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Any scale, any series. If it's a modular robot toy, post it here.

>Diaclone Reboot (3mm 4mm)
>Transformers Weaponizers/Modulators/Fossilizers (3mm 5mm)
>Tomica Hyper series (5mm)
>ZOIDS (3mm)
>Plarail Shinkalion (5mm)

>30 Minutes Mission (3mm)
>Animagear (3mm)
>Machine Robo Mugenbine
>Gunpla and Misc. Plamo (3mm)
>Misc. Gashapon (3mm)
>Misc. Shokugan (3mm)

Toys Alliance
>Archecore (3mm)
>Toy Notch Astrobots
>Acid Rain B2Five

>Hexa Gear (3mm 4mm 5mm)
>Frame Arms (3mm)
>M. S. G. (3mm)
>HMM ZOIDS (3mm 5mm)

>Beast Box (3mm 4mm 5mm)
>Infinity Box AMTS series (3mm 4mm 5mm)
>Beastdrive (3mm 5mm)

>Assemble Borg
>Emonster (3mm)
>Forging Soul (3mm)
>Joytoy Dark Source (3mm)
>Maru Toys collabs
>MFT/DMH Diaclone KOs and OGs (3mm 4mm)
>RIHIO MultiAbyss (3mm)
>MoRise Hobby No57 (3mm, 3.5mm base joints)
>Earnest Core Robot Build (4mm)
>Snap Ships
>and many more...!
*(Xmm) are peg sizes

Previous >>11138253
About OP list.
>Beast Box's sublines are supposed to have a name change but it hasn't happened yet >>11157019
>According to weibo below, KEMO has changed their English name to "MoRise Hobby". Their Chinese name and No57 sub-line are unchanged.
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Koala vids

X2R design as usual
Shenzhen factory (the better one)
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comes with a card pack
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Transformation looks alright.
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dios mio his head is a void
Lol that checks out
yet another meh box mode. I wish 52toys would stop making these boxes that just barely resemble warped squares.
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New Glyos bot debuted this week from Angry Hedgehog Toys/Cappy Space. Not got it in hand yet but looks pretty nice
Just like the real ones.
What happened to the dedicated thread?
heyyyy, black tortoise is looking pretty damn good actually. wow. much better than number 57's take on it.
The ko Diamond Cyclone Dia Battles arrived. I sadly don't have my original Cosmo Battles with me at the moment, but this guy feels very solid. Tightness of the joints is almost perfect on everything, even the ko dianauts are shockingly not ass.

The only complaint I can find are on the cosmo Battles detachable boosters and mega guns. I can't remember if the original was like this, but I swear they used ratcheted connections, those connections here are just friction and sadly it makes the mega guns flop due to their own weight. I could add some friction later, but it's still dissapointing.
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Terminator vibes
I don't know much about Glyos, but you should be able to pull his limbs directly off and swap out limbs from other Glyos-compatible figures, right?
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Yes you can. It's much deeper than just limb swapping though, most figures break down into basic components that you can build with extensively. People even engineer their own articulation and stuff.
Forehead pussy
anyone still collecting the BFB stuff?
Kalavinka would be quite tempting if all the black parts were white instead for a Macross/Jetfire homage.

I’ve never really liked the wing kibble in robot mode—it would look better if they were up higher on the back, or if they folded up into a skinnier shape.
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The head swapping between the koala/axolotl boxes is unexpected and fun
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Amazing custom build
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WF Exclusives
Man the art is so much cooler than the actual kits, I wish they had these proportions. Also, chalk up three more dud colorways for Number 57. If a maniac was threatening their lives unless they could come up with an attractive color scheme, they'd be cooked
stop whining start painting, bro
Saw this video and these 30MF Knights look pretty cool
Anywhere selling them for close to retail rather than a 3x-4x markup?
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So, BBTS finally got around to delivering a ton of Beast Boxes that I had ordered ages ago and almost forgot about. Roseus, Baihu, Downspiral (with preorder bonus), Lotus, Unreal, and Onitopte (also with preorder bonus) are all here. Radioheadar should be showing up any day now, and I also got my Firehouse 3-pack (to go with the Airforce trio I reviewed) and Kommand-o (with bonus) a few weeks ago, but haven't taken any pictures of them yet. Not going to have time to review anything right now, but if there's an interest in any of those guys, feel free to ask and I'll see what I can do either later tonight or tomorrow.
Is yours broken too?
Haven't opened him yet, but I'll check now. What part broke on yours?
The ball joints of all four legs have a chance to break.
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Out of his box, and I think I've unfolded him correctly. I don't see any issues...? Maybe I got lucky? Don't really have time to look at him too closely, as I'm on my way out the door.
waruda fantasy
>Anywhere selling them for close to retail rather than a 3x-4x markup?
Never tried the "backorder" option on HLJ before, so thought why not and gave it a punt. If nothing comes of it at least I didn't pay one of the rip-off merchants...
Pretty cool
I dunno man I think the frogs look better than that concept art. They're neat lil dudes. The sharks are pretty rad too.
i used to paint when I was younger but I have very little free time now so if something doesn't look good from the manufacturer, I will most likely skip it instead

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