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Daddy issues edition

Previous thread: >>93988349

>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
>HH1 Black Books
>HH2 Rules and Supplements
>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)

『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』
>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements
>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements
>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours
>More lists
>What size magnets do I need?
>homemade missions:

>Thread question:
What's your favourite weapon?
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The Veletaris Storm Section Power Axes.

I saw someone in /40kg/ discussing space combat soldiers with axes possibly being inspired by the LOGH RosenRitter. And given anime's history in France how likely is the possibility that the designer behind the Storm Section using power axes was inspired by the RosenRitter?
Has this been verified in any capacity?
Anything Volkite, really. I like choom
The veletarii axes are mostly cerimonial in 30k but if there is an inspiration it's probably going to be the napoleonic sappers considering most of saux things are based on napoleonic units.
>What's your favourite weapon?
Ol fucken reliable, yee ol power sword.
More specifically for melee, Terranic greatsword, nothing like swinging a fucking 2h great sword to get the blood pumping.

Ranged weapons on infantry? The plasma gun.
The White Scars seem pretty cool actually....
Power daggers. Every time some decked out sergeant with power fist and artificer armour gets shanked in a challenge before ever being able to swing is a moment of beauty.
And 5 pts for a bonus attack on any character with any non-specialist melee weapon, including terminators, is also quite useful.
Why don't you ask him? https://www.edskomo.com/en-int/products/faq
>napoleonic sappers considering most of saux things are based on napoleonic units.
>napoleonic sappers
Never heard of them. Looked them up. I'm happy you brought them up as they might be a source of inspiration.
Flamers. Hand, combi, heavy, pintle-mounted, and preferably with the Dragon's Breath special rule. There's nothing quite like the light in your opponent's eyes leaving when you tell them your overwatch scored 43 hits, and that you'll be wounding on two or three up for them all.
>Malcador, Horus has betrayed us. Recruit a team of Veletaris with attitude!
I'm very autistic and I think a nerdy Warhammer 30k/40k fanboy asking an inane question like "what are the sources of inspiration for the Solar Auxilia and especially the power axe storm section" might be ignored.
Fuck LIGMA and fuck GW. Give me my melee weapon slop.
Actually forget it, I'll ask anyways. I'll post his response if he gets back to me.
I guess they think that by attaching LIGMA to Heresy they can encourage Heresy players to play it, but I honestly think that they've created so much bad will by fostering the idea that LIGMA is taking releases away from Heresy.
NP, also
Despoiler upgrades are gone from the webstore, so it's probably happening """""soon"""""
>5 power swords
>5 power mauls
>5 fists
>1 glaive
>1 thunder hammer
That'll be 29.99 plus tip
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>What's your favourite weapon?
I like big guns.
Nah SA literally started as this guys pet project, I'm sure he'd love the opportunity to talk about the process of how he created them, and there's nothing on the contact form stating it's for professional enquiries only

And if you don't get a response, you'll survive and realise that it doesn't matter, and it will make you less anxious in similar situations in the future
Imagine getting a handy from that thing
>I honestly think that they've created so much bad will by fostering the idea that LIGMA is taking releases away from Heresy
Can confirm, I personally want ligma to utterly and completely fail, only out of spite. I hope this garbage ends up losing GW eight-figure pounds and that its team leaders get publicly executed via Irad-Cleanser.
I think he'd probably enjoy telling you about his inspirations and his process, if not, that's fine too.
It is done bros. The message has been sent I just realized that I should have asked if he is okay with the response being shared. I'll respond to him and ask if he is okay with the email being shared about.
well done, fren!
fingers crossed you get your answers, and that you will learn to one day get over your social anxiousness
Thank you, anon. I'm hoping that he'll be fine with me sharing his answer on the internet.
You've got some fucking weird kinks Perty.
LIgma isn't even a good game because even there they insist on making dumb decisions.
the humble volkite charger
shame that at least for my legion it's locked to either breachers, who I don't especially like (would love melee breachers though), or units that have straight upgrades for a couple more points each
I built 2x10 TSS with chargers and chainswords for my IW project, but I only partially painted one squad; the other squad is getting recycled as rotor cannon carriers
I wish combi volkite didn't make chargers immediately redundant on terminators
The question is whether or not to pick up the stumpchads before they get squatted and replaced with an inferior kit.
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Stub gun.
Why not? If you want it it's better to get it now than later.
Almost all the MKIV upgrades are marked as SOLD OUT ONLINE, so I think it's coming desu
So what was the last generically useful release Heresy proper got? Was it the Mechanicum box or the command upgrade?
Feels like a long time since we've gotten something useful instead of just shitting out more LIgma stuff.

But hey, at least Heresy Thursday is back. They left it as long as they could without lying, but they did do it. Now to can it again next month.
It’s been a while. Even people on insta on GWs page are asking wtf. LIGMA fags better not complain about anything.
I’m gonna stockpile about 3-4 kits at least
Does anyone play it? I've seen people post AT models here but never LI. Or do people post it in the specialist games thread?

Tbf if you do play LI now might not be the best time to pipe up, this heresy Thursday is about to trigger a pogrom
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Finally got around to priming the punisher turret.
>punisher turret
>four heavy bolters
>34 ap4 shots
I feel like we might be approaching adequate amounts of dakka.

what are you working on, anons?
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What ligma fags lmao nobody plays it
We need more fucked up looking guys like this. I know Pert's a primarch and all that, but they could do with a generic "head upgrade" kit with tons of variety. I've taken to using 40K zerker heads for my Iron Hands.
>I feel like we might be approaching adequate amounts of dakka.
Not until you paint it yellow for that tasty BS5.
>The year is 40,999
>The boomer blaster is still is service.
Wait till you hear about muskets and bows.
I expect that there is a Valkyrie gun ship out there with a M2 mounted on it and carved into the side of "Kill em all 1968"
Non-30k stuff right now. Got into a rut with my WE so working on some Guardsmen who can double for Militia.
Do they adhere to a specific historical pattern, rather than just generic "muzzleloaded firearm" and "bow"? We have muzzleloaders and bows today for hunting, but they tend to be modernized versions. Very few takes a reproduction English longbow or a Brown Bess out to hunt with.
He's almost certainly going to be too busy to respond, given how he's such a petty fag that he's individually digitally watermarking every single component of every single order of his recent not-kickstarter with unique numbers, so that he can buttfuck anyone who shares the file that he only intends to make available by that one, single, short crowdfunder and never again.
My group just plays epic armageddon with the australian 30k lists plus whatever we decide to homebrew. There is no point in playing LIgma when a much better game that is free and has been supported by it's community since it's release exists.
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I am autismo
Nta but it's likely there are a few that do if the RT fluff on exploration age colonists is still true.
Having a normal Thursday
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>Do they adhere to a specific historical pattern, rather than just generic "muzzleloaded firearm" and "bow"?
Depends, do you know any specific pattern of flintlock?

post the pasta here so I can send them the same thing desu
Not gonna lie I’m tempted to do the same shit. Just to piss of the guy who works this account
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Working on all this Titan trim anon, your tank is absolutely beautiful and I can appreciate the maximum dakka desire.
Hello there!
I would like it, if possible, for you to pass this on to whoever decides the order of 30k releases.

