Previous: >>94468824>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.http://www.tappedout.nethttps://www.archidekt.com>CARD SEARCH>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap>how to proxy using any printer Question/Prompt: Tell me about a time your were an absolute bastard at the table. Pic related.
Your LGS does commander tournaments right?
Gay Bolas
>>94479455How the fuck would a commander tournament work? People who like each other would just collude so they have the best chances of advancing
>>94479504We did it before in my LGS. 250$ budget limit on decks, 4man pods (sometimes 5man, if anybody else leaves etc.) tallied by defeat order. I suppose the hard part about this would be gathering enough players, this tourney had around 40 players. Then there's duel commander which is just 1v1 best of three that is really popular here, often involving dual lands as prizes.
>>94479340I'm cripplingly addicted to pointless distractions. I wanna find slots for stuff that makes me first 2-3 turns feel like I'm playing instead of just trying to ramp into an early Urza. Definitely gonna give Pteramander the pass for now, going from lowest cmc to highest cmc and doing "passes" over my maybeboard to trim out stuff that just isn't as good as what I already have or wouldn't work alongside it.Thinking of using this as a mix of draw with a fairly inconsequential giveaway, but also as a diplomacy method where I trade a card to someone or give someone a robot in exchange for favors.
>>94479522>I suppose the hard part about this would be gathering enough playersNo, again, the hard part would prevent rampant cheating>player 1 is friends with player 2 but not players 3 or 4>any time there is not a clear threat on the board, all damage and removal should be directed at players 3 and 4>then players 1 and 2 can compete with each other for the actual winAlso>tallied by defeat orderHow does that work when in some cases a player can win without anyone being knocked out? Or 2 players die simultaneously
Updated my deck a little so here is a new IRL onePost IRL decks
>>94479567I'll be updating this again once I'm done redoing it, but right now this is what I've gotLink included because it's a low quality pic
>TQHow I won on Monday. Homie invited I think his gf or at least a lady friend for a game, and she hadn't played in a while so we were running precons. Homie has Sauron, other homie had Imperium of Man, and I had Caesar, she had a mutate deck. Anyway it's like turn 15 or something and Imperium homie has a Thunderhawk and a giant board and has 50 life from Triumph lifelink, I have a big board but 9 life, homie has like 20 life and some orcs and fliers, and she has 20 life and some mutate stuff out. I put down 4 powder gangers on my turn to destroy some stuff, I go to target the Thunderhawk but that guy promises to leave me last if I don't. I compromise, destroy his Rosette, Sauron player's two food, and my Yes Man whose draws have been getting robbed by Sauron player's Notion Thief, and has 5 counters. I pass, imperium homie kills the other two, then I make a bunch more tokens, swing for like 47 and burn for 20 to kill the Imperium player. It was pretty funny because usually I kingmake the guy playing Imperium, and USUALLY it's completely unintentional because I do something goofy, or me and the Sauron player get into a row (he plays vindictive as fuck and it's great), kill each other, and the Imperium player just wins from the ashes.
>>94479588>Cheerio creaturesFine>Drafna's Restorationeh>Esper SentinelWhy isn't this in yet?>Etherium Pteramander4/10>Baleful Strix8/10>Bitter Triumphyou look like you need more removal so this is a good idea>Cyberman PatrolAfflict 3 is weaker than it sounds>Myr Dorks10/10>Myr Retriever pretty good>Time Sieveif you want to win this is a way>Anguished Unmakingsee Bitter Triumph>Cybernetica Datasmithi kind of get where your going with this? give draw to someone else and get robots? or just get draw while giving away robots that are weak compared to yours?>Digsite Engineeressential>Foundry Inspectoralways good>Lita, Mechanical EngineerPesudo-Vigilance seems good but her other abilities are wasted>LosheelDraw is always good>Midnight Clockdo you need it? no but it could be good as a mana rock that turns into timetwister>Mirrodin Besieged essential>Sai, Master Thopterist essential>Withering Tormentsee Bitter Triumph>Aetherflux + Citadel Combined due to combo. 4/10 Time Sieve is better>Arcbound Condorweird removal?>Biotransferenceobjectively good for this deck>PadeemDraw = GoodProtection = Good>Refurbished Familiarehhhhhhhhhh>Robobrain WarmindCut>Symmetry Matrixnormally bad but good with constructs>Thopter Spy Networkcut>Thousand Moons Smithycut>Anrakyr the Travelerodd choice?>Canoptek SpyderDraw = good>Darksteel Juggernautmeh>Illustrious Wanderglyph8/10>Mirrorworks5/10>Mishra's Self-Replicator10/10>Sphinx of the Revelation draw = good, lifelink = good, and it self-enables>Sharuumtoo expensive for an etb anrakyr is better
>TQI had a very brief run with a stax/hatebear deck. Didn't even matter how much removal the rest of the table had or how much they focused on me, I just had too many pieces that locked down the table.The novelty wore off real quick for all of us.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
>>94479629Okay we know youre samefagging because the card names in that image are fucking illegible
>>94479814those cards are on the maybeboard in the link
>>94479814I'm not disagreeing that swordbro is a samefag, but those cards are completely readable. the only unidentifiable cards are a couple lands. get your eyes checked, bruv.
>>94479814>replying to tripfaggots in any capacityLet the dipshit talk to himself lol
>>94479567not properly sorted but gets the general idea across.whats the deal with this email verification on captcha bullshit btw.
>>94479557>>94479611>>94479899Get a hobby lmao this is how a 4 year old behaves lmao >>94479814>cards are in the linkWorlds shittiest detective everyone
>>94479940Weird deck, do you just win by grinding the table down?
>>94479970>Mass replying in defence of a fat retardAt this point I really hope it’s samefagging, because I can’t take another person being as pathetic or worse.
Do you keep up with brewing new commanders? Or at least keeping track of them?
>>94480053Is that an emotional expression of a "No, I can't keep up with that retarded shit"?
>>94480045Huh? This question is really poorly worded anon.>>94480039You all need to be shamed
>>94479661stax and hatebears are fine as long as you can win in a decent time frame, but this is rarely the case.I do think tax effects are perfectly fine as slowing the opponents down, but they can still play is perfectly fine
>>94479455it does duel commander tournaments, it's pretty cool
>>94480045I don't bother unless there's something in a set I really like. Otherwise I already have enough decks to keep track of that I don't need to keep trying to make something out of the new cards. More likely now I think to look through old things I missed and cook up something with those now.
Is she boring to play against?
>>94480285I really like seeing a Belbe at the table, mostly because I try to hit everyone and encourage others to do the same. But if there’s meek pissboys shuffling up I’ll be getting more advantage than them so all in all it’s a fun time.
>>94480285depends entirely on the 99
>>94480285I get to play my cards faster how is that not fun
>>94480332because their deck is built around slamming Eldrazi and taking advantage of the extra mana
>>94480359Thats okay I have lots of premier removal
>>94480285>play this against ojer axonil>he taps a catapult>"wait, I now have 4 red and 6 colorless mana to spend???">proceeds to kill the entire table
>new player to MTG and EDH>bring a cool grixis deck I found to a table>get a 20 minutes lecture and grown ass men unironically being mad over itwhy ?
>>94480385what was your commander retarded frog poster?what was your win con?
>>94480385>be new>get mentored by the community>bitch about itOkay
I hate that I still think about Thalia. Introducing my girlfriend to family for thanksgiving and thinking how in some ways I'd almost rather be introducing them to Thalia instead. But I could never. Thalia is dating a man uglier than me now and it's making me think I could have had a chance with her. That's not true but I still think it. I don't feel in love with her the same way anymore. I love my girlfriend. I really do. But it's not the same intensity of love felt for Thalia in the past. The kind that makes a man want to marry a woman as soon as possible to lock her down forever. I know it's smarter to be with a woman who loves you more than you love her. But I still think about Thalia. I hope one day I don't anymore.
