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A thread dedicated to Jada Toys and its figure lines. Jada’s model cars are for the diecast general.
-Street Fighter
-Mega Man
-Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
-Scooby Doo
-Food Mascots


Street Fighter Waves
Wave 1 - Ryu, Fei Long, Chun Li
Wave 2 - Ken Masters, M. Bison, Dhalsim
Wave 3 - Guile, Cammy, Dee Jay
Wave 4 - Blanka (Deluxe), Sagat (Deluxe), Vega

Street Fighter Exclusives -
Evil Ryu (SDCC)
Alt Player 2 Gray Ryu (Paulmartstore)
Red Chun Li (Target Exclusive)
Alt Player 2 Pink Chun Li (SDCC Exclusive)
Violent Ken (SDCC Exclusive)
Alt Player 2 White Gi Ken

Street Fighter UNKNOWNS
Alt Player 2 Fei Long
T. Hawk
E. Honda

Mega Man Figures
Wave 1 - Mega Man, Ice Man, Fire Man
Wave 2 - Hyper Bomb Mega Man, Elec Man, Cut Man
Wave 3 - Bubble Man, Wood Man, and unhelmeted Mega Man
Wave 4 - Gemini Laser Mega Man, Snake Man, Proto Man

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

Scooby Doo
The Creeper
The Mummy

Food Mascots
Franken Berry
Count Chocula
Boo Berry
Chester Cheetah
Flamin’ Hot Chester Cheetah
Tony the Tiger
There's something wrong with Guile's hair
Is Guile's hair supposed to be that flat? Looks too plate like.
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Maybe it's the angle but it didn't seem that abrupt in game.
You can balance things on it. Think of the meme photos.
I need more nano scene playsets like they did for HP and Batman
>Franken Berry
>Count Chocula
>Boo Berry
How are these guys?
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From BBTS 25th anniversary. This is either going to be an alt color for Jada M. Bison or Storm's SF2 M. Bison.
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Definitely Jada. Probably going to be the top green one, although I’d like to see his milkman colors.
Elbows say it's JADA. Hope it's the blue and gold P2 colors.
What would be a good way of removing the paint fro. The hip piece? Not a fan of how it looks.
Rub it with a cotton pad with isopropyl alchohol on it
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Can anyone tell if this is Jada too?
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Hmm, the arms seem kinda thin for the Jada one. I think this is the threezero one, the silhouette seems to match this pic.
Hmm that’s weird, I’m guessing it’ll just be a recolor
chester is great
Nobody cares about Chester though… I just want the cereal monsters, I grew up with them.
sorry but chester and tony have way more broad appeal than amerimutt cereal mascot

so you are actually wrong
Are you under the impression that Cheetos and Frosted Flakes are international brands?
Even if you can buy them in your particular brown infested shithole corner of the planet those are your so called "amerimutt" brands
>third worlder is a dogfucker
>American brands are so universally successful that third world furry doesn't know they're American
>Are you under the impression that Cheetos and Frosted Flakes are international brands?
Nta but I think he means that the general mills monsters' cereals were only ever sold in the US, while Frosted Flakes and Cheerios (along with their mascots) were much more widely featured and sold around the world.
Cannot pull the trigger on DeeJay and Cammy. This is the point where it goes from "just collecting my favorite street fighter characters" to "have to complete the roster"
Yeh, I've felt like that a bunch. I have to remind myself that I really don't need to get into another line.
There's always the temptation, but just collect as you see fit. If you don't care for the characters it's probably not worth it. I've got 4 SF figures so far, and intending to get a few more, but I don't care enough about some of the character to bother getting them as well.
Cammy is my favorite, so no issue with getting her at least.
i can see deejay getting discounted so imma wait for that
I think Cammy looks fine, but man, do I feel like a loser for not getting the Figuarts one.
The quality is higher on the SH Figuarts in some ways, but that generic anime face really kills it for me. I’ll gladly take this one instead.
don't know if it's because of reuse but those legs really don't fit guile very well, sf2 guile is a pretty lanky character.
>Guile has grabbing hands
Sweet I can make him sling a M60 machine gun
Oh damn
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>Guile machine-guns his way through the tournament
I like the cut of your jib, anon.
This isn't blue and gold.Boooo.
Not milkman Bison unfortunately.
Yellow ruins it. Should have gone for a white or metallic silver trim. Atleast make the yellow gold.
Oof, that’s pretty ugly actually.
The cape really needed to pick up the yellow somewhere imo. Like the inside or outside of the cape should have been the pale Yellow. I'm happy his colors are atleast picked up through the entire design so it's not the absolute worst.
Is it just me or is Jada quality kinda going down?
Just you for sure. If anything the quality has gone up.


You call that quality?
Nah, but I will say I'm not the biggest fan of some of these recolor choices outside of Chun-Li's, so I'm not gonna buy them since I already have their main colors. I'm very impressed with Ken, Dhalsim and M. Bison. I'll wait to get Cammy, Dee Jay, and Guile in hand to see if the quality is getting worse.
This is the first Street Fighter I bkught for some reason. Im not even huge on SF but Exclusives being readily available for me is nice for a change and I actually love his colors a lot.
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Looks aight; might grab off Aliexpress at some point. Nice trips btw, Satan.
Watched the movie again after seeing it as a kid. Turned out to be as much fun as I remember.
It is a very silly movie and also very entertaining.
I like how only Julia seemed to recognize what kind of movie he was in.
For sure, from JCVD's ridiculous performance to Julia's fantastic scenery-chewing (despite the fact that he was literally dying) to some corny but honestly pretty funny moments from the rest of the cast and some frankly pretty bombastic action for the fact that they were apparently often learning the choreography for the first time hours before shoot working around Julia's health issues. Extra marks for the hilarious efforts to get everyone as close to their game appearance by the ending.
Great, another useless recolor. Everyone but Jada fails at the Mega Man license. inb4 Proto Ma n wave gets cancelled for some reason
>for some reason

If it does that reason will be waves with 1 of only 3 slots used on useless megaman recolors.

Also its very gay and retarded they wont do Roll
I like the look, but I would have preferred the blue and gold or Milk Man instead. But since it’s a BBTS exclusive, I understand why they chose this over them
hope they keep making recolors so the troll will cry forever
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Jada is fun
I would actually rather see Rush.
So which retailer would get this repaint? Paul Mart,Target, Walmart, Amazon, EE? Gamestop?
When is Guile out?
Best Buy
Didn't they just file for bankruptcy restructuring though?

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