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Sadness edition


Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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Thread Question: What's the saddest thing that has happened in your games?
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>Armada: Dead
>X-Wing: Dead
>RPGs: Missing, Presumed Dead
>Legion: Treading Water
>Shatterpoint: ?
>Unlimited: Current Sole Survivor
Shatterpoint has a good scene in my city and Legion even better, but reports are different from place to place. I'm not sure AMG is making any money except off MCP.
Star Wars ladies are not that interested. Something is lacking from the girlboss status
I like him
I hate it when important or main characters of shows dont get taken out of the filoni toybox because they're not OCs he created
He used anakin
only to make him a side character to ahsoka

same shit he did in TCW S7, anakin is a main character in the bad batch arc (because it was already written years before) but then relegated to a minor side role that supports ahsoka
>more ventresstroon media illiterate bitching
>this general: dead
you are just straight up illiterate
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>second post is an image spammed every recent thread
Wow, this general is becoming more like /swco/ every day.
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>this general is becoming more like /swco/ every day.
swco literally worshipped filoni and the prequels in general plus there's nowhere near enough waifuposting to qualify.

t. /swco/ pro
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paintstripped crosshair and went with this scheme instead

its not a true black, its a dark grey
and i'm not the best with highlights, and it's zoomed in so it looks worse than it actually is
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the guy posting it wasnt even on 4chan when /swco/ was a thing

its a /tv/ tourist whos using this thread as his personal toilet and venting space

just report & ignore him
>Wow, this general is becoming more like /swco/ every day.
But really, what is she?
I hate that AGM is putting clone wars stylised minis in Legion instead of being movie accurate.
If it were there'd be nonstop futa Ahsoka spam.
Bet you stay quiet when the gayposting starts, though.
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>someone makes fun of one of the people shitting up Star Wars
>you get mad about it
We had a long running game that ended about a month ago. I was playing as a bokkan Jedi during the reign of the Empire who, naively, wanted to believe the best of everyone. This extended to his crew, one of which was an IG Lancer droid.

This droid had been wiped and modified a lot since his creation. He had been wiped just before my character found him, invited him to join the crew, and gave him the very creative name Lancer. He's a bit of a weirdo, but tried to be a team player.

We'd been chasing our big bad, a mad scientist type that acted as a foil to my Jedi, who had a droid revolutionary lieutenant. This lieutenant made a secret pitch to Lancer tell him everything about his past, and did so in the middle of our crew fighting a bunch of droids. Lancer, curious about his past and sympathetic to the scrap heap, took the deal and fucked off from the game.

The rest of the crew insisted he'd gone traitor. I insisted he was just finding his own way; he just wanted to know who he is. Meanwhile, this chase across the galaxy is driving my Jedi is getting closer to the edge.

I spent so much effort on not killing anyone, against the coaching of every mentor I'd had. But this foil posed a galactic threat. I know that if I didn't end it there, no one would. I had to do it. It had to be me. It had to be.

Just before the final conflict, a very important mini boss showed up... with Lancer in tow. The mini boss was for another character. I squared off with Lancer. I tried to talk to him.

He grabbed his blaster.

I tried to remind him who he is.

He drew his blaster.

I warned him to stop.

He leveled it at me.

I only meant to disarm, but enough Threats rolled can foil any plan. I sliced through his limb and his center frame. I must have hit something important because he went out. His blaster hit the ground and misfired. It was set to stun.

I panicked, grabbed him and took him with me. We had to run onto our ship for a quick bounce to the final confrontation.
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I spent that time in our workshop trying to get him powered again. When he activated he asked me who I was. He had been wiped again. Because it all happened so fast, I don't know if for sure I did it, or it was all a trick by the mini boss.

We had to keep moving once we hit the area of the end game. I took my moment and told him his name was Lancer, that he was my friend and that this was the next chapter of his story.

I then made that gif, in memoriam.

That story took two posts, so I'll share a meta thing that made me sad.

I was running Beyond the Rim, where the crew searches for a lost "treasure ship" of the CIS. When they find it, the crew has gone full Gilligan's Island but with high levels of paranoia. The guy in charge of the survivors is a bald-headed, scar-faced sonnova bitch, but is ultimately a good guy looking out for his people.

However, one of my players gets it in their mind that because they're playing a Lepi, they must be Bugs Bunny. After the guy in charge is rude once, he declares "of course you know, this means war."

It doesn't because I try to sell how this hard ass isn't a bad guy at all, but the Lepi never sees it that way.

The final session was kinda rough for the Lepi; not much for a medic to do in a capital ship battle. The big bad of the game also got away, so the player was seething a little bit. It was the finale, and I didn't know how to cheer them up. Except actually I did, I just didn't want to do it.

I turned to another player who got to peak behind the curtain sometimes and asked, "should I give them what they want?"

They thought about it for a moment, and said "yeah."

So, I had the hard ass shoot some guy, acting wildly out of character and made it clear he was now a The Villain. The Lepi immediately lit up, kicked him into space and the unmentioned mando blew him up with a rocket. The table loved it.

I'm happy they enjoyed it, but man I really wanted them to like that guy.
apparently that got answered in a source book
too late for being a /wars/ refugee i think
This, I don't know why this is a big deal.

>Uh oh! Someone reposted a Filoni meme as the first post!
>Let's complain about it while we say nothing about all the
>gay spamming,
>the blank post waifufagging,
>the Disney shilling,
>the AI kissing spam,
>the deliberate antagonism towards old lore discussion,
>all while we BARELY talk about games in between!
>That meme being reposted is what's REALLY ruining this general!

You can tell who the ones complaining are.
Wait, there are Star Wars rpg and tt games?
I thought that this thread was about discussing SW movies, series and video games without exposing yourself to /tv/ and /v/ cancer.
Looks like you hit the nail on the head.
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In an effort to make this thread less gay what specialised environment trooper branch would you like to serve in? I think the shore troopers would be the most cushy one but at the same time the allure of shredding swamp niggers with my flechette launcher as a swamp trooper is pretty strong for me.
Anyone merged the simpler SW D6 Force system with the more thematic and less binary FFG Force system?
Retirement trooper. No one is shooting at me and Empire still pays me.
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What would be the worst one to join? Are there any lava troopers?
There appeared to be in the Vader comic when he pacifies Mustafare. But they were a small number amid the scout and stormtroopers.
That means you get deployed to Florida, the retirement planet. But then you discover Florida isn’t all what the ads say.
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>What would be the worst one to join?
Probably the rad troopers, having to fight in areas drenched in radioactive shit would suck arse
>Are there any lava troopers?
Yes, the magma troopers. There’s pros and cons to being one of em
Cool armour
Your deployed on a lava planet, and more than likely the local chicks are going to be fucked looking (Sullustans/Mustafarians)
Some how does choosing a species overlap with a template in WEG D6?
1E species were templates, but in future editions you could choose both but species had irregular ranges that were just 12D.
It sounds bad until you realize that you get a heated suit with a 2 week battery life. Most polar planets that are worth fighting on aren't going to be quite as cold as Hoth either, so you're probably going to be operating in Alaska more often then you are Antarctica.
I'd just buy a slugthrower and a collapsible fishing rod and try to bring them with me whenever I went planetside. Do a little hunting and fishing in between battles.
Short trooper because the armor looks nice and you'd probably get some of the best R&R locally. Try enjoying your shore leave when you're in a volcanic hellhole or an iceball that can freeze your pubes off.
That means I don't get deployed at all, just get my retirement money and chill untill Empire collapses.
Says the man fighting the drug-fuelled gator-men of Florida III and their degenerate human allies from the slums and rotting villages.
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>Short trooper
It's so over bros...
Anon Florida III is planet designed for shore and swamp troopers.
Scout trooper. They are by far the most independent of the Corps, and are often highly skilled beyond the slow normies.
I too long for kissing a tree or boulder on a speeder bike going at 300 mph
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>aren't you a little short to be a short trooper?
Literally THE WORST.
>By the year 1 BBY, nearly twenty years since Emperor Palpatine's rise to power was completed, the scout troopers were a notoriously disruptive factor throughout the entire Stormtrooper Corps. Various reports indicated that there was extreme difficulty in integrating scout troopers with other types of Imperial soldiers. In most cases, the cause of the friction was almost entirely on the side of the scouts, who made a sport out of being as belligerent and insufferable as possible. Although the scout troopers shared a fierce sense of camaraderie with each other, they made a habit of treating everyone else of equal or lower rank as inferiors.
>A platoon of scout troopers from the 439th Legion personified the infamy of their class's reputation throughout the military. Part of the way they entertained themselves was by riding their speeder bikes through the halls of their base on Byss in the late hours of the night, much to the fury of stormtroopers and other non-scout soldiers who were suddenly wakened by the loud roar of the speeder bikes. The enmity between the scout troopers and their "comrades" was so intense, officers were forced to segregate them from the rest of their military units.

