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Fires of Cyraxus Never (for)Ever Edition

>Reveals are Coming Soon™

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>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread Question:
What scenario/stories would you pitch for the hypothetical next Imperial Armour book?
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>imperial armor
To start with I'm skeptical that there will ever be another IA book. FW doesn't really do that stuff anymore.
What would happen if a Tallarn skirmishers had to deal with Deldar/Eldar skirmishers in the desert
Imperial webway colonization efforts
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How is that man not bald?
Tau civil war between Farsight and the Empire. With Farsight's side having various merc races and ascendant tau AIs fighting for their freedom.
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Heresy like this
Go ahead and explain to the class what you think is the problem
Wouldn't E*odites on sand worms be better?
You are just sad.
Would someone who constantly smells and reek of cum be in the slaaneshi or nurgle camp?
Sad we don't have those, yes.
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Lots of attention to minor xenos, show some smaller wars the Imperium wages. Not every war is apart of a crusade, desperate defence from CSM, Tyranids, necrons etc
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We have heat axes at home.
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Are drukhari really the least liked/most hated model line?
Is it just because all of their models are super old and resin and out of production?
That would be good, focus less on heavy tanks and titans more about various light hit-and-run type units? Maybe a few terror types like suicide bombers, some new haemonculi abominations for rooting out people that have gone to ground.
What went right?
Cops are cool
i thought the least popular army were either votann or gsc
Mums buying models for their sons don't buy dark eldar. Little Timmy is too precious for cenobite BDSM pirate elves. They're liked enough by GW to not be squatted and -slowly- getting new kits, Ur-ghuls, Incubi, mandrake kill team.
>Are drukhari really the least liked/most hated model line?
The only people that have ever said this are the voices in your head
>tons of bits, can build the squad fully with shotguns or with shields
>soulful rogue trader throwback sergeant sculpt
>can use the bodies for crusaders with minimal work
Pretty much everything.
who are these guys? that dawg looks fuckin great
>Mums buying models for their sons don't buy dark eldar.
Who cares
>Sloptuber sa-
Don't care about failure either negro
When did I mention any youtubers retard. Those the new kits for Dark Eldar they;ve gotten recently plus Lelith
Admech vs Tyranid Hyperwar
>When did I mention any youtubers retard
Mommies buying shit being the primary customer is something a retard youtuber claimed and is parroted on here semi-frequently
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Has there been any stories about Gork and Morks interactions with the chaos gods?
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The dog is the worst fucking part. Cyber mastiffs are supposed to look threatening.
We don't need more slop.
Gork and Mork don't exist.
100% with you.
Sometimes WG goes too far with the cartoon style
They are decent and look cool.
But I would've preferred if GW kept to the more older design for the armor.
Too knightly, not enough of that Judge Dredd "dystopian police force" feel.
They are still cool though and have lot of nice bits.
I might just get a box so I can use it kitbash some cool shit.
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You can proxy one of the Necromunda ones
Deathwatch is the least played. Dark Eldar are pretty far down the list.

Both these armies have a few things in common
>Dogshit support from GW, particularly in the form of model releases
>Constant chopping and changing of rules

It's not fun to collect an army like that.
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There's a few of them
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Wrong, space marines are the pinnacle of repressed homosexuality in sci fi.
said youtuber being a GW staff member for years while discussing with other former GW staff. Do you think that was a total lie?
We know GW tones down design to appeal to younger/more conservatie groups, hence why Slaanesh doesn't have bare tits on models anymore
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Even a hardcase version
Both their themings are kind meh too.
DW are just generic marines, yes all of them come from different chapters, but all the kits you'd use for it are generic so you'd have to kitbash/convert all of them by yourself.

DEldar are unpopular inherently due to their theming.
Playing an army of drug addict rapist hellraiser elves who skin babies alive because it tickles their willy, appeals to a very niche group of people.
ah so you did get it from them, classic. lmao
No, you're just a faggot.
>Nooooooooooooooooo my heckin marineos are le super serious duders who would NEVER be le comically gay
Gw really should make more fucked up looking space marines, like the RT space marines or fucks like this. 40k Dr Strangelove types
For reference, they're unpopular compared to Space Marines. More people play hellraiser-elves than they do both sides combined in the American Civil War. In terms of sales most of that is due to the lack of support by GW (half their range is failcast).
do i get orks or drukhari
That's a general gripe I have with marines and custards. A lot of them just look like dudes. I mean when I try to picture "a transhuman supersoldier in a distant grimdark future" in my mind's eye I think it's natural that they would look fucked up in some fashion. But they just look like guys who are slightly taller than average.
Sorting out all my old Black Library sloppa.

I think Pawns of Chaos was so... odd that GW actively disowned it. Brian Stableford was a fairly famous sci-fi writer and it was his only 40k work
Do you want to make things with broken bits or do you want to make things with bits that will break?
Comparing old art like this to Space Marine 2 marines is like 2 different settings. Tiitus and friends are all classical handsome and not at all heavily injured mutants, almost cyborg looking like they should be
Thats fun, didn't know they made coloured toilet paper
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Age of Ra was published by Solaris Books, which was a non-40k sci-fi imprint of Black Library.

