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A tabletop game set in a world where humanity is long dead and the players are Dolls, undead girls trying to keep the heart in their twisted, mutated bodies intact in a benighted world. A game made by Ryo Kamiya, maker of Maid, Golden Sky Stories, and Ventagle, it features cute girls, nasty monsters, and very gnarly combat.

Link to the game's translation: https://nechronica.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page

October is upon us, the best time of the year to run a Nechronica game. What are your plans for your dolls this month?
I'd very much like to try this but I never will be able to pitch it to my group, one hated the japanese setting of L5R and didn't even like the mention of sword world or fucking fabula ultima.
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Might as well bring it up to see how the others like it. See how the others like the idea and do a session without Mr. Anti-weeb. Depending on how much consideration you wanna give him, you can either just say that one week you're doing the one shot of it or save it for when he doesn't show up.
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>trying to put together a short campaign in which the dolls wander around Purgatory for a time
>eventually settle on the theme of 'someday never comes'
>set up memory fragments for the players' respective dreams and hopes prior to the game
>set up some NPCs to meet to sell the theme further
>can't actually figure out what the fuck I'm going to have the players do/core conflict besides 'get the hell out of wherever we are.'
>one doll is a ghost who was nabbed out of the Ego Dimension to guide the others out
My head keeps turning back to the idea of the 'Fortress of Enlightenment' I heard about ages ago. Basically where the stoics and other philosophers hold up in Purgatory to wait out their time. The idea is that this location would be an old Necromancer's fortress and somehow responsible for the phenomena trapping the dolls and other NPCs, and that something there would allow the players to end the stasis. I'm just having trouble connecting all my dots.

Hello again Mr. Ahoge man.

Pitch it anyway. Forever Winter is a hot topic right now in vidya land; if he's interested in that at all it's an easy gap to bridge between that sort of vibe and Nechronica.
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Hello again. That sounds like a fun scenario; feel like sharing a bit more about the dolls or maybe some critters?
Just to have an idea, what kind of hook would a Nechronica table have?
I mean, for example, a fantasy RPG would be something like “Go and rescue the magical relic stolen in this forest that the orcs are protecting.”, or something like that.
>asked a Nechronica question in the jap tg thread
Nechronica storytime poster, I kindly request a map
oh hello! what do you mean by map? just the background? I'm afk for several hours but I can post it and any other assets when I get home. maybe I can upload all my maps and enemies to a mega or something, never thought there'd be demand.
glad you like it!
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>you're a zombie terminator doll
>go find the memories of the schoolgirl's mind they used to train you as a humanoid
>don't go insane in the post-apoc wasteland
You can use whatever the primary karma would be as a hook. Most people who get the concept would be fine with something vague since not knowing what's going on is part of the point. If you wanna add a little more you can give things like "This will be on a run down space ship" or underwater or whatever if you want to encourage doll designs that suit that specific thing.
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Glad it sounds interesting at least. Series of posts incoming because I'm feeling rambly:

I've got two new players and two former GMs in the party.
New player 1 is super into Battletech's setting and was curious if he could basically play a copy of his overpowered OC pilot. After some back and forth I essentially told him to roll with that idea as-is and just play Battletech man. I let him take a look at the Entombed fan class and sent him off to the races. The eventual reveal is that he was one of many thoughtforms yanked out of the Ego Dimension and made into whole people as part of a desperate bid for new combatants to hold off the apocalypse. I have his memory fragments thought up, but not exactly how he'll come across them. I've got the idea in mind that one of his old squad mates has become a hostile Savant.

New player 2 is running a more traditional Psychedlic/Romanesque (pic related). She had a good thing going in an industrial job before the war hit the home front (which is the partial justification for her starting with Auto-Separate). I'm not 100% sure how I want her memories to play out yet but I'm thinking her Necromancer is sort of the core of the 'someday never comes' bit. Basically he was an idealist who wanted to use necromancy for good before everything flew apart.
>someday the war will be over
>someday you'll be able to work because you want to instead of for the ration stipend to your family
>someday the skeptics will accept what we've become and see the good in it
Now that I'm writing it out: I think the 'Fortress' will be an old ground station for the planet's weather control system turned bunker and her necromancer will have had an office there. Or maybe made his last stand there. I keep going back and forth on whether I want her Necromancer to be one that already exists in this timeline or a new character.

kino movie
Former GM 1 is playing the ghost. Technically she's an NPC from one of his games getting yanked into an alternate reality, and she's running a fully homebrew class. The Psyche's Necromancer pulled her out of the Ego dimension as a final bid to get the rest of the party out of the mess they start out in. I'm not really 100% sure how to handle her in the midgame but I plan for her to fade out into a well earned rest at the conclusion.

GM 2 hasn't settled on a final character yet. I think he plans to play a Requiem but he's been dealing with a bunch of IRL stuff.

For critters: I haven't had much specific thoughts about the actual bad guys yet. There's going to be a heavy ash and bones theme due to this taking place in a pre-exisitng timeline. Probably some knights and corrupted Gothic architecture too. The sky is going to be forever gray and it's going to 'snow' ash all the time. Landscapes are mostly going to be formed by the huge skeletons of destroyed Horrors, some pieces of which are still moving around and causing trouble. The last remnants of the Necromancer that ended the world.

I have more robust ideas for NPCs because it's easier to come up with friendly randos struggling with odd compulsions.
>'Rosy Boy' John
One of the few dolls in Purgatory that actually moves around. A powerful psychedelic that cruises around and smites wandering Legions. His name od half earned because he's always smiling but also because he's covered himself in rosary necklaces. I plan for him to pull the party out of a hairy spot and point them to the Fortress.
One of his quirks is that he's actually blind, deaf, and mute. He'll notice the ghost and Psyche but the other two dolls are going to have to physically touch him before he registers they're there.

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A bespoke, lovingly crafted doll trying to gather up the remains of her parents. She's a bone-plated snake/lamia covered in relief sculptures and such. Mostly she's a tie-in to the previous game but I also plan for her to be one of the breadcrumbs pointing to John. She was promised she would be reunited with her parents after the war but they sacrificed themselves while she was recovering from severe damage, and she never got to see them.

Name not final. This guy mostly just exists as a design in my head. A humanoid SR-71 Blackbird with a skeleton motif. I have the idea that he's guarding the final prison of his mad squad mates but I haven't gotten much further than that. I'd like to tie him in to the Entombed's story somehow. The Entombed was a gladiator in his backstory so I'm thinking Mihawk leads him into the final confrontation/mercy kill of an old rival turned friend turned mad dog.

>as yet unnamed character
This one is more of a location I guess: a Doll struggling with their isolation has filled a dry gully to the brim with messages in bottles. Because someday the rain will come and they'll float away and SOMEONE will surely read them, somewhere. Surely.

For the concluding scene, the party will have successfully done something to finally break the gray pall over everything. Above them there will be a break in the clouds showing blue sky. Thunder will sound off far away and water will start flowing by them. The ghost will slowly fade away in the warm sun. And in the stream nearby a lonely bottle stuffed with paper will float by.


Would you believe I've never seen it? I love the look of it but the truth is that really grim shit makes me sad, and I'm not sure I'd actually enjoy watching it despite appreciating the aesthetic.
If this is Mad God you're talking about, don't watch it. It's relentlessly grimdark, depressing and horrific, to no purpose.
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Is that token drawn by you or one of the players? It sounds like you got a lot of this thought out pretty well, with it centered around that core theme. All you'd need is something for the first encounter and the last PC ready.
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The player drew her during our tutorial combat where I was introducing the newbies to the system, and I went ahead and made a more board appropriate token out of it a little later. One of the GMs also draws.

