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>Previously: >>93998103
>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

What's a unique card that you like and actually play?
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Sometimes you just need a bunch of bodies
How much longer does this game have with the current direction?
Gay Bolas
About two weeks
why the fuck are there links?
we were supposed to protest the bans
no lotus, no links
I love this bastard like you wouldnt believe.
nypa Tim
I had this in a budget hapatra deck, plenty of snakes to sacrifice
>want the rakdos precon so I can update my mogis deck
>sold out everywhere or fucking expensive online
Why did they only make one cool deck out of those four?
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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Same energy.
working on a coinflip deck
Cap max life to 60.
That's not how that works, only your opponents sacrifice things, unless you're giving them snakes somehow.
Aww aggro babby lost to a loxodon?
What I learned from this ban is that CEDH players apparently don't see a difference between mana crypt and skyshroud claim in terms of power level so that makes banning crypt unfair, but if you ask them to just run skyshroud claim in the place mana crypt occupied in their decks, they get mad.

People are weird, aren't they?
nice, that's exactly what I meant by propaganda last thread. but honestly it didn't need it
the more "subtle" one was funnier because it looked like it was made unironically
It's not a cEDH player, it's some scrub who's salty because their mana rocks got Vandalblasted.
Oh shit boys, he's tripling down!
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I know, and here is the original, I just thought to clown on it with a more overt version.
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Phyrexian Etchings needs more love
>using ellipses in this matter
Stopped reading there, glad this ban triggered the right faggots.
myeah it's not like it will be posted everywhere unlike this propably will. gotta check around and see the reactions
You read pretty far. Supercilious was the one that got me. There's no way this is legitimate.
Nobody tell them Chromatic Orrery is better Black Lotus.
What is the source for this?
Supercilious just tells me that it’s an undergrad.
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I think some twitter post. Original filename: GYUCDwXWoAAtHTV
whoever wrote this is a retard
what does turing completeness have to do with game balance? it also mostly appeals to emotion rather than reason and accuses the crc of doing things that there is no evidence of.
this reads like a fucking shitcoin whitepaper lmao
>buy mystery booster 2 box
>pulled a crypt
>immediately traded it away
>banned a day later
I wonder how long these campaigns will last. Genuine or shitpost. Doubtful they'll get anywhere.
The only way all of this can get more interesting at this point is if someone got murdered over the banlist.
Anon the essence of your argument was that accelerating your manabase by two is essentially gaining turns. Both these cards do that, I'm sorry you're too retarded to see how they were mocking you
>appeals to emotion
the entire political left is about appealing to deadbeats, envious and sloths
>They banned his mana crypt
>So he put them in a real crypt
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If your deck costs MORE than 100 usd you are a pay pig and deserve the total investor fag annihilation

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Picrel is unassuming until it kills a table with draft chaff combo
Good thing I order all my cards from MPCfill so they cost $30.
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All of my decks cost 250+ at least and I want more bans that hit wallets. I've already been proxying the most expensive cards I want, not even having to do that would be nice and investor tears are delicious.
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I don't have a single deck under $500
>your esper deck got hurt by bans?
>just play skyshroud claim
Writing always makes me laugh, it's absolutely that bell curve meme.
>low iq: Talk low, talk slow, and carry a big stick.
>midwit: The veracity of my pontifications are expounded upon by the synthesis of my lexical metacognition and the edification of my institutional catechism.
>high iq: Brevity is the soul of wit.
Hey it's pig anon. At least now you have pictures of pigs. I think I have 8ish cards that cost more than that in my favorite deck.
Actually low iq would be
>Keep it simple, stupid.
I literally put together decks from leftovers and rejects from other decks and they still cost over 100 usd
I remember when some dude lost his shit at me because he got infinite life and I just killed him with commander damage.
same but with poison counters
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Technically I don't run it yet, but I'm going to try it in a few decks. First in one of my flicker decks to pair with Loran and Witch Enchanter shenanigans along with Liquimetal Torque.
This isn't it, but similar line of thinking
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Sorry Libtard, you're too late. New format has already been made.
I don't have a deck worth less than $2k, and they're not even competitive.
I don't play commander with bald people
Dropping a T1 crypt essentially does put you a couple turns ahead. Of course you're not up cards, but you're vastly ahead on tempo and pretending otherwise is dishonest.
What's he so mad about? He bought those cards with Russian money. It's not like he used his own.
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Sorry, I own old shit. Deal with it
That's a fair point. I spent longer than I'd like to admit trying to thinking about that.
>ban list pre 9/23
I don't get this. If people don't respect the RC's new bannings, why respect the old ones?
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But you call ME pig anon last thread :(
I was considering putting this in my Arabella deck because it seems a cheeky way to temporarily shut down an annoying attacker or blocker
And then it does 6-12 damage to you putting you a turn or two behind almost like................ it's balanced
Oh here we go, he's gone maximum overbait with the exact line of thinking he was warned against last thread.
What's a tactful way to tell a friend that I don't want deck advice from him? I've got a friend who is absolutely dogshit at making decks. They're just trash. Despite that, he constantly keeps giving frequent and unsolicited deck advice. His advice will either be completely retarded, or just painfully obvious. I want him to shut the fuck up, but also don't want to hurt his feelings.
Damage doesn't put you turns behind or ahead in any way, 1 life is the same as 40 or 200.
"Thanks but I got it where I like it."

What did you mean by this?
It's funny watching you seethe about Russia every time he's posted. No one gives a fuck anon
This is almost as retarded as the turns equal mana thing, but not quite.
Genuine no games opinion. If you have less life you're likely to last less turns. Most games end through combat damage, of the non infinite variety. Life directly translates to turns you're in the game and lower life directly translates to you (generally) losing sooner than those with more!
He's your friend, either tell him or nod your head and agree while ignoring him.
Except the justice department, apparently.
Where's the argument?

