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Overlord of the Mistmoors Edition


The Week That Was: Where Dreams Become Reality

Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


▶Current meta, complete with deck lists
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▶What is EDH?

Favorite Avatar creature?
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Rewording the ban announcement on Mana Crypt could very well apply just as easily to S*l Ring.
Petitioning to have EDH removed from the OP
EDH is not magic and has no place in this general, you're just confusing people who already way too confused
>if you just change multiple key words, the meaning changes
The only mention of EDH in OP is as a cautionatory tale, aftereffects of not following which we can see today.
It can be fun 1v1, but the banlist is a joke, so it's nothing but degenerate infinite turn combos that happen out of nowhere.
Sol Ring not being banned at the same time was truly the cherry on top.
This was the perfect time to just rip the band-aid off. But no, the 2-dollar "ICONIC!!!!" card stays but allll the whalebait gets nuked. Glorious.
literally every single precon except for painbow has a sol ring in it. I want to say they cant but mana crypt and jew lotus was pushed less than a year ago lmao
>ban sol ring
>every precon becomes unplayable out of the box
>literally every single precon except for painbow has a sol ring in it. I want to say they cant but mana crypt and jew lotus was pushed less than a year ago lmao
Make it a rite of passage to take the Sol Ring out of your shitty scam precon.
Just use the same rule they used for the Stoneforge precon back when it was banned in standard, problem solved.
You think Shaq is banned from playing this card?
Not my problem lol
>becomes unplayable
EDH is a fucking casual format, just do what the fuck you want.
Any recommendations for a deck in between midrange and aggro in Standard? I like pivoting between the strats with sideboarding. Been playing Convoke and doing well against Aggro, but feeling pretty weak against other midranges.
Iconography is important.

What do you faggots not get about that?

Brainstorm by every metric should be banned in Legacy. You could even argue that for Ancient Tomb, Daze, and Wasteland.

And guess what if any of them got functional reprints they should all be banned instantly. But the original versions of those 4 are what make Legacy Legacy.

Maybe you just don't like Legacy go play another format, and also fuck you.
Big Red / Mice
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Its an autism thing
You wouldnt understand

Not sure if it works without lucky clover but you could try building adventures. The clover decks typically did normal aggro things and then pivoted to massive explosive finishes
The majority of Adventures in Standard rn are terrible
There like Mosswood Dreadknight and Virtue of Persistence and that's about it
I like most of the megacycle but this one is my clear favourite.
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It's a fucking crime there isn't any high res version of the original art.
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the og
Daze yes, it's not "iconic" it fits into one deck and it would still be tier 1 without it.
Wasteland maybe. It's very strong but by no means unbeatable.
Ancient Tomb no way. Stompy wasn't even good until FIRE printed threats better than Rakdos Pit Dragon (see Chalice of the Void having zero impact on deckbuilding or the metagame as a whole despite being a "classic card" [the minute where Delver was playing Abrade as a 2-of was to deal with D&T]).
Expressive Iteration was 2 of in a Pioneer precon when it was banned.
This wasn't a year old deck, this was day 1 and WoTC said it was legal so long as you didn't make any further alterations to the deck.
They've been misevaluated imo
There are some really bad ones but the virtues have unexploited potential and stuff like conceited witch and callous sell-sword look suspiciously like storm payoffs to me. Like I said I don't know if the deck works without clover but I think it probably works somewhere
This has to be the worst standard I ever played I don't understand why so many people ate it up during bloomburrow
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Best I could find.
its a lot better than oko standard I can tell you that much, that shit was beyond ass
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>throws a scamp at you for 28 damage turn 3
u mad?
Decks that aren't Delver or adjacent can play Daze just fine.
The Gaak, of course.
play aggro, it destroys reanimator decks because they cannot reanimate before turn 4
Previous Standard rotation was worse
It's very fucking close to that and it being new means it'll get worse.
Duskmourn T2 meta is unbearable.
And it completely ignores that sol ring doesn't actually let you do that, since it costs 1 mana, so for that to work you need to cheat and play two lands per turn and just hope no one notices.
I'd go back to Domain/Esper meta rather than this leyline shit.
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I'm still so mad that I bought 4 copies of overencumbered instead of ghostly prison.
Like I know that it throws me into modern instead of pioneer but what the FUCK is the point of overencumbered? Overencumbered should give them a new artifact that does NOTHING except cost 2.
Is one God damn white mana really worth that much more that ghostly prison forces them to pay 2 for each attacking creature while Overencumbered makes them pay 2 for the whole squad?
Son of a bitch. I'm playing fucking enchantress, yeah, I have an extra white mana for the 3 cmc.
Barely anything has changed except RDW somehow got even more cancerous.
Why did you buy Overencumbered?
>ghostly prison
Honest question Why? You could just be playing On Thin Ice and Static Prison or go bigger with Solitary Confinement or Sphere of Safety.
Esper Legends was the most boring fucking deck ever I don't care.
At least games against Gruul Prowess are over fast
The plan was to play that to stop my opponent from attacking and find some other enchantments to stop them from doing other things.
I remember your deck, I have the image saved for reference. You helped me earlier. You're the one what with the blood moons, right?
I, uhh, I didn't want to pay for blood moons so I looked for alternatives.
You see how that turned out.
The Bx midrange cancer is still there. It just got splintered between WB, UB, and BG.
Also I should have gotten the removal you use but I don't have snow lands and I was undervaluing static prison.
>"What, 2 turns?"
I've convinced by girlfriend to try out magic with me. I played some years ago but sold my collection due to loss of time and interest.

