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Previous >>11144289


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>General Resources:

Play well... or don't, because there's no wrong way to play.
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love this loicensed sloppa
Real links since OP broke them trying to be funny. Play on!


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>General Resources:
I did? I just copy pasted the previous OP
I knew the Malfoys were racist, but damn Rami.
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He doesn't get enough love
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nonsense. this printed eyeball is a masterpiece
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All the gang on Planet Unitron, Alpha:Tron , M:Tron, classic space, etc .
Can DnD fans explain who the fuck is Drizzt and why is everyone complaining he's not included in the cmfs? what's so special about him?
hmmmm... what a mess
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you left out the best part of the fig
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Orc increasing his station in life. He is now Landed with a proper title.
Any good capes for the dragon? I think it’s got to be one of the proper cloth capes to work with the armor
is there a female head?
Since single black rat with red eyes is included per cmf dnd vampire. We will never see it in large quantities. This is a nightmare.
No, he’s a named DnD villain, Strahd
he looks better without the jaw piece, its too ridiculously oversized
sucks, would be better if he had it. there are only 2 female vampire heads, 1 is from BAM and the other from CMF. and they are both white with exaggerated makeup, no grey ones like that which look a bit more serious.
he's been mewing
I’ve always liked strong-jawed, cartoonish orcs. Doesn’t look so disproportionate with the broad-shouldered armor piece as well
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im more upset were never seeing this little dude again. its a much better piece than the standard rat
Isn't there one in Video and one in Monster Fighters?
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needs a castle
Oh yea but they are not listed as vampire heads. And the vidiyo one no one has.
Can someone tell the guy I ordered from on bricklink to respond to me...
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sent ;)
Thanks anon
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I am requesting instructions for this MOC.
Lego Zorlda has legs, but holy fuck did it start out with a massive dud
DnD does fit more intuitively with the whole “creative play” aspect of Lego, though. More room for customization and such
>only 4 minifigs which 3 are just slightly different versions of link
>combined into one set to jack up price
>ugly tree centerpiece
>2 most overrated zelda games, ocarina and botw, any zelda fan worth their salt prefers a different game
>ugly giant green tree as the centerpiece
If lego want to do a £260 zelda set, give us something like the pyramid of power with link, the triforce chamber, fat fairy, pig demon ganon and hinoxes, moblins and snapdragons in the courtyard, or Clocktown with happy mask salesman and a ton of characters, or hyrule castle with a ton of stuff as well.
Yeah, people have been using Lego for DnD campaigns for decades
imagine thinking youre getting this when an empty tree costs $300
i would moc it if i was rich
>the pyramid of power
Emphasis on pyra-Mid. No one gives a fuck about Super Nintendo Zelda. OoT and BotW are the money makers. If we ever see a Pink Haired Link set (we won’t), it’ll be some kind of meme polybag-adjacent set.
I think Link to the Past is ugly gay poo poo caca but I don't mind if it gets some love, after all the 2 best zelda games of all time(ocarina of time and links awakening) are direct offshoots from it
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Not saying it ought to be that way. That’s just pure description.
Clock Town would be based, if also very unlikely. I started building the clock tower a while back but lost steam because 1) I lacked a handful of pieces I needed, and 2) it wasn’t coming together exactly as I wanted. Should probably get back to it.
Here it is in shambles
All your baby zeldas wouldn't exist without link to the past's legacy. so show some respect
ignore D&D fag posts
that was literally the point of my post
sorry im autistic. if lego had a soul they would do lttp
Why do Clock Town when they could do the tree on the hill inside the moon? $700, you build the hill.
I’ve played it several times, and I like the game. I just don’t think it’s regarded as fondly as Ocarina, the modern Zelda tech demo (and its sequel), or even Majora’s Mask. That’s just my intuition. Maybe I’d feel different if I were a Gen X-er.
My rhetoric was pretty inflammatory, so you were probably right to take offence lol. I do like Link to the Past, though
Before BOTW and newer zelda fans who have never played it came out, there were usually arguments over whever LTTP or Ocarina were the best zelda game.
even back them people saying ocarina was better never played lttp.
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I started with Legend of Zelda(NES) and LTTP is a relic, Awakening does everything better in 2D. I don't find 3D zeldas comparable.
Ocarina *is* better, though
awakening is just lttp but dumbed down for the game boy and on an island.
sad misguided post

t. boomer that started with [spoiler]Adventure of Link[/spoiler]

"I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to buy and build this, let me know in the comments please, how important it is for you to hear review from me about this set in particular"

