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Dark Legions Jizz edition.

Previous thread

Resources / Rules / Magazines here

Miniatures can be bought here

An stl collection.

Scanners, doing Gods work.

3d modellers
Never noticed this before, in the Bauhaus source book for the 1st edition RPG.
Wow, talk about predictive texts
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Did you see his Trench Crusade piece? I would love to see modern Bonner paint some Mutant Chronicles art.
Imagining that art as something like a Biogiant. Friggin sick.
I'm not super interested in Trench Crusade myself, but I would be lying if I said it didn't look cool. Bonner being on board has obviously been a big part of that kickstarter. I wonder if Res Nova attempted to get him in on MC.
The guy is a fucking treasure. MC, 40k, Chronopia, Trench Crusade.
That's not as bad as I thought it might have been. Does seem kind of pointless though, the idea of "human essence" giving you super powers just reeks of bad writing.
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Why would I ever want Wolfbairn? Am I missing something?
Aren't they cheaper?
Yeah but they're also kinda shite.
>Why would I ever want Wolfbairn? Am I missing something?
'Bairns cost 15 points when pretty much everything else in the army costs double or triple that. Also read the second part of that "Equipment" paragraph again. Each squad of Bairns ponies up an MW12 heavy weapon for the support squads at a very heavy discount - Warhounds cost 25pts more for MW15, regular Commandos are +10 for a single point of MW and LD (plus a couple points of CC). Regular Bairns still have Commando and Team Training, plus damage 14 melee weapons. Lets you do some serious target priority shenanigans with very cheap units.
I have less than zero interest in Trench Crusade, but I will admit that it's nice to see some new Bonner art on the scene.

>I wonder if Res Nova attempted to get him in on MC.
If not, they missed a real opportunity. I can't imagine he's super cheap for his work, but damn even if he just did the cover of the rulebook that'd be fucming sweet.

That art always cracks me up, especially the HMG guy. I'm sure that was way most cost effective than getting individual pieces done, but it never fails to make me laugh a little.
>That art always cracks me up, especially the HMG guy.
That weird squat...
I still need to build my ezoghoul...
Angry shitting with your comfort Charger.
A laxative effect unmatched even by necrotechnology.
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Cybertronic Reavers. What the actual hell do these guys do in game? Their special rule is "meh" at best, their melee weapon is mediocre, their ranged weapon is decent if it DOESN'T EXPLODE and kill a few dudes, their stats suck by Cybertronic standards, their squad size is strange and they also never got models.
What am I actually meant to do with this lot on the tabletop?
Too expensive for chaff, too shit to replace any other unit in the army, they just seem like a unit I should completely ignore.
>he doesn't like the deadly RIPPER CLAW
Based on the ability I *think* the idea is these guys are supposed to be anti-Brotherhood troops, presumably someone identified that as a weakness of Cybertronic armies somehow?

That said, agree that they're pretty shit in practice.
Hmm they do seem pretty shite desu.
They kinda seem like they're meant to be both anti-Brotherhood troops and the Cybertronic equivalent of your Conscript-esque horde squad at the same time due to their large, by the faction's standards, unit size but they're not good at either.
Like other anons have said, I think they're meant to be a counter to the Brotherhood units, but they sort of fail at that. However, Sweep Attacks are not to be underestimated. If you position your units properly, you can put multiple attacks onto the single miniature of your choice, which makes assassination-styled gameplay more viable. Taking out enemy heroes or named characters can often swing a battle in your favor, or at least that has been my experience.
Personally, I wouldn't take these guys, but just bringing them for fun some time can't hurt.
Yeah, they're not so great in 1e, 3rd gives them a new lease on life, though. They're still anti-brotherhood troops, but their ability shifts from immunity to the Art, to just a bonus vs. Dark Symmetry powers. Their machineguns no longer have a chance to blow up and their reaver claws are pretty hard hitting, as well as being able to pile on the cybernetic enhancements.