Also GW published some really bizarre shit like the Final Destination and Jason novelisations through Black Flame.
Titus is the new face and hero of setting. It makes sense that he's handsome.
>Comparing old art like this to Space Marine 2 marines is like 2 different settings.
1st ed rogue trader might as well be
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>face and hero of setting
good lord I hate nu40k so much
Dark Eldar are great for kitbashing too, though
But they are definitely spindly and fragile as all get out.
Probably more than any other army.
i just want whatever looks cooler
i’ll look it up
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Is there anything more cringe than to be reading a new Tyranid book and it revisits old Nid lore and you see the dreaded words 'Swarmlord' show up. He was there from the beginning, bro!
The 40k episode for that new Amazon series is already about him. Hope you're ready for several years of Titus shilling.
There won't be another Imperial Armor book. IA was the last stand of 40k being good.
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nah Titus is just the face of the game. Gulliman is the face and hero of the setting, followed by the lion
Ask /vg/
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>last stand of 40k being good
Anything without primarch shit is still great, fourth Tyrannic war was excellent fluff on par wth the old Imperial Armour books
>Is there anything more cringe than to be reading a new Tyranid book
Not much, honestly
Nice image you didn't post, knucklehead!
Which is better to start a Votann army, this or their combat patrol box? My local shop is selling both at basically the same price and I wouldn't mind their outdated codex on my shelf, but there are some difference in minis between them and I'm not sure which are better to start with.
No, the model line is excellent. The dark eldar are enjoyed by true enthusiasts, if we ignore the dark times of 9th edition when the competitive players infested our righteous and noble true eldar.
you can probably get them extremely cheap from the hachete combat patrol magazine, which is important to keep in mind considering the army is like $2k for 2k points.
I got this armybox on the cheap too, mainly for the novelty of the codex and the tokens. The bikes and champion are top units you'll always run and most lists tend to run 1-2 hearthkyn warrior squads as well. The combat patrol is solid too though.
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>Proceeds to make shit like that pic
Why can't Geedubs make up it's mind?
Because gorillaman is a good person that wants to make the Imperium better?
why cant primarchs just settle their disputes with some arm wrestling.
That's because it's a b8 post
>considering the army is like $2k for 2k points.
Really, really isn't. Like half that.
are dark eldar cheap?
What happens to space marines who get maimed, but cannot be fixed with augmetics or interred into dreadnought?
I haven't played since 6th and I'm coming back to the tabletop now. I'm looking at the Space Marine line, and Primaris seem to have changed a lot.
Am I right in thinking that Primaris Marines are now 'specialists' so I don't have to have a 10 man Tact squad with 1 melta, I can just run the "Melta Squad" and burn everything? Same with the "Plasma" squad, "Sniper" squad and so on?
40k is like 3 settings now.
>2e to 8e
The tone shift really started in 5e but 8e still changes enough serve as a hard split.
More or less
GW wants the clear good vs bad for easy marketing and sales while not being tied to agreeing how the Imperium is run is good.
Doesn't help this is all handwave away as inuniverse propoganda.
>This guy is actually only as bad and evil as the 'heroes' of the setting, he needs demonic support to compete with the sheet banal inhumanity and evil of the Imperium
is a hard sell to potential customers
yeah, I dunno the point values though. Models themselves are still sort of priced like they havent been touched by inflation for the most part.

You think 2e and 7e were the same?
Relatively. Wracks are insanely overpriced (and they're my favourite models in the entire game), but the rest of the range isn't so bad. The combat patrol is pretty okay if you like the kabals.
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that's a very weird situation

if the problem is about limbs, then augmentations should work
if the problem is about organs and systems, then the dreadnought should work
if the problem is about a fatal wound of some other kind, then the rubicon surgery has been noted to work

but if there's no time or resources the apothecary just gives a mercy kill and harvests your geneseed
>>This guy is actually only as bad and evil as the 'heroes' of the setting, he needs demonic support to compete with the sheet banal inhumanity and evil of the Imperium
Only activists who empathize with demons and intersellar bugs over humans thinks this.
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The Warhammer Community site has been updated. It looks like this now.
Yes but no. And 10e nerfing their rules and then cutting their points by 25% is partly to blame for turning them into a pseudo horde army.
The combat patrol is amazing value.
Scourges are also good value.
But once you move out of that the units get real expensive for how few points they are worth. Many are more than $1 per point.
And that's before getting into how many of their models are out of print and that you have to buy on the secondary market, wait for a MTO run, or kitbash a proxy for. Or just print some.
Thanks for letting us know
Thanks for the update, kiddo
Certainly not the same. Decades of time renders that impossible. But as far as the tone and focus of the setting goes, the gap between 2e and 7e vs 8e and 7e isn't that different. And most of that gap between 2e and 7e started during 5e.
7e is a bit of an tricky outlier though in that GW just fucking gave up for a whole edition. It barely has any art or character it didn't inheret from 6e or wasn't done as a lazy photoshop. I forget it even exists sometimes.
I wonder what 40k would be like if Kubrick did make a 40k movie off Ian Watsons book. I assume GWs IP retardness would have killed the movie before it was even made. Wanting to micro manage every little thing. Still that scene and the conversation to the Emperor is peak 40k
Thats pretty cool, buddy
are orks expensive instead
Buy them secondhand
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Love me Wracks. Hate the price.
Also unreasonably mad about them losing their special melee weapons in 10th.
Nice, thank you. The army seems a lot less model-heavy than before and most of my armour seems more or less unchanged.
This. Anti-rapists who argue we aren't blessing the enemy with the honor to receive our sperm.
>5 dudes for $40
I dont see how they are overpriced compared to marines.
I don't care, GW marketing team, just low the prices.
10 assault ints are $62..
Wracks come in a box of 5 and cost $50 (CAD). If you include all 5 in a list, you'll have 60 points of models. You cannot give them wargear to increase their points cost, as wargear is free.
A tactical squad comes in a box of 10 for $70 (CAD). If you include all 10 in a list, you'll have 140 points of models.
60 points/$50 = 1.16 points per dollar (ppd).
140 points/$70 = 2 ppd.
Wracks are the best models GW has ever produced. I've spent somewhere around $200 on just the plastic wracks and I even hunted down a box of finecast wracks. I even got an extra box of wracks just so I could put them on my raider. The price is dumb and I'm an idiot for paying as much as I did.
Are the leviathan termies easy to convert or should I get the other kit?
positively milked
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I've seen one anon absolutely butcher these and post them so many times that they've been ruined for me.
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I got those guys for 15€ on ebay. Seems like someone wanted to make some kind of cultists out of 3 boxes of catachans. I bought them out of nostalgia, because i did the same thing back in 3rd edition
Technically it's 1.2 ppd for the wracks, I can't do math. Regardless, yeah. I've spent way too much on my dark eldar and I don't even have 1000 points worth of models. It's ridiculous. Making an army for Fantasy - even 8th ed Fantasy - is incredibly cheap compared to modern day 40k. It's insane. Every complaint people had about 8th ed Fantasy, complaints which led to the game's death, could be applied to 40k right now. But nobody is complaining. It's baffling.
40k's model counts are higher than Fantasy's were at the point where the insane model count killed the game.
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Sup faggets
Imagine a box of 10 of your basic troops costing $80. Now imagine needing 5 of them. And that's only a quarter of your list.
>Warhammer community website is all new!
>Open website
>It still has that slow-ass cookies box sliding into frame every single time I open the website
>Still have to wait for it to crawl into position before I can press "reject cookies" for the 139291th time
Good job guys, you really justified your paychecks this time.
NTA but you just have an addiction to wracks which happen to be cheap pointed models. You don't really build an army out of them.

