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Psychic Warfare Is Real Edition.
Previous: >>11134364
Thread Questions:
>What less likely repaints would you like to see (Blood Ravens, Hive Fleet Jormungandr etc)?
>Would you buy Necromunda figures?
>If you do customs, which is your favourite you've done?
Ketchup and Mustard Edition

Where are the purple colored Space Marines yet?!
there are no purple founding chapters and the purple chapters are so obscure it's unlikely they will ever be made. go buy some paint.
Emperor's Children are likely at some point since it is rumored that they are going to be getting a 40K range refresh soon and GW would probably want toys to release around that time. They could make 30K versions at any time and give us Rylanor while they're at it.

Sure there are.

Emperor's Children are a founding chapter, are rumored to coming out later this year or early next for 40k, and have tons of stuff for HH from Forgeworld.
Has anyone's TS praetors or Magnus shipped yet, or are these the non-praetor terminators?
I have seen some people with Ahriman already but I don't think the praetor is available yet. Those are the normal terminators and I did not consent to my shitty photo of them being used as OP so I basically got raped.
>Emperor's Children
oh fucking duh, i feel dumb. shouldn't post while drinking. good catch.
My latest order came in, and I love 'em! Such a great toy line!
Never thought I'd get a flag bearer (or "ancient". No joke, that's a proper term in brit bong land, who knew? I just thought that they were "ancient" because only the old veterans were trusted with the flag), and it's funny how THICK that fucker is! Personally, I would've preferred a cloth print, but w/e, I didn't get flag guy for his flag, I got flag guy cuz he has TWO las rifles, each of which can be carried by him thanks to back holster/strap, but he also has a knife, which ALSO has its own strap! Joytoy making the space marine holsters non-functional was a mistake.
Is the Smurf logo on the right pauldron the only Ultramarine iconography on that Librarian Terminator? I'm thinking of getting him and making him into one of My Dudes.
When's Sangy?
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If the anon who made this post 11138063 is here, or if anyone else knows; where do you get these effect parts for the Tau from? (pic related)
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>Joytoy making the space marine holsters non-functional was a mistake.
Nah I think it was a good call. They would have looked ludicrously huge to actually accommodate the guns. These things just don't always work in small scale. Like Azrael has a fake handle to go in his scabbard because otherwise it would be massive. They tried that once on the Captain here, and look how fucking fat his scabbard had to be for a pretty normal sized sword.

I agree that scabbards are cool when they work though
Scabbard on the mini for comparison.
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Working on making a fully printable 1/18 Marine to go with JoyToy stuff. Ignore the helmet, it's not my STL and I'm using it for scale purposes. Just got started blocking the shapes out, no real detail yet.
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As a side note I'm planning on making the helmet base styled after the 2nd edition "angry" design. Also optional chest gem.
Look up "print think" on Etsy, he sells those. He's also on eBay.

Look at pic, it's totally possible to make pistol (and even sword) holsters thin. I've been lazy, though, and haven't custom made my own yet.

It's also on his waist mounted purity seals/parchment.
it's a toy.
functional holsters is much more fun
A goku marine....? but why?
My favorite helmet! I think I might still have that exact mini kicking around somewhere even.

Looks great so far anon, will you be publicly releasing it?
To me the visuals are just as important, so I want a better looking holster that I will be looking at all the time, rather than an ugly one that gives me 0.5 seconds of enjoyment unsheathing it every other month. Plus, real sheaths and holsters eventually lead to paint rub and scrapes. It's inevitable.
Goku would be able to defeat the Chaos Gods with his bare hands.
play with your toys more anon.
the REAL holsters are better in every way
We can enjoy toys differently, and that's fine. I play with and pose my toys plenty, I just don't relish damaging my paintjobs for a momentary action that doesn't mean much to me. If that's your thing, go nuts, I'm not stopping you.
Absolutely! Plan is to release a basic Marine for free, with a "deluxe" release with a load of alternate parts (heads, shoulders, chests etc) for £4 or so, if that sounds reasonable? But yes, I'll absolutely release them on Cults.
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Haven't bought a Joytoy figure since the first 4-pack of scouts came out years ago. Preordered the 3-pack right now and I'm looking forward to it even with the fucked up face on the white scar
The Waku Waku
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>rumored that they are going to be getting a 40K range refresh
that rumore is at least 5 years old at this point. But it doesn't matter it won't be the EC you would want and it's even worse for other Slaanesh units
I kinda want the 6 class marines from coop missions. I want an updated phobos marine
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i bought this yesterday from ailinatoystore (website) the price was 169$. I didn't have an account so I registered one instead of using express checkout. When I came back to the product page the price changed to 269$. Luckily I had a tab open with the 169$ price so I used the PayPal checkout to pay for it.

