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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Lightray edition

Last Thread: >>93985459

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

>Sarna.net - BattleTech Wiki

>Who uses what 'Mechs?
>Xotl's Faction Random Access Tables (June 2021 update)

Unit Design Software Options
>SSW Mech Designer
>SSW GitHub Updates
>MegaMek Lab

>Megamek - computer version of BT. Play with AI or other players

>How to do Against the Bot? (updated 2-20-2022)
(Current 3.21 rule set included in mekhq package)

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#battletech on irc.rizon.net

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>/btg/’s own image board:
>More goodies! Updated 2020-05-17

>Most Wanted PDFs & Epubs
>Not even a K2pult
Go buy a car, agree to that challenge, post your ass, or talk about Leviathans somewhere else, or whatever you namefags do.
Take me home. To the planet, I belong.

Your newness is showing lad, half your sobbing refers to bussy lover/Banshee lord, and the other half to bottom and map respectively. Maybe lurk moar.
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Do you honestly think I'd bother learning the details about your pathetic personas? Point is, you're namefagging with no good reason and that makes your carless, boypussy-posting Leviathan-playing bottom bitch self all the worse.
>no new mechs if you played MW5: Mercs modded
>story focus on your sibko instead of the invasion as a whole
>upgrade tree hell
>progression unlock hell
I hate modern video games so much.
Can we ban this faggot already, Jesus
What? You don't think he just adds so much to these topic by posting that over and over again in every topic? Noooooooooooo...
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>can't even tell the personalities of the thread schizo apart
Alright /btg/, post your
Favorite Faction:
Favorite Mech:
Top 3 sexual fetishes:
At the latest Reunification tour event Randall talked about his first published story which was in Battletechnology about how his OC mercs stole a Banshee 3S prototype. Does anyone know which issue has it? Couldn't find it, it's even possible I misheard something.
>progression unlock hell
I mean I get why they didn't go with the MW2 take whatever route but I hope they include a new game plus mode.
why post complaining instead of combating it by shitposting about your favorite factions instead?
>pic related
Praise be to Blake.
Loving relationships in which both the man and woman wait until marriage to have sex and then raise a large family while praising our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
>Favorite faction
I laugh in my dudes mercs.
Favorite Faction: Federated Suns
Favorite Mech: Enforcer
Top 3 sexual fetishes: Tomboys, Childhood Friends, Happy sex.
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>Clan Fire Mandrill
>Black Python 1 & 3
>Piercings, Thigh-Highs, Love
>Clan Snow Raven
>tomboys, redheads, FFM threesome
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>my dudes mercs
>Verification not required.
Draconis Combine
Catapult K2
Guro, Rape, Monstergirls.
Ghost Bears
Executioner/Timber Wolf
Breeding, Cock Worship, Big Asses
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Marauder or Summoner
paizuri, swimsuit, lotionplay/soapland.
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Taurians, Toro, and I love see women in pantsu, lingeris and woman giving (to me) bjs.
Okay I’m going to need some help clearing up some questions I have about the lore. (I’m new so bear with me).

So the original synopsis of the clans history was that an old Star League commander (mackenzie) and his followers fucked off into deep space and his descendants came back as the clan.

But I was given no context as to who the hell mackenzie was beyond that so I just imagined that he was some hard-line hyper militant nut job who was pissed that there wasn’t enough gratuitous war and violence in the inner sphere and when told to calm down, he and his most fanatical supporters decided to fuck off. So what came back would make sense.

But I just got through an 8-hour video on the Star League civil war and now I realize just how far off the mark I was! And now I have questions.

Most prominently, what the fuck went wrong!?

Because when your plan is to rebuild the Star League in exile, preserving its culture and values so that once the successor lords finish killing each other off you can return to pick up the pieces, and what you end up with are the goddamn clans, something went awry with the plan.

So I reiterate, what the fuck happened? How’d it all go so wrong?
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consensual, hairy, foreplay
You mean Kerensky? That dude was a genocider anti-freedom than fought for the destruction of all than is proper and good, one of the many reasons the clans are so fucked up is the kerensky DNA, the only good thing he did is fuck off and die, shame he didn't destroy his progenie in the process hundreds of years later we have to deal with his furry trash-born spawn.
>How’d it all go so wrong?
The Exodus selected very hard for zealotry, but failed to purge all the Capellans. And also Nicholas caught a fever that may have turned him communist.
>Most prominently, what the fuck went wrong!?
Kerenski demonstrated that he had a rock solid track record of trying his besht.
Femdom, interracial, sissification.
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>Clan Fire Mandrill
>Salamander BA. If I have to pick a mech, Crossbow
>FemSub of all sorts, FFM threesomes, Stockings
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>Tan lines, tomboys, true love.
>Petplay, Bondage, D/S
Quite predictable given the faction, you say? Oh well, I'm just a basic bitch.
>Because when your plan is to rebuild the Star League in exile, preserving its culture and values so that once the successor lords finish killing each other off you can return to pick up the pieces, and what you end up with are the goddamn clans, something went awry with the plan.
That was not Kerensky's plan. Kerensky either didn't have a plan, or his plan was to get everyone killed and permanently remove their materiel from the equation.
Davion/FWL Alliance when?
Alex clearly didn't have a plan. He just fucked off to save what was left of the SLDF from getting dragged into the Succession Wars. The revolt of the former soldiers took him completely by surprise. He thought the veterans of the SLDF wanted to be frontier homesteaders. Nicholas was the one that had the plan, bizaare as it was.
Fedsuns and FWL teaming up to crush the Capellans would be a good twist.
Unironically, yes. BTW, verification not required just means you've been posting a lot. It also means you should go touch grass.
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WTF did you do!? Why must you always do this kind of shit?
Anons, Hobby laid down on my keyboard while I was playing MW5. Everything is now going in slow motion. I fire an SRM4 and I can count the individual seconds between the missiles being launched. What did he do and how can I undo his damage? It's something across the F buttons, but I'm not sure what.
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Would happily make a big Cappie sandwich with the Davions.
What's the biggest artillery you can put on mech?
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Huron Warrior
WMXF, Tomboys, kissing
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Faction: Draconis Combine
Mech: Hatamoto-Chi
Fetishes: Hot wax, straight razor shaving, making you laugh while I hurt you
Crazy how the Kuritan princess got bred by a Davion. Imagine going back to the 3rd succession war and telling people that.
I'd probably tell them about the clans first, but yeah that'd be on my list too.
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Free Worlds League
Consensual missionary for the sole purpose of reproduction
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>DEEP kissing, true love, absorption/merging vore (nonfatal)
Imagine being the ISF/O5P agent who had to listen to/watch their princess get dicked down nightly.
GOD DAMN FUCK OFF FBI/CIA/NSA. Go fucking gather court admissable blackmail data on ppl fucking elsewhere you goddamn niggers.
And you just outed yourself as the QAnon brainworm carrier. It's a reverse honey pot retard. Have fun in the party bus.
NTR, prostitution, corruption.
>Yes participate in the info gathering scheme or i will fucking arrest you anyways.
Nah go die in a ditch. You want data out of me, then you are gonna send that partyvan to come and kill me.
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>St. Ives
>Tomboy, Muscular, Tanlines
Lot of blackjackers.
>Favorite Faction: They all seem kinda like tools from what I've read so far.
>Favorite Mech: Archer
>Top 3 sexual fetishes: Microphilia, Macrophilia, Breast expansion
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House Sandoval
Lovey dovey baby making sex, paizuri, and thigh highs/stockings. Also, jewish girls

>Magistracy of Canopus
>Lesbians, Bondage, Soft Vore

I mean it is called the BJ for a reason.
We will start our own Periphery state! With Blackjacks! And Elemental wives!

