Loyal to #1 EditionHere is a thread to discuss trading card games other than the big three.>Build Divide>Force of Will>Final Fantasy TCG>DBZ CCG>Wixoss>Keyforge>Gundam>Legend of the 5 Rings (L5R)>Digimon>Flesh and Blood>Gate Ruler>Battle Spirits>Ashes>One Piece>The other DBZ game>Sorcery>Doomtown>Warlord>Magi Nation>Lord of the Rings>Neopets>The Condemned CCG>Grand Archive TCG>Disney Lorcanaetc.Post about card games you've played and help other anons get to know your games!Pastebin/Rules for some games>Wixosshttps://pastebin.com/LC8SpttH>FoWhttps://pastebin.com/aGEBEKeF>Dragonball GT SDhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pj_0YeUXI5g4XyKwbAXJuZCGt3qWJwyp>Gate Rulerhttps://pastebin.com/nbcZP0nB>Build Dividehttps://pastebin.com/1cQT2pkz>FaBhttps://rentry.org/oypcs>Ashes Rebornhttps://pastebin.com/2jr0EG9S>Netrunnerhttps://pastebin.com/g3yQAQ7w>Fusion Worldhttps://www.dbs-cardgame.com/fw/pdf/rules/fw_OfficialRule_Manual_en_v1.00_2.pdf>Various Japanese CCGs without western translation (page is in moonrunes)http://card.g1.xrea.com/tcg/catalog.html>The Condemned CCGhttps://pastebin.com/Liu2E7Rqvoice chat for playing /acg/https://discord.gg/rCQFKcGcEP>Previous Thread>>94899742>Thread Question:Describe the best match you played this weekend.
>>94961318>Describe the best match you played this weekend.I played a game of EDH this week, I've finally clocked how important turn cycle is to the way the game shakes out. I cast pic related, killed the player on my right, and passed turn knowing that player on my left would kill the last guy, then I could swing into them with a field of tapped down creatures.
>>94961318>TQJust played my Elementalist Beast Combo deck into Druid Control at Sorcery Locals. Got ourselves into a deadlock where he couldn't move out and I couldn't move in with my minions for lethal. Game ended with my Avatar marching up the centre of the board with 16 airborne escorts and boxing on with his own hands.
>>94961471>I've finally clocked how important turn cycle is to the way the game shakes out.Try to play better games then. If you think magic now is a good measurement for "good game" then you probably have to play better games. Pic related is the reason most times people hold on attacking in Warlord (ancients)
>>94961529Forgive me friend, but I think you might have read too much into what I said. I was simply observing that turn cycle is an important factor to consider when making decisions in edh. I'm not a particularly big fan of mtg. It's quite dated and slow compared to some of the other games I've enjoyed more. It's unfortunate, but mtg is the only game played in my area, so it's the only story I have to share from this week.
>>94961471>>94961599BASED magic CHAD>>94961485>>94961529CRINGE acg PEASANTSHasbro's hit game Magic: The Gathering is supreme!SUPREME!Stop being contrary and just play MtGCommander. You're all embarrassing fucking NERDS clinging desperately to the losing team. WAKE UP.
>>94961688Good point anonI'd be playing Hasbro's Smash Hit Trading Card Game Magic the Gathering Commander but I got kicked out of my locals because my male pattern baldness somehow is triggering and offensive and makes me a Nazi somehow.Until the plight of my people is recognized im stuck in /acg/ jail
Damn those Grand Archive cards look good
Cindra rocked the calling, watch her immediately rock the battlehardened today. Ninjas have always and will always be the best class in the game. Suck it arcane dealers, stroke the long draconic shaft other martials and cup the balls Rangers & Mechs.
>The new Re:Collection precons for the next set's now sold out everywhere or ridiculous marked up by 30% on preorder>When it took the first batch of Re:Collection decks 2 months at $40 to truly sell outGuess the game's picking up, that or the scalpers got a whiff of the GA market.
>only person awake is the euro thread warrior kwab fuckmagic, shouldn't have even gotten out of bed to check the thread. I'll post about my prerelease later after winning, I played around with fang but doubt Ill pull enough reactions to make him pop
>>94962593Or they underprinted to give the appearance of massive demand and instill FOMO to make sales appear better as a move to appease how poor of a value sealed is in their last set when its tanking way below MSRP.This will work on idiots and probably most "card investors" (also idiots, who can't into traditional equity investments), of which make up the vast majority of any card game's sealed sales.Also, not necessarily your post, but these generic "Grand Archive good" reek. Go buy an ad.
>>94961318lubu no lookin like that
As a person why just likes collecting cards, which booster box from which series should I buy?
>>94963068I've always enjoyed cracking force of will boxes since the rate for a god pack is actually possible, one full art foil in every pack and I subjectively enjoy most of the art. The recent sets also give a guaranteed uber rare card in each box, which might be fun to try and collect all of.You can crack battle spirits saga for dirt cheap but I know nothing about the game outside of that
>>94962975Actually, the devs have been open to just doing mass printings. The first wave of Re:Collection decks ended up being meta but it took a while for people to understand that.
I wanna play Grand Archive but the online scene is dead. I don't play on Webcam/TTS
>>94963389Its a spotty scene unless youre from Australia/NZ/SEA. I dont think theres an online sim community for this game
Should I buy booster boxes/packs from Cardmarket?
>>94963309nobody has any clue what this game is that youre talking about nor why youre posting it here
>the top Kano player fucking angleshoots AGAIN with Metacarpus Node>chat keeps asking "Is Brodie immune to CNC?" "It is a MUST not a MAY hit for CNC!" Wow this calling is a fucking travesty. Cheaters left and right.
>>94963624>they're covering up the accusations of Brodie cheating LSS this is not the way. You need to be honest or this shit will bite you in the ass.
>>94963309That doesn't answer what their initial print run of this product is nor refute anything I said.A company can have an abysmal print run and sell out. That does not mean that product is automatically some hot commodity.Will they flood the market? Who knows. But that's generally a bad thing for a TRADING card game to do.
>>94963624>>94963647Brodie has his face on one of the new cards in the set, he can clearly do no wrong guys. Everyone clearly just missaw what happend
>>94963472Get some fucking glasses lol
>Top player hits the top tables consistently in games of chanceThis should automatically cause you to consider the fact they're cheating. FaB has less variance in going for it compared to MTG (Where cheaters proliferate top tables), but it shouldn't be surprising if these top players consistently perform whether its rules angling to performing actions outside of the game that give them an advantage (Cheating).
>>94963647>two rangers I hate this meta
>>94963647>Two Oscilio playersgood luck and godspeed you absolute madmen
>>94963673>>94963663Threadly reminder that LSS allows cheaters, angle shooters and "forgetful class specialists." Not only do they allow them they reward them with fabulous prizes, including self-inserts.
>>94963690>angle shootersI am dumb, what does that mean in this context?
Angle shooting is where you use vague rulings to always favor what you need them to in the heat of the moment. If missing a trigger benefits you, you let it slide. If the opponent misses a trigger that fucks with them, you flag a judge and complain you're being bamboozeled. Basically rules sharking only for your benefit and running circles around people less knowledgeable than you. It's deception with intent to benefit.
Yesterday a Kano main angleshot by not destroying his one use equipment (destroys after use) at the beginning of the game, then in the final moments use it a second time to win. If he didn't have the metacarpus node available this player wouldn't have won.
>>94963716The tools of the professional card game player. When you're on the receiving end of it, it's the worst fucking feeling over when it's used to beat you out of top 8.Big reason I quit fab. Too many fucking sharks even at the armory level. That game breeds a specific mindset and it's not what I want after working my shift.
>>94963736This is the card in question. It is a one time use, but if you're a pro player two or more. Also if you're a pro player, you announce buffing a zero damage source with Metanodes, which is against the rules because 0 damage sources aren't damage sources for all intents and purposes. In short, angleshooters intentionally play wordy and complex characters and they bend the gamerules to accommodate their plays but then slap the wrists of anyone that misses a rule that would benefit the opponent.
>>94963777dammit; trips and I miss the attachment
>>94963786>>94963690I hate this faggot so much. "I've been playing this character for 4 years and I diden nooooo! XD" It says right in the card, if a source WOULD deal arcane damage, it deals +1. Zero damage isn't would, it's literally nothing.
>>94963660It does answer it because they printed the 2nd wave of recollection decks the same amount as their first one. Back then, the first wave of decks like pic related were at $40 and available for 2 months but ended up being competitive out of the box, then they started selling out until they decided to just do another print run. Since the expectation is that the newer precons would also be competitive, they ended up selling out way earlier than expected.GA's whale bait cards are the Collector rares, the devs made it clear that staples should be available for everyone, but special print of cards are never to be printed again.