What product would be our best entry point, and what should we get so she can experience the joy of customising her deck if she likes the gameplay?
Why would you want to get back into Magic now, when the game is worse than ever, after you already burned out of it once?
The Pioneer challenger decks?
I literally played gruul prowess.
Even had 4 choose your poison in the sideboard. Removed it once with it, but it was too late.
Just buy the 4 bloomburrow commander decks and go from there.
You can both agree to upgrade a certain number of cards too modify the decks that way you don't overtune yours vs hers.

You can also buy those magic pack things where there's like 5 decks when they tried to get families to play MTG out of the box like it's fucking Wingspan or something.
Or you can both make $20 decks or something. It's just fun when decks do a thing.
Sorry I want to play real magic. Not commander. And sitting her down with a stack of 99 cards seems a bit overkill for a beginner.
im assuming you hooked her with the cute woodland critters so just get the bloomburrow starter kit
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I like dragons
3 year rotation is a mistake desu.
It doesn`t feel like things meaningfully change because the standard pool is so fucking big right now.
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>Some anon is upset over the Room mechanic being difficult when it's just an enchantment that let's you pay 1 mana to get 2 enchantments in 1 card
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What's the last card they made that had an attractive female face and body for the card? So far, looks like it was that blue planeswalker girl that's an MTG Arena exclusive.
>3 year rotation is a mistake desu.
Lmao, they turned standard into Extended, but without any of the fun or good cards.
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No actually. I just told her it was something I enjoyed and since she is looking for a hobby it could be a date night. She just knows it's a game played with cards.
Remember to take a breath of outside air in between your huffs of opium. You're bot getting enough oxygen in your brain, Mr whale.
When was this made? Both an attractive face and big boobs?
What's a very useless card in the Duskmourne set?
11 years ago in dragons maze
You are correct to think this. Buy a singular box and some sleeves. Build decks and go against one another. Limited hasn't been bad lately. Pick any recent set that isn't MKM.
makes tyrone laugh for 3 eons
The Jumpstart set from 2022 comes to mind, and they do occasionally slip through the cracks.
But it really feels like whoever is running art direction is doing their damnedest to ensure new cards are as ugly and unwanted as possible.
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Here's the new, pozzed version.
Fun fact: that big titty window art was drawn by a woman.
you are supposed to add a funny letter at the start like copium or hopium or ropium
>legs are fucked up
Legs are fine, she's leaning her upper body to the side so the right bottom is elevated while the weight rest on the left bottom part
No, anon is right. Her left left should be more to the right, you can sit like that yourself and see it doesn't line up.
She doesn't use a crane just for style.
Either she's holding her right-er leg on right leg or (if you're right) her pelvis is fucked up. No wonder she needs a cane to walk.
What will need to happen so we go back to having attractive and sexy women again?
left leg*
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thats right
It's literally sheoldred
Fun fact: the foil of this card has the booba window matte to stand out
it's just a limp
Don't forget that Foundations is gonna be in Standard for 5(five) years. And they already confirmed Llanowar Elves will be in it. Are you looking forward to 5 years of turn 2 3-drops in Standard?
What happened to MtG?
It was fun up until and including Khans of Tarkir, did all the directors or designers resigned/retired?
It's just crazy that after all these years, with the looming death of Standard, that their solution is to give players access to Llanowar Elves, a card of which a billion copies exist, when the fact is and has always been that the largest barrier to getting a new deck is the fixing lands, which are still Rare, and are consistently expensive. Some kid told me that Adarkar Wastes was like $10 or something at some point, which is fucking ridiculous.
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Thinking of playing this tonight - I have helms on the way but won't have them this week (I got rid of them last year when I black bordered a few duals), so I would need to proxy this week.
Sadly I think my enlightened tutor (marked up from back when we would play scribble ante) is too damaged on the back to actually play unsleeved, so I'll need to show up early to sleeve.
saw forsen play this on a private beta, didn't seem very fun desu
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>11 years ago
I went to the launch draft
Foundations spoilers when?
Is it possible to make a deck still for Dreadhorde or some shit? I like the look of the blue mummies.
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the more I play decks without game ending combos or synergies in legacy the more I wonder what's the point of playing one when other decks can just get 2 cards together and win the game while you're playing fair magic
The main point of playing fair is that all of your cards are good on your own.
Like a lot of the fair UB piles are bundled into those reanimator lists, and I think those are just as good.
makes sense, still feels like shit when playing vs a A+B combo deck and they topdeck the missing piece after you spent all game removing/countering their shit
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Remind me again why WotC thought it was a good idea to copy this gimmick and make the requirements even easier to meet?
They're gonna start showing off stuff from upcoming sets in Vegas, including Foundations, Death Race and Marvel apparently.
Imagine going to Vegas to play a card game and it's fucking Magic
Did they just forget about Final Fantasy
That's probably in the second half of 2025 so we'll see some stuff later.
I've played a ton of the amass deck and I can tell you with supreme confidence that it is unplayable dogshit that will get run over by starter decks and jank
I mean, it's MagicCon Vegas, not just Vegas overall.
whens that
Well that sucks because I really like the blue Egyptian Mummy look. What about a Phrexiyan monster deck? I really like the white and red look to the creatures.
>Fun fact: that big titty window art was drawn by a woman.
she also drew this
Isn't her brother one of those zombies?
I am sad to report that I will not be attempting any more brews until aggro is ousted from Pioneer.
I have no desire for every single deck I brew to have to deal with turn 2/3 wins from linear, FIRE-pushed aggro deck.
It is incredibly boring to brew the same 30+ removal pieces plus some other strategy squeezed in between them.

