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Previously: >>11155526

-Mafex Nate Grey Announced

-Marvel Legends Secret Wars Wave solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Spider-Man/Vulture VHS 2 Pack solicited (Pulse Exclusive, shipping now)

-Marvel Legends Dragon Man solicited (Pulse Exclusive, pre-order window open until Oct 17th)

-Marvel Legends Crystal/Lockjaw 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Retro Carded Green Goblin reissues (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Ultimate Professor X with Hover Chair reissued (Fan Channel)

-Marvel Legends Outrider 2 pack solicited (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Age of Apocalypse Cyclops and Age of Apocalypse Wolverine solicited

-Marvel Legends Punisher/Bushwacker 2 pack solicited (Amazon/Fan Channel exclusive)

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Archived Threads:

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
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It's time for Mammomax
Ah the smell of early faggotry
There is no Carol schizo.
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What made people think the Secret Wars wave would be Ollie's fodder?
Is this character popular in Japan or something?
Can we please stop getting AoA trash as Mafexes instead of F4. Hasbro refuses to put effort in the F4, so hopefully Mafex will.
If they did Thing even only half as good as Bane turned out, it would be the definitive Ben Grimm figure easy.
Lets go for a whole wave of furry fun.
Toon colors Sauron when?

Fucking Stegron when? C'mon goddamnit, he's one of the few remaining big villains...or...mid-big...tier...ish.
Easily. That Bane is next level.
I'm getting a Magik soon, is there a good body to buy if I wanna try to get her in 1/12 clothing? How swappable are the heads, etc?
go to hell
What the hell is that?
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It's time for Bova
That's Lilandra's husband of course
Not exactly different than most other waves
A couple of reasons:

>>2/3rds of the wave is evergreen figures that most people don't want to double dip on
>>Cap has a shattered shield and no unmasked head (meaning people still needing a Cap figure will pass on it)
>>Garbage six inch scale versions of the Secret Wars toyline gimmick shield
>>No one wants Beyonder (who is based on his Secret Wars II look)
>>Titania is a literal who to a lot of people and it's her classic design not her Immortal Hulk hero redesign or her mutt live action version
>>No BAF (because of the shield)

They could have stuck the Destiny/Rogue Rogue figure in the wave, along with a new Colossus and classic Cyclops. Or even a new Klaw or Doctor Octopus or a proper non fucked up Hobgoblin.

It's only appeal is to the few people who like Titania, people who won't buy any Wolverine if it's not a 100% vintage brown costume Wolverine, and people who still cling to the hope that this time, Hasbro won't fuck up black suit Spidey.
Beginner was someone I’ve wanted for a while but it’s just the most boring figure I’ve ever seen. He’s drawn always very broad around the shoulders, give him some shading, a powered up head with white out eyes. They really disappointed me on it
I think Beyonder's going to be the big dud of the wave, Titania is probably going to do slightly better but not by much, Iron Man's also not going to do great and the other three will sell well. So we're probably not going to see the entire wave at Ollie's but Secret Wars is definitely going to have a presence there.
Wow the same fucking prediction as everyone else with at least half a brain. Dumb cunt.
Lmao even
It's funny because those are the only 2 I want. I already have a difintive ironman, cap, spiderman and wolverine so never need to buy more.
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Shut the fuck up and stop encouraging this stupidity.
So what's going to be the next couple of five figure box sets?

