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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last thread: >>11162021
>link and zelda figs going for 50-100 usd on bricklink
is this just because they're new, so new that they don't even have official database entries yet?
Just people trying to jhmp pn the bandqagpn. It shild correct itse I a mont ir 3
Cat Lover, he has a ball of yarn and comes with that cat with the fluffy tail
>pink blue and white
Oh god people are gonna say its trans/get mad at people saying its trans
i haven't bought any lego in forever and am very out of the loop, last thing i was really into was Nexo knights, what contemporary sets should i look into?
dreamz because you sound like a faggot
What did you like about Nexo Knights? There are a lot of medieval sets nows, if thats the aspect you liked
I'm glad the scanning thing happened. Look at all those regular person but with a random thing. OOOOHHHHHH, a telescope made out of regular parts. Are they serious?
Got a few more paladins today. I was waiting for the Kroger resets but they just put out more space cmf's.
it feels in line aesthetically with all the older stuff i'm a big fan of (space, exo force, castle)
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He's not wrong about the absurdly priced sail barge, but my god does Jang sound so bitter in his video
Actually not bad.
>Longboard Skater
>Pirate Queen
>Generic Monster
>Girl with her Pillow pets
>Space Police Enforcer
>Chipmunk Mascot
>Gay Astrologist
>Gay Cat Faggot
>Wolf Knight

Gonna pass if the set isn't scannable. Otherwise, I definitely want the Wolf Knight. I made a cool custom figure out of the Snow Husky Knight from a previous set. This guy makes the perfect counterpart to him.
he's close to being bankrupt, has virtually no income these days. might be time to get a job
Jabba looks huge. Can he actually fit on the barge?
Diversity quota. It’s to indoctrinate Whites so that when they see a brown they think “erm, heckin science moment?!”

>“Maybe If we make enough brown pop sci figures, their IQ will increase irl.”
That monster a reuse of the Yeti/Square Foot head piece?
One good fig in the entire series.
Wolfpack beastmaster will be the most hunter.
“Pirate”? Looks like more diversity faggot shit.
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Doesn't appear to have the molding that piece has.
I think you're right, anon.
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ok apparently I'm retarded and can't get the image correct so I will live with my mistake
What fig is behind it?
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3rd party coomer fig
Is that an armada sentry torso in the background? Those are quite valuable now.
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Bricklink results of similar quality: $1, $2.83, $3.20
The poor guy got killed in the middle of a shave
I meant assembled
It has horns so definitely not
Christ, I didn't even see those. Serves me right for surfing /toy/ at this hour, kek.
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kek, I got some real coomer figs that were printed on genuine Lego parts if that makes you feel better
lmao chungusfurry, never change
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wolfman can sit with us. the rest can fuck all the way off

garbage series. let's cherish this one because sometimes we don't realize how good we had it till its gone forever
Yeah, we all know why you are in the lego aisle, don't act like you are mightier than anyone else here.
Why do you type like you are on reddit?
>Had you heard a rumour the cmf was coming with the open hood?
No it was just a weirdly timed coincidence. I was just looking at the wolfpack torso in the Medieval Town Square and didn't like the hood for that minifigure because it covered up the printing of the fur collar. I thought the relatively new open hood would allow more detail to be shown. I guess lego had the same thought.
nah, already jerked off twice tonight.
Man. Those look terrible.
I love how these will be worth nothing once the Zelda playsets are released next year and there will be more Links and Zeldas than Harry Potters and Hermiones lol.
I hope we get some polybags too.
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Looking for some advice from any heretics out there. I
I would like to paint some fleshy elf ears yellow. Has anyone here done that? What was your experience? I'm already in the miniature painting hobbyspace but I've never painted lego before. And most importantly does anyone have a good color match for lego's minifigure yellow from a miniature paint brand? I could probably find it through trial and error but if anyone has done it before I'd love to hear about it.
I just can't stop laughing at that Zelda face.
Something about the squiggly derpy smile amuses me.
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>got a promotion to management
>$160 more a month to spend on Lego
It's extremely cute.
Please tell me you got more than $1/hr raise for a management position.
Honestly have had similar thoughts but never put brush to minfig but to make the robowhore into a yellowwhore
She's about to tell you about her My Little Pony collection for six hours.
Endurance ship photos when? goddamn leakers. also how much will the lightsaber gwp of the barge go for? i can already get 100 eur discount, if that thing goes for like 50-60 then I'm buying on release
Explain. The figures have clearly adult features.
Really nigga
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>browsing minifigs
>see a cute waifu fig
>oh man I wonder how much this one figure costs
>$80 and up
damn, the fact that I'm still tempted anyways bodes ill for my wallet in the future.
Hey, man. It's a dollar more for Lego than I had before.
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Once again a fig heavily inspired by Robert8, doubt he gets a cut of the $$$ though LEGO.
Dude had 11,000 posts it’s not out of the realm of possibility that he’s just an autist and Lego probably isn’t “stealing his minifig design” as much as he’s getting the names ahead of time and hurriedly making his own idea of what they could be and then claiming lego ripped him off. What a fucking loser.
I like how the last one is gurren lagann inspired.
Since s27 leaked, how long until other sets leak?
>I’m sure it’s a coincidence 100%. LEGO is the biggest toymaker in the world. I really doubt they would waste their time looking at my doodles. It's just fanart. And also none of them really looked like my own, except the Giraffe costume, but that's how giraffes look, so it’s only natural they look alike.

