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Work in Progress, "Are there any species like this hostile organism on LV-426?" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>WIP Tutorial Images Mega

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>4 EASY Chipping Tricks For Beginners

>Decal Like a Pro

>How to Edge Highlight

>How to use contrast style paints

>How to Paint with Tremors

>Airbrush Priming and Thinning

>Did IQs just ... drop sharply while I was away?

>Who's Johnny, she'd say, and smile in her special way

Previous threads:
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Well, got this model's oil washes and oil paint on the bone done up, now to wait for it to cure so I can finish her off, nice to paint something this month.
Also, to my match in americas, if you are in california going by W.C. santa sent you a message, need some extra detail before sending stuff
WIP Secret Santa archives

Suggs bare shoulder video
Are you normally like this or is this some sort of NNN malfunction?
Unfortunately it's pretty typical.
No Necrons November
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>tfw I have a unpainted 3rd edition necron army sitting in a box somewhere
I should have done non-stop necron november this year and just blasted them with spraypaint and a drybrush to get rid of my backlog.
>gooning over some third rate e celeb
kys, seriously
No Non-Metallic-Metal November
When people say to paint gold over brown do they mean like a dark warm brown? Is the difference really going to be noticeable if I do 2 coats of gold over grey?
Idk with your paints and how you personally thin them. I recommend trying it out.
>sober me doesn't know I ordered primer and paints
fuck him
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>When people say to paint gold over brown do they mean like a dark warm brown?
Yes. If you go over it afterward with Reikland Fleshshade or Darkoath Flesh Contrast Paint, you can get other interesting effects, too.
Pics or you know the drill
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Took Anon's advice and did an Agrax/nuln stipple but that just darkened the armor so I added a copper stipple and this is about as good as I'm gonna get it I think.
Yeah that's what I'm gonna do I guess
Oh no worries I've painted gold before I more or less know how to shade it. I like your Dante btw
the metallic effect comes from mica or aluminium flakes. The paint will have a pigment or dye in it to give the specific metallic color, but in order for the flakes to remain reflective and therefore look metallic it has to be transparent.
So the color you paint under your metallic paints will shine through.
Makes a huge difference.

The finish on the coat below is also a big factor. Applying metallic paints over glossy bases will make them more shiny, because the surface for the flakes to level on is more even.
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Looks great anon, that agrax nuln isn't really meant to do anything other than take off the flat sheen that you get from pure metallics. Works very well with that bronzish look you have there.
Personally I think it looks great now, compared to your previous image it has a lot more depth.

>900 seconds
I swear to god hiro I am going to find fucking cumfuckface. I am ogoing to stick an anonymous pneis right down your fucking cuntface of a cunt whoreface, I swear you mistgeburt cuntface I am so mad. your I hope you read this and your cunt mother and father too. Fucking japanese CUNT. fucking cancerous shit face of a irradiated WW2 treacherourous cuntfather I swear to god 2 nukes wasn't enough. FUCKING CU N T. Your tow parents and their paretns and their parents and their parents should have abortered all theiroffspring. the workd is a worse place for every bereath you draw. fucking CUNHT. Reddit up in arms over trump, yet you walk around scotfree. I swear on me mum if I ever meet you face to face I am gonna slap some sense in you you fucking cunt. And lets not get started on the cuntmoot cuckface with his fuckjing cuckcunt giving up on this website over fucking /pol/ vs girlfiriend virgin bullshit, I bet you are laughing your ass of at this shit cunt running this website into the grount arent you you and your cuntface. I SWEAR.
I often use Vallejo Metal Color line but their gold and copper have issues with being too runny and gold being more like silver-gold. At the other hand, their new Game Color gold and copper both behave oddly and easily separate. Any suggestions for better options for these two?
OH anon your package is in the mail.
Is there a good superglue alternative for resin that isn't as "fuck you" as regular superglue?
In what way is the super glue being like 'fuck you'?
Sometimes I use two part epoxy for resin, but I doubt that's what you mean.
Really unforgiving and annoying
Like if you don't set the pieces correctly immediately but the superglue's already activated or when I get some in a push fit peg and it activates midway and I have to cut the whole thing off
Or when it sticks to my hands and glues pieces of my gloves to the model if I'm using them
for plastic, use thin/thicc cement
for resin, use superglue with applicator bottle
for big boy resin, use epoxy
i dont mean to be rude but all those sounds like user error, yes its not as forgiving as plastic cement or pva but still