>>Mutant Liberation Front (Reaper, Wildside, Tempo, Forearm, and Strobe)
>>Classic Bob Layton era X-Factor
>>Marauders (Scalphunter, Scrambler, Archlight, Harpoon, and Prism)
>>Round Robin Spider-Man set (Spidey, Night Thrasher, Midnight, Moon Knight, Darkhawk)
>>Academy X (Prodigy, Surge, Hellion, X23, and Mercury)
>>Superior Foes (Beetle II, Boomerang, Speed Demon, Shocker, Overdrive)
You can't do that. Marvel Legends don't change clothing and not all heads can be body swapped. So your coomer ass should just keep walking.
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Hellifino first
Most legendslop does so it’s not far fetch to predict that old outdated re-releases will be dumped into Ollie’s/Ross.
We get it anon, you're stupid and don't collect the line. Do you have so little impulse control that you have to reply every time with some dumb little retort that contributed nothing to the thread? Stop eating cum.
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Mondo Animated Spider-Man goes up next week!
The whole wave is sold out on BBTS and also on Pulse sans Iron Man.
>Medicom makes F4
>First figure is alien bug-fucker Johnny
Jokes aside, I think the danger with Mafex is which member is gonna get the Phoenix-style fucking in the accessories department?
Nice attempt, but white paint never looks good enough imo. Gotta seal that too.
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Reposting my new setup cuz why the hell not
Looks good, friend.
...where is Cyclops and Psylocke? A-are they..?
will they ever make a hot good looking psylocke that won't break my budget
i should be a bit more specific
i want a psylocke that looks just like the capcom sprites, big tits, beautiful face and large ass and thighs.
the one you said is fine but her tits are like medium sized and the face is a bit off, her chin and cheekbones are too razor sharp.
...fair. Coomer statues are likely the only option.
>Just a COOMin and a COOOm in
yeah the 3d models i've seen don't really look like capcom pyslocke lol
they go with a more generic woman face if that makes any sense
Lol if you’re holding your breath for hasblo’s rumored rendition, you shouldn’t. We’re not going to see anything like that unless yamaguchi makes a 2.0 or some third party company.
>third party company

Cyclops is preparing to jump in as an assist
i found one statue that uses her idle sprite but it was made to order and hasn't been redone since 2019, they also made an mvc rogue...
no stl files for it either
But I don't even wanna be lewd with it, I just wanna have some cute diorama pics. Ah well, thanks anon for the answer
For something that specific you're basically going to have to sculpt it yourself.
What is the Japanese equivalent of Ollies because that's in Nate's future
What stupidity, the stupidity of buying the same character over and over again?
japanese toys are made to order, they don't bottom out like hasbro shit because they don't produce enough of it
that said he will definitely wind up on clearance in a few places
trust me nigga if i knew and wasn't awful at artistic shit i would
That is blatantly untrue. There are plenty of Japanese releases that bin. Most recently Mafex Thor was briefly $25 on HLJ.
You retards never watch a hard off video? Americans are fucking retarded.
please read? I literally said it will clearance out
im saying these don't wind up in an equivalent of ollies because there are simply not enough of them made to wind up getting sold off wholesale
If they're made to order why do they ever go "in stock" at all rather than just all preorders?
You fucking retards clearly have never been to Japan
retailers order extra based on the number of preordered they receive
calm down chungusfurry
I think Odin will end up at Ollie's.
It’s a fisher-price brick, of course it’ll end up at Oille’s.
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What are these?
isnt it interesting that fans spoke with their wallets by waiting for figures to end up in ollies, but then hasbro, instead of listening to fans and improving their figures, they just decided to reduce the number of figures to produce?
Of course I haven't, what you think everyone goes to Japan now?
Demons to some, angels to others.
Are those those Bionicle things?
>one six
Improvised Explosive Devices that only the Intellectually Disabled are susceptible to.
Move out of your basement
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>Taking your toys out to the pub
This looks like the most boring, homogenous establishment in the world. I bet they have cameras all over this joint, to make sure everyone behaves.
What are you talking about? This is some of the most daring counter-cultural activity this place has ever seen.
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It's an airport. But that was the coolest bartender. Handing out tens of free drinks.
>.where is Psylocke
She's there
I guess the money from the hastards is just enough for them. Improving the figures requires ingenuity, something we all know hasblo and Dwight lack.
Ever notice marvel legends are slowly inching into 1/11th scale? Classic venom is 6ft2 spidey is 5ft10
Mondo 1/6 is overpriced slop
Scale is too strong a word.
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I'm not sure what these poses are trying to convey
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He's recoiling from a knock on his hand
can that doll's arms not even go high enough to hit the salute? lol
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Are you the guy who had the hanging Beast in his shelf? The other day, I mentioned you in a conversation here and talked about how your shelf didn't feel cluttered. Wtf happened?
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I could never bring my toys out in public like this. One, I'm not nearly autistic enough and two, I'd be terrified of losing an accessory or something.
On the one hand, I'd laugh about people who do shit like that, on the other hand, the guy is having fun with his figures. After all, we're all talking about toys for children so who the fuck are we to judge?
Generally, I hate all those stupid Tiktok/Instagram shitheads who always go "muh society has forced us into thinking that X is (not) alright" but sometimes, I do wonder why people are trained to give so much of a shit about other people's opinions instead of just living for the moment
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>I'd be terrified of losing an accessory or something
this is always my thought when I see people have toys on their desk at work or something as well.
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It's one thing to go out and set up like a scene or something in a park, but it's another thing to be playing with your toys while you drink alone at an airport bar.
In reality markets don't work how you're taught in school because imperfect humans work at businesses. Making a better product is one of the possible responses and probably the hardest, leading to a business taking the easy way out
It's all just shit no one wanted in the first place. The Avengers 25th anniversary stuff being an exception since they produced that stuff so heavily. Other than that though it's literally just bottom of the barrel MCU figures from Disney+ shows no one actually liked.
>>First figure is alien bug-fucker Johnny

