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old >>11137617
39 months until true Arcee is tried.
FT scrapper transformation vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOoq0359h3U
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Silverbolt looks less chrome in this set of pics.
Still a bit too shiny, but reasonable
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The beast mode is still kinda rough though
Did anyone else buy the 2024 Light of Peace EX? The red paint is fucking awful on my copy, and it keeps bleeding onto the white parts. Is this unique to my copy or this year's version? I have the toy color version and I haven't had any problems with the paint on that one. Also what can I do to get rid of the paint, I'm using some sanitizing wipes right now and it's taking forever.
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He is just...so big. I really do not care about scale charts or anything, only my internal and highly subjective "feel chart." And I already felt that with their Stunticons (minus Motormaster I suppose) standing near the other leaders that those felt too big. I can only imagine that this is some way of reducing the amount of any additional partsforming, while still being able to maintain its combined height.

[And to round out the other limb bots I've bought, next to the Decipticon leadership XTB cars are far too short as robots, while the MMC Combaticons landed right in the Goldilocks zone]
He is a bit big, looks like their focus is combined mode
But also, those seekers are a bit small
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...and simply for the sake of adding in what "the chart" would dictate, it would need to be far shorter.

Probably not picking them up myself, but if I did, they'd have to be shunted off on their own so that they could go and be big by themselves.
>the paint kills it for me, he looks like a transmetal now, why couldnt they just do a flat grey and limit the metallics to the gold?
You realize he was mostly metallic on the show, right? Even his fur was literally silver and reflective (hence his name), though the effect was rather poorly rendered due to the limitations of the technology available at the time. As gaudy as it seems, the new toy is indeed accurate to how he would have looked if he were made with modern lighting and rendering - the Fuzors were always intended to also be Transmetals, after all.
Yeah, that's insane. What concerns me is we haven't seen him in any action poses. FT charging over $200 for a figure with basic articulation isn't sitting too well with me.
I think it’s more the textured moulding rather than just the paint
There was no reason for them to mould in the fur
>FT charging over $200 for a figure
Only larger figures cost more than 200, are you sure you’re not just using American store prices?
>You realize he was mostly metallic on the show, right? Even his fur was literally silver and reflective (hence his name)
Your own pictures prove you're wrong. At the very least, the fur should have been matte. An organic beast mode with literal metallic fur looks retarded, and he never even looked that way on the show. As much as it pains me to admit it, at this point, the Legacy figure looks better.
The fur is a bit of a double-edged knife. On one hand, he wasn't that detailed on the cartoon (again, hardware limitations. They literally hadn't invented the tech to render fur yet at that point), so it looks a bit awkward; on the other hand, though, had they not sculpted anything at all, it would have looked lazy and unnatural, because we KNOW he's not supposed to be smooth even if that's how his model looked. There was really no better way to go about it.
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>As much as it pains me to admit it, at this point, the Legacy figure looks better.
Impossible. At least this one has a proper dog ass and tail feathers. The entire backside of the Legacy one is fucked and the wolf head sculpt is horrible, so even with the chrome everywhere, the Transart still mogs the official one.
It's like 160 USD on ShowZ. You just might need to wait like two months, that's like the only downside.
But yeah this thing is expensive as it is because its mass. It's a literal brick, and I really wish that FT would at least prioritize articulation consistently like MS does at the minimum.
shit for some reason I thought it was over $200.
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In beast mode, yes. The Legacy beast mode has a lot of shortcomings. In bot mode, while the TA had a slightly better mold, the colors kill it for me
That saved me 200, possibly 1200, maple leafs
The Mangmotion set looks too shiny, but the other set by EGSpirit looks better. It's still too shiny, but not as offensively so.
It’s the lighting
They’re both a frosted metal paint
does anyone who has the Vulcan mold know how sturdy that one piece is? I bought Peklenc recently and with the extra clearance from turning the waist i feel like I gotta flex it a little more than I want. Still fantastic though
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While we're on the topic of TransArts, any idea if they're going to be redoing this guy in any different colors? I'd love it if they made a BM Rapticon repaint.
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Now paint her purple and call her Slipstream, and you'll have my attention.
gomenasai slipstream is not G1
Weird that this one has a good alt mode and average bot mode
>They actually copied that one schizo anon's boob transformation idea
Average?! She's makin' my cock as hard as a rock!
>a good alt mode
In concept. These are renders - I'll wait until I see a physical prototype before making that kind of claim. A lot can change between a render and the finished product.
You don't put all those detail on a non finalised render
The backward wings mode looks great
Is robotkingdom a trust worthy place to get 3rd party stuff
Yes and they are one of the oldest around. Problem is that they are in HK and the rates are not competitive compared to sellers in Mainland China.
Doubtful, and honestly that mold is ridiculously fiddly and unstable, one of TA's worst.
I think you’re confusing it with the DB one
The TA Dinobot 2 is decently solid from what I’ve seen
CANG not bringing transformers to wonfes SH
>ridiculously fiddly and unstable
Did you get a defect? Mine is sturdy and has rather stiff joints. My only issue with him is his complex transformation, but that's true of all of the TransArts figures - the point is to make screen-accurate toys, which isn't possible without a little cheating. The dude is pretty solid in-hand and has no issue holding a pose in either mode, so either something's wrong with your specific copy or you're confusing him with another toy.
I wish I'd gotten him from Showz. He's worth the $119 price tag but not the damn $159 I payed TCP....
$50 says it's mostly a removable backpack.
Anon, you can clearly see every part of what goes where
I don’t give a shit whether it was a limitation or not he does not look like that in the show. I don’t want some what if figure, I want what he looked like on the show and this ain’t it.
>paizuri built right into the figure
>not naming it Starcream
They missed a huge opportunity here.
Really bothers me that they went all out on this fur texture. Also bothers me that not only did they not use like a metallic white like he has on a lot of parts in the show, they didn't even use the lighter silver on the parts that they used to replace that color.
Only fiddly part on mine is the robot legs where the joint is that folds out for the arm position in Beast Mode. Other than that, he is maybe one of their most solid offerings...
The idea that it was a limitation of the show to make him a matte grey instead of chrome is odd.
Grey wolves exist, they aren't literally chrome and are referred to as silver. that's why he's named that way.
This just looks bizarre. Toon accuracy also looks terrible at this size. If it's not something like a stylized vinyl, it just looks like a blown up figure. It lacks "flow" to the sculpt.
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Have any Beast Machines characters gotten 3P toys before? All I can think of is this Twrecks. Which was probably just made because they wanted a repaint but still.
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>I don’t want some what if figure, I want what he looked like on the show and this ain’t it.