first you can solve with activator, second by actually planning where you put your glue, and third by not using gloves and using ca gel instead of the regular runny version

remember superglue sets faster the thinner its spread, thats why a good fit set its instantly like the peg you talk about
>sounds like user error
I know and I know what not to do now but it's just annoying
I'll check out activator in case I mess up again
if you get an activator with a sprayer dont actually use the sprayer, get a tootpick or dropper and just place drops on top of the glue
if you mist it it will get everwyhere and you will fuck the glue in the bottle too
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holy water servitor
>spray prime a squad
>think i got everything, set them down to cure
>check them after they've cured
>back of one side is basically untouched, the same spot on all 5 models
how did i miss this
Very nice anon, I like the colors you've chosen for the candles
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Took a small break from painting and /tg/ for a bit but gotten back into working on my models. Almost done, all that’s left is a bit of shading, some layering on the red, and a touch up to fix the mistakes before basing.
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got some solid progress on my death guard.
Will plastic glue still work on painted plastic or do I need to scrape off the paint on the parts I want to glue?
Oh shit, I'm the OP pic!
Thanks, anon. That makes me feel really good.
Practicing skin. No idea what these models are from. Got 'em in a job lot years ago, but they're fun to paint.
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it will probably eat straight through the paint but it couldn't hurt to scrape the connections a little
It's worked every time I have used it on something that I need to repair, just make sure that you only get it where you want it.
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after airbrush painting gundams for years i just bought a bunch of contrast and layer paints.
Im going to practice on my old first born marines that I caked in paint when I was 7. Going to strip the paint from all of them except one to keep as a memory
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I was thinking of giving this guy fleshy shoulderpads, but there's already so much trim and tubes on him that now I'm thinking there won't be enough black left on him if I do so, any thoughts?
I used zap-a-gap which felt more forgiving than say Kra-Z Glue or Gorilla Glue.
I think it'd work fine. It's at a good balance point where there are enough fleshy bits across the model for them not to look out of place, but not so many that it'd end up overpowering the black. It'd still read nicely as black + gold armour just w/ fleshy accents, I think
At a push, you could just do the left (from the model's POV) one fleshy, since that one has that gnarly sculpted surface, while keeping the right one as regular black armour
Ah yes, the 'push-fit marine covered in one extra-thick coat of Ultramarines Blue', I know it well
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A few more base coats.
krashrak the stalker in 28mm!
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I did head-b4-bed practice (well, just faces, not really the hood or hair) 4 and 5 today. I don't think they're really as good as the previous ones, but they're not awful.
Reposting for visibility:

To the Anon I sent this package to last year;

>J H in Ledyard,

I just wanted to inform you that I had to move down the road. I only mention this because you had stated your intention to send a return gift this year. I'm not expecting you to by any means (please do not feel obligated), but I wanted to be sure to let you know not to send it to the original return address if you did intend on sending me something. I hope your year has been a good one! I'm not participating in the exchange this year, but hopefully if you are someone will one-up what I sent last season.

>-T F in Nampa

p.s. If, by any chance, you have already sent something my way then I will make arrangements to pick it up from my previous address.
At least they don't look like men.
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Got the first basecoat colors down on this sentinel I'm painting as a Christmas present for a friend.

The red is Pro Acryl Bold Pyyrole Red over a couple of thin layers of Citadel Corax White, I think it turned out really nice and vivid. Corax White is actually amazing to work with.

I plan to keep some of the inner machinery black, with metallics where appropriate, but I want the "casing" on the legs to be blue. This was old Vallejo Game Color Night Blue over black and while it looks fine under a bright light, it just looks like black in regular light. I don't want a vivid blue here, like Pro Acryl Blue, I think a more subdued one like Citadel Kantor Blue would be best. I want the red to really pop.

I reposed the model into more of a dynamic pose, trimming bits. I added on some roped skulls hanging on the left side.. The head of the pilot is positioned so that it looks directly at the "viewer" of the model and will not be obstructed by the rollcage bars.

I plan to make the base with a jungle theme, I'll try to have a stream of water running through the middle, have vines hanging off the sunken tank barrel.

