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"Evolution Mode" edition

Previous >>93945831

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>Fanmade PC sim

>BT17 Secret Crisis questionnaire

>EX07 Digimon Liberator questionnaire

Banlist, Errata:

New and Upcoming Releases:

Digimon Liberator:
Latest web comic chapter is Episode 6 Part 2! Next chapter scheduled for October 10th
Latest web novel chapter is Debug 4-2! Next set of chapters sometime in November

ST18 Guardian Vortex & ST19 Fable Waltz are out now in most territories! Release delayed to September 27th in UK

EX07 Digimon Liberator is out now in most territories! Release delayed to September 27th in UK

BT18 Element Successor is out now in JP. Part of SB 2.0 in EN

BT19 Xros Evolution is scheduled to be released September 27th in JP. Split across SB 2.0 and SB 2.5 in EN

Special Booster 2.0 is scheduled to be released November 1st in EN, compiles BT18 and BT19

EX08 Chain of Liberation is scheduled to be released November 29th in JP, EN release scheduled for January 10th

Special Limited Set is scheduled to be released December 13th in EN, compiles LM02 through LM04

Special Booster 2.5 is scheduled to be released February 2025 in EN, compiles BT19 and BT20

Thoughts on the new MedievalGallantmon?
Now that I understand that you can suspend your opponent's digimon for all of MedievalGallantmon, I think it's really strong
>Thoughts on the new MedievalGallantmon?

Very strong, maybe even mirage levels of good.
Will pteromon will get an evil line like most other protag digimon?
I've had 4 games in a row with a retard playing bt17 doru. In EVERY game, the motherfucker had all the outs and every single card he needed, yet because he's a retarded buttonpresser he kept not mindlinking or unmindlinking his tamers and missed every bonus mindlink eff. Such luck wasted on an utter mouthbreather. Needless to say, I won all 4 games, even the ones where I hoplessly bricked.
here is a funny idea
Numemon and/or Sukamon with Link Dragon topend and whatever yellow topend you run
Tbh, I've probably made that fuckup at least a dozen times. You look at the board with a hand that does jack shit, draw DoruGrey, and excitedly swing to proc collision, only to realize mid-resolution you're going to choke the game. It's really painful knowing the consequences of forgetting an action that takes 2 seconds
>Thoughts on the new MedievalGallantmon?
Absurdly powerful and extremely splashable.
It honestly rivals DeathX.
Crazy strong. I'm surprised they printed another "Gets to activate his when digivolving multiple times" after Magna X being a menace for months but at least unlike Magna X you can actually interact with Medieval.
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It seems in the liberator universe tamer cards are personalized rather than anime cameos. What would your unique tamer card's effect be?
>It seems in the liberator universe tamer cards are personalized rather than anime cameos
Yeah that was already established in the very first chapter of the novel.

[You got an ability item for a Tamer Card.]

A familiar message window pops up.
Tamer Card ability items:
These are considered highly significant items in Digimon Liberator.
When players first log into the game, they receive a blank Tamer Card depicting an image of themselves.
After that, by using ability items, players can unlock and acquire new abilities for their Tamer Cards. This is a crucial element for progressing through the game.
[Deck] At the start of the game you must play this card for no cost.
[On Play] Return your hand to the bottom of your deck. Then, search your deck for 5 cards with a cost of 11 or greater and add them to your hand.
Play cost 4
[All turns] [Trash] if one of your Digimon digivolves into a digimon with Milleniummon in it's name, by placing this card on the bottom of the deck, reveal the top 4 cards of your deck. Add 1 card with the [Composite] or [Wicked God] traits and 1 card with [Milleniummon] in its name among them to your hand. Place the rest at the bottom of the deck at any order.
[Main] If you have a [Kimeramon] or [Machinedramon], by deleting this tamer you may play a [Kimeramon] or [Machinedramon] with a diferent name from your hand or trash with the play cost reduced by 4

I just want Millenium to work ;-;
Is Pulsemon tribal any good?
no lol
what about the Fenriloogamon Jogress deck is THAT any good?
good card
suitable for 2 archetypes, gallant, which is a fan favourite, and the new vortex/zephaga/shoto deck which already has high prices, so I expect it to be a very expensive card
even works with the alliance deck, green an all, so I think its going to be fucked price wise.

pretty cool though.
>suitable for 2 archetypes, gallant
Good. Im glad it will help gallant. I fucking wish they archetype locked this shit per usual but we cant have that.
no lol
Yes but people in the last thread told me it is braindead beyond belief.
>It honestly rivals DeathX.
I don't think it's THAT good. The minimum reasonable value for DeathX should be higher.

That said, the fact that MedievalGallant can still Blast Digivolve afterwards is nice for decks that happen to be playing certain level 7 Aces.
Really? I'm playing it on the sim and in 3 games I have no fucking clue what I'm doing and I've yet to actually jogress
And then of course when I'm finally about to pop off the cocksucking faggot bitch I'm playing against concedes
Interaction has never been this game's strong suit
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I'm playing Takemikazuchi with Pulsemon base that sounds way more fun
You have to think about what the card can do. DeathX is a dead card basically any time your opponent has 3 or fewer cards in play, but this is live with 2 or more Digimon between the 2 of you.
At minimum when he comes out he can delete a 14k (!), AND still swing with Vortex at something else with 11k +.
DeathX can clear a lot of small bodies, but can't do anything against 1 or 2 big bodies, this alone can kill 2 big bodies.
DeathX kills something on your opponent's EOT, but this kills an 11k+ when a Digimon is played for any reason on both turns. On top of all that, as a Red/Green level 6, he can also blast evo into Paladin Mode ACE or Crimson Mode ACE, or evo into Quartzmon or Blitz Omni.
It's insane value for 7 memory.
Expect to see him in SecCon/Mother Control for sure.
>but this is live with 2 or more Digimon between the 2 of you.
Yeah the big difference is when your opponent has 2 and you have 1 or 0, but DeathX also counts Tamers and the times your opponent has two Digimon including a threat plus a Tamer vs the times they don't have a Tamer may not be too high.

>At minimum when he comes out he can delete a 14k (!), AND still swing with Vortex at something else with 11k +.
If it can actually, you know, delete something. Deletion protection is very common, whereas De-Digivolve protection is extremely rare. That's the big thing that I think is going to hold Medieval back.
Yes, deletion protection is common, but he can also kill by battle, which is less common.
I'd sympathize but you're playing takemikazuchi, faggot.
for what it's worth I came away hating that deck and I didn't realize it was OTK faggotry going in
>and I didn't realize it was OTK faggotry going in
what else could it have possibly been

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