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Previously: >>94006480

Hmm... bussy good...

>Banlist Update

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

Why do so many dragons happen to be gay?
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>they'll reverse the bans my investments are safe they'll reverse the bans my cardboard isn't worthless they'll reverse the bans.....
>alternate TQ
why is op so gay
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>Why do so many dragons happen to be gay?
dromoka can't resist atarka's firey personality
Gay Bolas
anon the last time they made a change was like 4 years ago and "my exponential mana is slightly less exponential" is a pretty minor change
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>Shills are still trying to say WotC didn't know about the bsns
Before you say something retarded about how players shouldn’t be outraged by the recent bans, read this from the RC’s own website
>Commander is stable. Commander players become emotionally invested in their decks through play and personalization, and that bond is an important part of the experience. Players who build Commander decks should be confident they will be able to play with them over long periods of time. Format management decisions are intended to:
>When necessary, make changes, even large ones, but not for the purpose of defining a metagame, “shaking things up,” or in reaction to the hot topic of the day
>Minimize changes that require players to actively maintain their decks
>The role of the Commander Rules Committee is to preserve these principles when they come into conflict with other goals or philosophies, and balance them against each other when a possible decision requires prioritization.
speaking of is king jew coping over this or is it just these random fucks
What do you think the banlist is for? Serious question. Why do you think it's there in the first place?
>end of August
>literally not talking about recent bans
>CAG says the RC literally refused to tell them ahead of time what they intended to ban
>seems the RC made the decision in complete secrecy
>WotC still advertizing Crypt on their site
>have done absolutely nothing to capitilize on the ban like announce a replacement
It is utterly schizo to believe Wizards was in control of this
It's there to remove obvious problem cards like Thassa's Oracle and The One Ring
For unelected nobodies to feel important.
Literally just /r/mtgfinance. The real player base has already moved on and started brewing new decks
It's far more schizo to believe that the RC delayed their ban and waited until WotC had offloaded their soon-to-be dead inventory by coincidence
>le heckin REAL player base!
Fuck yourself you unintentionally-solipsist retard.
People with other experiences and opinions to you exist and you have to come to terms with that.
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How bold of wizards to depict Ugin and Bolas mating session on a card
>People with other experiences and opinions to you exist
No I don't, you only exist because I allow you to.
Evidence of this? The sets are a year old. Wilds of Eldraine is about a year old and Wizards aren’t selling packs of it anymore, should I anticipate an Agatha’s Soul Cauldron ban???
Nah they're banning Great Henge
Keep seething, investorbro.
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>Ugin...your bussy...hand it over...
>My dear brother, I'm all yours
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I'm going to make a very fat sheep
Can't believe it took this long. I know Dr. Who has some aliens but they aren't even close to this feel.
we've got wacky races and space opera soon
you'll probably get some grayyys in one of those
Keep malding poortroon.
I haven’t invested shit. All my decks are under 100 dollars. But I believe the Rules Committee made a retarded and illogical decision. There are plenty of old cards that are more ban worthy, and protecting cards because they’re “iconic” just means they don’t give a fuck about the game. If powerful cards are okay so long as the player base is used to them, then there’s no argument to ban anything at all, just wait for players to get used to it
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>gayzzet will prevail
>i-im not an investor!!!
>a-all my decks are ubder 100$!!!!!
>caring about the games identity means they dont care about the game!!!!
You're so obvious lmao
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No way fag
You need to calm down smokey. This is the way things are going to be now. All you can do is accept it, learn from it and move on to a place where you're comfortable enjoying this casual kitchen table childrens card game. That's all you can do.

Do you think I'm happy to see all this funko shit garbage at tables now? You think I wouldn't ban every one of those cards and spit in the faces of the people who greenlight them at wotc? But I don't, I can't I moved on and now I just make decks with cards I like and sometimes pubstomp someone being an obnoxious faggot about their funkoshit. I also never buy sealed because fuck them. You too can come to peace with the bullshit, one day you'll get the joke
>mana crypt banned in one format
>implying they cant advertise it on their site
>black lotus banned in all but one format where it's restricted
>single most advertised and expensive mtg card of all time, literally the face of the game
idk what the point you're trying to make is desu
now jewlo on the other hand is sussy, it's a commander only card, printed in very recent sets and advertised extensively, now banned in the only format it can be used in.
yeah fear of abduction is my favorite card i've seen in years
Of course the tranny cares about “identity” lol
I’ve never had a problem with Jeweled Lotus or Mana Crypt at my tables. Even on paper they are objectively less powerful than Sol Ring. The RC cannot say they’re banning fast mana for the health of the game and then refuse to ban the most powerful fast mana in the game because “muh identity”

It’s one or the other. You’re banning for the health of the game or you’re not. And if you’re not, why ban at all?
You have no evidence of Wozards having any involvement other than your own assumptions.
>this is heckin totally something they would do tho!!!!!
>they put unsold cards into Mystery 2 tho!!!!!
>someone on Discord said Wizards is consulted a year in advance about something completely unrelated tho!!!!!

Paranoid schizophrenia.
When the RC is still around 1, 2 and 3 years from now, with WOTC completely ignoring all of this and they've moved on to the next set, commander masters: secret wotc conspiracy edition with all the replacement chase rares that make you and all the other players jizz your pants, I want you to remember what you said here. And then unironically apply it to every other aspect of your life.

I promise if the RC is dead in the next year and wotc takes control of the game, undoubtedly reversing the bans I will also do this and eat my words.
>if you disagree with me you're a tranny!
The death knell of an argument. I accept your concession. You were not a worthy opponent.
they already said they don't want to ban all fast mana, just reduce the amount available, and explained that they'd rather keep sol ring because it's extremely accessible in comparison to the other two cards. also how exactly is a 1 cost 2 mana better than a 0 cost 2 mana? because the latter has a 50% chance of doing 3 dmg to you? in a 40 life format? kek

making a bunch of shit up that i never said, maybe you got me confused with some else faggot. i just said you have no real point by saying wotc had no idea on the basis that they are still advertising mana crypt on their site. they should stop advertising it because it's banned in a single format?
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>I promise if the RC is dead in the next year and wotc takes control of the game, undoubtedly reversing the bans I will also do this and eat my words.
Looking forward to it, because that’s what’s going to happen
>all brown creatures get +2/+1
We will all see. Truly that's what's great about this. There will not be any room for speculation afterwards. Either wotc is pure evil or they are brain dead tier retarded and the billion dollar company got cucked by a bunch of low tier RC memebers who evidently dont wanna be part of the RC anymore.

I guess both of us would be equally shocked if we're wrong
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>The billion dollar company let a group of self appointed chucklefucks dictate the future of their premium products

Lmao I don't understand how people can be so naive and stupid.
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I'm willing to bet the RC can't even take a shit without having to run it by WOTC first
>rule 0: we're playing level 5ish maybe light 6, one person running a slightly tuned precon.
>this retard: no problem guys, i'll bring my mid power deck, it's around the same power level.
>shocked pikachu face when people start groaning at the stax pieces he fished for in the starting hand
>we're getting pubstomped and no one is able to play the game
>b-but it's not cEDH guys!!
who was in the wrong here?
Bolas is the bottom though.
Don’t seethe like a troon and you won’t get called one

>also how exactly is a 1 cost 2 mana better than a 0 cost 2 mana? because the latter has a 50% chance of doing 3 dmg to you? in a 40 life format?
This is the kind of shit people say when they learned to play in Standard or Modern
>the only life that counts is the last one!!!!!
A cost is a cost, it’s called “risk” and adds an element of unpredictability to your games. That’s also why you shuffle your deck. Isn’t learning fun?

Also, neat dodge on having to talk about JewLo here. Because if you’re being honest with yourself, you understand exactly how 3 free mana once to cast your Commander is far less useful than 2 generic absolutely every turn for 1 mana.
As if you needed any further proof, the top commanders on EDHREC can’t even make used of JewLo early on because they’re almost all 4 and 5 colors and JewLo can’t be filtered

Being “iconic” is not a defense.
I’ve said this before, but if the difference between a card being banned or not is how many times it’s been printed in a precon, then nothing should ever be banned because players will just learn to play around it
Zamn they pushed out an egg like THAT!? Ugin's white mana is crazy virile.
>im not seething! you are!
Anon, I'm laughing about the bans. You're the only one seething here. Well, you and everyone else from /r/mtgfinance kek
the stax nigger
Bros... Ygo players are laughing at us... ...
if wotc really didn't know wouldn't they have already walked it back? wouldn't they be like "hey fuckers, what the fuck do you think you're doing over there?" followed by them making an announcement apologizing? why would wotc be like "ok well I guess the rc has spoken, goodbye future sets and staple chase cards and our current plans to capitalize on those cards darn them!!! :^( "

makes no sense to me
yugioh players play yugioh
that's a bad enough punishment to anyone
>y-you’re mad!!!
I’m having a conversation about EDH in the EDH thread, you’re the one crying about investors or some shit
I'm laughing at us
>wouldn't they have already walked it back? wouldn't they be like "hey fuckers, what the fuck do you think you're doing over there?"
Yeah because that’s how the corporate world and PR work lmao
It could take them weeks to see how hard it hits sales and consumer confidence, wait for the higher-ups to get pissed off, a dozen conferences about what happened and what they should do, plan a replacement to the RC, get PR statements drafted

Remember how long it took Wizards to walk back the D&D license changes? It was at least a month
>who was in the wrong here?
Everyone for not playing cEDH tbqh
so what's the time frame predictions? how long till the rc is dead and buried?
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why would anyone want to play the worst format in the game
>they're doing the right thing, but not doing all of the right things immediately now and this makes them bad and wrong
The commander banlist needs a complete overhaul to be 100% consistent and serve the format's base adequately (mainly by formally establishing cEDH with its own banlist fitting a competitive meta.) It's just not realistic to expect it to be fixed with a snap of fingers given the acting body is a committee of volunteers with differing opinions and priorities who apparently have egocentric midwits like Josh Lee Kwai whining at them when they try to take action.
signpost bannings are the dumbest thing they've ever done after getting rid of banned as commander
they should make cedh an official thing but they never will because pubstompers would cry
what? if mana crypt 100% did 3 damage to you sol ring would be better sure, but the fact is you could potentially have a 0 cost sol ring at best that never deals damage to you, and at worst you a 0 cost sol ring that deals 3 damage to you, and when you have 40 life to start it's really not an issue. mana crypt is stronger.
a cost is a cost sure, but the fact remains it's a resource that is more bountiful / disposable in this particular format. it's a risk yes, but it's not a gaurantee, and rarely is the risk ever outweighing the reward with that card in EDH.

neat dodge? wtf you want me to say about jewlo, literally don't give a fuck about it. i definitely don't think jewlo is stronger than sol ring, but the point stands that if there's a card to keep out of all the fast mana rocks, that's the one that obviously makes the most sense to keep. it's printed a fuckton more than the others, considering this is and will always be a casual format, that card is a lot fucking easier for everyone to run.

being iconic isn't a defense sure, but guess what faggot, no defense is needed. they didn't ban it, you cried. that's the end of it.