I had tried to port them into 2e, but I think I'll revisit that doc and tinker with it again after this.
If there's one thing that bugs me about 3e, it's how often the weapon profile in the unit listing just tells you to "refer to chart" for special abilities. Just put them in the listing with the unit profile, you fucks. I hate having to flip back and forth trying to find what a weapon does because they didn't just fucking put it in the logical spot.
Why is one vehicle on a base and the other isnt?
>Am I missing something?
You're missing the surprising player popularity of Imperial, and the Wolfbanes in particular. Braveheart became huge in dorck circles around this time (1e Mutant Chronicles RPG came out in '93, two years before the movie; Warzone 1e came out in '96, the year after) and Sean Gallagher is basically Williamel Gibsallace in the future even though it was accidental. Wolfbairns, like the Mourning Wolves, are part of an effort to pad out the Wolfbane offerings to allow them to function as a standalone faction in an effort to sell armies to scottaboos.

Bases are nearly optional in 1e and have little mechanical effect. Those are even two of the same vehicle (necromowers) so there's nothing to separate them ruleswise.
Not to be that guy, but 1e Warzone came out in 95. At least according to the copyright date in the book.

But yeah, Scotsman with big sword sells. It's one of those weird things in gaming that is like a guaranteed high seller.
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read an ultra brief synopsis on the setting, and seems really cool for rpg.
can anyone give me a lowdown on the mechanics? is 3e good or should you go for older rulesets (i notice the link only goes back to 2e)? campaign stories or examples of play are also appreciated.
captcha: gay8gn
I don't mind the 3e RPG, but I do like thenolder version more. They just have a lot of charm to them.

Stories are usually petty easy to come up with. Cartel agents hunting heretics for a good investigative story, Doomtroopers in a citadel for an action story, or just a bunch of random people who get caught up in some wild shit since it's entirely possible to just end up playing an actor or a journalist.
Huh, now that's not a bad idea for templars at all, I've got a fistful of old SoB models that I've been looking for something to do with. Might give this a try myself, now.
has anyone played in the first corporate wars as a setting? reminds me of the thirty years war and i think it could be really neat to play as a band of mercenaries looting and pillaging as demons begin gradually pouring in,.
nvm demons didnt pour in until later my bad
Not that I'm aware of. It would require all the players to be from the same Corp to pull off successfully, I think.
>read an ultra brief synopsis on the setting, and seems really cool for rpg.
It is the cyberpunk future. Humanity spreads out into the Solar system. A handful of hypercorporations wind up in charge after we nuke Earth to death. Fast-forward a few hundred years, and we did 2001: A Space Odyssey, except the Monolith was imprisoning a sentient hyperdimensional being that can talk to machines. And make them lie. And go crazy. Then we "accidentally" opened two more Monoliths.
This went very, very poorly for some reason.
We managed to beat the hyperintelligence as a few people began weilding white magic (of some kind) and with its definitely not-Chaos-gods it laid low just long enough for us to get stupid and start in-fighting again.

