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Underworld Edition

Previously on /slop/: >>94481919

▶ Thread Task: create spooky underworlds or other afterlife realms

▶ It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

▶ /slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

▶ Videogame art styles

▶ Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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woo doo doo
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Big skulls are cool
middle right does it for me
>Big skulls are cool
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>other afterlife realms
Very spoopy realm of waiting while pressing f5.
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Comparing the longhouses of Valhalla and Niflheim
another TT
>Underworld Edition
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Death is nothing but black nothingness, and none know this better than those with one foot already in the casket.
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>Underworld Edition
>Thread Task: create spooky underworlds or other afterlife realms
Pity we didn't have a Thanksgiving thread.
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>This putrid, unforgiving afterlife realm hangs suspended in an endless tangle of webbing, illuminated by a feeble and dying red sun. Wretched figures are ensnared and entombed within the sticky threads, their constant writhing and agonized moans filling the air. Some are colossal, demonic beasts while others resemble helpless children. In the center of this nightmarish dimension stands a massive obsidian pyramid, suspiciously free from any trace of webbing.
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>TT: My idea of heaven are goblin girls...

Well, not really, but I have some left over from last thread. So, here are some Nagelesque punk rock gobbos
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In the setting I wrote my novel the halfling version of the afterlife is being pulled into a giant tavern where the floor is completely invisible and you watch your family live their lives.
So... If after death your widow marries your brother (she couldn't handle the farm alone and she needed someone to warm her at night) do you watch their carnal boom-boom?
yep. Everything. And you see all them at the same time beneath you in a kaleidoscope of life.
>A guy after my own heart. KUDOS!
>Also major kudos to any and all gobbo posters from the last thread. KUDOS, I SAY!
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The webbing/cracks on the pyramid is a nice touch.
Even that geriatric pair? >>94488611
>...Y'know, sure. Why not?
More Aure please and thank you!

Cheers Kobby
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What was the prompt here?
fantasy digital watercolour ,barbarian feme fatal feminine red skin goblin sharp teeth cracked, nose bent ,green eyes , golden hair wearing torn bone armour shorts ,long hair unkempt, in a red rock prison fire emanates from the walls , exposed bone, peeled , damaged ,round, cute,, kung fu, high kick
Weird fingers aside, that looks very good
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Hey anon are you around? Are any of these horror good?
What art style is this?
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"TWO GOLD?! Two motherfucking GOLD?! For a BOAT RIDE?!"
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The is no such thing as life & death, only the dreams of dark gods, join me in my dream or be conquered
illustration by yoshitaka amano. retro 1990s fantasy sketch watercolored, Gustav Klimt, colorful but faded, Rudolf Bauer, lotr, gothic, tolkien,
Her armor looks bad ass!
I used your print once and got some very cool results
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>she thinks there's knots in her stomach now⸮
>his character isn't under 5 feet
you'll be under my two feet right now
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Nyarlathotep, the heart of sleeping Azathoth, cavorting about creation as a black priest of chaos. He like his father is a blind idiot, his evil is purile & wan. Even Azathoth's dream will be conquered
Look at this fatty, what is she - over 100 pounds?
well you know muscle weighs more than fat
That's just a xenomorph
kys retard
Prompts please?
how do i stop making stuff to jerk off to
I don't remember sorry they are kind of old
These are all very cool, can you catbox them?
That's a cool one.
Here is another one with a different style.
Damn, that's good.
Making an album in catbox seems like a hassle. So threw in some images here https://imgur.com/a/OtnApSV
I'm afraid that's not what he asked for...
Surely that was what he asked for. Prompt and catbox is widely different things
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Very nice album, but catbox preserves the prompt, workflow and all other bits.
Anon's right
Prompt and catbox are different, but imgur album is also not a catbox
Oh well, I did as much as I felt like doing
>catbox preserves the prompt, workflow and all other bits.
You're confusing DALL-E with SD.
DALL-E doesn't store metadata inside image files.

lo0ks cool

very nice
this too
I'm not confusing them. I'm just unfamiliar with dall-e and didn't know. Now I do, thanks. Inform me more, do you fellas primarily/only use dall-e?
Thanks for the album. I appreciate any effort in sharing.
some of us use a mix of dall-e, perchance, local and other stuff available to us. there's actually alot of choices online and offline once you dig around a bit.
Don't worry, Bing will make it all but impossible soon.
>Grumsh took great pleasure in leading new penitents to their eternal damnation. Mostly because he could scoop one of the unjudged souls up and feast on it when he got bored.
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Have you shared a turkey with people in need?
What did you use to make these? Surely not Bing.
Looks like the cluttered-style of neo-Bing to me. though getting that lucky with the tits so frequently is suspicious
Looks like Bing to me

