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The Week That Was: Where Dreams Become Reality

Metagame Mentor: Discussing Pioneer with Bloomburrow


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whats your favorite 2/1 creature?
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WIZARDS!??! HELLO!?!??!!??
Bitch I don't fucking know??????????
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>The bans will be reverted. My investments are safe. The bans will be reverted. My cardboard isn't worthless. The bans will be reverted...
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I'm a very novice player, but it seems to me like these two would have some synergy. Am I wrong in thinking that?
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Good thread.
Not really, they both threaten to get big eventually but mothman has flying and is much more likely to hit someone
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Modern Green Devotion deck

how to make it faster drawing cards like emissary?
True MTG: Everything after alliances is banned. Everything from before is playable.
Premodern is already an established format, and a lot of fun. 93/94 is also a format, but I prefer "Everything before 8th Edition" more.
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>name card "violent urge"
>picture is literally a nigger getting his jimmies rustled
Nobody wants to play a format where Bloomburrow isn't legal
the hair looks so fucking bad here, it looks like they taped a cottonball to his head
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The biggest problem is that four color decks are now a thing. It means they really fucked up.
If Bloomburrow was banned from standard, I'm sure no one would miss it.
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Karlov Manor was terrible.
There were many 2/1 unblockable can't blocks, but this one was mine
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This is mine, I love ETB triggers
I thought LCI was the one that did terribly.
LCI was actually the most successful and most popular recent set.
Oh really? I guess I misremembered.
8th Editon to Khans of Tarkir Modern was perfect
Wrong. It should say
as that is the average player complaining about 5 cent pieces of cardboard.
This looks playable in Legacy.
>Make Ravnica
>But with niggers and detectives
>And focus exclusively in one shitty little house
That's what I thought too, but everyone is telling me that it's not good since it only hits your own graveyard.
You've clearly only talked to cynical 4chan autists who haven't played the game in a decade fucking EVERYBODY actually keeping up with Magic loved Bloomburrow. It was a massive smash hit. It's popularity even reflects in that recent grab bag of questions they put out. People would be very upset if they axed it.
If the bans are reverted the shitstorm Will be hilarious
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I can believe that Wizards knew about the Jeweled Lotus ban prior to the announcement. They pulled the same gimmick with Secret Lair Drop Elementals before Fury and Grief got banned and became practically worthless. These cards were going for around $50 and as soon as they sold out, the ban came. Same scenario with Mana Crypt SLD and Elementals SLD.
You have to go back.
With jews you lose
Sorry, I meant special guests, not secret lair drop.
Blocks sell terribly even VOW and BRO sold worse because they were set in the same plane as the previous set.
What are you talking about? Redditors constantly complain about wanting blocks back.
/ChanLander/ discord
I mean, no, it's obviously Bloomburrow of the recent Standard sets.
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>Wins 7 test games in a row.
I didn't expect this one to be anything good, but I'm really starting to feel the power of sideboard interactions. Sure, the things we're "Tutoring" for are pretty bad, but when half your cards tutor for exactly what you need, right now, a lot of problems apparently solve themselves.
That, and how "Learn" equates to "draw a card" fairly well, it's actually very difficult to ground out card advantage against a list where half its cards cantrip.

It's a weird feeling. These cards should suck ass, but something about how the never-ending string of tutors and +1s to card advantage really just... works? Hard to explain.

It does stumble and fumble a few times. Some of the opening hands are a little awkward. I'm working on it. I've taken out the Caretaker's Talents for now, they did work but felt too slow. Would rather just have more pressure immediately. Other changes made. A personal favorite, Candy Trail, seems like a perfect fit here.
>never-ending string of tutors and +1s to card advantage
that's just yugioh
>admits to using reddit
You have to go back.
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Not saying Elvish Visionary is a powerhouse by any stretch, but this list is really giving me a feel for the potency of Learn. Making me glad they probably had to gut it after the Companion catastrophe (Who knows what god awful nightmare that Learn/Lesson would have been if Companions didn't obliterate the idea of sideboard interactions just prior.)

But just look at this comparison. Hunt for Specimens is basically just an Elvish Visionary... except replace the "Draw a card" wit "Pseudo-tutor for a card", and also you gain a life when it dies.

It's a weird thing actually playing with these pieces, and realizing how actually crazy optimal they are. Like yeah okay wow a 1/1 for 2 mana big woop. Then you play it and, oh, yeah, turns out a 2 mana tutor that leaves behind a 1/1 and some life gain is pretty dank.

Very strange deck to play. Never played anything like it.
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This deck looks like fun. How useful is the Candy Trail compared to something like Eyetwitch?
yo sacrificing this guy to village rites in standard was fun
>How useful is the Candy Trail compared to something like Eyetwitch?
I tested Eyetwitch a few times and my overall consensus on it is "I want that card right fucking now, not when this stupid thing dies."

It seems like an alright option though, and likely I would play it if it had Lifelink or some extra utility stapled to it. Right now, the "learn right now" cards seem far better.

As for Candy Trail, I think it is an absolutely fucking turbo-cracked cards and one of the best cards in Pioneer right now. I don't think every deck necessarily wants it, but I think more should try it out. The only thing that would make it better is if it Surveiled instead of Scried.
WotC has been in cahoots with major singles retailers since at least the creation of Modern. Prior to the announcement of Modern as a format, SCG went around buying up fetches and shocks, then Modern is announced who held all the cards? SCG.
>muh reddit
It's not the 2010s anymore, grandpa.
Explains why you're retarded and sucking Schlomo's cock constantly.
is where you belong.
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Pre-War Formalwear and Lumbering Megasloth are finally coming to Legacy on MTGO
Dr.Who might be the last UB set MTGO is missing I think
I don't know how anyone at WOTC didn't see this coming. They reduced a fan favourite plane to a single stupid gimmick. That's also why OTJ was so poorly received. You take away the cowboy gimmick of OTJ and what do you have? A shallow as fuck plane with no identity of its own.
How do you feel about this take? I really like Eyetwitch.

I can't take that cottonball hair seriously. Remove it from the deck.
Speaker of the Heavens is there because the fast start with Leyline gets us pumping out 6/6 Angels as early as turn 2, plus he's absolutely cracked in topdeck wars. I don't think Eyetwitch provide that much value.

I dig the Village Rites package though. Never really thought about including it since Learn gets you so much free value anyway. Worth testing.