It's only faggot fanboys drama bitches who think Lego is copying him.
Just scalpers trying to trick retards that don't realise that lego will totally release cheap sets with those minifigs in eventually.
Pretty sure there won't be cheap sets for zelda. Leakers would've said anything by now.

Also, there is nothing else they can do with Zelda IP.
>theme for 6 years already
>no minifigs
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Danish Shills
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Jelly? Also just buy the set and sell everything else if you are financially inclined
I stand corrected he seems straight up about it being a coincidence and I withdraw my criticism. I do level the same criticism at the tard claiming they ripped him off. Dude even said they didn’t kek. >>11164370
Retard. Would a danish shill point out your limbless vitiligo nigger ass Down’s syndrome having faggot tranny fucking opinion is stupid?
You can kill the man...
But not the idea
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I REALLY want that blue monster. Also want the space police guy, cupid, steampunk dude, wolf warrior guy, and the japanese girl too
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yeah and its a TOTAL coincidence slugger just happens to have that 1 guy's slug and he also just happens to be dead...totally not faking his own death
he definitely killed that guy to get his rock raiders collection
>Also, there is nothing else they can do with Zelda IP.
They can do a ton of cheaper playsets for random locations in BOTW/TOTK with a different link outfit each time
like a moblin camp, horse camp, the different villages, hyrule castle etc

They won't, but they could
We get it you’re trans.
Someone talked about it in a previous thread, Zelda 3 would be a perfect game to make sets of since it has lots of locations, they could easily make them modular and if you collect them all you can make the all of hyrule, then in another wave they could do the dark world. But the game is 30 years old so they probably won't do this since most people with nostalgia for it are 40 now
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Dumb question but are trans-brown and trans-clear two different colours?

I'm looking at some bricklink stores and they don't seem to have many trans-brown pieces. There was a satin trans-brown and I have no idea what that is or how closely it resembles regular trans-brown
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Any good island sets that are reasonably priced new?

Been looking at this but not a huge fan of some elements.
Trans clear is clear trans-brown is clear with a brown tint
Amy's Animal Rescue Island
Kapp'n's Island Boat Tour
Minecraft Turtle Beach House
>Baby Mario Peach and Luigi
>way to get their head and crown pieces that bypasses buying the square electronic toys
>use those pieces to make brickbuilt versions of the trio
It's quite rare that Lego gets to make good calls these days
Because Mario is for kids and kids prefer brickbuilt over minifigs?
why is jang so jaded lately and begging for money for last 3 mins of each video
Imagine how broke you would be if you had to buy every lego set they release
he doesn't tho
The state of the Bidenomony (soon Kamelanomony) definitely doesn't have anything to do with it.
cause he can't anymore
How do we save jang?
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Does a plate like this exist but with no studs on one half?

I'm just curious if it does
to be clear I mean the horizontal half, i.e. the row of 4

