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There's gonna be some /d/ shit in here, word of warning. I've been running various campaigns in this group for about 6 years, mostly doing a single homebrew West Marches-style campaign. I've more or less kept the same group of players for this time, which is surprising given I've mostly gone for a pretty edgy setting and campaign style, which is what they've come to expect.

Here's where I fucked up. See, a good chunk of my setting I like to attribute to being inspired by stuff like Aliens, Berserk, Event Horizon, etc. In truth, I just really like monster rape. A good chunk of my setting involves monster rape, I just somehow managed to hide it by a combination of saying "oh it's like Goblin Slayer", by painting it in a horror lens, and by not focusing on it that much. Which seemed to be working out for me until just now, where I called one of them over to fix up my phone (he's a technician) and he accidentally found my emergency stash of monster porn/bestiality hentai/real /d/ shit in the process. I tried to play it off as "actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle" but I don't think he bought it. I know he's gonna tell everyone else and even if they don't doubt me they won't look at my campaign the same way again and they'll see it for the magical realm that it is.

Sincerely what the fuck do I do, /tg/?
> He's gonna tell everyone
Why would he do that?
Turn him into a monster and then sell your body for his silence
>my emergency stash of monster porn/bestiality hentai/real /d/ shit in the process
Why do you have an emergency goon stash?
First thing you do is get rid of your "emergency stash" of porn because there is no reason to have that. The only real thing you can do here is talk to him about it. Be honest but vague. Tell him you're a porn addict and it wasn't right that he got subjected to that. Depends on how good of a friend he is whether or not that will work. I would also recommend you work on your porn addiction. I'm also a porn addict. So I understand. The best thing you can do is rid yourself of it.
Is the emergency stash somehow different from the regular stash? Why do you have porn saved to your phone like a fucking idiot?
Absolutely nothing, everyone at your table already knows you're a freak.
There's nothing you can do, it's over. Even if he doesn't share what he learned, every time something edgy happens in your games, he'll know. You'll never have the peace of mind again placing a big scary monster on the table. It's always going to be on his mind and will forever change how he looks at your game.
Imagine if you were a player and your GM included a lot of powerful women or women in places of authority fairly often. That's fairly innocuous by itself. But then one day he asks you to help fix his computer. While fixing it you come across loads of futa porn. Now it's completely reframed his game. You'll never be able to see one of these women and without thinking this is a sex thing for him.
>his magical realm is vanilla shit like straight xeno porn
The beastiality is pretty distasteful but its not like you're that japanese newscaster who accidentally tabbed across to gay incest mpreg on live tv the other day.

