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CAW CAW edition

>Reveals are Coming Soon™

>Balance Dataslate:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>Tithes Animations

>Previous thread:

>Thread question:
What's the ETA for the next couple space dads?
Start talking about eldar with other people intentionally to rile him up but ignore his tirades.
Idk ask 30kg
Many such cases. I know guy who always sperg about eldar/elves and when asked about argument he uses ones that can be applied to 4 diferent races. Get multiple people to talk how great eldar are just to piss him off, remember to remind him that he is jealous because eldar are superior to his faction.
another website downgrade
What does a good loadout for Primaris Marines look like, assuming I already have a bunch of armour from previous editions like a Landraider
>still haven't decided what ork clan to paint my guys as
Blue Orks are the Best Orks.
Post models.
Warhammer is in downgrading spiral since about 2008. It's only natural that things will became even worse.
>Decide to look up up what each of my 40k novels currently cost
>About a grand total
What the fuck I don't even own many of them. How do these things get so pricey so fast
What's even the hate for Eldar over? I get they were a bit sweaty a couple years ago, but have fell off since then and this meta shit shifts way too often to justify the hate. Deldar are arguably better and nobody seethes about them.

In general I quite like them and really appreciate how unique they look.
I dunno. He just brings up them making Slaanesh and being doomed a lot.
boring lore
ugly models
obnoxious metafag-bait army
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>new primarch every 2 editions
>female space marines in ~5 years
>firstborn squatted by then
>Age of the Emperor / Dark King once sales drop
Are you excited for the certain future of 40k?
Deathskulls and Blood Axes look great if painted well. Evil Sunz and Bad Moons are alright but I think a bit overdone. Snakebites are heavily reliant on a type of list to feel fluffy. Goffs are just boring to look at.
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They frequently are meta which drives zoomers insane because they aren't space marines, whenever iron hands or some space marine chapter is OP nobody cares. Whenever its a xenos faction nu-40k fans go into hysterics
Elves as Tolkien made them are usually better than everyone else. This triggers some faggots.
>whenever iron hands are OP
lowest effort bait, tourist
There is no such thing as a "primaris marine" unit
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You just said buzzwords. What exactly donyou dislike about those things?

What in their lore you think is boring? In what way are they ugly? How are they neta-chasers when the meta changes all the time and Eldar aren't always good?
yes, (you) clearly are
Blue obviously so you can join the other turbofags
>have the dark vengeance interrogator-chaplain
>he has plasma pistol
>no option for chaplains to use plasma pistols

That's gonna bug me.
Anon back in 7th ed IH were OP. Unkillable Chapter Master who kills everything, grav killing everything with rerolls.
Not that Eldar weren't more OP with scatterbikes and destroyer on elite infantry.
>whenever iron hands or some space marine chapter is OP nobody cares
I was in these threads when that happened, people did care and fucking hated it.
The reason it's not talked about today that much is because it has happened only once to my knowledge.
Eldar on the other hand, especially CWE, tend to top the charts regularly which makes people pissed off.
not a thing
good job posting a 4 year old ranking, seething little eldartranny
>B-b-but HOW is their lore boring???
Uh oh, marinefag meltie
I play necrons and tau
continue to cope, eldarfag
>skelenigger seething over elves again
Goffs because they're the fastest to paint. Save checkerboards for nobz
That's like trying to reduce SM to
It's so reductive, braindead and flat out wrong you should be ashamed of actually basing your view of them on it, and use it to hate others for disagreeing with you.
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Just finished installing a second display cabinet.
not applicable, because the other factions actually have nuance
eldar don't
and there's nothing simplified about my description of their appearance, that's literally all your defining design aspects
but keep coping, seething little eldartranny
not applicable, because the other factions actually have nuance
marines don't
and there's nothing simplified about my description of their appearance, that's literally all your defining design aspects
but keep coping, seething little marinetranny
Hell no do checkers on whatever feels right
The more checkers the better
I pitty you
I don't think about you at all
That's a cool 100 point ork list! Must be great for kill team
>3 hours into a 2k game
>Movement phase is over
You going to put some lighting in those cabinets?
When would you say Dark Angels started to be more knightly and monastic themed as opposed to native american themed? 3ed?

Just something I was pondering
No doubt
Are you saying that's not what space marines generally are
I'm considering it
>oh whoops you timed out :)
This is why Ork winrate is so low
did their native american theme go anywhere beyond the feathers?
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i would like some new fire dragons.
they had peace pipes and face paint and headdresses
If you actually want people to look at them, I’d recommend lighting. It’s hard to see even with the photo
2nd ed nigga, codex angels of death. They were super secret gay knight marines with dirty little secret.
They got indian themes only during 1st ed.
I do like they kept, superficially, the native american influence for the termies.
Uh oh eldartranny meltie
You say that now but when they finally arrive you'll complain about a minor detail like a strap on their boots and declare you won't buy them
>starcraft bunkers
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At least pay an accurate meta spread.
Bear in mind eldar are only now at 50% after almost a year of targeted nerfs.
>your army
>1 buff it needs
>1 nerf it needs
Unironic skill issue. I end almost every game in 2 hours if my opponent isn’t a drooling retard.
Man if that genestealer combat patrol just snuck in an a sprue of neophytes I would start an army of GSC rn.
Make OoM reroll wounds too.

Make DWK 20 points more expensive and.
Not going to do your work for you GW

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Retard. That was my point, meta and win rates are variable and go up and down throughout the years. Eldar are mid in late 10th, good in early 10th, bad on 9th and so on. That shit changes all the time, trying to bbase your view on data that's always changing is stupid.
>>1 buff it needs
To make melee not shit
>>1 nerf it needs
to stop using the unfun bullshit it needs as a crutch
>To make melee not shit
Melee is fine though
I have literally never read a codex but
>More melee weapons
>Even more melee weapons
make Aquiles Ridgerunners 10 points more expensive
>make unit respawn +1 for every time it fails
Also allow you to switch any gunner and heavy gunner models from neophytes around before the game. I don't want to roll 7 weapon profiles per unit.
>buff gauss weapon anti-tank properties
>nerf c'tan
generally speaking no, its not. Too much shit for a majority melee army needs to consider that an army with some shooting doesn't need to.
Fate dice suck and I hate it.
>oops, looks like I DID wound your custodes!
Fuck you.
>your army
>1 buff it needs
Reduce deff dreads by 30 points
>1 nerf it needs
Increase the points of grots. CP generation is extremely important (and I can't think of anything else)
Would it be possible for a Haemonculi to create Orks with cocks that rape?
The opposite is also true. Melee armies are doing fine
This is why I dislike eldar and sisters
>Game about dice rolls
>Remove dice rolls for these factions
It's not fun to play against and it never will be.
It's still a game of chance if the rest of the rolls are stacked against you to make up for the guaranteed successes.
There's also that pic where a DAngels marine is out of his armor but wearing native american clothes
Why are incels obsessed with cocks and rape?
they really arent, but then again we have to also pretend that tenth is fine.
Shitter says what?
>cuckstodefag crying that his golden eldar cosplayers get killed
you love to see it
well you kinda typed it out yourself.
Sex is a core element of human mental health and no contact with it will stunt part of your development and eventually lead to perverted manifestation of those instintics that feeds of itself.
30 man boy mobs
Points increase on Trukks
Use more terrain you fucking tool.
>30 man boy mobs
Oh for the love of God PLEASE GW
reading the boyz or orks makes me hungry.
Bearing in mind LGT is this weekend and WE are the 4th most popular faction going I'd say get your panties back on and stop having a tantrum.
This is the truth. Sisters are just as bad for it. There should be no guaranteed sixes in the game. If you absolutely need them for some reason, they should ALWAYS count as modified for crits.
>people need sex to maintain their mental health
degenerate cope. people become freaks because they conditioned themselves into it with progressively more abstract forms of porn.
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>tournament play = casual play
Anon, sex havers aren't frying their brains off on porn.
Casual play is even more loose with what you can play lmao
So are Space Sharks basically loyalist Night Lords?
Nobody mentioned casual or tournament play prior to this cope, so yeah you kinda did move the goalposts but I graciously didn't call you out on it
No, they're actually good at their job.
Officially RG geneseed, basically yeah.
They are more into killing everyone than scaring them, but yeah they are loyalist NL with RG gene-seed(NL gene-seed is more stable despite chaos).
You think that if people are bringing a dedicated melee faction to an 830 player event that you couldn't manage it on your kitchen table, bud?
if those 830 people werent tryharding sure I could recognize it. God I dont even want to imagine the smell of the place.
Yes babe, nobody mentioned it had to be casual play. LGT (impressive you spelt that wrong) was just an example of such a faction being perfectly viable.
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Finished some more Iron Lads
Are you stroking out? The fact they're "tryharding" just goes to show that taking melee factions is possible at higher levels of competitive play. Things get EASIER to run off-meta at lower ends.
Baller kill team.
based retard.
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Had a quick read of this in Asda