I quite like Termies and Abaddon, put that in my army and whoops there goes literally a quarter of my list for <£70. I like playing infantry heavy Death Guard backed up by wardogs and that ends up being a similar story. But if I wanted to play CSM Cults with 200 cultists thats going to get expensive. Really entirely depends on what sorts of models you like.
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What else am I supposed to build my army with?
Didn't Fantasy die because you were REQUIRED to build high model count expensive armies? 40k isn't like that
How about the rest of the Drukhari roster? Its not really the same if you actively choose to spam a low $/pt unit compared to being forced to
To their credit Robu wanted to commit suicide upon seeing what the Imperium had become. Not that he's innocent either, the XIII genocided their fair share of innocents, human and alien, during the Heresy, but he's certainly above average for the setting, and about as good as it gets for the Imperium.
Oh God, they're going to make the website worse aren't they?
I generally dislike Abby, but this art always went hard as fuck
Generally the UI is better, but that fucking cookies window is still there and still slow as ever every time I open the website to check an FAQ.
So no meaningful change was made.
Yes, the cost for entry into fantasy was so high that new players were very rarely getting into the game.
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I just painted this bad boy. I still can't belive hwt a a short stick BA players get.
God I fucking hate this soilord James Workshop shit. Truly for midwits.

GW are the kind of cunts that won't even acknowledge stuff like Bryan Ansell or (eventually) John Blanche dying. But teehee here's the manbaby James Workshop meme for consoomers on twitter.
did kirioh react yet?
It's heading in the same direction. At least Fantasy let you bring expensive lords/heroes to the table to soak up points.
>At least Fantasy let you bring expensive lords/heroes to the table to soak up points.
Do you think you can't do that in 40k..?
no one cares about some old dude that hasn't done anything of note in 20 years bro
I was shocked GW didn't announce or make anything for Bryan death. Not even a fucking community article going over the history of the company. The british boomers that run GW really seem deadset on the 'no individual gets credit for the company. Same policy that makes them list 'warhammer story board' for their Warhammer+ shit and not the writers names, also why artists don't get name dropped. Its fucking retarded. GW is also rich enough to hire Matt Berry himself since thats clearly the character they're james workshop is ripping off.
I like him for making people seethe.
There are loads of expensive character models in 40k, what do you mean? To say nothing of vehicles and their ppd
Imbeciles like you maybe
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kek made me think of this
>converted the raider
>converted the haemonculus
>yet the grotesques are a synchronized dancing finecast clone squad
bro can you please take a non-blurry pic of this

those are awesome
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Pawns of Chaos is 10/10, I have it. I thought it was a WHFB book when I was a kid for the first few chapters.

>gun only has 1 shot
guess I'm taking something else.
GW stopped crediting writers because autists kept sending them death threats because the stories they wrote didn't align with their headcanon.
>railguns u
>Pawns of Chaos was so... odd
Whats so odd about it, can't be much worse than Ian Watsons oddness
>Makes my save
Bet you wish you had more shots, huh?
Nah, I enjoy just blapping everything without an invul off my table. Everything else gets the volume
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The problem exists across most of the range. The whole army got massive point drops on what used to be a semi-elite force.
>"gun" is so delicate it breaks if you look at it
Fair enough, I just hate 1 shot weapons. 3 chances for 1 shot to miss, not wound, or be saved irks me and feels like a gigantic waste of points.
>Miss hit roll
>CP reroll because it's important
>Doesn't wound
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So bring 30 of them
>Laughs in Dark Lance
I don't disagree, only reason I don't mind hammerheads is its a 2+ to hit, 2/3+ to wound all rerolled and your opponent doesn't get a save. Things like Hunter Killers, or meltaguns just seem to fail a lot more than they can be relied upon
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I was going to post that meme edit of the dark eldar army list if it was like a space marine list, with shit loads of options and customisation but I don't have it saved, can someone post it
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This will always be super funny to me even as a Space Marine player. I unironically wouldn't mind getting consolidated to a couple dozen units with options because the hundred data sheets method is just ridiculous.
Yeah, they're a relatively expensive army to collect.

But 2 combat patrols is all models worth bringing, and here thats £160 for what, 900 odd points?
Never CP reroll a hit roll unless that shit could literally win you the game if it hits. Always save it for damage or wound rolls.
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>Gun is bigger than 90% of all models in the game
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It's from Dr. Strangelove, which in turn references On Thermonuclear War by Herman Kahn, which speaks of deaths measured in millions. Though the term "megadeath" is never used, it's one of those terms created by detractor.
You can buy 3 combat patrols and 3 boxes of scourge and have a decent 2k army for about 615 USD. And it would work alright. But that's the absolute cheapest the army gets. Once you start looking for tech pieces like Cronos ($60 for a 50 point unit), Lelith and Wyches, Venoms, Mandrakes (now $80 a box), Beastmasters and Court of the Archon (both out of print), and a Voidraven Bomber the price is going to skyrocket.
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VGH, we must return

The game was actually more fun before all the metawatch tinkering and wombo combo stratagem bullshit
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It's a wonderful kit overall. A blast to build and paint.
There's a dead grog general for you to linger in
thanks anon!
I know that list is a joke but it would be nice if deldar got their characters back. Kheradruakh replaced Vect as leader for like a week after he saved the city from a deamon invasion via his shadow magic but he doesnt even have a model
man the artwork on those old codices was fantastic
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GW can still make great codex art, but the problems is they use the same art for mutiple codexes these days
Nah that's boring.
A polite conversation between Farsight and Abbadon would be the real interesting shit
Is there a thread around with links to the novels?
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I try not to be too cynical but I feel like there's no push for amazing art at GW anymore
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You replied to a post with some. There's plenty of good art coming out, grogfuck.
>text not mirrored
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Neither does Vect, currently
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>Tau civil war between Farsight and the Empire. With Farsight's side having various merc races and ascendant tau AIs fighting for their freedom.
zoomer marvelslop brain
>A polite conversation between Farsight and Abbadon would be the real interesting shit
man of culture
One of the worst modeled boxes from GW ever, enjoy your addition ugly addition to the pile of shame that you are never going to paint for nostalgia.
I've liked pretty much all the art from Arks of Omen. Anon just fell for the NEW BAD meme.
are custom mega blasta type weapons supposed to be ork meltas or ork plasma? in lore that is
According to the new Rogue Trader DLC, a common Eldar passtime is to spontaneously sing with one another to relax.
For Dark Eldar, their favorite way to relax is bloodletting.
So its as bad as their horrible new store now?
Were those chicken scratches meant ro be texture on the model or something like the NL's lightning? Could never quite figure out.
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There's a lot of great art scattered around the codexes like pic related. Although the artist who made this isnt making art anymore since he got moved to the miniature team.
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>According to the new Rogue Trader DLC
Its one of the oldest boxes still available, not one of the worst.
Zoomer gif
think they're meant to be marble veins.
Is it really? What makes it good as actual art?

