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Birdmen edition

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WM: https://pastebin.com/EsDAgeba
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip
Time of Legends: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/q46ut6 (dot) zip
ET: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/j7d0t5 (dot) zip
TOW: https://gofile.io/d/ffbanD

>Alternative Models:

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Best and worst thing about TOW?
You are right anon and I appreciate the diplomatic response. I guess Im just still bitter and my trust in GW has never recovered. Personally its hard not to see TOW as a soulless cash grab feeding on peoples nostalgia, GW didnt revive it out of love and respect for the setting. But if it gets people interested in WHF as a whole again then thats positive and I can at least hope the team working on TOW, as opposed to the GW corpos, respect WHF.
if Wolf-kin can exist for Ulric it's stand to reason crazed fanatic should also exists for at least some of the other Gods in the Empire
Best: models
Worst: rules
Best: it exists.
Worst: AoS still exists.
Best: idk I guess I got more orks to paint now
Worst: it took away my fucking savage orcs. I’d rather the title never come back than lose them.
Best: It reignited the fantasy scene where I live.
Worst: These threads nose dived in quality since it released.
>>Thread Question:
>Best and worst thing about TOW?
Normalising keeping up catalogs of old models, even if just as glorified made to order products.
the recaster scenes are dying left and right and the ones that specialise in OOP models instead of chasing the "new thing" or going with scans and prints instead of actual casts are even fewer.
I'm autistic and paranoid so I don't like that's happening, I did my part with old models of my specific obsession, so I hope more people can find and enjoy them, but I know it's a futile thing, so GW keeping a catalogue of old models is an absolute win in my book, and hopefully they realise how much potential the endeavour has and go even further with the idea.
that's such a creepy creature
> the recaster scenes are dying left and right
Why is that a good thing? It's either recasts or scalping, whether that's from resales or GW proper.
Best: I can find games again
Worst: TOW launched on life support and that is where it will stay for the foreseeable future
Best - the setting
Worst - the fans/players
I'm saying that's a bad thing, anon, and that GW having a catalogue of old minis partially offsets this
>the setting
Agreed, it's much better than the old, boring not woke/DEI whfb.
Does anyone have stls for chaos that are on par with what highland/reptilian do for the empire?
It's the same setting, retard, just ignore everything written by GW after like 2006. But thanks for proving my point about the fans/players
>It's the same setting
>just ignore everything written by GW after like 2006
Fix your fucking brain you drooling cretin
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>kroq-gar's carnosaur is called grymloq

hey, I understood that reference
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>spend a lot of time making an epic bridge hold scenario
>smaller, dug in force has to defend a vital bridge crossing from a much larger force for a specific number of turns
>lovingly hand craft a bridge and wide river terrain
>not a single person wants to play it, everyone just wants to play balanced points mirror matches on open table
What is wrong with Warhammer players? I guarantee if I proposed this game to /hwg/ or /awg/ players they would jump at the chance to play a thematic asymmetrical battle
Agreed, the "fans" are the worst, you being prime example.
Hey, at least you didn’t make another thread on it.
Anyone know a recaster with the old ogre characters? The maneaters, golgfag, etc
>AoS pic
You sound like an entitled self righteous asshole who thinks that everything you do should instantly be applauded. Fu
Warhammer harkens back to the days when men from neighboring villages would meet up on a village green or other piece of flat common land and beat the shit out of each other with a ball being tangentially involved.
You wouldn't get it.
there's more
>tiktaqto's terradon is called zwup
>mazdamundi's stegadon is called zlaaq
Alright we can clear this up pretty easily.
Where do both games take place, and during which time ranges?
Anyone know of any good 3rd party Empire models that can be 3d printed? Just got a printer and I'd like to use it to make some empire stuff for TOW, but haven't had much luck finding models. One Page Rules has some empire stuff but I don't like the ocean/seafaring motif they used in their design.
What's the army you would be using to defend the bridge?
Highland, RO.
I hear many praises going to highland miniatures
personally I like the look of last sword minis too, but then again I'm not an empire fan, so my tastes might be out of touch compared to theirs here
no zlugg or znarl?
>Thread pic
weirdly enough, I'm not finding much
zackgames has a trio of maneaters (actually golgfag, the gutsman and the paymaster) but for the others I'd not know where to look for them, maybe try searching on aliexpress
Hordes of Chaos army book 6th edition
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>Best and worst thing about TOW?
The stuff I like.

