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Previously: >>94008712

Eldrazi edition

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.


>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap

>How to proxy using any printer

Do you play any Eldrazi?
God I may be dumb, but at least I dont argue about what stax is with people who obviously know more than I do.
no, because the location provider for our games hates them witha passion and if I played them I wouldnt get invited anymore.
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I'd like to see Rhystic Study banned next, even if that means less Terese art in my 99s.
As much as I like Terese I've never liked this art
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Do you run pic related? Youre a stax deck!
You dont? Not a stax deck.
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You guys are all bots, show me a picture of a commander table where you were playing.
I have an azlask deck that's pretty fun. A couple people at my table don't like it but they're idiots so usually all I have to do is sit there and do nothing for awhile before they turn on each other like rabid dogs and I can swoop in to play cleanup
This card needs haste.
I'm dumb. If don't gain life can I still reanimate a 0 cmc creature or does the ability require life to have been gained to trigger?
B-but what if I run lodestone golem, sphere of resistance and trinisphere?
Sorry sweaty, that would break cedh
>one of the best commanders ever printed needs to be buffed
No, I dont think so.
that's not Edgar markov
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I've decided to build Etali. Are there any dinoGODS in chat? Share your spicy techs
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i don't like having my phone out during games but i'm not a bot
also organize your board ffs
MUD control I dont see whats so hard to comprehend anon
It's admittedly one of her less compelling pieces
>he still doesnt know what stax or a hatebear are, or why they're different because he googled something and came to his own conclusion
Classic. Reminds me of the passfag saying teramorphic expanse was a fetch or that one guy who really wanted to call voltron decks tron decks for some reason.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
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So as I was talking about right as the last thread was ending, I am doing 4 customised commander decks to hopefully print and play with friends. I'd like some of your opinion. 4chan decided that simply linking the previous posts is spam for some reason so I am going to repost the images instead of using image hosting
Deck 1 : Arcane BRG (Spirit+Splice Unto)
>terramorphic expanse is a fetchland.
>thalia is a hatebear but not stax.
>cedh is not upset about the ban, its casuals
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Yes, 7 attempts at "reformatting" later it worked out. Simply need to put all of them separately instead of linking my previous posts...

> Deck 2 : Directoire WUR (Wide token + Equipment + Keyword sharing)
Gay Bolas
Does this work with devour? Specific context is a thromok deck.
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Well it seems it works.. so sorry for the spam again.
> Deck 3 : Holy WBG (Copy dying creatures + ETBs)
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> Deck 4 : TriCrown URG (Counting colours in Monocoloured permanent)
It does, you just need to pay wubrg for it :)
>gains health points
If you feel a compulsive need to justify why your deck isn't stax, it's stax.
Solved commander. There is no spicy tech
I'm just slowing the game down its not stax
>my xenagos deck isnt stax, I dont run any removal!
Get him boys, he said his deck wasnt stax, it must be stax.
Yea that guy looks like a gay Jeff Hardy.
There's no intervening "if you gained life this turn", so it will still trigger and still be able to turn a 0-drop if you gained no life.
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Same energy.
A creature entering with counters on it is considered to have those counters placed on it. It works.
You have apologized to her, haven't you anon?
Lol no. That's why Zabaz's replacement effect doesn't work on himself.
>seconds before he gets used as a battering ram
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I love stax because
a) it's a challenge. A poorly-timed Smokestack or Orb will absolutely get you killed, and once you attempt a serious lock you are guaranteed to be the game's archenemy.
b) it's fun to see how the table handles a stax presence. When you're an unabashedly terrible influence on the game, people usually have to work together to escape your clutches, and that's kind of exciting. Interaction becomes highly pronounced. More generally-
c) it completely rewrites how the game is played, in a way few other archetypes can. In a format loaded with big splashy plays, it's cool to be able to focus on the small- the difference between having a bounceland or a basic when Winter Orb is present, forcing people to be extremely careful in choosing which spells to invest precious mana in, being able to produce just one token a turn to feed to Smokestack or Tangle Wire, etc.
d) you're playing an extreme deck, a notorious one, and there's a certain allure to that. Whatever the other players want to do, you will put them in their place; you're the guy telling the whole world No.
Who? Is that the bitch sacrificed for the sins of the rc?
Not anymore, not with Dockside being banned. Combo lines need to be reworked and a few need to be outright pruned. Same is true for a lot of red decks.
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These are my two new decks. Wepl Arabella I've put together it'll get some tweaks of course but I'm more or less happy with it. Marvin is still in a refining state but yes these are my new decks thanks for looking! Feel free to tear them apart
Dockside ban didn't change much for etali though. Just use tried and true food chain loops!
>Whatever the other players want to do, you will put them in their place; you're the guy telling the whole world No.
Why do you admit to not actually playing every thread?
As an additional cost to cast Fling, sacrifice a creature.

