whole history of cards you can make any color combo or commander good.
built for big gruul cock
>all want to go wide or tall and get blown out by removal
Yeah that's what the shard got mechanically pigeonholed into. At least your existence isn't suffering like jund players who's only 2 strong commanders got btfo by the bans or abzan which is almost completely ignored.
wotc hands typed this reply
No body's seething here except this guy:
Technically lawyers are forced to do a specific amount of pro bono work every year. They're not going to take your shit case though.
good try oinker
Not if their commanders are bad and they're mechanically undersupported.

In a bad sort of way, I can agree with that, but it's no ghalta.
"you can't sue wotc" says the wotc psyop
I consider any deck able to rebuild a board of 8/8 creatures every turn through farewells to be at least passable.
seems like it would make a fun meme goad deck
Yeah man sue wotc for what an entirely different entity did. A lawyer would look at this, think about how much his time is worth and think about how much time he'd waste on this and giggle then get on with his day.
Despite how many good cards got printed for the fat cat I don't think he's ever been a cedh worthy commander. I don't care that it finished sort of high in a tournament years ago it's just just a really jank winota deck that gets to run mana dorks and green tutors
Gay Bolas
Pantslazer is a fringe cedh commander, Naya dinos is unironically strong now
Pretty sure that's every deck, but I appreciate the sentiment. Can naya dinos do anything specifically neat?
A well built 99 can make up for a bad commander desu.
I forgot I had that precon, I think I'll make that now
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Sales pitch me. I have no idea who this is.
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Any frens got thoughts on my "maybeboard"? It's stuff I think about adding. Any better stuff I could add?

It's great funs. Doggo is awesome. And the sweaty guys I play with always fear him. He randomly turns into a table killing kaiju withing 1 turn.
It's cool.
He fits the role slicer had of punishing greed and lack of interaction now that slicer is a trash tier commander. You won't be topping any tournaments with him but you'll still catch faggots at the lgs with their pants down which fits what that anon was wanting.
I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
Hazezon is obviously a go-wide token deck but since he's landfall and graveyard based, you can rebuild from board wipes extremely easily
OTJ also just introduced a bunch of new deserts and support cards which make the deck run more smoothly
I have the opposite opinion. The best 99 in the world will never be able to compensate for a bad commander, but that's when compared to the best decks in the format, so I guess there might be some wiggle room.
Face commander of the dino precon. Generally played as a food chain commander like the first sliver in cedh but in casual pods he pulls a lot of weight with dinos.
What has been your most fun bloomburrow-themed commander deck?
>Rocco makes any strategy viable
You ok there sweaty?
I wish Yuma could rebuild faster. Once you reach a decent mill count his commander tax won't matter until you get Bojuka'd but putting down a couple of big tokens every turn isn't winning.
My Rocco toolbox flicker deck is something else to play. Incredibly fun and gets my Johnny juices flowing like no other.
Does each instance of casting the dino count as a new instance of once per turn discover? It must if it's a foodchain deck. I have a promo tree of predition and that would have been the perfect deck for it if it was jund.
Hard once per turn.
You're just listing things done much better in other colours, and some weird red guy who is like group hug jeleva.
Then how does the dino foodchain?
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Reminds me..
last session, Dogmeat was only himself with lizard blades attached so a 3/3 double strike.
Was a 3 man table, one guy died, so it was a 1v1 and he already had 6 commander dmg.
Had lots of mana.. only dogmeat.. simply cast an All that glitters.. suddenly he was a 9/9 double strike. Went into combat against the dude who had like an entire platoon of shit to defend. He was mega confident he had it.
Before declare blockers, he flash cast Callidus Assassin... real nasty card..
I flashed in the silver shroud costume followed by inventory management which has split second.
He was devastated.
And those are all cards already in the precon. It's great.
Yes the once per turn limit is reset as its seen as a new instance of pantlaza entering the battlefield and triggering its own ability.
Awesome, makes sense, thanks anon.
/ccg/ is dead so hopefully anons here would be kind enough to offer thoughts. I want to make and print my own 40k Ork deck. Obviously the commander would be Ghazghkull Thraka, but I'm fighting on whether or not he'd be straight grull or jund. Orkz are all about fighting and having a grand time doing it like gruul obviously but I'm torn if their whole mentality fits into black flavor wise. Yes I am severely autistic and design cards with flavor in mind first and yes I'm aware there is a secret lair for zurgo but that doesn't match the colors I think fit orkz best.
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Make a double commander Deck. One is Mork, the other is Gork.
The only naya commander I need
>Obviously the commander would be Ghazghkull Thraka
Funny enough wotc already has you covered
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Brutal and cunning, cunning and brutal.. the perfect gork and mork
Reread the last sentence of my post
That's brilliant actually, before I saw your post i was just brainstorming a dual sided sorcery with one side being "brutal yet kunnin' " and the other "kunnin' yet brutal"
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Orks are literally plants
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Well I gave you 2 suggestions here >>93998474.. just gotta have em printed in your own artworks. Unless ofc you wanna make your own cards.
But orcs in warhammer is always mork and gork.. that's just what they are. Have to have those 2. And don't forget grimgor. He's gotta be in there somewhere.
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People are really getting salty over the lands decks I'm making or am I abusing my pod's rule 0 of no MLD? Pic related, I'm going to transition to this commander as a sidegrade
people deserve to be fucked by land decks if they refuse MLD use. That is the counter for your bullshit. Their fault if they refuse to use it.
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times up chuds, we are taking over
I hate retards who ironically say "chud"
I like how they say "community-regulated" when what they really mean is "I want to be in charge instead"
Lord forbid they leave it up to open voting and they watch Timmy ban Island.
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They added targeted land removal now because a Codie with a gate landbase and maze's end fucks everyone over.

I suggested to exempt MLD that replaces with basics. but that will make the 5c players cry.
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its funny because the online EDH community is only a small fraction of the actual total EDH playerbase. If they had all active EDH players voting for bans it would be such a fucking funny pile of cards these CEDH fags love.
Failing to recognize that the alternative is just handing the format over to wotc just like every other format is ridiculous. Commander has never been a community format and it never will be. All this crying because now you can't pubstomp casual tables with your hundred dollar cards.
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Yeah.... im thinking EDH is saved
>they're destroying our creativity
>mana crypt
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Only question is what colors if you make your own cards...
One is a given, both mork and gork need the same colors but in reversed orders and 2 at max..
Red, duh.. that's for brutal.. now cunning.. blue is too magic heavy, orcs don't do high magic. White is kinda cunning but maybe too pure..
Maybe green? Red and green.. green is tons of ramp and draw, orcs multiply like crazy and buff each other with nonsense like war paints and weird rituals.. they have shamans like Wurrzag and Azhag.
The people crying over these bans are a vocal minority
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Dockside was obviously a harder hit to cEDH than JL but that's the one investorfags had money in so its the one they put in these pictures to legalize again.
>leovold is balanced in a competitive game
The fact the bans are optional since commander is unsanctioned just makes this shit fest funnier.
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>10 new views on my dogmeat
>no responses to my question
You guys are arses.. I'm a noob in need of help
>lotus and crypt fine but PLS BAN STUDY AND TITHE
seriously like fucking rule zero it in if you need your crutch rocks so bad
I used to be from Yugioh and started playing Commander around the time that the Ishizu Tearlament meta started, and I’m still of the mindset that reprints should be plentiful to keep the price of shit down so people can actually play the game- I pulled a Collector’s Rare Baronne ($300 on release) that’s worthless since it’s been banned, not that it was still that expensive right before then since I think they printed her two more times before the ban hammer dropped. Viewing cardboard as an investment is about as dumb as buying NFTs and anyone getting assmad about the bannings of some of the most expensive cards in the format because of “muh investment” are turbotards.
sorry bud but I COULD NOT CARE LESS about your UBshit voltron commander
like I tried opening the archidekt link but as soon as I see all the UB cards I've never heard of my eyes just glaze over and I lose intetest
Like if the entire cEDH format hates this...what the fuck is stopping them from just keeping the old list and not following the new one? People competitively tuned into the game aren't casuals walking up with unsleeved precons, so they are VERY likely going to be aware that the community is using an alt ban list if every cEDH place online is saying so.
but you guys told him to play UB? Are you retarded? Maybe next time suggest a commander when asked, cuck.
Yeah.. that site is horrible trash.
It's just
>hurr add this
But why..
It doesn't really help me. I mean I look through the first few cards and like.. alright.. short bow.. +1+1, vigilance, reach.
Sounds kinda trash to me. Especially for 3 mana.
Then there is the rabbit dude that forces me to tap tokens.. which is like.. no. I'm not gonna tap my junk tokens, and do you know how unbelievably hard it is to amass those things?
A lot of them are obsessed with still being "EDH" and how "cEDH is heckin valid"(even though the RC does not give a FUCK about them).
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Me watching MaRo say that a Modern precon would need to MSRP at $200 for them to put fetches and shocks in it while I see Konami print Ash, RBoS, and Emerald Tortoise all in the same tin, shaving off 80% of their price in the process.
WotC is somehow the only company on the planet that needs to pay secondary market price for their inhouse reprints.
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And then there is this trash..
9 out of those 10 are just the fucking precon man. I already have all of those.
This site is awful
its because wotc employees directly profit off of the secondary market, its so painfully obvious. Not even the Japanese are this greedy
Yes please do it. Don't stop the funny. I'll even donate cash if you make a crowdfunding
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Forget the 9/10.. it's 10/10 of the precon. I didn't recognize the masterwork of ingenuity artwork..
>180mil meme

