It's not over editionPrevious Heresy:>>94952839>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)>30k TACTICA & TIPS>HH1 Black Books<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>NqlCmSpI>HH2 Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>1rki2Q6D>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>Q61izSiS『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>IukARSLT>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>Fi9kQSwB>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colours>More lists>What size magnets do I need?5x1mm>Tacticshttps://1d6chan.miraheze.orug/wiki/Adeptus_Titanicus/Tactics>homemade missions:>Thread question:What's one aspect of the Horus Heresy rules that you'd like to change?
Is there some sort of FAQ for which creators to buy miniatures from at the moment, since GW isn't going to plug the massive gaping holes in the army lists anytime soon? What looks best in terms of proportions and adherence to the artstyle?
>>94972218Wound allocation needs to go back to purely line of sight and distance based, with no look out sir or other method of character shielding. If you don't want your special weapons or characters sniped then don't get flanked retard.
>>94972343isnt wound allocation still LoS based?like you cant kill someone the shooter cannot see
>>94972486for everything except Blast and Guided Fire, but even Guided Fire doesn't let the attacker choose which model is hit without Sniper>>94972343just play LI if you want infantry to be worthless
>>94970804check last thread
>>94972486>line of sight and distance based Current rules are is that defending player can allocate to anyone within line of sight which is awful and part of GW's shrimplification initiative. Allocating to closest model in line of sight worked fine for years and meant that your positioning actually mattered. It was the other crap like Look Out Sir that shat things up. There's no reason to allow the defending player to allocate outside of units with a bodyguard style rule.
>>94972840>Allocating to closest model in line of sight worked fine for years Rhino wave guides say otherwise. The best wound allocation is simple. >Let defender allocate wounds. >If no more models are in line of sight then he can stop>you can swap two models positions when removing them i.e. a different dude picked up the rocket launcherTo quote 4th ed "it can be imagined that these troops were slain as they advanced and that the rest of the unit continued moving forward."
>>94972840positioning still matters, one of my tac sergeants died because he and 2 others were the only models in los
looking for some old stls that were posted in /hhg/ over the past month or sofirstly was the chestplate and some weapons with pic related attachedsecondly was some alpha legion themed legs? or some general conversion pack, I believe the anon was making headhunters
>>94972964Noob here,but isn't that how the wound allocation is currently? Except the swapping positions I suppose
>>94973080The difference (unless I cant read lol) is that in 4th ed you could allocate wounds to models in a unit that were out of line of sight, as if they were "running around the corner and dying". In 7th ed it was strictly closest model in los. HH2.0 is any model in los. Both have the rhino wave guide problem. But HH2.0 doesn't have the blasts-are-snipers issue (in 6th only models under the template could be hit by blasts) which is a huge improvement already.The rhino waveguide is when you back two rhinos up against one another forming a narrow slit, then positioning say a las cannon behind it such that it only has LOS to a single model in the enemy unit (and not necessarily the closest) allowing you to snipe out models. Its a shitty thing to do but a design flaw none the less.
>>94970783Here's a comparison of a Tortuga guy next to the old Mk3 plastics, if that's helpful.
>>94972840>no reason to allow the defending player to allocatewhat did you think sniper did with its precision shots last editionespecially as the defending player always chose which model took the Wound if there was a tie on distance I meanif you're not going to accept ties are real your neck is gonna be real cold come winter, buddy
>>94973025nice try james but my lips are sealed
>>94972840Hating this is showing how you are some GW only fag.True LoS is shit and has always been shit.
>>94973025all I got anon
>>94973388True line of sight is just a lazy cop-out by GW to avoid having to write actual line of sight rules. It has no actual benefits, is an actual detriment to gameplay and modelling.
>>94973197Hey thanks. Do you happen to have any of the 40k deathguard minis to compare that too? They are kinda this weird in-between size, bigger than the nuMK6 but smaller than primaris.
>>94973378how can I prove im not james
>>94973388>Damage allocation to the closest visible model being exclusive to true LOS Are you retarded?
Models should absolutely 100% be pulled from closest to the firing model in LOSAnd the models that have to take saves first, are the ones closest to the firing model. The only people who say it should not be this way, are faggots that abuse Artificer armor.You want your SGT in Artificer armor utilizing that 2+ save? Guess what, he better be up front leading his boys and not in the back like a bitch.
>>94973573>be me, artificer anon>take 0.1mm step forward>instantly get hit by 15 missile launchers>save them all, my entire squad venmos me beer money in my heads up displayNah lets not do this. The rules for mixed saves were way better.
>>94973640>He does not want his sgt to be a fucking hero>Forget missile launchers can fire Templates and would wound what ever they hit under not the closest. You have to play games to post here anon.
>>94973573You clearly never played in the old edition lol. >Put AA character at front of unitArtificer armour tanking and the complaints about it were just as prevalent as it is now.
>>94971358Yeah... big shame>>94971358I say M42 and everyone knows what I mean. No one and I mean NO ONE cares about the ordro chronos or whatever infighting over what day it is, that was just so GW could keep calling it 40,000 even though no one would care if they just said it was M42 and kept calling it 40,000
>>94973679First reply was made for >>94970061 oops
>>94973665Wounds from templates were also allocated to the closest model. Wounds from Barrage were allocated closest from the centre of the blast marker instead making them the best sniper weapons in the gameIf you followed your own rules you wouldn't be posting.
>>94973665>seargeant what are we to do? How could we possibly aim past the 1 dude in artificer armour?>and they shall have no fear soldier, we will bypass his missile magnetism field by shooting these way shittier missilesyes a perfect solution.
>>94973687Also yeh this guy >>94973687 is right so you are extra wrong.The best way to do wound allocation has always been to just count off hits evenly between types.>9 normies, 1 specialtake 12 hits>9 hits to normies, 1 to special, take saves remove casualties2 hits left, do it again.>look out sir can help keep sergeants and characters who took unique armour alive in cases where they would be less vulnerable not isolating themselves.
>>94973430The 40K guy is cheating a tad as his base has some extra material that the 30K guy does not, but here you go.
>>94973771Oh cool thanks! I actually ordered those DG ones. Is it just me or do they look less thicc than the generic m3 in your other photo?
>>94973687>If you followed your own rules you wouldn't be posting.whoa whoa whoa let's not accuse guys online of being full of shit here this is a house of cards we live in
>fury of the ancients>its a 30pt upgrade you must take, it grants an iron halo, eternal warrior etc>can still pick your warlord trait>armoured spearhead>a single predator or sicaran squadron of 1 model can be taken as a HQ, it becomes your warlord, gets MoTL and its warlord trait gives it +1 BS, 5+ invun etc>cant be a sicaran variant>cant take a different warlord trait>solar auxilia armoured cohort>makes a single leman russ command section a HQ and must be warlord, gets cohort doctrines, warlord trait gives it +1 BS and 5+ invun>cant be a leman russ variant>cant take a different warlord traitwhy does GW hate tanks?
>>94974059>>cant take a different warlord traitDon't solar aux only get access to the generic book ones?
>>94974059You don't put your commander in a specialist tank because they're supposed to be commanding the platoon/battalion rather than plinking away at armor or pursuing infantry. Dreadnoughts are just big infantry so they can do whatever thry wany
>>94974096yea but thats besides the pointimagine a tank with pinning on all its guns via bloody handed
>>94974146>imagine a tank with pinning on all its guns via bloody handedHeck yeah
>>94974146I think I would prefer large blast Ap3/2 on my guns again.
