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brave and the bold edition

previous: >>11160858
Out now: Shining Knight, The Question, Red Hood

Next standard wave: Batman Beyond, Batman Noel, and Batman + Ace the Bat-Hound

Future Exclusives: Parallax Sinestro and Commander Steel: Target only
>Jarrett op
CC/Zat/Retro spammer OP actually.
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Nope that's Jarretts bullshit in the picture
When's Todd going to announce Power Girl?
Whats the BEST figure out there of this tittymonster (not elvira, the other one) ????
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There are only about four different figures out there.
The Mattel DC Universe one has the most articulation but the sculpting is pretty meh.
There's an Ed McGuinness version that's alright but the legs are kind of thick.
There's a retro figure but the articulation is really limited.
There's a New52 version with some decent sculpted detail, but it isn't the classic version so who cares.
Anons have been hoping Todd will make a new one but we all expect him to fuck it up somehow, probably by either making the black version or the new jacket design.
this figure, like all dcuc women, absolutely sucks. i should try to sell mine and get rid of the cursed burden my dcuc collection has been for the last decade
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There's also an Infinite Crisis figure but she has a super thick neck so most people forget it exists.
What the fuck is this figure? Captain Karen? Is her arch-nemesis Walmart manager? She looks like she likes to buy Wonder Bread on sale.
>DC General
>not recognizing Power Girl
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Oh it's definitely going to be the jacket version. It wouldn't be a McFarlane figure without a "fuck you" to the customer.

I don’t follow marvel I was just attracted by the titties.

Cute face though.
It is sad that is the sexiest official Power Girl figure ever made

And given Todd's track record, it may remain so.
I'm not sure many would care as long as the boob window is there and the face looks hot
I would care.
But yes, the whales and hoarders would still buy it, the stacks of unopened boxes in their living room inching closer to the ceiling, right next to the deck of jokerized variants they've keeping in a special pile.
But no, real humans with actual taste will not spend a dollar on a Power Girl with a jacket.
What if the Hawkgirl figure ends up sexier than the Power Girl figure? What will you do, anons?
What do you consider a 'whale' and a 'hoarder' for this line? What's the limit between a normal collector and them?
Ideally a display gives figures enough room to breathe, about one to three inches spacing between them with arms and poses composed carefully so each piece in the collection stands apart as a unique figure but also flows together in a harmonious presentation.

Every collector is in some ways a gardener. There is a certain beauty in allowing things to become overgrown and allow nature to reclaim the land, but most of us strive for a balanced display and are constantly fiddling and tweaking things until we find perfection.

Some people just stuff shelves with rows of figures in A pose with no consideration for even lighting or presentation. This is clutter, this is a bunch of plastic crap broadcasting a lack of impulse control, a hoarder's addiction, and it transforms something that should be light and fun into a disgusting manifestation of mental illness.

Piles of unopened boxes scattered around the floor is not the same as placing stones throughout the garden, it's just a fire and health hazard.
Is zat still a thing? I know cc is around still.
Look at the number of the retroshitting threads and judge for yourself, he’s not dead (yet)
Kill yourself spammer
Hooray, Mr. Freeze arrived and he has a bubble in his helmet. This is completely unusable. Now I have to return it.
>Frequently returned item

>Check the product details and customer reviews to learn more about this item.
Yeah yeah, I know. I shouldn’t have given Todd another chance. Fucked over again
Eh, it’s barely noticeable
You have the worst luck with his toys.
It’s very noticeable.

lol it’s unreal at this point
Could you not just take it off and flip it around?
A close up of this makes me want it more.
Nope, there's some bump cut into the dome so it rests in the rim at exactly that angle. If I try to turn it the dome won't stay in place.
>Everyone who likes what I don't like is a hoarder and a whale and has a house filled with boxes
I don't even like McFs, but holy shit bro, be less autistic. Some people may want that version of her, just because you don't doesn't mean everyone else doesn't either. Yeah, her classic look is preferred, but if I collected McFs, I wouldn't hate them doing the Super Jacket look for her and everyone else. The jackets are pretty cool looking imo. But that must make me a hoarder paypig whale right?
The paint is very uneven and sloppy when I see it close up. I assume they just dip the whole piece in paint or spraypaint it rather than using a brush to avoid the dread paint app fee
>but if I collected McFs, I wouldn't hate them doing the Super Jacket loo
But you don't collect them, you don't care about Power Girl, and you don't understand what we're talking about.
If you like Power Girl then the jacket version is unacceptable heresy. Full stop.
The only people who would buy it are hoarders. This is not a perspective, an opinion, or something that can be debated.
I thought I saw some review saying you could take it off. :/ Otherwise, how would you get head artic... oh, sorry, that might be the B:TAS version I'm thinking off.
>Stop liking what I don't like
Nah, imma do my own thang
You could probably change or fix it with customizing techniques but really you shouldn't have to fix their QC issues. I've had a few I had to "fix" myself with mcfarlanes.
You can, but this is the third or fourth time I've gotten something that I've had to fix and I'm tired of having to accommodate McFarlane's figures like retarded children.