I really want to but man she's really, really good with this exact setup.
If you have a better option, I"m open to it.
Thunder Junction had a bunch of ideas that would have been great if they'd been developed further before the card-design stage, but of course that's not how they do it, they start with a shallow idea and then develop lore and cards at the same time as cheaply and quickly as possible because it's slop.
Day of Judgement. Because when you have all those tokens you really need to do something productive with them.
>Day of Judgement.
Now that you mention it, a 1-of Split Up might be some absolutely loose juice..
Which set is the most token-centric? Is it Bloomburrow?
OTJ at least was mechanically really solid. MKM's mechanics were all just really bland.
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Midnight Hunt's best draft deck was UB do to all the decay zombies.
>OTJ at least was mechanically really solid
There's like one good Plot card and it's actively killing two formats.
Spree is just kicker again.
I guess Outlaws are alright?
>EDH thread
Gay nonmagic shit, the real /mmg/ thread is here
Plot and Spree are good mechanics. Playability isn't really the factor (though a few are still played for both). Outlaws was fine. OTJ's biggest miss in limited was the bonus sheet meaning SO much removal.
I'm gonna get to play some Duskmourne Draft tomorrow. Should I expect good or bad things?
>Should I expect good or bad things?
It's pretty linear and awful and the strategies are extremely stale.
But if it's your first time you might have some fun.
It's the best draft set in ages.
lmfao ahhahahahahaahahah fuck off no it isn't
Bad things. I'd skip the draft and do something else with your time instead.
Name a better one within the last five years.
Kaldheim unironically
>literally if Cancer was a Magic set
Wrong answer, forehead
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relatively new, can i get a breakdown on priority?
it's someone's main phase, and they play a creature.
the creature has no ETB effect.
am i able to respond to that creature being played with a fatal push?
i thought instants meant anytime but then i was taught about priority, but even then i'm confused as to why the guy was saying i would have to wait until he declares combat to respond to his creature. is it because playing a creature spell itself doesn't necessarily count as a trigger, so priority doesn't pass to me and hence i can't respond? in this scenario if the creature did have an ETB, i get priority and can respond?
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The best answer is to go play some games on arena.
>bonus sheet card in every pack

An actual contender, but the existence of the snow archetype at all is a disgrace, given how trash it was. I checked and UB had a 46% win rate in Kaldheim, you don't get those numbers outside of meme shit like ally pairs in enemy pair sets.
The only reason I ever drafted UB in kaldheim was when I got a Narfi, which was one of my favorite cards in the set.
>relatively new, can i get a breakdown on priority?
After every game event (Casting spells, activating or triggering abilities that go on the stack), Priority resets to the Active Player (Player whose turn it is)
Only the player with Priority can take game actions.

Each Step or Phase (Ignoring untap and cleanup) begins with the active player having Priority. They may take legal actions.

If the Active player takes no legal action with their priority, they pass Priority to the next player in turn order.
When a full cycle of Priority passes occurs while the stack is empty, the game advances to the next Step or Phase. This is often shortcut.

>i thought instants meant anytime but then i was taught about priority, but even then i'm confused as to why the guy was saying i would have to wait until he declares combat to respond to his creature.
You can respond to the creature on the stack, before it resolves.
Once it enters the battlefield, the active player gets priority again. What that guy meant by "wait until he declares combat", that was just a bad way of saying "I have to pass priority before you can do anything."
Typically, passing priority is shortcut in MTG. For example, "Go to combat?" is shorthand for "Can we skip priority passes until my combat step?"
Which, if you want to do something, you respond "No, I have game actions before you go to combat" or something similar.

You seem right about your assumptions, but are hitting confusion as to the shortcuts. Basically, any time a player asks to go to the next step or phase or later in the turn, that is shorthand for them passing priority.
If you're going as far back Kaldheim then Neo Kamigawa is the best set to draft.
He said 5 years. I know everyone like neo, but I just wasn't a fan. I can't quite nail down why I didn't like it. Felt like there was just too much going on I guess. UW was fun to draft though.
>pick all the sagas and removal doesn't matter: the set
Well it has Ninjutsu cards in it so it's automatically good.
weeb votes don't count
BRO was great. BLB was great. THB would have been great if one single rare was a mythic.
If Ninjutsu was an Arab themed mechanic it would still be the most fun mechanic Wizards ever printed.
Green had good creature removal due to all the artifact and enchantment creatures that it could be maindecked.
>Green had good creature removal
I hope you can see why that's dumb, it shouldn't happen. It'd be like blue getting the best burn, that's a sign shit's fucked up.
Fedayeen sounds like a good name.
Just call it Hashsmoke.
I actually didn't play it due to IRL issues at the time, so I can't comment.
Mostly good, but being a pseudo tribal set knocks it down a notch. You didn't get to deviate much from the formal archetypes.
Legitimately don't remember a thing about it. Which rare? Dream trawler? Or the pegasi archon?
so when anything is on the stack, a full round of priority needs to pass.
so i cast lightning bolt target you on *my turn*. i have priority, i want it to resolve so i pass priority. you pass priority. the spell resolves.

now if you respond to my bolt with counterspell, i have priority (because it's my turn and priority is done in Active Player -> Non-Active Player order (APNAP)

in cases where nothing is on the stack, priority is still APNAP and if you want to go from phase to phase a full round of priority still needs to be passed.

none of this really matters because you'll learn it intuitively if you play at fnm or something. if you mess up someone will correct you.
Not this one. (Why is this shit worth three thousand dollars???)
It's rare. No other reason. Some people want the super rare piece of shit just because it's rare.
modern wotc card designers aren't skilled enough to design a format without perfect mana. predicting quad lands and quad fetches in foundations.
>now if you respond to my bolt with counterspell, i have priority
But this thing >>94052229 says that after casting a spell the caster has priority, until the spell resolves. And then after that whole thing resolves, you still need a round trip of priority to pass into the next step of a turn, so in >>94052175 's example he would've been able to bolt or push the creature in the first main phase
I don't hate it.
Would a 3/1 for R with no abilities be more powerful than Ragavan?
>complaining about the juice
>almost no real discussion of Magic
Yeah that's /mmg/ alright
Last five years?
Kamigawa has been the best limited in the last like 10 years
Wild of Eldrain had a whole mechanic built around saccing tokens. Multiple cards shat out role tokens (enchantment tokens) and BR had a rat token theme, even decks that just had a bit of black or red often made a decent number of rat tokens
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>favorite 2/1
This one. Because fuck you.
thanks fellas, it's starting to make more sense. i only play once a week at the moment so i'm just trying to brush up on some knowledge. arena bored me completely with the couple of hours i spent with but i guess i'll just try again.
>I hope you can see why that's dumb, it shouldn't happen
Green consistently has some of the best/best removal in limited, do you even play the format?
Black is more efficient/cheaper but green maintains the board presence, a 2 mana boost your creature for a turn and then it deals its power to a creature, sometimes with extra effects, is often better than a 4 mana removal often requiring 2 black mana.
I hear this about literally every set
Mtg is dying in every single store in GA. Even commander isn't what it was and the largest store in the state doesn't even sell singles any more. As popular as bloomburrow was it doesn't matter because every set following it is going to be nogs
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I like the secret lair basics, should I ask the chinese santa for them?
Is it better to just order custom artwork at that point?
Secret lair: pay premium prices for 5 cards, if foiled they'll be pringles after -3 minutes after opening the package
MakePlayingCards: pay bulk prices for a shitload of cards with any (copyright-free) image you want. No foils though, and i don't know how real they feel to shuffle especially when mixed with the "real" cards.
chinaman proxies: pay ok prices for a lot of cards that (allegedly) feel similar enough to the real ones.
Printer in the office + sleeves + the free bulk cards from the LGS free bulk bin: pay sleeve prices for as many cards as you want as long as the boss doesn't see you slacking off.

