/swg/ - Star Wars General Anonymous 11/21/24(Thu)06:45:18 No.94431649▶>>94445271 >>94463549Going Commando editionA thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.Previous Thread: >>94431649 Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion>https://pastebin.com/9puqx1zeStar Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)>https://pastebin.com/iUriRfaAOther FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)>http://pastebin.com/ZE4gn0yNOld links>https://pastebin.com/yUVx32wBX-Wing/Armada/Legion/Shatterpoint:>https://www.atomicmassgames.com/transmission/update-on-star-wars-x-wing-and-star-wars-armada/>https://www.atomicmassgames.com/star-wars-legion-documents>https://www.atomicmassgames.com/star-wars-legion-transmissions>https://www.atomicmassgames.com/swp-transmissions/>https://www.atomicmassgames.com/swp-rules/Latest Edge news:>https://edge-studio.net/a-new-hope/>https://edge-studio.net/star-wars-edge/Unlimited links:>https://starwarsunlimited.com/articles/>https://swudb.com/>https://karabast.netThread Question: Out of a thousand, thousand worlds, which do you most prefer using in your games anon?
Oh shit fucked up the start of the post. DamnOh well
>>94464153GMing Edge of the Empire, my players have been to or are slated to end up on Felucia, Hypori, Fondor, Nar Shadaa, and Utapau.Felucia is dangerous, sparsely populated, a good place to hide and sits on the intersection of several hyperspace routes. I basically use it as my game's Tatooine. I've even got a Tusken Raider analog in the natives, who I use the Force Unleashed designs for.Hypori they first went to looking to scavenge some replacement parts for the one PC who's a commando droid. Later they got involved with the Geonosian colony there. (I don't know if that's supposed to still exist in the Imperial era, but I don't care. I love Geonosians.)The game began on Fondor, the characters met each other in what I described as a Space Walmart. It also allows for some of the vibes you'd get from Coruscant or Kuat without straying as far from the outer rim.Nar Shadaa is my go-to location for anything illegal or involving Hutts. I also like going for a bit of a cyberpunky feeling to the location, though not enough to distract from the overwhelmingly grody nature of a planet so firmly under Hutt control.Utapau is the most far-flung world they've visited. I wanted to include a second "Imperial" world besides Fondor, and thanks to growing up on Battlefront II '05 I always really liked the idea of revisiting the planet during the Empire.
>>94464153>the Twi'lek honey trap works every time
Kaleesh supremacy.
I couldn't imagine life as an A-Wing pilot
>>94464532Native (Jungle) Felucian settlement from Force Unleashed concept art. Thought you may appreciate.
>>94464153>Out of a thousand, thousand worlds, which do you most prefer using in your games anon?Coruscant, Prakith, MindorI play tabletop war games but like my mats and terrain to look like these
>>94464874Neat, thanks Anon!
>>94464829Your mind is too slow to keep up, obviously.
B-4RB Haunter looks like a ship out of Galaga or something. Just me?
>>94464643I love that look of a dlt-19 or some long blaster
>>94464643Definitely one of my favorite masked warrior cultures.
>>94465171t21 is underated
>>94464153I grew up loving the Empire, but recently have been liking the Rebels, something about them is interesting
>>94465197Congratulations, you have levelled up your taste.
>>94465197Rebels are at their best when there's no uniformity
Saber Punch
>>94464829I think life is an overly strong term to use considering we're talking about the fastest coffin in space.
what stops X-Wings from coming out of hyper space, dropping precision munitions on a high value target, then disengaging before any sort of intercept or AA can attack?
>>94465473Interdictors and competent imperials.
>>94464153>Out of a thousand, thousand worlds, which do you most prefer using in your games anon?Jungle worlds with ancient temples to loot.
>>94464153I like worlds that have more than one biome on them but the only one I'm aware of in Star Wars is Naboo.
>>94464153Planets that are sparse enough to seem small, but still house more people and military assets than most players can grok.Like I had my players go to a backwater mining world. Most of the planet was rocky desert, with moderate scrubland nearer to the poles (above 60 degrees latitude) that supported a moderate agriculture and a couple large cities at each pole. But most of the planet's wealth was in rare earth metals mined in the desert. With the Empire having taken exclusive control for their own war efforts.The players were tasked by the Rebels to infiltrate the Imperials and try to find a way to disrupt the Imperial mining operations.I told them there were roughly a dozen Imperial bases around the planet maintaining a garrison of troops. Each base with at least six squadrons of TIEs, each maintaining two squads at combat readiness at any time. The planet had a 30-hour day so squads were on rotations of 10 hour shifts on, 20 off, and wouldn't stand down until their replacements were combat ready.Inevitably the players blow some shit up and stole a Raider Corvette. Now the Empire gears up for a fight. They couldn't believe I'd throw 24 TIE fighters at once at them. Even a Raider couldn't fight off that many fighters.I told them, I'm not sending 24 fighters. That's 24 SQUADRONS of TIE fighters that have been alerted to your presence. Each squadron has 12 fighters. You have 288 TIE Fighters on their way. Are you going to try to fight or swiftly skedaddle?They ran, eventually returned and led a Fremen desert resistance that eventually dislodged the Empire.
>>94465473Most the time, Rebels not having a huge supply of proton torpedoes or other precision munitions. That means those get reserved for only the most important missions.Otherwise, not much; Rebel fighter doctrine calls for hit & fade, which forces the Empire to station penny-packets of TIEs on constant readiness or perpetually having a squadron airbourne over *every* facility which dilutes the fighter force, demoralises the pilots & imposes a siege mentality on Imperial commanders.
I have a ISD I want to name, does the Imperial Navy have a set naming convention?
>>94465473Because that’s gay
>>94465473Almost everything that is both exposed and vulnerable to an immediate hyper space entry and assault, but also of high tactical value, is going to have some form of shield protecting it, and that shield is going to be at least strong enough to withstand a few minutes of assault by small fighter craft. Those X-Wings/Y-Wings that jump in for a spontaneous attack are going to need to stick around long enough, firing enough heavy munitions to bankrupt their entire Rebellion cell, and in the meantime you'll have Imperial fighter squadrons like swarms of wasps scrambling to take them out. Of course, depending on who you ask, a single Rebel pilot is a triple ace who can easily dispatch 300 TIE fighters on a single operation, but if we're ignoring the more egregious examples of stupid writing in the setting, this kind of ambush tactic simply won't prove effective for Rebel operations in the long run. It seems a lot more likely that the Rebels would need to either smuggle a torpedo in past the shields and detonate it where it will actually hurt, or wait until they get the station's maintenance schedule from their spies and informants so that they know exactly when the shields will be brought down for a maintenance cycle and then spring their assault then.
>>94467101When you'Re at a point where you have inside information, some kind of forward observation team or even collaborators aboard the enemy base/space dock/whatever you are probably better off doing a boarding operation. Grab what you can, smash what you can't carry, save the bombs and torps for the frigate or corvettes that respond to teh distress call (if you fail to stop it)
>>94467070Combination of Royal Navy and "are we the bad guys?". A lot of them have names like Indefatigable, Relentless, Conqueror, Aggressor, etc. Some have names that could only come from a Sith lord who doesn't even try to pretend his empire isn't the bad guys, like Virulence or Avarice (one novel even had a NE officer call out his Imperial remnant counterpart for having ships whose names scream "we're the bad guys"). There's a few with names that break the mold, like Chimaera (Thrawn's flagship) or Pride of Tarlandia.
>>94467070Adding to >>9446774, Thrawn's Chimaera inspired the later books with Admiral Daala to continue the naming scheme of scary mythological beasts with her flagship being the Gorgon leading the Basilisk, Hydra, and Manticore.Here's a longer list compiled by that glorious pile of obsessive autism that is the Star Wars Technical Commentaries.https://www.theforce.net/swtc/isdlist.html
>>94467771Oops, fucked up me backlink. Meant to add to >>94467746
star wars hunters is coming to PC in case anyone cares
If you were in charge of the Second Republic military would you have a reason to build anything but fighters?It seems like the only thing that matters are fighters and fighters and more fighters.
