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Previous: >>94967388
>Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet

>Deck list site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity

>Card search

>Make custom cards

>Proxy a deck or a cube for cheap
https://pastebin.com/9Xj1xLdM (embed)

>How to proxy using any printer


Tell a story about playing at your LGS?
>go to lgs
>People are fat and smell bad
>new thread right after my ragepost award
I agree with you
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I'm at a crossroads. Which deck do I build?
>naya flicker
>bant clones populate
>comfy orzhov hatebears
I will use it to get my sol ring, and only my sol ring.
I think Saga is cool and good in all formats.
Gay Bolas
Wrong format to use it for.
Situationally an edh deck might want it like to grab amulet of vigor with a gates landbase or to grab an important cheerio.
I had it in ashling to grab some specific equipment but took it out
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It's great in my Bart Lurrus deck.
Does anyone know if there is a way to look up whether or not a certain parameter of cards has activated abilities?

I'm pretty decent with scryfall syntax but I can't seem to find a way to see all artifacts with activated abilities, all enchantments with activated abilities, etc.
Why would anyone normal want anything that do with anything on tg
>go outside in America
>People are fat and smell bad
>go outside in Europe
>get beheaded
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>America out of nowhere
I think what you want is
This finds all cards with activated abilities, you can season to taste from there
This actually seems really good
my playgroup is so bad they wind up playing most of their single target removal at sorcery speed anyway
Ha! Funny how I thought the answer would be hyper complex and its literally 5 characters.

Thanks so much!
...do they exclusively play precons or something?
It's aetherdrift so I will never use it
Predictions on Hashaton?
Yeah that's not a bad hatebear
Redundancy but not better, and wayyyy less cool
sexo with bolASS
but it goes great in my minotaur tribal!
...are we sure WotC aren't using AI art?
we're sure they are
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He's probably gonna be the new boogeyman for awhile. Some anons say he's cEDH viable but I'm not sure he's THAT good.

But he is absolutely 100% the new pubstomp commander. Both his CMC and effect cost is INSANELY cheap and easy to do in those colors, and he doesn't even care about graveyard hate. You either kill him on site or hope you have some sort of Stifle.

What's worse is, at least in a non c-edh environment, it's not like the deck suddenly falls apart if he gets spot removed. You're still arguably the best control color trio in magic, and you still probably have a host of reanimation for your big fatties anyway.

I am fucking ASTOUNDED he's not 3 or 4 CMC. It feels like him and the face commander got their CMCs swapped it's that bad.
I imagine he'll be another of those commanders that's hated out on sight without ever really doing as much as it could. He's good, but he's got a couple of roadblocks in his effect to keep him partially in check, the tokens he makes coming in tapped and needing to pay into the copy effect, and I think those are going to show how much they hold him back more and more as he's played. Still going to try my hand at building him since he feels like a soft upgrade of another epser commander I really like that does things very similar to what he does, but I don't expect him to outclass that commander so much that I would consider scrapping my old esper deck.
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I know this is weird to say but I don't like commanders who are finely tuned to be commanders
Brother the tokens coming in tapped is a nonfactor when they have access to all the massive value engines or timmy bombs esper has at it's higher CMCs.

A turn 3 or 4 Avacyn token wouldn't even be that ridiculous for an average Hashaton.
>I don't like good legends
>legends that were designed for the sole purpose of being viable commanders
Imma give anon the BFOTD and say he means commanders that ultimately just play or build themselves with no real brewing or input required.
Thirty (30) starting life is objectively superior to fourty (40)
it's not, you're just dogshit at the game
The ai is getting the slop from somewhere initially
>A turn 3 or 4 Avacyn token wouldn't even be that ridiculous for an average Hashaton.
Yeah that is also true and very very dangerous. Maybe it's the group I'm mainly in that happens to run a lot of creature removal so I can't imagine Hashaton staying too long after one or two games where he cheats in an Acacyn. Alright, maybe I'm low balling him since I don't want to feel like he powercrept a commander I liked to hard. That's on me. I could be in denial.
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yes, yes, very funny falseflag anon
This is why AI is superior to non AI art
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I think it gives too much of a resource for decks that use it as a resource and too much of a pillow for combo decks to soak up random combat damage while they find their combo
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The problem mainly comes from his low casting cost, as well as the very low cost of his ability. It also triggers off of ANY discard, which blue has plenty of, and black provides plenty of reanimation. So even if you swords the bastard chances are they can still find ways to cheat out said top-end threats.

They really should've gave his ability some sort of exile stipulation. It would let graveyard hate hit him ALOT hareder.
It invalidates beatdown as a strategy (though being multiplayer doesn't help.)

There's also alot of cards that become riskier when you cut someone's life total by 10 whole points. Even something like pains and shocks can add up REALLY quickly, especially in very greedy goodstuff piles in colors like Sultai or Grixis.
>amass zombie 2
>copy the token
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Has anyone here tried to build a deck that cares about colors you can't normally play? I want to build something like one of the two color Domain legends from Dominaria United. https://scryfall.com/search?q=set%3Admu+oracle%3Adomain+is%3Acommander+game%3Apaper&unique=cards&as=grid&order=name
Really strong. Don't know if he's CEDH tier but surely an upgraded Kaalia so a guaranteed pubstomper.
You got a list? I kinda wanna build but it seems like a mess
>this card is relatively cheap
This is AI art because?
Any card with CMC over 3 isn't playable
>restarting this shit
t. cEDH player

I brewed a Zar Ojanen deck as a personal challenge.

The reality is that you have to stuff your deck full of shit to get your Prismatic effects asap, and the payoff for all the hoops is such a nothing burger.

I'd say Radha or Ojanen would be the best, but that's like saying they're the smartest kid on the short bus.
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because of this piece of shit
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Who designed this broken ass piece of cancer?
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It's giving me the ick
>crying over the weakest color
nice joke, but stop falseflagging
>Has to attack someone for 8 turns to kill them.
>3 times
If you can't deal with this, you are just bad.
How did this picture come to existence? It has to be staged right, because nobody would be taking a picture in this situation normally

Not yet, sadly. It's still sort of in a brewing phase and staring at the pieces.

I think hands down one of the best way is some sort of Gruul equips deck. Alot of the swords would give him protection, while buffing his power to make his next mana production exponentially bigger. This gives you a route of being able to Voltron someone out, while also having mana for potential game winning abilities (including his own).

The only problem you may find is that Gruul doesn't have a ton of equipment support. Red has a decent amount but white is the king.

I also personally already have a Selesnya Equip deck, so I don't just want to make "Pet Deck but Gruul."

My current brew is kind of adjacent to a Chisiro deck. Using enchantments/auras/and +1/+1 counters to buff, and then dump into abilities that would win me the game.

