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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93995927
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Okay guys. New thread. NO SLOPPA! BANGERS ONLY!!!!
do you have a link to them?

I like Ymir the most, but that's mostly cause of the image and the Elemental Giants are awesome.
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Post comfy (and short) CYOA's.
thank you
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how do magic?
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Your take on it must be complimentary to both your fetish and political fantasy.
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I thought you could stay human in this? All I see is projecting an avatar or a humanoid form but the smallest you can be is like a fucking house, that's hardly human.
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Rolled 6, 3 = 9 (2d9)

Rolling for Greater Inheritance.
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See how much these faggots have to spam their shit just to keep it only relevant to themselves? At this point, get a different general.
Stop fucking posting this boring shit already.
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I am once again asking for anyone here who actually plays CYOAs to post their Omniarchs for Magocratic Convention.
You do not need to be finished. Simply post your character without any of its bonuses from agent missions. I want to see more builds that can be used for the Other Candidate agent.

CYOA itself is in the previous thread >>93996019, unless someone else wants to repost it here while I'm gone.
Nevermind, I am slow. Link has the rest anyway.
>Pact franchiseslop
it's over for cyoag
Rolled 7, 7 = 14 (2d9)

Rolling for 2nd Greater Inheritance.
Rolled 9, 4 = 13 (2d9)

Fuck, rerolling once.
>Like the winter sky, only moments away from sunlight, bitter cold envelops.
>As my final path unfolds, please give me endless life!

Great answer there cocknob. Try not choking on a dick for once and answer a question. Doucheball.
>In this coming war across all homeworlds, it will spread and cleanse.
>I beg you Alithea, please give me endless life!
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dogshit samefags ruining the general desu.
>readlet gets filtered
Retard, lmao. Next time, don't drop out of elementary school.
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Main: Townhouse
Greater Inheritance: Cabin >>94007323 (Among the Small Folk, Collection of Charms and Wards, Crow), Warehouse >>94007415 >>94007423 (Of the Hammer, Wood and Metalwork Tools, Dealer Contact Information)

The Crow solves the problem of The Complete Formulae only having advanced knowledge.

>Sight's Strength:

Being good at analyzing spirits is necessary to hunt monsters and do alchemy well.

Bind the Weak, Bind the Strong: Need them to make enchanted equipment.
Hunt Monsters: Use alchemy to safely and more effectively consume monsters.
Deal with Other, Deal with Men: Buying alchemy ingredients will be crucial. Fortunately, building a contact network and getting access to markets will be very easy with Among the Small Folk, Dealer Contact Information, Detailed Regional Information, and Spooled Threads.
Nurture Karma: Prioritize hunting evil monsters.
Accept a Role: As a monster hunter, alchemist, and enchanter.

>White Marks:
Strong Sight, Strong Blood, Greater Inheritance x2

>Black Marks:
A Rival x2, A Hunter x2

As a hunter, I welcome these challenging prey.
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How did Husanon do it? How did he thoroughly BTFO of Italics and the whole Luminary concept and girl options that Italics now shivers at the idea of releasing his slop and claims it is delayed?
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Original content.
I refuse the dumb jellyfish.
>TFW we got a Shitkuna Gift over a femGojo one
The worst part is that the only one that liked her is Entropiss because he's obsessed with evil bitches. Watch how hound conquest only has evil bitches too.
Nta but i'll be honest, I don't have much hope for conquest. The minions were the worst part of entropist, and his mark system sounds retarded. He's basically making an entire cyoa around the aspect he's worst at making. And since he's likely not going to be making literal made 4 u blank slates that people will fawn over, I don't have much hope for any waifus either.
General thoughts on having non-playable races in a CYOA as companions?
Why would you do that? Unless its star runners type shit where you're a human fucking your way across a galaxy of kemonos, why?
>Unless its star runners type shit where you're a human fucking your way across a galaxy of kemonos
There's your answer
Well then yea, that's fine if its star runners.
>Unless its star runners type shit where you're a human fucking your way across a galaxy of kemonos, why?
Dumb furryfag.
I'm going to dick my way to a galactic kemono empire and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
I hope Shitalics cancels it so I can laugh at you and congratulate you for getting it cancelled.
I honestly don't care if it gets cancelled or not. But if it does release I'm going to laugh at you.
>I honestly don't care if it gets cancelled
Then shut the fuck up talking about it, fag.
The only time that I disliked it was Dark Zone, where it drew attention to being a science fiction version of an isekai slavegirlfriend.
Characters should be special in ways that the player is not, especially if it would significantly change the premise of the CYOA to share those abilities.
>Instantly assmad
Lmao, no. I will talk about fucking my alien kemono wives in star runners all I want.
Post Dark Zone.
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>Has a neutral (Eclipse) faction bonus.
Dude WTF.