They ruin everything around them and have no discipline. They're a disappointment to everything that stormtroopers are supposed to showcase in discipline and attitude.
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Lucasfilm fucked up by not doing the canon reboot in 2008 and waiting until the Disney buyout. So at the end of the EU's lifespan you had TCW retcons bolted on and nobody bothered cleaning it up.

>Adi Gallia's contradicting deaths
>Events from the first 2 years of the war being compressed into seven weeks
>Barris being on the Light Side after she turned to the Dark Side
>Ahsoka not mentioned at all in CWMMP
>Grievous going from a badass on Hypori to weak in TCW to a badass on Coruscant to weak in ROTS
Grievous was always intended to be a pathetic weak shitter. Just because genndywars did something doesn't mean it was ever canon.
Fuck genndyways.
Fuck you.
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Obi-Wan glazing is scary
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he's not perfect, but I think i'll call crosshair done outside of his rock

zooming in makes the highlights look shit, he should look good on the field
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and yes, I have done his visor in green
Is there a site that has all the X-Wing Cards in the correct dimensions?

Is this headcanon because I like it
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>made a sport out of being as belligerent and insufferable as possible
>shared a fierce sense of camaraderie with each other
Yep, I'm joining. Bonus that I get to wear the coolest helmet in the Imperial arsenal.
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I just don't understand why it was they were retreading ground that had already been covered by that point.
Shit just got wrapped up with the prequels, you would think they would've done a show like Rebels and explored the era between the OT and PT. It would've made more sense.
Because Lucas wanted to make a show about Clone Wars? To him there was no retread. Because he never got to tell that story until he made the show. Because he skipped Clone Wars in the movies, and then he got the opportunity to do it, once he was finished with Anakin's story in the movies.
>you would think they would've done a show like Rebels and explored the era between the OT and PT.
Live-action Underworld show was just that and it was also in development.
Well, that was pretty stupid of him to waste all that time and money with a show that got cancelled and not making the thing that made more sense to make in the first place.
He also already covered the clone wars with Genndy.
One thing I will give Disney credit for is giving the Imp Army really solid looking designs.
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We've been over this, but Genndywars was strictly a hype-generation machine. There's hardly a story to it, especially in the earliest episodes. That one anon several threads ago put it best: a series of vignettes in Genndy's distinctive artstyle, featuring all his favorite tropes, with a SW coat of paint. You can like some of the stuff in it, because the whole point is to be cool, but there was never a prayer of that being the one true canon of what the Clone Wars looked like. TCW is always what Lucas envisioned that era to look like.
George didn't make Genndywars. Genndywars was never canon.
George made The Clone Wars to tell his story.
>Well, that was pretty stupid of him to waste all that time and money with a show that got cancelled
>and not making the thing that made more sense to make in the first place.
What thing? Underworld? He was making it. It just turned out to be way too expensive to pull off for the things that he wanted, and the technology was simply not there yet for it to be sustainable. It just turned out to be impossible at the time. Clone Wars was pennies compared to Clone Wars. It was said that one episode of Underworld would have cost like an entire season of Clone Wars. It was just impossible.
>He also already covered the clone wars with Genndy.
He didn't. That was Genndy's interpretation, that didn't follow Lucas' SW mythology as he said, and his series was just an experiment to see if there was a market for Star Wars in animation. It was a collection of extremely short action vignettes with barely any narrative, that run in the ad segment on Cartoon Network. In fact, it was conceived mostly as a Hasbro new toy line advertisement, according to Genndy himself. Lucas wanted to actually cover Clone Wars, cover it himself, by making a fully fledged dramatic animated television series. Because he didn't get to do it. Because it wasn't covered properly on-screen. He had to skip over it in the movies. And now he could. Why wouldn't he? He wanted to create his own series about the thing that he'd come up with in the first place, with the characters that he created, and was obviously very invested into and liked very much. That made perfect sense to him. He had to skip Clone Wars, and now he can fill in that missing blank and tell them for the first time. He had all the right to do it. Not that hard to understand.
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"Hardly a story," yet it covers every necessary beat relating to the movies and acts as an actual bridge between 2 and 3 while TCW doesn't.

I guess what Lucas envisioned was simply inferior.

I don't care.

>Clone Wars was pennies compared to Clone Wars.
Compared to Underworld, of course.
>asks question
>says he doesn't understand
>gets answers
>anons explain to him
>I don't care!
What is this?
I didn't ask any question, I just said I don't understand the choice of retreading something instead of moving forward with the setting.
Then you went
>N-Not canon!
For some reason.

I'm sorry if I insulted Baby's First Star Wars but sperging isn't a good reaction.
This is why no one likes genndyfags. Pretending their retarded fanfic is anything worthwhile.
It didn't do shit to bridge the gap.
You're fucking delusional.
Get ass cancer and die.
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Now that's not very nice, I didn't insult you for no reason.
When you say you don't understand, you're implying you need it explained to you.
I know that's hard for a retard like you to grasp but that's how the English language works.
That you still reject logic in terms of your own delusional faggotry is a you problem.
Go back to /co/ if you want anyone to care about your genndyslop.
You insult me by existing.
Lepi sounds like a bitch
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You're getting so upset over nothing, it's very odd.
Filonifags tend to do that
I'm upset that you're so fucking stupid you think your wank shorts deserve to be taken seriously when George, the guy who created everything Star Wars, says otherwise.
Get fucked.
You get fucked too, kid and take your shitty bogeyman with you.
>I didn't ask any question
>why it was they were retreading ground that had already been covered by that point
You did ask a question. In fact multiple questions, second one being implied in here:
>you would think they would've done a show like Rebels and explored the era between the OT and PT
Meaning, you are wondering, why didn't they? Both were answered to you. But you are not interested in any answers, as evident. You have made up your mind already, you have made up a story in your head to justify your biases, and you have high enough of an ego to think you are right at all times. Which makes your posts entirely useless, not intended to cultivate a meaningful discussion, since you're not interested to begin with. Just pointless bitching that everyone's heard a million times by now.