I almost managed to erase that from my mind, thanks a lot for reminding me.
Yeah, I'm too paranoid for that kind of shit. It's bad enough if I lose an accessory in my room, let alone some random place.
That is why you bring only the minimum and keep the things like swords or magic effects at home.
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Goes up tomorrow on the Mondo Shop (9-24), exclusive version is limited to 1,500 pieces, $240. Standard is $220.
Cool, now when is Marvel Legends, Figuarts, and Mafex gonna get around to doing him.
no thanks
Sorry you're poor
What is the chance we will see an MCU Mark 38 Iron Man (Igor) Marvel Legends release? Been waiting for quite a few Iron Man 3 Marks but Hasbro doesn't seem to give a fuck
Brother, I regularly spend that much on just ammo. I don't like 1/6 stuff because it's too big, has limited articulation compared to 1/12 and has less of a character selection. It's fine if you like them, but not everyone needs to like them too.
>I regularly spend that much on just ammo
So you really are a giant loser? That's good to know "brother."
How does that make me a loser? I don't follow.
Idk, that guy just gets mad whenever we call 1/6 slop dolls.
>buys guns
>thinks he's not a loser
>waaaah he posted my prediction!
You are a racist piece of shit
Nice. There were a bunch of people who slept on them and then cried for weeks about missing them when the show ended up being good.
Your kind are not welcome here
Why in the FUCK can't they scale this down and sell if for $80? It would sell out everywhere.
Nah, they are. Anything that makes you election tourists cry is welcome.
because licensing
Licensing, and then it would just be an $80 Marvel Legend.
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Nah, they aren't. You're a nutjob.
I don't mind him.
Yes, with good proportions an a ton of accessories.
Racist scum like you aren't welcome here
Goddamn look at this yakub looking mf
Ngl this looks awful. It's crazy how the ML still the best Doom, both Mezco and HT shit the bed on such a simple design. More is less with Doom, I can't even start to think how awful his MCU version will look with that basketball texture and unnecessary details.
Zzzz. Wake me up when they do TASM2.
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Nice Hitler.
That's what I'm talking about. My favorite live action suit, love the big eyes.
Nice Hitler.
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Insane to me that this went on clearance on Pulse and now goes for over $200
Holt shit you're right what retard would pay over 100 dollars just for that Sub-par Peter? He doesn't even have the polo for crying out loud...
I'll wait a few years when they push out the Chinese KO of this.
Eurofag here. As someone who rarely had a gun in his hands and who would ban all guns, one has to still be completely fair and say that shit is hella fun and addictive. Going by the same logic, buying toys made for children (sorry, "collectors") is for losers as well. Fuck outta here with your stupid judgmental ass

200 bucks for a villain and a civilian is overkill. Are they sold listings or just scalpers trying their luck?