Not my top picks but I respect a man who likes the classics.
Bimbofication, BDSM, Tomboys.
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>Micro/Macro, Hyper, Size Difference
Because it sucks.
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Even the basic bitch model runs four medium lasers and jumpjets.
>He fell for the in-universe propaganda
Is the Victor VTR-9B usable outside of urban city map? Or too thin armored to be used on the open field?
It's a fast assault with an AC20, so all you can realistically do is hug cover until your autocannon aura touches somebody's pineal glands.
It's gonna get it's shit kicked in by a comparable weight-class 'mech without Jump jets if they duel, but it's not terrible, assuming you can get value out of the AC/20.
I like Blackjack with 4 light PPC and light AC2.

Yeah, the Victor has one move, which is to apply AC20 directly to their anus.

It's a powerful plan, but its the only one. So you need to play around it. In the open you're sort of fucked unless you have a lot of buddies willing to do a charge with you at the same time.
It's usable on maps with terrain, but it'll melt in the open against the clans.
>Yeah, the Victor has one move, which is to apply AC20 directly to their anus.
Because it's an AC/20, you can apply it directly to their front too. You'll blow limbs off or cripple torsos of heavies with a few shots, while mediums and lights cease to exist after two turns of fire.
Clan Steel Viper
Mad Dog
Twinks, massage oil, subverting religions
The victor really excels at hunting other 4/6 mechs in rough terrain. Compare something like a Marauder or a Warhammer. It carries enough armor that it can survive a few PPCs to the Torso, then it gets into minimum range and facehugs them to death. It also eats 4/6 mediums by dint of outgunning and outtonning them to death. The natural enemy of the Victor is a Griffin or other 5/8/5 with long range weapons.
The Victor 9As are basically unusable in any era
>Blowjob one Davion Cock
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>Lyran Commonwealth
>Micro/Macro, Elves, Bodysuits
This is all Macross's fault.
Taurian Concordat
Black Knight
Nylons, feet, bondage(giving)
I promise you are not the main character. It's okay to exist in mediocre anonymity.
Federated Suns
Glasses, Creampies, Asians
This coming from the guy doing the data collecting on ppl living in anonymous mediocrity. Again, fuck off. Or if you don't want to, come kill me then.
>it'll melt in the open against the clans.
What doesn't?
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MoC/Jade Falcon
Marauder (with dorsal gun)/Night Gyr
I am absolutely
not giving you free ammo.
Also my wife
Good man, but i wouldn't respond to obvious data collecting in the first place.
>if you don't want to, come kill me then.
Your proposition is acceptable. Please stand still the next time you hear a helicopter.
Jade Falcon
Straight Shota, Machine Bondage, Yandere
Hey newfag, NEAs been here probably longer than you've been alive. That data is nothing everyone didn't already know.
>I'll admit I clicked on the spoilers for exactly the reason that he anticipated.
Free Worlds League
Phoenix Hawk
Power struggle, orgasm control, BDSM
Yes but clearly someone is doing active data gathering right now and they probably want fresh admissions for blackmail purposes and/or to use in court. Whenever i see someone asking a question like

>What is your favorite X about TOPIC?
>What is your favorite Y about TOPIC?

They want the answer to the third question and are using the other 2 questions as bait. So for all of the non-bots responding to this to encourage real answers, dont fall for bait to put you in a compromising position, even if you are responding ironically.
Short partner, breeding, incest
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NTR, prostate play, turtleneck sweater dresses.
Do western style mechs have much appeal in japan? Do they care about battletech at all over there?
Battletech got redesigns from Studio Nue for the Japanese releases (in the style that would go on to be used for Armored Core), and western style functionality would translate over as part of the "real robot" genre.
>schizo newfag discovers format from the dawn of time
>the feds are waiting to tell everyone I like brown girls with abs
Free World's League
Black knight
Breeding, muscle, Furry
My download history would tell a much clearer story than a simple three word top three list ever could.
>Breeding, muscle, Furry
Get out, Calbeck.
I can tell you're one of those people who thinks they're really smart but is actually slightly below average intelligence.
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Bakc in the day of the mechforces Japan had a mechforce as well as BT center, unique books and art. Like I said in the thread, in the Chiba prefecture there is a group that plays the 2nd sat of every month, one of the players was at comiket selling original BT stuff.
It was always niche however, which isn't a bad thing.
Given how much of a shitshow everything else about the IP is, it's surprising how smooth the Japanese releases were. They got a top designer to remake their mechs, they got a fanbase going, nobody got sued, everyone knows who owns what, the only hiccup was the knee-jerk cowering from the Unseen that caused them to stop using any third party designs even if they're legally clear.
Real talk, if the feds want to fuck you they won't blackmail you with your internet search history, they'll just remotely download 200gb of CP from their website onto your computer and go from there.
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NEA, if you don't give your fetishes that you already know from reading your smut on here, people are just going to assume you posted them without a name tag as one of the other CJF answers.

None of which are great.
I hate the term western style, it's just Real Robot and of course Japan likes it, they invented it. BT isn't popular over there, it's very much niche, but the animes that most of BT's early designs came from, like Macross and Dougram, are.
Just as I suspected. [My Faction] is entirely gentlemen of refined taste while [Your Faction] is a bunch of disgusting degenerates.
>started by a comstar data mine
I mean its gone to war over even stupider shit so that's not really that notable.
lmao, its a good thing I didn't pick my favorite non-custom mercenary company or the allegations would be harder to deny.

Well what trends amount factions have we discovered so far? There's got to be some pseudo-psychology we can pull.
Alright /btg/ time to post your
Favorite Charcater:
Favorite Weapon:
Last 4 numbers of your Social Security number:
breeding and loving tomboys is universally popular. We can form a new star league based upon this fact.
I know of two other groups, in Tokyo and Osaka.
Basically the Free State of Van Zandt

Tex would be proud
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I can agree with that.
Don't you know 4chan censors SSN formats automatically? It's like all pictures getting their metadata stripped. Watch, I'll type it with actual numbers, but the site will autocorrect them to X's: XXX-XX-XXXX.
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3 of those things are based, but then the other two...