The options are as limited as your imagination. So think outside the box.
In 2010 you could be forgiven for not understanding how cancerous reddit was or the direction it was heading
Unironically posting on reddit in 2024 is a serious mental disorder
No you don't.
Absolutely nobody liked Murders on Epstein Island, for example. None of the sets covering Kellan's arc were all that electrifying (with the possible exception of Thunder Junction? That created a lot of buzz, good and bad.)
>the playform that sometimes just fucks your response window
Say what you will about mtgo, but it actually works the way mtg does
preaching to the choir, but holy shit EDH is not a real format. The bitching over bans that are nothing compared to standard or modern bans have been in the past. I repent of my mistakes.
Why did jitte get banned anyway
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anyone can give me some tips about this deck?
the gist is pop Doubling Season + Kiora/Bolas/Razek and win
Lower power level of creatures at the time. It would be fine now
>anyone can give me some tips about this deck?
are you playing casual or competitive? because if it's competitive, I think you should sub some cards and move to pioneer where green devotion can actually try to compete with other meta decks

I recommend that you don't play it. linear green ramp hasn't been a real deck in a long time.
how long until both generals have to merge just to survive?
we have slow days but the general is far from dying, specially with spoiler season coming up at some point this month
mmg will rise from the ashes
I drafted an Unstoppable Slasher and a Fear of Missing Out. Having a good time so far.
pauperbros my local meta is too unstable and I feel like I'm gambling when preparing my sideboard
last week 5x grixis affinity was the most played deck this week we got 3x ponza and 3x reanimator as most played
I feel like Bloomburrow was definitively a more impactful and powerful set than Duskmourn
It's currently banned in modern because of muh small creatures (and then they printed Wrenn and Six and Bowmasters)
That seems fine
Gruul Prowess is an extremely volatile meme deck and the rest are running the expected Orzhov good cards
Even the pre-duskmourn version of that domain deck was oppressing. It went 8-0-0 at my store standard championship, the only deck that had a fighting chance was dimir tempo with perfectly timed counterspells.

It's already being played by UB reanimator as 3-4 of. The card is already at 40tix (40 USD) on MTGO. turns out brainstorm+miracles are pretty good . Getting a two for one from a single reanimate is really good too, AND it gives the other creature lifelink. Its a good card for their game plan.
I think I hate playing magic
Bump the Arena threads, or this will become a reality.
It's funny in Pox but otherwise don't play it
Formalwear is a meme card and Sloth is actively bad
Bro was underrated
>thunderous applause
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What's a fun modern deck, all meta decks are boring?
Mill, lantern control, that one deck with chthonian nightmare and lightning skelemental
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>Formalwear is a meme card
it's a staple in every paper dnt list, if you want to argue that dnt is a meme deck, that's a different discussion entirely
>Sloth is actively bad
it enables a different, more threat heavy, approach to dark depths which I consider refreshing, I would love to play this list on MTGO
Ocelot Pride is a fun and balanced card :)
Just Bowmaster it :)
Drafted Red/Black and my deck was super fragile but I had a good time. Basically my game plan was play Disturbing Mirth a bunch, draw into Slasher, and make it stick. Folded to white removal but it was fun when it worked. Gonna have to play more to decide how exactly I feel about the set, though.
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>whats your favorite 2/1 creature?
based emrakul's messenger enjoyer
off-meta decks aren't viable atm due to the strength and consistency of rwx energy aggro. you either play that or play to beat that.
I don't even play arena but I'll bump it just to make sure arenababies don't come here
I play Magic the Gathering, so I will keep coming here.
you play bo1 freemium dailies babyshit don't ever reply to me again
Most of the people here only talk about EDH or the highest tier sweat decks, and neither of those are real Magic either
No I play bo3 pioneer exclusively.
DnT is unplayable at the moment
They need a new card to bring them back to relevance
Reject modern magic. Return to kino
How come abhorent oculus just spiked to 30 euro?
Good in Commander and it's being ran in a new U/W reanimator deck that people are big into rn
>fight tooth and claw to stabilize
>motherfucker just concedes as soon as it starts looking like a real match
fucking hell I hate MTGO
damn and here I thought valgavoth would continue to climb to being the most expensive one in the set.
>wait 10 min for a match
>naw dude you got this one
>you bolted my bird after all
Playing MTGO is actually bad for your health
Yeah, it's a really nice deck. Too bad I don't have cards for it, so I play rdw without the leyline
what's the problem? sounds like a free league win
Brothers war set packs are so fucking good for cracking. I've opened a good 10 and 4/5 packs are + value
it's only value if you actually sell it
Or use the cards in decks
I'd like to actually play the game not spend time waiting for someone just to have them concede at the slightest hint of resistance
I dont play leagues, they cost money
waiting 10 min for a free league win sucks too
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>I play when nothing is at stake and get mad when people don't take it seriously

I don't think even vintage queues take 10 minutes
>i play for fun and don't like it when the fun interesting game is cut short by an opponent chickening out instead of believing in the heart of the cards
fixed that quote for you
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Copiumbros in shambles.
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>I play when nothing is at stake and get mad when people don't take it seriously
>Dude just stick around and wait for me to slowly kill you
>the board state is not optimal for my deck
>must start a new game
>No you must ignore the writing on the wall and play it out
The last game I played on mtgo this happened to me, I 2 for 1'd his creatures with a forked bolt
we each had plenty of cards in our hands
the game wasn't even close to over
imagine not playing that out
>forked bolt

okay grandpa, time for bed
yeha now you see what I mean by the slightest bit of resistance? im playing fucking forked bolt
>forked bolt
That card used to be playable in vintage cube before the FIRE nation attacked
>I dont play leagues, they cost money
that's the point, it forces people to care about the game and not quit when things aren't going their way
I played a LOT of tournament practice games on MTGO, I know exactly the kind of player you're dealing with, there isn't anything you can do to make them stay once they decide to leave
I'm on Living End, Ruby Storm and Blue Belcher right now, they're all fun to me.
I think Dredge can be viable with no MH cards. I still need to figure out how to beat storm, but with Darkblast you can just walk all over energy decks by removing their cat and making threats faster than they can.
It really speaks volumes when probably half of the cards in vintage cube were first printed in the past 5 years.

