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No Slave I here

Covered Wagon Edition


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

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Last thread: >>11166442
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>see a good deal on basil and vampires
>order it
>it comes all super sealed (basil's cape i mean)
Now i kinda want to keep these sealed and get another basil that is more loose
What kind of ultra sensitive pussy gets offended by the word "slave" anyways?
I think all bricklink basils marked as 'New' arrive like this
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>kinda want to keep these sealed
kys afol
Not Basil
>They showed Lego Sonic in the showcase
I'm so hyped. Super Shadow isn't piss colored and we finally have a Lego biolizard.
This shit sucks.
Yeah i think ill use Basil.
I'm really sorry my post hurt you, anon.
Looks pretty nice to me. Definitely not going to be a fan of the price though.
winter sets are always 100, as is this one
I think I never fought this thing since it would involve finding a chaos emerald in that anxiety inducing asteroid level.
>using fake kramer trip
He literally just posted >>11169105
FAKE KRAMER! These are all fake sets, don't be fooled guys.
this looks EPIC but i bet it costs at least £80
Looks like ASS but hopefully it costs £10 and you can get it just to pick up sonic
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It's probably the worst winter village set in recent years. They've all been downhill from the gingerbread house though.
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>finally get a bigger nexo knights set
>is alredy fun to build with all the technic connections
>fun playfeature
>creative weapon storage
>looks sick as a complete set
Only gripe i have is the overuse of dark blue
Small set is US $19.99 - DE/FR €19.99 - UK £17.99
Large only known at US $44.99
Wow small set is a scam but the large set is still kind of overpriced but way better than expected
BIOlizard reminds me of BIONICLE... Look at those Bionicle Tubes and pieces in its abdomen!!! Could this be a sign of things to come..?
I need this set, Super Sonic and Super Shadow in the same set and cheap too.
Fond memories of chewing those hose pieces on my bionicles as a kid. I wonder what the new green one will taste like?
>Jango Fett's Slave 1 Edition
ERM, I think you mean Huttslayer Leia's Firespray Starship Edition.
Lego One Piece will be kino
this anon can't handle the magic of Christmas
It turns out we're getting Lego Dragon Ball AND Lego One Piece. AnimeChads, we won.
Source??? Would be heaven
Fake Kramer said we weren't getting them and everything he says is a lie, so that means we are getting both.
Ok guys, real leaks:
>lego netflix one piece is legit
>we do get zelda sets
>we get dragon ball z/daima sets
And there will be 6 Stranger Things sets
Lego Group listened to our prayers... and they answered. Now all we need is legacy colours and Bionicle to return.
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Would you rather put it in your mouth or your urethra? Choose wisely.
Compared to other entries, I am skipping this one.
More info soon

Until then...greetings programs
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10350 - Residential Townhouse Modular
3266pcs $229.99 USD
Probably December 1st

Just missing Bob Saget
The 50s diner really doesn't work as a middle building.
any clue what the non flower icons will be in jan?
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kramer can you ask the designers to do a modular of the welsh slate museum? i'd buy that in a heartbeat
I'm black, and I can promise you that most black people don't give a shit. It's the ultra liberals whites that are constantly trying to be PC and overcorrect that take issue with the word slave. So be mad at your own people dude.
it's always white women
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wtf it looks like some sort of classic space contraption behind Superman
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How do I unglue this?
rubbing alcohol?
It pooled in the stud, I'll let it sit for a while.

>shadow bike
>shadow vs eggman drill car


sonic bros...we coming home....
yea its awesome. eggman drill car is overpriced though so i'm going to skip it and get the bio-lizard instead it looks awesomer and is cheaper
Is that supposed to be it on the left?
finally sonichu
God that curve effect next to the cockpit is so fucking badly realized. What a disaster of a set.