"I absolutely loathe and despise Legions Imperialis, not because of any of its
own traits, but because it has repeatedly taken up preview spots, r&d time
and budget from the 28mm game of Horus Heresy. Since its release I have
refused to even take a glance at its rules, and whenever I see a LI product in
my LGS I feel a deep disgust and make an involuntary scowl. I sincerely hope
that this project fails completely and ends up losing your company money
and whatever suit-and-tie wearers decided to focus on this garbage will have
their peepees whacked with the red measuring sticks from the big AOD box."

Thank you, and have a great day!
If it's just for that reason, please don't. Whatever intern manages their instagram page has absolutely no bearing on the decision making, and does not deserve to be harassed.

I think a better idea, if you really want to send them a a message, is to write one yourself, pouring into it your own feeling regarding LIgma. If, by some miracle, the higher-ups end up seeing any of out messages, they will just discount them as a "fourchan trolling campaign" and ignore them, if they are all the same pasta.
Tell them to dump AoS while you're at it. It frustrates me to no end that they didn't use Epic Armageddon as the basis for its rules. AU30k has a lot of weird rule decisions and the legions don't feel unique enough from one another.
Standardization wasn't big back then, though, just like with swords, there were common types. That specific one looks like an amalgamation of a very old wheellock design with a flintlock mechanism. On a wheellock, the striker arm is in front of the flash pan, swinging backwards into a striker wheel. On your pistol, it has a flintlock mechanism, including the closed frizzen.
>It frustrates me to no end that they didn't use Epic Armageddon as the basis for its rules
If they did that EA wouldn't be free from GW's bad decisions anymore. It would be nice to see legion lists with LAs and whatnot or more units for SA, mech, militia, etc... or an actual ruinstorm list instead of the ghallamore one but GW won't do it. They won't magically become better at writing things if they get their hands on a better system. It is a sad truth.
>The Emporer Kaows
Were Fenrisian wolves actually used in combat during the Heresy, or is that more of a 40K thing?
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they used to have rules in hh1
pg 226, book 7, Inferno
Page 59.
I don't think anyone at GW really gives a shit about the feedback they receive, I just need to scream into the void.
>decked out sergeant with power fist and artificer armour
Do you get to fight many of those prideful officers, anon?
>s3, T3, I3, A1
>50 points so your preator can take 5 shitty guardsmen with shred
JFC who ever wrote that PDF needs to be kicked in the fucking taint over and over.
>I brought a dog to a war-zone and am surprised he isnt having a good time
Regular bumfuck vikings hunt these things
Look at their 1.0 rules anon. up here. >>94003917
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Wolves in combat with Marines from Book 7, as well as rules from both that and Legacies.
Yeah, making them a retinue was shit. Either go back to the old system or let them operate as a separate unit from the character. Or make them a straight FA choice. Then they can fight with Outriders which is the worse option.
Yea, those are nonsense. s3 t3 fits far better. Theyre fucking wolves.
>rules specify that you only get one yiff
>both pics show two
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Bit of an opinion but the Hobbit kit looks better imo.
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>s3 t3 fits far better. Theyre fucking wolves.
Aren't they more like dire wolves the size of horses? And Russ' kin are even bigger
anon, they are wolves the size of space marines.
They can bite through Ceramite armor.
Genuinely what is the appeal here? They're so shit a lone tactical could probably out melee and sweep them. They're cheap but it doesn't matter when your max unit size is 5.
>up to two Fenrisian Wolves may be purchased
>Genuinely what is the appeal here?
Anon you should be playing HH for narrative and fluff, wolves are fluffy, literally, for space wolf army.

Dont be a fag.
30 points, anon. The additional Wolves only cost 5 points.
oh sorry thought it was 10 each, ok so 30 for 5 shitty guardsmen with shred.
Rules say up to four additional, I think you misread and only looked at unit comp.
To have your Praetor take the field with his pets.
Anon, regular bumfuck humans manage to deal with them.
Not anymore, sadly. Seems like getting your expensive sergeants sniped or shanked each game makes people stop equipping their sergeants.
Same with spartans, people stopped using those almost entirely at the lgs once my saboteur became a standard part of my armylist.
Anon we can shoot and kill bears that does not magically make them not able to one hit k-o you out of life.

Just because humans can kill them does not mean they were not still able to bite thorugh power armor.
They should be T4 and S4.WS3 maybe sure, but def T4 and S4
what a SOVLful little guy
Being fluffy does not have to come at the expense of being good
>Being fluffy does not have to come at the expense of being good
Correct, which is why those wolves should be
S4, T4, 2A, I4 honestly I5 because its a fucking wolf able to run faster then any human can.
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Rate my apothecary conversion.
It doesn't look like an apothecary and it's wearing primaris armour so a big fat fucking ZERO!
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(((Artificer armor)))
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A E S T H E T I C S .

All legions should allow praetors and centurions to purchase combat familiars. Make it a few options in style (on foot, fast, flying, etc.) and let players do what they want. Give your jump librarian a psyber-eagle or or terminator librarian a gyrinx. Have your forge lord be accompanies by some combat servitors. A traitor character on bike can be flanked by daemon hounds.
A bear cannot fight a fucking tank anon. Or your jeep.
Fenrisian wolves are just wildlife, wildlife that extremely primitive humans manage to deal with. They have no place on the most lethal battlefields of in the galaxy and the rules should frankly reflect that. At best its just the space woof player buying some ablative wounds.

