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Previously: >>94002778

Gay Bolas Edition

>Banlist Update

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

What's next on the agenda?
What's next? Let me tell you. Post your favorite monocoloured card. Do it. Do it now.
>Hmm... bussy good...
>what's next
Ban sol ring and vault next. Total mana-positive rock death.
I'm a little late to the party. Why exactly did they ban these cards?
And all the green ramp. And any creature with trample. And all removal and card draw. Also any creature with any stats greater than its mana value.
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Fast mana
Commander only bans for bad commanders
Extreme combo/prison pieces
Extra turn cards
Reset the game cards
Really Egregious staples
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Yeah! Lets also ban nonbasic lands. And all artifacts. And enchantments too.
Fucking love cards with 3+ pips of the same color.
>Dockside Chef
Card draw is too powerful.
>Tormod's Crypt
Bro you can't be hating peoples graves like that at that cost.
>Gilded Lotus
Because its very powerful and makes high cost commanders more consistent to get down.
Ban anything that dosent let me win by turning gigantasaur sideways because losing is feelsbad
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Commander should only be basic lands and creatures
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Cry harder, paypig.
I am an enjoyer of cheating mana cost based shenanigans

Hey it's pig anon again! Where are your cute pig pictures?
My deck is terrible and I run tormods and gilded lotus
Vanilla creatures only. And there's a turn zero humility.
>My deck is a 7
>Fix Lotus
>No mana cost
>You may cast ~ for 0 if you control your commander
>T, Sac: Add 2 mana of any one of your commander's colors
"We can charge $15 a pack with this in the double mythic bonus sheet!" -Mark
To send a message, you wanna play graveyard hate? You go to modern with that toxic shit B*$%&
Nadu deserved it tho
Seems perfectly fine and balanced to me
I remember when I was learning and I thought I could pay Defiler of Vigor's cost reduction as many pips as I wanted, like a non-legendary Krrik. This card was what I immediately thought of.
sol ring deserves it
Nadu is the ban I have seen the least complaining about by a fucking mile.
Which is kind of funny since it's the only one of the four that could be a commander, so the only one that really invalidates an entire deck as opposed to just forcing a few swaps.
Is picrel a shit commander? He looks like a lot of fun and I want to build a deck with him, I like how I can build a fairly tuned deathtouch tribal deck with mostly commons.
Been out of the game for 2 years but the bans make me wanna play again. Has my wife gotten any new tpys?
They can if Cover says they can. But Cover is also making their own Hololive CCG so they are unlikely to accept an SLD offer from WOTC.
Hes ok but kos so no decent player will let you go to combat with him in play
Lumra and Titania, Nature's Force come to mind
I like the negator creeping in the background here.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
you're late
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my hero
>That one time when Lumra got top 4 in a cedh tourny
Bolas' Crypt
>tap for 3 in any combination of colors, use this mana only to cast your commander
>if your commander is cast this way it isn't taxed
>people i know pick up commander decks
>don't have a lot of experience
>ask me to play in a pod with them
>bring deck that is an upgrades precon (whicg is about a 7 in my opinion)
>talk and walk them through interactions and explaining cards
>win most games pretty easily
>they got better over the few games we played and had better understanding of their decks
>still feel like my deck was too strong for their decks
Kinda felt bad afterwards.
Yeah that makes sense I guess
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Always glad to see this card
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>Order a NM card off tcgplayer direct
>It's scuffed up, so send a Condition Issue message and get a 2 dollar store refund, whatever.
>Wake up to Messages (17)
>They refund everything in that package; now have 96 dollars worth of store credit
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i think i should say something, maybe.
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>they'll reverse the bans my investments are safe they'll reverse the bans my cardboard isn't worthless they'll reverse tge bans.....
>Nadu is the ban I have seen the least complaining about by a fucking mile
Because everyone knew it was hoing to het banned. The card is an admitted design mistake
Would the new Niko make for a good blink deck that isn't hated out like Brago? Or should I try just mono-W with Preston instead?
Make an edh deck using Penny dreadful rules
making a blink deck is the actual hate trigger, anon.
What a weird and gay story.

Give it a week. If they dont notice by then it's rightfully yours by the rules of the road.
Theres a land from MH3 that basically acts as a second Thespian Stage if Dark Depths is in your graveyard. Shifting Woodland I think its called.
Anything that is a blatant auto-include before you even choose a commander deserves a b&. There's no point in the format if every deck inevitably creeps to 36 lands, generically efficient format "staples", rocks because you faggots can't let them go, and ten cards with a keyword mechanic that makes your mechanic-specific valuetown commander go brrrrr. I want to do cool shit with my deck, and not wonder if I should mulligan twice because Timmy can't poker face when he sees Sol Ring in his opening hand.
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I will always advocate for building mono-white
Mono W with Abdel Far Traveler actually
What am I in for with picrel?
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Based and correct
>even anime Stacys laugh at me

thoughts? any "strictly better" cards that don't remove the gimmick
>a good blink deck
Absolutely no one wants to watch you resolve a dozen etbs every turn. Storm at least has the decency to be amusing when it fizzles.
aura aura
if anyone was mad cause they built this they're an idiot, this was invetiable
>Give it a week
What I'm worried about, is sellers potentially thinking I'm scamming them, and blocking me - I've had it before when I've requested legitimate refunds for missing cards.
This is just store credit, but I imagine TCGplayer deducts something from them, right? I imagine they'd be alerted I filed an Order Refund
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Agreed. It's time to ban Island. Island has had it good for too long being an autoinclude in every deck with blue.
>see actual autistic spic play him
>takes his 20 min turn
>tell him "lol that shit is gonna get banned" in a joking manner
>he doesnt believe me and says RC wont do shit
Look whos eating crow now
And one more thing, publicly quitting the advisory group when you only cite [current thing you don't agree with] makes you a big ol' bitch with control issues especially given their content's influence has stymied the format at best and regressed the quality of participation in the format at worst. Good riddance.
An army of necrons, and people arguing over whether or not you get tokens if he is the artifact that left your graveyard. The answer is yes, you do.
You're an idiot without reading comprehension skills, but a broken clock is right twice a day.
Cool, is he a good commander that can hold his own in a casual pod?
nta but in my opinion, it's one of the strongest precon commander decks they've ever made
Final Fortune synchronizes well with all of the cheap "flip a coin" combat tricks you're running.
You have a lot of anti synergy going on here and not enough lands. There are also several cards that involve flipping coins that just aren't good, even if you win 100% of the time.
yes, that's exactly the kind of BS I want in this deck
winning isn't the point
>Spanish version is 70 freedom bucks more expensive

the case for proxies grows by the day
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I built an entire deck around it and it's mid, but very fun. I've had it since I was literally 9 years old and have tried for over a decade to make it work, I'm just glad it's passable in what I run it in.
Damn that could be a lot of fucking 2/2s pretty fast.
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Bloodmoon. I put it in every deck I can, alongside Magus of the Moon.
All you need is a fist full of removal and artifacts that can move each other around like Myr Retriever, Scrap Trawler, Junk diver, and Workshop assistant. You don't even necessarily need to combo, since you create an army so quickly.
Sounds good, this is the deck I threw together, I'd appreciate any feedback.