I'd rather just get my money back. I held him against the rest of the collection just to see if I could reignite the love but in my heart only felt a flat "meh."
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>wander into a conversation about a character you don't know
>"but why don't you want the sassy new redesign nobody likes?"
Fuck off, retard.
>i don't like it so nobody else can!
>i swear i'm not the retard here
The comic is not very popular, so yeah the design isn't.
Mcfarlane knew if they screwed up Darkseid there would be anger. They screwed up Darkseid anyway. I have little reason to believe Power Girl will be different.
I like designs from comics I've never even read
NTA but I like the jacket, reminds me of Kon
Needs to lose the legs on the spandex though
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The whole point of Power Girl's costume is that it doesn't look like Supergirl's, or any of the Super Family, because she's her own character. Having the S shield on her jacket shoulders is the opposite of what the character represents.

But you wouldn't know this because you're just a retarded faggot getting easy (You)s from ignorant shitposting.
The only 'insider info' we have is a screenshot of a list someone posted on reddit and I'm already ready to riot because I know Todd is going to fuck this up.
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The jacket will be the regular version. The classic will be the chase variant.
Didn't she literally get pissed when someone made her a costume with an S on it at one point?
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She told Superman she doesn't want to use his symbol and she's still trying to figure out her own. The appeal of the character is how she always feels out of place and has to prove herself, that's why she overcompensates by being aggressive and assertive.

Between the lines, she understands the weight Superman's symbol carries so she doesn't want to wear it in case she fucks up and it makes her cousin look bad. She also sees Supergirl, a teenage version of herself everyone sees as the 'real' Supergirl, dressed in the red, yellow, and blue with the shield and needs to define herself as her own person, not just Superman's cousin.
She seems like a brute but is a very self-conscious and caring person trying to do the right thing.

Wearing an S shield means she's given up on finding her own path and become one of the half dozen clones, cousins, and children who dress like Superman, act like Superman, and never do anything wrong.

I say it again, the jacket is heresy.
Oh it was subjectanon the whole time. Should've known.

Please stop chase variants. This is demonic behavior, Todd.
Characters change, anon.

Especially when different writers handle them. You need to accept that once a writer's run is over, that form of the character is gone, and is replaced by a different one.
>just buy the slop
This anon gets it.
I'd close her hole with my dick.
You can stop buying if you dont like the new writer.
Sorry that someone liking something you don't offends you so much. I genuinely feel bad for the autists that are like this. Must be hard.
Why are Americans this autistic?
A writer creates the most random excuse ever to justify her showing her boobs constantly one day and people like to pretend like it's a defining biblical and sacred aspect of a character that had alreay existed for 25 years before that stupid excuse was ever imagined lol.

Anyways, comic book characters don't really have one true interpretation or version. As someone else already said, it'll always vary from writer to writer. So let's try to not gatekeep them.
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>You need to accept that once a writer's run is over, that form of the character is gone, and is replaced by a different one.
>So let's try to not gatekeep them.
We've already seen how that line of thinking ruins things. If it isn't the version everyone wants then they won't sell, it's that simple.
Oh fuck, is the regular version going to be black with a blue jacket and the chase version white with the red jacket?
I can't think of any other way to get two variants out of one sculpt for her classic costume.
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I actually own two of these Power Girls because one was a lot win, and the only real problem with them is whomever did the McGuiness sculpt designs blew their load on the male asses and legs - and while they did a decent job on the female chest, and the waist and figures, the faces leave a lot to be desired and as the other anon said, the legs can be problematic.
NTA, but It's a dumb reason for her to leave her boobs hanging out, but it's a pretty legitimate reason for her not sharing Superman's logo.
Been thinking about picking up Injustice or Flash movie Supergirl and head swapping them with Batwoman Beyond to make that character, some kind of OC Superman with tits lol
The Ed McGuinness Power Girl is nice. Been tempted to pick her up a few times just because of how cool the pearlescent bodysuit looks.
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I love Elvira
>Hey, Brucie boy, check out my pecs!
>Tim, not right now. Mr. fantastic is right there!
>I'm expanding, and its not my limbs.
So how fucked am I if I want Question? Is he only available via Toad's website and already sold out? That's super bullshit, especially if Toad's going back to the bullshit of only making mass retail figures be Batman garbage.
Super fucked.