So same plate, but just with 1x4 studs and flat on the other half
No only the 2x2 version exists.
I feel like the Animal Crossing sets would be a lot more appealing if there was a CMF series or any other way to get more villagers not in the base sets. Though sets focusing on the vendor/specialty characters seem like a step in the right direction. A Redd or Blathers set might actually get me to pull the trigger on one of them.
what's the worth of a lotr/hobbit collection? all used but complete sets including spare pieces. dont have any polybag though, and dvd bilbo. everything else is there. trying to sell
Hmmm i'll get it for 5$
>>I'm looking at some bricklink stores and they don't seem to have many trans-brown pieces.
pretty sure trans-brown was just trans-black until a year or so ago when they introduced a new trans-black that was more... trans-black-y? I don't know

cool you can have all the 7 brittle brown pieces that broke on me while disassembling
Yayyyyyy :D
i searched for both, maybe it's just the stores I'm looking at but they just didn't seem to have many if any of these pieces
I don't believe they're rare so I dunno why it's the case
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Don't keep her waiting.
Does this garbage actually sell? I only have the Mario starter set as a gift
I have to buy the yoshi set for my collect them all autisms, but I really don't give a fuck about the DK and small baby builds.
Because they would look like DOGSHIT
They're already moving away from shoving the ugly interactable thing into every set and that's a good thing
me in the back
convince him to be sponsored, which would pretty much solve everything he whines about nowadays at the small price of a hit to his pride. He seems convinced his entire viewership would abandon him if he were sponsored but the truth is that no one gives a shit. It's a fucking Lego set, all most people really look for when watching Lego reviews is just a tour of the set, no one really cares if the set was sent by Lego or not
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>fellow coomer
we can do better fren, :) let's leave this behind
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>skip to 0:51
Very cozy channel, youtube other lego paint tutorials, the key to have it match is not only the color but the glossy finish of Lego :)
i love it.
anymore pics of the new cmf?
Yeah I kinda wish lego or nintendo would talk about the direction they want to take the animal crossing line in, the sets are really cool but missing vendor characters from sets and weird vans are kinda putting be off the line atm.

LEGO MOC generel /lmg/

the vans are from the phone app version of Animal Crossing called Pocket Camp
Leif’s Van is from the New Horizon update to make him a permanent vendor. And the vans in general are there because of what>>11164771 said. But the Able Sisters set without Sable is genuinely criminal.
I now, right? the shop is freakin called "Able Sisters" that's sisterSSSSS plural!!

they would use the same exact head mold, unlike the airport Dodos (one has the headset, one doesn't, two molds... you can understand if Lego cheap'd-out there, but they still should have done it!)

it's not like they can put Sable in a different set, since she shyly sits in the corner of the shop all day diligently working

here's hoping they put her in a polybag, which would have been perfect for the 3rd sister Label, but maybe they'll put Label in a big set afterall, and force you to spend an extra $5 to get Sable (when she should have been right in the same set as the shop.)
Thanks anon. That does look great. Good advice on the gloss. I think I have some gloss varnish in my hobby supplies somewhere. I'll have to dig but I think it would be worth it.
Minifigures with capes, especially unique ones, are usually very expensive
It's cool and surprising that lego is making a brick built figure theme. Conceptually at least. Most of the character builds have been unimpressive and the mario/luigi/peach figures in particular are not brick built which means they clash visually with the rest of the theme. They don't even look like lego. And that's before getting into the gay electronic aspect. As for the minifigure demand? It's obviously there. It would be an easy win to do a CMF. They could keep their weird ass electronic action figure game and the people that want a normal minifigure experience can have that.
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Well anon, did you make sure to save your money so you can get it before it goes away?
>minifigures would look like dogshit
Yes but that doesn't mean they wouldn't sell. They'd do something stupid like custom molds and nintendies would froth at the mouth trying to acquire them.
Check the OP >>11164014

>Retiring Set Data

Theres more shit retiring than on their last chance page
It's a nice set but doesn't seem that important that it retires. If you like it you already have it, right. And there really aren't unique elements to it either way so those who miss out on it could still easily part it out.
what makes this set so great is that with 2-4 of these you can build beautiful castles (see rebrickable) that rival the lion knights for a fraction of the price.
Agreed. It's ripe for customization and the price per part ratio is really good too. But I'll reiterate. I don't think you'll be missing out on anything terribly unique when it retires. Assuming you have a moderately sized lego collection (and more importantly a moderately sized castle collection) already, you wouldn't really need a more than one set to expand on it with your own unique flare.