>if the difference between a card being banned or not is how many times it’s been printed in a precon, then nothing should ever be banned
kek. the difference is it makes the card cost pennies whereas the others cost 200x more, so you have a paywall if you want to have the same access to fast mana as paypigs.

the ban was days ago, hang up the towel retard, it's over. sol ring is here to stay, mana crypt and jewlo are done for. you can keep armchairing and crying and talking about muh insider trading. it's all copium.
>heh things are different in a different card game, don’t you feel silly?
No. YGO players buy in under the expectation that whatever is viable now won’t even be viable next year. The ban list is a mile long and broken combos can be banned within fucking weeks of them being discovered.

The very fucking premise of EDH was to keep as many cards legal as possible, which means there’s a hundred or more really fucking broken old cards that we all have to tolerate.
The Rules Committee was founded on the idea that the player base would be more in control of how the game works, and now they’ve made a huge decision without even consulting their own Advisory Group, let alone anyone else
And to top it all off this is the first ban wave in 3 fucking years.

Really tired of the “haha this happens all the time in MY format!!!!” - well it fucking doesn’t here
January imo
and in this format the banlist does not matter
they tell you it doesn't matter, explicitly
they want you to ignore it if you personally do not like it
quints of truth
anon that's quads
but yea I've had a few friends come to mtg and edh from yugioh and they just have nothing but horror stories
I'm betting 2 to 6 months if wotc is afraid of the consumer confidence loss and backlash than more so than the potential earning from jewing the playerbase even harder.
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>As their spiritual world turned against them, so too did their minds turn from reality
i'm actually excited to see what happens even more than i am for any sets lol
>he doesn't know two 0s make another 8
It is infinitely harder to convince a group to permit a banned card than it is to get someone to hold off on playing a powerful card that isn’t banned

I have had hundred of conversations that start with “hey I’m playing this card, is that okay?” when it comes to shit like Dockside or Smothering Tithe. I’ve never seen a banned card be permitted
nice card, and of course it's a guay never seen this one before. the birds are cute
Investorfags need to stop pretending they would be any less mad if sol ring was banned alongside mana crypt.
Debating the 'consistency' of the ban is stupid because it's just arguing under false pretenses and a massive waste of time.
>on the idea that the player base would be more in control of how the game works,
for a person who supposedly plays edh you don't seem to understand the basic conceit of the format
nta, but the rules committee is comprised of 5 people, 3 of whom are part of the original 4 people that invented EDH in the first place. MaRo has affirmed that WotC has no plans to take control of the RC since they didn't come up with the format in the first place.
>when it comes to shit like Dockside or Smothering Tithe. I’ve never seen a banned card be permitted
no shit you retarded nigger
you'd be told to fuck off beforehand for that too
same with rhystic
>Kozilek experiences reality on his own terms
Weird because my experience was the opposite. MtG did, and continues to have, the most insufferable playerbase I have ever dealt with. It's not even close.
oh they never talked about other players just how much of a joke the game is (compared to what they saw of edh at least)
in my personal experience the only yugioh players I know are a black guy (who also plays mtg) and I think he likes it, plus a literal cabal of cheating asians who used to terrorize my old lgs before they all got banned for selling child porn
>consumer confidence
top kek. in a couple weeks nobody will be talking about this shit anymore. this isn't the first time cards have been banned. oh no. . . a couple cards lost their value overnight.. totally the very first time that's ever happened in the history of the game..
>’m having a conversation about EDH in the EDH thread
Really? Because you've been whining about troons nonstop for a while now.
>you’re the one crying about investors or some shit
Laughing, anon. I've been laughing at their salty tears. I know you're seething but try to look through the tears. Or, keep crying about troons if you want.

>>heh things are different in a different card game, don’t you feel silly?
>No. YGO players buy in under the expectation that whatever is viable now won’t even be viable next year.
I'm not talking about Yugioh, nor did I reference it.
>Hey can I play Lutri just not as companion?
- Conversation I have heard over a dozen times.
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>Illusion is a crutch for those with no grounding in reality
100% WotC has been trying to subvert the RC and CAG which is why you've seen the slow creep of influencers into their ranks. There's almost no chance that the best people to shepherd the format are people who've latched into a corporate brand to boost their personal brand. It's a standard conflict of interest.

WotC does what Hasbro wants first and foremost and has prioritized product churn over healthy gameplay for years now. However, WotC rotates formats artificially with power creep, not bans.
I've not found it too hard to play banned cards even with people I dont know. Just need to know how to sell it, sometimes they wanna look at your list to make sure you arent a lying ass hole but if you charm em they will say "oh ok well thats fine I think" quite often
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>Shaping reality is simply a matter of knowing where to apply pressure
>Guys my lgs doesn't want me to play >>94008980
>WotC rotates formats artificially with power creep, not bans.
"Hey let's not play with dockside"
"Yea agreed it kind of sucks"
if you're playing edh only to win you should be playing cedh instead (or vintage)
i have no idea how I fucked up the post that much
i blame it being 3 am
Because that's what vintagefags are like
Literally the reason EDH exists is to show off your cards.
>MaRo has affirmed that WotC has no plans to take control of the RC since they didn't come up with the format in the first place.
Yeah it’s not MaRo’s fucking decision.

I know people in these threads genuinely have a hard time understanding how the secondary market affects the primary market, they seem to think that once WotC has sold the cardboard they stop caring, so I will explain.
>secondary market determines how worth chasing a card is
>the more worthwhile it is to chase a card, the more consumers and sellers will buy packs
>tanking the value of an expensive card literally overnight causes fear in the market
>consumers are less willing to pay high amounts for a card if it will literally become unplayable, or be much cheaper at a later date
>people are willing to pay less to chase packs
>less packs get bought
>Wizard’s bottom line suffers

I’m not saying it WILL have enough of an impact to affect their bottom line, but if it did, Wizards would probably step in.
Ignore people saying this is business as usual for card games, it is not for this format and that alone is significant.
I'm going to be honest, Magic really isn't better at all outside casual EDH. Like it's easy to shitpost about YGO being a clown game but it's easy to forget that outside explicitly low-power games, there's currently Gruul Prowess in Standard which consistently kills on turn 3, often on turn 2, and the counterplay is having exactly Cut Down in your starting hand in addition to enough gas to push past SSS before it can come down. Pauper decks are $80 now which is absurd for a budget format. Never mind the absolute sorry state Modern and Legacy are in. The skill expression feels lower than ever in Magic right now since it really feels like a binary question of if the person going second has one specific card in their starting hand.
>No one ever disagrees ever
The real world doesn't work like this, and especially competition in any iteration.
Yeah >>94008926 was for >>94008884
cool your weird misshapen tranny tits
that's understandable at least
the most recurring thing I see from yugioh players is they hate that the game is ONLY vintage and they wish they had more support for other formats like "this one week 8 years ago when the meta was pretty fun comparatively before they printed another infinite combo on turn 0"
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I think they have unofficial other formats now that are just time periods like set 1-3 is called "something" and so on and so forth so people can re-live the glory days. I was actually interested in it because some of the early sets were kinda cool
>I know people in these threads genuinely have a hard time understanding how the secondary market affects the primary market, they seem to think that once WotC has sold the cardboard they stop caring
If it makes you feel better, WotC has consistently lied about their consideration of the secondary market for decades, and lifestyle consumers have a really hard time comprehending corporate duplicity.
Can someone ID the cards here.
>this isn't the first time cards have been banned
No shit, but it's the first time edh has had a ban this prolific and controversial.
>in a couple weeks nobody will be talking about this shit anymore
You'd be surprised how many timmies spent absurd amounts of money cracking packs plastered with marketing for jew lotus and mana crypt only for their prized pulls to get banned a few months later. People are already complaining about feeling bait and switched on normalfag social media so it makes sense those people won't want to crack the 50 dollar paypiggy deluxe packs for the op chase card of they feel it'll just end up banned within a years time. Me personally ill probably end up selling the expensive cards I've gotten over the years that weren't gifts or prizes and going full chinaman despite the fact I proxied my crypt and lotus just because I feel like the rc will come after shit like mana vault and tutors to placate the endless crying of casualbabs.
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no u
>and controversial.
it's not controversial lol
it's finance niggers and cedh faggots, the two most hated groups in the entirety of the playerbase
They'd be a little less mad because they would at least get to laugh at all the casuals losing their shit over losing sol ring. Probably would be way more flame wars and the RC would have to go into witness protection
People play TOSS and GOAT format regularly. It's just that they're not as popular.
YGO's main format is more akin to Legacy than Vintage. While it may seem like Vintage-level crazy combos on the outside, there's an enormous amount of stronger interaction available to the player going second, meaning it's less common for a player to have had no possible counterplay to an opening line while in Vintage it's fairly common for there to be starting hands with no answer.
when are we getting official cards for them instead of the weird non-canon tokens
They'd be even more mad since there's whale versions of sol ring out there that they doubtlessly also bought into.
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Command tower, arcane signet, now that's the face of edh.
That is Apu, not Pepe
Why would anyone be mad about a $1 dollar card being banned? If anything they probably bought a blinged out version and got even more fucked. They would be malding even more.
>People play TOSS and GOAT format regularly.
Is TOSS the format where Quickdraw Synchron is the best deck?
>it's the first time edh has had a ban this prolific and controversial.
no it's fucking not, newfag. it's just the only bans in recent history.
>you'd be surprised
no i wouldn't. if you spent that much money cracking packs for singles you're retarded and financially irresponsible.
>im gonna sell all my expensive cards
good for you sweetie pie.. ill buy the dip
>all my expensive cards are gonna get banned because 3 expensive ones got banned in one format
lmao @ your life
i'm already a proxy chad anyway, nice of you to join the rest of the non-retards
God it would be even more glorious than i could have imagined
>it's not controversial lol
>it's finance niggers and cedh faggots, the two most hated groups in the entirety of the playerbase
>it’s not controversial because I’m okay with it, and anyone who isn’t okay with it must be [designated group I dislike]
Another unintentional solipsist
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Sshhhhhh just keep quiet we're staying low on this one
yes, you are subhuman and no one likes you
your opinion is irrelevant
you're barely above a sarr if you aren't one yourself
They would be mad over losing their favorite staple card not so much the money. Unless you're saying a sol ring ban would have been like a "meh" reaction from the majority of the community which I doubt. I admit I didn't think of the whale players buying the special versions of sol ring so they would probably be pissed too i guess
Don't agree with him while insulting him. It makes you look retarded.
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don't worry i gotchu senpai
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>"Did you guys hear something?" - RC
That's because it eats a land drop and ALWAYS deals 2 damage. If Ancient Tomb eats a ban then I'll jump ship and join the doomers in the splinter format.
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Guys my bussy hurts which one do I buy........ (minus the Golgari one)
The Uba Mask precon
>it's just the only bans in recent history.
Congrats retard, you just makes one of the reasons for why it was controversial.
Would you like some more?
>they banned a card that’s been in the format for 20 years
>that card was heavily pushed in a set just a year ago
>they banned a card that is only playable in Commander
>they literally did not consult their own advisory group before making the decision for the first time ever
>they talked about who voted which way for the first time ever, causing the dissenter to have to explain herself
>in explaining their own decision they were blatantly inconsistent when they went out of their way to say they wouldn’t ban a much more ubiquitous card purely because it was already so ubiquitous, making any ban decision essentially “how desensitised to it are the players?” rather than “what is good for the game?”
Please address all of that before bitching about investors, and when you DO get to that as we know you will, please address the fact that:
>LGS care about the resale value of
aminatou looks cool
>Even on paper they are objectively less powerful than Sol Ring.
Maybe Lotus, but Crypt is literally a better Sol Ring. 0-mana card that taps for 2 is infinitely more efficient than 1-mana card tapping for 2. With Sol Ring you at least sometimes have to make a choice between turn 1 Ring and a 1-mana spells that needs colored mana. Meanwhile Crypt lets you cast a lot of 3-mana cards (as long as they have only 1 colored pip in their cost, but that is the case for a lot of 3-mana spells) on turn 1. Taking an average of 1.5 damage per turn is basically meaningless downside when you have 40 starting life.
Whatever the fuck you buy, I beg you to buy for $49.99 at Target or GameStop rather than getting gouged for 70-80 bucks
not only that, all these retards think because their most expensive kikerocks got banhammered that ALL fast mana and ramp needs to get banned too. ignoring the fact that you could previously have a turn one ancient tomb + sol ring + mana crypt + jewlo + arcane signet and take your commander out.
When the anime hits
Ancient tomb is a dead man walking. We all know it. SELL NOW
They would get mad over losing a mana rock? What?
I'm sorry, but it's a mana rock in an edh deck. People get attached to cards and decks they play but mana rocks? I don't see people calling decks, the sol ring deck or my mana crypt deck.
Let's be real, the only reason people give a shit is their powerlevel and price. They aren't mechanically interesting by any means.
>it's not controversial lol
>controversial -adjective-giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement.
Literally by definition it is lol lrn2english faggot even the timmies at my store aren't happy
>it's finance niggers and cedh faggots, the two most hated groups in the entirety of the playerbase
I know casualfags aren't very smart so let me explain it simply. Man buy thing, thing suddenly becomes worthless, man sees same company has similar thing 2 for sale, man don't buy because he remembers how thing 1 became worthless
whales care about power level and price. Causals fucking love sol ring. I mean if you think I'm wrong and genuinely believe the general community would not even give a single fuck that their precon staple was banned then that's your perogative I'm not trying to change your mind here I just personally think they would be raging just as hard if it happened. Maybe I'm wrong we'll never actually know until it happens I suppose
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The characters are unfortunately playing with a whole bunch of RL cards they can't use for the reprints.
If they weren't gay it would be
>Wrath of God
>Mana Vault
>Memory Jar
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just throw them on vaguely color-associated creatures or something
they had best girl as a zombie too
Holy shit you're fucking dumb
>he thinks I was talking about myself cracking packs
Lmao your reading comprehension sucks, if I can't get a single cheap I proxy
>I'm a proxychad, b-but I'm going to buy the dip
Please buy it now while its peaking, it'll end up crashing when the bans are rolled back or it gets banned itself
Just reprint another Verdant Force
Casuals will still cry unfair becasue Johnny has 2 mana on turn 1 but i only have 1 until its banned
The non-gayest would be Sliver Queen actually
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is it still diverse if they're half of every set art now
retard, i didn't say it wasn't controversial. i said it's not the FIRST TIME edh had a controversial ban like you claimed it was, learn to fucking read.