A core conceit of the setting is that any machine that can make decisions of any kind will, eventually, turn on Humanity. There's a lot of schizo-tech, with a sort of baseline 1950s future mixed with WW1, WW2, and some remaining cyberpunk elements, notably bionics and weaponry. Factions are basically:
Her Majesty's Space India Company (and their Scottish pets)
Weeaboo Fightan Heavy Industries
Duetschland Skullmaskistan
The Robot Army That Is Definitely Not Bad Guys We Swear
The UN But Shittier (and their kickass RPG Protagonist buddies) who are the only ones who spend the majority of their time fighting demons
Anglican Psychic Ninja Church Assholes
The insigificant remnants of Earth
Cults dedicated to the dickheads below
Azatoth and his undead/transdimensional/crazy dickhead buddies. There are Chaos gods of betrayal and domination, spite, madness, war (he's having a real good time) and deceit. The bad guys use all sorts of fucked-up hypertech, aliens, and zombies as their footsoldiers.
oh, and if you're familiar with KULT, it's effectively part of the prehistory of the Mutant Chronicles/Doomtrooper/Warzone setting. Mutant is sort of a prototype of a lot of the ideas and could be set on Earth, Mutant Chronicles itself grew out of an attempt to make a cyberpunk supplement for Mutant with some elements of Kult tossed in.
Adding to the replies you already got, the 1e RPG is available in PDF on Mutantpedia. The mechanics are pretty unremarkable, a few gaffes, nothing worth discarding the whole game over. (E.g. hit points are based partially on mental fortitude which makes intuitive sense, only that's also the spellcasting stat so a powerful Brotherhood magician can get enough body part HP to get shot in the head with a pistol point-blank for max damage and not have a problem with it.)
>definitely not-Chaos-gods
I mean, you're not wrong overall, and there as a whole lot of GW imitation going on, but one core difference between 40K and MC is that the Chaos gods are metaphysical entities whereas the Apostles are ultimately just really, really big monsters. A lot of the tenor of the 40K setting comes from the fact that it's obviously futile to, for example, defeat Khorne by fighting him – the better you get at battle, the stronger you make him! In fact, you're gradually turning yourself into one of his servants. The grimness of 40K comes from the fact that Mankind literally just can't figure out any other way to deal with him so they're stuck in an unwinnable war.

Conversely, you can absolutely just figure out where Algeroth is, go over there and murder him if you're hard enough, as proven by the fact that it canonically already happened. He's only the Apostle of War in the sense that his particular schtick is making huge monsters and bizarre guns with jagged spikes on them as opposed to focusing on magic or converting humans or other available options; although it's clear that he has some sort of incorporeal/spiritual existence (probably as a fact of the Dark Soul?), the idea that you might be feeding him by fighting him has no traction. This reflects that MC is a much more cheerful, gung-ho 80s-action-movie roid-barbarian setting; there are absolutely no drawbacks to just shooting gross creatures in the face as hard as possible, and you should do it, and enjoy it. Sure, sometimes you'll get stuck in some horrible Aliens-type situation, but those problems can be meaningfully solved with your shoulder-mounted twin heavy machineguns.
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god this sounds sick
its a shame i have to tooth and nails my group to do anything new and were already in the midst of a 30 years war GURPS campaign.
This description is pure reddit, you should be ashamed of yourself.
>This reflects that MC is a much more cheerful, gung-ho 80s-action-movie roid-barbarian setting; there are absolutely no drawbacks to just shooting gross creatures in the face as hard as possible, and you should do it, and enjoy it. Sure, sometimes you'll get stuck in some horrible Aliens-type situation, but those problems can be meaningfully solved with your shoulder-mounted twin heavy machineguns.
Fair; I was mostly trying to get a summary a 20-year-old would be able to understand condensed down into a reasonable post size. The kickass 80s action movie part is very important though. As is the fact that Humanity already jammed a boot up Algeroth's ass sideways and broke it off.

If it helps any, John Carpenter's "Ghosts of Mars" is a horribly failed attempt at a Mutant Chronicles movie
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Got a game in with my newly painted Dark Legion dudes. I'm fairly happy with how they came out, just a shame they lost the first ever game they participated in. The old Blood Berets minis have quite a lot of character, for better or for worse.
>I was mostly trying to get a summary a 20-year-old would be able to understand condensed down into a reasonable post size.
Yeah, again, I wasn't trying to disagree with your summary overall or shoot it down, I just wanted to elaborate on a point I think is a key difference between the settings for Anon, sort of fill in the picture.
Nice, Anon! Is that Ragathol in the upper right? And what did your opponent play?
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>what did your opponent play?
They seem pretty decent in 1st edition.

