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/toy/ - Toys

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Anyone remember those old toy lightsabers that had warnings like "Not intended for dueling"? What the fuck else are you supposed to do with them? It's almost as stupid as those Nerf guns that say "Do not shoot at people".
Retard /toy/ is a slow board, and your thread is kind of dumb. Don't expect much traction and stop self bumping.
My brother and I had these: he had the red Vader one and I had the green rotj. Fun but remarkably flimsy toys given the designers actually built a feedback noise into them for when your saber blades hit each other. They must’ve known kids were going to act out the film duels; ours broke after about a year, plastic blades cracked.
They say that on them so parents can’t sue them when their kids poke eachother’s eyes out whilst duelling with them.
I remember accidentally slashing my friend's nose in a fight with these and feeling super guilty about it because I drew blood. At least I won the duel though.
They were just there so you couldn't yell at them because your shit goblin kid broke it on his cousin's face.

You hang them on your belt dummy and feel like a Jedi.
realistically they do test them out to make sure they aren't too risky to hit someone with, but people are too litigious so that covers their ass. Even dulled as they are you can hurt someone if you're careful. Maybe not life threatening damage, but enough that a parent could sue
The fuck kinda Jedi doesn't duel?
The best Jedi never needs to duel because he resolves conflict with skillful mediation.
I still have two from when ROTS came out. The saber plastic has been through a lot but is still strong, solid and would probably break the newer ones.
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Yeah but they at least practice. Winning at least one Mach Duel is a requirement for even becoming a Padawan in the first place.
Well these are the Rubies costume lightsabers. Their only function is to go on a belt or be held around when in a jedi or sith costume on Halloween. That's it.

Hasbro made the slightly more durable sabers, the ones where the blades never go fully into the hilt. They still broke easily, just not as easily as the Rubies stuff.
To me these are "from a couple years ago". Try hitting a Goodwill and NOT finding at least two of these.
The Kylo and Vader look like Hasbro, the Qui-Gon one looks like Rubies.

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