Here's a fun one if you happen to make infinite but have a small handsize.
>Monica, I want to look like a real ally.
>This is really cringe Mark.
>Can you just like... be cool once Monica?
of course, but it's still a weird scenario despite being staged
There weren't any busted instants in 2005
White knight or gay bartender crosses paths with attention seeking female
but the card says 2020? am I missing something?
that's a typo
>t. cEDH player
kind of

I do play a deck which could hold its own in a "c" crowd, but I dont run any cringe (Thoracle, Infinite Combos)
I think you're full of shit
The 05 is silent
They really just did it for the reddit points
>force of will isnt playable
>ad nauseum isnt playable
>hullbreaker horror isnt playable
Alright yeah I am undervaluing him. He's probably going to be a real menace. I think I'm just bummed since focusing in on discard and reanimating what you discard was the main thing I did in Sefris and it sort of feels like he powercrept her hard. Don't have to bother going through a dungeon for the reanimation like you have to in Sefris. He just makes a copy easily for only three. That's rough.
the best thing you could get at the time was unironically lightning helix
>doesn't turn the creature it's bringing back with "create undead" into a zombie
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Does it?
nice photoshop
On the other hand, powercreeping the fuck out of this bitch means that you can run that deck without having to deal with the stupid fucking dungeon mechanic or Universes Beyond horseshit.
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Nice shop.
But I wanted to run dungeons, that was the point...
Dungeons are nowhere near as bad as some people think they are. They're ridiculously easy to keep track of.
>Leyline Land
>If this land is in your opening hand, place on the battlefield, otherwise it enters tapped
>Taps for either Blue or Black

>Miracle land
>If this land was drawn this turn, it enters untapped, otherwise it enters tapped
>Taps for either Blue or Black

there wizards, i fixed the reserve list dual land problem. I want my paycheck in the mail
some people just hate any remotely unique mechanic.
ok but why would they recycle 15-year-old art?
At least post the art facing the right way, dumbass.
Yeah I don't get it. Dungeons are way more interesting than hashaton
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Thanks for the kek anon
What about the flavor text?
Never said they were difficult to keep track of. But it's a stupid mechanic on the same level as Day/Night or Max Speed. Retarded little minigames from a Yu-Gi-Oh! style extra deck.
I'll never understand people who get mad at D&D in MTG and act like it is the same as walking dead or some shit. The two universes could merge tomorrow with little issue.
Some people like them. I think it's fun
And those are bad...why? You can't just act like everyone would inherently consider these bad. Especially when your example is a more popular card game.
Yep that's even what wotc realized lol
I just don't like UB at all
>The two universes could merge tomorrow with little issue.
Aside from the fact that magic itself works fundamentally differently in both properties and even their multiverses are structured in mutually exclusive ways, I guess.
I hate universes beyond period. D&D is at least the least egregious but I still don’t care for it
This is true with various realms in the Magic planet. I don't call it a multiverse because it isn't.
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Fuck you're right I forgot Sorin was on Ravnica.
DND is hardly universes beyond
So you hate every IP to ever exist and only like MTG and that is your sole IP in life? Bro, touch grass.
It is the same as Walking Dead or Lord of the Rings. It's a different property with different history and different assumptions. D&D does a piss-poor job of representing the Magic setting, as three failed sourcebooks have shown. Trying to smash them together isn't an artistic decision, it's a marketing one--and one that basically requires sanding both of them down to make them even blander than they already are.
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nobody said or even implied that
So yes it is just being an omega fanboy of MTG and disliking anything besides it. I find this bizarre as fuck.
Sometimes this place is alright.
When I read Soviet-era plays and watch Taiwanese puppetry, I do those things in and of themselves. I don't need to also see those characters on trading cards or keychains or whatever else. Crossovers dilute both properties involved.
You'd think people would be equally upset by things like Norse and Greek mythology in the game.
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Because of pic related.
It is fucking WILD to me that there are people out there who are just completely blind to this shit. How does it feel to know that as you reach retirement age you're going to be one of those old people constantly falling for scams and reposting blatantly fake images? Does it scare you? It should.
Name some cards more miserable than Mind Twist.
>if you enjoy something, you HAVE to want it to be combined with everything you do
Jesus Christ, you're diseased. You really went and drank the Kool-Aid, huh?
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what's so bad about this? you would only play it in a self-mill deck, right?
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IDK I always thought this guy looked particularly glum.

I posted my decklist last thread and am incorporating
and have some changes incoming based on feedback >>94967955

I think Silverquil lecturer is a really fun add, but if you have a bit of a list in progress I'd be happy to have a look and workshop both our decks.
>misread the card
yeah, it's time for bed
meant to re-post deck link, my b;

This happened all the time in diaperfag discussions. There was always a significant number of people who for whatever reason thought that because they liked something (weed, Batman, etc) it should be on adult diapers.
Peanut butter and chocolate kind of thinking I guess. Personally I hate it. Things that are good alone are not better together.
have you thought about putting Shadrix Silverquill in? Lets you just give your opponents tokens every turn if you run into non-token decks.
Kinda fucking insane that there are only like 5 cards in the history of magic that prevent sacrificing
These are bad ideas though
literally me
>entire table devolves into a several-minute debate about what pile the guy should get, all while he whines that they shouldn't be helping
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and one of them has a silly haircut
Like little baby....watch THIS

>plays 5 FOF effects a turn
If you have plague of vermin that card is a wincon. Even if your opponents pay nothing you'll get 4x whatever you pay
I would not be sad if every player who's bought UB product died
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Just use a proxy.
this card is an eyesore to look at and read
But enough about every single MTG card printed after 2019
So sad.
She's black tho
>Snow Underground Sea
>Snow Volcanic Island
>Snow Tundra
There, I fixed the reserved list dual land problem
WOW I could torment some people with this one, this is great.
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Looks like complete shit. I wish you had standards.
I just started commander and have not accumulated stories, which is nice. Worst is a bit of salt and a bit of deck mismatch.
>hated out on sight
2CMC helps a ton here
Generic big tiddy ai art is less sexy than a chocololi that uses 4 syllable words as pillow talk or a dinosaur in a cute outfit. Do better.
Wonder how much this shitty proxies actually go for
6.69 on etsy
Everybody wants to have the hot take that this guy is going to thrash low and mid level play groups. He’s in good colors stocked with powerful creatures and can whip out an uncounterable Eldrazi whenever he feels like it starting turn 3 at the latest. If your playgroup doesn’t run a lot of removal this guy will be really fun to play.
It's actually a pretty good LGS, don't have many stories overall other than some fun games; voluntarily bracketed into casual, advanced, and cEDH usually 30odd players or so.