>Is that Ragathol in the upper right?
Aye, mine came out ok. Not amazing, but usable. Hoping to get more Nepharites, maybe one per Apostle, since I like 'em so much.
>high tech, low life
>Pervasive theme of cybernetics and transhumanism in general granting power but endangering your soul
>Tension between all-powerful Corporations and their machinations with a small body of independent troubleshooters who perform unsavory tasks they can't be seen publicly doing
>Even the Church is a megacorp
>The Apocalypse happened TWICE and it didn't stop us from being shitheads to each other
>Really didn't affect much of anything except making us miserable
>Diesel and neon noir everywhere
>Weeb zaibatsu samurai faction
Really, there are only a couple things that don't scream cyberpunk about it. The Dune-esque -- entirely justified -- fear of thinking machines, and the guardedly hopeful kickassery in the universe
>They seem pretty decent in 1st edition.
Yeah, they seem to have a strong following among anons ITT as well. Lots of love for those Venusian Rangers. Well, better luck in your next foray, Anon!

Sweet Raggy, too.
dont be uncouth.
love carpenter films. how did you know I was 20?

also, what edition do you guys typically play of warzone? looks cool figures wise, and seems a little less expensive than 40k.
>as proven by the fact that it canonically already happened
You mean the videogame?
No, Warzone 1e and Mutant Chronicles both have it in their fluff that we went into his Citadel and kicked Algeroth's ass and the Dark Soul seemed to have disappeared for a few centuries. The Brotherhood was having trouble keeping a leash on people with no apparent enemy, and so people got lazy. Then they started ramping up the infighting again and (surprise, surprise) the Apostles came back. MC and WZ1 are set about a generation after the second big breakout of the Legion.
is that razide wearing a lemon hat
>also, what edition do you guys typically play of warzone?
In this thread? 1st edition seems to be the supreme game, though to be honest it's a pretty small group of regular posters here. I'm a 2e enthusiast and a lover of the Resurrection edition by Prodos, and even with that I'm probably making up 1/5th of the active warzone players here. In the wider community of die hard's who still love this game? Mix between 1st and 3rd depending on which part of Europe and the US, Resurrection had some good traction in Spain, Poland and Greece for a while, but I think they've all moved on or gone back to a previous edition.
>looks cool figures wise, and seems a little less expensive than 40k.
Undeniably so! Check out my scrambled links in the OP for some stls if you've got access to a 3d printer, there's also various kits floating around, as well as old stock at Prince August, to build an army out of.
1e enthusiast here and I agree with this. I actually sort of suspect that Resurrection would have displaced the older editions entirely if Prodos hadn't lost the license so soon. I kind of wonder if it's Prodos or Cabinet who are retards, but either way, if they'd been able to last longer I think we would have seen a lot more Resurrection talk in these threads.
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Nah, he's just got green brains lol
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I hate this site sometimes.
I sort of guessed from your posting style and the general time the game died. If you were in your late 20s or early thirties there'd still be remnant stuff when you hit grade school or first ran into a game store.
I prefer 1e, but >>94410023 is right - Resurrection was gaining some steam in the US and a lot of people were waiting for rules to break out their old models. I was certainly interested. Just not enough to pony up for the new models yet, especially since Prodos were acting really weird for a while when I did have the cash for it.

1e runs at about 30-40 models at 1000 points. By way of example? My Capitol guys add up to to 34 groundpounders, 1 special character, and 2 vehicles at 1k. At 1500 it goes up to five vees (all hoverbikes) plus two or three special characters and forty-odd infantry models. That second list adds in several anti-vehicle tools to the first, some pretty nasty infantry officers, and uses lower-priced regular troops to man a squad of bikes instead of the lone Infantry Captain tooling around with an LMG and a Violator for doing drive-by attacks.
Both lists have at least one Pegasus to auto-spot enemy models and feed their locations to a Hero model with a sniper rifle and the many, many airstrikes the infantry sergeants like to call in. If the other player is smart and pops the Pegasus/Pegasi quickly with a Walker or a sniper, then it becomes a very different ball game very quickly. It's also vulnerable to getting rushed down in close combat by Commando units and has exactly fuck-all defense against magic, I've had some very ugly rounds where someone got Dominated.