>>94480385you proxy'd a >$1000 deck you found online, didn't you?because I did the same when I my friend wanted a Sauron deck. printed the first deck with "casual" in the description, only to find out it was $1500 removal deck
>>94479369>Thread Question/Prompt: Tell me about a time your were an absolute bastard at the table. Pic related.Related this story a few weeks ago, but I'll give it another go. Playing in a three-man game and my Brion Stoutarm deck is just failing. Not drawing a damn thing I need. Meanwhile my friend's Will/Rowan spellslinger deck is going off. He's not even bothering to kill us because he's enjoying himself too much, and has Will ready to ultimate on eight loyalty. I'm pondering scooping, but I go ahead and draw for turn and then actually choke on my beer when I realize what I can do. I drew Zealous Conscripts, noticed he was tapped out, and proceeded to steal and ultimate his planeswalker, earning myself a useless (to me) emblem in the process.I passed the turn and he killed the both of us out of spite. And yet I still feel like I won.
>TQOne game, I got out Archon of Cruelty out early on a gamble. Proceeded to use it's ability to target the same dude like 5 times with it because I wasn't drawing targeted removal to destroy the commander he was attacking me with. I died, but seeing him carefully consider every card and with pain discard one, up until his entire hand was just gone had me feeling devilish.>Another game, fairly late in the game, I targeted the sultari player with Balor's draw 3 discard 3 at random. Discarded his game-winning cards. The look on his face makes for a great memory.One game, had Arcbond and with a spot of luck, could use it to wipe the simic player's board and swing for lethal with haste. Then the simic player spiraled out of control and I used it to tie the game, having it deal like 40 damage to everyone, killing everyone.
>>94480393pic related was my commander>what was your win con?my opponent's>>94480415>mentoredfancy word for saying throwing tantrums>>94480428what's wrong with proxying cards, I can't remember but I think everyone on the table was allowed too
>>94480593>pic related was my commander>a card that can't be your commanderuh..
>>94480593did you not ask them if they would let you use a card that can't be a commander first?
>>94480593>show up with fake cards>also with an illegal deck>be kindly told that the deck is illegal and they don't care for your fake cards>come to 4chan looking for sympathyPretty epic plan
>>94480593Kek good troll post
>>94480646Your commander has to be a legendary creature or have the words "this card can be your commander" in the text box.
>>94480646Baited me
>>94480670planeswalkers can't be commanders unless they say "this card can be your commander" or they are flip cards.Nicol Bolas, the Ravager would be legal because his front side is a creature
>>94480681Stop feeding the troll retard
>>94480681>planeswalkers can't be commanders unless they say "this card can be your commander" so they can print meme secret lair franchises that can be commander but not the actual cool ones ? bullshit
>TQI'm just generally a bastard, but I'd say the most egregious game I ever had was a 4+ hour long game with my Tasha deck where I was just repeatedly cloning my knowledge pool and making everyone else have to brute force their way to the removal spells buried in my triggers.The meanest thing I've done was absolutely shit on a newer player who had been targetting me all night because I was the only person in the group they didn't know, by flickering fall of the thran repeatedly so they had no lands, and therefore no mana to pay for/remove propaganda and ghostly prison.
>>94480690Yes the creators of the game can in fact print whatever they want
>>94480593>proxy deck with a Planeswalker commander that can’t be your commanderAnon… come on now. Are you baiting or are you actually retarded? You can take the out and say you’re just joking around
>>94479567>Post IRL decksI finally remembered to take a picture. I need to do some work on this one but it does ok for me
>>94480385>new player>saying they used a grixis deck instead of mentioning the commander by nameYou guys should have known it was a troll post as soon as you read that. The most obvious Nicol Bolas setup ever.
>>94480773you are the reason land destruction and stax can't be played If you are going to do this shit fucking win.Odric blowing up all permanents with earthshaker is fine because they will win from that position because they will still have a board
>>94480045I currently have 58 legends in my "to build" binder.
JOTC had 20 years to innovate White’s color pie beyond stax and MLD and all they came up with was ketchup beggars mechanics and Sun Titan memes. Complaining about the flavor you lose to doesn’t change the taste. Gavin Verhey can shove his Whiterhoof designs up his kosher ass.
Looking for card draw in Boros spellslinger deck and I'm on a tight budget. What are some reccomendations?
>>94480385You need to remember that 95% of lgs players are bitter passive aggressive sore losers, who's can only get a "win" in life by playing Magic a couple of times. So when they lose at that too, the autism comes out in a very concentrated form.I stopped playing at lgs ages ago. Only play at home with my friends and I've never had more fun playing magic than now.
>>94480838>Odric blowing up all permanents with earthshaker is fine because they will win from that position because they will still have a boardwhat the fuck are you talking about? none of the cards you mention do anything you are talking about. here's my best guess:>use Odric II with at least one indestructible creature on board, giving the rest indestructible when you move into combat>swing with worldslayer into an empty board>still get all your lands, artifacts, etc blown up, but theoretically still win because you have a bigger army than anyone elsewas that the interaction you were talking about? at first I thought you meant Odric I so you could swing into any board and declare no attacks, but then your shit would get blown up too. problem now is in order to get this to go off, you have to swing into a completely empty board, in which case you should have been able to win even without worldslayer. I feel like there is some shit you forgot to mention in this combo.
>>94480838>>94480773>winHe did his opponents just refused to accept and/or realize it. Forcing your opponents to scoop is a viable wincon probably the most standard stax one
>>94480472Absolute favorite red card. Stealing someones walker that is ready to ultimate is peak bastard/fuck you gameplay
>>94480903You need to remember that you're mentally retarded and fall for bait posts.
>>94480911I've done it where I have just creatures and I've done it where I've had all my lands and equipment still.Avacyn, and Flare of Fortitude protect everythingElspeth emblem also does that but you usually never bother because the only time that will happen is slamming her after a board wipe anyways which means you already have an advantage
>>94480874"Catch up" mechanics are cool though and end up putting you ahead when you properly build white
>>94481049Very cool
>>94479588>thoracle consultwhy
>>94481094they wanted an easy win backup, but I also don't know why you would even do that it a causal deck
>>94481094You ask why a faggot is a faggot? Lol. Lmao even.
>>94481062thanks babe*sucks you off*
>>94481094they are good cards so might as well play them. no need to be all high and mighty
>>94480927>>94479567Players scooping is my favorite wincon, especially if I don't actually have a wincon.
>>94481278based. pic rel could do gangbusters for you>>94481134>>94481275should just run time sieve instead, at least that's on theme
>>94481049>all these pre-modern cards>land tax from fucking wot
>>94479369I was running oloro control and a friend was running azorius control and we were both sitting smugly with rule of law and other stuff up grinding the game to a halt
>>94480285wrong printing anon
>>94481358sorry frog, that's strictly due to local scarcity
>>94481094>why would a deck want a wincon
>>94480984You need to remember that what I said is true either way.
>>94480984Anon just wanted to bitch see>>94481766Hes a full time pussy
>>94481733>brew deckokay, done. a masterpiece. but how do I win? I know, thoracle it is.
>>94481907If you're in blue/black, why not?
>>94481915some people like to play magic, not shitpost on the internet all day.
so in the past I had a deck with Selenia, Dark Angel that I referred to as the Captain Ginyu because I'd damage myself down to like 1 life with her ability and then I'd switch life totals with one of my opponents. This deck was really fun but for some reason I ended up retiring it and taking it apart (I honestly can't remember why at this point) Anyway I was thinking about putting it back together but was wondering if maybe I could update the commander from Selenia to something with a bit more utility. Do you think any of these other commanders would be better than Selenia?
>>94481928you sound like you're a lot of fun to play with
Why is 4chan the only anti proxy place?