I'm actually trying to get into drawing myself (again) but it's hard to find time/stop being lazy.

>It sounds like you got a lot of this thought out pretty well, with it centered around that core theme
Mostly it's just connecting everything now. I need to figure out memory fragments for the Psyche and Ghost and then finish stringing the various scenarios together.

I also need to figure out how I'm going to signpost the party at the start. I'm planning to use the beginning from the rulebook where the party wakes up after apparently being victorious on the battlefield but I don't want to leave them hanging exactly. I might just use terrain to kind of funnel them toward Mary.
Yes please, and I really liked your storytimes! Was there a continuation or is the campaign done?
No bullshit, I'll play with you bro. I have MST time but I'm fairly free minus the weekends to a degree. I've always been interested in this system.
You honor me anon, but I was referring to my IRL group. I don't have the schedule to manage online games. Thanks for the offer anyway.
>What are your plans for your dolls this month?
We're trapped in some weird top-secret bio-bunker underneath a carnival with strange one-eyed commando cyborgs. We were trying to infiltrate deeper to find out the source of an unending horde of killer klowns that originated from inside it, but got discovered halfway down. I made some ai pixel art for the group.

Sisters include a Crusader Cicada (pic related)...
...a fungal Sorority Baroque...
I'm really happy you enjoyed them!! The game unfortunately wrapped up cleanly and came to a perfect ending. Honestly it was probably my favorite game I've ever run, I want to do more Nechronica really badly but other projects need attention too.
Here's all of my assets for the game - including a cute intro cinematic a player animated and some lewd shit because we aren't pansies. I'm sure my players would be flattered if their dolls showed up as enemy or ally savants in other anons games, please be sure to post anything you make with them in future nech threads so I can see!
...and a Junk Romanesque with yuuuuuge hands.
I kind of had the impression it was Tippet just going hog wild on his creature designs and macabre art and such, yeah. I may check it out sometime anyway but then maybe not.

>Ages 12 and up
lmao. Very cute, anon.
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I have a hot take and you're not going to like it.

This guy is a perfect Necromancer
Carl would be a particularly nasty Savant. He doesn't have the ambition to be a necromancer, he's just a psychopath that wants to cause trouble.
He created innumerable meat horrors, destroyed all life on earth, and has proven himself capable of and willing to create mental constructs to satisfy his desire for a horrified audience to experience his menagerie of crimes.
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Huh? When did this happen?

I thought there were only 3 episodes of Llamas with Hats.
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>he is unaware
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Thanks. Kinda looking forward to fooling around again with animation in the near future.
>And some lewd shit because we aren't pansies
This feels like a personal attack.
it's ok anon, you don't have to kiss with the dolls. I'll do it for you.
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Thanks much! And some of these tokens are actually cute.
>dolls showed up as enemy or ally savants in other anons games, please be sure to post anything you make with them in future nech threads so I can see!
Most of my players are new to the game so I'll let them give a feel of the mechanics first with a beginner session so they won't slow the other experienced players down much. This will help me a lot on my second session plans where the real game starts so I will try to have a doll or two show up!
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fun fact, I had to redraw pupsqueak like five times to get him right. did a tiny test doodle that was *smacks lips chef hand symbol* perfect and tried to reproduce it to great failure.
I'll also add that he was planned to be:
A) intensely radioactive to microwave anyone who tried to pet him, chasing them wanting to be petted and damaging their parts
B) have exclusively Zombie Bomb and no other parts (activates when touched)
He ended up slightly less bastardly. I encourage you to amend this.
Hell yeah, Nechronica Thread!
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>friend of mine who used to frequent /tg/ has pretty much abandoned the site and only comes back for Nechronica threads
>"I should let him know one is up."
>except I've spoiled the entire campaign he'll be playing in
I shoulda blocked my posts out in spoilers.
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Anything a new GM should be aware of other than no spirit attacks?
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Nechronica encounters tend to be an 'all roads lead to Rome' situation due to how combat has to revolve around what the party is capable of. No matter what the party does, they are probably running into the encounter that you prepped for the session and not, say, a randomly generated group of bandits or whatever. It might be easier or harder depending on what they do, but it will almost definitely have the same core gimmick going on.

You can run a less structured, more open game in the system (and I've played in one)... but it's a lot of extra work that I wouldn't recommend doing until you know the system better.

Also, Karma is a great way to direct your players or make a fairly straight forward combat a little more interesting.
>save an NPC
>defeat a particular bad guy within so many rounds
>talk someone down from combat
>don't flee
It's an easy bonus objective you can design around to reward your players for being creative/playing along with how you're interested in things going.
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unsubstantiated speculation
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reminds me of Deputy Waggums battle from Townsfolk Tussle, cute pupper grafted with some coincidental harm-dealers
Spirit attacks are fun and profitable, a great way to turn screws on the PCs when things get too comfortable. Avoid Zombie Bomb, don't let the enemies use Stagger, and use a lot of cheap horrors with different roles over a handful of beefy ones that can do multiple things.

Besides combat, players love getting fragments of memory that can be related to their doll's sisters or to the story of the game. Also, give them the opportunity to be silly and childish sometimes to balance out the suffering, like finding a tea set to play with or wardrobe of clothes to dress up in.
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Don't worry too much about encounter balance at the start, especially if the dolls demolish them quickly. It's part of the learning experience and normal. The "Creating enemies" section has a list of things to not give enemies. Don't even think of ignoring it/trying to be clever and work around the restriction until you understand why they're in place.
>No Spirit Attacks
Generally a good rule for the first encounter but not an iron-clad one. One of the main reasons for this is just how tight rope is for new dolls with madness. When you throw in that some of them aren't passing any conversation checks, the fact that there might have been a failed madness check or two, and the fact that combat might take more than 1 round. A single spirit attack might be the thing that tips a doll into Broken Hearted.
And this anon has the right of it. If you're not sure how the party might react to this, communicate how this game is generally approached with the combat being an expected matter that is important. You generally aren't going to have filler fights that have no importance and exist only to drain resources.
>a lot of cheap horrors with different roles over a handful of beefy ones that can do multiple things.
Gonna give this one a mild disagree, with caveats. You'd ideally mix them and when you get to 2x the PC's numbers, it can get nasty. The more enemies you have on the field, the more inefficient you should have them be. Don't do shit like having 10 horrors where each one has a 2 AP attack. This is also going to extend to other things they might have like defends. If an enemy is making what should miss a hit or making a PC's attack fail for some reason, it should cost them some amount of AP. This helps keep things feeling a little more dynamic and can make the PC getting cock blocked feel like they're affecting the flow of the fight.
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Finished my campaign a few months ago. Players really enjoyed the system, the combat in particular. I have a fresh one in the works which is has the Dolls searching for their creator in a sprawling dystopian city that wants them dead, or as spare parts. IRL stuff has got me feeling the mode, so apart from the opening session and a few world building tidbits, it's not going to see the light of day for some time.
super cute anon
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>Game 1
>This is the game an anon advertised over a year ago (fuck, it's been that long) about a convoy that is constantly on the move across a dead world to avoid The Night.
>Playing a Fuki, the girl with the giant ahoge.
>It's been slow going and inconsistent, but pretty alright so far.
>Last session, the group has killed their second divine wotsit and now there's flowers all around them.
>Absolutely dreadful.