I think you might be confusing a good depiction of the units involved with good art. Because the use of shapes and colours... it's just eh.
wow they are only $40, I thought for sure Jew Workshop would have put them to at least $60. I want to grab 2 and the command squad, for old time's sake.
I think you're showing your hand as a secondary
You have not studied art in any real way.
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GW has never made better Hive landscape art than pic related fakrgrog. No depiciton of units or buyable terrian
This. If It ain't orange, it ain't good.

t. OLD GOOD poster
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Not the case, if anything I'm quite the opposite and attend events frequented by industry types
You guys needed a codex or something to figure out people like to sing?
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As we know art isnt subjective and can vary widely in the eyes of the beholders. As we know this is objective trash since its just a good depiction of the units >>94000315
Can;t even make out most of the detail away from the camera, fucking trash
But don't the Deldar use metal? If it was wraithbine like the Eldar I could see that, but I have a hard time picturing metal with marbling. Some pattern welding type sshit, maybe?
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i'm stuck in this cycle where i hate playing in L-shaped hellscapes but i'm too much of a hobbylet to make my own terrain
Feel free to fuck off back here
Why's that chaplain so big, anyway?
consider that Vect is just a showoff and is using a non common material for his people to show off his pimp wagon.
That or its meant to be the energy/power shield flickering, since its on the incubi halberd blade as well
Tactical rock
>Posts a recolour of a B&W piece

You've accidentally shown your hand lad
>I think you might be confusing a good depiction of the units
Oh? Whats that big guy in the middle, the focus of the piece? What model is he depicting?
probably just to draw more attention to him/show hes more important than the rank and file. Like how the Egyptians made all their important people way bigger in their art.
Or he's an Alpha Legion legionnaire thats infiltrated the chapliancy. since they're taller than other marines to plausibly be a primarch in disguise.
Wouldn't surprise me if it was both energy AND just decorations, like how the Night Lords don't really weaponize their zappy armor and mostly use it to scare the living ahit out of the normals.
Missing sarcasm is a common trait of autism anon
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Like how did they let this piece go through when the focal point helmet is all wrong??? His gorget and helmet looks ludicrous

If "GW finally moved away from the Chapterhouse case meaning art was 1:1 for a decade" is some kind of huge plus point to you, that they finally dare depict stuff that doesn't have a miniature, it tells me all I need to know.
Then buy non-L shaped terrain

You know, with money
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Made me giggle
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NTA but yeah they have, have more art that isn't of a model they sell but just a guy that lives in the setting
Ah so it wasn't a depiction of a model in particular and you're just full of shit then?
Ornamets to show his status. It was super customised just for his pleasure.
Why is the thread flooded with nushitters all of a sudden?
Do you think bad art existing means good art also doesn't exist, retard?
Old good
>w-why aren't you sucking blanche's dick like me, he blubbers
New good
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New bad since this is filthy nuart from 3rd
That's not even OG old version anon.
What faction has the best combat patrol?
How many times did these dudes almost get wiped out, anyway? I think I've seen some 3 versions of this piece of art so far.
Votann. It's straight up broken.
If you don't like them then genestealers are next best thing.
I know.
last stands are kind of an addiction for marines

that's what martyrdom psycho indoctrination does to you
*rests my nuts on your forehead*
think about it
>Orks have a four armed mega gargant looming in the smoke as the first piece of 40k art ever to show the dangers of xenos
>Never ever gets a model or depicited in art again
That's the best part, it show single battle, somehow Rynn's World fuckup was in 40k since OG rogue trader and they were lead by Pedro Kantor, some time before Calgar was chapter master of Ultramarines(3rd founding chapter back then)
Once is a tragedy
Twice is a coincidence
Thrice is a geneseed defect
Nuart is absolutely full of sloppa and a few decent pieces doesn't change that

At least they don't use AI yet.
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It was an ork dreadnought
They still have those too
But aren't there Prismaris on the newest version? Did Kantor really spend 30 fucking years stuck in his last stand?
i'm a newfag what's the easiest way i can paint ork skin
white primer + some green contrast paint?
Can you blame them?
>objective: raise the banner
Does /40kg/ like Tanith
Space Marine 2 had a good depicition of how dumb and pointless they are, dudes standing on a pile of rubble slowly getting overwhelmed by Tzaangors of all things and the first not chaff enemy that appears kills 2 of them before they're saved by a deux ex machina.
Could of taken the standard and done a fighting retreat from the portals spawning enemies so they have more distance to cover to reach you and thus more time to be shot.
Although the game seems like it wasnt aware it was depicting it as so pointless
Yellow primer actually if you want vibrant
Too gary stuish for me.
>dude has an 8 pointed star wheel tattooed around his eye
>nobody shoots him
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Doesn't matter, it looks cool.
Same as supersoldiers wearing a ton of armour.
Same as chainsaw swords.
Same as a big fist used as a weapon.
I'm neutral, don't really care.
its okay he wraps his camo cloak around him and he just vanishes, if you didn't know he was there you would never have known.
>Did Kantor really spend 30 fucking years stuck in his last stand?
Yes he did. This is why longest marine deployment without sleep or rest was Crimson Fists on Rynn's World.
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You're right it did. 40k is about how cool space marines look as they are torn apart and slaughtered by their enemies
Don't care.
>"Second Company! We hold this ground in the name of the primarch!"
Goes hard and is cool as fuck.
You're supposed to make fun of the Eldar for being gay
The 10th edition trailer just existed to wank off tyranids.
It's lame and gay and shows that a person behind it doesn't understand 40k.
What does happen to marines who lose a leg? We've seen ones with iron/mech hands or even just leaving it off as a reminder, but never one with a mechanical leg or is it just hidden under the armour?
>Mfw a marine loses a leg and rather than get a mechanical one just hops around the battlefield on his remaining one
Entire 4th tyranic war got dumped very much after leviathan release. Despite it being still 3rd tyranic war because no new fleet just still fighting good old leviathan, it just happened and is no longer mentioned again we have more important warzones to cover. Kinda gives me Lion vive, Primarch returned and nothing happened because of it, DA just got new model.

I agree it's cool, but I think the coolness could be tempered with a bit of realism, to at least make the point Marines don't have the luxury of being dumb about how they fight. Or at least they shouldn't have that luxury.

