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my friend keeps fucking me up. what's a sure-fire strategy to win?
I haven't played this in 40 years.
I never figured some sort of tactic existed. It always came across more like blind luck.
there are mathematical aproaches i dont know, but my best guess is to sweep from the center out to each corner and edge about three spaces apart each time.
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actually, care to play?
shoot in a X and then every second tile
Battleship is a game of body language and trickery. You're supposed to mislead your opponent by using your facial expression etc while trying to see through his.
Pack your big ships over the edge and scatter small ships in the middle. The big ships are dead weight anyway, it's the 1-piece ships that are hard to find.
>Wait till there's a bunch of pegs in the top board.
>Slam case top down onto opponent's hand while they are placing a peg.
Don't place your destroyer until your opponent has managed to eliminate every single place it could be. This will take a minimum of 50 hits.
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You just run diagonals and then spaced diagonals, with the initial spacing usually 3 empty pegs between shots so that when you come back to it you half that to sweep for the 2x1
It gets a little more complicated after you hit something but that's basically it really.

anon, you place all the ships before you start hitting each other
can this game be improved by adding some new but limited mechanics?
>torpedo (limit of 3) - starts at the edge of the board and travels in an imaginary line for X pegs in one of cardinal directions chosen by the player; hits the first ship that's up to 1 peg away (so either on its path or adjacent)
X would be half or less of the entire board
>reconnaissance plane (limit of 2) - target an opponent's tile; the targeted player must truthfully say how many ships occupy at least one tile up to 3 (or 2?) tiles away from the tile selected
Yes, X, but no, not every second tile; you'll waste time. Start with 4 spaces between shots, and then 3 as soon as the 5-tile ship is destroyed. The largest ship is 5 tiles, so working the grid this large covers the most ground to begin while leaving that ship nowhere to hide. Shoot in this grid, always visualizing and checking that wherever you shoot will match up with your other shots eventually. On a hit, finish off that ship right away so you know what's left out there. The second shot on that ship must adhere to your spacing rule, in the direction you guess the ship faces (your pattern must continue if this shot misses). Narrow it down only once orientation is confirmed. Once his 5-tile ship is down, you know his biggest is now 4-tile, so switch to 3 spaces between. Once the 4-tile ship is down, stay at 3 spaces between shots. Take those 3-tile gaps between your old shots, and shoot the center empty space (there should be "+" shaped gaps between your "X" shaped pattern). Nothing can hide in any direction in that "+" gap. The final ship will be the 2-tile one, and you'll be able to see any 2-tile gaps left easily.
Let's clarify that you are skipping tiles horizontal and vertical, not diagonal. Your X shots should be touching each other's corner.
>false flag
>switch boards with opponent for 1 round. No pictures.
>smoke screen (one per undamaged ship)
>select a ship; place an imaginary 2xL tiles rectangle (where L is ship size plus 1) so that at least two of its tiles overlap with the ship's hull; reveal the position of the smoke rectangle to the opponent; all shots made into the smoke screen are considered "missed" until the smoke fades; the smoke lasts for 3 rounds; doesn't affect torpedoes
>start at A1
>for each subsequent shot:
>move right 2
>move down 1
>'wrap around' the edge of the board as you reach it
>you are guaranteed to hit all ships with the fewest shots of any pattern
Track his misses. If he gets a hit, say miss and move the boat to an area he hasn't tried to attack yet. Obv be sneaky and don't let them know you are doing it. But if you get caught just say you thought the boats could move cause that's what they would do for real.
Cheating bitch

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