The stuff you like.
The best part of TOW is playing Warhammer Fantasy again and talking about the game with anons.
The wort part is the magic phase, or the lack thereof...
>Best thing about TOW?
non-binary combat resolution
>Worst thing about TOW?
combining Hero and Lord level characters with a 50% max instead of 25% each
The "game" doesn't take place during any set time period, you can play a narrative game set in whatever time period you want regardless of whatever narrative period GW is creating supplements for
No, yeah, I was giving that for granted

but how many artillery pieces, gunlines and conveniently unbreakable units would there be on your side of this fluffy enjoyable game?
NTA but you're moving the goalposts and contradicting yourself at once. Also why do you even ask, check the dates for WHFB and TOW, it's not a secret.
>lovingly hand craft a bridge and wide river terrain
Post it
>I guarantee if I proposed this game to /hwg/ or /awg/ players they would jump at the chance to play a thematic asymmetrical battle
Would ask you to prove it but since it's anonboard you would probably samefag the shit out of your own post
Great, i said range, like the beginning of the setting and the end of the setting
I didn't move any goal post because this is my first post, I can't move something I didn't set. I ask and want someone else to answer so they can tell me that they overlap
Reptilian Overlords
Highland Miniatures
Last Sword Miniatures (knights and heroes only)
Tytantroll miniatures
Magori miniatures
Vae Vicris miniatures
Ludus Bellum
Seriously just google Warhammer Empire tak or Landksnecht stl, you'll get plenty of results
>non-binary combat resolution
>transgender morale checks
>lesbian shooting phase
>gay charging
All charging is gay.
Imagine wanting to get closer to a group of men.
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Suddenly Brets and Brets players make sense
>magic phase was longhoused
classic woke game design
Chaos players too.
Yeah for some reason they seem sparse. I don't know why, those were kino kits and were available a while. Might have to ask on yoyhammer
>i said range, like the beginning of the setting and the end of the setting

The both have the same time range, after the formation of all the factions, and the endtimes
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Post models, nerds. I hope you're not wasting another weekend.

This is my goblin. There aren't many like him, since I only have three done.
why does he look pozzed?
Green lives matter
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I was fucking around with different skin tones. I'm kinda fond of the jaundiced goblin, personally.
I think the jaundiced one is best too
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I'd avoid the upper lip
What if we like the same stuff?
Yeah, the lesson was learned with the middle one - looks like negro lips or pseudo-blackface. Im gonna be doing a mix of no upper lip and upper lip moving forward, but I want to keep the upper lip super thin when I do it.
These are basically functioning as my initial test batch for all my greenskins moving forward, so I don't mind some fuck-ups or weird shit here and there.
Heard from a reliable source that after the arcane journals there’s going to be a compendium with more armies of infamy as well as rules for a Dogs of War army. One of the armies of infamy is a proper Slayer army for dwarfs instead of the weird Royal Clan thing they’ve got atm. There are apparently more armies of infamy but he couldn’t remember which ones specifically. Also apparently Mordheim’s coming back but no clue whether this will be a reprint or a Newcromunda esque thing.
>looks like negro lips or pseudo-blackface
I'm just magnetizing movement trays for TOW
But other anons should post
sounds fair
Perfect, and do they take place in the same fantasy geographical location? If so, the setting is the same
>Also apparently Mordheim’s coming back but no clue whether this will be a reprint or a Newcromunda esque thing.
Stop it anon I can't get my hopes up anymore
Oh you love Mordheim? Show us what you have so far anon
You expect too much
>Heard from a reliable source
>Bro why don’t you just dox your mate online

I forgot to mention the birdmen or whatever they’re called are part of dogs of war
I heard from a reliable source that you will never be a woman.
Ok. Tell your uncle at Nintendo we all appreciate his input.
So it's still okay to charge Witch Elves?
Why would you want Mordheim to come back so GW can ruin it? You're probably the type of faggot that enjoyed Gladiator 2, a movie that had zero reason to be made except using a beloved title for a lazy cash grab. Get tf out of my thread you TOWddler
that actually raises some questions:

pretty much all dogs of war units were "special" named units, the birdmen of catrazza for example were born when the leader of the unit created this specific flying apparatus, many other units are similarly named and referencing people and events of the modern 2500~ period of the setting

are they just going to reintroduce the models and rules but without any pretence of them being historically present in the period of 2275~?
reintroduce them as generic units without their previous name and retconning whatever equipment or formation as existing in a similar fashion in 2275~?
or is the entire compendium specifically about armies of infamy, characters and units of the 2500~ period?
some people like the old miniatures and would like to see the original box brought back
Are you samefagging or a genuine retard who takes his limp dicked bait for real?
can you consider the possibility of discussing a rumour even with the appropriate amount of doubts about its validity?

can you even wrap your head around hypotheticals?
He's not a samefag (I'm the one who posted the leak) and tbf I see why people are skeptical but even before he told me I'd heard rumours online about some kind of 'compendium' coming which I thought was pretty much accepted as happening. I can't really post any proof, like even if I did dox the guy that wouldn't prove anything anyway.