>wow, just wow
Isn't an argument
>nod your head and agree while ignoring him.
That's what I've been doing so far.
Life only matters in the most basic games where everyone plays tribal and turns their board sideways at each other. Otherwise, it's a resource first and a loss condition for a distant second. It's usually overwhelming resource allocation that slams the whole table or a combo that wins in power levels above 6, and life total is largely irrelevant there.
because it's not about playing the game, it's about flipping Mana Crypts and Jeweled Lotuses for large sums of money
I told you last thread, I dont argue with shitposting retards and it's not my job to explain magic to new players. If you came here and genuinely wanted to learn, I'd help you, but you've made it immediately obvious you're here to act like a charlatan and are being treated as such.
nta, but my group plays around an 8 power level, and a surprising amount of games end due to just going to 0 life.
All players must wear beanies to prevent the baldies from getting jealous
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>RC has to start actually researching the game for silver-border project
>They instantly identify 4 problem cards that should have been banned years ago
I play at a max power autismo tourny grinder group. 7/10 games end because everyone ran out of resources after stopping combos all game, and got grinded down by what's left. It's why blue farm is one of the best decks in the format.
>I dont argue with shitposting retards
That's a lie.
I don't even understand what this silver border project is. Is it not just going to be "use rule 0"?
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Anyone else make goblin girl proxies?
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If I were to make a guess, it would be that 'un' card are now allowing in EDH
Pim Tool
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Can't wait.
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This will be legal
ooh shit so they are just trying to unload before pulling the rug by deserting the format
like a pump and dump
defining woman is impossible tho
That is transphobic as heck!
Because the old bans are sensible while the new bans are not. How fucking new are you?
I turned over a new leaf, what can I say. I'll mock, chide, or otherwise insult them, but I have no interest wasting my time trying to have a meaningful discussion with someone who either doesnt know what they're talking about, or is pretending to be retarded in an attempt to make people mad.
It's crazy that you're so right that you don't even engage with people to defend your point of view. Normally, the truth is pretty easy to understand if you see it, but since you don't want to show whatever you believe the truth is, I guess I'll just have to take your word for it? Wild.
I think they explicity said they weren't just going to make them legal.
really though why are the crc and wizards allowed to commit economic terrorism towards the masses?
>Be playing EDH League
>Bring in Acererak the Archlich for Rooftop Storm win con
>Bring out Lost Mine of Phandelver proxy just so the opp knows what it does
>He calls for judge
>I get kicked for having a proxy reference of the dungeon mechanic
I mean I committed economic terrorism by not buying Concord and the feds haven't busted me yet.
Naming Blacker Lotus, Time Vault, and Voltaic Servant.
Go next?
endless punishment is retarded
Explain how, please.
They also said that were not going to ban Dockside because it scales with the table.
I wouldn't put a lot of weight on their past statements
Wise move and yes.
The amount of mental illness on display from people who are upset by the bans is crazy. I started a shitstorm in my LGS' discord server by poking the spergs upset about it and ended up getting them all muted because they had no chill lmao
>Every deck is combo or toxic

Cool, enjoy playing against my stax lifegain deck after I remove your commander twice.
>Coalition Victory, Primeval Titan, and Sylvan Primordial were all degenerate cards that monopolized the game and were too powerful.
>Dockside Extortionist, Jeweled Lotus, and Mana Crypt were harmless staples that many decks needed to be viable. Now any commander that costs 4+ mana without green is unplayable because they have no ramp options available in any form.
At no point did they say that they weren't going to ever ban dockside. In fact they've stated that they've had their eye on it for a while (unlike JL and MC).
I choose Mana Crypt and Jeweled Lotus.
Average MtG playerbase experience. Show ANY courtesy and they call a judge.
>I banish all your commanders to the shadow realm.
>no ramp options available
bro worn powers tone and dreamstone hedron are right there dog
aren't all "until leaves" effects gonna give the shit back no matter when you get rid of it when the text is not on a separate line like o-ring and co.
Nope. It even has specific ruling.
>If Out of Time happens to be a creature when its enter the battlefield trigger resolves, it will phase out along with all other creatures. You'll never remove the last counter since it's phased out, so all creatures will remain phased out indefinitely. (2021-06-18)
Skill issue.
>Commander Open!
>except these cards because I don't like them and the RC is right sometimes actually
At least pretend to be a different format by actually making your own fucking banlist.
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Heres your vocaloid, bro.
If you were playing under the Magic Tournament rules they can't do that. You are explicitly allowed to use a proxy for Dungeon card.
If you were just playing under the normal Comprehensive Rules, then TECHNICALLY you need the actual Dungeon card, but it's a dick move to kick you for not having it.
I am vomit
I wonder where WotC manages to consistently find the worst artists possible
but why? it says nothing about returning all until the last counter is removed. just until it leaves. that's how all the other ones work. like banishing light
No less than idolfaggots deserve
You realize the penalty for treason in America is death usually right? At the very least a long prison sentence. If he really did take foreign money to push their propaganda and the justice dept cared he'd be imprisoned already at best. You're a moron
>1 life is the same as 40 or 200.
>Nogames has never seen a necropotence player shit themselves because someone swung an unblockable 1/1
Anyway I swing changeling outcast gg
oh nvm I get it. phasing out isn't leaving
What does that even mean? What is this? She hot though.
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The thing about phasing is, its modifes the state of existence for the card, not a changing of zones. As Out of Time has never left the battlefield, it is just phased out. There is a way to undo it, but its hyper specific.
Genuine no games opinion anon. The vast majority of games end due to combat. And no, not infinite creatures or combat steps, regular combat.
lol what a card. I only knew about the new "permanents can't phase in" one that fucks with that
Those go negative on mana though? Not to mention they cost 2 mana upfront. There's no way you're playing your commander on turn 1 with those pieces of garbage.
I'm looking for a fun Gruul commnader. Suggestions?
Mhm. There is also another card if you are willing to break parity.
Okay that's cool and all but since you paid 35 into Necropotence I'm turning Kraum sideways at you.
>damn, I wish I had 40 life instead of 11 life when Timmy swung 200 craterhoof damage my way
Ruric Thar

People don't do that without interaction to cover themselves if you have a threat like that on board.
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All experienced cube drafters know to take sol ring over mana crypt when they're in the same pack. Take that as you will.
who the heck is Dom!
>He has never whiffed on Necropotence
Answering from last thread with a pic of my good slime slogurk. Yes, it's not just simic bullshit. It's lands from anywhere, so I run lots of draw and discard, self-mill, and land sacs like trade routes.
Kasane Teto when?
Yowane Haku when?
If you construct your deck correctly, you should never whiff on drawing 35.
You wouldn't take Nadu in cube draft at all. Draft is a fake format WotC uses to justify printing dogshit commons.
you don't get it, anon. in this place where you are now you see, they always have it!
We don't know. It is some alias that an artist used according to Sue Anne Harkey as she was the art director at that time.
*Doesn't give u borne upon a wind*
How do you whiff drawing a third of your deck? What's in your deck, 60 basics?
>don't ban thoracle
>ban an okay mana ramp card
2/4 were problems and even then they were only really problems in cEDH, a format almost no one plays and actively hate.
Playing a bunch of random shit makes hurt yourself ramp bad.
Any more brilliant insight?
Go ahead anon. Tell me which 2 cards were not problems. Was it:
>Double Mox
>Black Lotus
>Blacker Lotus
>3-mana Enter the Infinite
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Hey guys, can someone rate my okay mana ramp cards? I got these in my opening hand but not sure if it'll be good or not.
Unplayable dogshit. Left one just kills you and does nothing. Right one blows itself up and does nothing.
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>okay mana ramp card
I was joking with a friend that with a single island I can play Urza and Rhystic Study on turn 1 with these babies.
>Snow-Covered Island
>Jeweled Lotus
>Sac lotus and tap island
>Urza, Lord High Artificer
>make Karnstruct
>Mana Crypt
>Tap Karnstruct with Urza for U
>Tap Crypt
>Rhystic Study (just because it makes a certain subset of people ree)
Now you may not get them in every hand, and "always have it" is clearly a meme, but it was still funny to imagine. And there's still 4 cards in your hand, which isn't a ton but in blue might as well be.
Most Necropotence lines require drawing exactly Borne Upon a Wind.
Yeah, you're right, no one ran Necropotence in EDH before June 2023.
I can do better.
>Pitch Elf
>Pitch Monkey
>Manamorphose for blue
You'll really make chuds mald off that one.
I think I'm going to change Yuriko for Vela the Night Clad
The irony here is really funny. Again, the vast majority of games end through normal combat circumstances.
not available and non optimal are two different claims anon
Unironically yes. There's a reason Zur is in cuck jail despite being able to search it.
This is a general for commander, nogames poster.
Homer has entered mtg.
Holy fuck, lmao
You are better than me, I figured my Urza shenanigans was obnoxious, that'd kill people
Drawing 30 cards would give you a better chance of surviving craterhoof than 30 life would.
>cuck jail
You mean consistently one of the best commanders ever printed?