It's your fault /lg/, why didn't you tell him how important it was?
I was quite young at the time, so I wasn’t following the Gamer Discourse, but for me, OoT being the better Zelda just felt like fait accompli. The move to 3D felt like a wild revelation at the time, and there was an insane amount of hype and plaudits around the game. It was received wisdom for ages that it was not just the best Zelda, but the best game of all time.
It’s true. But Majora’s will always be the best
Awakening > ocarina > majora > twilight princess > link to the past > wind waker > oracle of seasons > minish cap > legend of zelda > oracle of ages > adventure of link > skyward sword > phantom hourglass > spirit tracks > dogshit > breath of the wild
LTTP > Majora > Adventure > Twilight > other games > poop > ocarina > botw and the other new one
Is there some TP revisionism going on? I feel like that game was absolute dogshit. Odd to see people with otherwise solid taste placing it so relatively high
why are you trying to "own" a lego set like it has feelings
>legend of Zelda above anything
This is like saying Pong is the greatest game of all time
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fun and good dark fantasy atmosphere. plus midna cunny
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No Zelda game captures the feeling of unassisted wilderness exploration like LoZ. It has style, a point of view, a clear design philosophy and artistic integrity. Kinda disheartening to see people with your sort of judgement passing it off like an undisputed fact.
lttp is a direct upgrade to loz to me. but its pretty good still
I couldn’t stand the aesthetic of TP. I’ll also never forgive it for introducing the kind of glowy fantasy/scifi tech motif to the series.
The wolf gimmick also sucked
i guess thats one of the reasons i prefer lttp to all others, it has the best aesthetic
Midna will have one of those weird mushroom bodies from Dreamzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
it sucks ass to play and it looks horrendous
i can respect the foundation it laid, and i can even appreciate its shitty retro charm, but every iteration on it is for the better, and every game that came after it (save maybe its direct sequel) is a better game
that would suck, hope she has a normal minifig body like that pic (if we ever get her, i don't think lego will do twilight princess)
>hates zelda 2
shit taste detected
i like it more than Zelda 1, for whatever that's worth
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>the best aesthetic
Phew guys the bricklink guy let me know my order is in the post. Not sure why there was a delay but thats a weight off my chest
yea. its got a cool classic lotr fantasy theme in the light world and then you go to the dark world and it's like your inside a dio song. awesome
am i going absolutely buckwild here, or is this image like an animation cel or something?
the linework and colouring looks like its been done on acetate, and i swear i'm seeing shadows under the character "layers"
that is not a rat but a mouse, dumbass.
same thing
read the filename you piece of shit
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Name a better train set.
trains are gay. you have the 'tism
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at least post related pics vgtards
they wont turn loz into a regular line because its a problematic franchise, the good characters are white and european-coded, the villains are brown people from the desert. not ok
Makes sense...
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hopefully Wolf Link will be similar to the (pic) and Midna will get regular minifig body.

It wouldn't surprise me if they did a full special Midna piece, it depends... if any of the designers are fans, or HUGE FANS who would give it a lot of attention, vs meh, we just need to get it done.
What are those two vampire girl figs? I had one with a spider web outfit I think.
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Red spider lady from CMF and this pink spider lady who is only from BAM.
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bit disturbed by these bricklink categories
You can't really overrate Ocarina but you very much had to be there to get it. Unfortunate way of things. It absolutely won't mean much to an all-new player today or even 10 years ago.
Ocarina was my 3rd zelda game and I got it when it came out
What's next, Lego Metroid?
I only played Ocarina as an adult (in the 2010s) and it still became my favorite Zelda. This idea that it was only great for it's time is deeply flawed
TP picks up after the early game. Its dungeons were the highlight gameplay-wise. Worst aspect was that stupid light grape shit they kept making you do at the start. The aesthetic really hasn't aged well and was just an overcorrective reaction to Americans absolutely balking at Wind Waker's wacky japacky art direction. Nintendo wasn't prepared for how insecure Westerners can be about that sort of thing. It's overall a decent Zelder, but none of the flaws ultimately matter because Midna carries the whole thing.
I still prefer the aesthetic to wind waker
Ganondorf is green. The witches who raised him are also green. People chronically draw him brown like they can't see the really obvious fucking Frankenstein tint he's got that normal Gerudo who aren't steeped in black magic don't have. If anything the hypersexualized brown Ganon fans made up is racist. Lego would probably get his colors right.
What a woman.
I hate this nulore that ganon is a big nose desert man. To me he will always be a big fat pig demon.
keepers from another $5 flea market tin
Toon shit aged flawlessly but it overstayed its welcome after Wind Waker to begin with. The awful lollipop character proportions were the worst aspect of the style. The cel shading was fine.
I dont like it. feels more like mario than zelda
anon ocarina of time came out 26 years ago
It's great for all times but I can't fault someone for not being able to see it now. It's still my favorite. It just did everything right. Pretty hard for modern gamers to adjust to things like the dated Hyrule Field with all that empty space, even though all of BOTW was the same way.
Hay guise should I get
>Shadow the Hedgehog Escape
>City Police Car and Muscle Car Chase
>Obi Wang Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter
>Ferraria 512 M
Or should I wait for next months paycheck and get a bigger set
Pig Ganon was only ever just discount Bowser and they should have outright retconned him with Ganonorf like some of the OoT devs wanted to do. I'd still buy his pyramid set though.
If you don't care about saving up for the D&D set then get Shadow.
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To me it's nulore. I only care about the lore before ocarina, ocarina lore was gay
That would suck and he was way cooler than bowser and not anything like him. Only similarity is being a big monster.
>he was way cooler than bowser
If you only played SMB1 and/or Lost Levels, sure.
>and not anything like him. Only similarity is being a big monster.
Who kidnaps the magical princess to secure dominion over the land. They were both that simple so nothing really differentiated them back then. Now they're constantly shoehorning in pig transformations and allusions when Ganondorf is around and they usually just drag him down. Calamity Ganon was awful and nobody appreciated mindless pig beast coming back by himself.
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>Hey! It's me, Goku!
pig ganon being the monstrous corrupted form of someone who used to be a regular guy is sick as hell and I'm sorry you can't see the vision
>Who kidnaps the magical princess to secure dominion over the land.
Aganahim does this (Ganon's alter ego). Ganon is the one who uses the triforce to wish to take over the Golden Land and turn it into the Dark World. Then Aganahim traps the maidens and zelda in his J.O crystals which I dont really understand the point of but it was pretty kino. And he was not mindless, this Ganon was pretty smart (before it got retconned that he was a mindless retard like >>11146398).
It worked in Ocarina but they keep awkwardly half-assing it in later games, like TP beast mode or Calamity not even having a proper Ganondorf to rise from. He was probably only in the sequel because everyone hated what they did.
I was never clear on whther Aghanim was Ganon pretending to be a human or a servant of Ganon's.