>>94482051>why is [[False Premise]]wow
>>94482057Not false at all. Only place I see constant anti proxy posts You'd be better off going with an excuse of "it is all trolling" rather than being a newfag
>>94482051>>944820704chan doesn't have an opinion. I'm not anti-proxy, but some other people are. We argue about it.
>>94482080By this logic no place has an opinion and you need to stop accusing things, places, and people as "reddit"
>>94482070>Not false at all>proceeds to give 0 evidence and just speak in anecdotes retarded and false premise
>>94481928why are you trying to be so high and mighty? there is no need, just play the good cards
I need a home for these bad boys.Any suggestions?
>>94482051I'm of two minds on proxies. Honestly, if JOTC wasn't so fucking gay, I'd be anti proxy, but I can't in good conscious tell people to buy their slop.
>>94482106traumatize+living death mass reanimator dimir5 nazgul coming out at the same time for +25 counters is much stronger than one at a time
>>94482088Bad, shitty posts are by reddit, good posts are not.It's not hard anon
>>94482126so you are a retard?
>>94482126As long as they're the same shape and size I don't care, unless they're hard to read/shitty alters.
>>94482089>0 evidenceRead the thread, specifically the retard with the nicol bolas deck, who then gets dunked on for using proxies.>>94482223reddit isn't anti proxy. Not compared to here.
>among friends the unofficial shadow ban list of cards is gigantic>og duals are on the list because it makes the poor fags of the group feel poor>fetchlands are okay because they are not that expensive>off colored fetchlands are not okay because tryhard, but half the group doesnt even know what that means and the other half doesnt notice the off colored fetchland when cracked asapI love my retards.
>>94482224Found the fag
>>94482126I just use proxies and if someone has an issue they are invited to go outside and fight with me or shut their hole and deal with it like the cucks they are.
>>94482245Do you all proxy? Or have enough cash lying around to get off-colour fetches for decks?What's an amusing card you have shadowbanned? At my table, only one guy is really allowed to play Alexios in his deck, yet we all have an Alexios ourselves each.
>>94482088>by this logicReddit is dominated by accounts with names, and your post can get downvoted into irrelevance if you disagree with a mod. 4chan is anonymous, so the only thing that matters is the quality of your argument.
>>94482301So people on reddit don't act anti-proxy due to downvoots and secretly they hate proxies?
>>94482229He got dunked on for a variety of reasons. The overall sentiment towards proxies here and at my lgs is the same, pro with a caveat of don't be a fag
>>94482229He got dunked on for trying to use a planeswalker as his commander
Most anti-proxy argument I've noticed comes down to people too retarded to distinguish price and power, and assume everyone is playing on the same budget as them.
>>94481777Enjoy gaming with shitty lgs patrons lol
>>94482410pretty much
>>94482106The bin
>>94482106Frodo, Sauron's Bane deck
>>94481989>RowanIts t3 or die, the commander. If thats your thing then go for it. Its more of a "find a way to spend as much life as you can without dying then giant X spell" than a life manip deck>WillowduskHer best build is a bunch of small dorks with lifelink and a lot of Rowans flair of paying a lot of life, only you put it on your creatures. Can be cool but not for everyone.>VerrakYour fetches are better. I don't know what else to say about this guy honestly.>SeleniaI still think she holds a unique role because no other commander does what she does: a life-dump in the command zone at all times. That sort of thing you have to find in the 99 but Selenia herself is always accessible.
Can I use Nassari, Dean of Expression/Ulvida, Dean of Perfection in a deck without having a red commander, only a blue one? Will I only be able to cast the Ulvida side or not be able to bring it at all?
Any token engines in mono white that make flyings easily and are cheap?Didn't find anything too good on scryfall but I need 4 flyers to cast my commander.
>>94483074Yes, you can cast her. You can use either side as much as you can use a hybrid mana commander and sticking to one color.
>>94483074Or you could stop being a special snowflake and just play jhoira.
I like haste. Should I build a creature cheat commander like Purphoros, or just a general haste theme?
>>94483215Why suggest Jhiora?
>>94483127open wide bitch, here comes the choochoo train
>>94483247Nta but id wager because it's the same card as the front side but better honestly I'm shocked the izzet deans are so expensive
>>9448327210th Doctor>Jhoira
>>94483255Sacred Mesa is better than all of that
>>94483279I would not agree with that
>>944832893 time counters is superior to 4Time travel ability is far better than what Jhoira hasIt is easy to build a deck around top deck manipulationYou also get a free back up commander and can expand into 3 color.
>>94483255That's just.. really bad.. and I know them, I have a few of them.The only interesting thing is the hawk but even that's 4 mana.
>>94483215this, just play the better cards. no need to be all high and mighty
>>94483336it's the most you'll get
magic players are so lame how is this the first time ive learned of this card. only ever see ghostly prison/prop
>>94481275>>94482103>>94483339epic new meme by swordbro
>>94483371The griffin thing is cool. It's shitting out endless big boys
>>94483391i was gatekeeping it specifically so you wouldn't find outpicrel
>>94483246Depends on what you want out of it. Haste is a means to an end.>Xenagos, power matters and getting nasty damage-based triggers at haste-speed>Maelstrom Wanderer, cascade cascade and swing with the fresh new board due to built-in haste anthem>Samut, every haste creature that connects is a draw>Henzie, blitz sacs creatures and gives you a draw, so get attack, combat damage and death triggers all, sacrifice creatures that attacked for even more value>Feldon, artifact haste copiesI personally don't like Purphoros. But if it's cheating hasted creatures, pic related can be nice in lots of decks with red.
>>94483391because everybody plays flyers and only one more mana is not that much worse so you can keep drawing since nobody is attacking too hard on turn 2 anywayit's arguably better in late game 1v1 but nobody is gonna pay the 2 mid game so it does the job because they'll just swing someone else
>>94483336you want a 2 drop that makes flyers at the cost of life. Life payment is not a white thing
>>94479455A LGS does that but with a objective and oiint system, you win the table you get 4 points and there is other shit, if you make X tokens you get 1 point, if you necromancy 20 creatires you get w point, if you kill everyone at the table you get 1 and so and so. But the objectives are sorted for tge round, so each round has new objectives. Is cheap to enter and some play just to score extra points.
>>94479455No. Thank god. They are very hands off on what we do on commander nights.
>>94483401tell me 1 (one) good reason why one shouldn't run the most optimal npcrec piles whenever possible?all I have ever heard from anons is agreeing to play good cards because it automatically makes you a better player or not refuting the fact that playing bad cards is just trying to be on a high horse
>>94483215I don't have Jhoira. I have those two
>>94483304Yeah I can read the card I'd still disagree
>>94483246Turn cards sideways, get ramp in return.
Rate my dragon deck /edh use an OG elder dragon as the general as a tribute to EDH
>>94483215I'm not trying to have Nassari as my commander. I'm asking if I can put Nassari in a deck with a monored commander or a deck with a monoblue commander.
I can't believe I just ate a triple land destruction 2 times in a row from 2 different dudes and then a farewell from the 3rd.What is this subhuman behavior
>>94483481edh is largely a midrange battlecruiser format. if your playgroup is cool with you playing the strongest, most efficient 2 card cedh wincon then good for you. but the majority of tables tend not to like when they're 30 minutes into a match and they get blindsided by a combo that is impossible for most decks to stop (requiring a counterspell). it doesn't matter if the rest of your deck turns sideways, as soon as thoracle+consult is cast the table's perception of your deck is that you lied about powerlevel and were playing cedh the whole time.or are we talking about jhoira
>>94479629Just got home from the emergency room. Cut a lot of the ones mentioned, trimming the maybeboard down to 37
Who are the most consistent Big Mana commanders? I just want to play really big shit.
>>94479567How does it play? I'm always looking for more Bloomburrow deck ideas.