If I had creative powers over the IP I would make a point of showing Marines struggling with any sort of straightforward fight they can't leverage on their favor. There's just too few of them at any given point and none of them carries emoigh firepower to make up for it. They should win by being able to leverage the advantages they do have, like mobility, coordination and tankyness. Not to come off as too much of a secondary, but it was cool on Astartes how the marines were only willing to face tank shit that didn't have a serious chance to threaten them, dangerous things were always outmaneuvered or incapacitated.
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There's no shortage of models with bionic legs.
There unironically are to few robo bits in army kits to show replacement limbs.
Here's your Felinid mini bro
>Fighting retreat
The last stand is very warhammer. Why should colours run?
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Felinid obsession is peak secondary coomer cringe
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These bird-mustache helmets will never look cool.
Thenfelinid is clearly tall. Nothing mini about them.
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If you lose leg it just get replaced either with bionic or newly crafted fleshy one just for you. Most chapters just hide bionic under armor but Iron Hands prefer to show off their augments since flesh is weak.
I'm building Marines, and I'm not sure between Crimson Fists or Salamanders.
What is the chance that Vulkan gets a model for 40k and I can use him in Salamanders?
I love them
like 0%
Cat people are just aesthetically pleasing, it's as simple as that.
Crimson Fists > Salamanders
Any day of the week, no matter what
Putting force field/void shield or something in company/chapter banner would make it more realism friendly. It would also serve as protective device for marines near it instead of being nostalgic piece of cloth.
Wow they made it worse
Do you want your dudes to have fun all the time, or be grouchy all the time?
Maybe if you got bullied at school for pretending to be Sonic the Hedgehog
Not that soon, but not one of the last ones to come back either. Next one is likely Russ or Corax, considering the later one has actually already appeared in 40K and the ofrmer has been namedropped by Guilliman and Lion. In any case, a Vulkan release is many years down the line still, even though Salannders are among the most popular Marines atm.
Victrix look cool, but I would've liked it if GW would make a proper 5 man multipart kit for them instead of selling them together with Calgar.
>Most chapters just hide bionic under armor but Iron Hands prefer to show off their augments since flesh is weak.
And metal is retarded clearly.
>oh these new cybernetics have?
>better to just leave them unguarded so the enemy has a massive weak point to disable me.
>GW doesn't have a 10 man Marine box of the Space Marine 2 cast and a generic beakie Primaris for Malum Caedo

Are they stupid?
>tac sarge with grav pistol & power fist combo
Very cool
oh my fucking god they're not catering specifically to the video game crowd? wow.. fucking idiots.. can't believe it..
They're the coolest loyalist helmet design anon, what the fuck are you smoking?
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If you were on some horrible death world about to be eaten by nids or something wouldn't you want to have a cute cat around that could also help you kill things?
It's for the sake of having the model look cool. Did you know that the CSM Lord Discordant has a bionic leg? Only the people who own the kit do, because the sculptors decided to hide it for no reason and make it only visible from behind.
>It's for the sake of having the model look cool.
Don't care, it looks stupid.
>Did you know that the CSM Lord Discordant has a bionic leg? Only the people who own the kit do, because the sculptors decided to hide it for no reason and make it only visible from behind.
No and I care even less because it's chaos shit.
Yes, the video games should exist as advertisements that get people to play the tabletop as the margins for the tabletop are insane.
This is how you develop brand synergy - someone new to 40k who played the game can start with a box that has the characters from the game, and this is the hook that can pull them in to collecting more figures.
The Ultramarine axe made me immediately think of The Black Lion of Ultramar OC who's creator is constantly commissioning art of his OC.

Yes I'm mind-broken. Every time I see good 40k art I instinctively look for the Black Lion of Ultramar OC.
pog.. they've got titus bro..
Is it me or has the role Nekrons and Chaos role as the 'Big Bad' been entirely consumed by nids?
Here's your Felinid wumbo bro
Nobody has ever actually cared about Necrons.
Chaos are the still the big bads in terms of immediate threat. Necrons are now very explicitly an unflattering mirror of the imperium and vice versa.
lychguard more like bitchguard lol
Imagine her getting captured by a Haemonculus Coven and having her brain surpgically swapped with a Gyrinx, both of them stumbling around in bodies which their minds can't quite adapt to.
that's kinda hot
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Papa Vulkan? Naw. If he gets a model it won’t be from years now. That said Bastian Carthalos from AOS is a great base to make your own Vulkan.
Mini Vulkan is still legal even if he’s awful finecast. He’s also 50/50 going to legends for the next edition. I’m amazed he didn’t catch the bus during the change to 10th. That said it’s better to run /yourdudes/ conversions if at all possible and you absolutely have to run a named character. (Which you do if you want firestorm to be a decent detachment)
>t. ork who couldn't beat a dispersion shield
I started in 10th!
New edition +New vidya game. It’ll Peter out in a few more months as people realize how expensive this shit is and I can start snapping up half painted models for cheap on marketplace.
Honestly didn't mean it to be.
I just thought it might be comical for a Haemonculus to open up a zoo full of brain-swapped animals and humans.
>the flesh is weak
>models their bionics after flesh
You'd think one of them would have wheels or skates or something to get around the battlefield faster
wow yeah can't wait for the secondary market to be flooded with Tzangoors and.. Intercessors..
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I mean you can find uses for them. I’ve built a lot of characters off of dirt cheap intercessor bodies with bits from other kits. And tzaangors are great for basing.
Bionics are typically hardy enough to make them anything but a weak point which is why they traditionally give you an invulnerable save.
I think both Norns should be stronger.
I just wanted to say I finished all of Siege of Terra and while there was a lot of filler, this book SUCKED the most. Even worse than the Gav Thorpe one somehow.
By far the worst account of titan warfare I've slogged through, it's so fucking boring.
>"let us Walk"
>"Titan legions, will you Walk?"
This Walk shit it's not as cool-sounding as the author thinks it is. And the princeps drama is predictable and cliche and may as well have been condensed into a paragraph.
>Titan pilot Flimini Beta Upsilon sees a traitor titan across the wasteland
>it's an abomination of iron and flesh, filthy chains hanging from blah blah
>they turn the weapons of their god-engine Bifidus Digestivum to bear and unleash a forbidden weapon that unmakes reality
>traitor engine's carapace is peeled open from within by a cascade of blah blah blah
>another indescribable abomination with a similar name to all the other titans farts its war horns and strides forward
>10 kilometers to the wall remain etc
The only decent chapters were Shiban Khan
>Says they're great for basing
>Doesn't put any on the base
If it was a bad book why did you read it, idiot?
Well I’m obviously a hobbylet.
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I think Imperial fists are better poster boys than ultramarines. Black/Yellow pops out more and takes battle damage better than the dark blue of ultramarines.

I also think they are more quintessentially space marine than ultramarines. They're very stubborn and easily baited into heroic last stands but they have a long history as staunch defenders or humanity and Terra itself.

