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Left out edition

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
Will Tzeentch get anything major this edition?
I have an Arkanaut Frigate on the sprue and a 12-inch acrylic rod. How do I make my own Magnet Baron? I live in the UK so paying for delivery on flight stands will cost me more than I'm willing to pay.
why is the vargskyr monster in soulblight still 180 points
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I literally pay more on shipping and taxes than for the amount of stands I need. I already got the rods in a 3-pack for like 3 bongs, I just need the magnets and a modus operandi to make it work.
No, are you really asking for a tutorial on how to glue a magnet to a acrylic rod?
I'm new to the hobby and I don't trust myself to not fuck it up somehow.
Even if you fuck it up you can just remove the magnet and do it again.

It's literally just gluing a magnet on the top of the rod and a magnet with the correct polarity on the bottom of the boat. Worst case scenario the weight is too much and either the rod/the magnet snap off or the magnet is too weak and can't sustain the boat.
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I will be priming 3k points of Seraphon this weekend. Yay!!
wrong thread
Mental illness?
Are there any videos for how to open a glue bottle? I'm not confident I'll be able to dispense some without the whole bottle drying out (I've never used glue before, how fast does it dry?)
usually I just eat the entire thing.
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Calling this done. Painting is gay.
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The jpeg fucked up rip
Very nice anon, I remember you posting the finished chimera or whatever that is. Come to /wip/ if you want to talk painting/hobby though, /aosg/ is condensed autismposting most of the time
I wish aos explored metaphysics more
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looks gud as m8
Noice noice

Got a game today with my trees, I'm hoping they'll feel a lot better with the new rule changes. Actually having a reason to cast the spooky tree is nice.
Nice, recipe for that metal?
the war comm website redesign is a rather sudden change
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So this 'rty get the get?
nice white hair, kinda looks like geralt or vigo the carpathian
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Looks like someone prematurly ejaculated their get folder
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Haven't been there in ages. Who's the admin now?
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/tg/ is dead
good job
Yes, I feel it's pretty obvious they were testing the water with underworld warbands.

They are either getting reworked daemon kits or new stuff in both AoS and 40k. Khorne is probably getting both, since their kits are old as shit and world eaters are a joke right now. Slaanesh will get emperor's children and Nurgle probably won't get anything other than some minor characters and a codex for both games.
Last year they fcked up their main website
Today they fcked up warhammercommunity!
Ay yeah!
Sharty lost. /qa/ lost. AoSCHADS won.
Would a kind anon have a pdf of the last Ossiarch tome? I'd like to read the fluff and such.
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Blessings of Nagash upon ye. May all the riches of Arkhan gild thee.
Good bonedoggy
Truly amazing that twice now they've just arbitrarily switched to a far worse website, as in actually functionally broken ones. The corporate mind is unknowable
Yeah warcom just stopped functioning for me on mobile completely. Great stuff James!
Is it corporate or British corporate? My gut tells me there’s a difference
The title cards at the top need to be way bigger. I can't read them, I just recognize the shape of the logos.
>finding news sorted by date requires effort
Jesus, why is it all white. Like a flashbang
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WTF was he thinking?
Honestly the arm poses are the only real awful fuckups that i can't understand how he let fly, he otherwise achieves the more regal fantasy he was going for. I think that fantasy is worse than what you get out of the real model, but i can get that he wanted something out of it that it didn't give
His back hurt
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If he's happy more power to him but that pose looks a bit too jag.
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does the website not have a list builder anymore? or am i just dumb and cant find it
love the color you chose for the skin
it's on the app :)
I hope T. will adopt some more badass units of BoC like Thunderscorn or Chimera.
Thanks anon, I was looking for paler skin tone but wound up with minty ghouls which honestly has grown on me.
Embrace pencil and paper
Pirate books
Start homebrewing
3d print models
Fuck GW
Today I'm starting to read The Arkanaut's Oath, and when I'm finished I'll paint my Drekki.
Sounds good, I bought Grombrindal - Chronicles of the Wanderer and his new miniature but I haven't started working on either of those yet.
>Will Tzeentch get anything major this edition?
yeah, fucked over by 4E rules
The death of Greywater begins this edition
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Tzeentch has no stake in ending Greywater, he made it on purpose
Is it worth taking aetherwrought machineries against fyreslayers for the ward ignoring quicksilver swords endless spell.