My friend has played a max power tuned zur deck for a decade. It whiffs consistently if you know how to play around it and save mana for dealing with his infinite hand size cards.
Phasing USED to apply leaves/enters effects I think, right? Back when it was weird and complicated and nobody liked it.
That sounds terrible
Craterhoof is literally an edge case here you retarded niggerfaggot. 6% of decks, that's why I put it up for you. MOST GAMES END UNDER NORMAL COMBAT SCENARIOS. Having less life means you are closer to death and thus more likely to leave the game before healthier players. This isn't fucking arguable it is an objective fact based on how the game works
>durrr but X y z A b f d c I can win still!
Yes you absolutely can but even in such a scenario you are fighting AGAINST the position you've put yourself in end your life you worthless shit stain
Wow, somebody who gets this emotional must be right.
Lmao this guy is tilted af at the bans
Stop arguing with retards trying to make you mad; it's obviously working.
Let's hope he gets the rope.
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this can only end well
>my favorite legacy/vintage player has the exact opinion that I do on the subject
Good, glad to hear it.
Yep it used to do that. Then for awhile it used to not trigger etb but it did trigger ltb.
EDH should be an entirely separate game and product line.
Seems cool. I pulled one. Maybe I'll build out. V0tv4t
>Nogames think necropotence is a rare edge case
>Nogames think necropotence players don't shit bricks over any life pressure
Nogames and dogshit at the game
I'm not mad at all though?
>noooo you have to talk like a timid woman 24/7or you're mad :((((((((
I don't own a single banned card nor is this discussion about them! It's about whether or not incidental life loss matters ^.^
The cards you posted are not ramp. Ramp gives you more mana than you started with. Not this retarded cuckshit where you have to wait a turn for it to do anything.
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Gobbies for the gobby throne
33 commanders are better than Necropotence.
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I made these tokens. Each player starts with one. How bad is it?
Anon, I agree with what your saying, dont get it confused. But all those smiley faces beg to differ, and I'm trying to save you a headache. There is no point talking game theory with people who dont play the game. Before monday? Sure I'd humor them and hope they learned from their mistakes despite their hubris. Afterwards? Not a chance, they are second class citizens and are unworthy of both my time and consideration until proven otherwise.
I think that's the wrong kind of question. Runescape 3 made a bunch of bad decisions and that game is considered functionally dead by 95% of the community but it is still running, pulling players and making revenue off shilling garbage mtx and buyables. Whales have the power to keep any kind of game going indefinitely.

The real question to ask is how much longer is the majoirty even going to care about mtg when it's so all over the place in every way that if you leave for 6 months and come back you cant even tell where you are anymore. EDH is a interesting beast too with all the casual groups who basically can ignore everything happening and play like it's 2005 if they really want to. This game is kinda in a sorry state right now as it is when we assess wotcs decisions. But how long can it go on? Decades.
Its not that overpowered, its basically a weaker lotus petal which is a good thing. As for art looks fine to me.
It's crazy to see peoples's entire worldview of the game change to accommodate their pet cards. Suddenly, using life as a resource is a BIG issue because it's soooo unfair crypt got banned since its downside was so super duper hard to cope with :(((
I kind of like it
Honestly speak your truth king. I've seen enough sub 5 life victories pulled out of thin air that I unrioncally believe this as well.
Always has been. There is a reason crypt isnt in most nonshops vintage decks.
I was wondering to make the life cost higher like 5 or 10 in order to have a more significant payoff, but it would benefit highly decks like Rowan.
>casuals have zero reading comprehension
Dommy mommy gobby
It isn't in most vintage decks because when the bulk of your deck is 1 or 2 drop spells you have little use for colorless mana, and dredge doesn't need the mana at all. Initiative and shops both use it and that's a solid quarter of the meta.
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And depending on your board state, 0 life or less is the same 40 life.
If you want to increase the life cost, make it 4. As 4 life is equivalent 2 life in a format where the life total starts at 20.
Can we finally say that Bolas' head looks retarded?

Why does the cool archenemy elder dragon look like a goblin with down syndrome?
You're in the commander thread though.
Finally, someone who actually knows what they're talking about. You're half right, initiative and shops use crypt and are a large portion of the meta, but a lot of nondredge nonshops decks are either lurrus, or paradoxical outcome. The reason it isnt played in decks that could use it is because the obvious counterplay (I know you know what I'm talking about, but there's an ongoing shitposter who absolutely doesnt so keep it under wraps) turns crypt into a liability, and most decks dont have the utility to waste on getting out from under it when it has only downsides.
>Perverts the truth
>Takes own life while being toxic to others