That said, one guy I hadn't been paired with yet had become infamous for bringing netdecked cEDH decks and exclusively signing up for the casual bracket where he would gloat. Somewhat more recently the tables have been focusing him first in an attempt to just stay alive and he'd get real pissy about being eliminated first. And just the past week the store has begun ignoring what he signs up for and sticking him with the other cEDH players only, where he's been getting stomped as he's an awful deck pilot.
How often are Eldrazi even worth it without a cast trigger?
The Slicer, Hired Muscle in question:
Nice 0/0 that died bro
Satoru Umezawa 2.0.

He'll be one of those kill on site commanders that will get a lot of hate early and then fade off in popularity because of how unfun it'll feel to constantly be the target of removal.

The CEDH players will have fun trying to make him work, and there will be a "mileage may vary" take away from him.

The worst part is he's gonna be an all or nothing Commander. He's either the head of a kinda janky Zombie tribal deck, or he's doing his cheat-out game ending threats thing (and not a lot inbetween).
Trying to decide what to build next. Have my eyes on doing

>Ygra, Eater of All pseudo-voltron
>Kastral, the Windcrested bird tribal control
even without cast triggers, the titans are all more than worth it (and Kozilek 3 specifically gives you another discard outlet), and there's stuff like It That Betrays and Sire of Seven Deaths with no cast triggers that are just good on their own
What is the best way to secretly vote?
write it down on a piece of paper

bring pieces of paper if you're going to play anything with secret voting
what about hashaton cycler tribal
I hate this card
reanimate goes in every black deck and if you own a copy and aren't running it you are intentionally gimping yourself
t. someone that got snitched on
What's the issue? You just always vote to snitch. I've seen more damage go out from Price of Progress on a routine basis.
I would welcome seeing it.
>the head of a kinda janky Zombie tribal deck
Guess if he catches too much removal I'll switch to Temmet or back to Varina for my janky Zombie tribal.
Lucky bastard, I'm still kicking myself that I didn't buy her two months ago when I was playing around with trying to do shit with Tormod and Phrone of the God-Pharaoh
I hope that every faggot that likes Dr. Who gets ass aids and dies forever
Unfortunately AIDs cases have been going down lately.
I always lose even if I vote for the one everyone says always works.
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Seethe, cope, etc
Oh nice I definitely pulled a varina from double masters
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>have deck with 41 lands
>routinely get 2 lands in opening hand
>have deck with 34 lands
>5 lands opening hand
Anon she is like 8 bucks, unless you need the UB version.
"I'm voting Snitch I don't care".
Use bigger lands
>What is the best way to secretly vote?
by mail
Just cheat like I do
I'm Australian so she's like $25+ over here (shit dollar + smaller card game market means less supply).

I imagine the price will dip again, but it still sucks.
wasn't there a rule that "mana generated of a colour outside of your commander's colour identity becomes colourless mana"?
I feel like there was but it must've been done away with? Cards like the treasure stealing bitch don't work with that rule.
This rule was changed when colorless mana stopped being exclusively deterimental when butthole mana was implemented.
Dice. Assign a value to each choice, and then have all players reveal their choice at once.
Apparently it changed in 2016?
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You guys remember the Bello spurge?
I also remember everyone saying rb valgavoth was shit and now he's top 100
Most benefit of the doubt I can give is that it was taken after he had the guy kicked out.
>play this
>Discard 0 cards
>Choose 40 for x

Simple as
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>Bello 4$
>Wildsear 2$
We won Bellosisters
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You wouldn't get it.
good times
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>He is STILL seething about being wrong
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hmm im very smart
You can be
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that doesn't even work tho
It does because you'd just use it to change insight from green to the color of whoever's turn it is.
that just seems like awful value, it would be a dead draw 90 percent of the time unless i happen to have insight in which case it's a single turn draw that can just be avoided by not casting any spells. just a really shitty silence effect
>that just seems like awful value
It is, but it does technically work.
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>Precon commander that just came out and is stupid easy to build is popular that means he's good!
Anon he has as many decks as fucking WUBRG Ezio and Morophon.
I'm not going to go on a tangent and say he's unplayable, but he is pretty fucking bad for what he does and his payoffs.
It takes one person at the table to realize how dogshit his ward ability is, and how easy his effect is to circumvent, and then your deck becomes a bit of a nothingburger.
Let's say I have this on the field and I attempt to cast a large permanent spell with 8 energy. My opponent casts a removal spell targeting Nissa
Am I still able to pay the energy as the alt cost for the spell?
Im pretty sure because you've already "paid" the cost by the time they're responding in your example.
Theyd have to remove her either before you get 8 energy, or at a phase where you wouldnt be able to respond by casting a permanent (like say, your upkeep)
What's the ideal number of lands you want in a deck?
Is the answer different depending who you ask or is there a definitive answer?
cringe answer: it depends on your mana curve
based answer: 35
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I believe I speak for absolutely every human being on planet earth and beyond when I say: fuck energy
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A color changing deck is a lot of fun. You run Whim and Glamerdye alongside powerful color hosers like Drought or Death Grip.
I go for 38. Just feels right
Why? Seems fun
Unless something happens between the time Nissa enters the battlefield and you casting the spell, no. Like >>94976298 said, you pay for a spell at the time it's being cast, so the only thing on the card that might bite you in the ass is the landfall trigger because that can be responded to.
Burakos has been absolutely pummeling my groups lately.

T1: Land Tax
T2: Fetch 3 lands, play Drannith Magistrate (kek)
T3: Demonic Tutor for Sol Ring
T4: Play Burakos and Bitterblossom
T5: Assault Intercessor, Coveted Prize (for a single black) to tutor up and play for free Squad Commander for 4 tokens and all my creatures get indestructible.
T6: Nalia, Skullclamp a faerie, Mirkwood Bats
T7: Warren Soul Trader, sac all 4 warrior tokens for treasures, super lethal with Bats
>turn 7 lethal
Ya I didnt even draw the nuts. Imagine not blowing a tutor for a sol ring lol
I'm genuinely astounded that Wizards managed to get a Miku crossover, and fucked it up in the same way FOUR TIMES IN A ROW. How hard can it be to get a Japanese artist to draw her? They have Japanese artists. Why are they using people who clearly have never drawn in anime style in their lives? Why is there no quality control, how did nobody in the production chain point out that they look like shit? How did they fix nothing in FOUR iterations of secret lairs? I guess none of it matters since they all sold out, they can just chalk it up as a massive sucess in their shareholder meetings, so there's really no need to ever do better.
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>Pink hair
>Not a cute girl
Wubrg ezio is goated fight me
They've done progressively worse and worse as the initial hype is gone and the art continues to be bad. The last one hasn't even sold out and now that the last bonus card has been revealed to not be snapcaster, is anyone going to buy them anymore?
When's the next commander update from wotc? I know they said no bans or unbans but maybe it's finally the tier system thing
>maybe it's finally the tier system thing
God I hope so
Im going to edhrec to netdeck and none of you can stop me
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Sorry, am building an American Energy deck, even as I type this. I like mostly uninteractable resources!
Honest opinions?