I'd suggest paying now or else you are screwed as Todd's bullshit means characters like Vic are going to be impossible to find because he's piss that fans want them instead of worthless Batwank, zombies, and OC garbage redesigns that no one wants and that clogs up the shelves and eventually go on clearance.
Oh I forgot about her. Did anything actually come of that.
He hasn't even gone on sale most places yet
He looks really bad in hand, anon. They used a black spray under the hat that looks awful, it’s like the top half of his face is a black band.
It looks terrible
Well, I did hide it with the Wally West figures on the bottom shelf. I guess he might be fun to repaint. If he’s there next time I visit Walmart I’ll buy him.
How do I rip off a scalper on eBay? I don't want them to get nothing, but I'd like to get back the $60 over retail price.
>being too poor to afford $60
It's $80 plus taxes and it's the principle. I'd gladly pay that for a Mafex. In fact, that John Wick figure might work...
>the principle
>while scamming someone for free toys
Being deliberately obtuse is no way to go through life, anon.
You're the one who's incoherently asking people how to break the law by committing mail fraud, dipshit.
Unfortunately, you really can't without it biting you in the ass. The worst you could do is say the figure is messed up but then, you have to send it back and pay for the delivery fee. If you're willing to buy from someone and proactively destroy their product like human scum, I mean sure?
I already figured it out, claim it shipped without accessories and get a partial refund. Thanks, goys!
Fuck scalpers
It might just be some ma and pa shop or someone who got lucky finding something in a store and posted it online. Either way, you're fucking over a person not a company, you're scum.
>supporting scalpers
FUCK scalpers!
Thinkin hard about going to see if that Question is still where I put him. I hate going to Walmart two days in a row, though...
I would be camped outside their front entrance until they open if I knew there was a Question inside.
Are you seeing what he's already going for on ebay?
So its another one of those impossible to get figures again? Seriously, its the main reason i dont follow multiverse that closely. Figure you want is announced, pre orders sell out, cant find it in stores and have no intrest in more batmen. Ah well, ill still look when i go grocery shopping next week. Looks like ill just grab max mercury and be happy
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This is actually why comics are dying retard.
Why do you let companies prey on your nostalgia so openly?
Why is Robin so huge and Bruce so tiny? These two do not mesh together.
Not sure they even sell "unique platinums" like Question at MTS. Usually platinums are randomly inserted or you have to buy like a 6 pack to get one. But for platinums that dont have a regular version, who knows.
Then maybe DC and Marvel will finally be punished for their crimes of not having the original creators of a character stay in control of them.
There were no preorders for The Question.
I pre-ordered 2 off of Walmart
Going to see if Question is still hiding at Walmart. What if he isn’t there anymore?
>What if he isn’t there anymore?
Isn't that the question of the day?
Then you’re fucked and someone else found him. Probably one of the Walmart employees doing inventory who googled it and saw they could make an easy $50 on a $20 investment
I do this. Fuck you faggots. Praise the Toddfather.
>thinking you can come back a day later for Question
I guarantee someone monitoring what's in stock from three counties away is spending their weekend visiting every Walmart in the state to find every Question they can and spent an hour with an associate pointing at their phone asking where it's at.
Well I hid it behind four blue Flash figures on the bottom row away from the shelf figures so unless they're reading every case he'll blend in with the row of blue boys in front of him.
Max Mercury was watching me with that sad, confused look on his face like he was thinking, "Why aren't you buying Question now? Why aren't you buying me, too? No one's ever going to take me home, are they?"
I hope someone bought that Max, I don't want to have to avoid his eyes when I'm looking for Question.
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>You aren't really going to let me collect dust and pegwarm here forever, right? Please don't leave me...
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>ill just grab max mercury and be happy
I'll be waiting for you, anon. Don't forget about me.
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Are there any good alternatives if you aren't lucky enough to find the McFarlane version and don't want to pay almost $100 on eBay?
All I can say is that to meWalmart doesn't count as a store you can buy McFarlanes at since they didn't stock them online for years.
Is Sportsmaster out yet? Apparently it's a Platinum for some reason?
Yes. Saw it at Target a couple times now.
Except a plain white no logo top/shirt/etc. accomplishes the same thing far better than a FUCKING HOLE.

Just buy naked body bucks and put any random painted blond head on them. It's so much easier than imagining a piece of plastic without their clothes on just so you can have your morning fap session.

