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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
Aye Carumba Edition:
Previous Thread: >>11150315
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Upcoming Releases:
>Cang Toys Twelve Wars Little Green Dragon Longji (Nov)
> Hiya Toys Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex Kusanagi Motoko (Q4)
> Succubus Lustia (Oct), Succubus Lustia Optional Part Set (Oct), Sister Muse Aisdo (Nov), Sister Muse Aisdo Option Foot Part Set (Nov), Aileen Optional Part Set (Nov)
>Dark Rock Candy Sophia F. Shirring (Q4)
>Star Arc Toys Quisy Rick (Q4)
> Tunshi Studio Metal Slug Leona (Q4)
>Sexy Ice B0127 Mantis Action Figure (Q4)
> Wikeetoys Atomic Heart: The Twins (Q4)
>Mithril Action Guardian of The Horde 04 Morna (Q4)
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>Second Axe Hentai Action Succubus Queen Lisbeth ~Tanned ver~. (Jan 2025)
>Hasuki Succubus Sister Friede (Feb 2025)
>Romankey&Cowl Gun Girl Jessica Aster (Q2 2025)
>Xcocann Studio Street Fighter Quinn Lee & Mountain Moon PJ01 Block Accessory Kit (Q2 2025)

>Released Recently:
>Manatee Industry 1/12 Yua
>Hasuki Mechanic Fiona
> Frazettagirl Teegra
>Snail Shell Bunny Girl Eileen
>Second Axe Hentai Action Succubus Queen Lisbeth

>/ctg/ Approved figures, bodies, and accessories and where to buy/find them!
As always if you have a suggestion for a /ctg/ figure, please don't hesitate to nominate it!
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>tfw I want Figma "The Bus" but i hate her choice of weapon
Anon posted a link to the choco bunny on aliexpress. Anon said he had a good experience from them. I looked at their reviews and they had good reviews so I went ahead and ordered a set for myself. I am confident that they will deliver what they promise to.

So if you want to go for it here is the link. They have 14 left after I ordered. Otherwise you can wait for amiami to get them in.

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Sweet zombie butt
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Don't know if you guys caught it yet, but Tunshi has their blank bodies on pre-order with 5k now. 2 versions. Normal and Strong Male. $29 each.
Whoever said they're getting Fiona in a few days, please let us know what level of detail is under the clothes.
You can change her weapon with another from little armory or anything close to scale from other figures
If you need hands they make those too
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Genki has it listed as well, just like Pumpkin's shikishi
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Female has Regular Burst (bust, gotta love Engrish), and Large Bust. $25 each.

I went and pre-ordered 3 of each. With the heads from Fio, Eri and soon Leona, It's like having 2 of each! And now I can put on the Kai Labs outfits on the new bodies without fear of breaking anything with needing to take apart the figures to do so before (without torching the factory outfits).
Will do chief. She's due Wed. That could mean Wed, or Thur.

Gonna use a large bust for Fio and 2 of the regulars for Eri and Leona. Sounds right to me. I only regret them not adding the salute/chopping hand Leona has in these female figures. The hand options are fairly limited.
Are her areolas glowing paint or did they exaggerate the photoshop on some of these promo pics? lol

I still don't know whether the top is glued on or not. Some pics I see it perfectly aligned with the chest part, others slightly ruffled.