With mostly 6+ saves purple sun is of limited use.
So if Nagash is a literal god now, and has monopoly on all death and a giant force of demigod mortarchs, why can't he get his shit together and just win already.
He tried 2 editions ago, it's not that easy
elves always fucking shit up
>AOS Endtimes
Pull the trigger GW, I'm ready.
You'd figure god status would make this all a bit easier, unless he's just really REALLY strong and calls himself a god.

I'm still bummed teclis blew up Arkhan, I love that little rucker like you wiuldn't believe.
He's weak to rats.
It's not that easy because being a god also put you in the target of all the other gods. His planes also scale up.
It just sounds like Nagash lost the plot the way you're putting it
Cute ratto.
what purpose?
I'd want it for nothing else but to rebrand aos from anything that doesnt involve a characters name. Warhammer:the realms is a better fit.
I feel like that's harder to pull off considering it seems like more of a relatively even fight. Fantasy had the stipulation that good guys just kinda lose and the world is breaking down. AOS seems to be gods slap fighting endlessly in a 40k esque stalemate.
Causing tensions between Sigmarites and Sylvaneth, by tricking Sigmar to build an Isengard
Based Nagash
Isn't there someone you forgot to ask?
What a good boy. But does he drop it?
I keep getting conflicting information between Nagash being an End Times level of threat and Nagash being in coma gain.
>monopoly on all death
Anon, this edition literally launches with Morrda worshipping Stormcast? It was never true. The dorfs have their own afterlife free of Nagash, Morrda lives, The Cinder God lives.
Nagash was as dead as he can be at launch, he's back to that state again.
Nagash....? Lied....?
Are there any models in AoS that are an actual challange to build? I used to love Revell model sets which had way more autistic amount of parts and 4D chess subassemblies. I recently got into AoS but no mini has scartched this itch. Maybe the Ironweld Greatcannon came close, but it still was too simple.
Gore Gruntas and the Stonehorn are a bitch imo
Tbh I fucking hated the varghulf courtier, fucker did not go together smoothly at all.
I assume modern GW design is set to minimise bullshit, instead of pulling Doomwheels like decades ago
I didnt like dire wolves, or deathrattles. blightkings have been the only enjoyable thing to build so far.
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Wut? I had no assembling issues with it at all.
Seeing this guy in person, he's way fucking smaller than i expected.
I thought he'll be a Sloggoth, but he's smaller than the new bats
I wish they'd stop it with the oval bases on new models.
Same, the posing on the rocks was a little trial and error but eh
Help me Anons, lorelet here. Are Flesheaters the slow shambling zombies (BRAAINS...)? Fast ghouls akin to Darkseekers from I Am Legend? Are they sapient?
Fast and sapient, but also deluded into seeing themselves as regular upstanding nobility and humans as opposed to slobbering trogladyte cannibals.
They’re meant to represent trans people in the setting. The flesh eaters believe themselves to be regal aristocrats when in reality they are base ghouls. But mentally they see themselves as distinguished aristocracy.
Yes exactly
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Here's a pretty good idea of how shit functions.
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Will Krell come back with the upcoming soulblight release?
No Krell is a fantasy character
Wasn't he made into a mortarch in the end times?
They're sentient and agile, just weird
No one cares.
Looks good
I care, anon.
I kneel.
> OBR DOGGO with epic get
I can't wait to tell redditt!!!!!
I wouldn't have asked if I didn't care!
Played right into
he also betrayed Arkhan for the favour of the chaos gods? That said, Nagash has dementia and doesn't even remember his past or the end times so he could return like how the other mortarchs were created. I'd rather see Vlad, though
Yes he was
> then why isn't he in AoS
He was the generic wight king on foot midel dude for a while. Fluff wise because Nagash choose not to bring Krell back, probably due to his associated Chaos Taint
It was odd he brought back Mannfred before he brought back vlad (I mean the reason being that Mannfred got a new model but still)