If anything happens at all its god punishing you for your weak and shit taste
>that japanese newscaster who accidentally tabbed across to gay incest mpreg on live tv the other day.
Oh fuck lmao, please post a link to sauce.
>I tried to play it off as "actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle"
Just own your shit bro. "I just keep monster black dong's on the phone totally normal little bro". He's probably not going to tell anyone. If he does no one will say anything to you because that conversation will go poorly for them
>yes women like you have completely converted me to a 2diphile
No one cares. Anyone who does care is just going to quit the game and frankly , fuck them.
You've learned to hide your power level and good for you, but now learn how to unhide it. Let it purify those who wish to mock you.
Why are you typing like an anime villain?
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How bad is it? Can you crop or censor some of the stuff and give us a sample? Monster fucking and monster rape has been somewhat casualized lately so you shouldn't expect nearly as much backlash as you would decade ago.
I am deeply ashamed and saddened to find that it is actually a convincing fake. In my defence however i instantly believed it because it was funny
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Just own up to it I guess? How much worse can it get for you?
I mean you have an emergency porn stash on your phone. Your life ain't great.
I'd try to hold the secret because I'm a moral man, but I don't know how long I could keep it in if anon keeps rubbing it in. And out.
Don't mention it again.
Act like nothing happened and keep going as normal.
What would you do if they read this post?
If your players accepted Goblin Slayer of all things as an inspiration they might not mind that much.
There's a non-zero chance some of them are at least half as degenerate as you.
If they don't quit immediately just end the campaign with a satisfying final adventure and your group might walk away from it with a memory of fun and good times.
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>emergency stash of monster porn/bestiality hentai/real /d/ shit
>emergency stash of monster porn
1) why do you even have this?
2) eh, nothing you can do. Like >>94492454 says, your players are probably semi into it at least. Who knows, you could have yourself an erpg group.
Also, good taste in mahojoushojous
>be normalfag
>get caught with normalfag porn
>lie and say it's different normalfag porn
>beg for attention with this story on /tg/ with fotm image straight from /r/anime
It's not fair how monsters raping human women being a fetish can be kept secret for 6 years, but a cute, loving marriage between a male human and his dragon bride would be outed instantly.
this anon gets it
Presumably for power outages or some such.
Computer techs talk shit about porn they find all the time. Some less ethical ones go looking but it's common to just stumble on it when people 'hide' it rather than just labeling it to avoid.
You're gonna do nothing. You can't play this off so you just own it knowing that no one wants to talk about or think about your spank bank. Most people masturbate, and most people have at least some strange kinks. Rape and bestiality are common ones. Your group is not going to want to reflect on their own odd tastes or prurient habits.
shit thread, mods pls delete
We need you at least in three different spam threads in the current rotation. Especially the AI one.
>I'm a porn addict
>but get rid of yours
>drug abuse
Damn, and that was such a nice list otherwise.
Humiliation is just as bad if not worse imo, and depending on what kind of drug abuse it can be perfectly fine.
They are magical, imaginary if it makes it better, lol.
>Humiliation is just as bad if not worse imo
Well, you're free to have a wrong opinion.
Clearly, I'm free to be right, as well
Well, if you need degenerates to play with digitally, I'm in. I love that shit. Go full table top erp. I am so down.
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>emergency stash of monster porn/bestiality hentai/real /d/ shit
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Theoretically yes, but it remains to be proven.
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....Tom, is that you?
Because what you just described and suspiciuosly like what our DM said he used as inspiration when he started running it.
>I tried to play it off as "actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle"
LMAO should have just been like haha yeah I'm fucking weird bro.
>monster rape, cumflation, drug abuse, gokkun, oyakodon, mesugaki, humiliation, and extreme dirty talk.
gib sauce
>I tried to play it off as "actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle"
That's worse
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>actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle
Holy shit that got me.
A recovering addict is still an addict, anon.
Emergency stash?
I won't inquire further, but I like to make the games I run as de-sexified as possible. I wouldn't be comfortable role-playing that kind of stuff, so I don't.
The easiest way to hide your magical realm is to run games, and keep sexual things out of them.
>they accepted "oh, it's like Goblin Slayer"
They are already freaks and degenerates, anon, or they're fine with such. Honestly, if you aren't jacking off under the table while subjecting your female PCs to every indignity under the sun constantly so you can goon, you'll likely be fine.
>tfw my players know all my fetishes
>tfw I know most of theirs
We don't typically devolve into actual ERP, but the ability to hint at things and make fun of one another is pretty fucking great.
>Goblin Slayer
This turd show has created a generation of cuckolds.
I hate to tell you this anon but anime has existed for a while before Goblin Slayer.
>"actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle"
>emergency stash of monster porn/bestiality hentai/real /d/ shit
Seek help
Coward. My homebrew settings always have monster girls, my friends know what I'm about.
Ah, you hang out with other furries.
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>Thinks monster girls are controversial
>Calls other people cowards
It was advice from someone who has been there. /d/ is literally bad for you anon. The reason you feel shame about your porn stash is because it is bad.
I mean, I've always been of the opinion that online text ERPG's beat out normal online text games.
It's basically just an RPG, but either there's an underlying theme (fetish) that everyone is into, or it's just an rpg with adult elements.

The former is good because it means a core aspect of the setting is something everyone's passionate about, and the latter is good because now the game for adults, played by adults, doesn't run on kid logic and it's like leaving a city to breathe unpolluted air and look at the clear night sky.

>B-but muh smut scenes. Muh coomer.
You learn pretty quickly that smut scenes are like combat, in that they take ages and spend valuable game time. Unless it's significant and/or involves the group, a good GM will just resolve either narratively with a fade to black anyway.
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You see monster girl and think human girl with black skin and dog ears, maybe she has some fur on her forearms and shins.
I see monster girl and I think pic related.
I dont feel bad about my dickfucking castration oviposition/mpreg tentacle porn. Maybe you're all ashamed because you're all normalfags and basic?
pregshit is fucking gay
Do real ovi and don't be a fag
just call it a shrek refference
>I tried to play it off as "actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle"
Why would you make it worse? Either way, he's probably not gonna tell anyone.
You should feel bad anon.
absolutely would
The whole "monster raping women" cuckfantasy exploded after the airing of Goblin Slayer. Is genuinely sad the amount of unironic cuckolds who get off in this type of shit like OP. I'm not talking about horny or kinky stuff, but cuckshit? That's just pathetic.
>pregshit is fucking gay
You know it
>do real ovi
Thats... why its on the list? Its and/or my guy

Why? Its hot
I write in Russian.
Gay in an uncute way, anon.
Pregnancy is never okay.
>Thats... why its on the list? Its and/or my guy
You can clearly understand that that was not unambiguous from the limited context.

The mpreg still makes you a complete normalfag subhuman in any case
> Pregnancy is never okay.
NTA, but are you gay, anon?