Ruby storm is so soulless
I really enjoyed the gifts ungiven past in flames play pattern. Gifts generates such interesting decisions.
if your deck can't win from disadvantage, then you've built a bad deck
You can just make vintage cubes that don't use newer cards??????
when anon says “THE vintage cube,” he’s referring to the “official mtgo vintage cube,” which that statement is true about. Half those cards are dumpster FIREs
I half designed a preFIRE Vintage cube, but ran out of steam when I realised I have noone to play it with. The Legacy and Premodern playerbase at my LGS usually leaves immediately after the event is finished even though one has a self-designed unpowered Vintage cube - we haven't played it since last year.
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This guy's channel is a series of paper deck introductions that reminds me of those old live event deck techs like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEV3sTlnBEo
"tomb-themed deck," everyone at wotc should be in an insane asylum
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This really is a weird deck. Devouring all your sideboard slots means you can't bring in specialized pieces for different matches, so your maindeck has to be weirdly robust to all types of strategies.

After much humming and hawing, Greasefang proved to kick too much ass. We needed some form of 'yard hate. And while 'yard hate seems like a perfect thing to have on a Lesson, that doesn't exist. So, I brought in a few Callous Bloodmages. He eats 'yards, he can replace himself. And, most importantly: He makes pests!

March was solving almost every problem that Reduce to Memory was aimed at. So we've dropped those for a few more tech pieces. Rejiggered a few things. I was never reaching for more than one Inkling Summoning no matter the situation (If the evasion was enough to kill, we never needed two copies.) So I dropped one of those also.

A quarter of our deck giving us access to Environmental Sciences is comfy enough for us to lower our land count. Down to 22 lands to bring in more action.

Overlord of the Mistmoors is CRACKED. That is all.

Very fun deck to brew for, totally unlike other lists.
They already are. The inmates run the asylum.
Go to /edhg/ if you think EDH players aren't this retarded. They seem to think every deck is rendered non-functional without access to Demonic Tutor and Black Lotus (Commander edition)
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Where is the next set? Duskmourn was released ages ago and is stale. I need my next hit.
>every deck is rendered non-functional without access to Demonic Tutor
well in 99 singleton cards this is sometimes true
In like 2 or 3 weeks. As foundations is next. Same with Death Race.
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>calls the deck "oops all lands" and then in the comment corrects it to "oops no lands" when it's actually called "oops all spells" in reference to the cereal
those damn japs are incompetent, i'm gonna leave a comment on his video now
It's also a retarded slow format where people don't start dying until turn 8 so you could just play any number of slower tutors or ramp options.
>well in 99 singleton cards this is sometimes true
do you have any idea how bad at deck building you would have to be for this to be the case?
fair enough yeah
it's a FFA format with no distance, meaning the entire table can gang up on you if you even try winning, as opposed to only one or two players being able to attack you. In other games with FFA modes, there's some distance or other method that usually prevents you from being ganged up on, even stuff like limited/obscured information so you don't know who is winning and thus sho you'd need to bash if you wanna bash the leader.
99card singleton and 8th (and sometimes 9th) card in hand are the least of EDH's problems from a design point of view

Yeah, about /edhg/-tier bad. I understand now.
Speaking from experience, it is not hard at all for a lot of decks to get Delirium. This is basically just a DT reprint but I doubt most EDH players are capable of recognizing that
I'd be interested to see what a tomb-themed deck would look like, at least.
I imagine it’ll be this plus 56 good cards
Cards like Phoenix and Cauldron Familiar should be banned just because they fucking suck donkey dicks and are shit designs.

Curate your fucking formats, Wizards.
what format is this for?
>just because they fucking suck donkey dicks and are shit designs
by that metric around 95% of cards printed after 2019 would need to be banned lmao
>by that metric around 95% of cards printed after 2019 would need to be banned lmao
Yes, and?
I play Demon tribal, so I run this for the theme.

Yeah I was cheesed to find out formal wear isn't on mtgo.


I actually don't think it's bad, it's just that UB and Eldrazi and really fucking good. Mana bases are extremely greedy right now so taxes effects with non-basic land destruction would be a a strong angle of attack. Looking at the new White Orchid Phantom which would be good paired with Arbiter, but it's WW which makes it significantly harder to cast with the typical tomb/city fast mana or the Saga package. You'd have to go back to vials and/or use chrome mox + some other acceleration.
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Yes. FIRE was a mistake.

I'm okay with that anon. And I'm sure if tomorrow that happened I don't think there would be too much complaining.
the one or three ok cards dying is worth it for getting rid of post-WAR sets and also all the MH and Commander sets that warp the 60crd honest formats
I was the first FIRE card.
>5 mana do nothing (gaining life is pointless, only life point that matters is the last one)
>dies to bolt
no, this is not FIRE
It doesn't die to bolt, you need two to get rid of him.
>always carry two bolts
>the card that inspired hearthstone
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>splashable into every BR or UW deck
>stabilizes immediately against aggro
>eats any removal spell (including unsummon) and leaves a 3/3
>4 turn clock
>goes absolutely wild with flicker effects
This thing was more meta defining than Siege Rhino.
It's really a shame every lesson is a sorcery
God I hated playing against this thing with Restoration Angel when it was in standard.
>Opponent summons Thragtusk, they get 5 life
>Try to kill it with a removal spell
>Opponent flickers it with Restoration Angel
>They make a 3/3 beast, gain 5 life, and make my spell fizzle.
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>good in a dead format
This shit was printed in the FIRE era and was completely unplayable because how pushed actual FIRE cards were.
Quick! You must accurately post how many board wipes white has access to in standard without searching or your mom dies in her sleep tonight.
Too many
No ETB triggers, just cast unsummon or heartless act.
Source? I made it the fuck up
Not FIRE'd up enough
>Thrashing Thragtusk
>Whenever ~ enters or attacks, you gain 5 life and draw a card.
>When ~ leaves, create a 3/4 green Beast creature token and a Treasure token.
>the one RL card I own is starting to see fringe legacy play
feels good to be an investing genius
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>tfw we went from inspiring Hearthstone to stealing from Hearthstone and making it worse
>companions are somehow genn and baku
I wish
Been having a great time playing some classic 60 card DnT in legacy right now. Blue niggers complaining when I slap down Thalia T1 with Chancellor tax back up.
Have you seen any guides to building Jumpstart packs?
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What colors does he play?
im pretty sure ure not even supposed to run thalia in legacy DnT anymore
Why the FUCK would I want my VP to be someone who plays MTG?
I already didn't wanna vote for a couch fucker but this is insane
What if he plays domain? Disgusting.
If you can't see why thragtusk is stronger than elder gargaroth, you're a shitty player.
5c slop, he has no loyalty or soul.
>wow guys my political opponent is a friggin NERD why would you vote for that guy
This has been the most immature election cycle in living memory
>JD Vance plays MTG
Marjorie Taylor Greene?
Jeskai energy control, of course.
mono white
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>Palantir pays him millions to vote how they want while he plays Magic with the boys
I can't decide if I love or hate this
statistically speaking its some edh slop and this guy has never touched a 60 card format
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I think this is the JD Vance of decks
A terrible shame, desu. One of the big things holding it back is struggling to interact with specific things (Ygra, Parhellion II) at instant speed.
I'm fiddling with options. Some are worse than others.
Dmu has the lock down.
Bro has nothing?
One has the white twilight.
Mom has Sunfall.
Woe has expel the interlopers.
Lci has the artifact that transforms into the 5/3 flier.
Mkm has the no witnesses.
Otj has the instant speed wrath.
Bloomburrow has the revival wrath.
Duskmourn has the 3 mana wrath.
I guess 9.
>Dmu has the lock down.
>Bro has nothing?
>One has the white twilight.
>Mom has Sunfall.
I didn't read the post you are responding to and thought this was just some weird poetry about a family kek
BRO has Urza's Sylex
I think it's kinda funny that the one thing people here can agree on, despite political differences, that anybody who is a self-proclaimed Magic player in this day has to be a faggot of the highest order.