From a brief overview

>Tomboys are widely popular
>FedSuns are the home to the wholesome types by far
>Taurians are just mildly spicier FedSuns
>FWL is, as is wont, highly divided on the topic
>Kuritans are a mess of aggressive tendicies manifesting in a variety of ways. And people who want to bang Japanese girls.
>MoC tends towards lesbians and BDSM, with focus on fantasy elements
>Clan Jade Falcon is highly fucked up beyond hope
>Bizarrely we have multiple Fire Mandrill players here who are thigh-guys.
honestly its amazing how well things line up thematically.
Considering who the original Fire Mandrill Khan was, their presence is more surprising than their preference.
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We never saw Laura Payne's thighs tho.
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I think you can count thigh-highs and stockings as same thing.
I'm talking about the Drac, Raymond Sainze. As a jap he'd have a natural affection for absolute territory.
I mean, that's a slippery slope when you have thigh highs, stockings, nylons, lingerie, etc. I could roll all that into 'leg-wear' but that starts losing something.
I'll do a little condensing and if people complain I'll revert it.

I know, just joking.

But it's now my headcanon that his attempts to force all Fire Mandrill female pilots to go around in Japanese schoolgirl outfits is what lead to their initial schism.
>multiple Fire Mandrill players here who are thigh-guys
whats house sandoval?
Draconis March

No joke, I just showed up here and while I play a variety of OpFors, mostly clans, I would say Fire Mandrill is my close favorite (edging out the snake clans), and I'd say that stockings are def a major plus. But officially

>Clan Fire Mandrill
>Alt/Soft Goth girls, Anal (giving), Garters
oh. what's the appeal?

Should probably be counted as FedSuns to be fair.
Dunno, I assume it's fedsuns but they hate dracs more than usual.
I can guarantee you aren't interesting enough to kill. You have much greater value working and generating GDP and paying taxes.
House Kurita
I generally enjoy anything with a power imbalance. Hot wax is fun. And...
I would like to also choose NEA's wife.
IIRC the Sandovals are the family primarily in charge of the Draconis March so you can imagine how absolutely fucking sick they are of the DCMS.
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>Duchy of Andurien/FWL
>Phoenix Hawk
>Roleplay, Garter Belts, Cuckquean
>Marauder (with dorsal gun)
The Marauder shouldn't have a dorsal gun and you know it. Giving in to Ray and letting him insist that it get set back up there is going to be my greatest failing as art director. It's just as stupid as the Thunderbolt's LRMs being on the wrong torso.

>Extra hated of Dracs
>More Muslims and Jews than rest of FedSuns for a more middle eastern vibe
>Robinson Rangers
>Poorfags, for a more desperate hardscrabble feel
>Robinson Mech Works

Please keep updating this and save it, I'm very curious as to what makes you sick fuckers tick.
>tfw I like power imbalance but not, like, being mean and stuff
I feel bad when one party gets upset.
I would like to go on record that my Phoenix Hawk is a Marik loyalist and would look for an opportunity to use its 9 point kick to turn this anon's Phoenix Hawk's head into a football.
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I'll probably stop once it can't fit on one page.
wait shit I fucked up. It's over.
You put a FWL guy under the dracs. Kinky.
Glory to the Dragon I guess.
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FWL is now on top.

I'm less shocked by the multiple Fire Mandrill players, being one of them, and more that there's absolutely no Comstar/WoB here.
Not anywhere close to my favorite but I respect the hell out of the DB.
How come only Oriente can have a military with as memorable a name as The Duke's and Duchess’ Own Corps of Foot and Horse?

As the guy who said Garters for Fire Mandrill, you can go ahead and just count that as another Stockings thing. the garters don't really matter without the stockings to hold up. Its the ensemble together that matters.
If everyone had one, Oriente's would be less memorable.
Draconis Combine
maledom, enthusiastic consent, paizuri/cock worship
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Capellan Confederation
Yuri, Military Uniforms, Traps
>3 things
>anon lists 4
Yeah and only one Ghost Bear player too. Would've thought there were more of both.
Yeah it's kinda hard for me to differentiate the two. I love the idea of a woman worshipping my cock, but it's at its best when she's using her tits to do it.

>Goliath Scorpion
>Horned Owl
>ENF/Public nudity, Brown Girls, Blowjobs
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This thread truly belongs to the Combine.
If you had to choose between a woman worshipping your cock without using her tits, or a woman giving you a very perfunctory titjob with no worshipping whatsoever, which one would you choose?
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>do the Japanese like the things that they themselves created?
IDK anon, seems like an unsolvable mystery to me.

I think ComStar/WoB are more popular as a second faction than a main one.
Damn straight
Looking this over:
Tomboys, Love, and Breeding tend to cluster together.
MoC is the gayest faction, followed by Randis, CJF, Steel Vipers, and Cappellan Confederation.
Summoner, Blackjack, and Marauder appear to be the three most popular mechs.

You got double bondage on MoC
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They really like bondage.
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God DAMN we have a lot of tomboy enthusiasts in /btg/. You guys are alright.

Very fair enough. Also, that Fire Mandrill guy said that you can move garters to stockings. Which I only bring up because its funny.
I will do so, no sense reposting every change.
i like battletech :)
According to megameklab:
100 ton mech can fit a Sniper Artillery piece (because not enough crits for a Long Tom).
Superheavy mechs can fit a Long Tom.
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I love how well it syncs up, with Dracs/FWL/JF with most replies.
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Office Lady, Consensual light bdsm, Traps.
Proud Davionman
Loving/Happy Sex, Tomboys, Reverse Traps Autocannons
Colonial Marshalls started with the Taurians, as did the mech in your pic. Not that it doesn't take two to tango, and the Canopians agreeing to it is obviously why it even took off.
Clan Wolf
Timber Wolf
Breeding, tomboys, beastiality, sorry but knotting is hot

Huh, always associated them with Canopians in my mind because of the FM.
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You're really living up to the stereotypes buddy.
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Draconis Combine
Tomboys, true love, robots
>beastiality, sorry but knotting is hot
yep, its a clan wolf, alright
It is kinda weird, since they're introduced with the TC in P2e. But the FM is really weird in a lot of ways.

>Clan Coyote
>Timber Wolf

FemDom generally, Maid Uniforms, Big Boobs
>Favorite Faction: FedSuns
>Favorite Mech: Bushwacker
>Top 3 sexual fetishes: clown girls (none of that bitch ass daddy issues harley quinn stuff, I want seltzer out that clussy), free use, light bondage.
>The perfect girl for a Davionman is your Asian Tomboy Childhood Friend Reverse Trap who wears Glasses and Stockings as she performs paizuri before the creampie for the purpose of breeding.

>and then there's this guy.

>Blood Spirit
>Age Gap/Age Play, D/s, Feet
>House Kurita
>Grand Dragon
>Lactation, breeding, free use
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Magistracy of Canopus
CnC, Breeding, interracial(I like my women exotic)
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Penthesilia (it's just so adorably ugly)
Sissification/MTF trans

Yes, I know it's a stereotype. Yes, the pipeline is real. It's also the best set of fetishes to have, because any man who can be made into a woman, deserves to be a woman. So unlike most other fetishes, its morally sound.
breeding and creampies aren't a fetish, that's just sex.