I've built Happily Ever After into my Esper wincon deck, but realistically that's just using Pongify for green creature and the black siege gang to generate red goblins
Underrated in a token deck where you can snipe an annoying commander and turn it into a 1/1 soldier but kind of a niche hate piece against creature-based combo everywhere else.
Free counterspells were a fucking mistake
It's been such an impressive mishandling of the opportunity that I have to wonder if it was intentional.
Is Redshift not a girl?>>94976975
Everyone starts somewhere buddy. Have fun.
One of the most fun and versatile cards printed in in the last few years. It does so much and it does it so well
>offensive uses with beatdown, valuetown, and combo
>defensive uses with blanking enemy creatures (especially commanders) or politicking
>dedicated dunking on planeswalkers and also ETB hate against format boogeymen like Thoracle
>always gets better with each new set released
>actually matters what your opponents play onto the field and truly makes games feel more unique
I give Wizards a lot of shit for being greedy and retarded, but every once in a while they get something just right that reminds me why I love this game. If every card released was like Mystic Reflection and pic related, I'd be throwing my money at them
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>pic related didn't attach
Guess I better spend my double post extoling the virtues of Winds of Rebuke
>bounce is always useful and extremely underrated against mana cheating methods like reanimation
>mill messes with top deck manipulation, top deck tutors, and can clear your own top deck if needed
>card is always useful, never dead, and has saved my ass countless times against game ending threats
>the card is splashable, cost reduceable, hard castable, and works well in decks that want to hold up blue for instant speed draw or counterspells
>mill 2 to all players presents combo potential, some well known like dramatic reversal + isochron scepter + copy artifact, but others unexpected like Radiate
Protection shouldn't stop you from attaching auras and equipment to your own characters.
>Turn 1 Putrid Imp
>Turn 2 Hashaton
>Turn 3 literally any broken creature imaginable for 2U
This got through Wizards quality assurance btw
It's fine, it's not like there's any good creatures in esper
WotC really printed a card that's both Solitary Confinement with no drawbacks and a Privileged Position that is itself hexproof, all for 4 mana.
What are you on about? He doesn't do anything like that.
The attosecond niggas decide to he civil one time their brain turns off and they will ignore you forever.
I think you just play with dumb people
>go to commander night at new store
>game supposed to start at 6, me and one other guy there a few minutes early and start chatting
>other two guys walk in at 6 but then start taking to other people and buying shit
>me and the other guy just sitting there waiting for 10 minutes
>they finally sit, douchebag 2 asks me to move as I'm in "his seat"
>decline to move
>douchebag 1 asks power level
>I say mid casual, the other guy says he doesn't know
>douchebag 1 says I'll play my weakest deck
>doesn't say anything he's doing out loud, rushes though his turns silently so I have no idea what he's doing and by the time I ask what he's doing and want to respond he tells me that "well it's already resolved"
>ends up going infinite turn 4
>then asks if we can play a higher powered game
I asked him if he really thought that was a mid casual deck and he shrugged. Just don't understand that shit, sitting down to a casual table with a high powered deck. It wasn't cedh, but it was way too fast for what everyone else was running and he knew that. The other guy that was there was running a mono white tribal deck and clearly didn't understand basic rules of the game, but for some reason agreed to play another. I just left.
My primary deck. He is fun as hell.
Just want to make sure I'm getting resolutions right on Preston

I assume if I have a "when a non-token creature enters" (i.e. Radiant Solar) enter through a mass flicker effect, I wont get the 2x triggers for that resolution

>Eerie Interlude with Preston, Radiant Solar and vanilla creature
>Creatures come back, Preston's trigger goes onto the stack, as well as Radiant Solar's 3 triggers
>regardless of how these are stacked, the 0/1 Radiant Solar copy won't "see" any of the original creatures because they're in play before the Preston trigger resolves
>but if I then flickered those creatures again, it would be 6 triggers the next time
Can someone sell me on some cool Rakdos commanders? I picked up the Endless Punishment precon when it came out but I'm not really enjoying the group slug style and want to pull it apart to make another Rakdos deck.
will this be the new bearscape?
You are correct, but you can't flicker tokens because they stop existing when they change zones.
Xancha is fun, but you need to include cards that punish drawing cards to prevent the ramp player from winning without trying.
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I've come to the coclusion that the only way to play this game is to fuck everyone over before they can fuck you over
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The general idea for any competitive game and sport ever created?
You could just make yourself stronger
Up next anon is going to discover that winning the game before your opponents stops you from losing.
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It can get worse
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Remove hexproof.
Kill the creature.
They lose immediately.
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You can have it, bestie.
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Nice cards, be a shame if someone were to flicker that.
Assuming you're playing against a Zedruu player who rushes this out, you beat this the same way you beat someone using an Aetherflux to threaten people, you just get everyone to ignore their threats and attack them. Eventually the Zedruu player has to get rid of it and he only has a 1/3 chance of picking you.
If you CAN'T convince your other opponents to join you against the Zedruu player, then things are a little bit harder, at that point I'd just continue as if it wasn't there. Because of hexproof, commonly cyc rift is the only way he has give it and blow it up at instant speed, so you can use that to your advantage to find your window.
And also if YOU have a way to blow it up at instant speed, you can wait until he taps out trying to give it and blow it up while the giving ability is on the stack.
t. autistic zedruu main
Look man. I saw a cat, and thought was a creature looking at it quickly. Same thing though.
Played with my friends at the weekend and all four of us were playing token decks, it was very silly.
Edgar Markov, Zask, Baylen, Emmara, Soul of the Accord, all being silly and trying to shut down everyone else's token generation while getting their own online
I hope you have been having fun games
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I think not.
Hey at the very least you posted a card that still works. I once made the mistake of trying to get over it with Arcane Lighthouse (very embarrassing)
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tldr: always have it
So is massacre girl it's mother or it's daughter?
Its wife
>tldr: always have it
no? the first option requires no specific card or answer other than attacking him, it only requires you to get your other opponents on board.
after more than one consecutive game where I tutor out Nine Lives, usually my opponents catch on to this.
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I didn't drink my coffee yet. Sorry I'm retarded.
You can beat this super easy by going wide and using burn, each creature that hits them gives it a counter so they only need to be hit nine times
Yeah, but most people don't put it out until >>94977479
is on the board
Solemnity can just be blown up.
>Leaves the board.
If I'm reading this right, a board wipe loses the controller game.
There is a way to deal with everything, but I'm just say they're not going to play nine-lives until its protected some how.
Loses the game for the controller*
Yes, but its an enchantment, so most board wipes miss it, as most board wipes only hit creatures.
Farewell, C Rift, etc will make you lose the game on the spot.
>niche hate piece
How does one get so fucking bad at the game
This guy gets it
it's mostly played in Zedruu where the goal is to give it to someone else and bind them to their service forever (or make them lose if they're boring)
Playing Tourach sounds kind of fantastic. I want to force everyone to scrap it out on the board and kill me out of spite because their hands are ruined. Also it sounds like an edh deck that Dark Confidant would actually be good in which I also like.
Is Polymorph a viable strategy if I don't want to combo into a win, or does it run out of gas too quickly?
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>the goal is to give it to someone else and bind them to their service forever
im scooping on the spot if that shit happens to me, im not letting some ugly goat mf make me his bitch