Basically, no further updates for Skeletons, nor for my other garbagefire shitbrews. The format just sucks too much ass right now.
October 25-27.
No, I think that's her on Innistrad where she's having the time of her life post-sparking while desperately trying not to feel horrible about what she did to her brother.
That's just the White Phyrexians. Each color of Phyrexian in New Phyrexia has a different design.
White Phyrexians, in Standard, anyway, are built around both Toxic and Tokens. It's a workable deck, but it's not great and most people are bitch-babies who hate playing against poison counters.
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mtg in 2024
dumb legacuck
I mean they're already ripping Pokémon off with that fox faggot Loot and the fracture foils. Why can't they rip of something useful like putting energies (in this case non-basic lands) into the bundles or special set for like 30 sobs. Not those shitty taplands either, the miserly fucks.
There is not a single fucking interesting / appealing card in this set.
oh wow that must be the UGLIEST UI I have ever seen
I like the verge lands, but apart from those it's pretty bad.
java was a mistake
More like the most SOVL ui.
>I remember your deck, I have the image saved for reference.
Ah shit I've been found out. What does your list look like? Ghostly Prison can be a good effect but 3 mana is a lot for something that doesn't actually get bodies off the board.
Suppression Field is Blood Moon at home. Sometimes it does nothing but it's brutal if it lands in a timely fashion.
New Kaito appeals to me because he's a ninja and those are cool :)
nah, I'm an avid xmager and the UI is godawful. The way the graveyard is presented is probably the worst part about it
Force needs to be put in Standard I'm actually fucking sick of Gruul Prowess being "draw Push or lose"
To be fair either the elf of the bird is the one thing that ends up pushing Green back into being pretty strong
The people of xmage have decided that pauper is the only constructed format still worth playing, as far as I can tell
thats kinda funny. You have access to every single card and format in MTG history for free and you decide to play the one format made for poorfags
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They should get Jessica Fong more pieces, I like her one card in Duskmorn.
I dunno it has nice energy to it (it doesn't look like a bad game cgi)
The poorfag format costs $80 now WotC cooked this game.
Also, some people prefer Ossification for spot removal. 2 is more than 1, but it can hit planeswalkers and you don't randomly get killed by Break the Ice.
I really like this one too
I paid like 120€ for my pauper deck a year ago, would've been cheaper if I didn't have to order literally every single card but stores just don't carry pauper staples. But yeah the format ain't so cheap, just cheap relatively to others
I'm basing this on briefly coming back to mtg through xmage for a couple days as someone who hadn't played since lorwyn, but it makes perfect sense. Pauper plays a lot more like the magic I was used to in X as a turbocasual. Sorceries and instants are still at their all-time high in many ways (this is the format with unrestricted bolt and counterspell) and creatures don't have the massive powercreep they've gotten over the years (with narrow exception).
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>play a creature
>opponent kills it
>play removal
>opponent has protection
>they untap and swing for 69,420 damage
It's one of the few cards that actually comes close to selling this dumb aesthetic. Incorporating the goofy tech with exaggerated fantasy elements (e.g. that techno-battleaxe) actually makes it feel less hideously out of place. It makes you feel like at least a modicum of thought was put into making this still feel like Magic, compared to the million different "dude in 80s clothes running around with ghostbusters equipment" pieces that look like they're from some totally unrelated board game.
Maybe the whole trick is mixing and matching more. Like, have the dudes carrying ghostbusters equipment dressed like wizards or knights while the dudes in 80s clothes are carrying greatswords and crossbows. Maybe that would've made it work better.
There is no better feeling in magic than queueing into removal tribal, windmill slamming two leylines of combustion, and watching them read the card and start roping
To elaborate a bit more, I think it has the same issue as OTJ where you wonder "Were they handing out costumes at the entrance?". Like, why does fucking everyone have a vest with a popped collar and shoulderpads? Does Vulvagoth specifically make people wear these clothes? Are you punished if you don't comply with the planar dress code?
>the one format made for poorfags
but that's not Penny Dreadful
pioneer scales bros we are so back
Huh, interesting build combining enchantress and scales.
>4 innkeeper's talents is $60
What the fuck?
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>turn one play 1 drop
>gets cut down
>play 2 drop
>3 drop
>who the fucks plays murder in current day
>play two 2 drops
>board wipe
isn't this the piece that got her blacklisted from WOTC?
Maybe they're literally handing out outfits at the entrance and vaginamoth takes what you were wearing when you get brought in.
We do know for a fact that he's the one giving them these clothes, though, since he's where clothes and gear for survivors come from.
I don't know an easy way to export the release dates of the original cards, but the vast majority of these are at least a decade old and unplayable these days.
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Don't you get it, the reference is the freakin' joke
>innkeeper's talents
Permanents you control with counters on them have ward {1}.
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He's just like me.
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There is at least one shopping mall in Duskmourn where you can find the best Goth gf. She also entombs cards and is a racist together with Macar.
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So the official lore reason that everyone has jackets with shoulder pads and popped collars is because Velmagoth like them and forces everyone to wear them?
Reminder that wizards wanted her to tone down this art and she told them that this is a woman who's literally sold her soul to stay young and beautiful, I'm drawing her sexy, deal with it
She looks fat and frumpy in that image though
Based, she also did the artwork on one of my favourite pl*neswalkers, Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver.