>>94483681Animars known for eldrazi and combos.The snow troll won't attract hate at least
>>94483424>>94483534>Depends on what you want out of itthe rush of speed mostly. hitting them fast and hard. out of all decks I've build so far, power matters with haste and trample enablers were always the most enjoyable to me. the haste commanders you guys listed are the ones I found on edhrec too, but I was wondering if someone has some experience with building one of them, and how they play like or what one can expect from them.
>>94483597I agree but people here seem to just say play the best cards or you are a fag
>>94483865the people here don't matter because you're not sitting down to play with them. what matters is matching your playgroup>anon why are you playing stasis, we only have precons>because /edhg/ called me a fag
>>94483865Most people here don't play the game. You need to remember that on 4chan 90% of the people in any given thread don't actually participate in whatever the thread is about outside of shitposting about it on 4chan. This is a consistent issue across almost every board.
>>94483918no I mean when people here ask about a card it gets dismissed and told to run a better one and stuff like that>>94483950it's just tiresome to constantly hear running jank is gay because winning is all that matters
running jank is gaywinning is all that matters
Is it too slow even for non-green decks?
>>94483975for most pods I'd imagine. especially for non-green. unless you are running some artifact/ability/landfall synergy I'd avoid it. better have some rock that ramps big once than leaving yourself open for several turns, even on the off chance it gets removed I feel
>>94483975it is slow but it does color fix and can help you get fodder into your hand for like discarding or looting i suppose, or if you need lands in hand for some reason
>>94483956are the jank-haters in the room with us right now?
>>94484010color hate will always be hilarious to include
>>94483975>5 mana for 1 landyes but your other options aren't much better. consider armillary sphere for slightly more efficiency or compass for some later utility
>>94484034a lot of the ixalan MDFC lands are actually pretty solid ramp in off colors, and some of them are legitimately insane on the backsides, like a tolarian academy or gaea's cradle
>>94484034isn't archaemancer map pretty gud tho?
>>94484051it's good but much less in mono white since your options to limit your land count while staying on curve are very limited in mono
>>94484057All those white spells are good, but they're white so maybe he can't run themalso land tax exists
>>94484068replied to the wrong post>>94484057
fuck I did it again
>>94484079what u do anon
@94484084 reply to the wrong post
>>94479369Played pic related last Friday and someone told me that they hated my deck and that he's done playing the game with me. I don't get it because he milled himself out by asking me to draw him over 30+ cards. I gave them all guns that they could have totally used on me, but they waffled around and got milled to death.
>>94479369>TQ>Pic related as full infect with combat tricks>First time playing the deck at a friend's house>Kill the host on turn 4>He sits there on his phone as the game degenerates into the longest 3 hour slog ever>I am somehow not dead despite playing an all-in meme deck>Eventually with Chandra's Ignition onto a pumped up Blight Mamba and kill the other two.Host banned me from ever doing that again.
>>94479369>Thread Question/Prompt: Tell me about a time your were an absolute bastard at the table.I had power conduit with night of the doctor out and just kept removing the lore counter so the board wiped every single turn
>>94479369>Turn 1>Swamp, Stitcher's Supplier. I have Delirium.I love playing decks that have a sudden turning point where the table realizes that I need to die immediately. It hits different when it's that fast.
Is this the most popular TQ ever written?
>>94479455EDH tournaments killed my LGS. It was a cool, laid back LGS where we just went to to play for fun, but then the EDH tournaments started, and with them an arms race. People started ramping up their decks. A few months later, everyone is running essentially the same cedh value pile with a ton of free counterspells and fast mana, all casual players are gone. Every game ends in four turns, and it's impossible to even try to play a regular deck. It also drove off everyone who went there to play other formats, since the EDH tournaments became more popular than the 1v1 tournaments and those stopped happening. cedh is a fucking cancer
>>94484684EDH players seem to be straight up fiends unable to take a step back from optimal cards.
>>94484753The problem with cEDH is that they want to optimize a strictly casual format. That makes it incredibly easy to abuse.Plenty of busted cards are legal, you can proxy anything you can't afford, you can have a dozen different ways to reach the same end game because you have 100 cards and there's plenty of tutors of varying power.Limp dick losers know they couldn't get this kind of power trip in Standard so they flock to EDH instead
>>94484809>you can proxy anything you can't affordDoubt
>>94484829>>you can proxy anything you can't afford>DoubtIn what way can you fucking "doubt" this?
>Get nephew into Commander>His dad buys every precon on the planet>They ask to play and save cards to kill or counter any time I play a commander or combo piece >Mulligan 40 times in casuals and keep 7 cards until they have the perfect hand that always has Sol Ring turn one>They tap my card really hard and say "DEAD HA!" or other shit>Nephews dad says if he loses at FNM he'll just buy an entire box of collectors packs and open them at the table he lost to "flex">Came in while I was playing at FNM and bought out the stores modern horizons packs>Sat down at my table and kept shoving rares and mythics in my face while I'm playing asking if they are any good or more importantly worth a lot of moneyI think I ruined this game for myself. I was having a lot of fun and making friends at the shop too Oh well.
>>94484855LGS have no legal requirement to allow it and majority do not.
>>94484684>>94484753what most LGS do where I live is that they cap deck budget to $250. Dec klists have to be submitted to the shopkeepers/events manager first before being allowed to participate in the tournament
>>94484888capping prices sounds dumb to me. You'd have to redo your deck weekly, basically. Prices are not static. I've designed 100 dollar budget decks that suddenly go to 105 the next day.
>>94484885>LGS have no legal requirement to allow it and majority do not.>legalKek just throwing around words you don't understand now?They don't have to have permission to allow proxies, they have to be told not to allow proxies. Most LGS allow proxies.
>>94484915How is legal being used improperly there, anon?
>>94484903They're usually lax about it unless its a card that just received a massive spike in price. So long as you take a screencap of how much it was at the time of submission. On the other hand, duel commander is the dominant format here. Rarely found players for 60-card constructed.
>>94484922>How is legal being used improperly there, anon?Because you think it is a word with authority so you threw it in to make your point sound weightier when it is complete nonsense.Again: there does not have to be a "legal requirement to allow" proxies, there has to be a legal requirement to ban them. There is not. Some WPN stores ban proxies but it's not in the rules of the game, it's between them and Wizards.
>>94484934I think you seriously misread a post or something. I don't really care to spend my time trying to educate you over 10 posts. Have fun.
>>94484942Kek that's one way to concede I guess.
>>94484859Is your cousin Seto Kaiba?How can he afford to throw around money like that.
>>94484859Didn't happen.
>>94484809It's not even a problem in just CEDH. So many people build their casual decks with the mentality of having a standard suite of draw/removal/ramp with absolutely no shame just using the best-in-slot options for those cards. Why run this suboptimal blue draw sorcery when I could just proxy my 8th Rhystic Study? How do I find a creative way to get out my expensive mono white commander? Oh right I can just print a picture of mana crypt, vault, JLo, Smothering Tithe. (these were the same players who had melties over the bans)The fact I've seen "deck-building rule of thumb" where in a 100 card deck you only get like 3-5 pet cards is so depressing to me for what is supposed to be a fun format that promotes doing weird and creative things.
>>94485034as a kid I went to a yugioh tournament at a store and another kid bragged about how his dad buys him all the expensive cards and yata locked me
>>94485043That was me.
Is there a card that will let me keep enchantments attached to a creature when it is blinked?