>30 minute white man video essay where he says there's no difference between Craterhoof Behemoth and Thoracle/Consultation, and the only reason you would ever use the former is if you haven't developed enough as a player to understand that Thoracle is better
I'm genuinely baffled by how these people can vomit out takes like this without having played the game they're describing (it sucks)
Looks pretty cool, but I would include Skullclamp, mana rocks, and Urborg/Coffers
>Squee the Immortal + Foodchain
>Cloudstone Curio + _____ Goblin
>Kodama + Tireless Provisioner + Gruul Turf
Are these the most compact infinite mana combos for RG now?
Crashing Drawbridge so that when you recur all your artifacts from the yard, your zombie army actually can end the game
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Wotc please print more UFO's and Greys thank you
Isn't sticker goblin banned?
banned in legacy or vintage but not commander
hoof requires a board state what the fuck is bro huffing
I'm kind of interested in getting into cEDH. About how long before the meta settles after the bannings?
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Current post-ban changes
Most of the other ones I can think og like Jeska's Will or Mana Gyser+Reiterate or Staff of Domination+Something that taps for enough mana require jumping through more hoops.
The fuck is this and why isnt my boy on it?
he flys and is saucer shaped but he is more of the alien that flys them in my mind
why does everyone call bolas gay? I don't get it and I'm afraid to ask at this point
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Holy shit, is this real? CEDH players are such crybabies lol
But why? The rules committee doesn't want Wishboards to exist, but they're okay with those sticker sheets?
is this actually worth running in titania? 6 mana for a splendid regrowth seems steep and Im usually using tutors for a hoof winning play or to find some small utility creatures
if you play any of these you are now a certified BITCH
Had Stickfingers and Gitrog already stopped being viable before this? They were the two I had been most interested in, though I do see a couple others I was considering have gotten off pretty well.
Little upset Korvold probably won't recover since he's too pubstompy to play at normal tables.
There was a line in Ral's backstory that implied Bolas let a dude fuck him and since MtG writing is a dumpster fire other anons overanalyzed this to include Ugin because he's the only person Bolas genuinely ever cared about.
So who's top dog now in cedh? I need to meta game them
It's a gay forced meme, dont worry.
It's a ritual post. Ignore it and move on.
Only cEDH "players" could say blue farm dies without Dockside.
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>your commander's viability hinges entirely on getting fast/infinite mana
This is so dumb. Why are there two collums saying the same thing? Where did you get this?
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Some anon leaked that Bolas is coming back with Ugin in Return to Tarkir and someone else started shitposting that they're coming back as gay lovers so Bolas can have a larger story role rather than jobbing once and being written out for another 5 years like other villains.
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>format designed to make any strategy that isnt combo complete shit becomes all about who can combo off the fastest and most consistantly
WOTC made it this way. cEDH of 7 or 8 years ago would be certifiable jank by todays standards.
wishboards would fundamentally warp every deck that could run them into needing them do to their utility, stickers are literally just dungeons with 1 extra step(randomly selecting 3 out of 10 you bring). they are not comparable
Doesn't mention Winota? Am I to assume Winota is unaffected by the changes?
>Some decks are worse than others when forced to slow down
I mean...yeah.
cEDH just seems like less fun and more frustrating vintage if I can be real with you famalam
cant even play manaless dredge in cEDH either so thats an automatic -5 fun points in my book
Well you see anon, Bolas IS gay so that's why people say he's gay. Why do you think he surrounded himself with male slaves on Amonkhet while he had all his female slaves fuck off and do other shit? Hell even Liliana remarked that Bolas was better than the 4 demons she was previously working for because he just had her doing mundane shit she was actually good at instead of trying to stick his dick in her.
Winota is cedh non-viable nowadays
Some people love Rocket Tag, and some people hate it.
You know what, when you just look at it from the reddit decklist side of things it gets boring but alot of people play off meta fringe shit thats not even listed and is outright rejected by the database and you can have a pretty good time and a lot of fun seeing unique outside the box strategies from them
I hate that this guy is shit and I hate that "Say its name..." cannot actually be used in commander for the neat flavor effect.
I want an alter of Beetlejuice to have as my commander, damn it
I'm pretty sure even if Bolas was straight he wouldn't want to fuck a roastie that just got railed by 4 demons. 100% chance of Super AIDS.
Gitrog is way too slow now when RogSi is threatening T3 wins. And Stickfinger was never a contender.
He's a shit commander because he's *not* fun. He's good, he's the most popular mono green commander. The deck is just boring and makes itself.
I'll admit my opinion is tainted by webcamfags being mostly metaslaves, retards and cheaters
It's halfway between vintage and legacy. It has more "viable" decks than either format individually and a great deal more room to brew. No sideboards is absolutetly crippling. It's a format for drunk ex judges and old eternal format players who already have most of what they need, and a horrible place to start as your first competitive format.
It's really good in Zask, as are all prospective Insect Tribal commanders
>Tovolar stax
Yeah it's been getting worse but all of mtg sort of is so not a lot that can be done. We need more brewers willing to stop caring so much about reddits opinion of their strats and seeking validation from people who were never going to take them seriously to begin with.

You can even make cuts to popular decks to try and people will just shit all over you for it before they even have tried to test it, gotta just forget them and raw dog it. Those are the people who are really fun to play with.
Dies to removal. Unironically.
You never get her to stick
In Bolas's backstory the exact moment Bolas begins descending into being evil is when Ugin's spark ignites, and instead of coming back he fucks off for several years to explore the multiverse, so Bolas thought Arcades killed Ugin after seeing him just disintegrate. That caused Bolas to go on a huge revenge quest that ended up with him taking over all of Dominaria, only to immediately give that up once he discovered Ugin was still alive because I guess he REALLY wanted to get his bussy pounded.
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He's still got it.
The simple truth of the matter is that some commanders and colors are better to suited to fill the gaps left by lotus and crypt. This is especially true for red since Dockside pulled double duty as fast mana and a combo piece.
Bolas got Ral's ex to fuck him and that's technically the only time in the story Bolas was confirmed to have sex.
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I made her into a Saga deck instead of an aura one because I'll always have Sagas in the graveyard.
>Nobody uses the demonic STD tracker database and just looks at tournament results
So what does this mean for Liliana?
It's a frickin meme you dip
I thought dragons were like asexual or something. Talk about wasting a chance at representation. Fucking bigoted wotc pricks
Dragons pop into existence from ugin being in the same dimension so
dragon reproduction is probably very weird
Don't remember Liliana every being cedh but she certainly isn't now
This is true. I play tournaments once a month or so, and win pretty consistently with a non-top tier deck. Every tourny is the same: a bunch of big dick dumbasses spew their hand out turn one, eat a fuck load of removal, I sandbag a little until they've shot their wad, and grind them out with tempo. Then they always give me the "you only won because no one paid attention to you/you didnt mulligan" or "I would have won in x if you didnt y". No fucking shit, I built a goddamned low risk tempo deck with minimal board presence to do exactly that. Even worse if you post it online, people just laugh and suggest dumb shit like convoluted time twister lines.
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...they're brothers
All elder dragons are "siblings" directly descended from the Ur-Dragon yet that clearly didn't stop them from getting it on and making little dragons.
It's complicated.
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Sorry chud, this is real life. The homosexual gets the dragon.
They're people who have taken a casual format and turned it into try-harding. They're essentially Team Fortress 2 style fags
>Can't fly because he's full of CUM
Gay card but lore-accurate.
You tell me a better way in dealing 120 life against 3 hands of interaction.
This is known as "a bad deck"
I go next in turn order after the person that just tried to win through 3 hands of interaction and failed.
Yeah I have had the "it's not fair we didn't even know what was going on over there" thrown at me in similar situations. Not my problem man, all legals cards boy
Literally me. I feel so sorry for the women who thought I was cute
Does the tapped and attacking token not trigger it's own attack triggers?
Seems like it wouldn't just so this isn't a one card infinite, but I wanted to double check.
Just because something is attacking doesn't mean it declared to attack, so no.
A creature that enters tapped and attacking won't trigger "when this creature attacks do thing" effects because it was never declared as an attacker.
Gotcha, thanks friends.
I assume that the 15-20 still means the token is attacking per the 1-14 section?
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Alright are there any male dragons in MtG that DON'T want to fuck another dude?
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Thoughts anons?
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Anon, I...
>My boy Shivan Dragon is gay
I'll support him... no matter what... through thick and thin... from ABU through FIRE...
>RogSi casts Final Fortune
Tough luck pal, next turn is his
I play in a very low power meta
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>thoracle trigger on the stack
literally fake and gay
I don't think this card is objectively worth the slot but it bought me an extra turn where I topdecked the exact card that could win me the game so I can't bring myself to ever remove it.
ACK! My strategy!
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I prefer this one desu
MALE dragons in MTG! Not FEMALE dragons in D&D!
>DHawk, Bolas, and Ugin
Nah anon just gay. I'm with the scryfall taggers on this one.
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>in MTG
well if nothing else this banning is shining light on how retarded magic players are
I always thought it was funny when people would imply that the mtg community on a whole is of a higher IQ than average
Lowkey lab man has an out to this if you have a tedious autistic enough setup for it. I still kinda believe he is secretly the better card since he turns any possible draw option into interaction
>loses the ability to win on turn 1
Welp, looks like the bans worked.
That is a GIRL! With VAGINA! She wants to fuck BAHAMUT!
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What's your signature move? You know, the one you use when all the chips are down.
attacking with an invasion dragon without the 3 mana for the ability
some real winners in the RC discord rn
How does that work with commander damage?
Freeman you fool! You are meant to respond to the Demonic Consultation, not the Thoracle.
MtG is a progressive game, BIGOT
>watched the command zone video
lmao you can just tell that fat guy was seething about card value
"Can't lose the game" keeps you alive until the turn ends, then you die.
>In a Commander game, combat damage you're dealt by a commander is still tracked, even if it doesn't change your life total.
burgeoning really is one of the most overrated cards in this format desu
A reminder to all pay-piggies on release day: GameStop still has the Endless Horror precon at $49.99
Don’t get price gouged.
Fantasy Hitler is not homophobic because homophobia doesn't exist in the multiverse.
Historically, people like that had a very personal agenda if they didn't want to discourage homosexuality. Make of that what you will.
>jeweled lotus is regaining value
>5 mana
And 1 card in hand after draw.
What a dummy
>needed a specific hand of 6 cards to do this
Well technically turn player gets priority first the moment the trigger is on the stack anyway.
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Isn’t one of them literally in the Rules Committee? The pinned comment of their video a couple days ago said they didn’t know about the upcoming bans.
If true that would have some serious implications
who the fuck pays these prerelease prices, jesus
Endless Punishment, you mean?
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Remember the faggy tears when this sold out? Here's how much it costs now. Somehow you never hear about it anymore.
I play my Blue-Eyes White Dragon
>Grab it back for second round
no hes an ambassador which means he had no influence but they liked the way his cock tasted or something
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>looking at twitter
>see a post my the official MTG account that is just their usual advertising of random uncommons and shit from the set
>find it strange it has so many replies for a post about draft chaffe uncommons
>it's literally just tons of people screaming "UNBAN UNBAN" and "DISSOLVE THE RC" flooding the comments even though the post has fuck all to do with commander or bans