also this reminds me that pic related is a faggot nigger card too
ok ok, you got me. it's
always play aggro or have it
You can run hypnotic specter as well
based fellow Zedruu bro
Here’s mine: https://moxfield.com/decks/FwxEDDgnfEiF1851ZgaQmg
It’s just stuff I had, so ignore the shitty mana base.
>anon is bad at the game
>Planeswalkers conveniently get around this card
>Bolas shows up
>no one but Bolas is allowed to anything
flavor win
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I like Zedruu because he basically turns all the cards in my deck into interaction by giving me the ability to move them around which tickles my butthole as a control lover and he rewards me with card draw for just playing control.
Also the complexity of a lot of his interactions prevent me from getting bored of him and he finds ways to fuck with people on an axis they're not usually used to. Shoutout to pic related swapping 2 player's commanders that become useless on the other player's board.
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Smash or pass
>punish drawing card
Just give xantcha to the ramp player first
This did you even fucking think anon
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I like Zedruu but I always hesitate to play things like Aggressive Mining or Pyromancer’s Swathe(?) because it might be “too mean”. It’s different if a single player is the threat and everyone else is ganging up on him but that’s rarely the case.
>“too mean”
no such thing, and while you're at it, might as well throw in Transcendence
NTA but my zedruu list is more general staxxy pieces. Or lighter stuff like this, that has an effect regardless of who owns it. That way it doesn't matter who has it and if i can't get rid of them ASAP I'm not uniquely disadvantaged. I took out aggressive as well when I realized it's just fucking someone over because green can still ramp
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there are funnier ways to deal with problem lands anyway
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I don't think Aggressive mining is too mean since by the time you get it out and gift it (7 mana), your opponents likely have 4-5 lands so they can still play their deck just fine.
Tough shit for them if the game ends up going 15+ turns though lmao

Also any card in the deck can be too mean in the right circumstance, gifting pic related to a mono red player who can't get rid of it is a absolute scoop-worthy blowout for them.
>green can still ramp
I guess that’s fair but I still prefer staxxy cards that don’t care who owns them but my deck is in serious need for more red permanents. I wish I had Stranglehold…
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You don't have to focus on stax pieces. You can just pass around symmetrical cards, or auras since they do nothing under an opponent's control. If you lean into a group hug angle people will just kinda ignore you because you're letting them draw cards and they like that.
>just read the card for the first time in ages
>it specifically says “your opponents”
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>gifting pic related to a mono red player who can't get rid of it
LOL you actually thought the color pie was real?
red can kill enchantments just fine, also black can kill artifacts and blue can kill creatures, get with the fucking times gramps
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Any other commanders that caused anons in here to go full retard when they got revealed?
>Thread Question
I had this pod that I used to play with at the LGS, we met at the LGS around the time Covid regulations relaxed. One of the guys in the pod was gay. He crushed on me a bit. I lead him on a bit, but I wasn't feeling it, so eventually I backed off. He was supermad with how things went, especially after he saw me with someone else, and he gave me deathstares when he would see me. The other dudes in the pod have known the gay-dude longer than me, so they take his side. I stopped attending that LGS as much.
Last time I went to that LGS, he was there, he joined my pod, he played a CEDH deck, focused on me and defeated me in 4 turns with commander-damage while I am playing a precon with taplands, and then he scoops and joins a different pod.
I haven't visited that LGS since.
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i hate landfall so much when i play green i only ramp with mana dorks
Thats really dumb and you don't know what landfall means really
>using a cEDH deck to smoke a precon
that gay dude has some serious small dick energy
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>Tell a story about playing at your LGS?
I was a at a prerelease and some drunk people came in and started making a scene, a drunk girl started harassing me and it made me uncomfy so i went and hid in the corner untill she left and then i just snuck out and went home
>commander damage
>4 turns (a lie) and no creatures to block
>this person looking to kill with commander damage didn't think to include evasion in their strategy
come on, anon
>huge sideburns and no breasts
97% certain
even the confirmed girls in the set don't have any breasts
Why are they so scared of boobs
sorry chud, only furries get to have sex appeal cards
they’re trying to suppress heterosexuality while also being “trans”-friendly (depict women as masculine) and promote/celebrate homosexuality. same thing with the video game industry; it’s a collaborative effort.
I'm having a little difficulty closing games. Should I drop the land destruction theme in favor of better graveyard synergy and interaction or do I just need better mill cards to get Brawn, Anger, and Lord of Extinction into the yard ASAP?

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Not so fast
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The anime girls also get tits
>LGS story
This is literally a 13 year old story but I haven't been to a LGS since

>Dark Ascension pre-release
>last round, currently 3-1
>playing vs a literal child (10-12 years old)
>game 3
>kid has game winning position, instead taps out to play Elbrus and equip it, is super excited to finally get his big demon
>kill him next turn
>take slip up to the judge
>judge makes some comment about upsetting the kid
>turn around, kid is crying
>mumble something to judge, go to watch my friends games wrap up

Never went back there
>still mad months later
You are a funny guy
I mean in the grand scheme of things you’re still out ahead because you could always find a new LGS/new players, but he’s going to eternally be a seething (literal)faggot
What happened to her big cat honkers? Did the phyrexians take them? I have not been keeping up with mtg's story.
I have no idea, I thought it was supposed to be her son or something
For some reason I don't feel like I'll hate losing to him as compared to some other recent pushed Commanders like Voja.
he's just gonna end up being Kaalia 2, terrifying if he's not removed quickly but basically a non-threat if killed on sight
Voja is like if Hashaton and Temmet and maybe Varina were one Commander
Huh? My mono-red deck almost never attacks.
The rules text is ambiguous and smarty-pants anon is going out of his way to misinterpret the card effect.
You're must be an autist who can't track more than 2 things at a time. I bet poison counters make you shit your pants too.
poison should be 20 for EDH
They want you to buy all three energy precons to even make it decent, why bother?
I think part of it comes from the fact Voja has almost zero floor for building him. A deck of 39 lands and an assortment of 60 of some of the cheapest Elves and Wolves will still function as long as Voja can swing at least once.