The only thing I'll say is if you're collection is currently small but you want a big castle, stock up. Now is the time. Make a giant unique castle for a great price. Otherwise enjoy the memory. It was a great set.
I’ve got four… one still in the box… might get another. This set will be $300 in two years.
no it wont cause theres no unique parts
If you're an investorfag you shouldn't invest in sets YOU like without unique elements you should invest in stuff that will be in demand in the future after the set retires. If I was going to invest I'd buy a bunch of modular city sets, Mos Eisley Cantinas and Ninjago City sets.
for invoostors i think the best thing to invest in after lego star wars is monkie kid since it is so rare, if you pick it up now you will be one of the only people who have it on the aftermarket when people want it.
We got KITT for Lego Dimensions, so why not make a full on Icons KITT set someday?
Licenses lapse, but I'm sure it'd be possible for it to happen one day. There's a Gremlins set coming soon, and Dimensions was the last time the Mogwai were around.
You'd think they'd make something for speed champions, but no. They seemed to have stopped making movie cars.
Is the Ferrari Testarossa iconic enough to be made into a Lego Icons set, or is there a more iconic Ferrari deserving of such a set?
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im a fleshie myself, so sorry you got to make your own yellow elf ears, but i hope it's a fun project! :)
I can see Insectoids and a lot of skeletons.
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the olive green? haha, yeah that or either fantasy era orcs, or both since they were around the same time.
The fantasy era trolls were sand green IIRC.
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Finally finished Horrigan
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January details. What theme do you guys want first
i need help on a moc. how do i recruit afols in my area to come and help me?
lego space or bionicle news
dragon ball
back from the brick store :DD
make a moc using only those pieces
You get one (and a polybag)
60459 - Airplane vs. Hospital Bed Race Car Pack
60452 - Donut Truck
60451 - Emergency Ambulance
60463 - Fire Ladder Truck
60462 - Helicopter, Fire Truck & Submarine Remix
60454 - Holiday Adventure Camper Van
60453 - Lifeguard Beach Rescue Truck
60446 - Modular Galactic Spaceship
60460 - No Limits: Race Car Ramp Track
60447 - Off-Road 4x4 Mountain Truck
60458 - Pizza vs. Fire Truck Race Car Pack
60461 - Red Farm Tractor with Trailer & Sheep
60448 - Red Sports Car
60472 - Scrapyard with Cars
60442,60443,60444,60445,60464 - F1 sets
60450 - Yellow Construction Wheel Loader

60446 will be a $80-100 set.


>Airplane vs. Hospital Bed Race Car Pack
no one wants this shit. where is the bionicle and dragon ball sets, lego?
Wheres the brick store? Only one sorta near me with that sorta treasure trove
I mean the blue and gray over the left eye in the late 90s.
Jang is right though. It's a cool set, but for some reason Lego is overcharge shit by 20-30% and then giving away gwp's and points on release to sell it for retail, only for the set to be widely available on discount a few months after the fact.

The sail barge doesn't have the same wide appeal as an x-wing, falcon or at-at, it's going to be like 20% with double bonus points and gwp on May 4th, and probably on sale on amazon in a few months.

That is a $350 set. If it had two skiffs, a sarlacc and 20 figs it would be worth $500 like every other set in that range.
jang is usually right people here just hate him
Any SW fan who isn't bitter these days is probably genuinely retarded.
Soap box derby. Same with the pizza one.
Hospital bed race car seems very distasteful
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This is always a close design. It's the Valkyrie from Lego City Undercover. Just build it in black.
Yo Kramer, what else you got? Drop everything you have please
What theme are you interested in
Dreamzzz if you got info

And anything else you got bro
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>HEY! It's me, Goku!
Anything for DC? Superman movie sets?

Any new theme?
Honest man I love polybags and idea what we got coming down the line? I’ll take those every time vs a CMF for the same price.
Tell me guys, is lego dragon ball true or fake?

Lord of the rings or zelda? Heard anything for those?

Thank you btw
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I have a feeling this as good as modern lego is gonna get, it's all downhill from here. Carshit overdose, disappointing CMF leak... it's so over
It sure is, Billy!
Any day now right lmao.
>best lego theme
>is a hasbro IP
Tell me haters, if DBZ lego isn't coming, why does this skin exist?
71488 - Bunchu's Creative Animal Adventures
71489 - Cooper's Gaming Controller Jet
71497 - Cooper's Tiger Mech & Zero's Hot Rod Car
71490 - Izzie and Bunchurro the Gaming Bunny
71491 - Mateo and the Z-Blob Action Race Car
71487 - Z-Blob's Robot and Vehicle Adventures

76301 - Batman & Batmobile vs. Mr. Freeze
76303 - Batman Tumbler vs. Two-Face & The Joker
76314 - Captain America: Civil War Battle
76310 - Iron Man Car & Black Panther vs. Red Hulk
76307 - Iron Man Mech vs. Ultron
76313 - MARVEL Logo (has minifigs)
76308 - Spider-Man Mech vs. Anti-Venom
76309 - Spider-Man vs. Venom Muscle Car
76311 - Spider-Verse: Miles Morales vs. the Spot
76302 - Superman Mech vs. Lex Luthor