>>94485078No, because it counts as a new creature.You could phase it out instead
>>94485043That's much more believable than:>apparently with no awareness that my nephew is a little shit, I got him into my hobby>"his dad" (who I inexplicably won't refer to as my brother or brother-in-law) buys him more precons than he could ever possibly play with, and I am going to complain about this even though it is surely something I was aware he might do because I'm close enough to family that the nephew is now at FNM with me, so surely the absurd amounts his parents will spend on him was already known to me>they both absolutely kick my ass playing the game as intended>the break the mulligan rule and for some reason I make no mention of ever having tried to explain mulligans aren't free>the kid is apparently richer than god and will drop $250 bucks a week if he loses a single game
>>94485095No I'm aware of the rule, I'm looking for cards that break it>>94485096This is pretty good, thanks anon.I want to play enchantress with this guy
Huh. Is this really the only card that has a gate on its ability that cares about having an exiled card? I'm surprised there isn't more that cares about that in a similar way.Shame the ability is so expensive, given the requirement.
>>94485096>>94485108Tawnos coffin is another if you dont mind proxying, essentially a colorless flickerform that also protects counters
My campaign begins
>>94483731The main idea is draining opponents of life with all the "when you gain life target opponent loses life" effects, without using the infinite lifegain/lifeloss combo.It often gets to the point where an opponent loses 20+ life on attack before combat damage.I'm sure i could make it better but I'm trying to stick to the bat/vamp theme
>>94485666I would play the dimir one
>>94485666enchantments are gay
>>94485707Glad to hear it, that was the one I found hardest to write.I didn’t want shit to come back with effects otherwise it would just instantly be the best reanimator of all time. Giving them mill seemed like the most obvious answer, maybe too obvious. The finality counters and 4/4 stars also felt like the right balance- because I don’t want it to dominate an entire play style. I want the resources to be limited to an extent and not too open to abuse. Wasn’t sure if I’d struck the right balance so I’m glad someone likes it
>>94485666>4 colored mana activated ability to kill a creature you already have goadedWhy? This is basically just a shit version of Kaima who already kinda sucks in worse colors. If anything Rakdos enchantress would be based on curses
>>94485788so what he just stares at the enchantments and they get destroyed out of sheer shame?
>>94485792I missed the no ability part so now it seems like shit.For the record the Duskmourn precon can revive anything including artifacts and enchantments just for having delirium and exiling some cards
>>94483734I've built Henzie and Xenagos myself. You say power matters haste + trample is the most enjoyable to you. I sure can tell you Xenagos delivers that in spades. There's often a fair reason why a commander is popular on EDHREC. Xenagos is great because he enables cards with scary attack or combat damage triggers to not be a giant glowing target for a whole round before you maybe swing with it. Plenty of trample in green. Green means you ramp real fast so you get to your big cards quickly. And Xenagos being an indestructible enchantment until you have enough devotion is a major boon. I don't think anyone in my playgroup has a card that can interact with indestructible enchants.Fun notable moments include:>Temur Battle Rage on an Ojer Kaslem, getting 2 lands and 2 creatures on the field in a single combat round>Buffing Malignus with Xenagos so Malignus is as big as the largest opponent health pool>Getting out a Bloodthirster on turn 4 and killing someone on the spot while doming the other 2>Hasting out Ilharg and getting a free Evercoat Ursine card>Greater Good sac my whole board in response to a boardwipe and having a graveyard bigger than the grixis playerThere's a good reason plenty of anons here have built him. He's fun
I picked up the Squirreled Away precon for my wife, what am I in for?
>>94479661I made a stax deck to combat my friend's cEDH decks, but it never won and always just slowed the game down to the point where normally turn 3 decks were playing regular length EDH games until someone whipped out an infinite combo after removing one of my Rule of Law effects.
Commander1 Baylen, the HaymakerDeck1 Anointed Procession1 Arcane Signet1 Authority of the Consuls1 Canopy Vista1 Caretaker's Talent1 Cinder Glade1 Claim Jumper1 Clifftop Retreat1 Command Tower1 Cryptolith Rite1 Doubling Season1 Eerie Interlude1 Finneas, Ace Archer6 Forest1 Fortified Village1 Furycalm Snarl1 Game Trail1 Growing Rites of Itlimoc1 Halo Fountain25 Hare Apparent1 Harvestrite Host1 Hinterland Sanctifier1 Impact Tremors5 Mountain1 Nahiri's Resolve1 Oakhollow Village1 Path of Discovery1 Path to Exile5 Plains1 Pollen-Shield Hare1 Primal Vigor1 Raise the Past1 Regal Bunnicorn1 Reliquary Tower1 Rite of Harmony1 Sacred Peaks1 Sheltered Thicket1 Sheltering Landscape1 Swords to Plowshares1 Temple of Abandon1 Temple of Plenty1 Temple of Triumph1 Three Tree City1 Valley Questcaller1 Vanquisher's Banner1 Warleader's Call1 Wooded RidgelineWhat should I cut out in this Bunny Ball?Gonna add Urzas saga so gonna do the below change for another Saga target.Vanquishers Banner -> Expedition mapCloudstone Curio, Path of Discovery, Caretakers talent are all targets to cut.Xenagos planeswalker is in my maybe board.Need 35 rabbits, might go down to 33-24 lands due to mana curve.Thoughts, it needs to be as strong as possible without atraying from the rabbit theme.
>>94485795>>4 colored mana activated ability to kill a creature you already have goaded>Why?Literally loads of reasons>oh shit we're down to a 1v1, that creature can attack me now and I buffed it to shit >oh shit they're going to swing it at someone I want to keep alive>oh shit they're going to swing it so it dies/sac it for valueAlso means the card isnt feast or famine (no pun intended). If you're not playing vs creature heavy opponents you can still get value by just putting more enchants on 1 target. If it didn't have that, and people don't play many creatures, then you're gonna goad like 1 or 2 things and then pass every turn
>>94485871>what am I in for?A lecture from me about the importance of researching your purchases instead of buying shit when you know nothing about it and then asking randos on 4chan what to expect.
>>94485825>For the record the Duskmourn precon can revive anything including artifacts and enchantments just for having delirium and exiling some cardsYeah no it can't.Master of Keys brings enchantments back for their cast cost plus exile 3 from the grave
>>94486070It's not for me anon, I didn't feel the need to research it ahead of time.
>>94486075I don't think he meant master of keys
>>94486083Eh that's a very different card. Having to to exile 4 or more card types inherently reduces the options you can returnYour deck is probably leaning into artifact and enchantment creatures, so the generically abusable reanimator targets aren't as likely to be in there, and even if they are you're having to do a lot more to set up bringing them back.With the Dimir Enchantress, not only is the only prerequisite that you cast an Aura, but an Aura would almost certainly bring the creature back more powerful. How about Aqueous Form for 1 blue? Makes a creature unblockable.If they retained their abilities too, then it would instantly become the best reanimator ever printed. There's a reason WotC only allows a few cheap reanimator cards. Everything else is at 4 or 5 mana because it's so fucking powerful
>>94480285I tried making her work but if your opponents run fetches you're basically ramping them every turn
Gonna try brewing up a nu-kykar deck, blink birds seems like a fun build aroundAny interesting cards I should look at adding?
>>94486230Old Kykar as your commander
>>94486244>What neat cards should I put in my nu Kykar deck?>Make a different deckNah
>>94486230>worse bragomake it artifacts and put prowess creatures in ittoo bad it's not Jeskai
>>94485848sounds good, I'll build Xenagos. Ojer Kaslem is one of my favorites too.
If I use Drafna, Founder of Lat-Nam during my Upkeep to return The One Ring to my hand, will I not lose life due to there no longer being counters on The One Ring (it's in my hand)?
>>94485037Why not just continue to make and play decks you think are cool / funny / flavorful and with friends, instead of keeping up with meta-hype sweat lords? If I played with someone who destroyed all my land with a single card, I'd honestly say GG and then never play with that bitch again lmao.
>>94485037>with absolutely no shame just using the best-in-slot options for those cards.Why would you have shame about having a deck that actually does things?
>>94485037>no shame just using the best-in-slot options for those cards>no you can't use Feed the Swarm or Withering Torment! BLACK CAN'T REMOVE ENCHANTMENTSThis is how you sound
>>94485037>no shame>being ashamed of Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile over Rise of Extus or Taken by Nightmares
>>94486436>Swords to Plowshares>Swords>SwordSWORDBRO?