>Game 2
>Game with a steady group that's been going on for ages (the group, not the game)
>The GM's decided on flipping Nechronica things on their head (because they weren't flipped enough the time we had a game where the dolls were cops)
>The group were members of an Occult club at their school and fucked around with the wrong tome.
>Now they've been sucked into an artificial world populated by Kenshi-ass motherfuckers who are called Savants.
>The dolls didn't awaken with amnesia, but they have found that their memories from home are fading away.
>Now they're scrambling to figure out how they're going to return before all memory of home are gone.
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>lemme tell you
>If you go Full Stacy
>You're Junk.
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A full stacy could be any positi-
>Last Stacy/Stacy played was a Junk
Game two sounds like a three way between Corpse Party, Blank Dream, and Bloody Delinquent Chainsaw Girl.
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Yeah. If there's any class that really easily slots into a Position it's Stacy -> Junk. Hurting yourself for your sisters and the
>I'm just used to the pain
dealio you have going on just plays right into the flavor for Damaged Goods.

Honorable mention to Gothic + Holic.

>Game 1
So is/was the ahoge the source of your power? Also what's the deal with the flowers being dreadful?

>game 2
>Kenshi-ass motherfuckers
Explain. You mean they all have robotic limbs or are they accusing you of being agents of the foul witch Narko? Did you find Beep?

>The dolls didn't awaken with amnesia, but they have found that their memories from home are fading away.
Huh. Does that mean you started with full memory fragments and instead of gaining them you're losing them over time? Kind of like a timer on your Madness limit?
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>So is/was the ahoge the source of your power?
No, but it is a pilebunker. Also thanks to memory fragments, it's been revealed that she was part of a project to make wranglers for the divine weapons, and she was the one who let out the thing that became the Night that is chasing them.
>Also what's the deal with the flowers being dreadful?
That was a joke. It was instead a nice little scene to close off the arc.

It's primarily an aesthetic/tone thing there's a lot of a crude/primitive designs to things. They're also quite fond of taking slaves. The GM's been a bit stingy with favor so maybe getting captured would fix that.
>Huh. Does that mean you started with full memory fragments and instead of gaining them you're losing them over time?
Yes, essentially. Though mechanically it works like normal (madness recovery is limited by how many we've lost). We have seen a few dolls who have been trapped in this world much longer. Ennui is probably the simplest word to attach to the common response, and it's not hard to see why. They're seeming immortal in a world that is small enough to circle it in a week on foot and at any moment, a dumbass who falls for a ritual in a suspicious book can be dropped in, turned into a despotic god-king and rewrite the laws of reality to their whims.
>No, but it is a pilebunker
What a long-winded way to say 'yes.'
>she was part of a project to make wranglers for the divine weapons, and she was the one who let out the thing that became the Night that is chasing them
Any hints as to why yet? Crisis of conscience? It was funny? She tripped?

Glad you guys enjoyed the flowers though. Flowers in my games are 50/50 'pretty scenery' and 'a horrible trap.'

>The GM's been a bit stingy with favor so maybe getting captured would fix that.
Well, depending on how much inspiration he's taking from Kenshi, getting enslaved could he the easiest way to power level unless he let's you do the Toughness exploit in Skinner's Roam.
But more seriously, sounds like a neat setting. The idea that you handle Madness better the fewer memories you have is counter intuitive to me but I can kinda see the logic: you get more used to how things just sorta are, so it stops bothering you so much as you forget how things used to be. Pretty fucking grim take but I get it.

Is there any chance of you guys finding a way out or something? Or is this more of a 'find a way to survive' type deal?
>What a long-winded way to say 'yes.'
Were it so easy for the GM. Her main attack parts are actually nailbat and dynamite. Pilebunker's there because it's really funny to have (and it's a fun part).
>Any hints as to why yet? Crisis of conscience?
Should clarify that her part in it was "test subject/star product of the project" rather than someone responsible for it. She caused the containment breach in an attempt to save the other test subjects from the myriad terrible fates that awaited those who washed out. It didn't work out as planned and in desperation, she performed the first doll making ritual. The consequences and what happened afterwards haven't been revealed yet.
>Glad you guys enjoyed the flowers though. Flowers in my games are 50/50 'pretty scenery' and 'a horrible trap.'
Oh absolutely, it's always fun to add floral foes and botanical baddies to things, but this was a "the world's recovering just a tiny bit with the captured spirits you freed" deal.
>Is there any chance of you guys finding a way out or something? Or is this more of a 'find a way to survive' type deal?
One of the first things the party was told was that the club president (who got splattered before she could ascent/corrupted into a horrible tyrant) was the only way for us to return. So we're now trying to figure out why she can't be raised to her proper station. We've found out a number of things since that cast serious shadows over the group's hopes of returning.
>The servant thing who told us we had to revive her is very much loyal to her and not the rest of the group
>There's no known instance of the tyrant ever letting those sucked in with them getting returned home.
>Regardless of how well we got along before, the transformation seems to always drive them mad/evil. The closest record to one who wasn't a complete monster was a guy who got sucked in without a retinue of dolls and he just decided to fuck off.
It's not looking very good.
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>It's not looking very good.
It's not sounding very good.

So... what now? You guys try and thunderdome it out with the other saps stuck there? Go look for the dude who peaced out? What even happened when he left a power vacuum? 'Cause it sounds like the other tyrants aren't around currently.

Also sick spine flail. Very metal.
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>it sounds like the other tyrants aren't around currently.
There is only one Tyrant King (or as the Japanese schoolgirls refer to it, Demon King). And they are capable of writing (or rewriting) the laws that govern how the world operates, so it wouldn't be entirely inaccurate to call them the god of this artificial world. The next schmuck who gets sucked in while one is still reigning practically has it embedded in them to go kill the reigning king after they get turned into a big motherfucker.
>What even happened when he left a power vacuum?
The savants get to say "Thank fuck" and not have a despotic god changing how the world works to try and cockblock or punish both revolution and future arrivals. Notable examples of them doing this includes:
>The world is a hollow earth type deal. This was originally not the case until a Tyrant King dealing with a revolt decided he wanted to fuck up everyone's day.
>The world used to be functionally infinite, until one of them wrote it into World Law that the world was the size it is now to make it easier to find and kill potential usurpers before they get going.
>Population centers have to make regular sacrifices lest the ground swallow up the entire city.
The current plan is to find the dolls of the last Tyrant King who was (allegedly) killed for good by his retinue as the fucker may, in fact, still be around in some manner. The prevailing theory is that this may be what is blocking our retarded despot from being resurrected.
>Also sick spine flail. Very metal.
Thank you.
Corpses are gross. Find yourself a better monster girl waifu that doesn't reek like shit, like say a demon woman.
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I wonder if a fujoshi court would work as a good gag that could evolve over time for a doll
Or if it would wear thin pretty quick
Honestly I feel that depends on the group
And could probably make an adventure with a doll or savant with the boy part more lively and humorous
>her sole reason for staying alive is to find another boy doll for her own boy doll to make yaoi real with
>they are so rare she's been slowly going insane
>Or if it would wear thin pretty quick
As long as you didn't make it the core of their personality that they brought up all the time, it'd be fine. A more obsessive slant would fit a Holic rather than a court as the latter should be a bit more rational and have Restraint. How far and what direction you can take the bit would very much depend on the group, though.
Like other anon said, it would have to be a secondary thing or else you'd run the joke thin pretty quickly. Although as a Court you'd have a good excuse to go long stretches without talking about it and then bringing it back up in opportune moments after everyone else has forgotten for max shock value.

>The current plan is to find the dolls of the last Tyrant King who was (allegedly) killed for good by his retinue as the fucker may, in fact, still be around in some manner. The prevailing theory is that this may be what is blocking our retarded despot from being resurrected.
Well, good luck with that. Genuinely. Hopefully he's... idk. Amenable to either helping you guys out or not so powerful you can't get him.