This is genuinely giving me flash backs to dead by daylight around a year and a half ago. Hopefully WOTC and the RC don't kowtow like Canadian Frogs do.
accurate, even in the decks it's made for it is absolutely overrated. I bought mine for 5 bucks and I think im just going to sell tbf
I saw someone in the comments of Tolarian Community College (don’t worry I didn’t watch the video) saying they couldn’t find that one for less than $70, generally it seems to be about $80 on specialist stores.
Retards who don’t know how to into price comparison
Yeah whatever the fuck, the rakdos one
I was about to get mad that this was coming out but apparently its existed for a while and I had no idea/had no impact on my life
guess my impotent rage will have to wait for something else stupid wotc does
I'm confused. Are you implying 77 dollars (a near doubling of price) is like not a big mark up? What is this post meant to mean? What did he actually mean by this.
>mfw Skull Merchant already bottom winrate and gets nerfed because Redditors don't want to do gens instead of fucking around trying to loop a killer
the funny thing is wotc already tried to make their own edh format and it fucking blows
arena's Brawl?
>devs who literally said "Yes, we intentionally destroyed this character we sold you for money just so no one would/could play them. We'll maybe fix it in 3 years lmao"
So glad I quit that garbage fire
mtgos 1v1 format
Apparently Josh Lee-Kwai AND Rachel Weeks are in the advisory group. Guess that didn’t count for shit lol.
Olivia Gobert-Hicks Is on the committee and has been on CZ. Must have been what I was thinking of
On the scale of if you really wanted it enough to cry online for 2 weeks would you pay the mark up, yeah it should represent an manageable price. But mtg entitlement disease is a serious condition affection anywhere from 60-70% of players who think the whole game should be free.
is this even english?
This sounds like a Robot from Dilbert or something
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Cast Mating Season to summon 9 male dragons in close proximity to each other.
>Guess that didn’t count for shit
I mean what did they expect? For people to listen to their luke-warm takes? We already know that
RC: We hate fast mana. So we are banning two of the least used pieces of fast mana
Also RC: We are making the most prevalent piece of fast mana across the entire format the mascot of our format.
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It is if you know dead by daylight, yes.
Why would WOTC let them ban sol ring and destroy all precons? WOTC would be forced to put out a statement saying precons can still use sol ring and it is legal for them. Which was a similar thing done in another format.
2 people in the advisory committee release a video mentioning JewLo, Mana Crypt and Extortionist by name hours before the ban announcement.
Heavily suggests they didn’t know it was coming so either they weren’t consulted at all or they got no indication that it was gonna go that way
Think the people that destroyed their cards will sui if they revert the ban?
>Johnny come lately has no idea the rules committee has said the same thing about sol ring for over a decade

>turn 1
>play burgeoning

No that is in fact not fast mana. But i can understand the confusion especially with all the mental turmoil that guy is likely going through right now.
>dead by daylight
foid detected
Probably. I'd want to sue if I was them. Especially since it would be clear they did it intentionally to force mass sell offs and then buy up cheap lotuses/crypts so they could unban and sell them for a 2-4x profit.
This is the reason it won't get reverted. It will be reverted if WOTC wants to mail copies of those cards to every player.
You mean trannoid
influencers are only as good as their ability to hawk product, no need to ask their permission for anything.
You mean middle aged guy, going by content creators.
I am fully aware the RC can't take the sol ring off their cocks but it will never not be hilarious how ass pained fast mana makes them

WotC already prints fucked product missing cards and full of doubles and the world of commander has yet to explode. If they cut sol ring today tomorrow no one would care except r*ddit and you
Again this already happened and the ruling was precon users could keep using the banned card. I am fine with this. Your Krenko deck can't use it but that guys Ulakek deck can.
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dat wasn't a typo; i meant sui, as in suicide.
that ass pain is a bit of projection isnt it
I have never in my life seen "sui" used as a shortening for suicide.
And no, they'd sue since most of them are rich. Guys like Rudy, critikal and wubby are millionaires.
Anon, you know 2/5ths of the RC are youtubers right? The token whore was literally one of MtGs biggest influences before the RC bought her off Kibler
>If they cut sol ring today tomorrow no one would care except r*ddit and you
Sometimes you read a take so absolutely brain-dead that it reminds you of the worst days of /tg/ is bad at magic. This one is for the highlight reel, just incredibly, monumentally stupid.
You definitely type like someone who hasn’t cum lately.
i'm just that quirky and unique, don'tcha know.
>not and argument
I accept your concession
Sui is how you call pigs anon
further, i don't think rudy, cr1tikal, and wubby were the ones destroying cards - smalltime investors that put all their eggs in one basket were the ones having little spergouts, while actual big fish have other assets they can fall back on.
>Chucky crossover SLD instead of something like Beetlejuice
>wanting UB slop in MtG
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why not build without sol ring? be the change anon
>being a name fag on 4chan
Actually I would say they chose not to ban it because all the casuals would have been pissed off about it too which is a waaaaay bigger number than what we're seeing. And they knew that much heat in addition to what they're getting for crypt/etc would be way too much to handle as well as a really unnecessary amount of backlash to wotc from just way too many people. I think you're right though sol ring should be banned and we should spread some of the chaos around, ain't gonna happen though. Let it go my son
Obeka, where can I find a list?
because I nut every single time I land into sol ring into signet on turn 1
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the tarkir dragons aren't gay but they ARE into femdom
It happened in formats where you'd submit decklists for your tournaments regularly, and if your submitted list was not correct, you'd lose matches automatically, and when the printing of the product happened to coincide with the banning in question. Both times
Not in casual commander where "it's banned except for unchanged precons" is basically unenforceable, and where the ban would significantly post-date the creation of the product. This is why the RC is incredibly gun-shy about banning cards that have been in precons, and the only two times that's happened the card has been totally busted.
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I dump my lands into play. I swing. Simple life.
I have two perks and a special.