NOPE - not even an entire arc to herself, like Not-Tony, female, non-white Ironman various runs/trades, or Not-Peter, toddler, non-white Spiderman various runs/trades/animated movies, etc.
Neat. I didn't know that character was apparently created in the 40s.
Okay retard
no boob window, no buy
Aren't McFarlane figures only regionally available at Walmart.com, so if you're in say Ohio, but NYC just buys all the Questions in 3 minutes, but the midwest still has a bunch, you're basically SOL and it shows out of stock for you?
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IMO even if they made a power girl with no boob window, most DC collectors would eat shit and buy it, because they are too addicted and just because it reads "Power Girl" on the box they are obligated to buy it.
Unless your partial refund totaled $50 or more, you still overpaid son.
I think Walmarts put out new toys on Friday nights or Saturday mornings. When I was there yesterday they had a fresh set of Question, Shining Knight, and Red Hood.
The blue Dick didn't last long so I know someone else is watching the store, and they're fast. Usually they pick up the rare ones in a day or two.
Seen the same guy at Target a couple times, balding with long thin black hair and a heavy metal shirt, pretty sure he's my main competition.
He was right where I left him. Should I open him or keep him in the box and trade him for Power Girl when she comes out?

Ideal variants:
Normal - smiling with open flying hands
Chase - angry laser eyes with fists
We truly live in clown world where old heavy metal biker guys are scalping children's toys
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Open him
>most DC collectors would eat shit and buy it, because they are too addicted and just because it reads "Power Girl" on the box they are obligated to buy it.

>NOPE - not even an entire arc to herself

based power girl chads with discriminating taste
$60 seems to be the latest going price for Question. Not really that insane for a platinum. When people were talking about his prices here I thought he must be going for like $100+.

By the way never pay scalper prices for a McFarlane, that is idiotic behavior.
How likely is it for us to get a working class Batman figure?
Nice find, anon.
It's a $20 figure at best. $60 is insane.
Welcome to Todd's wild ride.
But I don't ride Todd's ride because I'm part of the spin master race.
>I collect dog shit 1/18 crap dead scales and baby shampoo dolls
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Blame the people who buy figures based on "it's a character" rather than the quality of the product.
>anons can't afford a character
>start complaining about scalpers and other collectors
Every time.
Every time.
I personally love my DCUC Question. I still remember finding him after wandering into K-Mart late one night with my best friend after we'd been marathoning Justice League Unlimited episodes.
It's not fair some anons have to pay triple msrp for a new figure.
McFarlane Toys has come up with this Platinum method to cater to scalpers. Todd himself seems to have tacitly endorsed Platinums and the practices around them in at least one interview. They have heard the complaints of fans against Platinums, interviewers have brought it up to Todd and others at McFarlane Toys directly, but they are still doing it.

McFarlane Toys has made changes over fan outrage in the past, but those were over things they could see were losing them money like side eye.

Unfortunately, the practice of Platinums is factually gaining them money because scalpers and misguided collectors rush in and buy something that is Platinum immediately, so they are not going to stop it unless you and others make them lose money due to it.

The only way to protest against this is simply to stop supporting McFarlane Toys with your money. That is the only feedback mechanism you have that Todd will listen to on this.
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>baby shampoo dolls
Based, trips don't lie
>inb4 he was being ironic
Trips saw the truth in his heart
Why would they make the suit black and the cowl blue?
We should boycott all new figures until Todd makes enough Questions for everyone> This is so fucking bullshit.
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>A writer creates the most random excuse
This is the only bad thing.
Why do they need to justify it every year-5 years?? You do it once and that's it. Other popular designs, like Spider-Man, Wolverine, Superman, Flash, etc don't need to be justified. Sure, they'll get some MINOR changes over the years, but their designs have stayed largely the same for decades and will stay mostly unchanged for the next century. Anything else is hated, hence any major changes that they do get, we know will be temporary.

>comic book characters don't really have one true interpretation
False. 99% of characters revolve around their defining traits and any deviations is met with a lot of hate. IT doesn't mean Spiderman has to remain a teenager forever, but his character has remained struggling and in penance forever. Any changes that we have seen, they're almost always temporary too.