>nuSonic slop
Nah, this isn't winning.
sa2 isn't nusonic anymore grandpa...
He said slave, not pet dog
Super shadow looks a lot better than super sonic, super sonic looks a bit off
It was the era of nuMetal, it's as nu as it gets
why would a white woman be offended by the words pet dog?
Lego should make the Slave Slave I for rebuild the galaxy s2, imagine this:
Sail barge themed Slave I with Slave Leia/Boussh fig, Slave Rey and Slave Padme, Slave Boba and Jango(!?), Slave Ahsoka even? Imagine how many figs they could do for that and how cool it'd look.
slave lando?
Bounty hunter Leia with slave Jabba and Boba in carbonite would be funny
In her one bounty hunter outfit or a new one
I'm thinking of a mix of her boussh outfit and boba's classic outfit
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What's up with Just2Good? I thought he said he stop making Lego reviews, yet he's making Lego reviews? Did Lego tell hit to cut that shit or they'll remove his funding? Also it seems like Justin's commie personality is causing him to lose interest in Lego? I wonder why that is? Is it because Lego reminds him of his former self? If there's anything troons hate, it's being reminded what they were, what they'll be and what they always are.
Kill yourself
Will lego make "Hawk Tuah" sets?
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That torso would be so good if the printing wasn't awful
many such cases
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nice, i won't have to buy the big set then
But anon, don't you want Shadow's exclusive grimace
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>take a chance on a £20 tub of mixed Lego at the local charity shop hoping there might be something complete
>1/4 of the Sanctum Sanctorum
>1/2 of The Office set
>3/4 of the orange GOTG ship
>just the foliage and bits of Toruk Makto from Avatar (some still bagged)
>sealed bag from some Technic set I can't identify
>half the respective minifigs from each aforementioned set (some missing parts/accessories)

Where the fuck did the rest of it go. I mean a bunch of it was still pre-assembled, so it's not like it was all broken up piece by piece and some of it kept for MOCs
I can't tell if this is a custom or not. Pls god be kind.
Has there been any Aquazone (or remakes or anything) or new sets like them?
I miss the simplicity of the classic Ninja theme.
Ninjago just feels like way too over the top and schizophrenic.
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so...is it fake?
It matches fan art even down to the line thickness lol
Well I mean, that is what the costume looks like
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Shoutout to the stranger on bricklink that taught me the trick for checking these.
These minis have so much character and I can't wait to build the castle and add them to it.
It'd be weird to fake this then shrink that white part in the middle. Either way, new Superman stuff is a given once the movie shows up. It is weird that there are Space themed things in the background. And that we haven't seen the next assortment of DC sets (including Supes vs Lex) it'd be kind of weird to see this one first.
>all the new sets getting added to the site are all Christmas themed
Damn I guess the Barn was it for Halloween, I was hoping for one more thing like a Jack O Lantern build.
You'll get Nightmare Before Christmas and be happy, goy
Ninjago is like they didn't know go full retard as a power ranger clone and they didn't go full retard on a weeb ninja theme. So it's stuck as this really mediocre middle thing that kids ate up.
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>is this a good deal?
do UCF sets ever go on sale more than this? (x2 points comes out to 10% in store credit)
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Needs one of these.
>Super Sonic and Shadow
>Biolizard doesn't have the Eclipse Cannon shoved up its ass.
LKC was $100 off on black friday
>ordered few Chima sets
feels good
Looks too much like Auschwitz
i believe it, ty fren. Know if there were any licensed UCS sets on sale last black Friday?
This is was so great
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>SA2 came out 23 fucking years ago

It's time to let go of this meme, anon
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And Strahd makes all twelve.