Sorry, absolutely confused it. Zabaz is another case. You are right, it is considered as placing the counters. C.R. 122.6.
I like stax because I'm a dick and it activates my pleasure centers. It reminds me of anime:
>oh ho ho, you may be stronger, faster, and a better swordsman, but that matters little because we're fighting in the poison swamp!
>I've spent my whole life building up a slight immunity to its virrulent powers, and despite being slow, my giant feet ensure I'll never be stuck in the mud, your defeat is inevitable!
For me, it's Jeweled Lotus. The best commander mana rock. I even ask if I can start with it in my hand and the lgs is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

The first time I cast a Jeweled Lotus I activated it and got three mana. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly lgs worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the lgs greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me turn one Jeweled Lotus. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local game store, I go there at least 3 times a week for commander and a few games of cube, 1-2 times for cedh on the weekend, and maybe once for fnm when I'm in a rush but want a great game that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily competitive needs.

I even put my Jeweled Lotus in my Norin deck, it's powerful! What a great card.
>/ck/ on MY /tg/?
>It's more likely than you think.
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I use proxies but keep binders of real cards with 1 of each good card, all super well organised. I get to collect, without ever buying more than 1 of each card

It's nice to look through a binder while deck building, but I don't use the real cards in the decks, I just order the deck as proxies for $15

This is an example of what a page looks like in my artifact binder. The other pages are the various cycles of artifacts, like the talismans, signets, batteries, medallions, ramos artifacts, cameos, diamonds, borderposts, lockets, keyrunes, cluestones, the various myr, banners, obelisks, monuments, crystals, totems, and the last pages are just artifacts I like. I custom made the label cards for each cycle online so it looks nice.

I do the same thing with a binder filled with a couple pages of each color, so I have my favorite cards physically at hand for deck building

The third binder is lands organised by land cycle.

I stopped collecting after they blacked Kaldheim though. They insulted Europeans so I'm officially done buying product, fuck um. Every professional magic player is clearly a unironic cuk
Yes. I run Promised end as a game-ender in starscream.
I also use Eternal scourge in an anti-removal deck.
>The best commander mana rock
Anon, I.....
One of the worst, most cancerous cards ever printed. I've played against most commanders and this one is my least favorite. I hate this fucking card so much.
>For me, it's Jeweled Lot-ACK
but anon, it's only as strong as the rest of the table
you're playing fair cards over there right?
Yes actually, when people bribery me they literally insult me on how bad the options are. No duh, you need the WHOLE deck for it to work it's called a counter theft strategy boy-o. Now take that e wit and try again on someone else like a man
Yeah 4 cards for free is only unfair if others are playing unfair cards definitely!
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Rate my hate deck
I mean evolving wilds and terra are fetch lands, If all I have in my graveyard is a evolving wilds I'm still happy to abuse the shit out of it with azusa/crucible. They're not like good fetch lands but they are fetching me a land... What am I missing here?
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7/10. Bretty gud, but there are depths of hatred you've yet to experience.
everyone loves happy fun ball
You're right, teramorphic fetches a land, but a fetchland is a coloquial name for a specific group of onslaught/zendikar lands that grab two specific typed lands. He went on a giant elaborate rant about why that was wrong.
No no, the cards need to be related to IRL hate, because I hate nu-wizards and their gay faggy diversity shit
>Hate deck
>No Hatred

No Hatred/10
What B/W Commander should this use? I plan on most creatures being colorless or 'treated as colorless' so all is dust will be one sided
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i like to respond to people posting decks, so here you go: the majority of your cards in your arabela deck are white, but you have the same ratio on basic lands being plains and mountains, which is just mathematically wrong. You need to change that asap, remove some mountains and maybe put some cool dual lands like filters, etc. Also, anim pakal should go in your deck asap, they are like made for each other, kek
I'm tempted to make a case myself but I dont really wanna argue it. I guess I would have to ask what do you call them then and what about the newer ones like the eldraine one and prismatic vista? Like what is prismatic vista if not a fetchland by name? Just prismatic vista?
Actually pulled Anim from a random pack yesterday so I had that thought as well, definitely will now! As for lands I just put em in so I know what my card count is at. Thanks for looking!!!!
(same anon)You know what just thinking about it if you said to me >"they're reprinting THE fetchlands
I would know what you're talking about. But if someone told me
>"You need more fetchlands in that deck" I would be thinking "oh ok evolving wilds, prs-vista-etc etc etc qualify"