Why did they ask her to not make her sexy? Was is for that sweet Blackcock money?
>source: it came to me in a dream
It's the only explanation that actually adds up. Presuambly there's just a stockpile of 80s clothing scattered throughout the mansion.
Even though you'd think that bright colorful windbreakers that are perfectly designed to run around in wouldn't really add to the fear the survivors are feeling. Like you'd think it'd be a a bunch of cloaks and robes that end up with everyone dressing like cultists so it's harder to tell friend from foe. Or it'd be some of the rusty armor covered in spikes that all of the razorkin wear. Or things like prison attire that are designed to be dehumanizing and uncomfortable while still being possible to run away from monsters in.

Rootwise Survivor is one of the few cards that actually looks dressed how I'd expect someone who randomly got trapped on the plane would dress.
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Artist is lore accurate as Teysa has a bad leg
To whoever was shilling that stormsplitter deck in here yesterday, thank you this shit is really fun.
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every woman i know that plays magic (3 in my lifetime, so small sample size sure) loves these arts. Women like to look at sexy women too. Only the court eunuchs at WOTC hate sexual allure
Correct. Val knows about and enjoys every stereotypical pop culture horror trope of the 80's and also a few from the 00's for some reason. Definitely not guns, though. Nobody is afraid of guns.
It was the style of the plane pre-House, and the House just seems to sort of spawn pre-House stuff now and then. Tyvar literally just finds a random vest. To what end? Probably just so that survivors don't get cold and hungry because they'd eventually break and not be 'afraid', they'd just be nothing.
Dude was also correct that it won't last in standard. My money is on an eventual legacy ban, the rate on it is retarded. Storm 5 has no business going lethal in any format probably including vintage.
>dragons maze launch draft
I'm so sorry
>also a few from the 00's for some reason
i hate it so fucking much it's unreal
>My money is on an eventual legacy ban
how much money are we talking here? because I would easily bet over 1k on it never even being close to ban worthy in legacy, the card is complete ass outside of standard
Come to think of it, shouldn't there be a bunch of phyrexian garbage lying around the house? Presumably they invaded there just like everywhere else, and even if they lost their oil wi-fi signal, you'd think Val would enjoy a few bio-mechanical horrors as decoration, if not actually trying to animate them as puppets.
Sorry, living nightmares of flesh and steel would clash with the Ghostbusters vibe

Screenshotted anyway
/tg/ card evaluation is always so funny

Like if grapeshot ramped 5 points for every storm would that get banned anywhere?
I will check back with you in 3 months, I hope you're still around to give me my money.
Grapeshot is already banned in the #1 legacy format though
Given than Valleygirl controls the house and has an incentive to keep people from growing accustomed to living there, you would think he'd play more mind games with the clothes. Imagine being trapped there for a while and suddenly you find another group of survivors wearing clothes from your home plane. You get excited, thinking you found some compatriots, but then it turns out they're just from some random plane and have no idea what you're talking about. Now that'd fucking take the wind out of your sails.
Nah, I think Vaporgoth just thinks popped collars are fly.
He stopped half way through eating that one girl's friends and was like "oh, wait, they are rocking this"
/ccg/ is dead maybe some anon here can help me with Magic Set Editor, I cannot find a set symbol file for warhammer 40k that works. Can anyone here point me in the right direction?
Same issue here but for AFR
See i can find the actual set symbol, but none of it is ever compatible with MSE somehow. I'm so desperate I even posted on reddit and the MSE discord for help
I need a Duskmourn deck in MtG Arena, help me
Boros Toys. Very budget friendly, easy to upgrade, reasonably effective.
Literally just buy cards you like nigger. Do some drafts or something and play with the cards.
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Much better
Awkwardly photoshopping tiddies onto the art doesn't work as well when the art isn't super mediocre
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Photoshop these nuts, anon.

See now that looks better
wizards power crept vintage lol

my oath deck would die to this

For the longest time, turn 2 wins were only ever the realm of fucking FlashHulk legacy jank and the rare Modern magical christmas land hand.

Happy to see it's finally in Standard, so everyone can suffer together!
every single vintage cube deck LSV ever drafted would probably die on turn 2 to a standard deck with 8x redundancies LMAOO
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Rate my super cool Standard viable design.
What game?
Does he get the girl? I love when the dumb glasses-wearing dork gets the girl
Remember when Anons were saying Duskmourne wouldn't have a single relevant card in it?
I remember
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Stuff like this is so annoying. I didn't buy any 2 weeks ago because there was a single copy for sale in my country that had the regular frame instead of the extended art one; now they cost a gorillion dollars. Who even is playing this outside of Legacy?
Tell me about Boros Toys
What does it look like? I get that it has the Toy generators, but what else?
He's a side character and in one of the endings he gets bullied so hard (instigated by the main character) he murders everybody
I feel like if we've gotten to the point where a guy can get away with looking like this with the worst sounding forced outrage and have an audience then Magic deserves to die.