God I had no idea about the minifig app before this. I'm stupid.
You can mentally delineate "good Sonic" and "post Genesis Sonic" however you like, nuSonic just makes the most sense to me.
>tfw my local retailer is a high theft location and doesn't stock most sets
>the only way to get CMFs is from Lego's online store.
Would it be cheaper to just order them on Bricklink?
It sounds dumb, but would you guys lump the original Ninja line in with Castle, and the Aquazone theme in with Space? I'm trying to compile a list of core "classic" themes
Aquazone would be part of the "underwater" theme, like Atlantis and the first Alpha Team.
I don't like Ninja's being shoehorned into my Euro stuff after the entire 2010s doing that with everything. All the sea life in Aquazone are regular so I never really saw it as a space theme.
Hmm, I'll need to think on that, But Alpha Team definitely deserves a spot on this list.
I'm trying to pretend that Ninjago never happened by keeping this as a mid 2000's thing at the latest. How do you feel about Vikings and/or Fantasy in Castle though?
It has had wizard for a very long time.
Ninjago is its own thing entirely, especially since it's an evergreen theme. Maybe stuff like Monkie Kid can be lumped together along with it but it's separate from the rest.
Very good point actually, Wizards are alright, but are Orcs/Dwarves?
I'm keeping themes that are too recognizable (with sort of an exception for Bionicle) off this list. I should have worded it more as "A list of themes you could steal for your own 3rd party building block company without Lego killing you"
>the original Ninja line in with Castle
Yes, it has castles.
>and the Aquazone theme in with Space
No, I never perceived it as such, despite the oxygen crystals and sci fi tech. I guess I probably imagined it as an alternate Earth.

>Very good point actually, Wizards are alright, but are Orcs/Dwarves?
NTA but the castle line that had the orcs and dwarves was fucking kino.
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>buy 50$ 12 pack of dnd figures to get them all right away because i was unsure if it will even be in my country
>tfw found a whole box in the local chain market that barely even sells toys
>the castle line that had the orcs and dwarves was fucking kino
Relieved to hear that, I was afraid that folks would only be into the more grounded Castle stuff
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I would prefer if they had neutral/serious expressions, but even then super sonic is supposed have the same head piece as shadow
I may just have to skip these but I hope they use super sonic's head for classic super sonic at least
Yea sonic looks kind of terrible. Biolizard and shadow look great thoughever so I guess it's fine
There was probably 2 tubs that ended up getting sold separately.
i see tons of technic pieces and some bionicle pieces. hopefully this means they might do g3....
>weird that there are Space themed things in the background.

I'm assuming he's doing a space shuttle rescue, or it's the Justice League Watchtower
What bionicle pieces are there? Just the bohrok eyes?
yea and the bionicle tubes recoloured in green
if it had a barraki eye piece it would have all the bionicle pieces still in production. i thought those tubes were oop but seems not
He is not talking about Ninjago but the OG line which is much more related to the classic castle theme
don't forget the gali mistika wing piece
when did they last use that?
Lot of Technic sets use it.
But also I'm not seeing hordika necks or glatorian necks and I know those are still in production
looks like ass
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Sonic is like WTF you are licking my junk! argh!
Guys, any horror sets to buy?
So what's up with lego ignoring bionicle? It's like the perfect series for the advanced ancient jewish practices. They could put even less pieces and sell "upgrade packs" with extra weapons and parts required for combo builds.
Sorry dude but they just cancelled [spoiler]ur mum[/spoiler] set.
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>HEY! It's me, Goku!
New? Not really. Right now we've got the Nightmare Before Christmas, Hocus Pocus, and the small seasonal barn with some Hidden Side influence.
We've got a GWP jack-o-lantern coming, but less horror and more just Halloween.
Aquazone was a really cool theme, I had a bunch of that stuff as a kid in the 90s. It was one of the better new themes; they started getting way too specific with them in the late 90s.
Kramer if you’re here, please leak the new spaceship ;-;
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What if the spaceship looks like this
Kramer LEAK the "Bionicle x Power Miners x Space Police III x Castle Spaceship Discovering Castle Built on Giant Bionicle Head" I KNOW it exists. Leak the pictures, NOW.
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I remember bring this set to 4th grade and some FUCKFACE ended up stealing it. Still seething.
what is that? a chicken that got it's head cut off?
Spaceship, I imagine anyone seeing such a thing for the first time would be confused about what it is. It really is the perfect alien spaceship design.
Then I’d like to know so I can stop looking forward to it.
jang looks ready to give up
He's always like that this time of year. It's the anniversary of that fateful day on highway 237 west.
But time is a healer?
Not for Jang. He's different. Remember - no one else stopped.
What a coincidence I remember stealing this set from a little bitch in grade 4...
I remember being a little bitch in grade 4 and getting that stolen from me.
Toriyama dicksuckers are another breed lmao
He literally just needs to start covering leaks. It's not like he's LAN anyway
>grade 4
Fucking eurofags, leafs, or ausfags I swear brown hands typed this. 4th grade niggers. He said fourth grade.
>we have aquazone at home
I remember building that set with my friend in 4th grade who stole it from some twat in his class. Good times.
>too many customized parts to achieve a certain aesthetic
I appreciate aquazone a lot bc it’s a creative theme using a bare minimum of new parts. Almost every part in aquazone is recycled from Space or Pirate. One thing that turned me off Lego bitd (besides entering middle school) was them shifting so hard to licensed themes that almost necessitate tons of unique, sometimes single-use parts, which really defeats the purpose of Lego.
Pretty much all those atlantis themes were used in other themes at the time like Power Miners and Space Police, pretty sure there's a Space Police spaceship and Atlantis sub that are recolours of eachother even
Parts not themes
any jurassic park sets next year?