So to me I think it's contextual like "fetchlands" is a catagory but THE fetchlands are like the real big boy ones. Does this make sense to anyone?
Yes. I use Annihilate 20 library Ulamog as my creature topend in Omo that can make a shit ton of mana on turn 5+. Would add another Eldrazi titan, but no more room.
i know hatebears are creature cards with stax effects which makes them stax permanents which makes them stax cards
i know that stax is a deck strategy which can use but is not limited to or exclusively comprised of tax, sac, tap, hate cards, and to lesser extents removal and counter spells, mill, discard, wheel, and more. not all cards with these mechanics are stax but when they are synergized into a deck that's overall strategy is stax, they are cohesive to that type of playstyle. i also know that all the hatebear's named thalia have stax effects, they are stax cards. i know that you, being retarded, trying to imply that because thalia gaurdian of thraben wasnt listed on the stax wiki it isnt stax, but thalia heretic cathar an almost identical hatebear with a stax effect was in fact listed in the stax wikipedia page making your implication completely retarded and pointless. i know that many many people define hatebears as stax creatures. i know that stax refers to several different things. i even learned about the vintage deck the $4k solution, which was called stax because it notably utilized smokestack to lock the opponents out by forcing them to sac, i know that this all started because i had referred to some retards shitty vren stax deck (https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Fg8IndsNHEucB7E3rbjmWg) that relied on forcing opponents to sac, graveyard hate cards, tax cards like rhystic, opposition agent, lockout effects through forced sac, etc. it's a shit deck but it was played against precons at a low power table, it seemed obvious to me a stax-y strategy. he even previously had cards like propoganda in it. and while i understand again, a card like rhystic is not a stax piece but an optional tax piece it's the sum of all parts that make a deck, and the overall playstyle made me say stax like. then it devolved into these bums trying to say hatebears aren't stax. despite their own defintions making them such. zZzZz
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>but THE fetchlands are like the real big boy ones
No because even if the word basic is excluded in the text, this is a fetchland. Obviously its not the category of fetchland you are thinking of.
Is this even a question? You better be running every card that has a negative effect towards "nonwhites", too. Crackdown, for one.
>9000 decks in edhrec
Is this guy actually good, or do mtg players just have a boner for the Fallout set?
Wow that sure is long and autismal. Glad you learned something.
I would agree with what you're saying mostly. But are you telling me that if wotc came out and said "we're reprinting the fetch lands" you would expect to see krosan verge in the bunch? Because I wouldn't. But I would not try to refute you if you said "krosan verge is a fetchland" because it by definition can fetch a land. Unless you disagree with the anon who started this whole line of thinking or if you are him which confuses me even more honestly.
UB commanders always get a lot of deck lists, especially if they're the face of a precon.
Insanely popular character from huge IP.
Gameplan is also fairly unique. Should have been esper though.
Another one bites the dust.
House was in a precon but he wasn't the commander for it. That was Caesar.
Fair enough, I've never seen anyone run that precon without house, I've never looked into it to buy it for myself because I'm not interested in UB.
>CAG resignation
Damn I though a RC member for a second and got excited to see the chaos and speculation. Nothingburger
Sorry to confuse you. I am more so thinking if wotc were to hypothetically say "we are completing the judgment cycle of fetchlands." And people do associate judgment as part of odyssey which might give false hype.
I'm going to start saying I'm on the CAG because I'll have all the same authority as an actual CAG member (none, people will just think I'm important)
The store I play commander at has ruled 0 the bans except for Nadu.
So, two women have resigned? I can't help but feel this is a net positive....