Star Adder, Stormcrow as fav mech
Tomboy, Futa/Strapon,handholding
When 90% of porn ends in a facial, breeding is a fetish.
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This thread is so normal today lads.

>Clan Wolf
>Timber Wolf
>Yuri, Monstergirls, Pegging
Depends on how you enjoy it. Anything can be a fetish if you're weird enough about it.
Federated Suns
MAD-5D Marauder
sweat, men in lingerie (not femboys or trannys, actual men), short tops.
I guess I should add

>Women in well tailored, high collared and well designed military uniforms
Fave House: Steiner
Fave Mech: Nightsky

Fetishes: Big ass, ass worship, macrophilia
The original deal was that the Taurians would provide materiel and the Canopians would provide training and personnel support. All of the Colonial Marshals original mechs were Taurian sourced, but all of the actual marshals were trained by the Canopians initially.
Do you wear your skirts and blouses when you go out to play Battletech?
Hell's Horses
More tank guy. Hellbringer I guess? Or summoner
Traps, non-con RP, NTR
Somehow that seems exactly right for hell's horses
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>Goliath Scorpion
>Multiple women/harem, blowjobs, Cum on Face/Breasts
Only sometimes. Leggings are too comfy to pass up, and the LGS is pretty cold so I don't often wear a blouse. Too thin.
Counterpoint: Only men who can pass for women should attempt to be a woman, otherwise you're just a freak in a dress.
>short tops
So, VSD huh?

Pretty sure Yuri and Lesbians are the same thing.

But thanks for recording this lmao
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House Steiner.
Marriage, impregnation, lingerie.
Untrue. The people who have "lesbians" as their fetish are loading up pornhub and cranking their hog to 3DPD.

People who list 'yuri' are loading up mangadex and reading chinese comic books.
I hope you're wearing something over those leggings...
Right, but it was a deal cooked up by Jeff Calderon in the Treaty of Taurus. In hindsight it's funny they'd be trained by the Canopians yet, since the CIW was brand new and the Taurians had the Ecole Militaire. But it makes sense they'd want the Canopians to be able to contribute something.
>Sizechads representing in this thread
Victor also has a big sword. There's a lot to like.
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ACtually, I'm waffling, replace harem with M/FF, that's a bit closer.
The Colonial Marshals aren't just a military, they're actual marshals. I dunno if the Canopians have any particularly better schools for it, but the CMs needed to have a strong understanding of legal systems and frontier survival on top of being militia leaders and solo operatives. At the very least, special forces and police training would be a requirement.
Fuck it

Clan Snow Raven
BDSM with the man on top, women crying, women laughing

I think aside from the BDSM thing, I just like women showing real emotions.

Goliath Scorpion
Kit Fox/Uller
>Kneeling blowjob with headpats, Public sex, Enemies to lovers/bondsmen
Canopians weren't really known for any schools outside of a handful of medical ones at that time. Hell, their average soldier had something like a less than high school education at that time. At the same time, because of the Far Lookers the Taurians had colonized a few dozen new worlds before the New Colony Region affair, so they'd definitely have the edge in frontier legal systems and survival.

But hey, maybe it was to help the Canopians develop those programs. Lord knows they weren't going to be providing mechs at that time.
>I just like women showing real emotions
Are you ok, buddy?

House Hasek, Capellan march. Can put as Fedsuns.
Tomboy, Asian, Spooning
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Hell no. I worked hard on this cake. I want people to see it.

Agreed. Luckily I don't have to worry.

>Sizechads representing in this thread
People into giant things like giant robutts. Whomever could have guessed this?
What is this rifleman crab?
This Anon touch grass.
Post cake
Post cake memory core
It's very silly to assume that because they don't have research universities that turn out nuclear physicists they don't have police academies.
>MoC is the gayest faction
Are they really, though? All they have listed that's gay is lesbians, and stuff that's actually gay like twinks and femdom and sissies and tomboys seem to be elsewhere.

Ok, shit disgusting fetish matches up with shit disgusting faction. That tracks.
No shit, anon. But it's silly to assume that the nation actively involved in colonial expansion for years and with functioning universities doesn't have an edge in the mentioned fields over the ones just emerging from a cottage industry economy and averaging a 10th grade education. Savvy?
>Are you ok, buddy?
No in general, no.
Xin Sheng, comrade.
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get well soon.

It seems unlikely, but who knows? I'm supposed to start ketamine treatment soonish.

Thanks for the sentiment.
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The trap enjoyers have since come out of the wood work
NTA but maybe he means like instead of the crazy over the top moaning and shit in most porn.

Also, I want to kill the first IRL woman who decided to start making hentai orgasm faces.

I don't know whether to be delighted or horrified.
No. I saw what happened to bottom anon. I'm keeping personal pics far away from this place, and after this horny thread is over I'm going back to being just another anon.
you might find my pics on the eternal /b/ trap thread sometimes though
What is "soft vore"? Like, swallowing someone whole but no chewing?
I just write down what people tell me anon. I'm not even going to google it, I'll remain blissfully ignorant.

>Final destination

Looks good! I see that one guy for GS waffled away from harem.

Also I knew that STar Adders were always degenerates, jesus christ.
It's basically vore without the gore. I don't really get vore at all desu, at that point you're just too far gone as a person.
As already discussed, the point wasn't to have everything involving the marshals be the best it possibly could have been because that would have led to a force entirely trained, equipped and largely recruited from the Taurians.
Yeah, I know since I made that point.
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Interracial, Spanking..... Cuckquean I guess.
Marian Hegemony
Height (very tall or very short), muscles, futa
>Battletech beginner box 40th ANNIVERSARY!
>Uh sure the content is good like the old Intro Box
>2 mechs and some little manual
No wonder the game is kinda dead
I am so very looking forward to getting to shitpost at people from now on the moment they say they're a fan of any faction. Before we only had memes. Now we have data.
That's literally the entire reason I started this.
Can you give me any more of a hint?
>want to show solidarity
>all memes I can find are wojacks
get well soon anon
No. You all should have been nicer to the autistic Canadian. Now I am strongly disincentivized from sharing anything personally identifiable here at all. I want people to see this cake. You all don't count as "people".

It's not like lack of data ever stopped any of you before though.
'Hard vore' is, like, taking a bigass bite out of someone or explicitly digesting/killing them. Snuff. 'Soft' leaves some plausible deniability because even people into weird shit aren't necessarily into the whole 'someone would die if this actually happened' part.
The new intro box is AGOAC, beginner is for getting others into it.
>You all don't count as "people".
That's how I feel about women and traps.
>followed by Randis

Bruh, he came here, talked shit, and ran away when called out. That was all on him.
I'm proud that someone here is doing good hard statistics on the kink post.
Oh well, in the morningI will be soberand perhaps my interest will hav ewaned.
/tg/ gets shit done. Has for generations at this point.
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Thanks. I'll just assume you posted this lol.
He likes a big strong brotherhood.
Some of the factions are reasonable.
NEA's wife?