your cards were never worth this much
I would never suggest someone play some stupid shit like "dogmeat"
If timmy wants to play Naya voltron he's got Uril
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Three is too many. There should only be two formats
A strict ban list designed to remove uninteractive combos, erratic start speeds, and do-or-die threats.
The only banned cards are Shaharazad, Falling Star, and Chaos Orb, along with the Conspiracy, Ante, and Sticker cards.
that's what you get for building a commander that was the face of a precon lol
This means that every time wotc reprints a card, they are liable to be sued because it "swindles people out of the total marketcap value of cards"
What ya mean.. is upgrading a precon such a bad thing?
Anon you're fucking savage, never fucking change
Uril is boring as fuck. Might as well suggest a vanilla
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Modern doesn't try to splinter off into a new format every time they ban or unban Golgari Grave Troll. Look at the state of Pioneer, two of the big three decks in the format just got their nuts ripped off leaving the last one to run the house, but people are still playing. Selling out of the format or the game because your shit got banned is understandable, but crying so hard that you try to make a new format where you can still play your banned cards is bitch nigga shit.
so basically no format remains like current EDH and anyone not wanting babby mode or ultra spike mode can fuck off out of the game?
Nobody would play that version of cEDH. I'd say 90% of cEDH players are people that only play it as a novelty specifically as the most optimized version of EDH, not because they actually enjoy the shitty Vintage wannabe format.
My Dockside extortionist is now worthless. Honestly probably for the better, it's broken
How do you deal with the commander?
See initially I was considering jund but I'm having a hard time fitting black in there. 40k orkz would get along well with Ravinca's gruul clan. When I start making cards in the 98 I'll just have to avoid using weirdboyz since they wouldn't really be green at all. Thanks for brainstorming sesh anon. Gork and mork will also give me my first partner deck. Only question I have now is should gork and mork be orc avatars or orc gods?
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It's Archaon, not.. that..
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I'd say.. neither..
Make em orc spirits. Mork and Gork are theoretically gods, but surely never avatars. If we had to put them onto the battlefield, especially as commanders.. they'd be spirits cause gods in warhammer only exist and are as strong as their believers make them. They'd never take a physical body. They shouldn't even be fighting themselves. They should be the most absurd buffing spirit creatures.
I mean.. it's gork and mork. They don't fight actual lowly soldiers, they are the WILL of the orcs, not actual orcs.
Where are all this noises when Golos got hit, this are all fucking newfag shit.
in magic terms that means they would be like theros gods but without the devotion ability
>Your honor, my clients bought 100 million dollars worth of made up paper game pieces to be used in a unsanctioned kitchen table card game designed for children and got rugged. This is not acceptable, I think you'll agree with me when I say, my clients, while not very intelligent, charismatic, attractive or very pleasant to be around in general, do in fact deserve compensation for such a very obvious fraudulent business move

>Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I call to the stand Chudly chudders. Tell them chudly, tell them how much worse your life has been since jeweled lotus and mana crypt were banned, Just how much of your grandmas retirement money did you spend on paper toys and then subsequently lose overnight?
Well.. I wouldn't know how that translates to magic. I'm just a warhammer nerd who started playing magic a little while ago.
I just wouldn't make mork and gork fight. They never do.. except for each other.
They'd never be physical.
Seriously though that commander spirals out of control so fast, that the game is over by turn 3.
Can't wait to see Standard players suing because Wizards bans 56 billion dollars worth of their cards every 4 years and renders them worthless.
but how? I don't really see an issue with archaon. I'm pretty sure my dogmeat would tear him a new one.
What decks do you run him in?
I used to use him in Darien but now he's in my Liesa deck. I run more 1 drops there so I was able to fit in Abiding Grace and Ranger/Captain of Eos as well
No cards with a secondary market value over 10USD
Pubstompers and investards can suck and fuck in here with their ponzi scheme cardboard
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Anything that can recur from the graveyard consistently. I run it in Ravos.
A mushroom isn't a plant dimdum
which retard made this image so I can laugh at him
That thing is gonna cost 9 real quick

It is usually on the field turn 1. How do you deal with that on turn one?
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This is fucking retarded
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swords to plowshares?
>It is usually on the field turn 1.
not as likely without mana crypt lol
I don't play against it?
No one was ever playing that, dont lie.
He's right btw
Why people mad they banned the strongest card in the format and black lotus but for your commander? Those are ridiculous cards that makes games very slanted.

And I see some retards or dishonest fucks saying just run interaction. How do you interact with a t1 mana crypt or lotus? Most of the time you havent even had a land drop yet and it feels like an anti-thesis to force people in a casual format to always play blue to be able for zero mana to interact.
>thinks his garbage precon would beat one of the best decks in the format since it came out
At least google the thing you immense tard. And no, the crypt ban does nothing to reduce this deck's power level.
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Get more ramp into the deck. It'll help smooth stuff out and the deck seems really low on land and equipment costs are gonna be a bitch if you don't have a way to cheat it. There's a bit more uncommon equips and enchantments you can run but I don't know your budget for upgrades.

Try to stick with the two mana ramps when you can. Farseek, Into the North, Nature's Lore, Three Visits. They'll also fix your mana as you can fetch shocks with most of them. One with Nature seems pretty good here and is an aura but it's like 5 bucks.

Also try to find a slot for Sunforger if you can.
Do you actually want me to tell you or are you picking a pointless argument starter so you can pretend people are mad?

No, I'm pretty sure nobody plays pioneer that isnt forced to at gunpoint.
Nah im just venting my frustrations against those that complain about these bans. They are good from a gameplay standpoint and they should do more so wotc/hasbro stops fucking up this game with powercreep to make more money quickly.
>Perverter of truth
>Takes own life while also toxic to other players

The ultimate tranny commander.
wasn't funny the first four times you posted it either, anon
Yes it was
While I agree with the last part, the first part is objectively untrue, but we'll leave it at that because it's 3am and neither of us want to engage in a giant pointless argument that does nothing to change either persons mind. Have a good night anon.
Found the perverter of truth
I mean, if we are talking fast kill, I can end you in 5 turns without you being able to attack back. I did so against a 10k dollar ur dragon deck a couple times.
The lands are so low cause of the 4 double sided cards I have that can work as lands. I did add cultivate and farseek to my maybe to help with lands even more.
I'll look into the cards you suggested.
>ha ha anon remember how you won 2 games last game night?
>*casts extract*
How to respond without sounding mad?

her on board + Season of Gathering = win the game
I like to play her in a kind of green/black aristocrats deck, also there are some nice squirrel cards for it
in response fact or fiction targeting you.
how to respond without sounding mad?
This "joke" isnt funny. It's just calling some kawigama demon a tranny. You want to hear a funny joke about trannys? How many trannys does it take to paint a wall. 41% of one with a shotgun./
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I would lol. Perhaps even lmao.
@VitoComedy on x
Did you google the deck to learn how it works? Turn 5 might as well be turn 90 against a deck like that. Ur-dragon is also bad, and budget has very little to do with deck quality if they're running a shivan dragon or fancy promos or whatever.
No, the joke is that a tranny is perverting the truth and that's the name of the card. Nobody thinks the demon is a tranny.
We're not playing commander today
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Leave Tranny. Your "people" ruined the game over the past 10 years.
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You can fuck up the game for even cheaper
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I'm good. I'll even help you protect it.
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Sure. It's still not funny, I'm sure you can do better, you have a lot of material to work with.
>passfag thinks his shitty dog beating some retards ur-faggon deck in 5 turns is impressive
>passfag thinks a fully tuned najeela won't rip his asshole open within 3 turns, and that's with keeping a shitty hand
>someone actually took the bait 3 hours later
I refuse to believe this isnt a samefag.
>Innistrad Remastered
>Return to Tarkir
>Final Fantasy
>Space Opera
>Return to Lorwyn
Innistrad Remastered is the one I am dreading the least. Return to Lorwyn is the one I am dreading the most.
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You call?
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>the card you overpaid over a year ago makes a late comeback
I love this in my Nekusar deck
Dont worry, he also has no idea what a fetchland referrs to and runs a deck with exclusively tap lands.
>*nothing happens*
>the first part is objectively untrue
You are genuinely a fucking retard if you think any of the cards from the most recent ban make for better gameplay.
Your joke is garbage. Now fuck off.
>Ork card
>No green
>has no idea what a fetchland
>runs a deck with exclusively tap lands.
You gotta be shitting me, it's one thing to be ultra budget, but if you have money to piss away on a 4chan pass then you have money to piss away on shocks and fetches now that they're at the lowest price in their history.
My dude, you're trying really hard to fit in and it shows.
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I think you're mad
I think you're mad you didn't get multiple replies saying "BASED" and instead got multiple saying you're unfunny.
His deck isnt budget at all, he's just retarded. It was some 4c samurai ninja but also dragon abomination. Go look in his account, he posted his dogmeat deck earlier. He was telling some guy to cut fetches out of his deck because they were too expensive and evolving wilds was just as good. I specifically called him a retard and told him to fuck off and he DOUBLED DOWN.
I wasn't even the guy who started it, I was the guy who explained the joke to you because you were misunderstanding on purpose.
Like five people told you to fuck off and the guy who you're claiming was "misunderstanding on purpose" told a joke that involved a shotgun suicide. Seems like the kind of guy to laugh at a tranny joke if I had to pick one, assuming it was funny.
Its morning here and I love to discuss it.
None of these cover people who just want high powered non cedh commander
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>five people
>one at a time
Yes, definitely mad online
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how many green decks is too many? i also have 3 red but 0 tricolour
As long as they're not all following the same game plan, you probably won't get bored with playing forests.
For all the lgbtqblack propaganda, we're really lacking in futa department. And in interestin simic-themed commanders, too.
I want a crazy scientist she-girl that puts penis tokens on creatures. No joke.
I rememeber when I started playing and when first introduced to commander around 1st zendikar block being very excited about playing three colored decks. there is irony now that I have accumulated cardboard and fetches to be way more ready to play 3 colored decks I just cant be arsed. I dont want to deal with having to do land ratio math or think my lands that much and just the amount of options makes multicolor feel dull since you have all the options available.
Playing monocolor is just comfortable since you dong mostly have to think about lands and you have to work within the limits of the singular color.
What would penis counter even give?
Intimidate. Or nothing, and you would need other cards to make it work.
If someone in you pod is crying you ramp too fast, go make a Grixis deck and if you win its a confirmed skill issue.
I was going to call you a boring greenfag until I saw multani, and any multani enjoyer is too based to be a fag
It's funny how so many people can agree the RC are a bunch of fuckwits (these bans are a broken clock being right once in 4 years), but every time someone tries to come up with an alternative it's even worse.
I don't see anything related to shooting your face off with a shotgun anywhere, but nice association. Seethe more.
you show it to the rest of the players and decide based on their reaction
>JewLo prices have stabilised
It’s not fair bros. You told me it was going to 0
They will once the cEDHfag format dies
I-it's gonna be unbanned!
A few games against Hazezon with Zuran Orb out will change most peoples' opinion on MLD. Players at my FLGS have no MLD and Muad'Dib there has caused more than a few headaches already.
There was a ton of selling to try and get something from a newly worthless card, but also a ton of buying because people are speculating about a ban reversal or the announcement of a Commander/cEDH format split. If neither of those happens, the price will slowly go down as people unload their speculative positions. It will eventually settle somewhere around $1 and be one of those novelty cards that people get to cut up for the artwork or decide to own because it has an interesting story.
The investors are still trying to manipulate the market and lobbying for a reversal or splinter.
Can any sigmas in chat explain to me why Jeweled Lotus is banned but Dark Ritual isn’t?
how dare the people that developed and codified the format dictate what cards are and are not healthy for the format!
but anon, I attend a weekly commander night at my LGS that is sanctioned and has prize support, they use the official banlist as well as a strict "no proxies during sanctioned play" rule, and signup is done through the Companion app
Which people are you referring to?
Can Dark Ritual cast your Chatterfang turn 1?
I'm assuming the edh rules commitee are the same people that published the first rules and banlists over a decade ago
your lgs sounds super gay
Mine is pretty similar, the only night I go to is the casual commander night so there's no prizes but they've made it clear the only rules they enforce are the official banlist/rulings of the game.
if you say so. there's no ultra sweats, I pay 10 bucks and get 2 packs plus a promo and play about 2 games with some (usually) well groomed and friendly people for a few hours once a week and have a good time. if thats gay lock me up in P. Diddy's cell I guess.
Dark Ritual costs 1 black and only makes black
Hope this could help
Then you assume wrong.
And even if you weren’t wrong, why would that entitle them to make the ban list? On whose authority? I didn’t vote for them. They’re not WotC employees. So why do they get to dictate rules?
This is my pet card that I run in every blue deck because you will see the saltiest shit ever happen.
I've seen people paying to deny other players lands or pay as much life as it takes to deny another player a hand after I wheel.
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Omo has caused headaches already in my pod. even worse with Planar Nexus is out as I don't need my commander to get Tron in and get to a Maze's End wincon
Omo is such a fun commander
I'm not sure what logic can make the idea that the person/people that created a format for a game shouldn't be in control of that game make sense.
also I just looked it up and 3 out of the 5 current rules committee members were there from the start so I stand by my statement. The people who created the format have the right to exercise complete control over the format, a concept WotC themselves have affirmed and stood by since the format's inception.
Why play if you don't want to follow the rules of the game? Do you cheat at monopoly because you don't like the rules?
Do you look at where other people's battleships are when you're not happy with your bad guesses?
>paymoneywubby malding about the bans on stream