>>94468119You'd need capital ships as well to support longer range patrols (quarters, food, maintenance) and for actual pirate interdictions. Essentially the doctrine would evolve from the WW1 dreadnoughts and interbellum battleships to post-WW2 carrier and anti-piracy doctrine. A second republic fleet group would probably consist of>1 main carrier/flagship (MC80 or similar)>0-2 auxiliary light carriers (Ton Falk or cruisers modified for carrier ops)>2-4 light cruisers for perimeter defense and ECM/ECCM>handful of smaller gunboats to do interdict and boarding opsThis fleet group would probably be slip up into smaller group depending on scenario and amount of space to cover, with rapid response fighter squadron on either hot standby or flying CAP.
>>94468090I guess that's neat
>>94467070>>94467746I had an Interdictor named the Antilion once. Named after the real life antlion larvae, that catch their prey in circular pit traps where it can't easily escape, but just made it sound more "exotic".Just name it something fierce and meant to strick fear in dissidents.
>>94465402Yup. I enjoy all the factions in the GCW era, but my model collection is totally different for Empire(almost entirely faceless mooks that can be swapped in and out of a given army composition with a handful of really ludicrous "personality" characters to tell stories around) vs Rebels(a singular force who's story runs through the whole war into the Warlords-era NR where almost every mini is unique). They're each good at their own themes and stories and both are enjoyable in their own way.
>>94468247It bewilders me how the Republic and then the Empire managed to control anything without long range fighters everywhere. I know they have tens of thousands of star destroyers. That's not enough, not to cover an entire galaxy. Probes help, but they can only spot things not fight them. In this scenario the Gozanti is the most important unit, but even those can't be everywhere at once. Do we ever see the Empire's overwhelming superiority in light units? They need at least one for every fighter the Rebels have, total, otherwise the alternative is that good won because evil is dumb. Could you imagine what the Clone Wars would have been like if the Seperatists were actually trying to win?
>>94468539I'm thinking of naming it the "Shield of Order" but thats kind of wordy for a ship name but it perfectly reflects the kind of beliefs that people who join the Empire are looking for. Order.
>>94467176The Rebel Alliance was built upon inside information and collaborators inside the enemy ranks. They're a guerilla resistance outnumbered and outgunned on every front, not an army of elite spec ops who can just steamroll every Imperial outpost in under a minute. What I described, having extensive reconnaissance and intelligence assets in play to prep for a simple hit and run bombing mission, would be the bare minimum just to hope to accomplish anything. Boarding actions would be a hundred times riskier.
What's the most advance jobs would (you) trust B1s with if it had to be done with ONLY b1s?
>>94468594I mean you look at the shit the Axis powers were up to, evil is dumb. Humility isn't an evil trait, and you need humility in order to live according to objective reality. Otherwise reality smacks you in the face. At the same time the US was working on the Manhattan project, the Nazi's were trying to find the Ark of the Covenant.
>>94468994I wouldn't choose to give them any job I'd describe as "skilled labor".I think they'd be pretty good for digging good trenches quickly. Just have to give each one an e-tool.
>>94468994Agree with >>94469046I'd give them bureaucratic jobs.
>>94468994I'd trust the old B1s with tasks like law enforcement backup, ship maintenance and general personnel tasks. Stuff of a respectable nature.The cartoony, WHACKY Reddit B1s I would use for crash test dummies, target practice and other experimental things.
Anyone else constantly annoyed how scale is handled in Star Wars? We constantly get planets that never feel like planets. Hell, they don't even always feel like regions, sometimes they are just cities and many times over many years the plot mcguffins are at most a day ride on a speeder away from our heroes. So you know what? I'm bored and this is my explanation:Star Wars is less densly populated than Siberia. Every planet that is not Ecumenopolis-tier is more than likely a never fully developed colony that keeps a net-neutral population while the youths are braindrained to the regional or galactic centers. These planets often are nothing more than an initial colonist site that became a city and expanded basic sustinance to its imediate surrounding region, often not even becoming a continent-spanning polity, a little flyover-state hinterland shitheap along the proverbial Hyperlane 66. Some planets, eg Lothal, manage better and become a city that could be viewed as livable to our IRL selves, with local industries, smaller hubs dotting rest of the continent and planet and a decent standard of living and probably can boast of having positive growth. But even the luckiest and richest ones, eg Naboo, still can't combat the fact that the Galaxy is so globalized (galaxized?) that not even such a succesful planet can cover even half of the globe. And of course, the real winners - the Ecumenopoli, the big, rotting sponges of development that act as galactic magnets for everyone seeking a better life, only to be shoved down to the lower levels (feeling like I'm syphoning some Hari Seldon energy here, wonder what he would calculate as the future of the Galaxy). One unique stand-out are homeworlds. Sadly I can't do a good job to headcannon why they often also fall victim to this small scale issue (which lets be honest, is down mostly to the media limitations, not any real intent).
>>94469300Continuation.Assuming my interpretation is correct, the some stupid scale issues. Assume it really was 6 million clones. Is it that far fetched? The senate has 1024 seats, so realistically that means 1024 big planets (Naboo-tier or higher), while everything else are random shitholes where you can send a team of 10 guys and call it occupied, like that small town Crosshair takes over in Season 2 premier. Considering that small carriers like the ones from Rebels that Empire used are enough to subdue an average planet, the fleets also don't need to be that big. Hell, I'd say if we took all of IRL Earth's armies and "upgraded" then to SW equivalents, Earth would be a pretty fucking high-tier power in the Galaxy, just as it stands now.
>>94468994Aha! Its a trick question! For you see, a droid left alone to its own devices and not mindwipped will become sentient and sapient (well, only if there's enough RAM probably, might be an issue for B1's but... fuck it). And such a droid can be nurtured and taught. So, sky is actually the limit here, except for being a force user, because no biological functions means no midichlorians.
>>94469300>>94469331SW wasn't build as setting but as story, fairytale in space, don't look for scale or world building because it isn't there.Universes like SW or Warhammer are autist nightmare because nothing make logical sense and everything works on suspension of disbelief and not asking any questions. Having multiple authors and rectons don't help.
>>94469378Boo! That's the boring answer that we all know. The actual fun is hammering the square peg enough to be a perfect fit for the star shaped hole.
>>94469411Then just ignore what you saw on the screen and make scale bigger in your head. Instead city of 12 people it's 12 thousands, instead thingie being less than 1 day away on bike assume that journey between cuts took days. It's better this way.
Stop me when the story-feels gets too stretchedA pair of stormtroopers guard a doorA squad of 10 man a checkpointA platoon of 40 subjugate a townA company of 200 control the planetary spaceportA battalion of 800 garrison a cityA regiment of 2400 assaults the rebel base.
>>94469593Yeah that seems plausible as long as you remember there's a bunch of grey shirt logistics guys that also hang around the stormtroopers and help them with background boring stuff.
>>94469221>I'd trust the old B1s with tasks like law enforcement backup, ship maintenance and general personnel tasks. Stuff of a respectable nature.These B1s never existed in the actual Star Wars. You made them up in your head.
>>94469711Guess I'm just better than George Lucas.
>>94469730Let's see your movies, anon.
>>94469593>A platoon of 40 subjugate a townhere. I'd want the company for a town.
>>94469738I had something I shot at 9 years old for a school field trip end up on TV the very same day.Georgie could never.
>>94469747depending on the size of town 40 could be enough, i.e a collection of tatooine mud huts or a shanty town alá Tarkintown on Lothal. 36 stormtroopers and 4 speeder scouts could probably lock down and subjugate that.
>>94469750based as fuck t b h
>>94469774sure, but having troopers on literally ever corner of every intersection really sells the evil jackboot thug oppression that I'm bringing as the Empire. If we're conspicuously everywhere, who's gonna try to pick a fight?
>>94469378>WarhammerSo true! 6 mil clones would mean 6 Clone Troopers for every Space Marine in the Milky Way iirc (approx. 1000 Chapters of 1000 marines each).