Anyway, for 1e you're looking at something like $100-150 worth of infantry but the walkers and some of the vees are much, much more expensive on the secondary market. Fortunately there are STLs for several of those. Stuff that Prince August doesn't have dances around $5-10 per model, and $20-30 or so for special characters or partcularly rare models.
I think it was a bit of both for Prodos and Cabinet being retarded. Prodos for biting off more than they could chew with the AVP license and for the failure to launch release roadmaps they put out in the middle of their tenure. There was a bunch of cool shit that would have driven engagement and market share that was just NEVER realised. Cabinet was never into long term branding, they got their wad of cash and stopped caring after that, for both Prodos AND Modiphius, and speaking of Modiphius there was apparently supposed to be some concurrent release schedule between Prodos and them for the new edition of Siege of the Citadel and the forces of Ilian range from Prodos, but that went down in flames with all the delays and setbacks for the SOTC fulfillment.

I dunno really how to feel about it all, loved the game, loved the interplay of the cards and action point system together, when it died in 2018 I tried my hardest to keep things alive done here in my region but by then no one wanted to care.
Which edition were you playing, anon?
>also, what edition do you guys typically play of warzone?
I started with 2e, so I have some fondness for that. I recognize it's shortcomings, and the lore changes are weird to say the least, but the nostalgia is real.

I want to gove 3e a try sometime. It seems like the right combination of 1e and 2e.

Wish we had modules for Vassal or TTS for those older editions.

>I kind of wonder if it's Prodos or Cabinet who are retards
Prodos made some questionable buisness decisions, and their AVP game really fucked them over. But, good Lord, Cabinet are seemingly hellbent on squandering the franchise.

Do you often play 1e at 1,000 points? I feel like the game sort of becomes unwieldy above 750 or so.
1st edition, it's my fav version of Warzone :)
I haven't read much of the earlier RPGs but my impression is:

RPG: 1st edition: a d100 system inspired by the Basic Roleplay rules. A little rough because it they were making up a lot of stuff as they went along.

2nd edition: very similar, but now it's own system using d20s. Expanded the game with a load of sourcebooks, some of which are regarded as brilliant (the Ilian sourcebook and the Cybertronic sourcebooks are highly sought after). If I recall, it was criticised for having some serious power creep issues with later sourcebooks being able to produce much stronger characters.

3rd edition: a very comprehensive take on Mutant Chronicles (except for the lack of Wolfbanes). This game uses the earliest version of Modiphius' 2d20 system (roll 2d20 and try to get under your attribute + skill, if you roll under your skill "focus' you get 2 successes instead of 1).

2d20 is quite crunchy and uses meta-currencies (the GM can generate Dark Symmetry to fuck over the players, but during combat players can gift excess successes to other players to let the party basically combo-attack monsters. Some people love it, some hate it. Personally I love it.

3rd edition has been criticised for it's additions to the story. My problems were: (1) the 1st campaign book is pretty bad, I modified it quite a lot for my campaign and did not use it as-is (2) it added a new "Russia Strong" faction led by the Durand brothers' super-secret sister, and (3) it tried to answer all the mysteries in the setting with some variant of "Aliens did it" - most controversially, there was a sourcebook called "Mutants and Heretics" that tried to add in an X-Men storyline about mutants being persecuted by the Brotherhood but also being the key to stopping the Dark Soul.
I ran a campaign set at the very start of the setting when the Symmetry had just been unleashed, IIRC that's about 10 years before the 1st corporate war?

It was pretty fun. Only took one session for the party to rip out all the electronics in their guns and gut their office and apartments of all AI systems.
Fine, it's cyberpunk but it is also the 1940s.
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>uses lower-priced regular troops to man a squad of bikes
>I've had some very ugly rounds where someone got Dominated.
Lmao, I can imagine a Keeper/Mystic team being absolute hell on that setup.
>This reflects that MC is a much more cheerful, gung-ho 80s-action-movie roid-barbarian setting; there are absolutely no drawbacks to just shooting gross creatures in the face as hard as possible, and you should do it, and enjoy it. Sure, sometimes you'll get stuck in some horrible Aliens-type situation, but those problems can be meaningfully solved with your shoulder-mounted twin heavy machineguns.
Honestly, this is a big part of the appeal for me. I've never been able to get into something like 40K's setting. Everyone swears it's the greatest thing ever, but I just find it a bore because it's all misery all the time. Grimdark just doesn't excite me.