At BEST you can give them breaching 6+
Get away with these geezers as daemon brutes or are they too smeggin?
>wildlife that extremely primitive humans manage to deal with.
They don't, actually. Native fenrisians don't live on Asaheim, only on its coast.
Could work as Khornate daemon brutes, they do look a bit like the old bloodletters used to look.
I think they look too mortal. Theyre clearly some variant of beastman rather than a daemon. A better fit for some variant of ogryn.

Maybe if you swapped out their heads for flaming skulls or something?
>A bear cannot fight a fucking tank anon. Or your jeep.
Bears most definitely have destroyed people's cars. Even dogs can do damage:
And why are you talking about an attack animal needing to take out a vehicle? Can you take out a tank or a jeep?
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Paint them red.
>And why are you talking about an attack animal needing to take out a vehicle?
Because thats the equivalent to a space marine, not some random dude.
>Or your jeep.
Bro.... a bear can rip your jeep/car apart like a fucking tin can.
>Fenrisian wolves are just wildlife, wildlife that extremely primitive humans manage to deal with
You really lack an understanding of how fucking dangerous wild animals can be dont you?
You understand that moose, you know those big fucking dopy looking things? Are some of the most dangerous fucking animals in Northern America?
You know a beast can litearlly kill a full blown adult male human in a single swipe of its paw.
A boar can gore you like a hot knife through butter.
Again, a bear can rip apart a vehicle like nothing. This is literally a problem in the north west of the US, where they have to stress to people NOT to leave food in their car because black bears will rip the doors off of them to get to the food, and black bears are some of the smallest bears in the norther Americas.

Space wolves are wolves teh size of fucking space marines. Imagine a wolf with the mass of a bear. That thing would fuck you up this way and back.
>big dogs
>as good as genetic supermen in tank armour
>minimum 3x the attacks of basic genetic superman in tank armour on the first round
>for 10p
>"they should roam around on their own because dogs are SMRT"

their weapons haven't even got much worse, vs MEQ the old version was 1/12 and the new version is 1/17 but they've lost Bulky so you can take the cage out of the back of the rhino and the full 5 only costs 30 points instead of 20 for a maximum of 2

if you want 5 ablative wounds for an allied Delegatus or Praetor running Black Watch because you enjoy the sound of dogs being smacked with lumphammers, you can't really go wrong for 30 points, they were never going to take down termies anyway and Preternatural Senses was always bullshit and they wouldn't gain anything from having LA:SW this edition either
>"Don't worry, brothers, they're just animals, they can't hurt us!"
look, you can bitch about needing your wal*gun for 30-50 hogs trying to carry off your daughter to become their queen, or you can admit that a big fuckin wolf goes down to what is in fact an autogun in one shot without too much hassle

but you can't sit here and play frontiersman with us while claiming wildlife is so dangerous that a rocket bomb gun or a whirly-stabby rippy saw can't fuck its shit up easy
>Bro.... a bear can rip your jeep/car apart like a fucking tin can.
Yup, thats why you dont find bears as roadkill. Bears are well known for winning their fights with heavy vehicles.

>You really lack an understanding of how fucking dangerous wild animals can be dont you?
To who? Regular dudes? Im sure they can be plenty lethal. And that fenrisian wolf would absolutely FUCK some random ws2 human up. Space marines are not random wolves.

A hormagaunt should absolutely fuck a fenrisian wolves day up. One is a genetically engineered bioweapon and the other is some random mutt from fenris.
Anon, im not denying that you can shoot them, i never said that you cant, in fact thats represented by them having a 6+ save.

My point is having a shitty save does not magically mean you are not a bear sized wolf that is able to bite though power armor. Those 2 things are completely seperate.

A space marine is stupidly strong, but if is not in armor and someone shoot him in the fucking skull with out his helmet on, he is also gonna die. That doesn ot change the fact he is strong or tough, its a matter of, he did not have protection there.

A fenrisien wolf SHOULD be T4, and S4 because its a fucking bear sized wolf.
Im not saying it should be able to weather a fucking gun shot you moron.
>Space marines are not random wolves.
and a fenrisian wolf is not a regular wolf. Its a wolf the size of a space marine.
are there rules for iron hands resurrected by the keys of hel?
Anon a space marine could literally juggle bears. Its a fucking space marine. Its a superhuman warrior in power armor that further increases his physical abilities. Meanwhile wolves and bears are something humans have killed with sticks and stones since time immemorial.
>these wolves have to be OP and viable for me to use them otherwise they serve no purpose and shouldn’t exist
You are the most miserable and annoying type of cunt that plagues this particular game and I hate how common your kind is
Nah, hormagaunts are smaller and lack any real intelligence. Outside of the Hivemind's range of influence they're basically acting on instincts, to the point where if you would throw a grenade at them from out of sight they'd curiously sniff it.

Fenrisian wolves on the other hand are quite intelligent. And you only have to look at humans to see how much of an advantage higher intellect has. We suck at everything compared to other animals, yet we're a global dominant species that regularly drives other species to extinction.
There's a difference between "OP" and "Not useless fucking dogshit" you spastic
A regular person can also be killed with a single shot, yet soldiers carry hundreds of rounds and spend plenty of shots per kill. Because a combat situation is not you walking around looking for a wolf just standing there, minding its own business, lining up the shot, and killing it.
Aren't Fenrisian wolves mutated humans or some shit too?
>Anon a space marine could literally juggle bears
Do you, not know how big bears are? On average they are like 600lbs of fucking bone muscle at fat.
Space wolfs are that, but a wolf.
They would be able to fuck an armored space marine up.
Unclear, but they most certainly have been genetically tampered with.
>You really lack an understanding of how fucking dangerous wild animals can be dont you?
You conflate "this thing can kill a random human (a creature with basically no applicable combat skills or abilities)" with "this thing is objectively very dangerous to something that knows how to fight"

There is a reason trained humans have made animals their bitch since before we knew how to use fucking metal or how to stack stones together to make a building, the difference between "some human" and "a human who knows how to fight good" is massive. Now imagine the difference between "some human who knows how to fight good" and "a posthuman war-machine that represents the absolute apex of what a human could possibly become clad in armor and weapons made to conquer the galaxy" (then scale that difference down a little bit because we arent talking about custodes, but its close enough)
Space marine 2 is kino

Listening to /v/ confidently get 40k lore wrong though is making me go insane though
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-Games Workshop
Anon, thats a single wolf, and a single human, a wolf is like half the size of a human, the largest ever recorded wolf was 175lbs.