Btw, saw a review of the new Spidey + Vulture 2 pack and holy shit, people weren't kidding with the shoulders being completely disconnected from the arms. It looks atrocious. Is it a lack of quality/design control or how does that happen?
>an $80 Marvel Legend
They exist, it's called an import.
>Is it a lack of quality/design control or how does that happen?
Anatomy is a non issue for hastards. Hasblo knows this, so they reuse old shitty sculpts and sell them for a higher price because there is no reason not to. Laziness is the name of the game at hasblo.
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loos cool, but too big, ALSO, doesn't seem like he can make a lot of spider-man poses, the only one they show on the promo pics that kinda looks like it is super stiff.
Mondo figures have never been known for their articulation or range of motion. I compare their level articulation. To bring closer to Selects than Legends really. Plus, hyper articulation is just difficult to pull of at 1/6 scale anyway. The figure is too large, and the limbs tend to be too heavy which causes a lot of poses they get out in to look stiff or awkward.
>goes for over $200
but is it selling for $200 or jackasses just putting it up on ebay at that price
According to sold listings it seems to be going for anywhere from $120 to $160. The reason the guy is saying they go for $200 is because there is literally only a single listing on eBay for it right now.
Cmon, stop being a dick. You know exactly that tons of people care about anatomy and constantly complain about it. Reviewers on Youtube included. This is a company issue 100%.
Which body is that? I don't remember a figure that took it this far

Dumb question but why not just keep the proportion of 6 inch figures and translate it into 1/6 scale? As long as the joints are sturdy, that should work, no?
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>thwip hands on a civillian Peter Parker
lolwut? XD
Target paid for the factories to reset up production lines
Just ignore him, it's the resident shitstain that gets unreasonably upset whenever someone likes something he doesn't.
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>Are you the guy who had the hanging Beast in his shelf?
That's a different shelf, but yes, that's me.
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>your shelf didn't feel cluttered
Truth be told though, with the exception of that x-men display and my Kamen Rider shelf, most of my display is cluttered as fuck lol.
> know exactly that tons of people care about anatomy and constantly complain about it.
Yet they still buy their product. A lot of hasbrofaggots do not care about anatomy, especially in this general. It’s not a dealbreaker for them to have the arms coming out of the torso. They care only about the color of the figure and how the head looks, articulation and sculpt be damned.
> Which body is that?
It’s the sunfire body, noobie. It was first released sometime in 2016 I believe.
sup Kanji, your shelf sucks as ever, fucking troll
You're getting your boogeyman mixed up again. Take your meds.
What's a kanji?
2020, noobie.
attention whore whose name appears in the paradise papers
Shut up, retard.
kanji wishes he had poses as good as >>11169177
Stupid lmao.
Fuck off you lazy shitstain
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>Still giving him high heeled shoes as Victor
What kind of lights are those? I have 4 detolfs side by side and I've always wanted to invest in some lights, but none have ever been discreet enough.
lukelights or the equivalent knockoff. made specifically for detolfs.
Never read wolverine?
The guy with the neca display
Glad to see that shelf is still fine. You should reduce the amount of figures in the other one, it would look so much cleaner. Also, Psylocke really needs a new (solid) release

Jeez, I only ever paid attention to the X-Men part lmao. The Spidey plus villains one is also cool