If he bitched to his wife about how fucking bad Magic has become in the same way he would bitch at her about where the country has gone she probably wouldn't consider him enough of a player to mention it. My friends don't even associate me with Magic anymore with how much I've ripped into it and warned them against letting their kids play it. I seriously don't think he'd lose any points by saying out loud how fucking bad Magic has gotten. This is always the case with these people in the public who play Magic. They are always the worst among Magic players being EDH players or hoarders with binders full of power that they don't even know how to use properly.

I feel so sorry his wife doesn't understand how much she burned him with what she must have thought was an attempt to make him more relatable.
Dmu has Karns sylex
Bro has blast zone.
One has The Wanderer and the Filigree Sylex.
Mom has Elesh Norn that transforms into the Argent Etchings
This adds up to 15.
idk 8
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>I think it's kinda funny that the one thing people here can agree on, despite political differences, that anybody who is a self-proclaimed Magic player in this day has to be a faggot of the highest order.

It's the weakest card in the deck until it isn't. I'm running her with Archon of Emeria and Anointed Peacekeeper, so suddenly when the thing they want to do (usually) costs 2 more mana with their fetches and non-basics coming in tapped then suddenly another 1 extra mana means they might not be playing any spells for a couple turns. Yeah, she dies to Bowmasters, but the fact they're using their T2/T3 to kill her and not something like my Esper Sentinel or Spirit of the Labyrinth is alright.

Yeah, I see people running the KOT package (Ocelot, Ajani, Phellia, Guide of Souls) but there's A LOT of combo floating around on MTGO right now and those things aren't going to help me fight them, despite being very fast clocks, and racing UB reanimator is much harder than before with Metamorphosis Fanatic giving reanimated fatties lifelink. I'd rather just not let them play magic.
Is the duskmourn special bundle not out for release yet?
>release duskmourn in september
>not waiting a month so it's near halloween
is wotc stupid?
This card has to have some kind of use, right? Other than causing people on MTGA and MTGO to snap concede, of course.
Halloween is a season, Anon. It lasts til late September to the end of October.
Just like how Christmas is a season that lasts from early-mid November to the end of December.
The Christmas season starts promptly at midnight on the day after Thanksgiving and not one second sooner
I kind of agree with you guys but I also think that September is the second-spookiest month.
Apparently he played Yawgmoth's Bargain
>Bro has nothing?
Brotherhood's End
What commanders do you think will be cedh viable in bracket 1? Im only interested in bracket 1 cedh now

wrong thread bud
This is P Diddy's Mansion. You're looking for Epstein Island >>94056679
We're talking about White sweepers. There's a lot more once you include red and black.
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oh my bad i didnt read the whole reply chain
So out of all the Room cards currently in Duskmourn, what's the most broken and what is just useless?
No, the more stupid decision was making Bloomburrow not even last more than a month.
Why must Duskmourn have some ugly fucking humans but have very cool monsters?
It's easier to create something horrible and frightening than something beautiful.
the same reason games latley have female basketball Americans with skin problems as lead characters
A lot of 80s horror movies were also highschool dramas. That's part of the genre and they aren't wrong to notice it.
Also, you totally can make a MtG plane inspired by 80s horror, the genres have enough overlap that a few creative people can work with it and create a cool plane full of original-but-recognizable elements. They're not wrong to notice that.
The problem is that you can't make a MtG plane about 80s highschool movies. The overlap just isn't there. The overlap between 80s horror and MtG is all about supernatural nighmare fuel, MtG doesn't lend itself to 80s highschool movies. Maybe you could do a card for a cheerleader if you set it up right, maybe you can even do a card about a meangirl who sacrifices her friends, there's no single concept on any single card that's completely unworkable in the context of MtG, but the way things panned out is that the "survivors" became the main protagonist faction and they suck.
Honestly, yea, the monsters are all a.i. slop with nonsensical limbs but they just decided to lean into it because lolhorror.
What's the best proxy service that looks like the real thing? I just want to make a cube.
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In order to make the Universes Beyond not look jarringly out of place, the mtg fantasy aesthetic has to be completely destroyed.
Capenna, Duskmorne, Thunderjunction and Fedoravnica looks so god awful, the 40k cards seem more like real magic cards than anything from these sets.
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Is it legal to call some foldable cardboard a playmat?
>run all colors because why should i have to choose
>playset of this cunt
>fill rest of deck with generically good ramp and removal
why is this allowed?
yeah, mats can be made of paper
Wokeness, unironically.
I find humor in the implication that I can be stopped
she deserves a standard ban
Deck for this feeling?
If she didn't catch one by now, it's not going to happen.
why is standard an eternal format now
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Pile of counterspells and an easy lock, that's what I do
modern jeskai energy ring control
>does literal nothing until you do something
>counterspells you
>boardwipes you
>draws infinity cards inside the ABSOLUTELY SAFE CAPSULE like some kinda smug-ass Pokey Minch
>still loses to actual good decks like boros energy ring aggro
because appeasing shareholders is the new meta
The problem is that they went too hard on the ghostbusters tech and dudes in vests with popped collars and shit. They just needed to interweave the goofy 80s aesthetic and the fantasy aesthetic better. Have the people with the ghostbusters tech dressed like wizards and knights while the dudes with popped collars are carrying around battle-axes and crossbows.
Pic related is pretty much the only card that even comes close to selling the aesthetic of Duskmourn survivors and I think that's because it's blending in some fantasy with that big battle-axe.
Because WotC is trying everything in their power to kill the game as slowly and painfully as possible
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>In order to make the Universes Beyond not look jarringly out of place
I think you're generally giving them too much credit, but also there's some truth there, the fact that they did UB lowers the standard for mainline MtG sets.
You're basically right. The MtG aesthetic has always been fairly flexible, but it's not TOTALLY flexible, there's a point where its just too much modern pulp shit and not enough medieval fantasy pulp shit. For me, the line is the soda can under the t.v. set, literally this whole card would have been fine imo if not for the soda can. YMMV
I mean, Duskmourn is a deliberate attempt to try and push MTG's aesthetic to see how far it can go. If the pushback on it is enough, they'll probably never go this close to modern again. Space Opera will still happen, but sci-fi is honestly probably easier to swallow for people than Duskmourn's survivors aesthetic.
Is the deck being played by the Viego or Gangplank here in this chat?
Not that guy, but I was talking about that card with a friend and their problem was that the speakers were too plain and mundane in comparison to everything around them.
I feel like at some point if you're going for the 80s aesthetic, even if fantastical, you have to have some elements that look mundane-ish.
Yeah, that was pretty much my opinion. Basic speaker design for the average person hasn't changed all that terribly much over a lot of time, so it's pretty easy to assume that the people of whatever plane Duskmourn used to be could figure it out, too.
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Thalia is a lesbian for tentacles?
I don't even strictly mind the 80s aesthetic as much as how much the survivors clash with the House's stated aesthetic and whatnot. So many of them look like this is a recent deal, not their whole lives.
>not their whole lives.