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I always can't make a build in this cyoa because I feel so bad. On one hand, grunts are just efficient and I like them, on the other, I feel really bad if I don't pick chimerics because they have no guarantee of having someone to protect them and that bothers me, and while yes I would be attracted to them i'd be more concerned with getting them home alive.
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Get them from either Heritage or Vaulter role bonus, then choose a safer or more equal role.
Thanks friend.
Outer Reincarnation FUCKED this guy's ass hard
I think this is more recent?
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I am not posting the lore portion of the build until I get some feedback from you guys.
First of all, does everything in the build look correct? I'm not cheating or breaking any rules, am I?
Second, where tf does Necromancy fall under the different Spellcraft Elements. I searched and I couldn't find it.

Mana Reserve: 25
Income: 10

Pragmatists: 30
Purists: 20
Reformists: 75
Adversary: 5

Ideology: You

Denounce, Prohibited, Lifted, Revoked, Conditional Sorting, Chain of Command, Indefinite, Mandated Sanctuary, Unified Standard, Approved, Experimental, Counter-Manufacture, Confiscation, Mass Tutoring, Travel Fees, Output Measurement, Status Quo, Criminalized, Expedition, Unregulated, Donation, Local Autonomy, Oecumenism, Exclusive Contract, Reintegration Process, Unchanged, Discontinuation, Old Categorization, Sorcerer Focus, No.

Diabolism * 10 = 250 Reserves (50% cheaper thanks to the 5 points in Adversary giving me the discount) in exchange for 50 Income plus another 20 from Exclusive Contract fulfillment. Oh, and the freebie Diabolism that Thoss gives for an extra 5 Income, along with the free Temporal Spiral so I don't have to waste 75 Reserves.

Gatekeepers * 12
Shamans * 2

Even without any other calculations, I have not started a civil war, I have satiated the mana crisis and not gone completely bankrupt, and have a 47% chance of victory against At the Edge of Time. The 3 advisors taking it from -100 to 25, then with all 3 of them having Diabolism that's an extra 15% putting me at 40, then another 2% from Temporal Spiral, and lastly an extra 5% from a single unit of Shamans. I also find this hilarious because instead of a grand glorious charge with a massive army and all three factions of the Convention uniting, the Omniverse is instead saved by an Omniarch and his advisors tweaking out on mana-bathsalts along with like 40 shamans who are there to mostly serve as spectators.

Oh, and I announce Darius as my successor.
Outer Tide kidnapped his thread for months, please understand.
The other two factions are ideologically opposed to Blood Magic for ethical reasons.
The Pragmatists are fine with anything as long as it works. So during the current crisis, Blagic is a tool and nothing more. Eclipse are Blood Magic fetishists who use it even when it's not viable.
Dido and her period power gang were the biggest fucking mistake since the Third Sin.
>no bug mommy
God fucking dammit.
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You are now watching the throne.
Don't call it that
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>World: Magus World [+150000 Mana]

Blood [-15000 Mana]

>Race: Human

>Sex: Male

Gungnir [-5000 Mana]
Maintained [-3000 Mana]
Appraise [-7000 Mana]
Food! [-50000 Mana]

Sword [-5000 Mana]
Armor [-1000 Mana]

>Destiny: Hero [-2000 Mana]
I don't really know what you mean by this.
If you want to be a strategy game protagonist without using your waifus as cannon fodder, why not use them for a different assignment than military offenses?
The fuck minions were the best part about entropist are you retarded.
That didn't answer anything.
>getting your feelings hurt when we call you insults
Lol, (You).
But then how would you overthrow the oppressive regimes and criminal underground.
>the minions were the worst part of entropist
I'm so glad I'm not a brainlet
Samefag. Lol.
Comfy AND Rugged because fuck you, I want both of them
Green Zones, Outposts, Sprawl, Grasslands, Shoreline
Rare/luxury goods, research samples, Important Machinery parts, People.

Loner; Rare scavenge and haz resist
High-end Lodgings in a green zone, a utility grapple modded to "shoot" other things or hit things, and Pulse modded to screech into one direction for defense, and Scanners.
Worn but still good repair kits for all my stuff, Media Player, codecs, medkits and stimpacks.
Kinesis, I want to move my Jeep with my mind.

Ivan (Growth) and Gearhead (Lighting) as my partners and friends
Max and The News as my main contract givers
Varya as a friendly rival, we help each other out at times
Name 5 cyoas with better minions
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MinionGODS will be eating good in March 2025.
It's releasing March?!?!?! I thought it was this year.
Dawn of a demon lord, beri dungeon, rise of the dark lord, so you wanna rule the galaxy, star wars bounty hunter.