I also really appreciate how, relatively, grounded MC feels in comparison. Yes there are extra dimensional alien hellbeasts, full on AI and cyborgs, and space Catholics with literal magic. But by keeping it confined to our solar system (and not even the whole thing) and having the tech be reasonable it feels more relatable in a way? More, for lack of a better term, down to earth.

And the factions are more reasonable. Like, the corps are dicks and Fight each other, ut also maintain trade agreements and will join up to kick down the doors of a citadel when need be. All while, st the same time, basically being the biggest threat to mankind. It just resonates more than "problem could be solved if not for HURR SUFFER NOT THE XENOS."

That and the drip is undeniable.
jesus fucking christ thin your goddamn paints
or did you mold that thing out of clay?
but nice colour scheme
I was curious where this image came from before, image searched it and it's from this blog, back in 2020.


This reminds me, Sisters of Faith with some slightly more cult-y heads would make for really great elite Cultists of Ilian.

Although I did have another idea for Ilian cultists. Take the Stargrave Mercenaries II box, add Checkpoint Miniatures' hooded cultist heads, and paint little triangles on the top of the hoods, and you've got three squads of cultists right there. Mix in bits from Frostgrave Wizards II and you have the cult leaders and spellcasters too.
I've been meaning to get some sobs to proxy as valkyries
If the Anvil Burning Rose minis had more of that skull-mask hood as a regular option it'd be perfect for Ilian stuff too. At least you can make damn-near perfect Blood Berets (the shoulder pads can never be too big) with the Heavy Recon parts and the beret+gasmask heads, Gothic Drum Carbine + underbarrel grenade launchers, and "Gothic Rotary Cannon" on the wrong arms. Decent Trenchers too, even if WGA makes better and cheaper proxies.
Did not know that about the anvil industry parts, good tip, anon. This reminds me of some photos I saw on the warzone - mutant chronicles fb group from this Italian bloke who cobbled some templars for his WZR Ilian force from Puppetswar bits, sadly the finished squad is displayed in a fb video and not as photos, so have a gander at this picture from his previous battle report, shots from the back, but you can see they're kit an impressive ensemble of parts.
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I can't be the only person who has spotted this:

>pic related is a licensed late-90s comic book about a war between the Brotherhood and the Dark Legion.
>The Brotherhood is a benevolent but heavy-handed group of magic users who have forced an advanced society to surrender their technology.
> The Dark Legion is an evil group of tech-cultists who invaded but were banished to another dimension by the Brotherhood.
> The Dark Legion return centuries later and try to use a mixture of open warfare and infiltration to take over society.

The author has admitted to basing another comic on a D&D Game he played in, but the Mutant Chronicles stuff has never been acknowledged as far as I can tell.
>but the Mutant Chronicles stuff has never been acknowledged
Comics in general are filled with stolen art, traced art or photographs, traced 3d models, and any other kind of shortcut an artist with a shitty pagerate can use to speed up their process. Outright stealing a complete setting and storyline is a bit bolder, but not that surprising. Hell, Marvel and DC used to steal each others characters as a matter of course. These days they are more preoccupied with stealing from the families or estates of artists that gave these brands their best ideas in the first place.
It's an entire industry (although much smaller these days) filled with scum of the worst kind.
Just like when Joe Weltjens watched the original JoJo OVA and decided to rip it off with his comic Diesel. Dude copied Stands 1:1 and even kept the names.

KtE is a bit funnier since the writer has spent 12 years on Twitter screaming about how he totally owns the Dark Legion concept.
What the actual fuck. Gotta admit, was not expecting to see this.
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Yeah, and then the author turned around and tried to sue Sega for, "plagiarising," all of that Dark Legion stuff for the JRPG game lmao
I love a good lolsuit.