How did your club prez even get splattered btw? She piss you off? Piss off the wrong local? Trip at a bad time?
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>How did your club prez even get splattered btw? She piss you off? Piss off the wrong local? Trip at a bad time?
About 2 minutes after getting sucked into the other world she got smashed into paste by a creature the size of (and producing the sounds of) a truck, this occurred before we even realized what was going on or was turned into dolls.
I think the Stacy/Stacy/Junk thing is also a great joke that no body gets...
Bro, are you actually making a Nech inspired boomer shooter?
def looks it, taking very heavy queues from Marathon of all games.
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It is being made in AlephOne. The single level demo was put out as a Marathon Infinity Scenario.
I applaud you and hope you finish it, it looks really neat anon.
I can't read junk and not think of yakult
Explain yourself.
What do we think of Necroepilogos? If you don't know, its a self-published serial novel that is heavily inspired by Nechronica, but it's not a 1:1. It's got sad undead nanomachine girls incarnated into a horrific wasteland to kill each other but then it does its own thing. Yuri everywhere.
>Yuri everywhere
If you tell me someone wrote a story inspired by Dick Fight Island, you don't need to point out that there's a lot of BL
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>Flowers in my games are 50/50 'pretty scenery' and 'a horrible trap.'
My players never give the flowers a chance.
that is not a bad idea at all.
where to play?
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Get Classic Marathon Infinity on steam (It's free), and go to the workshop. The title is Divine Twilight. Once you've subscribed and it's downloaded, you can just launch Marathon Infinity and it'll show up as a scenario you can pick on launch. The scenario's a single level and also acts as a prologue.
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As a PSA to anyone who might want to run a game but can't (or are afraid of) getting it with a group they might currently have, just run it for people in this thread. It seems to turn out pretty well.
>The fan supplement Blast From The Past came out of a group that was gathered in a random thread
>The current (much improved) translation of both the core rule book and all the japanese supplements that were translated got kicked off from a group formed on /tg/
>The boomer shooter's being made because of a game formed by random people in one of these very threads.
It'd be silly to say that you're guaranteed to get something amazing, but the anecdotes seem pretty good.
I've been dming for 4 years of Nechronica on and off, and it's the only group that was FUN to play with without added bs.
Also, while the preps for the fights and stories can be a bit much at times, since all the battles are done in such a simple map, you don't have to bother with assets all the time and can just run it in stuff like google drawings.

I heavily recommand people to try it. AND to pass around the necromancer role, it can help to understand how the game works.
you know some day i need to run the nech game i first proposed here where a group of standard nech dolls are tarnsported to the matoran universe
also have the dolls learn to use masks but not on the level of toa maybe have some fuckery involving the mask of time

sadly i have other shit to run and play in at the moment
such as sword world
You're gonna have to elaborate on how you plan to do that.
is there a mask of death? blame it on the mask of death.
kill yourself bumpfag
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desu it's a fair question. Nechronica + Bionicle is a pretty exotic combo.

One of the longstanding members of my own group actually invited me to a game via of 4chan as well, although he's the only one in the group besides me that comes/used to come here.

I was really surprised to hear that one of the new players I'm inviting from his Pathfinder group actually owns a physical copy of the book. He was SUPER psyched to try out Psychedelic, although I'm a bit worried he's going to get out-optimized by the more experienced players.
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>I'm a bit worried he's going to get out-optimized by the more experienced players.
As a psyche? Almost certainly. It's a class that's really fucking cool in concept but the actual mechanics leave something to be desired. Depending on what their other class/position is, they can make something fun. Using Blast From the Past and/or giving them an extra reinforcement point (so they're not at effectively -10 favor for each time they pick the class) will help them keep a bit more parity.

On an unrelated note, work's let up a bit and commissions are almost done. Might be able to manage a few sketches if people post dolls or savants or creatures.
His secondary Class is Romanesque which I'm a bit leery of, but attempt to talk him into something with an attack roll bonus haven't swayed him. I think he plans to lean into supportive stuff, and I'm going to leave him an out to rebuild his doll a little if he winds up not having fun.

I did give him an extra part to compensate for being a Psyche so there's that at least. He's also not the kind of player to get bent out of shape if he's not super powerful; before this he was playing Pathfinder 2e poisoner Alchemist (before the revamp) and having an alright time so I think as long as he's being helpful and learning the system he'll have a good time.
Damn, really hope you're letting him use that supplement then. At least it sounds like you've already considered and are prepared for things to not work out as he envisioned so it'll ultimately be gine either way. Picking a class just for an attack check bonus isn't that necessary if you're picking up more supporty maneuvers, but gothic or stacy might be something he wants instead. Delight in corruption alone is powerful.
honestly psychedlic is weak ish in terms of damage but they have some absolutely busted control skills
such as pawns gambit or twist of fate

distorted power is dogshit but throne of the void is also another skill that is incredibly fucking busted
a lot of the shit here is subtly egregious
but only if you know the game well

if you want to buff him let him use the skills from the romanesqe rework which may be used alongside the regular romansque skills
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...I love Nechronica, but my bro's won't play it. It's also a relatively simple system'
what if.......hear me out.
what if I just copy pasta'd Nechronica as a new game, new setting,
slightly different system,
new options.

and made that a game?
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>pawns gambit
It's easily psyche's strongest skill and possibly the only real contender for "busted." In the right circumstance where there's a singular important enemy and you can lock it down by declaring gambit at it over and over again, it earns that description. However, combat favors killing enemies quickly and this doesn't help that much in combats where there's multiple high threat enemies (unless all of them need to be at range 0 to attack and there's no hinder moves/move immunity tomfoolery).
>Twist of Fate
It is great for ensuring you don't get demolished by a sudden crit or a big fucking shot, but it's not that much better than Cracked Flesh or something against weaker attacks, while costing a madness point.
>Throne of the Void
>incredibly busted
It is a strong option, but considering it's only range 0, that means that you're looking at Melee and Unarmed Attack focused dolls being the ones who'd want it. You're giving up a lot from the other class options that you could use to ignoring hinders and hinder moves, and both of those can still affect you if the user isn't in the same zone as you. Skinny (which baroques can effortlessly get) will net you 90% of the benefit while not having the range limitation. It also won't even stop your own moves targeting enemies from getting hinder moved. This isn't to say it's a a bad skill, it's just the opportunity costs for the ones who'd get the most use out of it is really fucking high.

People have floated doing "Mechcronica" or whatever many times, but no one's actually posted doing it so far. As someone who likewise has buddies who'd never touch it, the consideration's always run into "is it really worth the effort?" It could be a fun project for you but it raises the question of why not just run for people who'd be down for it instead? Don't let anyone here stop you if you genuinely want to do it, though.
You shouldn't be friends with people who don't like nechronica's flavor in the first place
i dont wanna be rude but your friends sound like raging homos
I have a friend who is working on a mechroncia project
Which is shaping up to have its own distinct mechanical identity with heat management being a core part of it
However he and his buddies still play nech frequently and love it for what it is

Honestly if this game gets finished it will be its own distinct thing that people who like or are facials with nechronica’s mechanics can enjoy
Not a replacement for nech
I had a similar scenario where some of my players weren't too keen on playing child PCs, but were intrigued by the system mechanically.

Pretty much just skirted around it by changing the fluff to fit a genericized cyberpunk setting and shelving the Memory Fragment system, though I'm sure there's a way to shoehorn that in as a side effect of cybernetic brain interfacing or whatnot.