The ultimate tranny commander.
The game is already slop incarnate just fucking give me that shit so I can piss people off
Ban Thoracle
What happened last time you posted this dumb joke?
Nope rc says it's perfectly fine for every casual. Take it up with them.
Esika is THE tranny commander thoever?
troons coped and seethed, why?
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Show me an "aggro" deck that can kill the entire table before turn 7 WITHOUT craterhoof. I'm waiting. And i already know you can't, because THERE IS NO AGGRO IN THIS SHIT FORMAT
Do you really want people to link your posts from the last thread where that never happened? Apply yourself. I know you can think of a better tranny joke; they're literally walking clowns.
All functional aggro is essentially just combo with combat damage as the payoff.
The only two I can think of are winota and yuriko.
Don't need to, my LGS rule zeroed and banned her.
Zada. Krenko. Edric. Most decks with triumph of the hordes.
Edgar Markov. Krenko.
Yuriko is not an aggro deck
Neheb the Eternal + Aggravated Assault. Infinite combat steps by turn 6. Checkmate.
My isshin has gotten a couple of turn 6 wins.
Because he would be too sexy if they drew him well.
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The ultimate troon deck is Kinnan. Or any Simic deck, honestly.
>he doesnt know
Anon that got errata'd
Combo =/= aggro
>Nice Islands ya got there
Nope. It works as it did 2017.
>whales get their 100$ cards banned
>flip out
>they realize they can just rule 0 use them anyways
>2 remaining braincells make the connection that the rules for commander dont matter
>they realize theyve been spending thousands on a pretend format with make believe rules
>whales stop buying shit
>wotc collapses because they run on whale money
Please god let it happen
>literally impossible
Kaalia with a god hand can kill the table on t4
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It can kill the board on turn 6
>Whales sue WotC
>Clown judge rules against them
>Card games get regulated as gambling
>Loot boxes abolished from NA
I pray and I pray
Would you call Gruul Prowess a combo deck?
How consistent can aggro close out early? Or is low chance with best hands ever or with almost no interaction?
Ban Sol Ring too you fucking cowards.
>turns out anon was right the whole time
I'm sorry anon-sama, I did not believe.
Yes, this is what anyone with half a brain was saying after the announcement.
Do you even know how this will effect people? I just fucking bought a Sol Ring for my next deck and it cost me $1.25 are you telling me my fucking investment should be worthless? I spent good money on my Sol Ring you damn Chud!
would dockside still be a bannable card if your 3 opponents didn't run turn 1 sol ring and arcane signet?

why didn't they just fix nadu with an errata? they fixed wheel of potential because it didn't work as intended
Gee I can't think of any artifacts or enchantments people run aside from Sol Ring...
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Pretty sure it's going to be tiers of how silly it is as a set of optional add ons.
>weird but otherwise works perfectly well in black border (dice rolling etc)
>references things like art or artist but otherwise normal
>really dumb shit that requires you to do things outside the game, or just aren't fun (gotcha will never be allowed)
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I started in Nemesis. I held my pieces for years, cry about it newfriend.
Soon my child, after the taylor swift and billie eilish secret lairs
The way you do this is you set up a haste enabler and build around extra combat steps/double damage. I have jank casual angel tribal decks that can do it, the entire deck hinges on me dealing 2-8x damage with 2-5 combat steps a turn and having a fallback of one shotting someone with my commander. if I ramp right I can usually get lethal between turn 5-8.

They aren't exactly good decks but they can do it
BanningDockside for his mana acceleration is stupud because his mana acceleration scales off of your opponents. If your opponents aren't playing mana rocks then he does nothing to accelerate your curve and if they are then he's only matching them. Sure, in the late game he's broken af but we're only looking at this in terms of early game snow balling. Docksides banning was completely unnecessary in that regard. Plus, Dockside is restricted to Red so the amount of decks that can abuse him are inherently limited
Ajani vtuber when?
Buddy, even casuals play 10 mana rocks in their decks now, not to mention artifacts being the most popular archetype out there.
Yeah, but your opponents aren't getting 10 mana rocks on turn two. And if they are ramping that hard then Dockside is just par the course for that game.
All you need is 2-3 hits to begin the degeneracy.
well then I'll just play smothering tithe
>he doesn't like formats where you can't just buy the expensive cards
Is colourless removal option really largely just those stupid fucking artifacts with overcosted effects that destroy permanents?
>4 drop without an ETB
Fine by me
mono green ramp, don't run craterhoof because the commander buffs. Only mana ramp, removal and doublers
>4 mana do nothing
Your chances go up the more players you kill. Ideally you wanna knock at least one player out of the game early and then you should be hopefully set up to one shot the rest right after.

It's a weak strategy outside combo at its core though because it encourages the table to team up on you. You’re basically trying to kill 3 players in a “fair” way and now have to contend with 3x the removal all aimed at your stuff... Casual aggro also folds to theft decks who will steal all your enablers and make you eat shit with them. In general you should not be building a non combo aggro deck and expecting to fool people with it all the time it's just so linear and while your chance of killing at least 1 person is always high as fuck, the other two see it coming and can often pick apart your strategy if they know what they’re up against.

That being said double damage, extra steps, cheating out creatures, consistently shitting out token armys in one go and commander damage are gonna be casual aggro strengths. Kill the blue player, kill the player who knows what you’re doing, leave the bitch scrubs for last. Stealing peoples shit also helps because it remove their ability to block your shit and you get to attack with theirs. In my experience goal of aggro is to constantly pressure people every single chance you get, a single missed opportunity fucks you so you want your deck to always every turn be doing something that puts you in a position of "that guy is dead now or next turn"

At the end of the day try to have more fun playing aggro instead of being said you couldn’t pull out a victory. The odds are always against you with a borderline meme strat
Deck 4 of 5 for monocoloreds. How does this look for higher casual play? Feels a bit unfocused right now, or maybe just not as “explosive” as other decks I’ve built? Especially the Red and Blue ones.

You'd think but as a Boros player I love seeing an early Tomb. Softens em up real nice like.
Why is Sylvan Primordial still banned when things like Etali are infinitely worse?
If your opponents are playing moxes and crypts turn 1 to give you that by turn two then it's already a degenerate game and it isn't Docksides fault.
Why are we only considering turn one? What about first three or four turns?
Last time I played with my group, got a Xenagos + Bloodthirster on turn 4, knocking out one guy and walloping the rest. A ritual or 2, a 2mana double strike instant and 6 damage already assigned to one person and that's a t4 full clear
Everyone playing a signet on turn 2 while you go last is enough to get 3 treasures.
Any kind anons could provide feedback on this deck? Finally going to play monoblack. Going in with the Bigge Crocodilian Lady.