These characters have to stay this way because it's what SELLS. I mean, go see Morrison's XMen, which got a shit ton of praise, but there were no clamours for it to stay that way after his run. You also don't really see anyone asking for entire waves of Quitely's run designs either, but we do see constant need for Claremont's XMen because that's when they were popularized.
See how XMen hasn't been popular for a while, because a storyline went on for too long and characters were changed beyond redemption.
Keep him. They'll probably screw up Power Girl.
Yeeeahhh... I could cut the box open from the bottom and not use the stand or card so if I ever resell it he'd still look pristine.
But I really want to repaint him with a darker vest and pants like >>11166347.
Plus what if he becomes one of those turbo rare things like grey Catwoman? I repainted my blue Azbat and modified my Eradicator, I keep getting these chase figs and ruining their value.
But I don't really plan on ever being so poor I need to sell Question for money, and am pretty sure I could swing whatever Power Girl might cost. And we don't know if Power Girl is even real, and then if it would be an acceptable version.
I'll give it a week to see if prices drop when more people are able to find him in store.
I think he needs Huntress so he has a shelf gf, but she has a doll cape...
Much to consider.
Do Question and shining knight have chases?
There's nothing listed or sold on ebay.
>11 people have paid $80 for The Question in the last two days, even more have paid $60-70
What drives this madness?

>buy toy
>"tee hee should I open it or not, /toy/?"
To be fair, it's a legitimate fear when they're deliberately shorting stores and creatin artificial scarcity.
I mean there's nowhere else people can get it but ebay. If they are crazy The Question stans and have to have their oshi in figure form, they're gonna pay the scalper in the alley
They are the chases. They are only available as platinums, not normal releases. This may be because only ~15000 people total know who The Question is, and ~9000 people total know who this version of Shining Knight is. So if they made say 70k of each, they would pegwarm to eternity. Instead they've decided they will make under the amount needed and whoever doesn't get one that wants one, McFarlane Toys does not care.
How do the alley scalpers get their figures? It feels like Todd is giving the rares to sellers on ebay and he's getting a cut.
That's a highly conspiratorial theory. scalpers do this with other lines too like Warbird in Marvel Legends.

It's scalpers jobs to get these figures as soon as they get put out; they are all in on that scalper money. They comb stores for signs of a reset, or they work at the stores themselves to know. They get there as soon as the store opens and buy up everything they think will sell on ebay or if they work there they just put them somewhere and buy them on a break.

Normal collectors have other jobs and responsibilities and can't compete with this.
It's far more like that a scalper will comb every store in town and buy like 10 of them.
>That's a highly conspiratorial theory
Todd making a finite amount of chase rares and selling them for $50 a pop to sellers makes more sense than someone working a full time job at Walmart just so they can see when a new wave of DC figures comes out once every three months.
Do stores have a "limit 2" or something with action figures?
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They don't work at Walmart just do they can scalp. They scalp because they work at Walmart and are poor as fuck and need the money.
Hey now, no need to be rude to Walmart employees because you suspect they're denying you The Question figures.
I'm not looking to buy a figure of an obscure character from 1970s-1990s comics. I'm just saying, Walmart doesn't pay these people enough to live so they scalp.
EB seller stuck a more pristine "blue top" on the open/possibly used (or empty?) black shampoo bottle OR more plausibly, manufacturer screw-up. But it's sold originally as the blue suit version.
Scalping is a sign we as a society are on the decline. It's basically a fight for what's left of scarce product, whether a luxury product or a necessity.
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What has the world come to when a man needs to tip the Walmart store manager to get a figure of The Question?
Why are people obsessed with the Question anyway? He's a perennial side character, if mysterious. It isn't like he's a sex appeal magnet like Power Girl which I can understand males going nuts over, or a highly sought after figure of a major character like classic look Wonder Woman.
He's like Boba Fett, he's just cool.
Which characters do you like?
He's a conspiracy theorist. People identify with those.
It's 99.9% because of the Justice League Unlimited episodes he starred in.

Really interesting yet so simple design + funny personality + being cool + pulling a really hot girl
Oh and he's a lovable weirdo, the fantasy of so many of us who like to spend our money on over-priced plastic.
O'Neil/Cowan/Sienkiewicz run was fire.
Todd has given interviews where he has talked about his shit being 'desirable' - he probably thinks it reflects back on him that people are scalping his sheet, even as his Disney, Witcher, DCMV and other crap is flooding stores like Ollie's, Ross and Big Lots.

Anything else is just nonsense conspiracy. Just like Musk and other people who like to rile up their cult followings, Todd probably does do shit to stir up the great unwashed but these people are not after a few dollars here and there.

The bigger and better question is how much patience and willingness companies like Disney, Netflix and WB are willing to let this happen with their licensed products.