Worked fine, more or less. I'd suggest that the main question a Mechronica system would have to face is how to represent function-critical Parts such as the Pilot, since in Nechronica the Dolls can continue to fight until every last Part is destroyed.
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I'm not sure you even have to remove the Memory Fragment stuff or rework it very much even for older characters. One of my PCs is gunna be like 46 and I'm still having him start off with amnesia; as far as I understand it's not really a factor of age but more a factor of the revival/conversion process so he gets the same treatment the 17 and 14 year old do.

Plus there are memory fragments in the book already for being a sarariman and a dog. It's clearly something that can happen to older people, most necromancers are just the kind of people that torture puppies because they're sickos. Dolls are little girls because they're made that way on purpose for aesthetics.
That does sound pretty rad, hope you have good luck with actually finishing the project.

>Plus there are memory fragments in the book already for being a sarariman and a dog. It's clearly something that can happen to older people
The extreme swinginess of the madness system makes more sense for younger individuals while older individuals bouncing to extreme reactions and back like that suggests a much more fucked in the head person.
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>its own distinct mechanical identity with heat management being a core part of it
he's making pseudo-Battletech.
this looks like Citadel concept art
>Cropping out the panty shot.
The artist was a coward.
Also a few jokes were thrown around Thai it’s pseudo armoured core & some of the Enders
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>huffing a can of O2 to become The One
Citadel is a fun game. Wish the second game would come out already but I guess I'll leave the autist to his work. His progress updates look promising at least.

Sometimes I wonder how you might run a game set in the setting but I always come to the conclusion that you'd have to do a lot of heavy lifting fleshing out anything that isn't the Martyr, and what I know of the lore seems to orbit her very closely outside of the bizarro angel/demon conflict going on in the background that seems too high level for a group of PCs to actually get wrapped up in.
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>Sometimes I wonder how you might run a game set in the setting but I always come to the conclusion that you'd have to do a lot of heavy lifting fleshing out anything that isn't the Martyr.
That is the consequence of the Citadel being focused the way it is. You're better off taking the elements you like and capturing the tone in your own setting rather than trying to play things in The Citadel.
what the fuck
phone ate the word zone

i haven't played zone of the enders but apparently he played it back in the day
weirdly it's some of the tech/weapons abltities he is stealing from that series
but the mechs are nowhere near as powerful or ancient

honestly with how there is more movment than base nech
as in the latest prototype version PC mechs by default come with parts that allow them to move at greater AP efficiency but also increase heat by 1
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I remember few years ago seeing a zip file with Citadel "desing notes" and various drawings, scribbles and assets not used in final version. Unfortunately I didn't keep it. But it should be somewhere out there.
From what I've gathered about Beyond Citadel, there has been timeskip and Tycho is now dead (which kind of makes sense considering ending of the first game, but I still don't like it).
>The Necromancer can actually be an enemy that can be fought against
was this ever pulled off?
The rulebook implies you should, but with each session being only 1-3 combats before you hit madness, i don't think it's a common event.
From what i see, you need 3 conv. checks before each battle, not one, and you should last long enough to reach Necromancer Battle
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On occasion, yeah. You stat them out like an enemy (but generally a very nasty one) and it's intentionally left broad what can be classified as a necromancer so as to not box the GM into any one thing they have to do. Beyond the necromancer being able to make undead it's up to the GM. They could be a little girl as lost as the PCs, a space ship, a very strange tree, Santa, or just a mass of slime mold gaining sentience.
i give props for the amateur for posting his pencil drawings.
it may be low-ball, but at least effort is made.
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We killed A necromancer in one game I was in, although he wasn't ours.
>first phase was his huge psychic dragon projection
>then we had to actually fight him
>and then he dragged us into his psyche and we had to kill that too
I think our Thanatos attacked his mind directly for like 20 damage. It was pretty funny.
There isn't necessarily anything that separates the Necromancer from the Dolls on a power scale besides being able to raise undead. I have had other games where they clearly were beyond PC power scale (they merked like five bad guys where one had been a final boss for the party) but ultimately it's just whatever serves your game.
>Necromancer can actually be an enemy that can be fought against
I had a five stage fight prepared for the Dolls against their Necromancer but they opted to let him wander off and die on his own terms. Honestly I actually preferred describing his quiet suicide and his creations creating their own society from the Earth's surviving scraps after his death. I feel that the whole Dolls vs Necromancer final showdown trope is entirely down to how you frame your Necromancer, are they a tragic and lonely figure that created suffering out of a warped desire to relive their loneliness, or are they just a sadistic putterer that doesn't care how many toys they break during their play time? Either can be good depending on what vibe you want your game to have, in the end it's all down to (You).
shit man I did it 7 times in one campaign
Yeah, about that...most Japanese tend to play one-shots
So, you are an outlier fueled by western free-time.
Even with one shots, they might be playing the same doll across more than a single one shot. It's more that things are going to be structured around finishing the individual scenario in one session rather than every single scenario being a fresh start.
>Yeah, about that...most Japanese tend to play one-shots
The favor system itself assumes an episodic campaign structure. Just because the game tries to be quick to run doesn't mean you couldn't structure an extended campaign around it. The book even has provisions for doing so.
Is there an archive link for the conclusion of this game? I only read up to part where the Dolls cuck the Necromancer.
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I refuse to be Japanese.
I'm having a lot of trouble finding it. I should have namefagged or something.
Picks back up here:
but I can't find the other sessions through desuarchive.
I could do a storytime but it might not have the same emotional punch as before because its been a year and I've forgotten a few small details.
What say ye anon?
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Nta, but you might as well for posterity if it can't be found.
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>I refuse to be Japanese.
I'll start from the beginning ||because I have a game I need to be working on and don't fucking want to||

Four dolls open their eyes to a strange little room set for tea. In one corner of the room is a bed covered in weird lumpy stuffed toys. The snacks at the table consist of very stale moldy pastries literal (severed) finger foods. A cuckoo clock ticks quietly against the far wall, and three windows peer out into the void.
The dolls are:
Harley - Alice Romanesque Psychadellic (the bunny girl)
Meredith - Court Stacy Requiem (the bandaged girl)
Patience - Sorority double Romanesque (the cloaked girl)
Fleur - Holic Gothic Baroque (the girl in the bodybag)

After inspecting the room and helping themselves to what was edible on the table (everything for Fleur), they noticed that there was no knob on the door. Fleur looked out into the VOID and despite seeing an infinity of nothingness and hearing heavy breathing, was unbothered. The moment they tried to leave, a booming but drawn out voice told them they 'weren't playing right', and a baleful eye glared in through the window at them. The lumpy shapes on and under the bed began to crawl and twirl their way out into the room, and two massive gnarled hands burst through the windows. After slaughtering the poppits and tearing the ring finger off of one hand, the girls used the knob on its ring to escape. Notibly, as they fled, the weeping voice called after them "I'm telling!"
Oh hello discord spoilers, how did you get there?

Exiting the room found the dolls in a dilapidated hospital, specifically in the playroom of a children's ward. Directly behind them where there should have been a door was a dollhouse with a room exactly like the one they just came from. They wound their way through the disheveled rooms and hallways until they found a viewing window with no attached door. Breaking in, they found a cramped laboratory choked with trash bags that had a test tube covered in mold at the back. Breaking open, they 'freed' a weak savant and after much getting to know her (torturing her in the case of Fleur), named her Lucy.