Im the opposite. I want what he looked like in this weird ass Universe toy or I'm not buying it.
Do people even like any of the beast machines designs? I don’t think 3P would want to risk anything other than repaints; the show is still pretty disliked.
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My kingdom for one I truly want, but will never get made...
>weird ass Universe toy
Is it that weird when it's just Beast Wars Silverbolt in Beast Machines Silverbolt colours?
If he got a new head I'd be more interested. Their Megs doesn't even come with the mutant head like their Primal, right?
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It's literally a removable backpack dude.
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beast machines silverbolt minicon
Wu will be doing botcon Strika out of Warpath.
Yes anon, I said you can clearly see everything transformable on the figure, like I said
Man, you guys are such rats
>fanstoys makes a bad toy
>see guys, MP toon accuracy bad
Your response was a rebuttal to someone who was willing to bet that it was a removable piece. I responded with proof that the guy you were talking to was correct. Do you not understand how conversations work anon?
Do you?
Are there any small Unicron figures that exist, like Deluxe-or-smaller size? Like I know Unicron's whole deal is that he's a planet but that doesn't mean I need a real planet on my desk, yknow?
Also Primus/Cybertron on that note, there any small figures of him that exist?
Smallest Unicron figure I know is DR Wu’s Galvacron
Other than that, only really Cell and Seed which are quite large
Cybertron Unicron tank
>Actually included his flapping wing action feature
That's neat.
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There's the 7" non-transforming one by Super7
>Do people even like any of the beast machines designs?
I like all of the Vehicons and many of the non-show Maximal designs, but was never a fan of how the main cast ended up looking.
Also, why the hell have we never gotten a Botanica?
I unironically fucking love Primal's BM design and his massive fucking gorilla arms. I also like Cheetor. Yes, he's lanky as fuck, but that's what I like about him. He looks alien and weird because he IS a weird alien.
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MMC did Strika and Obsidian retools before
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Tankor and Prime and Megs showed up in the 40th special

I love how he looked in this animation.