>>94470020Yes but Imperium also have billions of imperial guardsmen, who are for most part trained soldiers, stormtroopers who are trained from childhood, sisters of battle, mechanicus skitarii, not to mention Titans etc. Having million worlds have it's perks(despite uber big cataclysm in form of Great Rift, more nid invasions etc number of worlds didn't went down).But you remember estimated number of marines correctly.
I got an Ace Astromech character ( FFG, EOT and such), we're at the point where i maxed out his agility to six and his piloting space is rank 6 with 6 prof dice>still fails difficulty two checks oftenHe has a DC 17 blaster for self defense and for enemies not to use him as a tenga egg anytime. I'm fine since when i'm on a ship I can fuck anything up.But! Even the party has the idea of transfering him to an assassin or commando droid so he can also fuck people up and the idea of a droid with a lightsaber is also cool. Only problem is that he has 1 brawn, even after an astromech upgrade with several cybernetics added.Is there any careers i can branch off from Ace, that would let me use lightsaber off Agility? I know i can't take padawan since gm also forbid it. But it's that or getting a new body that hopefully lets me keep my current stuff and just adds more brawn. Because at least with that I can whip a Repeater around and make use from the Gunner career i branched into, since right now the Astromech cant even hold an lmg blaster.I'm fine with staying as an Astromech, as long as i can shove more gear into myself so i'm a swiss army knife droid like R2.Pic related is how he started, a fucked up astromech cobbled together.
>>94470547The Seeker (Ataru Striker) can use lightsaber with Agility, but that talent requires Force sensitivity to use. You're shit out of luck, I'm afraid.In your shoes I would look at Soldier (Heavy) or Hired Gun (Heavy). That one provides some ranks of Burly, which reduces the encumbrance value of weapons you carry.
>>94468994The Iego episode demonstrates they would be competent greeters. Staff restaurant entrances, customer service posts, and other similar roles with B1s and I think everything will be fine. Train them that anything they can't handle in ten seconds of processing ought to be handed off to a superior.
>>94470633Seems like melee stuff all uses Brawn. Yeah I'll look into those when I finish the cool stuff from Hotshot and Pilot trees.It's either getting a new body for better brawn so I can punch an inquisitor or other sith lords, or go go gadget myself with my last cybernetic slots into becoming an astromech with a rotary blaster.
What advantages are there to using a slugthrower in Star Wars?
>>94471186Considering how often they seem to be used by snipers they are probably nice and quiet. Allegedly they are more resistant to wear and tear than blasters.The only disadvantage is against well armored troops who can only be sniped in the helm lens or joints
>>94468594If you ever actually try to apply proper numerical scaling to Star Wars you're just going to make a fucking mess of things. It's very hard to tell pulpy stories about the individual heroism of Luke making a 1 in a billion shot when there's thousands of ships on screens and the average battle's casualties are measured in the millions.Granted, Disney has gone pretty retarded the other way with the rebel alliance seemingly consisting of a few dozen ships and a few thousand people, but you have to keep things from getting too overwhelming.
>>94471297>firing the whole bullet
>>94471297>they're clearly firing the whole bulletThat's 65% more bullet, per bullet. Smart.
>>94468993The Rebel Alliance operated multiple fleets and significant armies of mobile infantry that could and did contest the Empire in direct open military conflict on multiple occasions. That they were vastly outnumbered on the scale of the entire galaxy doesn't mean they were restricted exclusively to handfuls of dudes sneaking around like jungle guerillos like Endor, which was a last-minute "oh shit quick grab all the specops guys we have on base and let's go" mission. It was a Galactic Civil WAR, not a Galactic Civil Skirmish.
>>94465547So, interdictors.
>>94471521Yes. The Alliance to Restore the Republic is only a "ragtag bunch of misfits" in Imperial propaganda. They have uniforms, they have standardized weapons. They're very likely building a lot of this stuff in-house or have reliable suppliers who can get them a lot of the same thing. They are a proper military serving the goals of people like Mon Mothma, who are effectively a Republic government-in-exile.Only their navy can be honestly described as "ragtag", and that's because spaceships are going to be one of the hardest things to get. Even then, they're pretty consistent in what starfighters they use.People forget this, I think, because they mostly exist to be red shirts and get hard-carried by "the real heroes", who usually get to dress in a unique and special way.
>>94468594>cover an entire galaxyThey didn't. The Republic controlled maybe 1/3 of the galaxy, most of the Outer Rim wasn't theirs for example. The Empire pushed further, but at most made it to about 60% of the galaxy and even then that was thinly spread. Some entire sectors only had a single ISD in them for years. Or in Hutt Space, the Empire came in, waved around ISDs, the Hutts shrugged and kept doing what they were doing, and the ISDs went away because they were needed elsewhere and the Hutts didn't give a fuck.
>>94469300Naboo is a big mining world, we just never see the mines because they're irrelevant to the plot compared with the equivalent of a square km of the capital city. Kind of like how all those movies set in Washington DC concern themselves with about a square km around Congress and such, and ignore the rest of the city.
>>94469331Naboo's Senator represents like two dozen systems.
>>94469221Kek, based
>>94465197They are interesting. Look up partisans and insurgencies from random, even older conflicts for some inspiration.
>>94471420Those color schemes are so ass.
>Rebels in spaceLook like nerds with their dumb helmet, gray pants and black vests>Rebel on groundActually look like an military organization
>>94471617>>94471521Compared to the Empire, they are a ragtag bunch. It's just that on a galactic scale, a ragtag bunch is still a lot of people. Compared to the USA, the UK or Greece or similar military would be a ragtag nothing, but they're still able to muster a professional fighting force.
>>94471521>The Rebel Alliance operated multiple fleets and significant armies of mobile infantryOutnumbered and outgunned by a factor of 100, is the part you're ignoring. >That they were vastly outnumbered on the scale of the entire galaxy doesn't mean they were restricted exclusively to handfuls of dudes sneaking around like jungle guerillos like Endor, which was a last-minute "oh shit quick grab all the specops guys we have on base and let's go" mission.Even the Alliance's biggest armies and fleets had to stay perpetually on the run and in hiding to avoid getting cornered and massacred. The vast majority of Rebel cells weren't massive armies running around losing battles on Hoth, but small ragtag bands of guerilla terrorists just trying to survive with the entire galaxy against them and strike out against the Empire any little way they could. These tiny cells, which were highly insulated from the rest of the Rebellion by design to avoid intel leaks, did not have extensive military support at their beck and call. They did, however, have time to prep for long-term harassment and subterfuge campaigns that might culminate with a clever plan to take out a high value target that their limited resources otherwise would not be able to accomplish.>It was a Galactic Civil WAR, not a Galactic Civil Skirmish.It was a war fought on many scales, large and small, mostly small rather than large as the number of actual decisive battles between large forces were kept extremely few on purpose. Like in many civil WARs, as you put it so 'eloquently,' the Rebellion only picked battles it knew it could win (other than Endor where it was outwitted into a disadvantageous ambush). Otherwise it retreated, ran, and hid because it could not afford attrition with the sheer disparity in military strength between them. You're conveniently ignoring the small scale operations to push some kind of misguided idea of the Rebellion being a giant, unified army, which is simply wrong.
What are your thoughts on a possible game where the whole party are mandalorians but they have to survive and find a way off of Mandalore during the night of a thousand tears when the imperials have the whole planet blockaded? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHKxoARmjLU
>>94471617>Only their navy can be honestly described as "ragtag",Every army that considered itself part of the Rebellion (which was never one single, unified force but a wide scattering of independent cells and revolutionary forces that sometimes had radically different leadership and goals) was raised independently of the rest. They did not have 'standardized weapons.' They used whatever they could get, or afford, or steal. If you mean the army/fleet led specifically by Leia, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker, that was only one of them, and it was by far the best trained, organized, and equipped in the galaxy. We know it had exceptionally good material support from its sponsors and supporters like Mon Mothma to be able to afford such a large fleet, so many bank-bustingly expensive state-of-the-art starfighters, and even a planetary shield generator for Hoth, one of its primary bases, powerful enough to hold back orbital bombardments from the Executor itself. But even then, the Rebel Alliance's victory over the Empire was not due to any technological advantages but a difference of doctrines, many acts of heroism, and just plain luck at times going in the Alliance's favor. And perhaps most importantly, Palpatine was its weak link. With his death, the Empire lost its leadership and the resulting power vacuum tore it apart more than any one military defeat did.