Hope this means Terry releases soon.
Still can't find a use for those blanks without modding, unless beach queen heads fit them - but those're 1/10.
Got 1 of each of these too. They also have options for karate outfits in red white and black. This is the final promo image.
>glued top
You mean her little bra? I've ordered and own a soft goods bra for figures that's pretty tight and form fitting. Looks great on the 86TOYs girls. I imagine it's like that, which is removable.
>blank bodies
I'll find a use. Helps to have them for Kai Labs outfits at least.
I bought them with the hope I can figure out what to do with them
Thanks bro, I'll check back then!
The loose dangly bandage design is extremely novel, looks great.
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Is this a custom figma? Appears to be 109 but the legs are different. Also wanna know of anyone here has a revoltech Supergirl and was able to find panties that fit it
It’s sonico’s legs
Imagine the smell...
Wonder how Marvel Legends heads would look on there, scale-wise?
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I think once you add head-height, it'll be chinese 1/12 again. ie 1/10.
Ty anon
Hopes link works
Worrisome they translated Female shoes to "manly boots" in my language...
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DLC nekkid boobs with glow-in-the-dark blue nipples!
Oh no, he's become delusional
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>258 RMB vs 298 RMB
Could someone explain the last pic?
Is that like standard release vs. the one with zombie turd?
Maybe they'll do hair DLC with the booba, as the faces do have both eyes on all of them.
>another snail shell release dropped before any of the first figures they showed off get solicited
god these fucks are never going to release the tiger girl are they
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Thanks for the link. Just ordered her. Not sure where she fits into my collection yet as both my first coomer figure and first OC figure, but I've had my eye on her since she was revealed. Also got $2 off for some reason so it was $50 flat.
Leth review. Download the image you'd like to tranthlate. Go to Google Tranthlate and click Imageth. Drag your image onto Google Tranthlate. Voila! Your image ith now tranthlated!
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>When speech to text takes notice of your lisp
Another great example of how much better it is to have the ass sculpt on the leg an not a shitty butt plate.
Yeah, they've been nailing it on these last few figures.
>That Shadow The Hedgehog motorcycle slide reference
>nailing it
Lisbeth bootleg when?
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>nailing it
We are back, boys.
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Now I want a Wendy action figure.
damn Aileen is so cool
what about aileen's wrists
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I'd buy that.
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use a hairdryer or hot water next time, you beast
>ham hands with the patience of a child
How does she drive a bike with two broken wrists?
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Why can't they give us more bone parts?
I want my uguu zombie to be a quad-limb-amputee fuck meat.
She uses her vagina bones
That's something Jada would probably make.
Do not nugget the Zomummy.
Gonna be my first sbail shell. What am I in for?
feet, if the last 3 figures are anything to go by
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Hot damn, I should remake Kardia with this body.
wow! what is she kitbashed from?
My first time seeing this character was a rule34 just yesterday...
shes originally made by a skyrim bikini armor modeller
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These. Scratchbuilt some parts like the head and breastplate out of putty and leftover gunpla parts.
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Shortstack-anon again. Just learned that Resione are bringing their Tough 74 resin out in white- I've already ordered some grey to test out, and will be prototyping joint engineering using it, but I'll absolutely get the white when it's released. My understanding is that it's good enough to make joints from, which means I might very well be able to finally realize my dream of making printable coomfigs without needing pre-made joint packs. Will need to run plenty of tests of course.
Also, once I've mastered resin joints I'm tempted to have a go at making some actual complete character figures as well as base bodies. A plump Miku (Fatsune Miku?) is something I have in mind because A: I love meaty girls and B: it'd be an interesting challenge.
Damn snail shell has been raping my wallet this year
Bait used to be believable.
I'd settle for a kitbash
hot damn mummy girl has already sold out on gundamit
Too soon? More like, too coom.
I just went with genki, because gundamit was still
> Full Price: Unknown for Now
Goddamn february is going to be an expensive month
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Tell me about it.
Got these + the nun clothes
Though this month and October are also pretty full.