>>94963971Your initial premise was:>Price is up from preorder. Commodity must be hot.I counter with:>Supply manipulation. High price does not necessarily equate commodity is hot.You counter with:>Devs are open to mass printingThey can be open to mass printing, but are they doing it here? Are you an inside worker that knows they printed 8 billion units and that still isn't enough for the insatiable masses for this super duper hot product?I'm not talking about whatever their first product was. We're not arguing what they did in the past, we're arguing the premise that above MSRP pricing = hot commodity, when there are other matters in play.
>>94963871find the word "would" in metacarpus node faggot
>>94964138>with a card effect that deals damage >deals damage>zero source is not damage>"how could I know?!"
>>94964188>Deals X damage>X is 0>0 + X =/= 0>"NOOOOOOOOO NOT LIKE THAT"get picrel'd
>They turn my homie into nigger and now he rap instead of negate.No other game will make you feel this feeling.
>>94961318Where were you when Sam Byrne got fucking fired from LSS coverage??I was sat at home watching battle-hardened when Sam ring'Bryan who?' 'I dunno, some old guy' 'no'and you???????????
>>94964236Yes, Majin, we all know you don't read the rules.
>>94964507>Bryan Gottlieb has entered the chatSAAAAAMM!!! Who's old, you foppish twit?
>>94964453Oof, hadn't seen that.
>>94964531>AIsurely proved him wrong
>>94964715Doesn't change the fact that the search engine found the true answer in the actual rules for FAB.
>>949647490 is not a negative
>>94964715>>94964790Careful plugging your fingers into your ears too hard, you'll get impacted earwax
>zero is not a negativeIt's a null value, actually, which the rules stated right there say you can't treat them as a source of damage. You lose the argument but cheated the Calling.Thanks for cleanly demonstrating what angle shooting is.
I despise mirrors. I will play the shittiest, off meta deck in any game if it means avoiding mirrors.
>>94965182I will find you and I will force you into a mirror on the bottom table
>>94963777>>94964888the trips have spokenit's over
>>94961318Why do 90% of new card games insist on anime weeb art
>>94965812because they Japan
>>94965812Because it's a low effort art direction that sells to thirsty weebs who desire their fetish to be available in all aspects of their life and these games that rely on bog standard anime art without any genuinely interesting flavor theme to churn out these games and collect weebbucks.Anime art as a whole can be done right in an interesting and unique way, but most will never get to that stage because they are creatively bankrupt. The thread picture hits all of these marks and the game should be avoided from a style perspective unless it hits a gameplay quirk that is fun and interesting (It doesn't btw; it's just a flavor of magic with an updated resource system).
>>94965182unironically, play better games.the mirror being boring is a sure sign that a game's core rules are not creating interesting decision space, and it's relying on matchup novelty to generate interest in place of solid gameplay.
>>94966257There's also the fact that it better pilots just who is the better pilot (even though they can still blame luck sacking), when card game players often blame bad match ups for their loss instead of skill. One less avenue of complaint lost when one of the players loses. And we all know how full of complaints these salty ass card gamers are.
>>94965862I don’t mind horny art on occasion but if a whole game is all just horny art it tells me it is probably subpar mechanically
>>94965812I think anime art is cheaper and faster than more realistic styles like mtg and fab if you want a fairly consistent and decent quality.
>>94965812FAB looks terrible SWU looks terriblethere's no winning
>>94964052>They can be open to mass printing, but are they doing it here? Yes. They already announced they'll be doing Recollection Lite decks which are more printings of the decks but without the free Collector boosters that contain those whale bait cards.
>>94963309I have BEGGED my two shops to stock Grand Archive and they refuse because I'm apparently the only person in a fifty mile radius who knows of its existence (makes sense considering both stores are frequented exclusively by obese troons who only play Magic and Lorcana). I hope Weebs of the Shore start selling on Amazon because I'm not paying 2x MSRP for sealed product on TCGPlayer.
>>94965812>>94965862Anime art is at least hand drawn. FaB and Magic slop is all CG and AI goyslop.
Tried out Elestrals. The release schedule is borderline Japanese, but it's actually pretty fun. Pokemon aesthetics and OG yugioh effects, with life also being resources.Reserved judgment on longevity but it's got a local group so fuck it, I'm hooked. Dirt cheap too, a meta deck cost me $50.
>>94963624>>94963647how are they cheating
>>94966346That's a good thing. If the game is well designed, the players have a large number of meaningful decisions every turn, and a mirror will be very deep and skill-testing. a game being symmetric doesn't mean it can't be interesting, see: every fucking traditional board and card game.
>>94963786Why call it angle shooting and not just cheating, if the card is destroyed after using it and you don't destroy it, that's not abusing badly worded rulees, it's just cheating?
Does anyone know anything about the gamersupps vtuber card game?
>>94966990NTA but because they fucking know it doesn't work they way they want it to, but they're betting the other person doesn't know that since it's an esoteric rules interaction that logically could go either way, and hoping the other player assumes that they - as a famous player who plays that particular class a ton - knows all the weird interactions and will play them clean.Basically it's exploiting the other player's ignorance and assumption of fair play to break the rules. That's "angle shooting".
>>94967086i guess I just don't get why there's a separate term for something that is just outright cheating. angle shooting makes it sound more legitimate (albeit scummy) than just calling it cheating.
>>94967027Anything that explicitly promotes the "content creation" industry is shit as far as I'm concerned. But I did look it up as I had never heard of it before your reply. While it is technically a game complete with rules, mechanics, blah blah blah, it seems to be more of a merch-esque product so simp- ahem, I mean fans can display pretty shiny pictures of their favorite semi-corporeal anime girl. Not that there's anything wrong with that in and of itself, but VTuber culture is the epitome of goyslop right next to capeshit. But I digress. Tl;dr: I don't see it lasting long as an actual game because the game aspect was clearly an afterthought. It'll prosper as a collectible ala sports cards.
>>94967116Think of cheating as the bigger category and angle shooting as the more specific term to explain a particular method of cheating, like how scams have a bunch of different types but are still in the end scams
>>94966943I want to see what all the fuss is about but no one wants to touch it in my country, let alone my city.What did you find most enjoyable about it anon?
>>94967410I like that there was serious synergy without going full "modern yugioh algorithm deck" with it. The management of your 20 spirits across all various locations they might be was neat - you have to keep some in your spirit bank to not die, but you also have to spend them to do things, and there's lots of manipulating where they are to benefit.I think it's a little snowbally, as the person who starts winning value/tempo trades early will likely be advantaged to keep doing so, but that may be my inexperience not seeing the countetplay. But games are also short, bo3 shouldn't run more than 30min in most cases.I like that most of the rng is front loaded in the opening hand - only 5 cards - and that you can trade life for more cards, but really the wins come from trading your singular summon/"normal" action per turn for as much value as you can, and snowballing an advantage. Which means the game seems to be won or lost on 1 drops or cheating out 3 drops, and that counters the snowballing a bit.The game lends itself to "big plays" but they just start the snowball rather than instantly winning. Instants can blow the game out too but they have to be prepped, with a finite number of prepped spells on the field at a time.
>>94966782Again, without a number, you can't really quantify if their original print numbers were just too low even for their niche game to even justify calling it a "hot product".
>>94967006Oh I totally agree. But I feel like that sentiment is probably an unpopular one, given how salty, socially maladjusted, and shitty the vast majority of card game players can be.
>>94966907Are you really insinuating that anime art can't be AI? That these artists are free from using AI in any of their processes? I'm not arguing that MTG or other western artists may not use it, but to say Anime artists don't is absolute insanity.
>>94965812Because average weeb art appeals to more people than average western art.
>>94966907MtG is super aggressively anti-AI. They pay a lot of money to their illustrators.I don't know about FaB but I haven't noticed anything on their artworks that would stand out as AI slop. Do you have any examples?
You guys didn’t tell me there was a Nikke card game. Apparently Nivel Arena is an IP card game in Korea that launched with Nikke as its first property.
>>94967912Wizards is NOT anti AI. They just know the fanbase is anti AI and have been caught slipping shit in here and there in ads and shit. Wizards has actually used AI shit in their DnD books as of last year.I don’t think FaB uses AI (would go hard against their ethos of Flesh and Blood) but Grand Archive has some REALLY sketchy looking art. Anime slop so bad I’d argue that they should use AI so it steals some good design elements from better artists.
>>94967939>Wizards has actually used AI shit in their DnD books as of last year.Yes, one time and they were immediately cancelled for it. They'll never do it again.