Can any anons post their Imperial fists for inspo or share their tech? I rarely see them if ever being posted
Because I have read or listened to every other HH book.
The only reason fists aren't the de facto marines is because yellow is generally much harder to paint than blue.
wrong on all counts
dark blue and gold works better than pastel yellow and black
the ones who do a last stand are the crimson fists, not the imperial fists
ultramarines are the best, it's in the name too, imperial fists are the boring player2 reskin
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First of Imperial Fists are yellow and yellow is pain to paint. Ultramarines blue is quite easy to paint.
Second Ultramarines are more important space marines than IF, almost every marine chapter including Fists is following Ultramarines special book. Fist were on Terra alongside Blood Angels and Scars but it was Ultramarines who drove traitors out of Imperium and reformed it.
If you want other quintessentiall space marine chapter that is forgotten most of the time, Crimson Fists, they were on cover of Rogue Trader are known for their last stand and their chapter master was named character before Calgar was a thing.
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Great victory against world eaters the other day, trying out a new big hunt list. He got first turn, and there was a little jockeying in the center as we both staged for more charges. Good first turn for me, took out two squads of berserkers but kharn killed 6 boyz on his fight on death. Traded a trukk for invocatus.
Make me
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Round 2, called the waaaagh. Angron killed the kill rig but was killed by the beastboss inside and never revived all game. Lost two squads of beastboyz to berserkers+masters of executions. I moveblocked one squad with a trukk while I focused on another in the center. Barely managed to kill it to secure the objective.
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After that he ran out of gas, especially without angron. Squigs kept the last squad of berserkers busy while stormboys, beastboyz, and a squigboss hassled the forgefiend and jakhals in his backline. Final score 90-55.
As someone who grew up in 3rd edition, Black Templars will forever be my quintessential marines.
I hate how GW has moved away from the gothic Blanche aesthetic to sci-fi football player primaris Ultramarines as the poster boys. It's so bland.
And the chapters hardly have any distinction between them in terms of minis any more.
I like the mk3 and the beakies more but the bird helmet is still cool.
Shoulda been penalized for overhanging the board edge shaking my head
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Showing my brother 40k tonight by having the old Orks CP fight the old admech CP. Will be very unbalanced as CP is but it'll be a decent intro to the game for him.
Here's a picture from my big game a while ago. I love the Seraptek.
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>play SM2
>start getting that 40k itch again
>take out my model box where I left it 4 years ago when I stopped building and painting
>filled with unopened space marine, chaos, guard and random third party parts I had ordered
>trying to make sense of what the fuck was I planning to make out of it back then

Why do I have a random Salamander HQ here? What was I planning to use it for? I cant remember anything. And a squad of recasts of some Dark Angel forge world units. I think I should just buy some little box to build and paint for starters just to get hang of the thing again (and maybe remember what it was that I was planning) but it feels so stupid to do that when I already have this large stack of models completely unassembled. But if I start building them and then suddenly remember what it was that I was supposed to do with them I will feel like shit like the box was wasted and I have to buy it again to do whatever it was that I was thinking of back then.
and the LR sponson isnt? Checkmate
Old Warhammer art was beautiful. 2nd through 5th edition each codex cover was SOVL-full.

Current 40k codices look AI generated and too sanitized.
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>yellow harder to paint than blue
I forgot about that. this reason alone p much destroys my argument sadly

goddamn those orks are awfully tacky but in a good way.

my jungian shadow is telling my to embrace the sniggers and have and entire army of squigs or go full evil sunz mad max
I've always felt that speed freeks are cooler than snaggas. Mad Max Orks are kino
>Current 40k codices look AI generated and too sanitized.
9tn and 10th isn't that bad, but 8th ed was atrocious.
Old still better tho.
Why would you do that to yourself?
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Too busy to having fun talking to the guy and nuking his Repex with jump marines to notice .
He's a big guy
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For you
my gorkanaut absolutely demolished him here with no help needed from the squigs
I gotta get me one of those
Eugh, the Seraptek looks like a cheap nylon toy here.
Prefer Morkanauts myself.
Always thought the seraptek would be bigger.
I've finally recovered my old 40k box from when I was a kid and I'm almost embarassed to see what's in there.
Titanicus was a better account of titan legion warfare if memory serves.
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Played this one yesterday. Land raider did amazing on it's first game.
post pictures
I’m glad land raiders are good now but I wonder if heavy infantry centered lists rather than vehicle or horde will come back.
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I would, too, if Morkanauts could go above S10. For an anti-tank unit their anti-tank is terrible (especially for the cost)
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To start with - A Dread with a backwards chainsaw stomping on a poor Iron Warrior, a flier, the funny tank of marine destruction, and my little Kantor.
Heavy infantry lists are already a thing
how did you have a space marine flyer when you were a kid? those things were pretty recent, weren't they? like 6th ed
Im just being silly, idk the first thing about morkanaut or gorkanauts.
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Who you calling bald
Is there a full tarot set of these? I love tarots, I hate I've missed on the two sets blanche did, but I'm planning on printing them
Are there any decent recasters on the market right now?
Outside of DWK spam?
Stormtalons are like 12 years old, man
You can buy wargear, spells, mounts, etc etc, that could turn a 180 BASE character into a 500+ beast.
i wish nurgle was real so i could worship him so i would not have to suffer from my severe autoimmune diseases anymore
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They're both memes, but the gorkanaut borders on almost decent as a step up from meme-tier.
Orks aren't allowed to have guns better than S10 or AP-2, so the morkanaut suffers greatly because of it.
Perhaps the biggest insult to the nauts is that they both can be wildly out-performed at their jobs (anti-infantry and anti-tank shooting) by a repulsor executioner, which is extremely cheaper in points than both of them.
I'm definitely not salty, you're salty.
Pussies like you should commit to khorne instead.
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>They're both memes, but the gorkanaut borders on almost decent as a step up from meme-tier.
Wow 10 years later and nauts are still a joke.
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Ive never played, ive just got various kits of SM that im painting Black Templars and the Nids half of the Leviathan box I split with my buddy.
I have a Spartan land raider
Should I run it as the Spartan or a normal land raider? I'm inclined to just do WYSIWYG but I'm still miffed it doesn't have the hunter killer in the legends datasheet
yes, and?
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A land raider with flamethrowers (Redeemer), a Stormraven, a Techmarine, and this god-forsaken metal gun thing. It's heavy as shit and has broken everything around it. No clue what it was.
Haven't seen Dark Angels play much recently, have you?
>all my factions are in the "hardest to play" tier
I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted
DWK, World Eaters, GSC..

and I'd argue CSM too
That picture is extremely optimistic, I love that last line on the bottom right "all but impervious to the most powerful enemy munitions"
I cry every time.
enjoy your 25 point enhancement on your 95 point character bwo. That might be too overpriced tho.
You should be embarrassed for admitting you watch this trash-tier dogshit content

