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Covered Wagon Edition


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

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Last thread: >>11164014
Good morning, LEGO GENERAL! I love the smell of fresh bricks in the morning!
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What are you building anon?
Just2good and Duckbricks are now officially a couple

countdown for suckbricks to troon out starts now. he's a repulsive looking boy and asians pass better
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That was my first-ever Lego set growing up. The Showdown Canyon two-pack was my second and this was my third...
DuckBricks' expression is undeniably alarming—his wide eyes and raised eyebrows suggest extreme distress, and the tension in his forced smile hints at a deeper issue at play. It appears he’s trying to communicate a message, perhaps indicating that Justin's grip is more than just a playful hold; it might be a plea for help that he can't voice. The urgency of his situation cannot be ignored! We must rally together to ensure his safety and well-being. EVERYONE, WE MUST HELP CHRIS! DUCKBRICKS ARMY, ASSEMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
epic, wish they would do these more of these wild west and civil war sets but they're rayciss now or whatever.
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Did you like the Naval Factions or the Pirates more as a child? Has that changed?

Also which Navy was your favorite?
Nigga there's only like 5 people older than 25 here
Pirates are eternal.
Checked and true. Planet Ripple, Slugger, and TVTropes have all thrown hissy fits over this very Lego theme for that exact reason. Being how I am, it just makes me love the theme even more. I even used to set up the tepee next to my main train set so the little minifigures could watch the Iron Horse go across the land. I was a regular Mike Teavee growing up, obsessed with all things western-related.
Any 90s space posters like this?
I don't really understand how it's racist to have a teepee and some native american minifigs, isn't it the opposite of racist?
I don't care for pirates as in ocean battlers, I like pirates as in treasure hunting explorers in exotic mystical islands. like adventurers with ships

for that reason couldnt care less about imperials
It's not. Lego also doesn't care. Jaguar Warrior CMF released in 2021. They are just too occupied with licenses and stuff they believe will be more popular with the masses and children. If there was serious demand for a Western Theme lego would make it.

I say this as a huge giant westernfag.
As a kid I liked the pirates more but as an adult I like the navy. I don't know which are my favourite, it's hard to choose.
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>I like when my pirates aren't pirates and are instead 1:1 copying imperial explorers in exotic lands
>but I don't like imperials
Some profound mental gymnastics, anon.
I hate that yellow bastard, I can't believe he mindbroke my favorite Lego reviewer into being his femboy fucktoy.
It was very inclusive and open-minded back in the 90s. Yet the goalposts are always shifting and things never seem to be good enough for too long socially.

>I say this as a huge giant westernfag.

I'm also one and know that there are places where it's still popular. Germany is one such place, as is South Korea. Look up the Karl May fandom. Furthermore, as there are no natives over there to get offended, many cosplay as the fictional Apache hero Winnetou, Chingachgook from Last of the Mohicans, and other characters. It's thoroughly based and Red Man-pilled.
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Seen this before and dont care about marvel. I think DC is more popular here and among lego fans in general because of lego batman. wish they would do sets like this for DC.
dc only got the shadowbox while marvel gets the mansion, bugle, and sanctum. ffs
The shadowbox is not that good too. I don't want a giant black brick that I have to constantly dust. Would be better if it was just a batcave.
>there are no natives over there to get offended
That's actually cool. The surprising thing is there really aren't in the US either. I dated a girl who was half Injun earlier this year and she liked when I called her Injun. I interact with more Injuns than probably 99% of the non Injun population of the united states. And I have never met a single one who took offense from a toy or movie or sports teams. I've never met a Native who didn't actively embrace at least some of the stereotypes around them. Even when you watch an old black and white movie from the 40s where the cowboy shoots in the raiding savage (which is actually way less common of a trope than I was led to believe) the only thing they don't like is that the cowboy wins. The "Bad Red Man" is cool in their eyes. The people getting offended aren't Injuns. It's brainwashed white college students getting offended for them.
Yea typical, same with black guys I meet they are usually pretty chill. The women are a nightmare though, not because of this though but because they are really loud.
I fucking called this.
I think Justin has locked up duckbricks and is keeping him captive, that's why you see him in the background of his videos. The videos on duckbricks channel are all pre-recorded and upload on a schedule, you can tell. I really hope someone finds out, I'm really worried about Chris.
is that bionicle
Do you think he is holding him hostage for the ransom money, or something more nefarious?
42640 - Guinea Pig Playground
42641 - Surfing Dogs and Scooter Adventure
42643 - Cotton Candy Stand and Scooter
42644 - Heartlake City Ice Cream Truck
42645 - Aliya's Baby Sister's Playroom
42646 - Autumn’s Room
42647 - Paisley's Room
42649 - Heartlake City Candy Store
42650 - Pet Accessories Shop
42651 - Horse and Pet Vet Clinic
42652 - Friendship Tree House Hangout
42655 - Restaurant and Cooking School
42656 - Heartlake City Airport and Airplane
42662 - Hair Salon and Accessories Store
42663 - Friendship Camper Van Adventure
42669 - Beekeepers' House and Flower Garden
42670 - Heartlake City Apartments and Stores
42672 - Creative Beach and Travel Suitcase