I am actually disgusted and I love Magic Aids who has a blow up doll as a mascot and is always talking about pussy.
I don't remember that. I remember a lot of people talking about how awful the world building is for the set and how retarded Rooms are, but every set has ridiculously pushed cards.
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Which of the following do you consider the highest level of pimp? Assume the card(s) are pre-M15, i.e before the print quality went to hell.
>English nonfoil, shadowsigned by artist
>English foil, signed by friend or iconic player (e.g Dark Confidant signed by Bob Maher, Jund related cards signed by Reid Duke)
>Collectable foreign language (Korean, Chinese S/T, Russian), nonfoil
>There was a fourth category but I forget what it was
I cannot express how much better this art is without that stupid weird science arm piece. It doesn't even need the cleavage. If there were some glimmer animals flying past her in the foreground the art could imply she's kinda annoyed by them, which is far more interesting than having that stupid fucking arm thing as the focus.
It's really not that complicated. Play Arabella, Enduring Innocence, and Dollmaker's Shop, and then fill the deck with whatever Duskmourne draft chaff you manage to pick up that's cheap and two power or less, plus whatever removal you wanna run.
Now I'm not saying my vision for it is optimal, but it's cheap, it's on theme, and it works.
Is it permissible to somehow print out and attach this alter onto a real card and use it in tournament play? Not that I intend to do that with this card, just in general with this as an example.
in this order:
>English foil, signed by friend or iconic player (e.g Dark Confidant signed by Bob Maher, Jund related cards signed by Reid Duke)
>English nonfoil, shadowsigned by artist
>Collectable foreign language (Korean, Chinese S/T, Russian), nonfoil
have to add 'original' foils
foils these days are given away like candy so they're nowhere near as special.
.... okay Leyline of Resonance is really fucking stupid.
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>literally makes you a laughingstock in 2024
>A 2 mana creature that just gets bigger is now unplayable in modern
I'd actually kill to go back to that era of modern, even with Splinter Twin and Birthing Pod in the mix.
Toss in the gremlin maker to have a non-toy creature attack every turn and maybe a Norin to protect your Arabella from blockers.
The toy telephone gives you card selection when it dies and helps Arabella's trigger while it's still alive. The toy monkey is a 1/1 haste with a good death trigger.
Too risky and having to wait until your upkeep means it's not guaranteed to generate value. Downsides are feelsbad design. The effect should be more like:
>At the beginning of your first main phase, flip a coin. If you win the flip, you win the game. Otherwise, create a treasure and exile the top card of your library. Until the end of your next turn, you may play that card.
Do you people know you can just play old decks against other people also playing old decks?
It's actually really simple you just talk to someone and ask "Hey man, I'd really like to play this old Modern decklist against another old Modern decklist, you interested?"
Thanks, made a deck based off this video.
I completely didn't consider Norin, that's a neat idea, though it's probably better to run some White Indestructible spells to both protect her from removal and from dying to combat damage
What cards should I remove to add in the Toy Monkey or Telephone?
>my oath deck would die to this
not really a good example since the whole point of playing oath is having a bad fast combo matchup but consistently beating stuff like MWI or bazaar

it would be impressive if the deck beat lurrus control or something else filled to the brim with early interaction
>It's actually really simple
It's not. Nobody has their old shit sleeved if it's even assembled. You think everyone just has multiple sets of duals and shit just sitting around?

inb4 proxies
Yeah, right, you're asking people who don't care about old decks to have them assembled, sleeved, and to go out of their way to have proxies. This special snowflake of a person does not exist, because I'm that person and there's nobody else.
Forgot to add this >>94006553
What cards here should I remove from her deck?
Anon you know if you assemble and sleeve the decks once, you can do it again?
people were saying from day one the "fear of being a faggot" was gonna see play and was retarded because it was bassicaly boros reckoner and stigma lasher twisted by wotc hands into one card.
>Dark Confidant signed by Bob Maher
that is good because original Bob was based off from Bob Maher thus the nickname...
Not that having players signing iconic cards they are known to use isn't good but those are different.
Is there any non-AI art in this set?
It has been 10 years since Pod and Twin were banned and nobody has ever been interested in playing against them. And they know I have them.