Abby + Bodyguard is 480
more models dont equal more character customization you fucking whore, and you can do that in fantasy too even with certain mounts.
What is this, a screenshot for ants?
Nobody was talking about character customization
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This stuff is such trash man.
>They 'playtest' the rules
>They affect the rules
>They get codices early so that they can scrutinize it for every little tiny advantage you can wring out of the rules
>They do the same to the rules to the point where the FAQ is full on insane shit and now you need designers' commentary on everything
>Also pay us to be coached while we get rules wrong in our own demonstrations

I just really hate this tumor growing on the side of the hobby.
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the original poster was talking about how you can customize your character(s) to eat up points.
world eaters arent difficult, they are just really antifun and you need to try hard to play them in a semi competent scene.
He was talking about how expensive it is to make a 40k army and how at least in fantasy you could soak up points with an expensive character.
The important part of that was it being expensive, not that it could take a different sword you 30IQ dredge
taking the sword was what made the character expensive.
DoW III concept art? The details look like I remember them in the trailer.
Well done, gold star for you. Why it was expensive wasn't important at all.
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they're pretty squishy for how many points they cost.
They're peak, you just have zero taste, little bro. Go home and edge to mark x helmets or some other slop
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It's specifically concept art for the trailers. As we all know the game itself doesn't look like this.
Interested in starting the hobby with a chaos space marine army. I'd want 1000 points to start out with give or take, maybe not a full 2000 right away. Are any of the new boxes worth it? I also heard there's more chaos on the way, so are there models I should wait on buying? Any ones I can safely start building up now? It's all a bit confusing at first.
>noise marines but instead of 80s rock it's rap
What would it look like
But anon that is a mark x helmet...
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I like the wargear.
It's just GW design team proving they have no idea about game.
Like in this vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l25j13U4wnw
Most of the CSM range is relatively new, stuff that is on the way is likely expanding the World Eaters range, Emperor's Children stuff, or maybe some replacements for some very dated models like Bikers. Wouldn't worry about waiting unless you're planning on buying something old.

The CP box is so-so, all usable but not incredible. Might get a Christmas box if you can wait that long. Legionnaires and shit aren't getting replaced if you wanted to dip your toes in there
I love the idea of being able to do that, I don't run abby as himself but rather a more generic lord and I'd prefer to build one up from a base character and lavish him with upgrades. But you still have expensive as hell units was the main point
please do not abbreviate the combat patrol box.
Despite what everyone was saying at the time for me this trailer was shit, it was nowhere near Dow 1 and Dow 2 intros.
Also it's funny how dow's intros tell you everything you need to know about game. Dow 1 squad of marines some vehicles fighting against orks, pure carnage and epickness, just like game. Dow 2 small group of marines with captain is going against small group of eldar with farseer, there is very enterntaining skirmish and it ends with nids shwoing up, just like game smaller scale based more around heroes and nids main antagonists.
Dow 3 random stuff happens and there are knights at the end, perfectly showcase of trainwreck with a knights that was dow3.
CP is for command points.
Always save your CP for when you need it most.
You don't like CP? But its cheap. You don't like the discounts CP gets you?
How are CSM difficult
You do dark pacts and then shoot things
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40k skaven announcement soon?
What are the implications of the horned rat being officially a chaos god?
Big bouncing Banshee butts...
The best detachment has quite a lot that hinges on your opponent letting you do it. Simply "having sustained hits" isn't a winning combo
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Oops my bad, should have said normal mark x helmets. I forgot where we are. I will be very clear next time so even the most autistic anon understands, dont worry little bro.
the implications of ruination is different from 40k to fantasy, id be more curious if it holds any meaning for the old world because of chaos fuckery.
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And finally a tac squad and some bikers. I think the guy with the fist is the Power Fist Stormshield Biker Captain.
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Sold off my guard a while back and I think its the only army I regret letting go..

Now I have an urge to make Steel Legion, or maybe go down the route of Renegade Guard. If Krieg are getting an update I might use them painted as SL. Whats cooler and more snowflake so I can enjoy the attention?
Looks bonier than the actual models. I like it.
I love Warhammer 40k CP
Powerfist guy is 10/10
That's more of a fire dragon thing.
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That's not a bird-mustache, this is a bird-mustache and I love it.
Vashtorr is the Horned Rat or 40k so the best you can hope for is his faction
if I ever get a guard army its going to be 100% third party.
Best you can hope for is necromunda ratskins getting replaced by 40k horned rat cultists and skavengers

There's no other ramification
>Fuck a Fire Dragon
>She literally catches fire mid-sex
That's hot
Surely a brother-captain at least.
>Vashtorr is the Horned Rat
They're very distinct entities thematically
At best you could argue that hashut is vashtorr
huh wat u mean?
That's bull
Would getting 3rd party primaris scaled bits be good for alpha legion? Having bigger marines would atleast make sense for them
Glad you enjoyed it.
I think I used bits from a vehicle to make the shield
yeah hashut has bulls.
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Are there any decent ork detachments right now?
You're best bet for any army in Orks at the moment, unless you're playing pretty casually, is war horde. The rest are doing pretty badly.
The shooty one is doing ok
Focus on sonic weapons from the screams of the marine (like night lord shreaks) but with tons of speakers, a mic and chains.
Odds Thunderwolf Cav get a refresh with the upcoming space wolf stuff? They are a pretty new sculpt
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I have yet to try the big hunt as I'm a older player and don't have snaggas or the speed freak one as for the same reason I don't have newer buggies.

dred mob has done well for me, mostly giving a nice mix of lootas with big meks and mega armored nobs with a big mek. grots are underrated.

war horde is simple and effective, lets you have a lot of different lists.

green tide is a bit unwieldly but gives a durable list

bully boys is pretty gross
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>can't have 2 of the same special weapon on Traitor Guardsmen anymore
When did this change occur? Not seeing it on the official website and rule updates
Zero, but not because they're "only" 5th ed sculpts, but because outside the most diehard or waacfag of SW players themselves they're a universally reviled concept that actively undermines the space wolves as a chapter and if there's something good a primaris update of a chapter can do for once is to tone down the wolf-tism of the space wolves.