>Then you went
>>N-Not canon!
>For some reason.
I don't think I ever used the word "canon". You did it yourself just now.

>I'm sorry if I insulted Baby's First Star Wars but sperging isn't a good reaction.
That "Baby's First Star Wars" sure has caused you to sperg out for the last 17 years. Get over it already.
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You're really proving this guy >>94965589 right about the whole
>deliberate antagonism towards old lore

Should we turn on some TCW for you and get you a juice box so you'll calm down?
Woah, I didn't ask any questions or for any wordwalls, thank you.
There is no boogeyman, just TCWfags throwing a tantrum like usual

As expected. Most of these threads is just this faggot shitting it up and samefagging.
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Do you do this for everyone that disagrees with you?

As expected >>94964086

Tourist from /wars/, who most likely came over from reddit, shitting up threads and samefagging. So transparent.
Lol he's still angry that he got outed as an Israeli, it would seem
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>throwing this big of a tantrum because someone doesn't care about TCW
He's getting pissy because the comic anon is in his /co/ thread again LMAO
bumping this so its not lost among the autism
Started playing Unlimited last week. I got a crazy deal on a Sparks of Rebellion booster box and I got a damaged booster box of Twilight of the Republic off of offer up with only 5 packs damaged (no good in those packs luckily). I've been playing it with my uncle who got me into it. I don't really see it talked about here in the /SWG/ threads. I'm curious what others think of it. I mainly come from a standard MTG background so I find Unlimited fun and refreshing. Also is Leia good as a leader? I love her art.
Yeah, I agree. Doesn't make a lot of sense.
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Talk about tabletop games.
There is another card general where its discussed I think. I like it but set 1 was definitely peak. I'm going to be extremely butthurt if there is no pilot Luke leader in set 4.
An Old Republic era campaign should be small stakes not only because the conflict was characterized as an attrition heavy hell. But because conquering or saving the galaxy is too big of an objective. Now conquering some border world that may break the stalemate that's a good way to end the campaign and give the players a chance to continue later.
Old Republic covers thousands of years I'm pretty sure, not just swtor
True. I just like my ironically named red babes
EU good
Filoni bad
EU good
Filoni good
I like Luas's idea the Old Republic was 1000 years and the reformed Republic was another 1000.
Sure, but nothing fucking happens for 90% of those thousands of years. You have the Tales continuity, the KOTOR continuity and the SWTOR continuity.
don't forget Darth Bane
That's High Republic, no? Or is the HR what happens after the dude, as in him being the transition point?
Bane was supposed to be somewhere around 1000 bby right in the middle of the SWTOR Sith Empire collapse I think.
The Brotherhood of Darkness Bane belonged to before the Rule of 2 was already a successor to Vitiate's Sith Empire, IIRC. I never read the whole thing but it was a purposefully "equalitarian" Sith organization that wanted to prevent anyone from being too powerful and creating solid hierarchies. If I had to guess it probably evolved out of the Dark Council wanting to prevent another Baras after Vitiate got BTFO (for like the 3rd or 4th time so far).
there was no high republic in legends it was just old republic, bane was 1000 years before TPM which definitely counted as old republic
Hugh Reoublic was explicitly anything between the Ruusan Reforms and Prequels, no?
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Dudes will look at this and say "I want only one or the other" while failing to realize that Star Wars lore is a buffet and you can take whatever you like.
This. Lore cannot legally enter your headcanon without your explicit consent. Getting mad? Just say no.
No it was just known as the old republic, it was used to explain why the republic seemed so different in the prequels compared to other depictions before that. Bane established the Rule of Two simultaneously.
I like how much if his aliens, robots and creatures are practical effects when other directors would just Blue Screen the shit out of the productions to save costs, specially when the models for those creatures already exist and modeling is the most expensive part of CGI.
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When I watch the OT or read pre-prequel material the prequels aren't canon. Unless I am doing a watch through of all six films.
>1000 bby to 19 bby
I don't know what you are trying to say
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That time the warriors of Gondor and Rohan teamed up with Jedi to fight dinosaur mumakil was crazy.
wth is this
"war beasts charge the republic line during the sith invasion of coruscant" published 2005
That the high reoublic is that period between the Ruusan Reformations and the Prequels. Golden Age of the Republic is just the Legends name for the High Republic and you get there by clicking on the "Legends" button on the High Republic page of the Wookiepedia. And this name was created before The Rat acquired SW and wanted to segregate their Canon and the EU.
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What hunk of junk light freighter would you choose if you were a independent space transporter?
For me it would have to be the YG-4210. Sure she's a bot long in the tooth but you can find parts for 'em almost everywhere that isn't a complete backwater planet, she's got decent speed both sublight and hyperdrive, enough offensive hardware to dissuade most two-bit pirates and individual modules are as close to plug-and-go as you can get with a light freighter.
Is that the Naga Sadow shit? I heard something about that invasion of Croissant involving beasts made with Sith Alchemy, but I never read anything from the period directly.
Gendywars are superior to clone wars simply because there is no Ahsoka there.
It nicely fill the gap between ep 2 and ep 3. Meanwhile tcw, you know Anakin had padawan who left jedi order after being falsely accused of terrorism, she's super immportant, also Maul somehow is alive but Jedi Council straight up ignore Sith Lord they know where he is, also none of this is ever mentioned or relevant in ep 3.
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It's always interested me that Ahsoka may have existed as early as 2004. And we know that she was even going to be Ashla from AOTC at one point. But I do agree at the very least it's not her story and if you're telling the Clone War in broad strokes it's easier to skip over that rather than start introducing more characters into the mix like her and a resurrected Maul, especially when she never made it into ROTS anyway. That doesn't actually add anything to the overall saga. I mean there's stuff in TCW which I think refined and enhanced aspects of the prequels but nothing was crucial. If Lucas had added her to his special editions or ROTS edit it would've been a different story.