Nobody cares. Nobody is actually nostalgic about that shit. The people who cared, they quit, long ago.
Have you actually asked anyone you know if they're interested in playing some old decklists or have you just decided they aren't interested?
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bruh it isn't 2022 anymore, even bad AI art is way better than wotc sloppa
Of course I've asked. Do you really think people have time to care about irrelevant decks. There's so much shit in this game to do.
nta but I have a couple of friends with which to play old modern. It's kino
that looks awful lmao
>Do you really think people have time to care about irrelevant decks.
Yeah? The majority of people who play this game do so casually, for fun, with decks they think are neat.
Man, I hate to tell you this, but assuming you aren't lying, it sounds like you might be your playgroup's "That Guy".

yeah that's why I picked it
compare it against duskcringe art of your choosing
I am so far away from being "that guy" you have no idea. And I was waiting for that personal attack from your line of questioning.
I'm still waiting for you to show any sign of having actually played the game with another human being cause you seemed to be confused by some extremely basic things
>Land -> Sol Ring -> Tap Sol Ring for Signet/Talisman.
That's untapping 4 mana on turn 2 not 5 you moron.
Toys are fun. But what about a Nightmare deck? Is that possible?
I just destroyed 9 enchantments in a row in 9 turns straight with a bumbleflower's sharepot + esoteric duplicator
after a few turns I had enough mana left over to pressure with legion extruder on the food tokens

fuck your enchantments lmao I got this
This is the best room card so far
>Attack opponent to create a doll token
>Get enough doll tokens and other 1 or 2 power creatures on the field, unlock second room, just fucking delete your opponent
goes straight into my white weenies matter edh deck!
Dollmaker's Shop is a legitimately good card, even if it did nothing else.
Remember when we could have new art (not reprints) of goblins that were Short, Green, Big Nosed, Greed, and skinny ?
>no haste
what were they thinking
>3 mana do nothing
>dies to removal

>2 mana does everything
>removal can't stop it

When are they gonna find the fucking middle ground?
The removal just needs to be power crept too. Cut Down is the best 1 mana removal spell in Standard and it sucks dick.
My decks are all bad and I need to go to bed
and yet here I am
I'm going to bed too, please keep the Arena thread alive. It's in everyone's best interest.
A Swords to Plowshares reprint will fix that.
Disfigure is the best 1 mana removal spell in standard
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If Swords is in Foundations I will take back every bad thing I ever said about that evil jew Maro.
They're too high on "It does this this and THIS but TECHNICALLY it doesn't do this OOOOOOOOONE thing! so that's why it's 2 mana UwU"

Sorry. 3 mana is for a 3/3 bear that's not called a bear so it gets no synergy.
I’m still waiting for those •POWERFUL WHITE CARDS Gavin Verhey promised for 4 years do help White win games and all I’ve heard is:
>Multiple nonwhite bans in Modern and Legacy and Pioneer
>Commander nonwhite bans
>Everyone complaining about RDW and Reaninator and Domain in Standard
I guess Pinkertons and bunnies and horror pop culture memberberries were enough distraction for everyone to ignore the color pie disparity again.
They'd just power creep creatures more in response.
Won't happen. The issue that led us into this mess in the first place was new players absolutely hate having their monsters removed, even if it's essential to a healthy meta. So WOTC's solution to this was to make removal pointless by stapling ETB goodstuff onto every monster.

Making a removal spell that could deal with FIRE fuckery would make newbies screech all over again.
>Nosewater ever allowing STP back into Standard
>Cards he literally vehemently hates with every kikety ounce of his shekel being
Lmao, kek even.
Just cast 2 removal spells lmao.
>>Cards he literally vehemently hates with every kikety ounce of his shekel being
Why does he hate it exactly? I've seen people talk about his hatred of White, but I haven't seen any sources for it.
He said Swords and to a lesser extent Path were design mistakes. He also said this shit over 10 years ago, long before the insane power creep of creatures began.
Don't act like there aren't plenty of reasons for anyone to hate Swords to Plowshares
White is unironically fun as fuck in Standard right now because it fucking slam dunks aggro babies into the curb. Total aggro death.
>but muh meta
>but muh midrange match ups
Domain and Bx piles are no fun to play against no matter what you play, so whatever.
Literally every Blogatog screenshot of some company suck up asks him about STP, Path to Exile, Dawn of Hope, Smothering Tithe and such, he will go out of his way to say that they were all colored pie breaks that shouldn’t have been made. But yet he will never say a word about any other color breaking the color pie. He unironically has a blatant bias against White.
>He unironically has a blatant bias against White
Okay, say it with me now.
I've said it before, I'll say it again.
Reprint all angels with 1 less generic mana cost.
hahahaaaa 2/4 flying gains you 20 life gives all your creatures +2/+2 for 2 mana
It costs 1 mana or less to remove that creature.
>the solution to bad design and power creep is more bad design and power creep
I'd say I was glad none of you work at Wizards but desu it's clear you already do
No, what I'm telling you is there is no solution to the hole WOTC have dug themselves into. Removal versus creature arms race only goes downward.
I would only work at JOTC long enough to steal emails and mission statements to expose the corruption and design bias of Gavin Verhey and Maro before burning the office down in a heretic pyre
Strong removal makes the game healthy. Strong threats and weak removal turns the game into solitaire.
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What's the point of creating a new game mechanic to never use it again the next year or some shit? To keep things "fresh"?
Unironically fixed YGO to print more handtraps and board-breakers so going second isn't an instant loss.
>New to MTG Arena
>Having fun with the detective starter deck
Are there any good decks based around the Detectives?
MaRo's idea of giving sets "identity" when in reality it becomes "another fucking piece of horseshit to remember if it ever becomes relevant" like initiative.
>I will always have both my threat and the counter spell and never tap out in my aggro deck
Felonious Rage in the monored deck makes detective tokens :)
>fixed YGO
kek YGO has had like 12 fucking tier 0 formats in the past 6 years.
Power creep and greed has ruined all card games, they grew too big.
Yet your chance of winning in Magic when you go second is even lower than in YGO.
Here's what a pushed creature looked like in 2004:
>Flying, Lifelink
>Morph {2WW}
so you paid 6-7 mana to get a 4/5 flying lifelink

