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is shadowrun the only game that features elves in a modern (well, cyberpunk in that case) setting?
Oh cool, another elf thread.
Unfortunately, this one is just an excuse for OP to dump his collection of awful slop.
Does Shadowrun even feature Elfs anymore?
6e Grey-goo'd chargen worse than 5e
Depends on what you mean by elves. The WoD has fae creatures in it, but not high fantasy style elves.
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>Legs for weeks

Fucking AI slop
really? How so?
I didn't think it would ever get worse than the fucking comet-freaks from 4e
>I didn't think it would ever get worse than the fucking comet-freaks from 4e
Literally nothing wrong with the Comet Freaks. They were an easy way to introduce mechanics so people could play Literally Furries that have an in-universe explanation.
In a way that they are integrated well into the overall setting and lore? Probably.
>want to play with books instead of faggy PDFs
>group is anal about localization on top of that
>the only choice would be 6th ed
How fucked am I? Should I just jury rig magic and other stuff in cyberpunk 2020?
You can find basic fantasy stuff, and a whole section on mind powers which you could jury-rig into magic, in the Night's Edge book for Cyberpunk2020
That's a nice catch anon, looking into it. Thanks.
Don't ever contemplate giving CGL money.
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can't you simply print out the PDFs and put them in a binder? I do that all the time. Unless the PDFs aren't available in your language which would be an issue
That's why I said I was fucked.
I'd do it but yeah, some don't like having stuff in english. They get lazier and lazier with time.
If you haven't played Cyberpunk2020 before btw, I'd recommend doing some quick fuck about play with the core rulebook before diving into Night's Edge.
The presentation of the book isn't always the most amazing, and it caused my group to miss out on or misunderstand some rules here or there.
Can't say I've really engaged with Night's Edge in the past, but that's because I like the sci-fi punk setting more than fantasy. Have fun :)
My d20 Modern campaign had elves.
We did play it, but that was some years ago. I don't remember having any particular issues with it so that's why I mentioned it a san option. Might as well look into it.
If only there was a Taimanin Asagi ttrpg. The setting isn't bad.
Just use the BESM spoof BBSW
I spent some time imagining a setting that could render ninjas fighting against other ninjas and demons in a modern scenario, with flashy action and different themed power sets for variety. My first inspiration was clearly ninja gaiden, but then I realized that it was basically taimanin with no porn.
Now I only have to find a system that's not GURPS with 5 splats.
>comet-freaks from 4e
3e, brainlet.
>Unless the PDFs aren't available in your language
Name one language that has printed SR books available to buy but no PDFs.
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I love long elf legs
How about otherkin tranny nanite plague carriers flying to Mars, cause that happened in 5e/6e
>high elves are called that because they all wear really tall high heels
>high elves are called that because they are stoned out of their minds 24/7
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elves are winners and winners don't do drugs.
Elves do however have superhuman agility and balance and you bet they use it to wear heels
First, Year of the Comet was 3E event. Second – S.U.R.G.E. is the closest I can get to Obsidiman.
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There's a canon obsidiman doing archeological work in South America, trying to dig out a Lifestone and reintroduce the race to the world.
But due to copyright issues, CGL will have to call them something else instead. Stonefolk, Lithoguys, Boulderbros, or something.
No, thanks. As far as I'm concerned Shadowrun ended on 5th edition. (Wouldn't they simply call them 'Obsidians'?)
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Too close to the old name, they'd get slapped by whoever still holds the rights. The Shadowrun IP is held between three companies at the moment if I remember correctly.
And agreed. 6th Edition never happened.
>ai slop and esls
i hate this gay timeline
>complaining about AI art in a thread about Cyberpunk game
Thanks for stopping by!
Don't you know the amount of decent modern/cyberpunk fantasy is pretty low? Some of us are just trying to close the gap
Mods allow it.
Many a traditional game will happen in here.
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yeah we got the people talking shadowrun, people asking for other game recs, people having fun with the subject matter and the asshurt hall monitors
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Speaking of which, it's almost impossible to get cyber-dwarf pictures without resorting to AI.
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There's also Ventangle. Comes with built-in hentai.
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Shadowrun also integrates orks, but it's debatable if it does it well. The setting has aged visibly over the last thirty years.
>elf slop wat do
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are you- open for suggestions?
back in ye olden days you could sustain sn entire fucking month of /srg/s with a couple crops from official books and like 3 hours on DA or Pixiv and that was before 30 billion artists started actively posting a dozen pieces each per day on every site
if you can't find good elf officeworker art you don't deserve to be on the net, chummer.
>and the asshurt hall monitors
if old /tg/ had as low of stsndards ss you modern dumbfucks we'd be deader than /po/ or /3d/
take some fucking pride in yourself for pete's sake
Oh fuck yeah bud, that pic is great. I bet she listens to ska and fucks human men.
I wonder if a game where the players are elves or similar human-passing fantasy creatures suddenly teleported to earth would be fun. The premise would be that they'd still have their magic and so on (might even enforce spell components or the like), but if they aren't careful they're going to attract more and more unwanted attention
Cry about it but I'll take someone posting images over the usual control-obsessed autists that dedicate the first posts of every thread to shutting down any discussion that might happen because the thread isn't a general.
fuck your slop
fuck your thread
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woah, man-made pictures! i remember those!
i really wish sr got more popular with the games. sucks it didn't take off like 2077, but then again not a whole lot of people playing Red anyways.
You can discuss without being a bitch. Try it.
No one gave a shit about 2077's flop until they made an anime and they started remaking the game almost from scratch. In that regard, shadowrun was more unlucky with video games. A shitty shooter when consoles were at their top, then a trilogy that the more gets discussed the more it looks like it was mid at best.
but I love being a bitch!
2077 was dogwater pre-patches but it did insane numbers on release and after. I just have no idea why even after the patches and edgerunners nobody cares about Red.
But yes, the shooter was unfortunate. Though I personally liked the trilogy and SR even had a SNES/Saturn game in the before times.
>even after the patches and edgerunners nobody cares about Red
Because while the theme of cyberpunk was more or less kept in the anime, people didn't want to try the RPG for that, they wanted to meme around the city and get five actions per turn with sandevistan. Then they saw it was just a bonus and folded. Media is good for inspiration sometimes, but you'd be better off not getting into a game expecting your table to produce the same stuff.
fair enough. kinda lame that media basically never does shit for tabletop. bg3 players ditched 5e for it, nobody picked up Red, SR is dead, etc etc.
So what did actually go wrong?
Obviously, but what did they actually do to fuck up so hard they basically killed the IP?
i think the owner embezzled funds for starters
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Its somewhat ironic in a way (not the fun kind)
I'm aware this is slop, but were this drawn by a human there would 100% be an alt version where she has a penis.
why she undies showin'
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Evolved past the need for modesty
The new edge system isn't good. I know that's vague, but they just fucked up the implementation so totally that's the best way to put it. It's inconsistent, a bitch to track, and works differently between the subsystems. It's not a horrible idea but in practice it's fucking awful. And the whole system is built around it, so everything is fucked from first principle.q