Park not world.
Nope. Jurassic park is dead now so they are doing a new theme called Dino 2030 based on Dino 2010 but if it was in the future instead of 2010.
They have to do Ice Planet 2026 first
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Probably getting some kinosaures from the Dragon Ball sets next year.
MY LEGO IDEA: Dinosaur Train
IMAGINE the autists CLAMMERING to get their hands on this lego kit.
Aquazone isn't a space theme (it's the first of a series of underwater themes), though I consider it an "honorary space theme". It has its start in a canceled space theme called Seatron, which would have taken place on a water planet, and thematically it's similar to a lot of space themes excepts its underwater science fiction instead of space science fiction.
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I don't get what's wrong with the new Leia figure? It seems really accurate to me
4 technic sets from this year, plus ninjago and monkie kid use it frequently
I fucking hate how expensive some Bricklink shops are. And yet these are the ones that always get pushed to the top of the search, so they get highly rated because people don't bother to check prices, they just want instant gratification.
I'm sorry, if you're charging exorbitant prices on even basic parts you need to be banned from selling.
these two are cuties
but i want blue brick girl for myself...
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no joke
from my limited experience on /co/ i can tell you now that dragonball fucks are most deranged, the most unhinged posters on this site, rivarling even those on /x/
I really hope from the bottom of my hearth that it's just one anon responsible, because that is a fate I wouldn't wish on anyone
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Halloween is coming. Put it on and begin the hunt
What is with the bionicle and dragonball rivalry on /toy/??
>Just2Good and Duckbricks (red)
Curious why they keep swapping between a Santa's "insert thing here" with elves, and Christmas village theme... wouldn't it be better to stick to one? Like I enjoy this set, but I personally would rather have more village sets that have some variance...
to be fair, we only figured it out recently. As I think series 25 was the start of the QR discovery.
Yea my favourite is the fire station because it's unique, and something you need if you are doing a christmas city. they should do more things like that, where is the winter village police station or hospital?
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Attaching that Biolizard to Haslab Unicron to make Final Hazard...yosh
anyone else have a lego instagram? I know bungie bricks posts here sometimes. What are your thoughts on insta as a platform for the lego moc community
Formula 1
I started trying to learn to draw to get better at designing for mocs.

Turns out drawing is really hard, and I definitely could've just stuck to designing only in bricks and getting better at that
Because G2 did so terribly. A lot of original Bionicle fans hated the CCBS figures.
Yea a combination of CCBS being hated and most people already being sick of them after buying a hero factory figure and thinking it sucks i want bionicle back and also that you couldn't get them anywhere (i had to travel to germany to that super toy store to get them, couldn't find any in my country) and they were kinda expensive compared to the og bionicles that were always cheap
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I hope they add like a prisoner holding cell or a sleeping area or something rather than just a swivelly cockpit like the UCS Boba Slave 1
I feel like the razor crest and the millenium falcon are the only ships that actually feel like a fun area that I can pretend is my lego guy's home base
did you get the ghost? i prefer it over the falcon. you might need to do some moccing on it though the interior it comes with is very barebones
does pressure washing work well on lego?
No, use warm soapy water and a toothbrush
>Stickers on the head
Why can't they just make prints for shit like this?
that is it
billion kroner company, please understand
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I considered it but the youtube reviews made it look like there wasn't that much space. I was also considering moccing the onyx cinder but I also cant really get a sense of how much space I could work with from the youtube reviews.