>>94967939GA is most likely using a mix of real artists and AI artists. They seem to use circles of artists who have 0 showcase of their artwork via twitter/artstation/pixiv etc, and that is incredibly suspicious when they're churning out work by the tens per set. Anything by Hanh Chu is likely not AI used at all, but for example:道漫: https://index.gatcg.com/cards?illustrator=%E9%81%93%E6%BC%AB木叶: https://index.gatcg.com/cards?illustrator=%E6%9C%A8%E5%8F%B6Have both pumped out not only such an insane amount of art in such short periods of time between sets, but also the style and everything look unimaginably similar to the point of being interchangeable. It doesn't help that these "artists" have 0 social media presence etc.
>>94963624Wait if it's this guy >>94963690 how can he get away with cheating in the same way while claiming he was ignorant of how the card works? Heck, with how big of a deal it became previously, how can anyone claim ignorance of how Node works?
>>94968057Yeah, that’s what I mean by sketchy. I can tell that something is off with the art by how bland it is and also how the artists are completely unknown but yet their style is very very very consistent with everything else that’s in the game. Maybe it’s just sweatshop art. But you would think that an artist would use the fact that they’ve worked on a card game in their portfolio, but you still don’t see any of that shit anywhere
>new season kicks off>my hero is exactly the same except she got a quiver that trades 1 to 2 arcane prevention for the only bloody recurring source of aim tokens >and what ever the fuck this is suppose to do for pits wife>not even a 4 blocking d-react which have existed since the dawn of the gameGreat! I love having the same cards to play with.... each and every new season. Please continue the stellar ranger support, James.To quote the foolish cult that still thinks they stand a snowball's chance in the pits: "What do you want them to print? A card that says 'you win the game' when you play it?"
>>94965812They insist upon themselves
>>94968258I find this whole discussion rather shallow and pedantic.
>>94967631Sounds neat, i'll have to check it out when they drop their digital client which is apparently soon
>>94968236>my heroThere's your problem. You should play all of them eventually.
>>94968318Fab’s class system is too rigid for that to be feasible for most players. You can maybe play 3 classes CASUALLY since few have the dollars to shell out for decent gear to actually play a class well let alone three. In fab you’re incentivized to pick a class and stick with it. Then they drop feed you new cards each set except most heroes don’t get cards each set because the class system makes that too hard to do.
>>94968318I'd gladly play another ranger...oh wait. Rippy tippy tavi is a joke right now too. They both are the only Rangers currently available and each has less than two hundred class cards to deck build with. I'm jumping ship to Fang but he's not that great either. His biggest payoff card is a majestic zero for plus 4 dagger damage at reaction speed, but you need three fealty to get there. That's it, end of cool signature effect. Swing zero for 6 go again into a free 1 dagger with a single card hand. Brain stimulating stuff right there! Fang performed like shit this calling, so I aleast will feel right at home championing him for several sets until he gets better, maybe.
>>94967027This the one posted near the end of the last thread? If so, it's complete trash.
>>94968341I exclusively buy 1 box a set and grind blitz with retarded decks to annoy my friends with
>>94968341The commoner format is good, you can just go to those and try the other heroes. If you don't even collect the most bare ass C&UC playsets of the game that you play for pennies, then you have no business playing it anyway.And for CC you really don't need to spend a crazy amount of money on every single deck. There are cheaper decks that are decently strong.
>>94968236>>not even a 4 blocking d-react which have existed since the dawn of the gameAnd yet draconic class gimmick is "everything is red zero for 4 go again"Why does LSS fear the Sniper? They handle them with two pairs of oven-mitts.
>>94967915Waitaminute, Nikke like the gacha? If so, I've never played it, but somebody introduced me to this song a few weeks ago, and I may or may not have listened to it for over 36 hours now...https://youtu.be/S-bOBwuBRdU
>>94967912i don't know if it's AI, but take a look at this, notice anything out of the ordinary?
>>94968423The order of the toes is flipped. CuriousMaybe the dude is using AI to create a base sketch for the figures in the picture and then finishes it by hand. It'd still be embarrassing not to notice that though.
>>94967915wasn't there a NIKKE Weiss Schwarz set released somewhat recently?
>>94968358hmm, darn. Read the post and yeah that's not very promising. shame, I would've liked to get a box to crack packs with pals and make some shitdecks for fun
>>94967912I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're ignorant and not an employee of->>>94967984Oh, so you're not ignorant. Just hopefully optimistic (ie. retarded) or a Hasbro employee.>>94968587It contains the biggest and most infamous mistakes from each of the Big 3:>no upper deck size limit (Yu-Gi-Oh!)>strengths and weakness mechanic (Pokemon)>ante system (Magic: The Gathering)The absolute worst part is the ante system is an official, mandatory rule. Magic's was at least optional. This means one of two things: 1. The best cards will never see play because people don't want to lose them2. If people *are* stupid enough to bring their God-rares and signed cards, there are going to be fights and stabbings because this game is designed to be collectible first, played second. These cards are going to be hundreds, possibly thousands, of dollars each easy due to incredibly high demand (VTuber simps will spend money on ANYTHING) and one-time print runs. I have to reiterate this because it's such a mind-numbingly obvious scam: this "game" was never intended to be played. They shoehorned in some mechanics just so they could legally market it as a game. If people want to buy into this just so they can have shiny pictures of their oshis, that's fine. But retards *will* buy this thinking it's a legitimate game and GamerSupps and """""content creators""""" are preying on that retardation.
>>94961529Isn't that the game that's getting delayed?
V5 Hecata preview is finished>https://www.blackchantry.com/vampire-the-eternal-struggle-fifth-edition/fifth-edition-hecata/and it looks pretty good for the most part
I have never played or followed lorcana but suddenly I am seeing tons of discussion about some recent tournament where people cheated on camera multiple times and apparently head judges didnt know rules and misjudged card interactions that are explained in starter decks. Is this true? I want to know more because it sounds fucking hilarious
>>94968991It's all over the lorcana leddit.
>>94968991good use of cardpayer dollars!
>>94968236>my exact underdog deck didn't get huge support this set so the game is fundamentally broken REEEGet a fucking grip, dude. No TCG in existence drops support for individual decks every set. It's not fair and equal. It has never ever been fair and equal.Yes Azalea is a clunky mess and has been basically forever, it's a rough place to be. That doesn't warrant throwing a god damn meltie every single set.I guarantee you when ranger come back into the spotlight it won't be Azalea and you'll have the same pissbaby tantrum you have every time. Your expectations are the problem here.>>94968352>fang... but...>WA LAO FUCKFAB REEEEOh, okay.Why the fuck did you choose a hero you hate so much you fucking faggot? Nobody has wronged you, you're a spoiled bitch addicted to being mad.
PRB2 was revealed for One PieceAnother set dedicated to reprints within a year of the last one. I hope it's full of EB01 cards because fuck paying $200 for a full set of bonclay
>>94968236At least you play a hero that isn't forced to pay almost 200 bucks for a playset of premium sinks that exists solely to solve the problems introduced by this nigger set. Or the FIRE generic boots designed to counter go wide heroes on a set about going wide. Hunted is such a dogshit nigger set on so many levels, it surprises me people somehow like this set.
>>94968236If you haven't figured out yet that the sets are intended to push the new high powered hero, you're not paying attention.If LSS could, they'd remove all the heroes that aren't in the last three releases.
>>94967984yeah, you know those greedy corporations. once you catch them in a misdeed, they become moral paragons and never make another attempt.
is Ashes going oop? seems like it's out of stock / low stock a lot of places.
>>94969064That's not even the fuck fab guy. This person actually plays and is concerned for the direction of the game. Acting like nothing is wrong with a flawed system doesn't make you cooler or Jame's good boy that takes his licks and stays quiet about it.
>>94969462Sounds like they're well aware of that fact. >>94969064>Get a fucking grip, dude.That's our ranger main. They have a point usually too, like they've had for years now, because they are passionate about the game. More or less this is a FF person >>94969546Both are correctly identifying sore points about the game; one is concerned but loves the game and the other loves to jest about its untimely demise. They are not the same.
>>94968285Yeah the digital client will hopefully make it blow up, it definitely was part of Lorcana's success.The colors don't have much identity, is one of the downsides. It's more thematic and because you don't have to draw mana, decks are largely goodstuff packages right now.Idk, I feel like it was worth the $50 I spent on it, if only to support an acg that actually has a player base (8 people at yesterday's locals)
>>94968423My head was melting until I realized that is a crab person rising from the waters rather than simply a crustacean. I know what you mean about something feeling fucky about it, but this is just a case of ill- defined design and perspective crunch.
>>94969786two left feet
>>94970004I honestly prefer this to the WoW ability art of its predecessor. But yes that is a model fail on that artist's part. As another person stated, it's very unlikely to be AI generation; LSS having card industry standards and supporting real people is kind of their MO.
>>94969530Isn't there about to be a new starter? I feel like it was mentioned a thread or two ago.>>94969462Blitz has like 46 heroes and LSS has no plans in motion currently to stem the tide of new characters into the format.
anyone played Weiss Schwarz? Thoughts?
