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Previous Thread: >>11135352

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

Where to buy
>GSC Online Shop - some figmas only are available through their online shop
>Amiami - usual place for buying, to some people, shipping is a bit higher due to packaging
>Hobby Link Japan shipping is usual lower, but their prices are a bit higher, private warehaouse is available
>Hobby Search Japan - items stay in stock the longest
>Mandarake - search figma or フィグマ
>eBay/Amazon - only if you hate having too much money. Avoid bootlegs, you can spot them as 'Chinese version'
>http://jungle-scs.co.jp/ - Seems like you can fine some good deals here
>Check the BST threads, My Figure Collection for any offer/deal

Here's a link to the buyfag guide list of shops:
If you're getting into the hobby, there's plenty of other useful information to find on the wiki.

In case someone is interested in the printable backdrops/dioramas & other papercraft stuff that Max Factory have in the download section of their site:
here is a back up, Enjoy!

Short illustrated posing guide by Max Factory
>http://ameblo.jp/figma/entry-11564427757.html (in moonrunes)
The S shape is always good advice though. The basic idea is that straight lines tend to look stiff.

Tomytec's 1 inch scale section (1/12 stuff, little armory, vehicles and others)

For 3rd party accesories/diorama pieces just look for 1/12 stuff (for other scales just ask in the thread)
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>Release schedule: (your favorite will probably get delayed)

>La+ Darknesss
>Void and figFIX Ubik
>Slan & Conrad

>Kyouyama Kazusa
>Jigokuraku Gabimaru

>Dead Space Isaac Clarke
>Veronica Sweetheart
>Takanashi Kiara
>Gridman (Universe Fighter)
>Persona 5 Joker

January 2025
>Raging Wolf
>Nakayama Kinni-kun
>The Milkmaid by Vermeer
>Toshiki Takayama: Another Color ver.
>Yuji Oshita: Another Color ver.

February 2025
>Link Tears of the Kingdom ver.
>Sakamata Chloe
>Yuuka Hayase

March 2025
>Armed JK: Variant A,B,C,D,E,F + Loadout Set 1,2

April 2025
>Gendo Ikari

May 2025

June 2025
>Ganondorf: Tears of the Kingdom Ver.

July 2025
>Skull Knight & DX Edition

August 2025
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>The following release dates have been confirmed:

>Shipping out from the 12th of September 2024:
Void and figFIX Ubik
Slan & figFIX Conrad

>Shipping out from the 13th of September 2024:
La+ Darknesss

>The following products have had their release dates changed:

None so far
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>Mika Misono

>Skull Knight & DX Edition



>Ganondorf: Tears of the Kingdom Ver.

>Gendo Ikari

>Armed JK: Variants + Loadout Sets


>Yuuka Hayase


>Persona 5 Joker

>Sakamata Chloe

>Yuji Oshita: Another Color ver.

>Toshiki Takayama: Another Color ver.

>The Milkmaid by Vermeer

>Nakayama Kinni-kun
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>Reposting from the previous thread

>Smile Fest Prototype Gallery

>In hand pics of a few of the latest releases and some older figures

>In hand pics of E.M.M.I

>LittleArmory is making male versions of their Tactical Gloves

>Armed JK Variants Reviews

>Mona Lisa Review

>Sumire Uesaka Review

>Wonfes 38 Gallery

>Review of JSDF soldier
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Good Smile Company website renewal (https://www.goodsmile.com/en) is complete
The new website combines the main site and the shop into one, you must reset your password to access the new shop.
Orders done in the old shop will be processed through the old website.