I just received a refund email (automated from PayPal) but no customer service email giving an official explanation ^^

I thought maybe it was a stock mistake. But I went to the site and they didn't delete the listing. They actually rised the price to 399$ o____O

I just want my first joytoy piece, a black templar dreadnought :(

Will I end up to really have to attempt at painting one myself? :/
Yeah they're showing £318 for that for me. Sometimes they have whacky price for a rare OOP item or sometimes it seems to be placeholder price of some sort. They're doing a rerun of the Ultramarines version for £90 but if they're not doing that for Templars then it may be a reflection of its rarity.
....maybe I should just pay the 220 EUR for an eBay one ?

...should I ?

Imagine they release it again, ouch.

No way buddy.
What would you do in my case?
Aliexpress cheapest is now 450€ O_o lol
What's next, Lego Warhammer 40K?
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There has been unofficial 40K Lego dudes for ages now. There is also this upcoming (unlicensed) bootlego chainsword, which looks pretty fucking awesome
More than reasonable! I will definitely be waiting with £4 in hand! This might just get me back into painting...

Is there any chance this might be printable FDM at decent quality with certain settings/nozzles? Or is this pretty much a resin-only situation? I don't actually own a printer yet, but I have been doing a lot of research, and resin seems undoable in my tiny apartment. I'm thinking to go for something like a Bambu Labs A1.
Already happened, they just called it Nexo Knights
Concept art shows blatant 40k Orks and Necrons
I've no experience with FDM, but if any FDM printer can do it it'd be a Bambu Labs A1, I've heard wonders about those machines.
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>They never got released
Games workshop would of had a meltdown if lego made these.
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Any paint experts in the house? I'd like to know which paints are used for these models

Looking to paint some emperors children with a mirror guard-esque scheme

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Glad I didn't sleep on LTcave's flash clearance sale.
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More stuff I picked up.
If your heart is set on the Templars version then it looks like the only way.
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Other anon clocked it right, PrintThink on etsy. Glad other people are liking the effects!
I would hold on and keep an eye on that one on ali, I've seen them charge crazy money then drop it back to normal on some items.
Where can I obtain such an item?
Holy fuck there's definitely some stuff in there I would have snagged
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Too huge...
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I would honestly wait for a reissue. Joytoy stuff get reissued all the time so I would wait. In the meantime you can also look at facebook groups that are joytoy warhammer40k centered and join them to see if anyone might sell theirs.
Thank you all for your comments, really nice community here!
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It can apparently handle minis like this with a 0.2 nozzle, so I am hoping that's enough fidelity to print this figure without much cleanup needed.
In truth, I don't actually want any of this stuff, aside from maybe a Kastelan bot as a novelty because it's so cheap. So maybe it's good I missed the sale, I probably would have spent a lot on stuff I didn't really need or want.
How big is a standard Intercessor next to it?
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Sorry, I only have Primarch...
But look at how big it is!
jeez that's huge! I can't imagine a marine actually has their head inside the "helmet" on the dreadnought anymore...it's much bigger even than the helm of a Primarch!
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Damn, that's impressive!
Anyway, brief update. Legs are coming together nicely but I'm wondering if I should have just gone with a boolean workflow to begin with...
>see Titus and the gang
>see the 'new' jetpack UMs that are like them
I have the self-control not to go all-in but I took some mental damage in the process
All goes well and aftermarket prices will mean nothing to me at all
It's so interesting to observe the differences in design and see how each pulls off some angles better than the other does.
I almost didn't recognize the Drone
What a shame to see that IP fall
It's not a normal GW paint, it's some kind of chrome. There are a few companies that do chrome paint, but I don't have any experience with it myself so I can't recommend one.
Youtube has reviews of different chromes, search chrome paint miniature or something along those lines. If the video title says NMM, that's not what you want.
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>haven't checked JoyToy in a while
some chapters in there I never expected to be buying but they have a nice retro feel to them
like they really feel as though some modern fellow found some futuristic yet relatively old armor and is just making it work
just something about this look in particular (I like the firearm too)
and yeah I don't expect the final product to look that good
but I've enough experience with color differences to know what to expect at most
Dude the guys in OP pic are from the same chapter and have the same paintjob, you can see what they look like IRL right now