But I fully expect at least the figma to get delayed.
Wonder if Snail Shell can even handle 4(5) releases for a single month, what with the shuffling that happened with Lustia and Pumpkin.
It will be delayed no worry
Don't forget to take pics for your kindly neighborhood /toy/bros!
pedothena bros....
God i wish they would do a Malty figure
This is what ass sculpt on the legs can achieve. Keep seething ass plate cunts.
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She arrived early!
That certainly helps, and so do the huge zombie tits. But along with that, I just think she looks cool. Probably one of Snail Shell's best looking figures. Also doesn't feel like there are many interesting monster girls out there, and the way the wraps are done are more interesting and unique than a lot of other mummy-type figures.
Q&A corner time, anon
amiami delayed mine till next month…
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Seeing same on HLJ, guess JP date got pushed.
And I'm expecting her ride this week, too..
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she'll probably look good as a normal nugget at least
>"Oh zoggit, dat wasn't supposed ta happen!"
>"Don't worry pointy-eared tart, we'll fix ya!...Uh, eventually..."
>"Where's da shaman when ya need him?"
For sure tonight. At work and lunch break is almost over. This all I can do for now. Was feeling kinda shitty because imposter syndrome was creeping back up, but this makes me feel genuinely happier.
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Sorry forgot image like a retard. Oh well
Fuck. glad I got two for re-selling.
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i really wish i went with those goblins instead of the daiki ones. my daiki goblin trio's paint is rubbing off in places and the sculpt limits the joint range
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>pointy-eared tart
kek, good one
Well if you want articulation the goblin mura guys arent super good for that. They're nearly lego bricks only saved by the pec joint
I do prefer them though, they have that degenerate look in their eyes down pat
I wish I bought an extra 3 back when the price was low but now it's absolutely insane.
Another mystery why GSC doesn't re-issue them every once in a while.
Pls let us (me) know if the top is removable or not
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Got you. Alright, off to work.
about time we got another flatty.
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very nice job anon
we have some seriously cool customizers itt
Good to see cool coom toys again
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Year of SHADOW, baby!!!
>"Hold on, we're almost ready! Gazbag, don't be so rough, we're tryin' to put 'er back togevva, not break her even more!"
>"I'm tryin', she's 'eavy! 'urts me arm keepin' 'er off da ground!"
>"Hold on...dis peg goes in dat sokkit...Gah, I wish yer'd stop squirmin' so much! I'll nevva get yer legs back on at this rate!"
>"When she said she wuz a loose woman, I didn't fink she meant like...dis..."
>"Will you two shut up and put my limbs back on!?!? It's bad enough the only medical equipment you have is a noose without your obnoxious cockney accents!"
>"Heh heh, she said cock...I'll get me coat..."
Now that's out the way, can you show how the shoulder and hip articulation works? I've been a bit out of the loop with her but it looks really clever and I'd like to steal- uh, "take inspiration" from it.
Well, I think I'm going to bite the bullet and order her. First Snail Shell for me too
There's no god damn way there are people in support of ass plates. Ass on legs has the potential to look like a real ass, ass plate can never look real. Thank god they finally did ass on legs for one of these Snail Shells. Their poor ass tech and never looking good from the back is their biggest drawback.
>never looking good from the back
I disagree, but I do think that "Ass on Legs" would make a great t-shirt design. You may have just coined the new "ankle pivot".
oh wow SS finally figured out how to do ass on legs. I hope they keep this as the standard for all their figures moving forward. They killed it on the zombie girl her ass tech looks amazing.
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The 3 monkeys also have them on the legs if I look right.
Assassin looks good but she’s probably the only one
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I'm a simp for all Snail Shells (except Ambra), but I agree with Ass on Legs!
Ass on Legs. Ass on Legs. Ass on Legs. ad infinitum.
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Can anyone confirm the beach house girls their butts?
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I must have missed this one
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>how the shoulder and hip articulation works
The shoulder is pretty neat, the joint stabs into her torso so it can rotate all around and makes a sort of armpit
The was a pretty good blueprint of her that showed it off, but I didn't save it. Maybe some other kind anon can dig it up

She doesnt actually have a hipjoint, you get all the movement off of the chest ball joint and the abcrunch but they both honestly have a ton of range so it works.
Bottom piece should always only be pantsu.
this is so much cuter than that other furry fox girl that is coming out
wow so ugly...
not even a furry and this is pretty nice
What was the other one again, where you could adjust furry-level?
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nvm, found it. Kemopla.
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here you go, my shikura's hips are pretty gappy tho

do they come with feet?
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I wish she could have include more faceplates but the articulated eyebrows is a nice touch
I agree, that other one was really smooth for some reason. This one has superior chara design all round.
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I think anon meant these ones
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>no one posted this
From the guys who made Hoshikawa Nana. I thought they had another Hoshikawa witch girl lined up, this suddenly appearing was a surprise.
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They're selling the normal costume version, swimsuit version, giant claw, giant staff and giant scythe all separately for really affordable prices.
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I have had her on watch for months on showz but was unsure which pic she was going to end up like, the hand the one with the boots and the claws and the barefoot one like they were redesigning her. I guess they couldn't decide which way to go and just decided to do both? Not complaining. I'll probably grab both bodies.
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Zombies are made for bullying.
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Fiona is cute. Top slides off once you remove the head and arms.