The dog waxes and wanes.
1950's rockabilly hot rod gobbos?
Post nudes https://files.catbox.moe/491h4t.jpeg
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Not consistently getting the style I want, but Bing giveth and Bing taketh away
Go away.
Bing hasn't given me any mistaken nudes since late last year. Used to get quite a few with classical oil paintings of nymphs, dryads, and the like.
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I got something unusually close making art for my TTS game recently without asking for it
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... thats gonna be taken down ain't it? And send me on hiatus. welp, before i go, have some more.
Never give in, not even in the face of absolution
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October of last year, I did a series of "Wood dryad meets river nymph" pics as an experiment in trying to tell a story with Bing gens. The dog was much more forgiving back then.
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Is there a Lora that you use for this style? I recognize it but can't put my finger on it.
offhand i can't remember. I was genning these up at end of August.
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Switch out the 32 Ford for a 57 Chevy.
A pity. Thanks anyway.
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Thinking about it, i don't think i used a Lora. I just kept changing text in bing. Blank white background leaves you a lot of space to specify things. As an example genned now just with an old prompt
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Pretty sure that's drawn by Kyoung Hwan Kim or "tahra" on booru.
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Switch of art style brings more dogs.
Oh! Yes you might be right. That might have been when I was pulling images from the character art thread here on tg. I started to feel bad about using people's hard work for my game testing so I decided to use AI gen to make the art I feel works closer to my vision.
Been a while since I genned a miniature. Not sure why the miniature has little tiny people on the base like this Goblin is a hundred feet tall, though.
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I'm liking the way Jun/navigavi mixes with Yoshida style

Thank you
Last Gobbo of the day
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Works quite nicely
Sounds like a fetish thing

"Attack of the hundred-foot Goblin"

Oddly, Bing has been adding tiny people to the base of miniatures recently. This was a gen I made of my wife's character for our Coriolis game.
Depending on your prompt it's probably misinterpreting the word "miniature" and thinking you want a miniature (as in the plastic model) with miniature (small) people
Definitely it has something to do with your past prompts.
I checked the ones I created today, and 4-5 out of 20-ish got some sort of creature, like cats or similar on the base
what's the hairstyle?
>How far would you go for them?

"elaborate elegant updo with gold jewelry"

>A failure to get a complete gaming miniature here, but again with the tiny people on the base. Weird.
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For the two anons that want to roleplay a female pirate fighter or a more plump mage, here you go. I don't remember the prompts I used for them.
That's funny. Those turned out better as unintended giantess generations than a lot of deliberate generations I've seen.
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The Coriolis party

Nasrin, the Persian negotiator/peddlar
Aizere, the Kazak pilot
Svetlana, the Russian criminal
Gideon, the Draconite soldier
Farouk, the Bedouin mechanic

And their ship, the "Scent of Jasmine". (the best result I could get. It's too bad Bing doesn't seem to recognize ships from Elite Dangerous or other franchises. Probably a copyright problem.)
I really like top right's outfit, were there any particular prompts you used for it, especially the folky patterns?
nice one, very clean

"wearing blue traditional Kazak embroidered costume with suede boots"
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Some alternate costume choices for the Coriolis crew
Wonder if it's possible to get a Kusarigama (sickle on a chain for non-weebs) witha good enough prompt.
Genuine question so i was wondering whats your fetish ? like poor wrinkled hobos ?
I know you're a regular and would like to understand why you choose to gen that motive
cool style reminds of some video game I cant remember the name of

Probably something on a Low Polygon Isometric PS1 graphics, or Prototype Gamecube Dolphin Emulation Test
Cool snek
Damned giant goblins! Get outta my backseat!

>I know I said "last gobbo pic". but I genned this up while eating lunch and it is too funny.
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Based faceless humanoid figure appreciator.

Giant Goblin stole my ride!