I'd love to hand this over to an expert on sex psychology and see what they say.
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>Checks AGOAC
It looks mid compared to pic related
who here doesn't get hard over a good spreadsheet?
They'll just make shit up because they're all QUACKS
also there's not enough data
Wait, what? I picked up the 40th anniversary box set last month and it has 8 minis in it.
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PFF, easy.

Draconis Combine
Grand Dragon
Collars, FemSub, Free Use

We do not just need NEA's Wife - we will take all your wives!
No. None of them are. Every faction in this game is insane. After all the entire IS decided that the funnest thing ever to do after the Star League went tits up was engage in 2 1/2 hyper apocalypse wars that killed 100s of billions and continue being retarded afterwards. The Clans are the Clans, peak retard furries and the Periphery is either space ultra degeneracy, space retard xenophones, space Rome LARPers, or retards.

Yeah, exactly, I want a quack to bullshit based on the data.
He's talking about the fetishes.
"Many BattleTech players have a breeding fetish. This is because they know that no human woman will ever consent to reproduce with them."
I'm guessing you mean the amount of mechs, in which the intro has 16 more than AGOAC. They split the box set up, with more on the way in.
6 lances in one was a good deal for the same price, however. I agree.
He's talking about the beginner box for 25 dollars
If thats the case then who the fuck is defining reasonable? One persons fetish is another persons utter disgust.
Honestly that probably true, double for the sheer amount of Tomboy lusters in here.

Which is odd because most Battletech players I know have wives and girlfriends, at least compared to like the dominant 40k and mtg.

But thats probably because of a smaller sample size.
>double for the sheer amount of Tomboy lusters in here

I like doing outdoorsy shit and I happen to like that my wife is also into that. Sue me.
Well i guess im jealous AF then.
Or maybe the fact that it's on 4chan.
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Fire Mandrill make so much more sense when you realize they're running around dressed like mall ninjas.
Actually I took a 101 level course back in college as an easy A.
Draconis Combine Players are frustrated by what they feel is Society hamstringing their efforts to achieve physical and emotional intimacy. They strongly desire to have partners given to them, or being allowed to simply seize, and to have their desires to take or control by force legitimized by the state.

The Free World's League is chaotic, at odds with itself, seeking to struggle and bind others or even be bound by conflicting interests.

Clan Jade Falcon is the dichotomy of dominance and submission, those who seek to dominate others while also seeking to submit and be led. In every case, the power roles are clearly defined and rigid, not fluid like the free worlds league.

The Fedsuns are straightforward and forthright, focusing mainly on their basic needs of breeding tomboys. The most innocent and uncomplicated of the great houses.

The Magistracy of Canopus is for players who have spent too much time on the internet.

The Lyran commonwealth is, of all the great houses, focused on the physical aspects of their partners. How big their asses are, how hairy they are, size differential. This means something, and explains why they like assault mechs.

The Fire Mandrills are... those who have good taste and probably have had sex in real life.
But how many have children?

A shocking number of my fellow players at the LGS either are married or were for many years. Ive got the deadly touch of tism so we'll see how that plays out.
>focusing mainly on their basic needs of breeding tomboys

You need more soldiers, and also the women should be soldiers too. Makes perfect sense.
But if those women are giant, they'll both make, and make for better soldiers. This is the truth Commonwealth understands.
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Marian Hegemony
A smaller partner/one I can tower over and manhandle, bondage, lingerie
It's very odd how many battletech players have a fetish for wearing lingerie, especially in the clans periphery.
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FWL in a nutshell.

>St. ives
>Asian/interracial, sex with clothes mostly on/pulling away clothes, toys
>But if those women are giant, they'll both make, and make for better soldiers. This is the truth Commonwealth understands.
But what if it was JUST giant women?
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Last update for the night.
I might do something with the favorite mechs later on.
I can already tell that every single person who replied to this was male.
Obviously. And unless you've got some tits you'd like to get yourself banned for showing us, so are you.
>women on the internet
>women on 4chan
>women on /tg/
>women in the fucking historical-future-fiction-autistic-combat-math-wargame thread

Why on Earth would you ever expect to see a woman here?
Some of the giant replies could be women desu.
Yeah no fucking shit. There no girls on the fucking internet.
Oh yeah the demographic for the niche robot wargame on the poorly moderated terrorist porn website is entirely male real fuckin detective work there you fuckin nailed it great job
When were you under the assumption women play Battletech?
Challenge, go 1-day without an anon idolizing a namefag.
Challenge level, impossible.
Upload you idiot. If someone is putting something on your computer, they're uploading data to it. You download things to your own device and upload things to others.
Sounds like you're experienced in these kinds of operations, FED
This post glows.

Cope, seethe, and dilate.

Regulus should count as FWL, to be pedantic.
Vulcan. Love tall spindly mechs.
Tomboys, cunnilingus, small dom/big sub dynamic
3 heirs to the throne so far.
scorpion empire
asses, twinks, domination
You're a pretty decent person after all.
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choking, worshipping my partner, cuckolding


Clan Jade Falcon.
get cucked, nerd!

>Clan Jade Falcon
>Stepbro/stepsis, gangbang, interracial
Pornhub's surveys usually find that women are more into bondage and male domination than men are. So some of those could be women.

"Women laughing, women crying" dude could be a woman, maybe? It seems fairly womanish.
What, no degradation kink? Nothing about being a public disgrace or e-whore? Or did you declare yourself as a cuck because you want us to mock you? Is that mockery what turns you on?
post hole with sharpie
Bottom fuck off
I thought Bottom was a foreveralone khv
Goliath Scorpion
Shadow cat
High Heels
Post gym sex
Arguing as prelude
Makes sense that he likes to watch.
Yes and if you know what's good for you you'll delete your hard drive completely and then physically destroy your computer. Don't bother looking for it, you won't find it, but it's there now. I'm giving you this headsup because it keeps things interesting. Oh and the warrant we're getting is a no knock one. See you tonight!
Clan Wolf
Timber Wolf
Unironically my biggest fetish is loving and affectionate sex; it's surprisingly hard to find porn for it. Aside from that, uh...small women and prone bone.
Can't wait for you to 41% or die of AIDS
He's forever alone, but not for lack of trying.
wise man.

>Snow Raven
>Goth gf/BDSM/light choking
>no knock one.
yippie legal self defense
I don't believe this thread has 70+ unique posters, some of you fuckers are double dipping
HIV treatment is advancing every day, friend. Prognosis for someone young and healthy who catches it early is basically "you're fine, just take these antivirals for the rest of your life and take extra before having sex".
Gookmoot got rid of the IP count so we'll never know.
Bottom isn't exactly young.
Well good thing we can just check that number to see how many unique posters there are in a thread. Or at least that's what I'd say if it was a fucking year ago and the owner of this site wasn't obsessed with ruining every single thing about it!
You know what, if I ran into Bottom Anon in the wild I would be perfectly polite and pleasant as a fellow Battletech Enjoyer, but that's it.
Mein anon...The IP counter...