>>94974190you get rending 6+ take it or leave it
MK III ultramarines or MK IV sons of Horus'?
>>94974210MkV White Scars
>>94974222I'm not Mongolian so it would be in poor taste to appropriate their culture.
>>94974235You'll have to play mkII Night Lords then because you're a little bitch
>>94974210Nice space wolves.
>>94974286>Space Wolves have claimed every grey between off white to off blue >Dark Angels control black from dark grey to dark green >Death Guard and White Scars are fighting a brutal war for dominance over whites to light greys Anyone else claiming their territory on the rainbow?
>>94974311Night Lords and Ultramarines dueling over the proper shade of blue.Thousand Sons and Blood Angels glaring at each other over how polished their red needs to beWorld Eaters tying up their prisoners and sandblasting their armor
>>94974311>>94974326>IH RG and DA all sitting to the side wondering why everyone is fighting while not really sure who is who among them
>>94974349>Alpha Legion artificer crying uncontrollably as he sprays over his handpainted tourquoise
>>94974349>EC just sitting a the table next to the snorting lines, confident that no other cunt is wearing purple
>>94974349Don't be silly anon, Iron hands are black with elements, Raven guard with white elements, and dark angels are...Black with multiple subcolors depending on wing including white Alright who came up with this horseshit
>>94974374Eventually you just run out of colors, Anon. I mean what wanker is gonns wear pink or yellow, or brown?
>>94974390Yeah, what idiot would wear yellow lmao
>>94974404Yeah I'd sooner wear like three shades of brown
>>94974390>pinkIf we're counting amaranth than I would
if i have all my sergeants be helmet less would that be cool or stupid (emperors children)
>>94974468i thought so too, feel like EC sergeants would love showing off their mug
What are some good missions from the exemplary battles? I'm getting kind of tired of the book missions, even the expansion ones, although admittedly I don't have the Martian Civil war book which is supposedly have pretty good missions even if the rest of the book is awful.
>>94973025look at the archive
>>94974115yet stuff like baneblade variants and vanquisher being command tanks were a thing since imperial armor days.
>>94973025Color of an imperial fist successor chapter + the shooting death guard Terminators.
>>94973417This is some awesome dolphin porn
>>94974210I can't tell what it is but something feels really off about the bottom marines.
>>94974609Horrible application of troonscale. It's mostly the legs
hey, me and the rest of the Dornbros usually just stick to the shadows and lurk these days, but i just wanted to let those who are interested know that we have an update on the iron tard saga. we managed to find one of the run-ins with him on /v/ in 2022, and that recovered interaction is now included. I've labeled it in parenthesis. enjoy and stay lemon scented.the codex retardes: brickening: great tard hunt (finding him through multiple threads): therapy: secret identity of the tard: bros tardy tales of iron: return of the tard, the rewrite crusade: the pedo hunt of XX21 (not the iron tard, but targeted by the lemons all the same): recount of the tard, with a star appearance: lost episode): the furry hunt: new era in the wastes: phantom tard: tardiverasy episode: sorry about the wall of text. this is genuinely a long tard saga
>>94974633Wow, I had 2 kids and finished my degree in the time it took from the beginning of this. Crazy how people send their time.
>>94974649TL;DR: massive iron warrior sperg who damaged the iron warrior player reputation for a very long time with his autistic tendy fueled impotent rage>>94974651im almost done with my degree, and half of the lemonbros are in similar positions now. sometimes we still go back and visit the archives just for the sake of having a good laugh. me and one other person do most of the custodial work if something goes wrong with our archive. its been a good half decade. God bless you and your kids
>>94974681>TL;DR: massive iron warrior sperg who damaged the iron warrior player reputation for a very long time with his autistic tendy fueled impotent rageCWC of HH
>>94974686yeah that about sums it up. half the threads he was in were just threads giving perturabo lip service, and there were plenty of times where we were able to just find him by sniffing out the particularities of his writing style.
>>94974699>gifOr as the kids say, aura
>second tiny half of the z order arrived before the first halfthe first box totally fell into the fucking ocean
>>94974732I hid it in a corner of the captain's cabin, as a joke.
>>94974781I can't believe you would give some Asian smuggling captain with 7 children a cancer bomb like that
>>94974732>>94974781I ground it up and replaced a junkie's heroin with it.
>>94974547the gofile link it was posted on no longer works
>>94974569i'm looking for the files, I dont wanna pay money
What are some unique weapons ideas for characters? Specifically something that hasn't been done as much as "this is a unique sword/axe". Thought was a lightning claw that had digit talons, dorsal claws and a built in volkite serpenta
>>94975008Spears. Either going full Greek Hoplite like 40k's Minotaurs or the naginata-like spears the Phoenix Guard use (and I think White Scars have some, too).
>>94974349>>94974374If one had to paint both DA and RG, how would you differentiate the black used between the two? Different highlights?
How popular is 30k actually? I prefer the aesthetics and look of the models to 40k but I've never found anyone to play it with.
>>94975184It's definitely more niche. My LGS has about 40 players regularly playing 40k each week. Of those, about 4 of us play HH.We're trying to grow it and we are getting more people interested the more they get frustrated with 40k. Early 10th saw a lot of people looking to make the change. 10th has fixed itself and become decently playable. Still plenty of gripes but it's a far cry from the un-playtested mess it was released as.
>>94975177You don't. You suffer as I have because every single silver army is iron warriors.
>>94975196>10th has fixed itself and become decently playableTook a look, no it hasn't, still culling FW models and still no wargear or per model upgrade costs. Fucking faggots killed my CSM army because "it was too complex to balance" as if space marines don't still have more units that all xenos put together.
>>94975196I sometimes struggle to even find 4 people to play 40k so HH is absolutely out of the question. It's a shame really.
>>94975008what legion?>macuahuitl>chain shield>double bladed X>warhammer (like real, not thunderhammer)>kusarigata>nunchuccks>halberd>three section staff>african style throwing knife>lantern shield, but the lantern is a gun
>>94975008One of my terminator sergeants has the spear from Moloch and a wrist mounted volkite charger. You can do a big-ass chain weapon. Spears are underrated, as are wrist mounted bolters and anything with a belt-feed.You can abandon melee weapons depending on who it is, of course, or go pure melee to be more unique. Come on, Anon, you have more imagination than what's on the sprue. What's the guy look like in your mind?
>>94975196>10th has fixed itself and become decently playable. Still plenty of gripes but it's a far cry from the un-playtested mess it was released as.Most people's complaints are about the general game design direction and constantly changing game state, not the fact that didn't work properly.
>>94975518>What's the guy look like in your mind?not fully sure, I'm just looking for ideas atm. if one clicks a better picture will form
>>94975690Conversions are the lifeblood of the hobby, take your pick. Fortune favors the bold and the big bitz boxes.
Veterans should come with chainswords base, heavy chainswords should be +2 points, and power and charable weapons should be +5 points.