I really like this 2022 Sentinel kit. There's a fair bit of optional gubbins, it comes with six(!) possible main weapons, a lot of the extra armor or panels can be left off. The pilot has 4 heads with a fairly detailed interior. The unseen leather pillowing on the pilot chair has little crinkles and folds sculpted in.

No prize for guessing what Imperial Guard regiment this is supposed to belong to.
Why are half of these photos on reddit..
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Reposting my current wip diorama. Just need to add some more food items, a beer keg and add some minor details on the floor.
Why are you on reddit half the time?
Can I store my rattlecans in the garage (0°C)?

>have to wait 15 minutes to post
Slowly working through the backlog. Finally finished my BB team. excited to finally get a game under my belt with my friend.
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How can I get a smoother texture on my mini? My current theory is that I'm over-thinning my paint with water, turning it into a wash, and coating it on too quickly without letting it dry fully, which end up ripping the first coat of paint.
>so an Elf, a Lizardman and a Wight guy walk into a bar...
Extremely cool, anon.
Story behind it: Had my bachelor party two weeks ago and the first part of the day was to visit the local Warhammer store and speedpaint miniatures in two hours. Even the dudes who never painted a miniature in their whole life took part and it was my job to create a small diorama with the figures painted on that day. Decided to go with small tavern diorama with lots of beer and food.
Reddit is the anus of the internet everything ends up there eventually
Anus of the internet would be okay. Old /b/ was like that. The problem with reddit is that all the turds there think way too highly about themselves, while in reality, there is no greater concentration of midwits around the internet.
I wish shipping fees for paints weren't so bad, I pretty much always need to plan big bulk orders of paints to make the shipping fees worth it so if I'm just missing 1 or 2 colors I'm kinda fucked
I only go there because it feels nice to get some validation from models I've put a lot of effort into. I couldn't spend actual time there because it's a left leaning circlejerking shithole otherwise
I know that feel unfortunately. I wish my shithole of a city had a hobby store
My nearest hobby store is in another country so yeah
I am planning to try myself at diy terrain from cardboard, styrofoam packaging, anything trash I can find, but one thing occurred to me.
I should buy some shitty paint for it, right? Using the same as for minis sounds bit of a waste.
Yes. The cheapest brand of craft paint from an art store will work fine for terrain
what are the best red, green and blue inks I can get to start playing with them? I saw some beautiful stuff a guy had done at the local warhammer store but never got to talk to him that day. I'm looking at Blick and I have no idea what to get.

I was thinking of getting some fishing lure paints and the stencils for doing up lizardmen and such, since theyre vibrant.
thats just nice.
god I wish I'd know any of those stores nearby, I never bothered with the hobby before
J.O. out of Sweden don't worry I haven't grinched you.
Santa anon should send send you the tracking next time he sends checks his mails
lmao jerk off sweden
Sick. Rad, even.
In the states, you can also find craft paint at big brand stores like Wal-mart, some hardware stores (house paint isn't a bad option for colors you'll need a LOT of), and even some grocery stores, dollar stores, and pharmacies.
That food looks great. How'd you do the foam on the beer mugs?
Where are you from? Wal-Mart sells the Apple Barrel brand for dirt cheap. At an art store, you can also get Liquitex Basics, the cheapest Liquitex product, which is around $5 for a big tube.
believe it or not, people are allowed to post in multiple places
no that's piracy
I will never understand why posting your stuff outside of 4chan triggers some people here
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Thanks, just added a small amount of pic related on the mug and added some yellow wash once it was dried.
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How could I have made this colour scheme better? Because to me it feels extremely meh.
Tourist fag.
Because the soul of this place has been ripped out.
I've been here on and off for almost 20 years anon, maybe it's about time you moved past your secret club mentality
>I've been here 20 years and I still refuse to assimilate, umm touch grass much chud?
Don't you have a tunnel to be seeing to
>cancer for 20 years
It's fags like you who ruined this place in the first place.
make the cloth's colors bright contrasts
the blues are imo too close to the silver
A yellow, bright green, red or purple would contrast the silver more and pop
>1,5 minute apart
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>says retarded shit
>gets dunked on
>starts coping
Cancerous anon is cancerous.
Now go back to plebbit, since that is clearly where you belong.

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