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So what would elven Catholic priests/nuns who lived from the Middle Ages to Modern age be like?
What system?
>God, I miss shooting Hussites.
What ideas do you have about it? Be detailed and specific, seems like this could be interesting.
GURPS Banestorm
A large amount of humans were isekai'd into a fantasy world circa 11th century and native Elves are unaging, so it's possible for an Elf converted then to be alive today.
Edomae Elf is about Elves summoned during Edo era Japan to serve as Kami figures in their community. Fast forward modern era.

So the Catholic version of this
I doubt they'd be confused when they lived through hundreds of years of history in the interim
The top positions of power would be elves because they would have had hundreds on years on the job
Same way I'd write any immortal/long lived character, like one of those either smug or depressed historians because they know history is goes in cycles and they're now just a walking ''I told you so'' joke
the way ecclesiastical promotion works ranks from archbishop above would soon fill with nothing but elves
Dead, tried and executed for heresy 15 centuries ago, stupid question.
I'm pretty certain it was hussites shooting her.
What game?
A person who lives forever and has true convictions cannot possibly survive the history of the church. It doesn't matter how much power or protection they have to start out. The only way to survive is to turn the church into something that's completely different and intrinsically pro-elf.
What reason would catholics have to keep around pagan elves?
Depends on OPs current fetish shitposting justification.
If you just want a traditional answer you could take original Tolkien elves to answer your question, since there's a whole Catholic subtext to the Legendarium.

Now if you are going for something more literal, the first thing to note would be that Elves would be the elite of the Church or one of her most important branches at least. Since they live hundreds of years, they would have immense knowledge of everything around them not to mention a colossal influence because their ranks would be top of the top.

With this you can go two ways. Either the Elves are extremely traditionalists who don't let orthodoxy be compromised, or they would start to fall prey to different types of heresies because their high amount of knowledge imbued them with hubris, thinking they knew better that what was already established. If you include other races in the whole thing it can get interesting because they would support one or the other side, usually in the role of backbone or taking action, but the elves always remaining as the ones moving the string, or one of the parties moving the strings.
oh boy, another vague low effort elf thread.
The Fantasy Trip's example setting is high fantasy but it's major religions are Abrahamic faiths and Buddhism. Nobody in the setting knows where their ancient religions originated from or where the places their holy books talk about are.
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Fantasy elves are inherently Catholic.
Not dressed similarly Japanese shrine maidens, that's for sure.

This is a shit thread, but I just want to say that the idea that there is a clear catholic subtext to Lotr is misleading.Tolkien said repeatedly that middle-earth is a heathen universe, there is no immediate God working in it besides the drowning of Numenor. Elves are immortal and they don't worship or venerate Eru in any form, neither do men. Eru in middle-earth is more akin to the God of Genesis. If there is an analogy to be made with the OT is that Elves are like angels or the "watchers" from the Book of Enoch. For a catholic such a Tolkien there is hope in Middle-earth but it is temporary in that everything fades, including magic, and even the immortal elves themselves depart. Its a pessimistic vision only insofar of the foreknowledge of the coming revelation of the crucifixion.

I am an atheist, but many people seem to get this wrong about Tolkiens christian subtext on how it is expressed in his work, because it does have nuance and Tolkien is not just saying that "olden days=good", but there has to come an event that saves mankind in which the elves and other immortal beings play background role to the agency of men.
The hell are you talking about? There's nothing pessimistic about LoTR. The ring was destroyed and Sauron defeated. And the Catholic subtext is obviously there, even with things like Aragorn calling out the practice of pagan self-inmolation.
>This is a shit thread
And yet, it will be bumped.
>elf ears

boner fucking killed, how fucking dare you.
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>keeps bringing up she personally knew a 7th generation descendant of a woman who met Paul in Corinth in casual conversation
>the elf clergy that caused the great schism is still alive and active
>they're still arguing about Filioque and leavened vs. unleavened bread
I think this thread is good but have nothing to contribut
As with every question, the answer is GURPS.
It's just superior. Just like elves.
I feel like they'd be used largely as historians whose main job is to set the record straight and gather information so the Church always has a first-hand account on major events in its history.
Though, what kind of elves are we talking about? Norse? Tolkien where it's vaguely implied their God and the Abrahamic one is one in the same?
Again, it's more accurate to call Eru their creator, as they don't worship him.
When were Popes supposed to perfect and sinless?
Why would you not want the head behind your major organization supposedly dedicated to spreading goodness worldwide to be as close to incorruptible and espousing those virtues as humanly possible?
Because you're picking your pope from like three roman families.
The medieval catholic church believed that dog-headed people could be converted, don't see why they'd have a particular issue with elves.
>The ring was destroyed and Sauron defeated
And magic is still fading, elves are still departing, and Gondor will eventually fall, as evinced by the fact that you can't find it on a map today.
You do want it. You just don't always get it, and it's not actually a job requirement.

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