I assume they'll retcon it like they did the goblin hewer and steam tank.
They just make up more gay and retarded retcons to justify their laziness. I have no idea why they even set it in the past at this point
Lol it's a miracle they even bothered with (allegedly) removing KF monograms and scrolling
Ok, now post your warbands and terrain
>can you even wrap your head around hypotheticals
hypothetically AoS is set in the WHFB universe, doesn't mean it isn't batshit retarded, but it still holds more water than thinking DOW are returning
They didn't remove all of them lol
AoS had Karl Franz iconography for years
This. If any of these fag fake grogs actually had any interest in Mordheim they'd know there is a massive and thriving active player base. I'm going to a Mordheim tournament in February
>but it still holds more water than thinking DOW are returning
They're miniatures that people have nostalgic for, fall in the era of metal miniatures tow is considering bringing back and tow has a suspiciously barely used mercenary system in its rules, so yeah I can see it holding water.

we can also discuss the coexistence of the mortal realms and the old world if you prefer, the warp and one book open the doors for it fine.
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he's referring about this kit which would have karl franz inscribed on the horse's barding but the promotional picture doesn't have it, so some think they retooled the kit to erase the script, but I think it's something they did just for the promo models
Just got a ping pong table for $20 off Facebook marketplace, now I can have half decent battles with actual tactics and maneuvering. My old 6×4 GW grass mat for scale, gonna have to scratch build a mat that will fit!
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Well that's exactly what they already did for Manann's Blades...
Feathers too big, shields too small
Not to mention people making dedicated Mordheim models and stls and terrain.
Holy shit dude, great deal.
>now I can have half decent battles with actual tactics and maneuvering
Based. Happy for you anon.
>Feathers too big
the bigger the headgear the better the miniature
>the bigger the headgear the better the miniature
Please be moronic somewhere else
I do wonder when they will be done with the Arcane journals
I'm sorry, perryfag, but if you tuck it up to the corner like that (like you did with your previous table) nobody will be able to play with you, just like nobody played with you on your old table. Your sister pretending to be your opponent for thread photos doesn't count.
Both the feathers and the shields are good for showing exactly what theyre supposed to be. A bunch of highly paid and highly skilled duelists and swordsmen.

They dont have big heather shields, they have something closer to bucklers (which were historically used in the perior the empire is largely analogous to).
>but I think it's something they did just for the promo models
I don't think so. That shield with a crow also had KF on it and here it's blank.
Maybe your fat ass can't lean over a table to reach the far end, but normal adults can
Having the table be wider than 4' is going to make reaching the middle a pain.
Well, considering that you only make dioramas and don't play any games you can indeed just lean over and place the far end minis first without the risk of having nearby minis or terrain getting caught in your clothes or something.
Perryfag plays no games so it's not an issue.
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Think outside the box.
if you cut apart the normal mat you could simply cover the necessary missing area with a river, other body of water or outcrop

but you lose on modularity
It's the OOP gw grass mat, it's worth too much to cut it.
For a moment I though it was a cattle prod
How do you know it's him?
We are all him
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He once posted his old table, it was tucked into the same corner.
The dice tray on the left also featured heavily in one of his "I'm actually playing a game, I promise!" photos.
who else would be behind the current endless bitterposting otherwise?
Is it the same anon who spams that pic with historicals fighting at the river?
What are the chances of GW bringing back metal phoenix guard and spearmen?
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Rent free
I'd be very surprised if they went with the metal ones over the plastic kit
Using that would be more of a pain than having to lean.