I love that we're now watching entrobabies retroactively act like people didn't hate the inconsistencies in his stats or how 2.0 added nothing but shit nobody cared about like the snakes and the snakes and butlers.
I don't know when it will be releasing. It could be sooner, but EntropistAnon said he wanted to detail the enemy factions and add mechanical depth, which will take until next year to do properly. My gut tells me it will be coming in march.
>source: my ass
Ok, why even say shit then retard.
That's what he said five weeks ago, that it would be releasing next year. I won't go digging it up in the archives and it doesn't matter, but that's what EntropistAnon said. The release is most likely going to be next year.
Is the Pact world superficially exactly like our world (unlike the Worm world which has diverged a lot, eg China is differently run and Newfoundland no longer exists)?
That's cool, don't just make up dates though, retard.
>Demon Lord
This is true
>Beri Dungeon
>Rise of the Dark Lord
>So you Wanna Rule the Galaxy
You really went and implied a Star Wars reddit cyoa was anything other than shit
>Star Wars Bounty Hunter
Oh now I get it. This is bait
I knew you would do this, qnd it only makes it funnier how predictable you can be. Entrobabies really are newfags.
>he doesn't like beri dungeon
It mogs entropist 100% of the time, shut the fuck up retard.
Entrofags have ultra rose tinted glasses when it comes to the cyoa that they joined with, its like tankistafags and OR, they'll just deny anything you say and claim entropist was a saint and his cyoa is perfect. We've been over this already, ignore them.
>its the arosimp
>its the aroseether out of nowhere
It makes sense you're the same shitposter that hates aro and loves flopsta, no wonder you have such low IQ terrible takes. It's all bait.
Samefag, Lol.
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nta, I think the best minion cyoas are:
>African Warlord
>Chinese Warlord
>Portal to Fan/k/sia
>Age of Shitposts (yes, unironically)
Lol, btfo'd again.
The irony is that we already know for a fact you samefag regularly, you're like tok but more annoying... wait, you're jist tok aren't you?
>minute apart
It just doesn't end.
Hoe many phones?
28 or something by this point.
>arosimp is a star wars redditfag
You can't make this shit up kek.
Watch, xhes gonna call you me.
I've never understood, the minute anons stop replying they've outed themselves as both an unironic shitposter and that they just lost the argument and have nothing of value to actually say anymore. Why even do this? There's been a lot of it recently and I would bet money its all the same shitposter just getting btfo'd constantly but still. Why?
>xhe immediately replies to ximself like he isn't actually samefagging
The alternative is you're incessently refreshing 4chan, lol, try harder.
You ARE samefagging though, why even try to hide it? It's not hard to sus you out tok.
Watch out, >>94009305 since you were so close to me.
Let me make some room, sorry
Hey you're not me! Stop betraying yourself aroseether!
I am you arosimp
I'd rather be arosimp than aroseether desu.
Aroxisters they're mocking us...
Let them. One day our queen Aro will let us have a crumb of pussy.
Aroseether getting btfo'd and shitting up the thread as usual, the one other flopstafag isn't on so he can't have a conversation about their shitty cyoa. Btw aroseether, why are you afraid of women?
I like the arosimps better than I like the aroshitposters desu.
H-haha me too xister (pls I don't wanna get banned SPARE me Aro is our goddess h-haha I called Demigod shit as a joke)
Great comeback there. Thank your mom for helping you write it. Faglet.
I summon Sartre. He pickles the dumb jellyfish and sells it for Chinamen to eat for tree fiddy. The confusing ESL wording of this CYOA seems to imply that humanity never ceasing to exist is a separate phenomena from the jellyfish itself, so maybe after a few trillion years of playing other CYOAs I'll come back to this universe to see if humans have transcended to a godlike mastery of the universe's matter and energy. Or turned into crabs, I'm not here to judge.

Gojo can't even win in /cyoag/, kek
> Property
> Sight
Something else (Value/Interest)
> Routes
Bind the Weak
Appeal to the Spirits
Nurture Karma
Deal with Men
Pursue an Alliance
Sacrifice Humanity
> White Marks
Demesne (Entire townhouse)
Strong Sight
Fortunate Match x2
> Black Marks
A Rival
A Hunter
Cursed (Lost smell when I'm wet)
Lost Inheritance (Dramatis Personae boost)

The idea is to lean almost entirely on my new family and lingering innocence to deal with the early problems while I get set up learning enchantment and alchemy.
Sartre? Invalid build. You can't utter his name or I WILL cry myself to sleep.
Demigod was good, seethe harder.
Cry harder Camus
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>A Stranger
>A Warehouse
>Spirits, Connections
>Bind the Weak, Bind the Strong, Hunt Monsters, Deal with Men, Nurture Karma
>Strong Sight
>A Hunter
Forge-touched Craftsman build. The grace period from A Stranger gives me plenty of time to get acquainted with the property, read the books, etc. and gives me some time to prepare before the Hunter starts fucking with me. As the Hunter will inevitably show up, Enchanting objects is going to be my main source of power at the beginning since Warehouse already starts with some workable materials (hopefully Spirits/Connections Sight can figure out what they're good for) and the basement is basically an impenetrable safehouse. Elementalism requires me to go far from home so it's a no go for as long as I'm being hunted, and I don't think I have the power to strut around the Ruins just yet.