>>94973809The first photo is of Tortuga's first gen minis, a couple of years ago they did a pretty comprehensive revamp of their line to refine the details - the actual silhouette/size of the models barely changed(like, if you measure the width of the lower leg with digital calipers the difference is well within margin of error), but all the details were thinned down or made more defined and a few more were added. If you bought recently and it's a multipart kit you almost certainly ordered one of the new style ones(there are still some old style ones for sale on their site, but I'm pretty sure they're just the monobody ones and all the multipart kits have been switched by now). Also one of their patreon perks is if you bought an older kit that they update, they'll send you a free one of the new version with your next order if you request it.
>>94974633>lol, look at this massive autist who made themselves look like a saddo online>who I have autistically documented like an online saddoNobody cares about your 'tismbeef anon, and your posts will always smell faintly off piss under that lemon Febreze.
i just joined the proontside with a wealth of more kosher kits to already work throughcottage fabricated company of bitter iron contingent to get my feet wet here we comealongside oodles of falax bladesand some of the crazier TC miniatures
>>94975770Cool thanks for the info. I just placed the order 3 days ago to try them out so Im sure they are the new ones. I didnt actually get a conformation email yet though now that I just double checked, just the paypal receipt. Ill have to write them an email.
>>94974815Man this shit is both funny and depressing >I hate GW and their high prices and shit kits >I'll turn to 3D printing to get the models I want for much lower prices than GW for STLs I can keep forever >But fuck paying those guys for their work >Hey why can't I find STLs anymore Literally less than a day ago a dude with a bunch of great bits deleted all his shit because people couldn't even respect the wait a month rule and shoved his stuff on telegram immediately. You're literally killing the golden goose.
>>94976404It's such a soul crushing slog to try to actually find/buy STLs cause all the good ones are long dmca'd. And there is so much absolute shit. The only way to build a cohesive collection is to pirate it all.
>>94973771>Down with the thickness
Thoughts on putting despoilers in drop pods?
>>94976404A lot of people tend to make burner/throwaway accounts on Cults3d and repost a bunch of stuff from time to time.
>>94976679they're not going to be immediately charging without the drop pod assault RoW, and you're going to want dread claws for the assault vehicle caveat enabled by the RoW as opposed to units having just arrived from reserves being unable to charge on disembark as is normala kharybdis could shuttle down a 20blob and their apothecary and maybe a leaderneeding the RoW to turn everything on as it were pretty much cements its necessity if that specifically is what you're afterotherwise dudes who pop out without it on the turn they're deployed alongside the transport are going to be sitting with their thumbs up their asses when lacking much for shootingi have a melee contemptor in mind for use alongside a dreadclaw but even it has two meltaguns in it palms and a havoc launcher for immediate use and at least a fair chance of absorbing and deflecting the damage it takes before getting to charge, and even that distraction might be doing the needful in the way of drawing fire that would go elsewheresufficient shooting in the enemy phase will erase ten or so standard power armoured marines if not easily addling their strength when they finally do get to get into it, though this can maybe be offset with a larger pod doing the pooping, and maybe inside a kharybdis something more fearsome than line marines is called for anywaystransports of any given nature getting deep-striked or the like in get the chance to absorb the fire from interceptor before exposing their troops, of course
>>94976404There will always be more people who understand that 99% of pirates were never going to buy anyway than petty raging troons who chuck a hissy fit and take their toys home. And let's be real, anyone who's that much of a faggot was going to sperg out and storm off in a huff at some point anyway, but hey thanks to pirates you'll still be able to get all his stuff.You're welcome.
Can anyone post the audiobook mega or point me in the right direction please?
>>94977006it's not really the 3dprint minis scene, because nobody else has this much trouble with it. the vast majority of sculptors doing minis for games can just merrily run their patreons and gobshops with piracy only being a minor distraction. It's specifically 30k/40k players that compulsively shit where they eat.although worrying too much about stls is missing the best part of 3d printing. the real reason to get in to it is so you can make your own custom bits.
>>94972218No shoting reactions (general rules) or Dark Angles stock terminators being able to use terran blades and golden age weapons, as they do in the books.
>>94977116That is a bit like saying that in order to enjoy having a good milk you have to become the cow. Doing 3d design, never mind being good at it AND creative enought to create stuff is limited to very few people. There is a lot more people who just want to play or paint their models. Heck in all places where the avarge flat of a single dude is 27-30square meters, good luck setting up 3d printer. I am a well of dude by our country avarges, of which one sign is that I have a balcony. Do you know what takes 3/4 of it up? a washing machine, because I couldn't fit it in to the house.
>>94977324If you’re not from an upper middle class family on the outskirts of a major city in the US then you don’t exist to these people. These are the same people who will talk about how 3D printing costs literal pennies because they don’t understand the concept of maintenance costs. Once you have a singular opinion that you believe is fact, nothing else matters because everything else is obviously wrong.
>>94976404thats cool bro, now post the gofile links
>>94977357Pennies is wrong, but it's certainly cheap once you get the hang of it, even with all the extras. You really pay in time for 3D printing. All the model prep, clean up, curing etc. I wouldn't bother with anything I could just buy in plastic, it's not worth the hassle, and I say that as someone with a decent printer. The stuff 3D printing is really useful for the stuff I can't just buy, I've been making things like boxnaught lascannons, MkV bits, jump packs. I'll probably shell out a fiver for the upscaled MkIV legs an anon pointed out a few threads ago, and if I can ever find something I like or the time to do it myself I might make some legion-specific pads. Those sorts of things are where 3D printing has an edge.
>>94977357true. You explained it much better, then I could and without broken english.And by the way for all those doing 3d design, and having success. Awesome, much respect to you.
>>94977472the license and the bribes to be allowed to keep resin outside of factory area would eat like 1/5th of a monthly salary. And that is assuming the official, the blockhouse managment don't care and just take money and tell you to fuck off. It does happen, but not always, and if you keep it up they will notice and will either ask for more, or worse, ask what is it for (as in explain yourself) and then sky is the limit how bad it can get. I had a guy, well off family, that I knew since 4th year of university. He was in to latino(mexican) stuff. His girl, later wife, was in to it too. He imported music, clothes, car, those (don't know the english word for it) body stocking with tatoos. Besides that a regular land engineering guy working for on building the national highspeed rail system. And then some money (well a lot) was gone, someone had to be blamed, and who better then a "wierd" anti national suspicious fellow. Both he and his wife got kicked out of the job, with 20year of prison. And he litteraly got picked for being a little bit different.
>>94972218The clear lack of any attempt to put different books' rules on remotely the same level. Points are supposed to be a balancing mechanism; a well-built 3k point army of Militia should stand a chance against a 3k point army of Dark Angels, for example. But the number of units that are not remotely worth their points, or are worth way more than what they're costed at, vary widely by book. LA and LH are fairly internally balanced - not perfect, but put any traitor against any other traitor and their stuff will generally be in line (except TS lmao). Likewise for loyalists. But mixing the two highlights the massive disparities in play, and then adding in the mortal armies shows it even worse.It's not a single rule to change, it's just a single practice - the writers need to actually communicate and test across books, not just within them.
>>94977116> it's the 30k/40k playersThey probably make up the single largest portion of the 3d printed models 'customer' base so it makes sense they have the most bad actors.
>>94976404I mean what do these creators expect. They have to know about the huge share groups where a couple dozen dudes are all subscribed to one patreon each and they then just share all the files. These guys are fucking creators out of hundreds a month of additional revenue (maybe even more).But they are still in the game. Honestly you can't expect too much when your customer base is 90% 'people who don't want to pay full price.'