And besides Nagash loves getting payback doesn't he, bring Krell back, tape him to be a servant to some nobody and remove his free will but not his sentience and bam.
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Doesn't mean shit, Mortarchs all died like bitches.
Arkhan, Neferata and Manfred are around because Nagash made fake effigies of them. None of them actually survived
I thought he yoinked their souls out of super hell and just slapped em into duplicate bodies? (Apologies if I'm incorrect but this is pretty interesting to learn new shit)
You got it right. Anon is just pretending to be more knowledgeable than he actually is by alluding to fluff he's read but failed to contextualize.
Being a ghost and gettign a new body doesn't mean you survived something
Well then we're just getting into the nitty gritty on what defines a person, is it the soul, the body, some sort of other thing.

But survived or not it's technically still them, nagash has swapped bodies a few times and it's still the same guy. I imagine he can do the same for his jobber squad.
Nagash doesn't know who Mannfred was in AoS and Mannfred isn't the same person either; they're constructs of something in the back of his mind he can't remember.
They're also independent, just fearful of Nagash. 1e had every Mortarch get up to their own business. Arkhan is the only real puppet and even he is confused by the independence he's granted. Ushoran isn't unique, he's just braver than the others.
Interesting, so Nagash basically just has vague inklings of these characters and and brought them back based on that.

So it's kinda like that one justice league episode where that super brain kid brings back society how he remembers it despite living in a horrible post apocalypse otherwise and creates facimiles of real former heroes based on ideas he had floating around?
It's written as though it wasn't a conscious effort, he doesn't remember them at all but when he decided to make himself champions that's what he made.
Similarly the chaos gods laugh at him while they repeat their end times scheme to undermine his inverted pyramid shenanigans with Skaven (causing the necroquake) and he doesn't know why it annoys him so much or the capacity of the Skaven to ruin everything (again).
I had really assumed Nagash as god status would be a bit more on top of things. Is there anywhere I can read more on this? I've been told soul wars is pretty good.
Have we gotten a scan of the Skaven battletome yet?
Yeah, Soul Wars covers that. You can read Mortarch specific material to see how they're basically different people like Mannfred's heroic SCE collaborative adventures showing how he isn't the same vainglorious bastard.
Are there any stormcast that fit on 25mm square bases?
Well fuck it. Might as well check out the audip book to save myself some cash.
I haven't tried Age of Sigmar ever in my life. A shame, seems like a fun game, but the lore is atrocious. I could have made a demon hunter army from my old Empire minifigs, but I doubt the lore supports even that.
What do you know about the lore? Shut up dude
It's not 2015 anymore man and I have yet to see anyone actually offer an analysis of AoS lore and why it's bad besides "bad writing" which is an empty phrase that means nothing without substantiation.
This dude, you just have to read 19,000 pages of lore to realize it's only mediocre now and not complete dogshit like it was on launch. In reality, most of us accept the worldbuilding and lore is pretty bad but we still play because the models are great and the game is fun. Only corp dick gobblers insist the lore is actually great.
I didn't say whether or not it's great, just that buzzphrases like "bad writing" or any criticism of literature at all really is worthless if you don't tell why it is so.
>but I doubt the lore supports even that.
The whole shtick with AoS's lore changes from WHFB was to open it up massively to allow basically any /yourdudes/ concept to exist within the setting without breaking canon. Of course you can make an army of demon hunters and have it fit within the lore. Do you even understand why people call the lore bad? Because it definitely isn't because they restricted what you can do with /yourdudes/.
This. If anything, people call it bad because of how open it is now. After all the whole point of eight distinct realms (that specific races and factions have preferences for) having instant travel between each other is to facilitate any kind of potential scenario. WHFB was limited by its geography, like you would in theory never see Chaos Dwarfs and Bretonnia in a starter box together because making it make sense was impossible. In my opinion the lore of the game shouldn't be inspected in a vacuum but rather in regards to what does it do for the game. If a battletome's fluff makes me want to play my army more for whatever lore tidbit there is, it does its job for me. If it enables GW to ever put something besides Stormcast in a new big launch box, it does its job for me. But they still probably won't do that.
Nta but that's what I've come to realize. It's basically just super smash bros for warhammer. Every variant of thing can exist since every faction in some way has a dude in a realm. I love WHF for the detailed history and characters but AoS is 100% more open ended to shenanigans ans weird shit.
Yeah, all it takes is one look at the various realm maps in the core book. You've got cities from everyone in every place they can realistically settle.
Other thing is I fucking absolutely love the FeC lore and out of everything that's come with Sigmar think they're probably my favorite.
Ntas but I enjoy the game and ignore the lore. And the names of the units. We've been playing more of the games at our LGS compared to 40k (especially after the June balance) but almost all of roll our eyes when the manager and the more fanatical players try to get the rest of us into the lore. The Skaven players especially do not give a shit about their AoS interpretations.