The amount of people special pleading sol ring and having to hear "muh spirit of muh format" actually pisses me off though. Too many people in this game are just dumb
Dockside got off easy with this ban. He should have been ghosted like jihad and crusade
>>94003697 seconding >>94003720 's Ruric Tharr. I recommend making it with Warp World. It's the same build-around as Primal Surge but it's not a one-card win.
Not enough lands. Not enough card draw. Straight one person discards sucks. You removal suite seems like overkill. I'd cut some for lands and a wrath if possible. You likely want some creatures that make tokens/ stuff that makes treasures.
Nice, for 4 CMC 3 bodies.
Klothys Groupslug with subthemes of enchantress and nonbasic hate.
Who is the best Rule 0 Planeswalker Commander?
So I should cut Oppression? And how many lands do I need? 38? I'm on the search for the token generators. Is Nested Shambler a good idea? I'm moving into Black from Dimir, so all my tokens used to be Blue Amass.
Sorin Markov or any Vraska with "lose the game"/"life is set to 1"
Each player should not get one. It's similar to Hearthstone's coin, which only the player going second receives. It may make going first even more snow-bally. The design looks fine though.
I'd shoot for 38. Ya, stuff like Nested Shambler or Lazotep Reaver probably make sense. You also need stuff like Sign in Blood or something like Lembas so that you can sac it to Bontu. I also dont like returning creatures from graveyard to hand, but do whatever fits your powerlevel/ budget.
Is it an artifact?
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You have lots of sacrifice effects, but not many ways to generate sacrifice fodder. One time edicts and sorcery removal are very unreliable. You also don't have enough mana sources. I would recommend adding cards like Bitterblossom and Desecrated Tomb to create a constant flow of fodder, repeatable edicts like Grave Pact, and more lands, including Urborg/Coffers.
You're a tard. I have a vehicle deck that can easily win Turn 6 if I get Magda or Tithe early and finish with Savage Beating. You're bad at the game.
>Fixed Crypt
>Sacrifice Fixed Crypt: Add CC. It deals 3 damage to you.
That didnt fix any of the complaints with crypt.
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It's still shit, look at Fixed Ring for inspiration
>Winter Crypt
>Tap: Add CC
>Winter Crypt doesn't untap during your untap step
Confirmed brainless take. I know you just loved getting carried by this card.
If you're rule 0ing something in just pick something fun. No reason to try to Rule 0 something you're not passionate about.
in light of bans, I've been thinking of new formats. Thoughts on this:
100-card singleton
planeswalker commander
color identity restriction
20 life
when you cast your planeswalker, that planeswalker enters with loyalty equal to your life total
the planeswalker is now you, the player, and all player targeting targets the planeswalker instead
Nope, doesnt make it any better.
why do they keep having westoid artists do miku shit when they've gotta have dozens of jp artists on deck now with the setly jp showcase and all the guest stuff
I forgot the most important part: at the start of the game, before mulligans, draw seven cards face-down for your planeswalker commander
you can spend 5 loyalty to cast the top card from that pile as an action
This is incredibly dumb. Like staggeringly.
I have a nemata deck that I've killed on turn 6 with.
I'm glad they remembered he existed but I also wish his new card was even remotely similar to his old card.
this. they could probably save a fuckton of money and have better art quality by hiring random artists on pixiv anyway
Fixed Crypt (3)
Enters Tapped
Tap add CC
They don't even use johannes voss, one of the only artists they have who could actually do the style well
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Basically unplayable, mildly better worn powerstone.
>No Sana
it's shit/10
click the link, dumbdumb
>mildly better
It's identical.
ok well I'm sure you would have said the same thing about EDH back in 2008
commander can only be fixed by finding a form where players start with 20 life
do people actually know what this shit is
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oh nevermind they have one
I remember this being good in draft at least
fair, I did.
no one likes oathbreaker
>Fixed Dockside
>Creature - Goblin Pirate
>When ~ enters, you may sacrifice any number of artifacts. If you do, create that many Treasure tokens.
A fixed crypt would have the exact same text box except it costs 2 and enters tapped. Still powerful but not "competitive"
it literally says what it is on every card
and yes, hololive is popular
sana should 100% be child of alara though
big giant space baby
Did read the RCs notes on the bans? Both crypt and lotus were hit because of the amount if mana they can give a player by turn two. Their notes didn't mention anything past that. So if we look at things with that in mind, the threshold is 5+ mana by turn two.
Fixed sol ring
Tap: add cc
Sacrifice fixed ring:draw a card

U rike?
I thought powerstone was 4cmc. My mistake.
Is the saga Elesh Norn viable for monowhite? I feel like I can't get it to high power. tokens seem logical but bad?

I made Sana be Evra because you can switch between her limited 4/4 size or be BEEG with whatever your life is.
God this reasoning pisses me off so much. What an arbitrary number, and sol ring can absolutely do the same thing.
you have a point, I'll maybe look into making a deck with her
I remember there being some funny shit around the same time
yeah because it's bad
yea and that thing's bad too
So why are you only considering turn 1?
I dont know any of these retards except for the shark who for all I know might be the biggest retard among them
Fixed Dockside
Whenever an opp arty enters, make treasure

it never should have touched enchantments
how do you know they're retards if you don't know about them
>Shared Crypt
>When Shared Crypt enters each opponent creates a token that is a copy of it. Those tokens have "when this permanent becomes tapped, exile it."
>Tap:Add CC
well you're not giving me any real reason why so I'm going to build some decks and force people to play with me
Powerstone Crypt
>Tap: Add C.
>Sacrifice Powerstone Crypt: Add CC.
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>Fixed Crypt (0)
>At the beginning of your upkeep, flip a coin. If you lose the flip, Mana Crypt deals 3 damage to you.
>Tap: Add CC. Spend this mana only to cast your commander.
Jesus christ
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>Jeweled Crypt
20-30 years. You need to get over your "IT'LL DIE TO VINDICATE ME" shit
Thank you. I have changes to make, then. What about a Kozilek's Command for making tokens?
All my decks are like 300-800 and I have never owned any of the banned cards because I saw them as overpriced bullshit so I proxied. I also built most of the collection in like 2006-2013 before the commander price idiocy started. Buy low never sell
Lol no
I don't want to take money from Russia
Fixed Crypt
Legendary artifact
Tap: Add 2 and put a stun counter on ~.

If there is a stun counter on ~ at the begining of your upkeep, discard a card, lose 3 life, sacrifice a permanent. Your opponents draw a card, gain 3 life, and may put a land from their hand onto the battlefield.

Fixed Dockside
creature - goblin
When ~ enters the battlefield make a tapped treasure for each artifact and enchantment controlled by your opponents.

Treasures dont untap as long as you control ~.
Make it have snow mana
Two more weeks. You've been saying this shit since you saw a black woman angel in 16
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they banned my sexy gobbo
We're getting a full final fantasy set next june or so and after that I frankly don't care too much.
I'd like if the story kept up the current trend of "Mostly decent" though they still have a few major problems like cycling through the same 3 villains and even those villains are a joke.
Eldrazi? Power of friendship killed them
Bolas? 95% of his arc was hot garbage and they made him a retard to boot
Phyrexians? Mostly good setup, actual invasion was a joke
I can't possibly imagine them trying to make Valgavoth an actual large threat since they even say in-universe it's pretty much just phyrexia 0.5
Oh and I want them to unfuck tarkir but there's like a 0.1% chance of that happening
how hard would it be to reuse art for other cards
like that miku elspeth on an elspeth that doesn't suck
Best we can do is give you an everybody loves raymond crossover set
XD BASED!!!!!!!!!1
Read their notes. They explained why Sol Ring gets to be the exception.