What would be an interesting solution is having a magnet on stick that can attach to magnets on the movement trays
Seeing these minis makes me really hate GWs "heroic" proportions.
So...don't buy GW models? Plenty of prints with more realistic proportions out there
Wait. War Altar was build AFTER the Great War why is it in TOW?
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Got this 9×5ft canvas cloth to make a battle mat for my ping pong table.... But it has an unsightly seam right down the middle...
Because GW wants to give players the centerpiece models, so not only has the War Altar been retconned to being around before Magnus commissioned it, there's more than one if I'm recalling correctly. Lemme double check
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I wonder how much more akshuleeeee they're going to pull off as time goes by.
>centrepiece models
/Aosg/ is down the hall mate
In the forces of fantasy the painted minis section is Marienburg and they *have* a steam tank, which contradicts the lore for the landship since Marienburg could never have a steam tank
Yeah? And I'm wrong.. how, exactly?
>thinks centerpiece is AoS thing
Lmao this term predates AoS or even you, you dumb cosplayer
You see, LEGENDS tell that there were only 12 Runefangs but in reality there were many more. They were just lost during civil war bro.
>LEGENDS tell that there were only 12 Runefangs
One thing that's always confused me about the Runefangs is why does Nordland have one? Weren't they conquered *after* the founding of the Empire? AFAIK the founding states were Reikland, Middenland, Hochland, Ostland, Talabecland, Ostermark, Stirland, Averland, Wissenland, and Solland (maybe I'm wrong about Ostland or Ostermark but I could've sworn one of the tribes in "The Life of Sigmar" was from Ostland, rumored to be closer to the Norsii than everyone else)
Lmao. Good one Anon, I appreciate that one.
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>In the forces of fantasy the painted minis section is Marienburg and they *have* a steam tank
Proof for those of pedantic inclination. Makes me wonder why in the product shots in this article https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/articles/bjde20vi/world-championships-preview-the-empire-of-man-is-united-in-war/ they use Middenheim's scheme and not the scheme they already painted for the book... and why in the article the Greatswords are in their 7th-8th scheme of Talabheim
Actually it was re invented in 2300 but it was older, just like Malakai's goblins-hewer.
Bros my new WHFB table is so huge I don't even have enough terrain to cover it, I need to get to work! Gonna look so good once I finish the battlemat
Iirc at least Drakwald was a founding province that has since been dissolved. Can't remember the other one.
Idk it looks appropriately covered to me
I totally forgot Drakwald LOL. Solland was another founding province that was dissolved (destroyed by an orc waagh). Both Drakwald's and Solland's Runefangs are held by Altdorf since IDK when. The empire has had 14 provinces over all (15 if we count the moot) with only 10 actual ones by the "modern" WHFB or rather the End Times. Westerland (Marienburg), Sylvania, Drakwald, and Solland don';t exist by then, and only two of those had Runefangs, and then we come back to Nordland, which was conquered after the founding, IE AFTER the Runefangs would've been made. I don't have a source on when Nordland was conquered but the lexicanum website says "767 IC" so that's over 600 years after the Runefangs had been delivered to the Empire. Logically there should only be 11 Runefangs unless there was an even more lost province that everyone forgot the name and history and existence off, which at this rate I wouldn't put it past GW... as if they'd ever correct this
Forgot to mention that I'm pretty sure this error exists because the fluff that Nordland was conquered after the fact came after the runefangs were written up, but I could totally be wrong, I'm not entirely knowledgeable
Do Tilea and/or Estalia have any colonies in Lustria or the Southlands? Or are the Empire and Bretonnia - and I suppose the Dwarfs if you count them as colonies given their fragmentary nature - the only Old World colonial powers?
It's just an altar built on a carriage right? I don't see what was preventing it from being built before
It's fluff is that Magnus the Pious commissioned *the* (as in one) War Altar to be built after the Great War Against Chaos. If that doesn't matter to you, fair enough I can't hold it against you
Then you like it for the wrong reasons, making you still the worst.
Best - it's made and will make a lot of models I want available again(a remastered War Wagon, in resin no less? Fuck yes, let me go get my pignose)
Worst - it's completely murdered classic WHF just like Nucromunda did for real Necromunda.

Haven't been able to get a game of 6th in over a year. Of the three guys I used to play with one was a massive CHUD and has sworn off GW games completely after all the Modern Audience shit they pull these days and the other two turned out to be shameless Muh Supported Tho fags who'd rather have lots of games of something they don't really enjoy than a few games of something they do. All my attempts to recruit replacements at the local club have been ruined by the TOWtards swooping in and persuading them there's no point playing an "old" game.