>20 years
ok and? cards have been banned and unbanned regardless of how long they have existed in the format
>card was heavily pushed in a set just a year ago
big whoop, so they should wait an arbitrary amount of time before banning it? nadu came out barely a few months ago but you're not talking about it because it didn't cost the same amount of money as jewlo and you're sad you lost money
>banned a card that is only playable in commander
yep they banned it in.. commander
>didnt consult their own advisory group
heresy and irrelevant
>blah blah blah
>blatantly inconsistent in their explanation
it wasn't solely because it's so ubiquitous, that was merely one of several factors. the others being that there's no intention of banning ALL fast mana fullstop. now it's your turn, explain why this isn't good for the game?

there i addressed all your retarded shit, i'm not bitching about investors, but i am laughing at them.
>LGS care about the resale value of
they already sold all their jewlo product, this isnt the first time they've experienced cards tanking in value overnight. they will be just fine.

any more retarded nothingburgers you want me to "address" ?
>Natural Order for Sliver Queen
holy soul
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He won by the way
casual format
mtg players will cry about anything but your strawman is irrelevant anyway because it implies they have a precedent of banning everything people cry about which isn't the case. they barely banned anything in years.

sorry for your loss chud, someone has to be caught holding the bag.
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The man behind the slaughter
>didnt consult their own advisory group
>heresy and irrelevant
I assume you meant “hearsay” which might be even funnier since you don’t seem to know what the fuck it means.
We know they didn’t consult the CAG because 2 members of the CAG said that none of them were fucking consulted.
When a party involved asserts that something did or didn’t fucking happen, you can say you don’t believe them, but it isn’t fucking hearsay, you sped
>cedh sucks because doing the same thing over and over is boring
I agree, so anyway I make another rat
The game is so warped by now that it took me sometime to realize Verdant is a strong card back then in 1v1.
>muh casual format
don't buy any
They cant even get over the denial stage of grief yet and here you are just beating them down. That's not very nice anon
shut up faggot, i didn't say you specifically cracked packs for it, i said "if you (were one of the people that) spent that much money on cracking packs to get a single you're retarded and financially irresponsible.
in response to you saying
>You'd be surprised how many timmies spent absurd amounts of money cracking packs

YOUR reading comprehension sucks. how the fuck would i know if you personally cracked packs for it? i'm talking about the timmies you mentioned, jfc you are insufferable.

and yes i'm a proxy chad but i still have physical cards that i can make money off of, even more so because i don't actually play with them so it's literally just cardboard sitting there. i'd gladly trade the rhystic study i don't play with in exchange for a bunch of mana crypts when they hit the valley floor for peanuts and then sell them later for a killing if it gets unbanned. stop replying to me retard
>if it gets unbanned
Old school giant creatures are so weird to look at now. Threats that might pass as an uncommon card today were the best creatures you could possibly put into play then.
yeah i said "if"
cards have been unbanned before, many times. so it's definitely possible at a future time and if i can buy them for chump change draft chaff prices then that's my prerogative. i literally don't give a shit either way. keep coping tho
lol lmfao rofl top kek
i wish they would just grieve harder and do the needful at this point, it's giving me second hand embarrassment listening to this shit.
>being so assblasted you write an angry wall of text that ends up saying "no u" because you can't read
>reddit spacing
mana crypt still sees play outside of edh, though.
>so it's definitely possible at a future time
>keep coping
Oh my god anon just stop
i spaced it like that because you were clearly having trouble reading it with my normal formatting before.

each reply from you is progressively less and less substance, just grasping at straws, talking about irrelevant shit like spacing, typos, making shit up. i'm bored now. the cards are banned. it's time to move on and take a shower.
precisely why it's a good option to buy them right now while everyone is panic selling before they realize that there are other formats in this game.
>failed to read my first post right
>make fun of you for dumb angry wall of text
>second wall of text is just backpeddling and butthurt
>make fun of you more
Why put effort into replies when reddit spacing retards are so easy bait but never say anything of substance
here is a comprehensive list of cards that have been banned in EDH

what i want you to do is ctrl+f and type in the word "unbanned"
after that i want you to come back and suck my dick
Personally, I'm grabbing a few dozens copies of ______ Goblin because I expect it's price to spike because of cEDHfags trying to replace Dockside.
The general should splinter too, one for actual edh and the other for conspiracy theory.
It's going to be ok anon, you can make it through this. We're all pulling for you right everyone
Most of the good deals have already been bought up by people speculating a quick unban. As long as the rc has a spine and don't cuck soon speculators will start selling and the price will drop again.
blah blah
i barely reddit spaced one post, and it was to emphasis one sentence in the middle
>grasping at more straws
you said timmies cracked packs for jewlo
i said if you cracked packs for jewlo you're retarded
you said i was talking about you specifically when it's clear i was talking about the timmies you referred to
now you wasted both of our time nitpicking random irrelevant shit
what exactly am i backpedaling on kek

why don't we start from the top okay?
mana crypt is banned, jewled lotus is also banned.
the end.
>it's time to move on and take a shower.
Actually fucking true kek
it doesn't affect me whatsoever
i just said i'd buy up the panic sellers mana crypts regardless if it gets unbanned in which there is a lot of precedent for previously banned cards to at some point, be unbanned.

however, i personally would not give a fuck either way. i never had any of these faggot ass cards to begin with.
>more backpeddling and damage control
You know what people who read things correctly the first time do? They don't write paragraphs explaining how they were actually right.
>still giving (you)s after I said I was baiting you to mock you
>still reddit spacing
It's time to move on, anon
It's weird because it's not even really a case of powercreep: some of the strongest cards ever come from old sets, and even aside from the obvious stuff like the Power 9 there's plenty of non-creatures from older sets that are still playable in formats they're allowed in. It's just the creatures that almost universally suck. I guess some designer back in the day really had it out for creatures and declared they should be massively overcosted compared to other card types.
It's time to move on, mr anon
>no i was just pretending to be retarded to bait you
like clockwork
>muh reddit spacing




do you think

i care about giving (you)s

i can do this

all night, dumb

watch it chud
>retard is so assblasted he literally can't let go
You have to be severely autistic lmao
Just read things correctly the first time and don't make long winded posts of butthurt
The philosophy of Commander prioritizes creativity, and one of the ways we have historically reflected that in the rules and ban list is to encourage a slower pace of game than traditional formats. This gives decks time and space to develop and do different things. We have a goal to make it easier for players who enjoy slower, more social games to have an environment for them to explore.

Commander has always had the potential for someone to get out to a fast start and be the first arch-villain in the game, but that advantage has been balanced by having multiple players gunning for them once it happens. In the past few years, notably since Strixhaven: School of Mages, we have seen a pattern of stronger mid-game cards that allow the player who skips past the early game to snowball their advantage straight through to the win. Occasional games like that are fine, but it shouldn't be common, and we're taking steps to bring that frequency down a bit by banning three of the most explosive plays in the format.

Mana Crypt – Coming down for no mana on turn one, it's quite possible to have the explosive start of Mana Crypt into a Signet or Talisman, land, and another Signet, leaving that player untapping five mana on turn two. In games going over twelve turns, the accumulated threat of damage from Mana Crypt provides a reasonable counterbalance for its explosive effect, but when you are snowballing to a turn-six to -eight win, it's a meaningless drawback.