Here's what a pushed creature looks like in 2004:

>When this deals combat damage to a player they lose half their motherfucking life rounded up
>When this dies, return it to the battlefield because its unfucking killable without exile oh sure it comes back tapped and killable for 2 turns but so what are you going to burn 2 removal spells on every 3 mana creature?

so yeah either kill this before it can even attack a single time or holy shit its a 3 mana creature that tags you for 11 fucking damage, its basically a 2 turn clock with any burn
Yeah because YGO printed cards that straight up don't let you play and made them possible to activate from hand.
It's essentially one big game of "did you draw the hand trap/counter to that handtrap?" with the tier 0 decks being the ones that can handle all those hand traps, until they print even more degenerate hand traps meaning they also have to print more degenerate cards until they start playing cards straight from deck with no outside effort which already exists.

And all that just pushes the decks printed a year or two even further down the pole to the point most things are horrible pack filler.
Same thing happened with Stoneforge mystic, but not Attune with AEther
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There has to be a video I can watch or something where they talk about a theoretical collectable card game that's better than magic.
Because getting mana screwed or mana flooded has to be solved by now. And I don't even think the solution is to just give both players the same amount of mana or energy per turn.
Everyone I talk to that despises Magic's land system seems to love Lorcana.
The problem is I like the land system...
WotC already solved it with Duel Masters.
The creator of Duel Masters made another game that is somewhat similar to Magic in Build Divide. I haven't heard anything about it in years so I'm assuming it's dead.
Yeah its simple you get a mana crystal each turn and only draw castable cards
Someone answer me?
It's been a few days of non-stop seething and shitposting over at /edhg/, it's been really fun. I didn't remember to check /mtg/, how's it been for you guys?
After the spoilers the Duskmourn was edited to include more lore. One of the revealed information was visitors were being implanted false to believe they always lived there. Mark said most survivors came from a plane wear people wear 80's clothes.
Did he actually say that? That's just stupid enough to be real.
After playing a bunch of matches in MtG Arena, I noticed the rarest color of cards I have encountered was Green. How come?
Morph Angel was pushed because of Astral Slide. That shit warped formats by itself. Pick a better example.
Green has been absolute asscheeks since Kaldheim rotated. There's still domain, which is basically a GW deck splashing the other colors.
standard is a joke format
They should print bolt in the foundations thing
>It's one of the few cards that actually comes close to selling this dumb aesthetic. Incorporating the goofy tech with exaggerated fantasy elements (e.g. that techno-battleaxe) actually makes it feel less hideously out of place.
Yeah, it obviously helps that the art style is pleasant and the girl is cute but besides that it actually has the cues you'd expect from a green warrior type card in mtg (aggressive pose, big weapons). Her outfit looks sort of modern but not radically different than something you'd see on Ravnica, and the survivor gizmos and 80s fitness headband are subtle enough that it looks more "inspired by" than "an obvious parody of"
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I'm not playing Commander
So far, only decks I've seen from Duskmourn that are useful has been Dolls and Manifest Dread. Idk what the fuck Bloomburrow added but from what I've seen, something with frogs drawing cards, otters, and some type of rabbit deck.
your brainstorms and ponders bro?
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Wtf is Foundations?
bro it's been 3 days
Creature removal is both extremely important and extremely good right now and green is both bad at it and weak to it.
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How could you forget the red mice everyone has been complaining about since duskmourn spoiler season.
The solution is to keep the mana system but make it guaranteed every turn, from a limited pool of basic land cards in where you can substitute a card in your deck and mana drop for the turn for one land card like a, say, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx or some shit instead of grabbing from your limited pool of lands.
That way you keep all the mechanics and cards related to mana working nearly the same without relying on the rng.

Problem with card games is that you need capital, recognition and time and that's a lot of shit with so many titans on the industry.
I don't know.
I think you should have to draw it though... Because then you can augment how much you get, cast cards to get more or less, tune them out of your deck (by drawing them with another affect) thus slimming your deck to the good stuff.
But it can't be all gas like Yugioh because then you either draw what you need or you lose.
These quantum computer faggots that fud /biz/ have it all wrong. They're not gonna crack wallets, there's billions of dollars to be made if you can make a deck of cards have variance and no variance at the same time.

I don't know, man, maybe we just need 10 more life and +1 to hand size.
Core set
Is this the red deck I've been seeing that just ends the match on turn 2 or 3?
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Did it look like this?
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Oh, so I guess that means Duskmourn is the last themed set of the year if we're not counting Marvel.
I also thought about choosing to draw from your deck, or deck of lands.