Fucking hell it's shit. £7 and I'm not even sure what it's for or who it's even aimed at now. It's not even like about the latest releases for consoomer hype
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Someone should ask Cawl which flavor of space cum he injected them with.
Concession accepted
white or black primer for orks?
If the Emperor is so powerful, then why didn't he prevent 9/11?
Jan 6th was a bigger disaster
Cawl wouldn't know. They were only given tech to make Primaris

Honestly, gw would probably do worse than firing/overhauling the media department.

The fact is the warcom team are lazy turds, half the articles are ads, another quarter are for things that don't need an article and a good chunk of their articles are just them posting up pics i've already seen of ''influencers'' shitty take on whatever minis are out now.

Conversions, kitbashes, fun new rules for HH or necromuna, not meta shit.
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so true, now lets go play a match of 40k where it wont be a blow out game.
It's not a secret anon, it's Raven Guard. I think it's flat out confirmed in one of their stories through direct geneseed analysis or some shit. I don't remember the details but someone has a read on their geneseed and it flags as RG. It's just that intead of being understated they're upfront and complete psychos, but that's much more attributable to culture than genes.
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Cast of the shackles of the corpse god!
Unironically yellow then build up with green
Right “given”
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Any esoteric forbidden tips for painting Rubric marines?
Prime gold and fill in the space between with your blues.
>fun new rules for HH or necromuna
White Dwarf sometimes does that
Not even Big-E can stop the Alphabet Soup Agencies

The Emperor was several important people throughout human history, including the "late" Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden
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>have a 20 model army
>get 7 of your units yeeted in a single turn because of magic dice
Eldar are worse
>fun new rules for Horu-
Fun can not be allowed in that game.
Prime blue and fill in the space between with your golds.
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pretty much this >>94003754 or at the very least paint the trim first without trying to be particularly neat and then fill in the panels
why yellow
Tyberos is unironically scarier than anything the Night Lords have done.
>bigger than a custodes
>silent as a whisper
>startlingly fast
I've heard the advice for the opposite order, it seems like it'd be slightly easier to keep the gold on the raised trim compared to avoiding getting blue on them.
I have those all the time?
meant to point to this, obviously >>94003762
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Fear the might of a whole 1 wound, cuckstodes!
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I got the Command Edition: Battlefield expansion set for free from a friend.
Do I need more terrain for a 1000 pts game or will it suffice?
What other terrain should I get to fit the theme?
oh fug
That would be true if the surfaces were mostly flat. They're not though and you will inevitably get gold on the panels and trying to paint the tream neatly takes forever
You can’t roll it and then apply fate dice after the fact. You must choose to use the fate dice before rolling.
Better undertone from green skin
vallejo copper > vallejo game color gold on everything but the deepest recesses > seraphim sepia > vallejo dark aluminum drybrush for the bronze.
>alpha legion
>less men
Why does the Emperor care so much about a random Smurf like Titus?
>Big E is behind Video Game Protagonist bullshit
Okay, I mean at least that explains Malum Caedo
Why wouldn't he?
Because it's a single marine?
It's the implication of it being Big-E
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Is 10th edition worse than 9th? What direction should 11th go in?
Titus killed a Daemon Prince in unarmed combat and if the Daemon Primarchs are going to be coming back in a big way, The Emperor needs people ready to gank them.

We already know that the Grey Knights can bully jobbers like Mortarion but actually strong Primarchs need champions to kill them.
This I'd trade my miracle die if it meant my sisters stopped being mobile bags of red paint. If I got to shoot any infantry squad's multi melta more than once in any game I might think I could do without the guaranteed 6s.
Celestine is a single Sister. Yet she gets personally empowered by the Emperor into a literal Saint. What's your point?
So Titus is space Jesus?
This was supposed tonbe a question, by the way.
To be honest he killed a Greater Demon by snapping a crystal. He didn't really do anything to the Demon directly.
Celestine is a fucking warp entity.
wrong, faith powers are separate from warp powers ;)
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As per usual it's been done better in 2000AD
In terms of base rules it’s better, in terms of customization and variety it’s much worse. I don’t fucking know what they should do next. No matter what they do everyone will be mad.
In the first game he tackles a freshly ascended Chaos Terminator Sorcerer turned Daemon Prince off a building and crushes his skull with his bare hands.

Titus takes 3 Marines onto a forge world and fights off a Waaagh, chaos rift and daemon prince.
Give the Lord Discordant the vehicle keyword and something to increase his durability
I don't know what's OP in CSM right now
>this general only likes the gay girly factions orks
>faggot tau player wonders why no one likes his blue gay commies
you can fix when you mistakenly apply the blue over the trim by merely wiping it with your wet thumb.
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>the fallguy is an important person
11th should have an autistic amount of simulationism to fully emulate the differences in miliatry structure between the different factions. Bring back each tyranids strain having their own unique behaviors when they leave synapse range, for example. No more gay "take whatever you want shit", leave that in Open play.
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t. mad he doesnt have blueberry boobas in his faction
4+invul minimum. his CC sucks too. He can stand to go down by 50 points
What does this say?
Exactly. Fate/miracle dice are way less oppressive than people meme.

The really bad thing is the rerolls we get. I imagine the codex will nerf it
Yeah, Carcharodons pretty much outright confirmed to descend from the RG without ouright saying it.
We know that Corax exiled bunch of his legion into the Ghoul Stars because they were ex-slavers, etc. and due to Corax's upbringing that shit didn't fly with him so he exiled them and as his final command he told them to hunt and fight the enemies of man for all eternity.
And this group eventually formed the Ashen Claws renegade chapter, which has existed for 10 000 years and are just fine.

And the things start to get fucky because the Carcharodons are known to trade, specifically geneseed, with the Ashen Claws even though they are renegades, which would be weird for any loyalist marine chapters to do. Which already implies a close connection.
Another is Tyberos himself and the title he has, which is "Shade Lord", which existed as a rank in the RG legion specifically.

So what Carcharodons are is that they are most likely an offshoot group/descendants of the renegade Ashen Claws, but who interacted with the Imperium more and have become a sanctioned loyalist chapter. But they still keep tabs with their ancestors the Ashen Claws and trade for geneseed and other useful materiel.
give boofhauler more shots. with their current density of fire, they noodle too much. alternatively, maybe give them more OC?
indirect fire bullshit with 3x PBC + Morty was my main complaint and that's already nerfed so idk now. 2x plaguecasters on the gundeck of a rhino is some MtG bullshit for sure, but it costs CP to really make effective use of, so I'm more okay with that
Nulore, ignore.
What a faithful man doing his Aquila
>Not even Big-E can stop the Alphabet Soup Agencies
Truely grim.
to add onto this anons post they also suffer from Ash Blindess.
Drukhari have infinite rerolls and win more game and still nobody complains about them.
>What direction should 11th go in?
According to Google Translate.
Tau woman: "Hey, MAN.. THIS IS FOR YOU!"