Are there any JO crystals you can trap minifigs in already?
Shut up! We're talking about Zelda in this thread!
They changed the lore since the game a bunch of times which is why it's unclear. In the actual game, it's pretty clear that it is Ganon pretending to be a human and deceiving the people of Hyrule to be able to take over the Light World.
And I think so, but I hope we get LTTP sets so we can trap minifigs in JO crystals.
>before it got retconned that he was a mindless retard
there was no "recton" or any indication that his beast form made him dumb, the only mindless retard here is you
it worked the best in oot cuz that was the first appearance of ganondorf and seeing him turn into his more familiar pig form was a cool twist
I don't think so*
There is, in LTTP he talks and is pretty eloquent and even has an elaborate plan. Then in games after it's just a monster transformation like the hulk.
maybe he just seems like a mindless retard because thats how all enemies act in oot since its a baby game and you cant have smart enemies that might be able to kill the player cause that would be too hard for onions64 fans desu
I literally can't.
he doesn't talk talk after he transforms in oot cuz he doesn't need to, his plans have already failed at that point and he's summoning the last of his power to kill the people responsible. he's not dumb he's just filled with pure hatred and bloodlust
I am also a fan of egoraptor
>he's not dumb he's just filled with pure hatred and bloodlust
aka dumb and can't control his emotions like a retard
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lttp is kino. can't wait for Zora's Waterfall playset
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since when did this thread turn into /v/? i thought this was about lego?
>erm what's with the off-topic posting, I thought this was a lego thread??
>anyway here's the latest update on the tranny I obsess over
More on topic than shopped tweets faking some youtube nobody's death
should i get venom's bike or spider man bridge battle polybag?
Is this good for Zelda? Can Link fight him?
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How the FUCK do you sort your legos?
Post your drawers/cabinets/etc. Ive had all my legos sorted by color in cheap plastic Kitchenaid drawers but sorting by color is truly a terrible idea.
I just toss them into a big rubbermade tote.
>minecraft gets Pig Ganon before zelda
doesnt take forever to find a single piece though?
Yeah but that’s half the fun. I’m also autistic with pattern recognition.
Minecraft is the best IP ever. The movie will make $1 billion.
didnt understand this set, none of these things are in minecraft
Mostly just sets and what not.
post bionicle moc
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just ordered these for £35. wish me luck guys
Kek. Nah but I did get an original Toa Mata back ‘02 with my graduation money it sat on my desk throughout college but I don’t know what ever happened to it. I mostly just stay castle and pirates now. Reminds me of simpiler times.
>Reddit & Dragons
Sir this is a Zelda thread.
just took to color coding and after doing my main tub I lost any interest when there were too many shitty extra colors that I ended up mixing them in to then have some of the containters be too small so they are currently in multiple gallon bags and haven't touched the other smaller totes.
do pirates discovering an ancient bionicle castle moc
That’s pretty cool idea actually…
Obsessively. Most of it is stored in tackleboxes with removable compartments so you can top off each one without making them impossible to search through. If you're in the US you can get them very cheap at harbor freight. I'm lucky enough that the closet in my Lego room is just wide enough for the drawers, and the big drawers are perfectly sized to fit the boxes 2x4.
Staple bricks and plates go in the t u b s. This is also the only place I sort anything by color: reddish brown and old grays
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teggnigg goes in bags. gallon bags actually make up a lot of how I organize stuff. The sterilite drawers in the closet are filled with bionicle parts and if it wasn't divided with bags it would be a nightmare
And finally I have drawers right in front of my stupid face for in-progress stuff and most of the assembled minifigure pieces. Although there are always a few uncatalogued pieces moving through my intestines huuuugh
whats a good place to get tackleboxes in the uk? using them is a genius idea
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what is this esoteric creature
He cures my sleep paralysis demons.
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I thought he had a son?
My son and I will kill you my son and I will beat you to death and yes my son and I are articulating a legally defined threat and my son and I are cognizant of the potential penalties and seizures associated with the claims my son and I make
why are you killing me? i was just curious...
See I said it like three threads ago now but this mfer is one of the only creative assholes on here. The rest of you have to lean on prepacked slop if you even play with your legos at all. The utter lack of imagination around here is staggering. Keep up the good work anon.
Ya'see in mah neighbahood kidz dunn'ask a'lotta questions. Ya'gatts'ta be careful out there yannowhutt'I'meeeeeeen.
These are the greatest things ive ever seen
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In LEGO city! The beaches are infested with coke smugglers and orange italians! HEY! Build the new speedboat!
Damn that’s saying something since you’re obviously a colossal faggot.
I’m more worried about what those ninjas are planning on the roof.
I got a seller who never responded and I just raised it through paypal. Got a full refund because the seller never responded to that either. Only negative review I've ever left.
I wish you misfortune. A curse upon you and your house.
I know it's meant to be a villager skeleton, but it looks like it's soifacing.
The first LEGO set I've bought in 10 years it the Star Wars Endor Chase
Does Minecraft have instruments now?
It's the best Zelda game of its generations. Always has been.