They and lucy took some time to explore the rooms in the hall - some examination room, a morgue, and THE RED ROOM. Two dolls had to be pulled forcibly out of THE RED ROOM, having been hypnotized into entering where they began to take madness points. Just as they were about to continue, however, they were ambushed by a strange doctor who said he'd been looking everywhere for them and they had to follow him because it was time for their treatments - Lucy especially...
The girls objected even as the hulking, crouched creatures behind him appeared and as biomedical waste bags filled with needles began to shamble out of the far hall.
Their objective, again, was to escape. The needle bags were legions able to fuse into a larger form the more of them there were, and spawned in small numbers from the morgue. The plague doctors had an acidic area attack. All of the enemies were immune to their own damage, but damaged anything in their square. Still, the dolls tore through the encounter and the final form of the waste bags was never revealed. A journal was recovered from Dr. Oxide documenting his exploration of the area, experiments and recovery of test subjects/materials that were probably Lucy and the girls, and notes on a 'limbo' that took the shape of a cloud that screamed and rained horse blood and feathers.
The dolls wandered out into the wasteland, away from the ruined town where the hospital loomed. Patience, drawn away from the group by the sounds of marching and a triumphant anthem, found herself watching an army go by. The flag they flew was her own, and so she wandered into the mist as Lucy watched - her sisters forgotten, glory before her. Despite her sister going missing so suddenly, the girls felt like she was somehow at peace and that things would be alright. (Her player decided the game was a bit too dark after coming off of another pretty girm nech game and needed to take a break.)

After wandering for hours, perhaps days, Fleur picked up the scent of delicious food on the horizon. Her sisters struggled to keep up as she followed it to an old diner, the sign reading "The Clean Plate Club.'
Inside, a chattering mouth greeted them in a crude approximation of French and showed them to their table - taking great care to make Fleur feel as welcome as possible for some reason. The dolls ordered 'a one of everything' and proceeded to feast on all kinds of delicacies, however Fleur ended up failing a madness roll to remember something and had a meltdown - realizing that despite how perfect the clean plate club was for her, something about it felt off.
The dolls ventured through the doors of the kitchen which lead down, down into the bowels of the earth - down a stoen staircase and into a massive underground kitchen filled with cooking equipment. There, the 'chefs' labored to butcher and break down other creatures and themselves for ingredients. The girls were asked how they were going to pay for their meals (Fleur was always welcome and thus got to eat free), but when they revealed they had no money, the obvious alternative was 'discussed'.

At the end of each turn a silk gloved hand would appear off the side of the screen in real time and lift a silver lid on a tray to spawn a new enemy. On the third time it spawned one of the poppits from session 1.
TOTALLY forgot to mention, but when they beat the eye thing out in the void a letter slipped out of the cuckoo clock that invited them to "The Benthic Ball', wherever that was.

At this point, with a place that destiny clearly intended for Fleur to be happy in lying in twitching red ruin, Fleur decided she would rebel against destiny. Without fully understanding what 'destiny' actually was. Fleur was a little retarded.
The other dolls decided that they should try to find their way to The Ball they had been so cordially invited to, but had no idea where to start. After continuing in the direction they'd been going they happened upon the sea - the shore stagnant with the corpses of mutant cetaceans and far less definable things. They stripped down and played in the waves for a while, but followed an odd sound to a beached mutant whale. Working together they freed the sea beast, but in thanks it swallowed them all alive.

Trapped in the belly of the whale with its stomach enzymes slowly rising, they frantically looked for a way to make it lose its lunch while fighting off its plethora of parasites. At last they managed to do so, finding themselves deposited at the bottom of the ocean in a ship graveyard.
They scrambled among the sunken liners and cruise ships to find dresses appropriate for the occasion.

(I'm already noticing Im mixing some things up. Patience left after the clean plate club. My mistake. It WILL happen again.)
Now fit for the ball, the dolls knocked on the door. Three spindly sea urchin maids answered and ushered them in out of the cold - immediately punishing one another by trying to rip off each others limbs in an ecstatic craze if they thought they'd at all offended their guests. Once the dolls eased their worries and made it clear they were not, in fact, offended, the disappointed urchins guided them to the ballroom. There among dancing schools of fish and belles of the ball they were introduced to Marchioness Marina Maree Mariana, Misstress Madrigal Munchausen. The First. Despite her best efforts, they refused to address her by her proper and entire title. Marina, it appeared, was *not* happy that the dolls had accepted her invitation. In fact she seemed almost angry - taking a moment to powder her nose (torture the urchin maids) away from the party.

Finding the other guests had literally nothing but ocean themed nonsense to prattle about, they inspected the paintings and looked for treasures. One painting had a picture of Marine, pre-mermaid legs, with a group of other dolls - all smiling together and posing like a family. Marina returned for long enough to gaze sadly at the picture before apologizing to them and revving up a chainsaw.
During the ballroom, portraits of pistol shrimp would open as hidden snipers moved behind the walls to fire at the dolls. Likewise, schools of fish would occasionally spawn from them and join the fray.
Despite this, Marina and her guests were quite literally chewed through - but it took almost everything the dolls had and left them badly crippled and close to madness.
Flailing on the floor, Marina threw a tantrum shouting that she was strong enough and that she could kill them herself... but began to sob and beg 'please don't take my wonderland away' as every clock in her mazelike mansion chimed at once.
Then Alice stepped through the grandfather clock.

Damaged byond hope, knowing the minions Alice summoned were capable of spirit attacks, and with two of them unable to move due to broken legs, they made a desperate escape as the mansion imploded around them in the pressure of the deep. Fleur grabbed her sisters and ran, promising 'destiny' she would get even.
The dolls awoke washed up on some far shore, aching with the realization that there's always a bigger fish. Still badly damaged, they found their way to a field of strange standing stones bearing poetry and names, the significance of which was lost on them.
Just then a small dog yipped up to heel, bouncing around them eagerly for attention. Then it bit one of their hands off an ran away to bury it. Already sorely lacking in parts from their last battle they gave chase, digging down into the graveyard after it.
At the bottom of the boneyard they fell into a great Ossuary where the skull lined catacomb walls sang a dirge to herald their entrance. There a very thirsty savant greeted them by throwing the iron maiden she was chained to at them. This was a fight that would have difficult at full health and no madness. Himme Ophelia was built to protect everything but her body and get bonuses to damage as each limb was destroyed; her iron maiden (coffin) helping to absorb blows while she attacked from anywhere in range with her chains (razor wire), etc.

Still, thanks to there not being many enemies and some lucky rolls, they were able to focus her down and keep her pinned. She simmered into a selfish tantrum which they quelled by giving her a bottle of communion wine they found in the church above while searching for treasures. Thankful and placated, she answered some questions. She didn't know how long she'd been here, only that she was VERY thirsty, that she'd been brought here after she killed and drank many dolls, and that she couldn't leave. If she tried, Alice got angry with her and punished her. Recognizing how powerful their defeated Savant friend was, they offered to help her escape in exchange for one teensy, tinsy, itty bitty little favor.

Help them kill Alice.
Together with their new friend they wandered through the graves until the landscape began to warp and twist - the ticking of clocks a sign that they were drawing unwisely looked for attention.
In an act of defiance they shattered one of the clocks, shooting at the moon in >>94143716
with a gun.

A familiar face did indeed come to answer their summons, but it was not the Alice they expected...
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Duplicate file exists. here.
Despite being able to easily force Alice's hands, it didn't occur to the dolls how out of their reckoning they were until the world went black.
They likely would have preferred it to have been over quicker. One by one they succamb to the entities onslaught; powerful physical attacks, spirit attacks, abilities that stopped time, summoned foes and resurrected new foes from dead ones... and Ophelia turning coward and fighting for the winning side.
Meredith, flooded with memories of being one of the first undead to rise during the apocalypse and torturing humans to create her own dolls, realized that she was well on the path to becoming a Necromancer, something like Alice, and buckled under her madness. Fleur went down fighting, pierced by a cake fork and lifted to a pair of smiling lips. The taste of victory was bittersweet.
Harley leaped into the void to escape, haunted by the smile of her littlest sister just as she fled and left them behind.