Fuck TOW.
Does any of the old 2nd edition or current 4th edition WHFB RP stuff explain how foreign wizards studying magic in the Empire works? There's all sorts of references of Tileans and Estalians and sometimes even Brets sending their nerds to go study magic in the Empire then having them come back to their homes to serve as court mages and whatnot. But aren't the magister orders pretty much less Hogwarts and more the US Army or whatever? Like how do you just fuck off and go serve in a foreign power? Hell, like what was Sienna's plan for her life, I don't know much about Vermintide lore.
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Would it be outlandish to paint the bird part of a griffon like a lovebird (picrel)? I had two as a kid but had to give them to a cousin of mine and I want to paint my griffon like pets of mine (the lion part being my cat, who's gray with spots like a jaguar). I'm well aware a griffon is supposed to be an eagle fused with a lion but the scheme GW has on warcom is a red bird with a red feline.
>Would it be outlandish
Yes, and that's exactly why you should do it. it'd be great
>it'd be great
Thank you anon. I hope he doesn't catch weird looks at my LGS LOL
do eet
I'll post progress tomorrow. The Griffon is on the TOW size base because while I do intend on putting my minis on the older WHFB bases, I don't intend on using the bigger griffon outside of TOW, so no real loss on me. If I ever change my mind I'll rebase
Pity. I have a group dudes that only play 6th ed, 3rd ed 40k and Warmaster. Weve never played TOW and probably never will. Life is good.
what lore is there about marienburg never having a steam tank fighting alongside them? that would be lame
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The lore for the landship (picrel) is that it was made by Marienburg due to them not owning one, although if memory serves they did pay the empire to have their STanks fight *alongside* Marienburg forces to learn the secrets of the machine to little avail. Everything after the word "although" is based on my shoddy at times memory, so please don't take it as fact. Regardless, if you play TOW or care about it's fluff, Marienburg has STanks
there's like 200 years between that picture >>94497884 and the commissioning of the landship
Marienburg doesn't have a STank as they were never given one
They try to make a replica
They make a bigger attempt

Why would they want to make a Landship if they already had STanks? The arcane journal will probably retcon the amount of STanks from 12 to "tons" like that one warcom article said, so the landship being a thing won't be necessary. I'm not *against* Marienburg having a STank or 5, it's just the way things go (in aaaaaaaaalbuquerque)
saying they never had one is a different statement to saying they didn't have one by the time they felt the need to commission the landship
I guess, but I'm pretty sure (don't take this as gospel though) they were never given one. Would make sense, Westerland was like the least trusted province ever besides maybe Sylvania (definitely Sylvania after Vlad took over), at least that's how i see it. But at the end of the day it literally doesn't matter, if you want to give your Marienburgers a STank you shouldn't let me saying any of this stop you (I doubt you'd let it either)
>reintroduce them as generic units without their previous name and retconning whatever equipment or formation as existing in a similar fashion in 2275~?
So like how the reintroduced the Goblin Hewer and went "Malakai may or may have not invented it!"
NT but the birdmen's gliders were based on Leonardo di Milagriano's drawings... it's possible
Honestly one of the few things I was looking forward to about TOW was seeing/playing WHF in an earlier, less technologically developed setting. I wanted to see archaic cannons and massed crossbows. Not only are we getting literally everything that existed in 2500 but the writers saying "huehuehue there were akshually loads of them before they were le lost!" just makes it worse.
>less technologically developed setting
You weren't alone in this hope, I thought this idea was gonna be so cool and executed amazi- oh it's just they have loads of steam tanks
Personally I was hoping the setting was going to be set back to when Sigmar was still a mortal.
Its sad and just reeks of GW wanting to resell existing models instead of bothering to invest in something new and cool for TOW. Its such a blatant cashgrab
Saying it's a cashgrab means recognising that doing different ranges would sell less.
You're literally saying you don't want the fans to get what they would prefer to buy.
>today i learned that whf was revived out of love and respect for the setting
if there was no demand for the miniatures they wouldn't have brought them back, no
The only fans that want to pay €50 for 3 knights or €90 for 5 Ogre Bulls modelled in the Stone Age are those with a snout.
Im not denying that making money is the goal of any business but they could at least try and pretend that they give the slightest of fucks about the setting and game. Its just very clear they dont.
>Worst - the fans/players

The only times I've ever seen anyone get upset enough to cry has been TOW.
It's embarassing
>Its just very clear they dont.
because they dare to put bringing back the miniatures (the entire point of this shit) before technicalities from throwaway fluff?
>throwaway fluff
Fuck off, s*condary.
Imagine rushing to the defense of GW and their total disdain of the game. Being a piggy is a sad existence. When GW said "we have a customer base that will devour anything we do", they were talking about you.
>they were talking about you.
unlikely, I only buy third party models and recasts.