Yeah I'd just call them by name, unless they're the panoramas or slow fetches, which are their own cycle.
Ok interesting so if I were to say "prismatic vista is a fetchland" would you say that is a true or false statement. Not trying to get you or anything I'm just genuinely curious
The other three cards have a worse effect on the format then Nadu did.
I'd say false. Verdant catacombs is a fetchland. If you said "prismatic vista fetches a land" I'd say true, since the action of fetching is completed by the vista, but it doesnt have the categorizarion as a fetchland, if that makes sense.
Nadu's more just a play experience thing, because it's a non-deterministic potentially game-winning combo, so you can't just shortcut to the end, you HAVE to play it out, etc.
Me too girlfriend. The less bigots and racist in MTG the better. The banned those old stupid old racist cards, there is no reason to keep this bigots art in the game.
It is a card that fetches a land, and so calling it a fetchland is not incorrect, however it is not a member of the group of 10 cards people think of immediately when "fetchlands" are referred to as a category. It's like how you can point at an ostrich and say "that's a bird" but when you say "look at that bird" people are gonna assume it's something akin to a sparrow.
Ok yeah it gives me a clearer picture to what you're saying. I dont know that I agree with it but I do see the logic behind it
Why hasn't Thassa's Oracle been ban yet?
I see this as an absolute win
Uh we need her for demonic consult to work?? helloo???
>wow that sure is long and autismal
funny, your mom previously said the same thing about my cock
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An unfortunate scene: people with autism are debating semantics and ill-defined lingo near you.
It's fine for casuals according to the rc. Take it up with them.
2 down, 10 to go.
Interesting as well. I think I'm closer to your thinking but both >>94013637 and >>94013625 have slightly different views on this it seems.
It's less of a problem than the 1 mana combo pieces like demonic consultation that play differently than what was originally intended.
Shittalk JLK all you want but that man has consistently had the most based takes out of anyone else in the format. Said Jew Lotus was a retarded idea from the get go, but also called them retards for banning it after everyone bought one, got used to it existing, and then had the rug yanked out from under their feet with absolutely no heads up.
>he had the consistently based takes
Wasn't he the fag who said there should be no commander damage?
kek what is the point in these kind of "statements" i could see it in an internal email maybe but posting it publicly like anybody fucking asked or cares is just embarrassing. literally who?
well. rolling a 6 isnt hard. especially with advantage.
>Thoracle is fine in casual
>Mana crypt isn't even tho games last longer and players have more time to catch up with pricier ramp effects
Idk what to tell you man, I dont make the rules.
The mechanic that's a massive pain in the ass to track and usually isn't relevant because 21 damage from a single source kills you anyway?
I mean if it makes you feel better I vote right now to ban thoracle? Also sol ring too. I mean for what it's worth at least... (nothing)
>retards crying about what is or isn't stax
>when they probably can't even say where the term came from
>Someone plays ManaCrypt.
>Me spending 1 red mana to destroy it.
>Or spending 2 mana on Null Rod.
>or 4 on Karn.
Sounds like fag talk.
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Bro, your spindowns?
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>They'll reverse the bans. My investments are safe. They'll reverse the bans. My cardboard isn't worthless. They'll reverse the bans.....
He's mixed color so it's not racist
>distributing +1/+1 counters across boards is fine
>creating hundreds of different types of tokens is fine
>but using a three d20's to track commander damage is where I draw the line
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Are you forgetting partners?! That's six (6) d20 (twenty) needed!!!
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i posted where it came from a dozen times during that god awful "debate"
the $4k solution vintage deck
which was called $4ks (sacs as in sacrificing which morphed into the term stax cause picrel)