43256 - Anna's Sleigh Adventure
43259 - Twirling Ariel
43260 - idk
43261 - Encanto Mini House
43265 - Arendelle Frozen Castle
43270 - idk
43275 - Cinderella's Castle & Horse Carriage
shadowbox is OK, but that's the only thing we got when there's so much they can do. Where is arkham or gcpd
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moron imperial sets are "civilized" fortifications and warships, they arrest pirates, shoot canon balls at them and get their cargo stolen.
pirates have treasure islands and survival shelters, it's not about fucking realism, its about having a pulpy ragtag bunch marooning on an island and following a treasure map, that's not what lego imperials do

This is just a disguised "ackshually" post where you think you're teaching me about the age of discovery and colonialism. either show me imperial centric sets like these or fuck all the way off
any idea about nintendo 18+?
Mario and peach have sex
will we get a new death star?
>comes with 2 minifigures and a dildo
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Is this worth it? It's the only monkie kid set I can afford. Also, the eyelashes on this monkey make me want to stick my dick in a monkey. I don't think it should be allowed, it's unhealthy and wrong. Lego need to remove that.
this is why there is the monkeypox outbreak
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You are fun anon. I'm glad we could have this talk.
>they arrest pirates
For acts of piracy
>it's not about realism
No one is talking about realism. "Ocean Battling" is fantasy. It just happens to be a fantasy that fits within the definition of pirate. And fits within the romanticized view we have of pirates.
>pirates are just explorers
My bank robbers in my city layout anon? They didn't steal from a bank. They just wear stripes and drive around in someone else's car they didn't ask for (but isn't stolen). They wear stripes and a mask and like driving cars with fistfuls of cash (and the cash doesn't belong to them and they didn't get permission to hold it). They're bank robbers but not thieves. That would be stealing.
I'm just talking about the vocal collegiate types who act as a vocal minority and become the mouthpieces of their Anglo professors. I know what you mean. My uncle and cousins are Choctaw and they thought it was hilarious when they saw me roleplaying as a Comanche warrior growing up. They also would root for Chief Redstick when we'd watch our old VHS of Davy Crockett together. As for the Germans and the Koreans, I'm serious. There are whole YouTube channels dedicated to the Wild West plays and fairs they have over there, not unlike Renaissance festivals and fantasy conventions. The only thing visiting Natives have a problem with is when German cosplayers use real sacred artifacts from museums without permission which has happened in the past but is no longer much of a problem. It's a very cool phenomenon and I'm all for it.
even next to j2g he looks like a freak
does anyone have that picture of monkey king with bedroom eyes? asking for a friend
Wild how this is all it takes for gays and furries, no wonder they're disease superspreaders
Kramer can you release monkey kid more widely in the west its the best original theme atm but no one can get it :(
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donut fancy is from simpsons
>Fan mock up render
it's still from simpsons
[Sad News] Lego Dreamzzz has been discontinued since it did not meet Lego's sales quota this year.
Okay I think this might be closer to the truth. Look at the way he keeps trying to signal to the camera. That’s a look of terror and despair.
>Sad News
>implying implications
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Somebody asked earlier, so here's the Collector's Call recap

items highlighted
Galaxy Explorer (with box) - $600
10th Anniversary Gold Minidoll - $100,000
Airport Monorail - $1,100
Black Suit Superman (2013 Comic Con, loose) - $5,000
Lego Insider's Tour Truck Show set - $3,000
Factory Test Bricks (wall display given to him) - $125,000

the "expert" evaluated the entire collection at
$1,000,000 (one million)

the "collector's call" trade offer was:
"expert" offered up a 2013 Comic Con Green Arrow
he wanted in trade... Mr. Gold

duckbricks guy did not have the certificate that came with Mr. Gold, so he up'd his side of the trade with a comic con Batman of Zur-En-Arrh along with the loose Mr. Gold to secure the Green Arrow for his collection, he was super happy

whether it was editing or natural, duckbricks guy came across as super nice and peppy. I think they might have edited the segment when the host asked the difference between minifigs and minidolls, there was no mention of "girl market" which was probably deleted.
Finally. Something I actually want.

yeah that was me

>10th Anniversary Gold Minidoll

interesting, never heard of it.