>nu uh, there having been one war altar ever is totally fundamental to the setting!1!!
Grow a chin
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>being a namefaggot
Ignore him.
Ya got worked into a shoot ya pinhead.
>be GW
>see theres a market for WHF
>decide to revive it, but in a different context for obvious reasons
>say the setting takes place earlier and that the Empire will be more primitive
>forget that your customer base will devour anything you do
>completely disregard the new setting you proposed and just resell all the WHF range at exorbitant prices
>TOW and WHF are now indistinguishable settings
>pigs mindlessly hoover it up
>you say this is a good thing
At this point they might as well just officially brand it as Warhammer Fantasy 9th edition
>forget that your customer base will devour anything you do
It's first and foremost in GW mind anon.
>TOW and WHF are now indistinguishable settings
Fortunately they are and that's a very good filter
>decide to revive it
You forgot the part where they realize it would sell only after cpu game was extremely successful. Also the part that for years GW had extremely spiteful attitude towards WHFB and its fans. And yet another part where it took them 5 years to to release something of extremely low quality concept and rules wise.
Ran out of dinosaurs
>for years GW had extremely spiteful attitude towards WHFB and its fans.
You sure that's not your victim complex speaking here?
There are still some that are not exact matches, but can get the missing names. Iirc, there's no named bastilodon, dread saurian or troglodon.
He's conflating GW with warcom tranny schizo interns. A common mistake.
What I meant is forget then remember. Anyways, you claim that you dont buy GW models yet youre in this thread defending their decision to disregard the setting they proposed. I find it strange that someone who is supposedly not invested in GW is defending their financial hubris, very strange indeed.
Estlia has a colony in Lustria
imagine hating warhammer so much you cry bloody murder because they brought back the war altar and goblin hewer
if i remember right Wizards trained at the collages of magic must swear an oath of loyalty to the empire and the emperor so most foreign born wizards don't return to their homeland and instead live in the Empire until they get exiled or disgraced for whatever reason at which then there go to places like Marianburg, Tilea, Eastlia, the Border Princes ect.
>swear an oath of loyalty
Probably a mere formality.
Who the hell trusts wizards anyway.
I dont hate Warhammer and I dont see how I "cried". I simply expressed disappointment that the setting of TOW is not what they said it would be. But no, Im meant to be over the fucking moon that I can buy a piece of shit War Altar again at inflated prices and then thank GW for the privilege. The only one here crying is you, crying that not everyone blows a load over every "smart" business decision GW makes and yet you supposedly dont buy GW products. Lmao sure you dont. Post your Stormcast Eternal models faggot, dont forget to include your plastic snout.
>I dont hate Warhammer
>I just hate the setting
>and think the miniatures are pieces of shit
>and I'm going to call anyone in the community who might enjoy them a pig
sure thing, dude, but go ahead and post again your historical minis on your nogame board

in /awg/
Im not the Perryfag you mouthbreather. I love the WHF setting and most of the models in that range. I play 6th edition every month. I just thought TOW was a cool opportunity to explore something else but nah, €50 for a 2 Orc Command set, yip de fucking doo! Thanks GW thank you.

Enjoy defending GW, for free. Lmao.
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how well do the new stormvermin rank up on 20mm bases? ive been watching trolltrader for months now waiting for some 7th edition plastic ones to hit because i like their more angular look better, but at this point I just need stormvermin.
>>for years GW DIDN'T have an extremely spiteful attitude towards WHFB and its fans.
Dude, GW literally Ended the setting
wdym we still had aos and 40k
>the mask slips off
they look at home on 25mm bases, so making them fit on 20mm bases is going to require either a lot of jigsaw planning or the time-wasting job of reposing the angle at which they hold the halberds and possibly the odd wider foot placements

a quick search finds some stores still with old stock, you might want to check on local stores
that's not spite, that's incompetence
>warcom is not GW
Holy fuck you're one dumb piece of shit aren't you
I'm not the cosplaying anon who tries to cover all angles by saying he doesn't buy from GW but curiously defends it with schizophrenic persistency.
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Is there a recaster out there casting all the MTO minis for TOW? I don't really want to work to GW's schedule just to not miss out on a model.
Imagine being a GW drooling paypigger so much that you don't know and care about fluff yet come here and talk about the fluff
okay but really who cares about the fluff. Its all dogshit. We are all here for purely the asthetics, because thats what matters here.
>TWW tourist conusmer does not remember warcom articles praising AoS slop while taking the piss out of whfb models and lore
You sound like a person who uses them/they pronouns
>while taking the piss out of whfb models and lore
this didn't happen, you're being schizophrenic
Why would anyone bother to remember that stuff
Nah, what's absolute dogshit is: you, your opinions, you being here, you existing.
uh huh post models.
other wizards but only if they have a license which also requires them to be loyal to the empire otherwise it gets revoked
having a meltdown at the idea the empire might have had war altars other than THE war altar isn't caring about the fluff