In a vacuum Genndywars compliments the films fine. The Clone Wars tries to achieve something similar but ends overcomplicating things instead sometimes. But I think that's just a case of one being George directly bulldozing his own work as he did with the special editions whereas the other was handled more delicately by fans with George's oversight. I mean Genndywars Vol 2's stories came from George, but Vol 1 was the team's ideas. It does remind me a little of TCW S1 and how some of those stories were pitched by other writers, but come S2 and onward the pitches exclusively came from George, and things became crazier and more experimental.
heres a question:
ventress has the same problem as ahsoka (why wasnt she referenced in RoTS etc)
but why does ventress get a pass/ignored?

is it because she was originally introduced after AoTC, and written out before RoT?
>That doesn't actually add anything to the overall saga
It added FUN. The fucking point of Star Wars.
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Whichever way you look at it she was essentially killed off or written out before ROTS. Genndywars had her falling into a pit on Yavin IV so if you only saw that plus the movies you'd think Anakin killed her. And the Dark Horse comics got rid of her before ROTS as well. And like you said she came on the scene after AOTC anyway. She never felt like as much of an earthshattering addition to the lore as Ahsoka. While TCW inflated her significance I think, in the EU she's one of many Dark Acolytes.
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Well obviously. I was just looking at it from a pure continuity perspective. But that's as it should be. Too many things connect now and you need to have watched 20 other shows to understand this one movie. Star Wars suffers from that pretty badly now. Ahsoka was the one the worst. I like both Clone Wars series but I don't feel the need for any of them be essential viewing for the films, they're different beasts. And I grew up with the 2008 show. But I don't like those "TCW saved the prequels" takes. I really hope that meme dies.
She's a bad guy, shows up infrequently, and isn't really relevant overall, compared to Ahsoka who spent years tagging along with Anakin and seemingly had no lasting influence on him at all (because she didn't exist until after the prequel trilogy was finished).
Continuity is highly overrated. You can't just expect every singke thing on a 50 year old franchise to line up neatly, and continuity also shouldn't get in the way of developing a cool idea, such as Anakin being responsible for raising another Jedi.
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Ventress is introduced as just some random assassin to kill jedi, she is trying to do it and is eliminated, no reason to reference her, because her role was very minor and there is still Greivous and Dooku to deal with.
Ahsoka meanwhile is Anakin's padawan since early clone wars(ANAKIN HAVE FUCKING PADAWAN DESPITE STILL BEING UNDER OBI-WAN) she's constantly on screen and is influencal, and in end of TCW we know she was talking with Anakin shortly before order 66 aka that shit was happening in same time EP 3 was.
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George never let continuity inhibit his storytelling no. In fact I think he's famous for saying "continuity is for wimps". I think that fits his sensibilities as a creative though because he's always been an indie filmmaker at heart. When he started out he was such a film purist he thought having a story was sacrilegious to the medium.
As a kid I always thought that Genndywars and TCW were both canon since they fit together pretty perfectly. Hell you need to watch Genndy to even know who Ventress is since in TCW she is just there with no explanation
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There are some hiccups but they do broadly compliment each other and the 2008 show makes several references to the 2003 one. I think they even alluded to Anakin and Ventress having fought before Christophsis which is an obvious Yavin reference.

But TCW making loose CWMMMP references was pretty standard. I think there was a Kit Fisto Ord Cestus reference in the same ep as picrel. You had Delta Squad. Even the word clanker originates from Republic Commando. I think people don't realize how much the show owes to the EU when it comes to worldbuilding. Words like Ryloth and Twi'leks came from WEG in the 80s iirc. The Jedi Crash Lurmen episodes were inspired by that Empire comic on Maridun George Lucas really liked with the Amani. It wasn't built on thin air.
Wasn't he knighted by that point already? His design in the Clone Wars never has a Padawan braid. Knights can have and do have Padawans, it's actually ppart of the process to becoming a master, having helped at least one other Jedi reach Knighthood.

Also, completely unrelated, but I always thought it was weird how "Knight" and "Master" had real word titles, but they still went with a made-up word for their apprentices. I get the reason is because the former debuted in the OT and the later in the Sequels (which were written to be weirder and exotic), but it's still weird. And it's also another example of George not being too concerned about silly things like consistency (based).
>Even the word clanker originates from Republic Commando
Woah there anon, watch that hard R, we're not on /holopol/ here.
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Should have fight harder to win the war CIS loser, Clones fought hard for everyone to have freedom to use word clanker.
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Yes Anakin was made a knight by Christophsis in both Legends and canon. I think in Legends Anakin and Obi-Wan remain knight and padawan for longer but in canon they're promoted faster because of the war. Obi-Wan replaces Coleman Trebor on the council and is made a master and general. Anakin is knighted so he can be given the rank of general. So then by Jedi rules he can train a padawan like Obi-Wan did. Hell Obi-Wan took Anakin on when he was still a padawan technically.

>I always thought it was weird how "Knight" and "Master" had real word titles, but they still went with a made-up word for their apprentices
Well they do use the word apprentice and initiate to describe Jedi in training sometimes. And the word Padawan dates back to the 1977 drafts so it's not a new word George thought up. My guess is it might be based on the Greek word for child "Paidi" or child learner "paidamath". Some people also say it's Sanskrit for student path or something which is "Paduah".
>The word "Jedi" originated from the Japanese term "Jidaigeki," which refers to a drama set, set during the Edo period of Japanese history.
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>the biggest threat to any lightsaber wielding force user is another lightsaber wielding force user
So why doesn't everyone just use Makashi? Are they stupid?
because uh uhhhhh
dont know about the prequel era but they pretty much all died out because of order 66
So you're telling me almost the entire GAR was supplied, from trooper small arms all the way to capital ships, by the same fucking companies at the heart of the CIS, and NOBODY asked any questions?
I like Star Wars
>the biggest threat to any lightsaber wielding force user is another lightsaber wielding force user
is not true.
You're in the the wrong thread, boy.
There's a bit of a difference between some random dark side user showing up and fucking off in between AotC and RotS and Anakin having his own Padawan to train and look after for 3 years.
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Studying only Makashi would lead to pic related. Also, it is not actually the final word in blade-to-blade fighting. On top of that, >>94972674 is arguably correct.

Probably worth deferring to HK-47 too: https://youtu.be/UPeI4mX8Nus?si=obEdlEhQNex2iVtw
“But what about non-ceremonial combat?” Fanry persisted. “When two Jedi are on opposite sides of a conflict. What happens?”
“It…it doesn’t happen.” The idea made so little sense that Obi-Wan could hardly parse it. ... “A Jedi just wouldn’t be involved in a lightsaber duel to the death. It couldn’t happen.”
-Master & Apprentice

While I think that the idea of a Jedi being incapable of encountering a lightsaber wielding Force-user in mortal combat is blatantly false even during the time of the book in question, the overall sentiment is correct. Before the return of the Sith in the Phantom Menace, the likelihood of any given Jedi Knight being placed into a life-and-death lightsaber duel was vanishingly small. It was much, much better use of a Jedi Knight's time to learn Niman and Soresu rather than Makashi, since those two forms equipped a Jedi Knight to deal with enemies who used blasters—an actually relevant threat.
yeah but she was dooku's apprentice, who was, at the time, the main villain
It's like saying why aren't Durge or any of the other faction leaders within the CIS mentioned?
They're minor threats that have already been dealt with by that point and aren't integral to the overall narrative, it's as simple as that.
You can easly tell that CIS was set up to failure and led wrong on purpose.
All they had to do was to attack Kamino with all their might and destroy clonin facilities, this would mean no more clones and war of attrition that CIS would have won.
And I mean real attack in force not one that Dooku allowed to show "we are trying".
Of course game was rigged from start against CIS.
Back during the Old Republic when it was Jedi vs. Sith, that's precisely what happened.
Until this happened. The end of Makashi came at a period when the Jedi ended up with unilateral dominance over the Force.
Kamino could've been under near-constant siege. But maybe the fact it's more isolated in a satellite galaxy makes it slightly harder to reach so it's not convenient keep throwing ships and droids at it leaving other CIS strongholds less guarded.
Anon. To win the war all you had to do was to take out cloning facilities, without them republic would not be able to get more clones. CIS was able to assault Couruscant.
Thye should be able to take Kamino without much issues, just throw enough ships and droids at it at one time, or just orbital bombard it into ruin. Without Kamino CIS would just outproduce republic in war of attrition.
We know that, but the Senate only meeds to know Kamino wasn't attacked too often because it was well guarded. Even the attack on Croissant only happened because Sheev had the CIS use undisclosed hyperspace routes the Senate didn't know about, so it's not that huge of a stretch to claim the secretive system on a satellite galaxy just had its only hyperspace lane well guarded.
midichlorians? It's something from women's vagina?
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Forget war of attrition, I suspect the average Republic citizen would shit their pants and immediately start begging for the government to surrender if they thought that *they* might actually have to go fight the war.
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from the new book?
Yeah, older Old Star Wars was cool because while they stuck with the notion that the Star Wars galaxy is a fantasy where the tech is *relatively* constant(ie no matter where you land on the timeline, there are gonna be wizard-knights with swords fighting evil sorcerors with swords, space ships having Line of Battle engagements, space fighters with cocky pilots, lovable rogues with hearts of gold, overbearing central authority trying and failing to crack down on freedom fighting opponents etc etc), they actually made an effort to not just be "OT with a twist" like SWTOR or "Prequels with a twist" like High Fagpublic. Man I miss the Tales comics, they made the films feel so much more real to me by giving the world a true sense of having a history.
nah it's a poster for S2 Target left up.
Do any of you have a favorite Literally Who? For me it's that dude Vader yeets into the ceiling at the end of Rogue One. I probably spend more time thinking about him than most named characters.
The clone who jumps on top of the crab droid on Utapau will always have a place in my heart
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For me, it's this rocket trooper.
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Holy shit pure fucking sex