>>94471764It's really more of a number of developmental phases and shifts over time.Five to ten years before Yavin, yeah that was a rag-tag band former CIS supporters, former pirates and actual terrorists. Basically what we see in Andor. Résistance type stuff.Then they start to professionalize in the roughly two years leading up to Scarrif and Yavin.From here on they become more and more structuired, less 'Rebel' and more 'Alliance to Restore the Republic'Which is what allows them to survive their base at Hoth getting blown the fuck up, because without military discipline, tehy have shattered like glass at that point.But of course you still have a few guys grabbing their E-5 blasters and going innawoods somewhere Bum Fuc, Mid Rim when the Imps show up.
>>94470547>"Put the trash in the can.">"W-what can?">"I AM THE CAN!"
>>94469331The 1024 equates to the 1024 imperial sectors, a sector being any number of Star systems grouped together for administrative purposes.
>>94471764It's not indicated anywhere in the OT that this particular cell is unusually well-equipped. If anything, my reading of the films suggests that the Yavin/Hoth/Endor group represents the bulk of the entire faction's military strength, and even that the Rebellion as a whole would face strategic defeat if it was cornered and destroyed. Sometimes it scatters to the wind, but with the intent of eventually reconvening.I also concur with >>94472008.>babbling about the eventual causes of Imperial defeatDid I fucking contradict any of that? I only rejected the idea of the Rebellion as being some sloppy militia. Nobody thinks of Saw Gerrera when asked to picture "the Rebel military", they probably think of Rogue Squadron, the Endor commandos, or the men in silly helmets.At no point did I say anything about their ability (or lack thereof) to fight the Empire in a prolonged campaign, and the supposed claim of "they won due to technological superiority" is a complete fabrication by you. I concede that I exaggerated with the 'standardized weapons' point.
I'll confess newfagitude to GMing Star Wars game, but what system would y'all recommend for trying to run a bounty hunter campaign for a group with 5e brainrot? I've got one guy insisting that we use a 5e-Star Wars conversion, but I know that there's gotta be a better system out there
>>94472196Try FFG. It's pretty good.Old SW D6 or teh slightly less old D20 SW, welp. They do have shit tons of expansions and stuff, but especially D6 feels very dated.Also, I haven't played 5e SW so Ican't comment on that.Why 5e brainrot? 5e is fine for tactical combat things, but I gotta admit that I haven't played it in years.
>>94472196>>94472242I second the suggestion to check out Edge of the Empire for a bounty hunter game. The system runs on narrative and fluff as much as it does on crunch, which I think is likely to appeal to my stereotype of "the average 5e player". The game's designed in such a way that any party is likely to consider Old Ben's advice that "there are alternatives to fighting" at some point. Even in a combat encounter, the MVP could be the Hired Gun who puts a blaster bolt between the eyes of a whole squad of stormtroopers, or it could be the Technician who activates an old podracer engine and sends it flying into them at 400 kilometers per hour. The only way for a player character to be useless is to simply be in the wrong story.
>>94472196You can try the d20 Saga version, if you want to slowly ease them out of 5e before dropping FFG on them. Starting with something still similar and d20 may help, while the differences will get them out of the deep end of the 5e rut.
>>94467070>Avenger>Devastator>Stalker>Tyrantmovie canon has a pretty cool convention for star destroyers, and i'd follow that
>>94472196I will continue the train of recommending Ffg. I got my terminal 5e group to try it and they’re having a blast
>Darth inSIDIOUS>Darth TYRANnyUS>Darth inVader>General GREVIOUS injury>Darth MAUL>SAVAGE OPPRESS
>>94473522Based and iconic naming convention
>>94473522>GREVIOUS injury
>>94473522It's never not funny to me how Savage Opress's name is canonically pronounced to make it sound a little less dumb. I can just imagine him going "no, no, non! It's probably 'Sauváge', like in French, not 'Savage'! And it's O'Press, not 'Opress'!"
>>94473522Don't forget about>Darth (Be)Traya(l)>Darth NIHILUS>Loathsom Whorm - the separatist general at the battle of Christopsis
>>94473522>Greedo (he is greedy)>Elan Sleazebaggano>Halle Burtoni
>>94474019>Elan Sleazebagganothis one, at least, is a nickname in-universe. His actual last name is "Sel'Sabagno".Anyway:>Lok Durd (sounds like Turd)
This current discussion is ethnically insensitive to the members of 21st US congress. t. George Poindexter
>Nute Gunray's name had two sources from real life. The first was the Republican congressman Newt Gingrich, and the second was former President of the United States Ronald Reagan. The former source was because George Lucas primarily wrote the Trade Federation members in terms of motives and characterizations in response to the 1994 Republican Revolution (which occurred eight days into Lucas's draft-writing the film), specifically then-Speaker of the House Gingrich's Contract with America,[33] and the latter source was as a response to Reagan's SDI program being labeled "Star Wars" without Lucas' permission.
I feel like Gyaos from the Japanese NES Star Wars game would be a good species for a Space Pirate enemy in a campaign. No idea why I feel this way.
>>94475578You feel that way because it looks like Ridley....that was the joke, wasn't it?
>>94471751i've unironically always wanted to play/maybe run a short campaign that is exactly that and either see how long the players can last against an overwhelming threat like the Empire glassing their planet, or trying to gather enough men and ships to make a break for it so that at least *some* of the runners survive the blockade that's currently destroying everything that tries to escape. there's so much that you can do with the basic premise of "Empire showed up and now its everyone's problem"
>>94471733>Outnumbered and outgunned by a factor of 100, is the part you're ignoring. On a galactic scale is the part you're ignoring. The fact they weren't capable of matching the Emperor's forces 1:1 in terms of numbers *overall* does not mean they were incapable of achieving *local* parity or even superiority and fighting traditional open battles. Fucksake after Yavin several planets openly declared for the Rebellion and remained unconquered for the entire duration of the GCW exactly because they had sufficient concentration of force that the Empire considered reconquering them while also dealing with the Alliance's attacks generally to have too high a cost.>Even the Alliance's biggest armies and fleets had to stay perpetually on the run and in hiding to avoid getting cornered and massacred. This is a technically true statement with a deliberately deceptive framing. The Alliance used mobility and hit & run tactics as their primary method of war, but we're still talking about whole fleets of vessels landing entire armies and contesting whole planets. >tiny cells*buzzer* incorrect. This was true during the Dark Times when the Rebellion was still mustering its resources, but once it engaged in open conflict during the Galactic Civil War it restructured most of its assets into functional military units on traditional scales, with only specialist elite units or those forces too politically or doctrinally troublesome continuing to operate in small isolated cells.>You're conveniently ignoring the small scale operations to push some kind of misguided idea of the Rebellion being a giant, unified army, which is simply wrong.And you're deliberately misrepresenting the Alliance's reliance on hit & run maneuver warfare and overstating the Empire's capacity for rapid force concentration to pretend the Rebellion was a collection of "five dudes in a space-SUV" RPG parties.
>>94472242>feels datedHonestly I never understand this mentality. Lay down some normiewisdom for me, anon, why does whether something is good or not change based on it not being modern? And why does it change back again when fashions rotate back around? I really hope you're not just a massive cuck who lets general trends influence their own opinions and gives others advice based on your own weakness of mind...
>>94475906This.Please teach us how the other side thinks.
>>94472196if you're trying to ween them off of the brainrot, I recommend SW Saga. if you trust that they can improvise when it comes to dice results and think you can teach them enough of an entirely new system without them giving up immediately, I recommend FFG
>>94475861It is a fun scenario that also makes it so it really can’t be a long campaign.
>>94468994Sex work
Decided to look into Ewoks for inspiration found a furry bait species. Why am I not surprised?
>>94476767>In contrast Zygerrians, the species closest to being catgirls, are all evil slaversIt's not fair, nekobros
>>94476821This just means they’re made for domination loss
>>94476829Silver linings.