Jeweled Lotus – Another card that can give you five mana on turn two, Jeweled Lotus does it without even needing a good hand. Though you're restricted in what you can do with the mana, four- and five-mana Commanders can pack a significant punch nowadays, often drawing cards to make up for the one-shot mana, and defensive abilities such as ward can't be interacted with that early in the game.
We should also talk about the elephant in the room. We're not banning Sol Ring and have no desire to. Yes, based on the criteria we've talked about here, it would be banned. Sol Ring is the iconic card of the format, and it's sufficiently tied to the identity of the format that it defies the laws of physics in a way that no other card does. Banning Sol Ring would be fundamentally changing the identity of the format. We aren't trying to eliminate all explosive starts—it happening every once in a while is exciting—and removing the other three cards geometrically reduces the number of hands capable of substantial above-curve mana generation in the first few turns.
>made up stuff
>just pretending to be retarded to bait you

honk shoe.... honk shoe....

let's start from the top again okay?
mana crypt - BANNED
jewled lotus - ALSO BANNED

the end.
Don't think WotC was "in control" but the timing could have been negociated. Or perhaps WotC was begging them to not do it. Or perhaps WotC has something big coming down that they shared with the RC and it would make these 3 cards absolutely insane.
The RC being retarded niggers with "signpost bans" has been an issue for almost the entire existence of the RC this isn't really news.
sorry you're right i got carried away, i shouldn't have called him dumb.
Part of the announcement was they were working on something to "make finding games easier" which smells like some quasi-official rule 0 stuff.
We also know for sure they're going through all the un-cards and splitting them into "play them/maybe/probably not"
if you post it they will come (seething and crying)
>Sol Ring is the iconic card of the format
>tied to the identity of the format
> it defies the laws of physics
>identity of the format
>every once in a while is exciting
> geometrically reduces
Man if I owned a crypt I'd probably be pretty pissed off reading this lmaooooo
Why do people hate cEDH anyway?
There's like the religious legit hardcore cedh players who stick to their own and then theres the smelly fat try hards who just use cedh lists and take them to random tables lying about it and being fat smelly retards. They've been here since forever but didnt always have people making highly tuned lists for them to abuse so understandably people fucking hate them and sadly because the competent cedh players never do this, all anyone outside of it sees is these fat smelly fucks calling themselves cedh players while also bitching out of any real tables.

I've met them in the wild and they are absolutely insufferable and bail out when you bring out a competitive list and holy shit do they get mad if you sneak one into their table like they do to everyone else. Cant really worry about it though shits never going away
I've met them in the wild and they are absolutely insufferable and bail out when you bring out a competetive list and holy shit are they mad if you sneak one into their table.
"Actual" cedh is mostly just autistic people who want to play 100 card vintage, they are (relatively) harmless though they still have retarded shit like getting flash banned. The worst part about them is they pretend cedh and edh are the same format when they always prove they aren't.
Most of the people mad over this are probably not "real" cedh players and just retarded larpers or people trying to pubstomp.
i have a bad feeling about all of this, regardless of if you "like" the bans this has been terrible communicated and should have done card by card... I have a bad feeling about where the game is going.
because it's a casual and social format, always has been, always will be, and the playstyles of cEDH are insanely boring and antisocial, people would hate it less if it was quarantined but for some reason cEDH cucks universally enjoy trojan horsing their solitaire - win on turn 4 decks to lower power tables where no one else is going to have a chance. i can't even describe it, i can always tell the cEDH player from their general demeanor, and when everyone scoops against them when it's revealed that they were lying about the power level of their deck they always get assblasted and leave in a huff instead of just playing a lower power deck like reasonable people would and starting a new game. they always get mad at you for not wanting to waste an hour of your life while they stax you out of the game and it's clear the writing is on the wall that they're going to win so nobody wants to sit around listening to the cEDH fag playing solitare and showing off his epic deck (it's the same boring slop pile of staples as any other cEDH deck everyone has already seen a billion times)

then there's the ones that only play cEDH against other cEDH pods and have other decks for normal EDH games, they are alright i guess, but most fall into the former archetype.
why should it be card by card or communicated in advance? makes no sense. elaborate on your bad feeling about where the game is going? sounds overly paranoid.

did you know 17 cards were banned in commander in one year (2005)
>misread post
>get called out
>write wall of text saying "nuh uh that's not what I meant you're stupid"
>gets mad I won't engage with him beyond calling him stupid
I also know crypt and lotus are banned, I slotted them out and its not a big to me personally. I just dont want to be holding the bag if the non chinaman cards i do own get banned since the rc said they want to slow down the format. Anyway I'm going to try and get back to sleep, have a lovely night angryanon
ah sweet repeating yourself again
>i was just pretending to be retarded to bait you
>i just dont want to be holding the bag if the non chinaman cards i do own get banned
>Are other expensive cards safe from being banned?
>Yes but not absolutely beyond reproach. We’re not going to paint ourselves into a corner and say that we’ll never ban expensive cards, but we can say categorically that we do not want to ban cards, that staples are part of commander (the card pool is incredibly large), and that we will try to keep the format stable going forward unless those cards are causing large problems.
>Are other expensive cards safe from being banned?
goodnight retard, see you tomorrow
so that what happened doesn't happen again

>did you know 17 cards were banned in commander in one year (2005)

did you know probably 2000x more people play the game now
>they still have retarded shit like getting flash banned.
If you hate Thoracle, then you should be thankful that Flash is banned.
I've never seen thoracle because I don't play with faggots.
I know having irl friends to do edh shit is hard but you could just like play on tts or something with online friends.
I cannot possibly imagine ever wanting to go to an lgs to play edh with randoms.
and what exactly in your mind happened?
cards getting banned? that's gonna happen again
people crying? that's gonna happen again
expensive cards losing their value at instant speed? that's gonna happen again
>more people play the game now
is that relevant somehow?
i bet you there was retards in 2005 saying omfg they banned 17 cards this year? i have a bad feeling about where the game is going..
Thoracle is soft banned at casual tables. She's the poster child of rule zero, where near everyone has collectively decided she's a cEDH card and should be left for cEDH games.
Karn is gay???
Everyone is gay until otherwise specified.
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>cast picrel
>search for sol ring
kek, if it wasn't 5 mana I would run it in every blue deck
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>-2 picrel
>fart and burp at the same time
so anyway thanks for fishing my sol ring for me anon <3
Yes they're the idiot. Also
>33 lands
>Karumonix with one other rat
>Intruder Alarm (literally what does this do)
The entire point of the ban list is so that you are on similar footing with randoms. If you only play with the same people, why haven't you guys come up with a custom ban list?
It's a banlist for those of us who play with random people exclusively.
26 cards in that list are cEDH staples btw
yeah, it's basically cEDH jr, especially if you look at the edit history.. it's clear this is like a failed cEDH brew that he pubstomps low power tables with by stax'ing them out of the game.
i mean it's just a fact that mid-power decks run the one ring, rhystic study, mystic remora, sheoldred, dictate of erebos, etc, right?
>karumonix with one other rat
they have a lot of rat token engines
>intruder alarm
honestly the game didn't make it far enough to see what this would do but considering it's all creature theft, i think the plan is untapping all their own creatures whenever rat tokens etb, but i can't really see the specific line. idk, the person left in a rush when everyone was like dude this is not a mid-power deck you're smoking crack. they never want to play a different deck or let us switch to high power, they just slink away like "and i would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids and your dog!"
oh i see it now, toxic deluge to kill all opponents creatures, and maybe even some of their own rat tokens, which are then exiled by vren or gisa, then played from exile under their control, generating a fuckton more rats, when they etb triggers intruder alarm to untap all their own tapped creatures, summon a fuckton of rats from vren at end step and everything is buffed from the fuck ton of creatures that got exiled.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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>casts Damnation
everyone laughing at the mana crypt ban will be smug until the Ur Dragon gets banned
>t-they would never
really? it's the edhrec monster, it has the boogeyman mechanic eminence. The game is "balanced around casual" why wouldn't they? The question is will you sit there and cheer when it happens or will you complain like a hypocrite
Considering that, unlike Mana Crypt, you can't just stick Ur-Dragon into literally every single magic deck in its colors and have it be objectively better, it's not really hypocritical. Ur-Dragon is a boogeyman and not even a big deal compared to Myriim. Goofy ass post, anon.
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Banned in modern by the way
>people actually lost to this
>people think this is anything higher than a 6
please tell me this is bait
>inb4 b-but he countered me!
I would do unspeakably lewd things to that hoverslut if given the opportunity
>dodges the question because he knows his reasoning doesn't hold up to scrutiny
So when he gets banned what will you do? I guess your answer was "be a hypocrite"
everytime edhg calls a deck cedh I know before even opening it that I'm about to see the shittiest meme deck ever thrown together
just proves if you play counterspells your deck is a 10 and you should be ejected from the table only try hard faggots play blue
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he didn't counter me as i barely run creatures but you're smoking crack if you think that's what a 6 looks like.
nobody called it cEDH™ but it's 8 minimum going off the chart most people refer to, but regardless if you cEDH fags think his list is a meme, it didn't at all match the level of the decks we were playing and it's staxfaggotry.
>completely didn't read the response
Your premise is false, and you should be told that before you act like a smug little retard~
so you did choose hypocrite, I guess I shouldn't be surprised
>doesn't even know what he's saying
That's your last (you) if you're just trying this hard to bait this poorly
you're smoking crack if
>rat army +cheap removal and draw to make the deck consistent
is higher than 6 how bad are your decks if you truly view that deck as an 8? this just tells me you're trash at deck building so your entire perspective of the game is just warped
thanks for digging the hole deeper for yourself? lmao
Tiny Leaders?
They don't need an argument to ban things. But you do need an argument to play them and this is a shitty one!
Nothing worse than retards arguing card strength. Sol ring is stronger. Yes 3 life matters no matter how much you say muh 40, 3 life still matters and is a huge downside.
Are they still crying?
Can I give a creature Ward in response it it being targeted? I assume not since ward is a trigger and the chance for it to trigger has already passed.
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>they don't need an argument to ban things
>Paying 1 is stronger than paying 0
Whatever brain tumor you have, it's terminal
C U next turn
Nothing about this list is remotely cedh. And yeah, it's not a very strong deck. I can't even see the so called "stax" pieces you're referring to lol. It's literally just a shitty removal tribal deck with some scary creatures lmao. Also at BEST ten of those are cedh staples lmao
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Draw a card
Draft can be a bit hit or miss but still sits squarely in the realm of fun for most sets. I don't grind tournaments or play every single week, so some of the complaints about on-rails drafting for sets like Bloomburrow aren't felt as strongly for me.

Play boosters have shit all over sealed tho, I've been bothered by the high variance in pool quality at recent pre releases. Really annoyed with Wizards' transparent price hike actually having a negative effect on popular events.
I drew Winds of Abandon so I'll tap my mana crypt, two plains, and my two mana dorks to overload it
get your basic lands
well you CAN but yeah it doesn't trigger
Literally every established player in magic understands sol ring is better anon. I don't get this weird view zoomers have where it's not objectively one of the most powerful cards ever printed
it's not a guarantee that you lose life from it, it's a chance. 3 life at the start of the game is insignificant, it's not a "huge downside" if that were true no one would play black because 90% of the cards make you lose life. "huge downside"

if mana crypt doesn't do damage to you (which is a possibility that it wont) it's absolutely stronger than sol ring. if it does some damage to you, it becomes maybe on par with sol ring. and if it does damage to you every turn, then sol ring is stronger sure. life is a resource like anything else, you can easily recoup the (potential) damage done by mana crypt by using the ramp it provides you with, making it a positive gain.

regardless, guess what, previously you could have both mana crypt and sol ring at the same time. 1 mana spent in exchange for 4 mana gained, with a 50% chance to be at 37 life instead of 40. wow sounds like a huge huge downside, such a big downside in fact that nobody ran mana crypt because the downside of losing 3 life potentially was just too much of a risk..........

fucking retard
There are like 2 stax-adjacent cards in that deck anon. What, dauthi, intruder are all I can think of. You're retarded and really fucking bad at the game
Holy embarrassing. How do you live with yourself
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I love it when motherfuckers think their Farewells and Winds will effect me, nigga I'm in WHITE! Anyway, I tap my Commander and three tokens, casting this. No response? Didn't think so, no one ever does.
Didn't read. Sol ring is objectively a better card. Type as much as you want nothing will change that
>see this post
>go look at the deck
>it's just a bunch of counters and things that make casuals mad
When you're right you're right.