Newfag, huh?
Hasbro finally figured out how to make another production run of last year's figures going for 3-4x MSRP on the aftermarket. See, everybody! Chris Cocks doesn't get paid $15 million a year for nothing!
...Read a comic.
Yeah they had target pay for it and make it an exclusive
Do you just sit around this thread all day? Holy shit.
Is the guy who had the display with J Jonah and a desk being flipped over with Spider-Man still around? I think it was still in progress, but I’d like to see the final product.
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Now that's what I call HOT CLAWS
Mary/Typhoid/Bloody Mary/Walker/Mutant Zero
Remember when some retard here said it wouldn't be possible to put the thigh swivel at the boot top?
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Ma Gnucci, The Russian, Saracen, Baracuda, Battle Damaged Frank
if thats real, thats fucking hilarous. Do hasbro sculptors just purposely fuck up for the laughs?
So now you've fucked it all up and it won't work as well as it used to. Cool.
This sounds like a plan.
Old one looks better. Though I do like cheetos.
>put the swivel lower in the thigh
>still fuck it up
I don't know
Is this an example of someone doing it infinitely worse?
The finish needs fixed to match the rest of the figure. Just sayin
It would have required some ingenuity to make the swivel behind the boot at the top. Unfortunately, the hasblo team doesn’t have the skills to perform such a task.
I'm pretty sure they have done it before. Can't remember what figure it was though. Their articulation model is not even 100% standardized across the line though, so I don't expect them to learn from or carry over these nice little features. I instead view them as lucky anomalies or mistakes which Hasbro made once, and may never make again.
They did it the way they did because they didn't want the boot tops to be off center when you moved the thigh swivel. The boots would look weird when you twisted her thighs.
Yeah exactly. They did it so that area wouldn't look weird, which is why the picture doesn't look weird at all!
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You're crazy if you think a shifted pattern would look worse than this.
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The leaps you faggots would go…
It looks like literally every other action figure with a thigh cut. Go do something productive with your day instead of making mountains out of molehills about $25 mass market children's toys.
then why does jada chun li and the upcoming cammy doesnt have that retarded problem? oh yea the jada sculptors werent lazy fucks who actually tested their sculpt to make sure it doesnt look ugly.
Warbird goes for a lot more than 25 these days
>Go do something productive with your day
>B-B-But Jada
Don't care. You're making a big deal out of nothing.

Aftermarket prices don't count

Lmao, seething
Why not? Aftermarket represents the capitalist value of the figure on the open market, not an artificially set price.
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Most thighs are sculpted relatively tubular to avoid this exact problem. You get a little bit of weird overlap like this, but nothing like the massive shelf of plastic in >>11170453. I mean look at that thing, the overhang is almost 1/3 as wide as the thigh section below it. This is just poorly handled, Hasbro themselves has done much better for most of the ML line. There's no need to defend legitimately bad work like this, it only incentivizes Hasbro to try even less.
>You're making a big deal out of nothing.
and this is why i dont buy kid toys.
You're the one whiteknighting a toy.
Why do you idiots always respond to this shit? You know he does it just to bait you, right?
Seething? You’re the one sperging out, keke hastards are always so funny with their desperate attempts. Here’s your (you).
>sperging out
The highlight across the top is really ugly. You should have just gave him a wash and dry brushed.
>triple reply
yikes bro maybe get off and >>11170501 Hasbro is not going to compensate you for this one
He can’t. He must defend hasblo at all costs.
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Gorgon and Triton when? I feel like when we finally get them, the rest are gonna look so outdated I won't even care. It's already getting that way, lol.
You must be 18 to post here
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who else is ready??
He looks good. I'll still never get over how this Haslab caused one of /toy/s biggest meltdowns in recent years. The Giant Man Saga is definitely one of my favorites.
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This is triggering my megalophobia.
It's not that big, Dan Yun is just a manlet
Why is this so pink? It wasn't that pink in the game, was it?
Nope. We already established that. Their artists designed a custom palate. The box art is also done in the same colors.
Why is the bigger question, but Dwight has mentioned before that they like to take unique directions with design sometimes and create their own artistic vision of characters the same as a writer would instead of just copying an already established iteration.
Utter bulshit if you ask me, because I want my figures to be 100% accurate to source and not the hasblo designs teams OC. End up skipping a lot of releases because of it.
McFart stuff, great...
he looks good for a marvel legends, but this thing is a glorified 24 inch marvel legend for around 300$? Why couldn't hasbro atleast give it modern articulation setup? For christ sake it still has an ankle hinge with no way to rotate the feet.
Shut up already dude.
Do you think a big thing like that could afford a bunch of joints in the ankle?
You're never going to get a 100% source material accurate action figure, especially at the $25 and under price point. Inb4 Jada this, Jada that. Their figures are far from 100% accurate to the source material too. Not even imports that cost two to three times as much do it. That's just the way it is and expecting otherwise is just going to lead you to disappointment.