KOTOR only starts a little less than 30 years after Tales. The only reason Nomi and Vima Sunrider weren't in KOTOR was because some sunscreen company filed an absurd lawsuit.

It's one of the great unanswered questions about what happened to the surviving Tales characters in the shitshow of the Mandalorian Wars/Jedi Civil War/Dark War. For that matter, we never got to see Zayne Carrick dealing witht hose conflicts either (he would have survived them, obviously)
>dies like 4 times in various media
Are you just trying to prove some weird semantic? It's still called the old republic
stupid post
That guy who says Yes Sir in Empire
>Bounty hunters, we don't need their scum.
>Yes sir.
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Nobody likes you filonifags because you cry or go berserk whenever someone says they don't like your show.
>24 hours later
>still seething at your imaginary bogeyman
Don't even know who you mean, I'm just here to laugh at your meltdown.
>brings up literally 24 hour posts
>i-im not mad, you are!
Seriously, kid, no one will ever believe you.
The droid who operates the escape pod crusher in the first Malevolence episode. Him humming that little tune as he helps murder survivors lives rent free in my head.
Good choice, he was badass in three seconds of screen time.
My man, this is public. Everyone can see and reply to your shitfit if they want.
Maybe don't have one in the first place if you don't want to be replied to?
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That one ARC trooper who was impaled and kissed by Ventress.
Filoni fragility on display kek
The only one having a shitfit is you that you have to bring up day-old shit.
I'd tell you to move on, but you still can't move on from your non-canon cartoon that was shit when it came out and has only gotten worse with age.
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You're right, you could tell me to move on, but that would be hypocritical of you.
So, by all means, start another shitfit about it. We could use the laugh.
>Days without a Filonifag crying: 0
All of the continuity warring is started by gendyfags. Every single thread.
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For you, anon.
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Whoops, I was laughing too hard and misspelled it kek
But call them on it and you become the filonifag, even when you say nothing positive about the fat furry.
Nah it comes from your camp pretty often
It's the same fa/tv/irgin guy, btw. It's been proven already that he is doing it only for the purpose of shitting up this thread, samefagging, necrobumping, etc.

LMAO, he is a Narutofag.
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Aw yeah, another schizo moment is starting.
>I'm gonna randomly search your 4chan history, that'll show everyone I'm sane and not butthurt at all!
Never been the biggest Ventress fan, but this scene definitely contributed to my weakness for femme fatales.
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>legends con is cancelled
George lookin' zesty here.
Not him, but I'm gonna do the same thing tomorrow just because you're acting like a little bitch.
>Is this headcanon because I like it
I'm glad you like it.
I don't know if it's explicitly stated anywhere, but it's my conclusion based on some facts that are mentioned in several places. There are 10,000 or so Jedi serving at the peak strength of the Republic armies during the clone wars, over 2000 Jedi are casualties of the civil war even ignoring Order 66, only about 100 Jedi survive Order 66 to be hunted by the Inqusition after, and that is said to be a 99% casualty rate.
From these facts, we can see that can't be many more than 12,000 Jedi total at the beginning of the Civil War and that basically all of them end up fighting. The functions of recruitment, education, and support, never mind their other roles as healers, consulars, etc, in the wider galaxy must have been falling into neglect due to the manpower needs of the war even before the treachery of the clones.
The war was going to cripple the Jedi Order even without Order 66, Order 66 was designed as a stake through the heart to a crippled organization.
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>This George lookin' ZESTY, this George lookin' MOIST, he's got spice in his tibanna, he's force dashing, he's a Ill bit starfruity, he plays for the dark side, he dances at the other end of Leia’s wedding, this George theatrical, this George good with cinematography, this George gonna coordinate yo themes wit you subtext and that shit gonna look good! This George force lifts pears, this George on level 1313, this George be a franchise trader, this George markets uphill, this George packs merchandise, he's a friend of JarJar, he feels the force that dare not speak Its name, he loves to retcon, he's of the Umbaran brotherhood, he indulges in the Coruscant vice, he has an Midi-chlorian sexual Instinct, he's fluent in Huttese, he's a refugee from Endor, he's on the wrong starshuttle, he shoots for Greedo first, he's a auteur, he's 'one of them if you catch my drift.
Vader should have suicided
He did
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Talk about games in this Traditional GAMES thread. Lorefags burn.
Has the Star Wars canon or legends ever acknowledged the concept of turning a lightsaber on and off during combat?
I know the wookiepedia says that Twi'lek nipples are pink.
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why gorge go hims ass so fat?
But Anon... the Dreadnought fucking sucks
There's even a pretentious fake name for it. It was a fannon thing canonized in the d20 SAGA system.
It happened in the second duel between Marrok and Ahsoka in Ahsoka. Their sabres are locked and Marrok switches off his to make Ahsoka trip. Pretty sure it has occurred elsewhere in canon too, perhaps in a comic? Maybe Acolyte counts?

I assume you mean "swinging at a foe, then switching the sabre off and on again to get around an opponent's block", which I don't think has happened, save for in comics or books, possibly. The obvious reason is because it's a pretty boring technique if it works. You just "oops I win" without meaningful counterplay under the rules of storytelling. As soon as someone uses it for real, the fans will always seethe and mock anyone who doesn't do it. It's kind of like how the "Holdo manoeuvre" ended up ridiculing all of Star Wars space combat up until that point. Using a spaceship as a suicidal hyper space battering ram is an obvious stratagem that a five-year-old can come up with, and it is a massively effective weapon whose existence begs the question: Why the fuck hasn't everyone and their mother used it all the time? And because it's so OP, the very next movie had to handwave it as only working one time out of a million or something.