Absolutely, partially because some answers are obviously memes, and partially because its rare to have a single favorite faction.
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>When she finds the Federated Clussy files
I'm the guy that said Ghost Bears, and I like other factions too, but the original question clearly asked 'favorite faction,' and it seems like most people fucking didn't follow instructions.
How does it feel knowing you're the only Ghost Bear favorer? What is a Ghost Bear supposed to do without family?
He can always buddy up with some of the Snow Ravens, we like the Bears well enough.
I'll break into somebody's house and adopt them as my family, then start whipping their neighbor's asses.
This has been a fun thread. Some of you are ok, don't come to the Inner Sphere tomorrow.

I admit to going into a /btg/ discord server, asking this question of people there, then reposting the answers myself as they came in.

Some of those may have been meme answers.

Yes, I am very drunk for a thursday.
Fucky you buddy, I've been sipping on whiskey for the last three hours, don't infring on my sole character trait. I am VERY drunk and lonely and ornery.
I think both of you should kill each other
FedSuns is my 1a to Ghost Bears 1b, so he isn't alone just I prefer IS to Clans
This has been a decent thread. Good camaraderie with a minimum of shithead arguing and general chumpfuckery
I answered 7 times.

Or did I?

We'll never know.
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any tabletop tips for this bastard?

>ib4 don't use it
Nice freehand but it doesn't look like a Vixen. What's it supposed to be?
Move fast
Stay at distance
Don't use MASC twice in a row

It's basically a glass hammer. It has a solid hit at good range, but can't take a hit worth shit.

Also, don't use it. Using an XXL engine to make a 60 ton Mech go 5/8 is pants-on-head retarded, especially when it has a standard chassis.
Fuck you buddy, I'm going to use the MASC and Supercharger in my Executioner 3 turns inna row and you can't fucking stop me
XXL engines eem like a bad time all around. I never manage to actually make good use out of them before crits blow the engine apart.
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You are doing important work, anon.
Mad Cat
Tights, glasses, sexual brainwashing
Executioner has jump jets and way, way more armor.
You could do like a 65 ton 6/9 with a UAC/20, tarcomp, and some medium lasers.
And a big fucking cock, but you don't want to talk about that part, do you?
...Or a Stormcrow B.

I know that comparing a hypothetical Mech to a Stormcrow isn't a fair bar to hold it to, but XXL engines are still a bad idea under basically all circumstances.
The giant cock doesn't make it more viable in case of a bunch of leg and engine crits.
I mean yes but XXL engines really seem like a set too far in the bigger engine vulnerability department. As much as i hate to say it the WOB has/had the right idea by making the Compact EVERYTHING a thing. Its too bad that that got to be their Faction gimmick for the Celestials.
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Don't let your dreams stay dreams sometimes you can find them for $20 on Facebook Marketplace
>lead free
Is a HAG30 a decent replacement for the UAC/20 in the Kodiak?
i got an original Ostscout yesterday to go with my unseen Ostroc
now i just need to hope i can find an Ostsol somewhere down the line
For what purpose, exactly? The UAC-20 won't typically get a lot of usage but it's a fucking BIG can-opener weapon that the SRMs and lasers can easily exploit. If you go with HAGs you gain a good bit of range, but you lose the big single-point groupings. A standard Gauss would at least give you something to shoot while closing and still retains the 'somewhat-big hit' identity of your main gun. Kodiak 5 sort of already does that with a pair of ER Large, a Gauss, and 9 ER Mediums.
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ah, quiaff. You got me.

my real kinks are: petplay, degradation, and loving compassionate sex in a monogamous relationship.
I put a picture of a mech in my dating profile and found girlfriend (her dick is bigger than mine) who was the only person to correctly identify the mech and she did so by stating tonnage, chassis, variant and loadout. In shorthand.

Now we blow eachother's backs out in-between games of painting minis, CBT, vidya, anime.
I see them pop up. Theres a guy near me selling a mixed lot of metals, clickytech, and cgl miniatures but he wont lower the price. I already offered to just buy the metals (he has all 3 osts).
Not my cup of tea, but good for you if you're happy.
Because 30 is bigger than 20
This sounds made up. Post her dick next to the king crab with timestamp or it didn't happen
Every time I go on there, half the results are bicycle parts. Facebook really really wants me to buy a bicycle seat and a set of mountain bike hydraulic lines. Really badly. They pulled out all the stops, put up a bunch of variety, had some flash sales. I decided to look elsewhere for what I was actually searching for, which had nothing to do with bikes, seats, or hydraulics. I haven't even ridden a bike in the past fifteen years.
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Congrats, man. I have over 800 mechs and only 2 of those, neither new from blister, and one of them I paid $85 for back in 2004. Enjoy your absolute aesthetic monster!
Honestly a girlfriend into bondage/domination is tiresome after a very short period. It's always about what's happening to them, it's a weirdly passive narcissism. God forbid you just want to have normal sex or just cuddle, they act like it's the end of the world and you don't love them anymore. Forgive me if I don't want to choke you, spit in your face, and say mean shit until you cry EVERY FUCKING NIGHT. Maybe I just want someone who will do something nice for me without some kind of power exchange slave roleplay. Never again, man.
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vulpes is the model

vixen is the graffitied name
Relatable. It takes a special kind of brain to be a dom and I don't say that as any kind of insult. It's exhausting when you're expected to always be in charge.
That said, the girl I was with apparently calmed down some after she found the right man and got what she was looking for a few years. We still talk. They're getting engaged soon and she was delighted to tell me that he's still going to propose despite her promising to do a role reversal and peg him the night he pops the question.

Women with autism are something else.
A lot of people use it to surrender responsibility for their own pleasure. It's like how an addict diffuses responsibility by using how hard life is or how sad they are. It's rare to actually find somebody that understands what a submissive is supposed to do and be.
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love me Donut Steel Mercs,
love me Crabs
Love me Wedding/Maid Outfits,
Simple as

also post mechs.
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>but you don't want to talk about that part, do you?
Have you been paying attention to the state of the thread at all?
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screencapped this and sent it to her.

remember you asked for this
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I have wanted one since I was a kid in the 90's so this is big for me. Im going to paint it like the og artwork and then never play with it and keep it on my shelf because if something happens to it Im never finding another
Passive subs are for tying up and edging until they agree to be less passive or quit.
Oh absolutely.
I imagine him in a slightly-too-big command couch of his Victor on Twycross. In the sweltering cockpit, sweat runs down his body and into the lace of his coco de mer hera playsuit. With the bodice in Lyran guards blue and the white lace opera glove and stocking on his right arm and leg, he mirrors the regimental paint scheme of his 80 ton assault mech. A blast knocks him back with a cry as missiles slam into his armor, slick skin sliding on the leather of the command couch. He blinks the sweat out of his eyes and pulls the trigger on his firing controls before his mech rocks again, this time under the recoil of his ac/20 as his powerful cannon blasts deep inside the clan omnimech in front of him.

I'm trying to get some art commissioned. However, there isn't much overlap between beefcake and mech artists. C'est la vie.
Dude, it’s an ULTRA AC-20. It does 40 if you fire it on the cool guy mode.