From waht I have heard from the ones released so far, the shoulder pad paint is much shinier/more metallic than the rest of the figure, but it's still not bad looking. Not sure if they will change this for future release though, JoyToy tends to do revisions if they are unhappy with how previous releases went.
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Since nobody else was willing to do it, I took one for the team and bought a sternguard veteran. I might be the first person to actually buy one of these. I like the helmet, armor details, and accoutrements, but hate the dumbass Primaris nerf gun. It's especially weird how he has taken the scope off and attached it to his belt. I liked the marine with the stalker bolt rifle a lot, but he had a normal MkX helmet. I'll see about procuring this man a nicer looking weapon.
I kind of thought these guys look cool actually, I just have too many Smurfs now and have to be more selective. Also, this guy's helmet kind of rubbed me the wrong way, they changed the shape of the mouth grille from the Vanguard Vet one and I don't like it as much.
I got him mainly for the helmet but have already disassembled him for customs

I wish I could find this big guy without having to pay crazy prices or if this model would release in another legion or chapter.
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So cool
this is excellent
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there are many variations of that helmet design in the lore.
both look great.
once again it's the primaris gorget that makes it look ugly
do we think we'll get any grey knights on the new terminator bodies?
Anybody looking for a Master Lazarus figure? I got the last one ($59.99) sitting in my POL over at BBTS but probably going to cancel it if somebody here wants it. It's about $90 on AliExpress atm, so seems like a good deal.

I'll grab it. just send instructions.
I'll cancel it now. It might take a minute or two to update on their side, so keep refreshing after you read this.

Someone must have bought it because its gone, didnt know you were going to be that quick.
yeah I know, some may even be Mk.VIII helms since they're so similar. But this one, I dunno, I just don't like the shape of the grille. it remind me of a Star Trek communicator, it's just too sharp at all three corners I think.
...yeah, that was me. Sorry, Anon. If it helps, he'll have a good home with big fields to play in and plenty of other Dork Angels to hang out with.
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I am an idiot, apologies. You replied so quickly yourself that I assumed you were waiting there to avoid what just happened. I should have waited for another response from you just to make sure. If it's any consolation, this >>11167976 bastard would have still taken it in that situation as well.
thanks for the insight
come to think of it I do seem to remember structural revisions at some point
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I really like the datasmith. The level of detail on these admech figures is pretty insane. JT really went all out on these and the techmarines. I really do hope we get some regular skitarii and an enginseer in the future.
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The Kastellan robot is massive. I kind of bought it on an impulse without actually reading how large it is, I wasn't expecting it to be contemptor dreadnought size. I like him too, but the leg articulation is slightly less than I was hoping for and the front panel falls off very easily.
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The Alpha Legion were also purple long ago, but there's no chance Joytoy gives us a figure which looks like this.
not only did you """steal""" that anon's order you also didn't even think to thank the initial anon who canceled his order for the other anon's here who may have wanted that order do better anon
I'd love for Transformers Collaborative to do Warhammer. Give us a Leman Russ or a Rhino, preferably a 30k one so they can repaint it to hell and back
As far as bodies, there were 1.0, 2.0 (entire resculpt, hard hands), and 3.0 (2.0 body with softer hands again) space marine bodies. They attained perfection with 3.0, but then things kind of went off the rails. Now they are putting long legs on the 40k marines that look completely out of place, since the rest of the bodies have not been accordingly scaled. And their scale keeps creeping up more and more, Terminators are now almost primarch height, which is insane.

As far as paint, they have also done a lot of revisions, trying to find the perfect balance. Like there are at least 3 different shades of Blood Angels, 2 of Space Wolves, 3 or more of Imperial Fists, etc. This can make armies look a little mismatched, but I guess it's pretty easily explainable by some dudes having been in the field longer, or simply just in-universe paint variance.