>the "expert" evaluated the entire collection at
$1,000,000 (one million)

probably not accurate like most of these shows, but still 1 million in just lego, imagine how wealthy he actually is.
who tops?
I think we all know.
How big is Justin's penis? Did his booba get nice and round, plump enough for titty fucking?
I think he already had those dick sucking lips.
bro Iceman is made out of cum...D:...Lego, he is not THAT gay
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>HEY! It's me, Goku!
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10th Anniversary Minidoll was given only to the Lego employee developers

the story was that Duckbricks was on a media tour, and another media tour guy was given one and gave it to him since he was working on museum-ish collection

the expert guy said only two of them are known to be outside of the employees, and that was one of them. I think they said they only made like 30 of them i don't remember exactly

the "expert" guy owned a couple of brick n mortar Lego resale stores, seemed like he knew his stuff. But yeah I thought only 1 million seemed low. (probably not a lot of "ancient" sets in the collection? IDK)
i fucked her
I made it 40 seconds.
>clicked the link
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look at this man. See the optimistic glint in his eye. A glint that tells you with wry humor that this man makes his way through the world with ease.

What happened?
That fateful day on Highway 237 West taught him that wry humour would not make life easier and that he would be the only one willing to step up for the shortcomings of his fellow man.
How cold have we all become? How heartless. He had things to do but he stopped! #calmadult
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Guess the next Lego Icons car after pic related.
why did nobody stop?
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I'm really impressed with this house.
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Holy shit they're executing him North Korea style
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I'm really happy that my beach is complete!
Tbh he looks much better as a girl
I'm waiting for them to do the Testarossa.
what the fuck is that fleshie doing there
do you think jang will sooner cave in and become a sponsored reviewer or just get a real job and wind down his youtube channel?
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can you double check?
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I half jokingly complained about them not being in bags and how i can't feel them out so the cute lego store girl scanned them for me, unfortunately there was no mind flayer in the box anywhere.
Metroid and her spaceship.
His wife died
he looks like a mexican grandma now, while he is in his mid-twenties. don't know if that is better.
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Used Lego bros, how are we feeling today?

Ashamed I share this hobby with you retards
Its been 13 years since He stopped at that killing ground. I think jang may have healed normally he does not do reviews this time of year

What the fuck are you talking about?
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Just got some Lego in the mail, pretty excited. Which should I build first, bros?
Hammer guy.
Only people who neglect to wash themselves would neglect to wash their used Lego. To everyone else it's a reflex.
Ok guys, summer news:
>star wars u wing coming in june, for andor s2
>one piece sets
>zelda sets
Do Cole's mech last since best till last
I don't believe you because of one piece which there is no evidence for but a U-Wing would be cool and so would a Zelda wave
i don't care
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Nobody stopped! How would you feel?
What sets are retiring that are worth getting? Thinking of getting Monkie Kid City of Lanterns.
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lol, I did end up saving that one since it looked so neat. On the other hand this one ended up being cooler than it looked in pictures. Ninjago seems pretty based.
The conquistadors were Navy? I always thought they were like a mercenary or something like that.
Makes me miss Bionicle even more.
Is there any actual elbow joint on those?
Conquistadors = Spanish Navy
Redcoats = British Navy
Bluecoats = Portuguese(?) Navy
Blue was French.
Unfortunately no, but that's a pretty easy fix once I get more parts.
Thanks was unsure about them
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This seems a really good value for the price. It's like ten bucks.
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You used to be able to get this for $7 and it's 100x better.
Anon, they don't make Bionicle anymore and inflation is a thing. Stop living in the past. :)
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We must Retvrn. Cheaper and better sets.
Is that the era where they had those crappy parts that would split?
No, that is 2007 to the modern day.
As a kid i was shocked when i found out Gali is female.
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I dislike the villains, they are pretty mediocre compared to what Ninjago offered in the past. If they were better in this set then i might have bought it.
The bionicle lore is really weird, all the blue ones are female and the rest are male. I wonder how babies work.
>smaller than the original
How?? I bet it will be twice the price too.
One piece chads we are winning!
Lego must be retarded if they are doing One Piece instead of Dragon Ball. I hope they are at least usable as pirates sets.
I expect lego packaging to be like this, with this art
I have the original, it is pretty big.
They might shrink down or remove the trooper carrier. I think i won't really like the scale of the new one. Same goes for the small tie-fighter and x-wing compared to the regular sized ones.
>one piece biggest anime ever made
>biggest netflix show since stranger things and wednesday
Why not