>Drug-Fueled Savant
+1 concentration when intoxicated. +2 concentration when intoxicated by multiple substances. -3 concentration while sober with a 15% chance of doing something over complicated that loses the game.
>Unflapable Presence
Impervious to taunt, intimidate, and mind reading. 25% chance to draw aggro of the entire table each turn, regardless of what's played.

>Special Move: Demon's Haze
Once per game, if drug-fueled savant is activated, but unflappable presence hasnt drawn the aggro of the table, each opponent rolls a charisma check. For each player that fails, increase everyone's intoxication level by one. Then each opponent rolls a constitution check. For each opponent that fails, add stax piece to your hand that gains the "obfuscating aura" trait, which causes each othee card in your hand to exist in a quantum state where it could hypothetically be a wincon. If both checks fail, decrease your intoxication by two levels for the remainder of the game.
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these are real people who run around and do things in real life
Very very very few people have a fundamental opposition to Sol Ring being legal, a lot of people love that it is, and it has so many different printings with so many different artworks precisely because it is, for better or worse, an iconic part of commander - it has over NINETY PRINTINGS.
Banning Sol Ring would piss off nearly everybody.
Just like banning crypt for retarded reasons did, considering they're essentially the same card.
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It's always darkest before the dawn charm. This little spell has saved me so many times, it's incredible.
commander is just too casual for me to buy this. I mean I have miscounted my own deck before and not noticed i had 101 or 99/98 cards for multiple games in a row with no functional difference and no one being able to tell. It's a big fucking reach to say they avoided it because of the precons being "invalid" which lets be honest, not a single player on planet earth is going to shit all over some precon player who didn't know 1 of their 100 cards was banned. I'd rather they just stick with "we kept it because spirit of the format" than make up lame excuses.
>commander is just too casual for me to buy this.
anon the people crying about this aren't casual players
they're pubstompers or failed cedh players
People pretending that the ban has only upset investors and will be inconsequential are kind of retarded when advisory group members are resigning over it
Sure. The fact that Crypt being banned pissed so many people off is more evidence, not less, that this take:
Is just absolutely moronic.
Fuck off.
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fixed ur frame
Anon I know you're mad but it is a bit different. It's not a good defense to not ban it, it should go too for sure, but they are definitely different beasts.
I have a hard time seeing Korvold want to fuck anything when he can eat it instead.
Sol Ring has been the mascot of Commander for well over a decade.
JLK quit. Who else?
In my experience burgeoning is amazing turn 1.. or turn 8

Yeah it lets you dump lands out but if you don't also get some form of draw you're quickly going back to 1 land per turn cycle
but the outrage for sol ring would be like 99% casual lets be honest, it would probably give something to the try hards to be kinda of relieved about if anything cause they could at least laugh at the casual rage over sol ring being taken from them too. And anyone playing a precon out of the box without knowing the ban list is a 100% casual newfriend with no idea about anything.
No... not Jartin Luther King..
'fraid so
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You forgot your typo
Winona wasnt viable before, and now even less. Losing jewelled lotus plus Crypt means she won't be fast enough to generate the necessary board (with staxes) while keeping the previous downsides.
Where's my boys Krark and Sakashima?
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>modern frame
Free at last, free at last. Thank god almighty he is free at last
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>They'll reverse the bans. My investments are safe. They'll reverse the bans. My cardboard isn't worthless. They'll reverse the bans...
I would have let that slide since it's functionally legal it's just a single printing of it is banned if im not mistaken. I run it in a deck too and havent had anyone say anything about it yet, the og version of course not the elspeth one or whatever the acceptable one is
nta but that is the superior version of the card.
So by the same logic, if JewLo was in every precon, it wouldn’t matter what effect it has on the game. So we’re not banning based on what is good for the game.
the typo adds soul, but i can't stand The Black Bar at the bottom of the card, it's too much
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I hope they ban even more, investors an comp players deserve to lay on scorched earth
Sheldon wouldn't have done this to us.
Sheldon, I'm so sorry. Wheel of Fortune should have been banned instead of Crypt and Lotus. You were right. You were right all along.
They're so close they're basically the same card, regardless of semantics.

What is his take, that sol ring should be banned? It should be if the logic for banning crypt was fairly applied.
>wheel of fortune
would whispering madness and windfall eat a ban too?
If wishes were fishes we'd all live by the sea.
Try and operate in the realm of what is, not theoretical concepts based on things that didn't happen.
this is my favorite flavor of autism
I agree and disagree. They are almost the same card technically but at the same time they're way fucking different. Price wise, play wise, popularity wise, chase wise etc. They would both cause different reactions to entirely different groups but you are right, not banning sol ring is inconsistent. It's kind of bullshit really and I say that as someone who has been laughing at this ban the past couple days. Sol ring should have gone but they just do not wanna pull that trigger.

It’s a failure on the RC but hey, what do I know, they’re the RC and im a random so whatever.
Kek. I played with a guy who used a similar load out, but instead of stax he was a reckless storm player with the "hot headed" perk instead, where he had increased luck, but an increased chance to go berserk. Definitely viable, even if it has a decent chance of backfiring.
That was his argument, yes.
He wouldn't have banned Crypt. He didn't. The RC didn't. For years.
His death, clearly, tipped the balance within the RC from "players will self-regulate fast mana" to "ban it out".
>That was his argument, yes.
just fuck my deck up senpai
>committee wasn’t unanimous
>we know who dissented for the first time ever
>dissenter published what she had suggested should happen at the committee discussion
We’re in new territory now, bitch-boy.
It’s not a good look when your own committee members won’t stand by the decision and want people to know that there was an alternative
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DM from an associate at my LGS. I really don't know what to say, man.
Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d6)

do i build rafiq equipment
>nooooo don’t make comparisons, then my whole argument will fall apart!!!
sounds lame as hell
Weapons grade copium
Damn, that kid had an income.
Tell your associate to tell his kid to sell his Crypt now while it can still be listed for most of its value and the investors who think this is getting undone want to "buy into the dip".
>another poorfag being smug over others losing what he could never have
Fucked up but my kid is not going to be allowed to spend 600$ on a fucking piece of cardboard, I might as well just set him up with some hard drugs and ruin his life choices right now if thats the parenting strategy we're going with for fuck sakes.
No it upset investors AND cedh niggers.
The two biggest scum on the face of the earth.
Also that CAG person who retired was a retarded piece of shit who wanted to get rid of commander damage
Sol Ring gets to be an utterly broken card and remain unbanned because it's the face of the format. JewLo is currently the face of /r/mtgfinance. Dockside is the face /r/cEDH
>only one person was against the bans
>said person entered as a replacement for sheldon
>the vote was always 1v3 against sheldon
>sheldon abused his fame as "father of edh" to enforce his opinion
>god decided to intervene
God plays casual commander.
Having money doesn't mean you're bad with money, anon
>Fucked up but my kid is not going to be allowed to spend 600$ on a fucking piece of cardboard
100% this, what the fuck man. He could have helped his kid start building a PC, get a car, or just buy a super strong complete EDH deck with $600 and still have the regular, non-special edition mana crypt in it. That's fucking insane.
Did you miss the part where they said almost all RC decisions aren't unanimous?
Go cry into your useless cardboard some more.
Anyone play a Ygra deck? How do you like it? I'm always skeptical of playing removal heavy decks but can you usually end pretty quick after resolving fade into history or similar?
>Fucked up but my kid is not going to be allowed to spend 600$ on a fucking piece of cardboard
If it's his money then you really shouldn't have any say desu. Otherwise it's theft.
Dont be a dick, imagine they banned your big gay dragon or furry bait hamster or whatever you care about instead after you saved up your neetbux. You'd probably anhero.