For example, you have to wonder why WB Consumer Products doesn't let McFarlane Toys make any of the Harry Potter licensed products, unless you count letting him make ONE fucking Movie Maniac was that. They are even turning to Spin Master more for their Looney Tunes stuff.
The thing is, Todd's figures also end up at Ross'

I think its far more a logistical concern: Todd knows some characters are too obscure to ever be made normally so he throws them out as platinums, he knows rare stuff attracts attention so he gets attention through specifically limited releases. He also knows retailers that he needs to keep happy like stuff that sells quick, and platinums fulfill that. He figures with collectors, they'll get over missing some characters, or they'll overpay on ebay.
*desire to escape package and create a conspiracy theory board intensifies*
Hey be nice
He’s free
Toys are for playing with, not scalping
I can't believe DC let them reuse the movie Joker mold for a comic character
Because licensors usually want movie figures to be their own thing. Todd must really have near free reign. He even used some Spawn parts in DCMV like Sinn's grasping accessory is also the vampire Green Lantern's green grasping accessory.
I appreciate the picture Jarrett. You're still a faggot for the spam and shit stirring.
I think he has the go ahead for reuse because it's all WB or whatever the fuck now. Note the mortal Kombat sword thing. That would explain why you don't see Warhammer reuse.
jeez that's some ugly ass art
What does it all mean
Spawn figures have used Fortnite weapons and those weapons have been sold in their weapon packs too.

Mold reuse is common for children toylines. Only collector lines have the budget to really make everything unique, since they cost more.

Theres license stipulations where toy companies aren't allowed to reuse molds from other licenses, but other lines can reuse molds. So MK has to have everything original per character or within the license itself, but DC can use MK weapons.

Or something like Star Wars isn't allowed to share any of its molds with any other lines. Whereas the Marvel figures have seen reuse in GI Joe lines and vice versa.

Pic is an example of how the Marvel Legend line uses the same exact guns found in the 1/18 GI Joe line. Hasbro didn't reuse the mold, but the 3d file instead.
He's proto-Rorschach.
>Hasbro out of nowhere
This subjectautist is really obsessed huh.
Funny aglet scene
Vic would never forget ImagineNext on his conspiracy board.
Damn now I hate Jarrett even more for being such a useless lazy half assed fuck
Why are you obsessed with him?
ImagiNext and Elvira Threads added to the board
Are those the kidnapping caves?
The network of scalpers who get chase figures. The arrows are where the products enter the country.
The circled area is the kidnapping caves.
he's so fucking perfect please dont make me pay scalper prices, todd
Looks fully shit
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The dumb networks with Nevada highlighted and the fingered lakes alluded to
>people here complaining about scalpers
>McFarlane figures are easy af to get in Europe
Probably the only time along with Jada Toys figures that Europe has an upper hand in this type of shit
Never got into DCUC because its main male bucks, which were 70% of the line, always looked off to me.

But damn did they cook with the female figs and HOT DAMN did they cook with that Power Girl.

I don't see McFarlane getting out a figure half as good as that one.
That Collector Edition Wonder Woman was solid so McFarlane CAN deliver if they want to. For some stupid reason, they decide to shit the bed 90% of the time
Reusing parts from a movie fig to a comic fig has never been a problem with any problem AS LONG as they are párt of the same licensor.

(McFarlane has gotten away with reusing parts from different licenses into other ones. I don't know if companies have become more flexible about it or if they just haven't paid attention.)

What DC might be protective of it's let's say something like McFarlane wanting to put out a 2-pack of Ledger Joker and a comic Joker. DC/WB may prefer for them to stay separate and not mix them so they wouldn't let McFarlane release that.

But reusing parts? not a problem at all.
the figure? IT does, but only the weapons are upscaled reuse from the GI Joe line, and they look pretty nice despite that.
>But damn did they cook with the female figs and HOT DAMN did they cook with that Power Girl.
It's actually pretty shit in anything but the up and down pose because Mattel has some really ugly engineering.
Fucking DC Direct released better engineered figures than Mattel... plus better sculpt and paint.
you could look at it like it's condensation on the outside of the helmet
That's cope. Looks like he's under water.
These figures look like actual comic females. I'm a bit taken aback as I'm used to today's body positivity sculpts
Mcfarlane underestimated the Question's popularity and it is the fans who must understand why.
Of course he did, The Question wasn't really popular in the 90s. That's his wheelhouse.
Haha, that's great. Needs pins and thread. This picture has convinced me to get a Question.
Todd isn't the only one who is in on these decisions, so are his Mattel and DCD lackeys. They should know better.
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Anyone got feedback on the best weapons pack to get from McFarlane. This one looks like the best overall collection of weapons:


All I really need is a gun and a knife to go with a loose Bucky Cap I ended up with that I'm going to keep and display, and I don't give a F that it might not match the factory release unless Todd's guns are too big.