And then, when it finally came time to self-publish his comic with all of the characters he won, which included the entire Dark Legion, he mysteriously renamed them to "the Cyberdark Dominion" in his new comic without giving a reason for the change.
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I went searching for the Dark Legion stuff, since I never read any of the Archie comics, and the first thing about it I found was pic rel. Fucking Christ, this is an official Sonic character.

The funniest part is that he ended up own pretty much everything from KtE, sans Knuckles himself, since Sega and Archie Comics couldn't write a proper contract, and he ended up successfully suing them for the creative rights.

Penders is a psychopath. And one of the worst professional comic artists I have every seen, and this is an industry that had Rob Liefeld.
>Fucking Christ, this is an official Sonic character.
There's plenty of good memes about Penders character design. He invented about 200 characters that were nothing more than "Knuckles except X".

But that's definitely getting off-topic.

Let me say that I *much* prefer Mutant Chronicles' Dark Legion. They're the perfect mixture of Hellraiser and GI Joe villains.
>>Fucking Christ, this is an official Sonic character.
>There's plenty of good memes about Penders character design. He invented about 200 characters that were nothing more than "Knuckles except X".
Isn't this the basis for the OC Donutsteel meme being about Sonic characters? The fact that the official characters are such spectacularly retarded chuuni bullshit already?
>Rob Liefeld.
Liefield is a decent artist who has grown in skill. Penders has fucking reverted from his 90's designs. The OC donut steel designs he put out semi-recently are nightmare fuel.
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Dear God, he actually had one of the original Nimrod Mk. 2 bits just.. lying around.

Ol' Ken has the rare distinction of being one of the few individual people who's made IP licensing actively shittier by his own two hands. He's not the nuclear-level catastrophe that was Sonny Bono, nor the hilarious kaleidoscopic constellation of serial fuckups and historic lawsuits that is the man, the myth, and the legend Jordan Weisman, but dear Lord. And he's one of the most innocently fecund lolcows I've ever seen.
And now that I have scale I'm pretty sure I have the components. Possibly the same exact ones.
>Nimrod Mk. 2
This one always gets me for Warzone 1ed
All that nuanced stuff for corporate equip - these guys do better melee but have shittier weapons, this corp has better assault rifles, these guys have a better missile launcher (by far).
Then, there is the common armory. I mean since bionic arms exist, what is the point of any other automatic weapon?
Ok it is costly but goddammit
So if killed, Apostles come back
Well, IIRC only individual models that explicitly indicate it may be armed from the general armory, so you can't just give your squad's Heavy a Gehenna Puker.
You are right that's a limitation.
>who's made IP licensing actively shittier by his own two hands
Nah, Penders was in the right there. The utterly batshit nature of his writings notwithstanding, the root of the issue was all down to Archie trying to assert ownership of work which their own contracts did not entitle them to. Penders just wanted to write his weirdo Mary-Sue the Echidna comic in peace, Archie spazzed out and filed a suit to stop him using 'their' characters, only for it then to turn out they didn't have any documentation to back up their claims, and by all accounts the working agreements meant their writers would retain ownership of any characters they originated
Heavies in almost every squad in 1e are allowed anything from their own corp or the General armory. To counterbalance, the shit in the GA is often very expensive. A single Nimrod is 64 points out of 750-1000, for example. Both the Nimrod and the Deathlock are max 48 range, so all the snipers and RLs (plus a few of the Corpo LMGs and HMGs) outrange them. They're good weapons, sure. They don't obviate everything else, especially when you had to do a lengthy conversion on a metal model to equip it.
Yes and they respawn fairly quickly* if I recall, although Algeroth's "death" for some reason caused the Dark Legion to hang back in the outer system for 1000 years.

This might be because in classic MC the Apostles has to explain their failure to the Dark Soul before they reincarnate (unless I'm thinking of UWZ again).

In 3rd edition, this is because the player characters in the first campaign manage to re-seal part of the Legion's power on Nero, which locks them away for 1000 years.