Near tpk. They were not intended to win this encounter. It was an attempt to rebalance the party as I'd accidentally allowed them to become too strong. Still, it was a good natural middle to the game and everyone made new girls to continue with.
Several months later found Harley in a toy store in a dead city, trying her best to pick up the pieces and move on. Two other dolls found her trying her tending to the dusty shelves and sweeping the floors.
Teema - Sorority Thanatos Gothic - tiger girl
Velvet - Junk double Stacy - hairdrills girl with Really Big Knife
Harley at first hid when she heard the sound of rusty metal scraping along the concrete outside, but as the two dolls faced off in the street and were likely about to kill one another, the plush rabbit intervened. She ushered them into her store, trying to make nice by selling them toys, but neither were particularly interested. The commotion awoke something in the attic. Harley heard it first; a tick-tick-ticking and then a chime, and covered her ears as something with long clockwork legs smashed through the ceiling to take everything away from her all over again.
Not content to let a fight pass them by, the other two dolls came to her aid and filled the shop with gears and stuffing.

Harley explained after the carnage that Alice wanted her dead. Teema offered to help her find a new place to hide or to stick with her if She showed up again, but Velvet derisively told her she probably deserved it. Velvet had been trying to earn Alice's favor her entire unlife, and now because she'd even gotten close to Harley, she was probably doomed too and would never get a Wonderland now. Typical. She followed along on the new adventure despite her chances.
The dolls began wandering through the streets in search of something, anything that could lead them to Alice herself without direct confrontation. None of them knew who or what she was, only knowledge could keep them safe.

Eventually, after scaling a scorched sksycraper and passing by many carbonized bodies in the streets, they spied what looked like a library at the heart of the city - a ghostly shape with a violin seeming to guide their journey to it.
There they found a party of savants all ready to meet them.
A clown girl named Mustard with skeletal hands who spoke in burger joint jargon, a tortured whisp of consciousness named Tatters with no way to express herself other than her frantic viol playing, a brooding centipede samurai named Bushishe Wannabe, and a slow-of-wits bioweapon going by the designation Bernadette 4 stood in their way. Each of them wanted to kill Harley, explaining to the other girls that the doll who did it would be rewarded with a wonderland of her own. Harley's new friends, despite just meeting her, did not allow it. Velvet likely would have turned on Harley that instant if Bushishe wasn't such a mouthy fucking bitch.
During the fight, Bernadette entered a second form as she took damage, but the dolls overcame their maddened counterparts with some pretty good strategy. If I remember right they were made as counters. Mustard could throw other tokens and herself across the field, bushishe was extremely deadly and precise and had a poison rider to most of her attacks - but her shitty attitude got her smoked by velvet before she could make two turns. Tatters was all spirit attacks and bernadette was a nasty tank.

Mustard, speaking through her carousel horse treasure now than her body was destroyed, lamented her new sisters fate, saying she'd actually already gotten her wonderland but hated it. Velvet put her out of her misery as she degenerated and asked if she could take their order like a broken record.
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Once inside the library they encountered their first BOY savant. All the dolls fell head over heels for him exactly as planned.

He acted as a memory merchant; dolls could pay him a treasure or three body parts in exchange for a memory. Surprisingly, no one took him up on the offer. They did however question him about Alice - a subject he was loathe to speak up. He revealed that he knew quite a lot about her, in fact he was one of her favorites (Velvet grew very jealous), but that his information was extremely confidential as she didn't want strangers to know all about her. She's "shy" as he put it. He agreed to help them if they could find him some information missing from his collection and prove they were trustworthy - and so they set off once again after a rather sleepless night.
While searching somewhat aimlessly for this, the dolls spotted something they'd never seen before! Shambling, faceless shapes that ran -away- from them rather than towards them in a fit of bloodlust!

Intrigued, they gave chase, driving the frantic crowd of creatures (which smelled good, by the way) towards a bridge on the outskirts of the city. Ash began to fall as they drew close, unable to understand why the creatures were so deathly afraid of them... until their guardians came to defend them. It was here they realized what they were; the living. Survivors of whatever conflict had made their world, desperate to escape from the nightmares that walked it.
Rather than be the baddies, they opted to back off - following the 'dragon' the soldiers and elephant men had rode in on into the wastes on foot after it had picked up the innocents.
(fun fact, the bridge was actually one of the earliest stages I made for the game. I didn't think it would see use, which was a shame because it was a PAIN IN THE FUCKING ASS to find a picture of a suspension bridge from the side.)

Following the helicopter's path through the sky, they walked for a few days before coming to a MASSIVE concrete wall. After a few trips around the structure, they finally saw a sign of life; an Elephant Man from before descending from the wall on a lift to chase them off with his flamethrower. They explained that they weren't there to cause any trouble, they just wanted to see if they could find some information about what was happening - maybe even be helpful.
He grunted and called it in, letting them ride up and over the wall with him. There they saw row upon row of bloc style housing, terrified and hollow eyed humans peering out at them from their windows and doorways in the hundreds. It dawned on them that no matter where they looked, there were no children like them - only the old and the very old.
The elephant man lead them to a bunker and stopped them before letting them go. He offered them a cigarette, which Velvet took. He recognized them for what they were; children. He admitted to them he knew he was sending them to their deaths. Wherever they were, it was not a sanctuary. He asked them to burn it down.

They entered the lab beneath the complex, messed around and got drunk on some chemicals (Teema especially, ambalming fluid yummy), and found themselves speaking to someone Harley remembered vividly killing. Dr. Oxide congratulated them for making it this far, and explained that he needed their help to stop Alice.
Despite not trusting them, they began to follow him into the lab... but let their guard down.
A steel wall separated the party as gas poured into the chamber, Oxide attempting to neutralize the doll that entered Elysium.
Pic related
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Is she loading a Bible into that gun?
The party had split itself up and fallen into a trap. Velvet was already on the opposite side of the door the good doctor held open for her, stuck on a conveyer belt that led directly into a wall of lasers. The plan, evidently, was to use them for parts. Oxide explained as they killed him and his soldiers that if he
did it once, he could do it again.'

This room was really funny. The belt on the floor forced a roll to keep from moving into Hades. If you failed, you took two damage, and the soldiers would use Kick (cant remember the actual attack name) to deal one damage and force you BACK into Limbo if you entered their space as a reaction. Thus, Velvet got absolutely fucked for parts.
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holy shit I didnt notice that, that's awesome
My dolls fought their way deeper into the lab, but knew they were beaten. This was it. They were too damaged to clear Tartarus and it had taken so long to get here they were already on the cusp of madness. They rp'd taking a break, and operating on some in character and out of character knowledge and a little hinting from the necromancer (:)), Velvet reached into her picnic basket for one of her treasures.
She pulled out a stopwatch and flipped it open, wanting to talk to Alice through the clock... only for a clockwork leg to shatter the glass and a cavalcade of horrors to flood out of the tiny opening.
Dr. Oxide, who had been taunting them on the intercom that they should give up and "help" him, revealing that he was completely in control of the situation and that there were at least a dozen clones of him in the facility, realized immediately what was happening and sent the structure into full lockdown.
Alice, it had been revealed, could see through clocks. The humans here had gone without a mechanized way to tell time since their sanctuary had been created. She was waiting, very patiently, to get in.