Is there anywhere I can find a complete glossary of the "correct" terms for various everyday things in Star Wars? Like "refresher" for the privy, "caf" for coffee, or "binders" for handcuffs.
>>94477312that, and also is there a glossary for slurs and swear words in star wars?
>>94477323https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_phrases_and_slang>>94476821What you may want is a Felacatian, not quite the standard Uwu cat girl but close. Biologically they are almost 1 for 1 like the Ctarl-Ctarl from Outlaw Star (maybe there were fans?), having tails and long pointy, furry ears (not visible in this image).Do be aware that hyperspace stresses them and may cause involuntary transformations into a giant tiger battleform. An interstellar cruise may not be the best honeymoon with your waifu.
>>94477397Quoting Wookieepedia:>Their tails are hyper-sensitive and can detect subtle atmospheric differences.>hyper-sensitiveFour of their five listed appearances were written by John Ostrander in the early 2000s... I see what you were trying to do, John. I do not know if I think the EU is better or worse for the fact that you seem to have failed.
>>94477450You saying it's one guy's waifu race?Kek. I never payed any attention to the credits
>>94475906>>94475920Please note I did not say it's bad. It's also hard to explain something in absolute terms that I personally feel is dated, but hgere we go.This mainly concerns SW D6, but can be true for Saga D20 to a lesser degree.The simplest way to formulate is that you often end up with situations in which exactly one charcter in teh group can do something, because that one character has teh skills/stats/etc. to actually do something. Everyone else ends up more or less standing around.This is not unrealistic, of course. If you'Re nota pilot, gunner or starship mechanic, you're not going to be very useful ispace combat.If you're a slicer, you will not be great in a shootout, and the guy lugging around teh heavy blaster cannon will probably suck at fast-talking their way out of a bar fight without actually fighing.FFG SW offers a lot of stuff for charctes to actually do, and not feel like a burden to teh group i nmost situations.5e (not the SW variant of it, I haven't played that) also gives mostr classes something useful to do even if they are not great at it.In older D20 and D6, well if you don't have the skills and stats, you'll suck at it and fail.This is not a big deal if you set up the group to suit the campaign, of course, and if the players and GM are on teh same page about this it will work fine.Just be aware taht you can end up in a situation where three peopel watch one guy doing all teh rolls and having fun, while everyone else can literally go and have a coffee, because you don't have slicing/piloting/driving/etc. skill and just sit in the back of the bus.Again, maybe not unrealistic, but you have to be aware that this is how these systems work.Also, I never really played anyone with Force powers in eitehr D6 or D20 Saga, but I remember them being a bit wonky in Saga because you basically had a character who was good at doing Force stuff but could not do anything else.
>>94471638>The Republic controlled maybe 1/3 of the galaxyThat's still 30 billion stars and all the space in between them. The Empire never had a chance to completely wipe out the Rebellion, assuming they were even hiding away from civilization and not in plain sight. The best they could ever do was garrison important things, escort convoys and control the major trade lanes. Everything else is a matter of reaction, the Rebels would always hold the initiative.
What started the obnoxious Vader wank? I mean who started doing it first? Gotten to the point where he barely resembles his portrayal in the OT
>>94478067Sure seems like it, doesn't it?If I was going to put an actual neko species in Star Wars, I'd have their appearance be a bit closer in flavor to those crazy-haired "sex and violence" catgirls you see in old anime from the 80s and 90s.I know next to nothing about the show the Puma Sisters here are from, but this sort of look feels a lot more appropriate for Star Wars than the typical present-day catgirl. Swap out the wheels for repulsorlifts and I can almost imagine them menacing the streets of Corellia.
>>94478425...or working or "working" as dancers somewhere.
>>94478400I'm inclined to say it was probably started by the Dark Horse comics, but I'm not sure. Lucas never provided an example of what post-suit Vader on foot vs. blasters looks like, so everyone else was left to let their imaginations run wild.
>>94478400People grew up watching ESB thinking Vader was the coolest dude ever then wanked all over him, mostly in comics. Fanboy shit basically became "canon" in both eras
Random lore from the new comics.The Imperial Remnant put out a kill bounty on ex-Republican/Imperial senators to try and deny institutional knowledge to the New Republic.
>>94478171They only controlled stars in that third that could be accessed via hyperspace routes. Theoretically there could be plenty of stars not accessible simply because nobody has found a hyperspace route to them yet. And hyperspace corridors shift over time.
>>94478501The sophistication here is as much of a twist as the toydarian planet being altruistic.
>>94478400People's imagination, really. Fundamental misunderstanding of the films. Action-figure childish thinking.Officially, though? Some EU shit, for sure.
>>94478091>you basically had a character who was good at doing Force stuff but could not do anything elseThat isn't remotely true, you can easily run a skillmonkey with Force powers and anybody who says otherwise is lying.
>>94471325This. In a more realistic telling, the scale of the clone wars would be tens of millions of clones per planet. Especially since they're basically fighting WWII style battles but with swords and walking tanks. And similarly, the droid army should be in the billions or even low trillions. Mace Windu saying he's killed 100k droids over 3 years means he was destroying 300 droids per day every day for 3 years straight. And that simultaneously feels both small and impossibly big.
>>94478400IMO this in particular. This is fucking stupid. I don't care how powerful he is, you're not going to block 100 blast bolts coming from every direction at the same time.
>>94478400>>94478474>>94478524>>94478583>>94478604Part of the problem is all these stories that came chronologically before Vader that wanted to have bigger/cooler/more-elaborate force techniques, and general power level wankery. You can't power wank anything without indirectly wanking Vader because he's supposed to be such a big deal.
NuCanon inherited 1 unit equals 1 clone from TCW.Yet also said the Clone Wars killed billions, destroyed hundreds of worlds and ruined thousands more for decades to come.Base Delta Zero is still canon to the Republic, so lots of bombardments, local forces, disease and starvation as well.
>>94478604Rogue One was before this and still counts as wankery imo
>>94478668I think this is the most realistic answer so far.
>>94478668Dark Empire was before Tales of the Jedi, if I am reading you correctly.
>>94478762Vader kills ten guys or so, this is practically the same as in Episode 1 where Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan fight hordes of droids without getting hit.>>94478604Funnily enough, Disney retroactively made it posible to stop blaster bolts in midair.
Post minis
Give me the run down on Death Troopers, all I know is they wear black armor, use voice modulation, and are not manlets
>>94478686I remember 15-20 years ago when people would argue online that it couldn't mean one unit one clone, that was silly, and it should reasonably be disregarded. Then Karen Traviss entered the debate insisting on her three million and that Luke was a horrible person, and it was war forever more.
>>94464153Had my group's semi-weekly sw session yesterday.Turns out we were caught in my master's mind palace, which is nice because I was getting tired of going through this shit alone. There were 3 things in the void with us: a kid version of my master curled up in a ball, a human sized glowing heart bearing above her, and General Grievous who was exactly as tall as we expected.We were getting curbstomped by the memory of Grievous, until I made the 220 IQ play of threatening the child form of my master (I didn't mean it). Grievous responded by basically saying "you'll regret that lmao" and self-immolated, and then JEDI DOOKU ripped himself out of the husk like Isshin in Sekiro. He then tried to kill me.Fortunately, my catgirl companion is built like a tank and handled every blow while she, myself and the Nightsister with a big stick attempted to batter Dooku into submission. It only succeeded at making him into Sith Dooku. While he was Force Lightninging us, the Dug cowboy took the initiative and put a couple shots into the big heart which exploded into green goo. The destruction of the heart was what brought us into reality; a dusty cave on Geonosis where my master and a droid companion where sealed into the mind palace by a vengeful Nightsister (no relation to ours) inside the big heart.There was some discussion of what we saw, shared grief and assurances that the droids we need for the final confrontation will be ready soon. The session was mostly prep after that with a handful of cameos and favor callings to get all hands on deck.The last interaction of the session was me whinging to the ship captain I had displaced about how I'm basically just some guy who walked into all this by luck, but my crew is fucked up talented and we can make it out of the mission on their backs alone. Which, apparently, my master thought was inspiring enough to coyly broadcast across the ship. Thank you, master, I would have liked to take it past a forst draft.