After/If I deal with the Hunter, my lifestyle will probably revolve around accruing powerful material and using it to craft shit. Also trade some of the things I make for more knowledge, especially regarding enchanting or other forms of magical craftsmanship. In time, I plan to use Binding, Elementalism, Hunting, and Exploring (the Ruins) to create a wide arsenal of magical tools and consumables. Maybe create an Implement of my own focused on enchanting and craftsmanship when I'm stronger and more established (it'll be a Hammer, obviously), or create novel forms of magical technology (if homunculi and golems exist who's to say automata can't). Perhaps one day I'll be more than just a dabbler.
>Hunt Monsters
As someone who knows what it's based on, you're a brave one for a craftsman
Not by the same guy.
extremely high readability
lowish readability, overdesigned

don't do this
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A man has to get the material for Making somehow.
And I did a little searching on the Pact wiki while making that build, most Others don't seem to be overwhelmingly difficult to deal with? Or at least many have defined weaknesses that can be exploited by anyone prepared, especially so for Visceral Others.
Most Others yes, but the thing is you're specifically going after the heavy hitters right? And the difficulty jump goes from shit like "I'm being ambushed by 4 goblins or a fairy" and "I've been jumped in an alley by an evil scarecrow that can spit smoke that melts flesh" to "I need to somehow hunt a rhinocerous-sized thing that can chase me forever"

The thing about Others is that they're kind of like Stand users. Even the ones without a broad set of abilities tend to have gimmicks that can fuck you over hugely if you don't have a specific way to defend against them. In bogeymen's case, that's mainly just being really fast and tough if you can't bind them back in the abyss but a fairy can do something like cast tangible illusions that can hurt you if you don't expose them to unrefined/crude things.
What's the power level of the setting? Does the power of gun prevail or are we supersonic wizards?

Why doesn't everyone (as least as a side gig) munch on the Others to gain power instead of only going "pls pls gimme powa"? Why does it seem like most people are content with all their power being external?

Why is is becoming a Other said like it's a super bad thing? Power is power.
Astral (-10,000)
Half-breed (-5000)
Object [Mecha Suit]
Gungnir (-5000)
Appraise (-7000)
Food! (-50,000)
Secret Base (-10,000)
Hero (-2000)
Harem (-5000)
I am one with machine, I am the two halves that make up the one whole of mecha and pilot. My robot is me and I am my robot, and as such I will pilot it with the same skill and contol as moving my own body. One by one my robot form will hunt and consume the monsters of this world from smallest to biggest, assimilating and integrating the flesh and power of each one I defeat, absorbing their power fully. My human form is little more than a manifestation of myself within the confines of my giant robot form, but as I defeat and absorb more monsters the interior of that form will eventually come to house an extra-dimensional space containing a comfortable and spacious home for me and all the cute girls I collect in my travels.
I will keep seeking out people to save and monsters to hunt and absorb one after another until I've collected enough power to Gungnir though the barriers that separate realities.
Depends on how much/which parts of it you engage with, but generally in terms of purely physical conflict Spider-Man level (think of the 3rd Raimi movie) at most.

>Does the power of gun prevail
Often yeah, it was a major plot point in the original Pact story. The thing about normies with guns is they aren't bound to any of the sympathetic magic relationship shit, as long as they know about the supernatural & have big enough guns they can fuck shit up and utterly ruin a lot of wizard plans

>Why doesn't everyone

1. Same reason we haven't ended world hunger IRL, inter-factional politics and mistrust
2. Catch-22. You gotta have power to much on the Others, and what's the easiest way to get that power? "pls pls gimme powa". Think about it like this: You could probably fight in MMA at a professional level if you dropped everything and trained hard for 2 years straight....but for various reasons in your life, that's not feasible. So it goes for magic
3. Legitimate skill issues. Nobody knows how Solomon bound everyone, even demons, under his seal

>Why is becoming a Other
1. Means you can get bound
2. The nature of an Other is more set in stone and less free-willed. Imagine being like a ghoul that's always hungry around people, or a spirit of rage that's always angry. It's like that.
>spider man level
Also I should mention that gods are portrayed as mountain-sized or even bigger in their true forms, angels are even more powerful than them despite the seen one being not as big in his true form, and demons are said to be overall the most powerful of them all despite the mid-tier one in the original story being relatively easy to fend off in a physical fight. The thing about demons is they're entropy incarnate, so it's much easier to push one around than inflict meaningful harm on it, and merely by existing they make literally everything worse around them. Imagine nuclear radiation but for magical death energy.