im finding it difficult to believe that you could hang out in that house for more than a few weeks tops before meeting a gruesome end, the whole place is so openly hostile the concept of surviving for years if you arn't working for BigV is wonky, planeswalkers and ex-planes walkers get BTFO after arriving but rando humans can chill for months?
Well, they were pretty explicit in story that Valgavoth doesn't just indiscriminately murder all the survivors, because that'd be like cutting off his own source. There's safe zones in the House (or rather there were pre-Omenpaths) so there was a sort of tenuous ability to survive.
i guess, kinda like livestock but even then it does clash as you pointed out that they are too clean,well dressed and seemingly in good spirits to be long term survivors in a colossal terror farm, i suppose it could be argued that as the house is plane sized now there are significant large areas that are essentially uninhabited and therefore "safe"
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does anybody have any flavor texts that make you feel sad?
Pic related
Who isn't?
Well, the safe zones weren't inherently miserable. Val's not stupid, he knows unending terror will eventually break people and broken people don't feel fear, they just feel nothing. There's sort of a pall of dread and futility around the survivors, but people are people and people want to live despite everything.
I'm going to buy into Legacy
there is a huge Legacy scene near me
any Legacy bros here?
Man, now I'm trying to find that pompeii graffiti where the guy says he'll love his girl forever and the girl's name is illegible, would make sick flavor text for a pyroclasm.
Ask them if proxies are ok, you don't wanna be spending 2000+ on just five lands before you get to the rest of your decks' cost.
yes legacy is the best format by far
if you want a really good deck to get into for a lower amount of money, painter is the one to go for
it's always going to be a good archetype because it's an A+B combo and also an Ancient Tomb midrange deck
VIII.2 (in the basilica); 1812: Caesius faithfully loves M[...name lost]
If they ever go back to Duskmourn, just cut the annoying survivors and focus on the horror aspects. Or failing that, actually incorporate the part where people from tons of planes are being abducted to Duskmourn and have the 'survivor' faction be people from Innistrad/Ravnica/etc. With a few exceptions, 80s horror shouldn't be telling you how cool the people being hunted are.
I still remember that one anon who spitballed the idea of a bunch of Strixhaven kids taking a forbidden omenpath on a dare and ending up way the fuck over their heads. That would actually be an interesting premise; people who have some skills but aren't remotely prepared to deal with the plane's bullshit, and more importantly don't have the plot armor that accompanies the latest branch of the Jacetice League.
Also, Wotc spoiled what little horror remained by just explaining what everything was. Like, just restrict what's known to what survivors have figured out, that way there's still questions and mysteries to be wary of and unravel.
The very first story beat had all of the main characters get what is ostensibly a 1up mushroom before even setting foot in Duskmorne, I don't know what the hell they were going for here.

Seconding the painter deck as a good starting point. It's a good deck with different lines of play, and I usually felt no matchup was unwinnable with it with some smart play (and luck). You can't go wrong either with buying into the Xerox package (Brainstorm, Ponder, FoW, Daze). Dual lands will cost you but any decent play group (I assume, I haven't played paper mtg in 14 years) will let you proxy expensive shit as long as it gets more people playing. I play on MTGO but almost everyone is a sweaty nerd on there, but it's by far the best way to play tons of legacy and vintage, which is also a fun format, ironically probably the most balanced, and broken format as well.
Haven't played in years, why were so many busted cards unbanned in Modern?
If we did return you would be disappointed. Valgavoth is now asleep for a century. It would be all about the survivors if we returned. It is basically the same as if Duskmourn was Shadowmourne/Eveningtide and the following two sets were Lorwyn/Morningtide. As the survivors are able to survive in part because Valgvaoth goes into periods of hibernation.
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powercreep has made them irrelevant.
get this; mind's desire got unbanned in legacy and sees no play.

"hmmm... maybe lotuses this year"
>powercreep has made them irrelevant.
isn't that a bad thing?

Name a single example in which power creep has improved something
Because nothing can live forever. MTG is past it's time, but still kept alive, so it's stagnating more and more every day.
>Valgavoth is now asleep for a century
That's just not true at all.
Valgavoth has Loot, the key to all, the map of the multiverse. He ain't gonna sleep.
>Valgavoth is now asleep for a century
>As the survivors are able to survive in part because Valgvaoth goes into periods of hibernation
Why do you guys keep making shit up? Are there not enough real things to be mad about?
Draft is no longer just a bunch of vanilla creatures swinging into each other.
Vanillas, or at least french vanillas, would be preferable as current ones are all design mistakes.
He does have periods of "lesser activity", but that's part of his molting process. He's never asleep.
Dutiful Bureaucrat (1)(W) 1/1:
Protection from Red and Blue.
Players cannot search libraries or look at cards in libraries. Permanents cannot enter from libraries. Any player may pay (1) to ignore this effect this turn.