Remember to ignore the shitposters trying to derail the thread

And fuck the autosage
Good figure.
It's sad. I won't be at home for another month or so. I'd print some BTs and pose them with Sam for the thread.
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Swimming homos.
Gotchu senpai
Is the good smile release page for 2024 fucked up for anyone else it doesn't show anything for me. I wanna see the pictures.
My Slan arrived today. I was out so my parents found my package first but luckily they didnt open it. Definitely the most risque toy I've bought.
>>Review of JSDF soldier
Wasnt there some sort of US soldier that they teased a while ago? When is that coming out?
Why does his face look like it's a lower resolution?
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Just showed him in February.
I hope they dont actually make those parts of the M4 green. I also hope they include a gas mask or ski mask faceplate
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Sometimes we just live in a low res world.
the face scan is shit
Fentanyl does this to people irl.
Kek. The new hot thing is Galaxy Gas. If you see some decrepit half upright niggas stumbling through Atlanta that's what it is. This stuff erodes the Dorsal vertebrae and make you anemic.
The M4 will most likely be two-tone as shown. Definitely don't expect any kind of face plate options.
So I preorder her but...
Is she really going to be so fucking big?
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gonna be funny seeing her be a giant beside my neru and asuna nendos
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>Figurearts Vegeta standing next to her
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It's a 1/10 scale line like Act Mode, so yes.
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>neru and asuna nendos
Figma when? I want Neru and Tsurugi please....
Senseibros... Toki is going to be tall like Nappa. She's going to abuse us with her superior height and strenght
Hopefully they will also do a figma with her maid dress. The maid dress comes with the DX version btw
>The maid dress comes with the DX version btw
I'm just using my imagination. I could see the long maid dress not coming with the regular version like they did with Arcueid skirt
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Seems they mostly went with glossy plastic for Miku.
Might wanna get some matte topcoat if Toki's the same.
>Seems they mostly went with glossy plastic for Miku
I hope they don't do the same with Toki, this is my first plamatea..
>Might wanna get some matte topcoat if Toki's the same.
I honestly have no idea how to do that, I never did a custom and I fear that I'm going to end up ruining the figure paint
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>ruining the figure paint
Anon... It's a plastic model. There's no paint on it.
You have to build her.
I mean she's going to be uhhh grey? I though she was going to be like in the pictures. The mold isn't colored?
Parts are (usually) molded in the correct color. Smaller details might be decals/stickers or you have to paint yourself. It'll never look like the promo picture unless you do touch ups, as you'll at least have the nubmarks that are left behind from cutting it out.

To give an impression, I built >>11163313 this week. Unpainted, bare plastic. Only the faces were pre-printed.
Well... it's not that expensive so I can try and learning how to do this stuff can be useful
I didn't get Cliff at the time, might get him next year if the opportunity arrives. Now, how Higgs didn't get one figure is beyond me.
Same, if not still on the fence primarily because Cliff's a wonderful character in design and story, but I can't be bothered to get Sam knowing he has an EX to look out for.

I'd laugh and say Troy Baker is just too expensive to license. But I'm hoping they'd get around to doing his DS2 if possible. Lea Seydoux though, I'm not sure if she's open to merching.
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Cliff is good.

That would be nice. Would've preferred his design from DS1 though I'm sure that ship has sailed with DS2 coming along. Not that I mind, as long as he gets a figure.
Trying to understand my plastics as I'm looking into glues/cements.