We are not talking about a single wolf that weighs the size of a large dog.

Its a fucking space wolf, Its the size of a space marine, so probably close to 400-600 lbs vs a space marine who is some where in that ball park.
>Listening to /v/ confidently get 40k lore wrong though is making me go insane though
To be fair thats like 90% of 40k lore discussion
>We are not talking about a single wolf that weighs the size of a large dog.
And we are not talking about some random russian farmer wearing his coat and using his bare hands.
Anon, a space wolf to a human would need to be a wolf that weights about 200 lbs.

A space wolf would be about the same size, and weight of a space marine.
I dont understand why you are not getting this. Its an animal, the size of a space marine. .
That farmer strangled an animla that was half his size, if space wolves were half the size of space marines sure that would be the out come, but its a 400lbs animal vs a 400lbs space marine. Thats not the same fight.
>but its a 400lbs animal vs a 400lbs space marine
Yea, thats a really one sided fight in the marines favor. Because one of those things is a bioengineered weapon in power armor and one of those things is a regular animal.

A space marine would murder a bear with a single punch.
There’s a local painting competition to paint a single marine. Should I do Minotaurs, mantis warriors, or marines malevolent?
>Yea, thats a really one sided fight in the marines favor
You have never been in a fight or dealt with a wild animal i can tell, so i can see this is going no where.
>There are no wolves on Fenris
>Oh you know there are, and you know what they are
It's implied, they could be influenced by the warp too with how close Fenris is to the eye and how fucked up the fauna is. They might be the original inhabitants of the cavern cities. It's all ambiguous.
Wrong thread
>There is a reason trained humans have made animals their bitch
And it's not at all related to us being stronger than those animals. Wolves and bears were a serious threat to even groups of humans not so long ago, which is why so many cultures have euphemisms for them ("speak of the devil" and all that).
I'm sure flak coat and a steel bayonet makes him a formidable opponent to a space marine.
>They left it as long as they could without lying, but they did do it.
they're telling the truth based on the recent "Next month" post, but it's a lie going by the earlier "later this summer."
>Tell them to dump AoS while you're at it.
But aos is a better everything compared to LI, hell even hh as well.
Giving the wolf a flak coat would certainly be an improvement. Not sure how hes supposed to use the bayonet though.
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I think my army could use some scorpions
Ironic that you should say that when Fenris has bears that can fight and destroy buildings. The wolves are still considered more dangerous, one of the most dangerous animal in the galaxy even. It's retarded fluff but it is how it is.
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Wish there was more examples of the pre-Magnus TS.
What program did you use to make this?
Same but pre-Lorgar WB
I Just used this PDF editor to make it, which is why it's kinda shit coz I was just editing the wolves datasheet for a bit of fun
Even more dangerous than a hippo?

I'm guessing while the bear is stronger, it might not be as aggressive overall and more easily avoided, while the wolves might be more active and cunning. Eh, dunno. It's the typical "this one thing is the best and most deadly ever". I can never be "yeah, so this exists and you can use it, if you like." Like how SA aren't just a regiment type among many others, they're teh bestest regiment of all time and everyone loves them.
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Two down, two to go. The more compact HSS multi-melta works decently well as a replacement, I think.
>one of the most dangerous animal in the galaxy even
>and they cant even deal with loincloth barbarians
Even more dangerous than the giant sea-creatures that swallow ships up that might be remnants of a nids invasion or the shapeshifting entities that inhabit the forest. It's so retarted that I can't even come up with any joke. At the height of it's power it was a tact marine equivalent meanwhile random militia beasts can kinda bag them.
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>meanwhile random militia breasts are better
>Even more dangerous than a hippo?

Can we get a battle hippo pdf
where are the drills from? nu skaven?
Killa Kans.
Killa Kan.
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I'm reading up on fenris and I feel like I'm rapidly losing brain cells by the minute. There are warhammer fantasy style trolls on fenris that are the size of dreads that congregate in large hordes and warp ghosts.
Everyone should go make their legion a wolf equivalent. Lemme see your Nucerian pit-hounds or cybernetic familiars or whatever.
Nah. They won’t give us stuff for the missing legions.
>I'm reading up on fenris and I feel like I'm rapidly losing brain cells by the minute
Space wolf lore, not even once.
>deathworld is deathly
>more news at 011.M31
Next read up on Catachan.
>There are warhammer fantasy style trolls
One of the characters wears the skin of their king.
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>make nullificators thinking they'd be a goofy unit that kills itself more than kill their target
>they just delete whatever I point them at
I think the only thing I learned from these games is that my opponents never bring enough ranged units
Fuck the Scouring era, what I want to see is the Great Crusade fleshed out with the Legions are their peak kino, and tons of weird, scary, and powerful alien races.
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It's not that it's deadly, it's that the wolves pale in comparison to everything else. As an example all of the sea creatures I've read about so far seem to base their diets on how many wooden ships they eat. The scaling is all over the place.
Just like in real life, the deep sea monsters can't get to me while I'm on dry land (or flying above the ocean).
This boy ain't never heard of a sink hole
Anon they fire the warcrime instant death rays. And because youre a night lord they wound on 2s.
They can't really avoid the sea, the planet goes from mostly ice to mostly water when the volcanoes erupt during summer. If you won't go to the sea, the sea will come to you with all of the floods. It's also the main source of food.
Closest is probably their inductii? Though I think they had some in 1.0
Those are some very pretty NL.
I can't think what Raven Guard would get.
Maybe some sort of cat?
Blackshield rules have exactly what you're looking for. Turns your marines into automata and such.
Could do. Maybe some sort of giant mechanical attack-raven with essentially the bird equivalent of lightning claws? They train it to go for the eyes and attack people.

Call it a terror-bird or something.
Really anon, you couldn't think of cyber-ravens? There's even already models for those in Necromunda.
That's what you want you to think, wait til the squids seduce your women to produce their horrible mutant offspring. Think it's a coincidence that Japaness born has so many tentacles? They've already taken over there, and it's only a matter of time til the rest of the world is in their grasps!

Sorry what were we talking about again?
I think theres three main ways to do it.

A single big cyber-bird, think a big raven the size of a condor, it actually fights and has a model, very fragile jump infantry with some rending potential or whatever.