I just can't see what I will end up doing with machine guns unless I get a collection of goons and I'm not ever going to buy a Joker or a DC (or other character) that would use one besides Red Hood. At most, I might use a WWII style rifle or machine gun. Also, I like the pack with the laser type guns just for the hell of it so I might get that one as well, even with it's old timey guns.
Ok this is actually pretty good. Well done.
Def looks more enticing/better the more pictures posted but wish jacket/vest buttons look better.
Somewhere in a box, is a used, kinda abused loose version of PICREL, which has a shitty tie and shirt color or wouldn't be planning to flip it.
The first weapons pack is the best one IMO because has the most amount of generic and realistic weapons that can be used with any figure.
Not sci-fi enough.
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The McFarlane weapons always just looked too cartoony for me to want them, even though I usually am all in for a set like this. I know it's because they were originally Fortnite acessories but still...
I have this set and I don't know where it is. I wanted to filter some of the pistols for Tommy Lee Jones. So now he's just using an Action Force Deagle.
NTA but they won't be punished as DC is propped up by WB Discovery(or whatever amalgamation it currently is) and Marvel by Disney. Currently they are strip mining the comics most iconic arcs for the movies, so the sales numbers of the current runs don't matter for this topic, only to rotate "creative" teams and titles.

What is needed is even more flops in the movie section but, even with that they may just move all the other projects to streaming where they can obfuscate the real numbers from their watchdogs.
I thought WB Discovery was looking to possibly sell DC?
yeah, that's the last I heard of that subject, but it doesn't really matter all that much, the new owners will have the bag for a while and then sell it to someone else.
WB-Discovery will not sell DC by itself, they are likely to sell the whole WBD company to another lol.

Universal is the most likely buyer.

But it won't legally possible for another 2 years at least so we'll have to wait how that turns out,
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McFarlane checked out of comics in the 90s though. He focused solely on Spawn and his company when they started Image Comics. IF you read any of his interviews, he doesn't even like watching movies.
Hell, after he announced his retirement after stepping down from his own SpiderMan comic, he actually wanted to stop making comics altogether and wanted to start a card company to make hockey shit.
This is why the Marvel Comics statueshits McFarlane Toys are making now are all based on stuff from his time at Marvel or before. Nothing after 1992. McFarlane is making GI Joe and Transformers stuff now, but that's only because his friend, Robert Kirkman, is licensing the comics from Hasbro.

So his knowledge of comics is probably just pre-92s and whatever modern shit is shoved in his face by DC's licensing and marketing departments. No doubt, there's other people who are more knowledgable about comics than him working at McFarlane Toys and are doing the day to day work.
Yeah, thanks! That's what I thought but will probably grab the laser guns too!

Yep, but I need a plain modern hand gun for my Bucky Cap. And I would like better guns for my classic DCUC Red Hood than the cheap ass red guns he came with for a Matty collector edition.
>So his knowledge of comics is probably just pre-92s
Thats perfect for what /toy/ wants figures of though
I'm so tired of this fucking obsession with Tit girl.
ok, faggot
It's not what DC wants, though. DC wants to force feed you shit like Metal and Vampires until you choke.
>still no Zatanna
>still no Power Girl
Everyone here seemed to blame Todd for those
because they're fucking stupid. other companies were and still are making that stuff too.
Variants and weird shit are fine but there needs to be an iconic version always available.
What qualifies as an iconic version though? And of how many characters must this be true for? Ask people what the iconic look of Batman is. Must it be gray and blue with the yellow oval? Is it gray and black with the black bat symbol? Is it some merger? Is it more like Batman TAS? What does the belt have to look like? The trunks can't be gray can they?
Women don't sell
>print another Batman
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Name my band
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Why doesn't that horse have any legs?
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>Why doesn't that sea horse have any tartar sauce?
It's refreshing, isn't it?
>What qualifies as an iconic version though?
You can have more than ONE iconic version.
While a fair number would hate the Bright Knight, it's definitely an iconic, recognizable look. Zur-En-Arrh, OTOH, is more recognizable than iconic, for example, I suspect the vast majority would agree. Likewise, the Soviet Red Son version is likely more recognizable especially since the collected edition gets reprinted and sells out all the time AND the recent animated movie, but again, more recognizable than iconic.

The Golden Age, especially the long pointed ears, also definitely easily recognizable and also definitely iconic. Easily 4 to 8 more that most batwankers would consensus agree are iconic -- out of likely 100 or more distinct looks.
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weird looking horse
Let's see your horse
half of pack 2 is too specifically themed for me to rec
is great and is now plentiful on aliexpress but may be recasts/bootlegs
i really like picrel pack 3, is is mostly just pack 1 with really nice colors. goes great with gangs or the fortnite figs he did before dc multiverse
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>another Batman
Even the batcrap that's still full price at WalMarts and Targets has already hit remaindered retail shops:
Thanks for the feedback. I want the space lasers. I own stuff like Adam Strange and want to make a custom Captain Comet, so those come in handy.
Pack 3 gives me Todd Jokerized Feels. I do like the rocket launcher and a few others but the paint is more off-putting to me than not.