Personally, I don't mind when they decide to put their own little spin on things like Sentinels or generic ninjas, or other random things like that. They don't do it for the big names and still try to emulate certain art styles and looks. Imwill say I definitely prefer ML's house style over DC Multiverse's. I am not a fan of how a lot of those figures look, but to each their own.
Sounds like Hasbro is just doing their "house style" with some figures. Why they think people want their takes on characters though is kind of an open question
>You're never going to get a 100% source material accurate
OK, maybe 100% is far fetched, especially given the inconsistencies across runs, but when they just blatantly mash up 2 version, like odin with an eye patch wearing a kirby inspired crown, it bugs the hell out of me.
Just take the character image from the OHOTMU and turn it into a figure. It's not difficult.
Yeah. Very annoying. Like why did they sculpt new hands for Ch'od with 4 fingers just to be "unique"? What was the point?
just stating facts. I mean it hurts looking at this kids toy thats just upscaled to 24 inches and its somehow as expensive as a hottoy.
>like odin with an eye patch wearing a kirby inspired crown, it bugs the hell out of me.
>Just take the character image from the OHOTMU and turn it into a figure. It's not difficult.
There are even different versions depending on which Official Handbook you get. Plus like you said, comic artists are so inconsistent, even within the same book. Odin has had so many different looks throughout comics, even just by Jack Kirby alone, so Hasbro going their own direction doesn't bug me. Plus, he's been depicted with the eye patch and Kirby style clothing in the past, so I don't know why it's a big deal.
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This is the most shameless and/or insane Hasblower cope I've ever read. All they had to do was paint them the correct colors. They didn't swing wildly for the fences with some wacky, offbeat ideas that failed spectacularly. Hasbro accurately recreated the Sentinels from the Konami arcade game then painted them the wrong colors. The only thing keeping those Sentinels from being "100% accurate" is their color scheme. This is not a hard concept to realize.
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I guess it boils down to I don't think it's as big of a deal as you make it out to be that a generic robot has slightly different colors from what you expect them to have. Especially since they don't explicitly state that they're supposed to be based on the Arcade versions. They're not based on any particular version other than being human sized like the Arcade versions.
They ARE kinda pink there desu. You just don't notice it as much with all the shading.
Do you even listen to the bullshit you post? Nobody wants to hear this shit. Nobody wants to listen to you bitch and troll all day long.
No thanks. I have the baf and it still holds up. Face sculpt is better too. Also fits on the shelf.
>Face sculpt is better too. Also fits on the shelf.
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You don't have to care if the colors are wrong. The people who care are those who played the game and enjoy the source material. Also, it's pretty fucking pedantic to say, "Well akshullllllly, Hasbro never explicitly stated the inspiration for these Sentinels!" when they deliberately used pixel art and iconography from a very specific and influential video game for the box and accessories.

Don't pretend to be blind. Chris Cocks won't send you any free toys, no matter how much you lick his boots.
>hasbroshill about to pop a vessel.
Let's not kid ourselves anon, you'd find something else to seethe about even if the colors were what you expected. Go cry into your pillow that your $25 mass market children's toys aren't 100% source accurate.
Pretending that you know some stranger on the internet is weird and pathetic. I like everything about the figure except that it has the wrong colors.
I do kinda regret not getting one. But I ain't paying scalper prices for it.
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>Their figures are far from 100% accurate to the source material too. Not even imports that cost two to three times as much do it.
Imports generally don't do accurate source material. It's western companies that strived for that accuracy and didn't even cost that much.
I get what these were going for but they were no more or less accurate than any other figure. And no, we don't need a ten paragraph explanation as to why DCD was the greatest toy company since McFarlane. Thanks but, no thanks subjectanon.
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>no more or less accurate
sure is contrarian shitposter.