Something like the white scars cyber-hawk, except instead of just marking a target it actually goes for them

A "murder of ravens", a full on swarm that follows a character around and shit, sort of like that one dark eldar unit (razorwings?)
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>I can't think what Raven Guard would get.
Me neither.
Doesn't even need to be cyber, there are raven species unique to kiahvar. It was just so obvious I went down the funny route.
>Doesn't even need to be cyber
Sure, but something about a raven, with some of its wing feathers replaced by razor sharp blades, flying in through a window and slicing the arteries in your neck as it soars past does sound kinda RG to me.
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Iron Hands combat familiar.
What the hell would SoH even have? Drugged up gang-bangers from Cthonia? Is there even any wildlife there?
I was thinking knives for talons, but that also works.
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Just give it a small vox unit to drive people insane with psychological torment.
Well... Wolves. Space Wolves aren't the only legion to lay claim to the name - not even the first.
>What the hell would SoH even have
Demonic familiars conjured for them by horus/the word bearers? Not full on demons but more "erebus took a pit-bull and shoved a fleshhound inside of it"
Yeah but then there'd have to be copyright battles between the SoH and SW over who gets the wolf familiar, and frankly nobody has any time for that bullshit. Might as well make something unique instead, let the furfags have their wolves.
Flect fueled Cthonia Man.
We are so starved of content that we are talking about animals. God save us all. LIGMA is a cancer
Or make it a generic familiar with a few options, and let people use whatever models they feel appropriate from a simple combat servitor to an alien beast.
So something like
"Combat-familiar: infantry, light, skirmish"
m7 ws4 s4 t4 w2 A2 I4 ld5 6+ 20pts
Legiones Astartes(x)
Can be given:
Feel no pain (5+) for +10pts
Can be given rage(2) for +10pts
Can be given breaching (5+) for +10pts
Winged familiar (essentially a jump pack, makes it bulky(3) and faster) +10ppm

Can be taken by praetors. Unit size 1-2. Cant allocate wounds onto the praetor while his familiar is around (guard dog). Can join units alongside their praetor.

Every upgrade is probably overcosted as shit.
Hello there!
I would like it, if possible, for you to pass this on to whoever decides the order of releases.

"I absolutely loathe and despise Warhammer 40k, not because of any of its
own traits, but because it has repeatedly taken up preview spots, r&d time
and budget from the 28mm game of Horus Heresy. Since its release I have
refused to even take a glance at its rules, and whenever I see a 40k product in
my LGS I feel a deep disgust and make an involuntary scowl. I sincerely hope
that the new edition fails completely and ends up losing your company money
and whatever suit-and-tie wearers decided to focus on this garbage will have
their peepees whacked with the red measuring sticks from the big AOD box."

Thank you, and have a great day!
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Was more thinking about picking a statline from 3-4 options. Like a basic infantry one for servo-skulls, Watchers and such. A fast one (capable of keeping up with a bike?) for wolves and other beasts. And a flying one for moving with jump and jetbike characters. But generic statline with a few options for special rules could be fine too. Maybe throw in option for Daemon (Traitors only) and maybe for a psychic familiar?
the math isn't really on their side versus things like termis and dreads but apparently I just roll really hot

thanks, I'm pretty happy with the third paint revision on the army
>the math isn't really on their side versus things like termis and dreads
Really? Both of those seem like pretty decent targets once you have the +1 to wound factored in.

You wound dreadnoughts on 5s, go into the ward save and then inflict d3 wounds for each fail, seems pretty solid.
Terminators you would on 2s with instant death, basically firing gets hot lascannons as far as theyre concerned.
Sure, could do all sorts of stuff. Maybe space wolves get the "fenrisian wolf" option which gives their dude superhuman senses which prevents infiltrators within 18", maybe word bearers or traitors in general can make their dog daemonic or corrupted or something, lots of stuff you could do, but I think putting 18~ different exceptions onto a single stat sheet would look ugly.

>Was more thinking about picking a statline from 3-4 options. Like a basic infantry one for servo-skulls, Watchers and such. A fast one (capable of keeping up with a bike?) for wolves and other beasts. And a flying one for moving with jump and jetbike characters
That also works, sort of draw inspiration from ruinstorm demons right? beast/flying beast/attendant
shooting lascannons into either of those things isn't actually efficient though
10 disintegrator shots only killed like 3 cataphractii on average and deals about 3 wounds to a contemptor on average
Man that's dire, considering the point cost of a 10 man nullificator squad with disintergrators.
what are folks even using to represent disintegrators? Comming back to 30k and i was working on modeling some nullificators at the end of last ed and i like the idea of some DG nullificators rocking some disintegration beams out at stuff
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Iron Warriors Shrapnel weapons are currently pretty lame as they are now, so have a free houserule that my group uses:

Special Ammunition- Shrapnel Rounds
Points Cost: +2

The player may decide to use Special Ammunition- Shrapnel Rounds for [selected unit's (if [selected unit] has purchased the upgrade)] Shooting Phase. If so, all rules under [Shrapnel Bolters] apply for effect.

You may not use Special Ammunition- Shrapnel Rounds during an Overwatch Reaction.

You may use Bayonets/Chain Bayonets on Bolter weapons that can take them with Special Ammunition- Shrapnel Rounds.

I don't think even play Iron Warriors, but someone in the group does and I wanted to make the rules make more sense. There was no reason to restrict bayonets.
I got several of the Mk IIIs and Mk IVs before we had new Mk IIIs (which I'm actually ok with) to use, but then decided I'd rather wait to use them for something involving the Badab War. The extra equipment/weapons are great to have, though, and severely missed with the new boxed stuff.
Some are easier than others. Baal has radioactive wastelands where giant mutant scorpions live. Nocturne has its drakes, Chogoris has horses, Caliban supposedly has warp beasts that the Lion is implied to have hunted and eaten. Not too sure about the other legion homeworlds, the wildlife doesn’t get mentioned much at all.

It’s a shame we didn’t get to see more of it because for all their faults, GW does come up with interesting xenos ideas for species that aren’t important enough to be on the tabletop. The political and wartime struggles of uniting humanity across the stars really should have gotten some attention too. Instead we jumped straight to the Imperium falling apart.