justified bans
>why would that entitle them to make the ban list
>why would creating a game mean you have any say in the rules
nigga just say you don't wanna play anymore
>rich fag who hates proxies is mad about his le investments
wubby is only slightly above Rudy in shittiness
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>people are speculating about a ban reversal
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>why would creating a game mean you have any say in the rules
They didn't though. It was a format that developed organically by people trying to pass time at tournaments. Should everyone involved in those early games get to call bans too?
Not to mention half the RC didn't even start to play Magic until 2010-2014 around the time commander was already officially recognized.

Even if we ignore the fact that they didn't independently design the game at all. Even if we ignore the fact that half the committee weren't even around for the years when the game was developing. I ask again: why should that entitle them to make the ban list?
>oh decades ago you were influential in this format so we should all be subservient to your whims today
The fuck kind of logic is that?

>just say you don't wanna play anymore
Kek you fucking wish.
Rudy doesn't care because he only cares about the reserved list and also his take was the most sane and logical one I have seen so far.
>I play mountain
>Rite of flame
>Pyretic ritual
>Cast najeela, pass
>Okay I play plains/swamp/mountain/island
>Swords to plowshares/cut down/lightning bolt/fading hope najeela, pass
Easiest 3 for 1 in my life
>dear wizards, plz let me pubstomp with my multi-hundred dollar cards thx
>i-i don't have to follow the rules of games i play
then don't play?
Rudy barely even know how to play the game, only interested in the the business end of magic. They're both bugmen but you'd never have Rudy in a pod being a faggot.
Strawman. If you were capable of engaging with what I actually said, you would.
You're retarded
They're going to revisit 40k eventually, right?
Adding Snuff Out and Dismember to this
Misusing the word strawman doesn't win you an argument. You don't want to follow the rules of the game, so go play a different game. A bunch of whinging and crying about how you don't recognize the rules as real isn't something worth engaging with.
>You don't want to follow the rules of the game, so go play a different game.
I'm glad cEDHbabs are trying to make their own format. Hopefully this means our format can get a better banlist. It's high time Thoracle bit the dust.
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How the fuck did Urza get better?
>feeling of slapping down a hasted, trample-having 20/5 and going to town throwing it at people
That is the big draw of him. That's what I had hoped with him. But I was feeling like he'd be too much like another deck I was running at the time. Didn't expect him to be seen as the key threat when he enters the field, but that's something I'll keep in mind.
I think more commanders than that` exist
People get nervous once you toss some cards in the graveyard, but if you can just get Brawn in there, people start to pay attention even if he's only a 3/5. Stealing other people's cards when they mill them potentially is also a big attention grabber (one of my favorite plays was stealing a dude's Plains and then casting another guy's Sol Ring then dropping Loxodon Warhammer and having enough to equip it thanks to the small mill I got at the beginning of the turn)
>if you don’t like how things are run and the legitimacy of the people running it, just go somewhere else
Lmao bold take on domestic policy
Nice false equivalency lmao
Now THIS is objectively a strawman. A couple of overpowered and overused cards got banned, stop deluding yourself.
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Crypt gone Trinisphere party.
Oh right. Coram lets you both cast a spell and play a land. Not one or the other. Yeah, that opens things up a surprising amount. Reading him again, I realized I also didn't notice he doesn't require milling to cast cards from grave. Just that a card to had to have been sent from deck to grave that turn to be played by his effect. I've got some extra cards from other decks in similar colors that I can slap together for a deck. I'll probably cook up a quick brew and try it out next time I do and go from there.
>All that partner slop
I'm gonna vomit
For context this is a cEDH list.
>overpowered and overused
And overpriced. Good riddance.
You can count on one hand the people that play this convoluted mess of combo lines.
Idk about that. What are they basing it on? I lost around 4ish game wining lines, but to be fair, I didnt lose as much as others, and I can add back at least one if I swap crypt for power artifact.
Yeah, he's actually super versatile since he doesn't require mill. One time I left a real impression in a game because I cast Entomb to bin a forest so I could play it. Brawn was in the graveyard, and I had Lord of Extinction in there already, but no forest land type so no trample.
I did not win, but Entomb into Forest is a fun story to tell.
Trinisphere is truly based
But you lost a way to get trinisphere turn one?
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He got a couple of new stax toys in MH3
Lots of players can't get around the price hike as easily anymore
The thing that really outs cEDHfags as salty bag holders every time is how many pretend bans before this were fine but this is the problem
The fact that cEDH players hide from the P9 in the first place undermines all their coping and seething
But you now have way to counter RogSi with >>93999799
Nothing's stopping you from playing by your own rules, except your own (in)ability to convince a group of people to follow them.
I wasnt running bauble, mostly for crypt and the other mox, maybe you're right. I can still do krakenspout combo things with sol ring, it just doesnt make infinite mana as easily, or cast urza as quickly. And if polymorphing into the kraken isnt as good, I get the blue moon mage, which is another big upgrade, but I would also need to cut some interaction for more wincons.

With regard to trinisphere, that remains to be seen. It'll be harder to go land, crypt, signet, rock, but it will also be slower to come down. I always forget that urza can turn it off, maybe because I didnt need to.
Bart Lurrus
what's it like being so wrong about something it takes 2 seconds to look up? the format was created by a handful of judges between tournaments in Alaska, 4 of them played from ~1993-1996, and one died last year. those 3 out of 5 I mentioned are the other 3 original creators.
Ban so good nobody is discussing the leaked marvel commander kek.
No they aren't lmao. Of you're part of a firm they may have that stipulation. But there is no law or rule that states lawyers must do free work lmao. And even if they did it wouldn't be a job sith potential (if it wasn't a meme) hundreds of thousands to pay out to him
What's there to discuss? they are meh
Thank god. They werent that interesting, and that marvel set will render the general unusable until the next set drops and they get pushed out like the bloomburrow furries.
This card looks so obnoxious. How have I never heard of it?
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>Amazon pushed back my Duskmourn Nightmare Bundle
>Research shows this means they oversold and I wont make the cut
>Won't get my coupon back I used for this
fuck me
Worst is he's a Miku fag, a terrible arrogant poster who knows fuck all about the game but insists on arguing about it every thread and just posts the most random garbage while he's awake cause "autistic". I wish everyone would spam report this dude til he killed himself
. I have never had so much hatred for a poster
Paying life isn't dealing damage moron
So mana vault and a couple other cards have tripled in price. What does this mean for the lawsuit fag? No market value was lost, just shifted around.
retards being retards.
Mana Vault aint a Mana Crypt. I happily sold mine into the hype.
Shhhh, even he knows it's bullshit. It's not like anyone ever paid capital gains tax on their mtg collection. Let him pretend, maybe wotc and the rc are stupid enough to fall for the ruse.
Stax is better now with dockside gone, since most powerful stax pieces were enchantments and artifacts. Also with Crypt and Jeweled being gone it's harder for people to get out from under mana denial type of stax.
What's a high quality proxy source?
Local lgs pitching a fit because someone sold them some banned cards right when the news dropped. One of the guys in my play group runs a coffee shop across the hall. We are organizing to play there tomorrow instead. Most of the regulars are in. It's going to be very dramatic. Price of tampons might go up.