>>94969258The shelter situation will correct itself. Either they're fucking everywhere online because too many people are chasing the new highest EV box and or they're irrelevant because 4 block d-reacts aren't new nor are they the solution to seven chainlink ninjiggers.
>investorfags be like "why won't my graded cards sell?"
>>94970367>0 BleedWhy show this stat? Is Bleed that common?
>>94970679for consistency, every Ally has those three stats, so they get listed even when they are zero
>>94968991Basically a dude called a judge for a total legal move, the judge ruled against the legal move and it was just a lot of dumb bullshit.And this is exactly why I don't bother putting stock in tournaments. Cheating cunts and uninformed judges.>>94969530New starter set is coming out soon. Hopefully we see a reprint of some sets once that's out.
>>94970763This and now Flesh and Blood not only having a Calling cheater and angle shooter in the finale, we also have Star Wars throwing people out of tournaments because they ticked damage down instead of up while obscuring their health total on the printed card. Bunch of fuck ups that are just destroying the credibility of these competitions.
>>94970167The problem isn't going wide but rather how fucking cancer MoM with flicks is when you can flick shit every single turn with no real downsides and then fetch your shit again for free at the end of every single turn. The alternatives are there but none are quite as efficient.It's just not shelter though, quickdodge has no real agency being that good as a generic equipment this far in the game and it's also setting up the trend of chase majestics being upshifted because muh values.>yeah but you don't need an expensive deck for armori-Yeah but the game is built around sweaty gameplay with a casual scene being non-existant. Why is the game getting less accessible.
>>94965812People like appealing art styles and character designs, specifically of the girls.Mixing realistic styles with fantasy is stale, and ugly women are only pushed by activists.
>>94970968>ugly women are only pushed by activists.You know nothing, Jon Snowjob.
>>94971106more like stunks Those are commons, from the most overprinted set in the early fab days. One random ass brute common that doesn't even see play and two best-in-slot for their day but are getting crept out of the meta with better options. This guy is a fucking moron in other words.
>>94971221i guess no one will pay that much for it then? why are you low-key fuckfabbing over something that doesn't deserve a second thought?
>>94971267In short, no. No one's buying those. They're worth more to buy them raw so each can go into sleeves for deck building. Worthless in slabs, of an unlimited set that started the game five years ago. Bottom right, scope a peek. This idiot seller thought the unlimited series would reach the same levels as 1st edition (alpha).
>>94967027As someone who is practically neck deep into chuubas and like ankle deep in card games (Messed around with Pokemon, played a bit of Shadowverse, tired and failed to get into Weiss three times), yeah VCard looks awful from the top down. It really feels like they made it to be a collectable thing and put no thought into making it playable. It's only claim is getting a bunch of big names like Nyanners and Doki. Now if you don't mind, I want drop some comments on the other VTuber card games.>Rift RunnersI haven't seen any gameplay but looking at the rulebook the guys behind it put a lot of thought into this. Unfortunately, like everyone there is a "Who" tier and looking through the list of VTubers I only recognized three.>Oshi PushThere's actual gameplay footage of this out there. Gameplay doesn't look like my cup of tea but if you like battling over areas for score then it's fine. Landing Phase isn't bad get for a first set. My one big qualm is that the terms they use rub me the wrong way. Calling stuff "Platforms," "Content," and "Influence" feels soulless to me.>Hololive OCGBig Dick is in town, or he would be if he got off his ass and got on releasing globally. It shamelessly copies Pokemon so if you like that and want something with a kinda toned down power level, you might like this one.
>>94969530Man, I really want to like Ashes because it does a lot of cool stuff mechanically, but I cannot get past the art for some reason. The style and designs both are just a huge turnoff for me.I've seen a handful of cards that look good, but the actual characters just look out of place.
>>94971267>why are you low-key fuckfabbingAnon, it's not about FaB. It's about retarded investorfaggots and slabbers.
>>94969530>Ashes mentionedGod I hope they make some of the boxes available again. I got the Divine Red Reigns box for Christmas but the Law of the Lions box I was supposed to get with it evaporatedI'm checking Plaid Hat's website regularly for a real update on the new core box that's supposed to be coming out
>>94971874>we're fab but weebier with a resource deck >I miss how fab cards actually sold brutal selfmogging
>>94971874>fragmented spirit of water at $100And here I thought shelling out for fragmented spirit of fire for $25 last year felt terrible
>>94966868This really, I tried getting into the game wuth my cousins but I have to order shit in tcgplayer because its not readily available in amazon
>>94968105At a guess, the guy is popular enough that they can't have him get banned and deal with the fall outAngle shooting is a poker tactic that involves using unethical or underhanded methods to gain an advantage over an opponent. So stuff like letting your opponent do something wrong that benefits you or having some cards obscured would count.
>>94968105Majoryuck the Kano cuck topped a battlehardened by deleting an enigma's aura off of a zero source damage spell that he buffed to 1 illegally with Metacarpus Nodes. This was several months ago, but the judges caught the mistake too late and they refused to roll the turns back instead opting for an IP loss during the math. He had one turn of smaller hand size and that's it, an actual slap on the wrist. That victory put him into top 8 where he swept the event because angle shooting Kano offscreen is easier than on. There's another guy that went on to make the finals of this weekend's calling and he got there from a clutch matchup against a wizard that heals to deal damage where he used the hand equipment twice in one game. One use came in the early moments to earn tempo and then deeper into the match at the end to have the perfect damage numbers to chain off on a game winning wizard combo. Without the nodes he couldn't kill that wizard, altering who would've made top 8 yet again. That man went up against Brodie Spurlok that also cheated inadvertently when he just straight up didn't remove a card from his arsenal after getting sufficiently Command and Conquered. He's a top level pro player that knows the game like the back of his hand...forgetting what CnC does is like forgetting Charizard shoots fire.
Man i'm gonna go to a FaB tournament and just make shit up to test my opponents knowledge of the game>it's magic, i ain't gotta explain shit
>>94968423why would i ever use this card for any reasonhow is 1 out of 4 on hand worth +1
>>94971057Sorry anon, but it's not 2012 anymore. Nobody cares about your MCU movie poster graphic design anymore. The people want anime girls.
>take One Piece>add upgrades (= dead draws, depending on board state) and make them a central game mechanic >remove card draw from life damage>add no additional card draw or fixingWtf was Bandai smokingthis game needs draw 2 like SWU
>>94972683Draft chaff. FAB is full of it.
>>94971794agree on the Ashes art being bland kitchen-sink fantasy that could be any post-WOW videogame. but if by "style" you mean the layout / graphic design, nah, disagree. individual art is weak, but the composite effect of all the shit on the table is top tier. they nailed that part. >>94971889I wouldn't be surprised if they got reboxed like FFG was doing with shit. multiple small expansions bundled.
>>94972989Like every other TCG out there. There will always be the fistful of semi playable/situational cards, several must need playable cards, and then bulk. I can't remember a TCG set in existence that has had internal balancing that could allow for >50% of the unique card pool being competitively viable unless the set was extremely tiny.
>>94972683It's good actually. I already run lunging press but regret it only blocks 2. This blocks 3 and targets 3 and under printed attacks; a certain kind of deck loves this (assassin that swings low, go wide ranger, ninja attacks that must hit to trigger combos). It's actually not a bad card whatsoever.
>>94973113>yes it's gambling, but we printed "sorry not a winner" on little cards with art
>>94972989Do you not understand what this card can do? Its a zero cost attack reaction that targets any low attack source. Weapon, an ally, some combo piece that needs to hit to go wide, something to make sure your distruption sneaks past their evaluation of one card blocking a 3 blue; all of that in generic with no cost. Stuff like this is way better than draft chaff, it's lifetime support for any go low swinger.
>>94973321>meanwhile, actual good cards be like...
>>94972989ask me how i know you know jackshit about fab
>>94973348>he says posting a card restricted to daggerdildo riders verses a card that blocks 3 pitches for 3 that is universalImagine the yellow and red nip at the heels. Reds would certainly see play in the current meta.
>>94973372>daggerdildo ridersHot. Haha.
>>94968387>Why does LSS fear the Sniper?Reminder to secondaries or newcomers that LSS once banned this common gear piece, one of the only ways to give rangers a second arrow load (if their bow didn't already have that ability) in a single turn. Of course they fear the sniper.
>>94973113Nah, that's an excuse. like you're right that balance is never perfect, but even compared to other TCGs, LSS is incredibly blatant about making bulk especially worthless and consistently putting required staples at very high rarity. to claim that they're trying to balance it and that doing so is just some unachievable goal is bullshit. they're manipulating power levels to milk players, theyre doing it on purpose, and they're transparent about it.