It was about time lego did more with streaming shows that are super popular
In the defense of lego; they can't just pick what they want. There can be factors behind the scenes we don't know about. Like other toy manufacturers having the DBZ license and sabotaging lego. But i agree that One Piece is lame.
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One piece has infinite number of potential for sets compared to dbz, and they can go beyond netflix show
>infinite number of potential for sets
>all are boats
zoom zoom
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>gay anime shit
no thanks
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There are lots of locations too
Based and fuck licensing bring back original themes, blacktron 3 when
I don't have (and I expect most people don't) space for a water feature, brick built or not, so if I got any of these sets they would just end up being dust collectors. I think Dragon Ball has a lot more potential for playsets and smaller sets (example picrel, Grandpa Gohan's house is one of the first locations in Dragon Ball and would be a great small-scale playset with kid Goku, and you could fit into a nice countryside or chinatown area in any lego city.), One Piece is just boats (pretty much all large scale as well) that most people won't be able to fit anywhere.
All of these would be large $150+ sets though.
They can do scenes though

Boats don't all need to be big...
Is DBZ even popular amongst kids these days? Seems like it's only man children boomers that talk about it
Only if they do micro or midi scale ones that no one wants.
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>Rumble Roses
based Jang
Not DBZ but dragon ball in general is popular among kids because of Super and the fortnite collabs. That doesn't matter though since man children are lego's main demographic now, not kids.

Kids still want lego
They might want it, but they don't have enough money for lego to care about catering to them anymore.
kids don't play with toys it's all screens now.
it's only loser parents who force their kids to play with the toys they liked as kids that keep the lie going.
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>be me
>at Wal Mart
>"Hmm, I remember liking Lego City as a kid, I wonder what sets they have these days"
>walk to Lego aisle
>see dike
>walk away
Anyone else have this experience?
If you give your kid a phone at a young age you don't love him. I'd rather have him have physical play, read and play with kids outside. Lego is good.
T. Never had kids and never will
She's in prison for being a dyke though.
You can't just do the same shitpost twice
Why are all Lego threads nowadays littered with pictures of some rando chinks and turks?
>just don't give them screens bro
you've obviously never interacted with anyone who has kids
fortnite theme did this
I have 2 kids you faggot
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>play with kids outside
kids outside play games on mobiles and show eachother tiktoks
Congrats, your kids is now shunned by his peers for not having a smartphone. Now what?
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go back
Sets when?
What the fuck is the appeal to you old fossils?
What do you like, huh?
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Its real
That's not a lego theme. And also, terraria has castle, pirates and space stuff in it, so aren't you being hypocritical?
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Where do you even find polybags anymore? Haven't seen sny in ages
I don't know, I never see them in stores. You can usually get them cheap off bricklink or amazon.
>Julian's Beach Painting
Julian already got a fig, can't we have a new villager? there are tons to do. Maple was unique to the polybag and was really cool.
No one can top her
>Lego fans on reddit
>all doctors, lawyers, project managers, etc
>huge disposable income, families, all responsible adults
How come /lg/ isn't the same? Seems like a bunch of NEETs and wagies around here.
I am in college now and even I can afford sets...

They are just lazy
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>hurr durr lego is overpriced

Mega Construx is overpriced as fuck
Most 4channers are outsiders who have been shunned by society, it's what we all have in common. Fuck normies
i can't believe Todd made a gas station and called it "RED ROCKET" and put a dog there. he needs to stop injecting his furry fetish into his games
I am normal

Fuck you
Go back to pleddit then.
Remind me...why can't lego do fallout sets?
franchise is too "adult" (evendoe bethesda dumbed it down and it's basically kid friendly now) and mega already has the license + lego says anything with guns is bad unless it's star wars or an og theme
Any good non-spooky mansion/manor options in brown or white? Basically White House in minifig scale?
don't kid yourself
I find them at Targets, or I go to an actual Lego store
Anyways pretty mid selection. Ninja Mini Combi Mech has the most potential here, especially since only EU seems to get Technic polys.
Also not a fan of them reusing a villager already. Julian was already in one of the smaller sets too.
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Animal Crossing: Julian's Beach Painting

they already HAVE a Julian figure!?

AND he's in the least-expensive (non-polybag) set already!

AARGH! there's 400+ characters to choose from, and they give us a double already? FAIL!!!
>julian polybag
what the fuck, why? they're not going to introduce a new villager? we're getting the awful unicorn again?
he's gotta be the Lego designer's
Animal Crossing Husbando
and they want him with another facial expression printing.

I think it's funny to think I might be more interested in what freaing torso (shirt from the game) they give him lol
You Animal Crossing fuckers are genuinely unhinged, holy shit.
give us a little slack, there's literally over 400 characters they could have done, yet they give us a double. it's lame, that's obvious.