That said, I can see a dedicated melee elite unit given to the wolves which happens to be accompanied by fuck hueg wolves, but no cavalry and no survival of the manlet sculpts either.
Maybe wulfen can survive, despite looking like shit, because they carry practically nothing from the firstborn.
What site are you using for that? Waha?
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But nevermind, it happened during the index to codex transition, it seems.
>40k skaven announcement soon?
It's never happening.
GW is actively axing cross-system compatibility from their games. So people can't double dip into different systems with just 1 army and are forced to buy another.
It's the reason why they took all of the HH dreads and shoved them into legends.
And nevermind that Skaven just got, this fucking summer, a major update with lot of models in AoS.
That is the final nail in the coffin for the whole space skaven idea.
5th edition makes them sound a lot older than 2012 does.
Thunderwolf Cavalry are cool, new Wulfen suck. Hope we get new Wulfen and they are more like the older metal ones.
New Wolfguard would be cool. Space Wolves are the best when they are Viking marines with Wolf Aesthetic secondary to that.
I feel bad for anyone that played Beastmen in AoS. The squatting makes almost no sense because of the bases anyways.
I think marine cavalry are very dumb and not in the cool way. space wolves should be viking guys, not "lol santa hover sled"
Reason Beastmen got axed from AoS is purely because GW wanted to pad out TOW army roster a bit.
That is the reason for it.
No one played beastmen in AoS
What bugs me the most about it is that they're not even discontinuing the model line, they're just making it exclusive to a different game. It would have been easier to accept if they had planned to entirely stop selling the models, but they're not even doing that. It's just very strange and GW has not really communicated anything to help people rationalize their decision.
Vikings riding dire wolves are cool though.
Santa sled is not.
They were probably squatted since they were being ported to The Old World. Not a good reason but the reason.
They can't find a way to say
>We want you to buy different armies for different settings so you spend more money on our plastic.
without looking bad, so they will just remain radio silent on it.
The fantasy holdovers in Cities of Sigmar probably won't survive the next army book.
thank you orkanon
2012 is 6th edition though
Yeah but I think GW was overestimating how many people were gonna double dip into Old World with them in the first place, especially when there were like no people that played them as >>94002281
said. I knew they weren't popular but I didn't know it was that bad.
It really feels like it was a half-assed olive branch more than anything. And again that assumes that the few people playing Beastmen in AoS are even interested in Old World in the first place. Honestly all the squatted AoS stuff is bizarre to me. The Sacrosanct Stormcast are what, 3 years old? Yeah maybe there's lore justification but it's so fucking weird. The Bonesplitterz having the in-universe reason of going legitimately insane and throwing themselves into a scrap just to make the bells in their head atop ringing is oddly sad for a faction like Orks. I know Fantasy/AoS Orks take themselves a little more seriously than their 40k equivalents but damn.
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>Vikings riding dire wolves are cool though
I disagree
Every time
>Vikings riding dire wolves are cool though
It would be, if we weren't talking about space marines.
Space marines ride bikes, not animals.
is this bait?
they have easily one of the best overall range.
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Thunderwolves were never cool, they are cool if you want to drill assholes on your models otherwise they are cringe.
It's a carryover from last thread when someone said they were "models they liked that most people don't" because "nobody buys Dark Eldar".
And yeah, definitely bait.
Fewer than the Blood Angels.
SM cavalry should be jetbikes
With all the hover shit that cawl supposedly reintroduced they could have brought jetbikes to marines.
They are cool as shit and play into space marine tactics
Jetbikes will be reintroduced to the Imperium when Jaghatai Khan returns with his Saim Hann wife.
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not 100% sure but iirc it's:

first, they could just have 3 special weapons, including duplicates

then, they said 3 special weapons, max of one duplicate, still in the index

then in the codex, 3 special weapons, no duplicates

guess who bought 3 sniper rifles back then
To play admech is to suffer.
>Saim Hann wife.
You mean his Kabal of the Flayed Skull husbando
This is a weakness of the flesh
You must become as iron
Accept victory will require the loss of your tools and discard them accordingly
Spend them as currency to buy your incremental advantage
Wolves are cool
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Thundercav is cringe, marines fighting alongside massive beasts is a bit less cringe
it is


skitarii look lit
>traitor guardsmen
When did such an army get introduced? Is traitor guardsmen all about the Vraks models in legends?
The only reason I like the Thunderwolves is because you can use them in that mediocre Space Wolves game that came out several years ago for mobile. They're useful extra units in that game, especially the white one with cybernetics.
He's got a saddle you DOOFUS
Nah wolf calvary is sick
Its a CSM unit based on the Blooded Kill Team
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Fighting alongside beasts is cool in general and way underutilized in 40k.
I would buy plastic khymerae if they made them and I don't even play DE
Great design and fluff
Forgot to remove it so I painted it, please be patient I play Space Wolves
What army are you trying to play?
I could understand guard either but why SM and Chaos? Just normal GW plastic kit primaris and chaos marines?
No, the Space Marine 2 episode of the Amazon show features Titus. Secret Level is specifically based on different video games, not the settings as a whole, so of course they're going to focus on Titus on his own episode. I swear, 40k "fans" will cry and moan about anything and everything related to the game they allegedly enjoy.
We definitely don't enjoy the game here.
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>Saim-Hann wife
No way he’s touching a knife ear again after years with the Deldar
That or he only touches them now.
>not at all heavily injured mutants, almost cyborg looking like they should be
This has been retconned and is no longer a thing and hasn't been for 20+ years.
For the sole reason it looks like shit.
I enjoy SM2.
Jaghatai is a leader of his own kabal which exists to raid and pillage the other cabals to liberate and save their human slaves.
It is remarkably good for a 40k game, I will give it that.
The franchise is basically cursed with cheaply made licensed schlock.
I doubt Vect would tolerate this at all. A lone primarch might escape his wrath, but a whole Kabal is gonna get nuked by micro-singularity the minute one of his spies gets wind of their hideout
Jaghatai died in the webway after succumbing to his wounds.
Sorry you had to find out like this.
I just love it for being an unapologetic turn-your-brain off early 2000's shooter. It's not a particularly deep game, but it's fun as hell
Counterargument: Vect was bored and that would be funny
He means the tabletop.
>I doubt Vect would tolerate this at all.
He might not, but that doesn't matter because Jaghatai is a primarch and doesn't care what knife-eared cunt tells him.
Who's your preferred foe? For lore reasons or gameplay reasons?
World Eaters are fun because I run fights first units and they scream bitch tears :)
I thought Eldar hate was just sort of a meme outside of crunch, but there's a guy who started coming to my LGS who legitimately pipes up to bash Eldar any time someone shows interest in them.
he sounds like a king
The guard, but only if it's infantry heavy.
Because it's cool to imagine my nids or necrons massacring full squads and then smashing against the elites or heavy armour, very cinematic in my head
The funny dark truth of that meme is Phil came forward only suggesting they make Harald Deathwolf (the thunderwolf character) thinking they wouldn't allow it but Rick Priestley suggested they make the thunderwolf cav unit to go with him.

Killteam: Exaction Squad

Since neither anon answered.

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