Paper in her hand "1 COUPON for the GREATER GOOD"
I think it is going to get increasingly tiresome as Primarchs start returning how all of them are going to have to be super accepting of even their most divergent successor chapters because they can't actually cancel people's favorite factions.
The Lion forgiving the fallen was bad enough. Can you imagine Dorn praising the Black Templars?
11th edition should buff riptides and wraithknights, but also hellbrutes
Which tau model has sculpted tits that isn't 3dprinted or 3rd party sloppa? Show a piece of first party art that has tau tits rendered maybe? Oh wait...
Do Night Lords warbands use different color schemes? I like them and like to start a kill team that will eventually transform into 500-1000 points army but I can't paint lightning for the life of me and I don't know chaos fluff that much yet.
They're your dudes and chaos isn't cohesive, do whatever.
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Is Soulstorm an accurate portrayal of how the Imperium usually operates, because I can't think of anything more retarded than to have a three way civil war in the middle of an invasion from 5 different xenos species (among them the fucking Necrons) and a full scale chaos storm.
Yeah sure whatever
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Probably worse case scenario but definitely possible. The more zealous sisters see the Astartes as mutants to be distrusted at least.
The Imperium is not bound by rationality or morality. They do not compromise or negotiate. They will do the stupidest shit possible if their dumbass religion tells them too.
Shining Spears

Maybe something about hawks/yearned, as I never use them but meta lists do.
>dumbass religion tells them too.
That dumbass religion is the only thing that has kept the Imperium alive for 10000 years.
they'd be a whole lot better off without it
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First of many feudal guardsmen. Blue rim as a squad marker.
I fucking despise this shit.
Which is why votaan had to turn to the imperium for survival?
Oh wait that didn't happen.
I dunno ask /hhg/
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No sisters in HH dingdong
(One of the reasons I still play 40k honestly, I can't give up my bolter bitches and green retards)
>The Lion forgiving the fallen was bad enough.
He only forgive the ones who weren't chaos worshipping assholes and instead were marines who just got fucked over when that giant warpstorm appeared and scattered them all.

Dorn doesn't have to care about the Black Templars, just like Guilliman doesn't really care about the numerous succesor chapters Ultras have.
Excepting chaos and maybe DEldar (though they don't actually have "beliefs"), it is the most idiotic belief system in 40k. And what do you know, the guy who wrote the holy book that the Imperium follows also wrote the one that chaos follows. It's like everything Lorgar and Erebus touches turns to shit.
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>they'd be a whole lot better off without it
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>blue base rim for any reason
>painting your base rims any other colour but black
Mini is great but your choice of base rim colour is horrendous
i'm not wrong
The fanon is better.
Soulstorm's story is a massive mess, honestly I don't trust anything that comes from it too much. Solid game though in terms of skirmish, not too fond of how the campaign plays personally.

I say I'm skeptical because how the hell did the guard have 1000 baneblades deployed to a single planet.

I don't even think a single regiment has more than single digits in terms of baneblade and it's varients
there's a reason why big E tried to abolish every single religion dumbass
Damn thats crazy how noone cares
Maybe on planet retard (your homeworld)
uhm acktually it was also expanded upon by a loyalist word bearer and its written in the last book that faith is the only reason why the emperor is alive
Thats because you're 14
>Out of all the mortal civilizations within the galaxy, no single race, neither the hedonistic Drukhari nor the savage Greenskins, can be compared in terms of instability to that of the Imperium of Man. The human race as a whole is extremely divided, often far more divided then any other race known in existence. Such disunion and ruthless lack of cooperation stems from humanity's insatiable need to survive, thrive and tyrannically lord over his other brethrens. To an Imperial, there are no such things as pity, remorse, compassion, or love. There is simply survival, survival in a turbulent society that only spares those that possess the brute strength, extreme fanaticism, and vicious instinct to outmaneuver and kill the opposition, no matter the cost or body count of either friend or foe. Though no matter how divided their race may be, they are nonetheless unified in a single cause: the Last Crusade, where it is said that the humanity's children will swarm across the universe, killing all and claiming all as their own.
Is gold armor hard to paint? I don't really want my sisters to be the normal black on black.
it's easy, if you want recommends then citadels gold is one of the best ones you can get
How you gon tell people to go to marine general then get pissy when people say they don't like playing marines
Maybe the reason why no guard regiment has more than a handful of baneblades is because of events like that. It'd be just like the Imperium's bueracracy to send thousands of baneblades to regiments who don't need them, then to lose them when they do. They're that incompetent.
I'm sorry guys
I just can't do this
Warhammer is too over the top for me
Unironically yeah.
The exact reason why Emps wanted to get rid of ALL religion is entirely because it inevitably gets hijacked by Chaos entities and gets twisted into shit.
We see this even with the Imperial Cult itself that worships the Emperor.
You can become corrupted if you're TOO fanatical or otherwise mentally compromised. It's the reason why Ordo Hereticus exists, it specifically deals with purging and executing personel within the Ecclesiarchy and the Imperial Cult.
It's your homeworld too, nerd.
And everything I liked at 14 is still cool and great and the best there is.
Cars, dinosaurs, huge boobs, all of it.
Quads confirm.
No, the point was to have all factions fighting each other, the story was a justification, not something logical.
It can happen, but it's not typical.
Gold is dead easy. You can spray gold>drybrush silver>wash sepia, or spray black>drybrush gold>wash sepia for really fast and effective gold
No not really.
Night Lords love torture and prolonged death, Space Sharks just kill shit then move on.
Night Lords use a lot of terror tactics like blasting screams and torture recordings over the vox, Space Sharks are direct and completely silent.
Night Lords are vain space pirates who want trophies and infamy. Space Sharks are ascetics on inglorious void space duty.
100% confirmed, just mountains of on the nose hints and evidence, on top of the fact that they had a shitload of pure RG geneseed to trade
>NL origin/hybrid
Absolutely nothing of substance, this is basically equivalent of retards going "Titus has hybrid geneseed from the Thousand Sons!" because the villain calls him brother at one point
>WE hybrid
80% confirmed but no proof it's widespread. The Ashen Claws spend the entire swap meet hazing the Space Sharks for being mutts, specifically Bale Sharr who is forced to fight a captured WE. Normally I'd assume they were just being cunts because they took the geneseed anyway, but the Space Shark and Ashen Claw Librarians (who are much friendlier with each other) have a private meeting where they openly discuss Bale Sharr being a WE hybrid among other things.
what is the current state of 40k? I played one test game of 10th and stopped paying attention for a while. do bad moonz still have no detachment to represent them? did retaliation cadre end up meta or meme?
Yes. The Imperium is incredibly fractious. It's why almost every guard book has generals and Imperial officials backstabbing each other and sometimes erupting into small scale shooting wars.
You don't play anything lorefag
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Have you finally accepted the inherent supremacy of your lords and saviors, Tzaangors?
Good thanks I'll see what my store has they seem to have more army painter but I'll check citadel stuff first. I was between that and sacred rose do you think sisters with gold armor would be too gaudy? The black cloth and leather would stay the same probably.
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I need some advice, should I leave the parts on the legs golden or rather paint them red?
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>lore justification
>for mutant beastmen
That's because you're still 14
Holy shit I've been called everything under the sun but I don't think I've ever been called a lorefag. I fucking hate BL garbage.
To be fair I haven't been playing a lot of 10e, here's a WIP laser guy. I'll be sure to take a pic of my next game just for you buddy.
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order of the golden light are cool
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Just don't paint your vehicles solid gold it can look pretty clean. There's actually an in lore order for it look up golden light schemes
The new ap fanatic metallics are really nice actually if you're store has got the new line, new fanatic soft tone is also pretty sick too
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also order of the holy flame
Blow it out your ass
>refuses to be given a proper lore justification for existing
I don't know what this means. Is the existence of beastmen somehow confusing to people?
Why would you pick a model with trim and then paint the trim red. Keep it gold dumb fuck
Chosen and empowered by the Emperor. The Emperor chooses his champions.
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To be fair, Boreal and Selena were massive idiots in lore. They get roundly condemned in later games for being such unreasonable imbeciles and poor military leaders.
Is Space Marine 2 just an elaborate attempt from James to move more boxes of Tzaangors?
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Tzaangor have always been kino
Kind of happened in War Zone Charadon, but the Imperium's friendly fire incidents transpired across a whole sector instead of just a single planet.
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There's one schizohrenic retard on here who thinks that Eldar players are in some kind of conspiracy to ruin the Blood Angels, and that all of the hate that the new sculpts got is part of their dastardly plans.