I do highly recommend getting a spearhead or splitting a Skaventide with someone (selling fast!).
Vlad was less capable while not being any more loyal. Starting from scratch as Nagash did Vlad definitely shouldn't have been a first pick for the new team.
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>like you would in theory never see Chaos Dwarfs and Bretonnia in a starter box together because making it make sense was impossible.
That's not true at all. Expeditionary forces are the obvious answer, or crusading forces. Hell the 5th edition starter set for WHFB was Bretonnia vs Lizardmen, with a colonial expeditionary Bretonnian force fighting the Lizardmen for control of the Lustrian coastline.
There is a lot of dumb criticism against AoS lore, but there is equally dumb criticism from AoS fans who are newish to the hobby and don't understand the WHFB world and think it's something in which every inch has been detailed in lore and leaves no room for creativity or making your own stories. It's a setting just like AoS.
Missed the most obvious of a Chaos Dwarf slave raid into Bretonnian territory.
This box I do get because it's not that difficult to believe that the Brets would sail down in a straight line to Lustria, but I think you got what I meant. You can for sure stretch it, but some things would just be too far-fetched. Unless you're about to tell me that was the other way around and it was the lizards showing up in Bretonnia, the castle seems to hint at that. I wouldn't know, in the scale of this franchise I am a newfriend. Thanks for the info anyhow. But isn't there some kind of source straight from GW talking about the gameplay and narrative potential reasons of why AoS is built the way it is? Or is it just conjecture from the start?
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Isn't the Empire between Brets and Chaos Dwarf land?
How did a raiding party get all they way through the Empire?
Rent free
>but some things would just be too far-fetched
Not really, I can literally give you an example that would be lore friendly for any of the two factions meeting up. As for the castle, yes it's one that Bretonnians built in Lustria as part of their colonies.

>Isn't the Empire between Brets and Chaos Dwarf land?
Yes but there is a large river running adjacent to the dark lands ( the chaos dwarf homeland ) that travels both into the northern ocean and southern ocean. They also have a large swathe of the southern ocean coastline as part of the darklands. They could simply get into their boats and sail there for slave raids.
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Ok, how is an Ogre army from Central Asia going to reliably attack not!France without having to conquare half the world before that.

At some point you have to realise amries ass pulling modern day fleets with medieval technology to sail 100s of troops around the world isn't going to work.
I think what he meant was that he can make any two factions reasonably meet up without those kinds of geographical constraints, because there are ogres all over the world. Them going to Bretonnia isn't weird at all, in fact they are already there. That specific scenario you asked for would never work, but the two factions meeting is easy. It would have to be a traveling Ogre tribe or mercenaries in the west, of which there are plenty.
Are they traveling with stone horns and yetis around Western Europe?
A few sell swords is not an army.
>Bretonnia vs Lizardmen, with a colonial expeditionary Bretonnian force fighting the Lizardmen for control of the Lustrian coastline.
I thought it was lizardmen attacking bretonnia because they stole some trinkets or whatever.
No it's clearly a lizardmen castle in the background
Also to expand, not only are there plenty of Ogre tribes all over the WHFB world, but ogres are literally known to be heavily used as mercenaries for all human factions, even those not fleshed out in the game like Nippon and Araby. There is a massive Ogre tribe even settled in the mountain range that borders the south of Bretonnia, not even counting the innumerable smaller Ogre Tribes dispersed all over the world.
>At some point you have to realise amries ass pulling modern day fleets with medieval technology to sail 100s of troops around the world isn't going to work.
The only medieval faction in WHFB is the Bretonnians. And even then their fleets are some of the most advanced in the world because they do not worship the Lady of the Lake and instead worship the Sea God Manaan, whose religion puts no limits on technology. The fleets of Bretonnia are more advanced the renaissance era fleets of the Empire. Also as for the Chaos Dwarfs specifically, the humans they most regularly raid in large numbers for slaves are Cathayans, fantasy China, and they get there using their massive slaver fleets.