On the way out of the wreckage, they found the elephant man leading the survivors to freedom outside the walls. He explained to them that the doctor had been taking their children to try and create an Alice - and now humanity might be able to rebuild instead of repeating its mistakes. With a cigarette handed to Velvet and a headpat each, they said farewell.
Returning to the library, the party met Christoph once again and spent the night. Despite being glad to see them safe and sound again, he was extremely sour that they ONLY came back to learn about Alice and not to spend time with him. He was used to that, and he thought they were different. Still, he helped direct them to where they needed in the library. He also suggested they try to find some flowers in the city if they wanted to talk to Alice, Harley admitting they'd hurt her feelings and wanted to make up for it - but leaving it at that.
They discovered the following pieces of lore:
-World War 3 happened and almost ended civilization. It was, however, stopped, and life moved on. The slime mold of Nechronica lore was lifted into the game as an artificially created black goo supercomputer that could access the human psyche - reanimating dead tissue and bestowing a semblance of sentience upon it. The zombie outbreaks for WWIII were horrific and science vowed never again to allow such an atrocious conflict.
-In their attempt to stop all war, the greatest minds of the age sought to create the perfect weapon. A weapon that knew when it was needed, how much force was needed, and which was powerful enough to pacify the entire world if need-be. To do this they inducted many, many children into a program to cultivate psychic ability and tap into the black goo supercomputer structure. These girls were subjected to terrible tortures to awaken their latent godhood.
-The final newscasts of the world stated that strange flowers had begun to bloom the world over, rapidly spreading towards human population centers.
They found a video projector and a roll of film in the library which had an uncomfortably familiar scientist revealing that these secret experiments had succeeded. He admitted to his crimes against humanity, and he apologized because despite their best efforts, they could not stop her. As the reel devolved into chaos and nuclear fire, it cut to footage of a small girl in a white sundress and straw hat, spinning and dancing in a field of sunflowers. Along with this, they realized that a recurring detail in the setting, that every clock had 13 hours, was a subconscious tick of Alice. She only had 13 years to live. She was dying. I wish I mentioned this earlier.

The party, harley especially, realized how much they'd been fucking up the entire time. Alice was ONCE a girl like them. She'd known nothing but pain and terror her entire life, and when she woke up with the ability to make the world of her dreams, it naturally became a waking nightmare.
They went to bed, planning to do as much as they could to apologize to her the next day and make things right...

But she got their first.
She came to Christoph, and though they didn't see her they did hear her crying. He confronted them, angrily, teary eyed, and shouted at them for using him to hurt her. He wouldn't let them hurt Alice, they'd never leave his wonderland... but he would put them back together afterwards, as best he could. He'd make it better. He promised.
Desperate to keep just one friend through all of this, the dolls talked Christoph out of killing them - rolling to heal madness with conversation checks and prove he could trust them. Yes, I know this was against one of Nechronica's core rules. Yes, I regret it. They Steven Universed my fucking game in every encounter after this one, but at least it was still fun.

Christoph gave them as dignified an apology as he could despite having his library trashed and his 'model collection' (something velvet was absolutely revolted by) smashed through. They spent another night at the library, working together to figure out what to say to Alice to earn her trust. Christoph was sure that with his help, they could. She was just afraid, and he was her favorite, after all...

In the night, She came to Velvet. Velvet had been looking for her wonderland for so, so long. She was so sorry she ignored her, she must have been SO lonely... but now it was alright. Now she could have what she wanted, and she could be her NEW favorite.
If she killed her sisters and her brother.
The library quaked around the girls, waking them from their sleep as shelves toppled and floorboards rent - a mountain range of cakes and sweetness jutting out of the earth as far as the eye could see. A special tea party, just for Velvet...
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This ploy should have worked. Afterall, it would be so easy for Velvet to do. It wasn't even the first time!
All along, Velvet's memory fragments had fallen perfectly in place for what her player wanted. She'd learned of Alice very early into the end of the world, and thought that only the strongest dolls got Wonderlands. To escape the awful world and earn Alice's love, she'd poisoned all of her sisters at a teaparty full of fluffy cakes they'd baked together. Alice watched all of this unfold - and though she gave wonderlands to the most damaged and dangerous dolls to keep them out of trouble, Velvet was different.
Velvet was the first doll Alice grew to hate. Velvet was what finally showed alice there was no good in the world. Velvet was a monster, and once, long ago, Alice tried her absolute best to kill her. She settled for leaving her broken, thinking the girl would have learned from the experience... but suspected she wanted revenge when she met with the only doll who'd ever dated to -hurt- her.

Sisterhood is better than empty calories. Velvet couldn't do it, and enraged, Alice fled. Christoph, who probably would have been happy to lie down and die, instead lead the dolls to Alice's location on earth. Over a mountain covered in corpses and treasures. It was hinted much earlier in the game that parents all over the world suddenly abandoned their children when the world ended, leaving them to die alone and cold and hungry and afraid. This event created many of the dolls in the world, as Alice's awakening stagnated the human souls ability to reincarnate/pass on and created a spiritual mire out of time and space where the dead returned. The parents had died here, trying to take gifts to a scared little girl crying out for her mother and father when the world rained fire down on the flowers she tried to offer it.
At the heart of the mountains they found a field of golden flowers under a clear blue sky filled with frozen shooting stars. Alice waited for them at its center; a young girl with one arm in a pretty white dress. She told them to go away, but they refused and tried to earn her trust.

She threw everything she had at them, starting with the pictured encounter. The nutcracker had a lot of high damage attacks and a special, custom ability; he could reset his initiative after count 5 once per turn and take an entire half a turn on top of his regular turn. VERY nasty, had to be dispatched as fast as possible or he'd have caved everyone in.
They notably did not attack Alice - attempting to talk her down like they did Christoph.

She didn't like that.
The wonderland tore down around them as Alice did the classic boss rush bullshit maneuver and called upon the trapped memories of Harley's previous sisters to try and crush her spirit. In the end they were able to prove to her they meant her no harm and only wanted to help, and finally, despite fighting for her life, she gave up. She could only fight so much.

She opened a way to her field, a greenhouse replacing the pillars at its center. Inside was a hospital bed with a frail, emaciated girl hooked to a military industrial amount of life support.
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Alice was dying in terrible pain for years. She split her consciousness into tiny shards trying desperately to give dolls that needed it a place where no one could hurt them, or where they couldn't hurt each other. She'd done everything she could to make the world better after ruining it by accident, and now she was defenseless.

Rather than death and pain, she found warmth and quiet as the dolls comforted her. They offered to help her, and unconsciously the four of them formed a pact. Alice passed on her powers to them - too great for her mind alone to house but easily withstood by three separate brains. They became the new Alices, each accepting a cosmic role as a guardian, a healer, and a builder.
Harley became the seamstress of new Wonderlands, tailoring them to each new doll far better than Alice could with her mind so occupied.
Teema began healing the warped and broken world, restoring it to some semblance of normalcy... but adding her own twists here and there.
And Velvet, who endured more pain than anyone else, was able to understand and withstand the agony of the fractured human psyche; transcending or perhaps descending into the alternate dimension made up in the quantum computer outside of reality that mankind's collective soul had found itself trapped in.

And Alice got to dance in the flowers while Christoph smiled and watched.

This has been a disjointed storytime of Nechronica - Teramira.
Thank you for reading.
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An aside on this, those shooting stars were ICBMs that Alice was holding frozen in orbit when the governments of the world tried to nuke her. Most of them she sent back, but those ones she kept suspended. Had the players opted to kill her, they would have walked out into a smouldering crate as far as the eye could see with sunflower petals fluttering down all around them.
Hells of a campaign, I'ld say.

dang wish I was confident enough to participate, but eh.

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