But aside from that, Eldar are a generalist army made up of very flimsy specialists, and have historically had a lot of tools in their toolbox to deal with that. This is in opposition to the Deldar, who aren't as generalist, being all about moving fast and then hitting like a truck. This means that they're a very bad army in the hands of someone who doesn't know what they're doing but have always been incredibly powerful in the hands of someone who does. They reward actually thinking ahead, planning, coming up with responses to various scenarios in advance, scheming out synergies, etc. This has, historically, attracted Spikes to the them as they're a faction that can rewards theorycrafting with victory. As >>94003013 pointed out this makes certain types of people absolutely furious as this all them very good at dealing with GOTCHAs as they can quickly use some clever scheme to make the opponent's absolutely foolproof plan suddenly not work out.

Most players, particularly those who only play Space Marines, don't really think in terms of tactics, just in terms of
>move my dudes down the board in the right direction such that i minimize your interactability while maximizing my own
Then Eldar show up and do shit like
>autarch wayleaper murderizes one of your HQ's bodyguards then farts away in a cloud of pixydust, leaving Ynnead behind in his stead who immediately starts assraping your termy deathblob oh btw i just hit your warlord with three fire prisms at once due to chaining and moved the speartip one 2" out of range for you to shoot back at it, btw i will do this all six turns
so you can see why they're maligned as "unfair" to someone who finds Primaris specialists squads to be "too confusing".
I got my dick stuck in the primer pls halp.
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the silver tower models were better than the final kit
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Watching a single marine mow down dozens of Tzaangors is definitely going to motivate people to buy boxes of them
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I thought Celestine was this huge deal big revered Saint (powerful psyker) strong enough to revive herself, can any sister choose to just not die with enough prayer?
Those look fine though
I mean, I like the Tyranids a lot more now than I did before playing the game
I dunno ask /hhg/
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Newfag necron player here, how often and where should I he utilizing cryptothralls in my army? I have 2 pairs of them. Off the top of my head, I have a 20 model quad of warriors and a squad of 10 immortals, plus a Plasmancer, Royal Guard, and Overlord (regular).
golden light are special
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What Faction has the coolest Spaceships?
they definitely stopped that for necromunda, complaints about availability of rules iirc.
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They have some fun fluff in AoS.
>Tzaangor Skyfires can see your future, but cannot speak of it
>Tzaangor Enlightened can your past, and refuse to shut up about it
>cults view the Tzaangor form as sacred, will go out of their way to mutate themselves and everything else into more Tzaangors
eldar ships are the biggest and therefore the best
Go home leo
The alternative is putting 60 Guardsmen on the table and not being able to tell the squads apart at table length. These models don't exactly have room for very visible squad markings.
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I'm not saying they aren't fine, I'm saying the original are better
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>chaos chad marines
>söy marines
objectively eldar
but not dark eldar
followed by the imperium
then tyranids but only if you go with the conch designs
then tau
then necrons
then orks

I don't like chaos and dark eldar ships, they look boring
Plenty of room for a stripe on the helmet, or pauldrons. Your models though, if you need them to look like shit to play the game then go for it
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>is called the Silent King
Freehanding symbols is your friend, anon. It's fun and a good time and a good chance to practice some painting skills that regular model painting doesn't really teach you.
Who cares then if the standalone is acceptable
They're bodyguards for crypteks. Stick them in whatever unit your plasmancer is in and they'll tank hits for him. They're very good at what they do.
daemons shouldn't have guns unless they're integrated into their bodies. feel free to fight me on that.
The Demiurge.
Irons warriors or iron hands....hmm
Buy an ad faggot
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>iron warriors
>night lords
>silver tower
Really wish they'd do a new run of that one. Cursed City & Blackstone Fortress might be fine on their own merits, but they're not what I want.
Do you want to paint black armour or steel armour. This isn't that crazy of a choice to make
tzaangors aren't demons
they're human mutants

Cryptothralls are absolute dog-tier, and should never be taken outside of a blob of warriors with Orikan, and even then I'd probably just spend those points elsewhere.

Reminder: Destroyers and Heavy D's can be bought as units of 1. If you're spending points on Cryptos, you're not buying one of the most annoying single model units in the game.
All flavours of Eldar are really cool, but Corsairs in particular are very nice. Aside from that the Necron croissants are cools and then Nids because big space bug.
You ever think if there are Tzaangors who just don't give a shit about all the warband stuff? Sure they still worship tzeentch and love magic but there has to be a few of them who enjoy staying home and trying to power through their book backlog over running around realspace until they catch a bolt to the beak
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They got nerfed hard.
Because they could have been better. What kind of weird take is this?
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There were some who lived harmoniously with their human neighbors until they were genocided by Sigmar for the crime of being tzaangors.
I don't appreciate the British integration that's been embedded into 40k. It makes it worse.
If all men were as strong, maybe my plastic toys would finally be safe..
This post might have had some merit if you posted models with it
I want to do a warpcoven kill team but I want it to be ramshackle and haggard, any gor options that look the part? I wanted to do ungors but a: they're really hard to get now and b: they look really old and remind me of catachans.
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Silver tower elf hoe is one of my fave minis I've worked on
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I think the next Primarch should be an ABSOLUTE curveball and be Rogal Dorn.
>Corvus is a bird (that's cool)
>Leman Russ has beef with Magnus (cool conflict)
>Jaghatai Khan has a harem of deldar (fucking badass)
>Vulkan would spawn a bunch of faggots going "VULKAN LIVES STOMP STOMP" (despite being cringe that would be popular)
It will turn out he "died" in the same way Guilliman "died", being put into stasis on a secret world, but unlike his brother, he gets better on his own and replaces his lost hand with his dad's power claw to continue the X of the Emperor thing they're doing (for this instance, hand). After his stasis he'll fight Perturabo and then Perty will get a daemon primarch model too but it'll suck
I've grown to accept that the more you turn your brain off the more enjoyable 40k is.
shut the fuck up
the next is russ
If I really, really like Astartes vehicles (Bikes, fliers, tanks) what's the best chapter to theme them around?
I hope you have a kidney stone
the beastmen kill team not enough for that or are you looking for something even lowlier?
The Salamander player looks like he's going to vote for Kamala and has Aids.
white scars are space mongols with horses replaced by bikes
dark angels have a company dedicated to bike fighting, the ravenwing
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Nope. But here are some sketches
>really, really like Astartes vehicles (Bikes, fliers
You are having a mental break. Please remain calm and contact your local healthcare professional
More brown folk in that last panel than any you'll see for real in any photos of an event posted on the Warhammer community site.
I like the boxy vehicle look. Love me the flying boxes as well. I think they discontinued the box with a giant gun and a shovel, but it was great too.
New dreadnaughts are too round, they should be more boxy.
>if you need them to look like shit
Different preferences. I don't mind it.
I do freehand on my kill teams, but I'm not eager to add extra time onto what's already going to be a long project to get through. Easier there where it's 10 models and done.
When he speaks, silence falls.
And so he is king of the silent.
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>Khan has a harem of deldar
I mean, if all of Lelith's consorts resting their feet on him is a "harem" sure
Ofcourse this depends on where you are dummy
Russ is getting the claw
White Scars fans thinking their Primarch has been in total control of his terrible fate for the last ten thousand years is the the biggest cope in the entire setting
>When he speaks, silence falls.
He's speaking so it isn't silent idiot.. god
Russ is obviously getting "The Spear of the Emperor" which he definitely wielded before and was totally not a tank battalion.
Uh oh eldartranny meltie
Yeah they ain't playing 40k in the Bronx, numbnuts
there’s a successor of ultramarines who are warthunder autists
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Stormtalon a cute
It's abhorrent