Lolwut? I looked at that list. It has some off brand rat tribal stuff, that one shitty fairy people seem to be in a tizzy about, and a few cards that make casuals feel bad. It was like it was intentionally designed to be as inflammatory as possible without actually being good. It has very little card draw outside of study and the one ring, middling ramp, and 3 ways to remove noncreatures that resolve while having no obvious infinites I'm aware of. Based on your chart this deck is between a 6 and a 7, and it seems like the only real complaint about this deck is that it uses expensive staples. This is about as strong as my yawgmoth deck I built specifically to play with casuals, maybe even a little weaker, but based on your complaints, it would give you an aneurysm because it does shit like proliferating tangle wire, jitte, and smokestack, casting pox, or dropping the bitterblossom contamination lock. And before you go on a rager about pubstomping, I built it intentionally to fols to aggro. It's very intensive on life. If you leave it alone it'll do disgusting things, but it cant deal with artifacts or enchantments, it has shitty ramp, and zero way to regain life, despite using a ton of it.
ok swing for lethal. no blocks? didn't think so, no one ever does
I kill myself as a special action, doesn't use the stack retard
pay 0 for 2 mana
pay 1 for 2 mana
>paying 1 is OBJECTIVELY better than paying 0 and nothing you say is going to change that
Sol Ring is ludicrously powerful, but 1 is infinitely more than 0.
Didn't read. Sol ring is objectively better, pretending it's not is literally nogames
your own chart would put the very deck you're crying about firmly at 5 or 6
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And this is the reason I convoked the last spell, despite having mana, because I knew your gobber ass would fall for it, like all goobers. Fall by your own hand.
>Anon has 11 mana in white before the game has ended
I hope you timmys are having fun in the retard pit ^.^
I say this as someone who runs both cards, has extensive edh deck building experience at every budget, plays vintage and legacy on mgto, and routinely wins drafts even when playing blind; sol ring and crypt are almost identical. The only people who disagree have never used crypt and are mad about a theory crafted boogeyman. If you'd like I can explain why, but that would involve you not calling me a retard who doesnt know how to evaluate cards, because objectively that's one of my strongest skills, and an understanding that I'm speaking from detailed experience using both cards, and not made up hypotheticals. I'm not a paypig, I'm not trying to make people mad, I genuinely want to help.

If you dont want to hear it that's fine, but recognize that the loudest voice in the room isnt always the most knowledgable.
since you two seemed to forget this is a 4 player game, I'm gonna pitch my Rhystic Study and cast Force of Negation on your protection spell
MTG would be a lot better if they used the tiers as usage based banlists like smogon instead of having an all or nothing banlist. it would be a huge improvement to the arbitrary time based formats too, to instead be centered around cards at a certain power level.
What do I think about him in 2024?
My thought process is that they thought that they figured that creatures are essentially a repeatable lightning bolt, since you don't expend a card to do damage, you can do it again on next turn with no additional cost
Remember my Commander? I'm in GW, I get that much mana by sneezing. Plus, I convoked the last spell, Remember? Or do you have problems retaining short term memories?
okay okay please no more (you)s i get it i am retarded i suck at the game and you are so so so good at it my king i'm so sorry my wrist is gaping for you. you build the best, the biggest, the greatest decks they're telling me, the best decks anyone has played with and this deck is.. no good.. it's bad.. there's not even any stax in it, it's no good.
What is this cope lmao
>can't remember the spells he pretends to have casted
>calls me a retard
nice resume anon, you've got the job.
we've been kind of busy lately, can you help that nice customer over there he wants to trade his jeweled lotus and mana crypt for a full art forest. i think we can do it as long as he buys some sleeves with his order, could you try to upsell him some kitanas?
>being a histrionic faggot after being told you're wrong
Seems like the problem in this example is you.
I beg of you please list all the cards in that list you consider stax anon
>the seething continues to burn
You wouldn't be pitching for FoN unless you had better options, so I feel it's safe to play this and tell you to stay in your own lane.
>lose to his buddy's deck
>cries like a bitch online
>gets told to grow up
>cries harder
I feel bad for the people who put up with you
By that ranking I'd put the deck at a high 6, low 7. It kinda looks like a mess but there is a game plan and a glut of cEDH staples pushes it.
Forgot pic like a goober, so I lost. Nice game guys, see you next week?
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>dockside and crypt banned
>Josh Lee kwai quit
These are the two best pieces of news I've gotten all week and I want to see more people celebrating
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They're katanas. I already have a job in real estate analytics; it's how I afford my exotic cardboard in the first place. And some forests are very very expensive. All this to say, dont talk shit about something you dont understand and have no intention of learning about.
i agree, that they are generally almost identical, but if we're talking about turn 1.
like i said, without needing to list off a bunch of stuff about my experiencet, mana crypt has a non-zero chance of creating more value than sol ring. this is not up for debate.
it costs 0 (zero) to play and the damage is not a guarantee, but rather a 50% chance therefore, it has the potential to be a 0 cost sol ring with no downside.
if it does damage you every single upkeep, then it's generated value becomes significantly worse than sol ring, no doubt.
it's pretty obvious which you would rather have in your starting hand if you had to choose between them, even better if you got them both at the same time.

to me neither is a boogeyman, i don't really care if both are banned, one is banned, or neither are banned. i just don't give a shit. i've used them both, now i don't use mana crypt because it's banned, but i still use sol ring because it's not banned. i'm not mad, a lot of people are, i'm not one of them. i'm being objective here when i say that potentially, mana crypt can create more value than sol ring with a non-zero chance of having no downside whatsoever.
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jp fall promos
But cedh isn't a real format
Even in anime form she's not very attractive
This ban was the nail in the coffin for Cedh and I'm glad
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that's not a full art forest
thank you for correcting my typo, very important detail
thank you for shoehorning in more of your resume
all this to say, yikes
The vast majority of the cedh community is either indifferent or happy because it means a meta shakeup. What do you fags gain from jerking yourself off about cedh it's so pathetic lmao. Someone needs to make the USA vs the world "I don't think about you at all meme" for cedh and casualbabs
what else am i supposed to do?
i was wrong, you were right.
seems like you're right again.
there's nothing else left to say. reply to someone else. i was wrong, you were right.
Kevin Nash's signature card.
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Anyone who made that meme would have to reverse it to be accurate. Casual players don't give a fuck about cash but Cedhfags are quick to point out that they're playing the game "at the highest possible level" and that their deck is "better than yours"
Meanwhile they lose to casual aggro because their decks run no removal
Anon I can go through any edhg thread and find dozens if not hundreds of posts whinging about cedh. Never once in my fucking life have I see a cedh player complain or even talk about casual
it wasn't my buddy
i'm not crying like a bitch, that's why i posted the list here and asked who was in the wrong. i didn't even scoop against him the other people at the table playing precons did. i already said i barely ran any creatures so the whole creature theft, forced sac thing didn't really effect me as much as the other players.
no one told me to grow up they just said i'm retarded and bad at the game, they were right.
now you're just trying to dig your heels in and insult me personally because i was wrong. just making shit up now to keep hurt my feelings :-(
Then you're not opening your eye to the truth and I can't help you
Show me anything lmao that supports your claim cause in this thread alone I can find over a dozen posts that support me and none that support you
Well, there's an easy explanation for that and it's because this ban shook up Cedh while favoring casuals, and the casuals are celebrating
Okay go back a month and I can do the same lmao. Show me cedh players anywhere talking about casual with the same frequency
tailion, sheoldred, opposition agent, rhystic study, faerie mastermind, mystic remora, seem to be the most egrigious examples, but stuff like gisa, braids, and quite a number of other forcing opponents to sac permanents, exile graveyard, creature theft, combined with all of the counterspells, seem to paint an overall picture of stax - which i'm going off the general definition- resource denial- which this deck seemed to be chalk full of. but i already admitted defeat. you guys are much the wiser, and if you think creature heavy precons should have easily been able to win against this deck then hey i guess i really have no business to complain and i owe this random guy an apology.
But crypt also has a nonzero chance of being a card that has only downsides and will lose you the game if you consider the most common forms of artifact hate for fast mana; sol ring doesnt have this problem. Turn one plays are incredibly overrated and I win cedh tournaments on this principle all the time. Unless you're dropping a t1 trinisphere with protection, or otherwise winning the game, a fast start immediately draws all the aggro of the other players. Even assuming you dropped the sphere, you used five cards of your eight card hand minimum to get it to resolve, or got incredibly lucky. If you're unlucky you blew one of your only free counters and best tech cards only to eat removal a turn later and to be left with a three card hand and a land, which lost you the game. Resource advantage without the gas to back it up is bad in a format with 3 other players.

But let's look at the rc's point: chaining rocks together. Sol ring can easily get you to 5 mana turn two the same way crypt can without using extra fast mana. The main difference is the three mana turn one play, but that can also be accomplished in a variety of ways without crypt, that also use sol ring. A crypt hand is specifically and only better if you're casting a 2U (or any colour really) card t1 because it requires one or two fewer cards to pull off, depending on your line. Of the 2(colour) plays I can think of, rhystic study is the strongest, followed by bloodmoon/back to basics, but you can accomplish essentially the same thing with mystic remora for U, and early land hate is much worse than slightly later land hate. All of this isnt even considering the implications of vexing bauble.