40 is bigger than 30
>40 is bigger than 30
t. John Mechwarrior
Sometimes it's 40. I prefer TSM on 100 tonners. It's always 40 dmg.
You're like 1980s gay, how old are you?
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A bottom should be like normal healthy relationship but with submissive tendencies. It's more like an optional button on the controller than an on/off mode.
Too bad every one I've dated has been nuts. To be fair there was obviously something wrong with me that I kept attracting them. Probably all the self hatred I turned into outward rage, substance abuse, and violent nihilism. Man I do not miss being a twenty-something.
I date a girl who was into domination and humiliation (bondage only to the point of the occasional blindfold and some fuzzy handcuffs), who had no problem having vanilla sex too. We were probably 2:1 vanilla to bondage.
26 lol
>/big tough gays/
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Yo, NEA and ancient grog brothers.

I have a question. Are the old blue resin and gray resins with metal parts worth anything? I have the Heavy and Assault OG FASA star boxes of them and I don't recall ever seeing them. I just remember blue resin in individual blisters. I don't think I've ever seen gray. Plus these aren't unseen. So I'm thinking incredibly rare but not worth jack? Trying to sort stuff I might prune and put on ebay. I got plenty metal of those sculpts.
Put them on ebay and let tour bidders tell you how much they're worth. Set your reserve at what you paid for them. Don't be an asshole.
>willingly allowing a buyer's market
Be honest, you're a scalper trying to trick anon aren't you?
No, man. This shit is so rare, only a connoisseur would know, same as an OG Ostsol or a copy of AToW companion. Either an interested party catches it and it goes good, or the unrecognized rarity goes into the trash, like that lost copy of Archimedes writings that was erased to have another book written on the pages. My interest is not so much in the money, but seeing if somebody would want it to catalog or if it's just more super rare oddity nobody will care about like 3rd edition Box Sets in Hebrew, Japanese MWRPG's or first edition German TRO's.
A bottom sure, but not a submissive. They're 2 different things, and a lot of people forget that.
youre in luck, check out insane kangaroo. the only bad thing about them is the shipping
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In other news, my dog just got skunked. It wasn't too bad; we figure it was probably a juvenile, since an adult wouldn't have been stupid enough to be on a popular hiking trail.

The hydrogen peroxide + baking soda + dish detergent thing worked fine, but his smelliest part is his fact, which is...problematic to pour hydrogen peroxide onto.
I actually have one of his.

Its fucking garbage. The left side of the torso where the arm connects is 45 degrees misaligned, theres mold lines, the connecting pegs and sockets are so disproportionately sized you need a wad of green stuff to even attempt to stick it together. Its scenery fodder now.
poor guy
It's always the face. At least you weren't like my stupid ex who let our dog into the house as soon as it got sprayed and made the whole domicile reek for weeks.
dammit that makes me sad to hear cause i donated stuff to get cast. if you havent emailed them i will cause the misalignments need to get fixed. mold lines though you can scrape off
>you're a scalper trying to trick anon aren't you?
No, scalpers deserve to hang. I'm suggesting that these don't have any real value. Nothing in this hobby does. Who fucking cares? Either let a couple of grognard collectors have a bidding war or let someone stumble onto a cool thing at a good price. He obviously doesn't give a shit about them, so fuck it.
Honestly, he's far more traumatized by the washing and me not wanting to touch him than by the skunking. Little fucker was smiling within minutes of the incident.

Thankfully, we live in Colorado, so a few days in the sun should fix it (the sun is stronger here).
exactly. while blue resin is somewhat uncommon, it's not anything to attach actual value to. only if the blue resin is on a rare sculpt. and they mostly used the blue resins on commonly produced sculpts
It has less armor than your typical IS Heavy.
But have you ever heard of a gray resin?
>waa waaa waa! muh scalpers, waaaa!
>Laughing in 3D printer
You've got to be literally retarded to not be producing your own minis for material cost now, so anyone who isn't deserves to be ripped off, as all selling of miniaturs ("official" or otherwise) is a ripoff
It does a different job.
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This is where I'm at with my Lyran Guards collection. Clan Invasion era, a recently rebuilt battalion seeded with some new upgrades and new battlemechs, ready to be sent into the Jade Falcon occupation zone. As many lance commanders in assault mechs as I could reasonably accommodate, and every lance with a shiny new matched pair paid for by General Megabux and the Country Club Committee For Defense. Does anything look outrageously wrong? Sub-optimal I don't mind, but I don't want to commit to anything just plain stupid.
It has 30% more armor than the Vulpes.

Maybe that's not a lot considering it's half again as heavy, but it's still a significant increase.
>My favorite no shrink durable resin is nearly $65 a liter where is was $25 before the pandemic.
I want to go back to the past.
The only weird thing is most of your shit is upgraded when the average regiment in this time was like 20% upgrades. As a rebuilt regiment, shouldn't be an issue though, other than those OOP field refit Grasshoppers. Those quads say rock on.
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Terran Hegemony
Monster girls, Lingerie, big boobs
All the resin I've ever bought has been $50/kilogram, numerous brands.
Going by in-store miniature pricing it gets me $250-$500 worth of miniatures per kilogram and the printer came with a bottle in the first place, at $180 it paid for itself.
Anon for the love of Amaris source? That is the best raven i have ever seen.
Resin printing seems like a big hassle. Instead of doing it myself I just trade FDM prints to the local guy with a resin printer.
Not him but FDM are by far the bigger hassle. Just wait until you're replacing wiring harnesses from all the moving bits or something basic blows.and you have to tear apart the whole machine.

Resin is basically just keeping your plate level and rinsing and curing your prints.
At the very least, catbox it and mark clearly what it is. Don't post it in the thread. I browse with spoilers autorevealed and I don't need that.
ive even gotten some white resin ones. but odds are they're either someone's copycat of the official ones or ral partha was just throwing whatever into the vat. and considering this was after the lead free government mandates, i'd bet the latter.

if your mini is in question, just ctrl f Plastic on this list, and if your mini isn't part of one of the sets mentioned with plastic, it's probably an ancient recast.
thinking on it it's hard to pick a favorite faction for me, I guess canopus is fun
catapult (hon. mention atlas)
monster girls, monsters ON girls, lightly plump
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>sweat, men in lingerie (not femboys or trannys, actual men), short tops.
While I may not agree with this man, we are both white male property holders. So I'd slap minorities and the poor around for him.
>I browse with spoilers autorevealed
That sounds like a "you" problem.
>OOP field refit Grasshoppers.
MUL gave my options as the standard 5H, the 5J, the 5N, and the C.
The C is right out as its a Kurita field refit. I am also not bothering with C3 shenanigans with my Lyrans. That's for my Dracs.
The 5J has AMS and I don't want to mess with that right now.
So it comes down to the old factory version or the field refit. The field refit switches out the LLaser and LRM5 for a PPC and another MLaser which appeals to me more, but I may change my mind after running them. We'll see.
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It's an Eric Ou design. Dude stopped posting art when he finally managed to make his famiry ploud by completing his degree. I think there is an STL floating around.
Isn't their an issue with nozzles clogging with hot plastic and setting on fire?
That's FDM, yes. Resin printing is just a vat of UV reactive resin with a UV enabled phone screen in the bottom and a build plate that moves up and down. Plate goes down, screen blasts the right areas for that layer, plate goes up, repeat.
FDM has to feed a plastic line from a spool, heat it up enough to melt, and extrude it through a nozzle that has to be able to move in three dimensions so it can reach everywhere around the model.
That's one gribbled-up Catapult.
Ghost Bear
What went wrong was generations of starving fanatical soldiers killing each other to the point of ecocide and then deciding that the best way to solve the existential crisis of wiping themselves out was to become furries and only kill each other according to a giant faggy list of retarded gay rules.