>>94480025I would have assumed a squad of 10 at least.That makes 30 million clones and half dying in three years equals the entire offical military causalities of WWII at 15 million in half the time.But I suspect Lucas didn’t care for TCW to change it.
>>94480025i always operated under the assumption that "unit" meant multiple clones, but how many exactly was left to the imagination, because one of the books explained that the Kaminoans sold their services in bulk, and the sheer size of the GAR's navy, not even accounting for ground troops, would take up a massive chunk of the 3 million. Karen's a hack and every book of hers for an established setting that i've read is jarringly separated from others in the series in terms of how characters and events are written.
>>94479908They'll crush you with their thighs
>>94481792Those thighs don't look that intimidating.
Are life extention technologies a thing in Star Wars? Can say, human, artifcually expand their lifespan to several hundred years?
>>94474053>His actual last name is "Sel'Sabagno".Fuck off with that revisionist shit.Sleazebaggano is a perfectly fine name for a death stick dealer.
>>94482135To preface this, the average SW human's lifespan is already 120-150, but yes, life extending shit does exist.Cybernetics is the easiest method (everything from full body conversions to subtle nanotech), after that are the myriad of force techniques, and coming in last is Kolcta (a ludicrously rare mix of Kolto and Bacta that is FAR better than its components. Ingesting it can counter aging for a bit)
>>94481792Death Troopers seem kind of lanky
>>94479908Original background info said they were part of Imperial Intelligence but in Andor they’re seen bodyguarding for the ISB.
>>94472196From a GM-side, FFG is so much more enjoyable to run. The dice might be weird at first, but treat disadvantage as your turn to describe the bad shit, while advantage means they get to describe the bad shit, and it can be quite fun and take a whole lot of narrative work off your shoulders. The minion/rival/nemesis concept is also quite useful for drumming up complexity on the fly, and the turn-swap-initiative system had my players more engaged with combat between turn down-time. My only gripe is that the GeneSys magic system is far better than their SWRPG force talent tree system, but the force power trees at least keeps things relatively bounded for the setting. You can springboard off those force power templates and rename it as super powers if you ever wanted an easy superhero setting. Also, I really just don't like the range scale system, but I'm from a drawn-on-graph-paper dungeon-crawler-background, so I set hard metric limits for the scales behind my screen and try not to get too frustrated if the story bends that scale out of necessity.
>>94483282Not the anon your were talking to, but I do agree that the range scale system does suck.My old GM converted it to feet and would use D&D graphs or premade Starfinder maps when we got into combat. You could move 30 feet per maneuver. Within 5 feet is engaged unless you had a long-reaching weapon. 30 feet is short range, 60 feet for long, beyond 60 is extreme, though he put a cap at 150 feet for effective range unless we had a good RP excuse to be sniping from so far away. Theater of the mind is great for RP and exploration, but I find it so much easier to keep track of where everyone is with minis and maps.
>>94483353Sorry, up to 60 feed was Medium range, up to 150 was Long and beyond was Extreme. Still had the cap of not letting us shoot beyond that except for RP purposes. Which we rarely did because he almost always had some Destiny tokens to spend.
Favourite ships?For me, it's the CIS frigates and destroyers.
>>94484164>1stWayfarer-class Light Freighter>2ndDynamic-class Freighter>3rdSekotan Personal Starship1/4will post pics of the other ships in subsequent posts.
>>94484230>overexposed>tilted cameraoversized helmet>long hair covering eyes and falling out of the helmet>helmet strap undone>not wearing a flightsuit0/10
thoughts on TIEs?
>>94484164X-wing>>94484230Who is that semen demon
>>94484244Coffins, I know there's another wave of "actually the TIE Fighter is good"
>>94484164Either the Providence or the YT2400.
>>94484164Imperial Star Destroyer is iconic.
>>94484571Looks like Katherine McNamara. Known mostly for Shadowhunters.
>>94484164Hard question.When I was a small child, my favorite was the Imperial I. Now I tend to have a favorite of the week and change regularly based on mood or if I learn of a ship that's interesting.Recently I saw this refinery ship which is pretty neat and reminds me of the large refinery platform from Alien a bit.
>>94485176>Imperial Star Destroyer is iconic>posts picture of an Allegiant-class
>>94484164I'm a fan of the Vindicator heavy cruiser.600 meters long with 4 heavy turbolasers, 44 medium TLs, sixteen point defense guns. Also torpedo tubes and a small hangar. Plus somewhat speedy.Only downside is that optimal crew is 2,500, but it can theoretically all be run from the bridge by as few as twelve.
>>94484665aren't they? at Yavin 9 TIEs took out 28 Rebel fighters
Does Darth Vader needs to piss and shit?
>>94486549Technically yes but most of the time no due to surviving off an IV nutrient drip
>>94478425You should watch it some time. They feature more prominently in Dominion Tank Police, but the quasi-reboot New Dominion Tank Police is, desu, the better animated of the two. They're both short, enjoyable OVAs and aren't too difficult to find dubbed on YouTube, assuming you don't think dubs are heresy. If you like those cyberpunky animes from the '80s and '90s, this is definitely worth a watch.
Are Miraluka even in the FFG books or are they homebrew only?
>>94478570If only 0.01 of 1% of those stars are accessible that still leaves 300,000-1,000,000. Still a lot but possibly manageable. Though even at that scale the Emperor couldn't possibly be aware of everything going on. The Moffs would need Moffs who would need Moffs to handle what was going on. Imagine the corruption going on, some of them were probably actively supporting the Rebellion.
>>94489381>Imagine the corruption going on, some of them were probably actively supporting the Rebellion...that's a really fuckin' cool idea for an NPC.
Just started reading Star Wars: Legacy. What are your opinions on that series?
>>94489504Edgiest EDGE to ever edge in SW. I don't like it for that reason.
>>94489504It has some of the edgiest writing, magnificent boobs and bad ass characters in it.Not talking about Cade obviously, but my man GAR "MOTHERFUCKING" STAZI.I liked the way the setting evolved from pure republic and pure empire to split galaxy, with a not too noblebright republic and non-sociopathic empire (until the sith took over).New force user organization in form of imperial knights was a neat idea too.Lastly, i liked the new capitol ship types, new TIE-fighters were also neat, but the republic fighters got hit with the ugly stick.
>>94489712>new capitol ship typesThe Alliance navy all looked like shit with those dumb prongs.
>>94489381Plenty of the stars would plausibly not have inhabited worlds or similar. Many might also have just small mining outposts, or a local Antarctica-style weather/whatever outpost. If you think of Mass Effect 1, you can meander across a huge pile of uninhabited worlds, many not even with breathable atmospheres. A bunch of stars and systems in a sector could easily be a "nothing here" entry on some Republic data log.
>>94489733I will stand by what I said.They feel like a natural evolution of the mon calamari cruisers from OG movie era, with emphasis put on increased frontal fire power.
>>94489712>magnificent boobsThat's Knights of the Old Republic.
>>94489504Kino.People that say its too edgy are faggots that wouldn't last a day in the late 90s.
>>94489504it's not edgy, it's some grunge goodness>half the comic is people arguing about duty>khan's story is lowkey tragic>battles are 100% rule of cool>nihilus personally calls khan's one sith shit.edgy was the vong>>94489794do not post my wife (zayne karrick is my spirit animal)
>>94489794Arkanians are genuine madmen. Imagine genetically engineering a servant/slave race entirely to do your menial labour for you. And then you also make them look like that.
>>94489504>CRAAAAAWILING IN MY SKIIIIN>THESE WOUNDS THEY WILL NOT HEAAAAAL>FEEAAR IS HOW I FAAALL>CONFUUUUSING WHAAAAT IS REAAAAAAAAAAL>empire is le good nowz and controls the galaxy (lma0)>here is that random faggot jedi from the prequel comics, he is the main villain now 200 years later>here is that random faggot jedi from the prequel comics, he outlived Luke Skywalker and is teaching his offsprings 200 years later>atrocious fucking character and costume designs, terrible shipsAbsolute slop. Occasionally cool, but still slop. Duursema's art really saves the whole thing. But seriously, just look at this faggot. Why is he wearing Darth Vader pants? Is he fucking stupid?