In the end, we both know the ban is dumb based on the rc's logic. This was not a ban for gameplay reasons or it would hit sol ring. The only benefit crypt has over sol ring is an extreme edge case and specific t1 play.
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People have been shitting on cedhfags because some of us have actually played with them or play against them on a semi regular basis. And no I don't mean "cedh" like the rat deck the retard posted.
we can all go on youtube and watch what cedh vs casual players are really like
cedh players understand the game so there's no malice or salt. Casuals take a swords to their commander as a personal attack and have a meltdown, lashing out at the cedh player for simply being better.
What's extra sad is you reveal this yourself by acting like the bans are some sort of "victory" but the truth is you could ban literally the entire cedh meta and a new one will just develop. Because metas don't develop because people want them to happen but simply because some strategies are better than others and good players can puzzle that out.
You are truly embarrassing, swinging at windmills day in and day out. Life will go on, cedh will still exist and you'll invent something new to beg the rc to ban by next month
>It has very little card draw outside of study and the one ring
ayara, karumonix, talion, braids arisen, faerie, peer into the abyss, ponder, arcane denial, brainstorm, mystic remora, castle locthwain
not counting all the tutors
>zero way to regain life
ayara, sheoldred, and most importantly valley rotcaller which is going to gain a lot of life with a fuckton of rat tokens out
or were you talking about your own deck?
tutors by definition are not draw, they are essentially an extra copy of a card you want in your deck
nobody begged rc to ban anything
they havent banned shit in years
what strange cope. since cedh players understand the game so well, just replace those two cards and get on with your life
That's cute headcanon did you draw illustrations for it too?
>nobody begged rc to ban anything
Of the card listed. Oppo agent is the closest to stax, and it's not.
that's why i said not counting them, they are essentially extra copies of (any number of potential cards you want from your deck at any given moment) but the important part is that anon (or you if it was you) said it barely has any card draw aside from 2 and i just listed an additional 12 for a total of 14 card draw pieces.
Cedh players play with cedh players. And they don't care about this ban, no matter how much this general circlejerks lol
I don't think it even affects cEDH that much. Mostly because there's a fuckton of other fast mana cards that do the job almost as well as Crypt, so your deck just becomes slightly less optimal (losing Dockside does hurt red in cEDH, but all top-tier cEDH players are running Dimir anyway and will only benefit from not having to deal with Dockside).
The difference with Crypt and most other fast mana is that stuff like Mana Vault is only really good if you include a lot of ways to get around its downside or don't care about the cost to untap it because you're intending to win before ever having to untap it, making them less useful for a casual deck not built around using them, while Crypt should be in literally every deck ever, as a deck with it is always better than the same deck would be without it.
Cantrip aren't really draw. Denial, ponder, brainstorm are all incredibly mid (at best) "draw" options
define stax then
because from what i understand
>No matter where it comes from, Stax means one thing: resource denial.
>Removing resources through destruction and sacrifice
this deck has a ton of removal through destruction and sacrifice?
>Making spells too expensive to cast with taxing effects
this deck has a ton of stuff that makes you pay life to cast things, or alternatively, feed this player resources when casting stuff
just because it's mid at best doesn't mean it isn't card draw man, what's up with moving the goal posts.
>oh it's not __
>but it says right here __
>okay well actually it is ___ but it's not very good __
>stax is removal
Oh my lanta. How long you been playing? Stax is about restriction. What you're describing is closer to simple control, and it's dimir so that makes sense. Control says I don't like those resources you can't use them anymore (and counterspells of course but that's just a removal spell with hyper specific timing restrictions). Stax says, you can't use your resources. You can't build a boardstate. There is no need for removal largely because there will be nothing to remove. Stax is about locking down the board, not playing board police, the latter is what the deck is doing.
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I was talking about my own deck with regard to life gain. Tutors are not card draw, never have been, never will be. A lot of those cards are conditional expensivr and bad at drawing cards. Arcane denial is niche and bad card draw; I would never advocate for it to be used like that in a deck like this. Ayara is a worse phyrexian arena if only card draw is to be considered, but I guess it counts, assuming you have the sac fodder. Karumonix is conditional card draw at best, with a high likelihood of whiffing. Peer is impractically costed and is a combo peice. Talion is incredibly unreliable. Castle locthwain is massively over costed, but on a land so I can let it slide. That leaves you with ponder and brainstorm, both of which are more card selection than raw card draw, but still very good, braids, which again is conditional but very good, and farie mastermind, which is also conditional. Only a fool would trust the card draw in this deck, especially considering its reliance on spot removal.
Its highly efficient ways of digging further into your deck for what you need and are extremely good for consistency. Could also allow you to run less lands and more gas.
But that doesnt help you when you blow your whole hand going 1 for 1 with removal and counterspells.
this isn't what i'm describing, it's what is listed when i search for the definition of stax.
>oh my lanta
>stax says, you can't use your resources, you can't build a boardstate.
his deck forces you to sac your permanents, destroys any creatures you play, exiles them, and steals them to his own board. but i generally get what you're all saying. it's not a perfectly optimized full blown stax deck but it's got a lot of tutors, fast mana, and enough stuff to get setup before level 4 precons, which was the initial point at the very beginning when i first posted the deck and asked who was in the wrong. i'm retarded and fucking bad at the game like you already said, oh my lanta. just let it be over already please.
bad card draw is still card draw, is it not?
it seems like he doesn't really need that much card draw anyway when the whole gimmick is just destroying your shit or forcing you to sac it, bouncing your gy to exile and then stealing all your exiled shit for himself.
See that didn't take long for an example >>94010326
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This is a stax card, an archetypal stax card. On top of the obvious, you can tap tanglewire to pay for itself so you always have a resource advantage. That's how stax works; symmetrical effects you built around in construction to give you an asymetrical resource advantage. Look at static orb or trinisphere or bloodmoon for other examples.

>bad card draw is still card draw, is it not
That's my point; a lot of those cards dont draw you cards. Cruel bargain is bad card draw, it reads "pay half your life, draw 4 cards" for BBB. Tailon is conditional card draw, it reads "do not draw a card unless these specific conditions are met". This is a common deck building trap for new players. They have the potential to draw a lot of cards, in theory, but also have the potential to draw zero cards. Night's whisper doesnt have this problem.
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all this seethe is the RC's fault btw
if they werent busy jacking off for years while the format degraded and actually banned problem cards people wouldnt be so caught off gaurd by these bans. But theyre retarded and thought price tag would be a reasonable way to gate what cards would dominate the format. Because surely no one would buy a 100$ card for a format that doesnt matter right?
But wotc has been gutting the core fanbase they had and replacing them with whales ever since amonkhet, a card could be 300$ and you would see it every game in pubs because commanderfags are all whales.

Expect to see 0 bans for the next 5 years also, because Im sure as hell wotc is breathing down the RC's neck to ensure they dont make the whales realize theyre dumping retarded amounts of money into a format that will likely not even have an agreed upon banlist soon.
But they have done nothing but complaining and threatening people for not taking their little circlejerk into consideration when banning?
It's like these players don't know how to build decks without the crutch of broken cards doing all the necessary steps for them.
I explained it nicely to you you can learn or you can remain ignorant I don't care.
Nailed it. My favorite part is they sock puppeted casuals to try and take the heat off, and ironically, casuals were the ones most effected in the first place. They stuck their largest and most vocal supporters in the stockade and let justifiably pissed off people pelt them with stones while they rubbed their hands together and blamed anyone else they could.
pointing out that casuals cry about cedh players is not an example
You just need something to refill your hand then if the plan is to play draw go there is plenty of options.
Im just defending the most powerful cantrips in the game. They are incredible for consistency.
>n-no all those posts begging for bans were just ironic haha
Its funny how everything before last week has been memory holed. Like people have had complaints about these cards for a long time.
>casuals shriek for lotus and crypt to be ban for years
>it predictably happens because even bad cards like golos got banned
>casuals and the rc get made fun of yet again
>(you) pretend you aren't being made fun of because you're either delusional or too young to remember the last ban
edh has always been the RC and their low skill fans trying to create a little club, freaking out when others play differently and then impotently playing catchup as metas evolve faster than their ability to regulate. Which is why there was a 3 year gap in the first place
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it's a hard stax card, but there is soft stax as well. anyway dauthi, opposition agent, rhystic, those are all stax cards.
>cruel bargin
he isn't running it, maybe you are thinking of picrel, which is great card draw. pay half your life draw half your library.
i think card draw isn't really something his deck is deeply concerned with, but he has enough supplemental card draw and a few S tier pieces like rhystic.
casuals always lie
casuals always project
casuals always minimize
it's because their egos can't whiststand any type of honesty
so you just have no fucking clue what stax actually means, is that it?
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yeah the RC totally reads 4chan threads and makes decisions based on it
meds anon
so you are saying dauthi, opposition agent and rhystic are not stax cards? is that it?
Those arent cedh players. This guy is a cedh player: >>94010191

Was he upset by the ban? Seems like it. But it's evident he was upset for logical reasons and didnt make it seem like the apocalypse was upon us, just that retards made an illogical decision. He'll adapt. You know who isnt a cedh player? The guy complaining that his deck is no longer viable and he'll quit the format and start his own rules comittee and proxy everything and file a lawsuit. That's an investor.
Rhystic Study sure isn't
Not him but yeah those aren't stax. Opp is the closest to stax but even then nah
Anon, I was setting up an extremely obvious comparison to show you what I meant and demonstrate the reason I said that deck was lacking card draw despite your protests. I even spelled out what stax is in as simple and direct terms as I possibly could with specific examples. I dont know what more I can do to help you out here.
those were clearly false flags from evil cedh players
those people bitching on reddit and the rc discord for literal years? cedh sockpuppets
yeah because you schizos spam the discord and then pretend you aren't trying to warp the format. Because edh isn't balanced around casuals at all, just terminally online freaks who scream really loud. IE: you
Because it is like remoras sticking to the bottom of sharks. That cedh was getting free rides off of edh.

Because a common remark they would parrot is that they adhere to the letter of the banlist, playing only that which is legal but with very optimized decks. The same banlist that is used for kitchen table play.

So when the banlist happened, you had suddenly a bunch of salty people coming out of the woodwork. A mixture of collectors, investors, some casuals, and also a bunch of cedh.

That suddenly adhering to the letter of the banlist is tantamount to heresy as evident by various folks wanting to make their own format spinoffs. Said spinoffs that will inevitability sputter and die like everything else that came beforehand, at best a very niche community like oathbreaker.

One might wonder why the cedh hadn't made their own format to avoid such a thing. Well they did in the past, yet it imploded, and then they came crawling back.

When Thassa's Oracle was released, when Sheldon was still alive, the cedh part of the community requested that it get banned, yet the rules committee wouldn't do that. Now you might be thinking why don't they, the cedh crowd, just "rule 0" it away, like the rest of us, well the cedh are largely incapable of that as it goes against the prior statement of adhering to the "letter of the banlist" and "playing the game at its most optimal". And since they will never invoke rule 0 in their games, they got upset with how dimir shells were less penalized. But one has to remember, that they are off playing in a meta that is drastically different than what others are playing.
That seems to be a no true scotsman fallacy though as most of the ones complaining seem to be identifying as cedh players and claim they play competitive. But idk why I give a shit desu. Its all edh players anyway.
I would say resource denial is stax so both dauthi and oppo does something that limit players from executing their plan.
Rhystic is more of a tax piece like smothering tithe or thalia.
alright then faggots go kick rocks, nobody in this community can agree on fucking anything. i look up best stax pieces, what is at the top of the list? oppo agent, dauthi voidwalker et all, but then you retards here are saying none of those are even remotely stax pieces. like wtf this shit is extremely gay and retarded. these are cEDH players calling these stax pieces btw. when listing stax people categorize hard stax (grand abolisher, smokestack, winter orb, etc,) soft stax dauthi, opposition agent, etc, and i even see a fuckton of people include rhystic, smothering, and other tax pieces in soft stax. i look up "are tax pieces soft stax" eveyone seems to resoundingly say yes, go look it up for yourself and you can see how this shit quickly becomes confusing what is lumped into stax and what isnt. seems everyone is just making shit up for themselves. im over it. i dont give a fucking shit. stax faggots tax faggots, you all get the rope. suck my cock. dont reply to me.
i literally dont care if these cards are banned or not, doesnt matter to me. i never complained about them but i dont care that they are gone. cards have gotten banned before, cards will get banned again. it makes sense to me that they would ban cards people complained about over cards that nobody complained about. sorry you lost money chud, i'll personally buy your mana crypt and jewlo for whatever you initially paid if it means you'll shut the fuck up and move on with your life.
Man is not ready for the ultimate stax
Anyone play a Ygra deck? How do you like it? I'm always skeptical of playing removal heavy decks but can you usually end pretty quick after resolving fade into history or similar?
Do we have an honest and genuine tourist from the rc discord here? Rare.