>>94485666These are bad and azpirius has plenty of enchantrewss commanders
>>94486209thats the point>>94480285just make your opponents clear that they can ramp themselves by playing proactively and attacking your opponents. when she is out, she is basically a mini-monarchy, its fun
>>94486497Why are you typing like that?I assume you mean Azorius? It has literally 2 Commanders that mention either Auras or Enchantments. They're also wildly underpowered. 1 can attach any number of Auras from field hand or grave to it, which is very powerful- but it's 6CMC. It also doesn't really synergize with enchantments generally because it's basically voltron.And the other just puts an enchantment from grave to hand for 3 mana- which is garbo.
>>94486696>Bruna>underpoweredShe's still a top tier pubstomper for being "have an edict or die"
>>944867036CMC without green is just too slow at any table that knows how to play the game thoughAnyway, point is Azorius literally has 2 Commanders that could be credibly considered enchantress. The anon whop said they have plenty is probably getting confused with Esper.
>>94486696Cause it was cold and snowy
>>94486696There are 2 other incredibly good ones as well. Also you not liking them doesn't mean you get to make your own bad ones ^.^
>>94479588>'ve now added everything that survived the several maybeboard cullings into the "main deck" so I can now cut it with alll the cards of the same type sorta's up at 127. First couple of cuts are likely gonna be Skorpekh Lord because Urza practically does the same thing and at 3cmc I can likely do better. Phyrexian Arena as it's just a bit slower than my other draw options, and Lightning Greaves because if I end up needing the protection I'll be able to put it back>>94481094Extremely practical wincon as a backup if robot punchies don't work. The Time Sieve comment a bit later does remind me I can use that, which si why it's in now too.Now to just trim 27 more cards off and keep a little bit of the silly cards I like mixed in with all the powerful shit that makes the deck work normally. Like I can't wait to use Esperzoa so I can guarantee casts of artifacts or just cool ETBs like Simulacrum Synthesizer or The One Ring. Wire Surgeons seems like a cool card for getting back something I discard myself like Cybermen Squadron or Cyberdrive Awakener (or I can sacrifice them, or they get removed, etc) for a flashy finish. Not sure if 6cmc is way overcosted for the effect, though.
>>94486793>half made of metal>phyrexian design obviously>no phyrexian subtype>not artifact creatures>6/5 to justify massive overcostingshould be a 2B or 1BB artifact creature Phyrexian Human Artificer with 1/4 stats and fear for flavor.
>>94486793>trim 27 more cards offthis was just 6 a couple days ago>keep a little bit of the silly cardsplaying combos in a jank pile seems very feast or famine
>>94486809If it was 3 mana it wouldn't be 6/5 with fear which is clearly part of the cards design as you can see anon!
>>94486813Crippling addiction to silly cards, but yeah it definitely has its drawbacks. I'm trying to optimize slots while using stuff like Wire Surgeons, Mirrorworks, Ethering Pteramander, etc. There's something so appealing about making copies of stuff or just slightly odd little dudes getting their time in the sun. But I'm torn between that and the obvious "I want this deck to have room to slap others around when push comes to shove". Hence the Thoracle/Consultation and Time Sieve as basically "i win" printouts for when games are going horribly or I don't have options I feel like I, using this doofy ass jellyfish and just letting me recast/re-enter artifacts that are good, despite this card itself not being phenomenal on its own in any particular way.>>94486809I get where you're coming from, the 6cmc and non-artifact status is what's kinda putting me off. Then I think about discarding Cybermen Squadron and then Encoring it so all of my artifact creatures get 3 instances of Myriad and my mouth starts to water.
>>94486837>my artifact creatures get 3 instances of Myriad and my mouth starts to watermyriad can only trigger once
>>94486852Each instance only triggers once, but all 3 will trigger.
>>94486852>myriad can only trigger onceRead the fucking rules, they're free702.116b: If a creature has multiple instances of myriad, each triggers separately
>>94486793this deck unironically looks like a competitive deck that swallowed a jank deck
>>94486941Nobody cares about your written rules, the loudest, smelliest and fattest decideds how the rule goes when playing EDH.
>brew new commander>enjoy it alot>friend ask me why I play a bad list>"What are you talking about?">points to a few cards which go infinite with the commander and a ham sandwich>commander forever tainted and ruinedwhy am I such a fucking autist that this bothers me?
>>94486793>>all that UBshit
>>94486423You never hear green players bitching about the fact their best board wipe options are All is Dust or Apex Altisaur.
>>94486759>There are 2 other incredibly good ones as well.Lmao name them then, cos there's only 2 on scryfall
>>94487111Weird I found them on scryfall
Hey guys, new to mtg here and I played a game with my gf last night (who is also new) and I just want to make sure I resolved this correctly. Mainly worried about timing/creature abilities.>I play first card of my turn triggering Rashmi and Ragavan>In response to me casting her exiled card she shocks my Magda, Brazen Outlaw I played as my first spell>In response I activate Magda's tutor ability, passing prio back to her>She bolts it>I sac another 5 artifacts to tutor againWe resolved it as I get 1 tutor (last thing on stack) she bolts Magda, causing the first ability cast to fizzle (since she bolts it before it resolves) causing her shock to fizzle since it no longer has a target.I'm pretty confident that I handled the stack itself correctly, but did I handle prio/creature ability speed correctly?
>>94487133Once on the stack abilities will still resolve regardless of if their source has been destroyed, so you would have gotten two tutors
>>94487133Abilities don't fizzle once on the stack unless countered or their targets are no longer legal/exist. You get 2 tutors and a dead magda
>>94487133You did at least 1 thing wrong that I can see.Magdas tutor is only 5 treasures as a cost. The cost was paid so it was put on the stack. You'd get 2 tutors even if she's bolted.She would die before the first tutor resolves, but that's only relevant if you were trying to interact with her.Like if you tutored worldgorger dragon she could be exiled before removal hits her
>>94487155>>94487157>Abilities don't fizzle once on the stackthey can leave the stack if a player dies
why is boros considered boring here? too little variety in optimal play?
>>94487155>>94487157>>94487159Oh shit, I'm used to card games 'casting off the stack' if that makes sense. Where the spell won't cast until it gets to it on the stack. So magic handles it as cast immediately but checks to see if it resolves on stack. Cool, thanks guys
>realistically should move my Jetmir deck to a Baylen deck>but love crater hoof in the command zoneshame the sight of jetmir makes me targeted from the beginning
>>94487200Why should you do that?
>>94487204Baylen is alot more flexable and can use any tokens for mana/draw fuel so i bet its alot more consistent
>>94487223Anon they are two entirely different decks thematically I'm not really following. Baylen does nothing for a board that's gone wide
>>94487200>BaylenMay I present to you the king of tokens?
I'm kinda bummed the Final Fantasy cards are getting adapted so early because they'll propably get powercrept out by some other IP that isn't so cool
>>94487313Short of the game suddenly dying right after the set goes on sale getting powercrept is going to happen no matter how early or late the set is done.
>>94487327yes. that's why they shouldn't adapt any UB to begin with
>>94487238>monster hunter with a switch axehuh
>>94485037>Why run this suboptimal blue draw sorcery when I could just proxy my 8th Rhystic Study? How do I find a creative way to get out my expensive mono white commander?How about you answer those questions for us and we can see how retarded you are
>>94485037The real answer is efficiency and opening up deck slots for cards you like! Sure I could flicker kor cartographer to ramp but then I need kor, and a flicker package which is not necessarily what the deck wants ^.^>supposed to beAnyone who says this is just a fag whining cause his shit cards can't win
>>94484010anon help the jank haters are back!
>>94483956Can you point to some posts anon?