It's a strange time to be a fan of this line. The toys are still really high quality, but they're making some weird decisions.
p...please no. TF Collab is so painfully cringe. They always look like ass, and it's so apparent that these are soulless cashgrabs meant to exploit both IPs at once.
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Beyond my comprehension
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I think the collaborative figures are significantly better when they're a vehicle from the franchise which turns into a new transformers character, rather than the ones whose bot mode looks like one of the franchise's characters. Those Street Fighter ones look horrendous, but I like when it's as though a transformer dropped into that universe and happened to scan a famous vehicle.

For example, I'd prefer a decepticon who's joined the empire and turns into a TIE fighter over a stormtrooper who transforms.
That's just because Slop Fighter is shit, and whores itself out to every franchise that'll touch its pozhole regardless of how well it fits. Warhammer has actual vehicles that might make neat transforming toys.
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you're late by multiple years anon
theres most loyalist legions as lego minifigs, theres cadians and dkok minifigs, theres lego space marine tanks, there's this lunar cruiser i've got at home plus a bunch of other ships...

my imperial fists minis also fields Squad Legonius (10 intercessor lego marines) and squad Speed Champs (3 lego marines on lego bikes)
No, it's because they're shit. If you can post three Transformers Collabs that don't look like fucking dogshit I'll eat my shoe
and i mean the actual modern "collaboration" line, not the weird old one-offs like the Playstation or new era primes or other stuff like that. they actually kind of gave a shit back then, so the toys didn't look like total shit.
The ones where it's a vehicle that is from the crossover franchise and the robot mode is just some random thing are pretty decent, the Knight Rider KITT one looks good. It's where they're trying to have the robot mode look like something out of the crossover that they really fuck it up, like the Star Wars ones.

>buzzword, buzzword, buzzword
Fucking kill yourself.
Uh oh, Capcuck melty!
Intensely homosexual.
Yes, Slop Fighter fans are. Imagine being a fan of the series where the big bad boss Bison is a transsexual who wants nothing more than to put his brain in a girl body, lmao.
I don't even like fighting games. You need to take a break from the internet once in a while.
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The collaborations with Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, and Knight Rider are good.
Yeah I agree with this, transformer crossovers should be a cybertronian that took a disguise which fits the other universe. Ie Optimus prime as a land raider, and NOT a land raider that transforms into a space marine, as that makes no sense in any way.
Yeah, those are probably the best ones quality-wise. I kind of think the entire idea of all of these offends me on some level, it just doesn't feel organic. I'm already a weak-willed consoomer shithead, so being reminded of that with blatantly stupid "remember this?" crossovers just makes me tired.

But I guess I'm kinda tired of all the big nerd IPs in general. I'd rather eat a moldy hot dog than buy another piece of Ghostbusters or He-Man merch or whatever nostalgiabait shit they won't let die.
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I think this one isn't technically part of the collaborative line, but I like it a lot and I'm glad they chose the obvious character rather than only Optimus again and again
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They did actually do an Optimus version of that.
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Yeah two if you count the nemesis one, but at least they also released another and it wasn't just Optimus.
I get that he's the most iconic character and companies would want him for crossovers, but it's just lame that so many of them turn into Optimus. I'd rather have new characters so I can have them all together in the same team
yeah I think it's just too big of a risk. the average normie has no clue who like, Ironhide or Wheeljack are. It'd never sell.
"the average normie" is not buying fucking transforming robot toys. If someone who isn't already into transformers buys one of those toys, it'll be because they are a fan of the alt mode, like a photographer or a space nerd something, or a fan of the other IP, they couldn't give a shit what the robot is called.
it's not NOT knowing the name of the robot, it's about KNOWING that it's Prime. It's something they can recognize. that is a factor even for the first group.
tempting - that version in particular
already had a few of them under consideration but as ever user photos bring out elements that promo shots don't
in all fairness I didn't hunt down the usual 360 spin videos that the company puts out for sets
that's one thorough breakdown
thanks for letting me know what to expect when looking for some of these in the aftermarket
Has anyone used BBTS for orders shipped to EU? I'm afraid about customs/taxes :(
Prime as a Goliath would be cool, implications aside. On the other hand Prime being the tank-like thing while Megatron is the truck has its own charm.
Germanoid here,
use cooltoysclub or gundamit. Takes little more than a week to ship from China and stuff already comes with customs/VAT paid.