My only complaint about the falcon is that my minifigs cant stand up when I close the roof. I was hoping the Dark Falcon would be "taller" but it wasnt
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Just picked up this one up, gonna combine it with the Bonsai tree.
I dream of more weeb sets that aren’t just Ninjago.
>a toothbrush
wont that cover pieces in microscratches?
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Are you aware monkie kino exists?

pic related. look up flower fruit mountain
Minifigs can stand up in the ghost. There is an OK amount of space its a bit hard to get too, I might try and modify it so the extra panels flip up and maybe also see if I can fit moren interior in those parts.
How do you get monkie kid sets in europe? Is lego.com the only way?
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Kind of neat to have a repaint variation of the millennium falcon
Where's the paint?
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>tfw became a minifig fag and barely care about builds anymore
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This entire theme will be destroyed by Lego Beerus.
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What is your favorite set that you currently own?

Mine is the Jungle Exploration Site(though that might change when I get my hands DnD tower). What's yours?
Interesting, I dont own it yet so I'm not sure how hard it would be to open up more interior space. With the Falcon the interior feels too open, whereas with the Ghost maybe I can have more distinct rooms within the ship
Might pick it up next time I get the chance, espeically since I want a twi'lek minifigure anyways
I really hope the F1 driver minifigures for 2025 won't be fleshies and they keep it in CMF and overpriced icons sets (if there will be any)
Senna icons set had a fleshie, the Speed Champions had normal minifigures, I hope they continue the City and Speed Champions with normal minifigures, thoughbeit Speed Champions licensed movie sets had fleshies (James Bond, Fast and Furious), it depends whether they decide to name the driver and put numbers on the cars, they didn't put the number on the 2023 Speed Champions cars
The CMFs, if they end up being collectibles of the actual drivers, are pretty much guaranteed to be fleshies, previous CMF series depicting actual people were fleshies
Monster Fighters Vampyre Castle. Adventurers Sphynx Secret Surprise is a close second
Monkie Kid is kino, which is baffling why its sets are China only exclusive unless you buy online.
Like we got the show here, and it was pretty damn good, but Lego refuses to sell the sets in stores for some reason.
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I don't care for Ninjago but this set is quite beautiful.
localizing a show takes little effort, getting a whole line of products to stores is a much greater ordeal
I went back and asked today but the clerk wasn't there yesterday, and didn't see any more tubs in the back. It's a bummer to think there might be another dude out there with the other tub in the same position. Oh well, some good variety bricks for MOCs at least
>lego dragon ball meme got this far to get fan art
Lego beerus is its own meme
We get lego tron ares sets.

4 sets
>retard this mad a leaker is getting attention
its easy to go back, just look away from the attractive figs and concentrate on the build
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tried my hand at a xenomorph
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Tron ares?
an easier fix.... your minifigs don't just want to sit in a box or display case forever, that would be horrible imagine if it was you. build them all places to stay and things to enjoy like cars and spaceships and theme parks etc
good apart from the tail that looks like a pain. looking a bit chesty but id fuck an alien if it had big tits not gona lie
Deep Freeze Defender, though mine is pretty heavily modified from the stock.
It's such a nothingburger why would anyone make this up so probably true
Dino Research Compound
Bros.... Swolebricks and TheMadilorian are a couple!!! It's Joever...

I will never have her now... :'(

Time to commit sudoku
don't know who these people are you keep shitposting about can you stop
My wife...she doesn't know it yet tho
Damn she cute

He cute.

Dragon stone cute

Not cute. You'll outgrow it once you own most of the figs you want. For me its mostly Classic Trilogy Star Wars.