As an example, in the original story there was a demon literally trying to eat it's way between an awful bogeyman dimension and the real world.
I don't know what's worse: The fact that people pretend like they can't easily add and take off (You)s or the potential that there are some people who frequent this website that don't use 4chanX
What I got from this is
1. Guns are super effective and should be used as much as possible and hiring muggle mercenaries is very viable.
2. Most people aren't munching on Others because they suck. The player, who has the opportunity, should totally munch on Others as much as possible.
3. Being an Other sucks. Better just keep on munching.
4. Guns are your BFFs until gods. At that time, use missiles.
5. Demons are karma farms.
>Most Others yes, but the thing is you're specifically going after the heavy hitters right?
I'm going against whoever is useful for making magic items, so yeah.
>"I've been jumped in an alley by an evil scarecrow that can spit smoke that melts flesh"
>"I need to somehow hunt a rhinocerous-sized thing that can chase me forever"
>In bogeymen's case, that's mainly just being really fast and tough if you can't bind them back in the abyss
This sounds like a job for Elementalism. Imagine this: a customized "revolver" with cartridges of bound elementals. Scarecrow guy comes lumbering up and spewing his smoke, point gun, pull trigger, and woosh! Powerful winds blows all that shit back onto him, spin the cylinder, shoot again, now he's getting incinerated by flames. Bogeyman or rhinoceros start charging, aim at the ground, pull trigger, ice is now everywhere so they slip and fall while I shoot them with other stuff. It would be super cool.
Keep a versatile enough arsenal on you (means of elemental damage, means of regular physical damage, specific metals (silver seems like the best bet) and metal in general, a literal bag of shit or a mutilated kitten, means of light/fire like flares, etc.) and you can at least resist most of the things you meet. Jury's out on how effective any of this would be against immaterial things though.
1. If you're NOT a practitioner, yes. If you are a practitioner they're STILL very helpful but don't make unwise bargains or get TRAPPED and BETRAYED by some bullshit hospitality law loophole or you might as well be shooting yourself with them
2. I guess? I mean based on what the CYOA offers I wouldn't say you rock THAT much compared to most people, you ain't Solomon. Your biggest advantage is you have no preexisting relationship with the Others and unlike the Pact/Pale protags you are not a literal subhuman vestige carved into being by a demon/an antibody of reality spawned in to beat up a practitioner that fucked around too much
3. Yes, unless you're an absolute slut for power. Besides a practitioner can become fairly Other-like without actually being metaphysically classified as an Other if you do it long and hard enough to be functionally immortal
4. Guns are your BFFs until dragons and giants. Dragons don't have easily exploited mystical weaknesses like most Others, in exchange they're just unreasonably buff to the point the normal counter is help from a god OR hitting the dragon with it's same element even harder than the dragon can. Lesser gods are totally shootable. Greater gods are more or less portrayed as something you can't handle without A LOT of mystical power-and there are people who work for their interests
5. Technically, but mostly demons are the nuclear option for the magical world. Nobody is better off for dealing with them in any capacity.
I went and read about hospitality in the wiki and I must that it is BULLSHIT. I'm building automated defenses around my house just to "unintentionally" kill any "needy travelers"; I'm making my own law of trespassing.
how much do you test a cyoa before you post it?
Honestly based, that's precisely how you should handle it. Stay in your lane, and make the bullshit hospitality rules work for YOU on land you've claimed.
10 seconds.
100 tentacles

>isekai to your cyoa as your build
>your waifu calls you a loser incel and leaves you
what do you do in this situation
Blood sacrifice her to my eldritch patron.
They made a song about it

Does the waifu have powers I needed? If no, I'd probably just move on, if yes (and consequently I lost some number of points/picks I invested in her when making the build), I might be rather furious.
where is gil
In the ground.
>I might be rather furious
But what will you DO about it?
>rise of the dark lord, so you wanna rule the galaxy, star wars bounty hunter.
This taste is so bad I almost think anon is joking
I was not the anon, retard. Just making fun of you for being so fucking retarded. lmao. Can't even read for 5 minutes.
It would really depend on the circumstances, like the specifics of the setting and my build. For example, I might mindcontrol or zombify her so I regain control of her capabilities, or just threaten her or her relatives with force.
I turn 360 and walk away because I always powermaxxx before even considering spending a single point on pussy which you can easily get afterwards anyways.
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So do I (authors tend to overprice companions by multiple times, compared to powers and items etc) but many CYOAs place you in a position where your companion's capabilities will inevitably be a big part of your power.
Having too much power is one of the biggest icks for CYOA women. A loser who puts all his points in magic and strength is getting no waifu pussy, dude.
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>Eclipse are Blood Magic fetishists who use it even when it's not viable.
Most of the Eclipse are only blood mages. They don't have the ether core to process mana, or the training to do so, so they're locked out of conventional magic.
l-like a worm??
>t. jealous of my wife
The great thing about power is that no one can stop you from doing whatever you want when you have enough.
No, like a dead and rotting corpse, filled with worms.
>You have 10 points
>You can lift 1 Trillion+ ultratons without effort (7 Points)
>Aphrodite loves you (4 Points)
See? She will never love a man who's too strong.