>>94489914>>94490001The main edge complaints usually relate to Cade Skywalker being a quantifiable failure as a hero and, more importantly, a Skywalker. He is a collection of all the edgiest 90s anti-hero attitudes, ranging from drug addict to tattoos to piercings to early-movie Demolition Man costuming, and moreover he's a Skywalker who abandons the legacy of his ancestor and the Jedi. Which is exactly what Luke did in Disney when his Temple was destroyed, making the parallels amusing.>>94490065>jedi from the prequel comics, he outlived Luke Skywalker and is teaching his offsprings 200 years laterThis, though. Cade is relatively nothing compared with the authorial incestuous favoritism given to a bunch of these Old Republic-era Jedi. Kkrukh for example, who when the Fall happened abandoned the Order and the Jedi to be a gambler fleecing people of money with the Force, stayed in hiding (didn't lift a finger) all through the dark times, GCW, New Republic, didn't even show his face for the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, or second GCW, or the Sith resurgence. Only when everything was peaceful, easy, when Luke and company had climbed a mountain carrying the galaxy on their backs to fix everything that broke on Kkrukh's watch, did that cowardly little fuck stick his nose up to plough into the trough of cushy Jedi Order membership. And for that he was made one of its leaders and gets to give orders to everyone else while doing nothing. It's a bad joke.
>>94489794Is it too much to say it's both, Anon?
>>94489762I like how they look more like KOTOR ships. Come to think of it, there's a lot of ways Legacy kind of feels like Old Republic history is rhyming with the future. I wonder if they did that on purpose.
>>94490149Sorry anon, I have to respectfully agree to disagree.
>>94490180Don't get me wrong, Jarael is the superior waifu by a country mile. But Blue wasn't too shabby.
>>94490250>ZeltronShe will cheat with half the galaxy.
>>94490250>>94490253KotOR had a superior Zeltron too.Also,>half the galaxyThat's pretty loyal for a Zeltron, this is the race with the planet famous for beating an Imperial invasion just by never stopping partying and fucking everybody who arrived there.
>>94490263>>94490253You're right, "waifu" is too strong a word for what Blue is.Speaking of all these Zeltrons, she ain't nice to look at (definitely not in this art style) but I like this character. Only has two appearances (both written by one Jason Hall) but I found her compelling. Been meaning to give her and/or her clone a role in my Edge of the Empire game.https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Vianna_D'Pow
>>94489504So, how come it's One Sith if there are so many Siths?
>>94489712>new TIE-fighters were also neatI kind of fail to see the appeal.I'm not an expert on Star Wars tech - why are their wings (?) like that?
Oh, that's neat
>>94490250>>94490263I have never seen the appeal of Zeltrons. I don't want to be pheromoned
>>94490669What kind of starfighter is that? Weird, but looks better than new TIE-fighters
>>94490690Looks like X-Wing's inbred retarded cousin.
>>94490686Can Zeltron pheromones make person gay?
>>94490695It looks like X-wing fucked Valkyrie from 40k
>>94490427>The Power of One Sith>The Power of Many Sith
>>94490650The starfighters in that are pure ass. My hatred for these idiotic designs is unending and the designers' homeworlds should be Mandalore'd.
>>94490686Look, at least the pink hips I was ogling didn't belong to a Falleen.
I didn’t think Zeltrons made it into NuCanon but apparently they did.They toned down the pheromones and but more emphasis on them being emphatic from them. So they learn at a young age to not be lead by their emotions.Kind of like a Betazoid/Vulcan mix. Still pink though.They
>>94490907>So they learn at a young age to not be lead by their emotionsSo basically an opposite portrayal?
>>94490686Describe this race to me?
>>94490686You won't mind it.
>>94491098>>94490829>>94490263>>94490250>wot if just humans>BUT PURPLE!wow, peak creativity
>>94490696I'm pretty sure Zeltron pheromones only work on the opposite sex, it comes up in a novel somewhere. But they do also have telepathic/empathic abilities (like Star Trek betazoids), and those definitely can work on male or female.
>>94490952>They all produced potent pheromones, similar to the Falleen species, which enhanced their attractiveness and likeability. They also possessed limited telepathic abilities, used to project emotions onto others, as well as allowing them to read and even feel the emotions of others. Because of their telepathic ability, positive emotions such as happiness, love and pleasure became very important to them, while negative ones such as anger, fear, or depression were shunned.>Most Zeltrons were in excellent physical shape, and their incredible metabolisms allowed them to eat even the richest of foods.>"All Zeltrons are obsessed with romance. When they cannot love, they fight. Both are sports to them. Coupled with their love of gambling, it makes one Zeltron in the grip of enthusiasm a formidable enemy. A pack of adolescents is virtually a force of nature.">Zeltron culture was highly influenced by sexuality and the pursuit of pleasure in general. Most of their art and literature was devoted to the subject, producing some of the raciest pieces in the galaxy. They looked upon monogamy as a quaint, but impractical, practice. Their Elixir of Infatuation was notorious for its powerful amorous effects.>Zeltrons were known to dress in wildly colorful or revealing attire. It was common to see male and female Zeltrons wearing shockingly bright shades of neon colors in wildly designed bikinis, or nearly skin tight clothing of other sorts with bizarre color designs, patterns, and symbols.>Zeltrons were often stereotyped as lazy thrill-seekers, owing to their hedonistic pursuits. Indeed, their homeworld of Zeltros thrived as a luxury world and "party planet," as much for their own good as for others. If anyone wasn't having a good time on Zeltros, the Zeltrons would certainly know of it, and would do their best to correct it.Also, red not purple, colourblind anon.
>>94491144Thanks.>>94490686What could be appeal of slutty hot alien girls who will seduce you with pheromones to have group sex with you? I don't know, it's such mystery. Simlar to what is appeal of succubus?
>>94490065>>empire is le good nowz and controls the galaxy (lma0)I will forever depict the Empire as can-do-no-wrong good guys who settle things way better than a corrupt Republic that is always falling apart. And I get 10+ players running to my games. Get mad, stay mad.
>>94490180How come she's only elf offshoot?
>>94492315Supposedly most of the elf-looking hybrids in Star Wars have Sephi blood in them. So whatever Jarael's specific ancestry is among the offshoots, there's a Sephi in there. Also offshoots are cross-fertile with humans. Why Arkanians felt a need to include that is unclear.
>>94464153This is such a dumb question, but I have to ask because players are inevitably going to try to flirt with the headtail species.Do you think twi'lek women would touch with their headtails the way human women sometimes "play" with their hair to signal interest in a person?
>>94492949>Do you think twi'lek women would touch with their headtails the way human women sometimes "play" with their hair to signal interest in a person?They literally have a language for it.>Twi'leks were also fluent in Lekku language, a silent form of communication using gestures made purely with the lekku. Only Twi'leks could express themselves this way, and few other species could understand them readily. Lekku was ideal for private conversation between Twi'leks in crowded areas.A Twi'lek could be openly stating exactly what litany of filthy things they will do to a man, up and down and all over, in the middle of a crowded street, and nobody around would know anything unless they could also read and interpret lekku.
>>94492977Speaking of lekku's, how come Darth Talon's one are so big? Is there a lekku enlargement a thing?
>>94473522 "It is high status to take a name that becomes something appropriate when you add In- in front of it, so naturally most good ones are taken. I am sure you know the two I speak of." "This also means some weaklings end up with whatever is left. I know of both a Darth Digent and a Darth Ept. Not to speak of Darth Cel. He once strangled most of the Naval High Command because they couldn't stop laughing."
He was right
>>94494124Maybe? Part of the lekku's function is that the twi'leiks' central nerveous system extends partway into them (hence them also being called "brain-tail"), but they also store fat. Bib Fortuna and that fat twi'leik senator from the prequels had pretty chunky lekku (the senator guy seemingly had two pairs, of lekku, but apparently the second pair weren't real lekky at all, lacking the nerves and muscles, and instead extra fat storage twi'leiks can develop if they get very overweight). So I guess Talon just has fat lekku.