You dumb stupid fucking retards. It's "fluff," and it always has been. """"""""""""Lore"""""""" is one of the gayest terms ever used for Warhammer and it should have consequences when retards use it to describe fluff. Flogging, maybe. Public flogging.
I usually call it fluff but I'm going to exclusively call it lore now to piss you off. Sperg faggot.
Wow, you're really showing me, you fucking retard. I'm personally offended that a fucking retard is going to, predictably, be a fucking retard. I really enjoy it when people are alive too. Maybe you can kill yourself to super epic troll me in my gay butthole, you dumb fuck.
>getting this pissed off about warhammer lore
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Anon I want you to know that I appreciate where your heart is but your own autism hurts what you're trying to argue and puts you on the same level of the redditor youtubers you're trying yo fight against.
is what I would say if you weren't a shitty troll looking for yous. 5/10, see me after class.
>There was no reason to restrict bayonets.

the rounds shatter on contact if not in flight, a bayonet would be an extremely stupid thing to have, best case scenario you end up shattering the blade
It's turbo retarded that things like shrapnel, banestrike and asphyx aren't just an ammunition upgrade for bolters. Kraken bolters still work like that, so it's not like it got taken out of the game.
>WTG actually has the arbites kit for 24 bucks a pop
>Found decent STL for repressor upgrade kit on purple site
Shit this project might have legs at a price that doesn't bankrupt me. About 170 gets me my infantry + a giant pile of bits, maybe another 200 on ebay rescue Rhinos and printed resin to turn into repressors/aurox, then probably get the malcadors legit and bob's your uncle.
Nta but most bayonets aren't meant to be on the guns when firing in the first place. Marines could easily fire, affix (le spork tier meme), get into melee and remove when done.
Bayonets should have remained a cosmetic detail and never have gotten an actual weapon profile to begin with. Specially considering that combat weapons have stopped being an upgrade for no apparent reason. HH 2.0 rules are so fucking schizophrenic...
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I like it
>It's actually a normal size Rhino transporting midget marines
Ayyye nice
What’s wtg? What kind of army you building anon?
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You replaced some of the coolest titan helmets with the basic warlord head unit. Anon, what have you done.
If you use a unit that costs more than 25% of your list it had better murder everything it looks at.
I ought to pick up another box but I'm kind of hoping to find another set of mkIII on ebay so I've been holding back.
I have an idea for an army, a bit crackpot but stay with me

Loyalists World Eaters that weren't present as Istvaan III, found out about the heresy, reverted to Warhound colors, but they still have the nails in their head so they aren't well liked by other loyalists besides the mortal forces they've pressganged into loyal service, which would be represented by an allied militia list with clanfolk levy and feral warriors to represent the Numen Gun Clans that would be attached to their fleet. Yay or nay?
Wtg's a site based recaster, if you look for him you'll find him Sorry anon, who knows if you're a fed

As for the army, I got in my head to try and do an arbites army press ganged into military service using penal cohort solar auxilia rules. Main setup I'm looking at right now is 4x10 Shotgun squads (rifle sections with shotguns), 3x10 maul and shield squads (run as a 2 storm axes veletaris section and 1 lifeward squad using the special heads from other kits), 2x6 sanctioners from necromunda (charonite ogryns), and 3 malcadors for anti tank duty because they're not important enough to get not ancient tanks. I just had a eureka moment because plastic kits from wtg are pretty clean in my experience (though still more fragile than the real thing) and it means I don't have to sell a kidney getting it all in plastic.
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Better question is what's the story behind the Leviathan standoff.
>YWN meet your former best bro from another Legion after countless years, both in dreadnoughts, and settle all your differences and feelings with a Duel of the dead men walkig
That bit from the night lords trilogy was so good.
they are looking for grond

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How viable are the thousand sons 40k termis for heresy use? Would they need much work done? Same goes for the rubrics. Tzaangors as lesser daemons for a esoterist yes or no?
I say theyre fine for the most part I guess, but Tzaangors would fit more for a miltiia allied detachment with the provenances Tainted Flesh and Abhuman Muster
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The terminators are okay with shaving off a lot of the later chaos iconography and/or kitbashing some normal tartaros bits.
Rubrics probably not so much since they're too fancy for normal mooks and something about their crests are supposed to represent the dead while the ones on the terminators represent the wise elders or something I don't remember where I read that.
>friendly fire during the shadow crusade
Unfortunate that TS's unique Terminators of 30k are Cataphractii and not Tartaros, though they could make for a cool retinue. Like regular Rubrics, neuter the more Chaos-y aspects.
Is the Overseer Consul upgrade worth it or should I just stick to allied detachments? Hydra Dominatus
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Plastic Arlatax looks kinda fucked. Plastic Abeyant looks like 40k AdMech. I'm happy with the rest.
It's 8mm scale anon, everything looks like shit. Only titans look fine but just because full scale model is like 0,5m tall.
A full tercio of 60 assholes means three separate units with Line, or one surprisingly durable unit with Line if you bunch them together. Tercio reactions are also very strong, so if you lack other solid ranged options having your auxilia eat the return fire reaction each turn will have a huge impact.

Costs an HQ slot. Most of the time you'd rather take a more useful consul, like a Herald, Primus Medicae, Librarian, Chaplain, Warmonger, or Master of Signals.

Do you have a spare HQ slot in your list? Do you want more Line? Do you not mind painting sixty more assholes? YMMV.
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Arlatax looks kind of goofy, honestly. Much prefer the stuff people sculpted themselves.
Artalax is just a domitar with claws, JP, and a slightly sharper head.
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>Maybe space wolves get the "fenrisian wolf" option
I'd be fine with just a generic option to simplify things, but some legions could have their own options too.
>sort of draw inspiration from ruinstorm demons right?
More from Militia War Beasts and those Dark Eldar beast handlers.
I'm going with Headhunter Leviathal taking a cata praetor to go with tyrant siege termies and a sabotuer to go with headhunters, I don't really want to take any other consuls, at least I can't think of any else and I was thinking an Overseer to represent a guy whipping the Geno 5 2 Chiliad into fighting well or whatever, but at the same time the G52C aren't solar auxilia, so I was taking allied cavalry militia since the attilan rough riders have similar helmets/hats. I like Solar Auxilia, but I want something tied to the legion from the novels (so the Geno guys) and IDK if I can really justify taking vostroyans and saying "yeah those are Solar Aux"