>Everything on the Internet is true.
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started playing like a week ago and made myself a nice little proxy goblins deck
when I added dockside I felt very dirty because I could tell it was busted to shit, so I replaced it with Wily goblin to keep the same role in my deck without going overboard

now, though, I still have this fucker right here and it gives me the exact same vibe
kiki-jiki and lightning crafter? kiki and snoop? recruiter into muxus? recruiter into charbelcher? I feel like it sets up a very stupid win right away and I kinda feel bad about it, but at the same time I feel compelled to go for that immediately

should I replace it with Matron to keep the goblin tutor aspect without fucking everything up or am I worrying about a kill on sight card that's gonna go online once and never again in my playgroup?
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... A coffee shop flew over my house...?
You have to go to the proxy mines in south africa. Pay in either cocaine or blood, virgin blood. The man with one eye and the red headscarf will lead you on a three day journey. Once you have completed the trials, you will have to kill your first born then fuck the corpse. Only then can you have the proxies you seek. Or, you know, read the OP. One or the other.
Goblin recruiter into character is a time honored tradition. Anyone that complains about it gets started and feathered.

Heres your CEDH advisor, sis
>I started playing a week ago
>I feel bad when I play good cards
Dont? What do you want me to say. Oh my precious anon, dont play the mean cardboard that wins the game, you could hurt someone's feelings. Fucking faggots I swear to god.
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Goblin recruiter into charbelcher is a time honored tradition. Anyone that complains about it gets tarred and feathered.
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Get a printer and print them. The quality is more than enough. Only reason you'd need high quality ones is to scam people so I shan't help you
>fuck over lgs
>stop going
Wow you all sound like unbelievably massive faggots who likely are going to put someone out of business who has done nothing but provide you with the cards you love and a place to play for free for who knows how long. Genuinely hope every single one of his regulars dies
Aint clicking that shit, and if these faggots are the ones talking about a democratic approach to bans and a three tier banlist, they can fuck right off. Democracy is nice, in theory, when knowledgable people vote in a meaningful way, otherwise it's a tyranny by majority, and evidently the majority of edh players are retarded.
I looked at the link and it seemed confusing and sketchy. Are they high quality?
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It's mostly lua stardust dildoing herself and one of her giving a bj
>Everything on the Internet is true.
Anon I...
Depends. What is your objective?
They keep him in business. He's not owed shit.
i have tried many time to try Mono g, but scrapped everyone but one since is the most fun.
Questing beast whit all the fog effects
Why would I want to see some literal who get naked when I can see 10 billion internet tiddies specifically catered to my needs in two seconds for free? Are they especially nice or something?
Are you stupid? Do you think every business owner is some evil billionaire deserving your malice? He provided them a place to play their game free of charge, knowing it will cost him electricity, water, rent etc. And they OBJECTIVELY and with intent, fucked him over. You're a bad person if you find no issue with that, simply put just not a good person and the world would be a better place without you :)
i dinno, i think shes cute honestly but i like vaguely brown alt girls
just because she makes your pp twitch doesn't mean she's qualified to decide what cards should be banned in a format she had no part in designing, you coombrained secondary
Good resolution proxies on cardstock that feels the same as cards sleeved in a deck
This. My lgs recently moved to the mall for some reason. I liked where it was. My friends and I started playing kitchen table because one of the guys in our group has a prosthetic leg and doesn't want to walk in the mall. So just like that he lost the 7 dudes that are in his shop every day.
No she's chubby and covered in tattoos and has an ugly body
Yes, I am well aware.
Nothing in my posts said otherwise you mongoloid
This is understandable and not remotely the same to literally scamming the owner out of money and deciding to never return when he gets angry about it anon.
Lgs business model is failure. They only ever stay afloat if the players like the owner. Sounds like that guy was merely tolerable, not great.
It kind of sucks anyway, i might cancel mine. What i thought was a sweet TV card storage box is basically disposable packaging
>get literally scammed intentionally by your patrons
>justifiably be angry
>other terrible humans on the internet side with the scammers
Wow shocking.
It was publicly available information. Not a scam. Shitty yes, but nothing a used car salesman hasn't done to everyone here.
Do i just throw more bats in this instead of vamps or should i fuck around with some kind of counter removal
This is my first deck, im sorry its bad
Anon this is such shit justification for objectively poor behavior. Sort yourself out honestly this is Jewish as fuck
Yeah they'll suit your needs.
>a used car salesman
Yes, an example of a bad person. Legal doesn't mean moral.
I dunno, it's a somewhat casual table and though maybe I ran into "new kid on the hobby with all the expensive shit day 1" syndrome and I don't wanna be That Guy
If it's not super important I'll just go with it and fuck things up ig
The Dockside ban has left nearly all GR decks unplayable
Try replacing sevinnes reclaimation with victimize or something else.
Glasswing grace seems underwhelming. Replace with a 5 CMC bomb.
I said it was shitty. But it's not a scam.
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Seems like a solid start. Not overspending on EDHREC traps. Mana distribution looks fine. Commander gameplan intact. Bit low on artifact removal but got options aside that.

Just take it for some test runs and adjust at a later stage. Looks like a fine start.
Yes good job so far. You just need to play it. Take note of cards that feel bad in your hand. And slowly rotate some of those out.
It is a scam actually anon. He sold the item claiming a price it did not have. That is scamming.
But doesn't matter. It is a scam
>Walk up to counter. I'm selling mana crypt.
Ok, dude looks it up on Star City (price hasn't changed) dude gives you money.
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>"1% of the deck banned makes it unplayable!"
The mental gymnastics on this one. You knew the price was wrong, and you scammed him. Not only that, but you colluded with your buttbuddies to bouycot the store and play magic right across from him. Now, instead of accepting that you are outright evil and have double fucked this guy for no reason, you're playing games of semantics to justify your shitty decision. Shiesters are deplorable, but cowardly shiesters are on a different level entirely.
So she's just like every single modern woman?
But you knew it was the wrong price, and you sought out the store on the assumption they had the wrong price, and then you double fucked him after that. You've earned your star of david today, I dont know what you're trying to prove.
dockside was gay as fuck it was the most justified ban rip in piss
>R/G is unplayable
damn yeah youre right how can gruul possibly ramp now? its grover.
You're going to have to change your name and go into hiding now.
>Anon triples down on Jewish behavior
You're a bad person and I have no interest in further engaging with you.
Jewish behavior is buying something and getting mad when the price goes down.
r slash bootlegmtg
No. Buying paper with paper and pretending either has value sounds Jewish from the way beginning.
It's way more than 1%.
At first dockside was just a regular include in most decks but as people figured out how busted it was, entire decks began warping around it. It became about not just playing dockside but making sure you playing it every single game. And who happens to have the best creature tutoring in the game? Fucking green.

Worldly Tutor? Now there to find dockside.
Invasion and Finale? For you to spend 4 mana and find dockside.
Eldritch Evolution and Birthing Pod? For turning your birds into a dockside.
Temur Sabertooth? For looping dockside.

Dockside has done unimaginable damage to any sort of decks that relied on a GR shell and its going to take weeks for them to recover.
I dont see why banning this card is an issue then
thank you anons, I really appreciate it.
Sounds like a good reason to ban in desu anon
>The Comedian
>Player 1: [Plays land deck does land things]
>Players 2, 3, and 4: "Wait thats illegal."
Dockside was the single most important combo line for GR decks
who's the best commander for a "I kill u with manlands" deck? I saw the great aurora on scryfall and been trying to figure out a way to build that includes it
Don't know about commander, but you would want things that could reduce the activation cost like this turtle.
The best one won't let you play The Great Aurora.
Dockside was banned for mana acceleration. His deck warping power wasn't the issue. If that were the case then Thoracle would have been banned for doing the same thing to UB shells.
The rc is totally going to walk back the bans, guys! Any day now.
Just two more weeks
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bro he wasnt just used for mana acceleration. That little nigger comboed with anything and even if you didnt get an infinite loop with him going you could very easily loop it enough to go for an alternate game winning play. He was one of the most synergistic cards printed in a decade
>t. abused the fuck out of him
Lmao what
It's only really a bad thing if you're using proxies grossly out price your opponents decks.. if your other players own/proxy cards on the power level of and restrictive accessibility of cards like dockside, I'd say fair is fair
There's definitely a lot of space left open for them. Orks, Eldar, Tau, different parts of the Imperium, etc. Feels like one of the few UBs they didn't vomit out everything they could for all at once, because, let's face it, it's a very 'obvious' crossover as they go.
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>my investments are safe, theyll walk back the bans, my investments are safe, my cardboard isn't worthless....
whip lash walking it back would probably erode their authority and even if they walk it back the damage is done piggies all over have lost TENS OF DOLLARS
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Is name sticker goblins the best replacement for dockside?
>bro he wasnt just used for mana acceleration. That little nigger comboed with anything
Yes, but the cited reason for his ban was the mana acceleration and his ability to snowball early game. That's why Crypt Lotus were banned too.
Look at this guy already showing how useless bans are
>ermmmmm what's the next most broken card I can use?!!?!?
Good argument to just not ban anything
Are you stupid? The reason he is part of so many combos is because....................... of his mana acceleration!!!!! Like what else are you flickering dockside for if not getting increasingly large amounts of mana
It definitely goes in your black painter decks
Sticker cards were banned too, like, forever ago. There is no Dockside replacement.
because he wasnt just a combo piece he was also one of the best tempo pieces you could play in the game. In an ideal scenario he is a game winning combo piece. In his lowest value scenario he is just used to tempo into a play you.
keep telling yourself that, total casual death soon
Lol, no they weren't. Where did you hear that?
Sticker is finite
>said every salty faggot every time a card has been banned in commander
You can make that argument but there are tons of stupidly powerful cards out there that would need to eat a ban if that were the criteria used. Dockside was only banned for his ability to accelerate the early game, not his overall power level. This isn't my opinion, it's the RCs official statement on the matter.
tik tok casualcel ;)
>Where did you hear that?
The same place everybody gets their info - they randomly heard someone pull it out of their ass and never actually looked anything up to verify.
Any day now!
Sticker is banned in vintage.
lmao this looks like a propaganda poster. the colors and all
Golos is going to be walked back any day now, and wizards is going to seize control of the RC!