By the time someone remembered that the inner sphere was still around and they could go back and rape everyone, the furry nutjob killer genetics had already spread through the clans so nothing they ever did would make any consistent or logical sense from there on in the setting.
>Most prominently, what the fuck went wrong!?

It turned out that people in the military didn't like being forcibly demobilized and made into dirt farmers. The Pentagon worlds were marginal and the Exodus Fleet had a limited ability to develop infrastructure, so life was shitty and people were angry. Just about the only thing holding them together was that they worshipped Aleksandr Kerensky.

So when he died, things degenerated into civil war (though we can blame Capellans for starting it, everyone was ready for it).

Meanwhile, Alex K's older son was super fucked up. He'd been a child in hiding on Earth during the Amaris War, then a teen on the Exodus Fleet, and probably also got brain damage from a bout of illness.

He gathered some folks up and said, "This shit's fucked, let's go to this less shitty world the exploration fleet found called "Land of Dreams" and start a new society there, with blackjack and hookers."

Except instead of blackjack and hookers, it was some sort of weird military communist oligarchy thing.

But the people who followed him were so traumatized by how much the Pentagon sucked that they were willing to go with it. Nicholas was also apparently very charismatic.

And he saved the really crazy stuff for later, after they were all in too deep to pull out.

Plus, a lot of the former SLDF people liked an "army with a state", and some were just thugs (like Franklin Osis and Liam Ismiril, founders of Clan Smoke Jaguar).
I like ghost bears too, and my 2nd is probably smoke jaguar

Arcas and Mad Dog respectively but I already did the first.
no, not really

gauss rifle would be closer to a replacement/upgrade but honestly just keep the UAC20 and consider using rules that actually let you unjam it because the BV cost for the thing is absurd considering 1 jam and its fucked for the rest of that match. The BV cost assumes you shoot the thing in ultra mode literally every round, it's so unbelievably stupid
if you're playing clans and you have a UAC 10 or 20, you should always have that thing in ultra mode and never fire if your to-hit is higher than a 9, which it won't be because you're not a bitch and you'll be in short range with a 3/4 clan pilot
you are using the executioner correctly, make sure your uac is in ultra mode

Executioners armor is deceptive, its got fuckall torso armor plus I'm pretty sure ammo in the torsos so it dies extremely fast which is why you play it fast and loose and suicidal

desu its a shitty mech and the only way to have fun with it is to play it absolutely batshit insane because that's when it does equally crazy shit like coring out 3 mechs in 3 turns with UAC/20 double taps on each
>consider using rules that actually let you unjam it because the BV cost for the thing is absurd considering 1 jam and its fucked for the rest of that match.

If you run the numbers, it won't jam in a typical game. Double-tapping for each turn for 10 turns gives you a 25% chance of having a jam at some point.

Here's the cumulative chance of having jammed after X turns:

1 0.02777777778
2 0.05478395062
3 0.08103995199
4 0.10656662
5 0.1313842139
6 0.1555124302
7 0.1789704182
8 0.2017767955
9 0.2239496623
10 0.2455066161

It takes 25 turns to hit the 50% chance mark.
>turned out that people in the military didn't like being forcibly demobilized and made into dirt farmers.
Tough shit. Good soldiers don't think. Good soldiers do what they're told, and nobody should care what they like. If their opinions mattered, they'd have made some more of their lives than being military drones.
>it was some sort of weird military communist oligarchy thing.
It is also called meritocracy
Well they got kicked out of the military and told to be dirt farmers, so they're civies and didn't want to listen to orders anymore.
It wasn't about being kicked out of military. They just pulled Successor State 2.0
That'd be per UAC. It's very easy to have 3-5 of them in a star depending on your comp (like say, kodiak + cauldron born) and then you basically are guaranteed a jam each match

A jam 1 in 4 games even, with just one UAC, is insanely common and because you're eating the full BV cost even though the ideal method is to be selective and only open up ultra on high chance-to-hit numbers like 6 or lower, you're wasting a lot of your BV potential on a weapon that is flaky as hell and won't live up to that BV cost.

It needs a BV decrease or the rules need to be amended to let you unjam them. For what they are presently, they're one of the most BV inefficient weapons in the game. They're fun, but they are nowhere near balanced, especially when you throw these things onto something with masc and jump jumps which are also both balanced badly in BV2.0

and wouldn't you know it, that's an executioner.
massively overcosted piece of junk, you really can only run that thing suicidal and hope for the best. Never run the UAC in single shot on it because you're banking on RNG to make that mech's BV investment worth it and it's dead/disarmed inside 5 rounds of being shot at.
>By the time someone remembered that the inner sphere was still around and they could go back and rape everyone, the furry nutjob killer genetics had already spread through the clans so nothing they ever did would make any consistent or logical sense from there on in the setting.
Warden philosophy?
Surely Steel Vipers had very retarded approach. But Snow Raven, Goliath Scorpion, hell even Ghost Bears (who switched from Crusader to Warden) drastically improved quality of life in their domains
The Executioner already gets a lot of mileage out of its MASC, especially when toting an AC/20. It's not a Mech for people who dislike gambling.
>hell even Ghost Bears (who switched from Crusader to Warden) drastically improved quality of life in their domains

Ghost Bears caused riots from people wanting to be able to pick their own spouses.
almost nothing gets mileage out of masc, it's an overcosted equipment because its failure mode is nearly equivalent to killing a mech - especially when the mechs mounting it are almost universally relying on speed to survive

masc failure chance should be zero on first use so you can use it every other round safely and only take risks if you're actually gunning all the time, it could get a failure rate increase with that rule change even because it makes it a little too good - but that's still, with or without, a better situation than masc being so risky you virtually never ever use it yet pay the exorbitant BV cost for it.

Just for example, look at the Firemoth D at a whopping 2k BV because it's got a bunch of ERML's and masc. That's a mech that can trip and literally kill itself with a BV so ridiculous it's unusable by 95% of the playerbase, all because of that masc, which iirc drops the cost nearly by half, but maybe closer to a quarter if you remove it.
New thread: >>94009579
yeah, the merits of sucking nick and his god complex off
BTG has probably the most dads of all 4chan.
Use tomato juice, I think it will work, where I live I think we don't get skunks but stoats,foxes abd badgers and its a good way to get ride of they smell.

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