There is a space one coming, thats all I know of. Not my usual area

I'm only doing January right now
it literally doesn't
as a castle fan this was far more exciting for me than the blacksmith, lion castle and medieval square combined
Did you see set pics or you only have set numbers and names?
Of some, not all.
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Peak is CUMING!
Could you give us set descriptions of sets you saw? Like for dreamzzz. What are the bad guys like if you saw the sets
at least we get mr freeze, two face, superman and lex luthor instead of just batman and joker
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How did we get to the point where there's a tiefling and a fucking aarackoa before a halfling? I guess they expect people to just buy LOTR if they want hobbits.
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Would be kind of interesting to have Superman and Goku toys in the same line.
It doesn’t because they’d rather put this out instead.
kid me would cum if he was able to get goku and superman in lego
I hope it has little aliens in it. I’ve been underwhelmed by the space polybags. The new ninjago one is tight.

I like spooky stuff anything along those lines that isn’t Wednesday minidoll bullshit?
monkie kid, ninjago and star wars?
Kid you sounds like a faggot. Hey adult you does too imagine that!
Yuck do people really like this crap
I'd rather have this desu
There is a halfling in the big set
Speed champions
The cmf druid is an halfling
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the blue brick girl is pure sex
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LMAO saw a commercial for tomorrow's episode and thought somebody here might want to know.

the gist of the show is that the host goes to visit "collectors of stuff" and then they check out said stuff.

more reasons to like or hate this guy, the "expert" will $$ evaluate the collection!

(I'll save you the research and tell you Sunday at 6:30pm est on whatever channel METV is... would you be more annoyed if I made you look it up yourself?)

(I'm not a METV person, watch it if you want I don't care)
Yes. I want to rape you, because you're acting like a child.
Isn't really goku they are going to use it to reboot exoforce
meet Bees Sproingstien
He already dumped MK. We get two sets in January, more later
Pretty average. I'll grab the longboarder and the boogeyman and call it a day, maybe the jetpack dude if I'm feeling it.
I will give them credit, every time I feel like they're about to run out of ideas, they pull up some new ones. Not every one's a banger (the poor sap who gets the knitting cat lover is in for pain) but hey, credit for trying.
>new Batman
Is it Animated Series Batman or the in house Lego Batman?
Oh, you care.

this guy is everywhere
tell us the approx value when it has aired, not everyone lives in americaland
This is amazing.
glad to see a non-hostile response
the Lego threads are usually brutal IDK why I keep posting here

I'll try to remember to post it
>Said the faggot while sucking a bbc
any details or pics on the spaceship?
>gets called a faggot
>immediately defaults to bbc
jesus christ get of the internet and go outside you retard.
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I managed to do this mini-moc myself with a slight upgrade. Rather than two blank 1x1 tiles I got a 1x2 plate with "POLICE" written across it.
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Now, now. No need to argue. We can all be faggots!
>Says the fag while riding a bbc
You’re right you guys are total fags.>>11165670
why are you guys pretending licensed collaborations within the lego fortnite video game are going to lead to additional licensed sets
It's just the one DB anon. I'm pretty sure it's parody.
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New Build A Minifig parts for October are already in at the Lego Store! Picked these ones up just now :D
(And the lion knight parts are gone sadly)
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>worth $10.75 you think?
I don't like how "cartoon-y" the witch costume is
(the frog in the pocket is a little too much)

the witch head is fine
the green antennae hat is awesome

is that a whole-new cat?
>believing anything an attention whoring tripfag says
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This was almost complete in a bulk lot I picked up a while back needed some misc technic bits and only lacks Leia's head which is annoying to get but mostly covered what I paid,

Show is average but a red Baron tie interceptor is neat and won a couple of auctions to get another mammoth and an old tiger and cougar for well below market value.
no, this dartk orange cat has been in loads of sets, i think the only thing they do for Build a Minifigure are new prints and recolors maybe. And wow, there is little info out there on the BAM parts, even Bricklink's catalogue is sparse...
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Yeah, I caught her just in time. She was still expensive but some guy in Austria sold her on ebay to me for like, $24. I don't think she had the cape, but I had connections on Lego Instagram. Got it. Oh, also, she has a wolf form too. That set was way cheaper at just $15. So I grabbed 2. One wolf is sealed just in case. She's probably one of my favorite waifu minifigs. Pic related is my collection of Lego waifus.
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a-anon... most of these are animals...
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This is what I was talking about. I want that Wolf Knight to be the counterpart for this other minifig series guy I modified. I had this idea of him being a solitary knight in the north who guards the sole ice dragon egg. Keeping the flame atop alive.
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Oh, I also made a custom Urahara a year ago. I tried my best with what I could find but it's clearly lacking. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideal pieces? Help would be appreciated.
Fateful lego confirmed his lists