>I’ll also never forgive it for introducing the kind of glowy fantasy/scifi tech motif to the series.
Sorry, WW did that first, along with everything else wrong with the franchise. It's also the much worse game, with the much worse aesthetic.
how do i make a living making mocs as cool as this?
Windwaker’s aesthetic and tone is based and future-proofed.
Where’s the future tech in it? The one head/hand boss?
Will the link+zelda minifigs ever go down in price on bricklink? Or is it only up from here?
Get that Ginger to a barber FFS.
up until lego pulls another captain rex
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Wojtuś gives you a 1st "price".
His words, not mine.
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Also sharing my absolute fav "Wojtuś" photo.
>employee puts out a case of the DnD
>guy that was hovering around the toy pallets ran up to the box as I was approaching
>threw everything out of the top rows
>dumped all the blind boxes from the bottom into his buggy
>smiled and ran off
>Employee just standing there looking confused
So that was my first attempt to get 2 dragon paladins
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based klocki anon
no u
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How does he do it bros?
is Wojtuś the klocki version of the Blemmyes?
why havent they recoloured these arms for our life on mars mocs. life on mars bros when is life on mars G2
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Why is this fig so popular? It is the only one from the cmf i have trouble getting in stores.
Castlefags need it for army building.
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>that guy right now reading your post
fully printed armour that looks good. and then for furries it has a good dragon head, so you have both furries and castlefags trying to get this
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you must be real fun to hang out with
thx for (you)
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So many sets and less space. I have to see which sets I really want
this would of been a better set than the tree
hell yeah. I wanna thank representative wojtu for nominating me for this position. I promise to make all Lego elements edible by 2030 and to ban all fleshies from the skate park. GoooOOO bearcats
They're already edible if you're three years or under.
endless slop
Early 2010 and late 2000's really loved their skeletons huh, feels like every theme had at least one.
Witch doctor in hero factory, the skeleton faction in 2009 castle, first wave of ninjago being vs skeletons, lord of the rings in 2012 having quite a few, same with prince of persia
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Bought him yesterday. He's already covered in cat hair.
If he didn't give you a tracking number there's a 50/50 chance he didn't post it and is just stalling for whatever reason.
Cool armour, cool weapon and shield, cool dragon head, it's basically the perfect minifig.
Minecraft skeletons
He did give me a number, but royal mail is delivering it and they don't usually provide much info. He only dispatched it yesterday apparently.
i remember once i was hanging out with my girlfriend at the time and we went out to drink and then we hit a book store and i wanted to get a blindbag and wanted this just for the mouse, when i got it i was excited and i straight up just threw the minifigure on the the floor but somewhere visible for someone to find it and pick it up (another mans trash)
this has got to be my favorite lego animal until this day.
The mouse is worth more than the minifig lol good choice
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BlackTron Sniper
Lego dreamzzz will have 14 sets in 2025
Ninjago will have 24 sets
Fortnite will have 12 sets
Animal crossing will have 10 sets
DnD will have 8 sets
Zelda will have 7 sets
And not a single one will be worth buying.
when is the next unlicensed space theme

any bionicle in 2025
What about dbz?
lego are selling the bionicle license to Mega
>DnD will have 8 sets


btw im trans
i remember wanting this when i was a kid, but in retrospect it was a fucking weird train set, especially the hilariously short engine and the "passenger cargo" gimmick the set has. 4557 is still the definitive Lego Train set, with 60337 for the modern one.

i hope the 2025 set is based on the TGV, to coincide with the M model slated to come out next year too
Is this Vegeta?
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What Lego Ideas projects are you looking forward to the most?
end of an era for Jang's city
everything is getting disassembled
You have to be 18 to post here.
cool truck but too big
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I had to
Lego Zoids when?
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I salute you, rail autist. I'd love to see some Lego Shinkansen. Maybe the 0 series, or some of the more modern Tokaido line trains -- the 500 series is pretty iconic.
just build your own, goober.
mocs are almost always better than official lego sets anyway, especially as far as mechs are concerned
I'm looking for some pearl dark gray hoses, but it seems to be a rare and expensive part.
Can anyone think of any alternatives? Are there similar colours to pearl dark gray I could just get instead? Or somewhere other than bricklink to get them, even if they're fake. I can't find the fake lego general