>>94977550I too think it is bizzar. IMO the same points army of anything, bar maybe custodes should be able to win against the same number of points of Dark Angeles. It is just unnatural. It is bad enough that we have to play our games without any rites of war. GW had such an easy job. Take bikes, make a bike Rite of War, Make a terminator rite of war, and then a interemptor right of war. And then as flavour add golden age tech, mechas, time and math magic.
>>94977547Where was this at that a mexiboo got dunked on like that?Somewhere in South America?
>>94976404>>94977574I mean, I will gladly pay any creator that makes stuff that actually fits the setting. While I respect people like Fummelfinger who want to make their own miniatures with their own particular proportions and head shapes, they will look quite out of place stood next to official models. That's why I always opt for getting bits to upgrade preexisting kits instead of replacing them entirely, at least as much as I can.
>>94977547>>94977586This has been a GW issue for decades.This exact same complaint was levied at 4e and 5e 40k, almost verbatim.
>>94977592He was working on finising of the rail magistrate in Huangmei.
>>94977597And they should continue to receive shit for it until they do their one and only job as game designers, which is "competently design the game". So far they haven't managed that for 2.0.
>>94977615magistral, you stupid autocorrect. >>94977594very nice model. wonder if it looks as good printed. Wish it does.
>>94977472As someone who was mulling over 3D printers of recency, yeah I was thinking of using one for largely parts like weapon choices that aren't feasible to grab in plastic (or FW resin) in bulk, maybe legion bling. Options like say, thunder hammers and combi weapons, are going to be far less reasonable to acquire for just one squad of guys without resorting to buying multiple official kits, that's overkill. Now if only I had a suitable room to actually print things at, fuck.
>>94977625Well it's free to download, so you can find that out easily!I do appreciate the "Reject modernity" vibe that Horus Heresy has going through it, you can tell that some sculptors get a little bit cheeky with it:
>>94977653I am sure that for a young 20-30 year old this is easy. My old ass still doesn't understand when you post links out of just numbers and letters. I know it somehow works for you, I just don't know how :D
>>94977666No long from me I'm afraid, but since I was talking about Fummelfinger and posted a picture of his work, the tools are there for your disposal.Anyway, here's the link.While I like his work quite a bit, I've yet to get any of them actually printed. Currently collecting bits for my already existing armies before I plunge into yet another one.
>>94975794i for one enjoy the tard series, he has dedication because its something he likes doing, not because its beef or whatever.
>>94975184Its more popular then people let on, the thing about 30k is it speaks to garage hammer players. You wont find it much in stores but usually there are solid groups of people rolling dice in their garage. The thing about HH, and by extention TOW, the type of people who are playing it, are the older crowd of fans, people who have become pretty disenfranchised with modern GW and basically only buy what they need from GW, then usually pirate the rest. They have probably some of the most dedicated fanbase to the settings but dont give a fuck about GW because its over priced and retarded.
>>94977689Very nice and thank you, The model is very dynamic posed etc. And with a set of arms, even from the assaut weapon sprues, you could make many despoilers, veterans or legion specific marines with it. Just some cork on the base to have them run at different angles etc.
>>94975008For my dangel i always wanted to make a halberd with a built in plasma pistol kinda like the guardian spears.
i fucking love you russian telegramimmortals: sourced
Does this ornate variant of ultramarine MK3 exist on the table? I'd assume it would be an upgrade sprue.
>>94977615>HuangmeiChina?Oh damn, that's rough.>>94977618NTA, but this is a problem with GW as a company. It's not a fluke, it's buisiness as usual.
>>94977597Their attempt to fix this issue by designing codexes to be balanced against each other failed because they nerfed every codex they released 3 weeks afterwards so the next codex to come out that it was balanced against would come out and be overpowered only to be nerfed itself in a few weeks, repeat ad nauseam.Much in the same way they can't help but nerf something overpowered into absolute uselessness, they can't help but sabotage an otherwise valid way to design books to be balanced with overreactive meddling.
>>94978141>BalancedThis is a false god, and the sooner players realize it the better. This game by its very nature can never be balanced, nor can any wargame be balanced or frankly SHOULD it be balanced. This is not a board game, this is not chess, this is not risk, its not a sanatary inviorment. Warhammer is a wargame. Wargames are meant to be repetitive of war, or reenactments of conflicts. By nature war is not fair, see when the British tried to have a fair war against the US. The scinarios are meant ot be a bit skewed. Players needs to self regulate themselves.GW will continue on their quest for perfect balance but as a result they will gut everything that makes given armies unique and interesting in the first place.
>>94978173at last a trve man
>>94978173Perfect balance would be boring yes, but all things should at least be worth considering. Best example is the current state of battle cannon vs vanquisher cannon. For a 5 pts difference, there is no world in which anybody would ever take the battle cannon with its current stats.
>>94978220Sure but thats not really balancing that more of tuning then a balance issue. Which is this is a great example of self regulating and self balancing. Something that gaming groups SHOULD be doing. We did this in our group with various weapons and units because we felt like they did not stack up right. you can to.This is actually one of the nice things about HH over 40k. HH is mostly garage hammer players, 40k is more store players who want a sanitary inviorment. HH in garage hammer people are willing to adopt house rules. So dont complain about it, just balance it out yourself.
>>94977967Closest is probably Invictus Suzerain models.
>>94978241>So dont complain about it, just balance it out yourself.Why not both? We do house rule stuff over here, but that is not gonna stop me from calling out GW for doing a shit job. Complaining is a crucial part of the hobby after all.
>>94978259Because us complaining about it since 4th ed has clearly not fixed it. You can, but it dont do nothing.
>>94978244Neat, thank you.
>>94978173Titanicus was almost perfectly balanced right up until Knight Household lists and Corrupted Titans. Of course the army lists were the same 6-7 available units in armies of maybe 6 models.
>>94978272I'm not expecting GW to change or improve. I just like to complain about their incomprehensible incompetence.
>>94978474>I just like to complain about their incomprehensible incompetence.i can respect that because its honestly a part of the hobby.
>>94978220>Perfect balance would be boring yesI do not see how this would be so.Perhaps if you believe there should be units that punch above their points cost on flat land, but balance would take in to account a unit being used ideally for it's intended purpose,A basic shooty unit should be able to hold it's own against another basic shooty unit, and dice rolls or other outside traits/abilities should tell; for example, a 20 strong group of SM infantry should, on balance of probabilities, lose to another 20 strong group that has cover, unless dice rolls or other variables come to play.That isn't 'boring' but demands the players exercise wise generalship and maneuvering. Unfortunately, 30k rarely rewards such maneuveing.
>>94978173You don't understand what people mean by balance. They are not asking for factions to be symmetrical, which is what you are describing, they're asking for factions to be designed in such a way as to be similarly likely to be able to win a game as each other, it's perfectly possible for that to be the case while also having armies be wildly different to each other.This is kind of obvious if you look at what's the broken bullshit in competitive play ends up being. Two of the dumbest codexes I've ever seen were they 9th edition tyranids and leagues of votan ones and they were broken in totally different ways, Tyranids simply had insane stats on everything at low points costs, whereas the votann codex was full of rules that allowed them to simply ignore the rules of the opposing army. That armies can be overtuned in completely different ways proves that there are different balance levers exist and can be used to get armies to have similar levels of overall performance without them being mechanically samey.GW just need to do better.