Bruh. I never got any of the male Metal Slug figs, so I didn't know. Oh well. I'm sure I can still make use of them. But if you mean female bodies then no, they're close to 1/12 and are great.
Unfathomably based
Ooh! This is cool! I hope it goes well for you if you do! $25 via 5k is a low investment. It has feet too, so if you use open footwear it works that way too.
This is incredible! Love the convenient censorship. Art. Also love Raphtalia, good choice.
It looks like a render to me.
Here's top off confirmation. Beware, the last pose with her shielding her cutting board patooties left a little rub off on her chest. I'll be leaving the bra on most times. As such, I suggest pulling the black strap off of her shoulder when not in direct use to avoid staining. I've had plenty Hasuki black that stains. Don't know about straps specifically, but their black clothes have. Also note, she has no blush but does have molding for nips. She's adorable, I love her. The greasebunny archetype is my weakspot.

>completely printable figures
WHOO! Nice!
>Fatsune Miku
Ew, no thanks. If you insist, I have more references like before. Particularly an art book from one of my preferred series. It's a black sheep amongst the others, but it deals with how to draw folds and shut. Could help you with sculpting your, eh, 'Magnum Opus Double Large with Fries'.
I want a Melty Q Melromarc instead. Filo too.
Oof. Sorry Anon.
Really? Guess I lucked out. It's hit and miss. They don't have my Colossus in stock but another seller I considered seems too.
That ride is already sick, what do you mean? The Batman bike on gundamit? The Fogtoys hoverbike? I have the vans and tank on the way for mine.
Great pics, she looks really neat. What do her legs look like?
What's going on with the Snail Shell Pumpkin Princess? Seems like she's in stock or shipped out from most other places EXCEPT for HLJ. They just super late to the party this time or something?
I hate how accurate a representation of an Asanagi doujin this is
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She's back up. Gundamit always takes like a day to settle down.
It's disappointing that Fisty's ass is terrible, despite that's not why i bought her at all.
I'm going to buy/collect twist ties so she can do the bullying. But i can only find 5" ones
>we need to be able to spoiler images to hide guro like this! Haha, creative. Good job Sid
Exactly. I'm not a fan of the huge bimbos. I like cute tomboy and girls with smaller chests. Sadly, Fiona is just a bit too tall to qualify for Loli status despite the chest.
WHAT?! Who is this, who made it and WHERE?! SO much better than those upcoming Kemono furry figures. Those are so disappointing because japs can't into proper furries. It's like they completely misunderstand any of the appeal of them and draw them more like animals with strictly animal characteristics rather than blending them for a more believable or appealing anthro.
Notably, she has no articulation at the base of her neck. There is no seamless cast over at the base of her neck like Tunshi did for Eri and Fio. Hard plastic. All articulation comes from the ball joint connecting her head.
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You want a strip tease do ya?
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...this might end up being my first gundamit purchase
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Thanks. Had fun with the pics. The belt was a pain to get back on. Maybe some kind of pleather? If so, that shit stains bad too, so I'd be careful with that. Also, buttplate and back gap. Think I'll keep her clothes on. I'm not crazy about butt plate or not really, but the gap is unappealing.
Might be cheaper on 5ktoys friend.
How about the pants?
Thanks for the photos, and congrats on the early
arrival! Looks like no details on the chest? Too bad ;~;
Nvm shoulda read the thread. Thanks for the pics!
No problem! I share what I can. She has nipple mold but no blush and no slit molding.
Very cute. This should be the next OP pic.
She has actual nipples? Hot
She does not >>11170206
I think it was just for the joke
Damn how tall is she? Ive been passing on Hasukis due to their height.