I don't know much about Lego. Part number is 75cXX. I just want a sort of dark carbon fibre-y look with the hoses but maybe I'm better off with something else
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link to da past baybee
there is no pearl dark grey of this piece? you can get flat silver or dark bluish gray but they are a bit expensive. you can get it in old dark gray for cheap or black for carbon fiber, those colours are much cheaper
How would 2D Zelda games sets even work?
just make the 2d things in 3d. the game uses illusion of depth already in the sprites
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just boughted this for $7.99, 20% off

what do we think /lgg/ is it a W
venom bike polybag is better and cheaper
Venom bike is worse and only $2 cheaper. Venomized doc oc is badass.
venomized doc ock is stupid. and a lamp post isn't worth $2
lol why does spiderman have a motorcycle?
why is doctor glocktapus half-black?
Venomized doc, all the jewels, the trash can, tnt, banana peel, bottle, fish, bone and lamppost and spidey and spider bike for $2 more than venom and venom bike… seems pretty simple anon.
interesting video about AFOL-faggots ruining leco community
And yes it even mention a new DnD set

be patient

there is NO REASON AT ALL to think they are
one-and-done with Link and Zelda

they are probably waiting until the $300 TREE sales level off before they announce more sets.

if they told us all that there was going to be more Zelda sets, the tree sales would stop completely. it's quite an interesting thing for Lego to experiment with, on a cosmic level. how mad will people be with buying the massive $300 set, will they still buy the smaller sets (of course they will) it's some crazy economics that's "over my head" but probably generates tons of cash or whatever

it's not even like that TREE set has a unique version of the characters (that might wind up being the one fig that's exclusive to it) ALL of the minifigures are the most common, iconic versions. they WILL be available in less-thatn-$300 sets, guaranteed.
video by a faggot who wasn't even alive when the og themes dropped.
Something majoras mask would be nice
It's my favourite
nobody cares about original themes granny
That Duplo chinaman had me laughing a bit too hard.
60337 is a weird mix of TGV and Shinkansen. it would had been the perfect train set, if not for the middle door which is a very weird design choice. but yeah still the better passenger train compared to the previous releases
>afols are to blame lego is expensive
Is it true?
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Of the hose? There are pearl dark gray hoses

The thing is they're like £5 for one and I'm after about 4. I'll have to look at old dark gray, black I feel wouldn't have the same effect because it lacks any sort of sheen.
lego isn't even expensive. it's cheaper than it ever has been lol
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The red skull that comes with this guy might be one of the most unintentional morbid releases lego has ever done. When you use it as a head on a figure it looks like a cartel in Mexico flayed the face.
it is the only fig with insane amounts of unique parts. The armor is new, the shield is new, the mace piece i believe is brand new, the rod in light blue i believe is a new recolor, and dragon head in gold. It just is so great for fantasy/castle people.
could be worse, I have seen many in stores that were opened and re-taped... just fucking buy it and remove them from the pool...
I find nothing wrong with anything he said.
Fuck you faggot Lego shill >>11147427
I got one but it’s meh at best. You must yiff a lot sir?
maybe not everybody is a degenerate that watches snuff videos, anon
lego made red heads way before and they looked more gruesome-realistic
unlike this shiny one
Why were they opened? the past 3 cmf series there is no reason to do it with the scans
adjusted for inflation, price per piece and price per gram are down considerably relative to the 80s and 90s.
so while the average set is marginally more expensive today than in the 80s, that's only because sets on the whole are larger and more complicated.
assholes. they were the ONLY ones that were re-taped, so yes, the used the app to find the specific ones, and be assholes.
Yo! I do this. And I’ll keep doing it. >>11147082
It's a cool set. I reworked that bike into a Space Police bike that looks pretty awesome for how small it is. And I used the lamp post as a turret for a Space tank. Solid value, ino. Also, the blue hubcap pieces are pretty hard to come by.
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>When you use it as a head on a figure it looks like a cartel in Mexico flayed the face.
You need to lay off the wrecked threads on /gif/ dude.
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do you guys think Rivendell will go on sale on black friday?