He ki-ooooooote
Sonic goes camping, and he is PISSED!
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The day cabbage girl gets a bf, will truly be a sad day for all
I was there recently I wanna make a 5th ave custom next time
What are the chances they'll release another Razorcrest soon
t. trying to decide whether or not I want to buy one of the still in stock ones now that it's discontinued
considering it was [spoiler removed] on the show, I doubt they need a new one anytime soon. it's not like it's going to be in the new movie, and it wasn't so long ago they could make a worthwhile newer version with newer bricks available or anything
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There will 100% be one for the new movie

>it's not like it's going to be in the new movie
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Lmao, is this supposed to be Michael Myers wearing the bedsheet in Halloween?
Too late, just spent my Amex 40% Amazon discount on it
monkie shit is just ninjago 2
This is the worst case of colorspam I've ever seen. A complete visual clusterfuck, absolute slop.

Speaking of slop, holy mousecuckoldry Batman!
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Fucking finally got the rock climber for a good price. I’m not too into the other pricy sets from the rock wave, so this is probably the most expensive I’ll go for that wave.
oh snap, is there a trailer I haven't seen?

is that a flashback? a new one? somebody else's similar ship? it's not like it could be the same one, the one he had was [spoiler removed] into a small amount of dust, totally humpty-dumpty'd never putting it back together again'd...
I thought that demon lord with the helmet was the most expensive thing out of the wave.
Yeah, but I got him and the set for around $120, give or take. I think things like the stone colossus and the castle can go for more, but this is the only high price one I was interested in
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Belville figures are unironically my favourite thing I bought last year. I dug out my witch for Halloween.
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I also got these guys. I wish I had a lego store to get BAM parts in person I need the newer halloween parts
What's the most you've ever spent on a single mini?
>Almost no studs on lizard
>Those awful dreamzz tubes all over
Ok, Blacktron Yoyo is great
10 canadian for a Spyrius droid and an orange competition technic minifig.
50 cents to buy a hat piece.
It's surprisingly cheap with the box these days for how old it is. Maybe even cheaper than it retailed adjusted for inflation.
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Somehow... the Razor Crest returned.
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this set is great but those ugly lime green pieces sabotaged my ideas of buying it back then.
The lime and orange are the good parts, you can make a power miners moc... The metru blue is the colour that doesnt work. Maybe if you are making a brick-built bionicle which is WRONG. I only believe in technic-built bionicles.
There's no sticker on any head
>bonklefag has autistic view of colors
literally nobody liked those ugly combinations of dark colors + bright green accents. one of reasons of why people didnt buy stone season sets because it makes sets look like an ugly mess and your eye automatically ignoring the rest of the set like this exclusive robinhood robot
$10 for a pug costume CMF at a second hand Lego store, but I was trading in a bunch of dimensions figs I got off facebook for $5, so it didn't feel expensive.
did you even read my post morongoloid? the lime and orange is good. the dark blue does not work with those colours, and lego's dark blue rarely works outside of bionicle which it was designed for (and a lot of people don't even like it in that)
>the lime and orange is good
NOT in nexo knights sets retard.
stuff your powergayminers nostalgia back in your butt. Nexo sets with lime green accents are ugly as fuck
>nexo knights
>gargoyles/stone golems/cool dark knight
>out of NO REASON there is a huge as fuck lime green HOT WHEELS CAR next to it
this shit was one of the dumbest designs decisions ever by lego.
It's ugly because of the dark blue. If they just copied power miners and made it a power miners reference wave it would work fine and make sense because they are fighting rock monsters just like power miners. Imagine that set with just dark blue and orange, it still looks bad.
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>power miners reference
it's not a power miners reference.
It's just using colors of this knight that riding it. + orange parts were in Nexo sets from the very beginning so it's just an unlucky coincidence
Do you understand what the word "if" means?
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Go marry power miners if you love it so much, jeez.
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>What's the most you've ever spent on a single mini?