but commander damage is just three more flavors of poison.
They will just wait
This happened with a friend and Dualcaster Mage + Starfall Invocation. He refused to accept that he might be wrong and called the WOTC customer support line and asked an employee/judge at one of the LGSes to verify because he didn't trust the other judge (despite using said judge's opinions whenever it benefits him).
I'm going to go to a new lgs tomorrow and im going to buy 1 (one) booster
>And this spindown is for anon's commander
>And this spindown is for anita's commander
>And this spindown is for anuan's commander
>And this spindown is for my commander tax
>And these two spindowns are for my life total
>And this spindown is for my energy
>And this spindown is for my infect
>And this spindown is actually a D20 for when I need to roll for effects
>Aw crap someone bumped the table does anyone remember what all these were at?
Yeah, what's so hard to keep track of, idgi
>Spindown trackers
ok boomers
Dockside can get reverted. JewLo can suck it
>Implying most voltron kills weren't already just buttfucking someone with tainted strike, making commander damage irrelevant already
That's the name of the game.
Weird take honestly but I salute your soon to be waning optimism.
So what is problem with dualcaster with invocation?
Here's how I definite them
A land whose primary purpose isn't to produce mana, but to instead search another land
>"Bad fetch"
Same as above, but somewhere along the line, something will unconditionally enter tapped (and not immediately untap, you Fabled Passage clowns), and/or require mana for the effect.
okay :)
sorry but wrong
>imagine being such a brainlet that you can't keep track of all that without dice anyway
Retards like you should have been gatekept, are you even able to read the text on the cards you play and comprehend what the cards do?
Whatever fag. I'll keep winning with evo wilds just to make you seethe.
In the right landfall deck evo can make it fucking bleed baby
It's not about being able to keep track of it, it's about being accountable with the amounts so no one disputes it.
Except why just complicate the game more with information that isn't going to matter when 21 damage from one source is probably gonna kill you anyway?
Probably infinite wraths and infinite ETBs and LTBs.
Commander damage isn't even on the text of a single card in the game, you dumb nigger
This kind of shit does not happen unless you play with cheaters or retards.
>are you even able to read the text on the cards you play and comprehend what the cards do?
Not really, no
So it works? I guess that is kind of an interesting deckout strategy as each time you wrath, you just force a player to draw a card.
Smart people don't waste time remembering things when they can just use dice to do it for them. No one is impressed by your larp
They should change it that landing 21 commander damagemakes you win the game instead. As a joke.
Making just one player lose is more fun though
I wasn't referring to commander damage being on cards, retard. I was implying that retards like you have problem comprehending text. Guess you're also one of them.
>muh dice
ok boomer
Well, because of the way gifts work (don't target) and the way copies work (they copy everything chosen for the original, even if those choices become illegal), unless you have Impact Tremors or a way to kill Dualcaster, you make one person draw his deck and lose, then the game ends in a tie (because you must reanimate Dualcaster with the copied gift-Invocation, and he must copy the gift-Invocation, and gift doesn't target so you can't say that someone else draws now). My friend insisted that he could make one person draw out, then switch the gift to another opponent, until he was the only winner. He even blatantly misremembered the previous discussion we had about the combo were the conclusion was "that doesn't seem to work, you should research it" to be "yeah you're so cool and based and we're just salty about losing"
The name literally comes from $T4KS (STAKS), not the card smokestack or some semantic change from "sac".
The name of this deck truly gatekeeps refugees from knowers. Humorous how you could be so close and still be wrong.
Ah okay that makes more sense.
There's a ruling on Starfall Invocation about it, anon, so if those are checked (which you always should in these kinds of situations), you'd get an answer fast. Anyway:
>If you copy a spell for which the gift was promised, the gift was also promised to the same opponent for the copy. If a card or token enters as a copy of a permanent that's already on the battlefield, the gift isn't promised for that new permanent, even if it was promised for the original.
Based GruulChad
Um wrong.
>The staks is the game zone where spells and abilities are put when they are played and where they wait to resolve.[1][2][3] The staks system allows players to "respond" to the actions of other players before those actions take full effect, enabling interactive gameplay even with "instantaneous" effects.
Nah I can just imagine the fear of the table when the next attack of your commander may turn it into a Thoracle.
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>All these brainlets who use dice to record life + commander damage when there are good apps like lifetap.
And I was using what you said as a springboard to make a point that this mechanic is so bad and the design time has so little investment in it they haven't interacted with the mechanic ONCE. They could've made a 'Billy, Squire of Commanders' that was a creature with the ability to do commander damage, or they could've made 'Staff of the Commander' as an artifact to make a creature deal commander damage. But they didn't, clearly because it's a shitty mechanic that doesn't really matter at the end of the day- because as I said, 21 damage isn't really relevant since that just kill a player anyway. And even then it isn't relevant because the gameplan for a serious voltron deck is just 'sneak in infect and win' because it's easier.
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There was nothing wrong with Jeweled Lotus or Mana Crypt. If you're so butt bothered about people sometimes being able to play their commanders quickly then you can fuck off you crybabies.
they're taking pictures and video of their games with them to prove to us they arent bots
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Nice. Very nice.
Um ackhtually they're banned so now YOU can fuck off buddy. Your commander is BANNED
I don't like using electronics, though.
>Oh wow, I kept track of your commander's damage all game on my SUPER COOL LIFE TAP APP, but it didn't fucking matter because that last 15 damage you did would've killed me anyway because there are 2 other opponents on the table dealing damage to me
>If you're so butt bothered about people sometimes being able to play their commanders quickly then you can fuck off you crybabies.
Commander-centric gameplans in my commander games?
That goes against the spirit of the format!
Sorry bus. Might I recommend learning to play the early game instead of accelerating your mana to turn 7?
>Ban Mana Crypt.
>Ignore Mana Vault.
There was nothing wrong with the mana curve. If you're so butt bothered about people playing spells on curve you can fuck off you crybabies
You think taht's bad, just wait till they reprint it in the next set
Mana vault is a couple tiers under mana crypt in raw power.
How exactly is it better for the format to randomly have games where your commander comes out 5 turns faster?
>they reprint it in the next set
>investorfags suddenly get nervous
It would be rather funny if the marvel set came with a fast mana rock that ended up being very expensive.
Shall we consult the RC?
> We aren't trying to eliminate all explosive starts—it happening every once in a while is exciting