It can't even fucking land
It can actually, there's little feet mounted on the bottom of the guns and also on the bottom of the tail boom
I didn't think it could get worse and yet it does
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Such is the life of a nomodels
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I disagree but respect your opinion.
Requires a lot of work, but I can work with it. As an alternative for a Vulture, because GDI Orcas are sexy.
Iron Hands and their successors, Dark Angels and their successors, or just any chapter you really like because every loyalist (bar the unique chapters who do lack such things) does have the same amount of things available to their armories.
If they were actually missile boats like Orcas I’d like them more.
My Lgs is like 60% swarthoids and asians but yeah, still no black guys.
Certainly no GI Joe ass space marine flyer models that's for sure
Quad rocket pods. Yes, I know they're no longer an option, but it's not like I play modern 40k editions anyway, so I don't care.
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He's got the wolfspear
But I think he's getting the talon too
Wait that was a thing?
Do games still tend to be around 1500pts for casual games, or is it a case of everything being 1k and 2k now?
>lion becomes forgiving
>russ becomes wise
>guilliman stays the same
I mean that's a given. Nomodels includes no stormtalons
I don't know what they got left, but Vultures used to have a plethora of wing mounted weapons. You bought them in pairs for a total of two pairs. These could range from simple twin-lascannons and twin-autocannons to bomb pylons, HK missile pylons (3 missiles per pylon), those big Valkyrie missiles and up to 4 Valkyrie rocket pods. Of course most people went with the twin-punisher cannons, which took up both mounts (one mount carried the gun, the other a barrel of ammo). For that BRRRRRRRT.
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lazy fur collars added to sterns and not!belial
Noone plays 1500pts. You play 1k, 2k or 3k if you're a psychopath
I find it funny how before primaris a lot of people would have pointed at the mk4 helmet as the best and now nobody does anymore.

I wonder where those people are.
But what of his quest for the seeds from the Tree of life? Of being in the Warp longer than Khan has been a captive on the dark eldar. With the warp being the single worse place to be in than Commorragh. Surely it makes more sense for Russ to be a fallen primarch to degernerate as the first and only chaos spawn primarch, cursed to immortality due to the seeds from the tree life being trapped within him.
Cool oden/russ edit though, will Russ return with a missing eye like Odin, and Magnus.
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I like non-phobos primaris helmets just fine
I just wanted some variation for my sternguards since the bladeguard all have their own helmets too
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I kinda like Gravis more than Terminator armor.
who cares about questions
there have been no answers to the questions about lionel's returns after a campaign book and a novel about it
it doesn't matter
none of this shit matter
Cretins exist, even here.
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>Of being in the Warp longer than Khan has been a captive on the dark eldar.
That's not a problem if you're not a pussy.
still love this little fucker
Technically this is a very nice job, and I know this reflects purely on my state of mind more than your execution, but all of your dudes be lookin like they them hairy fat back guidos. I know that paint will likely smooth this out in the long run and it's a timely addition to the current Warhammer+ "Wolf Fur" thing but the "rising" nature up and over the power packs just makes me think the worse (it's different with the GW Phobos sculpts, obv).
i liked it kinda as a halfway between terminator and tac marine. but as a terminator replacement? No way. GW even agreed with me.
>questions about lionel's returns
What questions are they? He just woke up long he ws long speculated to, he united the fallen back into the chapter.
lizardman that are innately made to counter chaos and cannot be corrupted vs primarch made partially via the warp and half of whom already fell to chaos.
oh no doubt, terminators are cool and all but I like how gravis is a nice chunky unit. I just wish Assault Termies were updated too
Guilliman became depressed.
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Why do people like Iron Warriors? Is Fellhammer Siege Host good or garbage?
Are there hand flamer variants of Ordo Malleus Incinerators?
IWs are either chads who love tanks and hazard stripes or chuds who get pissy about anything that shows how shit the IWs are.
>What questions are they?
why wake up now
why the super powers
why did he find the shield just lying around
why pick a new sword instead of addressing cypher
Iron Warriors look better without Mark 3 helmets.
>and it's a timely addition to the current Warhammer+ "Wolf Fur" thing
what did he mean by this
First time I've seen them with yellow eyes, looks way better than standard "evil guy" red eyes.
>and cannot be corrupted
excuses from pussies
fellhammer siege host is hot garbo, unless your meta is like all tau, guard and imperial knight players
So I read the first few chapters of Horus Rising and Infinite and the Divine because I was told they were good entry books, but I can barely follow what's happening, I feel like I'm already supposed to know who characters like Trazyn or Loken are and barely gives any context to their action besides the narration of the scenery.

Do you guys have any other book recs?
Don't tell James I'm letting you in on the inner circle...
Loken is literally introduced in Horus rising, you're not meant to know anything about him.
Deathworlder is good, if you know what tyranids and GSC are, even if not.
Gaunts Ghosts is also good
Do you think GW has a designated 4chan shitposter?
>getting into entry 40k with HH (a series about 30k)
fell for the #1 retard meme, 40k as a setting is defined by 30k being myth and legend not knowing the fucking dipshit 50+ novel play by play from 1st hand internal perspectives
>Infinite and the Divine (wot if Stadler and Waldorf were gay ass robots trying to kill each other)
fell for the #2 retard meme

Start with the codex for an army you like, it will be filled with relevant stories (one of the older ones the newer ones are kinda slop).
Then you can check out relevant BL but it will be mostly slop.
Oh I misread it lel
You don't learn about the setting from the novels, the novels are just to milk the autists and keep them addicted.

Your entry level drugs is deep dives into lexicanum, and tabletop rulebooks, or warhammer wiki and loretubers if you're gay.
>Blue rim as a squad marker.
Why not use movement trays to keep the squads separate from each other?
Movement trays aren't very good at all for 40k
where's that helmet from?
>Can only be wounded on a 4+ at range
>can pop a 5+++ against ranged, twice w/ a chaos lord
>hot garbo
Fellhammer is pretty good for objective play
Really? How? I am planning on getting some movement trays and the idea of saving time through moving every unit at once seems pretty good.
Probably not but I like to think that GW has a designated thread monitor at the HQ watching out for downloads.
People on /3dpg/ believe that there is one or more.
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My new Inquisitor plus two units of what I'll be using instead of Navy Breachers. All primed and ready for fun.
>what's a tzaangor?
>oh its a tzeentch beastman
>what's a beastman?
>it's just something in 40k they don't exist in aos anymore
The way you move through terrain, want to hide out of LoS, want to get maximum bodies on points, how melee works.. none of it really lends itself to having a rectangle of dudes.
I want even more haggard and backwards, which is why I was looking at the fantasy range.
>Designated thread monitor
>not for what fans like dont like, or fluff ideas, or what models/armies should be
>just to police downloads
Its sad enough for me to beleive it
Fellhammer doesn't get transhuman and CL can't pop a strat twice
I haven't ruled it out, but these squads are a mix of base sizes (Infantry Squad with attached HWTs) so they'd have some stuff not fitting the tray still.
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Here's your new guard models
That's a jpg
Do I look likenI know what a jpeg is
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Beg your pardon?
Yeah you look very likenl
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Is it a waste of points & money to give every squad a leader? I'm slowly making a new team of Space Marines and coming off of Guard where Orders make leaders mandatory I don't know if it's as important or if I could just make space for elites like dreads or inceptors.
The WH+ app isn't updated because GW are incompetent hacks. Read the dataslate. Been this way for ages.