And there is a very good reason why you don't want to switch off your weapon during combat—it is very dangerous. Yes, you might kill your opponent. But you have just lost your only defense against the opponent's lightsabre, are you sure you want to lose half of your limbs or outright die yourself for it? Perhaps as a desperado move against a superior foe, but then you wouldn't've trained in it, and if the foe is so superior that you are unable to disengage at all and you're plotting a suicide attack, they probably won't fall for your improvised combat trick, especially since they can see the future. So the only times we see a switching off-technique is essentially to get out of a lightsabre lock. It's also more visual that way, the audience has a chance to clearly follow the move.
Not as hard as your mom did last night.
Is the Old Republic still canon or did Disney make it part of legends? If it's not canon, do you think writers could get away with making it no longer the prequels for the main series but an alternate continuity that doesn't have to follow any rules established in the old main continuity and make new stuff up? New projects separate from Disney's canon?
Yes. People who know how to fight don't do it because it just increases the risk of injury in the duel, and the entire reason sith use lightsabers in the first place is because it stops them from getting hurt.
>As soon as someone uses it for real, the fans will always seethe and mock anyone who doesn't do it. It's kind of like how the "Holdo manoeuvre" ended up ridiculing all of Star Wars space combat up until that point.
No, because one is obvious and effective, the other is no different to using a rapier like a rapier.
It is Legends, but Disney has been purposeful in not doing anything in the same time-frame to permit players of SWTOR to pretend it's still mostly good canon. And no, there is 0 chance Disney would ever allow further expanding the Legends continuity beyond SWTOR.
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>tfw TORtanic is literally the only thing from the EU still going
I see Filoni being simultaneously criticized for using old cast too much and not enough.
>continuity that doesn't have to follow any rules established in the old main continuity and make new stuff up?
It basically is that already. The point of setting it 3.6K bby is to give everything ample room to go back to normal in time for the movies.
its more he uses his own glup shitto characters, because he made them, instead of more popular or well known characters that he didnt make

Main cast are or the trilogies, I don't want them butting in the sspin-offs as well. Makes the galaxy feel smaller when it revolves around the same 20 or so people.
It's not canon, it hasn't been canon since the mouse bought star wars, and even before then it was always on the knife's edge of not being canon because it played around with some things that could have been seen as contradictory to other parts of legends (using the term to refer to star wars canon before mouse).

That's essentially what it already is. It currently directly contradicts several aspects of mouse canon and is pretty much incompatible, but it does mostly fit within Legends. It is currently going along with its own universe that is not part of mouse canon because it still makes reasonable money and disney doesn't want to slaughter a golden goose, even though they probably do sort of want to because it's a last bastion of real star wars fans enjoying something that is superior to their canon. They would only slaughter it for petty jealousy reasons, which they are not quite to that point because it still makes money.
What’s everyone’s favourite FFG species.
I had a player who beelined immediately for Droid because he was an engineer and understood that pumping Brawn to 6 then 7 was the most optimal way to stay alive.
I had another play a Wookie and he was merely a nigh indestructible tank unless you went after his Stun.
Just like WEG Wookies.
That's only talking about the stuff in the Exar Kun part of Tales. There's also the fluff abiut the GHW that takes place 1K yeats before that.
In some alternate timeline that retard unknowingly saved the galaxy by killing Palps with the backblast and got court-martialed for it lmao.
The scenes in Utapau had a lot of neat clone stuff, like that one dude in the background you can see giving some B1 a one-two combo while Obi-Wan and Cody are talking.
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Oh hey its Prince Charming from the holopic with the Gamorrean and that talking Jerba
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Can a clanka borrow a source?
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>What's the saddest thing that has happened in your games?
The PCs survived.

RIP to your Droid buddy, anon. Sounds like you did everything you could for them. My hat is off to you for that "next chapter" line.
Also, good on you for giving your players what they wanted, even if it wasn't what you'd hoped for. You sound like a conscientious GM.

>Star Wars lore is a buffet and you can take whatever you like.
Hell yeah

Crazy how FFG managed to have blaster-proof Wookiees with an entirely different, yet just as easily abused, mechanic for it.
The name is right there on the page, clanker. Artist is Fred Perry.
Yeah, sure. But all the links I get from that title are dead.
I would be one of the padawans that died in the first year of the war.
If I was born in the original trilogy, I would be one of the pilots that died at the death star.
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Aside from the Mandalorian's Luke Hallway scene, the maul/gin tattooine fight and the arena battle where everyone dies, any good examples of Niman on video?
Well, yeah. All the fun rpg stuff has been played out. The fur length comparison chart for d20, the autist with his lightsaber style guide for ffg - there's no new material.
>like that one dude in the background you can see giving some B1 a one-two combo
Wait what? I thought the only based droid puncher we had was that Clone on Christophsis in TCW: The Movie?
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What do you reckon are the popular big game planets and species in the galaxy?
I figure Felucia is a great spot because you've got acklays, rancors, and those bugs the clones ride. Tatooine's got krayts, banthas, anoobas, and womp rats among other things. Any others?
But it still does revolve around the same 20 people, just a different set of 20 people, so the galaxy still feels small but it's also disappointing because you're getting the store own-brand version of a small galaxy.

A *good* version of what we're getting would be one where they had a defined long-term plan with major story beats established for the setting as a whole(that don't lead to the Sequels, but that's not realistic), but we only see this "overstory" through the lens of multiple one-season or episodic or straight-to-stream movies that otherwise have nothing to do with each other. No crossovers, no cameos, no resurrections - let The Mandalorian be what it was in season 1. Instead of Book of Boba Fett do a Tales of the Bounty Hunters series where Boba gets one episode, already established as big scary bossman of Tatooine. Do that Rangers show they shitcanned because Chubby McThighs dared to suggest someone other than Jews could, potentially, in some timelines be victims of marginalisation and have it be completely its own thing, maybe loop in some of George's ideas about the criminal underworld trying to make their own moves for power as the Empire declines through its Warlord era. Etc etc etc.

Instead they're just doing Thing You Actually Wanted(EU OT heroes kicking ass post-Endor) but with Filoni's personal favourite characters. People complained the EU focused too much on established characters and made the galaxy feel small, but damn at least it had shit like Rogue Squadron where the cast was 95% original 95% of the time.
Doesn't Kashyyk have a huge tourism industry? They probably sell what are informally known as 'retard packages' to anyone who wants one - a tracking device and a one day primer on the shadowlands, then they carry you down and promise to come back in a week - or at least find the thing that ate your body. If they didn't hate Trandoshaans so much they'd probably have a great way to tamp down on tensions by letting them gain jagganath points on the surface.

There's probably extra genres too - extreme survival hunting, like hoth wampa, where you're not only hunting something that's hunting you but fighting the environment. I imagine nobles probably hunt in the ecumenopolis undercities too.
>same 20 people, just a different set of 20 people
20+20 is still 40, silly anon. Even if he's focused on his own cast of OCs there's still different characters to the ones that the movies and other works revolve around. Wheb he's inevitably replaced we'll get a new set of 20 odd balls the continuity revolves around, probably what they wanted to start doing with The Acolyte. As things are I don't think we've reached the point Filoniwars is so overdone it became repetitive, most works sans Book of Boba Fett are different enough still feel unique, even if him and The Rat have been tying stories into one another to make you watch them all.
Kashyyyk strikes me as a place that would require you to wade through a lot of bureaucracy to actually get to hunt. Kinda like Nepal. Country's full of game, but there's only one reserve, you're only allowed to hunt 2 species, and hunts are both expensive and limited. It's this type of bullshit that probably pissed off the Trandoshans in the first place.
How so? The wookiees seem to have real problems with the things in the shadowlands, and anything that thins them out would be a good thing. Throwing disposables who pay for the privilege seems like something they'd be willing to do.