Damn, still hot though
>no one posted this
*cough* >>11167450

Foul Buttress! Bewitching me so
But I don't like the glossy hair much tho

L-Lewd girl

Genki shipped mine yesterday.
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>That ride is already sick, what do you mean?
They're not my pics, I just ordered the same bike because I dig it.

The clothes, or the fig too? Fair warning, apparently black hasuki cloth stains. Hopefully nothing an eraser wont fix like Queen's Blade revos...
Careful with that shit. Needs fairly regular treatment with the stuff for pleather furniture or it’s peel city.
She looks more like a mummy.
Looks really clean. The ass sculpt is amazing.
I look at these two and my first thought is: I bet I can part swap them for maximum skin and this lewdness
5k also charges shipping and gundamit does not so keep that in mind
I bet she smells just as bad as the other two.
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Neat, and they just delivered it.
Now to wait for Fiona.
About when do they mail you to pay the remainder of the deposit? Right as they get them in stock or shortly before?

These vague Q4 release dates don't really help me.
I have Nana Hoshikawa and she has never had any kind of smell
It’s because they don’t wash.
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Holy shit link?
Is this already for sale?
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We made it zombie bros.
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>Monster girls that don't look like cosplayers, but like female creatures it'd be dangerous to stick your cock into?
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does she have feet?
>Ass plate
Meant to ask link for the figure, where could I see it?
Every insect girl we get is one step closer to getting Rosine from Berserk.
Anon, those are still firmly in the cosplayer zone.