I have no idea why you would want to use BBTS.
wegen die Death Korps :'(
Brudi, ich konnt dir welche verkaufen, habe alle 6 die ich nicht will. Ich hab ~£140 dafur gezahlt, sag mir wo du bist, schau ich beim post nach versandkosten von England, dan kommen die paypal fees auser du willst es riskieren mit friends and family. Um steuern hab ich keine ahnung, aber ich denke waere immerhin besser als bei BBTS.

Lass mir ne email addresse und ich kontaktiere dich.

Sorry about the copious errors, I don't get much of a chance to write German.
im Ernst? Wow! So nett von dir! Vielen Dank, ich kann den Jungs gerne ein neues Zuhause geben! LG & SSZ! kavov11181@skrak.com
Don't use BBTS. They declare the full value and you get arse-raped for import duty, VAT and processing fees.
bros... I want night lords so badly
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Can anybody recommend some of the better Grey Knights figures? Haven't dipped into the line yet but was thinking of starting with them.
We're at the absolute peak of Ultranigger wank so don't expect anything different for the next month at least
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The interceptor and strike squads are both great, I think they are the perfect oldmarine sculpt. The terminators are slightly dated, but still good. Castellan Crowe is unfortunately not very good.
yeah, these guys feel like the Vanguard Vet bodies, which are Firstborn. One of the best bodies they've made honestly

I have bought at least one grey knight from every wave they did, they are all awesome. No real downsides to note (aside from inherent design-related ones). You'll probably be happy with any one you pick.
Is it just me, or does the gun barrels make more sense if they were swapped?? Like, the multi-barreled one should have the ammo box, and the sci-fi looking big barrel should have the power chords and wires.
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The three in this photo, and Kaldor Draigo
The ones in your picture are fine, although people just memed the handles of the guns. Kaldor Draigo is good, and the terminators by themselves are pretty nice as well, even if they are a bit dated. The dreadknight is a good purchase even with the ridiculous design, just be aware of how big it is. The dreadnought is also fun too if you can find it.
>tfw we're stuck in 30k and still haven't got the fucking Rubric marines
That’s 40k weapons for you. If you saw desolator squad guns you’d fuckin SCREAM
Lol I actually kinda liked 'em (though not entirely, as my plan, if I ever get around to getting the minis, is to chop out the small missile cylinder underneath, and replace it with a bolter tip, so it looks like the ammo belt feeds the bolter rifle, with the big rockets mounted on top of this unique belt-fes bolt rifle).

But, yeah, Warhammer 40k weapons often DO bother me quite often (why do melta guns/rifles have a tube that goes from itself, BACK into itself!?)
his rig is water cooled
Well the 3-barrelled Gatling-looking one doesn't actually use ammo, it spins up and uses the psychic abilities of the Grey Knight himself to project focused mind-bullets, whereas the one with the box-mag is just a heavy bolter that fires physical rounds that are inscribed with all sorts of psychic, anti-demon malarkey.

I blame Matt Ward and slash or James Workshop for the absolute stupidity of the explanations.
But like, if you swapped the barrels, does that undermine or contradict the explained rationale?
I already know it's James workshop refusing to understand firearms.
(Why does the auto bolt rifle have this spinning cylinder? Same with flamer?)
because the spinny thing looks cool
>no delicious Aeldari gf yet
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We already did get regular Skitarii. The Data Tether skitarii is what you want. The data tether is removable, it slots right over the fully painted backpack. For some reason they never showed this feature off in their product photos