But I start to think Kramer is just fatefullego
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anyone know when exactly this is retiring? I want it, but I can't afford it right now.
it's not on there
I think Kramer is Mark.
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Are you fucking stupid?
Those are wrong though since it says some sets are retiring at the end of the year that have already retired and some have the retirement warning on lego.com and some don't but are all retiring at the same time according to that
So that's a yes.
Lego master mark erickson comes here and is the leaker.
Check the background in his videos and you’ll recognize it. He’s the one that got the last thread deleted.
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10 listed. 3 F1 already out, 7 remaining sooooo atleast they all won't be F1 cars right? Right?!

can't wait for korin tower
will they do red bull? i like monster more but there isn't a monster f1 team. should be though

they should've thrown in the sarlac pit for free
for $500 it should be twice the size and have the sarlacc pit and two skiffs and 20 figures
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anyone have this? is it worth it? pics?
I've never played pocket camp and I didn't even know they'd added some vans to NH so I'm just not really interested in them, it feels like they're adding them just to force the price of the sets up.
Did the prices go up again? They're £21 in bongland atm.
X-Mansion leaks when
anything on endurance?
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Will a spring shooter work if the projectile tail passes through a technic hole? I don't have any to test it.
I don't see why not, it might make the back of the projectile clip on the brick and not go as far but it should still work.
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Does anyone know what this is supposed to be? There are tons of these in the naboo levels in lego star wars, and I think they appear in some other lego games as well.
Considering next year is going to be F1 themed I wonder if we'll ever be seeing a big base set for Speed Champions once again. It's been many years since we got these type of sets and I would like to see a pit stop/garage type set again only now for 8 stud wide F1 cars.
Assuming the projectile piece’s tip is small enough to pass through the technic hole unobstructed, the only issue would be actually locking it in place. Built the Pattinson Batmobile recently, and the spring loaders in the front were the first time I’ve really interacted with the piece, and they’re liable to blast off suddenly if they aren’t properly locked all the way in place. However the tips of the projectiles definitely couldn’t fit through a technic hole.
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Does the green antenna piece match colors with these guys?
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It pains me that Lego is more interested in pursuing Zelda than DnD
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Just ordered two Lego sets, they come tomorrow morning
jang resorting to 3minute reviews of polybag sets. I'm thinking it's over for him
You think DnD fans are any different?

Why is Jang acting like he's making such a stance by not buying the sail barge when he didnt even buy the cheaper zelda tree and dnd dragon tower? Just say you have no money, dont pretend its out of principle
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>Princess DEIa
he's gonna have to get a job at this rate
LMAO all that expensive collectible stuff, and he sits on that tiny uncomfortable couch! the couch doesn't even match the decor.

I like the glow lights everywhere tho, but I wonder if that gets annoying after a minute or two
I have to assume the lights are for internet flexing, I can't imagine being in that room for more than a minute with that shit on, let alone actively playing games while they're on
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this head and hair with the 2006 body is probably the best version of slave leia you can make
Anyone who spends $500 on this literal turd looking model needs help anyway
He experienced trauma okay. No one even stopped! Today is the anniversary.
reviewers do even if its just to trash the product
He actually cares about the barge, it's from his favourite movie. If he bought the zelda tree and dnd tower it would only be for a review. Jang is like 50 so he probably only cares about Zelda 2 or 3 if he cares at all.
What’s real annoying to me looking at the set again is that they have Sable’s sewing machine as a small brick build with the Able Sister’s set, just no Sable. As the de facto Nintendo Modular series, they really are making some strange decisions with the Animal Crossing line.
Anyone who actually got it probably got it for free from lego. Most reviewers don't actually have to pay for this shit which is why they give it good reviews, they didn't have to shell out $500 to get it.
Looks like the man-cave of some nepo manchild. Probably paid for with inheritance money.
It's because the lego animal crossing sets take place after the games, and Sable dies in the epilogue of new horizons if you finish the game. There's no excuse for not having Label though.
Actually I know that guy, he's a neurosurgeon. He works really hard every day to save people's lives.
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>finish the game
>why they give it good reviews
they dont though, everyone points out how bad the price is. which is why its so weird jang is so resistant to being a lego embassador since he would still be able to provide honest negative criticism
New F1 car livery every year. My guess is it's the F1 cars of all 10 teams.
I stand corrected. I guess internet culture has groomed me to naturally hate anyone who actually seems to be having fun and assume the worst reasons for it.
You have to get KK Slider on your island and then he does a concert and it plays the epilogue and credits.
they BETTER put steering and get rid of stickers those are the 2 things I don't like about speed champs
this is a "diversity fail" for Lego