I'll agree that Lego wants to get more use out of the head mold, that's also obvious, but it was a mistake using the "unicorn-horn" horse head in the first place. there's only one unicorn character in the game! if they made a regular horse head, they could have re-colored it for a dozen different characters. (which they've done with the cat and squirrel/bear)

but somebody wanted unicorn guy Julian, so they spent money on the mold, and we have to get him again...

poor Julian can't catch a break. nobody showed up for his Birthday party and now he's all alone in the polybag, too. lmao
cry harder lego kid
Chill, they reuse him to get their costs from producing that mold
Atleast my company isn't dead
Isn't a red rocket a dog"s erect cock? I remember from a South Park episode.
Yes. It's not that well known but Todd Howard is a furry, I think he has an account on FurAffinity and also in a test room in morrowind you can find named after him, there is a naked khajiit(cat person) called "Pretty Kitty", and if you go into the records you can see it used to be called "Titty Kitty" before release.
>It's not that well known but Todd Howard is a furry, I think he has an account on FurAffinity and also in a test room in morrowind you can find named after him, there is a naked khajiit(cat person) called "Pretty Kitty", and if you go into the records you can see it used to be called "Titty Kitty" before release.
Not to mention the kajiit and argonian races he created in the first place.
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Me as the blue guy btw
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Lego One Piece
Lego Kuroinu...
I see more people seething about people wanting slave leia to be less censored than people complaining about it being censored, what's up with that
>kids don't play with toys it's all screens now.

only kids of dumb parents. smart people already knew giving your toddler an ipad to watch cocomelon on all day lowers their iq and now science backs it up.
I used to never find them in stores and now since maybe 2 years they have polybags in stock just like regular sets. don't know why they were never available before.
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what...? lmao
Why aren't there western sets anymore? I missed out on this era of soul.
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I was at the perfect age when these sets and the early Adventurers sets came out, with my interests in the Wild West and two-fisted tales being met by Lego. There were custom minifigures as late as 2014 and a Lone Ranger theme a year earlier. The official reason is there isn't a demand for the genre as much anymore, although most agree that the real reason is obviously politics, as seen above.
The youth yearn for cowboys and indians and don't have as much fun with just cowboys
we are so back slave 1 bros
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Are they gonna bring back violet for this
True. You cannot have one without the other. It's like biscuits and gravy or peas and carrots. The ten-gallon hat is nothing without the war bonnet.
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I was shocked when I went into a hobby store and saw the name SLAVE 1 on a box!

a small amount of research told me this came out in 2020, so it's past the age of "whuh-oh! we can't say [wispers "-that word-"] anymore!" nonsense...
Not sure if it's even really a case of her being censored and just them doing the red part of the legs with dual-molded plastic instead of printed details, something which Lego has been doing a lot more lately. Lego tends to ignore the rear of the minifig leg pieces, and often the sides as well, so I kind of doubt they would have specifically decided to add color there as a mean of censoring when they normally don't bother with what the rear of the legs looks at all.
They removed her cleavage but they did that ages ago
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they claim the removal of "boob lines" makes the torso pieces more use-able for MOCs, that's the "official" reason you'll get

(like, they expect you to use the female-coded torsos for thin-waisted boy characters, and if they had boob lines, you couldn't do that, so see? it's better for you!)

the clarify, I'm being sarcastic, ain't nobody going to use the gold bikini top on a boy character, that's ridiculous lol
>bought a 2 1/2 lb bag of lego minifigs, parts, accessories for $16
>seller up front says some are perfect, some dented up or chewed on, some are fake lego
>first complete real mini I pull out is the old 2004 light up Vader that's worth an easy 20-30 in the condition it's in
>everything went better than expected
It's still gonna take me most of the week to sort this shit out but still it was a nice surprise
I miss living in a house with windows facing towards the sun.
yea no one is using the slave leia parts on a male fig lol
Animal Crossing was my only friend for a few years.
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>Did you like the Naval Factions or the Pirates more as a child? Has that changed?
>Also which Navy was your favorite?