But a LOT in these types of games is drawing the card you need or another land and going "oh thank fuck".
Letting you choose ruins some of that (le) magic, just like how nobody is going to choose to watch Everybody Loves Raymond and instead will binge shit over and over instead of the TV deciding what's on.
Yep, what cards need to be banned to balance this shit?
>It's essentially one big game of "did you draw the hand trap/counter to that handtrap?"
In YGO the number of handtraps there is usually 4+ while in Magic there's exactly one card that answers it. Players make decisions on which cards they try to play around knowing they can't answer all of them. It's far more interesting than "Gee I hope my opening hand has exactly Cut Down/Push in it"
How come they didn't release Duskmourn in October? They literally released a set a month ago.
Marvel is next year probably in summer after the space opera set. They let the 4 set have extra time before rotation so they fill that time with a non-standard set.
>after the space opera set
Space Opera set?
The one problem with consistent lands is that one drops are more powerful. MTG's one drops are weaker by being in a inconsistent land system yet they are still strong.
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final fantasy comes out some time in june
mahvel is later iirc
formats exist outside of standard and edh
Probably to have it firmly on shelves by then. They're also holding onto their bigger box until then, and having Halloween events with the set, so they also get to extend the sales period that way.
>Final Fantasy
Tifa's boobs will be nonexistent
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Sorry I meant after the return to Tarkir. The space opera set will be after that. Space opera's are like soap operas except in space. Famous space operas are Star Trek and Star Wars.
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Deck for this feeling?
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They put sleeves on Meiko's Iconic sleeveless vest.
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I prefer 90s how to draw manga over this
lay off the addys bro
Chinaman + Cube
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This is the turn 2/3 win deck. It has other cards and creatures to support the bullshit, but the concept is extremely simple.
monastery swiftspear too, nearly as pushed as the rest
>majority of the deck is commons/uncommons
Wotc designing lower rarity cards for limited and not at all considering Standard has been a DISASTER for the game.
>mana screwed or mana flooded has to be solved by now
Flesh and Blood
WoW TCG also solved this by letting you play any card face down as a land
Are they even trying to move those secret lair slops?
>Pick one of the worse chandras out there
>Pick one of the worse tutors out there
And the art on the tutor is shit in comparison with its other arts.
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>Are they even trying to move those secret lair slops?
anon they sell out in seconds
i swap between this azusa and the jp fashion one
It needs to have a cost like a mulligan does. With that system you would probably reduce the amount of lands in your deck, or just have no lands, or at least you wouldn't mulligan 1 land cards.
I thought of a solution that would make you ask your opponent to look at your top card and tell you if it was a land or not (cost is giving info) you then choose to shuffle or not. If you don't shuffle and your opponent has tried to deceive you, in one way or the other you get to fish for any card or something.
>my oath deck has no turn 1 interaction
It's Western slop made for women, he's abused for their amusement.
What a retarded idea for a set. Reference after reference to modern pop culture. Magic truly jumped the shark.
There's nothing to solve. The mana system is perfect. There needs to be chance in a game for it to be good. Only noobs and shitters think lands are bad, stick with the game and once you get a deeper understanding of it you'll appreciate lands. That's what happened with me.
I really like this card
>There needs to be chance in a game for it to be good.

You're playing a card game, there's already chance involved
Every format is a joke format, if you think your format isn't a joke it's because you're dumb and blind.
Not enough. That's why you have 60 cards and the land system.
You don't want Pokemon or YGO.
Me too
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Yugioh has tons of RNG. If you don’t have a hand trap in your opening 5, you lose. If your opponent doesn't have one, you win. If you both have one, then you get to play out the game.
I'm having fun playing it in a UBx frog shell in legacy with a few mox diamonds thrown in, people don't expect the UBx deck to start dredging loam and putting counters on their frog or escaping uro. And the most fun is when you're just recurring your wasteland and sending the opponent to the shadow realm

Looking at the top legacy decks RN and they all have insanely greedy mana bases. Recurring wasteland is a pretty good thing you could be doing I think.
I want to put together a DnT/MonoW deck with White Orchid Phantom and some other hatebears/tax effects and see how it goes. I don't know if classic 60 DnT or Yorion is stronger these days. MonoW has some results but they're running the MH3 Kot and Pupper package (Ocelot, Ajani, Ophelia).

white mill
>frogposter doesn't realize that the MtG mana system is what allows for deep deckbuilding to take place, which is what all other TCGs lack

Guaranteed resources lead to instantly solved formats.
Would running 4 leylines in RDW then swapping them out for 4 urabrasks forge be a viable strategy?
>Wahh a meta deck has mostly cheap cards!
And this is an issue how?
DnT stocks are hot in legacy right now, the deck has been getting good results in paper tournaments because paper isn't a combo deck fest like MTGO, and the lists are all yorion based pretty sure
>troon colors
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>Deck A beats the entire old meta
>Deck B beats Deck A
hooray I love textbook broken formats
Core set, except it's going to be in Standard for FIVE FFFFUCKIN' YEARS BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Come now, I'm sure they aren't going to print any cards that we really don't want to be in Standard for 5 years. This is Wizards we're talking about, they've always had such a good head on their shoulders.
>This is Wizards we're talking about, they've always had such a good head on their shoulders.
You know? You're right. This is a trustworthy company. There's no way they'll print cards that ruin Standard (again) into a set that will be in Standard for FIIIIVEE. FFFUUUCKING. YEARS.

Joke's on us.
It'll all be power crept within the year anyway.
Ninjutsu seems like a weird mechanic for a core set.
I feel like that could also could also apply to Magic. Opponent plays an enchantment you concede and sideboard enchantment removal. You play an artifact then the opponent concedes and sideboards in artifact removal. Now that you've both sideboarded the game can go past turn 1.

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