Sable is the shy, depressed sister (sad she misses her mom) who eventually warms up to you as you play the game, it's genuinely endearing

by NOT including Sable, it just "feels" sad, like she has low self-esteem and Lego is like "yeah you really weren't important enough to include" which makes me sad for her
They aren't black people so it doesn't count as diversity
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Paisley is the low self-esteem Friends character diversity check box

diversity is checking ALL the boxes
(except the straight white guy box, that's the only one that ironically gets the "DO NOT INCLUDE THIS GUY" box to check, by NOT including straight white guy, that counts AS diversity somehow, and YES that was sarcasm on my part, not Lego, they are serious about excluding straight white guy)
What are your honest thoughts on Ninjago as a theme?
has run it's course and needs to make room
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13 years as of today

To what excactly
Space Police 4 or Blacktron 3 or NuClassic Ninjas or any other former original theme new generation or a new completely original theme (i dont think they should do this because they might come up with something awful like dreamzzz again)
>more space shit
Fuck off. Ninjago is kino. Deepest lore, too.
Space lore is deeper, it's just too esoteric and complex for ninjababies to comprehend. It even connects to non-space themes like Monster Fighters, Atlantis, Castle and Bionicle, something that Ninjago won't do because they are all on there high horse thinking they are better than the other themes but guess what they're not. Ninjago is GAY.
He was never the same after 9-22 Bloody Thursday.
They say Time is a healer but not for ever soul.
How does one come back after staring into the abyss of mans true nature? #calmadult

I think I'm buying it. I have the money so even if I lose interest/regret it later I could always sell it, it's not like it's gonna drop in value after the set retires

when you look at sets like baradur, rivendell and now the barge, $360(for a better product!) doesn't seem so bad in comparison
The best Lego theme on the market, though I wish they'd ease up on the mecha and dragons.
I'd prefer a new space theme to Ninjago, but I'd prefer Ninjago to classic ninjas or any other ninja license they may have.
Ninjago and classic themes can coexist. What needs to go is the Mouseslop that takes up half the catalog. LEGO originals must unite, no more brotherwars.
Pirate theme with mechs and dr...sea serpents
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when everybody is awesome, then no one is.
I hope you enjoy it anon. I recently saw it on sale for £250 and I'm very tempted but I feel like I should buy something retiring this year first.
I'm surprised that Lego Animal Crossing doesn't feature the human villagers, because all the diversity options in New Horizons. So Lego Animal Crossing has no people of color, just furries.
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As it should be.
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10344 - Lucky Bamboo - $30 USD
10343 - Mini Orchid - $30 USD
10342 - Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet - ~$60 USD
>D2C Icons
10350 - ~$200 USD
10355 - ~$120 USD
10359 - ~$120 USD
10363 - ~$60 USD
>10344 - Lucky Bamboo - $30 USD
>10343 - Mini Orchid - $30 USD
>10342 - Pretty Pink Flower Bouquet - ~$60 USD
>>D2C Icons
>10350 - ~$200 USD
>10355 - ~$120 USD
>10359 - ~$120 USD
>10363 - ~$60 USD
wen endurance
you have to be 18 or over to post on this site
10350 might be releasing in December.
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Any Zelda, Lord of the Rings, Castle, DND plz
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does he have a pet rat or does he transform into one? the eyes are the same
Pets often look like their owners.
75401 - Ahsoka's Jedi Interceptor
75402 - ARC-170 Starfighter
75403 - Grogu with Hover Pram
75404 - Acclamator-Class Assault Ship
75405 - Home One Starcruiser
75410 - Mando and Grogu's N-1 Starfighter

71823 - Kai's Dragon Spinjitzu Spinner
71824 - Sora's Dragon Spinjitzu Spinner
71826 - Dragon Spinjitzu Battle Pack
71827 - Zane's Battle Suit Mech
71828 - Lloyd's Pull-Back Race Car
71829 - Lloyd's Green Forest Dragon
71830 - Kai's Mech Storm Rider
71831 - Ninja Spinjitzu Temple
71833 - Ras and Arin's Super Storm Jet
71834 - Zane's Ultra Combiner Mech
71841 - Dragonian Storm Village