And the greatest power is pure love and true friendship, a power which you have neglected, villain.
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dang if only there were solution to such a problem
Star Runners is not about any of that or will be.
Fuck off tok
>Blood magic prohibited
>Veiling lifted
Sounds like the mana you get from lifting the veil will just get consumed later in dealing with a surge of new blood mages. Trap picks imo.
>Darius as my successor.
Based, but I don't think anyone else would accept it.
>where tf does Necromancy fall under the different Spellcraft Elements.
I would guess that it can be mimicked by combining conceptual principles of healing and afterlife.
I wasn't asking. Now bend over before I pulverize you, your village and the mountain behind it in a single hit.
The worst part of Entropist was the lore. If we're talking mechanics then it's the wildly different power levels for WBs followed by pet power options.
No one seethed hander than Aro when here latest demigod remake dropped.
Retard. Lore and WB were the best parts. Stupid anime powers and waifus with literally no backstory just sprouting from nowhere for (you), pandering to incels, were the worst parts.
>muh incels
Only straight men are allowed to participate in this discussion
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We were Mages and Shit.
It's still a valid critique. Too much pandering ruins it. Romance needs an edge and some effort and pursuit to be engaging. Almost all rpgs have romance in this way.
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Demigod is better and has better lore.
>another anti exmanafication and anti blood magic moraltard
What compels you people to ignore all pragmatic concerns? Do you WANT Terminus to destroy the omniverse? What part of “we need as much mana and military might as possible” do you people not under?
Just stop it already Italics, you're being cringe.
>It's still a valid critique
No its not, Entropist is unabashedly a power fantasy cyoa. Critiquing it as such just makes you look dumb.
>Romance needs an edge and some effort and pursuit to be engaging
They literally have descriptions of how they act and try and court (You). In that sense, there is far more romance in Entropist then anything you've made.
>Almost all rpgs have romance in this way.
cyoas are not video games, they don't have progression.
Embarrassing as always, aro
Why bring up Italics when we know it's most likely a certain author. The same one who uploads cringy AI videos to his youtube and has no shame.
>Le incel
Way to out yourself, lmao.
>Do you WANT Terminus to destroy the omniverse?

This woke and shitpilled existence we live in aint worth saving.

Humans must die.
>tok hyping up magi case
Sure, bro.
He literally glazed it after getting BTFO the same day he was talking shit about it/Italics and even made a Gary Stu isemai build with the Evoco tranny founder as his companion.
It's over for me.
You're the ones who need to touch some grass and realize how cringe it is to read how made up waifus court men. I have literally never played a game where a man is being courted. It really, really isn't popular with normal people.
reminder that a 6 page cyoa by some random nerd on the internet pinned down the vibe of cyberpunk better than the AAA game with millions of funding
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>appeal to normality
>on 4chan
>in /cyoag/
Trigger studio did so too to the point it helped greatly on resurrecting their flop
>doesn't even try to deny it this time
I liked her. And Sukuna fits better than Gojo.
Also, the majority of Gifts are neutral and some are good like Ectos, of the 13, only 4 are evil. Thats a surprisingly low number when the cyoa is about a demigod of death.

>Watch how hound conquest only has evil bitches too
1. Entropist doesnt have only evil gifts as i said
2. The cyoa is about conquest, are you going to get mad if they... like to conquest? the "good" generals or how they are named, are probably going to be the ones from the least aggresive armies like Gilded Pilar or the one from the Pleasure realm
>demigod of death
the god of death is a softie so it checks out
Then cringe more, bitch.
Don't know what you are talking about CYOA wise but Cyberpunk as a genre has always been poorly written and ass.
Am i the only one that thinks the minions of Dawn of a Demon lord were mid? like, it was good when it was the first cyoa i read but now, looking at it.
It's pair minions to an archtype, assign a cost and a tier with a vague explanation, some stats that tells little about the creature and a secondary ability. It works but its not omg the best minions possible, I liked more the ones from Entropist
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Dawn of a Demon Lord is a very mediocre cyoa. It was good for its time, that was it.



everybody else
>only 4 le evil!
Are we actually forgetting that almost every single one of these gifts treat humans as cattle? lmao
Humans are cattle.
that shit was a 5/10 at best. we went from akira and ghost in the shell to whatever edgerunners was supposed to be.
i still like it. dont disagree with the poorly written part, you either have books where its a fucking nightmare to keep track of whats going on (neuromancer) or they stop everything to exposition some bullshit in great detail (snow crash) but something about the prose clicks with me
>t. entropist gift
I'd like you to read my post (the first one) again
NTA, but denying a namefag accusation is worthless; you can't prove you aren't said namefag.
I see it like this:
Nida (she thinks she is doing good, so it's a Zamasu from dbs good, they technically are pure of heart. The only people she hates and wants to see suffer are demons and beings like them whose only purpose is to spread suffering)


Ester (she can be pretty cruel but to people she thinks are doing something bad to you or trying to separate her from you, so it's not evil evil, she is reactionary to others. To be evil she would need to feel joy from doing evil act,s when she really doesn't care about others as long as they don't mess with her or you)

Evil is from your point of view, retard. By this definition. Many psychos in real life are not evil.
>List for of people who are said to treat everyone beneath them as nothing but trash
It's hard when you're as obvious as she is.
Where in their texts is said almost every single one of them treats humans like cattle? the majority don't care about them, but thats not treating like cattle. Also, given they are not humans themselves why would they need to philanthropist to not be evil? a creature with human level intellect but not human needs to like humans to not be evil?