*In Ilian's case, she operates up to 3 bodies at once and if any of these Ilians are killed she can generate a new one the next combat round.
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I think they knew about wargames. Here's Tails fighting a badly drawn Leman Russ.
>a badly drawn Leman Russ.
Well shit, look at that.
There was also some comic (Venom? idk) with blatantly traced Tau skimmers, down to details.
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>those itty bitty drones

To keep this on topic, has there been any recent news on the Res Nova Warzone game? Last I heard,they were trying to sell tournament kits before actually releasing the game...
>those itty bitty drones
They actually look better as held by a magnetic field or something, I always wondered how those things manage to detach.
Those are not even traced. Those are Dawn of War models ripped from the game. In some other panels he is walking around between them. The drones are half size for some reason, floating in the brackets and the doors of the transport are off, so they just have a gaping hole in the side you can look through.

there was another comic where a kid randomly has a boltgun in his hand. Don't think that was even supposed to be any kind of special gun at all. Might have been spiderman or something like that.
>Yes and they respawn fairly quickly* if I recall
This actually is not clear; the early lore doesn't say anything about it IIRC (although maybe I'm forgetting something from the Algeroth Sourcebook, the Legion were never my main thing) and the comic implies that Algeroth is just dead/exists as an incorporeal being/in another dimension, as Golgotha (who is a nepharite of Algeroth) talks about "the ancient times when our master walked among us" or something like that, it's not verbatim. Admittedly the comic also does have some very stupid writing so it's hard to say how canonical it should be taken as.

Personally of course I'd just adapt this to whatever made my campaign better.
Boys, it's that time again! 20% off sale on warzone models from Prince August! I'm gonna be grabbing some Bauhaus stuff for my mates Christmas present. And maybe some more specialists for my Capitol force, I dunno.
Huh, fuck pre-Xmas shipping but I might actually get some Cyb and Legion to paint up. And possibly the Capitol GigaNigga.
Recently was made aware of someone who's made some STL Blight Commando repros, check out Invictus Miniatures for more if there's any UWZ heads lurking about looking for a solution to fill that hole in their collection. Pic related, it's one of the sculpts.
The reason they're so small is that model viewers don't display the drones at full size for whatever reason (maybe because they're animated).

Model viewers also show the side doors as really tiny, and IIRC when Venom views those vehicles from the side, they have big holes in them with tiny little doors floating in the middle.

The artist really did not give a shit.
>Templars of Ilian still not back in stock
Does anyone do 3d prints of the weapons?

I've been thinking of plastic kits I could use to convert big armies of Brotherhood / Corps / cultists etc... and the big thing that annoys me is that none of the weapons would look right.

I miss those Warzone weapon conversion packs you used to be able to buy.
That's been one idea I've been toying with, making weapon stl packs. But I just can't get myself started on it, I'm learning from scratch and it feels daunting to learn these software suits. I know it's not THAT bad, but it's still a learning curve to deal with. Check the scrambled links in the OP, there's a dude on cults who has some megacorp weapons they've built in 3d.
>Scanners, doing Gods work.
God fucking damnit.

I've just been made aware(and have since checked for myself) that this scanners page on cults has been reported and taken down. I dunno what's gonna happen now, but I'll update you guys on what the scanner'll be doing about this when I know.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but nobody seems to do Brotherhood weapons, which is what I'm after.

Iron Core infantry + Brotherhood weapons would make for some pretty OK plastic Brotherhood infantry I think.

If you feel brave, you might want to try some headswaps? Nobody does Brotherhood heads, and there's no tri-horned Nepharite heads or Ilian Templar helmets out there either.
Yeah, my ultimate goal for doing weapon packs is to have all factions covered and loaded out, rifles, side arms, support weapons, faction specials. Guns look to be an easy object to cobble together if I'm understanding these guides I'm looking at rightly. Heads are probably going to be more difficult but I am certainly not opposed to doing stuff like that, either. Having the squid helms of the brotherhood would be pretty baller, I thought they were so ugly when I was getting into the swing of things but they have that ugly charm that grows on you.
God fucking dammit -_-

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