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Nova Cat edition

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>why is she wearing fetishwear?
>oh right, that's just the Nova Cat ceremonial uniform
whats the rules for non-omnis in front line stars? Are they allowed or are they stuck in the solahma units?
they're secondline unless logistics are pressed and secondline needs to be frontline

the answer is simple pragmatism, does it work? Then its ok.

clans use omni's to simplify logistic chains, you can't keep as high a tempo with a secondline unit, which makes them less ideal for attacking and maneuvering, but if you don't have enough omnis, you're not going to decide to just not attack, you'll fill in your blanks and make do
I don't really think that's true.
The Snow Raven Alliance still has the Outworld Alliance managing the civies side of things even if the Clan calls the shots overall, the Scorpion Empire basically clidged together a new caste system built off the feudal systems that already existed in the Deep Periphery nations they conquered, and the Ghostbears are played up as the "nice" clan but it seems like they're always inviting riots and have to almost entirely segregate the clanner populace and the inner sphere populace just to keep things relatively stable.
Maybe things improved somewhat in some ways, but I wouldn't say quality of life was massively improved or anything, hell Clan Ghostbear sent the Dominion into a civil war over Alaric Ward, I doubt their inner sphere citizens are very happy at the moment.
Before the Jihad, only in very specific cases (like Orion IICs in Clan Wolf because Sasha K drove an Orion).

After the Jihad things get less rigid.

Also, pre-Jihad they're in second-line units, which aren't the same as solahma. Solahma is the absolute dregs and a lot actually still run Star League Mechs, albeit often Royals or resits with Clantech
>and have to almost entirely segregate the clanner populace and the inner sphere populace just to keep things relatively stable

At the least, we know that they've more or less completely imposed the caste system and Eugenics Program on their IS subjects.
nice, in a few centuries they'll be healthier, smarter, and stronger than any other inner sphere pops
>Maybe things improved somewhat in some ways, but I wouldn't say quality of life was massively improved or anything,
It's actually explicity said that both Raven and Scorpion drastically improved quality of life by bringing Clan technologies to industry, agriculture and medicine
Also, Clan's caste system aren't bad as long as it's not Wolves, Falcons or Jags.
what about for star commanders/colonels and higher rank officers? Off the top of my head I know Brett Andrews pilots a Black Python.
Can a higher rank officer just pick a second line if he likes it or would he just try and find an omni to put the second lines loadout on?
probably fight a trial for the right to have whatever mech and at that rank it's your shitheap of a command to figure out the logistics and make it work

the sort of thing that some star commanders probably think they want, but then when they're delaying an assault by 2 weeks because their special snowflake mech is still getting its gets guts rearranged while the entire rest of his force is ready to go they start having second thoughts about the reality of it
>Can a higher rank officer just pick a second line if he likes it or would he just try and find an omni to put the second lines loadout on?
Why not? As long as they can maintain their position over this mech
In operation Icestorm Connor Rood created a new cluster out of abtakha Jade Falcon solahma, led by Jade Falcon Star Colonel and gives him Marauder IIC (since it was more practical to give Falcon their usual heavy mechs rather than waste time to train them Ice Hellion fast attacks)
In the Wolves, the Orion IIC is given a gift to high-performing officers as a token of esteem.

Aside from that, a front-line Star Colonel can drive whatever he damn well pleases and probably just be considered a little eccentric
>Also, Clan's caste system aren't bad as long as it's not Wolves, Falcons or Jags

Wolves are supposed to have been the most liberal Clan, caste-wise. Or is the assumption that the Crusader Wolves will be assholes?
>Or is the assumption that the Crusader Wolves will be assholes?
It's not an assumption it's canon fact. They gave zero fucks about their civilians.
When Lyrans took them as hostages to ensure Wolves will attack only FWL worlds Wolf's khan and the rest of the warrior caste said "do it faggot" and instead of rescuing them attacked Lyran capital
They got rid of it in 314X
Damn, that's cold.
Well things might change for good. Since Othar now runs Wolf's Empire and he generally cares about civilian casualties as well as warrior (he also desperately needs troops)
Isn't it average mechwarrior outfit?
>he also desperately needs troops)

Are they enlisting civvies yet?
For succession wars, yeah. After that, they remembered how to put cooling tubes on your pants and shirt sleeves. Also, the real world timeline had moved on and the old punk-future aesthetic was giving way to a more flight-suits and tech vibe.
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>Tex's video premier in 29 hours
It's happening.
They were training freebirth warriors from their Spheroid subjects, not even Clan civilians, in Redemption Rites
>After that, they remembered how to put cooling tubes on your pants and shirt sleeves.
From alpha strike lore primer
Even the Blood Spirits wouldn't have pulled that shit.