>>94487550here they are anon here they are! there was some previous threads but here they are now>>94486396>>94486436>>94487418>>94487450I have won at least once this month with my shit cards and it was the best win hands down because winning with good cards doesn't feel like I earned it
>>94487588None of these posts are guilty of what you accused anon
>>94487608No one said you can't run bad cards or have to run good cards. One person said the reason consolidation happens in certain areas is to free up other slots in the deck. Yes you can ramp in white in unique ways but thats not as efficient as rocks which let's you play other bad cards you like ^.^ the other two asked why you should feel bad for running good removal/cards and the last asked you to answer your own question. Literally none of these even approach your complaints anon
>>94485037>How do I find a creative way to get out my expensive mono white commander?Easy. Monowhite is all about dragging your opponents back and balancing yourself with them even though it might not get you ahead a whole lot. Literally just board wipe until your opponents hate you and can't play anything for fear that you'll board wipe again.Also, white is the second best at ramping, so you shouldn't have such a hard time.The biggest problem with expensive mono white commanders is that most expensive mono white commanders don't actually do anything that win the game, not the ramp needed to lead up to them.
>>94487649>board wipe to get your commander outThis is so dumb please never give input again
>>94487618truly I am defeated by the jankhater-sama. there is no reason not to run rhystic study in every deck and I see it now.I shall go now and start enlightening people of the fact that they should just play the better cards and not be all high and mighty
>>94482106Imagine paying $90 for some uncommons instead of proxying them.
>>94487707This is my favorite deck anon. It is a literal shit pile of jank. I'm not a jank hater. You just have a shitty argument for your position, and come across as a whiny faggot getting mad at people for not holding the same views as him
>Winning 2/3 games I played with the boys last Wednesday >Deck was mothman deck with 12 cards swapped out
>>94487450I don't buy that staples enable pet cards. Just hasn't proven true in my experience. Staples invite staples, if I have insane mana advantage I might as well have insane outlets for it and so on. The 3 or 5 pet cards that people think distinguish their deck from everyone else's don't even see the board a lot of the time.
If I could afford buying a high quality printer and art commissions I'd start a universes within proxy printing business
>>94487649Thank god someone gets it.
>>94487761You dont have to buy it, it's true. We used your example to show why anon lmao. Can white ramp? In a variety of ways but most of them require some nice setup to make it work! Or I could just include rocks and more white cards i like in place of that setup
>>94487748Tell us what the 12 cards were
>>94487671You don't play monowhite
>>94487797I have 3 monowhite decks but thats irrelevant. "Spam board wipes" is not a coherent response to "how do I get my expensive commander out"
>>94487788> In a variety of ways but most of them require some nice setup to make it work! Bro described a deck that'd probably feel distinct from the other 3 at the pod and this is supposed to be a point against me?
>>94487813Yes it is, it extends the game which gives you time to get your commander out, you are dim.
>>94487821Bro lost and thinks he can just meme his way out of it
>>94487813You have 3 mono white decks.You don't play them.
>>94487828No anon it is not helping you get your commander out at all I'm sorry. Mana is how you cast your commander ^.^
>>94487830But i do...
>>94487829the staple defender is obsessed with winning
>>94483970That's why cedh is better than casual
>>94483970>Not all running jank and still being hellbent on winning with itNever had an opportunity for jank and then get the neurons firing to make it land good enough to actually win the game?
>>94487813I have 21 mono white decks in paper with no proxies. My first deck back in 2016 was a mono white deck. I regularly win games with these decks. I've been a strictly mono white player, dropping all other colors, for 2 years now.It is a coherent response, but you're a midwit who doesn't understand more time in game = more land in play = more expensive my commander can be. Obviously, you are consumed by how other colors play and can't help yourself. If you are going to play a single color, you need to play to its strength, not its weaknesses. Boardwipes of all kinds, not just creatures, is where white excels. It also does great with catch up ramp, so blowing up your own lands isn't as painful in white as other colors.
>>94487886Anon i already posted my favorite deck which is far from a staples deck>>94487821>point against me (implying hes winning and I'm losing)Try to be consistent big guy
>>94487948I'm sorry but mana is how you cast your commander not board wiping I don't know many boardwipes that even ramp you besides settle the wreckage. You're a bit off your rocker pal
>>94487813You probably don't actually have mono white decks, but post your lists. It's always fun to see how people are fucking up white.
Whats the Wincon?
>>94488355according to this sub, just run an irrelevant 2 card combo in the 99 and call it a day
>>94488646Yes, and what is it?
Is Think twice actually played anywhere? why did it get the special anime treatment?
>>94488795gotta have duds in your rares, anon. wotc loves gacha in yo gacha
>>94488795It's okay if you're playing mill and build around it.
>>94488795It's in my deck even though it sucks, it still card draw at the end of the day so it sucks a lot less than some other anime cards
>>94479504Just like any other tournament. Collusion often leads to dq.
>>94489017Good luck trying to prove this when tournaments right now can't catch collusion until after the fact, if they catch it at all.>Uhh player made suboptimal decision was that collusion?>No because if we flagged every stupid decision as collusion every Kinnan player would get banned
>>94488698thoracle + paradigm shift
>>94489050the judges and players aren't retards. It's pretty obvious when it happens.
Why would you even dare want a tournament for commander?
>>94480246What's /edhg/'s opinion on duel commander? think it has a bright future ahead?
>>94489206the retarded brother of Standard/Pioneer/Modern
>>94484684I will say seems like a lot more new players in my area intentionally try to avoid cancer cedh level decks. gives me hopium
>provides body for sac deck and draws cardI fail to see the downside to this, same as Mordor Muster
>>94489545there's a vampire that does the same thing as well.
>>94489206I played one game of it and it was kinda fun, but I don’t like that a deck that works very well in 4 player can suck at 1v1 and vice versaAnything that goads is essentially useless as those decks are rarely built with 1v1 in mind
>>94489545Its neat but by this point these types of black creatures need to cost 1 mana less
>>94489746>black creatureswhat did anon mean by this?
Doing commander deck secret santa with my playgroup. What should I make for him based on his decks? >Vera'zol kicker value. Lots of ramp and lots of bulk bin kicker cards that turn pretty good with Vera'zol out. Actually prette competitive deck. >Thromok tokens/fling. Make a huge board and then sac them all to make a huge guy and whip him at someone for lethal. Very fun but extremely inconsistent. Board wipe elicits tears. >Blim funny shit. Actually more competitive than it has any right to be. Give people bad shit and laugh. Runs all the weird pet cards he likes but could never find a deck for. >Jolly Baloon Man flicker/value. Definitely the strongest deck he has. Lots of value generation and neat lines you can do. Also a combo deck but doesn't have to be.>Lord of Tresserhorn shitpile voltron. Literally a challenge to see if you could make a deck for less than 10 bucks. Absolute fucking garbage. Runs shit like lava tubes. Still somehow wins every single game it plays.
How is there still no Jund legendary that cares about casting stuff from exile?
I'm trying to build Feather the Redeemed. What wincons does she have now that Dockside is banned?
>>94489989Was't there that guy that makes elemental wolves as the face of one of the precons?
>>94490005She's gruul. There's ton of support for the archetype in both gruul and rakdos, which is why i wish there was a dedicated jund legend for it so i could stop running vaevictis as my "just for the colors" commander
>>94490005Faldorn is Gruul
>>94490005Faldorn is Gruul, I remember because some Bello decks teched her in
>>94490013>>94490014Ah fuck. My bad. Yeah its strange there isn't one yet. Just wait for Prosper 2.0 in whatever the next masters set is.
What are some good timmy commanders that can cheat out creatures and make somewhat hard to break boards? Something like Vigor, Stonehoof Chieftan, Avacyn, Tajuru Protector, etc?Kona? Animar? Maybe something else?