Abilities such as those don't make strats free anymore they reduce the cost by 1, and you don't get multiple uses of the same strat anymore.
you dumb motherfucker, I didn't say a chaos lord can pop a strat twice, I said you can use a strat twice with a chaos lord, meaning the chaos lord allows you an extra, free use of a stratagem.
I know what you said, and you can't do that anymore. CL doesn't enable you to pop a strat the second time. Aka twice.
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>"""secretly""" belong to the ordo hereticus
>Emblazen an Inquisitorial rosette on your chapter emblem
>Nobody suspects a thing
Hasn't been the case in months
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I stands for imperium
I for Immenselyloyaltoholyterra everyone knows that
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They're not real. They don't actually exist.
Just like the Minotaurs. The """Minotaurs""" are when an element from your chapter gets slated for termination by the Custodes. """"""Red Hunters""""" are codeword for..... WAIT FOR IT.... Blood Ravens! There are "chapters" that exist solely as "on paper" Inquisitorial misdirection.
Why must we be like this?
The """"""Exorcists""""""" are also the Blood Ravens, btw fyi iykyk
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that is a soldier of the imperium
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That's terror.
Make them fallschirmjäger recon scouts or übercoomer catgirls. There is no in-between.
Why are librarians blue
no, that's a PNG

it would have been a different matter if it was a PDF
Space book says so
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Wolfdawg does the best felinids hands down
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>Work has sucked for past three weeks
>Only have free times when it's late
>Weekends likely to get busy soon
>No motivation to paint, start to feel out of practice which just saps motivation even more
I got into the wrong hobby. Maybe I shouldn't have a hobby at all.
Because Magnus "The Red" blueballed Emps from getting unlimited ultraWarp porn beamed 24/7 into the Imperial Palace when he had to go runteldat on the Warpway.
Space book says so because red bad warp juju. Blue calm order LEO friendly fire.
The same reason Chaplains are black, Space Book says you must.
So the other chapters must show their hands for them and be harshly judged for the number and use of psykers in their ranks while the ultramarines alone can hide their librarians in-between their ranks.
>There are "chapters" that exist solely as "on paper" Inquisitorial misdirection.
Thats a cool idea. Although you'd still need marines ainting their armour in minotaur colours since they fought alongside other chapters in the badab war
Space book stupid I'm painting them white.
Chaplains get to stay black cuz black goes hard
chad shit, anon. Good stuff
cringe, anon. Bad stuff.
Blanche did say Space Marines should be black. Black armour always look best, I can see pyskers having a tinged purple armour due to all the warp energy, thats generally blue changing the colour from black to a deep purplish
Chaos twists everything to shit, including SM garystus that dont practice religion.
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Day 16 of exercising every day until the Emperor's Children Codex is released
Yeah, the original Ordo Hereticus chamber militant astartes, and prosecutors of Malcador's "Secret War", chosen carriers of the Sigilite tradition, the Blood Ravens, who were AUSPICIOUSLY granted public disclosure upon the records once the Sisters of Battle were designated the Hereticus chamber militant in m36. A task force of "Red Hunters" or "Minotaurs" were just Blood Ravens dressed up in Inquisitorial misdirection livery to execute an Edict of Obliteration (the highest bueracratic[Malcadorian] censure/tool available) between m30-35. The recurrently mind wiped meat puppets under direction or the Ordo Psykana were given the Azariah fable and a free pass to go pursue their Truth and Knowledge after 5k years of service to the Emperor/Malcador.
You're deserving of a hobby anon. It's alright, it gets roigh from.time to time, but you'll push through
furshitter interpretation
Ok? nobody says your chapter has to follow the codex to the letter.
>Blood Ravens dressed up
Now hhang on there anon, doesn't totally repainting your armour upset the machine spirit and thats why the deathwatch leaves a pauldron of their old chapter unchanged.
Unless you suggesting the Blood Ravens/marines behind the Red Hunters, Monitaurs, Excorcists etc are the one group of non religious retards who know machine spirits are bullshit and have no qualms pulling an alpha legion.
But why is it blood ravens specifically behind all these chapters
uh oh nekofag melty
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Not repainting your armor, being a freshly mind wiper Inquisitorial puppet under the thrall of an all knowing Ordo Psykana handler prodded into donning the "mantle" of whatever Inquisitorial "paper" Chapter is necessary for said conflict.

It's Blood Ravens specifically behind all these chapters because all these chapters were "developed"/released in Imperial Armour in tandem with the development/release of the original Dawn of War as obfuscating the potential origins of the Blood Ravens which were specifically crafted as a "unknown" element to the setting to provide creative liberties to THQs efforts with the new property. It's also why the Blood Ravens "chapter iconography" is officially recorded as three different symbols, the Dark Angels variant from >>94006101, the Raven Guard variant from Kill Team Cassius/Death Watch operations, and the (arguably) Blood Angles/stand alone variant popularized in the DoW franchise.

It's also why, in the original Space Marine game, Captian Titus encounters Blood Ravens shortly before being confronted by the Inquisition, as the bloody magpies were running optics for the Ordo after Leandros went and tattled.
very cool concept, much more interesting than Blood Ravens being loyalist Word Bearers/ Thousan Sons theory.

How does this fit with Dawn of War 2 where their chapter master and half the chapter went traitor? Th chapter behind the inqusitorial puppet chapters would have lots on eyes on them to root out chaos corruption
Damn, we've even got in-universe schizos now
i dont know how to use contrast paints and im not liking how things look using akhelian green, what are some good options for alpha legions metalic looking teal/turquoise color, il probably keep testing out stuff with the mark 6 models i have but im kinda upset with how this shit is going
They only recently "stamped" the Blood Raven theories with the Malcador/Sigilite and Revuel Arvida arc. Blood Ravens are the "pure sons" of Magnus the Red, developed from the "imperfect" geneseed of Janus. Hence the Grey Knight tie in.
They're allowed to "go Chaos" the same reason "Exorcists" bogeymen are. It's a controlled environment heavily monitored by Inquisitional elements and fully monitored/predictively programed by the Ordo Psykana.
>It's CIA gayops all the way down
kino idea anon I'm going to take it. Really really like the idea the chapters tied to inquestion aren't 'real' chapters and are just misdirections. 40k needs more organisational mindgames and misdirects like that
I like the idea of techmarines going to space college in forge worlds other than Mars and having their armor painted in their colors to reflect that.
The Exorcists were originally conceived as a Grey Knights monitored "demonic posession" chapter in the 3rd War for Armageddeon global campaign. This was rolled into the Blood Ravens chapter history for Dawn of War conceptually as "The Tower".

>The Exorcists have long been held among the most controversial Chapters of Space Marines, and with good reason. Forged from the genetic stock of the Primarch Rogal Dorn, they share many of the stoic traits of Imperial Fists successors. Yet, they’re also possessed (quite literally) of a unique quality unlike that of any other Chapter.

Were the wider Imperium to learn the source of the Exorcists’ apparent resistance to the otherworldly powers of Chaos, they would undoubtedly declare them Traitoris Extremis and purge them from existence.

The Exorcists being "Dornian" genestock also helps add spook psyop layers to the Malcador Blood Raven v Dorn/Imperial Fist "Secret War" aspect of the theory, lynchpinned by the Blood Ravens being in possession of "The Fist of Dorn"
It's me. I'm the failed aspirant. We're in The Tower.
Sorry having a manic schizophrenic episode talking about plastic armymen again!
Translation for those who aren't schizophrenic?
>Malcador Blood Raven v Dorn/Imperial Fist "Secret War" aspect of the theory
I am unaware of this theory could you enlighten me anon
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German paratroopers. Had a very specific aesthetic during ww2
Me when 2B sororitas
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So theres a loyal chapter that has a tower of what are essentially psyker chaos spawns that are periodically possessed by daemons/ native denizens of the Warp and communed with.
tl;dr Emps creates the Grey Knights at Malcador's concerns over the Webway project, Malcador "purifies" Revuel Arvida into the being Janus.
-fan theory: Emp prototypes GK geneseed with Janus' purified shard of Magnus geneseed, still finds it wanting, goes on to hand craft GK geneseed for Malcadors concern
As acknowledgement of Malcador's forward thinking and general concern, hoping that Janus(as the incarnation of all that was good in Magnus would be able to spare the Emperor the Golden Throne/Human Webway Fuse) he turned around and granted Malcador his own "Grey Knights" to carry on the Sigilite tradition and act as the Ordo Hereticus chamber militant during the early days of the formation of the Inquisition to enact Malcador's signature bureaucratic wrath. Basically the Blood Ravens m30-m35 were posed as Malcador/Inquisitional intercessors in any Astartes power grabs (hence their "cover" chapters involvement in the Badab wars). A "petty" chapter of the Knights Errants that were disposable and mind wipeable to be the perfect disposable weapon.