99% of companies don't even try. I think the only Japanese companies who even try are Play Arts and Good Smile, who are only mostly just good with anime girls. Everyone else? Generic.
Oh, and SAS. they're great with Jojo.
I agree with you. It's clearly based on the arcade design and the purples are too dark and the pink, too light. The "not based on any specific design" is probably a preemptive legal sidestep.
Just 2 Iron Guyz
why do I want these? they look ass but I can't resist.
Because you don't actually think they look like ass. You're letting your biases cloud your judgement and stop you from liking something you normally would just because Hasbro made it.
Because it’s Marvel. Hasblo has the IP hostage and unfortunately you’ll ever see these cool figure designs done in a mediocre style.
Anon, you need a hobby. It's wild how you're on here all day every day doing this.
Mafex war machine when?
My point is there isn't a single piece of established art they are basing their figure on. It's OC. Even if it's the depiction from random vol issue #whatever, it would be preferable to something that doesn't exist other than in the hasbro employees imagination. They are not marvel.
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Like what you like, but if you want something that resembles the arcade game, the 375 Sentinels are better in every way except for articulation. Also, they were easy to pick up for $10-15 each, and you can still find them quite cheap if you hunt around.
Probably FOMO but maybe you also don't give a shit about accurate paintjobs. Get them if you think they will be a worthy addition to your collection/display. If it's only FOMO, start being a man and stop buying shit you don't need
Seethe. My hobby is shitting on hypocritical hasshills.
And why is that such a big deal if the design hits all the right marks? The Odin figure has all the design elements in place to make him recognizably Odin from the comics. Just because it's not a direct interpretation from half a panel from a Thor comic only right people read doesn't make the figure bad. I can understand why they would go their own route for a character like Odin that has never really had one defined look. Like I said, it really isn't the mountain your making the molehill to be and it seems you're just going out of your way to find things to get upset at.
What is your point, that it's not from a comic? Because every fan is agreeing that it's from a videogame. Why are you so adamant about a topic which so many people can agree on that it's a stupid mistake? I hate contrarians as much as everyone else but this isn't something that should be hard to grasp
He's talking about the Odin figure dummy.
And yet dcd went out of business despite catering to accuracy. Maybe for unrelated reasons like their prices being too damn high but still.
It doesn't make me seethe, just pity you. How boring your days must be.
Completely divorcing them from the source material, they do look kinda neat.
They're fine figures for sure. I can understand to an extent some people caring about them being 100% source material accurate, but for most of these figures, I think they're close enough that making as big of a deal about it as some of the people around here do is kind of silly, but that's just me.
Sounds like seething to me. Be sure to call me a bitch again when I shit on your hasblo.
I've never called you a bitch.
I'm so glad I decided to quit MLs cold turkey. After a few months, my brain has adjusted and now I feel zero desire to buy this kind of garbage. I feel so liberated.
Pink is too scary for a guy like you, right? :)
Welcome, your eyes have been open. Hasblo will never make a figure to its fullest potential and that’s why we call it quits.
The Transformers pose!?
I actually kind of like the new paintjob. Makes them a bit more unique.
I read enough comics and watched enough of the cartoon in the 90s to know that in the animated series he still had mechanical webshooters. Moron.
That's just a variation of his standard cope.
He has no argument and wants you to shut up because you pointed it out.
It is the literal why-do-you-care/ no-big-deal/nobody-cares meme reply.
It's no big deal, no one cares, why do you?
Even a Shadowoman would happen before and the only reason would be reuse. Don't be ridiculous.
Doing medusa's hair like that was a mistake. Lacks volume.
Don't ask questions just consume product.
I mean, we're on a board about collecting plastic effigys to various fictional characters from our childhoods. Being holier than thou about consumerism on a board for toys is dumb behavior, and I have to wonder why you're even here.
>I have to wonder
Can we just talk about toys instead of being bitchy teenage girls to one another? Anyway, I get my replacement for my Vulture 2 pack today. Hoping there's no problem with it.
>Hoping there's no problem with it.
The two pack is the problem, retard consoomer.
Shut up, retard.
My $35 Phoenix from BBTS is finally shipping soon. Still think she's worth it for that price. Too bad most of y'all missed out.
Is the Spiderman in that two pack pretty the same as the Renew Your Vows one?
No, the Spider-Man is on the Sunfire mold. It's honestly not the best for Spidey but if you use him as Flash Thompson pretending to be Spidey then it's not a bad figure.
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No it’s worse.
Now i see legends in Anthonyvision
Can anyone think of a good civilian body to use the Flash Thompson head on? I'm trying to think, maybe an MCU fig? I can only think of a handful of figures with casual clothes and none of them really work for Flash.
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Dummy thicc
In case anyone was wondering, the Revoltech Weapons Pack scales perfectly with War Journal Fronk
I'm not a guy and pink is my favorite color, I'm just not a fan of garbage
Looks like you are wrong

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