Bluecoats all the way! Pirates is totally the best theme
wish jango slave 1 got a playset, hope the UCS price justifies the difference with the Boba slave 1 UCS
>furries are unhinged
No shit, Sherlock. First time on the internet?
At least it's being portrayed as the criminal scumbag most of them are. Likely for possession and smuggling of fentanyl, domestic abuse, child endangerment, child molestation, depriving children of food, selling children AS food, and misrepresenting the weight of livestock.
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Details on the 2025 tumbler
Any Ausfags been to the Dreamworld Lego store? Worth going?
Where are the ninjago leaks
Last thread
Ninjago is being replaced by Dreamzzz
Wait until this dude plays good games
Thank you
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It’s funny looking back at old Lego and the big ol tits they’d make for female figs.
It wasn’t that long ago anon.
So it's basically a more refined version of the Batman Begins Tumbler released a few years ago? I'll have to wait for the images to judge but damn I guess I should've just waited instead.
This is my favorite though she’s got those brick sucking lips.
Shit man, Doom and Shadow Warrior are better than whatever slop you're thinking of.
The thin-waisted torsos look so dumb.
It's twice the price and only has 7 more pieces. Not worth it.
We get it you’re trans.
It implies all the men are fat.
I want to combine "75333 Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter" and "75364 New Republic E-Wing vs. Shin Hati's Starfighter" (the shin hati's starfighter part) to make a giga spaceship but I'm finding it too hard. Has anyone combined these, or know about instructions to combine them? any tips and tricks for combining sets?
They’re placing a lot of value on those minifigures and the molded cape, but I will probably buy it anyways cause I’m a sucker for Batman. I wonder, are all the new Batman sets gonna be NolanBats themed?
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Be honest, do you feel even a little bit more retarded when stuff like this comes out and Lego knows they can sell it cause they know you are just that stupid.
Just typical social media moralizing that has infected every corner of modern life. Even Jang called it out for being inaccurate and that it was ridiculous Lego was trying keep it tame on a set marketed at adults
What is 18+ about the Star Wars logo? Is it the star wars porn parody logo or something?
If they don't do that then big strong men won't buy it because its a baby toy
I'm not going to buy that though, shmucks from plebbit are.
Based on Lego Star Wars pricing trends, this probably will be a playscale set with a UCS price
Lol, for that price? I think you mean midi-scale.
I hope fantasy doesn't end up with molded capes. It will ruin the look.
Molded capes are worth less to me than cloth or sponge capes, they are ugly.
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What a blunder. The Lego Star Wars advent calendar minikit is innacurate to the games, they forgot to place a white boat stud underneath. What a travesty.
In Burgerland Wal-Mart stores usually have whatever 3-4 ones are currently shipping. Target usually carries them as well.
The Star Wars advent calendar is one of the worst ones. Harry Potter advent calendar ftw!
>FAT ASS Grey Lady
That's why he transitioned.

Look up the Mouse Utopia Experiments. Male mice with no chance with female mice ended up acting female for attention from the alpha males. Justin is a human example of this. He was so butt as ugly and retarded transitioning was the only way he could find love

Unrelated, Jang suicide watch
BS they just released one
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Yeah, Dragon Ball has alot of fun little designs They could make sets out of.
I like how they look on Batman, but I can see where you’re coming from owning so,e of the D&D caped minifigs too.
What's next, a Super Mario advent calendar?
Lego has finally run out of ideas.
Yeah, you sound like a scientist. As we all know, mice and humans are basically the same. Like that famous book, "Of Mice".
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pretty good if those are printed tiles. for some reason the marvel and star wars advents always fail compared to the harry potter one and i'm not even a fan.
>Look up the Mouse Utopia Experiments. Male mice with no chance with female mice ended up acting female for attention from the alpha males. Justin is a human example of this. He was so butt as ugly and retarded transitioning was the only way he could find love

yeah he even admits this in one of his just 2 male (mail) video's
My contempt for mousecucks simply grows with each new release.
Are the Captain Falcon sets still coming this year?
>Captain Falcon sets
Motherfucking F-Zero sets? No way.
>she's in a male prison
what did tlg mean by this?
"she" also doesn't have a thin waist like other female minifigs...

One piece Lego has been around for a while anons...
Captain America
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>want to buy individual pieces from Bricklink
>found the pieces I need
>about 10 of them
>theyre between $0.50-$5.00
>go to checkout
>total price $120
>literally 70% of it is shipping and handling
What the fuck? Is this really how people buy individual pieces? Is there any cheaper alternative?
What the fuck?
[spoiler]Thats actually dragonball[/spoiler]
Id swear there was a waisted medi breasts girl on previous CMF
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They really need to update baseplates with bottom tubes like this.
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this one? too bad the print quality is so awful
Go to Lego’s official Pick a Brick portion of their site. BrickLink has international sellers so you get international shipping costs if you aren’t careful.
ONLY buy from your country on bricklink or you will fucked over by shipping.
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WMA ring would be pretty cool.
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you must be thinking of this workout girl

just like the crook, there's even a bra strap on the shoulder, yet no boob lines
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let's make it better