I'm not, it's turns 1-2. If I were to hazard a guess I'd say the RC consider turns 1-2 to be the early game and turns 3+ to be the mid to late game. Looking at it from a cEDH standpoint that makes some sense as most cEDH decks start to present possible wins by turns 3-4 fairly consistently.
Ken, Burning Brawler
I read them. It's retarded nonsense that invalidates whatever point they were trying to make.
Can I get the source for that image? I want to use it for a custom treasure token.
Why would whales stop buying secret lairs where the total value is 10 dollars? They sell out immediately despite no value.
Planar Crypt
>At the beginning of your upkeep, roll a planar die. If you did not roll the Planeswalker or Chaos symbol, Planar Crypt deals 2 damage to you and it becomes tapped.
>Tap: Add CC.
>ban all precons
Sounds bad for getting people into the format desu
That card is pretty good, but you might struggle with the double anus cost. You probably also want a copy of Skullclamp, since it gives you an easy way to kill your X/1 creatures and gives you a fuckload of cards.
They just special pleaded and made up excuses for it they did not provide any good reason because there really isn't one. Closest I've heard is muh precons will be illegal but no one cares in a format that's borderline unofficial and when you can just buy a 10 cent land as a replacement or run 99 and no one will ever even notice.

Sol ring didn't get banned because they just simply didnt wanna go there. That's their right but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend they actually had good reasoning or a case to justify it, they dont.
Do you really think this game will last half a century? I'll give you another decade, but that's a stretch. It may still exist, but in a totally different form than current.
hachaama being asmor is funny
I don't think I'd ever play asmor but it's funny
Go back to /r/mtgfinance
Zers do, yeah.
It's lasted 31 years, I think 19 more isn't hard to think of.
No clue. I found the card on mpcfill. There is an artist name there, though.
lmao Prophet of Kruphix was a staple before it was banned, no one threw a tantrum and demanded a format splinter then, this is really a secondary market "investor" putsch and its hillarious watching all you faggots cry
I do not care about the retarded cardboard stock market, proxy everything, and that still has nothing to do with anything.
Not banning all precons is a good excuse desu. I'd be fine with a sol ring ban....provided wotc releases 60 decks in the next year to refill the catalog of precons for newbies
>They just special pleaded and made up excuses for it they did not provide any good reason
It's sound reasoning. They didn't want to stop all explosive starts, if they did they'd have banned a dozen other cards, so they banned the most egregious examples of fast mana.
Take it somewhere else. Your opinion has been noted.
I wonder if WOTC will now never ban one ring from 1v1 formats because you aren't allowed to ban money cards
Sure, I bet you don't.
Do you really believe stores and groups would suddenly point blank turn away anyone running a precon because of this? Seriously?

I have accidentally left a card or two out of my deck and didn't notice it until I actually found the missing card in one of my boxes. Shit arguments all around
I'm the retard trying to make custom Gork and Mork commander cards but i have a slight issue. I cannot find the set symbol file for warhammer 40k for magic set editor. I can find different files that are the actual set symbol but when I import it into MSE it either doesn't work or is stretched out and I'm too retarded to fix it. Anyone have a correct MSE set symbol file?
>Take it somewhere else.
You have no power here
Fixed Mana Crypt
>During your untap step, flip a coin. If you lose the flip, tap Mana Crypt
>T: Add CC. Mana Crypt deal 3 damage to you
Dont be retarded.

You dont know what you're talking about.
>Dont be retarded.
This isn't a come back, dumb fuck. Kill yourself with a shotgun.
You can smell investorbro stink all over this. They're in full damage control. They probably don't even care if the splinter format survives the year, they just want an opportunity to dump all of their worthless cardboard.
Sol ring is an egregious example. It's got all the same issues and we all know this, which is why we love it as a card. I dont know why everyone is trying to cling to some "well it's actually perfectly logical why they chose to not ban it...."

no its the opposite, it is unironically illogical and that's fine, but I refuse to pretend they actually justified their argument. They have not. They dont even have to, evidently. But they didn't and thats a demonstrable fact when you just examine it honestly for 5 seconds.
And you came here to shitpost and act retarded. Go ahead, do your little faggot dance, pretend to be retarded, and fuck off.
god i love that little skelly like you wouldnt believe
Holy malding
Dont reply to them and waste your time. They arent here to discuss magic, they're here to shitpost and pretend people are mad, then jerk themselves off.
>You dont know what you're talking about.
Yeah, I do. That's literally what they said. You can check their notes yourself if you don't believe me.
Who the fuck even plays signets anymore?
>They probably don't even care if the splinter format survives the year, they just want an opportunity to dump all of their worthless cardboard.
Most investor bros don't play (Rudy types) or just play as a secondary thing at most, like wubby.
i think the biggest issue people take with the bans is that sol ring is safe for such a bullshit reason. the bans reek of hypocrisy when they give such a tone deaf explanation for leaving sol ring alone
Mr. "Get Rid of Commander Damage" just quit the CAG. Good riddance.
No, you dont. You're here to shitpost. Go on, get it out of your system.
They net me more colors off my colorless utility lands. Some of my decks prefer this over other options by far
I do.
Not a serious person.
We'll call it pre-beanie because this is how he played before he went bald
JLK? Good. What a garbage opinion. We already seen what that is like with brawl.
Literally everyone
Did he really say that lol
Sol Ring gets to be the exception to the rule, it gets to break the rules. It's not a hard concept to grasp. So you need to ignore it when looking at their other reasoning for other bans.
>0 mana get 2 mana
Where are people going to buy cards if all the investors disappear? WotC sells to distributors, distributors sell to retailers, and retailers sell to players. There are people at every level of that supply chain who are hurt directly by having their inventory lose value, but the biggest damage comes from the uncertainty that WotC just created. Everyone is knows that WotC knew those cards were about to lose value, used their value to justify a higher price tag, and timed the crash so that they would be the least affected. This isn't the first time, and it won't be the last, but every chop makes the tree less stable.
They give you colored mana duh
>I concede that it's nothing but special pleading and there is no actual argument besides "we just felt like it" just like you were saying
Thank you for finally getting it anon, I'm proud of you right now.
In the early days of the command zone he said commander damage was an antiquated rule and should be removed. I think he walked it back when literally everyone dunked on him.
Sure. Now go post about it somewhere else.
Forgot to add
>ETB tapped
Is this a joke lmao
Who doesn't? They're still widely popular.
>me: here's the RCs official statement on the bans
>(you): you don't know what you're talking about you're just shitposting!
Ok retard
The only people I have ever heard say that kind of thing is lifegain players who are brand new to the format. Really surprised he'd have that take
How did they dunk on him? Commander damage sucks and my group doesn't use it.
Sol Ring is the face of EDH. I think I'll talk about here.
It's the spirit not the face jesus anon get it together
They dunked on him by letting him know it was a retarded opinion for retards. People would also specifically kill him with commander damage at games he went to after that.
Go on then. Talk about it.
The true face of edh are command tower and arcane signet
Ok, good. Glad we're past that. Now come up with an argument for why the bans are unjustified without using Sol Ring as a scapegoat.
>Commander damage sucks and my group doesn't use it.
No. Now fuck off, fat ass whale.
Fixed Mana Crypt:
When Fixed Mana Crypt enters, you may search your library for up to two cards named "Bisexual Ugin" and "Gay Bolas", then place them onto the battlefield.
{T}: You win the game. Activate only if you control permanents named "Bisexual Ugin" and "Gay Bolas". Activate only once per turn as a sorcery.
Ironically this
I fully support the bans, I think it's hilarious too. My single problem with them is they didnt ban sol ring. Because like you so eloquently stated eariler >>94005781 They have not one single argument or reason to not do so. So they should have.
Why? You dont care about reading it, no one cares to write it for you, and at this point your just wasting time.
>Where are people going to buy cards if all the investors disappear?
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The face of EDH is Krenko. Everyone has had a Krenko deck at some point.
I haven't
Sol ring is in every precon and cannot be banned for this reason. Why is this hard to figure out for you? Lotus and crypt have never been in any precons let alone all of them.
So the trigger never happens unless it somehow gets proliferated?
>Still trying to come up with arguments
Oh anon we were making such good progress and here you are back being retarded....
Also ban Mana Vault
Dockside was in a precon. So was Trade Secrets.
Yup, you got it, but casuals will read it and think it's okay.
You have like three people calling you out. Maybe reddit is more your speed if you need names to differentiate between patterns in posting styles.
Dockside has been in every precon and banning it just made every precon illegal? WOAH!
I've replied to the "muh precons" argument like 2 or 3 times now, it's a shit argument and yet you believe it because you're probably stupid. I can't do much about that now can I?
I never made a krenko deck but krenko was like my second or third deck ever because a friend of mine gave me theirs.
I killed everyone real early, like turn I think 4 or 5, I didn't have a ton of fun with it lmao
He's nogames so he just shitposts. They don't use commander damage because that would require a commander game.
RS3 is a great testament to the reason why companies whale hunt so hard. I don't think this is EoC/Squeal of Fortune bad though.