what about the DnD castle?
>adjusted for inflation
So you just made the numbers up?
>highest set price and average set price consistently increase
You’re such a fucking lying piece of shit. Anyone with half a brain can see quality has gone down and price has gone up.
You should see the prices of other toys, it's horror show compared to "expensive" lego.
Literal chimp brain. It’s easier to just scan the boxes lol
So, is Monkie Kid ending? What did you think of it?
No I do and then I open the paladin lmfao!
Oh, I was looking at a different length of hose. For this, black, dark gray and light bluish gray are all much cheaper than pearl dark gray.
>price per piece down
>bloat sets so theyre more expensive
lego is retarded for this, then
You could try varnishing it to get a sheen, you can get vallejo acrylic varnish for about £3 just choose if you want matte or gloss or whatever.
No one compares the value of unadjusted goods over time. But even if I accept your retarded premise that it's impossible to account for inflation, the price per piece has remained the same, and the price per gram has barely increased.
On the other hand, if you believe, like every economist, that we can roughly calculate the "real" value of things like wages or food, then yeah, Lego is cheaper than ever.
I like buying big, finnicky, expensive sets because they're more complicated and fun to build.
But if you can't afford the largest sets on offer, you're still getting more for X hours work today than you were back in 2000.
>ninjago has 24 sets in 2025
So... How is Ninjago still selling?
they don't want to do another bionicle and cancel and destroy molds for a theme before they've milked everything out of it
Sets too expensive
Sets too expensive like anon above said and impossible to get in my country unless you order from the lego store so no discounts. wasn't able to get any
>highest set price and average set price consistently increase
And just to be clear, I never denied this. In fact, I explicitly stated the average set is more expensive today than in the 80s and 90s. In fact the (slight) increase in set costs is central to my claim that sets are more expensive today because they're larger and more complicated.
So what you've said doesn't contradict anything I've said, retard. What are you, autistic?
> What are you, autistic
Said the faggot replying to his own reply. Clearly I struck a nerve calm down and stop screeching autist. Lego is objectively more expensive and you get less. Get fucked fag. You’re wrong and yelling into the abyss.
Rock Raiders!
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more like cock gayders!!!
Replaced by DBZ
OK, but you understand that, in reality, Lego has never been more affordable, right? That for the same % of your income, you can get more Lego by piece count and weight today than you could 20, 30, etc. years ago.
Nonsense, even if you use the inflation cope that also means the customer gets less money from their work. Fuck off shill
tlg is testing a new initiative, +5 VIP points for anyone who defends them online
>the inflation cope that also means the customer gets less money from their work
Well, no, because wages tend to increase alongside inflation.
You understand the average American in the 50s wasn't making tens of thousands of dollars yearly, right? When someone buys, say, a colour TV for $1000 in 1954, they're spending a third of their yearly income. If we were to buy a $1000 TV today, we'd be spending, like, 1/60th our income.
Do you comprehend this?
pretty clean display
>Well, no, because wages tend to increase alongside inflation.
I am waiting till the fad of it wears off and the scalpers bring their prices back to reality... currently sitting anywhere from 10-20 on bricklink and that is fucking disgusting.
So, what, you believe the average American was making 60k back in the 50s?
At least TRY not to look completely disingenuous anon.
what do you expect the price to be after the fad wears off? because i think the paladin will always remain a 10+ figure
OK, I think you're just memeing here.
So you agree wages generally increase alongside inflation. Do you have any arguments? Can you point to anything I've said in particular you actually disagree with?
Do I care? go away.
>the paladin will always remain a 10+ figure
anyone with a brain knows you are lying, why would anyone bother arguing with you?
lego store employee please can you ask your higher ups if we can get bionicle g3 or dbz or another unlicensed space theme instead of dreamzzz and licenseslop
Point out a single lie. Should be easy if anyone with a bran can spot where I'm wrong.
So far the closest thing to a rebuttal in this thread is someone claiming we can only look at unadjusted price (and even if we accept that retarded stipulation, price per piece hasn't actually changed). But obviously we wouldn't accept that, because if we apply that same economic logic elsewhere, we'd have to accept that, actually, consumer grade TVs were about as affordable in the 1930s as they are today.
if you post a cool leak of something that hasn't leaked yet i'll buy a set
Hell, in my area you cant even find them in the Lego store, they're entirely lego online shop only.
Yea same here
Thanks. Yeah I don't know whether to commit to the pearl dark gray or just sod it and go black or another colour.
Good idea on the varnish, not something I considered but wouldn't want to overdo it. The pearl dark is the perfect colour but it's just not worth spending £10 for two of them. The annoying thing is I had a seller offer them £2 each but then they said they were going on holiday and never returned, closed shop.
signed an NDA so i can't release any pictures or details. just know the set will be cheaper per piece and per gram than any set in history (though it'll still be $400+ so poorfriends need not apply)
you are poor and autistic
>find battle goddess
>that finicky cloth skirt
Oh no no no no
>Price per piece is down
>Price per gram is up
Also mind you that cost of living is up dramatically in the United States and Europe compared to 10 and 20 years ago.
Worst Lego thread in a while and that’s saying something. Keep up the great work anons. Don’t post anything you’re building or playing with just keep speculating and talking about video games and YouTubers. The brain rot is real.
Honestly it depends on what Lego does. PaB can sometimes sell unique pieces. Like you can buy series 25 sword (fierce barbarian lady) on PaB which is unique only to that set and the dnd set, so if Lego either puts up the armor piece, or just flat out just sells the unprinted variant, that will drop the price a decent amount. And there is a rumor that ninjago's next season will feature dragon people or dragonians, so the gold head may not be so special in the long run with how ninjago LOVES there gold pieces. But time will tell. And if things calm down, I wouldn't be surprised if you saw them for max $12-13 for the complete figure, and float in the 9-10 range naturally, just as Vampire knight from series 25 is right now.
These threads have been shit for ages. Where the fuck have you been?
Oh I’ve been here and I know this one is even worse than usual somehow.
No, they're both down. Price per gram is only up in unadjusted prices, which is a worthless measure for what we're trying to discuss.
To your second point, yeah, I agree. Purchasing power for things like housing is absolutely worse today than in the 90s (especially in my shithole country). But things like toys, consumer electronics, etc. are absolutely cheaper today than their equivalents in the 90s.
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>Hogwarts Castle just released 1 of its parts. 3 more years to go to build the gigachad HP-castle
>malfoy manor will be released soon
i'm so happy to be a Harry Potter fan...
Could one theoretically build a livable house out of legos?
>gotard, gotard whatcha want Whatcha gonna do when LEGO police come for you tell me whatcha gonna do.
The World's First House Built From LEGO | James May's Toy Stories
yea someone did that before and then lego said they were going to move it to legoland but they changed their mind and then they fucked everyone over and made them demolish the house and wouldn't even let them sell the bricks
>blocks your argument

Aren’t you done yet retard?