Memes aside, these are exactly the people who were hurt the most; those who had the most hope.
>RC refused to tell the CAG what they had decided to ban ahead of time
>clearly they knew it wasn’t going to be popular but they didn’t want to hear advice against it
It’s pretty fucked senpai
Your comparison is stupid because they didn't print Lotus in precons, and the reason they didn't print Lotus in precons was because it's about 3 steps above Sol Ring in terms of power and they could leverage that power and desirability to sell boosters.
Wizards will still occasionally leverage the power of Sol Ring to print chase variants to sell boosters, too, but its low end, already iconic status and slightly lower power level keeps it in every precon. Again: Be realistic.
I can imagine that because I've been playing card games 23 years and am very aware shit gets banned or rotates and becomes worthless. Kid learned a valuable lesson.
Shit worth triple digits almost never gets banned.
cEDHbabs are done seething and have moved on to building new decks in the face of the new approaching meta. The only ones still seething about this are the investorbros.
If you were literate, you’d understand the significance of the point comes from the fact that the committee often isn’t unanimous. That’s what makes the fact that they are not showing a united front about it and one of them is openly saying she had a better plan actually fucking interesting, you utter tard
This nigga never had a standard deck go from 400+ dollars to 20 dollars over night thanks to rotation
>the reason they didn't print Lotus in precons was because it's about 3 steps above Sol Ring in terms of power
Is this an honest unironic opinion? Like how the fuck can someone think something like this?
>Dont be a dick, imagine they banned your big gay dragon or furry bait hamster or whatever you care about instead after you saved up your neetbux. You'd probably anhero.
Nemata is 13 cents and omnath is 2.87
hell I've even removed seedborn from all my decks because it's not even really fun
craterhoof at least is (sometimes) fun but seedborn is just a feel bad
they are also lowkey the ones hurting the game the most and signalling to wizards that they will pay any price they ask as long as the card slaps. No one seems to really think about this shit until they get personally burned, as with all things I guess.
If you are arguing you cannot ban expensive cards, then you are also effectively stating you cannot have good reprints of expensive cards either.
>They almost never have a unified front
>So the fact that they're not having a unified front means they'll reverse it!!!
Next set will print JewLo at common just to salt the wound
>Your comparison is stupid because they didn't print Lotus in precons, and the reason they didn't print Lotus in precons was because it's about 3 steps above Sol Ring in terms of power
Nigga you’re bad at math.
Getting 3 mana for free, that can only be used once to cast a Commander is much less powerful than getting 2 generic mana every turn
>b-b-but you could theoretically get a low CMC monocolor Commander out on turn 1!!!!
And yet almost every top Commander on EDHREC is 4-5 colour and can’t be cast that early with JewLo
And? It's not like there ain't precedent for this exact situation of a chase card getting banned after the product it was in stops being sold.
In fact, there were a couple years where that was literally how standard functioned. One card in a set is absurdly strong, wizards hems and haws over its legality, and then suddenly once the next set, or the set after next is out, they decide "Okay now it's time to ban"
The only difference is that this time it was the RC (WotC puppets) instead of WotC doing it directly. Oh, and you had multiple years to use every card that got the axe (except the one that no one is complaining about being banned)
and cedh larper paypigs who think a 7 with 900$ worth of staples is competitive
nah next commander masters will print a 5 cycle of lotuses to replace jew lotus. Ruby Lotus, Emerald Lotus, etc.
Just because someone says they have a better plan, doesn't mean they ACTUALLY have a better plan. And the fact that the one dissenter is loudly proclaiming "HEY, I WAS AGAINST THING YOU DIDN'T LIKE" is just a blatant attempt to get people to rally around them so they can play power games.
If you let your own child waste $600 on a card you can get for $100, you have no right to complain about getting fucked. This is gambling.
Oh fuck you’re literally illiterate.
>almost never have a unified front
No bitch, the exact fucking opposite. They ALWAYS have a unified front. Until now.
That exile themselves when cracked
>low key
SHEEEESH this is a bussin post no cap
>No bitch, the exact fucking opposite. They ALWAYS have a unified front. Until now.
it's strange that you claim others to be illiterate when you can't fucking read
A 14 year old with $600 is either selling crack or far too spoiled.
The kid does have a big right to complain, but he should be asking his dad why he's such a fucking failure of a parent who let him do something so stupid to begin with.
>Hey son, let me tell you about how to make lots of money in the trading card scen-ACK
>In fact, there were a couple years where that was literally how standard functioned. One card in a set is absurdly strong, wizards hems and haws over its legality, and then suddenly once the next set, or the set after next is out, they decide "Okay now it's time to ban"

>The only difference is that this time it was the RC (WotC puppets) instead of WotC doing it directly
You mean 5 unelected literal-whos that aren’t accountable to anyone?
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>>Hey son, let me tell you about how to make lots of money in the trading card scen-ACK
I feel like most of the idiots are still in stage 4


I like him as a surprise alternate win condition in other decks, but as himself I don't think he'd go over well. Having any indication of poison being a part of your strategy paints way too big of a target on your head.
WOTC elected them by choosing to not co-opt them for the past 15 years
it wouldn't even be a big deal if the RC was more attentive instead of being basically radio silent for 5 years then dropping a ban wave. if they did bans every few months regularly it'd be like "yep there's the usual bans"
So he sees himself go and leave the grave? Wouldn't have expected that.
It happened in modern too. I think it might've also happened in legacy as well, but not many pay attention to legacy.
The point is, this is something that has happened in magic before, will happen again, and acting like it's some sort of unprecedented event just because it's happening to a different format is frankly idiotic
And as for the RC. I'm pretty sure every member has worked with/for wizards in an advisory or "Freelancer" role at this point. They're only independent by technicality and wizards could have done away with them years ago, but didn't since they're a convenient shield for criticism.
Yup, you're absolutely right. I got my crypt at the previous low point when it was reprinted in eternal masters. I was new at the game and said "wow this $200 card is now $60, I should get one immediately". But before that I cracked a foil emrakul in MM15 and traded it for the darietti precon and some upgrades, so I was already hooked on cardboard crack. In contrast, when I got the rest of my fast mana, I consolidated like 12 decks, sold them in bulk and traded into a mox diamond, grim monolith, mox opal, and chrome mox all at once with the proceeds from like 5 years of compulsively buying commander staples right before they got big.

Long story short, I feel awful for people getting into magic right now. Everything is expensive and packs almost never pay for themselves. Reprints are scarce and nowhere near as impactful. Faggots of all kinds are scalping every penny, and the only valuable cards are locked in absurdly expensive packs at mmo droprates. Then, when they finally get that fabled card, colluding faggots pull shit like this and dumpster the whole experience. If crypt was banned when it was reprinted and after I bought it, there's no way I'd have the thousands of dollars of exotic cardboard I have now, and I admit I'm absolutely part of the problem, but at the same time nonsensical bans will absolutely hurt the most passionate new fans of the game, and that will have long term repercussions. Even my favorite autismo legacy/vintage player whose entire career involves playing magic is divesting his pricey duplicates because he has zero faith in wotc at the moment, and I cant blame him.
Me when I see Splinter Twin is STILL on the Modern banlist while Boros Energy is winning the game before 4 mana because TOR wins the game.
That’s about to change.
The fact that the RC didn’t even tell the CAG what they were banning until the last minute suggests WotC might have had nothing to do with it despite all the speculation about WotC being secret puppetmasters of the format
Most of the CAG have contracts with WotC, there’s no reason not to trust them with the information if WotC was involved in the decision. But if WotC WEREN’T involved, suddenly not informing their affiliates ahead of time makes sense
This is the first time that they've banned something since sheldor kicked the bucket, and as far as I can tell, it's the new person that's the one who's causing all the hullabaloo.
There is nothing at all concerning about a new person trying to make a name for themselves through opposing a controversial decision. It's just them trying to make a name for themselves so they can play power games more effectively.
Creatures have to see themselves go to the grave, otherwise they couldn't have death triggers. Same thing for leaving the grave and enters triggers.
I think it actually makes a lot of sense people are clueless to this. There's a lot of magic players who actually think magic is just EDH. That this is just the game period. They really have no understanding of anything outside of maybe the past 4 or 5 years at the most of just nu-edh...