I think I liked the show as a kid but Id probably hate it if I rewatched it. I love and still love a lot of the toys and designs though and like when it gets referenced in stuff for some reason like strika in animated.
>I think I liked the show as a kid but Id probably hate it if I rewatched it
It's the opposite for me. I hated the show as a kid. But I recently rewatched it immediately after binging all 3 seasons of BW and I loved it. I'd even go so far as to say that in a lot of ways, it's better than Beast Wars.
The show's not that good but I don't hate it as much as everyone else seems to. There's plenty about it to be mad about though, chief of which is the way the Maximals are so extremely touchy and combatitive with each other. It makes sense that they're on edge considering the situation they're in (Megatron has completely taken over Cybertron and is hunting the Maximals down) but holy fucking shit, everyone is always picking a fight with each other over absolutely nothing. And Optimus acts like an idiot who's bad at leading people, a complete departure from how much of a great leader he is in Beast Wars.
Trigger needs to make a fucking Transformers anime already, holy shit was that music video great.
limited early sales at WF
Wrong thread?
Politically correct thread.
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I really want that Strika, but unfortunately pic related. The fuckin' nerve of charging $13 for shipping.
does this mean it was hotglued upon like on Japanese sites?
I desire them
Waiting for the Hasbro colours
She was barely worth the original price, that's nearly ten times the amount, it's not worth that.
>tfw screeching intensifies
Does she turn into a spider, a helicopter, or both? An Airachnid without the 'air' is just as bad as one without the 'arachnid'.
Also, not digging the human flesh skin color there.
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>Hello, everyone, we are the Era model play studio, bringing you the first original mecha toy YC-01 SPIDER WOMAN humanoid foot to the top of the head 15.5cm, spider natural state 26CM, total skeleton, humanoid can be multi-segment bending linkage, can be integrated deformation can also be split deformation, the current part of the position repair hope you like. (original new product development hope more attention and expectation)

I guess by “integrated/split” deformation they mean that you can remove the spider butt in robot mode.
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Actually looking again, the spider but becomes the robot legs. So the “split” deformation lonely means you can remove the spider legs in robot mode.

Both. Looks like in helicopter mode four spider legs form the tail, and the other four are the blades.
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And in helicopter mode, the robot legs form the front section.

Plus there’s this hybrid robot/spider mode. I’d be tempted by this if it didn’t have those cringe boobs.
Are the spider mandibles and rotor blades made of penises?
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Yeah, pretty uncanny.
>breasts are cringe

How has humanity fallen so low.
Breasts have always been cringe
t. dfc enjoyer
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Oh of course not, that's ridiculous. Previously I had seen her going for several hundred and even that's absurd. I do have Roadbuster though, I rather like him despite his flaws. Just want some more big Decepticons for my CHUG collection, she'd fit in great.
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3p newfag here. What are some brands to look for if I want deluxe Classics style G1 bots? I'd like a Nemesis Prime, Soundwave, and a Grimlock to start. I came across X2 Toys Dark Raiden which looks pretty cool..
>not understanding that both is good

It's a 06' sized voyager, but I'd strongly recommend you look at mmc's stormbringer optimus or its recolors. It's one of the best 3p figures ever made.
You might as well go with official releases for CHUG scale. 3P is mainly legends and MP these days.
>censoring the pedipalps
What kinda flaws we talking about? I'm on the fence about getting him
Not that anon but the shoulder articulation is pretty limited by the backpack and the general way the shoulder area has been designed. It's still a very nice design, but it's not without its flaws. I do like mine very much.
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Give it to me with Prime and/or IDW face and I'll buy it.
>Disney villain
Lol no
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Always has been
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His shoulder clearance SUCKS. I cheat his backpack onto an angle like this, looks fine at most angles you'd display him and gets you a little more range of articulation but as-intended he suffers from severe pylonitis*. I found mine to be extremely floppy. I expect toys to have floppy parts, I use liquid polyurethane on all my Transformers to get them nice and tight, but basically every single part needed it and it required me to take him apart to do it effectively.

*The common Cybertronian problem of shoulder pylons that are too gat damn big for dey arms move
is the paint chipping on Magic Square really this bad?
Looks more like someone cleaned it with some alcohol wipe or something

The shoulders suck because of the tires and backpack smack into each other as already pointed out. I really like the mold as Strika regardless since her deco makes it pop. It's probably my favorite of the MMC Sark era (next to Commotus holy fuck do I regret selling him).
I don’t have any that bad but paint chipping can definitely be a problem on MS stuff and is why I avoid their ex versions, the transformations make too much use of nylon’s flexibility; lots of parts that bend and scrape, or peg in and have tolerances too tight to clear if they’re painted. Their Optimus with clear windows is a good example, it is simply not possible to transform it without chipping the paint on the hinges.
ShowZ taking payments finally for the Dr Wu Megatron
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Looks like devy might be bigger than their superion and Menasor. Someone also reported you can use the combiner knee joint as an abcruch in bot mode.
I don’t mind that it’s big.
But what fucking purpose is there to make it bigger? How does it sell the product? Is it to compensate for Long Haul so he doesn’t need parts forming?
It’s supposed to be the same size as their Omega Supreme from what I remember of the pictures they released
Superion goes with Menasor anyway
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Here's how this Major Award sizes to Spreem.

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