>>94978694>You don't understand what people mean by balance.Yes, i do, and it does not matter what people think it matters what GW thinks.>They are not asking for factions to be symmetrical, which is what you are describingCorrect, people are not asking for this, GW think they can have this, and is what they have been trying to get in 40k for like 2 whole editions now, and its resulting in the game turning into shit.
>>94978660Perfectly balanced would mean any kind of army facing any other kind of army would be a fair fight. Even it it is 3000 points of gretchin vs a warlord titan. This is what GW seems to think balanced means.But it actually is okay for some units to be extremely effective against specific other units in what could be considered an unbalanced way, as long as that unit also has clear weaknesses and is ineffective against other kinds of targets. Units like that make the game way more engaging in my opinion.
>>94978776That isn't what GW thinks balance means. GW make their balance decisions based on competitive win rates, which implicitly assumes that army lists are made competently and are built to be effective in competitive scenarios. Meme shit like 400 gretchin or a single titan that arent expected to be viable aren't even considerations, in fact when stuff like that turns out to be viable they nerf it instantly, see razorwing flocks in 8th edition.
Finally working on this chunk of resin What you working on anons? You do have models right?
>>94978776That's the complete opposite of what they do. They routinely have armies that play like total crap for a normal person and consider them to be completely fine because they have a 50% win rate at tournaments because they're able to fiddle around with specific units to score or deny points in incriledibly gamey ways or have a single increibly overbearing unit they can spam.
>>94979495Got a bunch of stuff on the table, if the docs don't dilate my eyes I'll use the rest of this day off to start drybrushing the metallics.
>>94979495I decided to fap rather than paint this morning.
>>94979495Taking a painting break today. Was painting too forced, just sloppily slapping paint on shit to get it done.
>>94980055Many such cases im afraid. >>94979495currently doing more work on my warhound.
>>94980055based. If I could do it, I would do it too. >>94978244Those look great. I wonder sometimes, If I didn't watch a play about teutonic knights as a kid, and instead saw Ben Hur. Would I be playing Ultramarines.
>>94979977That's a lot of castellax
>>94979495After finishing this guy i don't really have anything going on.
>>94980950>A lotIf you play cybernetica I think it's an okay amount
This is the ugliest weapon in the dreadnoughts arsenal and possibly the ugliest weapon in the entire heresy. It alone ruins the leviathan dreadnought
>>94981022Have you never see na box naught sismeic hammer and how awkward it looks?
>>94981022absolute pleb take
>>94981022Stay mad
>>94981028The ironclad's siesmic hammer would look fucking radical on a leviathan
>>94981094On a leviathan sure.
>>94981022I don't like the arrangement of the slits on the barrels, but otherwise it's okay
>>94981099Yes that is what I said
>>94981022Yeah it looks so fucking dumb.
>>94981107Yeah but on the box naught it looks fucking wild.
>>94979495more sallies to save vulkanman
>>94981022reconsider that, or don't. the lance doesn't discriminate
>>94980950Honey I have 20 I'm barely getting started with painting them.
>>94977618So then... why do you still play if the game is, in your opinion, shit?
>>94979977What are those two models in front? They look pretty cool.
>>94981382I instantly recognise as I have them,it's Scavenger Leader from station forge and the one next to him is one of their tech priests from them as well
>>94979495>6 quad mortars>3d printed landraider>fellblade upgrades>10 warders>15 templars>3 characters>20 millita>a gundamthen everything is assembled. 90% of everything else is undercoated but I won't get a chance to do the other 10 for a while.>>94981094drink the koolaid, you'll find one
>>94981382>>94981475 has the right of it, the Scavenger Leader and Scavenger Librarian with some conversions. I printed mine but I know you can get them off Etsy too.
>>94981475>>94981516Oh these are pretty neat. I'll have to see if my 3dprinter friend can print them for me. Thanks anons.
>>94981022Another faggot successfully filtered
had yet another game where the opponent seethes over the alpha legion trait and the reaction
>>94982206It's incredible how people still get caught off-guard by them.
>>94982213>"what do you mean my melta cutters cant ever be in melta range">"what do you mean your headhunters teleported, and I cant declare a new shooting attack?"
>>94982229Funniest shit is when people try to charge AL units standing in terrain.>"What do you mean it's a 10 inch charge"
>>94982206>laughs in Hellstorm
>>94982268honestly I need to make a new AL list to use terrain more oftenarmoured spearhead is fun, but tanks getting instantly popped sucks assperhaps headhunter leviathal? and I could back them up with some cheap sniper scouts or something to be annoying
>>94982316Headhunter leviathal is great. With rapiers, dreadnoughts, javelins, speeders, and HSS, you don't even need vehicles for heavy firepower. Bring enough snipers, and you can score 5 VP turn one by killing nothing but the enemy warlord I've had opponents who forfeit right after that
>>94982350>HSSI mean, you could just steal sunkillers at that point
>>94982363Why do that instead of stealing an amazing melee unit, specially when regular HSS are already overkill against most vehicles.Personally prefer laser destroyer rapiers.
>>94982441because i'm shit at decided what good melee unit to pickplus they kinda need a transport, which isnt really possible unless its a drop podor they can deep strike
>show up>go 2v2 against some loyalist scum>turn lights off>kill all their tanks>they didn't pay for augury scanners lmao>make opponents miserable>make ally miserable>leaveall in a days work
>>94982471Rampagers with jump packs don't need a transport. If you can bring a transport, Firedrakes are a clear winner. Storm shields, thunder hammers, WS 5, and a re-roll to hit rolls of 1 with melee weapons special rule, which combines just so nicely with the +1 to hit AL warlord trait. Don't even need to bring a chaplain.
>>94982517>rampagers with jump packsfor fucks sake I forgot about jump packs
I think the movement characteristics of basically every infantry unit are too high.
>>94982829Well marines are superhumans in armor with powered legs so it makes sense they move more, while 6 movment was base for infantry since 1998.
good evening chuds, i posted my attempt of studded mk3 pauldrons a few threads back. i return with an attempt that leagues better. i used 1.5mm balls and im very satisfied with they sized up
>>94982829No, infantry are fine, the board is roo small. At 32mm average bases and how humongous vehicles are now we need to go up to 6x6.
>>94982829>>94982915the 4" base movement that was standard in RT and 2E was garbage even with smaller armies and boards>>94982962HH board maps are usually 8x4 outside of ZM games
>>94982940It looks pretty good anon.Who's it for?
>>94982915Marines should be 6 and normals should be 5, custodes should also be 6, 8 is retarded.
>>94982984>8x4Raise your hand if you play this size
>>94983151I've been playing on 4x6I'll play smaller (1.5k-2k) on 44"x60" but even that gets crowded with vehicle-heavy lists.
>been waiting on the PayPal request from Alex >go to his website to send a message >check order history real quick and see there's a button that says pay now Am I just retarded or is that new? I don't remember having to request the PayPal invoice before.
>>94982940That's a million times better. Great improvement.
>>94982940Nice balls.
>>94982829If you want slow useless infantry play SA lmao
Wait a fucking minute, the Aquila strongpoint doesn't even have rules for firing it's big gun? It's just a deep strike debuff? What is this horseshit, give me my massive Artillery GW. isn't it bad enough that the primaris redoubt is literally unplayable because it's too big?