To them this did come out of no-where. It's totally an unprecedented thing that in their minds was an impossibility. Maybe that why timmy is working like a slave bitch to buy a 600 dollar crypt. Honestly I cant help laughing even more at this fact though. Peak first world problems lmao
Alternately the RC just didn't fucking care to tell the CAG for whatever reason.
And again, there's zero reason why wizards would find this at all concerning, since this kind of shit was literally their bread and butter for a bit, and they've only gotten greedier since.
How much do you think Hasbro is spending to mitigate the fallout over the bans?
I still think stuff like the Kaladesh Inventions and the Serialized cards are such an elegant way to keep those "OMG UBER VALUABLE CARD!!!!" while still being able to print normal versions of those cards for regular people who just want to play the game to play with. It's absurd that people are still stupid enough to believe that a card has to be rare as a game piece to also be rare as a collectable
Well that's a them problem then. Better get used to it too, since the only thing that's going to change the next time they do a banning like this is the timing, since wizards lost out on potential profit from this banning, since they weren't selling product that contains adequate replacements for what was lost.
>The point is, this is something that has happened in magic before, will happen again, and acting like it's some sort of unprecedented event just because it's happening to a different format is frankly idiotic
You’re totally right anon EDH is just like every other format :) it isn’t unique for any of the following reasons:
>a tiny ban list
>an unelected Rules Committee officially divorced from Wizards
>radio silence on banning for 3 years
>breaking procedure by not seeking advice from the advisor group ahead of time
>RC not showing a united front for the first time ever
>a member of the RC openly talking about her alternative solution for the first time ever
>in banning 1 card, making an exception for a more broken other card because it’s “iconic”
Exactly -$3761000.
As-in, they will profit from it.
Exactly $0.00
If anything, they're probably making plans to capitalize on the NEXT time this happens
>It's just them trying to make a name for themselves so they can play power games more effectively.
>durrrrr no one who disagrees with me can have honest opinions or morives it’s all for clout!!!!
MtG is literally the only game that does this shit where they'll try to keep the value of a base rarity card as high as possible.
>Long story short, I feel awful for people getting into magic right now.
I honestly do as well. I'm in a similar boat to you, a massive collection that I paid like 2010 pricing for before all this shit started. I would not even dream of paying what my collection is worth and wouldn't even consider it though I could afford to. WOTC has really become a horrible company the past few years and they're setting up each new gen of players to get fleeced and then abandoned.
>It's totally an unprecedented thing that in their minds
On this format it actually is and you’re a fucking retard if you think it’s normal just because the formats all share the same name “Magic”
The whole fucking point of Commander being an off-shoot was it not being run like other formats.
>dure it’s just other formats!!!
There was a time when it fucking wasn’t that was the point
they'll out out jewlotus 2 in horizons and rudy will cream his pants and tell of his good little goys to invest
It should literally be that easy. WotC has the capability to print cards with good art as special versions in order to continue to get people to crack packs, while otherwise putting them in precons or wherever else to keep the cost of the standard versions down so that it's easier for new players to invest into the game in the first place.
Every other card game on the market has this figured out. Reprints and cheap decks draw more people to the game, which will eventually get you more whales and convince them to eventually invest more into it anyway.
Just to emphasize a point, the rc threw the only person who disagreed under the bus for the first time ever, to the extent she got doxxed and harassed, for something she was right to be worried about. That is fucked up and unprecidented.

The more I hear about this story, the more it seems like wotc had no idea these bans were happening, and the comittee was outright lying that they were in talks for over a year. WotC is full of slimey jews and is a souless corpo. Why the fuck did they do zero damage control about a problem they knew would happen and would give incredibly bad optics? Go look at their site: the first thing for ixalan and commander masters is a giant advertisement for crypt and jeweled lotus respectively. They threw in LCI and Commander masters collector packs in the just released mystery box 2 bundle. Sure, they could be comically evil villians manipulating the poor rc while cackling maniacally, but more logically, they had no idea. All that shit was set up well in advance, in the same timeframe as these suppossed discussions. Why would they commisson giant elaborate advertisements that they knew would become a symbol of greed and ruined expectations? WotC had a good thing, alternating crypt and lotus in a premium set every year to have 100% locked in sales. Why would they kill that golden goose? It just doesnt make sense from a slimey jewy business point of view.
>Alternately the RC just didn't fucking care to tell the CAG for whatever reason.
Fuck, would you do the bare minimum to look into the situation before commenting on it?
They told the group about a week ahead of time that there was big bans incoming and then actively resisted requests for explanation. This is unprecedented.
They had something to hide.

And if you think it was just on a fucking whim, why do you think that is acceptable?
What’s the point of the RC appointing a CAG that they not only don’t seek advice from but actively keep in the dark about controversial decisions they’ve already made?
This should concern you. I can only assume you’re just too low IQ to be bothered. Thinking about things is too much effort, much easier to be the “cool guy” and say you don’t care when in reality you don’t understand
I've seen the thoracle player lose to getting their thoracle killed and then noxious revival to put a single card back into their deck. It's as much a friend as it can be an enemy.
No it stopped being unprecedented once wotc started heavily targeting it as a cash cow. To anyone with outside format context they would have seen this coming and they absolutely did. Countless people have sold their collections since the EDH pandering got amped up to 11. If you didn't see it coming you probably lacked a lot of fundamental understanding of how wotc plays this bullshit to keep the hamster wheel spinning. They’ve been going after every format now even harder and where there’s money to be had they are just unrelentingly trying to squeeze every dime.
I think in the long run they'll move away from it. Look at the collector booster exclusive anime cards with new foil treatments, $200 cards that can be found in other art for $20. If WotC has any awareness of how things have been going that's probably a sign that they're experimenting with a more player friendly printing policy. The real test will be when it hits reprints, and I can see this banning as part of testing the waters.
EDH has the third most cards banned in it out of any format. And it's not by a large margin. The difference between it and the next highest (Modern) is three cards total. Unless you count Ante cards and the hateful 8 as being part of EDH's banlist, in which case it's second most after legacy.
Why are you harping on the RC being unelected? The people that ban cards in other formats are unelected too. And honestly, they're MORE unelected since at least (most of) the RC got their positions by being involved with the format instead of corporate appointment. And only officially divorced
Everything else you listed is literally just you crying about current events and not something inherent to EDH.
You're also a retard who can't understand the concept of drawing parallels between two similar and related things.
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>That’s about to change
Actual shit for brains
Not sure what your plan was in just saying something verifiably untrue
Generally, you don't go strategically time your voicing of said honest opinions with the height of outrage if your motives are honest.
Doubly so if you're, again, the new kid in a group that's existed for decades without you and you were only taken on because the person you replaced died.
You'll piss people off if you make every decent art a 300 dollar chase rare and then keep shit art for versions that aren't worth hundreds. How would this general feel if a black guy or woman was on every card going forward BUT you could get one with a white guy....at 300 dollars/one per collector booster case?
>Generally, you don't go strategically time your voicing of said honest opinions with the height of outrage if your motives are honest.
The “height of outrage” being…immediately…?
I'm sorry you feel like this anon, but as another guy pointed out, this is like textbook wotc behaviour. They just used to think there wasn't any money in commander so we never saw it here. Well here we are now, and like that other anon said, you sure as fuck better be ready when they pull this again. Because believe me they will. Only at that time you'll be the one telling the newer players who got fucked what I'm telling you here, because you'll have the context.
nta, but I genuinely can not find a record of this banlist, although I do see records that it existed at some point. Have a source for it?
I’m sorry you’re so traumatised by a games company that you see them in the shadows when shit they obviously didn’t plan happens
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I'd be ecstatic because I haven't paid for cardboard in ages
This card? This art that costs $230?
I got it for absolutely free, or if I REALLY want it I can pay a buck for proxies.
Everyone with sense doesn't buy shit, you just get all the whales to fund the next dozen set of jp arts.
Wotc being greedy has been one of the best things to happen to a casual player because you are flooded with amazing alt arts for most cards, and even the normal versions are better (sometimes) in the past handful of years.
I do think it was weird of them to throw her under the bus, but I 100% disagree with her opinion. The RC needs to be more aggressive in removing shit that makes games even more sacky than they already are. They went 5 years where they decided to do nothing for NO REASON and this got people to think that Commander was a stable format when the banlist used to have utter clown hits every few months.
People care about this shit and the constant art whining is proof of this. You don't need to hold back good art to get retards like wubby to pay 5k for a card. They'll do it because there's a sticker on it that says "69/250"