I always see PVC/ABS on figma listings.
I assume the stand is ABS and most if not all of the figma itself is PVC?
squishy is PVC (with plasticizer), solid is ABS
No, the figures are made of both, just depends on if the particular part needs flex8bility or strength.
Thanks. Only knew lego bricks are ABS.
>with plasticizer
Safe to say most skin parts are that with how they can leak.
Plasticizer is the additive making PVC squishy (plastic) otherwise it's solid like your PVC toilet pipes.
This isn't a Figma so Idk why her height would be so unbelievable.
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Oh the squad building opportunities if he weren't so expensive
That sucks it only has recent/in stock stuff
This used to be great til it didn't, at least for me
Does anyone know if AmiAmi allows you to ask for a payment extension?
You can try, I've never done it
Still happy with how this dumb Chika figure came together. I feel like she would know how to shoot.
Still waiting for Little Armory: Great War collection
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Everything I’m waiting for isn’t up for preorder yet. Geralt, 2b,a2, the snake remake. Holo.
I’m so excited to eventually see the Holo proto.
No consistent theme for your display, I take it?
Not him but fuck consistency. I'm going to put my touhou girls and fate characters with my dragon ball characters
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You go, girl
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Been taking out my older figures from storage to make sure they aren't leaking plasticizers and let them breathe. Also been rewatching Evangelion.
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This is the only Evangelion Figma I own tho
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Nah, just figures I like, sometimes I do scenes or something but right now I’m happy with them doing generic action poses. I have a darkness coming at some point and I’ll get megumin sooner or later but outside that just waiting for the others.
I’m curious what they will give her. Couple faces, wheat, apple, probably head covering.
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Some more Figma for the thread with some Snail Shell and Parfoms mixed in. I got lucky no plasticizers leaking out of Samus but her joints did turn matte on one side.
i hope cover and max factory already made the contracts and Ame won't be cancelled
What's a good estimate for when Ru Darkness comes out?
She's going to keep collaborating with Hololive from time to time, the character isn't dead. And even if it was, it shouldn't be a reason to cancel. They didn't even cancel the Russia figma after the debacle so I don't see them leaving Myth incomplete, people still like Ame even if she soft-graduates. Think of it like a figure of a character from a show that has already ended.
Didn't the Rushia Figma only come out a few months after she was canned? They were probably in the middle of having the tooling made when that shit went down, so it was a bit late to cancel it.
Yeah, but they specifically said about her merch stopping other than what's already done (or in production, cant remember wording).
So people are basically just wondering/worrying about whether the Figma was far enough along to be included in what's gonna 'stay' on sale.
But really, its all baseless guessing until in X months time we get a colour version/preorders, or we go a year with no progress.
Gunplafag here, don't know a single thing about Miku, but my niece is obsessed with her so I pre-ordered this and will be painting it up for her, but I've got a question. Are the instrument wings meant to be all white or do they need to be painted to look like the instruments?
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Promo shots and the box artwork show as white/shaded.
Nendoroid too
Such a gorgeous collection anon
Who's the one in sitting in the front in black?
I really want that Samus but she's so expensive now. No way I'm paying 20k Yen
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the one in that anon's pic is other M samus and mandarake has one right now for 13k
all the other samus figmas got those fucked up aftermarket prices though
they have the same articulation, right? Because if that's the case I can grab other M instead of 3
I did.. not my proudest purchase.
Before that I considered trying to make my own with 30MS parts, but nah.

>DG & Chief
Nice, got those too. Though the knockoff ver of the latter. Surprisingly good quality, besides the weapons I had to bend back.
hey you can recreate that pic then! Do it
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I don't have other M samus but looking at reviews, it seems that the upper body is pretty much the same as prime 3's but the leg range is a bit worse
other M does comes with arm cannon effect parts while prime 3 came with nothing
ehhh well, maybe I can get her anyway. After I preorder all the shit I have, just stop releasing characters I like... please
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>other M does comes with arm cannon effect parts while prime 3 came with nothing
Just ordered swimsuit darkness. What am I in for?
A nice drink.
>A nice drink
You got that right! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oh that's actually a model kit Yefuna from Nuke Matrix I forgot I put up there.
>They put the kit for Ai from OnK up before Roxy
Don't tell me they're waiting for the next season
If I'm a leaf and I buy an in stock figma around the $60-70 range from Good Smile US what's the shipping going to look like? And does that price range dodge customs with how they ship?
>Spice and Wolf got a season 2 announcement
Thank fuck, they won’t backtrack on Holo now, hopefully.
where are those tables from? the tavern setup is very cool
The guy builds a lot of his sets from scratch, so prolly custom.
that's neat. i wonder if picking up woodworking is worth it just to make little dioramas for toys

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