Inquisitional black ops/Astartes psyops/other ultra heresy surrounding the psychological underpinnings of the "Angels of Death"
Like a young african american man talking to the crack peddling CIA in the 1980's, I'm buying what you're selling. It all makes so much sense. I wonder how many of these deep theories GW writers are even aware of or if they are carefully crafted and hidden over years.
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Post rationalization is a bitch (so i've heard)
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I think the biggest clue is that Red Hunters, Exorcists and Minotaurs are all shades of red. Just like Blood Ravens.
Spook iconography plausible deniability. They were totatlly Red Dark Angels/RavenGuard/Blood Angles! (Red Mercury)
To me it explains why the chapter master of the minotaurs uses a custodian spear. Had no idea that the Blood Ravens, the OC chapter for a couple games, had so much weirdly specific and unique lore to them. Whats the point of the Tower to either game? nothing. We only see two Bloodraven librarians across 2 games but theres meant to be more than average for the chapter? lots of little weirdness to them
Knowledge is Power, brother!
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only if you're a deamon or tasty
You're really gonna make me a furry just like that? Out of the blue on a Thursday?
>he two test companies can be integrated into normal Chapter organisation with the minimum of fuss and the resulting Chapter of Exorcists could be operational within less than fifty years. By then, the minor side effects that have manifested in a number of test subjects should hopefully be eliminated.
I always wonder if the Imperium could make discount GK why wouldn't they. And how weird it was there was this 'normal' chapter that openly bragged about all its members being possessed and then exorcised. Like thats bragging about the dishonourable actions of your chapter culture.
It all fits together, I can see why this knowledge would be so well guarded.
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Naruto marines OC donut steel reign, brother. We're silly and coming for your relics.
I wonder if the Exorcists inscribe warding runes on the inside of their skull, like the Black Priests
>Sons of the Phoenix also listed as Imperial Fist successors
That really seems to be the go-to for "Not traitor stock"
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>This comic is just falseflag that presents the Bloodraven as a theif turned accidental hero
>And that not being his cover for why he was positioned there ahead of time inthe first place, while also reinforcing how loyal they are if people start snooping about the heretical culture of his chapter like what happens in the Tower.
Too much insight
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I am a blade of Vidya!!!!!!!!
They’re Primaris enjoyers now
>Inquisiton sees the Black Templars, most famous of all Imperial Fist successors and decides their fervour and zeal is a great cover for traitor stock chapters and just claim they're also they're Imperial Fist successors. Half of all Ultramarine successors turn traitor, it seems like its less than half for IF.

The Inqusition probably lets them be well over strength as well since they're never united as a chapter and it lets more of the Imperium see how zealous and devouted to the Emperor they are, helping to build the narrative that other IF successorts couldn't possibly be traitors if they're related to them.
Alpha Legion WISHES it glowed in the dark like this
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sorry anon
That's something else: I can't think of a single chapter that's supposed to be alpha legion stock. Death Guard, neither
They all disguise themselves as other founding stock and are actually good at it.
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>Vidya primarily means "correct knowledge" in any field of science, learning, philosophy, or any factual knowledge that cannot be disputed or refuted.
Oh god the name has a connection to Indian philosophy that can totally relate to how the Inquisition views itself and its understanding of the world.
This like the Horus Heresy connection to the western occultism of Age of Horus from yesterday again.
So after playing Space Marine 2, spoilers

six men to go to the center of a tyranid invasion and kill the fucking hive tyrant as totally bullshit, Acheran was totally trying to kill Titus or something
3 blokes killed the tyrant by dropping 1000 tons of statue on it, then finishing it off
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Why must our toys be like this?
Schizo BR theories aside:
>Emperor's Children - Sons of The Phoenix
>Word Bearers - Exorcists, Covenant of Fire
>Iron Warriors - Silver Skulls, Minotaurs
> Thousand Sons - Blood Ravens
>Sons of Horus - Shadow Wolves
>World Eaters - Carcharodons
All I can think of
I think it's just that the Inquisition jdoesn't pick fights with anyone crazier than they are.
The Iron Snakes Chapter is totally based on the Alpha Legion and they are one of the most blatant loyalist traitor sucessor ones.
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I warned you about those japs bro, I warned you
But yes kot would be a perfect Felinid design
The Covenant of Fire are Salamander successors, the very fact that Salamander geneseed turns you pencil lead black should be proof enough. Carcharodons are confirmed Raven Guard. Sons of the Phoenix are by the author’s own words Imperial Fists. Exorcists are Grey Knights unofficially and Imperial Fists officially. Silver Skulls are Ultrmarines founded in honor of Dantioch. Minotaurs actually are Iron Warriors though. No clue who the Shadow Wolves are.
salamander successors don't turn black
Shadow Wolves are quite literally just loyalist Luna Wolves. Intended that way to please their Author's wife
The Greater Unclean One in DoW is (Ulk)(Air) [Ulk = Rotten/Hoax] of course adding further duality to the Blood Ravens/(Inquisitional Chapters) as to which exactly is the "paper" chapter they put in their reports.
Exorcists and Minotaurs aren't real chapters. They're documental deniability rubber stamping for Inquisitorial/Custodial intercession in a theater. Every so often they through a brain wiped freshly psycho indoctrinated from the relevant "cover" genefather chapter into the Deathwatch to carry the lie.
That's what they want you to think, Anon
They literally do, it’s not just a Nocturne thing, it’s literally a geneflaw that causes their melanochrome organ to not regulate itself and is why the Terran Salamanders were also pitch black with glowing red eyes.
Yeah just looked them up, ADB’s wife said they were a reference to them, and it’s claimed that ADB himself said they were IF successors.
>it's a girl
oh... nevermind then
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>Here's your felinid, bro
The exorcists seem to be an actual chapter although a very unusual one, The Minotaurs in the other hand seem to be just a bunch of brainwashed nearly mindless clones without much free will that would be unable to have an actual chapter. Basically a bunch of Super Kriegs
Remove the tail and cat ears, but keep the fur and fangs.
I decide what's canon and I say all chapters are Alpha Legion stock
Keep the ears. Good hearing would make them excellent recon troops
Unless somethings been retconned the minotaur are definitely real, there definitely seems to be some cloning shenanigans going on though given how their chapter master never seems to die
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the tail is important for balance
I mean he’s a named character, the last named character to die who was a space marine was Carab Culln and FW just put him in a dreadnought for more $$$.
didn't a Blood Angel named character die?
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Yeah but you're not aligning the conceptual dates of the Exorcist chapter during the 3rd War For Armageddeon Global Campaign overlapping with the development of Dawn of War and the subsequent absorption of the Exorcists super secret plot point into the Blood Ravens "The Tower" disclosure combined with the inclusion of Grey Knights units as the >>94006828 referential demon hunters being held in reserve as the metanarrative nod to the muddying of conceptual beginnings merging into a final product that purposefully casts plausible deniability on both aspects of the accusations.

The """"""Minotaurs"""""" are one Custodes in a customized terminator suit with a bunch of meat puppets wearing what uniform they are told to so they can run Silent War ops.
Also link to HH occultism posts.
Yeah but he was dead when he was given rules, in fact he’s had rules for as long as he’s been dead, that dude has a funny case iirc.
The minotaurs have literally never done anything silently. They are about as far removed from "stealth operatives" as you can possibly get.
By not being real I mean that they are just a bunch of clone or brainwashed bastards without much personality or free will other than being hyper agressive that get the marine surgery and send to die right after.