He's kind of like the OG Oko where I have to re-read him to make sure I'm not overestimating how busted he is.
I think he's kinda mid desu
safe horny
so… just commander damage for non-commanders
>its the "There were actually many OTHER gods we didnt even hear mentioned the last time we were around" asspull

at least Sab is naturally hariless
Ketramose and Sab-Sunen are new gods that arose after the Phyrexian invasion
I figured it was two new gods to replace the four that died, since both of them are in the colors of the other dead gods Seb has Kefnet and Rhonas’ and Ketramun has Oketra and Bontu’s, they don’t have red because Hazoret is still alive
its not the only thing that arose, youknowimsayan
I thought it might be fun to build a birthing pod deck that DOESN'T win from comboing off
Any suggestions?
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I bought the zpmbie deck and i'm kinda disapointed by this guys art, might swamp him out for a diffrent zombie commander
Looking to get into edh. Is orzhov aristocrats (Teysa most likely) decent to learn the format with or am I gonna look retarded?
Varina enables both of them, it’s why she’s like, $9 last I checked
that looks cool, 7 mana is a bit rough though
>That wincon
You just know he uses alter proxies for these cards.
Kek still funny she spiked. Funnier still she's not in the deck
Just get a good proxy
>For learning
No, that's monoG stompy.
I’m thinking the reason she isn’t is because she’ll be in a secret lair once the set drops
That's not a good proxy
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get fucked, nerd
NTA, but they one is more fair, you know they might have a counter spell if they aren't untapped.
Seeing an opp tapped out, then casting only for them to uno reverse by pitching opt or some horseshit is fucking cancer.
He didn't state his image was a good proxy.
It was implied.
Force is completely fair.
People overrate Pact because it's easier to use even though it fucks you if it's not being used explicitly to win.
Mindbreak Trap means you did it to yourself.
The only one that's legitimately problematic is Fierce Guardianship because the condition is trivial with no strings attached.
Force is also very easy to enable, free spells in general should not exist
Good proxies are very hard to find these days in the morass of AI slop.
For all I know these are AI, but it's not pointless big titty women on everything.
Luv solitaire
Luv spell slingan
Simple as
Force gets progressively harder to have a good pitch as your deck spreads into more colors which is great design. More than that, even assuming they always have something, it makes them go -1 over you and -2 over the table. It's not like you're pitching lands (mostly, thanks MDFCs) either, it will always be a card that would have done something.
Speaking of cancerous no cost spells.
>Cast something
>That person counters it for free
>Cast deflecting swat for free and have the counter spell
>Told that was an illegal target
You can have it try to counter deflecting swat and it will fizzle.
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I like this card
t. filthy Zedruu player
the spell can't target itself, but you can have it target the deflecting swat
That was what I was doing, yes.
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>accidentally ordered the inferior version
Why would anyone want this bullshit on the card
>Do not one a foil of something, because I hate them curling.
>Optimize on my cart to see is its any cheaper
>Forgot to change my settings
>Ordered a foil version by accident of both cards I was ordering.
Sucks man, we gotta pay better attention.
>anon bravely defends his virginity
Maybe one day I'll actually finish my zedruu list
Wheel of potential doesn't work as intended with the text written on the card. Basically you declare X, then you may pay X, then you draw X. So you could declare X=number of cards in your library, don't actually pay the energy, then draw your library since X is already set. This is obviously not how it's supposed to go, so Wotc issued a statement updated the oracle text.
Some anons detected this early on and another anon threw a tantrum over it, not sure why.
That’s pathetic anon. I don’t care about dunking on a kid, but you sound like a beta male with the way you handled the situation and especially for never going back
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add mudslide to the list
If a kid that age is crying because he lost a game he really needs to be raised better
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This shit any good, or is it hot gorbage?
Forgot deck
Cooking or no?
Captain Howler
Conspiracy theorist
when i was 12 i was online playing bloody games like call of duty with grown men who hurled slurs at me and i never cried about it lmao
Its ok but paying (1) to do the rummage is a bit cringe
but i did cry when i got to the part in the original pokemon mystery dungeon where all your former friends turn on you and force you to leave the village because they get tricked into thinking you are the pokemon antichrist
Crying over actually emotional things with good setup and payoff is fine. I cried at the end of Kingdom Hearts.
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okay recursion effect.
bad rummage effect.
competes with pic related which I would all rate higher.
My immediate thought was "i gotta keep my buddy Pikachu safe" and was just kinda angry
Bone club'd the fuck out of anyone that hurt my buddy.
ngl i also played KH1 as a kid (i think on expert?) and i never got past the bullshit last room in the game before the last boss, then i played it again as a teenager and the ending was lost on me because i was distracted laughing at how the final boss looked retarded and kept saying "DARKNESS" every 3 seconds
I hit an Alela player with this last week and it was better than sex
Without a combo win you're casting shitty Natural Order hoping that the mana advantage from the card you get happens to offset the card disadvantage from essentially sacrificing a creature in play (without the synergy or reanimation potential) and using a card in hand.
Everyone cries at that it's like the end of Clannad. If you don't cry you're a monster.
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>build my first izzet deck
>add all the fun shit I ever wanted to play
>mana curve still stops at cmc 3
Is izzet just the expensive color? Everything recommended is like $3 minimum and usually higher
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Only if you're a coward.
It's basically your second containment construct, which imo makes it worth running.
…you’ve had sex?
Yeah, izzet is expensive because it's very bad, so the good cards rise in price
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if pushing your pelvis against your waifu pillow counts, yes.
almost all the most popular archetype cards are much more expensive than their power level deserves, and I think green cards are the worst offenders.
What is the deal with this face I've been seeing it here for years and I don't know what it means
>white card has draw printed on it
>instant $40 in pre-sale
Is Rafiq with a bunch of guys who draw a card when they connect with pump spells like giant growth a worthwhile idea for a casual pod or would that still be poorly received because I could kill somebody with one rafiq swing if the cards in my hand support it?
Rafiq is a voltron commander. You most likely will take out one guy and the other two will gang up on you to kill you afterwards
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The only 2 I can think of like this are Esper Sentinel and Trouble in Pairs... wait... thats literally all white has for card advantage
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>wait... thats literally all white has for card advantage
*blocks your path*>>94979424
>makes you play additional cards to get cards
doesnt count
notice how all the cheap white card "draw" makes you do this while the actual GOOD ones don't
and thats why Esper Sentinel and Trouble in Pairs are both $30 :)
This game sucks and it's because of cards like esper sentinel
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What if I just hit a token with it and limit my deck to tokens and big bodies like Gin?
scrublord here. redpill me on double masters.
Most engines require you to play other cards. If you want spells that draw you cards white has those. You're bad at the game
Nah, seethe.
I think I'll continue to prefer to play the expensive staple draw spells that don't require additional input... you know... because they're better? lmao.
If that makes me bad at the game, I guess every blue player on earth is a shitter as well.
You're literally retarded
Library of Leng most notably doesn't actually work with many of the discard effects you want to be using in discard or madness decks.
Anything that is discarding as a cost, such as pic, or cycling doesn't work with the Library.
(It's not a complete nombo, and works with somethings. It's just probably you're 4th or 6th pick.)
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Why am I not allowed to put my commander back in my command zone when a blue player uses this on him? It's leaving my battlefield so I should be able to put it back there.
Steal is against the spirit of the format
This bait is stale. Come up with a new one.
This bait is stale. Come up with a new one.
I can tell you're a zoomer just by the way you're speaking
there's just one big battlefield there's not four small battlefields
>my battlefield
kek, good one
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Obviously you're an ape and too braindead to have an actual discussion but I'm going to say this because there might unironically be new players who do not know this, but engine draw spells are INFERIOR because they warp your deck by forcing you to play lots of a particular type of card instead of just using what's optimal.
They trick players into thinking that they're good because they might draw 20 cards in a single game but the player never thinks about all the shitty cards he had to put in his deck to make it possible, like a ton of useless equipment for Sram, or way too many creatures for a guardian project, or all the tribal cards for literally any tribal deck.