This post is inflamatory, but there's some truth to it. I play cedh. I adhere to the banlist because it's the rules of the format and optimize within it because my group of ex judges and ex grinders find it a fun way to get fucked up on a friday. The bans did nothing to us. Sure, some decks are better and some decks are worse, but we have basically any card you could want and we'll figure it out. The people most pissed off were the ones that recently bought fancy lci mana crypts for hundreds of dollars, like my friend, and people like me who are autismal about justice and want to see sol ring banned on the same basis, if the bans were going to be applied at all. The people threating the rc and making their own banlist arent cedh players, they're investors and casuals. Taking crypt out of my deck with city of traitors, ancient tomb, mox diamond, sol ring, chrome mox, mox opal, grim monolith, high tide, and at least 5 different ways to make infinite mana stings, but the guy with a 7cmc power level 8ish commander who cracked a crypt or god forbid bought one and relies on it heavily got buttfucked into the shadow realm. It makes sense that he'd lose his mind. And yes, casuals are the biggest whales out there. I buy exclusively old cardboard and maybe a single a couple of times a year. Casuals are the ones cracking premium packs and buying boxes of reprints I already have.
>anons was I in the wrong
>proceeds to show the entire thread that he was very much indeed in the wrong with his faggy behavior
yeap im a faggot i already reached out to the guy and told him on behalf of myself and the precon players that scooped i am deeply sorry, and then i showed him all my posts here and what a total and complete faggot i am and how badly i suck at the game. Lol.
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>The bans did nothing to us.
Obviously for your playgroup, but based on the others in your cedh side of the pond, I think they beg to differ. (picture related.)
>The people most pissed off were the ones that recently bought fancy lci mana crypts for hundreds of dollars
And those that had multiple copies that may or may not have been bought recently.
>the people threatening the rc and making their own banlist arent cedh players, they're investors and casuals
Weird. Then what is this Competitive Commander Collective where you have cedh players making their own version? https://www.cedhcollective.com/
>Casuals are the ones cracking premium packs and buying boxes of reprints I already have.
And investors and collectors and cedh and those who make cubes. You don't expect me to buy that cedh doesn't pimp out their decks, do you? Or that they won't buy reprints so they can have more copies for more decks?
Couple of things. Most people dont know shit about magic, why did you think you could google some random guy's answers to justify your point, when multiple people are spoonfeeding you in this thread? Second, even among otherwise knowledgable magic players, most people have an extremely poor grasp of stax because, like you, they googled some dumb shit in an argument one time and think it's law. Third, hatebears are not stax, though they are similar and played in a lot of the same decks for obvious reasons. Dauthi voidwalker is a hatebear, a creature that asymetrically hates on a strategy attatched to a relatively small body (traditionally a 2/2, like grizzly bear, hence the name, but we're beyond that). Grand abolisher is a hatebear. Oppo is a hatebear. Edilon of rhetoric is a hatebear. Thalia is a hatebear. Lavinia and gaddock teeg are hatebears. None of those are stax cards. Additionally, asymetrical effects arent stax, they're just plain hate. This includes warset, smothering tithe, rhystic study, t3feri, k4rn, leyline of the void, ect ect. Winter orb, however, is a stax card. Same with smokestack. Like I fucking told you, you goddamned illiterate bastard, a stax piece is a symetrical effect you play around in deck construction.

Finally, there is no hard and soft stax. Hard locks are wincons. Softlocks help you cripple your opponent to get a wincon. Brago with Urza static orb and tanglewire is a hard lock, you can only untap two things, then you tap four things with tanglewire, but you tap your own static orb with urza before your turn, untap all your shit instead, tap three things including tanglewire, flicker the tanglewire, and repeat. You can only escape with a free card that breaks the lock. A soft lock is having winter orb and tanglewire out. Is it a huge pain in the ass? Yup, by design, but you can wiggle out if your patient or cunning.

Now please, for the love of god, learn you fucking moron. Read what I said and learn.
God I hope they do. My dragon deck is Jeskai, fuck 5c
You're intentionally misrepresenting what I said to push a narrative. That chart is incredibly dumb, which you would know if you read it, and I said some decks got better and some decks got worse; the point was we had tools to figure it out. It was one of the first things I said. The competitive commander collective or whatever are clout chasing faggots and a literal whore, no one cares about their dumb shit. Finally, I literally said my friend bought an lci crypt and was pissed about it as an example of who was mad. He was mad that he wasted his money on a single. Investors are scum, but they dont buy packs, they buy singles because it's more efficent. Stores might crack packs, but that's a legitimate business. I dont crack packs because it's cheaper to buy what I want. Casuals certainly buy a lot of packs, because they're the only ones stupid enough to get duped by wotc.
this is like saying
>guys I went to edhrec why isn't atraxa the top cedh commander when she's the top of edhrec!
edh players are retarded and don't understand magic
thus card should never have been banned it was the only thing keeping decks from running 500 counters
Seems usable. Give him deathtouch and your opponents can only cry about it. Also goes infinite with Mana Echoes as long as you can still supply some green. Maybe with Phyrexian Altar or Earthcraft.

The problem is that there are better pingers out there, I’ll throw out Kelsien as an example. Ghave is better at making a saproling horde. And Marath has similar abilities to this guy, but with the ability to refill himself.
holy meds
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I didn't misrepresent what you said. Merely pointing out that it isn't just casuals like your narrative wants to paint, that the banlist instead did hit deep into the cedh crowd who were and still are very invested in such cards. And that a good chunk of that noise since september 23rd isn't just casuals or investors, its also cedh, even if you want to try and memoryhole it away.
I once beat a cEDH combo player by smacking him twice with Managorger Hydra. Because the dumb fuck wouldn’t stop playing ten cards per turn, and never decided to remove it.
>Most people dont know shit about magic
>multiple people are spoonfeeding you in this thread

i'm not googling some random guy's answers, it's dozens of threads in cEDH forums discussing stax pieces specifically/ what qualifies as stax, etc, many different websites, threads, articles, and so on. you're telling me all of them are full of shit but some random on 4chan are the exclusive source of accurate information? i don't care about winning an argument, i'm trying to get more clarification because it's pretty fucking obvious you don't all agree even a little bit. even in this thread, some people said these are stax, others said they aren't. it's not like you are all telling me the same thing in agreeance. even if you are clarifying more at this point i dont give a shit. it seems everyone outside of this shithole thread considers hate cards a type of stax, and does resoundingly seem to say there is in fact a spectrum of hard stax to soft stax and even consider tax, or general resource denial to be included in the overall term of "stax" even if it's not a purely symmetrical effect.

now please for the love of god, i give up. i hate all of you. this game is retarded.
I had a similar experience except with malignus in my Xenagos deck.
The mana crypt ban just proves the rc doesn't run enough removal
The mana crypt ban just proves that Cedh isn't a real format
no it's nothing like that faggot.
it's like saying i looked up specific questions about the game, went around reading dozens of different discussions of people talking about stax, explaining the archetype of stax, listing their favorite stax card, then came back to this shithole and got wildly conflicting and inconsistent information. you know what is retarded? this game is 30 years old, that's three decades of time, that means if you were born the day this game was playtested, you're already approaching a midlife crisis, and yet after all that time, none of you can agree about basic definitions of archetypes in the game.
>this game is 30 years old, that's three decades of time, that means if you were born the day this game was playtested, you're already approaching a midlife crisis
You didn't have to attack me like this, anon. I'm 31.
dont worry tripfag, i said approaching.. you've still got some time.
Ah yes that 9 drop was stopping people from using all their counters!
If a cedh player played ten cards in a turn you've lost the game. You don't know what cedh is anon.
The fact is combo isint casual and never has been. Splitting Cedh and casual will confirm that

the origin of the term stax
Link 6 of these sources anon
I had it in my selvala deck when it was banned
At the time it was the right call, Ill bet it could be unbanned now and be fine due to power creep
Literally everyone in this thread is in agreement against you anon. You're You're only one going against the grain appealing to some nebulous forum lol
Even cedh is high variance
Ive seen weirder shit happen a couple of months ago I was playing yisan with two other cedh decks and we lost to an og zur deck
>Still play this in my uw control deck
>no one cares it's banned
>rarely acts as the "ultimate" lock piece

I still don't understand the reasoning for the ban, there are far simpler and cheaper locks
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Yeah bro, my 4 card piece combo is not casual
mtg from the ground up is designed to be a game where you pull off a cool combo and win
it's literally the game that inspired those wacky scenes in the yugioh comics. You are not a magic player if you dislike combo, but a tourist trying to turn the game into hearthstone where you mindlessly beat face with creatures.

Well, it's called magic: the gathering. Not creatures: the trampling
I can't hear you over the sound of my magic gathering
Locking mono color out was a big reason
Pumping it out on turn 4 was another
Anon, i spent my limited time on this goddamned earth giving you a thorough and detailed answer so you would fuck off, and this is your response? There is no salvation. Pray for redemption, you are blighted, cursed to be forever retarded, and eternally damned.
thanks for the life, bro
What about this shit pile of artifacts is not casual? The entire thing is built to go infinite and combo off in dumb ways
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MTGArena dude here, hows the shitstorm going? I watched Rudys video and he was retarded grifter as usual
Sometimes you just have to marvel that such a retarded post is even possible
Good on ya, anon.
staff of domination and bigger on the inside is casual even though you lost to it, retard
That's a combo piece you tard.
edh players don't understand, that's why they get bodied whenever they try to play real formats like modern
Watch the command zone if you want to see someone trying desperately not to implode
>using magic cards as a life insurance policy
its also
>creatures: the trampling
he's right, you brainless timmy
But in commander you only have 1 card per deck? How bad can it be? Even if you share your cards with friends that's only 400 bucks
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>real formats like modern
If thats a combo piece then so is pellaka wurm because it combos with 7 mana and can win the game
>he seethes because he knows it's true
edh will always be a meme
>that's why they get bodied whenever they try to play real formats like limited
No. There are no one card combos.