I blu-tacked the front panel and that seems to be holding on well. Definitely have the same issue with the legs, though. Most of the issue is caused by choices they made at the hips which prevent them from standing in a wide stance, feels like there must be a way to improve it via cutting something off but I haven't messed with it yet for fear of screwing up. You can improve it a bit by just working the joint to soften up the tube a bit.
Damn. I think there was another figure like this too, where it had some feature they didn't even talk about at all. This line just keeps impressing me.
Got a game in while I'm waiting for Titus to ship. Salamanders V. Carcharodons. 2K points. The Brutalis Dreadnought is a memorial piece for my cat Sweatpants, some of his ashes are entombed in the sarcophagus.
Brother Sweatpants looks like a force to be reckoned with, I'm sure he'll pluck those fish out of the water.
Knowing him, he'd probably just whine and very gently bap the enemy forces. He was a very lazy, very gentle orange Persian.
I'm sure your kitty was lovely, but I hate that Brutalis dreadnought.
>supposedly melee focused unit
>big claws, okay good so far
>guns, guns fucking everywhere, guns on the top, guns on the chest, guns in the hand
>this has become the only bearable 40k thread on the site.

Is this exclusively for figurines or do actual tabletop minis count btw I've always wondered.
Anyone watched Tithes episode 3? God I want a Commissar and Karskins so bad. Also nice seeing some warplanes animated. I kinda want some 40k vehicles similar to the Jazwares star wars micro series
Fa/tg/uy post incoming: I think of it as an evolution of the Leviathan Dreadnought, which is in the same boat. Also, its ranged weapons are relatively short-range, at least the meltas are, and that's good for softening up the targets on the charge. With the rules granted to the Salamanders under Firestorm Assault Force, I can move, advance, shoot, and charge, and my . The extra weapons are good for complementing my army's strategy. Also, having S10 multi-meltas within 12" is great.

I like it better than the Ballistus, which is just an uglier Hellfire Castraferrum; it looks like a knockoff Argus from Battletech.
>this weapons platform has too much dakka
That's not very proppa of you.
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It's primarily just for the figures, but because I like being a little fucking rebel, I post the odd mini here and there.
its a thread full of secondaries who've never even smelled crazy glue, let alone held a mini
so figurines mostly
A mini in your photos is ok, or occasionally talking about them or lore, but this is primarily action figure discussion. Many of us have either quit the ttg or have no interest in getting into it, so it'd be nice to keep the thread figure focused.
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>Castellan Crowe is unfortunately not very good
Are you on drugs?
Yeah he's pretty great, despite a couple of annoying features, e.g. that book constantly falling off, the sword effect part wanting to slide off if his sword's pointing downwards.
His face is awful, none of the shit on his belt can stay in place, (a significant number of the figures are missing one of the belt items because the peg doesn't even fit in the hole from the factory) and he has the shitty 2.0 hands that can't hold anything. He has an inferior version of the body they would end up making for the strike squad. He also doesn't come with a closed right fist which pisses me off.
I posted the picture, have not yet experienced any issues with the belt items pegs.
I occasionally change poses on mine but I dnt play around with my figures so maybe thats why.
Regarding the head/face I get you as I see the difference between faces from the first couple of waves and the new figures but Im in the opposite camp and actually prefer the older style. They seem a bit smaller and I prefer the smaller head/body ratio
Whats a good price for the Horus as of today ?

Im not in a rush, will it go down in price?
What's a good place for getting Joytoy stuff in the UK? LTCave? I bought an intercessor for a buddy on amazon and comparing the prices it seems like I made a mistake
Yeah, them or aliexpress or cooltoysclub are good places. Amazon is a mistake.
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In light of the 'new' Space Wolves Praetorian with the shield and such, I am now hoping for Asterion. However, I don't know enough to tell whether JT would do a one-off, much less Minotaurs in general.
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I know temu is seen as a personal info selling meme shop, but I buy from them constantly since they have great coupons and never had any trouble with my purchases. I just bought Pic related, anyone anyone else gonna give it a shot?
Certainly would have if I didn't already have a bobby G
Fucking Christ, if I weren't struggling with my credit card getting renewed for the last two months I'd snag one for myself right now.
>buying toys on credit
Fuck yeah.
Degenerate and American.
[laughs in Slaanesh]
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Anyone know if the figure on the left was released before the one on the right? Do both use the 2.0 body?
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I really don't like the design of these feet. They're huge clown shoes and make them look unstable cause of the smaller sole under that gear-teeth part. Damn you James, ruined so many designs with those fucking feet
any more trannies showing up or were they able to restrain themselves for one fucking episode?

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