>>94494208Is it pleasant to stimulate lekku? As in, by hand?
Is there Star Wars comic or novel or a videogame focused on pirates?
How would you make a character based on Solomon Kane, granddaddy of all "witch hunter" characters, in the FFG RP system? Besides the obvious, like not being Force-sensitive (or at least not a Force USER) and equipping him with a vibrorapier.
Hey is there a repository for Oggdudes that has all the books? Building a character in it for an FFG game and all the ones I've found elsewhere online aren't up to date.
Sigh, I regret missing the Bossk thread edition :(
>>94494755He should be a Force User, Jedi Shadow in particular.
What does /swg/ think of her?
>>94496222Didn't watch, don't care.
>>94496222Shit Farti
>>94491177Yes, it is a mystery. I have no desire to be mind controlled.
>>94496222would've liked to know what her deal was. Would.
>>94496222SSP (Stinky Sith Pussy)
>>94496326(It stinks like bantha poodoo)
>>94496222She's fine. Didn't care for the show itself that much though.
>>94496363I wonder how many anons are aware Bantha Poodoo means Bantha Food and not shit
>>94496376I was aware of that, but it still means it stinks badly.
>>94496222she's ok but i can tell she didn't serve during Alderaan
>>94496222Was it autism?
>>94496434No, it was bad writing.
>>94496434she's yandere for sabine
>>94496453>No, it was bad writing.
>>94496475Nice selfie.
>>94496251It's pheromones anon, not a damn Jedi Mind Trick
>>94496487>n-no u!wow, what a pathetic rebuttal
>>94496502I was giving you a compliment, I'm sorry you think you're ugly.
>>94496251Anon pheromones just make you like them more, not brainwash you, it's same as when good looking girl show you her boobs, she isn't mind controlling you you just do stupid shit to get laid.
>>94494248They've been described as 'sensitive', so I'd say yes.
>>94494124Female Twi'leks have core genetic memories of being the galaxy's number one fucktoy stored there.The bigger her lekku the deeper those memories.Or maybe it'S the otehr way round, and the more she added to those memories, teh bigger her lekku become?
>>94496222how come no one talks about Baylan?
>>94496628Same reason no one talks about Shin outside of coomers.No character, nothing to talk about.
>>94496488>>94496527Zeltrons have a kind of natural telepathy too. Not enough to fully dominate your mind, but enough to project emotions. That combined with the pheromones are a bad mix.Remember that Falleen have pheromones too and they can basically make you fall in love with them even without the telepathy shit. Not interested. You losers can have my share of the Zeltrons.
Concept overhead map of the Imperial Base on Tao from Star Wars Visions. Could be helpful in TTRPG"S if you wanted to use the world.
>>94496628>>94496633They personify the very core of the better bits of Disney SWInteresting concepts drowned in bad writing and inept storytelling.Shina and Sabine are very cute, though. I would alos hit Hera from behind like Wedge hit the DS2.>>94496633>no one talks about Shin outside of coomers.Well yes.
>>94497852isn't hera a single mom?
>>94497875Dunno, all I remember about her from show was her ass.
>>94497875A widow (unofficial). Similar, but a very different connotation. NTA btw
>>94496251You aren't mind controlled.
>>94497875Yes, the father went off and got killed.
>>94497875And Wedge dumped his load into the DS2 and GTFO the flaming tunnel without a rearward glance.
>>94496628What's there to talk about now, the actor that played him died and, honestly, I'm not that interested in the Ahsoka series anymore because the actors are shit, besides the one that died, the costuming isn't that great and the characters themselves are pants on head retarded.
>>94498048It's getting cancelled anyway apparently.
>>94498098I have strong doubts, if only because Ahsoka is Filoni's favorite and I doubt he'd let his waifu get the Cancelled treatment. Dude couldn't even kill her when she fought Vader and lost and literally created time travel to save her.
>>94498108>Obi-Wan Kenobi married this after cuckolding the previous husband
>>94498190Did Obi ever take responsibility for the bastard he fathered with the duchess of Mandalore?
>>94498199No indication he knew about any child.
The New Republic is so retarded in Disney Wars.-Demilitarization (many lost jobs)-Creepy and dehumanizing reintegration of Imps (even where it's a bad idea)-Poor training that over-relies on holo-simulations (it's so bad one navy guy in Filoni's Resistance cartoon has never fired a real blaster despite being NR military)Making them so-stupid-they-may-as-well-be-evil is a hell of a choice. I wonder why this was though necessary. Anyway, space democracy is clearly a mistake. The people are retarded and so are their reps when they aren't greedy bastards. Benevolent feudal space empires that don't waste resources being overtly totalitarian are clearly the only workable space gov't.
>>94491905>make the empire boringWhy would you do that?
>>94498199Cringe. Obi-Wan was for Siri Tachi only.
>>94498340It was all retroactive to justify Rian Johnson wiping out the NR offscreen
>>94498505Daily reminder that the CIS won.
>>94498592He was right.
>>94498592Unironically true>end of episode 9>literally no central government left>no republic>no empire>just all the independent worldsSeparatist chads won
>>94498679Ho ho ho.
>>94498687Hutts continue to be the ultimate winners by doing fucking nothing
>>94498690>>94498687Based slugs can't stop winning.
>>94496644Falleen pheromones are canon much stronger than Zeltron ones. It was enough that even a very strong-willed person will crumble, you need to use the Force to throw it off (Leia isn't exactly weak-willed and Xizor had her taking her clothes off in under ten minutes). Curiously Falleen women have much more powerful ones again than Falleen men, according to Xizor. They're bigger and stronger than the men too.Zeltrons by comparison are just "you feel good around them" and don't become a slave to your reproductive instincts. Luke hung around with Dani for months and never felt more than good + mildly attracted to her, and she was legit trying to bang him.
>>94498363The Fel Empire is infinitely more interesting than edgy Sith or boring Republics.
How to make a non-edgy Sith/Dark Jedi?
>>94499538Make her wear green.
>>94499538I don't think that's possible, dark side has a way of corrupting people.
>>94499538Same way you make not depressed emo.
>>94499538I don't think Palpatine is particularly edgy
>>94498340>Creepy and dehumanizing reintegration of ImpsWhat does the NR do to them?
Nu bread?
>>94498340>I wonder why this was though necessary.The writers wanted the Sequel Trilogy's conflict to be "the plucky and disadvantaged Rebels vs. The all encompassing Empire" from the start once again and pretty much made the OT characters accomplishments a joke. That's why they also destroyed Luke's Order too.And, it doesn't make sense either, the writers said the New Republic changes seats of power every few years, so them being completely destroyed on Hosnian Prime makes no sense. They're a mobile government its not stuck in one place and that's it, sure they lost their big leaders but that shouldn't have killed all of them. Hell, the First Order could have killed the A team of NR leadership and all that remained were a group of younger politicians who were shoved into the leadership role too soon and needed guidance, and here comes Leia who was denied the position but now has a chance to become a leader once again and has the help of some of the old guard who came out of retirement. But, no, the Empire must be the leader of the galaxy because that makes the resistance much more legitimate.
>>94500144When we're at page 10
>>94498505pretty accurate
>>94500152too long to wait, i'm making it in 60 minutes if you don't
>>94499538Apply regular lewding, it's a Twi'lek thing.
why is the Resistance so much lamer than the Rebels?
>>94500793it's a boring less-competent rehash?same reason the First Order is gay as fuck
>>94500927>>94500927>>94500927Its up.
>>94500793Ugly ships, non-interesting to dumbass people and their scenes in the movies were just foolish.
>>94500954>>94500954>>94500954actual real new thread
>>94499538You either go the Dooku route, make them fallen heroes who became the very thing they set out to destroy, or you go the Palpatine route and make them Machiavellian manipulators who get their kicks by exploiting others' edgyniess. I guess you could also do a nihilist who's decided the only way to bring peace to the galaxy is to purge all life from it, but that only works in a non-edgy way if you make him world-weary, never angry at anyone, merely disappointed they continue to prove his point to himself as he seeks galactic extermination.Otherwise, your only available archetype is maximum edgelord.