Also I can't find any mention of the wookiee tourism industry so I've got no fucking idea where that came from.
The Shadowlands are dangerous, but it's also the place that Wookies do their coming of age tests. No way they're going to let foreign hunters show up and start killing things in their sacred jungle.
Besides, Wookies are cagey anyways. They get invaded by corporations or slavers every year and they've learned not to trust outsiders as a result, so they're almost definitely not going to be ok with random people coming to their planet with rifles.
Maybe somebody who was in good with them like Han would be allowed to hunt, but Joe Blow from Fuck-knows isn't coming.
You could go into the deep caves of Coruscant and never come out. Entire biomes down there.
>The Shadowlands are dangerous, but it's also the place that Wookies do their coming of age tests. No way they're going to let foreign hunters show up and start killing things in their sacred jungle.

They don't seem to think of them as particularly sacred though. It was a place for rites definitely, but more because it was incredibly dangerous and not because they ascribed any particularly sacred forms to it - that was more the wroshyr trees.
There's a story to be written about some asshole going into the depths to hunt the scum and villany down there and bringing back something that looks suspiciously like a Rakghoul as a trophy, to predictable results when that thing inevitably infects someone on the surface of the most densely populated piece of galactic real state.
imagine if it happened around o66. Some rogue jedi building a catapult to fire rakghoul corpses at Palps.
Lucas started trying to phase out the idea that Corsurant’s underworld was utterly unknowable.
But more recent comic writers have tried to bring it back.
Didn't even occur to me Luke was using Niman but it makes sense. I just assumed it was Djem So.
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I should stress that don't know for sure he is, it's not written down, but like you said: It makes sense. Lots of force use, shifting movement and styles of striking, no telltale hints of behaviour that would indicate another form.
I mean I want to say its Niman but we all know that now irl technology has advanced everyone just uses the force all the time now even in Saber duels.
There's always the aquatic megafauna on Naboo.
Sounds fun, but I'm not sure what you'd hunt that with. A speargun seems a bit light.
>The PCs survived.
You have the power to change this.
Have you recovered?
miss your boyfriend do you
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>Yoda's Foda & Soda
Looks like that's a no.
Yeah, I know. I don't even know if styles survived the transition from pre-rebel to post-rebel in the disneyverse. Still, it matches, and better it even matches the ffg tree. If you could use bind instead of just move for force assault it's match perfectly.
Sojourn was pretty much like that when Plagueis was hosting his "Gatherings"
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I want a dooku miniseries starring this guy. From his time with the Jedi to being taken on as palps apprentice
That would require good writing skills and a sense of nuance and Filoni wouldn't allow that.
Maybe even toward the end. An extended period where he's trying to govern and improve Serenno, deal with the fallout of his leaving the order and navigating republic bullshit.
Yeah, I was wrong about the scene it happens in, but it is really there.
You're missing the point. The criticism levelled at the EU continuation of the story post-Endor is that it focused on a small cast of existing characters and this makes the universe feel small. My point was that exactly the same criticism applies to the Fagloniverse continuation of the story post-Endor, he just uses a different small cast of existing characters, which is the inferior choice no matter which way you come at it.

If you're okay with the "small universe" approach then naturally you want the actual OT cast to be the focus, not Orange Buttcheeks, Suebine, Good Guy Ezra, Boba Fatt, and Own Brand Boba Fatt. If you're not okay with that and would prefer a broader, looser continuity that explores the central "plot" from more and more disparate angles then it doesn't matter that one limited cast who're the centre of everything has been swapped for another, it's still one limited cast who're the centre of everything.
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am adaptation of dooku: jedi lost would be kino, but it has a dual perspective and you'd have to create a CGI abomination dooku
fuck you, here's a bad batch novel
but why?
You ARE aware, right, that they literally just finished releasing Skeleton Crew, a "TV" show featuring 0 pre-existing characters? And it was good, to boot.
>CGI abomination dooku
Eveb if they were able to get rights to Sir Christopher Lee's image for that there's still the issue of actually getting a good actor to serve as a basis, like they did with Luke, Leia and Tarkin. There aren't many good actors who'd be gine with starring a Star Wars show of all things while being completely unrecognizable and largely uncredited. I'd honestly prefer a complete recast with some well oreserved middle-aged dude that can be aged up and down with make-up.
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>The story of Star Wars: Sanctuary, set during the events of Season 2 of the Disney+ series, centers on Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Omega as they work with treasure hunter Phee Genoa on a plan to help rebuild their island refuge after the devastating tsunami seen in the episode “Pabu.” Giles, whose young adult novels include Fake ID, SPIN, and Not So Pure and Simple among others is delighted by the chance to write his first Star Wars novel, having previously contributed the short story "Twenty and Out" to the From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi anthology.

>Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Omega gamble on a mission to help rebuild Pabu in this thrilling adventure for The Bad Batch.

Literally, who THE FUCK asked for this. Holy shit, retards at Lucasfilm are so out of touch, lmao. Show that has zero cultural impact as it is - let's base an entire novel on the LOWEST RATED EPISODES OF THE SHOW, about fucking Wanda Sykes useless annoying ass character and their shitty island - written by some literally who guy who writes young adult shit for black people, kek.
I really liked TBB, if midwits can't appreciate it there's just no helping bad taste.
Just read the new Klyo Ren comic over at /co/
They are attempting something but the material they are working with is crap and the art is stiff. The bits where Ben is in Vader's castle for about 3 pages is more interesting than him and Hux futzing about.