This is chimera ant king again
Not obvious enough; Why would i dislike confident women courting men? That shit's awesome.
>she thinks she is doing good
By that logic you could argue that they are all good as they all follow the fathers ideology and advance entropy also, Nida manipulates people as a hobby.
ether way think we generally agree, just differ on definitions.
This is retardation. As being evil is subjective depending on the person. If a being treats everyone that is not like them as inferior then that person can be seen as evil. And where the fuck did you pull the philanthropist shit? Nice strawman, faggot.
Reminds me of the braindead retards that said the tyranids are not evil in 40k because they are just following their instincts to eat. lmao.
>Evil is from your point of view, retard. By this definition. Many psychos in real life are not evil.
Did those physchos think, for example, that killing people helped them to reach heavens? (just an example)
then, their intentions were good and their actions were bad. We call that type of peple mentally sick, not evil.

If the killer knew full well they were doing a bad thing and still did it, then it's evil. If they truly believed to be doing good, then they are mentally sick.

Nida on her case has literally a God, the one that created her as a backup and arguments given those souls go to your sancturn which can be a Paradise for eternity unlike their lives or the lives they would suffer after reincarnation in case a demon doesnt snatch their soul for almost eternal suffering.

>List for of people who are said to treat everyone beneath them as nothing but trash

Not needlessly cruel. Definition of pragmatic. Textbook definition of Neutral.
Doesn't care about them, she doesn't do things with malice
>Alta and Elaine
The same as Falista
Already explained

Yes, they are not evil, but neutral. The world is not black and white, nor evil and good. If someone doesnt care about the rest of people, doesn't act with malice nor wants to hurt people, they are not evil. By simple definition.
>As being evil is subjective depending on the person
Then why debate about it at all?
Is a killer and pedophile evil? oh, wait, its subjetive lmao.
>If a being treats everyone that is not like them as inferior then that person can be seen as evil
>Humans using animals as cattle, dogs and cats as pets/property with collars. Hunters by sport. Animals to experiment on etc...

>And where the fuck did you pull the philanthropist shit?
If the other person was talking about them being evil because they don't care about humans, then for them to not be evil need to care about humans...
>Definition of pragmatic. Textbook definition of Neutral.
This is not true, you can 100% commit evil acts in the name of pragmatism
>If someone doesnt care about the rest of people, doesn't act with malice nor wants to hurt people, they are not evil. By simple definition
Those gifts you mentioned do that though...
No, retard. Someone being evil is defined by the people around them. Not by that person itself or the actions they take or why they take them. Also, did you only read what you wanted? Shit like Sangra says how she treats her servants as tools. This is something that if you told anyone some historical figure did, they will tell you they were evil.
>Did those physchos think, for example, that killing people helped them to reach heavens? (just an example)
>then, their intentions were good and their actions were bad. We call that type of peple mentally sick, not evil.
In real life we'd call a person evil if he's a serial killer who kills people to help them reach heaven. (not an argument about Entropist, just arguing about commonly accepted uses of words)
It is subjective. Deal with it.
Upcoming CYOAs? Do we have a comprehensive list?
>This is not true, you can 100% commit evil acts in the name of pragmatism
That's true. But you have to also make the separation from "doing evil acts" and "is evil"

If, for example, you had to kill a group of 100 people to protect your own family, the killing of the 100 people would be evil acts, but you didn't do it because you were evil, but because to you your family is a lot more valuable than that people. Are you evil? no. Someone evil would kill for joy or entertainment.

>Those gifts you mentioned do that though...

Sangra, Elaine, Falista and Alta do? their texts make a point telling you they don't want to kill but would do it if they have to or if ordered.
Ester is the weakest point desu, as she tortures but is reactive, she wants to be left alone with you, but can see the argument to see her as evil, but then would be the least evil in that group
Italics's Luminary
Entropist's Exalted
DTA's Tome-Fu
>Someone being evil is defined by the people around them.

Way to out yourself as a retard. Congrats. Now evil is defined by the herd mentality, not philosophy

>Not by that person itself or the actions they take or why they take them
... so it doesnt matter the reason someone did something? it only matters if those around him think its bad? so if you kill someone to save 1000000000 people as long as a guy in 4chan thinks you are evil you are?

Man, let's do our both a favor, let's stop this discussion.

>Shit like Sangra says how she treats her servants as tools

Pragmatic. It also says she is not needlessly cruel, which someone evil would be. Do you know what the hell evil is?

>This is something that if you told anyone some historical figure did, they will tell you they were evil
They would tell you he was selfish, to be evil you need more context of his actions and way to think. Being selfish, by itself, is also neutral.