>>94974157>he still doesn't understand fab has playable commons, a common format and all of limited as am alternative experience for engaging with the game
>>94973255oh rightyou can use these AFTER the enemy blocks right? but they can still "react" with something after you buff it for +1 to hit for the actions effect to triggerso its a solve for his blocker pick
>>94974169because the existence of a shitty commoner format is irrelevant and solves nothing. If I wanted an obscure game nobody plays, I have a lot of better options than fucking FAB commoner.
>>94972844It should be fine without draw 2 since your resources are a separate deck. What they forgot was to add the draw 1 on digivolve so you don’t get blown out 241 by a single removal. It’s crazy because the Digimon devs solved this years ago. Just watch, any card that draws on Link/Pilot will be meta due to the overwhelming advantage created by making the upgrade card neutral.
>>94974492resources are a separate deck in OP and that game is still heavy on draw/tutor effectsthis game has significantly worse built-in topdecking issues than that game
>>94974169my store plays commoner maybe once a set
>>94975012I've seen stores rotate all formats, sans LL, so in a month you get Sealed, CC, Draft or Blitz, Commoner or Blitz
>>94961318a bit outside the usual scope of /acg/ but I think people will find this one interesting;https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/neonrot/fukuzatsu-or-taured-poker
>>94975171>serial ttrpg kickstarter>le quirky artistique aesthetic>inspired by [recent thing], [popular thing], and [thing that doesn't exist]>fucking ZINES MENTIONEDYeah, nah, this guy's a faggot and his shit's all retarded.Still, good on him for actually making something I guess. Better than dinofag.
>>94975171That looks like a pretty cool game. I like the idea of playing poker like a legacy game and permanently altering the cards. I can see cool thing happening where you can super mod a 2 of clubs or something and that becomes your “ace card” that you are known for in your group. I’m surprised the TCG space hasn’t tried legacy memes. Or at least not that I’ve heard of.4g2hx
>>94972994>I wouldn't be surprised if they got reboxed like FFG was doing with shit. multiple small expansions bundled.I actually wouldn't mind this too much. Yeah, there are some Phoenixborn I don't care about, but if I can pay $70 or so and get all of wave 2's shit together in a single go? I'd be down for that. >>94974169I would kill for the locals here to do some Commoner. The hyper tuning, full playsets of CnC and ES shit has really discouraged me from playing with them.
>>94970101>>94970763>>94972994ashes is getting a new starter box / release cycle. but it's supposed to be all new cards and some new magic types. they said it will be back compatible but no word on what happens to the old stuff. could be a rebox, or older shit could just get rotated out.>>94971794individual art is down to taste but the overall look is above average. with CGs having a coherent style / art direction is at least as important as individual pieces being good. Ive had a fuckton of people approach me at stores/cons and ask about it just based on how it looks laid out, so it's doing something right.but the truth is Id prob still fuck with it even if the art went completely to shit because theres no replacement. few CGs are that thinky to begin with, and just nothing else playing in that mechanical sandbox.
>>94975513underrated option is keep an eye out for a cheap ash upgrade pack. seems like they prolly overprinted that shit. and you still see people selling the old 1st ed shit for cheap sometimes. might end up being less than waiting for that $70 dx repackage.>>94975328speak for yourself anon, that's just bitterness talking.my deluxe paddocks are in the mail. be here any day.
>>94965812Because anytime a card game enters the western market, it gets fucked by scalpers/collectors.Japan is small so you don't need a big scene to have locals
>>94974157I'm definitely not defending LSS in their rarities, but any hyper tuned game (Which, let's face it, is the case for any played game that has a competitive scene in America, because Americans love to break card games compared to their Japanese counterparts) will always feature winners and losers. This point is elevated for when you play cube draft in MTG. Sure, you can take the very best cards in magic limited history, but even amongst those pinnacles, there will always be a pecking order (albeit one that fluctuates based on your current picks), but if you see for example an Time Walk in non-powered pack, you take that bad boy over pretty much everything especially if its Pack 1 Pick 1.
>>94968587It's a shame too because all they needed was for someone to give half a shit about card design. The core rules seem fine enough for a quick, silly game, but the cards are completely boring and obnoxiously transparently pay 2 win. Like make Fire the element of risk. Make one idol a 13 power, but you turn a victory card face down to play it, and can turn it back up if you win. Then make face down cards not count. Then make an SR that flips all cards face up if you win, but only has like 5 power. Give that second one a mascot that flips vcards facedown for a big boost too. >>94968831Antes are listed as an optional rule. It's still retarded though.
>>94975171hard pass
>>94975171>ttrpg retards are so cucked they will pay MONEY for someone's rules pdf of a barely playtested 52 pack gamewhat the fuck
>>94975171im not ready for more poker-likes in the tcg space bros...
so did brodie end up cheating
>>94971874>linking the guy whose presence means your card game is on a timeclock before deathThe guy is the kiss of death of any game or TCG he touches
>>94976032early sets get a little bit of a pass because designers are still figuring shit out. but it's not just "balance is hard". MTG has printed 25000+ unique cards, they've tried every damn thing a dozen times, and they have hundreds of millions of games played worth of data to use in analysis. you really gonna sit there and try to tell us they *can't* balance all the cards in the latest 300 or 400 card block against eachother? bullshit. LSS has had a lot less time, but they're not getting better at it either.the reason for that is simple. the cards aren't unbalanced because "it's hard to get it right". they're unbalanced on purpose. chase cards sell packs, and if you want market prices of the most desirable cards to go high as fuckn possible, you make them rare as you can get away with and you make the rest of the box worthless shit. if it takes opening 4 $90 boxes to find a card, and everything else in those 4 boxes is crap, then the starting resale on the one card is $360, simple math. big numbers means more hype, more hype activates the gambling impulse, and packs get cracked.
Why is there no Marvel TCG?
>>94977106It's called MTG.
>>94977128Answer my question. Marvel's got a huge number of characters, etc.They should make their own.
>>94977138It's probably older than you, but it exists.
>>94977181Obviously I mean a modern one you fuckroid.
>>94977197How did you wind up here, kiddo? Back to Roblox with you.
>>94977199But the other kids keep calling me a nigger :^(
>>94977138Because consolidating all the rights that they have farmed out internationally would be too expensive and releasing it in only one region wouldn't capture enough market share to make development worth it.
>>94977106There was a pretty big digital card game about 1-2 year ago, but your conduct here does not permit me to directly drip feed its name it you. You'll have to look that up on your own.
>>94977106I remember trying to collect Marvel Overpower cards back in the day, but there was only one other kid in school who did, and he was too busy playing MtG (with us) to play Overpower.
>>94976945Their are certainly imbalances in power levels between rarities because they have to sell packs. Otherwise, it's best to move off of the TCG model if you as the consumer don't like it. But let's imagine this were an LCG, where card prices don't matter since you can just buy the boxed set for every card. There are still winners and losers that impact in card design what is BIS, what is good, what is ok, and what is straight garbage. And yes, balancing 300-400 cards even is quite a monumental feat once players figure out what is the optimal build. This goes for any game, not just card games.
>>94977106Disney is clearly testing the market lately. I'd expect it to stay in mtg for a while, and then when/if that flags probably hop over to Lorcana. >>94977351Marvel Snap is still around, it's a rather different tcg but fun and easy to play. Gotten some bad power creep lately, and releases are set by "synergy".
>>94977106There was a Brazilian tcg called "Battle Scenes" that lasted for 4 ears but sadly it only produced Marvel cards and was discontinued around Thor 3 (movie)(they were about to release a set based on Asgard), people to this day have no idea why it was discontinued because apparently it sold well. The game is a mix of magic and pokemon. Resources are cards in the discard pile, to play characters you allocate enough discarded cards under the character and those cards become its hp. Ability cards under characters can be used if the character have the proper ability symbols (mid left on pic). Character had 3 stages of "stamina" (the "0" "1" "2" on the card border) each turn you could give one free stamina (turn anticlockwise) to one of your guys and then discard cards to give extra stamina to other characters (one time for each character). To use power/attacks the character would lose Stamina (turn clockwise). To win the game you would have to defeat 20 hp worth of characters or "mill" your opponents out.
>>94971780whoever makes the "not-mtg" chuuba card game is going to be a very rich man.
>>94978109>people to this day have no idea why it was discontinued because apparently it sold well.Simple. It was competition for their own terrible merchandise. Its absence opened up an opportunity for them to capitalize on. Never mind the fact they did nothing of their own, the opportunity was more valuable to them than allowing it to exist.
>>94977106>>94977138VS2PCG is 99% Marvel, but it's not a TCG as it has fixed distribution. Fun game, though.
>>94977351Obviously I'm talking about a physical game, fuckwit.
