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kinda gay but is good
COD scale or Halo scale? Either way, I want it because Fallout 4 quite literally saved my life.
I have no real nostalgia for the introduction portion of Fallout 4, but this makes it look like the theme is in good hands if they ever do something I like.
Instant buy for me. Really hoping we get more than just this and the PA bundle that was accidentally leaked. The preorders sold out in less than a day so I'm hopeful.
Since MEGA has stopped selling singles and "teams" I will look on Ebay and Ali for single Vault Dwellers that have fallen off the truck.
- Which will be exactly like the joes.
Ya, some enemies would have gone a long way. I guess it depends how deep they'd want to go, because it probably doesn't make sense to make a one-off mold for a radroach if it won't get used in future sets.
>COD scale or Halo scale?
I wish I could answer but I have nothing.
>Either way, I want it because Fallout 4 quite literally saved my life.
I would buy it regardless of what game it was based off of but I agree; I enjoy FO4 the most out of all the gamed I’ve played.
Yeah, a lack of enemies was one of the many reasons Destiny wasn’t as fun as it should’ve been.
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Got the final box of blindbag Chinese CoD figures in, this one desert-themed. It's the most dishonest one of the series with the box art featuring actual Mega figs and their weapons, significantly different than the true contents of the bags. Regardless it's still a decent series out of the whole, all figs having the same lower leg style as opposed to a mix in other series and a reasonable assortment of weapons sprues. Just noticed that the backdrop for the figures on the box and blind bags is the ruined cityscape of Berlin circa late April 1945, with the Berlin Gate prominently visible.

There was one more series of blindbags listed, a set of black and grey SWAT guys but it was sold out before I found them.
I noticed the same thing on the lower part of the legs, they are all now armored type of boots and its applied to all modern like figures while the ww2 style ones remain with the classic ones

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