Hot take but Thoracle is far less deckwarping than Dockside. Thoracle does nothing by itself and is very often a 3+ card combo because you need to deploy some kind of silence effect first or you potentially self delete yourself against people with interaction up. Thoracle still has some risk involved.
The only risk dockside had was that the blue players would start playing their phyrexian metamorphs to copy it, even if they can't play it themselves. So he not only warped the GR deck around itself but also the blue decks at the table as they start including more clone effects.

Thoracle doesn't even come close to that.
oh I didnt know were playing unsets let me pull out my clowns :^)
no-one voted for Mark Rosewater and yet he gets to rape the game all he pleases
this is true but you forgot that thoracle has been bullied out of every table on earth while dockside gets a pass because it "just makes mana" which in the fly sized brain of a commander player is fine
tryhard fags will always using the most mathematically best cards possible, that doesnt mean you dont reign in faggot strategies
because just having mana is fine, eventually we'll reach a critical mass of bans people will say
>catering to whiners like you has killed this format, we're walking it back
the floodgates will open and you'll kill yourself because 99% of the stuff that's banned is aggressively mediocre at best
>inb4 aaaieee my fake black lotus that's actually only usable in mono or duocolored decks so it actually kinda shit and not at all like black lotus so it's closer to better dark ritual!
>On whose authority?
Wizards themselves. EDH was a fan created format. Wizards realized that kitchen table magic was a huge chunk of their player base that they didn't have anything to focus on. So in the early 2010's they worked with the RC and agreed to make EDH an official format called Commander and agreed to let the RC be an independent group that officially had control over the format's rules and bans.
People hate auto-win cards with no restrictions or downsides that can end the game as early as turn 2? How strange...
You're bad at assessing card strength if you think a black lotus which can only be used for the most relevant card in your deck is bad or mediocre.
if the RC really wanted to put an end to cedh fags they'd ban all the counterspells in the format so these niggers are forced to play the actual game instead of playing solitaire like bratty children
I more or less agree. Thoracle is bullshit, but unless you build your deck entirely around abusing it it doesn't really do much (like if I stick it in a merfolk tribal deck with no way to draw my entire library it'sgoing to be more or less useless in most games), and pretty much everyone understands that a Thoracle deck has no place outside of cEDH and doesn't play it in casual games, or refuse to play against the player who did pull a Thoracle Consultation combo in a "power level 7" deck.
Dockside on the other hand ends up being broken even slotted in a deck that isn't specifically built to abuse it, which makes it more likely to screw over casual games.
Every single card which references a commander-specific rule should be banned.
no, you're just a fucking child with no perspective on balance who happened to get lucky with the RC agreeing with you, but since you're not intelligent to see the long term consequences I'm sure you'll fool yourself for a solid 5 more years before this becomes untenable and you're forced to come to grips with the reality of what you contributed to. Blow your brains out, shitbag
Counterspells are literally just removal with a very narrow timing restriction. You might as well ban dark banishing while you're at it.
thoracle can stay because its really really funny when you cuck them and they just kill themselves
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I know this is a really stupid and selfish metric to measure this on, but every single person at my LGS who is upset about the bans is the shittiest type of person to play with at the table, and I'm happy that they're upset by this.
this but unironically, it's not dockside that killed the game but rhystic, mana drain, mental misstep and swan song
we need a rule that's straight up
>you can have no more than 4 cards that read "counter [] spell" in your deck
I hate to be the faggot advocating for blue but, you do actually need some counter magic in the game or every deck turns into turbo combo solitaire.
Huh? You can bring as many stickers as you want to casual games.
>n-no, I DESERVE to ramp six mana on turn one, I worked HARD for those expensive cards, this is what I'm ENTITLED to HAVE!!!
uhhh how about no lol

enjoy the bans, you will heal :)
>99% of the stuff that's banned is aggressively mediocre at best
past bans? Yeah no shit they just banned based on what they lost to
these past 4 bans were objectively good for the game
>mana crypt
banned literally fucking everywhere and so strong its limited in vintage. 50/50 bolting yourself rarely matters because lolol 40 starting life
>jew lotus
black lotus for the card you ALWAYS have in hand (command zone) is really good. The cope about how some faggot's craw deck is now unplayable is laughable as for every 1 fag using it to cast a 7 mana commander 5 faggots were using it to drop t1 3-4 mana commanders
combos with anything, non infinites either accelerate into a win and just playing it for tempo is good as well. Its a goblin for goblin synergies and can be tutored by every relavent red tutor not just green creature tutors. Treasures also fix your mana and play into artifact synergies. If it were a sorcery it wouldnt even be a bannable card because it being a creature means you can flicker, reanimate loop, bounce to hand loop, etc.

This isnt even a source grapes scenario I abused these cards for my better decks (all proxied :^) )and dockside was especially egregious
lieutenant is a good mechanic, eminence and free casting because your commander is out is mega gay
that's how every competitive format in magic goes
>bluetards strong arm the format with infinite draw and infinite counters
>everyone at the high level is a bluefag like maro so they ban everything except the blue cards actually killing the game
>game continues to slowly decline
>cue another scandal
maybe when hasbro finally goes down in flames someone will kick maro to the curb and finally end this
Tbh cEDH players should just start playing with no banlist. They represent a tiny minority of players (hence the need to differentiate cEDH and regular EDH, as most players aren't playing like cEDH players) so it's absurd that they should expect the rules committee to balance the game around them. If a card is too broken in standard Commander it should be banned, even if it's fine in cEDH.
Not having any banlist would also be more in spirit of cEDH, since it's all about playing the most optimal cards possible and trying to win without even letting other people play the game, so why should there be restrictions on what cards you can use?
The strength of your emotional reaction shows you have no leg to stand on in this argument. Stay mad, stay seething, keep coping
Honestly you pointed out something I think a lot overlooked. Cedh became infested with clones because it's simply a good play to clone someone else's creature. Removing dockside opens up a lot of slots, especially in competitive environment but in casual as well. No necessary clones, no unnecessary flicker outlets to go infinite. Lots of new cards can now be played since dockside and it's support package aren't wasting space.
>jeweled lotus
>a card unusable in any deck with 3 or more colors is unfair
this has to be bait, you are literally just saying this because your monkey brain compares it to black lotus. Actual low iq animal
10 sticker sheets, 3 locked at random.
>Yeah our bans are completely useless but that doesn't mean we shouldn't ban!
Actually, yes, it does!
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if it were such a bad card then why was it 80$?
Total casual death? When instead the opposite is happening? Your post is pure cope
yeah but they can't because bluefags would rather magic cease as a game entirely then admit that they kill the fun with their stupid cards
>interacting with your opponents
Umm okay!!!
JewLo is an incredibly strong card and pretending it's not is dumb. Pretending it's also only strong in 1 or 2 colour decks is dumb too. Every commander over 3cmc loves jeweledlotus regardless of colour and no amount of typing from you will change that
same reason cavern of souls is $60 despite only being usable in tribal decks
artifical scarcity. You already knew that though
You don't get it, think of the casuals!! It's totally casual to drop $600 on six cards in your deck for a turn three win, don't you see?
For tournament play. Edh is a casual environment, you can bring as many as you want
>only usable in tribal deck
my doomsday pile likes it for uncounterable thoracles
You sound mad so I'm going to assume you had >$1-2k that just got nuked from orbit with this ban
Good riddance, fuckface
I love when blueniggers just lie like this
>no see actually if I prevent you from playing the game it's totally not solitaire bro
lmao you all say this, this is why everyone hates you.
>commander is 2RUG
>heh why would you ever want 3 free mana here! Lotus only good for 2 colour commanders...
You're actually fucking awful at this game
>crying about blue because of counters
counters suck ass unless youre using them defensively for your own game winning combo just fyi
mm yeah, all those omnath and ur dragon decks running jeweled lotus right?
jeweled lotus is used by yuriko and whatever other nightmare is up in cedh and not much else. It had no effect on casual play, actual nonsense ban
>what do you mean I can't play this mama crypt? This is a casual format, bans are only for tournaments
I bet you think wishes work too.
I don't have a single blue deck lol. Counters are interaction and interacting is objectively the opposite of solitaire.
>the best form of removal in the game sucks ass
blue players are the most pathetic cretins in this game, the lead designer caters to you amd you actually pretend you're not the strongest color in all formats since for fucking ever
like really bro?
>already called out as a liar
>doubles down
sure bro you don't have a blue deck, a bluenigger would never lie or misrepresent to defend his degenerate color
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>amd you actually pretend you're not the strongest color in all formats since for fucking ever
no that would be me
The fact you think these are equivalent is really sad anon
LOOOOL black only became strong in the last few years and only in standard and modern. Nice try, bluetard, you're probably just another faggot izzet player coping over everyone despising your company
>LOOOOL black only became strong in the last few years and only in standard and modern
anon if youre gonna larp as having any knowledge outside of commander you gotta try harder than that
>Cos is only usable in tribal decks
Now I know you're just retarded
I'm not arguing with you. Jeweled lotus is used in all number of colour decks and there is logically no reason there wouldn't be, you can use the mana to pay for generic or commander tax. It is ALWAYS good
>ur dragon
Never wants to be cast!
Wow 4 colored pips.... I wonder why!
Disingenuous and a bad player is a sad combo
>no effect on casual play
I had it in my Szadek and Sisters of Stone death decks which are incredibly casual, another swing and miss
>no u
take your own advice, retard you aren't fooling anyone
>doubles down on headcanon when told he's wrong
You do you big guy! Keep crying about counterspells lol it's not sad at all
Ah he's just a dogshit player lol