>>94977106cuz Marvel Champions is making them BANK at the moment, no need to deal with tourneys and metas when you can pump out co-op slot ins left and right
Any more games that use upkeep costs as a major mechanic? Only one I can think of is Doomtown
>>94977762>Marvel in LorcanaI kinda doubt it'll ever happen. Marvel is more likely to get a new card game before they ever bring it to Lorcana. Lorcana's still only scratching the surface of Disney IP it can use, and considering that they're planning to make The Black Cauldron in an upcoming set, they're also planning to scrape the bottom of the barrel .
https://youtu.be/KE6hDDqhNsI?si=Qtp_MW9kNZnukkRrI fucking told you this is bad. Finally, someone who won't be ignored (huge whale investor) says something about it. This could ruin the reputation not of the players that angleshoot, cheat or are forgetful, it will reflect poorly on the competitive organization. This is a dangerous precedent to set for your international multi-million dollar tournament circuit.
anyone have/know where to get pics of the gundam tcg card backs? i'm trying to make proxies but I couldn't find any after doing some googling.
>>94979835deepest fuckfab lore
>>94978798>pump out co-op slot ins left and rightBut the game is good, that's why it's lovedWhy do you people shit on PVE like it's some kind of bullshit farce treadmill thrown out there just to fleece fans? Co-operative games are real games too! Their mechanics are even more important to get right because they're self automated and can't be propped up with competitive banter and health point jousting. I'm so sick of the anti PVE sentiments that pervade this miserable general; they're allowed to be discussed here on the virtue of being an alternative card game.
>>94980032Anonymous Fa/tg/uy!!! Do not take me for some spewer of shit posts! I'm not trying to Fuck-Fab you--- I'm trying help this great game. Silencing people speaking out about a legitimately bad judgement ruling for top level play, perpetrated by pros that have at least a thousand hours of experience, is a very foolish thing to do. This "oops I forgot meta" sets a horrible precedent, one that will have the scummiest of angle shooters frothing at the mouth to speed play as fast as they can in order to blow past triggers and cry to a judge about how their opponent made them play a fair game. LSS has got to get ahead of this before it gets out of hand. If they don't, then the entire global empire they have worked tirelessly to build is at stake, and crashing card tournament sanctity for other games along with it.
>Stopped playing FaB half a year ago>Had at least 5 wax offs in my bulk>Threw away the bulk during movingPain.
>>94980057Playing PvE card games co-op is gayPlaying PvE card games solo is supreme
>>94980213If they don't address this in a way that pleases the majority of the playerbase, this really will be a bad sign of the future of FaB, a game that stakes itself in competitive play.
>>94980367how can a game as simple and predetermined as monopoly steep itself as a competitive game its physical hearthstone
>>94980258What is the deal with that card? Is it being targeted for buyouts or something?
>>94980654No clue, I don't play FaB anymore.
>>94980671I think I get it now. Dude was sore he threw out a booster box worth of perceived bulk majestics for a new hero that's going to dominate the meta.
>>94980846Yes, that was my point. Wax off used be worth about the same as bulk. I pulled a shitload of them, at least 5, from pre-releases and prize boosters.
>>94976337Nah bro it's a ZINE bro this is avant-garde shit bro cutting edge cultural innovation. This is underground railroad shit, true ART of the people. Parisian cafe shit, nigga.Essays will be written about this man's life. Yall keep thinking he ain't him but HE'S HIM. Straight revolutionary flow.
>>94971780So I found out there's another Vtuber card game being worked on called VRoyale. This one also has a decent bit of thought put into it and there some names I recognize (always trips me up seeing the Down the Rabbit Hole guy went into VTubing). The card art for non-leader units mostly being just their model with the difference being either a different outfit or toggle is a big turnoff but I can believe that's just a prototype thing that won't see the final release.>>94978121They better move fast on that since there are 4 westerns ones coming out and the Hololive OCG is not staying in Japan forever.
>>94976112Lol, they edited it yesterday morning. It was a mandatory rule when I checked Sunday night.
>>94977106>capeslopWrong board, fag.
>>94974492Draw 2 should be the standard for all card games to prevent top decking syndrome especially decks that are 50 or higher, how the fuck do you even use half your deck before you die outside of searchers?
>>94981653nah, fixed draw is pretty boring.
>>94968871Why does every new vampire have to be a 7-8 cap with 4 sups, + bleed and no drawbacks? The power creep is ridiculous.
>>94981610Not that guy, but /co/ is my main board, and we don't talk about ccgs there, Marvel or not. They'd tell us to come here.
>>94977106IP holders probably figure the math doesn't make sense for them. TCGs are high risk / high reward. marvel does license a fuck ton of LCGs, digital games, card games and boardgames generally though. there's also some original IP superhero TCGs floating around like Alpha Clash, for what that's worth.
>find GA really fun to play>have only played it a few times with mtg friends, none of them like it>have no one online to play it with and don't feel ready to play it at localsAnyone here maybe looking to play it online, more specifically TTS
I heard there's an upcoming Godzilla card game coming out this year, any (English) news on that? I'll probably just collect it for the cards.
>>94982104Alpha Clash is a solid "fixed mtg" game but only has a few enclaves of players and is doing a shit job of bringing in new LGSs, which is what drives sales.Honestly of the /acg/s out there right now, beyond Bandai, Lorcana, and maybe FAB, Elestrals seems like the only one with a shot of longevity. Altered promised too much and shit the bed, SWU is all but dead, and FAB has leaned hard into whaling, while Elestrals now has 3 or 4 sets under their belt and a digital client from the Pixelborn dudes coming in March. It's got a bit of the "warmachine" balance philosophy of "everyone is doing broken shit so it's OK", combined with some yugioh/pokemon-style "card X and Y explicitly go together" packages, but it's growing and making outreaches to local communities and it's, Allah forgive me, fun.Looking forward to Warlord releasing, if that ever happens, but the complete lack of local store outreach has not given me much confidence that it's more than a rug pull.
>>94982129The curse of acg's. Learn to love webcam or TTS, or have enough decks to share with your friends to play as a board game. It's what I do for all of my acg's that I want to play, because I really dislike playing with randoms.
>>94982792It's a tough way to live. thankfully most of the good ones don't linger in TTS hell for very long before the community gets a proper app online.
Hearing Gundam has no card draw is turning me off quite a bit. I play Bandai games because I like cards in my hand.
>>94982981needs to be seen if it's still a problem with the actual first set, and not just a coincidence of the subset of cards they pulled into the beta
>>94982284Haven't seen any English news, but do beware that it's looking to be a screenshot bushi game
>>94980213>chase the competitive magic scene where angle shooting is basically expected>be surprised when lss won't kill people for doing itidk man
>>94982929Sadly I don't think GA will ever get popular enough for an official program. But if shadowverse can get a sequel anything is possible
>>94978798>>94982104>cuz Marvel Champions is making them BANK at the momentIt would if SWU stopped hogging all the printers. 6 months later and my shop still has no Nightcrawler packs.
>>94983157>it's looking to be a screenshot bushi gameI don't know what that means Anon, I don't play card games.
>>94983270It means it will be a mechanically light game (not a problem for you) with just still pictures from the movies as card art (could be a turn off)
redpill me on hubworld aidalonwhen's it coming out? is there gameplay somewhere? does it look fun?is it woke?
>>94983510>redpill me on hubworld aidalon>when's it coming out?nobody knows>is there gameplay somewhere? does it look fun?they're demoing it at cons and shit. seems good. symmetrical netrunner with some innovative mechanics. they baked access depth in to the core rules instead of relying on card effects and it naturally builds up to larger numbers in the late game. so you get this kind of natural acceleration and the last couple turns are always high stakes.>is it woke?it's the same general kind of green apoc / hippie utopia vibes as earthborne rangers, so. depends on you I guess. not woke by traditional sjw standards, just standard ralph nader shit, but if you're doing the type of conservative where being a captain planet villain is a core part of your identity, then yeah I guess it's woke.
>>94983823that's fine.I backed a game once on kickstarter because it looked fun, then I forgot about it.When it eventually showed up, half the characters on the cards were in wheelchairs and other absurd shit, or were ugly lesbians, which was NOT in the original pitch I saw
>>94980057I love Champions. I wish I could get the local group together to play it more, but I even have fun playing solo. I suck at double handing, though, always get myself mixed up about what I'm doing in what order. I just got Gambit and Cyclops and while I lost both my attempts with them solo I can see how they'll be good fun down the road.I want to really like LotR, but it's so fucking relentlessly brutal that I struggle. I'm sure having more cards than just the core set would help, but it's hard to feel like I can justify buying expansions when I can't even get through the first scenario.>>94980310I need to try the Ashes PvE sometime.>>94981653This is one thing that worries me about Twin Suns going to 80 card decks. I've yet to see a game at 50 cards go through even half a deck yet. 80 seems excessive as fuck.>>94982981Where are you hearing that? We've already seen a few cards that do draw.>>94983037Looks like he should be solid fun. I'm excited for this set.