I mean we'll never know, they never got the chance.

It makes total sense for the Wolves to do that considering they're on the border of the FWL and Lyrans and they have a bunch of veterans of the border conflict to draw on.
I like the new tech vibe though.
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Tomboys in flight suits, my beloved.
Tonight's list, IlClan
>4/4 Ostroc 8M
>4/5 Centurion D4D
>4/5 Icarus II 2S
>4/5 Hunchback 6N
>2/6 Demolisher Gauss
>4/5 Longinius Magnetic x4
>4/3 Warrior H10
>4/3 Warrior H10
>4/4 Achillius Laser x4
My Oriente Hussars vs whatever Headshot brings, we are using the objective based quick play scenario set he and another member came up with, it's going to be interesting as most people play Mech only, and as fat as I know no-one has brought infantry to one of these scenarios or tried a snatch and grab with aircav yet.
Yeap, both the feudal Castillan/Ummayad and Hansa systems were so shit that the modfiied Clan system the Scorps are using is better for the people. Also, the Scorps have basically "grown out" of the classical clan system by now.
Going to do a quick and dirty game of battletech sunday. My buddy likes to go Lyran, so I'm thinking this FWL lance. Going to risk it all on being able to get in close.
Why the H instead of the G?
Probably for more range. You also get +2 ML, so you also have a 20p dmg potencial at short range. He also have the AC/20 Centurion, SRM Treb and brawler Orion, so he needs something with a little more medium range i suppose.
>Also, the Scorps have basically "grown out" of the classical clan system by now.
They didn't.
Unlike Bears who basically dissolved every caste except of warriors, Scorps simply adjusted caste system for large population and introduced 2 new castes for better management
Sure, but the mobility between castes relaxed a lot. Fuck, Omega is basically half freebirth, and the new Eta Galaxy is "predominately freeborn".
They even have a khan entirely devoted to running the civvie side of things, the whole warrior ruling caste autism has been relaxed a fair amount
Need something that can open up holes before the turn the Mlas and SRMs start firing.

I mean its not strange, thats sort of always been the Scorp's thing. They have a heavy preponderance towards conserving things, being perhaps the clan most dedicated to not wasting anything.

They happily took in raging autists like the Fire Mandrills of Dagda, Ice Hellions - and even normal folk like the remnants of the EDH.

They just don't like destroying anything if they can help it, they'd rather preserve it. They're the ultimate collectors.
>Fuck, Omega is basically half freebirth,
And it was ever since abjuration from Clan Space.
>, and the new Eta Galaxy is "predominately freeborn".
That's from Shrapnel. And it's mentioned as a mix of old truebourn and freeborn carrying out garrison duties along with Psi Galaxy.
>They even have a khan entirely devoted to running the civvie side of things, the whole warrior ruling caste autism has been relaxed a fair amount
Are you retarded?
ZarKhan is elected by Clan's Council from reKhans (retired Galaxy Commanders)
Also, nothing stops CGL, from pulling Dominion Divided 2.0
>your unit name
>their motto, slogan, etc.

War Pigs
"If the cash is there, we do not care."
Omega was formed post conquering of Castilian/Umayyid space, the whole point was to included elements of the conquered peoples into the warrior caste.
The scorpion clan council features representatives from the civilian castes as well, tho fewer than the warrior caste.
>The scorpion clan council features representatives from the civilian castes as well,
The point still stands. zarKhan is elected from reKhans, who are Galaxy Commanders only.
And besides. Clan-funded states shouldn't become "Successor/Periphery states but with omnimech", hybrid systems are still more interesting, and Clan system in terms of optimization and resource management is still more rational for Periphery and Deep Periphery societies

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