Good enough hatebear for the FIRE era?
Yeah, so completely different things. There was also one anon who was complaining about how the Duskmourn story ended terribly because Valgavoth got mortally wounded, and I don't know where the fuck they got that idea from. I swear half the people complaining about the story haven't actually read it, they just judge based off the vibes. Which would be fine if they admitted as such, but no, they need to make up fanfic to justify their headcanon.
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>untaps, plays entire deck from exile

womp womp
Yea that one stings.
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Damn lots of triggered lefties in this thread lmao. He definitely plays mono W or UW.
I thought I had lost the ability to experience joy, but monowhite Caretaker's is pretty fun.
>do not type to me mutant
mono-white control, obviously?
>all colors
you may not like it, but domain is a selesnya deck splashing blue for sideboard cards
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is this the FIREIST FIRE design to ever be printed? How can pioqueers claim they play a good format when this is an autoinclude in every single deck
>autoinclude in every single deck
Let's get you to bed, Grandpa
>is this the FIREIST FIRE design to ever be printed?
It's pretty fucking egregious.
For me, it's the "Let's not setting the clone ability to sorcery speed so it can generate infinite blockers if needed." cherry on top.
>Phoenix winrate when they draw it: 100%
>Phoenix winrate without drawing it: 0%
Treasure Cruise is FAR more broken, format-ruining and shit than Fable.
damn I forgot pioqueers get to play with legacy banlist tier cards by virtue of their format being lower powered
>rev counter
Yeah, and it's remained banned even though Arclight Phoenix's winrate is INSANELY skewed with and without it. I say 100/0, but the actual statistics are like 83% with TC and 30% without it.
The entire deck is hard carried by a single fucking card, it's one of the most loathsome, uninteractive and linear decks ever to appear in any format in the history of Magic, and for some reason WotC is retarded enough to want to keep it around.
>floral spuzzem decides
No the fuck they're not. Draft is (mostly) a better experience nowadays than compared to years ago. Having intentionally shitty cards just to fill up packs was dumb, no matter how many excuses they spewed.
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>Draft is (mostly) a better experience nowadays than compared to years ago.
Good joke.
>Draft is (mostly) a better experience nowadays than compared to years ago
Easy =/= good.
Only bad players think nuMagic limited is better than when it was well curated to be skill testing.
The fact of the matter is, no game is at its best on the easiest difficulty setting. You're just playing Magic with training wheels and think it's better now because you can't cope with being shit at the game.
>Easy =/= good.
Yes, that's correct. Now try to explain how current limited formats are easier. What test of skill is present in those older formats, anon? Because recognizing that a vanilla 3/2 for 3 is a mediocre card sure as hell isn't skill testing.

Did you actually play those sets or do you just listen to people chugging down nostalgia?
Picking uncommon payoff for linear strategy and common enablers for said strategy is neither fun nor skill intensive.
Like, he took enough of a wound from a surprise attack via a method he had literally no way of knowing was a thing that he just went "fuck this, I already got a good prize as-is". Power-scaling's a fuck anyway, and Val's power is MOSTLY tied up in the House itself, so him being ABLE to be wounded is perfectly valid (they even showed the Wanderer more-or-less matching him in combat until he basically cheated), but it was hardly a mortal wound. More a "ah, dammit, that'll take a couple weeks".
Yeah, that sure does sound terrible. But what about modern sets?
ive seen this troll quite a few times and i think you need to add a bit of a spin on it if you want to get a lot of responses cause people are too used to it >>94064211>>94064059
>anyone who disagrees with me is a troll
Not even going to give a (You)
im just trying to give some friendly advice im not judging you nor do i mean to come off as hostile i just want to see people succeed even at trolling and i just think your troll is a bit too generic and not very well thought out to be honest :3
>Now try to explain how current limited formats are easie
I could write probably 10,000 words on the subject but the summary is
>"New sets are designed to draft themselves."

>What test of skill is present in those older formats, anon?

> Because recognizing that a vanilla 3/2 for 3 is a mediocre card sure as hell isn't skill testing.
Knowing when to move into sub-optimal cards to secure a better overall deck IS, HOWEVER, SKILL TESTING.
Yes, Innistrad draft draft was much better without DKA and tribal sets always suck to draft (see also Lorwyn, Ixalan, Bloomburrow). More news at 11.
>Yes, Innistrad draft draft was much better without DKA and tribal sets always suck to draft (see also Lorwyn, Ixalan, Bloomburrow).
They kind of do suck in the ground scheme of things.
Limited is definitely at its best when colors and strategies are relatively open, and any given color combo can lean into a wide set of strategies.
You can look at beloved draft sets of the past, the majority of them have very clear archetypes to build around. That's not new at all.
>Knowing when to move into sub-optimal cards to secure a better overall deck
This still happens, you don't need to print endless draft chaff to have that.
12 card packs are worse than 15 card packs
common cards used to be good but now whoever pulls more bombs wins
some sets are good for draft nowadays but a majority sucks
>You can look at beloved draft sets of the past, the majority of them have very clear archetypes to build around. That's not new at all.
KTK was great for its own reasons, none of which were the linear archetypes. The quality of KTK came from its balance and how intricate the game states got with Morph. The linearity of the khans was honestly a downside to it.

>this still happens, you don't need to print endless draft chaff to have that.
No it doesn't. Fuck off, every draft format since ELD has solved itself and been miserably linear and boring while also be incredibly, TERRIBLY unbalanced.

>"Beloved draft sets of the past"
Newfag detected lmao. Bro doesn't even know what real Magic feels like lmao.
>12 card packs are worse than 15 card packs
This I can agree with, but in the grand scheme of things it's less important than other changes which were good.
>common cards used to be good but now whoever pulls more bombs wins
Straight up untrue. As other anons have said and were complaining about, commons nowadays are stronger overall than in the past, barring really old stuff.
in making my supertype-matters custom set, is there a more concise way to write this reminder text?
>A permanent, spell, or card is Specialized if it has exactly one unique supertype.
Hello Boomers
Drafting Khans of Tarkir actually sucked balls
That is all
>Straight up untrue.
100% true.
Common cards being broken as fuck now does not mean commons in the past were bad.
It means the formats in the past were lower power, in which commons were extremely powerful. This is called BALANCING YOUR FUCKING GAME.