>>94983079It’s going on my warder sgt. I plan on making a few and sprinkling them throughout the 2 squads. Ive been slowly acquiring bits to make 2 squads of 10 in mk3 armor. At this point I am waiting on axes to arrive. I got a very good deal and had someone print me 25 replicas of the axes from the old mk4 power weapons set for $5.
>>94982940way better. last time was almost entirely balls than pauldron lol
come to think of itwhat is the best legion specific jump pack unit?everyone always compares terminators
>>94983506Isn't there like 4?
>>94983553more if we count legacies and units that can take a jump pack as an option
>>94983506Raw damage would be WE Rampagers. Rending 4+ is hard to beat. UM Locutarus storm squads are a close second. Their power swords are "only" rending 5+, but they do all have artificer armour. And they get +1 to hit too if the target was already attacked in melee, on top of their WS 5. And people complain about IF favouritism...Dawnbreakers are also strong. Weapons with Reach and Breaching 5+, shooting weapons with pinning, artificer armour, and can give the entire unit meltabombs for a reasonable cost to deal with vehicles and dreadnoughts and get +1 attack for having 2 CCW :^)
>>94983506Dark Furies are the best.
>>94983598>Weapon Skill 4
>>94983617>3 WS5 sergeants with AA for tanking hits and 5 attacks each>can get melta bombs each>rending 5+ shred lightning claws so every model has +2 attacks>fancier jump pack >sudden strikeYes.
>>94983617>big MEATY claws
>>94983553RampagersLocutarusDawnbreakers, Angels tearsPalentine bladesDark furiesEnigmatiiRaptorsAshen circleReaver AgressorHalf the legions Have some form of Jump pack squad, which isn't bad.I've fought Palentine Blades and Rampagers, both are a pain but without characters I think I'd rather fight Palentine blades. Ashen circle models are pretty cool, if you discount the melee weapons
The store I bought some recasts from is gone, I hope I didn't get scammed
>>94983865storefront off of ali or a website?
>>94983982AliI only spent $40 though
>>94972218How do I access the HH1 Black books drive
>>94984010wait a week and they pop up againI'm more annoyed by usps suspending acceptance from china because I don't KNOW WHERE MY ORDER IS Z
>>94982940Looks much better anon.
>>94984034>usps suspending acceptance from chinaWait FUCK I just put down an order from WTG
>>94982940Why would you do this, all for the sweet suffering? You opened the box, we came.
>>94984117Handmade studded armor is boss
>>94977823> pretty disenfranchisedThat's funny I see plenty of returning TOW players who just lap up the slop.I mean it's late 30/40 yesr Olds they make enough that GW prices are a joke to them. But they don't bother to 3d print they can just afford the MSRP
>>94983841>never heard of half of these units >check the legacies pdf >even here they made sure 99% of the loyalists got Artificer armor and 99% of the traitors didn't
I thought Horus Heresy was played at a lot of LGSs?That's the whole reason why I'm buying inIf that weren't the case I'd rather just do historical wargaming and go nogames
>>94984382Only real legacies units are Locutarus and Firewing Enigmatii.Reavers and Palatine Blades are your standard special units, that had jump pack rules in Heresy 1.0 but it wasn't present on model, so for some reason they turned jump pack variant into separate legacy units.For some weird reason Rampagers despite also not having jump pack on models, still have it as option in liber instead it being separate unit in legacies.
>>94984386Do you have a local group or friends to play wth?
I'm not sure if I want my terminators anymore.
What are useful units to run alongside Zardu, gal Vorbak seem to be an easy pick, but are there any other units that make the most out of his warlord trait?
>>94984498No not yetI'm new to wargaming
>>94984635If you're new to this a good thing to do is to check around your local area, LGS and play groups.Just ask about if many people play 30k, a lot of people do have heresy armies, but since it's not as common as 40k you sometimes just need to more actively organise games.
I'm over here stroking my autocannon I got holy oils on my shit
>>94984857I'm just stroking my shit I'm loyal as fuck man I'm a loyalist for real
>>94984034Z told me today that he was shipping mine in 2 days, he got delayed with Christmas orders
Do Armiger weapons fit on Contemptor Dreadnoughts?
>>94985364No, the joints are different, although I suppose you could cut up and modify it.
My friend got really overdosed on caffeine and made a compilation of rule changes, anyone interested?
>>94983597Dawnbreakers can also ID at initiative 5 if you can find a way to pair them with rad grenades. They're fucking cheap compared to most other jump units too, barely more expensive than vets with power weapons, which is quite something when you consider their loadout.
>>94983506the one who looks coolest, duh
>>949831514x6 is the usual, but I always play lengthwise with 12” deployment zones so you’ve got a 48” no man’s land. It usually means an extra turn or two that’s mostly movement, but it means the game is more than just smashing two armies into each other and being over after three, one hour long turns. Reserves and deployment really changes the game when you can’t just dump everything on the board comfortably. t. movement is gameplay gang
>>94985776I like your mindset, maybe consider what that other anon said and try out 6x6, more movement means more decisions
>>94985618DA, nerfs followed by nerfs, and more nerfs. Are the calibanite blades fixed from being worse power swords at extra cost? nope. neither are the RoT, which are writen as if the designer tried to make the DA player lose.
>>94985776The game should litteraly be about smashing in the middle and who ever has the better melee units winning and AL players should be refused to play, even if they decide to play a different army.
>>94985861The writer is actually the only DA player in our group. He chose these needs for him self because he found in our very melee meta his companions and plasmaflamers were working too well for his liking.
>>94985861>nerfs followed by nerfs>fast attack improved across the board>psykers better>infantry in general betterWhat cheap shit do you run? Dreads? Scorpius?
>>94983151raise your hand if you understand that arbitrarily downsizing the map is not a reason to complain that things move around it too fastfuckin Sonic on Super Mario World over here
>>94982984> typically 8x4Lol.lmao.
>>94983597>>94983841I dont like rampagers because falax blades are OBJECTIVELY the best melee weapon for them, none other comes close and are relatively shit in comparison+1S, rending 4+, duellists edge 1 and you get always get a pair for +1 attackevery other WE melee weapon is two-handed, with weaker versions of rending/breaching, or the chainaxe just being complete shitbarb hook lash has fleshbane, but thats kinda meh when rampagers are S6 on the charge with falax blades, and autowound anything on a 4+ due to rending
>>94983597Do UM Loctarus genuinely outclass Dawnbreakers? Is the 5+ rending and +1 to hit Loctarus get better than the+1 S, breaching 5+, Reach and +1 to wound from BA trait Dawnbreakers get? In the end, both are equally as good against 2+ saves and Dreadnaughts (rending sounds better on paper since it auto wounds on the rend, but BA +1 to wound means Dawnbreakers wound each time they breach anyway), but BA are going to wound a lot more. The rending wouldn't matter vs vehicles unless you are trying to melee an AV 14 unit to death. Loctarus are 190 for 5, Dawn Breakers are 150. The flat +1 to hit from UM is really good, but reach on Dawnbreakers means they're still going to kill some models before getting hit back even in the rare moments their WS is outmatched. Dawnbreakers also get to reduce enemy leadership by 1 for when people take pinning tests after their deep strike.Am I delusional in thinking Dawnbreakers are better with their reach and lower cost?