I repeat, let's stop this. I almost died reading evil is defined by people around you. I will stop, if you want to keep seething enjoy yourself
That, in fact, is good to my argument, so ok. You are right, it's subjective so they are not evil to me.
Exalted Conquest
Two Lumnaries
DTA's Tome-Fu (idk what it is but the other anon said it)
Like 3 minions cyoa in theory
And some updates, idk if something more
Let’s all just agree on what’s really important. All CYOAs must allow for a coomer build in order to be valid.
Tok.......................................................................................................................................................... I agree
>Sangra, Elaine, Falista and Alta do?
When I I called them ambivalent I meant that, although not actively malicious they are uncaring at best but have different conditions that break that like (you)r orders or Alta killing someone who insults you and stuff like that.
>Ester is the weakest point desu
True, her whole deal is being big ol' Ice queen, I think she still fits the definition but I agree that she's the least evil.

>But you have to also make the separation from "doing evil acts" and "is evil"
I'll give you an example form a show I've bee watching to better illustrate what I'm talking about.

>MC is on the run from the government because he tried to assassinate the false emperor
>wants to rally support for a real rebellion
>Is taken in by someone who is universally seen a benevolent and kind
>while away MC kills his family because of a small misunderstanding while whey were preparing food for him (oopsies)
>MC tries to run away but meets Mr. benevolent on the road coming home.
>MC kills him and dumps his body without even a proper burial
>MC goes back and eats the meal that they made for him before he killed them (waste not want not lol)
These actions are totally evil by just about every definition you could think of but by not doing that his ambitions would have been killed in their crib so to speak.
>In real life we'd call a person evil if he's a serial killer who kills people to help them reach heaven.

I would call him a madman. There are dozens of cases in youtube about people with mental problems becoming assassins, with cases where they were thinking it was self defense with persecutive delirious, they killed the clone of someone dear to them said clone killed before or killing the anti christ before it doomed humanity.

If your mind doesnt comprehend reality as it is, in some cases your actions and your motives doesn't make sense. The same way a dog can't be evil, it's mind is not capable of thinking to the point of making itself moral questions or comprehend that. If the limited mind of a dog means it can't be evil, the mind of someone with big mental problems, in some cases, can excuse their actions as not inherently evil. They must be located in an asylum for the rest of their life, but comparing them with people with 100% functional brains who killed kids and amputated them is not correct, you need to know what you are doing to be evil
>Anon's MC is just Cao Cao (Romance of Three Kingdoms) lol.
>Benefactor: A Relative

>Property: A Cabin

>Sight: Spirits

Bind The Weak
Appeal To Spirits
Deal with the Other
Nurture Karma
Accept A Role
Pursue An Alliance

>White Marks:
Strong Sight
Fortunate Match [x2]

>Black Marks:
A Rival [x2]
A Hunter
Cursed [Weak]

This is primed for becoming a shaman/host of some regard. It's one of the safer and easier practices you can do, no need to get into anything dangerous. Binding weak spirits, and appealing to stronger ones-especially the big one nearby-by making deals is probably the most stable route to power. It's good if you can get a role, so probably a job tending related to spirits and their dealings. My sight is really good so I can identify problem in the spirit world pretty easily. If I can do that, and nurture my karma, I can be one of those small time practitioners that live pretty comfortably out in the wilderness.

A lot of the white marks aren't that useful later on, fortunate match is probably the strongest. You can always grab a demesne later when you're established, or take a spirit you like as a familiar later, especially with help from a new family. I didn't want to take too many and end up crippling myself in the long run. Strong Sight is really good as a shaman though.

I'm not the type to start/continue a new bloodline, so getting a good match in a moderate family is basically as good as it gets for a dabbler. Hopefully them, plus dealing the greater spirit, plus whatever I get from karma and accepting a role can deal with the annoying curse and enemies.
I understand your point even if i am not agreeing with it 100%. Glad to have had a conversation with you, i wish the rest of anons were like you
Ivory was RIGHGT
Just embrace the evil.
You're cool.
See, this is why Entropist is such a classic. You can achieve a very respectable coomer build if your will is strong enough to cripple yourself along the way. Nexus is also good here for similar reasons.
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no u
I also have Ecclesiastes. I'm also hoping to release Lord of the Fiends this weekend or by Wednesday of next week.

[Spoiler] Lord of the Fiends is the project involving lolihags and is somewhat a powerfantasy as you take on the role of titular character meant to crush any opposition, to rule, for that what the chosen Fiend is meant to do in every era. It's only 5-6 pages.
No, I fucked up.
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What do you guys would rather have from the heir of an empire in hiding:

For her to be a genious of logistics, administration and of great beauty and charisma?

Or for her to be a warrior princess being a genious of the power system of her world and a great strategist?
>genious of the power system
If they're a companion, this, if they need to actually run the kingdom the first option.
>For her to be a genious of logistics, administration and of great beauty and charisma?
Leave warfare to me

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