Not in January
Will they do another Concorde? Like a minifigure or midi or micro scale one? It's my favourite plane. And will they do the SR-71 Blackbird? It's my second favourite plane. Lots of Love, Anon.
Meant to quote >>11165469

Zed in January
>71826 - Dragon-
>Spinjitzu Battle Pack
So close...
do you know if they have any plans about continuing Dungeons & Dragons at any point in 2025?
Wholesome DnD kino?
>wholesome ___ kino
LMAO get owned. I've been trolling you this entire time in case you didn't realize (when I say something is wholesome I'm actually being ironic, lol). HAHAHAHAHAHA you guys are seriously so dumb. SLT rigged the poll BTW.
You were... merely pretending? No... It can't be...
I just bought one for like 80 bucks.

It's over for me

I guess at the very least it'll only rise in value
Any Ideas for an alternate build for that D&D set?
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Describe your dream UNLICENSED theme
is the acclamator and home one minifig scale?
Bionicle with the original Bionicle pieces and it has all my favourite Bionicle characters like Tahu, Pohatu, Gali, Onua, Vakama, Kharzani, Matoro, Gorast, etc.
new thread status????????
Not an alt build but I would remove the bridge and small right tower and flesh out that space as an open forest. the big facetree would go on top of the cliff(replacing the little tower) and in its current place in the bottom level I would put a natural cave for a troll(or just the owlbear) to live

that's my plan for when I get it
Will Jabbas barge suffer from brittle brown? Always wanted one but I don't know if I want a giant brittle piece and debating on getting the Fellowship of The Ring set.
The Oregon Trail.
Yea, people say they fixed brittle brown but it's not true, it breaks all the time in new sets I've gotten. So does dark red. At least lime is safe now, it's one of my favourite colours.
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Wanna buy this as my first set as its a good looking, decently sized older set that isn’t absurdly expensive do any anons here have one? Is it fun?
bioshock infinite-like
It'll suffer from Current Day Plastic Syndrome - all colors will crack after a while on their own.
It's good but it's hard to connect to other sets if you have a lego city because the colours are uncommon
Just2good is crawling back from his statement that he doesn't really want to do lego video's anymore. Now doing sponsored ad gameplay video's to still get that cash.

The Lego store I went to this weekend had a giant mini figure with brown hair and it had broken pieces. I would have dropped a hundred on a set but they didn't have any Indiana Jones or space postcards.
the raised baseplate does all the work. I recently fell out of love with raised baseplates, it makes me nervous how frail they can be and they just dont feel as tactile as brickbuild environments
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I like using 16x16 plates and reinforcing the bottom over baseplates nowadays. Lego should release some large baseplates with bottom tubes like regular plates, it would be super useful.
Duckbricks and Just2good are officially a couple

lego youtubers are fucking deprives
That’s why I like it, it feels unlike all the other town theme stuff, it has a very unique identity :) .
this I can get behind
duckbricks will transition so they can become transbians
DuckBricks' expression is undeniably alarming—his wide eyes and raised eyebrows suggest extreme distress, and the tension in his forced smile hints at a deeper issue at play. It appears he’s trying to communicate a message, perhaps indicating that Justin's grip is more than just a playful hold; it might be a plea for help that he can't voice. The urgency of his situation cannot be ignored! We must rally together to ensure his safety and well-being. EVERYONE, WE MUST HELP CHRIS! DUCKBRICKS ARMY, ASSEMBLE!
we're on page 1 motherfucker. have some fucking selfawareness
Heroica expanded and improved upon
"saving lives" so they can become debt slaves to the "heroes".
What this is a totally normal expression that doesn’t convey terror and a hint of desperation.
Jang has literally never once played a nintendo games, anyone people mention he he enphaiticaly states how he has never played nintendo EVER
Kill yourself, spamfag
That's the awesome thing about toys, you can use you imagination!
kramer, any info on 75399 or 75400 for star wars? or any other sw info?
Is /toy/ down? Is this it? Do I have to go outside now?
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>tfw the set she originally came from is like 5 years old
>she alone is almost the the same price as what the original set ($100 USD)
>check prices of set on bricklink
>cheapest options sealed is now double the fucking price
jesus, death to lego (((Investors)))
Rock Raiders!

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