Also, this is more a personal gripe, but if there was ever a system that deserved its own dedicated adversaries book that never gets one, it's fucking shadowrun.
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I've done this, works fine but read 3 edition magic books first. They are the only worth anything metaphysics wise.
Anyone here ever tried running SR with a radically different ruleset? Like Necromunda?
I suppose it counteracts the rotating spotlight design of SR
How would that work? Necro is a skirmish game.
this thread is literally just an excuse for like 3 anons to spam their slop
This thread can become anything you want, and you choose to make it a meta bitching thread?
Hard at work.
get fucked mate. it's blatant slop spam. don't pull that
crap with me. I mean look at this blatant bumpfaggotry here:
4 hours after the last post, no caption, obviously the same slopfag as >>94003101 too. you have your fucking thread where no one bothers you, and yet you decide to make this garbage to spam. stop pretending to be clever.
Eldars from Warhammer 40k
Traveller has Darrians
Modern d20 classic elves or more shadowrun likely
fuck AI though
>blatant slop spam
>13 AI images vs 11 non-AI

>CGL will have to call them something else instead.
Nah. They won't call them anything - only vaguely gesture towards what they can't say.
>As far as I'm concerned Shadowrun ended on 5th edition.
CGL started with 4th.
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Taking the fan-base for granted is the big issue, and it all trickles down from there.
One of the main devs embezzled a lot of money, causing freelancers to not get paid. Considering that free-lancers create most of the art and stories, and were the ones most plugged into the online communities.... yeah, that did not go over well.
Then there was the complete disinterest in publishing errata, to the point where when 6th edition came out it contained loads of the same stupid mistakes that had been fixed by the community for years. That was another slap in the face.
Then it feels as though 6th edition was never playtested, even though the developers swore that it had been. Many of the most basic rules in 6th edition simply DID. NOT. WORK. As in, using magic (50% of the whole setting) required re-writing half the rules on magic.
And there was the Edge system, which was supposed to stream-line the game. It did the opposite, turning it into a bloated mess that the rule book itself openly admitted you had to fudge the rules just to get it to work in an actual game.
And through all this, CGL refused to listen to constructive criticism and just pushed out one half-arsed publication after the next.
Get thicker skin if you get triggered so much.
I did the opposite, running Necromunda with Shadowrun 5e rules. It was fucking incredible.
>Taking the fan-base for granted is the big issue, and it all trickles down from there.
Employees and freelancers. Embezzlement of company funds and employee pay, cutting corners and hiring less qualified freelancers, taking low quality example sketches from freelance artists and using them as free official material, etc etc etc is just an extension of that.
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Oh hell yeah, CGL is a toxic hive of scum and villainy. Which is a shame, since some of the most passionate people in the whole RPG community enjoy Shadowrun and have tried to contribute to its success.
The setting has insane potential, and the background fluff is remarkably well put together. But the people calling the shots seem to have no idea how to do anything without pissing their fans off.
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Technically the elves from Bastard!!
Didn't the head of Yamatetsu also turn into an obsidiman?
I seem to recall that's what started the chain of events that led to EVO
>also integrates orks, but it's debatable if it does it well
Orks being live fast and die hard as a race making them more akin to how pol sees black people I think is fine, given they are physically mature by age 10 and are getting arthritis by age 35.
TTRPGs are a niche.
Most of the TTRPG writers from the golden age will tell you that no one makes RPG books to get rich, because it will always be a niche product.
As a result the magazines back in the day that encouraged RPG players to talk about other RPGs was the only way to really float all boats.
Products that targeted non-RPG players did just that with very few crossing back to the RPGs in question.
Not the head, he goblinized into an Ork. But one of EVO's major shareholders, Hideo Yoshida, did turn into the world's first (known) Obsidimen. He's the one currently digging up the Andes looking for a Lifestone.
>But the people calling the shots seem to have no idea how to do anything without pissing their fans off.

I think the problem is there are enough die hards around who buy the slop that they'll never change. 6e still has books coming out, the core book went into a 3rd or 4th printing. Someone is buying it.

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