Is it just me, or does that goblin look a little bit like Alfie. Has Bing been training on Incase?
This looks like a car Wario drives in Mario Kart or something
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Psychotic assassins in your area.
Are looking for guys just like you!
If she had elf ears she'd be a ringer for a Maya outfit from Paladins right down to being an assassin that uses daggers.
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There are hot single assassins in your area.
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An ASSASSIN has cordially invited you to an UNKOWN LOCATION for an UNFORGETTABLE LUNCHEON.
How do you ACCEPT this invitation?
In case anyone wants the prompt, it was done in flux:
female assassin, solo, blonde hair, straight hair, hair covering one eye, red eyes, thigh high shoes, shorts, belt, long gloves, revealing outfit, seductive, alluring, one sword in each hand, good swords, volumetric lighting, throwing head back, dynamic pose, sticking out tongue, presenting tongue, masterpiece, best quality, comicbook art, faded 1960s comic page, cel shading, vibrant colors, detailed background, hatching, blue moon, upper body shot
She's inspired by one of the female nightseekers from Etrian Odyssey. The stray bad finger is easy to edit out, I'm just not home at the moment.
Thank you for posting something that's not 1girl shit.
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"You seem upset. Sit on Santaure's lap and tell me what it is you REALLY wish."
What's the prompt here?
1. Fuck off. 2. Start namefagging so everyone can filter you out.
Do not bully Aure!
You're not gonna win any friends in this thread, mate. Kindly filter yourself out.
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You have been weighed
You have been measured
And you have been found wanting
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Two girls. One cup.
>not "Leave Aure alone!"
With that face, you had one job.
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I'd drink from Bingbing's cup any day. You, on the other hand, can fantasize all you want, but your dreams are empty.
Dare you to say something that isn't devastatingly boring, projecting, or both.
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You are the outsider here, troll. No one here will give a shit about your self-aggrandizing horseshit. Join the community as an equal, or fuck off. No one will acknowledge or miss you. Because your opinion on what is "boring" or "projecting" means fuck all.
Absolutely, I can't force you to be creative, witty, amusing, playful, or not spook yourself with "trolls" at every comment. You'd have to want to do that on your own dime.
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I know reds not your color, but have it anyway
Hi Slime
Oh, child. You and your fat witches and what have you are SO creative, I'm sure we have no idea who and what you are, and what you "contribute". While you bitch and moan about those of us who make this thread who and what they are. You have no idea how many ways I, and others, contribute to this living community.

We are insignifigant. But we are this community that you pale to aspire to be of one among many, in your desperate attempt of signifigance. You are less than us. But please, continue to attempt to justify your participation. When you want to join us, we will be here. Until then, fuck all the way off. No one will here will remember you, or care.

But please, continue to participate until you prove us wrong.
...and faggot. thanks for feedback. (how about make yourselves a discord server and circlejerk there?)
>says the guy desperate for acceptance in a Bavarian cyberpunk wine-and-painting forum
what a waste of trips on a nogen...
Lol, is this the same "shirtless guy equals fag" argument you start nearly every thread? Go suck a dick & get it out of your system. I gen better than you so I don't give a shit what you think
>I don't give a shit what you think
and yet you cared enough to solve captcha and reply
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Oh, pulling the 'nogen' card on your soulless MC Escher trash? I'm here, you're queer, and give any of us a reason to care why you breathe?
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Forgot my pic
I don't care for your opinion. Doesn't mean I don't want to argue with you. Gen something interesting next time
What's the latest cheat code for clothed booba?
Not very classical /tg/.
>Forgot my pic
It wasn't particularly funny the first time and now it's purely aggravating.
>Gen something interesting next time
I'd like to, but thanks to two nobodies (>>94499045 >>94499048) thread hit the image limit.
Give me a moment to bake my friends
Very cute! Prompt for the angle?
you're a homo dude and your "oc" is lame and gay
>>94499075 -> >>94495395
Mage.space, as I have been saying for ages, FFS.

No, I need to know how to trick bing into genning me big booba, I've done it before
»a hit dog will holler«, if (You) know what I mean
How big we talkin'?
¿muh /traditional games/? (also, you replied to wrong post, retard. perhaps wipe cum from your eyes b̶e̶f̶o̶r̶e̶ instead of posting?)
>muh muh muh
Holy shit, you are a fucking faggot. There's a rope with your name on it.
>Not very classical /tg/.
Local shitposters and spamshitters were called on being shitposters and spamshitters and it hit their nerve.

A blessed dubs thread
I got much bigger with bing.
cool Disney like style
Most certainly not something I take credit for. Irony is by prompt it's also not (Disney).
It's funny you should mention that, because I literally made a version of this prompt with a big boobie naked demon lady lol
Have a Palladium Rifts game going on with some friends, and I needed something representing distressed cyborgs.
I thought I had it saved. RIP. So, this is my best effort at rememebering everything. It was also done in flux schnell, so I'm curious to see what other models would produce.
woman, solo, short hair, spiky hair, purple hair, purple eyes, shorts, revealing outfit, looking at viewer, dynamic pose, holding knife, preparing to stab, evil expression, shoulder armor, gauntlets, sleek design, retrofuturistic, 1960s pulp scifi cover, ambient volumetric lighting, masterpiece, best quality, ruined building

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