No feet dlc. Maybe you can try swapping with the nun.
Finally a decent fucking kemono design without gimmicks, I can't believe it took that many tries. Now if they make a fox girl in this style it will probably be my toy of the decade.
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When will a bootleg company give us a sexy slave Leia with a juicy ass sculpt on the legs?
>Ew, no thanks
To be honest, I mainly thought of it 'cuz the pun was funny.
As it stands, once the resin arrives I'm gonna try printing some basic joints and other test pieces first to get the hang of it without wasting resin. Gonna try printing Papi-Anon's hip joints first.
That said, once I'm confident in the resin I might try doing a 3.0 revision of my Shortstack concept, given my nickname and all.
Fuck off racist
Kill yourself zippertits.
Thanks, I'd be honored to get my second OP feature! Been a year, so here's hoping. I would like to get a cartoon white glove for the artist hand support model so I can use it as Master Hand from Smash Bros. And for drawing reference of course.
She does. VERY slightly molded peaks, but no blush like I said. See >>11169391 the light box is working cause I can make out the nipples from the light here.
For Fiona, no. Pretty sure it's just pegs on boots.
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She's pretty much 6 inches on the dot. A bit tall for scale but it's a weakspot archetype for me. At least it's not the 6 1/4 - 6 1/2 that the Joytoy Frontline figures are.
>no panties
That can be fixed. But I won't.
WHOO! I'm really considering this myself now too. It's be sick! But $50 is a lot to ask for a fairly small thing. Do the wheels move? They better.
Yeah, I'll need to look into that. If it's an applied oil, I need to know how well it takes cause it could stain the soft goods. There was already indeed tons of flakes from the stuff on the figure out of the box I had to clean up. If you hunt you might spot some in my pics. The glue holding her screwdriver loop together also popped off one side. You can see that too. So I need to repair that.
True. But it gets here faster.
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you might also be interested in Sexy Ice's VERMIN Mantis
Shocked it hasn't happened yet. It's a shame.
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>had Cattleya since release
>just got her out of storage cause I had a Cunning Plan to use sozai parts on her
>left her dressed so the crotch plate has discoloured
Fffffffffffffffff. I’m gonna have to try and clean her. The body is compatible with sozai and figma though.
I'm scared of undressing mine again after leaving them dressed on the shelf for so long.
Though I've only had Alice leave some (easily erased) black marks, and that was when fresh and new.
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She’s the only one out of my QB figures in storage that’s discoloured like this, super annoying but it’s probably how tight the rubbery purple bodysuit sat. The others are fine.
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Alleyne and Nanael also compatible, have no idea where the others are to check. Think I might have to do a little dremelling to get the sozai neck joint in properly, the QB girls have necks attached to their heads. This was such a good era for revoltech, though, the moulding and painted nips are pretty great. Some of them are cheap on mandarake so they’d be great for custom figure bodies.
been swapping out the joints of some of my revos with hobby base ones.
Pegs need a little thickening, but posing becomes a lot better
>They're worldbuilding
Means more on the horizon
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Oh yeah higher res
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This is why I coated the inside surfaces of my QB revol's cloathing with pledge.
Wish I could go back in time and do just that, but I was such a retard back then and stored everything in such a stupid way I’m surprised I still have most of the parts.
It's all soft rubber, that not cracking and creating sharp edges when moving around?
The Chinese sure like the mechanic/tinkerer archetype. Cute, though.
Never been an issue for mine.
That's the Revoltech Cattleya? I didn't know you could remove the clothes.
>I didn't know you could remove the clothes
It's the queen's blade revo's big feature.
All the Queen’s Blade revoltech have cast off clothes, but you need to replace either part of or the whole of the arms and legs with other figure parts to get a naked buck.
The other one has better accessories and FEET (paws).
I'll keep her pants on, so her butt doesn't bother me...until i found out it affects posability. A toy can have a bad ass, but if it can't bend it's legs backwards enough, then that's when I start to care
She was going to a costume party as a mummy but suddenly she died and came back as a zombie
Vol 1 now in bookstores near you.
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A kickstarter for a Tramp Zombie is going live in a few days. Comes with a bare chest. I like the toon look personally.
Even they can't avoid assplate.
>loose collector
Never again with this faggot after Sonja and Taarna
The butt looks kinda weak there but I will say, Figma-style butts don't work great without soft overlays, and also the bigger the cheeks the weirder the joints look in non-neutral poses. I think the Figma solution is ideal for smaller figures with smaller cheeks/thighs, but the THICCer you go the more awkward it becomes; the "cheat" of having the cheek move with the thigh is fine when the crease isn't too pronounced but it becomes very unnatural the larger the cheeks. Figma Satsuki suffers from this, she has a kinda weird quadruple-butt.
I think the ideal solution would be less of a buttplate and more of a Figma styled soft pelvis overlay but with the cheeks sculpted onto that instead of the thighs, so they can flex slightly around the hip joints and provide a relatively seamless sculpt without having the "cheat" getting awkward in more active poses.
Looks like Veronica Lodge x Frankenstein
Kinda dig it
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Now post them with their legs pushed all the way forwards.
>Ass Plate
In the aisle, I found a figure caught my sight.
But something didn’t feel quite right.
A butt plate there, so plain and flat,
No sculpted cheeks—what’s up with that?
I passed it by, my hopes all dashed,
For details matter, the chance was trashed.
In search of form that’s true and neat,
I’ll find a figure that feels complete.
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pumpkin girl arrived today. took a trip to the post office to kill 2 birds with one stone
I wish there was a way we could come together, join forces and then also congegrate enough to petition that he change the ass
star wars is gay
Are you a woman? How is bikini lady gay unless you're a woman?
Anon is probably afraid of women, or is closeted and fucks himself watching tranny porn
>tfw no one has made 1/12 MAGA hats
Missing out on the meme cash.
All the ones I have the clothes just come off. You get a normal set and a battle damaged set
self report
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I love the body proportions, the boob indents are great, but I really don't care for the theme.
Transvestigate Carrie Fisher.
Speaking of Romankey, their collaboration partner COWL is doing something. I'm gonna guess she'll still be too tall for a proper 1/12 scale like their collab was.
Cowl Production Ghostly Body
Same anon.
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Would be really cute if this is close to the real deal. Would if she's even 5.5 Inches.
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HLJ got back to me about the Snail Shell Pumpkin Princess delay. Their shipments are late, and they expect them to be there in 1-2 weeks. So if you ordered her from them then there ya go.
Weird, I have her sitting in my private warehouse ready to ship right now.
who invented "flesh horns"? They need to be a diff color
>October :Lustia
>November: Asdo
>December: Shin
>January: Lisbeth 2
>Febuary: Zombie Grisa
5 months, 5 cooms. My desk will be nothing but little women soon

nice number of the beast get
I personally like them of the figure has an alternative skincolour or implied "materials" of the body.
looking forward to this one
Can’t wait
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Any recommendations for 1/6 female bodies with hentai-esque proportions? The worldbox bodies are too realistic for my taste.
No seamless, please.
I'll be piggybacking on 1/6 discussion