I don't care if they are bootlegs, that's what I am going for although when I was updating my wish list on Amazon, I came across a huge assortment for dirt cheap but no knives and those did look like ass. The bootlegs at least look like Todd's crap.
Arthur and the Sea Kings?
>shitty lighting
>shitty pose

Just a quick snap to show off this version of PeeGee and the Elseworld Kara
That's the look of someone confident they're dropping an absolute log
That shit sucked anyway. That's not a telltale sign of anything.
>Pack 3 gives me Todd Jokerized Feels.
Is it supposed to a Fornite kinda thing?
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So Todd finally decides to reuse the Hal sculpt by making him into The Ridlder instead of a re-issue, and continuing to allow others to make money off it?
I found him today, but its much more baby blue. Did i get a knock off?
Anon's picture is just darker and saturated. He's much lighter, as you're saying.
That Hal was easy as shit to get. I got mine from Amazon. Scalper speculation did this not Todd.
>reuse the Hal sculpt by making him into The Ridlder instead of a re-issue
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>reuse the Hal sculpt by making him into The Ridlder
A really solid wave. Hyped for all 4.

Nope, I returned it yesterday.

He's a brighter blue in hand. It's a little less jarring when you take him out of the box with the equally bright blue background.
I checked out of comics about a decade ago.
Now, at least for Marvel and DC, I just try to collect books from the 90s and before. I see Todd make modern stuff like Batman Who Keks for his DC line and I just shrug. Old man yelling at cloud and all that.
kind of looks like she's wearing a turtleneck sweater
Power Girl’s uniform would look pretty good if it were black. Surprised there hasn’t been a death and return arc or evil version from an alternate dimension with that design.
She's been blacked enough
lol too true
I should have gotten him from TRU's but slept on that waiting on trying to get $10 millage points per $1 spent from Macy's

I stand corrected. And can't even claim I'm too young to know better.

There's been at least one evil version, IIRC, but I'm too fussed to look up the details. There's been at least two evil Kara's, both times mind-controlled by Darkseid
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Mcfarlane is so close to perfecting their bat capes
>repurposing the Rebirth body for New52 when the details are completely different
Todd you are getting so fucking lazy
Unique sculpts are a good thing!
This fucking body and head along with the Grant Morrison colour palette, goddammit!
But not their bat lips.
Explain this to me, /toy/. If you can.
Fuck off Jarrett
Algorithmic pricing models. Based on your previous purchase history Amazon has determine you are willing and able to pay $35 for this action figure. Welcome to the future son...
Sorry, not Jarrett. The voices in your head are wrong this time.

I'm able but not willing. I've never paid over the standard price for Todd's figures on amazon. I've also already bought that one when it was 22.99
It's like they thought they were .ca, cause that's around what we pay for them. Just go to Gamestop and buy it for retail there. 600+ though, McFarlane is killing it in the States.
Jarrett is based now
I think it's just Amazon's algorithms looking around, seeing that no other sites have the figure for sale and so jacking up the price to insane levels. At this point I'd say Amazon is more a scam site than some of the others that get accused here.
The Deep Ones
>Sorry, not Jarrett. The voices in your head are wrong this time.
My bad I now remember you are Amazon anon worried about the pricing. Jarrett just bitches about delays in regards to Amazon. I'm so sorry. You did not deserve to be called that.
Spinal Catastrophism

Now play Ocean Man you wet eared faggots
Where are the instruments?
Can someone tell mcfarlane to go easy on the lipstick on their figures? It should be easy enough to tone it down and make it less weird
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>Those boots
>Those gloves
>That cowl
What did they even do to the single release?
So, wait, if you have a history of buying cheaper stuff, you'll get a better price?
Now he just needs to start "perfecting" everything else lmao
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Looks like I'm finally gonna get a Terry figure
Can you remove the wings on this one?
300th post
Time to make a new thread Jarrett
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>make a new thread Jarrett
>buffy theme song plays.
TODD! TODD! TODD! TODDDDDDDD!! *electric guitar riff*
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>[Eerrr arrgh intensifies]
I don't need this
Me, neither.
I don't need that.
Nope, don't need either of those.
Thanks, anon.
Recolor at least plz. Hopefully mafex does a better one.
Not really, i bought sale mcfarlane figures a lot in the 2021-2022 period and it still seems to offer me extremely overpriced ones or sales on obvious pegwarmers. I think it has more to do with what's selling a lot, they will jack up the price on it

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