Honestly, I'm glad they're all banned from a casual perspective. Especially Nadu.
Now you're pretending to be retarded, accusing people of samefagging, and sending people to reddit. Are we done here or is there still more "quality posting" to come?
JLK probably plays more than anyone in this thread
I've actually heard it makes more money than all othe membership fees of osrs. I dont know if thats true but I could probably believe it at this point
Now we need to get rid of the guy who got the rule changed for commanders hitting the graveyard just because he was too stupid to understand how the rule actually worked.
And CRC is banned because they are involved with Trade Secrets
Bolas will come back through the power of love. It will turn out he was afraid of coming out and didn't know how to express his feelings for Ugin. He will become a good guy and get a visual redesign.
I doubt that that anon is him.
Thanks for stopping by, Josh.
So they didn't actually have a reason?

It's a pain in the ass to track the damage for each player, especially when people are using Partners. Its purpose is to prevent stalemate games, but I've been playing EDH for 15 years and I have never seen a game get drawn out like that.
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>He will become a good guy and get a visual redesign.
Hey it can't be any worse than the last time they gave him a visual redesign.
also he's 100% getting out because of omenpaths
or funny door demon
Buy vedalken orrerys
just play with your banned cards and ask if it's ok.
if they say no, then those same players could have also told you not to use them before.
>It's not my problem lol
So you don't have an argument then? Good to know.

>They have not one single argument or reason to not do so.
They have given a reason for why Sol Ring gets special treatment. It's in their official statement. It's fine if you disagree with that reasoning, but that's a different argument entirely.
You state that it can't be banned otherwise precons will be unplayable. I point out that there are precons that are already unplayable due to bans.

Plus the RC FAQs states that the ban happened because the cards were appearing more and more often on lower tables
Can they even do those? I don't watch those but don't the girls get fired randomly because of scandals or dumb things and when they do the companies behind them try to remove anything related to them? I can't image them being able to make a deal and cards for them and no one who got a card not ending up fired before it releases.
That doesnt help the collectors anon, think of the colllectooorrss
Unban Recurring Nightmare
going to put this as nicely as i possibly can.
collectors get the rope.
What was your proxy?
based department?
I wonder if reddit put up a suicide hotline for all the finance subs
No clue. My hope wold be that they're going to stop making silver boarder cards and instead make thematically silly cards that still work within the rules without being too stupid.
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>Ugin when the multiverse decides the meditation realm needs to be observed and an omenpath to Niv-Mizzet's chamber in Ravnica opens while he plowing Bolas senseless
You know, I'd have thought Midna would be good for these but I don't think I've seen one yet.
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I dont argue with retards who dont play the game and come here to make people mad, and no one else should either. You're like halfway through the retarded shitposter cycle on the topic, hurry up and get to smug anime faces and greentext already.
It's also a rudimentary fix for the precons. There's no enforcement nor is anyone going to stop them from playing their precon anywhere. It's an excuse not an argument and it's a bad excuse at that.
Finance niggers and the rudies of the world should all kill themselves
cEDH players should 41% themselves right after
What if I collect because I like to collect things I like? I have no interest in money I just like to look at my binders and know I have them.
>What if I collect because I like to collect things I like?
That is fine but you should realize you are a second class citizen in the community.
You're probably not really complaining or causing a lot of problems then are you. You're still a a problem if you're whaling every dime you have but we cant really stop you
Nah collectors are fine. Why would you say that? I have a large collection of arbitrary things.
>It's a pain in the ass to track the damage for each player
It's really not, though.
Unironically 90% of actual cEDH (play at dedicated cEDH tables aimed to handle blue farm, not just playing an 8/9 or pubstomping) players don't care. They play with proxies and see the format as a novelty. I'm pretty sure that 99% of the "cEDH" bitching comes from investorfags and pubstompers that think they're entitled to wins for shelling out $400.
tragedy: the slowest player in the pod has a lot of mana and a lot of cards in hand
>i still don't have an argument so im going to deflect, name call, fling shit and then try to claim your the one shitposting
Ok. If you don't have an argument then stop replying. If you honestly think I'm shitposting then stop replying. If you cannot contribute to the ongoing discussion then stop replying. Because right now you're the only one shitposting.
Because this is a GAME. You should not take any precedence over the GAME when decisions are made. We shouldn't have unbalanced shit and 500 dollar cards because a non-player likes shiny shit.
>So they didn't actually have a reason?
Because it's a legitimate wincon for a lot of decks and there's no good reason to get rid of it.
It's a Game made of Trading Cards
I've been autistically reading around in comment sections and stuff and I think it's a bunch of newer players who have been paypigging thinking that commander is some meta structured format you can buy your way into and never have to worry about price instability or losing money. Lots and lots of "Who the hell even is the RC who elected them!!!!"