Reminder counters are generally worse than just straight removal as you can only counter something on the stack but can interact with it normally any other time thanks to removal! The limitation is actually a really big downside.
The fact is that you're doing stickers incorrectly. Which is fine, just don't act like you're not doing it wrong.
>admits it's not used anywhere outside of specific cedh piles
>says he's not arguing
>then jumps back to pretending it was used by everyone
you're all over the place because you know you're bullshitting and it was an unjustified ban by the retards at RC. Just like golos, titan etc.
Give it a rest, you've embarrassed yourself enough
black has always been good for the same reason resource conversion effects are busted in any card game. The life, cards, creatures, fucking whatever your using for its effects is far more negligable than whatever upside you get in return. And black gets to do anything it wants so long as wotc can spin it as paying some kind of cost to get it
Anon a better example would've been wish in casual vs wish in a tournament setting. In casual, you can grab from any card you have in your collection. In a tournament environment you cannot. Like we already have a precedent for things operating slightly differently in the non tournament setting. The ruling for stickers is a tournament ruling, you're free to look it up yourself lol
>black has always been good
No it hasn't, it's only recently gotten good. Take your own advice and stop pretending you have any knowledge of magic outside this format. It's sad, sad little bluetard cope like this that just makes the reputation of blue players even worse.
Stop coping, admit counterspells are op and fuck off. Or don't, your words won't really change anything at this point because you've already revealed yourself to he a subhuman bluefag
Making fun of your terrible post isn't arguing Anon I'm sorry! I also did not mention cedh anywhere in my post... if you have to lie to yourself you should rethink your position!
>Reminder counters are generally worse than just straight removal as you can only counter something on the stack but can interact with it normally any other time thanks to removal! The limitation is actually a really big downside.
That might be true if there wasn't a shitton of spells you have to stop while in the stack. Aside from instants and sorceries, there's plenty of creatures with ETB effects that can win the game if they go off, so removing them when they're on the board will already be too late.
>remove dockside
>add removal
it's that easy
>blacks only good recently
We realize the mtg wiki has a timeline of standard and the winning decks etc. Black has always been strong. Blue has never been too strong, bad players just overstate counterspells power. Again, a murder is straight up better than an essence scatter
Wishes don't work in commander. Unless your group collectively agrees to break the rules. You're free to look out up yourself. Same applies for sticker rules.
>might be true
No, it is true full stop. Counters are an incredibly limited form of removal, one you really dont want to have to rely on.
youve just started playing this game like a month ago and its really obvious because only newfags seethe to this degree over counters while trying to downplay how good black is
>*dumps 30 life into necro*
gg no re anon
>Anon a better example would've been wish in casual vs wish in a tournament setting
They literally did use wishes as an example?
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>take a quick nap
>come back
>circle jerking faggots are back saying dumb shit and arguing about bans and shitposting as hard as they can
As proved yesterday, you dont play magic and you'll be gone whenever you stop giving eachother attention. Time to crack a cold one and play issac until they get bored and leave.
Yes I'm aware wishes don't work in commander. Anon I'm sorry but you're simply not smart enough for this incredibly basic conversation I suggest you move on.
My least favorite trend on this board has been people accusing you of not playing the game if you say something they don't like.
No they didn't? They said "I bet you think wishes work in commander". This isn't an example, it's an attempt to mock me. I used wishes as an example in a way that actually works for his position (but ultimately proves me right)
All of these noises were there too. Same calls for the rc to get dismantled, same outrage, same everything. None of this is new.
hmmm seems like a no game post to me anon
I will initiate the nogames circlejerk whining protocol immediately to save this thread
It was a way to mock you by using wishes as an example. And no, it didn't prove you right. This is such a weird argument.
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Holy newfag
yuropoors dont even have ifunny lol
I guess you're just too big brain for me. Keep confidently using stickers wrong.
>wishes in a tournament setting have very strict rules
>wishes outside a tournament setting have very lax rules
>stickers in a tournament setting have very strict rules
>stickers in a casual setting have very lax rules
Again, I'm simply sorry you're too stupid to keep up here anon
Just pulled off google, my dude.
kino legendary
It's pretty easy to prove by and large, then you just ignore them when they say no u and you make fun of them for failing at basic magic questions and they'll leave in short order.
should I build a deck with all the banned cards just in case one of these decide to bring a crypt to a table?
I've never seen that happen but if it does, that's cool.
No, it's really not. It's just a losers battle cry to try and protect his ego
Yes, just rule 0 it. Agree with your playgroup to bend the actual rules. You can do that with literally everything. Wishes and stickers included.
That's not what's happening here anon. You need to stop because every post just further cements how retarded you are and how incapable of thought you are
Happened yesterday. I dont want to go into specifics because shitters are lurking and I will use the tactic again, but the gist of it was shitposting loons materialized talking about something they didnt understand, I asked them an extremely basic and easily googleable question then refused to engage with them beyond mocking them for not knowing the answer, they turned into spastic retards pretending to be retarded, and after that we had a solid 5 hours of comfy posting.
>every post just further cements how retarded you are and how incapable of thought you are
Lol, the lack of self awareness in this post.
It's a shame you won't go into specifics because that sounds interesting. I guess I'll just have to take your word on it.
I don't care about the rest but I'll support Braids bring unbanned.
I'm sure that was a really cool incident that you made up in your head.
replying 3 times just makes you look insecure, try not to project so blatantly next time, retard.
Sure thing champ, whatever you say.

These arent our usual autistic shitposters that lurk 24/7, these are opportunistic shitposters coming here to try and make people mad. If no one is mad, and you expose their lack of knowledge, they will retreat quickly into the abyss or try again next thread.
This Anon is talking about the "counter play to mana crypt" he got lots of answers but didn't like any of them and is now sitting here pretending he's in to something lmao pathetic
>Got worse
Isn't the best version of Magda a Stax deck
Surely Nonbasic hate would be far better now?
Wow, that's actually crazy, you're awesome.
My favorite trend is when somebody says something you disagree with so you accuse them of being shitposters because you don't have a real counter argument and have to hide behind deflection and attempts to dismiss their posts altogether because if you engaged in an honest discussion you would lose and be publicly humiliated (again)
One dockside resolving means Magda wins. Magda definitely got worse >>93999715
Worth watching? I always watch their gameplay videos but I don't actually care about cedh meta so I dunno. The chubby guy on the right is genuinely an incredible player/builder so I'd trust his takes. The guy on the left is alright but not nearly as knowledgeable as pons
It's 100% schitzoposting.
>card stock lower quality than Chinese knock offs
>strictly better versions of your old cards with strictly gayer art
>sells you secret lair cards with AI art
>unique mechanics in secret lair cards
>promotes cards fully knowing that they will be banned in less than a year
>coming soon: jeweled lotus petal, commander's crypt, pier blackmailer
>coming soon: whole AI sloppa sets
what is it going to take for you to take the proxy pill? how much abuse from wotc are you willing to endure?
rule 0 is not and has never been an argument
if a game doesn't have defined rules, it's not a fucking game the rc and wotc are obligated to make actual proper rules, anyone who says
>just rule 0 bro
is a retard, even Maro knows asking for rule 0 is a meme
Stickers were banned in Vintage, but not commander. First time that's ever happened.
A couple years ago I sold every card and my collection that was worth more than $10 and bought Chinese proxies to replace them. I don't trade anymore so I don't feel bad. It feels so nice to finally be completed divested from caring.
it is really weird that people assume jeweled lotus won't be replaced in some way when the fact that wotc willingly printed in the first place proves all bets are off
EDH will always be a game of wotc printing chase cards and the RC taking years to react
Anon show a single asset you own.
You still havent googled it? Your answer was land simian spirit guide into manamorphose and counterspell, followed by blowing your only force of will.
the rule zero thing is just saying you use house rule with your own discretion amongst your friends
I didn't give an answer cause I don't care. I just want everyone to know what a retard you are
>One dockside resolving means Magda wins.
But Magda gameplan uses a fuck ton of artifacts to develop the board, from Treasures, Cars and Changlings. The fact that Dockside is gone means now noone can use that against them, which I feel outweigh the loss
it shouldn't even be in the realm of discussion about anything, bringing it up at all is an admission that you are divorced from reality. Yes the RC are also DELUSIONAL for talking about rule 0 and "self selection" people are free to make up whatever rules they want
but if they do they're not playing fucking magic. Magic has rules.
>he's doubling down
Absolutely hilarious. It's okay sport, you dont belong here and you'll be gone before you know it.
Wow, this is surely a legitimate post and not at all an attempt to make someone mad.
ok well anyway, I play sol ring
Here. Just so all you people can see how delusionally retarded this guy is.
exhibit A
Magda was never a deck that cared about what other people are doing. It's mono red cedh. It wants to go off as fast as possible and has very little in the way of slowing down others, so it addresses an issue in other decks that the Magda decks themselves never really cared about, if that makes sense!
lmao literally, control and staxxfags as usually trying to warp a formats meta because they seethe whenever they can't mana trap people
Competitive edh players are absolutely unhinged.
That sure is an answer to mana crypt and not highlighting posts that just happened.
I don't use proxies because I feel like it cheapens the experience for my friends who buy their decks real. I don't want them to resent me, do any of yours resent you?
I could take a picture of my house or car but im sure you'll come up with some cope
I never once endeavoured to answer your question and I did not respond to you in this thread with that intention either anon! I am letting everyone know how retarded you are lol
He's right, though. You do seem retarded.
why would anyone resent you for buying the unofficial card board?
>I could and that's why I'm already coming up with fake reasons I can't!
I honestly still don't see how it's broken when green gets all the ramp, are other colors seriously just supposed to get fucked in edh? Like legit what is the thought process was 2 colorless mana really breaking the game?
This is such a weird argument, it's wild to me that people can justify what they run based on what they spend. It's a game, people. Imagine having friends who would resent you because you paid less for your cardboard than they did. Proxies are possible enough now to where people don't even know as long as you double sleeve them, either.
>I came here to shitpost and not talk about magic
Yes, that was incredibly obvious by your fundamental lack of game knowledge and inability to google, despite your excellent memory. Now shoo, we're in a magic thread talking about magic.
I can't wait for anon to smite you with facts and logic, then we can have 5 hours of comfy posting while we all clap and cheer on anon for doing the lord's work.
Anon none of your posts are talking about magic. You are getting angry that other posters won't do your test and then whinging about said posters. You need genuine mental help
>was 2 colorless mana really breaking the game?
obviously not, that's why it existed for years with no issues
whether they admit it or not crypt was banned because players thought it was unfair there was a $200 version of sol ring. If mana crypt was in every precon nobody would even talk about it beyond mentally ill schizos. Same as sol ring.
Imagine intentionally deceiving your friends.
You should respect your friends enough to meet them on their level anon. Why are you more important than them that you don't have to invest to enjoy the things they invest in?
dude you are literally the guy that buys generic soda or hydrox instead of coke and oreos
like yeah you CAN but you can't really sit there and act like you don't know exactly why people look down on proxies
I was going to call you a retard, and then I remembered all those green ramps that cost 0 mana. Oh wait those don't exist and you're a retard
my brother in yakub the entire format is designed to not be taken seriously. its just that silly epiode of yugioh where everyone cramed their favorite shitty card into one deck. if you want something with hard and fast rules play 60 card formats
Why would I be mad at a guy who doesnt know extremely obvious and easily googlable answers? A second ago he was talking about how mana crypt was broken nonsense, and this is directly relevant to why it has a major draw back.
I hope everyone bought their mana vaults while they were relatively cheap.
Shit I unironically forgot about this place.