I would never play Bumbleflower since the only good art is like 300 dollars.
The thing that pisses people off is that the regular art sucks, but it already sucks. And right now, the special versions are usually just as bad as the regular art.

But if it means that they can reprint the shit art to drive the prices down so that the non-chase versions are more affordable, that will improve the game.
Obviously, it'd improve things more if they actually decided to have good art as the baseline and then even better art for variants, but one step at a time.
Investors don't give a fuck about art on a card. Just the value. It's why the "box cracker" type of people are specifically hunting for serialized or whatever else is the high money shit in the set. They'd be fine with blank cards if they sold for 3k.
Serialized is worth more than alt art anyway.
WotC wouldn't make good art because that would mean hiring good artists that charge good artist prices.
Oh I'm sure people care about it, but I don't.
The amount of physical edh I play is relatively limited and if I ever DID get another playgroup around here again I could probably pay like $30 and get a deck worth more than my house.
The only kind of people this affects is...people who try to do edh tournaments maybe? But even those don't care for proxies I think.
Okay, answer all this shit: >>94008256

What would you do in the same situation? The same thing maro would: leave no trace of your hubris and gaslight people about imagining it. I can hear exactly how it would go. "Oh ho ho, silly goys, you didnt buy a premium set JUST for mana crypt when you could have got this useless standard card instead. Surely you knew the risks before you bought it." The exact opposite happened, and there is no way wotc is stupid enough to kill every format, release a new set marketed to edh, then shit on their flagship card immediately after sending people free publicity packs.
Abzan or Golgari for Food Deck?
>there is no way wotc is stupid enough to
Do you want to play Frodo/Sam or Merry/Pippin?
That's fine, people can have different opinions on the nature of bans, but like you said, they waited 5 years and announced the most contentious ban ever. That they consulted no one about. And prepared a gay little statement saying theyll never ever for never ever go back on it, and were talking about it with wotc for a year. AND THEN threw their only dissenting peer under the bus about it. Something fishy is going on, and for once it doesnt seem like it's wotc, no matter how evil and fucked up they've been in the past.
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>and there is no way wotc is stupid enough to kill every format,
that being said no one cares about this shit
99.99% of edh players don't even care about the banlist if they even know about it, and the ones that do will just say "Ok we can still play jeweled lotus if you want because rule 0."
the ONLY people this effects are finance niggers and wannabe cedh fags
You got a list for him?
Not really.
You've dismissed every single thing I've said so all I will say is this, if you are correct. You will see the RC disbanded in the near future. WOTC will kick all the memebers responsible out and take control so as to avoid this ever happening again. If they don't you got fucked, because they wanted to fuck you, and they wanted you to blame it on the RC. They are prepping replacement cards probably right now and you'll see them in 1-3 years. And new players who didn't see this and don't know about it will be buying them and you'll be telling them not to because of this mana crypt shit and they will say you're stupid and a conspiracy idiot who doesn't know anything.
I'm aware how it sounds. I've played magic long enough to know the shit they pull, but this is the first time there has ever been an exception. Sure, it fucks up finance niggers and pubstompers, I have a full suite of fast mana, I'll be fine. But most importantly it fucks up consumer confidence in a time of extensive belt tightening, as one of the only profitable branches of hasbro. It fucks up the salability of future sets with chase rares. It fucks up the whole concept of collector boosters wotc has been pushing. None of that seems like something a guy with an mba sitting in an office building would trifle with for quarterly gains, especially if they knew it would happen.
Well then golgari
>Korvold is dead
These motherfucker do be spouting some shit in their mouth
>most importantly it fucks up consumer confidence
Financeniggers say this every time an expensive card gets reprinted in Magic yet no other game seems to have this issue. Konami and Nintendo print $800 cards into a $10 precon and nobody stops buying over it.
You're right. The canary in the coal mine is mana vault, or a new card of comparable power. If mana vault is reprinted in a premium product within a year, it was wotc. As a utilitarian, I cant wrap my head around killing off guarenteed yearly premium product sales for the next decade to push something new, but maybe I'm wrong. It is incredibly stupid, and that is wotc's mo.
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>But most importantly it fucks up consumer confidence
>Non-finance retard buys a card
>It becomes cheaper
>"Oh darn I wish I had gotten it for cheaper, oh well maybe I can get more now or my friends can."
>Finance retard buys a card
>It becomes cheaper
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>Decide to get off your ass and do your job for the first time in 5 years
>Financeniggers explode over it
>Try to run damage control and fail because you haven't done anything in 5 years and don't know how to handle it
But nah it's surely a conspiracy to dump the price of Mana Crypt for some reason because WotC could just never print any cards that make an impact on the game while Mana Crypt is around.
It's not the reprint. It's the premium limited edition faggot boosters that may contain the reprint. This isnt "oh no they reprinted back to basics, my $200 card from urzas saga is $20". This is "these faggots advertised me a specific chase card in an extra expensive pack, sold a fucktillion of them, then banned the only card anyone gave a shit about". There is no financial niggardry about it. It's about having faith that you can play the expensive meme card from the new set.l, and wotc certainly wants that to ship units.
but you can still play the expensive meme card from the new set
>Print pushed card
>Pushed card turns out to be too good
>Gets banned
People do not react this way even in other Magic formats. Nobody stopped buying cards when the mega chase card JtMS got banned from every 1v1 format at the time. You are outing yourself as someone that started playing extremely recently under the assumption cards never get banned for being too good.
Some of them do, and they used to come to formats like edh.... Woops............... Maybe pauper will become more popular soon
I'm not a finance nigger. Proxy whatever you want, they all deserve the rope. All scalpers in every medium. I'm a competitive autist and a collector. The nonmeme variety. The kind who has already swapped out crypt for something else and started playtesting. I dont have a portfolio of retarded cardboard stocks, I have expensive limited print cards I actually use, and at most one of them.

I dont know why the rc is doing this nonsense, but there is something suspicious about the whole thing and that doesnt sit right with me. If crypt was banned for gameplay reasons, sol ring is basically the same card and it would deserve the same treatment. They would have communicated it with the CAG. They wouldnt have thrown that bitch under the bus. WotC wouldnt be jerking off their fancy premium versions that just got banned and they knew about a year in advance. I dont have all the answers, but my spidey sense is tingling, and there is fuckery afoot. I guess time will tell.
Cool. They can go to Vintage where cards don't get banned. That's why it was made as Type 2.
type 2 is standard anon
type 1 is/was vintage
I wish a room deck was actually a possible thing
I think Mana Crypt was a good ban.
I think Jeweled Lotus was decent ban.
I think Dockside Extortionist was an okay ban.
I think Nadu was a terrible ban.
The wotc of today is very cut throat. This aint 2010 wotc anymore. 2010 wotc would have never done universes beyond or powercrept the shit out of edh while borderline abandoning their main formats. This is like darth wotc, and they will sneak into your house and slit your grandmas throat if the shareholders want them to.