it's using whatever excuse possible and imaginable for your outrage addicted ass to shitpost
some people have long meriores and do hold grudges for a long, long time
Wizards would be the first to know to never trust a wizard.
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Do you remember what article you're talking about specifically?
Sorry, I got PTSD from Prezno.
zack seems to try keeping up to date, but I'm not sure how quickly it puts up his recasts or if it's going to recast them all
>idea the empire might have had war altars other than THE war altar isn't caring about the fluff
It actually is you drooling simpleton. No one would care if GW made actual war altar model(s). Instead they just shoved in *the* War Altar of Sigmar, a very specific model with very specific fluff and play the game of pretend. Please cease your trolling and also fix your reddit spacing, it gives you away.
Which is a virtue actually.
>the fluff is the point
>no actually, the model is the point
>no actually, whatever is an excuse for me to chimp out is the real problem!
The point was bringing back that kit, retard.

If you want to feel like magnus's war altar has to have a special look then use the previous model, or if you want your war altar to be special then convert a war altar to your liking.

>nooo gw must hand everything already prepared to me
>and also you're a pig if you want a gw product ever!
no becouce im not one of the people holding a grudge over it
It very literally is not, the people running the site are subcontracted secondary morons who got things wrong more times than anyone can count.
How would you model skeletal beastmen?

I want to add some variety to my skeletons, especially as they are centred on a haunted forest
As you can see, it is the same corner. My attention to detail astounds even me.
You'd need a way to disable the magnet on the stick once your minis are in position.
there's a lot of horned skulls in the skulls kits and you would simply attach them on a normal skeleton, the legs would be the tricky part
if you've got skeleton horses you could use their limbs

otherwise you'd be looking at 3d prints or conversions that use tyranid parts
to these ends, wargames Atlantic skeleton chariots/cavalry might be the best kit to start from

you could get up to 20 undead beastmen and 2 chariot frames to convert for other purposes with one box of them + a box of skulls
on a second check, the skulls box doesn't have nearly enough horned skulls
out of 340 skulls only 8 are gor-sized horned skulls, you would need to buy too many to get a sizable amount, unless you can find bits sellers that can sell them in bulk
>attention to detail
Seems to me like you're just obsessed
But is he wrong?
>It very literally is not
The steam tanks weren't new inventions in whfb, in fact with the given time period they're about 200 years old. And given that their numbers dwindled overtime, it makes sense for their to be MORE stands in TOW than endtimes
>why didn't GW just create and release 9 new full model lines at once!?!?!?!
>And given that their numbers dwindled overtime
Yes, from 12 to 8.
They could have done at least 1 over the 5 years. People give total war kislev and cathay a lot of shit for their aesthetics but if either of them were released at launch then you'd be able to make a case about the effort GW put in. As it is now TOW is just a sad state of affairs
A reliable rumormonger has said that they have done them, they're just not releasing them yet for whatever reason.
New armies should wait until every actual army has a range again. Quite literally, wait your turn.
I'm like that with everything, not just you. I guess you could say I'm obsessed. Obsessed with detail.
Poor reception of their videogame versions and possibly concerns about them going too far with pop culture ethnic stereotypes and offending people.
TOW is not a sad state of affairs. It would be if Cathay was included, however.
>New armies should wait until every actual army has a range again
Including legacy armies, of course.
>poor reception of video game versions
Cathay is hugely popular and Kislev was the central faction of the third game wtf are you on about

>concerns going too far with pop culture ethnic stereotypes
in warhammer fantasy? no way...
It's not popular with the core demographic, the one that plays the tabletop and buys the models. And everyone laughs at nu-kislev's retarded designs. As for the racist shit, they already memory holed the 'pasta pizza mama mia' part of Tilea in modern WFRP, and I can't remember any other instance that could ever rival the sheer insensitivity of BEARBEARBEAR nonsense.
Of course course the legacy armies deserve to get their models ranges back before new armies. That should go without saying.
it also wouldn't surprise me if there was a drastic replanning of the entire project when they decided GW and FW had to be completely separate lines
they look like they took this launch with a lot of precaution regarding the investments and productions, essentially making a glorified made to order run

I bet they'll start churning out those two factions and updates to the most insultingly outdated kits only after they've finished bringing back the 'core' factions
>in warhammer fantasy? no way...
>can't see and can't understand the difference
I wonder where do fucking imbeciles like you come from
>Cathay is hugely popular and Kislev was the central faction of the third game
Go back to /v/
Having 1 new model line wouldn't really have changed the situation you're complaining about though unless it was the exact one you wanted
>wanting 1-2 new units in an army that are appropriate for the time period is expecting GW to release several new armies
Youre fucking retarded
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I painted mine to look like my Green Cheek Conure
Is Loremaster upgrade for a noble worth it? I know you can't take mounts but you get that cool Swordmaster sword, lvl1 and all the HE casting shenanigans for 35pts only
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>aaaahhh missing comma, I win
You were missing an apostrophe.
Sentence: Death.
>1-2 units that are appropriate for the time period