>>94985921Psykers in a DA army 0_o post Nikea? And Yes my two armies are March of the Ancients and Pride of the Legion. I don't own any vehicle, aside for one unassambled spartan.
>>94985618I stopped reading when I saw Cognis Signim removed from master of signals.MoS is the most over priced piece of shit Consul upgrade when you can just take a Land Raider explorator for the reserve reroll rules. Why is your friend nerfing them more by removing wargear?
Which Legion would fit the usage of a smaller, buckler-style shield?
>>94986200Ok, we just found him very prevalent in a lot of lists so we thought that there should be an option between him and an amistos.
>>94986252The way you make the armistos relevant isn't by nerfing the Master of Signals it's by making the armistos have a reason to use his heavy weapon, there's no fucking reason he should have or be using a cognis signum. Make him strip cover/shrouded from a unit he shoots at or something.
>>94986280Understandable, be glad you don't have to play with our funny rules
>>94986166Lower cost is a huge advantage which anons all tend to ignore when they're comparing units. Being able to do something like take a couple of extra bodies or get half way towards paying for an apothecary is a big advantage.
>>94986384>Lower cost is a huge advantage which anons all tend to ignore when they're comparing unitsYes. I get endlessly mad when people talk about Phoenix terminators being bad when they are 35ppm. 35ppm for terminator armour, legion unique power weapons, WS 5, living icons, their stance choosing gimmick, character subtype, etc. 5 points cheaper than a generic Cataphractii w/ a fist.
>>94986009Nigger the game specifies a 6x4 board via deployment maps.
>>94986166what about sanguinary guard?they all get perdition weapons right?
>>94986473Sanguinary guard are priced as they should which means they're ass.
>>94986241World eaters
>>94986009Almost every game table anyone has is 6x4, the deployment maps are 6x4 and 6x4 has been the standard board size for warhammer since 1994. I don't even know how you'd end up with such an obviously wrong take unless you'd literally never played this or any other GW game or even opened the rulebook and are just lapring.
>>94986473Hella expensive, and perdition weapons are kind of underwhelming this edition.
I finaly caved in and building a 10man terminator command squads with banner for my Herald Consul with hammer to join. I feel dirty, but everyone uses them, and using regular fist guys just felt bad, for almost 2 years now.
>>94986537>herald consul in a command squadbut why?do you mean a delegatus or praetor?
>>94986545Consul with a banner. It is obligatory to take him if you take veteran terminators, otherwise people won't play with you.
>>94986537Terminator command squads can't have more than 5 models in them.>>94986600Why.
>>94986600Huh? How are you taking your terminators? As a Preator/Delegatus retinue? If so, you can just take a legion standard and give them the same bonuses as a herald.>otherwise people won't play with you.Does your local group demand Terminator command squads are gimped? More so than they actually are?
>>94986618> rule.>Terminator command squads can't have more than 5 models in them.which means two things. I have 5 free cataphracts to build nullificators and for 2 years the IF and IW players, the only ones using cataphracts around here, have been cheating using 10 man squads.>>94986620>Does your local group demand Terminator command squads are gimped?yes. No such rule for legion specific terminators. But that is mostly covered by like majority of people at the store not being able to afford those. >>94986620>How are you taking your terminators? Most people here run them with shields and axes or hammers and rocket launchers. Everyone else doesn't use cataphract termintors. The EC players use a lot of tartarus with power weapons. And that is it.
>>94986664Are you certain those IF and IW players said those were command squads? Do the units have a command squad terminator with legion banner in them? If so, those guys have been cheating. IW do have their dominator cohort terminators from an exemplary battle PDF, which can go up to a unit size of 10. But those are not a command squad, can't have a legion banner, and can only be taken as a retinue for their primarch Perturabo.IF have their huscarl terminators, another unit from exemplary battle PDFs. Can also have up to 10, and these can be taken as a retinue for any praetor, but again no access to a legion banner. Being forced to take a Herald with terminator command squads, but not legion specific terminators is schizophrenic behavior. Command squad terminators are already at a disadvantage by being limited to 5 models. It also just doesn't make sense to have two legion banners in a single unit from a lore standpoint.
>>94986664>hammers and rocket launchersWait, you mean terminators with cyclone missile launchers? Only UM and IW have a unit of terminators with those. Both of which are not command squads, and can't take hammers. How much cheating is going on at that store?
what about angels tears?the only legion specific pure shooty jump pack unit
>palatine blades>attach a praetor/delegatus to the squad>give him a shotgun because hes in power armour and thus can do so> take the AL +1 to hit with warlord and his unit WT >use the -1 to WS but +1 A stance on the palatine blades>profitgood or bad strat?
>>94979495I have inherited this chunk of resin.
>>94986241WS, even the golden khesig champion has one
>>94987127You too senpai?
>>94987119Funny when it works, but Concussive is way too unreliable sadly. The AL warlord trait would make it worth it though, make the combo less reliant on concussive
>>94987127>You got all the dominant genes Exodus, while they gave me all the recessive ones!
>>94987229What legio is this guy gonna be again?
>>94987397My own legion.
>>94987420Right right the Opium Smugglers
>>94987467It do be china cast so good chance. For what its worth though. My dudes(tm) are Legio silvae (Legion of the forest)
Are any Titanicus/Imperialis bits usable in Horus Heresy at all?
>in the warp knowledge of a daemons name grants you power over them>every daemon announces itself with its name why? Also any instances of daemons getting deadnamed and banished in the fluff, seems like it's just random occult bullshit the authors throw in but never actually comply with.
>>94987557Not really. I've seen a couple marines with knight legs as prosthetics.
>>94987563True names and common names being separate is a thing.
>>94987563that's not their true name that's their moniker. When a human becomes a demon prince you need to remember their human name because that's what you use to tell them to fuck off.So you need to call Samus Loken for it to work.
>>94987563Daemons don't announce themselves using their true names. They're not that stupid. In the first novel of the GK trilogy there's a huge tzeentch daemon that gets banished using its true name. The inquisitor that managed to discover its true name instantly went insane because of it.
>>94987563You need to know daemon's true name, they never announce their true name, it's their most guarded secret. Daemon announce himself as Deathblood the Doom but his true name is Xasdas'fafafa'esafdja'dsad.Test for becaming GK palladin(elite) you have to face greater daemon with no armor only it's true name and nemesis sword. Book of true names was even relic for Inquisition and Chaos daemons.Chaos Daemon version granted -1 inv save to enemy daemons or +2 inv save to allied daemons(or-1 if you rolled 1). Inquisition version nerfed daemon with -5 WS, I and LD during challenge.There are fluff examples of true name in GK codexes.
>>94987647There was this 40k short story when Terra got jumped by Khorne it took so long to read a Bloodthirster's name that it killed like four Custodes before it disappeared.
>>94987575>>94987581>>94987632>>94987647wouldn't that make their spoken name powerless then? Thought Samus' name summoned him or something.
>>94987681No their spoken name has power because of the power of the individual. It's like a threat.
>>94987681Summoning and getting power over daemons is diferent.When you summon daemon you are calling it to come here because you have cookie(sacrafice) for it to manifest in materium, true name in theory allow you to controll daemon(good luck with stronger ones tho) or at least severly weaken it.One is having someone's discord account, other is having full legal name, phone number, home adress and ID/Social security number.