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if you ban combo low skill retards will just start complaining about big dumb creatures too, like eldrazi. Because it's never enough for the low skill player, they just want to win without trying
I play legacy and vintage anon. I was laughing at you. At least you didnt say pioneer or god forbid limite-

We're here. Hell has arrived.
Channel fireball. Sorry you're wrong.
I hope they ban dinosaurs and dragons, then maybe these fucking children will just leave forever finally and actual people can play the game and not have an aneurysm when the 7+ bomb gets countered
Rudy had an incredibly level headed take on this not sure what you're talking about lmao you people really just say anything
>n-no I wasn't seething I was actually laughing at you, I'm a very skilled vintage player actually!
Limited is top 3 formats. Personal cubes, edh and limited are the funnest way to play this game
me? I'll continue beating people in 2 turns with thoracle. I will continue to play it until it's banned
Yes. I play manaless dredge, as garfield intended. I also play oops, 8cast (rip), and monored stompy. I used to play modern, but 8rack got crept and I never got over it.
Kek, a lot of these are not even considered even fringe cedh.
Where the hell did you find this shit?
>Etali, Rocco, K'rrik, Pantlaza missing
>Godo and Niv is listed twice.
you're very skilled and very honest anon
>where the hell did you find this shit?
Last thread from some other anon >>94007269
Limited is pretty much maro's entire justification for killing every format. I can name five or so good draft and sealed formats, but it's been many years.
*taps Arcane Lighthouse*
How else would I know what tin fins, dead guy ale, or nic fit is?
>you arnt a real magic player if you beat face with savanna lion
>real magic is channel fireball
Lets all just be glad garfield didnt agree
The biggest issue with combo and why people dislike it in edh is because all of the changes to the format meant to incentivize creativity also buff combo and it runs completely counter to doing something interesting unless its some rube goldberg machine, which in my 12 years of play Ive only run across one combo deck that actually played that way.
Whens the last time you saw someone try to assemble all of the station pieces instead of running some known a+b combo?
7 mana doesnt come from zero cards
this post is fascinating because the logical conclusion to your stance is legends of runeterra. Which flopped.
History has tested your version of game design and mine. Mine won. So get bent, retard.
>wow this sucks
>lets design everything from here on out to avoid this as much as possible
Design mistakes were corrected, thats real magic
Ur-Dragon isn't even top 3 dragon commanders in powerlevel.
Hell he's not even the best Eminence commander. I'll believe it whem Edgar Markov gets banned.
If anything, Ur-Dragon is the floodgate holding Timmy back from discovering actually good decks.
>every combo is channel fireball
is this really what anticombotards have to report to? lol
>Ur-Dragon isn't even top 3 dragon commanders in powerlevel
he is according to casuals
>eminence isn't a problem
for casuals it is.
See the problem? It doesn't matter that the ur dragon is actually a shit card, your average edh casual unironically thinks he's op. So, if the RC are committed to balancing around casual play he'll get hit. Just like Golos. I look forward to what kind of beehive the RC poke next
The logical conclusion to my post is not your retarded strawman, its to change magics rules to fit in line with its intended design
Which they did
Ive won more games of magic with savana lions than youve ever played, get the fuck out of here johnny-come-lately
Xenagod is the spirit of edh
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>Last five days
>Constant "Criticism is okay... BUT no death threats"
>Not a single example is ever shown

I really hate to bad faith take the claims of death threats being made and I wouldn't doubt it but I'd like to see one screenshot. It just seems to be poisoning the well for the discussion the bans kinda suck.
>Which they did
but they didn't clearly because you're still crying your eyes out about combo decks
I can confirm they do get death threats because I send them. Idk how much they get from anyone else tho
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>a barely disguised combo deck using creatures and combat that is a direct gateway to stronger and better combos
Unironically yeah.
I'm sure it amounts to "kys"
>No. There are no one card combos
Not only that, but they're using casuals as a meat shield and throwing the only dissident under the bus. Very suspicious.
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You dropped this.
Is Xenagos + malignus a combo?
Gavin was literally doxxed here and no one gave even half a fuck.
It sure is. You're getting it!

>plays this card
>there are no other cards to search
>it just goes to the graveyard
Many such cases.
Spit out my drink god damn it
Goddamn, even that link doesn't say where did it come from.
It doesn't even state which Narset it's talking about, Master or Exile?
The only point it makes is that high mana commanders (4 or higher) lose out and the low mana commanders will still be the top decks.
No limited is the way the game was intended to be played and definitely the highest skill cap format
Except that never happened anon. Combo has been supported throughout all of magics history
If they did combo would exist in 0 formats anon and that isn't the case!
cool a bunch of circlejerking faggots on a peruvian basketball forum are in agreeance "against me" like that's supposed mean something

go search "what is stax" "best stax pieces" "stax defintion mtg" "hard stax vs soft stax" you will quickly see that none of you retards unanimously agree about what it means in the game to the point where i looked up where the term even started which was in vintage in 2005 from a deck called "the $4,000 solution" aka "T$4KS" later just called "stax" because of smokestack specifically. it has since been used to describe a number of individual archetypes such as hatebears, symetrical stack effects, hard tax, optional tax, resource denial, tapped permanents, artifact hate, land hate, forced sacrificing, and more.

>b-but there is no such thing as soft stax or hard stax
shut up, you are worthless to me. and your nitpicky semantics. you are outnumbered. all the other people that play the game have a broader definition of what is considered a stax playstyle. i dont care what some smelly ass retard on 4chan decided is and isnt stax in his personal headcannon. it doesnt fucking matter anyway. it's not an official mechanic, it's a loose descriptive archetype so it's worthless to even have this conversation any further. stop wasting your time.
Anon I asked you earlier to link 6 sources. You claim to have looked at DOZENS of posts. Link 6 of them right now.
You can cope all you want, it's not happening. Ur-Dragon is not a card that goes into any deck.
>he's doubling down!
What decks do you play, shitter anon? Can I see a list?
If you're so good at research, why didnt you research building a better deck for your friend?
damn, I'm going to miss turboing out etali on turn 3 :(
T1 Etali is still possible why wouldn't t3
damn, I am going to miss turboing out yargle and multani on turn 3 :(
Xenagod + Bloodthirster is a combo
Is Xenagos+ anzrag a combo
because that's magical christmas land tier shit
I used to consistently get out turn 3 or 4 etalis with all my autistic fast mana before
Etali should unironically be banned
Etali? Mono red?
Which etali?
The Red/Green one. Gameplan was to play Etali ASAP and copy him a few times and steal the other player's shit
starting with the origin of the term
>dauthi listed
>dauthi isnt stax
>opposition agent is closest but still not stax
>Stax is a term used to describe a deck strategy that mostly relies on resource denial, taxing effects, disruption, and sacrifice enablers to potentially lock down opponents and make it difficult to cast spells, play creatures, attack, breath, sleep, and/or have any kind of reliable board state
>taxing effects
>sacrifice enablers
>rhystic study listed
anons here say it's not stax
> Stax does not refer to the Smokestack card on the title page, but it has become synonymous with the strategy. For those interested, Stax originally came from the acronym "$T4KS", shorthand for the "four thousand dollar solution". Originally the deck was mono-w, and spawned a variety of deck names depending on the variant, for example "Armageddon Stax". That was over a decade ago, and the name has morphed into something else- the name given to prison decks that operate recursive locks and in particular attack the opponents' mana base.
and there's tons of similar write ups just like these ones that include the very cards you dumb insufferable faggots semantically deem as "not stax"
i specifically didn't include the many many many reddit threads for obvious reasons despite them being filled with people discussing what stax is and what their stax pieces of choice are, which include a bunch of cards you all tried to say are not stax. it's just semantics at this point.
it was some randoms man jfc
i don't play this game anymore.
You're too dumb for words anon. If it's still possible turn 1 that means it's still easily doable turn 3. Kill yourself
fat irl
>wanting to ban italy
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Ah okay. Not sure how you build it, but if I were to do it I would just swing for the fences and go with stuff like manabond.
>stax (and hate pieces)
Guess which dauthi falls under!
>rhystic study is always good
Is all it says about rhystic lol, it then follows that statement up by mentioning some actual stax pieces, it in no way tries to paint rhystic as stax
And finally from your own fucking post
>That was over a decade ago, and the name has morphed into something else- the name given to prison decks that operate recursive locks and in particular attack the opponents' mana base.
You're incredibly stupid
idk man if you have to argue the semantics on what stax is to the table, it sounds like it's stax to me.
does this mean anything with annihilator is a stax card because it attacks the mana base?
No as I said before full out prevention is stax. Removal is not!
>well if I act retarded and pretend not to understand any of the explanations I guess that means I'm right!
>he didnt even read the links he posted
Classic midwit. The mtgsalvation link literally tells you what a hatebear is in a subsection of the stax writeup, and the playedh link specifically mentions hate cards and that dauthi voidwalker is a hate card. That commanderherald article is limited in scope and makes huge (incorrect) generalizations because it doesnt differentiate between stax and hate, and the final primer says exactly what the thread told you the entire time. Are you actually retarded?
>person who plays nothing but "I counter your spell" complains about my atraxa deck, will scoop on the spot if smothering tithe comes into play at any point, even though he plays rhystic.
>create an eluge deck
>out blue him
>he complains even more and doubles down on his faggotry
I actually hate blue players so goddamn much, how the hell can you cry that eluge is op with no fucking self awareness that all your decks lock people down in the same way, counters are cancer and blue players need their throats sliced open
it's because they get an overinflated sense of ego by playing the literal cheat code archetype that beats everything
>pre-order the valgovoth deck from my lgs
>store owner says he will email me when it comes in
>still no email
I just want my moth demon...
Nah. Annihilator, while similar to some stax effects, isnt symetrical and isnt hate because it doesnt hit anything specific. It's just a combat wincon.

I play stax all the time. I was nice enough to explain in depth the same thing your articles said. Not only did you ignore me, you ignored the sources you listed, and now you're intentionally acting retarded because you know you're wrong.
>my aminatou deck is already on the way
no, annihilator is like a boardwipe combined with a creature. I'd argue it's the only thing that makes the eldrazi somewhat viable
But you play blue?

>literal cheat code that beats everything
Oh no, a cavern of souls, a single enchantment, or a creature resolved, whatever will I do.
There's no reason it should remain unwanted while Sylvan primordial is banned
well of course he's going to double down, blueniggers unironically pretend that counterspells are necessary when they destroy the game. Stack interaction like that shouldn't exist at all. The only reason doomblade is balanced at its mana cost is it has a drawback and is conditional.
2 mana stop literally anything before it starts will never be balanced in any universe no matter how much counterspell defenders try to lie and create false equivalence with black removal which is actually fair.
Good for you anon, I hope you enjoy it.
I wont be salty at others just because I dont have mine.
I do the same thing, got tired of simic players beating me so now I just play it myself and counter everyone's shit while slamming big creatures. I really enjoy watching people get visibly angry and then bottle it because blue is "acceptably overpowered" unlike those big bad combos that fall apart to a single pact
Uoohhhhh stupid ebony brat, needs BWC correction
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>stax and hate pieces
>guess which dauthi falls under
>hate pieces fall into the stax playstyle
>hatebears are just creatures with stax effects
>it in no way paints rhystic study as a stax piece
you disingeous piece of shit faggot and your retarded semantics
>Rhystic Study is always going to be good, but when it is backed up by a Trinisphere and an Esper Sentinel it will become a lock piece that behaves very differently than it would elsewhere.
>becomes a lock piece
>that was over a decade ago
when the $4k solution deck existed, which at the time, smokestack is what was leading to it being called stax
but now more things fall into the general descriptor of "stax" than was the case a decade ago
>ignores every other link
>doesnt bother to just google the same questions as me and see exactly what i'm encountering.

but yeah i'm so incredibly fucking stupid and it's all my fault that there is no general consensus on what actually is and isn't stax. if you go to any thread where there is people actually discussing their opinion on stax you quickly realize none of them fucking agree if this or that is stax or if it's not. stop asking me for links and just type the questions in yourselves and go read what the other retarded EDH players say about what is stax and what isn't. stop trying to dogpile me because uMMMM achsuually its not a stax piece its a hate piece and those are totally not things that you're going to see in the same kind of deck which umm is totally not referred to as a stax deck when it contains these synergies...

you faggots understand that hate pieces are lumped into the stax playstyle, but you're all just bickering semantics, for what? i genuinely have no fucking idea

that's not even me retard

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