Are worldbox bodies all hard plastic?
The limbs all seem to be but I'm not sure I'll be trolled and they secretly have tpe/silicon "seamless" necks or midriffs or something.

As for your question. I think Three toys used to make very stylized bodies.
Their robots used to be very popular here, but I'm not sure if they still make them or if they rose in price as arttoys like crazy.
They had more a general 60s comic/fashion illustration vibe but they. But definately more stylized and they made them in a bunch of large sizes.
I guess the Pure Neemo / Azone / Obitsu bodies or similar? They really lack details, though.
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How long does it take AmiAmi to send an invoice? I ordered Pumpkin Princess yesterday and nada so far.
Very smart way to do the butt. Can wait to see how it looks finished.
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>I'm gonna guess she'll still be too tall for a proper 1/12 scale like their collab was.
I mean, she is supposed to be an ogress, so she could probably work for 1/12 even if she's 1/10.

Holy shit that's appropriate trips.

Any more in hand pics popping up yet?
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Just like the "3.0" SHF, all I see is picrel.
You have about seventeen days to go. Godpseed, impatientanon.
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>You have about seventeen days to go
Think its safe to say you should never try to preorder anything Snail Shell from Usagundamstore
>preordered Assassin when it first popped up as they had a 20% off sale going at the time
>their first order of them still haven't arrived despite assurances from the store they are coming
>pumpkin just bumped from fall 2024 to april 2025
April?? Holy shit.
A 3 month delay is normal for a U.S store, but anything more than that, there's no reason for.
Yeah I dont know what the fucks going on, when it comes to things like hmm zoids kits and stuff they tend to be one of the first places outside to Japan to get em.
Even some of the earlier Snail shell stuff they were quick to get but now its fucked
You should inform the Figma thread so they can update their buyer's guide
I can overlooked it if the butt looks good and it poses well.
Mummies actually smelled pretty good after being fully prepared due to all the spices like cinnamon and shit they were stuffed with.
Did anyone end up ordering the new Yua by Manatee? Any reviews of her?
I ordered the purple wasp from them and it took about 2 months longer to get her than anywhere else. but fuck april that's ridiculous, shit i'd cancel and get here elsewhere
I did but I don't have her in hand yet
It's the difference between kotobukiya and chinaland shipping to Florida.

Chinese street dates have always been more of a suggestion, especially when dealing with overseas retailers.
I also ordered her, should be here in a week or two.
Boring roastie
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I dunno, that's the excuse they gave me. This seems like the rare case of them getting only part of their shipment and thus only being able to fulfill the orders for that many people while they wait on the rest of them to arrive.
i wanna smell mummy pussy so bad
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loosecollector just teased this.
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Lol nevermind, I guess the mailman hauled ass. Will take some pics in a bit.
And holy shit if it’s Lara I might die. I’ve made multiple posts here trying to figure out the best Lara figure and this might finally be it…
Looks great they did the ass really well.
Face will be a dealbreaker.
Huh. If this is real, then it looks like even they are moving away from the ass plate.
>no braid
>classic outfit
holding my breath that its a classic one
= shoddy
Those are expensive now. Thank you for the recommendation.
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I actually just received her yesterday, it's looking great, got the preorder bonus extra legs too
its definitely not a 1-to-1 of the classic outfit if its her, can see bare middriff and the shorts look like jeans
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She has Pipe Butt
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Man what a shame...Why is Snail Shell afraid to do nipps? Is it a Chinese thing?
And people expect big puffy zombie dlc tiddies
suddenly i dont feel fomo for skipping her
>cage fighting/mma gloves
It's Loose Collector's original ip not!fighting game stuff, I'm sure.
its going to happen! trust me, i've seen the artists pictures of undead girl topless.
yup. look at all the sexy stuff listing on chink website and they censor cleavage and cute anime faces from sex toys
As have I, but with their current track record..
I fear they'll try to circumvent using stickers if they do pull the trigger.
As someone off-put by overly generous proportions, no love lost. A real shame given the hype
Catbox it and drop the link then.
>is it a Chinese thing?
if they make nipps they go to jail, blame communism
actually yes
if you see 'chinese release' of japanese figures that are normally cast-off, they will have that feature removed
https://x.com/pelikanboy74 is the artist, just scroll down their media tab.
>Her eyebrows are weapons
not everyone uses twitter senpai
Wow her nipples really are blue. I'm surprised they are putting her blue areolas on her figure, but maybe they feel it's not noticable enough for the CCP.
Oh and blue vagina too.
needs magnetic dlc
Someone needs to cast and sell bags of nipples.
I expected this, but yet am still disappointed.
I'd one-shot her dungeon.
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She cute
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Some lazy shots
Cute hips
Not a fan off the ass though
How is the quality overall?
I'm debating dropping $400 on Snail Shell girls. Someone talk me out of it.