>>94983984yeah champs was solid. doesn't get the love that AH or LOTR do. the early sets were pretty weak, but it grew in to something great.>I need to try the Ashes PvE sometimedo, but be aware it's real different from FFG solo/co-op stuff. it's not really set up like scenarios you have to puzzle through or bosses you learn patterns of. it's a boss monster, but its made to play more like an opposing human player. good and bad to that. you don't get the dopamine of the figuring it out phase, and learning to game it. but it's more replayable per boss and pretty smooth transition between PVP and PVE modes.>Twin Suns going to 80 card decksdoesn't feel that intentional. I think they're just aping commander without a clear reason why.
Has anyone seen the new Ultraman card game? Does anyone have any thoughts on it?
>>94983157>Haven't seen any English news, but do beware that it's looking to be a screenshot bushi gamegross, a plague upon the house of anyone who does a card game that just uses screencaps and other preexisting art from the source material rather than making new art
>>94981517I'm not into Vtubers, but some of their little avatars are really cute.
>>94981984>AUS + FOR is among weakest discipline combinations>OBL is reasonably useful but has limited card selection>Independent is the weakest sect (even worse than Laibon)so yeah, they need juiced up crypt to be playable
>>94984851I knew as soon as I saw it no one in the US would give a shit about it so I never got my hopes up to see it in English let alone being played. Shame, I like Kaiju and Sentai.
New card spoiled on The Condemned Website: https://juelgames.com/card-preview-shocking-strikes/I'm also working on adding background tracks to the recordings of last weekend's virtual tournament to go up on the Youtube channel. I'll be doing another one at the end of the month.
>>94984091>yeah champs was solid. doesn't get the love that AH or LOTR do.Yeah, I've had a good time with it. And since they added X-Men stuff I'm diving in way more.I am sad, however, that the older stuff is so hars to get for reasonable prices now. Wish I had grabbed a Dr. Strange back in the day, and would love to find Rise of Red Skull and Sinister Motives for MSRP.>it's not really set up like scenarios you have to puzzle through or bosses you learn patterns of. it's a boss monster, but its made to play more like an opposing human playerYeah, which is fine with me. I mostly just want to be able to test decks out.>I think they're just aping commander without a clear reason why.Yeah, that's the feeling I get too. I enjoyed Commander back when I tried it in 08-09, but whenever I think of getting back into it the 100 card deck just turns me off.I'm not thrilled about TS going to 80, but I've got a pretty decent community playing it so I guess I can't complain too much.
>>94986335Technically the English version is available if you want to collect a set for playing anyway. I imagine importing from SEA stores should be cheap for the US
>>94986360Pass. But thanks. I have other things to collect that will see actual action. Maybe if I had an irresponsible level of income Id check it out, but that's going to be a big kek now that my country is circling the drain.
https://youtu.be/xrL-91G0WYg?si=ehcKxFg9ZV4b29qlAnother one. LSS being silent at this point speaks volumes about their aversion to controversy. Too late, there's a pattern already. Something must be done or they risk it all.
>>94981712Wixoss has dual draw and is doing fine
40 or less deck size Draw 150 and higher Draw 2Any game that uses cards in hands as resources Draw 2
>>94981653I just hate how much extra time and deckbuilding restrictions arise from searchers and scryers being a requirement in every deck.
>>94986725>40 or less deck size Draw 1Depends on how the game plays out. If cards are reshufled back and there are less "permanent" cards then it is ok to draw more than 1>50 and higher Draw 2Have you ever played 7th sea? There you draw 3 and not only during the "untap" step. Have you ever played Warlord? There you draw back to 5 cards in hand independently of how many you already have (and you can discard before the draw phase) >Any game that uses cards in hands as resources Draw 2Resources played from hand is a stupid Idea, honestly.
>>94986597>Brodie turning into a shitlord type of player typical fab player
>>94986597absolute massive W for the fuckfab community if this is swept under the rug
>>94978843In the FFG version of L5R, when you paid for characters, you could pay pay in excess of the "casting cost," which would go onto the card as counters. There was a cleanup step where characters with no counters would leave play, and characters who still had counters would lose one. Nearest thing I can think of to your question
>>94986597What a fag. The only people who don't want a judge to sit there watching are people who hope to take advantage of rules mistakes.
>>94981517>Dr. Jorgenson knew which gene controlled purple pigment in the flower, and he was aware that petunias are very amenable to DNA transfection. The researchers logically surmised that additional copies of the purple gene should make petunias that were shades darker. However, to the investigators’ surprise and dismay, after they added an extra version of the purple gene to a petunia, the plant did not produce dark purple flowers—instead it bore stark white flowers devoid of pigment.
>>94987365whatef is a shitlord type player
>>94988179people that arent fun to play withpeople that take forever to make their plays, people that skirt around the rules outside of the spirit of the game I dont care if you are trying to win its just not fun to deal with and makes playing card games exhausting
>>94987491>W for the fuckfabThat's the fifth time someone has incorrectly identified people who like fab for someone that autistically wants to see it disemboweled and paraded through the streets. Either tournaments are held to the highest standard of play and made fair for all who compete or casual FAB is the next thing James White should pour all of his efforts into promoting.
>>94986809>Resources played from hand is a stupid Idea,nibba u b trippinif it's from a shared deck like race I think it's fine, otherwise the MTfaGs are right that building a deck and churning half of it away isn't particularly fun which is why i purposely run mill, not to win but to inflict misery
>>94986809>>94989940>>Resources played from handfuk i can't read, i be the nibba trippin
Only a week and a half to go until release.What leader/deck are you looking forward to?
>>94986725It doesn't mean anything out of the context of what turns look like and how long you want your game to run. the main reason to have mandatory draw is so the deck acts as an hourglass. figure out how many turns you want an average game to last, figure out the draw rate needed for smooth gameplay. (turns x draw) + starting hand size = expected card consumption. pad it like 20%, maybe a little more if you have a ton of cheap draw effects, and there's your deck size.most games make decks way too big.
>>94975593>promo hammer knights>burger tokens>promo dice>acrylic starter tokeni am jelly anon
>>94990797think that might be a promo photo. Its also foils, alt puppets, mdf trays, zoned mat, etc. much more bling then where most anons draw the line.
Tightest card under ten bucks from the Hunted. It's bullshit you can only take one. Fang's gimmick is so milktoast that they thought being able to attack multiple times with daggers was something you needed to lock behind a legendary restriction.
One thing I don't get about FAB's art is why it so frequently doesn't actually depict the card name and/or ability, and is instead just a picture of something entirely unrelated. Above being a rare exception where the subject of the art manages to align with the contents of the card. (Although, in a court of law, I'd argue that those are not in fact "daggers")
>>94991435The daggers that Arakni gets are even pushing it at times. I also argue that Kodachis aren't daggers either, they're short swords. So if Fang's weapons are really short swords, but they refuse to support that archetype... Then they're "daggers."
>>94991373>free Blood On Her HandsYes, 3x would have been too much. I'm surprised they didn't just let him be broken, though.
>>94991562They need a 2x keyword. Elite, or something. One copy is not going to show up often enough inside of a 70 card deck.
is a ROS box even worth buying
>>94991665No, FAB boxes are shit returns. That's why they're so cheap - they're basically at distributor price, while still managing to be bad bets.Buy scratchers if you're so desperate to lose money, the redemption step has a lot lower haircut and you don't have to ship anything.
>>94991710He's trying to create a panic buy situation to get fab's engine jumpstarted again. Yes there's high prices of cards right now, there always is after a release. Wait even one bloody month after this set has dropped and see everyone's heavy bags drag the prices back down.
>>94991764I repeat: RANKY IS TRYING TO MARKET MANIPULATE AGAINHe can't keep getting away with it.
>>94991757so youll pay 1600€ just for a playable blitz deck let alone constructed because you dont get a single good M in one box?you sound very negative
He said "Flesh and Blood is the ONLY game that isn't driven by investors. The players drive the game."That's a dog whistle to get his investor bros to pile onto this set and make the numbers go up because he's privy to the fact this is a shorter printed set.
>>94991764FAB has hit the tipping point where it doesn't have enough casual players to justify whale spending. It's all invoosters and whales trading bags now.Shame to see it happen because the core gameplay is great, but trying to get players to pay $800 for a new deck every time a release drops is just too greedy, and you're now seeing the results of that.
>>94991780No, I'll play a different game.If the deck costs that much to purchase on secondary market, you're not going to build it opening boxes for less. At best you'll get slightly more than that value for slightly less spent on boxes (say €1700 for €1500 of boxes), spread across a bunch of cards you don't want and ones that are not actually worth the effort to mail at the price you can sell them, and then accept 70¢ on the dollar trading or selling them, and end up spending more money and more time for what you actually wanted.If the deck were $200, a lot more people would be willing to take those losses in order to gamble. When it's $800 or $1200+, they buy singles or walk away.