Is it worth archive diving to read people having meltdowns and/or going full schizo?
extra stupid when you remember ancient tomb and the million eldrazi lands that give double mana still exist. Crypt haters are just retards seething in poverty
You sound exactly like my friend who is literally a delusional paranoid schizophrenic.
First of all you proxiggers need to understand the difference between a proxy and a counterfeit.
Proxy = a different card than the real one that you use as a substitute, could be handdrawn, or an alt art for example, or some basic land that you have written with a pencil on = ok
Counterfeit = fake copy of card that imitates the real one that you either printed in your basement or ordered from chinaman = you are a complete faggot and a cheater = not ok
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what would posting images of these things prove? that I can afford a house because I dont spend thousands on card board rectangles?
Ree why is exquisite blood so expensive
>my brother in yakub the entire format is designed to not be taken seriously
Neither is sorry. Game still has rules. Stop being disingenuous
>it's not serious, it's just a game bro
games have rules. Stop fucking pretending and stop acting like you're the reasonable one for wanting to discard standardized rules. NO game does this yet commandertards think they uniquely get to cheat every game.
No nigga, be a normal person.
No, it's just the same talking melt downs and talking points from every other ban ever.
They should print a zero mana green creature 0/0 that taps for 2 colorless.
>temple of the false gods is op
Sure thing anon who doesnt play magic and cant google, whatever you say.
Its a 2 card combo with Sanguine Bond, it's had a few reprints but maybe not enough to make it a $5-10 card
dont worry you'll be able to tell its a counterfeit when it doesnt curl into itself like a dead spider the second its exposed to air
casuals lie (as usual) and pretend people always have it in their opening hand when of course they never fucking do
Omnath, locust of fail
That I should trust your financial opinions and you aren't just a seething poorfag
Nah it's mostly a handful of samefagging tourists. Nothing that eventful happened other than gavin getting doxxed, but no one seemed to care about that funny enough.
you can destroy mana crypt
you can't destroy the green player's lands or the rest of the table will annihilate you
Imagine being this fat
I just feel that a lot of that mindset is due to Dockside being a thing. It basically became a quickdraw against decks that had a gun in their hands already due to having more and better tutors that what Mono R could offer.

With Dockside gone, non-rock artifact may be giving new life. And with Turbo on it's way to fuck everything up and Midrange been kneecapped by the bans, Stax might be given a new lookover.
>if you go to the market you must be fat
do NEETs really?
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I know the combo, its jsut dumb
I guess ill find a proxy for it that isnt some dumb ai booba image or just print it
Im not saying youre being unreasonable for wanting clear cut rules im saying youre not going to get it from commander
Lmao do you actually believe that? Only regular rainbow foils pre-22 used to do that, not that I'm defending them though.
>panda post
>unfettered retardation
go back to /trash/, clown
No, but the anon that insisted that Blood Moon has AI generated art is worth reading.
Why would I divulge my finances to my friends? Do you tell your friends about your bills? That's in poor taste. Seems like you don't know the difference between work and leisure.
Okay so you are a seething poorfag thanks. I'll continue spending my money how I want
Just play something that's more interesting than a 2 card combo that everyone plays
You can only communicate your moral principles through analogies involving cookies and soda. It's one of the most fat person things I've ever seen.
then commander isn't a game
the ban list either matters or it doesn't
the rules either matter or they don't. If you want to play "my version of magic" that's fine. But it's not real magic and it's certainly not commander. An official format with official rules. Yes, I will get that out of commander because that's the default at any lgs, the real rules. You are free to live out your fantasies in your own home
I'm not a poorfag specifically because I spend my money frugally, instead of spending triple figures on playing cards. People who are wise with their money don't waste it like that.
>you can ONLY do this...because you did it once
do NEETs really?
The five card combo to phase an opponents commander out of the game permanently
this is the stupidest cope
>if you had money in the bank you'd have spent it on stupid shit!!!!
or not? I have a box of my turds I can send you for $2000, you gonna buy it? no? what are you poor?
Yes you are. It's okay anon I don't mind you playing with fake cards
You came into my life arguing moral principles using junk food as examples. That's the impression I'll have of you forever, it was your choice to use the words you did, not mine. Eat up, porky.
he's getting fucked in his comment section about it, bros so out of touch with normal people
>interesting simic-themed commanders
I like my boy slogurk
he's just salty cuz you nailed his poorfag ebt stamp ass
Meltdown is better in high power because dockside being gone means people will no longer hold artifacts in hand.
Nothing in my posts implies what you took from it anon. I just want some confidence that I can indeed trust his financial opinions. Surely you wouldn't give financial advice without being stable yourself
>this thread is my life
lol Im not beholden to you if I have to prove my case to a grown man why paying wotc to smash your nuts over and over is bad youre beyond reaching
>this one guy who is obsessed with pigs
Truly one of the most unhinged tourists we have ever seen.
I don't care what you call me, you're just taking shots in the dark because you don't like my opinions and you want to attack me in some way. Keep blowing all your money on cardboard when you're living paycheck to paycheck, it won't make your life better.
holy shit you're mad lmao
Okay poorfag lol. Genuinely only poor people get mad at how others spend their money. Because they have none and can't imagine spending it as you want
Who are you quoting?

It is at this moment, I am here :)
suggesting not to spend thousands of dollars in painted cardboard cutouts is not financial advice, it's common sense
Please, wise obese philosopher, tell us more.
what faggot wrote this?
>he also doesnt understand how greentext works
Classic pig anon. What decks do you play?
Why do you allow yourself to play with people who complain about not being allowed to do their thing?

This is a question for people who actually do.
>telling you how to spend your money isn't actually financial advice!!!
Literally post anything you own even if it's a cheap guitar anon I'm begging you
Greentexting is for quoting anon that's literally what it was made for
How does this deck deal with board wipes? Feels like making your lands creatures means you get hit even harder than most decks when someone Wrath Of Gods or something.
Weird question. Normal people dont.
Oh shit you caught me, I actually don't play this game, I just came here to troll.

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keep oinking up to wotc! they'll surely improve the game if you keep handing them money!
I (28) made out with a 22 yo hottie (female XX) last saturday. I'm better than y'all
>I shiggy diggy
It's okay pig anon.
>wotc bad
>Chinese company good!!!!
You'd have better position. If you told people to print their own proxies instead of telling them to suck a different corporations dick
I have a couple cheap casios if you wanna see em
I'm 30 and my gf is 17 so I assure you you are not
It's sad when Chinese companies actually do treat you more fairly than WotC lmao
ok I kneel. Still better than MOST of y'all
you cant gaslight me my coworker was just showing off his new fresh out of the box pringled secret lair cards last week. fuck Ive seen non foils curl
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Are you girls done? Is this the Estrogen Derived Hissyfit General?
Carl wouldnt say something like that. Do you even athf?
My friends and I talk about finances pretty openly. Do you not?
I print shitty ones off at work so I don't have to own a printer. But I only play proxy decks against my brother when we play vintage. Or legacy.
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Too late libtards, new format is already taken care of
the Chinese make a better product than wotc and my printer
>give financial advice
>can't show that your advice should be taken seriously
I waste my money on cardboard all the time? Thankfully it never breaks the bank because I'm not an idiot, but I do have some very very expensive cards.
Don't see why that matters anon! Your printer proxies won't curl their image will be more or less as sharp as a professional job and the game is what's important right! You're not seriously so pathetic that you must suck at a corpos teat to get anything done are you?
Talking about money is poor taste.
No it's not lol that is literally a capitalist meme to keep people unaware.
Any cool tech for him? Is it not just dumb simic bullshit?
I really haven't seen anyone talk about how these bans just lower the consistency of hitting a good rock in your first 7. regardless of which cards got hit fast mana being less consistent is good.
Why? If you want slower games find like minded people. But it's pretty obvious most people want mana acceleration
cEDH is just a cope, it's investorfags losing their shit and using cEDH as an excuse because that's the only thing they have left
There are a lot of ways to make lands indestructible. You also don't have to target different lands. Just pump up a big Darksteel Citadel and beat face.
Are you re mach guy? Is anyone here still old enough to get that reference?
>no it's not lol
>here's why it's true though
Bro, you literally live in a capitalist society.
why would I need to post a financial asset to explain why giving money to wotc is a bad idea this isnt "oh you wouldnt take home owner advice from a homeless person" this is "maybe stop touching the hot stove while you still have skin"
people hitting mana positive rocks creates a pretty one sided resource imbalance early game. these bans make that less likely to happen without using other cards. there's plenty of fair mana acceleration already printed.
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Do you actually want to talk about this or are you here to meme?
Memes aren't truth. Discussing finances with friends is in no way poor taste. I legitimately think you're really weird to think that.
That's a reasonable take, though.
why are you so emotional about this? its not sucking corpo cock to buy the superior product im simply going to where im catered to
Discussing money either shows that you're hung up about it (materialist) or craven for it (greedy), both are low status vibes. You do you but I wouldn't be caught dead making my money problems somebody else's issue, because that's barely one step above begging since people are obligated to offer help to those who are having problems.
I didnt say it wasnt, I just didnt want to waste my time if it was an elaborate ruse.
Are you stupid? I didn't agree with you in any way anon. Bosses and money makers said it's in bad taste to talk about money so you don't realize you're being fucked over. Not because it's actually in bad taste.
You've not explained why it's a bad idea anon, and your alternative was another corporation. I'm sorry but it's very clear you're a China shill trying to funnel non Chinese dollars into your country. Like I said earlier, your argument would be good if you told people to print their own (and thus actually save money)
Being around people who often complain about money is an awful experience. You just know that they are essentially asking for money from you in a roundabout way, I would never lower myself to that point. A functional adult should have a good enough grasp of finances to where you shouldn't even have to discuss or complain about it.
This is such a dogshit argument that could be made for just about any card that's strong
>oh you drew strong card early and I didn't!!!! Now we have an imbalance and that's not fair :(
I dont care how you procure your proxies I wasnt the one to bring up china fakes
No one said complain. We said discuss. You are changing the scope of the discussion because you know you're wrong! Cheers.
It's crazy to me that people have started playing magic through this format and never touched another one, but it's obvious that it does happen because you see posts like this >>94002051