Or into it, I'm highly susceptible to coercion.
Which ones?
Why not go for broke?
i saw reviews of Megami Device Puni*Mofu Mao and holy shit i regret not pre-ordering this! i hope it doesn't get scalped as fuck when it comes on our local retail stores.
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I'd say it's decent. I really like her design, but nearly all her joints are extremely tight. I'm terrified anytime I bend anything. Her extra hands and feet holes are way too small to fit her pegs so I'll have to adjust those. She comes with 1 extra wrist peg that I luckily haven't had to use. Also her articulation could be better. For $64 I'm satisfied, but for anymore I'd say no.
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I got the blonde one with glasses a while ago. She's one of my faves
I already have Wolf Girl and both the Bees. I was supposed to have Milk Tea but she disappeared in shipping.

I was planning on getting both the Aileens, Lustia and the Nun. The only thing stopping me is,"What am I dong to DO with them when I have them?"
Don't you know, beer makes girls fart?
Which Wolf Girl? OG? Armored? Beach? Exclusive? Regular release?
There's like 5 Wolves
>scalped as fuck
Brother, it's the first readily available loli-body. That shit already sold like hotcakes, and they will on the aftermarket too. Scalpers are going to be making bank off of all the customs makers out there unless Kotobukiya made such large batches that the aftermarket gets flooded.
The Armored one I guess, 001.

Like, I have a display out now of GI Joe Classified which is where Ive been putting most of my collecting. I do have a much of older Figma and Figuarts, but I haven't had any of them on display in ages.

I Honestly need to purge and sell off a bunch of stuff before I buy more
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One more nugget for the road
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>no back shot reveals
Buttbros are up for disappointment
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>that chest gap
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But mesugaki face kinda makes up for it
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>1/12 Rabbit Rapid Response - Team Sniper Leoni
For those interested in the name.
cute. CUTE.
Ass on legs?
I'm supposed to believe this underage prostitute can move earth? Ridiculous!
Would it be cheaper to order her from gundamit or amiami?
Revolting. Kill all yiffniggers.
Gundamit bakes the price of shipping into the purchase. amiami; you can choose shipping, ranging from cheap/takes weeks to get to you, to expensive/gets to you in days.
yfw you realize the shovel's not used to move earth.
You can tell from this picture her ass is probably a disaster
She'll go to sale, like Front Armor Girl and Muse
slime girl when?
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middle. Half-plate. it takes more work to get right, but it really is the best of both.

Butt-on-thigh has the best mobility, but when you move the legs out of standing position you have this hunk of displaces ass hanging on the bottom of the thigh.

Butt plate is perfect for standing, and looks best for outfits with detail on the butt, but is horrible in any position BUT standing.

As with all things in life, the middle way is the best way
As with all things in ass, the middle way is the best way.
More figures with ass just need to be made, until the tech is perfected.

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