It is exciting and the spirit of the format. Problem?
>Dark ritual that you have to pay 4 to use again is comparable to 2 mana for free every turn
If you shake your head, does your brain make a rattling noise like a bean in an empty can?
Your friend is correct. That is 100% how the interaction works
Yeah, it's gonna be a no from me, chump.
Pretty good chance of that, can't wait for the threads
>wtf wotc!!!! how could you make me have to buy this card!!!!
>I bought 6 of them but dont think this means i forgive you!!!
>I'm not even going to open a lot of these boxes i bought!!!
Oh no another player had a lucky draw! We can't have that! Fucking deal with it then if a player gets ahead.
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>Fucking deal with it then if a player gets ahead.
I did, though. I complained to the RC and they exiled your card, forever. That's called interaction, nerd.
Hey if you like it, it's all good. It's not optimal but EDH isn't always about that.
Wrong. You can't switch the gift getter when you copy a gifted spell.
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>cardboard isn't a safe investment!?!?!?
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I'll say this- even though I don't agree and think these bans are fine, you don't dump them all at once. This is supposed to be an eternal format, so axing 4 cards that pile up to about $500 all at once is ridiculous. If the had banned monke now, then Jew Lotus a few months later, then Mana Crypt finally, this shit would've felt way more acceptable.
Yup that's you, anon.
It is we just need to wait for them to reverse the bans
Manifold Keys, Voltaic Servant, Aphetto Alchemist, Unwinding Clocks I can go on.