I just upset a couple people with my slivers..Some always give me weird comments like "SLIVER IS CEDH BLA"So I make pl6-7 lobbies, play absolutely 0 tutors, the hivelord is my commander and only slow lands that give 3 types of mana.Happened to get the sliver that makes me tap other slivers for mana.. nobody removed itCast my commander that gives indestructiblenobody removed itSomehow how hot the sliver that gives shroud..wonI didn't even have any artifacts or enchants. Only lands and slivers
>>94490070>I played babby's first tribal against bad decks and won>I must now avatarfag on /tg/
>>94490097Yes, I had lots of fun in a lobby of bad decks and I wanted to share how much I enjoyed it.What's the saying.. cope, seeethe, dil... u know the deal
>>94490097Yeah they should put on a trip or something, way more acceptable.
>>94490004Nigga HUH?
>>94490126It would be because then it can be filtered ^.^ avatarfagging is objectively worse as it gets around filters and is harder to ignore. I don't even notice swordbro is the author of half his posts
>>94490126Trips are filterable, so yes they are better. I can't filter him spamming anime images and jerking himself off for pubstomping.
>>94490150>>94490186I don’t know anime well enough to know it’s someone avatarfagging. Being straight saves the day again!
>>94490234Spamming images to identify yourself is avatarfagging, it doesn't always have to be one character.
>>94490234>trying this hard only to look stupid
>10 counterspellsNow we're gaming
>>94490258If you believe using anime reaction images is avatar fagging, be my guest and use the report function.
My slivers actually just got blown up because that dude ran some thing that gives -1/-1 to all my shit for each enchant he casts. Didn't know that existed. Completely negated my commander and I don't run removal.
I wanted to order a All Will Be One Set box but I'm sticking with Neon Dynasty I feel that set will hit $200 a box firstI guess I can just buy the Vorinclex Thigh Daddy as a single for New Year's
>>94490428> I don't run removal.Based
>>94490511removal is for the weak.. I play big things that hit hard. Easy as
>>94490513Ah, a kindred spirit
>>94490528 is what I'm running. And while archidekt made a removal tab, the only real removal is a single swords to plowshares. Otherwise I just play tentacly dudes and tear ass
I approve of this post
I go away for 3 days and you guys are still pissing and moaning about trip names. Do better, fuck. Ignore and move on, attention feeds these guys and they love it when you seethe over it. They think it's hilarious to piss you guys off and you fall for it EVERY FUCKING TIME
>>94490504ND was dogshit, I thought?
>>94490513i dont need swords or path if i have fight spells
>>94490576Archidekt wouldn't make a tab for you anon you would have to filthy liar and you have closer to 6 not one
>>94490634I have anti-anti-tripfag fatigue
>>94490725then stop shitting on swordbro?
>>94490725tripfags and anti-tripfags must band together against the one true menace that thinks they're above both of them
>>94490640Well I'm buying it for 3 reasons1)Ukiyo e Lands ($3 each, can't find anyone online who can sell me 10 Origami Bird Islands and 10 of the Swamps, 5 of each art for a reasonable price, have to buy 1-2 from 5 different sellers)2)Nezumi (I love rats, I advocate for rat seggs)3)Channel Lands (Boseiju or Otawara would be an insane pickup)Kodama of the West or Jin Gitaxias would be a bonus
>>94490677You cleary never used archidekt. That thing makes a stax tab for elesh norn and a ramp tab for sol ring
>>94490738I no better than anyone here but it's just tiring to shift through all the dross
>>94490803>I no better than anyone hereYou think you're better than me, bitch? You don't even know how to spell
>>94490815Yeah sorry about that, I didn't proofread my postI am no better than anyone here*
>>94489987Grenzo walls/defender
>>94490634Everyone laughs at retards who cry about trips
>>94490883t. swordbro
>>94490331You're right show me your dick
>mock dying vaxxies on pol>get this captchais this a sign? Am i supposed to build Sram poison or something?
>>94490954how many more weeks?
>>94489987Either>Hurkyl Aura ControlRefill hand after controlling the board / buffing Hurkyl and giving her evasion.>Massacre Girl AristocratsThe WAR Massacre Girl, not the MKM one. Both Budget friendly, and different enough for your friend to have fun in a new way, also a chance for less heard of cards to make their way in.
>>94489987If proxying is good, do Blind Seer color change voltron.If not, my friend has an Atla Palani deck that has 30 creature cards and 20 creature slots and he shuffles random ones in.
>>94490791All of my decks are on archidekt and it won't make anything beyond the basic card types anon. I have never opened up a list and seen a category magically appear
>>94490513>removal is for the weakApparently not
>>944909832 more weeks
>>94490739There is zero reason not to proxy your basic lands if they’re being sold for more than $1 a pop
>>94490513>i enjoy being a solitaire faggot in my autism bubbleI designed my fully pimped Glissa just to deal with your kind. Oh you wanna do the big boom-boom sideway with no other option? Too bad furrieboi, you'll never have a single creature stick the board for a complete turn.
>>94491152my store gives out basic lands for free except full arts, foils, and special arts which then cost money
I'm going to ask this again when the new thread is made, but please rec basic islands for the Forgetful Fish deck I'm going to make. Heavily prefer anything with a pre-M15 frame.Currently leaning towards pic related, but I'll take any suggestions.
Do i wait for the ban announcement to get myself a The One Ring?The 50% discount from the rumors is quite tempting already, but if the ban is confirmed (maybe even legacy?) i'd like to get another extra 15% discount.
>>94491175holy based
>>94491057Nigga.. why are you even trying to have this dumb fucking conversation. Everyone who like archidekt always complains about it forcing cards into its own made up bullshit categories. Fucking get your shit together man
New thread?
>>94491301Youre wrong and a known liar it's okay ^.^
staplekeks lostjankgods run this board
>>94491468>reprinted in foundationsThis is a standard and limited staple anon
>>94491187For my dandan list I did 2 of each island to keep with the 2 ofs for other cardsSo here's my lands with set and print #2 Island (USG) 3372 Island (MIR) 3382 Island (MIR) 3352 Island (USG) 3352 Island (TMP) 3372 Island (POR) 2002 Island (MIR) 3362 Island (ONS) 3362 Island (INV) 3352 Island (POR) 2022 Island (ODY) 3382 Lonely Sandbar (ONS) 3202 Mystic Sanctuary (TSR) 4082 Remote Isle (USG) 3242 Svyelunite Temple (FEM) 10
MFW Elon buys Hasbro and destroys the reserved list .
>>94491708I also laugh when shit that doesn't make sense happens?
>>94491721RL is bad for business anon , why would you keep it . Where you hoarding jeweled lotuses and crypts ?
>>94491729Jeweled Lotus isn't a RL card
>>94491152Yeah but these are for a pet deck so they have to be special full art lands man
>>94491729>spaces before punctuation>where>retarded nontakeESL confirmed
>>94491729>>94491708>buy company for one game>for some reason destroy an institution of anotherthis doesn't even make sense
>>94491175Hexproof and shroud say otherwise
>>94491175You do know that all my slivers are indestructible, have shroud and can be cast from the graveyard, right?
>>94486043I also tried a Baylen Hare Apparent deck. Aluren is a really funny card for trying to storm off. Maybe cut out the temples if you can? Bountiful Promenade and the like.
>>94491849>You do know that [[theoretical scenario where you totally got all the cards you wanted to counter a strategy that costs less and easily is online first]]ok
>>94491855one of the 2 cards is literally my commander..
>>94491662this is a cool idea, thanks anon
>>94491849which is sadly why farewell exists
I think I finally got this deck right, at least for the budget that I'm working with.
>>94491708Imagine the seethe. Troon suicide rates would go off the charts.
>>94492321why not
>>94479369I hope Elon buys Hasbro and raises the price of sets so paypiggies have to cope
>>94492513I buy booster boxes with your tax dollars
new thread>>94492581