Nobody believes Lego is more affordable now or a better value than in the past.

Sets cost more. They’re full of bloat. Plastic is worse. Printing is worse. Stickers in 18+ sets in the current year. Ydnsey and license fees on sets. Original themes almost non existent, 10 years old, or gay as hell.

Seeth. Cope. Dilate. Lego isn’t “a better value now” it’s suffering what economists call a “bubble” and it’ll burst and leave all you investor fags out your millions your going to make stockpiling dreamzzz sets.
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Alpha:Tron just got a new ship on the "second hand market".
Holy shit.
Devastating. Fucking Danes.
You freaks don't actually jerk it to legos, do you?
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Kinda sorta.
I cum on every single lot I sell.
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Every day I have to resist the urge to cum on this fig.
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Your favourite set is cool
Just not as cool as a submarine that turns into a fucking mech tho
stop resisting and do it
its an expensive fig and i want her to stay in pristine condition even though i will never sell her cause i like looking at her
>Nobody believes Lego is more affordable
Your personal beliefs are totally irrelevant to this conversation.
>Sets cost more.
Never disputed this. They're also larger and more complex, so we'd expect the average set to cost more.
This is like saying TVs are more expensive today because your new 75 inch TV cost more than your old 43 inch TV. It doesn't follow.
>Plastic is worse. Printing is worse.
Could be the case. It's not relevant to my argument.
>Original themes almost non existent, 10 years old, or gay as hell.
Never made any qualitative claims as to the aesthetic worth of modern Lego. Could very well be 99% dogshit, but that has nothing to do with anything I've said.
>Lego isn’t “a better value now”
It's cheaper per piece and per gram than it was in the 90s. That's all I've said, and that's just pure description.
You might not like the troonz or the fiddly little pieces or the licensing or whatever else, but none of that has anything to do with my argument.
do it anon. you must not run from your destiny.
Sell her so someone else can cum on her. She doesn't owe you anything.
You’re a fucking retard but I’ll bite. You keep talking about television and that’s a perfect example of you being flat wrong. A 27inch rca in 1991 would have cost you about $700. A 75inch flat panel lcd costs about $500 right now. By your logic it should cost $10,000.
How much does Lego pay and can I just tuck or do I have to actually cut my dick off to work there?
She really is a head-turner. I will never watch Disney Wars for a woman but they tried to make me.
I bought the sets for this show so I can remake it how I want instead of a gay disney plot. Plus lego ahsoka is hotter than the weird live action black one.
she is affordable enough right now to buy a second one and o what you want with it, once the set retires you might never have that chance anymore
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The hands of time on the clock of doom move again
Yet ninjago prevails, Unmoving. Unborhered. Unchanged. Onto eternity.
i dont spend over £5 on minifigs
I love fantasy and I think the DND set is really cool but I can't bring myself to buy a fantasy set with brown/black minifigs, DND has become incredibly gay.
>By your logic it should cost $10,000.
No, that doesn't follow at all. Knowledge of relative price and inflation doesn't somehow necessitate I believe everything will increase in value in proportion with everything else. Should we expect cotton shirts to cost several thousand because, in the early days of the industrial revolution, the manufacture of a single shirt took hundreds of man hours? Of course not. We don't make shirts the way we did 250 years ago.
Likewise, we've highly rationalized the production of consumer electronics such that high end features have become increasingly accessible. Of course TVs are significantly cheaper than they were -- and I've brought that up precisely to back up my point about the "real value" of goods. A $1000 TV doesn't sound so bad, until we realize in the 1950s, $1000 was a third of your yearly income.
And now we've rationalized the production of Lego slightly less than, say, TVs, but we've nonetheless managed to keep the price per piece and price per gram below 90s prices. Again, that's all I'm saying, and no one's been able to demonstrate otherwise.
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same except i dont care about dnd or fantasy
maersk train? wow
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You used the television as an example and when you’re proven wrong you try to backtrack. You’re such a disingenuous faggot.
>I did some crafty merchant math and akchewly Lego is cheap now
$500 plus tax and tip sar!
New thread?
Didn't it just start? Shitty nu-ninjago which is already nu-lego so it's nu-nu slop. Get rid of Monkie, Dreamzzz and Ninjago.
Those two themes were shit too
No, I used the TV example to demonstrate 2 things:
1) the unadjusted cost of a thing is a completely meaningless measure of a thing's real value (a $1000 top-of-the-line TV in the 50s isn't actually cheaper than a $5000 top-of-the-line TV today)
2) if I buy *more* of a given thing, it doesn't somehow follow that thing is now more expensive -- this is the logic underpinning your retarded belief that Lego is more expensive because sets are more expensive. But sets are only more expensive because they're bigger than they used to be.