And you hang out with other homosexuals I see.
>mpreg is vanilla
There are three pregnancy threads on /d/ right now. None are mpreg, and one explicitly bans it. Gay maybe, but its less popular than cuntboys, dickfucking and inanimate tf. I will not have it slandered as "normal"
All pregshit is normalfaggotry
Mpreg is as vanilla as any other pregnancy. It's in no substantive way any different.
All preg is degeneracy. A functioning human shouldn't find pregnant women attractive because they can't impregnate them.
Unless it's your own wife carrying your own child, it is biologically deviant.
It is when its because an insect laid eggs in your ballsack but regardless, your ideological opposition to pregnancy as a collective does not override observed reality for mpreg in the specific. Its categorically distinct
Strategically speaking a pregnant woman is significantly more fertile than an unpregnant woman
>It is when its because an insect laid eggs in your ballsack
That's not mpreg
>does not override observed reality for mpreg in the specific
No, but the lack of that distinction in observed reality is representative of the fact that it's literally the same as any other pregshit.
Then where's the mpreg thread?
What does that have to do with anything?
are you including impregnation or just pregnant women
Impregnation is the most vanilla fetish imaginable but pregnancy content I see on /d/ usually tends to be women who are already visibly pregnant.
T. homosexual
>it's not gay to desire a woman you know cannot get pregnant currently
You can't get any woman pregnant currently, does that make you a faggot?
Strategically yes, but he’s technically correct that humans should be hard-coded to find a strange pregnant women repulsive rather than getting a hard-on.
>he’s technically correct that humans should be hard-coded to find a strange pregnant women repulsive
evo psych is pseudoscience that tries to make the first though that came to your head sound scientifically proven with no basis on any kind of study or analysis. You might as well say you like pregnant women because you're piscis or because you left aquamarine under the moon light, literally the same level.
Anything related to sexual deviancy is basically pseudoscience
>Here's where I fucked up. See, a good chunk of my setting I like to attribute to being inspired by stuff like Aliens, Berserk, Event Horizon, etc. In truth, I just really like monster rape. A good chunk of my setting involves monster rape, I just somehow managed to hide it by a combination of saying "oh it's like Goblin Slayer",
>but he’s technically correct that humans should be hard-coded to find a strange pregnant women repulsive rather than getting a hard-on.
no, humans are social.
strange women who are pregnant just prove that they can get pregnant (so, fucking them after they give birth has high chance of giving you offspring).
and there really isn't any way to know if your woman is pregnant with your child or someone else's, it'd make no sense for males to be repulsed by pregnant women given they might be carrying their own child.
and all humans were at some point babies/children, so it'd be dumb to be "repulsed" by women displaying motherly traits when you must likely spent your formative years near multiple women like that from your extended family (I'm not saying this justifies getting turned on by them, but at the very least they shouldn't -disgust- anyone)
>it'd make no sense for males to be repulsed by pregnant women given they might be carrying their own child.
Actual cuckold mentality.
>If you don't want to have sex with a cockroach, you're gay.
People who are already pregnant implies impregnation though, there’s no separating the two.
If you show a pregnant woman, all that means is that earlier I knocked her up, it’s the same thing just with a time gap. Like.. if you slap a girl in the face, she’s still the girl you slapped in the face next sunday when you’re having brunch with her parents - it’s still hot.
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This is just flat out wrong. I had co-worker I never really cared about, but once I heard she was pregnant I just couldn’t stop cooming and fantasizing about her. She also became so alluring and hot irl, its like magic.
Also, your players know goblin slayer and berserk and you somehow pretend to yourself they don’t goon to monster rape already themselves? You’re delusional. They 100% already knew you’re a freak and are freakier than expected themselves. Even goddamn normies fantasize about bowser raping peach and young link femboy sucking black cockthese days.
>Even goddamn normies fantasize about bowser raping peach and young link femboy sucking black cockthese days.
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great thread we got here
Yes, this type of thread is the only reason why this site is still worth using.
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>"actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle"
What the fuck is wrong with this anon?
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Do you seriously think that everyone who watches goblin slayer and berserk masturbates to monster rape?
are you retarded?
>goblin slayer
>doesn't deny it
lmao yifftard tourist, everyone knows all furries are gay
now go back
>Even goddamn normies fantasize about bowser raping peach and young link femboy sucking black cockthese days.
No, normalfags fantasize about railing Bowsette and Zelda. Shit man get it together, traps are still a fairly niche fetish in real life.

At any rate, OP are you or any of your players woman? Because men will hike about you liking xenomorph cock once in while but won't make it a huge deal unless they also like xenomorph cock.
Haha what a stinky boy you are haha,
have you considered not magical realming? it's fucking weird, man. i've already had shit i'm into come up in games by coincidence and been super uncomfortable, if i learned my DM was purposely subjecting me to fetish fuel i would probably quit rather quickly. if you don't lose your players, fucking cut that shit out man
> I tried to play it off as "actually the horse was just a black guy at a weird angle
You're a fucking idiot.
Nice samefagging, slutpie. Can't wait to see the same collage on r/4chan and neckbeardia!
Oh shit
Nevermind then, based as fuck.
Do the math
>woman isnt pregnant
Possibly infertile, and possibly a first time mother, so likely to die in childbirth (are YOU going to be a single dad for this kid with bad genes?)
>woman is pregnant or recently post-partum
either immediately impregnable or will be within months (your child takes decades to raise, and its not like you need to be monogamous)
If you played your cards right it might be your kid already and you want her to raise it to maximize your offspring's chances
Significantly less likely to die in childbirth or lose an infant because shes done it before
Proven fertility and childrearing potential
Even if its not your kid theres a high chance its an immediate tribal relative's, so you still get like 25% gene transmission
Your first mistake was being a degenerate.
Your second was allowing another human being handle your phone without securing your stash.
Its over for you anon.

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