Mildly ashamed, but at a near by Lego convention I Bought this Captain Ironhook for $15. I'm a huge pirate fan who hella missed my old Ironhook. My boyfriend pushed me to spend the money because we were already there and I always talk about wishing I had my old Ironhook for my current Pirate setup. Neither of us spent any more money at the con and just looked at all the sets on display, but it was still fifteen bucks for a single figure. Overall, I'm glad i have him and I don't cry about over spending, but I still recognize that I paid way too much for what I got. I could have bought that cupe camper van that has two min8 figs and a baby for the same price
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£5.50 on this
$20 for Hitomi (with bonus Golden Tower)
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>What's the most you've ever spent on a single mini?
Van Gogh. i think i spent around $50 because i wanted not just minifig but also that printed picture
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Family movie
power miners was also ugly as sin, zoomie
Shut up slugger
Good Razor Crest should have been destroyed. It was one of the best ships in the entire series.
God is hope we get SSJ4 Gogeta (GT) and Base Cabba (Super) minifigures so we can create their epic fight.
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The hunt for this figure has been a real time strategy game for me. The thrill of outsmarting my unknown opponent is addicting. But I also take my loss. The score is now 2-2. I have to say by pure luck from my side, since i took a look outside the expected restocking time frame intel i gathered before.
$50 for the original watto in new condition.
Would a DBZ cmf sell?
It'd probably sell even better than the DND cmf
post your wolfpack minifigs/builds

I got some torsos from PaB but thinking I might need the classic heads
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Weak series?
Yea, wolfpack, space police guy and boogeyman are the only ones I want. and I probably won't get multiples like the previous series. If the space police guy didn't have a giant 3 on his head I'd get multiple but that 3 will make it look weird since they would all be guy no.3
Depends on how they do it. If it's like only Yamcha or something then probably not. I could see a cmf of Goku and his many forms and outfits being popular. Maybe SSj1-3 God and Blue/Blue kaioken have translucent chase variants.
Yamcha is totally irrelevant in dragon ball now, I doubt they will even put him in a set as an extra fig
Sell for free when they all get shoplifted.
You can really tell which ones were designed by women lol
Besides those, that steampunk guy is really pissing me off.
>that steampunk guy is really pissing me off.

I'm only interested in the space guy and the Wolfpack guy (maybe get 2 of those and combine the other with pieces from the DnD CMFs to make a custom ranger minifig), but that hold true for most CMF series. Space and DnD have been the only ones in a while where I've wanted to get more than 1 or 2 of the minifigs.
>squishmallow lego pieces
just wait until these start appearing in friends and city sets
Pretty average series. Something for everyone, with one or two total duds.
It's just toys
They are all part of unit 3 use your imagination
Little bent hat, that annoying sincere face. He's so heckin wholesome.
I'm so pissed the new Pirate CMF is another woman. Jesus christ! Just, no!
There are more unique female pirates than male pirates now, almost every male pirate is generic and made of re-used pieces
Atlantis for a new theme. Avatar if you don't mind license slop.
probably the mid-sized car like the lambos and the Nascar going by that parts count
Greetings, gentlemen. I present to you authentic Lego leaks.

In the summer of 2025, Lego will introduce Pokemon sets. Mega Construx has lost the licensing rights, and the sets currently available will be the final offerings for this year. The inaugural lineup of Lego Pokemon sets is scheduled for release in July 2025.

Additionally, there will be three sets based on Superman movies.
Now on the matter, there will be Lord of the Rings sets in 2025, around 8.
Guys, what sets should I get that would fit DnD cmf? Hagrid hut?
>bringing toys to class

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attack of the namefags
Is that silver cutlass a new colour? It isn't in any sets on Bricklink.
>afol garbage
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lmao I forgot it was that easy
>In the summer of 2025, Lego will introduce Pokemon sets.

source: just2goods dick covered with duckbricks shit
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>Little bent hat, that annoying sincere face. He's so heckin wholesome.
you are such a faggot being mad over something like this.
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>I'm so pissed the new Pirate CMF is another woman. Jesus christ! Just, no!
nooo polfags not like this!!!
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Got some good dnd figs, did not use the app at store. Used app to check out at home before opening, app works.
new thread

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Sir Bionicle never existed. These are al brand new pieces
Any $20+ set is frightened costly
Evil Rey sexo

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