Why are you paying 4 mana you idjit.
Who are you quoting?
Also Manavault prices have spiked over 100 dollars since the bans.

RC did fucking nothing to curb fast lands.
>this card is really good!
>...........if you have this other card!!!
Way to refute your own argument
This would only make sense if all ramp was banned and not just the one you don't like anon!
Just watched the new tcc video. Why does everyone keep going on and on about muh death threats? Yes you shouldn't do that, but do they really have to keep going on and on about it like Iran put a fatwa on their head, or there's going to be some schizo in their backseat ready to garrot them? Death threats like this are always just some guy laughing while he does it and thinks it's edgy and funny. If anything going on and on about them helps validate them and give them more unnecessary attention. If I got death threats from a trading card community I would think it was funny.
It would be funny if the Infinity Gauntlet was a colorless wincon in the same vein like TOR being a colorless draw engine
Had 0 rizz to skibidi with the moth I had to kidnap the little black girl instead :(
Not very demure....
What do you have to pay to play those cards anon?
It's a deflection tactic I think we all know it
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Post fast mana
Me when I look at a YGO banlist and see 8 cards that cost $50 go on the Forbidden list in one day yet nobody loses confidence in their purchases.
Targets are chosen upon resolution the only copy able characteristic is giving a gift
My Walmart and Target stopped selling magic entirely.
Bro, Timmys REALLY freak out about this card.
God I hate this gay card
>Why does everyone keep going on and on about muh death threats?
Because reddit and pretty much every talking head for magic is part of the diehard liberal 'protect trans kids crowd,' ofc that's gonna extend to cyberbullying is le bad.
Not like the other side disagrees though- we're just less quick to point it out because the type of humor here is 'I'll rape your corpse for banning cards in my children's card game' so we're not phased by it
kek >>94014066
Yeah but they reprint their main set expensive cards a year after release that's why they're so low
Magic only has masters for reprint sets and they're way more expensive so the reprints don't lower the prices as much
Hopefully Foundations fixes that in November (it probably won't)
>Retarded company demands $40/box for unplayable dogshit precons and gives you no MSRP so you're just guessing how much people are actually willing to pay
>Won't let you selectively buy ones that will actually sell. You MUST buy all of them
>You have to play a fucking minigame to sell ONE line of product because its designers have their heads so far up their ass they think they're above easing the process in any way for retailers, ironically in the name of secondhand market
Yeah no shit. When they started pulling out that's why WotC scrambled to make "value boosters" AKA $10 worthless garbage that roughly matches the price of literally every other card game on the shelves.
>I wish RC had dragged out the pain longer and made everyone scared shitliss more was coming down the pipeline
I like the way you think anon
What's so bad about this? Oh no now I have a graveyard, you got me!
Me shoving this card into my Netherbloom deck and making my opponents angry because I want lands in my graveyard.
It's a tactic to deflect blame. Just like sockpuppeting casuals to take the brunt of it. And releasing a gay document. And pretending wotc knew about these bans a year in advance, despite clear indications to the contrary. And throwing one of their coworkers under the bus. Something extremely suspicious is going on, and the lack of transparency is concerning.
Voltaic Servant? 2 mana same with the Alchemist.
Our LGS store owner is having a meltie in the public discord and he's getting roasted for this.
A year ago some retard argued with me that dockside wasnt an issue because it could whiff and I want to remind that faggot that I won
>Month 1, Nadu banned
The usual muted whining from pubstompers but nothing too crazy
>Month 2, Dockside banned
Shock and awe as $200 invesment plummets. Investorfags up in arms threatening boycots and lawsuits.
>Month 3, Jeweled Lotus banned
Total disbelief as a card made entirely for Commander is no longer legal in Commander. Riots in the streets as a violent mob pickets WotC headquarters to no response, riots only kept at-bay by grass lawn outside new building.
>Month 4, Mana Crypt banned
News reports of fatties jumping from apartment windows across the world for no discernible reason.
>obviously death threats not withstanding
Is this the new "I'm not racist, but..."
What's funny is that he's not referring to the death threats the RC or CAG is getting, but the death threats the deranged anti-ban posters in the server are making to people who don't mind or support the bans. It's wild.
and then the final stage, where the RC is like
>ok thats all for now

And everyone is like shaking in the corner after the beatings, some are yelling
>I heard they're bringing back banned as a commander just to ban a bunch of out favorite commanders!!
>RC: No, no guys it's ok we're done now
>why would they push this card so hard
Spoken like a 40 year old card shop holder not a 14 year old lmao
If you copy a spell for which the gift was promised, the gift was also promised to the same opponent for the copy. If a card or token enters as a copy of a permanent that's already on the battlefield, the gift isn't promised for that new permanent, even if it was promised for the original.
LinkedIn energy
Ancient tomb ban would be based
parent of the year award right there lmao
I dont own one and rarely see it
I guess the latter is about to change
is it really that big of a deal?
>they banned my card
>they took my card away
>my collecting is invalid!
oh wait
It's really good but it's honestly an entire tier below Mana Crypt, which is why it's legal in Legacy. One eats your land drop while the other doesn't.
Wotc should start printing banned cards in precons
Ancient tomb is just degenerate fast mana with a 60$ price tag attached
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You rang?
It's not as bad, it's guaranteed damage every time you use it instead of 50/50 and eats up your land drop. Crypt was so powerful because you could play a land to provide colored mana and then play crypt for your colorless. It's harder to get free colored mana from rocks than colorless, at least on the first turn.
100 dollars.

Ancient Tomb, Mana Vault and a few other cards spiked in price after the bans where put into place.
I hope they reprint them somewhere just to rub salt in the wounds. I could see wotc doing that espoecially since so many people who never owned it would be happy as fuck about it
Tombs not a busted card though and eventually it just shuts off since you can't spare the life
Regular crypt was $100ish at the time, why didn't he buy it and spend the other $500 on one or two entire decks? Horrible parent.
You were really sheltered as a kid weren't you?
I might be completely delusional but didnt they print a card in one of the 2011 precons that eventually got banned?
I actually wasn't, and I wish I would have had a dad in the picture so I didn't make a stupid mistake like that (which I did, too). I am dumbfounded as to why a dad, especially one who owns an LGS apparently, would allow his son to make such a terrible decision with a large sum of money (for a teen) like that.
I guess I must have been because even back then as a 14 year old I would have seen that as a scam

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