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Welcome to the Fashion Doll General!

A thread for discussion of fashion dolls including Barbie, Disney, LOL OMG, Rainbow High, Monster High, Licca-chan etc but not BJD. There is a BJD general over in /jp/.

Other toys considered dolls as well as girl collectable toys that are related to dolls or can be used as accessories to dolls are also welcome such as LOL, Shopkins, Polly Pocket and the like.

*Reminder to REPORT trolling, bait and off topic posts instead of responding.*

Previous Thread: >>11140301

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Fixing frizz:

Dealing with glue seepage:

Materials for customizing face, hair, and clothes:

Sewing pattern books from Google+, reuploaded:
I haven't seen her in any of the stores. Is there a possibility of Mattel putting them for restock?
how much would it cost to commission a doll of ezekiel from total drama island? not a troll, just genuinely writing. I'd like anatomy similar to monster high or dream besties :)

also very excited for dream besties ken. I want to pick up some of the girls, but I think I'll wait till they bin.
I've seen them in Walmart, restocked the Wednesday doll twice shockingly
Depends on the artist, contact some of the ones you like customs from and ask for their rates
I really like this girl's Polly Pocket reviews:
I finally managed to grab some Happy Hour Miniverse, this guide works for anyone who may be interested
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the bratz x mean girls dolls
What part of the US do you live in? An actual major city or a typical midwestern rust belt city?
I need that Karen and Gretchen set.
West coast, not a major city or even a major county, my Walmart is typically a shithole which is why I was surprised to see Wednesday stocked more than once
Wtf are these heels supposed to be
One of them kinda looks like a skull with a candle on it or something?
The other one I really don't know. Maybe it'll be more clear once we have more angles of them?
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The literal-who black kwane won the MGA lawsuit. Can't wait for Mattel quality dolls to make up their losses after getting hit that hard in the wallet.
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100$ collector barbie releasing on september 26
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i'm gonna buy a pink wedgewood barbie instead
Mga must have garbage lawyers
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your days of tyranny are over barbie! long live robespierre!
RIP to that
cutting corners seems to be their motto
Nice, though why is Cady's quote 'I want my pink shirt back!', that's a line from Damien, not Cady.
Do they just not know how to make a dress anymore? The top is cute but the skirt is just like... what.
That's more mattel motto tho, mga motto is more about doing thing without thinking long term
Honestly, that loss is bullshit. Some nothing has-been cunts trying to claim someone "stole" their style. Fuck off
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defa lucy posted proof they're still alive
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bitches tried to frame it as stealing from blacks when the designers for LOL OMG are blacks and hispanics.
One of the designers was upset getting accused of stealing that she had to post pic related, dolls she made in 2001, OMG girlz was from 2009.
It's really retarded and upsetting.
>literally like 20 shades darker than the bitch filing the lawsuit
Black on black violence is hard to watch
This is so fucked up. I feel really bad for the artists. It's already hard enough to get work in those industries, is she going to get work again with doll companies knowing she has that lawsuit attached to her work? I hated the LOL doll style but their peak outfit designs were PEAK. Mattel/MGA about to take us into another dark age and no one is going to be left at these companies who can design a damn outfit.
Amazon has her as temporarily out of stock right now but is accepting orders.

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