>>94991809>FAB has hit the tipping point where it doesn't have enough casual players to justify whale spending.I don't follow your logic. The tipping point isn't real. He's making shit up. The game has always silently plodded along as it has for years now. Everyone buys cases in the first two weeks of release, cracks them, trades the class shit they don't need away and buys the remaining singles by the end of the first month. Everything that happens after is bandwagon players hopping to the new hotness, which fans the flames of speculators, which trickles down to generics being the easiest thing to justify investing in because of their universal quality.
>>94991850cant even play a kano blitz deck, because the constructed blitz product has 0 playable cards cept for a potion or two
>>94991665One of the most gorgeous sets, has fun multi piece puzzles of the heroes to collect, amazing runeblade and wizard support, two high level contending classes and some sleeper generics to lust after like 10 ft tall. Id say buy it and do a sealed game with a friend where you each make decks with 12 packs each. After some good fun with limited, build your cc deck best you can and trade what you don't want for what you are missing.
>>94989940rftg mentioned
>>94992026i have the puzzle card for verdance's feet, how much do you think i can get for it?
Will this drop further in price, or is it pretty stable where it's at?
>>94993321I don't see a large uptick of people opening that expansion in mass quantities out of nowhere and there's still plenty of them on the market. Maybe if they'll release a new mystic heavy expansion in the future but even then it's still not too likely.It's not going to move any time soon.
>>94975593>individual art is down to taste but the overall look is above average. with CGs having a coherent style / art direction is at least as important as individual pieces being good.neatly sums up why I could never get in to FFGTCG.good layout can help though. oldschool mtg art was all over the place but the frames tied it all together and made it look decent (usually). it stopped working when they scaled back to the simpler/abstract frames. FABs the same way, the really fat, heavily detailed frames help tie all the different art together.ashes is like the opposite. super light frames and borderless, so without leaning hard on art consistency it wouldn't work at all.
>>94993522Thank you, bro.
>>94982981Wherever you've heard that from is wrong. I've gotten a few card draw based cards in the beta box thing. So far they're white or blue and are things like draw two as a command, draw two discard one as a cheaper command, or draw one on units.
>first case of hunted was pure fire. 2 Ls, one of them CF EA and one NF CnC, two other EA foil cards plus two Marvels Fuck yes, that's amazing! >second case was ass. No L, two Marvels and zero EA foils plus none of the good MsI'm really tempted to buy at least another two boxes for the two promos I'm missing but should I resist making it another full case? This set is pretty awesome to open so a case would be great... but am I going to roll hot or cold? That's the part that makes me want to just get the two booster displays and call it good. So far zero shelters found, feels bad.
>>94994985Is there a single matchup where this card isn't mandatory to have in your deck?
>>94995302>>94995302Its only mandatory against kiss of death frontloading assassins. Maybe it is great against Runeblade too and to a lesser extent ninja. Everyone else and you're better off Sinking or if you're Azalea Fateforseeing. This is the biggest nothing burger chase card I've ever seen. Worth 10 bucks in a few months.
>nobody wants to play or talk about sorcerythe art is so much better than shit and blood broooo
>>94995727The creators are already mechanically bankrupt. Not sure what to tell you. Their insistence on one set a year is possibly going to choke it out.
>>94995743:(people call it a boardgame
>>94995795You mean a boredgame? Yeah, that's me. I say that.
>>94996266Uncalled for, that game is harmless.
>>94996266but the art...
>>94996308>harmlessit should have been a board game>>94996487sorry bro, i play games to play, cards are there to do their job and not much else
FUCKFAB (with a hard r)
>>94998026>this is freeso its free
>>94998026Shitpost aside, I'm pretty disappointed in HNT and what we got for Draconic. It still feels pretty lacking in identity. What does it mean to be Draconic exactly? Going wide and caring about being draconic? It just doesn't feel different enough from Lightning to be satisfying.Elemental in its earlier incarnation was an umbrella with a 3 way split of Earth/Ice/Lightning, but after Rosetta it seems more like each element is being built up to stand on its own. Earth and Lightning each got 5 majestics in that set, and all 3 elements have very clear identities.Mystic also has a very robust identity despite only appearing once. Light and Shadow feel slightly less robust, but offer a clear direction to future development as they both deal with talent-specific zone manipulation.I hope they don't do the Savage Lands as dirty as they've done Volcor so far.Maybe on the third visit we can focus on Draconic and not have to share with other heroes.
>>94998334The game is out of ideas. Every talent is now "go wide and care about X". Expect whatever new one they add next to be exactly the same.The game is dying. Player numbers are down, they're printing fewer boxes as a result, prices are up which will continue the spiral.They'll be irrelevant by end of 2026 if not sooner.
>>94998570indistinguishable from ai-slop
>>94998381Wow, you've convinced me. Two more weeks!
>>94994985Reporting back. Bought a case because the stock of boxes is drying up and they were only a hundred per. Don't let your dreams be memes; this set is the most exciting to open in years.
>>94999004Instructions unclear, bought another case of Rosetta
>>94995727Art is amazing. Gameplay is great. The fact we're only two sets in and have had the 'meta' shift 6 or 7 times is great. Hands down the best kitchen table game that's come out of the covid tcg bubbleDon't let the doomers get you down anon, they're too busy trying to defend how furiously they love glazing James White and his dumpsterfire of a game
>>94999139If you like the classes and the heroes then Rose is near equal in enjoyment of special treatments to Hunt or Veil. Some chase cards are drop dead gorgeous. This was the strongest weapon in the entire game once.
>>94995727>>94999355Yeah. I've played a bit of Sorcery with a friend when we met up in person and had a blast. It really gets what I want in a card game. Complex board states like those found in MtG commander. Power-spiking unique cards you only see every few games. And 1v1 consistent gameplay with ordinary cards. Since we can meet up only once a year, we can enjoy each set together. I love the slow release schedule. It gives me time to actually play with all my cards before more get added.
>>949990040/10There aren't even any holes in the cards.
Looking to get into an acg for standard play while keeping mtg just for commander; currently between Flesh and Blood and OP since both have a fairly decent local scene here; if you had to pick one, what are the pros of both? Is there an online sim for FaB as well? I have a pretty hard time finding OP cards in the wild lately, but it seems like both sets cost a pretty penny for anything meta related, budget brews being around 50-100. Is it too late to get in early on FaB? I'm not sure how many sets there have been for it.
>>94999852look up a single necessary card to play cindra for example
>>94999644Casual terrorism is still terrorism
>>94999565Thats great anon, sounds super comfy. My locals for the game just dropped back to running monthly, but it means we get to make the most of it with a win-a-box event and a barbeque afterwards.Are you excited for the Dragon miniset that is supposed to be dropping before the next main set?
>>95000307this game is so beautifulits actaully insane
>fabniggers will pay 500 dollars for a deck to play a game where the best player constantly slow plays and angleshoots you with company backingLOL
>>94999355>>94999565I feel like the 1 set per year release schedule is actually holding the game back. Most people want to play their favorite game semi-regularly, and even by 6 months you get tired of looking at the same cards and want to try something new, by next year most people would move on (at least that's what happened to me).
>>95000307Sorcery is a good and fun game, but I have zero desire to play it and don't have any confidence in the company running it. There is not enough product to get a local scene going properly and the release schedule is way too sparse. The gameplay is fun and at least Beta was really fun and engaging to play with a lot of silly stuff that made you smile.
can someone tip me on what sleeves to usedespise these ugly ass yellow foil stamps on the front of the sleeves and the feel of them
>>94999004>not immediately perfect fitting that hitThat's a solid minus one point for the graders.But I agree. Everybody I met at the prereleases were hyped as fuck and even the guys who opened no majestics or higher were happy with the gameplay at least.Fuckfabbers are on suicide watch.
https://x.com/BSS_TCG/status/1887773299066933459BSS is dead long live BSS
>>95001305>Linking to twitter instead of the actual articleKill yourself.
>>95001348Pretty late complaint newfag
With how the cards looked like dogshit for Battle Spirits SagaAre you people really surprised?
>>95001085Dragon Shield or Ultra Pro Eclipse.
>>95001085Dragon Shield Sealable
>>95001085I like UG Katanas, if you can find them. you can't
>>95000307>Are you excited for the Dragon miniset?Eh. Not really, since we won't be meeting up soon after. I live in a nowhere town, that doesn't even have an MtG or YGO scene, let alone anything smaller. So I won't have anyone to play the new cards with right away. He lives in a big city though, and he's excited. So that's nice. They even have weekly local games which I'm kind of jealous of.