I might do it anyways though, might look rad
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Reminds me of the Huntsman from MechWarrior Online
NTA but me too, love that mech
Ackshually it’s a daemon corrupted head, hard to see in that angle. It’s warlord style but it has a gaping mouth and teeth and shit.
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Working on my backlog.
Had a big batch of minis to prime.
>he works on his backlog instead of endlessly piling boxes on boxes
So true
Eventually my backlog will topple, crushing me to death so I can finally be free
As should happen to us all
I have plenty of future purchases planned, don't worry.
I was cleaning up my parents flat today, found 40 Mk2 marines on the sprue, 3 predators and 5 resin unbuild land raiders. Now I don't know who bought it my dad or my mom . Or do they had a hidden son or something.
It doesn't really match the previous descriptions. It's meant to be a precursor to the domitar but the body is the same, they didn't bother making it less armoured. The goofy looking power claws and the fact that it only has a single pose which is the tactical jump-pack rock lunge aren't helping either. The jetpack is the exact same as the ursarax and looks far too small for it. The head at that scale is so low detail that I can't tell if it's meant to look like the castellax (no neck) or a faceless domitar. Maybe it will grow on me the more I look at it but who knows. The only certain thing is that the tactical rock has to go.
Wait and see what the actual model looks like, LIgma always looks shit
>on sprue
What did he mean by this???
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Agreed, the set probably is filled with those fuck-ugly "limitations" of plastic(tm).
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2ed starter set space marines. Warhammer mk2. 40 models. 4 RL, 4 chainsword sgts and 32 bolter dudes/
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How fucking lazy can they be? You have all the models on a computer. Just pose them so that there's not all that overhang. People had figured this shit out in the 80s.
>How fucking lazy can they be?
Every time someone asks this, they get the answer, and it's never good.
Everytime anything post book 8 releases they manage to outdo themselves.
Aren’t those called resin gates or something similar?
I think people understand what you mean with sprues but i just feel like being extra autistic today.
Tiny international 50 years old megacorporation with a monopoly on an entire industry pls undastand.
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Gate is the thin part that connects the runner to the part. Sprue is where the material is injected into the mould. Runner is the part most people refer to as a "sprue".
Would Ligma have performed better if the models were made in resin?
The real question is: Would the models look less awful in resin? And that's down to GW, but probably a little. However, they'd triple the priced because GW does that, and so the game would do worse due to being too expensive for a nostalgia grab
It's not really a problem of the medium, it's either a lack of skill or care. I have some GW plastic 6mm necromundan spiders guardsmen from the late 80s - early 90s that are way smaller and they have none of those ugly projections.
Can't speak for others but I would love some mk3/mk4 marines in the 1.0 fw style without those overhangs. They would still be used mainly for armageddon mind you.
The preferred material for infantry at that scale is metal.
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It's already more expensive that I'm willing to pay. The Warlord titan cost about the same as a 40k Knight Questories (before they crammed all the extra sprues into the kit and jacked the price) while being way smaller. Three Moirax Knights costs about the same as ten 40k Infantry.
>Three Moirax Knights
Ah you see, those are resin, and thus deserve to cost so much
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Three plastic Questoris Knights was about £30.
Shit, the reality of GW pricing is breaking apart
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These two kits cost the same. DE Razorwing is £37.50 while the CWE Crimson Hunter is £57. They're both the same size flyers.
>they're just animals, they can't hurt us!
I mean, they shouldn't
It's just that GW writers think a claw being very sharp and hard as a diamond is going to make it cut through metal...
Who needs to go through metal when you got all that juicy goodness out there to be eaten out?
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Are there any canon Dark Mechanicum color schemes?
It’s usually just the red replaced with black.
So you see where it's red? Black
So you see where it's white? Red
Idk why they gave the arlatax a castellax profile if they are going to make the model look like a domitar...
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Now that sir, is a gem
uh uhhh lighter materials so it can use the jump pack
GW must have been using Blender 3D to pose the minis and when they did the update that makes posing models 5 times more complicated for no reason they just couldn't be bothered learning how to use it.
That's why they have just been copy-pasting poses from other models constantly lately
Because it's essentially what it is. The domitar is a flightless arlatax.
Yes but last edition it had domitar stats I'm pretty sure
Marines put jump packs on dreadnoughts and they don't get weaker bc of it..
The jump pack that uses toxic materials to punch itself through the air?
The jump pack that can't even go over other models because it's basically a mono directional rocket booster?
That jump pack?
That's more on non-marine's atrocious balancing than logic.
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>noo the models are bad
>noooo they should have looked like the ones on the right!
Honestly LI infantry look fine, even in your hand, nevermind several feet away in their hundreds all over a table.
The average wargamer cant even get a 28mm space marine looking half decent and is apparently allergic to resin and metal, complaining about overhangs due to casting limitations or simplified detail at this scale is fucking laughable.
To be fair the one on the arlatax is an actually jumppack and not a one-use piece of wargear
That's right, they should stop trying and just release paper standees that are already painted.
It would have performed better if the infantry didn't look like shit. The material doesn't matter
They just couldn't be bothered with different poses form the normal kit and that results in the fuck ugly models when it's a single piece
>complaining about overhangs due to casting limitations
Could've been resolved by doing it like picrel in>>94009716