So that said, I never claimed the price of Lego was somehow pegged to the price of TVs, and I never said the existence of inflation necessitates the value of all goods will increase irrespective of all other economic forces at play. A pineapple isn't a luxury good today just because it was in the 1800s. So this whole "TVs are cheaper now" meme is just a red herring. Has nothing to do with my claim about the cost of Lego.
Monkie Kid lasted a while though.
> sets are only more expensive because they're bigger than they used to be
we need an animal crossing cmf
Never said "only."
But all these premises are true:
the average cost per piece is down
the average cost per gram is down
the median cost of a set has gone up
the median set contains more pieces now
It seems to be the case that the median set price is up because sets are larger and more complicated than they once were.
And do bear in mind we're talking about averages here. Individual sets aren't actually more expensive. For example, the 2003 ATAT playset retailed for $100, the 2021 playset retailed for $170 as recently as 9 months ago. $100 in 2003, adjusted for inflation, is almost exactly $170. And not only this, the newer playset contains 25% more pieces.
>But sets are only more expensive because they're bigger than they used to be.
They are more expensive because Lego found they can bloat sets with a bunch of small pieces to make up some arbitrary "detail" As to why sets rarely have many bricks at all.
i want zelda cmf
>Classic Link
>LTTP Link
>Bunny Link
>Classic Zelda
>LTTP/TP Zelda
>Skull Kid
and more but we will probably just get botw slop
the cost per gram of lego is down by weight as well, so "muh detail" isn't it, either
new at-at is like $900
Choke on a cock, faggot.
I’m comparing playsets analogous in weight and part count.
compare my cock to your mouth
i hope to see some serious inflation here
How would you even pull off Tingle? His huge nasty schnoz is integral to his design. Would you want a special mould?
link to that shelf? I have similar ones but not a corner one
yea. or they could just do without a nose like theybdid with the penguin and gru
If they can do gonzo they could have done gru right.
Its bootlego
Nothing has changed. It's the same shit in every thread.
Doesn't matter. She's still going in the jar.
Cool moc bros
then make it better
Only if you do as well.
New moc thread >>11148095
Jang is such a miserable faggot man
Says the guy bitching about him on a Mongolian doula image board.
He's past his prime, a relic of an obsolete era of youtube and trying to cling on to his diminishing returns. It's driving him mad, he's building up a resentment to most of his audience
Should I buy this Starscream for 180?

picrel is not the color scheme I'm getting but it's the same build. Will post digital modified ver after this post.
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It transforms and fits a minifigure!
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Do UCS/master builder sets go on sale before they're retired? I want the rivindell set
>afols are ruining lego
>proceeds to give examples of interlopers ruining lego, not actual fans
lol so true. These aren’t the people buying a big SNES Mario or the Eiffel Tower or whatever, these are people doing runs on toy aisles with the best exclusive intent of speculating on kids toys.
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There are people on the internet who masturbate to cars and buildings. Rubbing one out to a minifig is far from the weirdest kink out there. Not saying I approve, just try to appreciate where it falls on the bell curve of weird.
Whenever people claim something is being ruined, the rose tinted glasses are always pointed at how they experienced something when they were a kid.

Calling for Lego to be similar to the early - mid 2000s means Lego doesn't exist anymore since the company was losing popularity and hemorrhaging money.

Lego has survived and thrived due to offering a diverse range of products and adapting whilst maintaining it's roots.
So like do they pay for hrt when you get hired at Lego or is that part of the medical benefits in Denmark?
They are interdimensional goblin
No, it's just clear from an unbias view that the golden age of quality and lego as an abstract toy was the late 80s - mid 90s and the golden age of selection and lego as a model is right now.
Based Lego appreciator finds things to like about all eras of the toy and is likely looking forward to future developments
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New era

>Lego are moving fast on releasing all big Hogwarts castle parts till summer 2026, before the HBO reboot releases. That's why they all scrapped the Hogwarts Gardens concept from the previous version and moved onto the big one since they know HBO are changing the design of the castle.
>HBO reboot
Who the fuck asked for this?
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And they think they can do better than the literal Scottish castle filming location design-wise? Like hell.

What a colossal faggot.

The question is will everyone jump ship to the new thread or hang on and try to do what this guy said >>11148080.

I think we all know what’s going to happen.
I stay...
Kill yourself
Why? You're just splitting the thread for no reason, that's why the MOC thread failed last time.
c-suite wanted more money
These threads are garbage for anything that isn't youtubers or shitposting, and the youtube posts are shitposts anyway. Post a moc here and watch it either get shat on or completely ignored.
Make better stuff.
That MOC thread is just gonna be a circlejerk of people posting the same 3 things over and over again, you'll be back here eventually.
>implying I have to choose between the two
I'm not that busy, bud. I can go to both. Sorry you had to choose and you picked the bitchfit general.
>I'm not that busy, bud
that much is apparent
Thank you for finding time in your busy schedule to reply to me. I sure hope you didn't skip your lunch break to make that reply. You did save a few moments to yourself by keeping it brief and avoiding capitalization and punctuation. Maybe you'll be able to cram half a sandwich into your mouth before you have to go back to wage slaving.
it's from a spin-off game called minecraft legends
I didn't even bother reading this entire post but here's another (you)
Dick Raiders!

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