>brickreporter lmfao
That’d be fucking sweet. The advent calendars are great because you can usually get them at a discount if you wait till after December 1st and the closer to Christmas the cheaper they get. It’s fun to open up a new Lego everyday and if you get one for $20 like I did last year it’s less than a buck a day to satisfy your lego fix.
nigga's been out of the tech workforce for literally 15 years. What "real job" could he get that isn't flipping burgers
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A Capsule Corp Spaceship is one the top of my wants personally. I bet lego Freeza Force pods will look awesome.
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>ordered from Pick A Brick
>standard parts (up to 28 days to arrive)
>it's been a month and it says it's still in their warehouse.
What gives? Can I get some compensation form Lego? Do you guys know any tricks? I hear they have really good customer service
This is normal. Expect it to take 6-8 weeks. I wish I was lying. No they won’t do shit if you complain.
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what is the cheapest way to get a variety of parts for mocs? example:
>want to moc a tan star wars castle
>buy mos eisly cantina bc lots of tan variety
>bought on sale for $320
Is this the BEST strat? Or would it be the cheapest possible to moc something in software and buy the exact parts you need? Or should I do it from scratch?
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ty so much fren, i just needed to know
It’s fucking infuriating. Hang in there fren the struggle is real. It’ll feel like Christmas when they do show up.
I'd honestly laugh at a Cell's arena cause they'd charge $150+ for it.
I don't know the details, but for something that massive, I remember there was a way to but bulk pieces directly from Lego, like by the pound, similar to pick-a-brick, but for way more than would fit in the box in the store.

if it's that important to you, I suggest you do the research, buying sets for something so large is the worst option

if all you want is "random pieces" then just buy a lot of sets you like, eventually you'll have a bunch of pieces
ty fren! i think the bulk strat is good for like all those slope pieces on the cliff. right now i can only do vignettes, but in the future i'd like to do large scale things like that pic.
Generally, 100 pieces for every 10 dollars spent on a set is seen as a good average value. This is especially so when considering certain pieces second hand or from Pick a Brick can go for a dollar or more by themselves. So if you wanted to save money over getting pieces in sets, make sure you stay under 10 dollars per 100 pieces in your bulk order, otherwise you’re paying extra for the convenience of getting exactly what you want. Making your moc in software ahead of time can save you trouble on ordering the right pieces obviously, but as far as I know no software can test connection strength or build sturdiness, so watch out for that.
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that's real solid advice fren, thank you so much! Jesus bless you :)
then it wouldn't be a baseplate anymore you moron, it would literally be a plate.
Based on 4chan posting trends you probably are an idiot who should stfu
What country do you live in?
How about Trunks' time machine? DBZ has a surprising amount of cool vehicles that would make great sets.
Try searching FB Marketplace, you may find some bulk Harry Potter sets which have tan castle parts. You can sell the minifigs after to offset the cost too.
Stud.io has a feature that does that
Yea but it would be more useful since I can raise and connect it easier.
Meh, i also trust 2 other countries but that's it. Beyond that the shipping hassle is not worth it.
bionicle g3 news?
Bro...its not happening

>dragon ball z lego is not real
>one piece lego is not real
>there won't be more dnd/zelda sets
>dreamzzz is cancelled
>monkie kid is ending, last 2 sets in january
And no Bionicle G3

Sorry guys
Here in Europe Mega bricks go on retard 50-70% off sales all the time because nobody knows about it or wants it.
Fake Kramer wrong tripcode. that means
>dragon ball z lego real
>one piece lego is real
>there won't be more dnd/zelda sets
>dreamzzz is not cancelled
>monkie kid is not ending, billions more sets and a wider release to come
>Bionicle G3 is happening
Not sorry guys
will be more dnd/zelda sets*
legobros we are eating GOOD next year
why are they called mega bricks if they are smaller than regular bricks?
The brand is mega (formerly mega construx) and they're the same size as lego.
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Why is it called Mega Construx if they're smaller than regular Construx?
Prayer You Should Say Every Day for LEGO FANS!
O Lord Almighty, in Thy mercy, we beseech Thee to lend an ear to our humble supplication. We, Thy faithful servants, do implore The Lego Group to restore unto us the cherished hues of Sand Red, Sand Purple, Violet, Trans Neon Green, and Trans Neon Orange, which have been lost to the passage of time, amidst the wretched Danes' miscalculations. For it is the noble Lego master builders who stand as true inheritors of Thy divine gift of creation, wielding their bricks with the artistry Thou hast endowed upon them. Grant us, O Lord, the vibrant palette that inspires our imaginations anew. Amen.
[toyler]Can we ban e-celeb faggotry from these threads?
>its le toy/board culture!
It is not. We already got rid most of you gaylords from /v/. Make a separate thread on /b/ for e-celeb/youtuber worship.[/toyler]

Are they going to go all in on Andor sets this time? Last series sets were hilarious.

>Lego made a $550 cat bed and nobody noticed


You need to go back.
This reminds me of those super expensive dot paintings. That shit shouldn't cost so much, especially "licensed" dot portraits. Its just a bunch of colored pieces with a manual for pixel art.
Dragon Ball is about to leave Bandai so it's s possible it could get sets. One Piece is still under Bandai and it doesn't look like that's going to change anytime soon so those are probably not real.
Dragon Balls bros... We won.
>Harry Patter AC: I hope you love extra stuff in you can use in your HP sets!!
>Star Wars AC: Haha here are more useless micro ships, weapon stands, and minifigures available in other sets!