No autonomy, no code, no goals and are fully controlled by the high lords that can simply replace them all if they all die. Just mass produced mindless slaves that are possibly put to sleep and stored somewhere after their missions
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Iirc they at the very least have a chapter HQ. Last I heard nurgle got to their gene seed and they're having to book it across the galaxy to get fresh stick from mars
Not only do the minotaurs have several named characters but also with very Greek themed armor and weapons which very much contradicts anon’s schizo hypothesis. Especially when the Red Hunters are literally right there.
They're just my ramblings, not as well explained as your BR stuff
Are you the grail myth schizo? You have a lot of interesting ideas
The problem is that several of their named characters get something off about them, like the Chapter Master that possibly get replaced by a clone with his memories quite often or the Dreadnought that randomly went mindless just to stop after getting a order
I am not, what ideas does the grail myth schizo suggest?
Do the various genestealer cult variants get more mutated over time if they live long
He has some cool ideas about Guilliman's Resurrection
how to build a dread mob army
i’d like to cram a deff dread in there too
yeah at some point you just get full blown tyranids
What do you think a dread mob army is
Fuck irmt, I believe it.

Doea beg the question of what they actual fuck the BR were doing during a few of thwir appearances, of thw games can even be taken as canon, that is. DoW 1, Dark Crusade and all of the DoW 2 games are pretty self explanatory with all the bullshit the magpies get themselves into. And maybe DoW 3 as well consideringthe twist about the Spear of.Khaine having some demon shit in it. But thw fuck did they want on Kaurava that was worth deploying 5 whole companies in a high profile action against both thw Guard and Eccleshiarchy right after having already slaughtered Guardmem over at Kronus, when the only thing of interest there is Necron shit, which has fuck all to do with the Warp and demons. Of all the games theybwere in it gave me the impression of.being their largest deployment and I just can't figure out the fuck they wanted there.
Interesting. Although to be pendantic and devils advocate the Emperor is explicity not Turkic, hes Anatolian. Predating the Turks migration to modern day Turkey by many many thousands of years.
Why Gman is a super Aryan (Blonde Indo European, Aryan isnt a useful term but thats a seperate conversation) when hes the Roman Empire stand in, people who were not blonde or blue eyed, is interesting to think about.
not nescessary for a upright species
I should specify, his ideas about story archetypes are interesting, but he loses me there at the end with the race stuff
I don't get people saying that Blood Ravens are not Thousand Sons

What else can explain a chapter without any mutation on their geneseed that got an extremely high number of psykers without recruiting psykers?
No it just depends on where you fall on the family tree
>human gets infected by genestealer
>their offspring are very alien in appearance
>their kids look more human
>their kids look more human and can blend into society
>their kids are fullblown regular purestrain genestealers
>abberants are a triggered mutation by the patriarch
tin cans, paper clips, some glue, and cardboard.
40k, ontop of being a ""young adult"" learning tool, is, and I know Im stating the obvious, a very complex trauma release tool for combat/history nerds that have arrested development that acts as a "diving rod" of self selecting into the appropriate ideological sources to engage with and work through the historically encoded Truths and indivisible wisdom inherent to the authored intent of the various Chapters/factions/media blahblahblah.
Nobody says anything about them because it isn't 2005
Or people just like giant mega chads in power armor trading punches with funny british orcs
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You are also not wrong.
Where do the catgirls fit in
Look at the Necromunda Genestealers.
>LGS is sold out of Mandrakes
>Night Lords
>and Scouts
Thats the BR don't experience flesh change? That they are called 'Brothers' by Eliphas when they would be cousins. Theres a lot of implication that BR are, or at least Eliphas is under the impression of them being a secret word bearer geneseed
I'm unaware of other te 'ideological sources to engage with and work through the historically encoded Truths and indivisible wisdom'. Unless you mean like how the right wing grifters think the whole IP is actually meant to show the conservative point of view is utterly correct
Are there any pink space marine chapters? Like, canonically and I don’t mean Emperor’s Children?
eliphas isn't a tson
He's arguing that BR are word bearers
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No there isn't
re-read my comment I know he's not a tson, im saying hes a wrod bearer calling BR brothers because he thinks they're also WBs
>Thats the BR don't experience flesh change?
They are chimeric, it's possible that they overcame it by using parts of another legion geneseed, which probably is Ultramarine as Gabriel Angelos is just your average Smurf personality wise but with a red armor.
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>I did not know how empty was my soul, until it was filled
They should just own it and make the mcguffin the actual holy grail. Would be kino.
>They are chimeric
Chimeric gene seed doesn't mean all the chapters astartes have gene seed that is 2 or more different geneseeds melded together. It means parts of the legion have geneseed from X and other parts have Y.
If they were pearly TSon they would have those members experinc ethe flesh change. They don't, only failed psyker initates that get turned into chaos spawn do and they get locked in the Tower. But thats the opposite of the Tson experince, psykers were immune to the flesh change, its was the non psyker brothers that were affected and dying
Only if they aren’t exposed to enough radiation. Nocturne just flips the switch instantly cus of how intense it is. Sally succesors also likely have firesight but that may be an unstable part of them. Salamander geneseed is also notoriously unstable which is why they had no confirmed canon succesors before the Primaris.
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>They should just own it and make the mcguffin the actual holy grail. Would be kino.
Fucking imagine...
I am going to paint my chaos marines as sons of malice. That is all.
That’s cool anon I hope the quartered black and white isn’t too bad to paint good luck
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Could be cool but an actual holy grail would be lame.
'Oh wow a cup' Invented 1,200 years after Jesus died and its meant to be magic because he sipped wine from it one time? 40k should have more dramatic and interesting mcguffins. Wyrmwood being an ancient planet sized weapon, destroyed in a civil war then turned into a deamon machine world that digs through another realm to travel space and time is a propa 40k mcguffin
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>It's me. I'm the failed aspirant. We're in The Tower
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I think having it simply be a magic cup from his home would be the best kind of subversive. The way they end up finding the grail out in some warp shithole could be grandiose to make up for it and the explanation behind it's magic, I doubt it would thump its chest to Catholic doctrine but to be fair, it has been 40,000 years since what exactly?
>it has been 40,000 years since what exactly
Don't get me started on what the 40k timeline is. We have NO evidence its the Gregorian calendar in nu40k. RT choose 40,000 years in the future because at the time in the 1980's we only had knowledge of all human history up to 40,000 years in the past. So the most known distant past was cast into the future. But that might not even be canon anymore could be 40,000 years since the moon landing? Or if you really want to be schizo, 40,000 years since the Emperors crusade, the Imperium is 4 times older than it thinks it is. Hell year 0 could be Ceaser assassination and not the dead jew on a sticks execution. Both events had a bloodmoon/meteor to make it.
I'd like to think Malcador was way too autistic to let the timekeeping get particularly fucky, but also it kinda bugs me because I know the Gregorian calendar is actually not perfect and would be off by over 10 days if you kept using it for 40k years.
Simple is best, it's 38 thousand years into the future because there hasn't been any specific reason to not think so. We haven't gotten rid of anno domini yet and we're secular, maybe we just never will. I'll be clear, I don't think at any point they would be like '"woagh guys it's the holy grail that Jesus had remember Jesus" just a vague idea of drinking from a powerful artifact as old as history and the emperor himself etc etc and I could go
>Woagh guys it's the holy grail that Jesus had remember Jesus (and King Arthur)
On my favorite 4chan general /tg/
Does 40k have 12 months in the year with the same days we do, with the varied inconsistent days per month or is it all 'varies from planet to planet'
New thread:
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I saw this comic and I finally get why Tau are so fucking unbearable and lame
Eiffel 65 lookin niggas

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