Vedalken Dismisser was arguably the strongest card in its limited format, behind only insane bombs like Ursapine. Vedlken Dismisser was a very, very powerful card.
You're just blind with power creep corn syrup induced serotonin deficiency.
CARD POWER IS RELATIVE. You do not need broken as balls bomb commons for commons to be good. You need a properly balanced format for that, which doesn't exist today.

In new draft formats, 10% of commons are orders of magnitude more powerful than the other 90%, because those 10% (Like Ikoria Cyclers) just happen to slot into the one archetype in that format that WotC fucked up and made to powerful. This is bad design.
Come on man, don't use ikoria draft as an example of anything. We can all agree that it's one of the worst draft formats of all time. How many limited games were won back in the day by having a locked up board state filled with french vanillas with mediocre stats getting broken by overrun?
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>Come on man, don't use ikoria draft as an example of anything.
BLB mice.
Golgari in OTJ
RW aggro in MKM
RIX azorius artifacts
>How many limited games were won back in the day by having a locked up board state filled with french vanillas with mediocre stats getting broken by overrun?
Very, very few actually.
Older, well balanced draft formats typically had stalemates broken up by precise interactions or very tiny advantages, like double-activating a Phyrexian Infiltrator to swap your worst creature for their best one, or a perfectly timed Vedalken Dismisser to strip one blocker and secure the last points of lethal damage. Sometimes it was as simple as having one low-power evasive creature that they couldn't solve, while the rest of the board was in deadlock.

Asking a question like that implies you just don't know what real Magic feels like, and have no idea what an actually well balanced limited experience looks like.
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>The quality of KTK came from its balance and how intricate the game states got with Morph
So what do you think of MKM? Disguise is basically Morph 2.0, what actually makes it unbalanced compared to KTK? It's not like this is some subjectively, nebulous thing. We have hard numbers.
>every draft format since ELD has solved itself and been miserably linear and boring while also be incredibly, TERRIBLY unbalanced.
The speed of formats getting solved has more to do with Arena than the set design. As for linearity, you can still stray from the archetypes of modern formats. In DSK for example, you can do UW well without having any eerie cards at all, just because it's the stated archetype doesn't mean you're forced into it.
>Tarkir bad, acktually
Really? You're going to go contrarian to try and salvage your point? Every time anons talk about good limited sets, Tarkir gets brought up. Innistrad gets brought up. If I asked you what you thought were good limited sets, are you going to larp about how muh boomer set was actually amazing for draft, despite not being designed for it at all?
>So what do you think of MKM? Disguise is basically Morph 2.0, what actually makes it unbalanced compared to KTK?
You mean other than RW Aggro being about 7000 times better than every other deck, unless that other deck has Cryptic Coat?
Let's look at 17lands.
In MKM, RW had 58.9% win rate compared to UB with the lowest, at 52.9%.
In KTK, WB had 59.0% win rate compared to UR with the lowest, at 48.7%.
Which one is less balanced, anon?
Well shit then draft has been bad since at least 10th edition. I was told that around the best era of magic.
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>In MKM, RW had 58.9% win rate compared to UB with the lowest, at 52.9%.

>Lowest winrate is 52.9%
For some reason I suspect the place you are getting your stats from is flawed.
Trackers can only get data from the people who use their software. People who put effort into researching formats and using trackers tend to perform better than those who can't. You can figure this out, anon. Any imbalance there would also affect the KTK data as well, it has no bearing on this topic.
Damn. Mirage is a reminder that nobody had a problem with black characters in MTG, just with the current smug basketball americans with the same 3 haircuts we get nowadays.
Do you think we had fine tuned stats back in KTK? I also find it funny that you're posting a color pair as an archetype for a fucking wedge set.
>Which one is less balanced, anon?
You rarely ever drafted pure two-color in Khans. These statistics are pretty shit, and your assumptions about them are bad.

People went WB when they cracked a good number of specific key pieces for a rather hard to assemble, but top-tier deck. It's perfectly fine to have rare, 1-in-100 nut drafts floating around the format, and having those "Feels good" win decks is part of the draft experience. Moreover, having those top decks be both rare, and NOT comprised of literally one single random bomb rare/mythic is good too.

UR having a low winrate, likewise, is ridiculous. Nobody drafted two-colors in khans, of course people who got dealt shitty hands and had to force their way into a bad 2c deck got shit on.

Your post here is entirely predicated on you not being able to read statistics properly.
i can tell you from personal experience that my balls was the best era of magic
Are these supposed to be examples of OP archetypes? Most of them weren't even the best in their set.
you guys are both trolling each other which is kinda cool i think
>Come on man, don't use [new set] draft as an example of [drafts in new sets]
wtf you literally are asking us to not prove you wrong when you are
Arena Porto?
To further illustrate how stupid the point you're trying to make is,

Back in original RGD draft, you had this unstoppable nightmare menace of a deck known as RG Auras. It was built on the back of shit like Silhana Ledgewalker and a few powerful auras the format had to offer. The deck easily had a 75%+ winrate in the format, it was a genuine silver bullet to all conventional wisdom about good decks therein.

But, in order to go for it, you had to hard draft RG in pack one, which was brutally bad if you didn't get what you needed. All the good Auras other than Moldervine Cloak were in packs 2 and 3, and if you didn't get them, you were shit out of luck and probably ate a hard 0% winrate that draft. It was high risk and high reward to go for this particular deck.

Having one deck with a huge winrate does not mean a format is unbalanced. Having an EASY TO ASSEMBLE deck with a high winrate does.
I mean, use a set that people think is at least decent to draft. Doesn't have to be NEO but at least DMU.
>noooooo don't try to prove me wrong with evidence, please play along with my idiotic trolling pleeeease
no. new sets suck to draft compared to old ones. that is not negotiable, and it is not an opinion.
I played in a draft club on Tabletop Simulator for a year or so and we played most sets, from the really early sixth edition up until Eldraine and it always felt like older sets were more about picking the least worst card of the bunch or relied much more on you knowing how to counter draft, especially when color hate was much more of a thing.

Personally, after playing all those sets, my favourite set do draft was the Alara block.
So was KTK a good format or not? Because it seems like you guys can't even decide on that.
different people have different opinions. this is an important aspect of human nature that i would assume you understand.
>BLB mice.
Middle of the pack.
>Golgari in OTJ
Middle of the pack.
>RW aggro in MKM
This is the only one here that's accurate.
>RIX azorius artifacts
Middle of the pack.

Stop getting your opinions from youtubers.
powerful flavor text
>A shallow as fuck plane with no identity of its own.
That's their strategy for many years now, hello? All of those new planes are basically "what if vikings/dinosaurs/cute animals but magic".
Try watching lore video on Mirrodin/Phyrexia and not cry from the realization of what we've lost.
>What if Cenobites but also the Borg in Magic
As always, the mistake stems from Innistrad.



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