Every fucking year.
It's too bad Harry Potter is for girls and Star Wars is for boys, so I will have to get the Star Wars calendar...
>Dragon Ball is about to leave Bandai
What the fuck? That's wild.
Toriyama and Toyotaro were working on getting it away from bandai before Toriyama died
>check 2024 Star Wars Advent Calendar
>16/24 of the mini sets are micro ships

Just get the regular Lego one, it actually looks fun and comfy.
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is this really all there is in the spider-man advent calendar?
The city one seems almost exactly like last year. The marvel spiderman one is okay but I’m not paying msrp on a bunch of crap just to get a spider pig. The friends AC is lame and the Disney one isn’t bad but I hate the minidolls. The castles are cool though.
Lego advent calendar buy list:
1. Harry Potter
2. City
3. Spider-Man
4/5. Star Wars or Disney (probably only get one)
6. Friends (probably won’t get at all)
i want that spider gwen hwoarrr
they should do a technic advent calendar thats bigger than the rest. and it has bionicles in it and mindstorms
>spider-man advent calendar
>no spider-man
the black one is a black kid they are trying to push as the new spiderman since peter parker is rayciss since hes white
>Black Bull
>Spider Gwen
>Green Cuckblin
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rub those braincells together a little harder, fellas
>Stick snowman spiderham on Gwen
What happens to unsold sets? Maybe they had loads of Julians left since it was a shit set.
That might be a fire hazard.
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Is scrolling really that hard for you faggots?>>11168933
Realistically couldn't you take a skin tone leg connector and get 80% of the effect
I'm not even expecting any sparks
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it always makes me roll my eyes at Miles Morales Spider-Man and Black Panther, pushed so heavily as "black guy superhero!" yet they are covered head-to-toe in costume, you cannot "see" it's a black guy under the costume, it's ridiculous (War Machine, too)

putting them in a black-colored costume is even more ridiculous, like that's what makes them black? the color black?

that's the one thing I DO like about (new) Captain America. at least you can clearly see the guy.
Source? Got a link son?
are you retarded?
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>see a good deal on basil and vampires
>order it
>it comes all super sealed (basil's cape i mean)
Now i kinda want to keep these sealed and get another basil that is more loose
76292 and 76296 are coming in December 2024
Fuck off, spamfag
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I like the city advent calendar
I don’t dislike it
I just don’t see much difference than last year.
I’m a successful entrepreneur and PE-/finance bro and I post here because Reddit is a gathering place for faggots. Not saying I won’t use it in a Google search to find info, but I’m not going to post there. Here and the other fringe chans are the only places for free and open discussion on the internet now. And I don’t feel like being censored or reported for discussing Lego sets that are now somehow offensive to redditfags.
>reddit has doctors, lawyers, etc
Yes, all professions with sterling, just sterling reputations, especially since 2020 lol. The only reason people haven’t turned on these fucks en masse is because small slivers of them do good work, and we are bathed in tv propaganda supporting them (every doctor/lawyer/cop show on tv),
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What is out favour-at element?

t. ESL
I feel bad for them desu
they got no chance
I was a bit disappointed at first. I had really hoped they would do a City Advent Calander this year based on their space theme. But if we can't have that this is not bad. Reminds me of the first one I got years ago. That one and this one stand out for having more micro build toys and less product placement stuff. It was mildly amusing when they tried to recreate sets in the micro scale but these feel like more traditional toys.
I like it and it’s still number two on my list but honestly I’d get the princess one if it didn’t have stupid minidolls first. Went to the local khols and they’ve got them all out… I was so tempted but was on a mission for mindflayers and will wait till they go on sale. Love the advent calendars because last year I got three for $20 each after I got the city one for $25 and we had a new Lego everyday until March.
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>(evendoe bethesda dumbed it down and it's basically kid friendly now)
>when all of the East coast games were basically filled with rapists, cannibals, and slavers
>even the tv show had a rape scene 30 minutes into the first episode
It's true. Look at this shit.
I see. I actually started a tradition. Years ago I got my brother the Star Wars Advent Calander, and only asked that he send me a pic of what he got each day. Instead, he sent me videos each day of him and his family opening it. It was the most excited I had been for Christmas since I was kid.
After a while my best friend wanted in on the fun so he suprised me with the City Advent Calander. He didn't really have any extended family so I was the next best thing. It's been a fun tradition to open it each day, put it together, and send a photo, usually with a joke or something. One year I even had a running narrative that the snowman from that Calander was out to get me.
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I dont have a lego store near me I love these BAM parts.
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Belville is kino

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