At least it positions the First Order as being mostly ship-based with a number of strategically garrisioned planets. In an attempt to balance the movie-demanded all-powerful enemy with the narrative they are suposed to be hidden and smaller than the Empire was.
Post vagina.
Sorry bro, I've only got a juicy and veiny cock
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>googles the novel because only an image was posted, no link or anything
>googles the author
>takes screencap of wikipedia page and seethes
yep, this is filonijew again
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I dropped the Resistance cartoon hard after getting fed up with the Bumblefuck McDoofus lead character but I got reminded of the old TIE pilot boomer guy today. Can someone give me a quick rundown of what happened to him?
I don't care for men
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yep, this is ventresstroon again, shilling literal filoni disney shit
ok, sure, whatever you believe
Will you two hatefuck already?
I will hatefuck his corpse once he an heroes himself.
lol it was so good nobody's talking about it
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I raise you one pic related
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Disney shilling gets really desperate as of late. Which tracks, given that they're losing subscribers in a geometric progression. "This dogshit nuwars show is totally an underrated gem, trust me!!! 15th time the charm!"
Force Unleashed managed to make people care about Shaak Ti which was a huge accomplishment
Oh I'm gonna Unleashe with some Force alright
I miss the Mando S1-2 era of star wars
>Sequels done and forgotten
>Legion was booming
>Battlefront 2 (Nu) had a massive revival
>Mando came out and surprised everyone by being pretty good, only dedicated /tv/ contrarians were hating on it
>Galactic Contention came out
>Jedi Fallen Order came out and was pretty fun
It felt like a mini-renaissance that disney immediately clamped down and killed
I got disney+ as freebie to my phone subscription. So D+ didn't lost me.
On other hand I barely used this shit, so I would delete my account moment I have to pay.
Killing off XWM, Legion and the FFG Star Wars RPGs sure did a number on the /tg/ aspect of modern Star Wars
Just watch andor, skeleton crew and the ILM documentary
Legion is fine. We're getting the second half of the new edition in june.
Huh I'll be darned. I heard they killed off Legion in favor of Shatterpoint and since i haven't seen any new Legion stuff being talked about i believed it. I stand corrected then.
Legion is on life support compared to where it was in 2019/2020, while all other part of /tg/ saw huge explosions in popularity in that time Legion just fucking imploded and came back with a whimper
Legion was put on the backburner in favor of shatterpoint. For a good two years people thought it was dead because NOTHING came out, but they recently started making a handful of things again.
Alredy watched Andor.
Skeleton crew don't look like something I would be interested in.
But I literally just talked about it, Anon...
I'm sorry I didn't watch it immediately when it came out, it didn't look that interesting or appealing. I don't make a habit out of talking about shows I haven't seen. But now that I have seen it, I am able to talk about it—unlike you, obviously.

Besides, whether or not it was good is not really the point. The point was that it's a show with no pre-established characters from either the original movies or Dave Filoni's spankbank. So cope and seethe and dilate and L+ratio or whatever the kids say these days, grabbing onto irrelevant asides.
Exactly. Nobody talks about it and you're a nobody.
At least since the start of 2024 we got:
>Poggle/Sun Fac
>Range troopers
>Sleeper Cell
>Aqua droids
>A new edition, with most changes being welcome by the community
You are here
>ARF troopers
>Remakes of Stormtroopers, Scout troopers, Rebel troopers, rebel commandos
>A new unified clone infantry box
>Clone marksmen
>Mounted Luke and Han
>The funny grievous bike wheel
>OT heroes remake
>Imperial High Command
>Imperial probe droids
>New starter boxes
>Savage Oppress
>The rest of the new edition and unique faction specific advantages and force org slots
Legion's bouncing back hard. AMG's actually putting in decent effort into the game.
Oh yeah, a few more things I forgot
>Gungans, including a battleforce for them
>A Geonosian battleforce
>Grievous and Obi-wan resculpts
>Han and Luke on Tauntans
>a few terrain packs
>Conversion kits with updated cards
You got a written source for any of those, anon? I haven't shit about any of that. Except mounted Han Luke, but you listed that twice
Oh yeah, oops
Picrel is their official roadmap, as of the last Ministravaganza.
A few of the other things (like the force org changes and faction specific advantages) were mentioned in their streams.
For Gungans and Savage, it isn't 100% proven, but they can be seen in several artworks in the rulebook, meaning they'll probably announce it for later 2026 or maybe 2027.
They also stated the plan to remake every single soft plastic mini into hard plastic in this article, so there's that.
>Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Omega gamble on a mission to help rebuild Pabu in this thrilling adventure for The Bad Batch.
Christ on a surfboard that sounds boring, is there a rule that the BB are forbidden from doing cool commando shit or something?

>Can someone give me a quick rundown of what happened to him?
Literally nothing. It’s weird since in the first trailers it seemed that he was going to be a bigger character but the only thing they really did with him was talk about how he served with El Captain, fucking waste
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omg guys, Andor's real dad was a death stick dealer
>go and rethink your life
>goes to feral planet to fuck local tribal females
Well Obi should have tried this trick on Anakin, instead of going to dark side because of Padme Ani would create tusken females harem for himself.
>not interested in Star Wars Goonies
You have no sense of adventure.
i have two questions. First, does anyone have access to the graphical resources used to make skill trees as they are in books for ffg, rather than that one website?

Second, I've been thinking of offering 'elite' advances that are just a choice of talents from other trees since we're probably not going to get fifty complete trees per character. No dedication talent, same cost as the talent normally plus ten exp as a surcharge, can buy one per 'complete' tree where complete is the dedication talent for that tree. Thoughts?
Sc is comfy , nothing groundbreaking but a good watch a d jude laws character is interesting>>94987863
face it
brace for it
my hottest take yet
i like the legacy of vader comic
It struggles to enliven the awful base material.
I would have taken more than 3 pages of actually grappling with Vader as an icon of the past than splash pages about the First Order.
OK, I have to admit that I'm kinda excited for Rebel Commandos and Scout Troopers.
General Veers, too.
I've identified why Bad Batch was so fucking difficult for me to watch when I first tried it. some of the episodes are over a fucking hour long. I suppose I missed it on my first watch attempt, and it definitely explains why some of them felt fucking endless—because they actually are exceptionally long.
I raise you my penis as a result.
Well fuck me. That's awesome, and I'm glad he did better than the guy on Christophsis.

Do you think Phase 2 armor was just that much stronger, or was it something about the man in the armor that made the difference?
>"It is you who will die!"
>―Sia-Lan Wezz to Darth Vader seconds before her death

I have to admit I really do enjoy some of the older wookiepedia articles that haven't been touched for a while. Someone was clearly having fun in a lot of them.
My favorite part is how the audio is synced to the thumps from Obi-Wan riding the lizard thing, so it actually sounds like you can hear the punches. Animator was having fun/10.

>Do you think Phase 2 armor was just that much stronger, or was it something about the man in the armor that made the difference?
212nd is just BUILT DIFFERENT. Case in point

Virgin 501st Commander receiving Order 66 where he's supposed to kill the Jedi he's truly friends with
>ends up betraying his Legion, Lord and Empire for some exotic alien jedi that's barely legal in most systems

Chad 212nd Commander receiving Order 66 where he's supposed to kill the Jedi he's truly friends with
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>watch republic commando video
>constant seething over "disney canon"
>its just fucking shit from TCW
lol what's the difference
it was just the usual "EU good, disney bad" (example used is tarkovsky vs TCW grievous) with it always being conveniently forgotten that TCW was part of the EU too, and from lucas, despite the contradictions
Stop watching retarded YouTubers (all Star Wars YouTubers are retarded). And stop bringing it here. Not your personal blog.
>all Star Wars YouTubers are retarded
This, it's funny when they start attacking each other too.
what so bad about him?
It might be easier to make an OggDude data file and either use that or print it to PDF. There's a zip of PSD page templates somewhere but I'm not sure if it included talent trees specifically and I'd have to figure out where it was.

I've done something similar to the elite advance thing.
>no extra XP cost but it replaces one existing bottom-row talent
>can be any talent that's not already on the tree (prevents doubling up on Force Rating, for the same reason as Dedication)
>Genesys talents are also allowed with GM approval
It works pretty well since most talents are designed to stand alone. The only things to watch out for are Supreme talents that build directly on the Improved versions, and a few of the unique talents from the Juyo and Jedi Master trees.
Paying for inner peace might be it's own punishment, unless you're fighting several times a session every session and everyone is pissing away destiny.
Here are the new scout sculpts. It looks like they'll have access to the same weapons.
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Like this guy?

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