I will also be paying attention to how things unfold although admittedly i stopped buying product about 5 years ago outside the odd bulk rare for a deck. I don’t trust these fuckers worth a shit
List of cards to replace mana crypt:
Worn Powerstone - the gold standard. Can't go wrong with this one.
Signets - Mediocre choice but some decks will need to result to this.
Firemind's Vessel - Uncommon alternative for big 3+ color commanders but not great otherwise.
Sarevok's Tome - Underrated card but very good. For big and midrange decks running below 3 color.
Skyclave Relic - For the really big, non-green decks that want removal resilient ramp.
Coalition Relic - For decks that run big impact 6 cmc commanders only.
Aether Vial - For non-green, creature heavy lists.
Expedition Map and Wayfarer's Bauble - Map is sorta ramp since it can find Ancient Tomb and Bauble is just straight up ramp. You will need to take a look at your land spread to figure out which one you want.

Cards that I've not mentioned because if your deck wanted them, you were playing them already: Moxen, Paradise Mantel and Springleaf Drum, Mana Vault, Thran Dynamo and Sceptre of Eternal Glory.
>Firemind Vessel
Unironically just run Gilded Lotus or Timeless Lotus at that point.
>whim of a select group of people
I mean that's the same case if WOTC handled the bans
Jace came out in 2010 and was banned in 2011. That's a pretty reasonable time frame. I've been playing since 2014, I've seen quite a few bans across the various formats. I've never seen a 25 year old card get banned after just being reprinted and promoted while an incredibly similiar card remains legal. Cards can be banned for being too good, cards can be banned for being incredible time wasters, crypt isnt one of them, and assuming it is, sol ring is basically the same shit with the same problems. To top it off, I dont even think lotus is good. I have a max power deck, I've had the funds to get it while it was legal, and I played a deck where it could be useful, but I chose not to because it's a narrow ritual with little utility beyond the obvious. It's bad in multicolour decks, it's bad late game, and all that aside, it should have been banned when it was first printed if it was going to be banned at all. Banning them after being the flagship cards in recent sets is incredibly unusual and suspicious.
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>I don't think Lotus is that good
You mean game.
>imagine they banned your big gay dragon or furry bait hamster
I don't play meta sloppa, so my cards are safe.

The jump to 5 mana is too big unless you are running some kind of Mishra's Workshop list. But those decks also usually don't need colored mana.
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Yeah, can't imagine ever seeing a banlist that hits a big gay dragon in a deck I absolutely love because it was too strong. Nope. I'd rather have my cardboard retain value than keep the format enjoyable.
4 mana for 2 etb tapped is such an awful rate. You are at no shortage of 2-mana rocks, and if that's somehow not enough, there's an actual endless supply of 3-mana rocks.
>thran dynamo
Ah yes, classic 4cmc ramp.
Ajani will never get banned, cope

Anyway I'm too excited to sleep, Duskmourn Commander decks come out tomorrow and I literally can't decide which to get. Obviously if they have the Rakdos one it's an instabuy but if not I'm fencesitting between the esper and simic decks for parts. Golgari one ain't bad either but I need some more StP, Arcane Denial, and then Metamorphosis Fanatic looks like an insane card. On the other hand Counterspell Beast Within and Aesi in the Simic deck looks great removal bundled together and I could use the manabase
God I don't know how I'll decide at the store
WotC are accountable.
If they fuck up badly enough that people stop buying packs, they’ll be fired.
The fuck is going to happen to the RC over this? Nothing.
You know that isn't going to happen.
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>I dont even think lotus is good
>Obviously if they have the Rakdos one it's an instabuy
Please for the love of god don’t spend $80 on it >>94007698
nta but holy shit no image captures how I feel in uni right now more than this.
>going to shitstop
No thanks
I have $20 in target giftcards anyway it's free money
I agree Ring should have been banned, but at this point it's basically impossible, considering the damn thing is in literally every precon and has become built into the fabric of the format. If you're familiar with Smogon's competitive Pokemon formats, this is basically the gen 2 Snorlax situation (an extremely powerful pokemon avoided getting banned since originally the bans were only directed at legendary pokemon and for a long time the community-ran rules committee had a policy of not altering bans on older generations of games, so by the time they could have gone back to ban it the entire format had been adapted to and shaped around it and getting rid of it would have thrown the entire metagame into complete chaos).
Also, Sol Ring at least is common enough that expecting every player to have one in every deck is actually reasonable, while the big issue with Crypt that it's a card that should also be used in every single deck but also costs 200$. If they hadn't banned it the alternative would have been print so many of it that the price would tank to the point where every player could get one for all their decks, which would make investors just as angry.
I don't care that it lost value, I care that I got baited into paying a lot of money for cards that I can't use. I especially care that Wizards was planning to make it useless when they hyped it up and sold it to me.
Same price point.
All I’m saying is don’t get gouged. There are literally people who only think to buy from TCG retailers and they’re all getting screwed out of 30 bucks
What did you think the banlist was for if it wasn't telling you that you can't use cards you bought?
This should have been obvious. The primary intended use for MtG cards is as game pieces, so for a majority of them their value is tied to their utility in the game (cards like Black Lotus, which is rare and iconic enough to be in high demand from collectors even though it's banned in every commonly played format, are the exceptions). That means that if a card's utility is reduced due to being banned in a popular format, getting rotated out, or being replaced with a stronger new card then its price will likely also drop. And you can hardly expect WotC to make game-balancing decisions based on the aftermarket value of a card: an overpowered card should be banned for the sake of a healthy metagame, even if it would piss off some investors because its value goes down.
>that I can't use.
>Ignoring the part about the rugpull
>Wizards was planning to
Nigga Wizards had no idea. Crypt is STILL advertized on their site.
The RC literally made their decision in secret and didn’t even tell the fucking CAG.

When Wizards takes over the format and regulates it themselves, retards might finally stop insisting they are the secret puppet masters.
Although by then I’m sure the cope will be that they always intended to take over the format and just needed to turn the public against the RC so somehow convinced the RC to fuck themselves over- makes complete sense
there is no rugpull you retarded nigger
From their own fucking website:
>Commander is stable. Commander players become emotionally invested in their decks through play and personalization, and that bond is an important part of the experience. Players who build Commander decks should be confident they will be able to play with them over long periods of time. Format management decisions are intended to:
>When necessary, make changes, even large ones, but not for the purpose of defining a metagame, “shaking things up,” or in reaction to the hot topic of the day
>Minimize changes that require players to actively maintain their decks
>The role of the Commander Rules Committee is to preserve these principles when they come into conflict with other goals or philosophies, and balance them against each other when a possible decision requires prioritization.
There may be yu-gi-oh support groups for you. And not even joking but this is the predatory angle to TCGs. They sucker you in, hype it up make it pretty and then rug fuck you and move onto the next cute TCG virgin just waiting to have their cherry popped.

Spread the word, and proxy in the future unless there's a judge near by watching
>you can hardly expect WotC to make game-balancing decisions based on the aftermarket value of a card
They literally do this. Every time they print a new busted card, they banned the cards around it before banning the card itself because they need the broken card to move their inventory. They literally shoved unsold collector packs into the Mystery2 box to get rid of them before they issued the ban.
>Nigga Wizards had no idea.

That's the most retarded take I've seen so far.
It's quite the cope, a nice little head canon to keep spirits high. Wonder at which month he'll start getting demoralized and realize the cards aint bouncing back kek
>aggro giga raping pioqueer, modern and standard due to the funny bird

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