This is generally why tribal decks you see in the wild tend to suck so much and can fundamentally almost never be competitive even when optimized, because they are FILLED with cards like this rather than using draw and other effects that don't have a deckbuilding cost like Esper Sentinel and Necropotence.
Not that I don't think the engine draw cards are fun, I love to play them personally but they're not better, get real.
with the Alela player no less
what if i'm running a voltron deck and using sram

what then
noob question: can I use Jhoira’s effect to exile non-land permanents from my hand for 2 mana during my untap step (after I untap but before the upkeep)?
I think it ages like a fine wine honestly.
>502.4. No player receives priority during the untap step, so no spells can be cast or resolve and no abilities can be activated or resolve. Any ability that triggers during this step will be held until the next time a player would receive priority, which is usually during the upkeep step. (See rule 503, “Upkeep Step.”)
>there might unironically be new players who do not know this
Hey that's me
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What would be a more fun deck to make
>Mono white Angels (Giada)
>Naya Tokens (Either Baylan or the OG Ghired)
>Lathril Elves
All budget builds (Budget meaning ~$120)
Ghired, the rest of that shit is generic value piles
> play Oko, Mystic Reflection, Drannith Magistrate, etc
angels are cool but just like faeries prepare to have everyone bitch at you because they have flying
Since I'm thinking about howler, would it be good to just keep a backup idea of stuff like key to the city and maybe some form of double strike work to try and swing at players?
You can argue that almost any card is better than a staple if its in the appropriate deck, and most of the time, like for Sram in voltron, you'd be right. But that doesn't make that card better than the staple in general. Note that I think most people agree commander is more fun when people play fewer staples, which is why cEDH isn't popular. (beyond just the price)
FUCK. …thanks.
>paid $30 for an esper sentinal
>have never drawn it once
Key to the city is fine. The conspiracy theorist is ok but red is not lacking in discard options. Id run Magmatic Insight, cathartic reunion, wheels, fable of the mirror breaker. Theorist is fine for howler, I just hate paying mana for such effects.
>that guy who spends the whole game griping about his draws and how he "should've mulliganed harder" to excuse the fact that he's losing
post your least favorite guys
just sick of playing with new players 2bh
I was thinking of theorist more for the 2nd effect, and putting both him and that construct in the deck.