>or simplified detail at this scale
true, also not a problem with the image i mentioned
This but unironically, LI models literally don't matter until they're at least tank sized
Titanicus requires a lot less models to play, which is probably why GW asks such a high price for each individual model and weapon upgrade set. A decent titanicus army costs half as much as a 3k HH army of 2k 40k army.
There is always a compromise, if you want mostly 1 piece minis in plastic that arent posed flat like lead fantasy figures from the 80s, youre going to get overhangs because undercuts are impossible in a steel mold.
>if you want mostly 1 piece minis in plastic that arent posed flat
Lost me
>is unhappy with overhangs that can easily be removed with a knife if you wish
>is happy with every mini being in an identical, flat pose
>>>noooo they should have looked like the ones on the right!
They should have considering they cost several times more and are made by a team instead of a single person.
>The average wargamer cant even get a 28mm space marine looking half decent and is apparently allergic to resin and metal,
This is an even more specialist version (6mm hh) of a specialist game (hh) that at it's birth was mostly resin and not meant for the average 40k player. I think it's fairly normal to ask for better quality from GW considering there are alternatives that don't look like shit, most of which are in metal too so nothing snaps unlike the ligma chain bayonets.
>Overhangs that account for 25% of the model volume aren't noticeable from across the table
>slightly different poses are super noticeable and absolutely needed
Yes exactly, thank you for understanding
So true anons
>easily be removed with a knife if you wish
Sure buddy
Post pics
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>if you want mostly 1 piece minis
They could have been 2 piece and it would have solved a lot of problems.
They don't have an issue making every fucking tank 40+ parts
>They don't have an issue making every fucking tank 40+ parts
IKR! It's a chore to put together tanks that aren't wider than an inch!
Metal model will always be the most superior.
I really don't get what they have against metal minis
The old cast miniatures had shitty texture but the technology has come a long way since then
And the 'the price of pewter fluctuates too much' excuse doesn't really fly when you are charging 30usd for 0.30-0.60 worth of materials...
And it's weird becasue they regularly do made to order metal minis so it's not like they completely closed down that part of the business.
Presumably they still have people who know how to do it and the equipment for it
How exactly? Wouldn't an opponent just choose to fall back 7" with their Spartan and deny you the Armourbane bonus on a combi-melta, and force a 9"+ charge?
That's a baller miniature, how did you do the cable? Also how do you run him? Solo I'm assuming? I have a Headhunter Leviathal list and I have a Saboteur in the list but no clue whether to put him with the headhunters of the list or by himself to fuck with tanks
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A pose has to be flat and have no undercuts for it to be removed from a steel mold, either that or they can be cast in multiple parts and you'll be assembling them with a jewellers monocle and tweezers
Yeah because ones on the right are 3d printed resin and dont suffer from the same limitations as plastic
Again, metal which doesnt suffer the same limitations as plastic. Dont get me wrong I like both metal and resin, but they both send modern wargamers into the same spastic rage you'll see anytime a character is released for HH in finecast
Here, it literally takes 3 or 4 seconds with a rotary tool
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>wouldn't an opponent just move a 400 point transport at cruising speed making its weapons next to useless and denying its passengers the opportunity to disembark
>to avoid taking one hit with a 5/6 chance of taking 1HP
>A pose has to be flat and have no undercuts for it to be removed from a steel mold, either that or they can be cast in multiple parts and you'll be assembling them with a jewellers monocle and tweezers
I understood what you meant, by "Lost me" I meant I want my tiny ass 6/8mm scale minis to be one posed for simplicity's sake
Having a spartan run from a saboteur all game isnt exactly cost effective either.
So Titan Legions will have their own automata, it's not just secutarii and tanks?
Fuck Legio Mortis, btw.
Fair enough, 2bh the ideal solution for me would just have been to do them all in resin or metal, but people seem to inexplicably hate both materials (except for large resin vehicles which I understand)
I believe Mortis specifically was given an auxiliary cohort to help them out. sort of an in-universe allied detachment.
It's the majority of the consumers that are scared, gw has convinced them that unless it's a rerun of an oldhammer model metal or resin are to be avoided and that their plastic is the highest quality one in the market. This in turn when factoring in that GW has a pseudo-monopoly on the scifi wargaming market ensured that new people never gained the skill to work with those materials in the first place.
"Limitations of plastic" was a meme when the miniatures were first unveiled, look at mech and you will notice that they don't have those despite also being in plastic. It's a jab at the sculptor(s?).
FW's resin isn't the same as GW's infamous finecast but, again, this is a specialist game in the first place, it's not like titanicus doesn't have resin knights. Hell some 40k models are still metal.
I agree, it's such a shame
Movement reactions don't restrict your shooting in the next turn as far as I'm aware.
You really only need to do so once - then your unit gets out and half the Spartan's job is done.
Can you react vs the saboteur until he charges or shoots you?
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fuck's sake.
Yes, just not with a shooting reaction.
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from right under that colour plate
>look at mech and you will notice that they don't have those despite also being in plastic
For now, but Im sure once someone cracks a box open for a closer look they'll find some, every small scale infantry kit does, be they PSC, Battlefront or GW
>then your unit gets out and half the Spartan's job is done
What, after moving back into your own deployment zone? Real good use of your 400 point transport, that.
Are there any quality modern looking metal minis on the market? I love the oldhammer metal minis I have and I'm wondering what a modern marine would be like if cast in metal
How is there still no clearly defined paint scheme for the Saturnyne Rams despite them being one of the OG SA cohorts
Alternative armies still sell the 15mm laserburn range if you're looking to play the groggiest groghammer there is, and their ion age range is also pretty nice if youre looking for pre-warhammer spacemarines
My assumption was that the Saboteur would be approaching from the side or rear, but I guess you could shoot at the facing that potentially has a flare shield, yeah.
Anon he has melta bombs
You can't charge on turn one if you Infiltrate or scout.

You haven't been doing that, have you?
This was during HH 1.0 mind you, when arriving from reserves was all a saboteur needed to do to cause a penetrating hit on a vehicle of your choice.

The cable is just iron wire. Always run my saboteur solo because I like the mind games that false colours allow you to do.
>I like the mind games that false colours allow you to do.
Duly noted, Hydra Dominatus
>The game only has a turn one
Could be, I spent a lot of time checking the gw pictures and we can see where the places where they are on the marines, this time weapons are kept close to the body for infantry and arms are stretched wide on the ursarax. Automata are around dread size so those are safe. Maybe they learned from the public whipping they received from everywhere, maybe they didn't and the pics are just shot in a way to conceal their errors.
Vanguard has a lot, mostly hh marines with 40k factions but there are a lot more stores too.
>28mm modern looking metal 40k marines
Non oldhammer looking ones? Dunno, all of them are oldhammer style. Alternative armies, knightmare and others have them.
To add to this, now they also have the ooold old space marines (non 40k) both at 28mm and 15mm. As always something to look at for 1.0 militia power armour.
*them as in the old hammer ones, iirc there was a list floating around /tg/ with all the oldhammer sellers maybe /grog/ has it
The edition where everyone could take Armoured Ceramite?
>The saboteur chases a vehicle around the whole game
Wow great use of the character.
You know the good/bad thing about solar aux is that the only things I like about them are the infantry, the Ogryns, the sentinels, and the malcador, so there's a lot less I have to buy to feel like I have a complete force. Currently looking at:
>40 Lasrifles (Shotguns)
>20 Storm Axe Veletaris
>10 Lifewards
>12 Charonite Ogryns
>6 Auroxes
>4 Dracosans
>3 Malcadors

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