And what would that be anon? Basically all armies already have primitive units, hell some factions' whole identity is already being more primitive than their counterparts.
>some factions' whole identity is already being more primitive than their counterparts
Brettonia versus empire
Tomb kings (if you consider bronze age primitive)
I dont know anon kek, its not my job. Im sure for the Empire at least theres some sort of archaic gunpowder contraption that was largely ineffective but ocassionally devastating that couldve been used. An Empire that is slightly less industrial and a bit more medieval is a cool concept, there are ideas there to be played with. GW proposed a new setting that is 250 years back in time but so far theres literally nothing in the game that tells you its set in the past apart from GW telling you it is. Scratching off KF from existing Empire minis is very low effort. The whole Asavar Kul and Great War thing is basically meaningless, without anything in the tabletop to show that its set in the past those events might as well have happened 10 years before ET for all we know.

Its a missed opportunity, thats all. Its not like its something Im personally proposing and fighting for. It was GW's idea and their decision to disregard it is lame but also utterly unsurprising.
read original post >>94500451 then fuck off

everyone laughs at nu-kislevs retarded designs
I'll take your word for it and not the clear support for more retarded designs that can be found in the hobby from AoS to the new TOW kits.
>GW proposed a new setting that is 250 years back in time but so far theres literally nothing in the game that tells you its set in the past apart from GW telling you it is.

I don't know why you seem to think 250 years in the past is a large distance, the empire still would have had gunpowder for a very long time and the whf setting progresses at a slower pace than it does irl. 0 IC marks the found of the empire and it's 2000+ years later and they're only at roughly a 1600's level of tech.

>I don't know, it's not my job

So you're complaining about something without even knowing what you want in the first place?
The empire wasn't that significantly different back then, technologically speaking, it might be a lame case of fantasy stagnation, but that's been the case for a long while and retconning the imperial history to make it somewhat more dynamic would have run counter to the goal of the old world: having a new edition for people's old armies and bringing back into production the old model lines.
There would be far more backlash if, say, the empire got a whole new line of technologically less advanced miniatures with a slightly different cultural finish at the cost of making the old units unavailable and incompatible with the ruleset, people already find it pure bullshit that the currently sold model lines of certain factions only get second rate rules too.
At the end of the day they chose this period specifically because they can explore it with minimal reworks of the lines needed.
Otherwise if finding one period to explore wasn't the problem, the best case scenario would have been exploring different eras for each faction: ulthuan at the sundering, humans at the time of unification under sigmar, skaven at the very start of their existence, dwarfs during their golden age, if not even during the catastrophe.
But whole lines for each is a pipedream.
>GW proposed a new setting that is 250 years back in time but so far theres literally nothing in the game that tells you its set in the past apart from GW telling you it is
But anon! You have heckin cool girlboses in the military, it's enough to accent how different TOW period is.
>Im sure for the Empire at least theres some sort of archaic gunpowder contraption
Empire had cannons and small arms during WAAAGH Gorbad and that was IC1700 bruh.
>lame case of fantasy stagnation
It's not lame, it's cool. Only genuinely autistic people have problem with that.
>it's cool
answer me as if I were genuinely autistic
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Empire doesn't have any Women Characters in the military in TOW yet with the two special characters having at least Male names
Women in the State Army of the Empire is mostly just a WFRP thing so far(pic)
Because it's one of the basis of setting-world instead of narrative-world. Narrative drive is what kills setting. It's not limited to GW stuff of course, Warmachine and Horses during mk2 got themselves to a corner by being narrative and people didn't like how their factions started to evolve on every level.
>Empire doesn't have any Women Characters
Not talking about characters anon, just read fluff panels for Brets and Imperials. Also being blunt: foot knights
>set the game during the period when the girlboss empire established by previous fluff was extant
>make the Ottilian claimant male
Honestly, what were they thinking?
>when the girlboss empire established by previous fluff was extant
>uhhh because dynasty name comes from the first female ruler....means that every next ruler should also be a woman!!!
Shows only that you're a retard, go watch some marvel
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>is mostly just a WFRP thing so far(pic)
Ok, that I can understand, but we're not talking about drastic changes of the status quo that happen in the span of a few years in setting, but a cultural and technological difference between points in time that are 2 or 3 centuries apart, I don't think that's comparable.

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