The key thing was cause of I could do something like buccaneer bravado, or blood mist, maybe a few more discards to get howler to be a unblockable 11/whatever with double strike and KO a player outright. Probably makes me into too large a target though
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Diff anon
Using Folk Hero as an example, if you can consistently activate it then it is good. Take Giada for example, a low mana cost Angel that doubles as ramp for angels and doubles as a exponentially growing anthem effect for Angels.
Ideally you want to cast her early every game to get the larger angels out so you will be in a position to trigger Folk Hero in most games, because her low CmC also means you can recast her more if she is removed by your opponents. Cards like Trouble in Pairs are more expensive because they don't need any setup for their payoff, so they fit in more decks which means more demand for them.
Winmore vs Payoff is basically how effective the card is without setup in comparison to how much you need to invest to gain from it.
It is all contextual, because every deck has unique components that interact uniquely. If you have a deck that relies on treasures then maybe use cards like unexpected windfall instead of generic red draw, it might not be a good card on it's own compared to them but it DOES set up for your treasure payoffs.
In my Mono Green Gargos Aura deck I had a lot of Elves by happenstance (Beast Whisperer, Reclamation Sage, all the Mana Dorks) so I included Elvish Archdruid and Priest of Titania in since they are also mana dorks (so setup for my Gargos plan) but also happen to synergize with all the elves in the deck, making more mana and buffing them. Normally in a non-tribal deck you wouldn't include those types of tribal cards because 3 mana to tap for 1 isn't efficient on it's own, but in the context of the deck I had it fits well because more often than not I will have it making at least two mana if not more.
The core of what makes a good deck is
>does it run consistently and do it's projected goal well?
Folk hero in a random white deck might not, but in Giada where you have a low CmC commander who you always cast early and her deck is full of cards sharing her creature type?
Open mspaint and draw it right now
>I was thinking of theorist more for the 2nd effect
Of the red effects that let you play from exile, that one is a little sussy for two reasons
1) cant be used to play lands
2) only works until end of turn, not end of your next turn
But if Howler is your commander it still fits
>post your least favorite guys
I kinda want it to be generic so I can easily swap it out for a FF commander of the same archtype if one happens but I do like Ghired a lot
that's why i only overpay for my commander. no matter how shitty the game is, i'll force my bling down my opponents throats from the command zone.
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>guy that smells bad
>guy who genuinely just seems upset/sad all the time (why are you here?)
>guy that talks quiet or (even worse) wears a mask so you can't hear him
>guy who misses his triggers/doesn't know what his cards do (faggot tried to ping me with pic rel, a $50 card btw, when HE drew cards)
>guy who salt scoops early
last 3 were all the same person btw :)
also note that none of these have anything to do with playing with a certain deck/cards
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Well, what do you think?
nobody likes playing against flicker
I think that you didnt open mspaint and draw it.
you can't prove that
>friend has 2 cards that do similar effects in his deck that is a hard counter to my decks.
>Manager to have them on curve 4 games in a row.
Man. How crazy. What luck, wow.
>that guy that uses removal/counters as soon as he draws it instead of holding for something important
>that guy with no original decks or ideas
>that guy who takes 2 minutes to take his first 2 turns
>that guy who doesn't announce what he's casting or any triggers later in the game
>that guy who tutors every other turn only to do nothing with them
>that guy that complains about tutors
>that guy that's been playing for too long and has old school cards worth $200+
>that guy that doesn't do anything then complains about other players taking game actions
>that guy that complains that he's not the threat when he very clearly is
>that guy that singles out another player with politicking and makes plays to enable another player to remove them
>that guy that slow rolls game actions when he very clearly has nothing else to do
>that guy that can't keep track of his board state or creature power/toughness
>that guy that's the only one with infinite combos in his decks
>that guy that only plays weird janky shit
All me btw
Naya hatebears
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not so fast
>>that guy that uses removal/counters as soon as he draws it instead of holding for something important
this is what my group struggles with. Why the fuck are you countering my brainstorm you stupid faggot jesus christ this is why our games take FOR FUCKING EVERRRR because these retards all got told they need to "run more removal" by the same guy so they all loaded up on it and they boardwipe any time someone can do more than 5 damage in a turn FUUUUCKKKKKK REEEEEEE
Give me one genuine, actually good reason not to like/filter/ignore swordbro.
>play game at LGS
>Play literally any card that isn't a hyper staple
>"Hold on let me see that card I've never seen it"
This is true to an extent but faulty in the overall analysis. Tribal decks suck because the enablers and the payoffs suck for most tribes. Someone playing goblin tribal can be a real threat because goblins have tutors, card advantage, mana advantage, and combo win cons all tucked neatly into the goblins tribe, while someone else playing beast tribal is going to get shit on because beasts are mostly overcosted and despite having some sweet enablers there aren't good payoffs.
There are other times when having an engine squeezes more value out of things you were already going to play. Enchantress is a great example. The enchantress engine wants to be fed enchantments and will turn enchantment based removal into additional draws. Disenchant is a great card, but choosing instead to run Seal of Cleansing gives the same effect but with a draw stapled to it. Every deck wants to run mana ramp, card draw, removal, and a way to win, so engines that can attach themselves to one of these categories comes out massively ahead. It is precisely how efficient this build around engine is that allows enchantress to be a competitive deck, not just in cedh but also in other formats.
Looking at cedh, we can see other non-generic value engines that are played
>urza with artifacts
>magda with shitty dwarves
>winota with non-human creatures
>elsha with non-creature spells
>sisay with legendary permanents
Universal draw spells are good, which is why you see Rhystic Study in every competitive list, but please don't pretend like engines aren't worth building around and aren't competitive.
Also Necropotence has a deckbuilding cost. Skipping the draw step and exiling on discard alter which cards you should put into a deck with Necropotence.

Don't arrogantly post when you're objectively wrong little basedjack.
>that one guy who never trusts that you know what you're doing and needs to be walked through your combo
Reddit tier post and image
Didn't read so congrats or sorry that happened

Stay mad
>wanting someone to demonstrate their combo is bad
>>that guy that complains that he's not the threat when he very clearly is
God. People complain about threat assessment.
Some sub category of that is that people needed to recognize the threat they-themselves pose the rest of the board, at any given time.

And people honestly and truly don't perceive this shit, unless they have a blightsteel untapping on their turn.
there's a difference between seeing how the combo works and needing approval for every card you play and a rubber stamp from some faggot just to play the game
>play card any older than 2019
>"what does that do"
>someone actually interested in the game and wants to learn cards they haven't seen
wow this is such a bad quality of a person i sure wish he was checking his phone instead
>commanderbabby hates giving opponents priority
This is why people need to learn in 60 card 1v1 formats first
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I am very much infected with Respiratory Syncytial Virus and I'm going to the LGS anyway.
I'm not complaining about it being a "that guy", unfortunate timing in my part given the current thread subject. Mostly I'm just complaining about the format I guess? It's fun that edh has a huge pool to build from but man does it slow shit down.
>ok and i'll tap two to play charcoal diamond and-
>hold on lemme see that.... hmmm... okay... yeah just make sure it enters tapped
little interactions like this happening constantly throughout the game make me fucking seethe. clearly you faggots haven't played with someone like this
>The asshole laying into Casual or newer players for daring to play "popular" commanders or decks.
I get us more involved players don't want to see the same stuff over and over, but the casuals just want to play what they think is fun. Let them.
>casuals just want to play what they think is fun
a lot of you guys have a "noble savage" perspective on casuals. I promise you, the "casual" player playing an edgar markov doesn't just "think it looks fun. he looked it up on edhrec and he's sitting at the casual table because he doesn't have the budget to sit at the cedh table
>"Do I lose if I don't counter that?"
>"I don't think so?"
>"Alright I trust you, go off king."
Are there any commanders (preferably in blue) with an effect similar to this? Cast an instant or sorcery, get a token? Talrand is fun but he's popular and more importantly, people see him and assume the deck is going to be unfun control heavy six counterspells each turn cycle shit.
>heh i just happened to find the most brainless powerful legendadies fun
No. Most casuals/newbies are faggots.
>mono anything
There was a guy playing the Ulalek pre-con last week I played with and he just never announced anything he was doing. He didn't try to sneak anything and he would tap out properly and all that, but he would just set the card on the table and not read out the card or even say the name of anything.
I just out and out said to him, you're not playing incorrectly but it is both harder to know what you are doing and rude to not speak to us as you play.
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The guy who gets upset and bitches about any kind of advantage you get all the while he's vomiting out creatures and drawing several cards. I have no idea how people can be so blind to the advantage they're occuring and upset that anyone else does anything even remotely similar or even half as good.
nta but I'm glad I've never watched this shitshow, looks terrible
Depends on the deck and its curve but mostly >>94976309 is correct. If it's a lands-matter deck you put more though.
This doesn't work, coveted prize will only be reduced by 1 with Burakos You need a separate creature for each type
I think free spells offer really interesting gameplay in Legacy and Vintage, and the trade off of losing a card is very, very meaningful in those formats.
>guy who taps all his land and then starts casting a bunch of stuff
>get a 4/4 turn 2
>guy immediately kills it despite someone else running a voltron deck that easily gets to triple digits of damage and runs little protection

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