All of these people keep calling themselves cedh and referncing cedh but they also all keep threatening to "start finally proxying for the first time" so yeah doesn't sound like any cedh players I know. Seems like wotc is just milking the shit out of new blood and they're crying there was no lube used. Can't say I give a shit honestly. Seems like the worst players raging out which makes the ban all the more funny
>There's no enforcement nor is anyone going to stop them from playing their precon anywhere
Reasoning which we can apply to precons with Sol Ring once we have the card banned.
As predicted, no u is the final stage before smug anime pictures and green text. I dont argue with retards and I have no interest in discussing the ban with you because it wont do anything to change your mind, regardless of what I say.
I play with the shiny shit I collect. Some of it is very expensive too. But that has nothing to do with me, I'm never going to sell it, so effectively everything I own is worthless.
>mama crypt banned
>universes beyond still legal
What the hell?
Thanos glove will be the new mana crypt
We sinned in life, and are being punished accordingly.
People like UB
I doubt they'll ban it but I do hope they continue down this road, if not just to make people rage out even more
people like mana crypt????
At best people are apathetic outside of their chosen IP. More likely, each subsequent UB makes people like it less as it becomes clear that their interests are no longer a priority.
People like mana crypt too
Ok, keep shitposting then. Thanks for proving my point btw.
>Crypt of Lotus
>{T} sac ~: pay half you life, rounded up. Add that much colourless mana.
>We have to see all this shit because a couple people think it might be a bit cool if some thing they like crosses over
>but in general they dont really care
Thats honestly just even more demoralizing.
>There were as many decks with crypt as there are with UB cards
When will mana crypt fags get to the acceptance stage of grief?
when they reverse the ban.

>Universes Beyond
Aw goddammit I sold my Skullclamp
Never happening
there's still some hope

I believe the petition will make a difference and i signed it 5 times
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>they'll reverse the ban my investments are safe they'll reverse the ban my cardboard isn't worthless they'll reverse the ban.....
That's the reality. UB is a cold, calculated decision from an MBA to expand their quarterly market share at the detriment of everything else. No one said "wow would our players like godzilla cards", they said "market research shows people who play our game like godzilla, and we can use this to buy good will so there is less churn when we expand our userbase with the marvel collab".
>Big Lotus
>T: Sac ~, Add 3 mana of any color. Use this mana only to pay for spells with mana value of 6 or more
>"Big. Big. Lotus. Big Lotus. Big Lotus." - Gay Bolas
Not gonna happen, but it would be hilarious after people destroyed their cards.
I'd sue if they did
I liked playing my 7 mana commander more than once a game.
just play green easy as
Already there. I was there day one. Doesnt mean I dont want a pound of flesh, the rc will enjoy the fruits of their labour; that's the essence of justice.
>Land Lotus
>tap, sac: search your library for 3 basic lands and put them on the battlefield tapped and then shuffle.
Yep can't say you're wrong. Still sucks to have to see
Pretty much. Yeah. It's some of their best sellers.
Because we all know how successful online petitions are.
>the rc will enjoy the fruits of their labour; that's the essence of justice.
W-what did he mean by this.....
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It means the FBI is going to be monitoring this thread.
>Night Lotus
>When Night Lotus ETB, it becomes Night

>Day Lotus
>T: Sac ~, Add 3 mana of any color. Play this ability only on your turn
What would 'pumped and dumped lotus' look like?
This would unironically be more sovl than WotC is capable of. When they did OTJ instead of having fun with an outlandish setting they tried to play it straight.
woah crazy you might have to play a little differently and focus on clearing the field first before throwing a haymaker god forbid you adopt a different gameplan
Sheldon Menery is burning in Hell for letting them ban Nadu
A new golden age is upon us.
You know I dont really like your attitude
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>FIRE Lotus Jewel {0}
>If it’s neither day nor night, it becomes day as FIRE Lotus enters
>When Day becomes Night or Night becomes Day, add three mana of any one color. Spend this mana only to cast your commander.
>When you cast a Commander, take the Initiative
>Commanders you control have Royal Blood (when a creature with Royal Blood deals combat damage to a player, that creature's controller becomes the Monarch
>If you have the City's Blessing, triggered abilities you control that trigger when a permanent you control mutates trigger an additional time
Dont feel too bad. WotC's website marketing for ixalan and commander masters heavily emphasized crypt and lotus as the possible chase cards that could have been pulled. If that rc document is to be believed, wotc knew about it a year in advance, which means they would have known about it when comissioning marketing materials. Not only that, but collector boosters for those sets were sent out as a deal sweatener with mystery box 2. Why does any of this matter? Because it shows that either wotc are cartoonishly evil villians not to be trusted, or more than likely, that the rc was lying about keeping wotc in discussions for the ban, and they were completely blindsided. From wotc's perspective, they could alternate the pack selling chase cards every year, as they had been doing for assured money, and are pissed about it. This cumulated in the rc sacrificing the only person who was against the ban when they made the votes public, who was subsequently doxxed and had to deal with extensive harassment. Seattle libtards would be fuming at that in concept.

The long and short of it is, as much as wotc is a soulless corporation who constantly fucks up, the double self sabotage doesnt make a lot of sense from a business standpoint with the degree of emphasis they placed on those cards. They wouldnt kill every format at once, and also their main source of selling premium sets immediately afterwards, in a fruitless bid to get people to go to standard. They want little timmy to crack a crypt and get hooked, like a crack dealer would. We can look at a precursor to detemine which narrative is true. If mana vault or something that replaces either card was printed in the near future, wotc orchestrated the bans, but more than likely, wotc planned to milk those cards for years, and the rc's heads will roll when the noise dies down.
Liliana already did it
What do you mean? Professor Onyx was a completely different character.
they'll do it or...or...OR ELSE I'LL SUE

pls unban
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Oh really? Do you think I'm that fucking stupid? Think I fell for your tricks you whore?
>There is only one person in the entire multiverse named Liliana
Lol, okay
Hearsay and slander
With those tits? With a spark?
>Pumped Lotus
>When ETB, sac any number of permanents and add that number of charge counters to ~
>T: Add mana of any color equal to the number of charge counters on ~. Sac it afterwards. Play this ability only as a sorcery
>When ~ becomes a target, remove all charge counters and transform ~

>Dumped Lotus
>T: Sac ~, Add C
What green "ramp" are you talking about, dipshit? Three Visits, Farseek, Cultivate, etc... all provide less mana than they cost. Mana dorks don't tap the turn they come into play, and the most popular ones are one-drops that tap for one.

Getting more mana than you started with is called "fast mana", by the way, and is generally red and black (Seething Song and Dark Ritual, for example). "Ramp" is a permanent increase mana production, letting you "ramp up" over the course of several turns.
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That's a cool idea anon. Keep using your noggin.

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