You've bought into the WHFB world as being restrictive and leaving no room for making your guys your guys. It simply isn't true. Any faction can realistically meet up with any faction for battle and it would make sense in terms of the lore and worldbuilding if you're aware of the geography and worldbuilding inherent in fantasy.
There's no reason why an Ogre tribe outside the Mountains of Mourn wouldn't have a stonehorn, whether it be brought with them during their migration ( ogres are migratory outside the Ogre Kingdoms proper ). Yhetees are also not limited to the mountains of mourn, they are found in many mountain ranges of the WHFB world.
You are correct. But there are Bretonnian colonies in the new world, with their corresponding castles also in the new world.
>he doesn't know /aosg/ is a Sharty sleeper agent on 4cuck
Fucking hell Fyreslayers are toothless.
I just had an entire fyreslayers army run and charge my Stormcast army and they killed fuck all.
And that was it, their load was shot. I erased them off the board across the next couple turns.
Broke niggas didn't have dem gold
They literally have some of the best damage output to point ratios in the entire game.

Maybe they don't do great against 3+ saves?
I've never seen a stormcast player in my store. What drew you to stormcast? Not trying to be derogatory just wondering what appeals to you about them as I just don't get it.
Okay, so what is the point of Steelhelms now that Fusiliers got exact same stats, but can also fire at range and also get buffed by Fusil Marshal? Is the consecrate ward that important?
NTA, but another anon who is drawn to SCEs, but haven't bought any. I absolutely adore how chunky they are. They just feel so good to handle and ultimately just seem tough. In general, I like elite units, so they are right up my alley in that regard as well. Also, while the basic color scheme is a bit boring, you can paint them whatever you want. Could be gold-black almost chaos looking dudes.
Fair enough. I guess to me they just seem so boring. So much cool fantastical stuff then you have these golden husks with no character. But more power to you if you like them.
I'm also drawn to Ironjawz and StDs for the same reason. SCEs have the added bonus of being cheap from second hand sources though.

I've always liked Paladin types, plus I got them in a starter box when I re-entered the hobby as an adult.

I have 14 other armies but I'm playing my Stormcast heavily right now because a good chunk of them are being squatted in a few months.
>14 armies
Is all that painted too?
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Not quite, but those that aren't yet are just waiting for inspiration to strike.
that is pretty impressive, anon
Solid, I'm sitting at 3 death armys rn due to some fucked ass deals I found. It's been a blast painting stuff out. Worst I had was 40 deathrattle skeletons but that was solved by convincing my friend to help me do em up in contrast as a "learning" experience.

Hope to hit a full painted group like tours someday soon!

The Soul Wars audio book is pretty good and gives the Soulblight/Ossiarch some good character development. Same with Totally-Not-Gelt

>Miska my beloved
Didn't exist then

They exist in my heart. Fuck you.
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NTA but lightning paladins are kool
only the recent Reclusians have rly achieved that aura
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>So much cool fantastical stuff then you have these golden husks with no character
You could say the same about anything with your metric anyway. Just don't be a retard about it.
idk if i like it yet
Nah I agree with him. Stormcast are the most painfully transparent corporate slop in any Warhammer game. Maybe only Primaris can rival them.

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