That green text is actually a perfectly valid reason to ban something, otherwise cars wouldn't be banned or restricted in other formats at all. If a card essentially allows you to skip the first few turns ahead of your opponent(s), you've essentially time walked them and that's strong enough on its own.
You mean that old pasta talking about how they defeated you in every possible reality? I've been here 10ish years, might be before my time.
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Okay, what did you want to discuss then? Oh, the original context was you complaining that you had to spend more money than me for the same cards... Sooooo you're complaining. Got it :)
I have been playing since 2004 anon. So your wrong, and no it's not a valid reason lmao

Playing since 2004 and can't even spell. Checks out for a magic player.
Oh, you were here to meme. I'm not surprised but I am glad I didnt waste my time.
That's a wild take, man. It's weird that you have a hang up on talking with your friends about something everyone experiences.
Look, you can't keep dismissing the points people bring up against you just by saying they are insincere. If you want to engage with my argument, engage with it using whatever points that you may have. All that dodging the question does is prove you don't have any confidence in your point of view.
Don't talk about money, politics, sex, or race in polite company, it's not that difficult.
Was future sights standard any good? I started playing lorwyn and I think it wasn't the best set to start with.
Please quote the post you think I typed anon lmao
>you have to reply to my bait or you arent confident in your point of view
Or I dont want to discuss things with a samefagging autismo, during a time of peak bait, who has the classic new player/edh-only opinion of mana acceleration skips turns. It's not my job to educate new players on mtg.
Bro here with the Victorian era pearl clutching sense of social morality lmao
That's supposed to be a general rule of thumb when talking with people you generally don't know well. Not close friends.
There's a two cards combo for that though
You're arguing on that side and haven't said anything to the contrary to dispute it, so it's your argument.
No... that is not how anything anywhere works lmao
It still makes you a lesser, more base person to be so focused on money as a topic that you would be this dogged about it, especially in the context that you are upset over other people spending less money to get the same things you spent too much money to get. It's envious and envy isn't a good look to take on.
Based wizards updating the combo.
Okay, then do you think it's okay for somebody to proxy expensive cards? That seems to be what you're upset about, so what's your take on it?
Now that we're at it, how should I go about buying a Wheel of fortune? I thought they were more expensive but I see them around 150-200€ for a LP-GD english one. But I shouldn't buy from some cardmarket rando right?
$2 or less on AliExpress
>you can't discuss finances it's bad!!!!
>no it's not
>Okay well do you even proxy!?!?!?
Genuinely braindead. Kill yourself.
You do you. Bizarre take.
Mindslaver+ exile card. Choose not to put it in the command zone kek

or vanishing+ stasis
Why does it make you lesser to openly discuss a very basic part of life? You're floundering >>94002168
I will rephrase, how should I go about buying a real Wheel of fortune without getting scammed?
that's not how cards are banned in any other format, Jesus why is it always edhonlies pretending everyone else doesn't play the game
pure fucking projection every damn time
The only way you have discussed finances so far in this thread have been in a complaining, negative manner, which only proves my original point. Keep bitching about proxies, but I'm not going to spend my savings on cardboard and I'm going to keep that to myself IRL as well, and there's nothing you can do about that.
>buying """real"""
>not a scam
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so true sister! if my opponent draws skyrhoud claim and I don't then they skip two turns ahead. It needs to be banned for sure!
oops my opponent drew swords and I didn't, how broken!
Quote a single post of mine that is complaining lol. I said you can talk about finances.
It's wild that your pojt of view leads you to be unable to differentiate these cards. If they're so interchangeable, why are you so mad about crypt being banned, you can just swap in skyshroud claim, right?
I can't do that, there's no thread IDs. You haven't said anything to the contrary though, so I'm going to assume you support the argument of the people whose side you're on.
I do proxy too anon, don't feel intimidated
too expensive!
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>The Community did not elect the members of this supercilious Commander Rules Committee.
No shit sherlock, it was their for fun format they shared with everyone.
>The community did not elect to endure this Committee speaking down to us like self-procliamed royalty attempting to rule over peasantry.
Holy shit, please tell me this was written jest and they are not seriously this butthurt.
>The community did not vote for this Committee of inside traders to wield outsized influence over the values of our personal collections.
You mean as opposed to the inside trading that happens at Wizards of the Coasts headquarters?
>Yet, this committee has thrust itself into our lives without invitation...
Da fuq, you joined their for fun format you dipshits.
>This Committee that has revealed itself to be no more than a small, privileged group of narcissistic elites salivating over the prospect of exerting influence over markets and kitchen table gatherings among friends.. This Committee that has ultimately shown that it is not be trusted.
As opposed to you who want to be those elites?
>While Rule 0 is available to be used locally, this Committee opts to pander to this lowest common denominator by unilaterally creating ban lists to tell us we can't be trusted by ourselves
They opt to make a casual format casual, if you wanted your own go make your own.
>We've outgrown them, their surreptitious plotting, and their unwelcome provocations.
Unironically, pot meet kettle.
>We propose a new form of transparent, Community-based leadership helming a new format of gameplay: GLOBAL COMMAND
>We are unbanning everything
>GLOBAL COMMAND bans are two-thirds majority of the community votes, unbans are simple majority votes.
>It is time to wrest control from this Comittee of self-important, incediary demagogues. It is time to take GLOBAL COMMAND!
This writing and image feels unapologetically communist. Like it needs the music in the background.
The issue with that is the hit is not consistent felt in all decks. 1/2 color commanders often have the key issue that they have the low availability of rocks they can use compared to even 3 colour decks, which can use 3 talismans and signets compared to 2 colors one.
In the similar manner, <3mc commander have access to additional rocks that higher mana commanders can't use very reliably like springdrum and mox amber.

Doesn't get me wrong, Mana Crypt and Dockside deserved its fate. But I'm going to have to wait and see if J.Lotus just makes 1/2 colors or >4mc commanders to lose out more to low mana/>2c commanders.
Okay so just stupid schizo headcanon got it!
Whatever helps you say face after your bad takes.
They used to, until WotC errata'd "remove from the game" into "exile".
heres another point to proxies: if wotc errata's a cards mechanics but refuses to print a version with the correct rules im just making a proxy. reading the card explains the card theres enough moving parts in this game already im not dealing with hidden rules
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They haven't reprinted this to correct the typing error in nearly 15 years. That's insane to me.
>if wotc errata's a cards mechanics but refuses to print a version with the correct rules
Then they didn't errata the card.
>Buying reserve list
>Not getting scammed
Pick one
He's making fun of you for your fundamental lack of game knowledge for thinking mana equals turns, and pointing to one of the main problems with your dumb line of thinking.
The new format will be named "Odyssey"
In addition to your commander you will start the game with a "ring" and a "rod". A one mana artifact and a two mana artifact. You must control your commander in order to cast either. The ring and the rod do not return to the command zone.
Just get one on tcgplayer or whatever. Especially if you can see a scan of it first. Post it here, I can tell with 100% accuracy assuming a photo of sufficent resolution.
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>You must control your commander in order to cast either.
Low mana commanders wins again!
No, he's just stupid and said something dumb. You can tell he feels dumb because he never replied lmao
This is an outrageously bad idea. Use your brain on this one.
>"ring" and "rod"
>to cast either you need to control your commander
>neither ring or rod to the command zone
I am guessing ring is sol ring.
Potentially, but it does hit on those fundamental parts of the argument, whether coincidental or not.
I just pulled it out of my ass. It would be fun to mess around with like oath breaker, but would never balance.
If you think a 4 CMC green sorcery that gets two mana is on the same level as a 0 CMC mana rock that produces two mana, you're bad at assessing cards.
I am in favor of printing a few cycles of competitively costed mono-color mana rocks to shore up the ramp of mono and duo colored decks.
They should just reprint the diamond cycle but without the ETB tapped clause.
Oathbreaker was never fun, but I see your point. My mind immediately went to 10,000 insanely broken places.

Duskmorn gave me hope that they're going to start printing things with 4 and 5 pips that are basically impossible for multicolour decks, which has been my suggestion for years.
I would love this but it might be too strong for higher colour decks that can stack em, that's a strong card. Probably the worst but most effective changes to see in future cards would be clauses for effects specific to commander identities and costs
>pretending to be retarded
Classic anonymous.
Okay, if the cards are interchangeable, then just replace all the instances of mana crypt with skyshroud claim in your decks, why are you upset?
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Opalescence + Out of Time was the one I was talking about.
You just have to wait for the right time and you can phase out everyone's commander out forever.
>doubling down
As expected of country grown vegetables.
New thread is phased out
Sure. Make one, pick a good card and a nonretarded tq. You got this anon.
I'm mobile posting while working. If no one makes one in the next ten minutes I will.
I can't bake because I got my city rangebanned.
I make new thread
Not gonna happen. Might as well sell those Lotuses and Crypts now before they sink even further :)
some stores do this and it's almost universally regarded as stupid.

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