>>94987672they should have issued a challenge
>>94972218When it comes to lore alone, which has the best setting, story, world-building, appeal, consistency and so on, 40K, Fantasy or AoS?
>>94987893They did but saying its name took 4 turns.
>>94987974Fantasy, now go away.
>>94987229What rules does the CHOOMER have?
>>94988118No rules :D i just got it because i thought it was neat, i got a plasma gun else where, trying to figure out rules i want for it. Im thinking something likeS9 AP3 Deflagrate, template, torrent(60") Then have the flamer template be the beam raking across thing OR possibly making a custom template thats like maybe 7" x 1" A lot of people say to just give it the heavy beam rule but the problem with that is, because of its elevation i could legit just draw a line across the entire board where as on things like tanks, it stops because you eventually hit something you cant see through.
>>94988184Just don't be a dick about it simple as.
>a company command squad can take jump packs and nemesis boltersI mean, they're relentless, but is there really a reason to do this other than be annoying?
>>94988380No, there is no reason to do this, other then being a weird shitter.Suppose you could be a shit head and put a techmarine in there? Can they take jump packs?
>>94988380Point to where it says company command squads can take jump packs.
>>94988475I think he meant the retinue squadsThat said, its fucking stupid that company squads cant take mobility options.
>>94988475>>94988479i'm retarded, could've sworn I saw that they could take them
Any good sources of bits/3D prints if I wanted to make femstodes?
>>94988479Those are the options for the retinue squad. If he meant command squad, those can't take nemesis bolters.Either way, what that anon is suggesting is not possible.
>>94988514see >>94988499
>the rules have been out for 3 years>Anons still haven't read the basic Astartes unit profilesReminder that these are the people posting their hot new "fixes" for HH2.0
>>94988640>dont take X unit>have no reason to take X unit>scenario crops up where I may want to take X unit>accidentally misread it because I never read it before>"god why cant people read unit entries that have exited for 3 years"
>>94988640It's not a problem that people don't memorise the entire rulebook. It would be beneficial for all parties involved when people would read a rule before posting about it.
>>94988677>not memorising every single rule and every single unit profile>have to open book insteadWhat are you retarded?
>>94987681why would you summon Samus when Samus is here
>>94988778If Samus is here, does that also mean, that Samus is Queer?
>>94988743Where do you think we are?Even if I'm not, the vast majority of people definitely are retarded.
>>94988811Samus doesn't want any more bears
>>94988811Just because Samus is the man inside you doesn't mean Samus is queer.
Oh shi
>>94989009And then this guy showed up and killed everyone. That's punchline. Is iron hands joke.>The end
>>94989025I love you anon
>>94989025Is this what bitter feels like
Props to GW for making a model that looks AI generated
i dont know why they made the special elite breacher unit in mk4. seems like a pretty big over sight
i'm gonna have to take falax blade rampagers arent I?
>>94989025Hand G. Bitterton
>>94989708We don't deserve you Drawanon
>>94989708based stoically deadpan Xth legion
>painting exodus>need to paint his cloak in camowell shit, what do?any pattern recommendations? he'll probably be in an urban or snowy environment, but i'm really tempted to do forest camo instead
>>94989845>he'll probably be in an urban or snowy environmentUrban camo rocks imo, but I'd go with snowy. Would look nice
>>94989845Painted the cloak in several thin layers of different browns and greys, making it hard to say what colour the cloak exactly is.
What should the backpacks of thunder warriors look like? Should they be based off the Mk2 backpack?I had some recent daydreams of a not!thunder warrior army 3d sculpted. Closer in inspiration to the blanche artworks and the two pic related marines. How likely is it for Tortuga and/or GW to throw the legal hammer at me if I take inspiration from the blanche works? They most likely will work as Custodes proxies, because then they can be playable in the Horus Heresy game, and 40k, but I've also looked at the grey knights from 40k and thought about making the proxies stand ins for grey knights
>>94989436That's still the most badass volkit charger in the range
>be burger>tariffs from china>customs exemptions removed>third party postal services going to add their own shitty feesrecasts from china just went up like 30% fucking kill me
>>94990194just remember anon He's making America great again.
>>94990044they would be actual backpacks. Thunder warriors did not have power armor, they just raw dogged metal armor.
>>94990228Let me rephrase that, those particular ones look like that. Mk1 power armor looks like mk2 back pack but the vents were not at an angle.
>>94990228>Thunder warriors did not have power armor, they just raw dogged metal armor.Wrong. MK I armor worn by TW was powered, just legs had no power so TW would never skip leg day, since every day would be leg day.
>>94990044Looks MK II enough too me.Until GW release MK I with backpack you will never know.
>>94990287Read the post just below mine.
>>94972218Is marduk worth it for dark angels? He looks super cool as a character and hits all my buttons but, he is a pricy boy, 220 points vs Holguin at 150, and a preator with a great sword for 147He sword is pretty fucking cool though, -1 to invuln saves seems like a scary way to screw with your opponent.
>>94988184realistically it'd have rules like the volkite carronade, even though that would be disappointing for a titan weapon.
>new narrative league at the store >bunch of people are signing up >excited to play my mechanicum against more than 2 people for once >check the signup list >half the signups are auxilia or militia Guess I'm going to have to go with my Marines just so I'm not a dickbag. Even my weakest list of 20 castellax is like a hydrogen bomb vs a coughing baby when it's against the likes of a militia calvalry list.
>>94990332>mkIV chest plate>mkIV narrow pauldron trim>mkIV leg armour segmentation (but no bold on kneepads. I dunno anon
>>94990776Question was about backpack.None of things you listed have anything to do with backpack.
>>94990772So there is a purpose to tech-thralls in a mechanicum army :^)It's been a real surprise how many HH players everywhere are so eager to start an army that isn't marines. At the last narrative event I visited only half the armies were marines. Hopefully the popularity means GW is gonna give them proper rules soon who am I kidding, they won't.
oh cool dolphin porn
>>94990641he hits at S9 and wounds 97% of the time against anything short of a Leviathan
>>94990863Damn, flare launchers have returned. And they're useful too.
>>94990044>Should they be based off the Mk2 backpack?That's the Mars pattern pack (shared by II and III), so probably not. It wouldn't need thrusters at the top (similar to SoB packs), since it's not mean for void operations. Judging by >>94990332, maybe the pack used by Ennox Sorrlock?
>>94990863>rear mounted laser>front facing flares>mine has front facing lasers and rear facing launchersGuess mine is flying backwards then.
>>94990891Just realized what his ancient of war ability does and holy good fucking god. This has me even rethinking about even bothering outflanking my speeders to give them preferred enemy.
>>94990863where did the weapon options fuck off too
>>94990852>So there is a purpose to tech-thralls in a mechanicum army :^)Hilariously, because tech thralls are so cheap I don't think you can exactly pad out a list with them to make a soft touch army. Even if you bring 90 that's only 270 points of your list. If you wanted to waste points tech priest auxilia units where the servo automata have multimeltas or heavy bolters might be a good option if you had the ability to do that easily, ursarax are also insanely expensive for their capabilities, as are the mechanicum knights.
>>94991064Not in the box so no rules.At least now it have miltilaser instead of nothing.
did this camo pattern to start withlet me know if its any good
New checked bread>>94991111>>94991111>>94991111>>94991111